abonnement Unibet Coolblue
  zaterdag 18 oktober 2014 @ 08:27:38 #1
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

War on Drugs
De War on Drugs in ruime zin is de wereldwijde verbod op gebruik, bezit, handel dan wel productie van drugs. Drugs is een Engels woord dat in de Engelse taal geen onderscheid maakt tussen "medicijnen" en "drugs". Om dat onderscheid aan te geven wordt de term "prescription drugs" gebruikt; farmaceutische middelen die op recept verkrijgbaar zijn.

De War on Drugs in engere zin is de "oorlog" die wereldwijd wordt "gevochten" tegen en met drugskartels. Het is de langstlopende en duurste oorlog ooit gevochten. De War on Drugs is veruit het grootste in de Amerika's; de grootste afzetmarkt voor "illegale drugs" is de Verenigde Staten met het grootste doorvoer- en productiegebied in Midden- en Zuid-Amerika waar het meeste geweld plaatsvindt. Geschat wordt dat de Mexicaanse drugsoorlog (2006-) meer dan 106.000 doden en 1,6 miljoen vluchtelingen heeft veroorzaakt.

Mexico is het land dat het zwaarst getroffen wordt door de War on Drugs. Mexicaanse drugskartels vechten om handelswegen en deals met elkaar, overheden en de CIA. Los Zetas is een kartel dat is opgericht uit (para)militairen die in Mexico juist tegen de drugskartels strijden.

Ook in Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua en El Salvador worden regelmatig grote slachtingen door drugsbendes aangericht.

In Colombia strijden paramilitairen en de FARC om vruchtbare grond waar coca verbouwd wordt. Sinds 2002 is de verspreiding van coca over Colombia enorm gestegen (het wordt in meer gemeenten verbouwd) hoewel het land, van oudsher nummer 1 coca-producent, niet langer de grootste bron voor cocaïne is. Die rol is overgenomen door Peru en Bolivia.

Om de War on Drugs te begrijpen en een mening te vormen hieronder een overzicht van documentaires en achtergrondmateriaal om de lezer te informeren.

Handel en productie
De belangrijkste illegale drugs en hun herkomst/productie en handelsroutes:
marijuana - in de VS (WoD in enge zin) naast eigen teelt vooral uit Mexico en Centraal-Amerika
cocaïne - de grootste producenten van cocaplanten, de basis voor cocaïne zijn de Zuid-Amerikaanse landen Peru (1), Bolivia (2), Colombia (3) en Ecuador (4) - de handelsroutes naar Europa lopen via Curacao, Brazilië en West-Afrika
heroïne - productie in Centraal-Azië met name in het door de VS bezette Afghanistan, waar de papaverteelt onder de Taliban bijna verdwenen was
crystal meth - productie thuis door vooral de blanke onderklasse in de VS

Andere drugs die bestreden worden:

Belangrijkste strijdende partijen:
Los Zetas
Jalisco Nieuwe Generatie-kartel
La Familia Michoacana (ontmanteld in 2011)
Medellín-kartel (1980-1990s)
Cali-kartel (1980-1990s)
Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias Colombianas - FARC

De "film" die uiteindelijk leidde tot de War on Drugs en het verbod op marijuana in de VS:

VSAmerikaanse agent die pleit voor het stoppen van de War on Drugs:

Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
Peter Hitchens met een keutel:

Landen met een afwijkend standpunt/beleid wat betreft drugs:

Legale status van marihuana (Wikipedia)

Uruguay - marijuana sinds 10 april 2014 legaal
Portugal - drugsgebruik en -bezit sinds 2001 met een boete of niet bestraft
Tsjechië - gebruikershoeveelheden van 15 gram marijuana en 1,5 gram heroïne zijn toegestaan
Nederland - half-om-half gedoogbeleid waar productie en handel verboden zijn maar kleine verkoop toegestaan
• Colombia - 20 gram wiet en 1 gram cocaïne zijn officieel gedoogd - in de praktijk betaal je een kleine bijdrage aan de agent en neem je je drugs gewoon mee
Chili - drugsgebruik, mits niet in het openbaar, is niet strafbaar
• Colorado, Washington - 2 VSAmerikaanse staten die marijuana gelegaliseerd hebben
Argentinië - sinds 25 augustus 2009 is persoonlijk bezit en gebruik van marijuana toegestaan

Bekende pro-legaliseringspersonen:
Alexander Shulgin - ontdekker van vele soorten psycho-actieve en opwekkende drugs, gebaseerd op MDMA (XTC)
José Mujica - president van Uruguay - eerste land dat marijuana legaliseerde en eerste winnaar van TIME's Country of the Year - 2013
Ron Paul - VSAmerikaans senator, libertair
Jesse Ventura - VSAmerikaans ex-governeur, libertair
Bill Hicks - VSAmerikaans comedian, overleden 1994
Noam Chomsky - VSAmerikaans taalkundige en filosoof
Stefan Molyneux - Canadees radio-host, libertair
Eugene Jarecki - VSAmerikaans documentairemaker (The House I Live In)
Otto Perez Molina - president van Guatemala - pleit voor einde van de oorlog die Centraal-Amerika in een onnodige greep houdt
Timothy Leary (ovl 1996) - VSAmerikaans psycholoog en schrijver
Ken Kesey (ovl 2001) - VSAmerikaans schrijver
Terrence McKenna (ovl 2000) - VSAmerikaans filosoof en schrijver

Bekende anti-legaliseringspersonen:
• Ivo O. en Fred T.
• Jan-Peter B.

Bekende drugsbaronnen:
Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán - leider van het Sinaloa-kartel, gearresteerd in februari 2014
Willem "de Neus" Holleeder - Nederlands grootste drugsbaas na de dood van
Klaas "de Dominee" Bruinsma (6 oktober 1953 - 27 juni 1991) - Nederlands grootste drugsbaas tot Willem Holleeder
Pablo Escobar Gaviria (2 december 1947 - 2 december 1991) - de bekendste drugsbaron tot de Mexicaanse kartels, leider en oprichter van het Medellínkartel dat in de jaren 80 en begin jaren 90 zeer bloedige oorlogen vocht tegen het Calikartel, politici en vooral vrienden uit eigen kring
Hermanos Ochoa - de echte bazen van het Medellínkartel
Gwenette Martha - doodgeschoten 22 mei 2014, Amsterdam



FOK!-informatie over drugs:
UVT - Space - Drugsoverzicht


Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 18 oktober 2014 @ 08:29:32 #2
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexico: protests gather pace with fate of student teachers still unknown

Latest march sees thousands demand return of 43 students who went missing last month after being attacked by police

Pressure continues to mount on the Mexican authorities to find 43 student teachers who disappeared three weeks ago in the southern city of Iguala, many of them after being arrested by local police.

Thousands marched through the resort city of Acapulco on Friday calling for the return of the students alive in the latest in a series of protests around the state of Guerrero, where the events happened, as well as in other parts of the country and abroad.

At the same time police on horses with sniffer dogs are searching the hills around Iguala for signs of the students.

Since the students went missing on 26 September, after being attacked by municipal police and unidentified gunmen, at least 19 mass graves have been discovered in these hills.

Federal attorney general Jesús Murillo said on Tuesday that none of the 28 bodies found in the first five graves belonged to the missing students. No information has yet been made public about the bodies found in any of the others.

Friday’s march in Acapulco took place under stormy skies, filling the boulevard that rings the resort’s famous bay. It was headed by relatives of the disappeared, as well as a sizable contingent of other students from Ayotzinapa, the name of their famously radical teacher training college that is also in Guerrero.

With tension running high prior to the protest, the US embassy issued a warning to tourists to stay away from the march. The city’s authorities suspended classes at local schools, urged businesses to shut up shop, and citizens to stay at home.

The march, however, was notably peaceful with no sign of the kind of violence that has accompanied some previous demonstrations. On Monday protestors burned out government buildings in the city of Chilpancingo, the state capital.

Apparently worried that such events could reduce solidarity for their cause, some 300 students from the college spent Thursday sweeping and removing rubbish from the streets in Chilpancingo. One of the organisers told local newspaper El Sur that they wanted to show thanks to residents of the city for their support.

The case of the disappeared students has become a powerful symbol of the broader failure of municipal, state and federal authorities to contain the influence of organised crime in Guerrero, with striking parallels evident in several other parts of the country.

A local drug cartel that calls itself Guerreros Unidos had allegedly infiltrated the municipal government of Iguala from the mayor down. Mayor José Luis Abarca is now on the run.

This week the investigative TV news programme Punto de Partida broadcast testimonies of relatives of people disappeared at checkpoints at the entrance to Iguala. The check points were reportedly set up by the police and the cartel together in order to prevent rival gangs from entering the city.

Alejandro Ramos, of a local human rights group, told the programme that relatives of people disappeared in Iguala are beginning to tentatively come forward in the hope that their loved ones will now also be included in the search for the students.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 18 oktober 2014 @ 15:14:59 #3
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
'Cannabisbeleid leidt tot corrumpering van hele maatschappij'

De regering-Michel I gaat het gebruik en bezit van alle drugs, zowel voor minder- als meerderjarigen, opnieuw vervolgen. Het staat haaks op de bevindingen van econoom Paul De Grauwe en toxicoloog Jan Tytgat. De Leuvense professoren pleitten voor legalisatie en regulatie van het cannabisgebruik. "Het cannabisbeleid leidt tot een corrumpering van de hele maatschappij."

Gedaan met het gedoogbeleid: op federaal niveau komt een nultolerantie op drugsbezit en -gebruik, zoals nu al het geval is in Antwerpen . Het staat haaks op de bevindingen van professoren Paul De Grauwe en Jan Tytgat, die op 9 oktober in het Hollands College van de KU Leuven bespraken wat een betere oplossing zou kunnen zijn.

De professoren evalueerden eerder dit jaar de drie belangrijkste doelstellingen van het gedoogbeleid: het aantal afhankelijke personen verminderen, een afname van fysieke en psychosociale schade en ten slotte "een daling van de negatieve gevolgen van het cannabisfenomeen voor de samenleving".

Tytgat noemde het hoog tijd voor een kritische evaluatie met betrekking tot de beleidsnota waarin het huidige cannabisbeleid staat. "We hebben vanuit onze expertise in bepaalde domeinen toch een aantal legitieme en valabele argumenten om te zeggen: zo kan het niet voort."

Consequenties van repressieve aanpak

De hoogste prioriteit die het parlement heeft gesteld, was de preventie van cannabisgebruik, waaruit eigenlijk een repressieve aanpak volgde. Maar hier komt de paradox: hoe intensiever de repressie, hoe schaarser de drug is, hoe hoger de prijs en hoe winstgevender de verkoop ervan. "De overheid is verplicht heel veel middelen te steken in het bestrijden van illegale verkoop, maar dat los je niet op, op die manier, want uiteindelijk is het effect van die aanpak buitengewoon klein. Ondanks de repressieve aanpak blijft de consumptie van cannabis stijgen", legde De Grauwe uit.

De repressieve aanpak heeft ook andere gevolgen. Een van die gevolgen is dat de hele sector in de criminele sfeer leeft: iedereen die daar actief is, is crimineel op een of andere manier, wat aangeeft dat hij niet terugdeinst voor criminele activiteiten. "Het leidt tot een corrumpering van de hele maatschappij, met enorme problemen van corruptie, waarbij drugsgeld wordt gebruikt. Op die manier destabiliseert de maatschappij en dat heeft alles te maken met het feit dat de productie en verdeling van cannabis illegaal is", stelde De Grauwe.

Gevaar voor volksgezondheid

Het beleid heeft ook negatieve invloeden op de volksgezondheid, zowel individueel als maatschappelijk. "Als ik terugkijk op de laatste 20 jaar met betrekking tot cannabis, dan zie ik dat het aantal cannabisdossiers en het aantal inbeslagnames van cannabisplanten die ik als deskundige gevraagd wordt te onderzoeken, in stijgende lijn gaan", waarschuwde Tytgat.

Inderdaad: door de repressieve aanpak is de controle op de kwaliteit, compositie en reinheid van de cannabis niet mogelijk. Ook het gebruik van pesticiden of voedingsstoffen is moeilijk te controleren. Zo kan het dat er in de illegale plantages slechte omstandigheden zijn en daardoor kan de cannabis schadelijke schimmels, bacteriën en andere vervuilingen bevatten.

"In 2013 zijn er al meer dan 1.000 illegale plantages opgedoekt en dan kennen we nog niet diegenen die onontdekt blijven. Als je dat in perspectief ziet met 10 of 20 jaar geleden, is dat werkelijk een vertienvoudiging. Dus dan kan je moeilijk beweren dat de federale beleidsnota effectief werkt en zijn doelstellingen haalt", benadrukte Tytgat.

Regulering? Eerst legaliseren

Volgens De Grauwe zijn er twee belangrijke elementen: legalisatie en regulatie van het cannabisgebruik. "Iets dat niet legaal is, kan je niet reguleren. De illegale drugs van vandaag kan je niet reguleren, precies omdat ze illegaal zijn", wist hij. De professor, tegenwoordig actief aan de London School of Economics and Political Science, voegde daaraan toe dat dat kan zoals in het biermodel of het tabaksmodel.

De Grauwe en Tytgat geen voorstanders van drugs, maar volgens hen worden ze moreel in een hoekje geduwd en ze moeten zich daarin defensief opstellen. "We willen de zaak liever op een pragmatische manier behandelen", klonk het in koor. Het probleem op deze wijze oplossen kan ertoe leiden dat "het crimineel karakter ervan kan verdwijnen".
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zondag 19 oktober 2014 @ 17:20:40 #4
313372 Linkse_Boomknuffelaar
Vrijheid voor Demoon_uit Hemel
  maandag 20 oktober 2014 @ 17:03:23 #5
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Psychedelic Mushroom Compound Found to Grow and Repair Brain Cells

You may know them as “shrooms”, “Magic mushrooms”, psilocybic mushrooms, or you may not know them at all. They are a natural plant that, like marijuana, is banned by the U.S. Government. But like marijuana, these mushrooms may not be without medical properties. Like marijuana, they could deserve a place on natural medicine shelves for their ability to treat depression, eradicate mental illness, and improve cognition – not in police evidence rooms.

According to research from the University of South Florida, psilocybin, the active component within psychedelic mushrooms, is able to grow new brain cells—potentially offering treatment for mental illness and improving cognition.

The study, published in Experimental Brain Research, says psilocybin is able to bind to special receptors in the brain that stimulate healing and growth. In the case of these mushrooms, brain cell growth occurs. In mice, the researchers found psilocybin to actually help repair damaged brain cells and cure or relieve PTSD and depression.

Lead researcher, Dr. Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos, tested the effects of psilocybin by training mice to fear an electric shock when they heard a noise associated with the shock. Then, by giving them psilocybin, the mice were able to stop reacting to the noise-trigger much faster than those mice not treated with the mushroom compound.

. “The proposition that psilocybin impacts cognition and stimulates hippocampal neurogenesis is based on extensive evidence that serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) acting on specific 5-HT receptor sub-types (most likely the 5-HT2A receptor) is involved in the regulation of neurogenesis in hippocampus,” says Dr. Sanchez-Ramos according to NaturalNews. “The in vitro and in vivo animal data is compelling enough to explore whether psilocybin will enhance neurogenesis and result in measurable improvements in learning.”

Other research also shows that this same compound could greatly help with depression, helping the majority of participants in one study achieve great well-being.

Psilocybin is referred to as a “nootropic” agent, or one that has numerous functions in the brain that can improve hippocampus health. The hippocampus is part of the brain responsible for learning as well as converting short-term memory to long-term memory. New brain cells in the hippocampus from the psilocybin translates into a healthier and sharper brain overall.

The research on psychedelic mushrooms is limited—far more limited than the research on marijuana. Because these mushrooms are known for causing hallucinations, unguarded self-treatment isn’t recommended. However, this plant, like marijuana, does not deserve a place in the Schedule I classification of illegal substances. Like marijuana, the U.S. government has determined ‘shrooms as having no medicinal value’—an obviously-flawed determination.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op maandag 20 oktober 2014 17:03 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:

But like marijuana, these mushrooms may not be without medical properties.
Dus in de VS heeft men medicinale wiet maar de onderzoekers van de mushrooms beweren hier dat wiet het geen medicische effecten hebben.
1s.gif Op maandag 20 oktober 2014 17:17 schreef Basp1 het volgende:


Dus in de VS heeft men medicinale wiet maar de onderzoekers van de mushrooms beweren hier dat wiet het geen medicische effecten hebben.
"Net als marihuana zouden deze paddo's wel eens niet zonder medicinale werking kunnen zijn." niet + zonder = met
  maandag 20 oktober 2014 @ 17:53:07 #8
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
1s.gif Op maandag 20 oktober 2014 17:17 schreef Basp1 het volgende:


Dus in de VS heeft men medicinale wiet maar de onderzoekers van de mushrooms beweren hier dat wiet het geen medicische effecten hebben.
Nee, het is erger. De DEA zegt dat wiet geen bekende medicinale werking heeft en verbiedt ook het onderzoek er naar. (Er word wel onderzoek gedaan op eigenwijze instellingen, maar dat is lastig, ze krijgen weinig medewerking van overheden) Hier onderzoekt men meer, maar Opstelten luistert alleen naar Wall Str.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 20 oktober 2014 @ 17:53:32 #9
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
1s.gif Op maandag 20 oktober 2014 17:39 schreef OllieWilliams het volgende:


"Net als marihuana zouden deze paddo's wel eens niet zonder medicinale werking kunnen zijn." niet + zonder = met
En dat is ook waar :P :D
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
1s.gif Op maandag 20 oktober 2014 17:39 schreef OllieWilliams het volgende:


"Net als marihuana zouden deze paddo's wel eens niet zonder medicinale werking kunnen zijn." niet + zonder = met
oh ja niet geheel goed geintrepteerd.
7s.gif Op maandag 20 oktober 2014 17:53 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:


Nee, het is erger. De DEA zegt dat wiet geen bekende medicinale werking heeft en verbiedt ook het onderzoek er naar. (Er word wel onderzoek gedaan op eigenwijze instellingen, maar dat is lastig, ze krijgen weinig medewerking van overheden) Hier onderzoekt men meer, maar Opstelten luistert alleen naar Wall Str.
Dieptriest is het. Nee, ronduit schandalig. Als je dingen op basis van schadelijkheid en maatschappelijke gevolgen verbiedt, dien je daar wetenschappelijke onderbouwingen voor te leveren. Wetenschap speelt momenteel geen enkele rol in het drugsbeleid, het wordt bijna religieus benaderd. "Drugs zijn slecht, dat is me altijd verteld dus het is zo. Waarom zouden ze anders illegaal zijn?" :')
  maandag 20 oktober 2014 @ 19:41:04 #13
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
1s.gif Op maandag 20 oktober 2014 19:38 schreef OllieWilliams het volgende:


Dieptriest is het. Nee, ronduit schandalig. Als je dingen op basis van schadelijkheid en maatschappelijke gevolgen verbiedt, dien je daar wetenschappelijke onderbouwingen voor te leveren. Wetenschap speelt momenteel geen enkele rol in het drugsbeleid, het wordt bijna religieus benaderd. "Drugs zijn slecht, dat is me altijd verteld dus het is zo. Waarom zouden ze anders illegaal zijn?" :')
Het is idd een religieuze cirkelredenatie.

"We verbieden drugs"
"Hé criminaliteit, maar goed dat we drugs verboden hebben"
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 21 oktober 2014 @ 02:04:43 #14
313372 Linkse_Boomknuffelaar
Vrijheid voor Demoon_uit Hemel

D66: softdrugsbeleid is onhoudbaar
Rechter legt 'bom' onder softdrugsbeleid ... Steeds meer partijen willen wietteelt reguleren

De uitspraak van de rechtbank in Groningen - die vorige week weigerde twee wiettelers te straffen, omdat het gedoogstelsel te onduidelijk zou zijn - is een 'bom' onder het softdrugsbeleid, dat vindt D66. D66-Kamerlid Magda Berndsen noemt de uitspraak in het AD 'baanbrekend'.

Hoewel de rechter het wietkwekende stel uit Bierum schuldig bevond aan het overtreden van de opiumwet, wil de rechtbank in Groningen het koppel geen straf opleggen. De rechter stelt dat het huidige beleid te onduidelijk is:

"Het gedogen van de verkoop van softdrugs in coffeeshops impliceert dat de coffeeshops worden bevoorraad en dat er ook geteeld wordt. Over de vraag hoe die bevoorrading dan moet plaatsvinden, laat het beleid zich niet uit."

Een belangrijk pijnpunt in het Nederlandse gedoogbeleid, waarin wiet wel mag worden verkocht, maar niet mag worden geteeld. Gemeenten spreken zich al langer uit tegen dit 'hybride' beleid, maar nu lijkt ook de rechtelijke macht zich bij de bezwaren aan te sluiten.

D66-Kamerlid Magda Berndsen verbind verregaande conclusies aan de uitspraak:

"Dit is een baanbrekende uitspraak. De rechter zet de achterdeur van de coffeeshop open. Het beleid van minister Opstelten om de teelt van cannabis illegaal te houden, is niet langer houdbaar."

Tweede Kamerlid Marith Rebel van regeringspartij PvdA ziet een trend:

"Ik heb de laatste tijd meer van dit soort rechterlijke uitspraken gezien, waaruit blijkt dat het gedoogbeleid dat we nu hebben niet goed is."

Hoewel er in de politiek en het openbaar bestuur regelmatig stemmen opgaan om de wietteelt te reguleren teneinde overlast en gevaar voor de gezondheid tegen te gaan, stuit men daarbij steeds op VVD'er Ivo Opstelten. De minister van Justitie zal hennepteelt nooit toegestaan, zo bevestigde hij onlangs in een Kamerdebat:

"Ik wil het niet en het kan ook niet. Dit verandert het beleid niet. In een vergelijkbare zaak in Leeuwarden is wel een straf opgelegd, dus dit zegt weinig."

Volgens Opstelten zouden internationale verdragen legale teelt in de weg staan en zou het ook geen overlast wegnemen, omdat de meeste wietplantjes naar het buitenland vertrekken.

Tot grote frustratie van Rebel, die zich in het debat liet ontvallen:

"Ik verwacht niet dat we eruit gaan komen. Ik word hier moedeloos van."

De PVDA stemde onlang voor een experiment met wietteelt, maar dat haalde geen meerderheid. Magda Berndsen blijft ondertussen ijveren voor gereguleerde wietkwekerijen:

"Het kabinet valt nog wel een keer."

  dinsdag 21 oktober 2014 @ 13:28:33 #15
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Afghan opium poppy yield hits all-time high

Farmers grew ‘unprecedented’ 209,000 hectares of opium poppy despite US spending $7.6bn on counter-narcotics efforts

Opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has hit an all-time high despite years of counter-narcotics efforts that have cost the US $7.6bn (£4.7bn), according to a US government watchdog.

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime reported that Afghan farmers grew an “unprecedented” 209,000 hectares (516,000 acres) of opium poppy in 2013, surpassing the previous high of 193,000 hectares (477,000 acres) in 2007, said John Sopko, the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction.

“In past years, surges in opium poppy cultivation have been met by a coordinated response from the US government and coalition partners, which has led to a temporary decline in levels of opium production,” Sopko said in a letter to the secretary of state, John Kerry, the defence secretary, Chuck Hagel, and other topUS officials.

“The recent record-high level of poppy cultivation calls into question the long-term effectiveness and sustainability of those prior efforts,” he said on Tuesday.

Afghanistan produces more than 80% of the world’s illicit opium, and profits from the illegal trade help fund the Taliban insurgency. US government officials blame poppy production for fuelling corruption and instability, undermining good government and subverting the legal economy.

The US has spent $7.6bn on counter-narcotics efforts in Afghanistan since launching the programmes following the start of the 2001 war, it said.

Sopko said the UN drug office estimated the value of poppy cultivation and opium products produced in Afghanistan in 2013 at about $3bn, a 50% increase over the $2bn estimated in 2012.

“With deteriorating security in many parts of Afghanistan and low levels of eradication of poppy fields, further increases in cultivation are likely in 2014,” Sopko said in the letter.

He said affordable deep-well technology brought to Afghanistan over the past decade had enabled Afghans to turn 200,000 hectares (494,000 acres) of desert in south-west Afghanistan into arable land, much of it devoted to poppy production.

In a letter responding to the findings, the US embassy in Kabul said the rise in poppy cultivation and decline in eradication efforts by provincial authorities was “disappointing news”. It said American officials were helping Afghans develop the ability to lead and manage a long-term counter-narcotics effort.

The embassy said the fight against poppy cultivation had had an impact on growers, resulting in a change in where the crop is planted.

“Essentially, poppy cultivation has shifted from areas where government presence is broadly supported and security has improved, toward more remote and isolated areas where governance is weak and security is inadequate,” it said.

Michael Lumpkin, the assistant secretary of defence for special operations and low-intensity conflict, said in a letter in response that the Pentagon had supported counter-narcotics operations by other US government agencies but was not responsible for managing poppy eradication programmes.

“In our opinion, the failure to reduce poppy cultivation and increase eradication is due to the lack of Afghan government support for the effort,” Lumpkin said.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Legaliseer XTC en red daarmee levens

Tijdens ADE (Amsterdam Dance Event) 2014 waren er helaas drie doden te betreuren. Sectie op de lichamen moet de doodsoorzaak uitwijzen, maar vermoed wordt dat er drugs in het spel zou zijn. Vorig jaar nog voerde ADE een actieve informatiecampagne omdat er signalen waren dat er ‘foute XTC’ in de omloop waren in Amsterdam. Deze ‘foute XTC’ heeft helaas al vele slachtoffers gemaakt. Slachtoffers waar het absurde antidrugsbeleid van de overheid indirect verantwoordelijk voor is.

Wat betreft het begrip ‘foute XTC’ zijn er veel misverstanden in de media gecreëerd. De werkelijke oorzaak zit hem namelijk in het feit dat de slachtoffers vaak andersoortige pillen hebben gekocht. Pillen die het werkzame XTC bestanddeel MDMA helemaal niet bevatten, maar in plaats daarvan PMA of PMMA. Zeer recent nog zijn dit soort pillen opgedoken. Het komt voor dat producenten bij gebrek aan grondstoffen voor XTC dit soort pillen op de markt brengen. De effecten van PMA of PMMA lijken op XTC, maar zijn buitengewoon gevaarlijk. De effecten worden namelijk later gevoeld. Een gebruiker die ervan uit gaat XTC te slikken, maar in feite PMA slikt, denkt dat hij een pil heeft ingenomen met een lage dosis. Wanneer deze gebruiker vervolgens nog een pil neemt ligt een overdosis van PMA al snel op de loer met levensgevaarlijke gevolgen.

XTC valt al lang niet meer weg te denken op festivals. Van de jongeren die gaan stappen, gebruikte 60% in dat zelfde jaar tenminste één keer XTC. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek (december, 2013) van het Trimbos Instituut. De populariteit van XTC neemt alleen maar toe. Bestrijden heeft om die reden dan ook geen zin. Bovendien zullen er dealers bestaan zolang zij de enigen zijn die XTC verkopen. Verstandiger is het om het gebruik van XTC zo veilig mogelijk te maken en tegelijkertijd de monopoliepositie van dealers uit handen te nemen.

Dit kan bereikt worden door XTC te legaliseren en het te laten controleren door gespecialiseerde instanties. Denk hierbij bijvoorbeeld aan XTC controles die te vinden waren op diverse evenementen totdat toenmalig kabinet-Balkenende hier in 2002 een einde aan maakte. Gespecialiseerde instanties voorkomen dat mensen onwel kunnen worden door andere pillen die als XTC verkocht worden en tevens kan er direct goede voorlichting worden gegeven over veilig gebruik middels een bijsluiter.

Kijkend naar bijvoorbeeld wodka of whisky is het niet meer dan normaal dat wij een erkende slijterij kunnen bezoeken en niet naar een schimmige dealer hoeven met zelfgestookte drank waarvan het risico bovendien bestaat dat de gebruiker een alcoholvergiftiging oploopt. Met dank aan de legalisatie van de harddrug alcohol hoeft de politie geen energie te steken in het dwarsbomen van feestgangers die een borrel willen nuttigen en loopt de gebruiker geen risico op vervuilde zelfgestookte alcohol. Zo simpel is het, en met de legalisatie van XTC zullen dezelfde voordelen gelden. De oorzaak van het probleem is het verbod, het gevolg zijn de dealers en het slachtoffer is de burger.

Hoeveel slachtoffers moeten er nog vallen voordat de overheid beseft dat een verbod op XTC het aantal slachtoffers alleen maar doet toenemen?

Tenslotte wil ik nog een andere reden niet onbenoemd laten met betrekking tot mijn pleidooi voor de legalisatie van XTC, namelijk de keuzevrijheid van de burger.

Ieder volwassen mens dient als volwaardig behandeld te worden. Een borrel moet kunnen, net als een joint of het gebruik van XTC. Ieder volwassen mens is baas over eigen lichaam. Het is niet aan de overheid om te bepalen wat goed en slecht voor ons is. In dat laatste geval kan de snackbar ook per direct haar deuren sluiten net als iedere tabakszaak of kroeg. Uiteraard begrijp ik dat XTC een stap verder gaat dan een patatje of sigaret, maar het principe blijft het zelfde. Het feit dat mensen 24/7 naar de snackbar kunnen gaan wil niet zeggen dat men dat ook daadwerkelijk gaat doen. Het gegeven dat ik iedere ochtend alcohol zou kunnen nuttigen verleidt mij er ook niet toe om laveloos op mijn werk te verschijnen.

Het zijn de volwassen burgers die zelf verantwoordelijk zijn voor wat ze doen. Eénieder die hier niet mee kan omgaan, door bijvoorbeeld met alcohol achter het stuur te gaan zitten, dient hard te worden gestraft. De feestganger die een overdosis XTC inneemt betaalt zelf zijn eigen rekening. De overgrote meerderheid goedwillende burgers mogen hier niet de dupe van worden. Deze goedwillende burgers verdienen het om de mogelijkheid te hebben om gecontroleerd en veilig alcohol, maar ook cannabis en XTC te nuttigen. Bovendien is de maakbare samenleving, vanuit welke politieke stroming dan ook, een utopie.

Minne Telman was kandidaat nummer 5 voor de Libertarische Partij Amsterdam bij de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van 2014.
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  woensdag 22 oktober 2014 @ 17:06:03 #17
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Fuentes Rubio was in haar vrije tijd een van de personen achter 'Valor por Tamaulipas' (Moed voor Tamaulipas), een van de grootste burgerjournalistieke initiatieven van Mexico met meer dan 100 duizend digitale volgers op Facebook en Twitter. Onder haar alias Felina berichtte ze over aanslagen, ontvoeringen en andersoortig drugsgeweld. 'Sinds 12:25 uur zijn er explosies en vuurgevechten in Cañada/Fuentes. Pickups rijden met hoge snelheid door de straat', aldus een van haar berichten. Of: 'In Balcones, op de hoek van de Evereststraat, staan twee witte Fords met drie gewapende mannen eromheen.' Ook vroeg ze slachtoffers om via haar medium hun verhaal te delen.

Twitteraars als Felina zijn in het noorden van Mexico populair omdat nieuws over drugsgerelateerd geweld daar lang niet altijd de lokale en regionale media haalt. Volgens de Committee to Protect Journalists, een Amerikaanse non-profitorganisatie, komt dat mede omdat er sinds 2006 al 17 Mexicaanse journalisten werden vermoord die zich ooit kritisch uitlieten over drugskartels. Een gevolg is dat burgers voor wat betreft lokaal nieuws vrijwel volledig afhankelijk zijn van vaak anonieme burgerjournalisten, zoals Felina.

Een gegeven dat tot grote onvrede bij de plaatselijke kartels leidt, blijkt wel uit de ongeveer 35 duizend euro die anderhalf jaar geleden beschikbaar werden gesteld in ruil voor de ware identiteit van Felina en haar collega's bij 'Valor por Tamaulipas'.

Maar ondanks de prijs op haar hoofd en aanhoudende bedreigingen bleef haar echte naam altijd geheim, totdat ze vorige week woensdag - volgens Mexicaanse websites bij toeval - werd ontvoerd samen met twee andere artsen. Toen haar kidnappers vervolgens op haar telefoon keken, zagen ze met wie zij eigenlijk te maken hadden, waarna ze besloten een punt te maken.
het artikel gaat verder.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 22 oktober 2014 @ 23:54:18 #18
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De burgemeester van Iguala, in het zuidwesten van Mexico, en zijn vrouw zijn verantwoordelijk voor de verdwijning van 43 studenten bijna een maand geleden. Deze beschuldiging uitte het Openbaar Ministerie woensdag. Het stel zou de plaatselijke politie en leden van de criminele organisatie Guerreros Unidos instructies hebben gegeven de jongeren te laten verdwijnen omdat zij een toespraak van de vrouw wilden verstoren.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia

Civil asset forfeiture = roof
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  zaterdag 25 oktober 2014 @ 21:11:30 #20
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De Volkskrant heeft een serie artikelen over4 XTC, achter paywall.

Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zondag 26 oktober 2014 @ 01:18:12 #21
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Overnight, the passage of the law turned Uruguay’s president, José Mujica, into an international progressive superstar. During his five-year presidency, Mujica, 79, revitalised Uruguay’s economy, slashed poverty from almost 21% to 11.5% and legalised abortion, making his country the first and only one in South America so far to do so. (Elsewhere in Latin America, abortion is available only in Cuba and in Mexico City).

But those gains could be challenged by his successor, who will be decided among front-runner Tabaré Vázquez, a 74-year-old oncologist from Mujica’s own Frente Amplio (Broad Front) party; Luis Lacalle Pou, 41, an energetic conservative from the Partido Nacional (National party); and Pedro Bordaberry, 54, who is likely to throw his votes behind Pou in what opinion polls suggest will be a tightly fought second round between him and Vázquez on 30 November.

The two front-runners have already said that they will tinker with the marijuana law if elected, while Bordaberry, who the pollsters predict will take 18% of the vote, makes it clear that he has no time for it.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
Groeiende vraag naar sterkere xtc

Mooi voorbeeld van de Iron Law of Prohibition

The iron law of prohibition is a term coined by Richard Cowan in 1986 which posits that as law enforcement becomes more intense, the potency of prohibited substances increases.[1] Cowan put it this way: "the harder the enforcement, the harder the drugs."[
Meer info

Belachelijke propaganda weer, maar je kunt ook niets anders verwachten van de staats-tv.

[ Bericht 27% gewijzigd door heiden6 op 26-10-2014 02:54:45 ]
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  dinsdag 28 oktober 2014 @ 15:56:54 #24
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Surprising source offers signs the global ‘war on drugs’ may be ending

William R. Brownfield, assistant secretary of state in the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs summed up the key idea underpinning the shift at the United Nations on Oct. 9:

. Things have changed since 1961. We must have enough flexibility to allow us to incorporate those changes into our policies … to tolerate different national drug policies, to accept the fact that some countries will have very strict drug approaches; other countries will legalize entire categories of drugs.

The statement is hugely significant as it represents a new diplomatic doctrine and a potential tipping point in efforts to end the disastrous “war on drugs” that has lasted six decades.

It recognizes that immediate reform of the UN drug control conventions (the core of which is the 1961 Single Convention), while necessary, is not yet feasible. But it acknowledges that UN conventions should never serve as a barrier to improving global drug policies and that different policies will work for different regions and nations. Lastly, it accepts that member states can reinterpret the conventions in response to new scientific evidence and with careful regard to other international human rights norms and obligations — as Uruguay has done in the case of cannabis regulation.

The United States was a key architect of the international control system, begun in 1909, and has traditionally served as chief proselytizer for a repressive prohibitionist model globally. Although it initially rejected the 1961 Single Convention as too weak relative to its predecessor treaties, the United States soon embraced it as a useful mechanism to rally nations towards the global war on drugs, formally launched in the 1970s. The United States soon worked to strengthen the convention through successor treaties, funding initiatives and aggressive bilateral drug diplomacy.

Now that the United States has openly rejected the role of key bilateral enforcer the UN will likely cease to be a forum where states are pressured to pursue the war on drugs orthodoxy. Instead, it can become a forum that facilitates cooperation and discussion on a new range of policy approaches.

The main obstacle to this change will likely remain Russia and a coalition of conservative states that are reticent to move away from a militarized and repressive police response. Nevertheless, Russia, despite a strong grip on the UN drug control apparatus, will struggle to enforce its vision due to the post-Ukraine diplomatic freeze and a general recognition that Russia’s domestic drug policies have fuelled incarceration, human rights abuses and a HIV epidemic.

As states approach the 2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs, Brownfield’s framework provides a practical way forward. It allows states to push ahead with various national regulatory reforms, including regulated markets around the recreational use of certain drugs. It focuses diplomatic effort on preserving the ‘core’ of the conventions — nothing to do with national cannabis or coca leaf prohibitions, and everything to do with regulating licit markets for pain medicines.

And it focuses enforcement efforts on minimizing the impact of illicit markets through effective targeting of criminal gangs, rather than blanket enforcement of impossible global prohibitions. Finally, it allows regions to move ahead with case-specific policies that reflect their local needs, rather than acting as agents of a self-destructive global ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy.

The UN and member states are moving toward a more nuanced understanding that places the drug conventions within broader contexts of human rights, indigenous rights and other frameworks of health and human empowerment. As Brownfield points out, part of this shift is driven by the need to make rational determinations of resource allocation and interpret implementation of the conventions accordingly.

The United States federal government does not believe making U.S. states comply with drug conventions on cannabis is a good use of resources. Other nations should make similar, case specific, determinations.

Legal reform of the international drug conventions is certainly required but only prior national reforms will make that process seem necessary and inevitable to member states.

The course outlined in the Brownfield doctrine appears the best strategy to ensure the survival and modernization of the global drug control framework for the immediate future.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 28 oktober 2014 @ 16:09:38 #25
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Het invoeren van drugstests op festivals vindt Schippers echter 'helemaal geen optie' omdat de tests geen absolute veiligheid kunnen garanderen.
Lekker hypocriet. Alsof de War on Drugs een garantie is voor absolute veiligheid. :')
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 29 oktober 2014 @ 21:07:58 #26
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexican cartel boss vows to fight to the death instead of surrendering

Net may be closing on Knights Templar leader Servando Gómez, alias La Tuta, as he releases rambling online video message

The fugitive leader of one of Mexico’s most violent and bizarre drug cartels has said that he regrets choosing a life of crime, but vowed that he would never let himself be taken alive.

“I have committed many crimes like an idiot, and I will have to pay for them when the time comes, but I don’t plan to do that on this earth,” said a man who identifies himself as Servando Gómez, alias La Tuta, in a 24-minute recording, posted on social media. “I am not going to give myself up. I am going to fight until the end.”

The Knights Templar cartel, or Caballeros Templarios, gained notoriety for its signature blend of extreme violence with faux medieval rituals and a rhetoric of social justice.

The cartel once trafficked large quantities of drugs and iron ore, while imposing a reign of terror throughout its main bastion in the Tierra Caliente, or Hot Lands, in the western state of Michoacán. The group was severely weakened after the rise of an armed vigilante movement in the region prompted federal forces to step up efforts against the Knights Templar.

With all the other major cartel leaders now dead or in prison, the recording, first posted on the internet late on Tuesday, appears to confirm reports that the circle is now closing in on La Tuta.

“Just like they say I am alone, hiding in the sierra, riding a donkey and I haven’t seen any of my women for a year,” says Gómez, who in the course of the rambling message complained that authorities had detained members of his family who had nothing to do with the drugs trade.

Interior minister Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong appeared to accept the authenticity of the recording when he told reporters that it showed “a cornered criminal who recognises that the state has been effective.”

In the recording, Gómez appears resigned to being tracked down by the authorities, but he also accuses the government of protecting other narcos – and rival groups which have risen to occupy the power vacuum left by his cartel’s demise.

He reserves particular venom for the new rural police set up in an effort to control the vigilante movement.

“For 10 years we fucked over Michoacán,” the voices announces, while expressing regrets at having led the Knights Templar. “Now they are arming more criminals than there were before.”

Ron Paul on Morton Downey Jr. - 1988.

In 1996, Downey was diagnosed with lung cancer and had one of his lungs removed. He did a complete about-face on the issue of tobacco use, going from a one-time member of the National Smokers Alliance to a staunch anti-smoking activist. He continued to speak against smoking until his death from lung cancer in 2001
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5fc_1370833748#gLE52mXmE1HXxFra.99

[ Bericht 2% gewijzigd door paddy op 01-11-2014 11:02:04 ]
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 30 oktober 2014 @ 15:39:30 #27
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Eleven countries studied, one inescapable conclusion – the drug laws don’t work

Eight month study shows legalisation policies do not result in wider use, and the US should be watched with interest

The Home Office comparison of international drug laws, published on Wednesday, represents the first official recognition since the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act that there is no direct link between being “tough on drugs” and tackling the problem.

The report, which has been signed off by both the Conservative home secretary, Theresa May, and the Liberal Democrat crime prevention minister, Norman Baker, is based on an in-depth study of drug laws in 11 countries ranging from the zero-tolerance of Japan to the legalisation of Uruguay.

The key finding of the report, written by Home Office civil servants, lies in a comparison of Portugal, where personal use is decriminalised, and the Czech Republic, where criminal penalties for possession were introduced as recently as 2010.

“We did not in our fact-finding observe any obvious relationship between the toughness of a country’s enforcement against drug possession, and levels of drug use in that country,” it says. “The Czech Republic and Portugal have similar approaches to possession, where possession of small amounts of any drug does not lead to criminal proceedings, but while levels of drug use in Portugal appear to be relatively low, reported levels of cannabis use in the Czech Republic are among the highest in Europe.

“Indicators of levels of drug use in Sweden, which has one of the toughest approaches we saw, point to relatively low levels of use, but not markedly lower than countries with different approaches.”

Endless coalition wrangling over the contents of the report, which has taken more than eight months to be published, has ensured that it does not include any conclusions.

However, reading the evidence it provides, it is hard to escape the conclusion that the Home Office civil servants who wrote it seem to have been impressed that a health-based rather than a criminal justice-based approach is where effective policies lie.

It also, rather remarkably, says that the experiments in legalisation now under way in the US states of Washington and Colorado, and in Uruguay, should be watched with interest. This is a world away from the “war on drugs” rhetoric that has formed the mainstay of the political debate on drugs in the past four decades.

The report, Drugs: International Comparators, documents in great detail the experience of Portugal, where personal use was decriminalised nearly 11 years ago and those arrested for drugs are given the choice of going before a health “dissuasion commission” or facing a criminal justice process.

“Trend data from Portugal shows how levels of drug use changed in the years following decriminalisation in 2001. Although levels of drug use rose between 2001 and 2007, use of drugs has since fallen to below 2001 levels. It is clear that there has not been a lasting and significant increase in drug use in Portugal since 2001,” the report says.

At the same time, it notes there have been significant reductions in the number of drug users diagnosed with HIV and Aids at a time when drug-related deaths have remained stable: “These outcomes cannot be attributed to decriminalisation alone, and are likely to have been influenced by increases in the use of treatment and harm reduction,” it says, stressing that it is difficult to disentangle the impact of decriminalisation from wider improvements in drug treatment and harm reduction over the same period.

Nevertheless, it firmly rejects claims that decriminalisation in Portugal has led to a spike in drug use. It goes on to contrast Portugal with the Czech Republic, where an evaluation found that there was no significant decline in the availability of drugs following the implementation of stricter laws in 2010.

On the situation in Colorado, Washington and Uruguay, the Home Office says their experimental policies which legalise production, supply and recreational use of cannabis have the common aim of disrupting organised crime and exercising greater control over the use of cannabis.

“The American states have a market-driven approach, with lighter regulation than Uruguay and fewer limitations on consumption and use. Uruguay, which has growing concerns about organised crime, has a stronger role for the state, with limitations in size of the market, the strains and potency of cannabis, and the quantity that an individual can purchase in a month.”

Crucially, the report adds: “It is too early to know how these experiments will play out, but we will monitor the impacts of these new policies in the coming years.”

The report examines various harm reduction initiatives in 11 countries, including the use of drug consumption rooms, the prescription of heroin under medical supervision, and prison-based needle exchange programmes. In particular it found evidence that heroin prescribing, including in three limited trials in Britain, can be effective.

There is no overall conclusion to the report, but in its last paragraph the Home Office authors reflect that the lack of any clear correlation between “toughness” of approach and levels of drug use demonstrates the complexity of the issue: “Achieving better health outcomes for drug users cannot be shown to be a direct result of the enforcement approach.”
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Tilburgse professor Fijnaut: schaf af die coffeeshops

TILBURG - Nederland moet de coffeeshops afschaffen. In plaats daarvan moet het ruimte maken voor cannabisclubs, die met een gesloten productie- en distributiesysteem werken en alleen nog toegankelijk zijn voor leden.

Burgemeesters vangen bot bij Opstelten over wiet
Dat is de boodschap van het boek 'De derde weg', dat volgende week verschijnt van de hand van de Tilburgse professor Cyrille Fijnaut. Met zijn Belgische collega Brice de Ruyver betoogt Fijnaut dat er een 'gulden middenweg' denkbaar is voor het in een impasse verkerende debat over het Nederlandse coffeeshopbeleid. Een groot aantal burgemeester wil de wietteelt legaliseren, minister Opstelten heeft keer op keer te kennen gegeven dat hij daar niet van wil weten.

Legaliseren van de wietteelt stuit volgens Fijnaut op internationale verdragen. Dat het in twee Amerikaanse staten en in Uruguay toch gebeurt, doet daar volgens hem niks aan af. "We hebben die verdragen met het volle verstand getekend. En nu we met de brokken zitten, zouden we het verdrag maar moeten opzeggen."

Lees in het Brabants Dagblad van donderdag 30 oktober een uitgebreid interview met Cyrille Fijnaut
Ach ja laten we nog maar op een ander manier het wiel proberen uit te vinden. Gewoon het verdrag wat in de weg zit opzeggen of negeren is met deze calvinisten in het kabinet natuurlijk geen optie. :')
Will Uruguay's marijuana experiment survive under 'Pepe' Mujica's successor?
Tiny Uruguay, the most progressive country in Latin America, is expecting this weekend a historic electoral showdown between the elderly socialists who have been in power for the past 10 years, represented by Tabaré Vázquez, 74, and young conservatives, represented by Luis Lacalle Pou, 41 – who, although running behind in pre-election opinion polls, hope to take the presidency in what appears to be an inevitable second round slated for 30 November.

Whoever wins the contest will have a hard time emerging from the shadow of the outgoing president, José “Pepe” Mujica, 79, of the leftwing Frente Amplio (Broad Front) party, to which Vázquez also belongs. Mujica, a colourful former revolutionary, has during his tenure put Uruguay, with 3.4 million inhabitants, on the international map by legalising marijuana and abortion, neither of which is permitted in any other Latin American country.

Such reforms are unthinkable for either of Uruguay’s two large Mercosur trading bloc partners, Brazil (population 202 million) and Argentina (44 million), both profoundly Catholic, which are following their neighbour’s liberal experiment with keen interest.

In Uruguay, with its long history of liberal policies (abortion was legal once before, in the 1930s, and drug consumption was never punishable by law), the outcome of Sunday’s elections is more likely to hinge on issues such as crime, education and whether voters agree with Lacalle Pou’s call for the country’s older socialist reformers to make way for a younger generation of non-revolutionary politicians.


It is precisely that comfortable majority that made abortion and the legal sale of marijuana – neither of which is widely supported by the population – possible under Mujica. Polls taken during the marijuana debate last year showed 60% of Uruguayans against legalisation of the sale of the drug.


The question lingers whether the legalisation of marijuana and abortion could survive a change of political direction. “Lacalle Pou has already said he will respect the laws that have been passed under Mujica, although some adaptations may be necessary,” said Curbelo.
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
No link between tough penalties and drug use - report

There is "no obvious" link between tough laws and levels of illegal drug use, a government report has found.


After examining a range of approaches, from zero-tolerance to decriminalisation, it concluded drug use was influenced by factors "more complex and nuanced than legislation and enforcement alone".

But it found there had been a "considerable" improvement in the health of drug users in Portugal since the country made drug possession a health issue rather than a criminal one in 2001.

The Home Office said these outcomes could not be attributed to decriminalisation alone.

But Mr Baker believes treating drug use as a health matter would be more effective, "rather than presuming locking people up is the answer".


Back in the 1990s Portugal was struggling with a heroin epidemic of almost epic proportions. One person in every 100 was a heroin addict.

Not everyone agreed with the approach that was adopted to try and end the problem. In fact, many on the right wing of politics were appalled when prosecutions for people using drugs were ended.

They didn't like the idea that addiction would be treated as a health issue, rather than a criminal one, that addicts would be given treatment and healthcare to help them overcome their addiction. Those voices have been silenced now.

Fifteen years later, and the number of people hooked on heroin has been halved, and there have been good results in terms of Aids infection, hepatitis infection and the like.

Back in the 1990s "we feared that Portugal could turn into a paradise for drug users", says Dr Jaoa Goulao, Portugal's national co-ordinator on drugs and drug addiction.

Thanks to the policy, that didn't happen, he says.

A separate Home Office report has called for a blanket ban on all brain-altering drugs in a bid to tackle legal highs.

Currently, when a legal high is made illegal, manufacturers are avoiding the law by tweaking the chemical compound and creating a new substance.

The government will consider legislation introduced in Ireland four years ago that bans the sale of all "psychoactive" substances but exempts some, such as alcohol and tobacco.
Ron Paul on Morton Downey Jr. - 1988

'Discussie' over legalisering van drugs.
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 oktober 2014 21:07 schreef heiden6 het volgende:
Ron Paul on Morton Downey Jr. - 1988

'Discussie' over legalisering van drugs.
wat zijn die leipo's dom :'(
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 oktober 2014 21:07 schreef heiden6 het volgende:
Ron Paul on Morton Downey Jr. - 1988

'Discussie' over legalisering van drugs.
Twenty-six fokking years ago.

En die presentator ook gewoon rokend in beeld. :') epic fail.

Dank voor deze prachtige link.
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
14s.gif Op donderdag 30 oktober 2014 22:02 schreef El_Matador het volgende:


Twenty-six fokking years ago.

En die presentator ook gewoon rokend in beeld. :') epic fail.

Dank voor deze prachtige link.
Over de presentator:

In 1996, Downey was diagnosed with lung cancer and had one of his lungs removed. He did a complete about-face on the issue of tobacco use, going from a one-time member of the National Smokers Alliance to a staunch anti-smoking activist. He continued to speak against smoking until his death from lung cancer in 2001
Read more at http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5fc_1370833748#gLE52mXmE1HXxFra.99
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 oktober 2014 23:04 schreef heiden6 het volgende:


Over de presentator:


*lachen inhouden...*

Papierversnipperaar, dit fragment mag zeker in de OP erbij!
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
  donderdag 30 oktober 2014 @ 23:33:07 #37
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
19s.gif Op donderdag 30 oktober 2014 23:07 schreef El_Matador het volgende:


*lachen inhouden...*

Papierversnipperaar, dit fragment mag zeker in de OP erbij!
:D Prima, maar ik kan m niet meer wijzigen. Misschien kan je een Mod vinden die nog wakker is?
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op donderdag 30 oktober 2014 23:33 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:


:D Prima, maar ik kan m niet meer wijzigen. Misschien kan je een Mod vinden die nog wakker is?
Ah ja, de 2 dagen zijn voorbij.

Zal es kijken of er tussen de slowchat nog een mod te vinden is voor deze actie.
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
War on drugs maakt volgend slachtoffer in nederland

In Amsterdam, around the Leidseplein and Rembrandtsplein, white lumps are currently being sold as coke, but contain white heroine!

The crooked dealer of these lumps only sells to tourists. Prices that have been paid are around 25 euro for a lump. A gram of Coke usually costs 50 euro.

So far, 10 tourists (Australia, Austria, Ireland and Britain) ended up in hospital. Last weekend one of them unfortunately died.
14s.gif Op donderdag 30 oktober 2014 23:34 schreef El_Matador het volgende:


Ah ja, de 2 dagen zijn voorbij.

Zal es kijken of er tussen de slowchat nog een mod te vinden is voor deze actie.
Kan toch in de OP van het volgende deel? ;)
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  maandag 3 november 2014 @ 09:52:07 #41
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Ministers high on their war on drugs need a speedy cure

A psychology of macho law-making dominates British drugs policy – in defiance of both public opinion and common sense

The government should ban all reports on drug legalisation. They get you hooked on rage. Evidence-based reform is a gateway substance to common sense. Just send a message: no thought means no.

Parliament’s response to this week’s report on the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act shows that psychoactive substances are the last taboo to afflict Britain’s elite. It has got over past obsessions with whipping, hanging, sodomy and abortion, but it is still stuck on drugs. There is no point in reading the latest research on drugs policy worldwide. It is spitting in the wind. The only research worth doing is on why drugs policy reduces British politicians to gibbering wrecks.

In 2000 the Police Foundation committee chaired by Lady Runciman (on which I served) proposed an end to imprisonment for “soft” drug possession and cultivation, together with lower penalties for hard drugs. In particular we pointed to the nonsense of classifying half-safe drugs such as ecstasy with heroin, suggesting that the latter was no more harmful than the former. It was pretty mild stuff.

Tony Blair’s Downing Street went ape. What would they say at the Daily Mail, then ruling Britain much as the pope rules Ireland? Blair’s aide Alastair Campbell ordered the hapless home sectary, Jack Straw, to rubbish our report over the weekend before it was even published.

In the event the report was welcomed by the Mail, as well as by the Express, the Telegraph and more liberal papers. The Mail on Sunday even published a poll showing 60% of people in favour of decriminalising cannabis. Such was Straw’s embarrassment that he later partly climbed down. Cannabis law enforcement was eased, but the sense of panic surrounding the subject remained. There has been no liberalisation since.

It did not matter that the law was almost 30 years old and had manifestly failed to suppress narcotic use or abuse. It did not matter that most of the press were in favour of reform, or that at the time, eight Tory shadow ministers admitted to having taken drugs.

Today it still does not matter that a 2012 ComRes poll showed three quarters of MPs in favour of reform. An Observer poll last month showed 52% of the public wanting US-style legalisation of medical and recreational marijuana, while a Sun poll this week had 71% accepting that the “war on drugs” had not worked. The Sun itself concluded: “We can’t just carry on with the status quo.”

If the Archangel Gabriel came down from heaven and said decriminalising drugs would end war, banish poverty, reduce obesity and defeat child sex abuse, it would make no difference to a British cabinet. David Cameron might have favoured reform before taking office, as he will doubtless favour it after leaving – in common with many world leaders. When he has power to do something about it, he runs scared. The great taboo tightens its iron grip on his throat, as it does on that of his ambitious home secretary, Theresa May.

This week’s report is another reminder of the limits of the criminal law in telling people how to order their own lives. It finds no correlation between the toughness of a country’s penalties and drug consumption. You can nudge but you cannot ban. Besides, illegality imposes huge burdens on the justice system, prisons and the health service. A 2009 report by the charity Transform suggested legalisation could save as much as £14bn, while taxing cannabis, as the US has started doing, could raise £1.3bn. Better by far to spend this money on countering addiction and policing the drugs market.

It is foolish to deny that drug abuse can cause harm, as does the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other substances. This is not an issue. The issue is the capacity of the law to mitigate it. “Sending a message” may make ministers feel tough, but it is clearly wrecking thousands of lives and enriching criminals. Cameron pleads that “our drugs strategy is working”. That some areas of consumption are falling – in tough and tender regimes alike – does not make the policy a good one. Drug abuse is about physical and mental health. It should no more be about crime than is obesity or alcoholism.

The Independent yesterday asked, “Is Britain ready to grow up?”. I fear the answer is no. I cannot face more reports on how much more humane are the drugs policies of Switzerland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Colorado and Uruguay. I give up reading of the hell that criminalisation – abetted by an antediluvian UN – inflicts on the people of Mexico, Colombia, Afghanistan and Burma. Pretending to ban cocaine production may delight rightwing opinion, but it exacts a ghastly price from people in producer countries.

As for the government proposal to ban “legal highs”, the Home Office appears not to have heard of the internet. The BBC revealed last August that there are now 23 distinct online operators on the dark web, covering about 250 products. This market has doubled in size in the past year, with heaven knows what unregulated junk flooding the mail.

The best deterrent to drug misuse is publicity, just as the best cure is treatment. Instead Theresa May and her political colleagues (including Labour) are the drug dealers’ useful idiots. To leave young people to the mercy of pushers and adulterators is the real crime. The chaotic nature of these markets causes more harm than do the substances themselves. Nor does the liberal Home Office minister Norman Baker, who backs reform, have a coherent strategy. He wants to “crack down on the Mr Bigs and criminal gangs”. I can hear them laughing. His job should be to regulate them out of business.

The psychology of repressive law-making and its appeal to political machismo is the most sinister branch of public life. The belief of those in power that they can command private behaviour with the flick of a law or the cosh of a penalty is fantasy. I once hoped that sheer embarrassment at the harm they cause might shame Britain’s politicians down the road increasingly taken by those in the rest of Europe and north and south America.

But no. May could not even bring herself to publish her own department’s factual survey on the drugs market for three months of infighting with Baker and the Lib Dems. Britain will soon be to drugs what Ireland is to abortion, in a dark ages zone. Unlike Ireland it cannot even blame religion, only stupidity.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 3 november 2014 @ 09:59:25 #42
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
7s.gif Op donderdag 30 oktober 2014 15:39 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:
Eleven countries studied, one inescapable conclusion – the drug laws don’t work
UK government’s drug laws survey was suppressed, Lib Dem minister says

Norman Baker says Tories did not like evidence gleaned as deputy prime minister Nick Clegg criticises foot dragging over report that says tough laws make no difference

A groundbreaking Home Office report which concluded that tougher enforcement of drug laws does not lead to lower levels of drug use was “suppressed” by the Conservatives, a Liberal Democrat minister has said.

Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrat Home Office drugs minister, said the report, published on Thursday, had been suppressed not by the home secretary, Theresa May, but by the Conservatives.

In support, Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg said there had been a lot of “foot dragging” over the publication of the report but urged the Tories to “have the courage just for once to break some of the taboos about Britain’s ineffective drug laws”.

The deputy prime minister accused Downing Street of being frightened to open its eyes to the way in which Britain’s drugs laws leads to 2,000 deaths a year while “the pushers, the Mr Bigs and the criminal gangs get richer and richer”.

The government’s first evidence-based survey examined international drug laws and said there was no evidence that tough enforcement of laws on personal possession led to lower levels of drug use. The Home Office document brings to an end 40 years of almost unbroken official political rhetoric that only harsher penalties can tackle the problem caused by the likes of heroin, cocaine or cannabis.

The report was signed off by May and Baker and was published on Thursday alongside an official expert report calling for a general ban on the sale and trade in legal highs, although Baker has said it had been ready for publication since July.

The Lib Dem Home Office minister said: “The reality is that this report has been sitting around for several months. I’ve been trying to get it out and I’m afraid that I believe that my coalition colleagues who commissioned the report jointly don’t like the independent conclusions it’s reached.

“It was suppressed, not by Theresa May, it was suppressed by the Conservatives and the reality is that it has got some inconvenient truths in it.”

Baker said the international comparisons demonstrated that “banging people up and increasing sentences does not stop drug use”. He said the last 40 years had seen a drugs debate in Britain based on the “lazy assumption in the rightwing press that if you have harsher penalties it will reduce drug use, but there is no evidence for that at all”.

Baker added: “If anything the evidence is to the contrary.”

Speaking on Radio 4’s Today programme on Thursday, he said some Conservative colleagues did not like the evidence that had come out but “if you see a tree, it is a tree”.

Downing Street insisted the report did not reach the conclusions Baker claimed and accused him of a desperate spinning operation.

In a statement, Number 10 said: “This report provides no support whatsoever for the Lib Dem’s policy of decriminalisation. In fact, it clearly states that it would be inappropriate to draw those kind of conclusions.

“The Lib Dem policy would see drug dealers getting off scot-free and send an incredibly dangerous message to young people about the risks of taking drugs “As the report makes very clear, the Government’s approach already provides a good balance between enforcement and treatment, drug use is plummeting as a result and there is simply no chance that we will entertain such a reckless change of course .”

Clegg, speaking on LBC, said: “I think the Tories have a misplaced, backward-looking, outdated view that the public would not accept a smarter approach on how to deal with drugs. The argument I have made to them privately and publicly is pluck up the courage to face up to the evidence that what we are doing is not as effective as it should be, there are lessons we can learn from other countries and if you are anti-drugs you should be pro-reform. Have the courage for once just to break some of the taboos.”

He said: “We have got to get away from this facile view that talking tough solves this problem. It is a betrayal of those 2,000 families of those that die every year in our country.”

Clegg said he had unsuccessfully pressed his Conservative colleagues to set up a royal commission, but then persuaded them to undertake an international comparative study that had finally been published after “lots and lots of foot dragging”.

He stressed that he was not advocating decriminalisation of drugs, saying he did not support a free-for-all, but wanting more criminalisation of the pushers.

“I hope today’s report is a wake-up call to Ed Miliband and David Cameron to open their eyes and actually get on with changing things so we can help the addicts to break their habit and really get the criminals that should be behind bars in prison.”

Michael Ellis, a Tory member of the home affairs select committee, accused Baker of naked political posturing and being pro-drugs, adding Baker was acting in desperation as his party fell behind the Greens in opinion polls.

Baker added that wider societal factors, such as a more risk-averse generation of young people who suffered fewer alcohol problems and were healthier, contributed to the general downward trend in drug use.

The international report documents in detail the successes of the health-led approach in Portugal, combining decriminalisation with other policies, and shows reductions in all types of drug use alongside falls in drug-related HIV and Aids cases.

The Home Office international research paper on the use of illegal drugs, which redeems a Lib Dem 2010 election pledge for a royal commission to examine the alternatives to the current drug laws, also leaves the door open on the legalisation experiments in the American states of Washington and Colorado, and in Uruguay. It said: “It is too early to know how they will play out but we will monitor the impacts of these new policies in the years to come.”

Regarding legal highs, Baker said the government would look at the feasibility of a blanket ban on new compounds of psychoactive drugs that focused on dealers and the “head shops” that sell tobacco paraphernalia rather than users.

“The head shops could be left with nothing to sell but Rizla papers,” Baker said. “The approach of a general ban had a dramatic effect on their availability when it was introduced in Ireland, but we must ensure that it will work here.”

A ban would apply to head shops and websites. Legal highs are currently banned on a temporary 12-month basis as each new substance arrives on the market. Legislation is possible before the election but not certain.

The new blanket or generic ban would not be accompanied by a ban on the possession or use of the new psychoactive substances, which often mimic the effects of traditional drugs. This would remain legal.

It is expected the expert report on legal highs will recommend a threshold for substances to be banned so that those with minimal psychoactive effects – such as alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee – would not be caught by the proposed new ban.

The report firmly rejects a New Zealand style-approach of regulating head shops and other sales outlets for legal highs.

Publication of both reports has been held up for months as interminable negotiations between the two coalition parties have gone on over every detailed issue.

Baker has repeatedly warned of the dangers of legal highs, citing evidence that some cannabinoids synthesised in chemical labs are 100 times more powerful than traditional strains of cannabis.

The expert report says there were 60 deaths related to new psychoactive substances in 2013 – up from 52 the year before.

It also considers basing future controls on the effect on the brain rather than the current test of their chemical structure.

Frontline health staff are also urged to receive strengthened training to deal with their effects.

Danny Kushlik, of the Transform drugs charity which campaigns for drug legalisation, said the international report represented a landmark in British drugs policy since the introduction of the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act that is still in force today.

“This is a historic moment in the development of UK drug policy. For the first time in over 40 years the Home Office has admitted that enforcing tough drug laws doesn’t necessarily reduce levels of drug use,” said Kushlik.

“It has also acknowledged that decriminalising the possession of drugs doesn’t increase levels of use. Even more, the department in charge of drugs prohibition says it will take account of the experiments in the legal regulation of cannabis in Washington, Colorado and Uruguay.

“Pragmatic reform will only happen if there is cross-party support for change and we can assume now that the Labour party can engage constructively on this previously toxic issue.”

A Home Office spokesperson, responding to the evidence of the international report, said: “This government has absolutely no intention of decriminalising drugs. Our drugs strategy is working and there is a long-term downward trend in drug misuse in the UK.

“It is right that we look at drugs policies in other countries and today’s report summarises a number of these international approaches.”

Earlier this year the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, pledged to abolish prison sentences for the possession of drugs for personal use – including class-A substances such as heroin and cocaine. He urged David Cameron to look at issues such as decriminalisation or legalisation of drugs.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 4 november 2014 @ 10:38:30 #43
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Nederland krijgt enorme cheque met Amerikaans drugsgeld

Nederland krijgt 3 miljoen dollar van de Amerikaanse overheid vanwege de hulp met het bestrijden van grootschalige drugshandel. Nederland deelt mee in de opbrengst van het onderzoek, dat drie jaar duurde.

Het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie assisteerde sinds 2009 bij een grootschalig onderzoek naar internationale drugshandel, operatie Pac Rim. Het onderzoek duurde drie jaar en vond plaats in verschillende landen, waaronder de VS, Nederland en Colombia.

ZIE OOK: Topman drugskartel opgepakt tijdens voetbalwedstrijd

Bij het onderzoek in Nederland, waarbij de Nederlandse politie assisteerde, werd 6 miljoen euro gevonden. Die opbrengst deelt de VS nu met Nederland. De Amerikaanse ambassadeur heeft Nederland (letterlijk) een grote cheque gegeven. Het geld gaat naar de begroting van Justitie.

In totaal leidde het onderzoek tot inbeslagname van meer dan 175 miljoen dollar cash. Ook werden er bezittingen met een waarde van 850 miljoen dollar in beslag genomen. Er werden 37 mensen aangeklaagd en 26 veroordeeld.
Gewoon geld verdienen ten koste van de burger en een gezonde maatschappij :r

Legalisatie levert 16 miljard per jaar op.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 4 november 2014 @ 13:10:24 #44
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Coalition relations hit a new low on Monday night when the Liberal Democrat Norman Baker resigned as a Home Office minister after likening his experience working under Theresa May to “walking through mud”.

In a sign of the loveless nature of the coalition in the final six months before the general election, Baker announced his resignation in an interview with the Independent apparently without notifying the home secretary.

Nick Clegg, who will on Tuesday announce a replacement for Baker as minister for crime prevention with responsibility for drugs policy, alerted Downing Street earlier in the day.

Baker announced he had decided to stand down after a row over drugs policy with the home secretary showed there was little support for “rational evidence-based policy” in the Home Office. He had criticised May for sitting for three months on an official report which showed that tougher enforcement of drug laws does not lead to lower levels of drug use.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 4 november 2014 @ 13:26:15 #45
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De burgemeester van de Mexicaanse stad Iguala, waar op 26 september 43 studenten verdwenen na rellen, is dinsdag opgepakt. Hij was voortvluchtig.

Dat meldt de BBC op basis van lokale media. Jose Luis Abarca zou in Mexico-Stad zijn aangehouden. De autoriteiten spraken eerder al het vermoeden uit dat de burgemeester en zijn vrouw verantwoordelijk zijn voor de ontvoeringen.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 4 november 2014 @ 15:24:49 #46
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De jaarlijkse update van de Nationale Drug Monitor is verschenen. Naast de laatste cijfers over gebruik van alcohol, tabak, drugs en slaap- en kalmeringsmiddelen, wordt ook een overzicht geboden van de laatste ontwikkelingen in wetgeving en beleid en alcohol- en drugsgerelateerde criminaliteit.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 4 november 2014 @ 20:22:14 #47
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Voorbereiding grootschalige illegale wietteelt wordt strafbaar

Mensen die meewerken aan voorbereidingen van grootschalige illegale wietteelt kunnen straks worden vervolgd.

Een meerderheid in de Eerste Kamer schaarde zich dinsdag achter het wetsvoorstel van minister Ivo Opstelten (Veiligheid en Justitie), maar coalitiepartner PvdA steunt het niet.

''De effectiviteit van de wet is zo gering ten opzichte van de huidige wet dat er geen positief oordeel kan komen'', zei Guusje ter Horst (PvdA). Ook D66, SP, GroenLinks en 50PLUS zijn tegen het plan.

Volgens Margreet de Boer (GroenLinks) wordt met het wetsvoorstel ''verwijtbare naïviteit'' strafbaar. Kan een vrachtwagenchauffeur die kunstmest aflevert bij een loods ook vervolgd worden als later blijkt dat er een hennepkwekerij is gevestigd, vroeg De Graaf zich af.

Het gaat om gevallen wanneer ''elk weldenkend mens het handelen achterwege had gelaten'', aldus de minister, dus om ''verwijtbaar wegkijken''. Onoplettendheid en onachtzaamheid vallen hier volgens Opstelten niet onder.

Een motie van de PvdA om een commissie in te stellen die het Nederlandse softdrugsbeleid tegen het licht moet houden, wees Opstelten van de hand. ''Ik heb geen behoefte aan een commissie.''
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 5 november 2014 @ 10:01:27 #48
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 5 november 2014 @ 16:52:49 #49
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
California Voters Deal Blow To Prisons, Drug War

California approved a major shift against mass incarceration on Tuesday in a vote that could lead to the release of thousands of state prisoners.

Nonviolent felonies like shoplifting and drug possession will be downgraded to misdemeanors under the ballot measure, Proposition 47. As many as 10,000 people could be eligible for early release from state prisons, and it's expected that courts will annually dispense around 40,000 fewer felony convictions.

The state Legislative Analyst's Office estimates that the new measure will save hundreds of millions of dollars on prisons. That money is to be redirected to education, mental health and addiction services -- a novel approach that reformers hope will serve as a model in the larger push against mass incarceration.

The approval of the ballot measure could also help California grapple with massive overcrowding in its state prisons, which are still struggling to release enough inmates to comply with a 2011 U.S. Supreme Court order.

Although California once led the nation in tough-on-crime policies, like the state's infamous three-strikes felony law, Proposition 47 has led in every poll conducted since it was certified in June. The measure's supporters have been an eclectic bunch, from conservatives like Newt Gingrich and business tycoon B. Wayne Hughes Jr. to liberal performers like John Legend and Jay-Z.

The most vocal opponents of Proposition 47 were law enforcement officials who warned that the measure could make it harder to prosecute felony gun theft or possession of date-rape drugs.

At the same time, a few scattered law-and-order voices, like San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón, did come out in favor of the proposition, dismissing those concerns.

Reformers also vastly outspent law enforcement officials and their allies. The main coalition in favor of Proposition 47 raised $7 million as of mid-October, buoyed by contributions from the likes of Hughes, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and a foundation backed by the financier George Soros.

Californians Against Proposition 47, meanwhile, garnered less than $500,000 in the same time period. The state prison guard union -- often a formidable force in debates over mass incarceration -- sat the ballot measure debate out.

"The country seems to have come to a different place [...] I think, most fundamentally, because crime is down," Keith Humphreys, a drug addiction expert who supported the measure, told The Huffington Post in October. "When people are not feeling terrified, they're more willing to back off on the tough-on-crime stuff."
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 6 november 2014 @ 18:55:03 #50
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Saudi Arabia and Lebanon launch crackdown on “digital drugs” sold as MP3s

Authorities in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon have moved to clamp down on so-called “digital drugs” – audio files which claim to get you high.

The theory that you can buzz off “binaural beats” has largely been dismissed by scientists, but Lebanon’s Daily Star newspaper is reporting that Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi is pushing to ban the use of the audio files, which can be downloaded for a few dollars each. Saudi Arabia’s national drug control bodies are also having “urgent meetings” to try and prevent their spread, as Arab News reports. The panic follows a similar response in the United Arab Emirates in 2012, when a leading police official called for binaural beats to be dealt with like cannabis and ecstasy.

“Binaural beats” are said to work by playing two pure tones through headphones that combine to make a third ‘phantom’ tone, which induces an altered state. The type of high depends on which track you buy, with companies like i-Doser giving you the option to design your own trip for specific effects.

Most scientists are sceptical of the power of “digital dosing”, pointing out that there is virtually no evidence about their effects yet. Michael Casey, a computer science and music professor at Dartmouth College, told VICE News: “The idea that binaural beats or this very simple sound phenomenon is having an impact on a direct medical condition or a cognitive state such as sleep or increased focus is still a matter of further research at this point.”

We know you want to give it a whirl, so dip into some binauraul beats below.

Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 6 november 2014 @ 19:29:02 #51
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Raad Amsterdam wil experiment gereguleerde wietteelt

Burgemeester Eberhard van der Laan van Amsterdam heeft donderdag de gemeenteraad toegezegd te willen lobbyen voor een experiment met gereguleerde wietteelt. Een grote meerderheid in de raad stemde vandaag voor een motie die de burgemeester oproept voorbereidingen te starten voor zo'n experiment.
Van der Laan waarschuwde niet te hard van stapel te lopen door alvast te gaan experimenteren. 'Als we het doen, moeten we geloofwaardig blijven. Alvast een beetje beginnen zou ons kwetsbaar maken. Tempo maken met beleid voorbereiden is beter dan gaan provoceren. Ook Utrecht, Heerlen en Eindhoven zijn nog niet verder dan de planfase', zei Van der Laan.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 6 november 2014 @ 22:33:05 #52
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
jdscee twitterde op donderdag 06-11-2014 om 21:35:41 Silk Road 2.0's alleged owner arrested as drugs website shuttered by FBIhttp://t.co/XOn3dYAEINSilk Road 3 won't be far away. #warondrugs reageer retweet
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 7 november 2014 @ 22:31:36 #53
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Belastingbetalers krijgen geld terug.

Hickenlooper unveils next year's Colorado budget and taxpayer rebates

DENVER - There is some good news for taxpayers. Gov. John Hickenlooper's proposed $26.8 billion Colorado budget, unveiled Monday afternoon, includes two rebates for taxpayers.

Taxpayer rebates totaling $167.2 million are mandated by Colorado Taxpayer's Bill of Rights, assuming current law and the September forecast by the Office of State Planning and Budget.

A $30.5 million rebate for new marijuana taxes is coming. Total state marijuana revenue was different than what was projected in the election blue book for 2013's Proposition AA. Because the estimate was off, under TABOR, the state must refund the money being collected or ask voters again to keep it.

Hickenlooper said he'll let the legislature decide the nuts and bolts of the rebate.

"It will be important to engage the legislature when the session begins on the issue of marijuana rebates, and at this time, it would be unwise for the state to plan to spend any of those funds in advance of that discussion," Hickenlooper said.

Meanwhile, current revenue projections indicate a $136.6 million refund for revenue above the Referendum C cap in Fiscal Year 2015-16. If they materialize, the rebates would go out under existing formulas via tax credits or sales tax refunds when people file their 2016 taxes.

The budget allocates substantially increased funding for K-12 education -- some on a one-time basis -- continues strong support for higher education, and secures funding to complete construction projects already underway.

In Fiscal Year 2015-16, the General Fund will provide additional funding for transportation per the provisions of Senate Bill 09-228. The budget allocates $102.6 million under the statute's formulas.

"Colorado's economic activity continues to outperform the national expansion," Hickenlooper said. "Total employment and personal income have steadily increased for several years running. The state's unemployment rate stands at 4.7 percent, the lowest since 2008. Looking ahead, the most likely scenario is for the momentum to continue at a steady pace."
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  zaterdag 8 november 2014 @ 21:50:33 #55
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Die neonazi's zullen er vast een hoop centjes mee verdienen.

Zolang het illegaal is.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  maandag 10 november 2014 @ 23:33:28 #57
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Betogers hebben maandag de ingang van aankomst- en vertrekhallen van de internationale luchthaven van de Mexicaanse badplaats Acapulco geblokkeerd. Ze demonstreren vanwege de 43 studenten die in september in de plaats Iguala verdwenen.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 11 november 2014 @ 10:34:04 #58
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
The legalisation of marijuana isn't just about liberal values - it's about dollars

The tax revenues from marijuana in states where it has been legalised are relatively sizeable - is this one of the reasons why many places are consenting to pro-marijuana legislation?

On Tuesday, Oregon, Alaska and Washington D.C. voted in favour of pro-marijuana legislation. A vote in Florida won 58% support, falling just short of the required 60% threshold. Nearly 18 million Americans now live in states where marijuana is fully legal.

So, why is it that legislatures and voters in red states favourably lean towards what, on paper at least, would seem to be a liberal issue? One reason (at least when it comes to governments) might be to do with money.

One of the states they now join is Colorado, where marijuana was legalised (with some restrictions) last year. On average, the state now gets more tax revenues from the plant than from alcohol.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 11 november 2014 @ 10:35:49 #59
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
NYPD will stop arresting people for minor marijuana offenses

In policy shift, NYPD officers will soon have option to issue court summonses rather than arrest those caught with less than 25 grams of cannabis in open view

The New York police department, the largest in the US, will stop arresting people in possession of small amounts of marijuana, in a marked policy change that mayor Bill de Blasio said reflects his campaign promise to repair frayed relations between officers and the city’s minority communities.

Starting next week, NYPD officers will have the option to issue court summonses rather than arrest those caught with less than 25 grams of pot, the mayor and the NYPD police commissioner William Bratton announced during a joint press conference on Monday afternoon.

“When an individual is arrested, even for the smallest possession of marijuana, it hurts their chances to get a good job; it hurts their chances to get housing; it hurts their chances to qualify for a student loan,” DeBlasio said. “It can literally follow them for the rest of their lives and saddle young people with challenges that for many are very, very difficult to overcome.”

Under the new policy, people caught burning or smoking weed in public still face arrest. Other exceptions include those with outstanding warrants and people who can’t provide proper identification, Bratton said. If a police officer decides to issue a summons, the person will be given a ticket to appear in court and sent on their way. Officers will seize the marijuana, and take it back to the station for processing.

The fine for a first offense will be $100, which can go up to $250 for a second offense. Bratton said official guidelines would be released on Tuesday, and the policy would go into effect on 19 November. Officers are to undergo training this week.

The new policy is a sharp pivot from the “broken windows” crime-fighting strategy Bratton champions: tough enforcement of low-level crimes to stop offenders from committing more serious ones in the future. But he said on Monday he welcomes the opportunity to direct more resources to fighting serious, violent crime.

The policy is expected to curb the tens of thousands of arrests for low-level pot possession the NYPD makes each year. Research shows such arrests disproportionately affect black and Latino residents, even though white residents are as likely to use marijuana.

In the first eight months of 2014, 86% of the people arrested for marijuana possession were blacks and Latinos, according to the Marijuana Arrest Research Project.

Advocates offered lukewarm praise of the new policy, warning that summonses still entangle New Yorkers in the criminal justice system. A missed court date may result in arrest.

“We’re glad to see the consequences of a marijuana offense won’t include handcuffs and jail time,” said New York Civil Liberties Union executive director Donna Lieberman in a statement on Monday.

“But we’re still concerned that too many New Yorkers will become involved with the court system because of a small amount of marijuana. And because there is no required reporting on the demographics of who is issued summonses, we won’t be able to track the racial disparities that result from the new initiative.”

Summonses do not require race or ethnicity reporting, so it will be difficult to identify who police are ticketing.

The city’s five district attorneys met with the mayor and the police commissioner to discuss the new policy on Monday, Bratton said, adding that he believed all supported the move.

Earlier this year, the Brooklyn district attorney’s office announced it would stop prosecuting small-scale marijuana cases. In a memo, the district attorney, Kenneth Thompson, said the policy aimed to keep nonviolent offenders – who are disproportionately young men of color – out of the criminal justice system.

In response, Bratton said at the time that the city’s police officers would continue to enforce the law. On Monday, De Blasio said the disagreement between the district attorney and Bratton had been overstated.

In 1977, New York state legislature decriminalised the possession of small amounts of marijuana. Despite this, New York City persisted as the marijuana arrest capital of the world, according to the Drug Policy Alliance, a reform advocacy group.

Inimai Chettiar, director of the Justice Program with the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s School of Law, said the city’s action is reflective of a broader shift in criminal justice policy that moves away from the tough-on-crime measures of past decades, which resulted in record-level incarceration rates.

“This is very emblematic of a larger movement across the country that’s supported by conservatives and law enforcement alike,” she said. “Across the country there really is a unique bipartisan consensus that we need to focus law enforcement and criminal justice resources on the most serious offenders as opposed to low-level offenders … I think that this policy really positions New York as a leader in this area.”
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 12 november 2014 @ 22:54:12 #60
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Afghan opium crop set for record high

Helmand province remains country’s top opium-cultivating province, with drug money financing Taliban operations

The opium crop in Afghanistan will hit a new high this year, the United Nations has said, presenting a challenge to the country in tackling the trade that fuels the Taliban-led insurgency.

Opium cultivation has risen 7% year on year to 224,000 hectares, and production in 2014 may reach 6,400 tonnes – a 17% increase – according to a report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Afghanistan’s southern provinces, which have been disproportionately affected by the recent surge in violence, continued to drive overall production, with a 27% increase in yields.

In Helmand province, where British forces operated and the UK government spearheaded eradication efforts, opium cultivation appears to have stabilised. Nevertheless, it still remained the country’s top opium-cultivating province.

The report confirms how the international community’s efforts to reduce opium production in Afghanistan have been met by dismal failure. After the Taliban seized power in 1996, production rapidly grew. It fell back in 2001 – when the Taliban leader Mullah Omar declared opium to be un-Islamic. Since the US-led invasion of 2001 and the Taliban’s exit from Kabul, it has inexorably risen.

The money from opium sales finances Taliban operations, and also serves as a source of systemic corruption inside the Afghan government.

With much of the country slipping out of central control, eradication by local governors decreased by 63%. The number of fatalities during the campaign also dipped from 143 in 2013 to 13 in 2014.

The figures showed counter-narcotics efforts had failed, Jean-Luc Lemahieu, director for policy analysis and public affairs at the UNODC, said, but there was hope for success under the new government.

“[Changing] the economic incentives away from the illicit economy to the licit economy, now that’s a hell of a task, but that’s exactly what indeed this new government seems to stand for,” he said.

President Ashraf Ghani was inaugurated in late September, following months of tension followingafter a disputed election. The political wrangling has accelerated a sharp economic downturn caused by the withdrawal of foreign troops.

“For him the criminalisation of the economics and politics of Afghanistan is one of the main problems. It penetrates everything and anything he [Ghani] wants to achieve,” Lemahieu said.

A recent report by the US watchdog found that the opium economy employs 411,000 Afghans with jobs – more than the fledgling Afghan national security forces. The poppy industry still makes up 4% of Afghanistan’s estimated gross domestic product (GDP).

Ghani has a comprehensive plan to tackle the drug problem, Lemahieu said, including creating incentives for farmers to plant alternative crops and prosecuting smugglers.

The president, who wrote a book on how to fix failed states, has said the key to opium eradication is jobs. He has also suggested cotton could replace opium if the west scrapped tariffs on Afghan textiles. Poor Afghan farmers, however, point out that they can make far more money from opium than from other crops such as wheat.

The failure of the eradication campaigns has inspired some Afghanistan experts, such as the former UK ambassador to Afghanistan Sir William Patey, to come out endorsing legalisation of the drug.

“If we cannot deal effectively with supply, then the only alternative would seem to be to try to limit the demand for illicit drugs by making a supply of them available from a legally regulated market,” he said earlier this year.

The US has spent $7.6bn (£4.8bn) on counter-narcotics efforts in Afghanistan since ousting the Taliban in 2001, according to the US government watchdog for reconstruction, and ending Afghanistan’s illicit drug trade was listed as one of the reasons for deploying British troops to Afghanistan.The country remains the world’s biggest supplier of opium, producing 90% of illicit opiates.

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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 13 november 2014 @ 09:43:53 #61
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

“The reason some drugs are legal and others are not has nothing to do with science or health or the risk of drugs, and everything to do with who uses, and is perceived to use, certain drugs,” says Nadelmann during his TedGlobal talk. “If the principal smokers of cocaine were affluent older white men and the principal users of Viagra were young black men, using Viagra would land you time behind bars.”
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 13 november 2014 @ 17:04:03 #62
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mike Beebe, de gouverneur van de Amerikaanse staat Arkensas, is van plan gratie te verlenen aan iemand die gestraft werd voor het bezit van marihuana. Het is niet zomaar een veroordeelde, het is zijn zoon.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Wiet blijft splijtzwam in raad Tilburg

TILBURG - Het wietprobleem in Tilburg is kolossaal en neemt niet af. Maar de gemeenteraad bleek bij de begrotingsbehandeling opnieuw niet in staat tot een eensgezinde aanpak te komen.

Noordanus wil 2 miljoen euro afpakken van criminelen Tilburg
De recente uitspraak van de rechtbank in Groningen – hennepteelt is niet strafbaar – was aanleiding voor een motie om binnen drie maanden een proef te starten met gereguleerde teelt.

Net als eind 2012 kreeg die een ruime meerderheid (alleen CDA en TVP tegen), maar ook nu weigert burgemeester Noordanus die uit te voeren. Dat zijn Eindhovense collega wel die kant op wil, noemde hij 'politiek voor de bühne'. "De sleutel ligt op rijksniveau."

Noordanus mag met een budget van 1,5 miljoen en zeven nieuwe mensen wél de strijd aanbinden met de georganiseerde (wiet)criminaliteit die steeds meer grip krijgt op de bovenwereld.
Of noordanus krijgt zwart geld van de telers, of hij aast op de de post als opvolger van opstelten, wat die beste man nog bij de PVDA doet vraag ik me echt af. :')
Ruim 100 capsules met drugs in maag 11-jarige

Weer een slachtoffer van de War on Drugs.
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  donderdag 20 november 2014 @ 09:50:11 #66
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexico at breaking point as anti-government anger escalates

Corruption and violence threaten to destabilise country after mass murder of students and scandal over presidential home

Mexico is facing an escalating political crisis amid growing fury over a mansion built for the presidential family and the disappearance and probable massacre of 43 student teachers.

The two apparently unrelated issues have fed the widespread perception that unbridled political corruption is the underlying cause of the country’s many problems – ranging from stunted economic growth to a breakdown of law and order that has left parts of the country at the mercy of murderous drug cartels.

“The drama of Mexico is about impunity,” said leading political commentator Jesús Silva-Herzog. “This is not about the popularity or unpopularity of the president, that is irrelevant. It is about credibility and trust and, at its root, it is about legitimacy.”

Thousands of protestors are expected to join a mass demonstration planned for Thursday in Mexico City to protest over the disappearance of the students by municipal police in collusion with a local drug gang in the southern city of Iguala six weeks ago.

But the latest focus for anti-government anger is a video released late on Tuesday night by first lady Angélica Rivera in an attempt to mitigate a scandal over a multi-million minimalist white residence built to measure for her and President Enrique Peña Nieto in one of Mexico City’s most exclusive barrios.

The house is still owned by a subsidiary of a company with a long history of obtaining lucrative contracts from Peña Nieto administrations, dating back to his term as governor of the state of Mexico.

In her address, Rivera, a former telenovela star, said she was going to sell her interests in the house, but vehemently insisted there had never been any strings attached.

“I don’t want this to continue to be a pretext for offending and defaming my family,” she said.

Rivera said she had been paying for the house from the fruits of her labour earned during a 25-year long career within TV giant Televisa that ended in 2010 with the payment of 88.6 million pesos ($6.5m) and the transference of property of another luxurious residence that backs onto the controversial new mansion.

She said she had already paid about a third of the cost of the new home worth 54 million pesos ($4m), in accordance with a contract signed with the company over eight years.

She said she had met the company’s owner, who also happens to be a personal friend of the president, “like I meet many businessmen, professionals, and artists.”

The existence of the house was revealed 10 days ago by the website of leading Mexican journalist Carmen Aristegui.

But the the first lady’s attempt to turn the page of the scandal was met with widespread skepticism.

“There have always been rumours, but we have never before had documents that suggest that a president in office has participated in illegal operations,” commentator Silva-Herzog said, adding that he expected the unanswered key question to further fuel public skepticism and anger.

“This is the worst possible moment for a scandal of this kind.”

Rivera’s attempt to shake off the suggestion of wrong-doing came as the president adopted a new combative stance in the face of intensifying protests triggered by the disappearance of the 43 students in the southern city of Igualá on 26 September.

The students went missing after being arrested by municipal police who also participated in a series of attacks during the night that left six people dead.

Over time the focus of the protests has moved from demands for the return of the students alive, to disbelief at the government’sfailure to crack down on widespread collusion between law enforcement agencies and drug mafias.

The disappearance of the students has sparked numerous demonstrations in many parts of the country, which have been much more widespread than protests prompted by allegations of fraud in Peña Nieto’s electoral victory in 2012.

Unlike during the previous wave of dissent, the current protests have expressed anger at perceptions of corruption across the entire political class that is viewed as corrupt, not just Peña Nieto.

Peña Nieto had previously adopted a conciliatory tone, expressing sympathy for the victims’s families and promising a full and thorough investigation, but on Tuesday he used a speech to denounce violent outbreaks in some of the numerous demonstrations in recent weeks.

The violence, he said, “appears to respond to a general interest to destabilise and, above all, attack the national project that we are pushing forward”.

The harder line echoes some calls in the national press by commentators such as Ricardo Alemán who has begun regularly urging politicians to discard their “fear of governing”, and crack down radical elements in the demonstrations.

Other analysts, however, detect a menacing tone in the president’s words.

Silva-Herzog drew parallels with the language used by President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, who governed at the time of the watershed 1968 Tlatelolco massacre in which scores – and possibly hundreds – of pro democracy students were killed by government forces in Mexico City.

“It is dangerous because it polarizes the climate,” he said. “The solution has to start by recognizing the legitimate foundations of the collective irritation. The country has good reason to be angry.”

With Thursday’s key demonstration approaching on the 104th anniversary of the Mexican revolution, the authorities announced the cancellation of the annual military parade that usually fills the capital’s central streets on that day.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 21 november 2014 @ 11:15:45 #67
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
In de hoofdstad Mexico-Stad gooiden betogers molotovcocktails naar de oproerpolitie al voordat de demonstraties begonnen. Gewonden zijn er volgens de politie niet gevallen.

De sfeer werd grimmig toen drie verschillende protestmarsen het centrale plein in de hoofdstad bereikten. Daar ging onder meer de beeltenis van president Enrique Pena Nieto in vlammen op.

Sommige actievoerders botsten buiten het presidentieel paleis met de politie, die massaal aanwezig was om het gebouw te beschermen.

De verdwenen studenten werden op 26 september door de politie in de plaats Iguala meegenomen en overgeleverd aan een drugsbende. Sindsdien ontbreekt elk spoor. Sommige actievoerders droegen spandoeken met opschriften als ''de staat heeft het gedaan''. Ook familieleden van de verdwenen studenten liepen mee.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 25 november 2014 @ 14:56:26 #68
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
US judge sentences 'El Chapo' Guzmán associate to 22 years in prison for drug crimes

In sentencing Alfredo Vasquez-Hernandez, judge said he wanted to send a stern message to Hernandez and other Mexican cartel traffickers

A US judge sentenced a reputed lieutenant of captured Mexican drug lord Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman to 22 years in prison on Monday for his role in a $1b conspiracy to traffic narcotics to Chicago and other cities.

In sentencing Alfredo Vasquez-Hernandez, Chief US District Judge in Chicago Ruben Castillo said he wanted to send a stern message to Hernandez and other Mexican traffickers. Hernandez, 58, is one of 11 alleged traffickers indicted in Chicago, including Guzman himself. Hernandez was the first to be sentenced.

“I tell you on behalf of all citizens of Chicago ... we are tired of this drug trafficking,” Castillo told Hernandez, who minutes earlier apologized to the court and US government and asked Castillo to take pity on him.

The case is regarded as one of the US government’s most important against Mexican cartels. Guzman remains jailed in Mexico and Mexican authorities haven’t said if they might extradite him to Chicago.

The spotlight during and in the lead-up to Hernandez’s sentencing was on the credibility of two Sinaloa cartel associates-turned-government witnesses, Pedro and Margarito Flores.

Secret recordings and other evidence provided by the twin brothers in 2008 led to the Chicago indictments of Hernandez and 10 others, including Guzman and the Flores twins themselves.

Hernandez, of Mexico, was the first up for sentencing. He pleaded guilty to possessing drugs with intent to distribute.

Hernandez was a close friend of Guzman, using his logistical skills to ship tons of heroin and cocaine by train from Mexico to Chicago concealed in bogus furniture cargo, according to the Flores brothers.

But defense lawyers accused the brothers of exaggerating Hernandez’s rank in the cartel to curry favor with US prosecutors and ensure the lowest possible prison terms for themselves.

The twin brothers sought to hoodwink federal agents even after they agreed to cooperate, they allege.

Lawyers for Hernandez also cited court documents indicating the brothers – while behind bars working with the feds –had someone hide up to $2.5m in cash. From jail, they also allegedly bought a $100,000 Bentley as a gift for Pedro Flores’ wife.

Prosecutors say the Flores brothers cut deals with Guzman, Hernandez and others in the Sinaloa cartel to distribute drugs in the United States with Chicago as the operational hub.

The brothers claimed they sold up to two tons of cocaine a month in Chicago alone by 2007. They also supplied eight other cities, including New York, Los Angeles and Washington, DC.

In statements unsealed recently, the Flores twins said they know assassins would try to kill them and their families if the cartel ever discovered where they are being held in protective custody.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 25 november 2014 @ 15:04:40 #69
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
ggreenwald twitterde op dinsdag 25-11-2014 om 14:41:37 The movement to end the evils of drug criminalization has global momentum - proud to join the Advisory Board of @LEAPBrasil reageer retweet
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 25 november 2014 @ 22:02:28 #70
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexican authorities accused of persecuting peaceful protesters

Eleven demonstrators charged with attempted murder and riot after mass protest in capital over disappearance of 43 students

Human rights groups have accused Mexican authorities of using arbitrary detentions, trumped-up charges and excessive force in an attempt to quell a mass protest movement unleashed by the disappearance and presumed murder of 43 students.

The complaints centre on the indictment for attempted murder, criminal association and rioting of 11 protesters who were arrested after masked youths clashed with police in the central Zócalo square, following a huge and mostly peaceful march through the capital last Thursday.

Supporters of the 11 accused insist that they had nothing to do with the violence, alleging that several of the detainees were arrested later, during an aggressive police operation to disperse the crowd.

“There is no evidence that they did anything other than attend the march,” said Fernando Ríos of the Mexican human rights network All Rights for Everybody. “What we do know is that the police used excessive force as they cleared the Zócalo.”

Ríos said human rights groups fear the crackdown is associated with a recent statement by President Enrique Peña Nieto, who accused violent protesters of “kidnapping” the wave of indignation triggered by the disappearance of the 43 students after they were arrested by police in the southern city of Iguala.

“This is more than an attack on freedom of expression,” Ríos said. “It is an effort to discourage people from demonstrating for the truth and for justice in the face of an inoperative, ineffective state that only pretends to be acting in the case [of the students].”

The eight men and three women arrested on Thursday are now being held in high-security jails hundreds of miles from Mexico City. The detainees – most of whom are students – include a 47-year-old Chilean doctoral student, whose case has prompted demonstrations in the Chilean capital, Santiago.

In an interview on Radio Fórmula on Monday, the interior minister, Miguel Ángel Osorio, insisted that any detainees not involved in the violence “have nothing to worry about”.

He added that the police “passed from tolerance to action” in the face of violence at the march because “a majority of Mexicans are asking for a stop to this kind of behaviour”.

Videos and testimonies documenting the aggression of the police at some distance from the battles in front of the presidential palace have been widely circulated on social media.

These include the account of Layda Negrete, one of two lawyers behind a hit documentary called Presumed Guilty which exposed systematic abuses of due process in Mexico’s capital city.

After being pushed against shop fronts by riot police forcing back the mass of peaceful demonstrators, Negrete says officers shouted, “fucking bitches, is this why you wanted to come out and march?” while they attacked her and three other women with their truncheons and shields.

“It is very worrying that a march to repudiate crimes committed by police ended with more crimes committed by police,” the lawyer said.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 26 november 2014 @ 13:37:56 #71
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Dat meldt de politie woensdag. Het gaat om twee mannen van 20 en 21 jaar. De politie denkt dat ze de witte heroïne hebben aangeschaft terwijl ze dachten dat het cocaïne was.
Legaliseren, spul in het schap met etiketten er op. Keuringsdienst van waren lekker controleren bij de producent.

Probleem opgelost.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 27 november 2014 @ 19:18:17 #72
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
11 Burned Bodies Found in Troubled Mexican State

Eleven beheaded bodies were found Thursday in Mexico's troubled southern state of Guerrero, a region still reeling from the apparent massacre of 43 students.

The grisly discovery came as President Enrique Pena Nieto prepared to unveil a new security strategy in response to a wave of protests that erupted after a police-backed gang confessed to killing the 43 students.

In the latest carnage to hit Guerrero, 11 bodies were dumped on a road near the town of Chilapa following reports of a shootout, state and municipal officials said.

"In addition to being executed, the 11 people were decapitated and subsequently some were burned," said a state government official who requested anonymity.

A note was left near the bodies with a message addressed to the criminal group "Los Ardillos" (The Squirrels), with the words "here's your trash," the official said.

A state police officer said the bodies had high-caliber bullet wounds. The victims appeared to be in their 20s.

Chilapa is 40 kilometers (25 miles) east of Ayotzinapa, where the teacher-training college of the 43 students is located.

Authorities say the aspiring teachers, all young men, were rounded up by municipal police in the city of Iguala on September 26.

The case has become a tragic example of collusion between local authorities and organized crime in Mexico, a country struggling with drug violence that has left 100,000 people dead or missing since 2006.

On the eve of his announcement, Pena Nieto said the Iguala case was a "turning point for the nation."

"It is only a constructive, positive attitude that will allow us, society and government, to build the Mexico that we want and that we want to project to the entire world," he said.

Pena Nieto is expected to push for passage of dormant anti-corruption legislation and announce an overhaul of the country's municipal police forces.

Prosecutors say Iguala's mayor ordered his police force to confront a group of students over fears they would disrupt a speech by his wife.

Guerreros Unidos gang henchmen confessed to killing the students and incinerating their bodies after officers turned them over.

Pena Nieto will not be the first Mexican president to seek to reform the police.

Some 400,000 federal, state and municipal police forces across the country have undergone anti-corruption exams with polygraph tests, a system that began under his predecessor, Felipe Calderon.

The interior ministry said this month that 13 percent of municipal officers failed the exam, compared to 10 percent of state and six percent of federal forces.

The non-government organization Common Cause said this week that 42,214 federal, state and municipal police staff are still working despite failing the "control de confianza" (trust test).

"We have made it clear to governors ... that they must remove them from their positions," Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong. "None of them can be in the streets today, in any state, in any town."

When he took office in December 2012, Pena Nieto vowed to reduce the everyday violence besetting the country.

But he maintained the controversial militarized strategy of Calderon, who deployed 50,000 troops against the drug cartels in 2006.

Pena Nieto launched a crime prevention program, which officials acknowledged will take years to show results, and created a 5,000-strong militarized police force, the gendarmerie.

In an editorial, the national daily El Universal noted that past governments launched anti-crime measures in response to public discontent, with some positive results.

"But the depth of the problem is so large that these actions have not changed an indisputable fact in the perception of people, that crime continues to grow," it said.

"This time, the State's response will have to be stronger."

Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 27 november 2014 @ 20:47:14 #73
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
President Mexico grijpt in na studentendrama

De Mexicaanse president Enrique Peña Nieto gooit het veiligheidsapparaat van zijn land op de schop. Daarmee probeert hij een einde te maken aan de corruptie en de georganiseerde misdaad de kop in te drukken. Aanleiding is vooral de verdwijning van en vermoedelijke moord op 43 studenten twee maanden geleden.

Peña Nieto kondigde vandaag een reeks wijzigingen in de grondwet aan. Zo wil hij dat de gemeentepolitie verdwijnt en wordt vervangen door de landelijke politie. Verder moet de centrale regering meer bevoegdheden krijgen om lokaal in te grijpen als het gemeentelijke apparaat geïnfiltreerd blijkt door georganiseerde bendes.

Door de verdwijning van de studenten in de staat Guerrero eind september werden verbanden blootgelegd tussen criminelen, politie en politici. Zo is de voormalige burgemeester van de Mexicaanse plaats Iguala, waar de 43 studenten verdwenen, José Luis Abarca Velázquez, gearresteerd en officieel van moord en doodslag beschuldigd.

Pena Nieto werd twee jaar geleden gekozen omdat hij bezwoer de rust in het land te zullen herstellen. Sinds 2007 zijn al 100 duizend mensen om het leven gekomen in de oorlog tussen allerlei drugsbendes. Sinds de verdwijning van de studenten eist de bevolking dat hij zijn belofte gestand doet.

Opnieuw mensen vermoord

Vandaag nog zijn elf nieuwe lichamen gevonden, de meeste onthoodfd, aan de kant van de weg in het zuidwesten van Mexico. Volgens het Openbaar Ministerie werden de lichamen gevonden in Chilapa, in dezelfde provincie waar de studenten zijn ontvoerd.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 28 november 2014 @ 18:21:09 #74
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
'Doing life when no one died': Prop 47 ends 'insane' drug penalties in California

Public defenders applaud ballot initiative’s passage after decades under harsh three-strikes law offering ‘strong incentive to arrest’

Russell Griffith, a deputy public defender in the Los Angeles crucible known as Compton, had strong words to describe the criminal justice system: “inhumane”, “stupid”, “insane”, and “completely screwed up”.

Seated on the eighth floor of Compton’s courthouse, his view obstructed by bulletproof glass, the veteran attorney let rip in an outspoken interview this week, denouncing a system in which he has worked for 25 years.

Griffith cast California’s network of police, courts and jails, the embodiment of the rule of law, as a cross between Kafka and Tom Wolfe’s novel The Bonfire of the Vanities, which he lauded as an accurate depiction of judicial dysfunction.

“Everyone has gone along with this big lie – our own version of the cheque is in the post,” said Griffith, who is paid by the state to represent those who cannot afford an attorney. “Everyone is part of this giant system that funds the machine – I’m including us, public defenders. We have all had our bread buttered by this. And it has been at the expense of generations of Latino and, above all, African American men.”

He was excoriating California’s draconian sentencing policies and America’s war on drugs, follies which produced needless mass incarceration, he said.

But during a tour of the courthouse, a 14-storey structure which towers over a landscape of gritty bungalows and discount stores, the public defender kept cracking a smile.

The reason was the legal thunderclap resounding through the corridors he considered a second home. “It’s a game changer,” said Griffith, 57. “In this job you lose most of the time. But now you actually have the law in your favour. It’s all gravy.”

He was referring to Proposition 47, a ballot initiative which Californians approved on 4 November in a rare victory for progressives on the day conservative Republicans swept congressional races across the US.

The measure reduces penalties for drug and other non-violent crimes, triggering instant releases for hundreds of inmates and shortening jail time for potentially tens of thousands of others. Combined with other reforms, it effectively ends America’s most notorious tough-on-crime experiment.

In 1994, California’s three-strikes law required courts to impose harsh sentences on habitual offenders. Dozens of other states subsequently adopted their own versions, fuelling an explosion in the US jail population, which grew from around 300,000 in 1986 to more than 2.4 million by 2014, rivaling China for the world’s highest incarceration rate. African Americans were jailed at nearly six times the rate of white people.

Compton, a poverty-stricken 10-square mile city of 97,000 souls in south LA, filled a disproportionate number of prison bunks. This, after all, was home to the rap group NWA, which scorched into popular culture with the double platinum album Straight Outta Compton, featuring tracks like Fuck Tha Police and Gangsta Gangsta. Bullet holes pockmarked the courthouse.

Griffith, paid by the state to defend clients who could not afford their own lawyers, watched the system flip from excessive lenience – in the 1970s you could kill and get just three years – to excessive harshness. “When three-strikes came in, that’s when everything became completely insane,” he said. “People were doing life for cases where no one died.”

Gun possession triggered ever-longer mandatory terms, regardless of whether the gun was unloaded and stuck in a waistband, or loaded and stuck in someone’s face. Possessing heroin or crack cocaine became a felony.

“It gave cops an enormously strong incentive to arrest people because they were cheap statistics,” Griffith said.

Police routinely testified that upon their approach, “startled” suspects “dropped” rocks of crack cocaine, a lie giving a legal pretext to search, said Griffith. “It kept the whole machinery going.”

Police got collars, courts got cases and prisons – which multiplied exponentially – got inmates. “These were largely victimless crimes. Incarcerating people on drugs charges is just absurd. But it was essentially funding the system.”

Carole Telfer, 60, another veteran public defender, said felony convictions condemned vulnerable people to unemployment and lack of federal assistance after lengthy terms inside. “It just ruins their life,” she said. “You can’t in good conscience handle all these cases and say it’s fair.”

Griffith said a zip code lottery compounded injustice. In heavily black and latino areas like Compton and Inglewood, juries were sceptical of police testimony and prosecutors tailored cases accordingly, resulting in lighter sentences. Locals nicknamed Compton the “love court” for its relatively sympathetic hearings.

Griffith called it a model of cooperation and camaraderie between clerks, prosecutors, public defenders, and judges. Wealthy areas like Torrance and Long Beach, in contrast, were more polarised and imposed heavier sentences. “Old white people sending a message: don’t come to our town or you’ll get screwed. Venue is everything.”

Both lawyers have been victims of crime. Griffith was badly beaten and robbed. Telfer had a shotgun pointed at her during a robbery. As citizens, they said they wanted dangerous people kept off the streets. Focusing on largely harmless drug users diverted police from chasing murderers, rapists, and child molesters, they said.

Both believe California’s lock-’em-up spree blurred the distinction between bad people and people who had done bad or stupid things. “Draconian sentencing seems inhumane. We’re saying this person is beyond redemption,” said Griffith.

Defence lawyers may be expected to say such things, but the nation’s top law-enforcer, attorney general Eric Holder, said much the same when changing federal jail policy last year.

California voters, fed up with huge prison bills and emboldened by low crime rates, also agree. In 2012, they approved proposition 36, which eased the three-strikes law, and earlier this month they approved proposition 47. It reclassifies common drug violations and certain thefts – about a quarter of all crimes - from potential felonies to misdemeanours. Inmates serving felony sentences for such offences have a three-year window to apply for reduced sentences.

An estimated 40,000 are eligible. In Compton, 115 have already been freed, with more due as the courts work through the backlog. Telfer is the designated attorney for such cases, which means continuous calls from clients and their relatives. Her phone rang about two dozen times while she spoke to the Guardian.

“We’re kind of inundated,” she said.

Prosecutors are unhappy. Jackie Lacey, the LA county district attorney, said in a phone interview she agreed with reclassifying minor offences as misdemeanours but said the new law created new problems.

A felony charge encouraged offenders to do drug rehab if offered as an alternative to jail, but a misdemeanour strips that incentive because county jails have no space for those charged with lesser offences. “Just a few minutes and they’re out. You have removed that leverage,” said Lacey.

The law also raises the hurdle for proving dangerousness, meaning prosecutors may struggle to keep violent offenders inside. “There are unintended consequences here,” she said. Even so, the DA pledged to apply the law as the will of the people.

Compton’s public defenders shared concerns about addicts skipping rehab and also about thieves feeling emboldened to steal goods valued up to $950, a misdemeanour.

But it was a small price, said Griffith, for correcting a system which jailed generations of essentially harmless people. “It’s a brave new world. We’re doing what we’re supposed to do: getting people out of custody who are supposed to be out of custody.”
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 29 november 2014 @ 09:35:54 #75
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Global Drug Survey 2015: why you should tell us what you take

Help us in this scientific research to find out the world’s drug consumption patterns. See what we learned from last year’s study and what we hope to find out in this one
For the last few years the Guardian has been collaborating with the Global Drug Survey to find out about what drugs people take, how and why. If you have not already done it then you can take the survey here.

Last year 80,000 people from across the globe completed the survey on their drug usage, making it the largest research project of its kind. It gives us a wealth of information about how people were approaching the consumption of substances both legal and illegal.
The aim of this year’s survey is to to reach 120,000 people. It has been launched in partnership with media organisations in20 different countries and has been translated into 10 separate languages.

The study will, as always, look at prevalence, price, purity, value for money and the proportion of people seeking medical treatment but there are a few specific areas that will be explored this year including:

Performance enhancing drugs - weight loss agents and anabolic steroids
Cognitive enhancers - Ritalin, modafanil and atomoxetine use among students and working people
The dark net - now Silk Road has closed, how are people buying drugs online?
Nitrous oxide - the risks of neurological harm from this drug
E-cigarettes - whether these might be used for something other than nicotine
Why do people stop using different drugs - and when?

Completing the survey will help us cover a subject which is, for obvious reasons, often shrouded in secrecy. The researchers do not track or store IP addresses, browser types, or other identifying information. As always though, caution is suggested when sending information over the internet.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zondag 30 november 2014 @ 19:20:10 #76
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Drugscriminaliteit fatale slag toegebracht!

Op een na grootste drugsvondst ooit in haven Rotterdam

De douane heeft in de Rotterdamse haven zeker drieduizend kilo cocaïne gevonden. Het is de op een na grootste vangst ooit in de Rotterdamse haven, zo meldt het Openbaar Ministerie zondag.

De smokkelwaar werd vrijdag ontdekt bij een Rotterdams havenbedrijf in een container met cassaves, eetbare wortelknollen, die uit Costa Rica kwam. De drugs zaten in 3.003 pakketten met een brutogewicht van in totaal 3.500 kilo.

De cocaïne heeft een straatwaarde van ruim 120 miljoen euro en is inmiddels vernietigd.

In de haven van Rotterdam is tot nu toe één keer een grotere drugsvangst gedaan. In 2005 werd ruim 4.200 kilo cocaïne verstopt in enorme haspels gevonden.
Alle cokeheads moeten nu afkicken ;(
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 1 december 2014 @ 17:40:53 #77
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Tabare Vazquez won Uruguay’s presidential election on Sunday in a show of support for the leftist coalition that has governed the country for the past decade and allows the government to proceed with its plan to create the world’s first state-run marijuana marketplace.

Vazquez, a 74-year-old oncologist who was president from 2005 to 2010, topped center-right rival Luis Lacalle Pou of the National Party 53% to 40%.

The runoff vote drew international attention after Lacalle Pou promised to undo much of the pioneering plan to put the government in charge of regulating the production, distribution and sale of marijuana on a nationwide scale.

Vazquez said he would proceed with it, unless it produced negative results.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op zondag 30 november 2014 19:20 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:
Drugscriminaliteit fatale slag toegebracht!


Alle cokeheads moeten nu afkicken ;(
En morgen komt er gewoon net zoveel weer binnen en dat wordt niet gepakt. Achja kunnen typetjes als Opstelten en Teeven vanavond weer een borrel drinken en vieren dat hun aanpak werkt :')
  dinsdag 2 december 2014 @ 01:01:21 #79
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mens consumeert al miljoenen jaren alcohol

Onze voorvaders consumeerden vermoedelijk al miljoenen jaren geleden alcohol. Dat blijkt uit Amerikaans onderzoek. De conclusie haalt eerdere aannames onderuit; er werd altijd gedacht dat mensen pas negenduizend jaar alcohol consumeerden.

De biologen van het Sante Fe College in Gainesville (Verenigde Staten) bekeken wanneer in de evolutie het enzym ADH4 opdook. Dat enzym is nodig om alcohol af te kunnen breken. Het blijkt dat de voorvaders van de mens al zeker tien miljoen jaar geleden het enzym in hun lichaam hadden.

Dat gaf een evolutionair voordeel. Zo'n 15 miljoen jaar geleden veranderde het klimaat drastisch, en daarmee ook de leefomgeving van onze voorvaders in Oost-Afrika. Als gevolg daarvan gingen zij meer fruit eten dat op de grond was gevallen, in plaats van fruit dat zij uit bomen plukten. Gevallen fruit bevat meer ethanol - een alcoholsoort - en dankzij het enzym kon dat worden afgebroken na consumptie. Andere diersoorten konden dat niet.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  woensdag 3 december 2014 @ 09:08:33 #81
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
NWS / Alcohol niet schadelijk voor puberbrein

Dan zullen coke en XTC helemaal geen schade aan het puberbrein toebrengen.

Legalize! *O*
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 4 december 2014 @ 15:47:15 #82
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Heroïnetesten te koop in Amsterdam

In zeker dertig smartshops in Amsterdam zijn vanaf vrijdag testen te koop die kunnen aantonen of gekochte drugs witte heroïne bevatten. Dit moet voorkomen dat er nog meer slachtoffers vallen door het gebruik van de harddrugs.

Dat zei burgemeester Eberhard van der Laan vandaag tegen de gemeenteraad. Ook zijn er speciale teams op straat die de testen - die 2 euro per stuk kosten - bij zich hebben. Via matrixborden, posters, flyers en social media worden bezoekers van de stad gewezen op de mogelijkheid de drugs te controleren.

Mocht er sprake zijn van heroïne, dan wordt verzocht contact op te nemen met de GGD. Op die manier hoopt de gemeente de dealer te kunnen opsporen.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Ook op hun eigen eiland zijn Britse jongeren niet veilig
Niet alleen Amsterdam is levensgevaarlijk voor Britten die willen experimenteren met drugs. Ook op hun eigen eiland vallen jonge Engelsen ten prooi aan de gevaren van vage genotsmiddelen.

Twee broers van 19 en 20 jaar oud stierven in een kamer boven een pub in de buurt van Manchester, nadat ze xtc hadden gebruikt. Volgens de politie hadden de jongens de drugs op internet gekocht.

De broers, afkomstig van het eiland Man, stierven volgens de Daily Mail aan een overdosis mdma, de werkzame stof in xtc.

In Amsterdam ontstond de afgelopen tijd veel beroering nadat drie Britse toeristen stierven aan een overdosis heroïne. Afgelopen maanden lieten meerdere mensen het leven na het gebruik van mdma.

XTC ga je dood aan!!1!! Verbieden!!1!!!!
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
  vrijdag 5 december 2014 @ 23:29:55 #84
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
UN: parents of missing Mexican student teachers are at risk and need protection

High Commission for Human Rights says parents and protesters have been put at risk by a social media campaign to ‘vilify and insult’ their sons

The UN High Commission for Human Rights has warned that the parents of 43 Mexican students who disappeared after they were attacked by police have been put at risk by a campaign to demonise their missing sons.

Javier Hernández, the representative in Mexico for the UN High Commission, told the Guardian that the parents – and protesters calling for justice – needed protection amid a campaign to denigrate the trainee teachers who vanished 10 weeks ago.

“Some are starting to vilify and insult the disappeared students and demonise their parents and their demands,” said Hernández. “The vast wave of protest generated by the case of the 43 students needs to be protected.”

The disappearance of the students – apparently at the hands of corrupt local police in league with a criminal gang – has triggered a wave of demonstrations against violence and criminality enabled by the country’s deep-rooted political corruption. More protests are planned in the country’s capital on Saturday.

Several previous marches in the city ended with outbreaks of violence – fuelled by heavy handed police tactics and the alleged presence of agents provocateurs among the protesters.

The street fighting has partly drawn attention away from the collective disgust at the collusion between criminals and local authorities, which lay behind the attack on the students on 26 September in the southern city of Iguala. The students were set upon by police – allegedly acting on the orders of the local mayor – and then handed over to a local drug gang called Guerreros Unidos.

Fernandez said he was particularly worried about jeers and insults directed at the missing students posted on social networks.

“Unfortunately, these attitudes are affecting the way demonstrations are being handled and the police response to the violence in some of the protests,” he said.

Hostile reaction to the students has often focused on the radical reputation of their teacher training college in the town of Ayotzinapa. Two of the country’s most famous guerrillas from the 1970s studied at the college, and the curriculum includes classes on “social struggle”. The disappeared students had gone to Iguala, two hours’ drive away, to commandeer buses to use in a later protest.

The anti-student tweets included dismissals of the missing as “bloody vandals”, alongside racist slurs and references to their poverty. Numerous jokes have used the government’s announcement that it believes the students were probably massacred in a rubbish dump and burned on a huge funeral pyre. One this week read: “The Hunger Games: Ayotzinapos in Flames”.

Hernandez visited Ayotzinapa earlier this week to support the families there, and he called upon other organizations to make similar gestures. He also warned that arbitrary arrests at protests threatened people’s right to protest.

The families and their supporters have called on the government to ensure that the students are returned alive, but the protests have tapped into anger over general violence and impunity.

Emiliano Navarrete, whose 17-year-old son José Angel is one of the missing, said: “People feel impotent and angry for good reason. The president has to take responsibility. The army was there and it did nothing. The federal government knew what kind of government there was in Iguala. It knew Iguala was a clandestine cemetery.”

Omar Garcia, one of several Ayotzinapa students who survived the attack, said the incident had crystalised the widespread sense that political corruption was driving Mexico’s descent into violence. Garcia has received death threats since the incident but played down the risk he faced. “We are all vulnerable before the alliance of organized crime and the state,” he said.

Fury at the government’s handling of the investigation has been further fueled by its failure to acknowledge the depth of its own crisis of credibility.

Leading the efforts to contain the damage to Mexico’s international image, the undersecretary for multilateral affairs and human rights, Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo, rejected accusations that the government has been too focused on its economic agenda to tackle violent crime and corruption.

“[The disappearance of the 43 students] is a big challenge but it does not mean we were not working on these issues before,” he told the Guardian. “It sounds a warning and tells the people, the government, and the private sector that economic reforms will never bear their fruit if rule of law does not prevail.”

Last week President Enrique Peña Nieto announced a 10-point package of measures he promised would strengthen the rule of law. Several were focused on corruption in local police forces. None addressed federal responsibility.

There has still been no serious explanation of why soldiers based in Iguala did not intervene to help the students during the attack, little more than a mile from their barracks.

Guillermo Valdez, a former head of the national intelligence agency, told the Guardian it was unlikely that the security services were not fully aware of longstanding accusations that the mayor of Iguala headed a kind of co-government in the city with Guerreros Unidos.

“It’s very likely they knew,” he said.

The president’s invocation of the chant “Todos Somos Ayotzinapa”, or “We Are All Ayotzinapa”, during his announcement also prompted derision during the last mass protest on Monday.

The president has yet to visit either Ayotzinapa or Iguala. On Thursday, he made his first visit to Guerrero since the disappearance of the students. While inaugurating a new bridge, he called for “a collective effort to move forward so that we can truly leave behind this painful movement”.

Some analysts suggest the government’s strategy centres on the hope that the movement has peaked and will begin to fade away.

“It seems they are trying to buy a little time with the measures, hoping that things will calm down a bit over the Christmas holidays,” said Valdez. “It is a serious error not to address the problem of credibility because [even if things do calm down] another event like Iguala will fire things up again.”

Saturday’s march will be headed by parents and students from Ayotzinapa, but the protest has also drawn mass support from independent trade unions and campesino groups – as well as students and human rights campaigners.

“[The parents’] presence is the constant reminder that the government is not fulfilling its most basic functions,” he said. “The government and the political class lacks moral standing, and the parents are overflowing with it.”

The movement is also mining Mexican history for symbols that reflect the tradition of the struggle for justice. Saturday’s march coincides with the 100th anniversary of the entrance into Mexico City of the most popular figures from the Mexican revolution, Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa.

“The date symbolizes a lot. It contains the message that people are looking for real change,” says student leader Garcia, who will head the protest in Mexico City.

Garcia says the movement is currently seeking to harness the anger in a common agenda of clear demands, a difficult task given the multiplicity of visions; it is not yet clear how much can be achieved.

“The 26th of September is already a historic date,” he said. “Everything goes out of fashion, but we are not going to go away.”
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Twintig jaar cel voor Nederlandse drugsbaron in Groot-Brittannië
Gepubliceerd: 05 december 2014 20:30 Laatste update: 05 december 2014 20:45

Een Nederlandse drugsbaron is in Groot-Brittannië veroordeeld tot twintig jaar cel. Een handlanger moet zestien jaar de cel in.

Het tweetal werd schuldig bevonden aan een spectaculaire poging om meer dan honderd kilo cocaïne te smokkelen.

De drugs zaten verstopt bij de schroef van een vrachtschip. Duikers hadden die daar midden in de nacht moeten weghalen met een onderwaterscooter. ''Het was als iets uit een film van James Bond'', aldus de Britse National Crime Agency vrijdag.

De lading cocaïne was volgens justitie tientallen miljoenen waard. De zwaarste straf is voor de 68-jarige Henri van D. uit Aalsmeer. Zijn zoon en kleinzoon stonden ook terecht, maar werden vrijgesproken. Arnold van M. werd veroordeeld tot zestien jaar cel.

Cape Maria
De Britse autoriteiten hadden in mei 108 kilo cocaïne gevonden bij het schip Cape Maria, dat uit Colombia kwam. Het schip lag voor anker in een baai aan de westkust van Schotland. In een nabijgelegen hotel werden drie Nederlanders opgepakt.

De politie nam duikmateriaal, een opblaasboot en een onderwaterscooter in beslag. Van D. werd een dag later gearresteerd in Aalsmeer. Hij had het schip vanuit huis gevolgd. In augustus werd hij uitgeleverd.

Uit onderzoek bleek dat het Colombiaanse schip dit jaar twee keer eerder in Groot-Brittannië was geweest. Bij het tweede bezoek, in maart, sliepen de vier verdachten ook in een hotel in de buurt. Het is niet bekend of ze toen ook drugs wilden smokkelen.

Op de computer van Van D. werd ook informatie gevonden over twee andere schepen. Bij een daarvan werd in april 148 kilo cocaïne gevonden bij de schroef. Dat was in de haven van Rotterdam. Het schip voer door naar Engeland. Wederom sliepen de verdachten daar in de buurt. Bij het andere schip vond de Nederlandse douane in maart 123 kilo cocaïne.

Eerdere zaak
Van D. was rond de eeuwwisseling hoofdverdachte in een grote drugszaak. Hij werd ervan verdacht van maart 1995 tot juni 1999 betrokken te zijn geweest bij de export van 500 kilo synthetische drugs met een straatwaarde van 170 miljoen gulden.

De pillen werden volgens justitie afgezet op de Britse markt. De man werd echter vrijgesproken, mede door blunders van justitie.
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
  zaterdag 6 december 2014 @ 12:29:17 #86
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Burgemeester Mexico had eigen politiekorps

De omstreden oud-burgemeester José Velázquez van de Mexicaanse plaats Iguala had een 'schaduwpolitie' met agenten die alleen verantwoording aan hem aflegden.

Het gaat om tussen de negentig en honderd agenten die niet op de loonlijst van de politie stonden, maar wel politietaken uitvoerden en mogelijk zelfs misdaden pleegden.

Dat zei Jorge Hurtado van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken tegen de krant La Jornada.

Velázquez is beschuldigd van onder meer moord op 43 studenten die eind september verdwenen in de staat Guerrero. De studenten werden door de politie in Iguala meegenomen en overgeleverd aan een drugsbende, die ze heeft gedood. Mogelijk waren de agenten van de 'schaduwpolitie' daarbij betrokken.

Het privekorps bestond uit gewapende mannen die geen vertrouwenstest hadden ondergaan, wat in Mexico verplicht is. Volgens de regering heeft de politie-eenheid van Velázquez corruptie en geweld in het gebied in de hand gewerkt.

Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 6 december 2014 @ 12:52:01 #87
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
A judge has given an absolute discharge to a man charged with trafficking marijuna after police raided his Lions Bay home and found 414 marijuana plants, although almost half most were seedlings.

Michael Santos, an audio engineer with no criminal record, pleaded guilty to possessing about three kilograms of marijuana for trafficking.

The police raid took place on Feb. 28, 2013, when a battering ram was used to break the front door when no one immediately answered at Santos’ rental home, where he lived with his wife and two children.


But the judge granted Santos’ request for an absolute discharge, noting Santos was an otherwise law-abiding, respected member of the community and a good family man, so his crime was one of very low moral culpability, akin to violating a regulation.

“His conduct was not dangerous or antisocial and recent polls suggest that a majority of Canadians do not believe such conduct should be the subject of criminal sanctions,” the judge said.

The judge added that law makers should seriously consider amending or repealing Canada’s marijuana laws, to bring them in line with today’s values.

“When it becomes common for persons of good character to willingly and knowingly conduct themselves in violation of a law, which is widely seen to be unwarranted or unjust or unfair, this should cause those who enact our laws and who are tasked with enforcing or upholding the law to give serious consideration to the repeal or amendment of that law to bring it into accord with modern social values,” Challenger said.

- Read the entire article at Metro.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 6 december 2014 @ 12:53:14 #88
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Houston Police Chief Calls Drug War A 'Miserable' Failure, Says Feds Need To Lead Reform

The drug war is a "miserable" failure and the federal government needs to take the lead on reforming marijuana policy, Houston Police Chief Charles McLelland said Friday in a radio interview.

"Most of us understand, we do believe, those of us that are law enforcement executives, that the war on drugs, the 1980 drug policies, was a miserable failure, there's no doubt about that," McLelland said to Dean Becker, host of "Cultural Baggage," a radio show focused on the war on drugs.

Law enforcement needs to find the "most efficient and effective" ways to keep communities safe, McLelland said, and in order to do that, "we have to think differently about crime, crime prevention, drug rehabilitation, substance abuse, mental illness -- there's a whole host of things that we need to treat differently than we did 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 15 years ago."

McClelland is the police chief of a city that's home to more than 2 million people, and is the fourth most populous city in the U.S., behind New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. The drug war, he said, has "disproportionately criminalized a certain segment of our population," namely young minority men. "It has a trickle-down effect, that a lot of young men who are minorities, in their early 20s, have a felony conviction on their resume, and now they're unemployable. And we wonder why they don't have jobs, they're not working, they're not contributing to society in a productive way, but we've put them in a position to where the odds are stacked against them."

According to a recent study from the American Civil Liberties Union, while black and white Americans use marijuana at about the same rate, across the nation in 2010, blacks were nearly four times more likely than whites to be arrested on charges of marijuana possession. In Texas that same year, blacks were about twice as likely as whites to be arrested for marijuana, and Texas was second only to New York for the most arrests for marijuana in the U.S.

"Have we ... stopped the flow of drugs coming from other countries into the United States?" McLelland asked. "I would say we've done very little because of our appetite and consumption. If there was not a market here in the United States, people would not be bringing drugs and contraband into our country."

Indeed, while the U.S. government spent between $40 billion and $50 billion a year fighting the war on drugs between 2000 and 2010, American spending on illicit substances remained about the same at about $100 billion per year, according to a recent RAND report.

During the interview, McLelland also called for the federal government to take the lead on reforming marijuana policies and not simply leave it up to states to change their laws. To date, 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical purposes, and four states and the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana.

"In my opinion, the federal government must take the lead into setting our drug policies, otherwise you will have all of these different states or different local, state governments coming up with different policies when it comes to certain drugs such as marijuana," McLelland said.

Under the Controlled Substances Act, the federal government classifies marijuana as one of "the most dangerous" drugs available, "with no currently accepted medical use," alongside heroin and LSD. McLelland explained that law enforcement is part of the executive branch of government, and as long as the federal government continues ban marijuana, it puts police departments in a bind.

"The federal government still classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, and it's a federal crime; it's very difficult for states to do that in a way that it doesn't put law enforcement in conflict with enforcing their oath of office," McLelland said. "And that's why the federal government has to decide: Is marijuana just as dangerous as cocaine, heroin? I don't know, but they're going to have to do that. And if it's something that should be changed, then take it off the list [of banned substances]."

Several lawmakers have introduced legislation that would significantly decrease the federal government's ability to interfere with state-legal marijuana operations or that would fully legalize marijuana at the federal level. And while Congress has failed to pass any of those bills, attitudes are changing rapidly on marijuana policy.

While Texas has legalized neither medical nor recreational marijuana, marijuana prohibition in the state appears to be on shifting ground. Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson announced that beginning in October her office wouldn't pursue criminal charges against first-time offenders in possession of less than 2 ounces of marijuana. And Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) said earlier this year that while he doesn't support full legalization, he does support decriminalization of marijuana use.

Even in the historically conservative state of Texas, McLelland said, he believes marijuana policy could be changing soon, and a majority of state voters appear to agree with him. A 2013 survey from Marijuana Policy Project found 58 percent of state voters support making recreational marijuana legal for adults and regulating the substance like alcohol. An even higher percentage of voters supported removing criminal penalties for possession.

"I do think that you're going to see some movement, and even here in the state of Texas -- and we have been known to be a little conservative here just as a state -- but the support and growing interest in changing some of our marijuana laws, even from Gov. Perry, shows you that people are beginning to think about this issue differently, and they know that we've got to do something different than what we're doing."

Listen to the full interview here.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 8 december 2014 @ 22:31:55 #89
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
Eis 20 jaar tegen vermeende moordenaar van drugsinformant Guido Kosterman
Tegen de van moord op Guido Kosterman verdachte Alberto T. is gisteren 20 jaar celstraf geëist door het Openbaar Ministerie in Maastricht. Kosterman was informant van de Criminele Inlichtingen Dienst in Utrecht en heeft dat in het milieu met de dood moeten bekopen.

Guido Kosterman.

In een loods in Maastricht, waar hij vaak met zijn maatje Alberto verbleef, werd hij begin december 2012 dagenlang gemarteld tot de dood erop volgde. Alberto T. is tot nu toe de enige verdachte in de zaak.

Hij ontkent dat hij Guido heeft vermoord, maar andere verdachten zijn niet in beeld gekomen. Nadat de telefoon van de Wijkenaar werd gestolen, was Kosterman meteen in gevaar. Op zijn telefoon stonden namelijk in het geheim opgenomen gesprekken met drugsrunners. Hij dook onder in een loods in Maastricht waar zijn maatje T. een bandenhandel was begonnen in een loods.

Het laatste levensteken van de 25-jarige man was een sms'je aan zijn vader waarin hij om geld vroeg. Hoewel hij niet veel contact met zijn familie had, belde hij nog regelmatig met zijn vader. Het contact werd op 4 december abrupt verbroken, waarna zijn vader hem als vermist opgaf.

Half verbrand
Later werd Guido onder wat spullen en half verbrand gevonden in de tuin achter de loods. Alberto heeft hem via een raam naar buiten weten te krijgen. Hij houdt vol dat hij niet de dader is, maar in paniek raakte toen hij het lichaam ontdekte.

Wel zou hij geweten hebben dat Guido mensen in het milieu verlinkte aan de politie. In het criminele circuit wordt hard afgerekend met verklikkers, maar zo grof als bij Guido is zelden vertoond. De jonge man werd dagenlang voor zijn uiteindelijke dood geslagen en met allerlei voorwerpen bewerkt.

Hij had letsel aan zijn vingers, ribben, tenen, neusbot en schedel. Zijn linkernier was gescheurd en er waren onderhuidse bloedingen, bleek bij sectie. Op de restanten van het lichaam werden ook sporen gevonden van een heet voorwerp dat tegen zijn rug zou zijn gedrukt. In zijn schedel werden metaalsplinters gevonden, vermoedelijk van het fitnessapparaat waarmee Alberto zijn buikspieren trainde. Voordat Guido in brand werd gestoken, was hij al wel overleden volgens de forensische experts.
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
15s.gif Op maandag 15 december 2014 18:44 schreef El_Matador het volgende:
Eis 20 jaar tegen vermeende moordenaar van drugsinformant Guido Kosterman
Tegen de van moord op Guido Kosterman verdachte Alberto T. is gisteren 20 jaar celstraf geëist door het Openbaar Ministerie in Maastricht. Kosterman was informant van de Criminele Inlichtingen Dienst in Utrecht en heeft dat in het milieu met de dood moeten bekopen.

[ afbeelding ]
Guido Kosterman.

In een loods in Maastricht, waar hij vaak met zijn maatje Alberto verbleef, werd hij begin december 2012 dagenlang gemarteld tot de dood erop volgde. Alberto T. is tot nu toe de enige verdachte in de zaak.

Hij ontkent dat hij Guido heeft vermoord, maar andere verdachten zijn niet in beeld gekomen. Nadat de telefoon van de Wijkenaar werd gestolen, was Kosterman meteen in gevaar. Op zijn telefoon stonden namelijk in het geheim opgenomen gesprekken met drugsrunners. Hij dook onder in een loods in Maastricht waar zijn maatje T. een bandenhandel was begonnen in een loods.

Het laatste levensteken van de 25-jarige man was een sms'je aan zijn vader waarin hij om geld vroeg. Hoewel hij niet veel contact met zijn familie had, belde hij nog regelmatig met zijn vader. Het contact werd op 4 december abrupt verbroken, waarna zijn vader hem als vermist opgaf.

Half verbrand
Later werd Guido onder wat spullen en half verbrand gevonden in de tuin achter de loods. Alberto heeft hem via een raam naar buiten weten te krijgen. Hij houdt vol dat hij niet de dader is, maar in paniek raakte toen hij het lichaam ontdekte.

Wel zou hij geweten hebben dat Guido mensen in het milieu verlinkte aan de politie. In het criminele circuit wordt hard afgerekend met verklikkers, maar zo grof als bij Guido is zelden vertoond. De jonge man werd dagenlang voor zijn uiteindelijke dood geslagen en met allerlei voorwerpen bewerkt.

Hij had letsel aan zijn vingers, ribben, tenen, neusbot en schedel. Zijn linkernier was gescheurd en er waren onderhuidse bloedingen, bleek bij sectie. Op de restanten van het lichaam werden ook sporen gevonden van een heet voorwerp dat tegen zijn rug zou zijn gedrukt. In zijn schedel werden metaalsplinters gevonden, vermoedelijk van het fitnessapparaat waarmee Alberto zijn buikspieren trainde. Voordat Guido in brand werd gestoken, was hij al wel overleden volgens de forensische experts.

Snitches get stitches. :W
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
he had it coming...
0s.gif Op maandag 15 december 2014 19:40 schreef heiden6 het volgende:


Snitches get stitches. :W
Kom op man, arme gozer. Waarschijnlijk eens gepakt met een vrachtje en onder druk gezet om zijn voormalige maten te verraden.

Gun je niemand, zo'n leven. En de dood al helemaal niet. :X
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
  maandag 15 december 2014 @ 22:42:55 #96
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
"De drugsmaffia is in ons land een groeiende bedreiging", zei de Hongaarse premier tijdens een interview op de Hongaarse radio. "We moeten daartegen strijden met de meest draconische straffen en procedures."
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
16s.gif Op maandag 15 december 2014 20:04 schreef El_Matador het volgende:


Kom op man, arme gozer. Waarschijnlijk eens gepakt met een vrachtje en onder druk gezet om zijn voormalige maten te verraden.

Gun je niemand, zo'n leven. En de dood al helemaal niet. :X
Ik kan er geen sympathie voor opbrengen, en weinig medelijden.
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
0s.gif Op dinsdag 16 december 2014 00:56 schreef heiden6 het volgende:


Ik kan er geen sympathie voor opbrengen, en weinig medelijden.
zo afgestompt door een vreemd milieu waar je rond hangt?
  dinsdag 16 december 2014 @ 12:34:47 #99
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Good news for medical pot smokers: The $1.1-trillion federal spending bill approved by the Senate on Saturday has effectively ended the longstanding federal war on medical marijuana. An amendment to the bill blocks the Department of Justice from spending money to prosecute medical marijuana dispensaries or patients that abide by state laws.

"Patients will have access to the care legal in their state without fear of federal prosecution," Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.), a supporter of the rider known as the Hinchey-Rohrbacher amendment, said in a statement. "And our federal dollars will be spent more wisely on fighting actual crimes and not wasted going after patients."

The Department of Justice last year pledged not to interfere with the implementation of state pot laws, but the agency's truce left it with plenty of room to change its mind. Earlier this year, for instance, the DOJ accused the Kettle Falls Five, a family in Washington State, of growing 68 marijuana plants on their farm in Eastern Washington, where pot is legal. Members of the family face up to 10 years in jail—or at least, they did; the amendment may now stop their prosecution.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Steden drukken georganiseerde wietteelt door

Hoewel minister Opstelten (Justitie) nog altijd faliekant tegen is, ziet het er naar uit dat een aantal steden in het land volgend jaar toch start met een experiment met gereguleerde wietteelt.

In Utrecht ligt het plan voor een 'social cannabisclub' klaar. Amsterdam en Rotterdam willen gecertificeerde wietkwekers laten leveren aan coffeeshops en steden als Eindhoven, Heerlen en Nijmegen onderzoeken hoe het in hun gemeente het beste geregeld kan worden. Arnhem voegde zich daar dinsdag bij.

Dit jaar ondertekenden 53 burgemeesters het zogenoemde wietmanifest, een initiatief uit Heerlen, Utrecht en Eindhoven. In dat manifest dringen de burgemeesters er bij Opstelten op aan om wiet te legaliseren.
Dat zou beter zijn voor de volksgezondheid en de veiligheid.
Steun het Kiva Fok! team!
Ondertussen in thailand:
Tilburgse oprichter The Grass Company blijft in Thaise cel

DEN HAAG – Johan van L. uit Tilburg, oprichter van de verdachte Brabantse coffeeshopketen The Grass Company, blijft in zijn Thaise cel. Nederland hoeft geen uitleveringsverzoek voor hem in te dienen, bepaalde de rechter in Den Haag dinsdag. The Grass Company heeft onder meer vestigingen in Tilburg en Den Bosch.

Tilburger in Thaise cel heeft link met onderzoek Brabantse politie naar Grass Company
Johan van L. werd in juli aangehouden in Thailand nadat de Nederlandse politie de Thaise autoriteiten had gevraagd om de man te vervolgen voor witwassen en deelname aan een criminele organisatie. Hij zit sindsdien onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden in een Thaise cel en probeerde met een kort geding uitlevering aan Nederland af te dwingen.

Volgens de Nederlandse rechter is er onvoldoende bewijs dat de informatie uit Nederland de directe aanleiding is geweest voor de aanhouding van de man, aldus de uitspraak dinsdag. De kans bestaat dat een eigen strafrechtelijk onderzoek van de Thaise autoriteiten de reden voor de arrestatie is geweest.

Het Nederlandse Openbaar Ministerie is nog bezig met een onderzoek naar The Grass Company en diverse betrokkenen. Het bedrijf met coffeeshops in Tilburg en Den Bosch wordt in verband gebracht met georganiseerde criminaliteit. In juli waren er verschillende invallen, maar in Nederland is tot dusver niemand aangehouden.
Ik ben heel benieuwd welke concrete beschuldigingen thailand dan wel heeft om zomaar een nederlander vast te zetten.
Ruim driekwart van de wiet die in Nederland geteeld wordt, gaat naar het buitenland.
Dat staat in een nieuw onderzoek dat minister Ivo Opstelten (Veiligheid en Justitie) woensdag naar de Tweede Kamer heeft gestuurd. Het bevestigt zijn eerdere beweringen daarover.

Volgens de minister heeft het dus geen zin om de cannabisteelt voor de Nederlandse coffeeshops te reguleren, want de illegale teelt blijft dan toch nog bestaan voor de export.

Het kabinet houdt daarom vast aan de huidige strenge aanpak van wietteelt en de georganiseerde criminaliteit erachter. Volgens Opstelten is regulering bovendien in strijd met internationale verdragen.

De verkooppunten van cannabis worden gedoogd maar de teelt van de softdrugs is illegaal. Sommige gemeenten dringen erop aan de teelt officieel te regelen, bijvoorbeeld met gecertificeerde wietkwekers. Op die manier zijn coffeeshops niet meer afhankelijk van illegale activiteiten en de soms grote bendes die erachter zitten.

Volgens het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoeks- en Documentatiecentrum (WODC) wordt naar schatting 78 tot 91 procent van de wiet de grens over gesmokkeld. Als ook de consumptie van wiet door buitenlanders in Nederland wordt meegeteld in de schatting, dan bedraagt de export 86 tot 95 procent.

Kan iemand het nieuwe onderzoek achterhalen, ik ben benieuwd op welke aannames dit wederom gemaakt is. Waarom zien we dan niet regelmatig nieuwsberichten dat er grote partijen Nederlandse wiet in onze buurlanden onderschept worden, dat zou toch het geval moeten zijn met deze exportcijfers.
  maandag 22 december 2014 @ 19:17:47 #103
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Iran Criticized for Executing Drug Offenders

Six international human rights groups have petitioned the United Nations to freeze its counternarcotics aid to Iran until that country abolishes the death penalty for drug offenses.

In a jointly signed Dec. 12 letter released Wednesday by the groups, they argue that the freeze is justified because of “the widening gulf between Iran’s rhetoric and the realities of the justice system.”

Iran executes more prisoners than any other country except China, with 500 to 625 executed last year, according to United Nations estimates. At least half of the condemned were convicted of drug trafficking.

Yury Fedotov, chief executive of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, a Vienna-based agency that has provided millions of dollars to Iran’s counternarcotics efforts, has been in discussions with Iranian officials about the executions, which are at odds with the agency’s human rights guidelines.

Under international law, Iran and other countries with the death penalty are required to impose it only for the “most serious crimes,” which do not include drug offenses.

Even though some senior Iranian officials have spoken out against capital punishment for drug crimes, there have been signs that the pace of executions has accelerated this year.

Iran, a conduit for opium trafficking from neighboring Afghanistan, has one of the world’s harshest drug laws. It imposes mandatory death sentences for making, trafficking and possessing specified quantities of opium, opiates and other drugs, like methamphetamines.

On Dec. 4, Mohammad Javad Larijani, the secretary of Iran’s Human Rights Council, said in an interview with the France 24 news channel that “nobody is happy” about the number of executions and that he would like to see Iran’s drug punishment softened. “We are crusading to change this law,” he said.

Rights groups say in their letter, which is addressed to Mr. Fedotov, that a few days before Mr. Larijani’s interview, 18 convicted offenders had been hanged in Iran, and that this year at least 318 had been put to death, a pace that would surpass the 331 drug convicts executed in 2013.

“This increase in the execution rate belies Mr. Larijani’s reassuring rhetoric and U.N.O.D.C.’s lauding of ‘potentially favorable developments’ on this issue,” reads the letter by the groups.

The letter was signed by Human Rights Watch, Reprieve, Iran Human Rights, the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Harm Reduction International and the Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation, named after an Iranian lawyer who was assassinated in Paris in 1991.

There was no immediate comment from Mr. Fedotov’s office about the letter. Phone and email messages left with the agency’s spokeswoman, Preeta Bannerjee, were not immediately returned.

Iran has given mixed messages on capital punishment.

When the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, criticized Iran in March for what he called its failure to improve human rights — including the use of capital punishment — Mr. Larijani’s brother, Ayatollah Sadeq Larijani, the chief of the Iranian judiciary, chastised him for the remarks.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 23 december 2014 @ 19:07:48 #104
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
All animals, including humans, possess endocannabinoid systems responsible for feeding, energy expenditure, memory, and pain regulation. The production of endocannabinoids is one characteristic that distinguishes animals from plants. When someone smokes weed, phytocannabinoids produced by cannabis actually mimic the body’s endocannabinoids.

New research from Italy now shows that truffles, the highly prized and insanely expensive fungi, also produce endocannabinoids. Truffles grow underground near oak trees and can ultimately fetch $1500 per pound. That truffles produce endocannabinoids is just the latest evidence that fungi are more closely related to animals than plants. Plants, animals and fungi all share a common ancestor, and increasingly it appears that fungi are much more akin within the evolutionary tree to humans than say, lettuce. (I certainly feel more simpatico with truffles than turnips or kale, don’t you?)

The endocannabinoid content of truffles may be one of the reasons that humans prize them, since these compounds are active at incredibly small doses and the aroma of fresh truffles feels quite intoxicating.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 31 december 2014 @ 19:03:15 #105
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexican vigilante leaders give themselves up after gun battle

Two rival leaders and their followers from western state of Michoacán give themselves up after gun battle that left 11 dead

Two rival vigilante leaders and dozens of their followers from the western state of Michoacán have given themselves up to the authorities in the wake of a gun battle between their groups that left 11 people dead and fuelled fears that a major government operation was failing to control the drug war hotspot.

Luis Antonio Torres, nicknamed “Simón El Americano”, surrendered on Tuesday along with nine of his men at a prearranged pick up point. He was flown to jail in a navy helicopter to face judicial hearings. El Americano’s sworn rival, Hipólito Mora, gave himself up three days before along with 26 of his followers.

One of Mora’s sons was among those who died in the shootout on 16 December, which took place at a barricade set up by his group in his hometown of La Ruana, in the long-conflictive region of the Tierra Caliente, or the Hot Land.

Alfredo Castillo, the presidential envoy in charge of the federal security operation in the state, celebrated the voluntary incarceration of the vigilantes as evidence that Michoacán’s institutions have been immeasurably strengthened in recent months.

“We secured the surrender of these people to the courts without a shot being fired or any shootouts,” Castillo said after the detention of El Americano. “What has been achieved today would have been unthinkable a year ago.”

Castillo said he hoped a further 19 vigilantes involved in the shootout two weeks ago will also give themselves up in the coming days. He also sort to down play the shootout, saying it was not a public security issue but one of “social conflict”.

The armed vigilante groups emerged in the Tierra Caliente in 2013, claiming that government inaction in the face of a reign of terror imposed in the region by the Caballeros Templarios, or Knights Templar, drug cartel gave them no other option for protecting their communities.

With the situation threatening to degenerate into a regional civil war, the government flooded the area with federal forces in January this year. A subsequent uneasy alliance with the vigilantes lead to a series of important arrests and deaths of Caballeros leaders that left the cartel seriously weakened.

But violence in the state has continued as government efforts to institutionalise the vigilantes into a rural police force have struggled in the face of deep rivalries between some of the leaders. The new rural police has also been damaged by multiple accusations that a significant number of commanders and officers have links to the Caballeros or other gangs operating in the region.

Both El Americano and Mora joined the new rural police. Both have blamed each other for the gun battle in La Ruana. Mora has repeatedly accused El Americano of links to the traffickers.

Mora spent two months in jail earlier this year accused of killing two of El Americano’s associates, but the charges were dropped.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 2 januari 2015 @ 21:09:31 #106
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Fourth man’s death linked to ‘Superman’ ecstasy batch

Police offer temporary amnesty to anyone who comes forward with pink or red tablets featuring ‘S’ emblem

A fourth man has died in less than two days from what police fear is a potentially fatal batch of ecstasy being sold on British streets.

A temporary drug amnesty has been offered to anyone who surrenders the red or pink tablets of ecstasy, inscribed with a Superman-style “S” in their centre, to a police station, accident and emergency department or fire station.

Police say they are not offering a general drug amnesty but the ecstasy tablets, thought to be to blame for the four deaths and one hospital admission, are “potentially so dangerous we need to remove them from the streets to prevent further deaths”.

Supt Louisa Pepper from Suffolk police said: “Please don’t be worried about any sort of prosecution because we genuinely just want the drugs off the streets. We view this particular drug as especially dangerous and want to prevent further deaths and save lives.”

The fourth death in Telford on Friday follows the deaths of two young men in Suffolk within hours of each other on Thursday morning, with another admitted to hospital in a serious condition.

Gediminas Kulokas, a Lithuanian labourer, died on New Year’s Day – his 24th birthday – after collapsing at his Ipswich home. Kulokas’s 22-year-old friend Donatas was admitted to hospital at the same time in a serious condition after taking the same drug.

Kulokas died less than three hours after another man, 20-year-old John Hocking, also a labourer, who died in nearby Rendlesham, near Woodbridge.

The first victim of the rogue batch of drugs is thought to be a Lithuanian factory worker Eustace Ropas, 22, who died on Christmas Eve at his home, also in Ipswich.

Natasha Mumby, Kulokas’s partner, has described how she desperately tried to resuscitate him after he stopped breathing.

“We were at the flat having a few quiet drinks to celebrate New Year’s Eve and his birthday in the early hours,” she said. “I went to bed at 2am and woke up a few times because he and his friend were making a bit of noise. I had no idea that they had been taking drugs.

“Every time I got up to tell them to keep quiet, they were looking the worse for wear. His friend popped out and when I checked on Gediminas, he was breathing in a funny way. I propped him up and went back to bed,” she said. “I then came back in the lounge because he was not making the breathing noise any more. He was just sitting there not breathing.”

Police believe the drug taken by all five men could have a similar chemical mix to dangerous ecstasy pills with a similar appearance that were in circulation in the Netherlands last month.

In December, the Dutch Trimbos drug addiction clinic issued a warning about the pills, which have a high concentration of a chemical known as PMMA instead of MDMA, which is the usual main drug component of ecstasy pills.

PMMA is dangerous because the chemical takes longer to work than MDMA. The delay can cause users who do not know they have taken a different variety of ecstasy to overdose because they think their first pills have not worked.

Dutch media reported on at least two PMMA-related deaths in the Netherlands in 2013.

Both drugs are stimulants, causing an energy boost and feelings of affection for other people, but PMMA is far more toxic, with an overdose of just 50mg having potentially fatal consequences.

Harry Shapiro, director of communications at Drugscope, said a possible explanation for the increased use of PMMA and the closely related chemical PMA in ecstasy was a crackdown in Cambodia on the production of safrole, a key ingredient in MDMA production, causing drug manufacturers to turn to other ingredients.

Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that there were no deaths from PMA or PMMA in 2009 or 2010, but that this jumped to 20 in 2012. By 2013, there were 29 deaths connected to the drugs.

The Irish drugs website Drugs.ie says that between December 2013 and May last year, six people in Ireland were found to have had PMMA in their systems when they died.

In 2011 the Scottish Drug and Crime Enforcement Agency released a warning about PMMA after a spate of deaths.

It was also believed to be the cause of a series of deaths across Europe at around the same time.

Speaking at the time, DI Tommy Crombie, drugs co-ordinator at the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland, warned: “PMMA and other harmful substances could be present in many illicit drugs including powders, products sold as legal highs and ecstasy tablets in all sorts of colours and with all sorts of logos. Like all illicit drugs, there is no way to tell what’s in them until it’s too late.”
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zondag 4 januari 2015 @ 15:08:50 #107
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Johann Hari: ‘I failed badly. When you harm people, you should shut up, go away and reflect on what happened'

He was the Independent’s star columnist whose lying and cheating destroyed his career. Now Johann Hari is back, with a book about drug-taking – including his own. But will anyone believe a word of it?
When I heard that Johann Hari had written a book about the war on drugs, two immediate concerns sprang to mind. The first was whether anyone would trust a word he wrote.
“I think that’s totally right,” Hari agrees. “I did not want to write a 400-page polemic about the drug war. I didn’t want to have an argument about it, I wanted to understand it.” For that matter, he admits, “It’s struck me that, actually, polemic very rarely changes people’s minds about anything.” He says so as a former columnist? “A recovering former columnist, yes.” He laughs. “It’s not just that polemic doesn’t change people’s minds. It says nothing about the texture of lived experience. People are complex and nuanced, they don’t live polemically.”
Hari went to Vancouver to meet a psychology professor, Bruce Alexander, who had been similarly puzzled, so had replicated the original experiments. This time, instead of experimenting on solitary rats locked in empty cages, he offered the choice of clean or drugged water to rats kept in what he called Rat Park, a kind of rat heaven full of wheels and coloured balls and delicious food, and other rats to play and mate with. When these rats tried heroin, they weren’t very interested.

“They just didn’t like it. None of them overdosed. Even more strikingly, he then took rats that had become addicted in the isolated cages, and put them into Rat Park. And they almost immediately stopped using. What Alexander had found is that we’ve fundamentally misunderstood what addiction is. It isn’t a moral failing. It isn’t a disease. Addiction is an adaptation to your environment. It’s not you; it’s the cage you live in.”
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 6 januari 2015 @ 04:02:42 #108
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

[ Bericht 100% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 06-01-2015 04:09:19 ]
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 6 januari 2015 @ 04:09:29 #109
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Superman ‘ecstasy’ pill deaths are result of ‘illogical and punitive drugs policy’

Former government adviser Dr David Nutt says ban on MDMA has resulted in more dangerous drugs coming on to market

The deaths of four men who had taken pills they thought were ecstasy are the result of the government’s “illogical and punitive drug policy”, a former drugs tsar has said.

Dr David Nutt, who advised the last government on drug policy until 2009, said the policy had targeted the production and sale of MDMA, only to see it substituted by a more toxic substance.

MDMA is the chemical name for ecstasy, but the pills bearing a Superman emblem that have been linked to four recent deaths – three in Suffolk and one in Telford – are believed to have been made with a high concentration of the chemical PMMA.

Suffolk police said on Monday that they had seized more than 400 pills matching the description of those believed to have been taken by two Ipswich men stashed in a public place in the city.

Writing for the Guardian, Nutt, who was sacked as the government’s senior drug adviser in 2009 after criticising its decision to toughen the law on cannabis, said PMMA and its close relative PMA have been responsible for most of the deaths – amounting to more than 100 – attributed to ecstasy by the media in recent years.

“Their re-emergence is directly due to the international community’s attempts, via UN conventions, to stop the use of MDMA by prohibiting its production and sale,” he wrote. “The emergence of the more toxic PMA following the so-called ‘success’ in reducing MDMA production is just one of many examples of how prohibition of one drug leads to greater harm from an alternative that is developed to overcome the block.”

Nutt, the Edmond J Safra professor of neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London, compared the situation to the rise in demand for more poisonous hooch after alcohol was prohibited in the US during the 1920s and the rise in production and injecting of heroin after smoking opium was banned.

He explained that the UN banned a number of precursor chemicals to MDMA, including safrole. As safrole supplies dropped, drug makers switched to chemically similar aniseed oil. “Unfortunately, the product that results from using the MDMA production process with aniseed oil is PMA or PMMA,” he wrote. “Hence, these substances only exist because of the blockade of MDMA production. That in itself wouldn’t particularly matter if they were not more toxic than MDMA.”

Nutt said there should be testing facilities for users, without fear of prosecution, like those in the Netherlands, or safe doses of pure MDMA should be available to registered users. “In the meantime, we should accelerate the testing of seized tablets and make public their contents and strengths on internet databases, so that all users can check what they might be taking,” he wrote.

A Home Office spokeswoman said: “MDMA, PMA and PMMA are all illegal class A drugs. They destroy lives, cause misery to families and communities, and this government has no intention of decriminalising them. No drug-taking can be assumed to be safe.”

The chief superintendent of Suffolk police, Jon Brighton, said the seizure of 400 pills on Sunday night was a significant development in its investigation into the deaths of the two Ipswich men.

“If these prove to be the same as those linked to these cases, we will have gone a significant way towards reducing the risk of further serious injury or deaths linked to this particular ecstasy pill,” he added.

A man has been charged and two men have been bailed after arrests made as part of the investigation into the deaths.

A 19-year-old Ipswich man, Adrian Lubecki, has been charged with being concerned in the supply of ecstasy and possession with intent to supply a class B drug. He appeared at Ipswich magistrates court on Monday and was remanded in custody.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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David Nutt _O_
  dinsdag 6 januari 2015 @ 17:49:20 #111
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Here’s why most people who use drugs don’t become addicts, according to science

Drug use is common, drug addiction is rare. About one adult in three will use an illegal drug in their lifetime and just under 3m people will do so this year in England and Wales alone. Most will suffer no long-term harm.

There are immediate risks from overdose and intoxication, and longer-term health risks associated with heavy or prolonged use; damage to lungs from smoking cannabis or the bladder from ketamine for example. However most people will either pass unscathed through a short period of experimentation or learn to accommodate their drug use into their lifestyle, adjusting patterns of use to their social and domestic circumstances, as they do with alcohol.

Compared to the 3m currently using illegal drugs there are around 300,000 heroin and/or crack addicts while around 30,000 were successfully treated for dependency on drugs in England in 2011-12, typically cannabis, or powder cocaine.

A powerful cultural narrative focusing on the power of illegal drugs to disrupt otherwise stable, happy lives dominates our media and political discourse, and shapes policy responses. Drug use is deemed to “spiral out of control”, destroying an individual’s ability to earn their living or care for their children, transforming honest productive citizens into welfare dependent, criminal “families from hell”.

This is a key component of the Broken Britain critique of welfare and social policy advanced by the Centre for Social Justice and pursued in government by the CSJ’s founder Iain Duncan Smith in his role as secretary of state for work and pensions. However, the narrative has resonance far beyond the political arena and underpins most media coverage of drug addiction and the drug storylines of popular culture.
Most drug users are ..?

In reality the likelihood of individuals without pre-existing vulnerabilities succumbing to long-term addiction is slim. Heroin and crack addicts are not a random sub set of England’s 3m current drug users.

Addiction, unlike use, is heavily concentrated in our poorest communities – and within those communities it is the individuals who struggle most with life who will succumb. Compared to the rest of the population, heroin and crack addicts are: male, working-class, offenders, have poor educational records, little or no history of employment, experience of the care system, a vulnerability to mental illness and increasingly are over 40 with declining physical health.

Problem cannabis use is less concentrated among the poor, but is closely associated with indicators of social stress and a vulnerability to developing mental health conditions.

Most drug users are intelligent resourceful people with good life skills, supportive networks and loving families. These assets enable them to manage the risks associated with their drug use, avoiding the most dangerous drugs and managing their frequency and scale of use to reduce harm and maximise pleasure. Crucially they will have access to support from family and friends should they begin to develop problems, and a realistic prospect of a job, a house and a stake in society to focus and sustain their motivation to get back on track.

In contrast the most vulnerable individuals in our poorest communities lack life skills and have networks that entrench their problems rather than offering solutions. Their decision making will tend to prioritise immediate benefit rather than long-term consequences. The multiplicity of overlapping challenges they face gives them little incentive to avoid high risk behaviours.

Together these factors make it more likely that, instead of carefully calibrating their drug use to minimise risk, they will be prepared to use the most dangerous drugs in the most dangerous ways. And once addicted, motivation to recover and the likelihood of success is weakened by an absence of family support, poor prospects of employment, insecure housing and social isolation.

In short what determines whether or not drug use escalates into addiction, and the prognosis once it has, is less to do with the power of the drug and more to do with the social, personal and economic circumstances of the user.
Heads in the sand

Unfortunately the strong relationship between social distress and addiction is ignored by politicians and media commentators in favour of an assumption that addiction is a random risk driven by the power of the drug.

It does happen. But the atypical experience of the relatively small number of drug users from stable backgrounds who stumble into addiction and can legitimately attribute the chaos of their subsequent lives to this one event drowns out the experience of the overwhelming majority of addicts for whom social isolation, economic exclusion, criminality and fragile mental health preceded their drug use rather than being caused by it.

Viewing addiction through the distorting lens of the minority causes policy makers to misunderstand the flow of causality and pushes them towards interventions focused on changing individual drug-using behaviour and away from addressing the structural inequality in which the vulnerabilities to addiction can flourish.

Until we re-frame our understanding of drug addiction as more often the consequence of social evils than their root cause, then we are doomed to misdirect our energy and resources towards blaming the outcasts and the vulnerable for their plight rather than recasting our economic and social structures to give them access to the sources of resilience that protect the rest of us.

The ConversationBy Paul Hayes, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

This article was originally published on The Conversation.
Read the original article.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 9 januari 2015 @ 16:41:36 #114
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Christie: The war on drugs has failed, treat NJ heroin addiction as an illness

To combat New Jersey’s growing heroin and opioid crisis, Gov. Chris Christie says the state needs to embrace a dramatically different approach to substance abuse, but cautioned that he will not write a blank check to get it there.

In his time as governor, heroin and opioid abuse have surged into the spotlight, claiming at least 740 lives in New Jersey alone last year, while tens of thousands of others sought treatment, many of their lives broken by addiction. Irrespective of how the state arrived at such an unenviable position, in Christie’s eyes, government has a role in making sure those shackled by addiction get the help they need.

In an interview with NJ Advance Media, Christie said that means changing course, to a system that values treatment over incarceration. The War on Drugs has failed, he says, and it’s time to move on.

“I think what we’ve seen over the last 30 years is it just hasn’t worked,” he said. “And there are some people who make one bad choice to try drugs one time and their particular chemistry leads them to be an addict from the minute they try it. So we need to treat it as a disease. And not having mandatory incarceration for non-violent offenders but having mandatory treatment is something that’s going to yield a much greater result for society in general and for those individuals in particular.“

According to federal data, treatment centers in the Garden State have been operating near or slightly above capacity for several years. While the number of available treatment slots has increased over the last decade, so has demand, one that is increasingly being driven by heroin and prescription opioids.

In 2010, the state estimated 37 percent of people seeking substance abuse treatment in New Jersey didn’t receive it. Since then, the number of heroin-related deaths has increased by 160 percent, while the number of people in treatment for heroin or opioids has only increased by 15 percent.

To that effect, Christie says New Jersey is falling short. There aren’t enough available residential treatment beds for adults battling substance abuse. Getting into what does exist can be a confounding maze of dead-ends and frustrating questions. If you do find a bed, odds are your insurance carrier won’t pay.

Christie says the state needs to step up to fix this, but just as importantly, the private sector does as well.

“I don’t want to build a bunch of new state facilities. I don’t think that’s the right thing to do from a fiscal perspective or for the long-term treatment of these folks,” he said. “We’ve got to be able to have local government agencies, the counties in particular do a better job…to say, ‘here’s where you go, here’s the options for detox that are available, here is non-residential that’s available, here’s residential that’s available,’ and help them connect those dots. I think we need to do a better job at that.”
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 9 januari 2015 @ 22:04:02 #115
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Law Championed by Joe Biden Leads to More Ecstasy Deaths

The quarterly social research magazine Contexts has an article by Tammy Anderson, author of Rave Culture: The Alteration and Decline of a Philadelphia Music Scene, in its Fall issue about the 2003 Reducing Americans’ Vulnerability to Ecstasy (RAVE) Act, championed by then-Sen. Joe Biden. The law was intended to reduce deaths due to the use of ecstasy, a pill that contains MDMA, usually cut with caffeine or some other drug. How deadly is ecstasy? Statistics are hard to come by. Sixty-three people were reported to have died from ecstasy used in 2000. Many more die from, say, alcohol poisoning every way—the ecstasy death rate might be as low as one per million users.

Nevertheless, the perceived exoticism and danger of the drug, exaggerated by media accounts of young people’s deaths, led Joe Biden to add penalties to venues that knowingly cater to drug users, a primary component of the RAVE Act, in a misguided and typical fashion for government. And, as typical for a government solution, the RAVE Act came with “unintended consequences” that did the opposite of what legislators hoped the bill would do. Instead of reducing vulnerability to ecstasy, the law increased that vulnerability by criminalizing the simple things that make ecstasy even safer, like dance floor patrols, cool down rooms, even free water. The responsibility to stay safe is on the drug user—to know before taking a drug that it may require rehydrating before feeling dehydratring, cooling down once in a while, and so. But that certainly doesn’t preclude venues from offering tools to make drug use even safer too. It’s being a good Samaritan and its good business too. When given the choice, drug users prefer to go to venues that cater to their use rather than venues that will toss them into an alley when they’re throwing up from a bad drug trip.

That happened to one drug user according to Anderson, because the club believed, not wrongly, that if they offered medical assistance they would be held liable for her drug use. That’s what Joe Biden has wrought on drug users that don’t happen to be his children because of his obsession with the war on drugs. Contexts reports:

. The 2003 RAVE Act places young ravers at great risk of harm. Because the act treats raves’ cultural traits as evidence that promoters are permitting drug use and sales, it places festival stakeholders in a bind over how to protect ravers without being shut down. For example, rave promoters are perceived to sanction drug use if they permit cultural props such as glow sticks, lollypops, and massage oils to be sold at their event, or if they provide chill rooms and free bottled water to ravers. Since MDMA use (in either its Ecstasy or Molly varieties) and dancing at raves can produce extreme dehydration, critics interpret the distribution of free bottled water as a sign that promoters are trying to hydrate, and therefore accommodate, ravers’ drug use. Promoters even told me that “rave” language on flyers or other promotional materials could serve as evidence of a legal violation.

. If they offer drug intervention services, such as drug testing and education, promoters may be at even greater legal risk. Rotondo died from MDMA toxicity; a MDMA/Methylone combination killed Russ. Had drug testing and education been offered at EZoo, Rotondo might have learned not to take so many hits of Molly and Russ would have learned that his Molly had been mixed with extremely dangerous methylone (“bath salts”).

From my first drug experience I’ve always been sure to research and talk with friends about every drug I thought about taking. Legalizing MDMA would make drug use even safer by allowing simple education to win over the anti-drug propaganda privileged in an environment where drugs are criminal.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 13 januari 2015 @ 16:04:28 #116
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 16 januari 2015 @ 19:37:53 #117
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexican firebrands mount call for self-rule: 'It’s time for the people to take power'

Away from the spotlight of protests over the disappearance of 43 student teachers, Guerrero may prove a much more serious challenge to state authority

Milling around the front steps of the town hall, about 20 men with shotguns began the night watch sipping coffee from styrofoam cups and munching cakes.

The atmosphere was relaxed, but the message was one of revolution.

“It’s time for the people to take power,” said Jésus, one of the guards. “The government has not been able to fulfill its role – and the people are waking up.”

Over the past three months, dozens of town halls across Mexico’s southern state of Guerrero have been taken over by members of an amorphous movement calling for “popular government”. The protesters – some of whom are armed – have also called for the army to close its bases and leave the region.

Guerrero is a state steeped in a history of rebellion: it was the setting for some of the first uprisings of the Mexican revolution, and home to the country’s most famous rural guerrilla army of the 1970s.

But the current wave of unrest was triggered by the disappearance last September of 43 student teachers in the city of Iguala, after they were attacked by municipal police in league with a local drug cartel.

Anger over the case has prompted months of street protests against President Enrique Peña Nieto. But away from the spotlight, the growing calls for self-rule in Guerrero may prove a much more serious challenge to state authority.

“We took over the town hall as way of pressuring the government to do more to find the missing students, but this goes further now,” said Jésus, outside Tecoanapa’s town hall. “We are dismantling the old institutions.”

That kind of talk resonates particularly loudly in the region around Tecoanapa: 17 of the missing students grew up in towns and villages of the Costa Chica, a remote and poverty-stricken region which stretches from the foothills of the Sierra Madre del Sur down to the Pacific Ocean.

The victims include the two eldest sons of Doña Oli Parral who, like many parents of the disappeared, have grown tired of peaceful protest and polite calls for justice.

“We shout our slogans and it makes no difference. The government doesn’t listen to us,” she said, sitting in her spartan home in the village of Xalpatlahuac, just outside Teconapa. “If they want peace then give back the kids.”

In the Costa Chica, the occupations are led by a group of radical teachers’ unions and the Union of Organized Peoples of Guerrero (UPOEG), a network of vigilantes formed two years ago to combat the killings, kidnapping and extortion by drug gangs in the area.

“The narcos did with us what they wanted. People were intimidated, frightened, and desperate,” says Huricel Cruz, a teacher and former student at the radical Ayotzinapa training college where the 43 missing students were enrolled. “Then the people took control and things calmed down.”

The Guerrero militias emerged alongside other vigilante movement in the neighbouring state of Michoacán, although there are important differences.

The Michoacán groups are less ideological, revolve more clearly around local strong men, and are more regularly accused of ties to criminal gangs. Michoacán is also the stage for a high-profile government security operation which broke up one of the country’s most notorious crime syndicates – known as the Family – but has failed to consolidate peace.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op vrijdag 16 januari 2015 19:37 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:


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Klinkt goed.
Wat is trouwens de reden dat mexico relatief zo veel armer is dan de VS en Canada?
1/10 Van de rappers dankt zijn bestaan in Amerika aan de Nederlanders die zijn voorouders met een cruiseschip uit hun hongerige landen ophaalde om te werken op prachtige plantages.
"Oorlog is de overtreffende trap van concurrentie."
  zondag 18 januari 2015 @ 01:35:58 #119
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
0s.gif Op vrijdag 16 januari 2015 19:46 schreef icecreamfarmer_NL het volgende:


Klinkt goed.
Wat is trouwens de reden dat mexico relatief zo veel armer is dan de VS en Canada?
Er is niet een "de reden" aan te geven, maar het verschil tussen arm (have nots) en rijk (haves) is wel groot in Mexico.

Middenklasse is een stuk lager dan in de VS en Canada, maar prima toeven.
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
Overlast dealers minder sinds buitenlanders weer coffeeshops in mogen
REGIO | 13 januari 2015 | reageer | Door onze verslaggever

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ROERMOND - Sinds buitenlanders weer wiet mogen kopen in de Sky aan de Venloseweg en de Skunk aan de Zwartbroekstraat, is de overlast door meest Marokkaanse drugsdealers op straat stukken minder geworden. Dat blijkt uit de rapportage van de politie Roermond over 2013.

Na de invoering van de wietpas door minister Ivo Opstelten van Justitie in mei 2012 explodeerde de overlast door dealers op straat. De wietpas hield in dat buitenlanders niet meer wiet mogen kopen in Nederlandse coffeeshops. ,,De straatdealers zagen hun kans en lokten op verschillende manieren de, voornamelijk, Duitse klanten naar zich toe’’, schrijft de politie in een rapportage over 2013. ,,Dit hield in dat er veel jongens tussen de 15 en 30 jaar hun verdovende middelen op straat aan de man probeerde te brengen. Doordat hier vervolgens door de politie vol op geïnvesteerd werd bleken de dealers hun handel te verleggen naar de wijken. Vanaf het moment dat de buitenlandse gasten weer welkom zijn in de shops omdat de gemeente heeft besloten niet te handhaven, is de overlast in de wijken behoorlijk afgenomen en in de straat van en de straten rond de coffeeshops is het momenteel redelijk rustig. De overlast is niet over, de straatdealers proberen nog steeds hun handel aan de man te brengen maar het aantal dealers is enorm gedaald.’’
En meneer opstelten wat vind u hier nu van? uh uh uh . :+
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  woensdag 21 januari 2015 @ 17:10:18 #123
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
The Hunting of Billie Holiday

How Lady Day found herself in the middle of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics’ early fight for survival.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 22 januari 2015 @ 13:49:25 #124
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Why animals eat psychoactive plants

Johann Hari, author of Chasing the Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs, learns about drunk elephants, the stoned water buffalo, and the grieving mongoose.
After sampling the numbing nectar of certain orchids, bees drop to the ground in a temporary stupor, then weave back for more. Birds gorge themselves on inebriating berries, then fly with reckless abandon. Cats eagerly sniff aromatic “pleasure” plants, then play with imaginary objects. Cows that browse special range weeds will twitch, shake, and stumble back to the plants for more. Elephants purposely get drunk off fermented fruits. Snacks of “magic mushrooms” cause monkeys to sit with their heads in their hands in a posture reminiscent of Rodin’s Thinker. The pursuit of intoxication by animals seems as purposeless as it is passionate. Many animals engage these plants, or their manufactured allies, despite the danger of toxic or poisonous effects.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  donderdag 22 januari 2015 @ 16:19:10 #125
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Jamaica poised to relax cannabis laws

Several restrictions on ‘ganja’ use could go up in smoke as island’s politicians back bill to establish licensing authority

The Jamaican cabinet has approved a bill that would decriminalise possession of small amounts of cannabis and pave the way for a legal medical marijuana industry, the justice minister has said.

Mark Golding said he expected to introduce the legislation in the Senate this week. Debate could start this month in the country where the drug, known popularly as “ganja”, has long been culturally entrenched but illegal.

The bill would establish a cannabis licensing authority to deal with the regulations needed to cultivate, sell and distribute the herb for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes. “We need to position ourselves to take advantage of the significant economic opportunities offered by this emerging industry,” he said.

It would make possession of 2 ounces (56g) or less an offence that would not result in a criminal record. Cultivation of five or fewer plants on any premises would be permitted. Rastafarians, who use marijuana as a sacrament, could also legally use it for religious purposes for the first time in Jamaica, where the spiritual movement was founded in the 1930s.

For decades, debate has raged on the Caribbean island over laws governing marijuana use. But now, with several countries and US states relaxing their laws on the herb, Jamaica is advancing reform plans.

Golding said the government would not soften its stance on drug trafficking and it intended to use a proportion of revenues from its licensing authority to support a public education campaign to discourage pot-smoking by young people and mitigate public health consequences.

The director of the national Cannabis Commercial and Medicinal Research Taskforce said he expected the bill to be passed soon in parliament, where Portia Simpson Miller’s governing party holds a 2-1 majority. “This development is long overdue,” Delano Seiveright said.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  vrijdag 23 januari 2015 @ 16:21:24 #126
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Crystal meth per drone, en het komt niet uit de hitserie Breaking Bad

Het had zo een bizarre scene kunnen zijn uit de hitserie Breaking Bad: Mexicaanse narcobazen die per drone hun drugs de VS insturen als tegenwicht voor de 99 procent pure methamfetamine van scheikundeleraar Walter White. Maar het is geen fictie. De Amerikaanse grenspolitie moet vanaf nu rekening houden met alles, na de drugsvlucht die eindigde op een parkeerplaats bij de grensovergang San Ysidro.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 23 januari 2015 @ 18:43:14 #127
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Marihuana-drone stortte neer op gevangenis

Een drone gevuld met marihuana is medio december neergestort op een gevangenis in Hamburg. Dit gebeurde in een poging de drugs via de lucht naar binnen te smokkelen.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 26 januari 2015 @ 22:59:11 #128
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Despite a Crackdown, Use of Illegal Drugs in China Continues Unabated

BEIJING — Despite the crowds and the risk of arrest, the African man standing outside an Adidas outlet here one recent wintry evening was brazen in his pitch.

“Hey man, you want to smoke something?” he asked a passer-by, before offering his wares: cocaine, ecstasy and crystal methamphetamine, all highly illegal in China.

The man was but one of several drug dealers who are a fixture in Sanlitun, one of Beijing’s diplomatic districts, just down the block from a police station. Their presence would seem to defy the Chinese government’s ambitious claims of a six-month crackdown on drugs that is underway in 108 cities.

Last week, the Ministry of Public Security announced that the Chinese police had arrested 60,500 suspects on drug offenses and seized more than 11 metric tons of narcotics since the latest operation, called “Ban drugs in hundreds of cities,” began in October, according to the Xinhua state news agency. Around 180,000 drug users had been punished by mid-December, including more than 55,000 sent to government-run rehabilitation centers, Xinhua said.

But for all the reported successes of China’s expanding antidrug campaigns — which last year included the arrest of celebrities like the son of the movie star Jackie Chan and the burning of 400 tons of methamphetamine ingredients — some analysts question whether the police are winning significant, lasting victories in what the authorities have called a “people’s war.”

China’s growing prosperity has turned recreational drug use into an $82 billion annual domestic business, according to the National Narcotics Control Commission. There are 2.76 million drug users registered with the Chinese government, three-quarters of them under 35. Yet even the police admit that such figures convey only a fraction of the drug problem. In October, Liu Yuejin, director general of the government’s anti-narcotics division, estimated the actual number of addicts at roughly 13 million, half of whom are suspected of using methamphetamine, up from nine percent of addicts who were suspected of using that drug in 2008.

“China is facing a grim task in curbing synthetic drugs, including ‘ice,’ which more and more of China’s drug addicts tend to use,” he said, using the street name for crystal methamphetamine, according to the state-run China Daily newspaper. China has some of the world’s harshest drug laws: those caught trafficking large amounts of drugs can face the death penalty, and the police have the authority to send casual drug users to compulsory drug rehabilitation centers, which human rights groups say are little more than labor camps.

Although heroin is the most commonly used illegal drug among rural Chinese, the country’s booming cities have become major markets for methamphetamine. A study of sewage in four megacities, published last year in the international journal Science of the Total Environment, reported that meth was omnipresent in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In Beijing, the greatest concentration was found at a treatment plant serving the city’s highest density of nightclubs and bars, while China’s wealthy coastal cities in the south were determined to have the highest total consumption of meth, cocaine, ecstasy and ketamine, according to the study.

Drug use also spans the breadth of Chinese society. In December, 41 government officials in the southeastern province of Yunnan were expelled from the Communist Party after failing drug tests. A few months earlier, a 17-year-old girl in the southern province of Jiangxi posted photos on social media of herself and friends snorting ketamine at a nightclub in the province of Jiangxi. She was detained.

Perhaps the most shocking example of China’s huge drug trade exploded into the public consciousness in December 2013, when 3,000 paramilitary police officers raided a small village on the coast of Guangdong Province and arrested 182 people, including the former party secretary and 13 other officials. Nearly three tons of meth were seized from the village. “Meth is popular because any illegal lab or factory in the mainland can make it,” said Lu Lin, the director of the China Medical Dependency Research Institute at Peking University in Beijing.

Some of the key ingredients in meth are derived from the herb ephedra sinica, known as ma huang in Mandarin, a staple of traditional Chinese medicine used for treating colds and coughs. Experts say much of the country’s meth is produced in southern China, though the authorities prefer to blame Southeast Asian countries like Myanmar and Laos. Consistently absent from their accusations is North Korea, a close ally that some experts believe churns out vast quantities of meth trafficked into China’s northeast.

For years, Beijing residents have wondered how dealers were able to sell their wares so openly near a police station in the Sanlitun district, home to many embassies, bars, and restaurants popular with expatriates. A crackdown scattered the men last spring, but during a recent stroll through the neighborhood, it was clear they have not gone far.

Sun Zhongwei, a former narcotics officer turned lawyer, dismissed the suggestion that the dealers were officially tolerated. “If Chinese police had spotted them, they’d have been arrested,” he said. “It’s impossible for the police to see them and not act upon it. That would be considered an act of negligence.”

But drug users in China say the police operate in a bureaucracy programmed to follow orders from above. In some cities, the police allow dealers to operate undisturbed — until they need to fill a quota, according to He Mukun, a former addict and drug counselor in Yunnan. Mr. He said the police in Yunan rarely arrested drug dealers, preferring to use them as informants during crackdowns. “The police think, ‘In the future, when my boss gives me an assignment to catch drug users, what happens if I can’t find any?’ ” he said. “But if a cop knows a drug seller, he can just ask for a bunch of names. You get huge numbers that way.”

Indeed, the eye-popping statistics from the Ministry of Public Security appear intended to impress: In a five-month crackdown last year, the police were said to have “totally uncovered” 50,827 drug cases, arrested 56,989 suspects and seized 26.5 tons of drugs, an increase in seizures of 126.8 percent over the same period a year earlier.

Despite those numbers, the nation’s drug problem continues unabated. On Tuesday, the Chinese government for the first time acknowledged the existence of performance goals in law enforcement. According to Xinhua, the party’s Political and Legal Affairs Committee demanded that officials “firmly abolish” quotas.

As for drug traffickers higher up the chain, Mr. He, the drug counselor, suggested that some were politically connected and, thus, protected. “The police usually can’t touch them,” he said.

But in an interview, one Beijing dealer said things were changing. “Before, because of our connections, we would always be alerted a few months ahead of a crackdown,” said the dealer, who asked not to be identified. “Now they just happen.”
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 27 januari 2015 @ 14:37:27 #129
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
ZALTBOMMEL - In een bedrijfspand in Zaltbommel is dinsdag een zeer grote hennepkwekerij met 30.000 planten aangetroffen, een van de grootste die ooit in Gelderland is ontdekt, misschien zelfs wel de grootste.

Maar wat levert dat op?

Volgens een arrest van de Hoge Raad uit 2010 wordt uitgegaan van 28,2 gram hennep per plant bij een prijs van 2,37 euro per gram. Dat betekent dat één oogst in Zaltbommel ruim 2 miljoen euro zou hebben opgeleverd. Een andere bron geeft een bedrag van 3,28 per gram, dat is en gemiddelde op basis van vergelijking van verschillende meldingen van het Coördinatiepunt Nationaal Netwerk Drugsexpertise van het KLPD. Dan kom je uit op bijna 2,8 miljoen euro per oogst.

De grootste hennepkwekerijen die de laatste jaren zijn ontdekt:

3/12/14 - Duiven: 6000 planten
21/10/14 - Dodewaard: 22.000 stekjes en 280 moederplanten (straatwaarde: 1 miljoen)
5/11/13 - Duiven: 2500 planten
23/9/13 - Nijmegen: 420 grote planten en 3825 stekjes
3/4/13 - Ruurlo: bijna 4500 planten
6/3/13 - Buren: 14.000 hennepstekken
20/2/12 - Huinen (bij Putten): 2850 planten
20/5/11 - Ede: 2700 planten
26/8/09 - Overasselt: 10.000 planten en 15.000 stekken
18/6/08 - Alphen: ruim 4000

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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 27 januari 2015 @ 14:45:22 #130
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Festivalgangers en clubbezoekers zouden voortaan straffeloos meerdere xtc-pillen voor eigen gebruik op zak mogen hebben. Daarvoor pleit het BNN-progamma Spuiten en Slikken. Het heeft ruim 41.000 handtekeningen verzameld om dit pleidooi kracht bij te zetten; genoeg voor een burgerinitiatief waardoor de Tweede Kamer het onderwerp moet bespreken. De handtekeningen worden vandaag in Den Haag aangeboden.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 31 januari 2015 @ 17:35:16 #131
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Internationaal onderzoek naar vermiste Mexicaanse studenten

Er komt een internationaal onderzoek naar de moord op 43 Mexicaanse studenten. Die zijn sinds eind september vermist en vermoedelijk vermoord door een drugskartel op bevel van een burgemeester.

Half februari begint het onderzoek, meldt de Inter-Amerikaanse Mensenrechtencommissie vrijdag.

De families van de studenten wilden graag dat er meer en onafhankelijk onderzoek gedaan zou worden naar de verdwijning. De overheid verklaarde afgelopen dinsdag de studenten dood en leek daarmee de zaak af te doen.

Nu zullen erkende, Spaanstalige mensenrechtenexperts de zaak gaan onderzoeken, aldus de commissie. De nabestaanden zijn overigens ook nog van plan om naar de VN te stappen.

De ouders vinden dat de regering probeert om de zaak af te sluiten voor die naar behoren is opgelost. "We hebben niet genoeg bewijs om dit te accepteren", zei een van de ouders dinsdag.


De studenten verdwenen eind september tijdens een protest in de stad Iguala. Vermoedelijk hebben politiemensen ze op bevel van de burgemeester van Iguala ontvoerd tijdens een demonstratie. De studenten zijn vervolgens overgeleverd aan een drugsbende.

Een van de leden van die bende heeft verklaard dat hij de opdracht van zijn baas kreeg om de jongeren te vermoorden. De bendeleden zou zijn verteld dat het om leden van een rivaliserende bende ging.

Er zijn zo'n negentig mensen opgepakt in de zaak, onder wie veel agenten. Ook de burgemeester van Iguala zit vast.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 2 februari 2015 @ 09:55:23 #132
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Het gaat prima met de drugsindustrie! *O*

De bijna 4700 hennepkwekerijen die vorig jaar zijn opgerold, hebben voor 147 miljoen kilowattuur stroom afgetapt. Dat is meer dan in 2013, toen nog voor 140 miljoen kWu werd gestolen. Dat meldt Netbeheer Nederland.
Vorig jaar is rond de 9 duizend kilo harddrugs in beslag genomen in de Rotterdamse haven. Het overgrote deel betrof cocaïne: 7575 kilo. De drugs zijn onderschept door het Hit and Run Cargoteam (HARC). Dat meldt het Openbaar Ministerie vandaag.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 9 februari 2015 @ 20:17:21 #133
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Marseille housing estate sealed off after police car shot at

About 100 special forces dispatched to area after police shot at while responding to reports of gang members firing Kalashnikovs into air

A housing estate in Marseille was sealed off after gunmen shot at a police vehicle hours before the French prime minister, Manuel Valls, was due to visit the city.

Residents reported that about 10 young hooded gunmen were patrolling the streets of the Castellane estate on scooters on Monday morning, looking for a rival gang and firing Kalashnikovs into the air.

When the first police vehicle arrived at the estate, another gang member who was posted inside one of the estate’s tower blocks shot at it with a sniper rifle.

About 100 special forces police were dispatched to search the area, where about 7,000 people live. Riot police were posted at entrances to the estate and a creche was evacuated.

Later on Monday, police reportedly found seven Kalashnikovs and about 20kg of cannabis as well as a large sum of money in an apartment in Castellane. Police were still searching for the gunmen.

The gunfire happened as Pierre-Marie Bourniquel, the departmental director of public security, was checking that the area was safe before the prime minister’s visit.

Valls was due in Marseille to congratulate local officials and police on their clampdown on crime in the city. He was expected to be accompanied by the interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, and the education minister, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem.

Le Figaro reported that Bourniquel and an accompanying police chief had come under fire as they arrived at the estate in a police car with its siren on. The shots passed two or three metres from the vehicle and no one was injured.

Police said the shooting was linked to a dispute over a drug deal between two rival gangs.

Bourniquel told Agence France-Presse that he and other officers were in three vehicles that were targeted: “We were shot at when we got there. We were in clearly marked police cars.”

The 1960s housing estate where the French footballer Zinedine Zidane grew up is in one of Marseille’s notorious crime-ridden suburbs.

Drug traffickers regularly turn parts of the estate into no-go areas for police and outsiders, and local authorities plan to demolish at least one high-rise block in an attempt to make the area easier to monitor and control.

Last week the local infants’ school was broken into, and the neighbouring primary school was set alight over the Christmas period.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 12 februari 2015 @ 14:19:56 #134
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
We, the People of the World, petition the United Nations and the Signatory nations of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, and two corollary UN drug prohibition treaties, to Amend the Treaties, ending the war on drugs and providing for a health-, harm-reduction and human rights- oriented convention much like that proposed by Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. See http://www.tiny.cc/leap_treaty
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 12 februari 2015 @ 18:57:46 #135
156695 Tism
Sinds 24, Aug, 2006
OM verklaart Amsterdamse wietvereniging illegaal

Wietgebruikers die een vereniging opzetten om samen een plantage te beheren, handelen in strijd met de wet. Ook als elk lid in de kwekerij eigenaar blijft van de wettelijk toegestane hoeveelheid van vijf planten, concludeert het Openbaar Ministerie in Amsterdam.

De Cannabis Social Club 'Tree of Life' vroeg het OM of de vereniging, die vorig jaar maart is opgericht, valt onder het gedoogbeleid. De groep kweekt samen wietplanten die volgens de statuten eigendom blijven van het individuele lid.

De leden vinden dat ze zo binnen de marge van de wet toch een grote plantage kunnen onderhouden. Het OM haalt daar een streep door omdat de vereniging haar leden de kans biedt om samen cannabis te verbouwen.

"Het initiatief valt naar de mening van het OM niet onder het gedoogbeleid omdat het doel van de vereniging is om haar leden in staat te stellen om gezamenlijk cannabis te verbouwen," staat op de website van het Openbaar Ministerie.

"Hoewel er geen sprake is van beoogd geldelijk gewin, is er naar de mening van het OM door de schaalgrootte en de mate van professionaliteit wel sprake van bedrijfsmatig handelen."

Bron: NOS
  donderdag 12 februari 2015 @ 19:50:32 #136
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
2s.gif Op donderdag 12 februari 2015 18:57 schreef Tism het volgende:


Lijkt me duidelijk. Alleen criminelen mogen wiet telen van het OM.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 14 februari 2015 @ 12:43:29 #137
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De liquidatiegolf in Amsterdam is een nieuwe fase ingegaan. Wat begon met een ruzie tussen twee groepen over een verdwenen partij drugs uit de Antwerpse haven is inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een onoverzichtelijk conflict tussen meerdere, kleine groepen criminelen. Dat zegt Hanneke Ekelmans, lid van de korpsleiding Amsterdam, in een interview met de Volkskrant. Ze is verantwoordelijk voor de opsporing.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 14 februari 2015 @ 13:29:18 #138
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
A revolt by local police who barricaded themselves inside a station for nearly two weeks in a labour protest erupted in a clash that wounded at least five federal agents in southern Mexico on Friday.

Between 250 and 300 local police officers have been hunkered down in the station in the town of Santa María Coyotepec for the last 13 days to demand raises and better working conditions, the Oaxaca state government said in a statement.

They shot at federal police who tried to remove them on Friday, the government alleged. Five federal agents were wounded in the legs by bullet shrapnel, but their lives were said not to be in danger.

Some of the local officers contended it was not them but rather federal agents who opened fire in the pre-dawn confrontation.

“The federal police tried to get in through the main door, but my companions reacted and the clash began,” said a policeman inside the compound who gave his name as only Luis for fear of possible reprisals.

Jeyco Pérez, identified as one of the leaders of the revolt, told Milenio TV that they were only using shields to defend themselves and had not fired weapons.

An Associated Press reporter at the scene saw the local officers carrying batons and riot shields, but no weapons were readily visible. The entry to the station was barricaded with a truck and metal fencing.

The locals captured at least three federal officers but later released them.

One, Mauricio Villela, said he was not harmed during his seven hours of captivity. He denied that it was federal police who opened fire, saying, “We did not shoot.”
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  zaterdag 14 februari 2015 @ 14:49:53 #139
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Duizenden ernstig zieke Nederlanders kunnen bij de apotheek 'staatswiet' krijgen. Die werkt bij veel patiënten niet goed. Sommigen telen daarom zelf wiet. Ook Rudolf Hillebrand. Tot de politie kwam.
Artikel achter paywall.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 18 februari 2015 @ 16:40:10 #140
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
The UK needs common sense about ketamine

David Nutt

Ketamine is a vital medicine, and restricting it has harmed patients without cutting recreational use. Britain should stand up to the UN’s failed ‘war on drugs’

Ketamine is a unique anaesthetic and analgesic that has unfortunately become a popular and harmful recreational drug. Last year, in an attempt to reduce recreational use, and on the recommendation of its Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), the UK government decided to ban all ketamine-like drugs (analogues) and also put ketamine itself under greater controls.

These changes were opposed by many scientists who saw the analogue ban as anti-scientific, and by many doctors and vets who feared that the greater controls would reduce ketamine use with consequent increase in patients suffering. Our fears turned out to be true. For example, the Glastonbury festival medical team who use ketamine for emergency anaesthesia (eg for burns) were last year denied supplies.

The increased restrictions also failed to take account of the advances in prescribing options provided by the Patient Group Directive legislation, which improves access to vital medicines by allowing trained nurses and other practitioners to prescribe. On Tuesday, the Home Office was told by the ACMD of this oversight, and hopefully the regulations will soon be changed to allow ketamine to be used optimally.

These issues highlight the perverse damage that can occur with the current simplistic legal-based approaches against recreational drug use. They damage research and harm patients, yet have little if any effect on recreational use. Now the misuse of ketamine in some other countries could lead to an even more outrageous decision: the banning of ketamine as a medicine world-wide. The UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (UNCND) is proposing this at its next meeting in March. This recommendation is being pursued despite opposition from the World Health Organisation that argues ketamine is a vital medicine. Ketamine is the only anaesthetic that does not cause respiratory depression and one that has proven utility in emergency situations, war zones and in surgery for children. This is not the first time that the faceless “war on drugs” bureaucrats in the UN are trying to get a drug banned to justify their existence – but surely it must be the last?

The prospect of denying the long-proven therapeutic benefits of ketamine to people, particularly children in pain, is one I am sure we would all find abhorrent. We need to remember that because many countries blindly follow UN guidance to ban all strong opioids under UN conventions, 80% of the world’s population doesn’t have access to adequate opioid analgesia, one of the great socio-medical scandals of the past century.

Ketamine also has a major and growing role to play in the control of patients with chronic pain. Moreover ketamine is probably the most significant innovation in the treatment of resistant depression in the past 40 years. It can produce rapid remission of symptoms in suicidal patients and is also being tested in treatment-resistant PTSD.

To stop the clinical and research use of ketamine would be madness but this is what would happen if the UK approves and implements the UNCND recommendation. This would mean that every doctor and hospital that wished to use ketamine would need their own special licence to do so. We know that only four hospitals in the country have such a licence and to get one costs about £6,000 and takes a year or more.

The idea that banning ketamine will stop recreational use is ludicrous, given that similar bans on heroin and cocaine have not impacted misuse. Unless our scientific and medical leaders stand up to the UNCND, researchers and patients will suffer. We need to remember that the UK medical community successfully lobbied the government to reject the 1961 UN recommendation to ban heroin when many other countries went along with it and so eliminated it as a medicine. UK patients have benefited from this powerful painkiller whereas patients in other countries have suffered. We can insist that common sense over ketamine prevails and that our medical leaders demand a similar exemption be applied to ketamine in the UK if the UN proposal is endorsed.

But we should do more. It is time to stop the UNCND pursuing its failed “war on drugs”. This serves its goals of maintaining its significant international profile and job security, but it has been a costly failure in terms of the rest of humanity, particularly because of the perverse effects to deny proven pain-control treatments to much of the world’s population. Surely it is now time for the UK, one of the founders of the World Health Organisation and a leader in international health policy, to rectify this cruelty: stopping it worsening by opposing the ketamine ban would be the first step.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 20 februari 2015 @ 14:27:16 #141
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
A 28-year-old hacker currently serving a six-month prison sentence for computer crimes now says that authorities asked him to help the United States gather information on Mexican drug cartels, then charged him with dozens of counts after he refused.

Fidel Salinas of Texas started his half-year prison sentence last Friday, according to court documents obtained by RT, three months after he accepted a plea deal that saw him owning up to a single count of accessing without authorization the computer system of Hidalgo County in 2012. The activity was part of an operation that authorities say involved the hacktivist collective Anonymous.

This Wednesday, however, Wired reported that Salinas said ahead of surrendering to US Marshals last week that the agreement he reached with the Department of Justice was hardly the first time that the two had discussed a deal.

According to Wired, Salinas told journalist Andy Greenberg that agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation attempted to recruit him to assist with the FBI’s own intelligence gathering operations in 2013. After Salinas shot them down, he soon found himself being charged with dozens of counts through no fewer than four indictments filed in US District Court for the Southern District of Texas.

In May 2013, Greenberg wrote this week, the FBI interrogated Salinas for six hours, during which they allegedly asked him to harness his cyber skills in order to help federal authorities gather intelligence on Mexican drug cartels — a previous target of Anonymous.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 20 februari 2015 @ 15:21:37 #142
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Life after El Chapo: kingpin's arrest spells new era in Mexican drug war

The capture last year of Joaquín Guzmán barely seems to have affected the Sinaloa cartel’s core business, but behind the scenes trouble may be brewing

The fortune-teller smiled as she gazed out towards the distant peaks of the Sierra Madre Occidental mountain range.

“The mountains are glowing red and it will be a good harvest,” she predicted. The forecast was not based on second sight, however, but on conversations with local farmers looking forward to a bumper crop of marijuana – and the cash bonanza it will bring.

This is Mexico’s own golden triangle. Straddling the northern states
of Sinaloa, Durango and Chihuahua, the Sierra has been a stronghold of
the country’s drug trade for as long as anyone can remember. Its deep
canyons and dense pine forests have harboured narcos
and hidden plantations of marijuana and opium poppies for decades.

It’s a world the fortune-teller knows well: over the years, she said she had often used her gift to help local people – locating a lost kilo of opium
paste or comforting the girlfriends of slain traffickers.

The arrest of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán on 22 February 2014 was hailed
by the Mexican and US authorities as the one of the biggest blows to
the drug trade in decades. But a year on, the core business of
Guzmán’s Sinaloa cartel seems hardly affected. “As long as there are people who want the drugs this will never stop, whoever goes to prison,” the seer said.

Overall, seizures of drugs from Mexico heading into the US remain much
as they were before Guzmán’s arrest. The Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) has reported only small changes in the way the cartel operates. And after a brief burst of triumphalism in the days
after Guzmán’s arrest, the Mexican government now rarely mentions the
Sinaloa cartel at all.

“Chapo’s capture has not produced any major changes here,” said Ismael
Bojórquez, the director of the Sinaloa investigative weekly Ríodoce.
“The cartel structure continues to work just as before.”

Not that everybody in Sinaloa accepts that view.

“Things are calm, yes, but it feels like the calm before the storm,” said a local music producer who specialises in narcocorridos – accordion-driven ballads often commissioned by traffickers to glorify their exploits. Like the psychic – and others interviewed for this article – he was wary of being identified, because his work often brings him into contact with members of the criminal underworld.

Sinaloa’s Coordinator of Public Security, who previously headed military operations in the state, insists that Chapo’s capture has not had any major impact on security over the past year. “Things not only have not got worse,” retired General Moisés Melo Garcia said, “but high impact crimes have been falling in Sinaloa, thanks to improved coordination between the federal and state forces.”

But over the past year, unease in Sinaloa has been magnified by the lack of
clarity over the cartel’s reconfiguration since Guzmán’s arrest.

For all his mythical status – forged by a dramatic prison escape in
2001 and the Sinaloa cartel’s subsequent attempt to take over territories across the country from other cartels – Guzmán was not so much the boss of bosses as the highest profile figure in a triumvirate of veterans.

The other two were Juan José Esparragoza, known as El Azul (“the blue one”), who reportedly died in June and Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, who is still at large.

Many assumed El Chapo’s arrest would prompt Zambada’s seamless succession to power, but the 67-year-old narco has apparently come under intense pressure in recent months: several close collaborators, including one of his sons, have been arrested and he has reportedly come close to capture several times.

Even in the state capital Culiacán – once his undisputed home
territory – El Mayo has appeared unable to respond to an incursion by
a former protege of Chapo called Dámaso López, who is said to have made
inroads into street-level dealing in the city.

The record producer noted that López appeared to be backing his
ambitions with an aggressive string of promotional narcocorridos with
lyrics that are becoming increasingly bellicose.

In Culiacán, some believe El Chapo could eventually be replaced by one of his sons, Ivan Archivaldo Guzmán, but others dismiss him as too inexperienced to take full control.

Analysts, law enforcement sources and cartel contacts agree generational change is contributing to the unease: traditionalists often point to the hotheaded and exhibitionist tendencies of such narco “juniors”, whose inherited power and wealth contrast with the rags-to-riches struggles of their fathers.

And then there is the wild card of Rafael Caro Quintero. A founder of the now-defunct Guadalajara cartel, Quintero spent 28 years in jail for the 1985 murder of DEA agent Kiki Camarena, but was unexpectedly released in 2013 – to the disgust of the US government – and promptly disappeared. Today the ageing narco is said to be hiding out somewhere in the golden triangle, intent on reimposing old school narco order in Sinaloa.

“There is no logic to what is happening,” the record producer said. “The sense I get is of an atmosphere of pending war.”

Luís agrees. He spent 10 years as one of El Chapo’s gunmen, loading drugs on to planes heading to the US as well as torturing and killing cartel members who stepped out of line.

Luis has retired and complains of nightmare flashbacks to his days as a killer, but he still keeps in contact with the few members of his old crowd who are still alive. They tell him all is not well in the cartel.

“Before all the cows went in one direction. Now there are too many cowboys,” he said, sipping a beer and fiddling with a joint. “There will always be drugs moving, for as long as it is not legal, but I see a lot of weakness, a lot of internal disputes and mistreatment of the local population and that creates problems too.”

Luis said that while the police were as accommodating as ever, new tactics being used by the federal government were causing problems.

Time was, he said, when soldiers would help cartel members load up drug shipments “for a beer and a woman”. Now, however, he said army units were rotated so often that deals with corrupt commanders had to be constantly renegotiated.

Worse still, he added, the government was increasingly depending on special operations forces, which have proved stubbornly resistant to making any deals with the cartels. Naval special operations units, working closely with the DEA, have been responsible for almost all the key arrests in Sinaloa, including Chapo’s.

María, a well-dressed middle-aged lady who spoke freely once assured of anonymity, also described considerable nervousness at the “peaceful end of the business”. A close relative of María’s trafficed cocaine independently, she said, but still depended on the cartel to keep order in the state.

“The youngsters wanting to come in are more violent, they don’t have what it takes,” she said. “El Señor [El Mayo] is looking weak, but he is very astute and we are hoping that he has an ace up his sleeve.”

Memories are still fresh of the all-out war that erupted in Sinaloa in 2008 following a violent split between Chapo and his one-time allies in the Beltrán Leyva family, leaving many in the area particularly attuned to signs of internal tension in the cartel. Their concerns are only reinforced by events elsewhere in Mexico: hardly a day goes by in the southern state of Guerrero without reports of atrocities committed in the turf wars between splinter groups of the once-mighty Beltrán Leyva cartel.

“The Sinaloa cartel is not a good thing, but it is better than the others,” said one taxi driver in the city. “We don’t want another war.”

His immediate concern, however, was a lack of cash in Culiacán linked by many to El Chapo’s capture.

A financial adviser at a bank in the city agreed: “The Sinaloan economy depends, in large part, on these guys. It’s their cash and investments that provide the work,” he said.

He added that El Chapo’s arrest and tighter restrictions on cash transactions had led to a notable contraction in the past year, though he expected this to ease once the cartel had found new creative ways of laundering its money.

Agriculture and the tourism industry have long been favoured routes for laundering money, he said, but he expected new construction projects would become the preferred way to clean dirty money.

“In Sinaloa we are all betting on the good guys and the bad guys doing business,” he said.

Javier Valdez, a reporter at Ríodoce, specialises in stories about the way daily life in Sinaloa has become increasingly invaded by narco economics and culture. “The narcos have domesticated us,” Valdez said. “They are in our lives and we are ever more resigned to that destiny.”

The government’s failure to provide security or prosperity only adds to this sense of dependence on an underworld that relies on both barbaric violence and managerial agility to adapt to new market conditions.

The DEA’s 2014 National Threat Assessment notes a steady rise in heroin seizures on the US south-west border that reached 2,200kg (4,850lb) in 2013 – more than four times the amount intercepted in 2008.

This appears to be a response to growing US demand, but could also reflect opium paste’s portability compared with large bricks of marijuana. In Sinaloa growers in the Sierra Madre describe increased poppy production for just those reasons.

Local people with connections to the drug trade also describe a surge in the number of crystal meth labs. The DEA report notes that almost all the methamphetamine on sale in the US was produced in Mexico, with seizures on the border nearly tripling between 2009 and 2013 to reach about 11,500kg. The report also cites increasingly sophisticated techniques, which include dissolving the drug in solvents to smuggle it across the border disguised as flavoured drinks or hidden in windshield wiper reservoirs.

Meanwhile, marijuana seizures dropped suddenly in 2013. Some newspaper reports have ascribed this to the legalisation of the drug in some US states, but local producers say it has more to do with years of falling prices and greater vigilance by the army, which complicates the transport of large shipments.

All of which leads journalists such as the director of Ríodoce to conclude that the Sinaloa cartel is well on the way to completing its reformation for the post-Chapo era.

“It is a period of transition and there will always be bumps along the way,” Bojórquez said. “But this is a business group with a worldwide reach and it is looking pretty strong.”

Bojórquez speculates that the cartel’s resilience may also also owe something to backroom negotiations with Mexican politicians, who he believes are desperate to find a way to close down the drug wars, which have killed about 100,000 people around Mexico.

At least one Sinaloan politician from the governing Institutional Revolutionary party appeared to agree. “The only way to do this is for the big boys to sit down with the big boys and make a deal,” he said.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Vanaf 1 maart - de nieuwe Opiumwet!
Nog zeven dagen, en dan is ons land een nieuwe Opiumwet rijk. Het Openbaar Ministerie treedt nu al extra hard op.

Alle handelingen die verband houden met illegale hennepteelt kunnen per 1 maart strafrechtelijk worden aangepakt. Niet alleen het daadwerkelijke kweken is strafbaar, ook het leveren van groeilampen of het aansluiten van elektriciteit wordt afgestraft, geeft NU aan.

Vooral growshops worden nu scherp in de gaten gehouden door de overheid. Volgens het OM zijn het juist deze winkels die hennepteelt in de hand werken. Per 1 maart wordt de nieuwe wet streng gehandhaafd door gemeenten, politie en justitie. Wie de Opiumwet dan overtreedt, kan rekenen op een geldboete tot 81.000 euro en loopt bovendien het risico voor drie jaar de bak in te moeten. Hennepteelt die niet voor geneeskundige doeleinden bestemd is, leidt volgt het OM alleen maar tot doffe ellende, en doet het land dus alleen maar teniet.

Criminalize! *O*
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
Nederlandse trucker vast in Hongarije
Een Nederlandse chauffeur is in Hongarije tegen de lamp gelopen met een grote hoeveelheid drugs. In zijn vrachtwagen werd 417 kilo marihuana ontdekt, aldus de Hongaarse douane vandaag.

De 410 pakken marihuana zaten verstopt in een speciaal ontworpen holle ruimte van de vrachtwagen, aldus de Nationale Belasting en Douanedienst (NAV) volgens het ANP. De drugs hebben een straatwaarde van ongeveer 500 miljoen Hongaarse forint (ruim 1,6 miljoen euro).

De Nederlander werd opgepakt bij de overgang Röszke bij de grens met Servië, 177 kilometer ten zuiden van Boedapest. Hij zal naar verwachting streng worden aangepakt. Hongarije heeft binnen de EU ongeveer het minst tolerante drugsbeleid. Op het bezit van soft- of harddrugs staan gevangenisstraffen tot tien jaar. :')

Hongarije wordt een steeds belangrijkere markt voor drugs uit de Balkan en andere buurlanden. Vooral het gebruik van softdrugs is toegenomen, blijkt uit onderzoek.

Criminalize! *O*
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
  woensdag 25 februari 2015 @ 09:12:07 #145
131800 Tarado
capô de fusca
15s.gif Op dinsdag 24 februari 2015 03:01 schreef El_Matador het volgende:
Vanaf 1 maart - de nieuwe Opiumwet!
Nog zeven dagen, en dan is ons land een nieuwe Opiumwet rijk. Het Openbaar Ministerie treedt nu al extra hard op.

Alle handelingen die verband houden met illegale hennepteelt kunnen per 1 maart strafrechtelijk worden aangepakt. Niet alleen het daadwerkelijke kweken is strafbaar, ook het leveren van groeilampen of het aansluiten van elektriciteit wordt afgestraft, geeft NU aan.

Vooral growshops worden nu scherp in de gaten gehouden door de overheid. Volgens het OM zijn het juist deze winkels die hennepteelt in de hand werken. Per 1 maart wordt de nieuwe wet streng gehandhaafd door gemeenten, politie en justitie. Wie de Opiumwet dan overtreedt, kan rekenen op een geldboete tot 81.000 euro en loopt bovendien het risico voor drie jaar de bak in te moeten. Hennepteelt die niet voor geneeskundige doeleinden bestemd is, leidt volgt het OM alleen maar tot doffe ellende, en doet het land dus alleen maar teniet.

Criminalize! *O*
Ze zijn weer goed bezig :') , wat heb je aan een regering als ze toch geen eigen beleid voeren
  vrijdag 27 februari 2015 @ 10:17:43 #146
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Donderdag kreeg de partij een nieuwe klap te verwerken: de vorige week al afgetreden VVD-fractievoorzitter van de gemeente Stichtse Vecht is nu in hechtenis genomen. Zij maakt deel uit van een groep van acht arrestanten die wordt verdacht van hennepteelt en witwassen. De ex-politica mag geen contact hebben met de buitenwereld. Zij moest al eerder aftreden omdat ze wordt verdacht van het lekken van geheime informatie uit een vertrouwenscommissie aan een partijgenoot.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Wiet niet langer illegaal in Jamaica

Het is in Jamaica niet langer een misdrijf een kleine hoeveelheid marihuana te bezitten. Wie minder dan twee ounce (56,6 gram) wiet bij zich heeft, pleegt wel een kleine overtreding, maar is niet langer crimineel. Dit heeft het Jamaicaanse parlement gisteravond laat na jarenlang touwtrekken besloten.
Bewerkt door: Redactie 25 februari 2015, 11:01 Bron: ANP

Cannabis wordt al sinds de negentiende eeuw veel gebruikt op het eiland, en is sinds 1913 illegaal. In de nieuwe wetgeving wordt het ook toegestaan maximaal vijf marihuanaplanten op een bepaald onroerend goed te kweken. De wet voorziet ook in de mogelijkheid voor de overheid marihuana te kweken voor medische of wetenschappelijke doeleinden onder toezicht van de Cannabis Licentie Autoriteit.

De wet wordt toegejuicht door Rastafari's, die marihuana voor religieuze doeleinden gebruiken. De plant wordt door hen als heilig gezien.

De decriminalisatie van cannabis in Jamaica komt op een moment dat ook in de Verenigde Staten het beleid wordt versoepeld. In verschillende staten is marihuana gelegaliseerd. De Jamaicaanse regering vreesde eerder sancties van de VS als zij hun marihuanabeleid zouden versoepelen.

Jamaica geldt als één van de grootste exporteurs van wiet naar de VS.
Wees gehoorzaam. Alleen samen krijgen we de vrijheid eronder.
  vrijdag 27 februari 2015 @ 15:25:07 #148
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De drugsbaron stond aan het hoofd van het Tempeliers-kartel, een quasireligieus crimineel netwerk dat voorheen de hele staat onder controle had. Zo had het de macht over de politie en de handel die in de staat werd gedreven. De gang wist zelfs de internationale haven Lazaro Cardenas te veroveren en zo miljoenen op te strijken met het illegaal mijnen van erts.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 2 maart 2015 @ 14:48:04 #149
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 4 maart 2015 @ 13:32:00 #150
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
UK should begin decriminalising drugs, say Richard Branson and Nick Clegg

Virgin founder and deputy prime minister argue that ‘war on drugs’ has failed and urge UK to follow Portuguese example

Sir Richard Branson and Nick Clegg are urging the UK to begin decriminalising the use and possession of almost all drugs, following the example of Portugal.

The Virgin founder and deputy prime minister are to address a conference on fighting drug addiction on Wednesday, and in a Guardian article they argue that the “war on drugs” has failed.

“As an investment, the war on drugs has failed to deliver any returns,” they write. “If it were a business, it would have been shut down a long time ago. This is not what success looks like.

“The idea of eradicating drugs from the world by waging a war on those who use them is fundamentally flawed for one simple reason: it doesn’t reduce drug taking.

“The Home Office’s own research, commissioned by Liberal Democrats in government and published a few months ago, found there is no apparent correlation between the ‘toughness’ of a country’s approach and the prevalence of adult drug use.

“This devastating conclusion means that we are wasting our scarce resources, and on a grand scale.”

Branson has always made a point of not endorsing party politics, but is willing to endorse specific campaigns, and as a member on the global commission on drugs policy has called for an international rethink on drugs laws.

In their article, they argue: “The status quo is a colossal con perpetrated on the public by politicians who are too scared to break the taboo.”

Portugal decriminalised all drugs at the turn of the century. In the nearly 15 years since, the country has seen drug abuse drop by half, with the money previously spent on prohibition enforcement spent instead on reconnecting drug addicts with society.

In Clegg’s clearest endorsement of the Portuguese experiment, they say: “We should look to Portugal which removed criminal penalties for drug possession in 2001.

“Portugal’s reforms have not – as many predicted – led to an increase in drug use. Instead, they have allowed resources to be re-directed towards the treatment system, with dramatic reductions in addiction, HIV infections and drug-related deaths.

“Drugs remain illegal and socially unacceptable, as they should be, but drug users are dealt with through the civil rather than the criminal law.

“Anyone who is arrested for drug possession is immediately assessed and sent for treatment or education. If they fail to engage, they have to pay a fine.”

Portuguese citizens are allowed to purchase and possess 1g of heroin, 2g of cocaine, 25g of marijuana leaves or 5g of hashish.

They write: “The Portuguese system works, and on an issue as important as this, where lives are at stake, governments cannot afford to ignore the evidence. We should set up pilots to test and develop a British version of the Portuguese model.”

But the Centre for Social Justice, a charity closely associated with the work and pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, claimed charities on the front line in the struggle against drug addiction are opposed to decriminalisation.

In recent CSJ research, nearly three-quarters of charities surveyed were concerned about the effect cannabis use had on their clients and families. More than half (56%) felt the decriminalisation of cannabis would lead to an increase in its use. Less than a quarter (23%) thought it would not.

Commenting on the findings, Christian Guy, director of the CSJ, said: “Drug addiction is ripping Britain’s poorest communities apart. Our network of 300 front-line charities sees this on a daily basis.

“Many are right to be worried that liberalising cannabis laws will lead to more people taking drugs and developing harder use.

“Politicians need to listen to these experts. They are the people who witness the devastating impact of drugs in our poorest neighbourhoods day in, day out.”
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 4 maart 2015 @ 16:45:26 #151
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexico arresteert opnieuw leider groot drugskartel

De Mexicaanse politie heeft de leider van het beruchte drugskartel Los Zetas opgepakt. Het is Omar Trevino Morales. Hij was de baas van het kartel sinds de arrestatie van zijn broer in juli 2013.

Morales werd woensdagochtend (plaatselijke tijd) aangehouden in de stad Monterrey. Hij was een van de meest gezochte misdadigers in het land. Zijn arrestatie komt enkele dagen na de aanhouding van een andere bendeleider, Servando Gomèz van het Tempelierskartel.

Het kartel Los Zetas, dat voor een groot deel bestaat uit goedgetrainde gedeserteerde militairen, staat bekend als zeer gewelddadig. Het wordt onder andere verantwoordelijk gehouden voor de moord op 72 immigranten in San Fernando in 2010.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
  vrijdag 6 maart 2015 @ 11:47:57 #153
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De ChristenUnie zal niet instemmen met een nieuw belastingstelsel waar de legalisering van softdrugs een onderdeel is.

Dat zegt ChristenUnie-leider Arie Slob vrijdag tegen NU.nl. Zaterdagochtend volgt een uitgebreid interview.

D66 presenteerde onlangs een initiatiefwetsvoorstel om de wietteelt te reguleren. Op deze manier wordt de 'achterdeur' van coffeeshops legaal, waardoor er ook belasting over geheven kan worden.

D66-leider Alexander Pechtold liet vervolgens weten het plan op tafel te willen leggen bij de onderhandelingen over een nieuw belastingsysteem, de komende tijd een van de grootste uitdagingen voor het kabinet.

Zowel D66 als de ChristenUnie horen bij de "constructieve" oppositiepartijen die met de coalitie hierover meepraten.

Als het aan Slob ligt kan Pechtold zijn wietplan dus thuis laten. "Als je bij D66 binnenloopt dan zit je meteen met je hoofd in de wietdampen", stelt hij.

"Die partij heeft het belastingplan gekoppeld aan het softdrugsbeleid. Wij zien het als een gezondheidsvraagstuk, zij als een financieel vraagstuk. Maar ik zou geen geld willen verdienen aan de verslaving van anderen. Daar sta ik diametraal tegenover."
Maar geld verdienen aan zijn eigen drugs mag wel zeker?

Het artikel gaat verder.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Als je bij D66 binnenloopt dan zit je meteen met je hoofd in de wietdampen", stelt hij.
Gatverdamme, altijd van zulke kutargumenten. :(
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
7s.gif Op vrijdag 6 maart 2015 11:47 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:



Maar geld verdienen aan zijn eigen drugs mag wel zeker?
"In het zweet uws aanschijns zult gij brood eten, totdat gij tot de aarde wederkeert, dewijl gij daaruit genomen zijt"

Dat ziet de VVD ook wel zitten zolang het niet voor hun echte achterban geldt.
Wees gehoorzaam. Alleen samen krijgen we de vrijheid eronder.
8s.gif Op vrijdag 6 maart 2015 12:07 schreef xpompompomx het volgende:


Gatverdamme, altijd van zulke kutargumenten. :(
Kan D66 geen rechter hierover laten oordelen dat dit laster of smaad is van onze christen vrienden en hiermee het recht laten zegevieren over de onderbuik gevoelens van deze mensen en hierdoor ze mooi te kakken zetten.
Er is geen War on Drugs
0s.gif Op vrijdag 6 maart 2015 15:07 schreef High-on-Fire het volgende:
Er is geen War on Drugs
Nee, klopt. Er wordt een heel tolerant en rationeel beleid gevoerd, gebaseerd op wetenschappelijk onderzoek en niet op onderbuikgevoelens en bangmakerij.
  zaterdag 7 maart 2015 @ 18:35:33 #159
156695 Tism
Sinds 24, Aug, 2006
Dit mag:

Wietplantjes in helmen

In deze video:

Tweehonderd soldatenhelmen gevuld met wietplanten. Een gewaagd kunstwerk in het Odapark in Venray. Een statement over, hoe kan het ook anders, oorlog en liefde. Make love not war.
The only limit is your own imagination
Ik ben niet gelovig aangelegd en maak daarin geen onderscheid tussen dominees, imams, scharenslieps, autohandelaren, politici en massamedia

Waarom er geen vliegtuig in het WTC vloog
  dinsdag 10 maart 2015 @ 18:01:57 #161
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De mannen worden ervan verdacht de benoeming van de burgemeester in de gemeente Stichtse Vecht te hebben beïnvloed in het voordeel van VVD'er Rob Bats. De verdenking is bijvangst in het onderzoek naar fractievoorzitter Kathalijne de Kruif van de VVD in Stichtse Vecht.

Zij werd vorige maand aangehouden op verdenking van het handelen in hennep en het witwassen van drugsgeld. De VVD in de gemeente liet dinsdag weten dat 'mevrouw De Kruif heeft aangegeven dat het niet in het belang van de gemeente, de inwoners, de gemeenteraad, haar partij en haarzelf is als zij nog langer politiek actief is'.
De zaak rond Cees H. kwam maandag in een stroomversnelling nadat bekend werd dat het betalingsbewijs was opgedoken van de overeenkomst met H. Daarmee werd ook het bewijs geleverd dat Opstelten niet de waarheid sprak in de Tweede Kamer. De drugscrimineel H. incasseerde 4,7 miljoen gulden, en niet 1,25 miljoen zoals Opstelten vorig jaar beweerde.
Vandaag krijgt de ex-gedeputeerde van de provincie Noord Holland te horen hoe lang justitie wil dat hij moet zitten. De rechtbank veroordeelde hem in 2013 tot 3 jaar cel, omdat hij zich had laten omkopen, geld had witgewassen en valsheid in geschrifte had gepleegd. Uit de tenlastelegging van het OM blijkt dat justitie hem in hoger beroep verwijt dat hij voor circa 1,2 miljoen euro aan giften en beloften voor betalingen heeft ontvangen.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 10 maart 2015 @ 22:16:55 #162
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Possession of ecstasy and other drugs is currently legal in Ireland, but only for a day, after a court ruling on Tuesday morning.

A written judgment released by the Republic’s court of appeal said part of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977, which allows certain substances to be controlled, is unconstitutional, meaning all government orders banning substances such as ecstasy and magic mushrooms are void – and it is not an offence to possess them.

Specifically, the court found that the act was being added to via ministerial order and without consulting the Oireachtas (both houses of the Irish parliament) and deemed this unconstitutional.

The appeal court’s ruling came in favour of a man who was prosecuted for possession of methylethcathinone, which was among a number of substances put on the controlled drugs list in 2010.

Stanislav Bederev denied the charge of having the substance for supply in 2012, and then brought a high court challenge in Dublin seeking to stop his trial, claiming that additions to the 1977 act were unconstitutional.

Bederev’s legal team argued it was not lawful to put the substance on the controlled drug list because there are no principles and policies guiding the introduction of such rules – and specifically no consultation with the Irish parliament.

The Irish government now has to force through emergency legislation in its parliament on Tuesday evening in response to the ruling.

The emergency law won’t come into place until the Republic’s second chamber, the Seanad, endorses the legislation. Following that the country’s president, Michael D Higgins, will have to gave his approval.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 21 maart 2015 @ 22:44:59 #163
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Prescription drugs involved in 82% of overdose deaths, Victoria coroner says

Overdose deaths involving prescription drugs twice as common as those involving illegal ones and increasing rapidly, medical conference told

The number of deaths associated with prescription drugs used to treat stress, anxiety and insomnia are increasing at a “frightening” rate, a coroner has told attendees at a medical conference in Melbourne.

Prescription drugs were involved in 82% of the 384 overdose deaths investigated by the Victorian coroner’s court in 2014, Audrey Jamieson told the International Medicine in Addiction conference on Saturday.

This was 6% higher than the rate of deaths involving prescription drugs in 2011, she said, and almost double the number of deaths in which illicit drugs were involved.

Benzodiazepines were most commonly implicated in toxic deaths, Jamieson said, a class of drugs which includes the medicine more commonly known as Xanax, Serepax and Valium, prescribed for anxiety, panic and sleep disorders.

The drugs were involved in 55% of overdose deaths investigated by the court last year, compared with 49.7% four years ago.

“It’s frightening,” Jamieson said.

“Benzodiazepines as a contributor to mixed-drug toxic deaths is there, you can see it in the statistics. I hardly ever investigate a matter where the cause of death is mixed drug use where a benzodiazepine isn’t seen.”

Opioids, used to treat pain, were implicated in 48.4% of deaths, followed by antidepressants and antipsychotics.

Benzodiazepines contributed to a significant number of deaths involving alcohol, opioids, illicit drugs and antidepressants, the coroner said, highlighting the dangers of mixing substances.

As of February last year, Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutic Good Administration, rescheduled Xanax to make it a controlled drug – a substance deemed to have a high potential for abuse and addiction – which means restrictions have been placed on its prescription.

And while it was too early to see the impact of this on deaths and hospital admissions, Xanax was not the only prescription drug being abused by Australians, the conference heard.

Their widespread abuse meant the harms they caused were second only to alcohol, and were significantly greater than harm caused by illicit drugs, Associate Professor Nicholas Lintzeris, who is director of drug and alcohol services at South Eastern Sydney local health district, said.

The impact was being felt across socioeconomic and age groups, he said, as more people used them to cope with even the short-term stresses of life.

“Historically in Australia, people over 60 or 70 were not identified as a population that used drugs or alcohol, but that’s changing now with baby boomers getting older,” Lintzeris said.

“They’re the first generation to use alcohol and prescription drugs more widely, and it doesn’t look like they’re slowing down in their 70s and 80s.”

People expected to live longer and enter their later years pain-free, Lintzeris said.

There was a societal expectation that there was a pill for almost anything, and he said prescription monitoring systems to prevent “doctor shopping”, as well as better patient education about the risks and harms of prescription drugs, was needed.

Consumers needed to know that some prescription drugs, such as opioids, were highly addictive; that when taken in combination with other drugs such as alcohol, prescription drugs could be deadly; and that there were often non-drug alternatives, such as counselling or physiotherapy, that may work better for patients than drugs, he said.

Doctors also needed to reconsider prescribing so readily and widely, he said.

“We need much greater resilience in the community about what we can expect from healthcare and medicine,” Lintzeris said.

“There’s been over-reliance on medications to address those problems at the expense of talking therapy like counselling, and we also must look at how society is structured and how it may be causing harm.”

While sessions with a psychologist were currently subsidised by the government for conditions such as depression and anxiety, Lintzeris said no such subsidy for counselling occurred for patients suffering from chronic pain, making drugs too often the first choice for patients and doctors.

Speaking during a panel discussion on prescription drug abuse at the conference, Lintzeris called for government to force the pharmaceutical industry to make the harm profiles of drugs more readily available before they could be allowed into the market.

Dr Belinda Lloyd, who heads research at the Turning Point drug and alcohol centre in Melbourne, said it was important to ensure patients who needed pain and anxiety medications were not prevented from accessing them.

“It’s not about unduly limiting access to humane and proper healthcare, but we do need to balance that minimising risk of harm,” she said.

“We’ve seen a substantial increase in prescription drug availability and related harms in Australia. We need to enhance awareness of their risks.”
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zondag 22 maart 2015 @ 19:37:59 #164
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Alaska police raid former TV anchor Charlo Greene's marijuana dispensary

Police served search warrants at marijuana activist Charlo Greene’s cannabis club after receiving reports of illegal sales but she reopened the next day
Anchorage police served search warrants at marijuana activist Charlo Greene’s Alaska Cannabis Club after receiving reports of illegal marijuana sales.

The police took marijuana and impounded a Dodge Dakota and a Jeep Liberty on Friday, KTUU reported.

Greene is a former television reporter who gained notoriety when she quit her job on live TV in September with an expletive and announced she’s becoming an advocate to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in Alaska.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 23 maart 2015 @ 14:23:08 #166
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
DEA Approves MDMA In Clinical Trials For Anxiety Patients

The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has approved the first clinical trial of MDMA being used to treat patients with debilitating anxiety due to terminal illness, highlighting a changing attitude toward using psychedelic drug therapy on those with severe nervous disorders.

Communications Director Brad Burge at the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) tells Al Jazeera America that the trial will test 18 subjects, each with proven life-threatening illnesses, in a non-hospital setting. The sessions will be monitored by on-site therapists to offer "support and conversation" to the patients. By pairing the drug with psychotherapy, MAPS hopes that the month-long trial will prove to lessen patients' anxiety symptoms associated with being terminally ill and create opportunity for more studies and trials to be conducted with psychedelic drugs. He explains that the trial is part of a larger $20 million plan to make MDMA an FDA-approved prescription medicine by 2021.

This trial is one of many that MAPS has overseen, including MDMA testing with sufferers of PTSD in addition to studies with LSD, Psilocybin ("magic mushrooms"), and the plant-based brew Ayahuasca, to lessen the symptoms associated with mental illnesses. A similar trial, brought to light by Vice earlier this year, studied the dissociative drug Ketamine and its effectiveness as an antidepressant.

It is the ultimate hope of MAPS that trials like these will prove the therapeutic quality of MDMA and other psychedelic drugs. Burge remains convinced that this is what "really good science shows, despite decades of propaganda and government misinformation."
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 28 maart 2015 @ 06:44:35 #167
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Brabantse burgemeesters vrezen machtige criminelen

De georganiseerde criminaliteit dreigt de baas te worden op sommige plekken in Nederland. Twee Brabantse burgemeesters waarschuwen in de Volkskrant voor de toenemende ondermijning van het gezag door criminelen.
Criminelen uit de drugsscene en de vrouwenhandel delen de lakens uit in buurten, infiltreren in het openbaar bestuur en zetten het gezag onder druk. Burgemeesters worden stelselmatig bedreigd.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 1 april 2015 @ 14:47:47 #168
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
You know those dance floor lifers you sometimes meet in the smoking areas of nightclubs, the greying men with sweat-logged shirts wrapped around their necks, blabbering through locked jaws about how much better pills were back in the day? They are all officially wrong.

The latest data on ecstasy – taken from pills seized by police in England and Wales between July and October of last year – reveals that the average pinger contains 108mg of MDMA, making them the strongest they've ever been in the UK.

For context, "back in the day" – i.e. during the Second Summer of Love, as rave took off here in the late-80s and early-90s – most pills were around the 80mg mark. Which, as it happens, is close to what's seen by ecstasy researchers as the "acceptable" dose (70-75mg) for an average-sized adult during one drug-taking session.

As recently as 2009, because law enforcement agencies managed to disrupt the supply chain of the precursor ingredients used to make ecstasy, most pills in the UK contained zero MDMA. Instead, largely because of a seizure in Cambodia in 2008 of 33 tons of the precursor chemical safrole oil – enough to supply the UK ecstasy market for five years – pills contained a mixture of BZP, speed or caffeine. They were basically duds, which is one of the reasons mephedrone sales reached the extraordinary heights they did.

It was the popularity of mephedrone, however, that helped to really open up the online drug trade, which – in turn – has enabled the mass supply of high quality ecstasy pills.

At Glastonbury Festival last year, all the pills seized contained MDMA, which is a pretty good sign of the current state of play. This potency surge also applies throughout Europe; in Holland, where most pills are made and where they've always been of higher quality than they are in Britain, the average strength is 140mg. In Spain, 120mg pills are the norm.
Het artikel gaat verder.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Op donderdag 6 september 2012 @ 21:41 schreef Shakkara het volgende:
Uiteraard is het volgens Rutte en consorten de schuld van een imaginair links kabinet dat we ooit ergens in het verleden gehad schijnen te hebben.
  woensdag 1 april 2015 @ 14:52:05 #170
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 11 april 2015 @ 08:56:03 #171
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Jammer weer dat dit naar buiten komt als de minister al weg is.

‘Minister verdraaide feiten over wietteelt’

Onderzoekers zijn niet te spreken over hoe hun publicaties over wietteelt door hun opdrachtgever, veelal het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, zijn gepresenteerd. Dat leert een rondgang langs wetenschappers en onderzoekers.

Onwelgevallige publicaties zijn uitgesteld, conclusies selectief naar buiten gebracht (‘cherry picking’) en vraagstellingen zo gestuurd dat de uitkomst het beleid ondersteunt. Oud-minister Ivo Opstelten (VVD) gebruikte de rapporten om de harde aanpak van wietteelt te rechtvaardigen, maar het wetenschappelijk fundament daarvoor is brozer dan voorgesteld.


Zo zou het overgrote deel van de nederwiet naar het buitenland gaan. Elke poging van burgemeesters om wietteelt te reguleren veegde het ministerie er de afgelopen jaren mee van tafel. Zolang veel wiet de grens over gaat, is de gedachte, helpt regulering niet tegen illegale plantages en georganiseerde misdaad in Nederland.

Maar de KLPD-onderzoeker die in 2006 het rapport publiceerde waarop het ministerie de hoge exportschatting baseerde, kaartte intern aan dat dit niet de conclusie was uit zijn onderzoek. Daaruit bleek namelijk: we weten het niet. Diezelfde conclusie, getrokken door onderzoekers van het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoeks- en Documentatiecentrum in een nieuwe exportschatting vorig jaar, werd door Opstelten eveneens verdraaid. Onderzoekers die aan het rapport meewerkten zeggen “teleurgesteld” te zijn.

Dat regulering strijdig is met de wet en met internationale verdragen, is een andere belangrijke pijler van het harde aanpak van wietteelt. Opstelten liet onderzoeksbureau Rand Europe in 2013 een overzicht maken van landen die wietteelt toestaan of ermee experimenteren. Het bureau zegt verbaasd te zijn over de twist die de oud-minister aan het rapport heeft gegeven. Zijn conclusie, dat regulering in andere landen minder ver gaat dan gedacht, stond er niet.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op zaterdag 11 april 2015 08:56 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:
Jammer weer dat dit naar buiten komt als de minister al weg is.


Was al lang bekend hoor :)
0s.gif Op zaterdag 11 april 2015 09:56 schreef OllieWilliams het volgende:


Was al lang bekend hoor :)
Ja maar totaal niet opgepakt door de oppositie waarmee we kunnen concluderen dat de zich progressief profilerende partijen ook niet meer dan een wassen neus zijn.
  zaterdag 11 april 2015 @ 11:02:23 #174
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
1s.gif Op zaterdag 11 april 2015 10:03 schreef Basp1 het volgende:


Ja maar totaal niet opgepakt door de oppositie waarmee we kunnen concluderen dat de zich progressief profilerende partijen ook niet meer dan een wassen neus zijn.
Er is om de zoveel tijd een "debat" in een lege 2e kamer met de minister. De vakspecialisten van de verschillende fracties wisselen de bekende argumenten uit met de minister en dan gaan ze over tot de orde van de dag.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 11 april 2015 @ 13:00:12 #175
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Velez, along with other family members of the missing Mexican students, are on a caravan tour of the United States, trying to raise awareness and support for further investigation into the attack, which took place 26 September in the city of Iguala.

The students, from Rural Normal School at Ayotzinapa, a nearby teacher training academy known for its social activism, were detained by police, allegedly under orders from the local mayor. The police handed the students over to a drug gang called Guerreros Unidos, which massacred them, according to the official government account. Partial remains from at least one student were later found in a mass grave, after extensive forensics testing.
Along with help in the search for answers, members of Caravana 43 are calling for an end to aid provided to Mexico under the Merida Initiative, a federal effort that has given $2.3bn to Mexico since 2008 to fight drug trafficking. Caravana 43 members say those funds are being used to suppress dissent, not fight drug cartels.

“The weapons that are given to Mexico through this plan are used to kill us, not help us,” said Velez.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op zaterdag 11 april 2015 08:56 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:
Jammer weer dat dit naar buiten komt als de minister al weg is.
Wiens brood men eet....?

Maar goed, de minister is als zodanig politiek verantwoordelijk voor het handelen van de minister, dat hoeft niet een en dezelfde persoon te zijn. Er is dus genoeg reden voor kamerleden om minister Ard 'ik ken mensen die aan wiet of hasj gestorven zijn' Van der Steur aan de tand te voelen over het verkeerd representeren van de informatie. De ongetwijfeld zeer verdrietige gebeurtenissen in diens vriendenkring zijn geen reden om daarvan af te zien.
Wees gehoorzaam. Alleen samen krijgen we de vrijheid eronder.
My mission is to elevate cannabis through design" says Megan Stone

Interview: Megan Stone designs interiors for the USA's booming marijuana industry. She told Dezeen why "2015 is the year for cannabis in our country".

Stone, who runs The High Road Design Studio in Phoenix, Arizona, says business is booming as attitudes to the drug in America undergo dramatic change. .....

The war on drugs is een hoax, alleen de kleinere drugskartels worden aangepakt.
Terwijl de grote kopstukken de hand boven het hoofd wordt gehouden.
Want ja, daar valt geld aan te verdienen door banken. ;(
  woensdag 15 april 2015 @ 22:09:23 #179
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
The Drug Enforcement Administration has been buying spyware produced by the controversial Italian surveillance tech company Hacking Team since 2012, Motherboard has learned.

The software, known as Remote Control System or “RCS,” is capable of intercepting phone calls, texts, and social media messages, and can surreptitiously turn on a user’s webcam and microphone as well as collect passwords.

The DEA originally placed an order for the software in August of 2012, according to both public records and sources with knowledge of the deal.

The contract, which has not been previously revealed, shows that the FBI is not the only US government agency engaged in hacking tactics, but that the DEA has also been purchasing off-the-shelf malware that could be used to spy on suspected criminals.

This revelation comes just a week after USA Today uncovered a secret program with which the DEA collected the phone records of millions of Americans for more than 20 years, a program that pre-dated and inspired the NSA’s own bulk telephone collection program, suggesting that the drug agency is sort of a pioneer in the use of surveillance.
Het artikel gaat verder.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 16 april 2015 @ 14:26:55 #180
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Rotterdam klaar voor proef met gereguleerde wietteelt

Rotterdam is klaar voor een proef met gereguleerde wietteelt. Zodra het wettelijk mogelijk is, kan in de Maasstad binnen afzienbare tijd gereguleerd wiet verbouwd worden. Dat maakte de gemeente vandaag bekend in een persbericht.

De Rotterdamse gemeenteraad nam in november vorig jaar een motie aan voor de start van een experiment met gereguleerde wietteelt. Sindsdien is er een verkenning uitgevoerd naar de mogelijkheden om zo’n proef te starten. Het onderzoek richtte zich in eerste instantie op een proef door de gemeente, later kunnen één of meerdere erkende bedrijven de teelt overnemen.

Minder criminaliteit en beter voor de volksgezondheid

De gemeente wil met het invoeren van gereguleerde wietteelt de criminaliteit verminderen en de kwaliteit van het product verhogen. Dat zou beter zijn voor de gezondheid van de gebruikers. Ook denkt de gemeente dat de veiligheid in de stad verbetert als er minder illegale wietplantages in woonwijken staan. In de huidige situatie is de manier waarop er wiet wordt geteeld niet of nauwelijks te controleren.

Naar schatting kopen 25.000 Rotterdammers dagelijks wiet bij een coffeeshop. De hoeveelheid ligt tussen de 0,2 en 5 gram. Om aan de vraag van al deze wietgebruikers in Rotterdam te voldoen, is een oppervlakte van ongeveer zes voetbalvelden nodig voor het groeien, knippen en drogen van de wiet. In Rotterdam wordt jaarlijks voor zo’n 90 miljoen euro aan wiet verkocht.

Joint regulation

In 2013 tekenden 54 gemeenten de petitie ‘Joint Regulation’, waarmee ze toenmalig minister van Ivo Opstelten (Justitie en Veiligheid) opriepen wietteelt te reguleren, en als dat niet mogelijk was zou hij lokale experimenten moeten toestaan. Uit een rondgang van NRC Handelsblad (¤) bleek dat er eind vorig jaar nog maar weinig gemeenten gebruik maakten van de mogelijkheid om te experimenteren met gereguleerde wietteelt.

Naast Rotterdam zijn er in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Heerlen en Eindhoven wel concrete plannen gemaakt om een proef te starten met gereguleerde teelt. De gemeente Heerlen maakte in maart bekend dat het ‘praktisch mogelijk’ is om er te starten met gereguleerde hennepteelt.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 18 april 2015 @ 15:58:21 #181
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Een 54-jarige medewerker van de douane in Rotterdamse haven is gisteravond aangehouden wegens drugssmokkel. Hij wordt in verband gebracht met de vondst van vierhonderd kilo cocaïne in een container uit Brazilië.

Dat meldt de politie. De man zou ook betrokken zijn geweest bij de invoer van een container met drieduizend kilo coke, in november vorig jaar. Dat was de op een na grootste vangst ooit in de Rotterdamse haven.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 18 april 2015 @ 19:50:42 #182
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
It is now one hundred years since drugs were first banned -- and all through this long century of waging war on drugs, we have been told a story about addiction by our teachers and by our governments. This story is so deeply ingrained in our minds that we take it for granted. It seems obvious. It seems manifestly true. Until I set off three and a half years ago on a 30,000-mile journey for my new book, Chasing The Scream: The First And Last Days of the War on Drugs, to figure out what is really driving the drug war, I believed it too. But what I learned on the road is that almost everything we have been told about addiction is wrong -- and there is a very different story waiting for us, if only we are ready to hear it.
Professor Alexander argues this discovery is a profound challenge both to the right-wing view that addiction is a moral failing caused by too much hedonistic partying, and the liberal view that addiction is a disease taking place in a chemically hijacked brain. In fact, he argues, addiction is an adaptation. It's not you. It's your cage.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zondag 19 april 2015 @ 13:53:27 #183
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Het lijkt er op dat er steeds meer drugs worden geproduceerd:

Franse douane pakt ruim 2.000 kilo cocaïne in ‘historische’ drugsvangst

Leden van de Franse douane hebben een drugsvangst gedaan die nu al als “historisch” te boek staat. Woensdag namen zij een partij cocaïne van 2.250 kilo in beslag op een zeilboot in de buurt van Martinique, een eiland in de Caribische Zee. Dat heeft de Franse minister van Financiën Michel Sapin zaterdag laten weten, meldt AFP.

Op het vaartuig werden drie verdachten aangehouden, twee Spanjaarden en een Venezolaan. Het schip voer onder de Amerikaanse vlag, maar dat lijkt een dekmantel te zijn geweest. De Franse douane nam over heel 2014 in totaal 6.600 kilo cocaïne in beslag. De operatie van afgelopen week is daarmee een van de grootste drugsvangsten van Frankrijk aller tijden.

De operatie was het slotstuk van een twee jaar durend onderzoek van de douane. Hierbij werd samengewerkt met Spaanse en Britse inlichtingendiensten. De drugs hadden een straatwaarde van zo’n 100 miljoen euro. Sapin prees de samenwerking van landen bij dit soort operaties.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 22 april 2015 @ 13:21:23 #184
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
'Te weinig resultaat aanpak drugshandel Brabant'

Burgemeester Noordanus van Tilburg vindt dat er veel te weinig vaart gemaakt wordt in de aanpak van georganiseerde criminaliteit in Brabant. Dat meldt Omroep Brabant op basis van geheime notulen van een topoverleg tussen verschillende instanties in december van vorig jaar.

Het openbaar bestuur probeert al enige tijd tegenmacht te organiseren om de drugshandel een halt toe te roepen. De meest in het oog springende manifestatie daarvan is de zogenaamde Taskforce Brabant; een samenwerking tussen de vijf grote steden, dat inmiddels is uitgebreid naar de provincies Brabant en Zeeland.

Vorig jaar ontving de Taskforce nog 1,8 miljoen euro aan subsidie, maar volgens Noordanus wordt er binnen het samenwerkingsverband veel gepraat, maar te weinig resultaat geboekt: 'Er moet meer garen op de klos.'

De georganiseerde criminaliteit, met name drugshandel, is een kolossaal probleem, zo weet Volkskrantverslaggever Jan Tromp. Hij doet al enige weken verslag van het bedreigde bestuur in Brabant: 'De Taskforce probeert de drugsmaffia te frustreren door 'korte klappen' uit te delen. Er wordt geprobeerd criminaliteit minder aantrekkelijk te maken door de drugsmaffia te hinderen, te frustreren en op te jagen.'


Omdat de capaciteit altijd tekort schiet, moeten er keuzes worden gemaakt, weet Tromp: 'Er wordt gekozen voor invallen in XTC-labaratoria en hennepkwekerijen.' Die aanpak heeft de voorkeur van Noordanus, maar er is ook kritiek op de methode: 'Het is niet gericht op de grote jongens in de onderwereld, die blijven volgens velen buiten schot.'

Tijdens het overleg met onder meer de officier van Justitie Kim Tax en politiechef Peter Verschuur, zou Verschuur gezegd hebben dat hij het gevoel heeft dat hij 'het zicht kwijt is.' Omroep Brabant spreekt over een 'puinhoop door falende instanties.

'Puinhoop' is volgens Tromp een te zware term, maar dat de samenwerking moeizaam verloopt, lijkt aannemlijk: 'De gemeenten, provincie, politie, justitie en de belastingdienst zijn allemaal betrokken bij dit project. Die diensten kennen allemaal een eigen cultuur met een eigen bureaucratie. Dat maakt samenwerking lastig.'

De PVV in Brabant heeft een debat aangevraagd over de problemen rond de Taskforce.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 24 april 2015 @ 00:10:20 #185
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Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Michele Leonhart, the longtime leader of the Drug Enforcement Administration, is reportedly preparing to resign after nearly two dozen House lawmakers questioned her competence in handling an agency sex scandal.

Twenty-two members of the House oversight committee, including the panel’s Republican and Democratic leaders, said last week they had lost confidence in her leadership after the revelation that DEA agents weren't fired for participating in sex parties involving prostitutes that were paid for by drug cartel members.

The resounding bipartisan expression of “no confidence” appears to have succeeded where pot advocates' campaign against "insubordination" failed last year, after she criticized her boss, President Barack Obama, for his position that smoking pot is less harmful than drinking alcohol.

The controversial anti-drug leader's departure will, perhaps most significantly, remove a major voice against more liberal marijuana policies.
Het artikel gaat verder.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 24 april 2015 @ 19:37:06 #186
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Bolivia resists global pressure to do away with coca crop

Despite its use in cocaine production, the mildly narcotic leaf enjoys a treasured cultural place in Bolivian society

One by one, Bernardo Tarquino carefully harvests the green leaves growing on the bushes on his farm at Minachi, Nor Yungas province, Bolivia. “We’ve been growing coca here for generations,” the old man says with a smile, assuring us that “his” crop is for acullico, which in the Aymara language means chewing the leaves to extract their full benefit.

“Coca quells hunger and gives strength to work,” Tarquino, 75, says, adding that it also eases altitude sickness that often affects visitors to the nearby high Andean plateaus. The leaf, which was sacred in the days of the Incas, has long been highly valued by people living in the Andes, on account of its nutritional and medicinal qualities.

But coca contains alkaloids and is used to produce cocaine, a drug causing worldwide devastation. Given the two possible uses, coca leaves are a major challenge for producer-countries such as Bolivia, the world’s third-largest source of coca (23,000 hectares), behind Colombia (48,000 hectares) and Peru (49,800 hectares).

Before he was first elected president in 2006, Evo Morales – who has been re-elected twice since – used to grow coca in Chapare province, in south-eastern Bolivia. It is a tropical region and the country’s second-largest source, after Yungas. He has always defended this crop, against governments at home and abroad, and their “no coca” policies, which sought to destroy the plants indiscriminately. In 1996 he was elected head of the six [cocalero] federations of the Tropics of Cochabamba, leading demonstrations chanting, “Viva la coca y mueran los yanquis” [long live coca, death to the Yankees].

So the question when he came to power was where he would stand on drugs. Nine years after his election the policies deployed by Morales, who retained his job at the head of the cocaleros union, enjoy the support of producers. They have also drawn the attention of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Last year’s survey [PDF] showed a downward trend between 2010-2013 when coca cultivation dropped by 26%. “In 2013, Bolivia recorded the lowest area under coca cultivation since 2002,” commented Antonino De Leo, the UNODC representative in Bolivia, when the report was released.

The Bolivian experiment has been unique in several ways. “The suspicions harboured by the international community with regard to the changes initiated by Evo Morales are a thing of the past,” said Bolivia’s interior minister Hugo Moldiz, when he presented his country’s model for combating drugs at the 58th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs at the UN general assembly in March.

In order “to restore the dignity of the coca leaf”, the Bolivian government launched an international campaign in 2006 to depenalise coca and have it taken off the list of narcotics drawn up by the Vienna convention in 1961.

Bolivia has not yet succeeded in convincing the UN, but in 2013 it did obtain a specific clause authorising chewing of coca leaves on its territory. “Bolivia is the only country in the world with a clause of this sort,” says De Leo. Coca cultivation, using traditional methods, is currently allowed on 12,000 hectares.

Bolivia’s other success story, according to the UNODC, is its social control policy “by which the state dialogues with producers and upholds human rights”, De Leo says. The cocaleros have pledged to restrict their crops to authorised areas, but also voluntarily to reduce the amount of land used.

“We check that no one moves into the prohibited areas,” says Jesus Quisbert, a producer from Coripata, Yungas, who thoroughly approves of Bolivia’s radical policy shift since 2006. “Before we had to combat the authorities, who put pressure on us; now we work together with the government to control output.”

Quisbert also believes that “helping the government is also a way of protecting our traditional crops from narco-trafficking”. The officially approved Villa Fatima market in La Paz now sells 93% of the coca leaves produced in Yungas, confirming the claim that the region’s crop is used for traditional purposes. But in contrast only 10% of the output from Chapare passes through the legal market, according to UNODC figures. The rest is sold illegally, either on markets not recognised by the state but serving traditional consumption, or to drug traffickers..

It is hard to establish how many tonnes of leaves the cocaine trade absorbs. In 2013 the government destroyed plants on more than 11,000 hectares, following discussions with the local community.

This approach differs from the strategy of forced eradication adopted for a long time in Bolivia, with financial support from Washington, which only ending in 2008 when US agents were sent home.

Neighbouring Peru is still pursuing the same US-sponsored strategy.

One of the biggest headaches for Morales is keeping the cocaleros out of the natural parks. Between 2010 and 2013 coca plantations in protected areas were more than halved, but they are still a real threat. “You have to bear in mind that no crop can compete with coca leaves, which is by far the most profitable,” De Leo says. In 2013 the UNODC put the average price per kilo of coca leaves on the official market in Bolivia at $7.80, with total output an estimated 36,300 tonnes, adding up to $283m. Just under half this tonnage is sold illegally.

“Bolivia is also a country where cocaine is produced,” De Leo says, with the country’s annual production of the 100% pure drug estimated at 155 tonnes in 2012. Furthermore, “the eastern side of Bolivia is a transit zone between the world’s main area of production in Peru and the region’s main centre of drug consumption in São Paulo and Rio in Brazil”, says Ricardo Soberon, a former head of Peru’s Drugs and Human Rights Research Centre.He adds that many Brazilian cartels are operating in southern Bolivia, an established centre for narco-trafficking.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  donderdag 30 april 2015 @ 21:38:18 #188
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Amerikaanse agenten gepakt die drugs doorlieten

De Amerikaanse federale recherche FBI heeft vijftien mensen opgepakt omdat ze drugstransporten ongehinderd het land lieten binnenkomen en geldtransporten van de drugsopbrengsten lieten passeren. Dertien van de arrestanten werken of werkten bij de politie of in het gevangeniswezen, maakte het ministerie van Justitie vandaag bekend.

De vijftien verdachten hadden niet door dat de transporten in werkelijkheid een undercover operatie waren van de FBI. 'Corruptie bij de lokale overheid - vooral als er agenten bij betrokken zijn - bedreigt het sociale cement dat onze gemeenschap bij elkaar houdt', verklaarde een hoge functionaris van Justitie.

'Ze zwoeren te dienen en te beschermen maar in plaats daarvan verkochten deze agenten en bewaarders hun penningen en gebruikten hun posities om hun zakken te vullen'.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 2 mei 2015 @ 18:18:11 #189
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Seven killed in Mexico after gunmen down helicopter in series of attacks

A drugs cartel is suspected of shooting down the military chopper, setting up roadblocks and firebombing banks in the western state of Jalisco

At least seven people died as flames and gunfire erupted around the western Mexico state of Jalisco on Friday when a military operation targeting a drug cartel was launched at the start of a three-day holiday weekend.

Suspected cartel members stopped buses and trucks to block highways in the state capital of Guadalajara and other cities, snarling traffic on a day Mexicans took to the road in droves. Officials said 11 banks and five gas stations were firebombed in almost simultaneous attacks. Lesser violence also was reported in three other states.

The first attack occurred when gunmen fired on a military helicopter, killing three soldiers and forcing it to make an emergency landing about 150 miles (250 kilometres) southwest of Guadalajara. Ten soldiers and two federal police officers were injured and three soldiers remained missing, a defence ministry statement said.

The statement said the helicopter was participating in the anti-cartel offensive known as Operation Jalisco.

Jalisco state governor Aristoteles Sandoval said that the violence around the state was a reaction to the operation, which he said was designed to “get to the bottom of and to be able to arrest all the leaders of this cartel, of this organisation”.

Sandoval did not name the cartel, but authorities have been locked in an increasingly bloody battle with the Jalisco New Generation cartel. Last month, cartel gunmen killed 15 state police officers in an ambush that was the bloodiest single attack on Mexican authorities in recent memory.

One week earlier, cartel gunmen attempted to assassinate the state security commissioner and on March 19 they killed five federal police officers. Authorities have said those attacks were revenge for state forces killing a cartel leader.

On Friday, Sandoval said Operation Jalisco, which had been announced by federal authorities earlier in the day, had the goal of arresting all members of the cartel.

Sandoval said there were a total of seven deaths Friday, but did not specify the circumstances or the victims.

Later, state spokesman Gonzalo Sanchez said through his Twitter account that the dead included three soldiers, one state police officer, two suspected criminals and one civilian. In an interview with the newspaper El Universal, Sanchez said authorities believed the Jalisco New Generation cartel was responsible.

Sandoval counted 39 road blockades around the state affecting 25 municipalities. Nineteen people were arrested and there were four armed confrontations, he said. He said 19 people were injured, including three civilians who suffered burns.

Alejandro Hope, a former official with Mexico’s intelligence service, said the violent response to the government offensive showed the cartel is cohesive and capable of reacting to attacks. He said the gang would likely tighten security to fend off the capture of its leader, who is believed to be Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, nicknamed “El Mencho”.

Hope questioned the decision to go after the cartel’s top leadership before first taking out mid-level leaders and weakening the gang’s ability to react with coordinated violence.

However, Jorge Chabat, another Mexican security expert, said he didn’t think the cartel’s response would have a big impact. “I don’t believe that it is going to make the federal government leave them alone,” he said.

President Enrique Pena Nieto said on Friday through his Twitter account that he lamented the soldiers’ deaths in the course of their work in Jalisco.

In December, Pena Nieto said Jalisco was considered one of the most unstable states in terms of security, along with Tamaulipas, Guerrero and Michoacan. He said then that those states would be prioritised in anti-crime efforts, but the violence there has continued.

The US consulate in Guadalajara issued an advisory warning Americans to avoid travelling in the area.

Earlier, the Jalisco state prosecutor’s office used its Twitter account to urge people in Guadalajara to remain calm as authorities responded to the road blockades. It said officials also were coordinating to extinguish fires and regain calm in other parts of the state’s interior.

Such blockades are a common cartel response to the arrest of important members or are used to foil police and military operations. In recent weeks, burning vehicles and blockades in the state of Tamaulipas along the Texas border were attributed to factions of the Gulf cartel following the capture of some local leaders.

But there have not been so many blockades erected simultaneously across so many parts of a state in recent memory.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 2 mei 2015 @ 18:21:03 #190
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Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Rethink the War on Drugs - Health Poverty ActionHealth Poverty Action

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Health Poverty Action supports a reassessment of the War on Drugs

Since the mid-twentieth century, global drug policy has been dominated by strict prohibition with the use of law enforcement to try and reduce the supply of illicit drugs.

This approach, which has come to be known as the ‘War on Drugs’, hasn’t worked.

Instead it has fuelled poverty and failed some of the poorest and most marginalised communities worldwide.

Read our full report: Casualties of War: How the War on Drugs is harming the world’s poorest

The War on Drugs…

• Undermines democratic governance. The power and influence of drug cartels severely weakens states. The culture of fear and corruption can make it almost impossible for citizens to exercise democratic influence, access their rights, and hold officials to account for essential public services such as health and education.

• Diverts attention and resources from essential services. Many governments in poor countries are engaged in constant civil war with the drug cartels. It is a war they are ill-equipped to win, with the cartels often having access to far greater financial resources. The costs of waging this war, both financial and in terms of dominating the political agenda, again leave little for public services such as health care.

• Wastes global finance. The worldwide cost of waging the War on Drugs is estimated at $100 billion a year. This is approaching the same amount as the global aid budget (currently $130 billion).

• Blocks access to essential medicines. Five billion people live in countries with limited or no access to opioid pain medications like morphine, and in most of those countries, overly stringent regulations on legal medications, spurred by fears that they could find their way to the illicit market, play a major role in depriving people of the pain relief they need.

• Causes pollution and deforestation. The persecution of drug producers involves the regular eradication of crops, followed by deforestation when production is relocated. This can be particularly harmful to indigenous communities and biodiversity.

• Criminalises small farmers and people who use drugs. The potential consequences of being discovered breaking the law, prevents people who use drugs from accessing state services like health care and police protection. It also makes harm reduction work much more difficult. In addition, criminalisation cuts farmers off from the support they need (such as financing) to make a sustainable living growing other crops.

• Undermines sustainable agriculture and local food production. Drug production displaces farmers from more sustainable and valuable agriculture, such as local food production.

• Increases local drug use and associated health problems. Crackdowns on the drug trade in one region displace it to new areas, creating a cheap local supply in more developing countries, which inevitably leads to higher levels of local use. In many places, farm workers are paid with drugs rather than money.

Health Poverty Action is concerned that current drug policies are causing immense suffering in poor countries, and denying poor and marginalised people their health rights.

We are driven by our conviction that it is not acceptable for anyone to be denied their health rights.

Drug policy is a development issue. Just like tax avoidance and climate change, current global drug policies undermine development initiatives and the internationally-agreed Millennium Development Goals.

Yet, unlike with these issues, the development sector in the UK remains largely silent on drug policy. If international NGOs are serious about dealing with the root causes of poverty and not just the symptoms, the sector can no longer be absent from debates on drug policy reform.

Health Poverty Action supports a reassessment of the War on Drugs.

While the debate over global drug policy in the past has been polarised between two extremes – prohibition on the one hand, and free market legalisation on the other – our choices are not limited to these. There is a third policy option, using a combination of regulation and legal controls.

Without supporting any particular policy, Health Poverty Action calls for exploration of this last option. We urgently need evidence-based alternative policies that take a public health perspective.

As governments prepare for the UN General Assembly’s Special Session (UNGASS) on Drugs in 2016, we have a unique opportunity to ensure the rights of the poorest and most marginalised are at the heart of the negotiations. Let’s seize it.

For further information please visit:

Every year the UK loses billions of pounds to corporate tax dodging, while developing countries lose an estimated $160 billion. Email your parliamentary candidates today.
Bron: www.healthpovertyaction.org
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 2 mei 2015 @ 19:31:38 #191
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Ecuador May Decriminalize All Illegal Drug Use

Ecuador aims to end its war on drugs by providing treatment and rehabilitation options.

Ecuador is reviewing a new piece of legislation that, if passed, would decriminalize the use of all illegal drugs.

The bill, authored by Carlos Velasco, who chairs the Ecuadorian congress’ Commission of the Right to Health, aims to put an end to the country’s war on drugs by providing drug users with treatment and rehabilitation instead of jail time.

“Treating the drug phenomenon in a repressive way, as was done in the 1980s and 1990s when prison was the only destination for the drug consumer, is absurd,” said Velasco.

Aside from shifting the country’s paradigm towards drugs and drug use, Velasco says another key component to putting an end to the war on drugs is educating the public about the harmful effects of drugs.

But Ecuador isn’t the only country pushing for the decriminalization of illegal drugs. British businessman Richard Branson and UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg hope the English government will follow in Ecuador’s footsteps.

“As an investment, the war on drugs has failed to deliver any returns,” Branson and Clegg wrote, citing a growing criminal market, rising incarceration rates of “people whose only crime is the possession of a substance to which they are addicted” and no meaningful reduction in drug use across Britain’s population. “If it were a business, it would have been shut down a long time ago. This is not what success looks like.”

Many Ecuadorians support Velasco’s bill, but there are many who oppose it, reasoning that its implementation will only increase drug use. The bill will be debated by Ecuadorian lawmakers later this month.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 4 mei 2015 @ 20:56:57 #192
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
An Uphill Campaign in Norway to Promote LSD as a Human Right

OSLO — In a country so wary of drug abuse that it limits the sale of aspirin, Pal-Orjan Johansen, a Norwegian researcher, is pushing what would seem a doomed cause: the rehabilitation of LSD.

It matters little to him that the psychedelic drug has been banned here and around the world for more than 40 years. Mr. Johansen pitches his effort not as a throwback to the hippie hedonism of the 1960s, but as a battle for human rights and good health.

In fact, he also wants to manufacture MDMA and psilocybin, the active ingredients in two other prohibited substances, Ecstasy and so-called magic mushrooms.

All of that might seem quixotic at best, if only Mr. Johansen and EmmaSofia, the psychedelics advocacy group he founded with his American-born wife and fellow scientist, Teri Krebs, had not already won some unlikely supporters, including a retired Norwegian Supreme Court judge who serves as their legal adviser.

The group, whose name derives from street slang for MDMA and the Greek word for wisdom, stands in the vanguard of a global movement now pushing to revise drug policies set in the 1960s. That it has gained traction in a country so committed to controlling drug use shows how much old orthodoxies have crumbled.

The Norwegian group wants not only to stir discussion about prohibited drugs, but also to manufacture them, in part, it argues, to guarantee that they are safe. It recently began an online campaign to raise money so that it can, in cooperation with a Norwegian pharmaceuticals company, start quality-controlled production of psilocybin and MDMA, drugs that Mr. Johansen says saved and transformed his life.

“I helped myself with psychedelics and want others to have the same opportunity without the risk of arrest,” Mr. Johansen, a 42-year-old researcher at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, said. He recalled how, as a young man, he defeated an alcohol problem, a smoking habit, post-traumatic stress and depression by taking psilocybin and MDMA.


The drugs are banned in Norway, as in most countries, but can, under tight supervision, be used for medical purposes and in scientific research.

While it took decades for pro-marijuana campaigners in the United States to shift public attitudes and government policy, Norway’s psychedelic champions insist that they already have science and even the law on their side.

But even politicians who support them, all of them quietly because of the extreme sensitivity of drug policy, caution that it will be a long struggle. EmmaSofia has nonetheless succeeded in making its cause an issue, with Mr. Johansen appearing in debates on NRK, the state broadcaster, and in a lengthy profile in a leading newsmagazine.

Eager to sidestep the strictures of Norway’s intrusive “nanny state,” Mr. Johansen and his supporters tap into a more freewheeling side of this button-down Nordic nation and point to a long tradition of nature-worshipping shamans, particularly among Norway’s indigenous Sami people.

Also lending a hand are the Vikings, who, at least according to fans of psychedelic drugs, ate hallucinogenic mushrooms to pep them up before battle.

Cato Nystad, a 39-year-old drum maker, EmmaSofia supporter and organizer of traditional ceremonies that involve psychedelic potions, said many Norwegians wanted to get in touch with their wilder, more spiritual sides.

Steinar Madsen, the medical director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency, said he had no objection in principle to what he called EmmaSofia’s “interesting project,” but cautioned that “it is a very long shot.”

He scoffed at the argument that Norway needs to reconnect with its shamanistic past. “I don’t believe this stuff,” he said, adding that “drugs were not part of this tradition in Norway.”

Ina Roll Spinnangr, a Liberal Party politician who supports a more relaxed policy on drugs, said the best way to bring about change was not to attack Norway’s paternalistic government but to turn it on its head.

“You have to use a nanny argument: The government needs to take control and regulate the market instead of leaving it to criminals,” she said. “The argument that you decide yourself what you put in your own body will never work in Norway.”

As a result, she added, “I would never use the word ‘legalize,’ but talk instead about regulating, not liberalizing.”

Ketil Lund, 75, the retired Supreme Court justice who advises EmmaSofia on its legal strategy, said he had never used psychedelic drugs and had no interest in trying them. But, he said, he supported Mr. Johansen’s campaign as part of a “bigger struggle” against antidrug policies in the West that he described as “an absolute failure.”

“The present narcotics policy in the West has so many detrimental effects,” he said. “These have to be balanced against detrimental effects of the drugs themselves.”

He said he was not qualified to adjudicate a raging debate over the possible hazards and benefits of psychedelic drugs like LSD. But he had been impressed by research suggesting that they were less harmful than alcohol. “People have used psychedelics for centuries,” he added.
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Recent Comments
jimmy 28 minutes ago

Like a few of the others commenting here, I took it a few times too. Harmless and quite exhilarating! The only danger comes from taking a...
Scott Miller 28 minutes ago

There have been a trickle of studies, reports and political efforts over the past few decades to add nuance to the question of psychedelics....
KiruDub 1 hour ago

I'm 44, and did a lot of psychedelics in college (LSD & mushrooms). I learned a lot about myself and it also changed my perception of our...

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The taboo in the West on psychedelics, however, is deeply entrenched — a legacy of government campaigns against drug use and a long backlash against the counterculture of the 1960s, when Timothy Leary, a Harvard professor and zealous promoter of LSD, urged Americans to “turn on, tune in and drop out.”

“LSD terrifies governments. It is their ultimate fear because it changes the way people look at the world,” said David Nutt, a professor of neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London. He was fired in 2009 as the British government’s drug policy adviser after he told a radio interviewer that alcohol was far more harmful than LSD and other psychedelics.

He praised EmmaSofia and other groups for helping to lift the stigma and fear long attached to psychedelics, adding that “there has definitely been a renaissance” in recent years of medical research after decades of science-killing “paranoia and censorship” based on scare stories about psychedelics that fed public panic.

“We are not in the 1960s anymore and have moved on,” said Mr. Johansen, a clinical psychologist, adding, “This is a question of basic human rights.”

LSD, which was first synthesized in a Swiss pharmaceuticals laboratory in 1938, and MDMA, which was patented in 1914, won wide acceptance in Europe and the United States in the middle of the last century when they showed early promise against alcoholism and other maladies.

But initial euphoria over their medical use was then swamped by deep alarm as recreational use of psychedelics surged, leading to a cascade of horror stories in the news media.

The United States banned LSD in 1970. A year later, the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances classified LSD and MDMA as “Schedule I” drugs, those that pose a serious threat to public health.

The United Nations convention banned their use “except for scientific and very limited medical purposes by duly authorized persons.” It also exempted psychedelics contained in plants “used by certain small, clearly determined groups in magical or religious rites.”

Mr. Johansen said the dangers connected with psychedelic drugs had been exaggerated by stories that did not take into account probability. “Everything carries a risk. If you walk in a forest, a tree may fall on your head, but does this mean you should never go in the woods?”

Dr. Madsen, of the Norwegian Medicines Agency, conceded that there “are a lot of myths” about psychedelic drugs like claims that “if you use LSD, you will jump from the roof.”

All the same, he sees no quick way around a thicket of laws and strict regulations on their use. “Everyone sees we have to be very careful with these drugs,” he said. “I don’t think the time is ripe.”
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  dinsdag 5 mei 2015 @ 09:18:53 #193
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexico declares all-out war after rising drug cartel downs military helicopter

Mexico has declared an all-out offensive against the relatively new drug cartel which shot down an army helicopter during a weekend of coordinated attacks across the western state of Jalisco which prompted fresh concerns over the latest escalation of the country’s drug wars.

Six soldiers were killed when gunmen from the New Generation Jalisco Cartel used a rocket-propelled grenade to bring down an army helicopter that was pursuing a cartel convoy on Friday, the national security commissioner, Monte Alejandro Rubido, told Televisa.

At least 15 other people were killed and 19 injured in a coordinated show of strength by the cartel which included several shootouts with soldiers and police, and involved hundreds of low-level operatives who set up roadblocks with burning cars, buses and trucks in Jalisco and three neighbouring states. Eleven banks and five petrol stations were also set ablaze.

“The full force of the Mexican state will be felt in the state of Jalisco,” Rubido said on Monday. “Satisfactory results will start to be seen very soon.”

Formed five years ago, the New Generation Jalisco Cartel has grown to become one of the biggest players in the country’s drug wars, at the same time as other major criminal groups have lost operational capacity in the face of government offensives.

But the cartel’s ability and desire to openly challenge federal forces had not been obvious until its response to Friday’s launch of a federal operation in its Jalisco stronghold, reportedly aimed at capturing or killing the group’s leader Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, alias “El Mencho”.

While RPGs have reportedly featured in battles between rival crime factions before, particularly those involving the Zetas – a paramilitary cartel originally formed by special forces soldiers – this was the first time the authorities have reported the weapon’s use against one of its aircraft.

“This is a criminal group with very significant firepower,” Rubido said, in answer to a question about whether the cartel has now become the most dangerous and powerful in Mexico. “Without doubt this gives it a special connotation.”

The rise of the New Generation Jalisco Cartel challenges the government’s hopes that its chosen tactic of killing or capturing cartel bosses will eventually put an end to the drug wars that have killed at least 100,000 people over the last eight years.

Taking down the biggest kingpins has undoubtedly weakened several formerly powerful cartels, but it also appears to have provided the Jalisco-based cartel with opportunities for growth and expansion. This is particularly clear in territories once dominated by the Zetas, now a shadow of their former selves, as well as the recently dismantled Caballeros Templarios, or Knights Templar.

“The government does not have the capacity to attack more than one big group at a time,” said security expert Eduardo Guerrero. “Now it is the turn of the New Generation Jalisco Cartel.”

According to Guerrero, the group has also developed a “perfected model” of operations that combines the militaristic sophistication and firepower of the Zetas with a capacity to infiltrate the authorities. The latter is most commonly associated with the Sinaloa cartel which, despite the capture in February 2014 of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, remains the biggest criminal group in the country.

Guerrero said the combination of styles was clear in the weekend’s coordinated attacks that were probably only possible with the help of corrupt local police. He also noted the low level of civilian casualties, contrasting with the kind of bloodbaths Mexicans have become accustomed to in the drug wars.

The expert added that he expected the government will eventually win out in a prolonged upcoming battle with the New Generation Jalisco Cartel, though he stressed this would not necessarily bring peace.

“The government’s biggest challenge remains how to contain the particularly acute violence of the smaller groups that are formed after the big ones fall apart.” he said.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  dinsdag 5 mei 2015 @ 12:53:46 #194
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Coca Production in Colombia Jumped 39 Pct in 2014

Cultivation of the leaf used to make cocaine skyrocketed last year in Colombia, according to a new White House report that's likely to pressure authorities here to preserve a threatened U.S. aerial eradication program at the heart of the drug war.

After six straight years of declining or steady production, the amount of land under coca cultivation in Colombia jumped 39 percent in 2014 to 112,000 hectares (about 276,000 acres), according to the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Potential cocaine production based on average crop yields jumped 32 percent to 245 metric tons.

The U.S. government uses satellites to annually survey the amount of land planted with the illicit leaf in the Andean nations of Bolivia, Colombia and Peru, where it is grown.

The report is usually published in the summer but the Drug Czar's office released partial numbers for Colombia on its website Monday after some of the key findings were leaked to local media over the weekend. Their release comes as Colombians are increasingly turning against the U.S.-led aerial program that is credited with spraying more than 4 million acres of coca crops over the past two decades.

Colombia's Health Ministry last month recommended suspending the fumigation program after the World Health Organization's research arm reclassified the herbicide glyphosate used to spray coca as a carcinogen. A decision could come as early as this month when policy makers gather in Bogota for a key meeting to debate the future of Colombia's anti-narcotics strategy.

"It's no accident this was released just as the fumigation program is on the edge of being suspended," said Adam Isacson, a veteran analyst of Colombia's conflict at the Washington Office on Latin America. "The U.S. is probably doing all it can to avoid that outcome."

To be sure, several anti-narcotics officials from Colombia and the U.S. stand by the program, saying there's an even greater risk to farmers' health and the environment if cocaine production reliant on hazardous chemicals were to proliferate unchecked. Coca production in Colombia peaked at over 169,000 hectares in 2001, as the U.S. was embarking on a multi-billion-dollar program to restrict the flow of cocaine.

President Juan Manuel Santos has yet to make his views known.

The White House attributed the surprise jump to increased cultivation in areas off limits to U.S.-backed aerial eradication. Overall, forced manual and aerial eradication efforts have fallen sharply since 2012, when Santos embarked on peace talks with rebels who depend on the drug trade to fund their insurgency.

A State Department official, speaking on condition of anonymity, called the increase in coca production "unfortunate and concerning" but expressed confidence that Colombia's strong commitment to fighting trafficking will allow it and the U.S. to reverse the trend.

While Colombia is the largest supplier of cocaine to the U.S., Peru appears to remain the largest producer of the drug thanks to higher-yielding, mature coca fields. Most of its production is destined for non-U.S. markets in Europe and Brazil.

Colombia's Justice Minister Yesid Reyes said the report should generate some much-needed reflection.

"Although we've had a lot of success, the anti-drug policy needs to change because it's demonstrated not to be as efficient as we'd like," Reyes told journalists in Washington, where he traveled to explain to U.S. officials the scope of the fumigation program's review.

Bron: abcnews.go.com
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 8 mei 2015 @ 09:05:53 #195
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Recordoogst voor Afghaanse papaverboeren | Buitenland

Papaverboeren in het zuiden van Afghanistan gaan een recordoogst tegemoet. Zij hebben de beschikking over een nieuw soort zaad voor planten die sneller groeien, groter worden en minder water nodig hebben dan de zaden die tot nu werden gebruikt. De hoeveelheid opium per plant kan mogelijk zelfs verdubbelen.

Bron: Volkskrant
Het gaat goed met de drugs! *O*
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 9 mei 2015 @ 07:16:37 #196
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Van Vollenhoven: 'Softdrugsbeleid moet op de helling'

Pieter van Vollenhoven, voorzitter van de Stichting Maatschappij en Veiligheid, roept de regering op 'lef te tonen' en eindelijk eens de patstelling in het softdrugsbeleid te doorbreken. Volgens hem zijn er twee opties: helemaal stoppen met het gedoogbeleid, of de aanlevering van cannabis aan de coffeeshops toestaan.
Zelf wil hij geen voorkeur uitspreken voor stoppen dan wel reguleren van de achterdeur. 'Ik houd van duidelijkheid. Nederland moet kiezen', aldus Van Vollenhoven. Hij roept de Nederlandse regering ook op om het beleid weer in overeenstemming te brengen met de internationale verdragen. Dat kan door sluiting van de coffeeshops of door de verdragen te veranderen. 'Misschien is het internationale verbod op softdrugs wel achterhaald. In dat geval moet het verbod van tafel. Dan moeten we internationaal regelen dat we de verdragen niet overtreden', aldus Van Vollenhoven.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 9 mei 2015 @ 13:32:09 #197
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Zijn omgeving vond het maar ongezellig toen Haroon Ali stopte met alcohol. En dat hij andere drugs bleef gebruiken, riep weerstand op. Maar hoe beviel het hem eigenlijk zelf?
Helaas achter paywall.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op zaterdag 9 mei 2015 13:32 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:



Helaas achter paywall.
De hele vonk bijlage van de Volkskrant gaat bijna alleen maar over drugs.
Daarin onder ander een inleidend stuk, ook nog een interview met 3 festival organisatoren, een interview met Peter Cohen over verslaving, de teelt in Peru.

Die 2 euro om dit en de rest van de volkskrant dit weekend vind ik het geld wel waard.
  zondag 10 mei 2015 @ 19:39:06 #199
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 12 mei 2015 @ 12:31:24 #200
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Brandweer en politie hebben gisteravond in een vrachtwagen in Weert 7000 liter aceton gevonden, afkomstig uit een drugslab. De gevaarlijke afvalstof zit in vaten, zei een woordvoerder van de brandweer.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op dinsdag 12 mei 2015 12:31 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:



Als het 100% aceton is, kan men dat nog als nagellak remover verkopen. :D
  dinsdag 12 mei 2015 @ 22:27:58 #202
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Will Colombia stop fighting coca with Monsanto's glyphosate?

Research by the World Health Organisation sparks recommendations to suspend aerial fumigations of coca plants.

Picture a red jeep bumping up and down a longish, straight, red dirt road in rural Colombia and, coming from the opposite direction, one lone motorcyclist. The two vehicles draw near and stop. “Amigo, we have problems,” says the motorcyclist to the jeep driver, “they’re fumigating.” “Where?” He gestures back in the direction the jeep has come from. “Two planes.”

That was all that was said. Nothing else required. The motorcyclist sped off to do whatever you do when you’re faced with such a terrifying prospect: planes spraying your home, land and loved ones - or the home, land and loved ones of someone you know - with a cocktail of chemicals including glyphosate.

That exchange took place somewhere east of a town named San Jose del Guaviare in Colombia’s Guaviare department, one of the biggest coca-producing regions in the country that has “likely” just overtaken Peru to reclaim “its position as the world’s principal cocaine producer”, according to InSight Crime’s interpretation of recently-released US White House statistics. The planes were taking off from San Jose and piloted by US citizens because the Colombians weren’t considered skilled enough to spray accurately enough - or so I was told.

Aerial fumigations using glyphosate - developed and patented by US-based firm Monsanto - have been carried out in Colombia for more than 20 years, and have become the cornerstone of the US-financed and -supported so-called “War on Drugs.” The stated aim is to destroy the cultivation of coca, the plant used to make cocaine, and it is estimated that at least 1.6 million hectares have been sprayed.

Many people, both in Colombia and abroad, have condemned and protested the fumigations for years. The stated reasons - aside from the fact they haven’t succeeded in eradicating coca cultivation - are legion. One such reason is that they have killed 1,000s of hectares of legal crops belonging to 1,000s of campesinos, Afro-Colombians and indigenous people, and because of devastating environmental impacts including destroying soil fertility, contaminating water, and pushing coca cultivation deeper into particularly environmentally sensitive, biodiversity-rich regions like the Amazon.

Other reasons include intensifying Colombia’s civil war, facilitating killings and abuses by paramilitaries, encouraging support for guerrillas, forcing people to flee to neighbouring Ecuador, increasing poverty, and causing appalling health impacts. Headaches, vomiting, eye irritations, skin rashes and burnings, poisoning, lower sperm counts, miscarriages, hair loss, respiratory problems including lung cancer, foetal deformations, destruction of red blood cells and mental health disorders have all been reported.

“We find significant effects of spraying campaigns on the probability of occurrence of dermatological problems (skin irritations, highlight burnings, etc.) and abortions,” found one recent, particularly controversial study co-written by Daniel Mejia, the president of the Colombian government’s Advisory Commission on Narcotics Policy, based on fumigations between 2003 and 2007. “Our results corroborate some of the results in the medical literature (e.g., the negative effects of exposure to glyphosate on dermatological problems and abortions).”

But will the fumigations now be suspended or, even better, stopped altogether? In March the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) announced the results of nearly a year’s research, published in The Lancet, which found that glyphosate is “probably carcinogenic to humans”, that it causes “DNA and chromosomal damage in human cells”, and “there is convincing evidence that [it] also can cause cancer in laboratory animals.” Colombia’s Health Ministry responded the following month by recommending the “immediate suspension” of glyphosate fumigations, and the president himself, Juan Manuel Santos, appears to agree. El Colombiano reported comments by the Conservative party president that Santos would heed the ministry’s advice, and that now appears to have been confirmed by the president himself during a speech he gave on Saturday, 9 May, at a hospital in Bogota.

“I’m going to ask the government functionaries and ministers who sit on the National Narcotics Council that in their next meeting [scheduled for 15 May] they suspend the use of glyphosate in the spraying of illegal crops,” said the president, citing the Health Ministry’s recommendation and a 2014 order by the Constitutional Court to investigate the potential risks of glyphosate fumigations as contributing to his decision.

Santos followed that statement with an appearance on Colombian television yesterday, 11 May, where he said “We must find strategies [to combat cultivation] that are more effective and cause less harm to the environment and public health.”

Monsanto has responded to the WHO’s research by calling it “Junk Science”, “biased” and “irresponsible.”

“We are outraged with this assessment,” Dr. Robb Fraley, Monsanto’s Chief Technology Officer, is quoted as saying. “This conclusion is inconsistent with the decades of ongoing comprehensive safety reviews by the leading regulatory authorities around the world that have concluded that all labeled uses of glyphosate are safe for human health. This result was reached by selective ‘cherry picking’ of data and is a clear example of agenda-driven bias.”

Others disagree. Dario Aranda, a journalist from Argentina, where glyphosate is used across almost 30 million hectares, calls the WHO’s conclusions “late” but “welcome.”

“[It] has confirmed what fumigated peoples, their neighbours fighting with them, social organisations and academics outside the business sector have been saying for more than 10 years,” he wrote in an article published by lavaca.org two days after the WHO’s research was made public. “The world’s most used herbicide affects people’s health.”
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  donderdag 14 mei 2015 @ 18:34:27 #203
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
'You can’t trust anybody': the Mexicans caught up in the drug war just south of Texas

Cartel violence in Tamaulipas state has claimed 254 lives in the first three months of this year, but has largely gone unreported in the press
When Carlos Ulivarri heard that a body had been dumped by the side of a road just outside his hometown of Rio Bravo, a few miles south of McAllen, Texas, he knew he had to act fast.

But he did not even consider contacting the authorities.

Hours earlier, Ulivarri’s son, Luís Carlos, 23, had been shot in a bar, and then dragged into the night after an altercation with a group of men presumed to be members of a local drug cartel.

At first, Ulivarri held out hope his son might be alive. But at 10am the next morning, a friend called to say that a corpse had been spotted on a road outside town which marks the frontline between two warring cartel factions.

Ulivarri, the president of the Rio Bravo chamber of commerce, knew that the body might disappear for good if he did not move quickly, but he did not want to risk a confrontation with either gang, who are both known to monitor the road.

So instead of calling the police and waiting for an escort, he drove alone to the site, bundled his son’s body into his car, and brought him home for the last time.

“We are on our own,” Ulivarri said in a phone interview from his office in Rio Bravo, just six miles from the Donna international bridge into Texas.

“Everybody is frightened here, there is lots of danger and you can’t trust anybody. Lots of people are sending their children away to the United States but that is not the solution.”

Rio Bravo sits on the northern edge of Tamaulipas, a state which is currently gripped by a patchwork of conflicts between rival factions of the Gulf cartel.

It is a war which according to official figures has claimed 254 lives in the first three months of this year, but has largely gone unreported in the Mexican and international press.

Earlier this month, the US state department warned against all but essential travel to Tamaulipas. “Violent conflicts between rival criminal elements and/or the Mexican military can occur in all parts of the region and at all times of the day,” it said.

And if the public circumstances of Luís Carlos Ulivarra’s murder illustrate the brazen quality of cartel violence, his father’s reaction reflects the pervasive distrust many locals feel towards the official response.
Het artikel gaat verder.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 16 mei 2015 @ 11:29:23 #204
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Colombia suspends spraying illegal coca fields with herbicide over cancer link | World news | The Guardian

Move marks end of decades-long strategy to counter drug trafficking after a number of studies suggest glyphosate is probably carcinogenic to humans

Move marks end of decades-long strategy to counter drug trafficking after a number of studies suggest glyphosate is probably carcinogenic to humans

Colombia will suspend aerial fumigation of illegal coca plants in light of a number of studies linking the herbicide it has used to cancer, a move which marks the end of a decades-long strategy in the country’s fight against drug trafficking.

Related: Last flight looms for US-funded air war on drugs as Colombia counts health cost

The Andean country is one of the world’s biggest producers of cocaine, which is derived from the coca plant. Its leftist rebel groups, the Farc and ELN, as well as criminal gangs make huge sums from their involvement in its production and trafficking.

Colombia, which produces some 300 tonnes of cocaine per year, has fumigated illicit coca crops for two decades with financial and technical help from the United States, using the herbicide glyphosate. The strategy also included spraying of poppies, used to make heroin.

“We’ve taken the decision by a majority of 7-1, to suspend the spraying of areas with glyphosate,” the health minister, Alejandro Gaviria, said, referring to the vote taken by the National Narcotics Council late on Thursday.

Various scientific reports, including one by the World Health Organisation, have suggested that the weed killer is likely carcinogenic to humans, Gaviria said.

Spraying will be halted after administrative formalities are completed, which could take several weeks, he added.

Glyphosate is a key ingredient in the world’s most widely used herbicide, Roundup, produced by Monsanto Co.

Monsanto officials have said the chemical has been proven safe for decades and the company has demanded a retraction from WHO over its report linking the herbicide to cancer.

President Juan Manuel Santos called for an end to the fumigations last week, adding law enforcement should intensify its efforts against other parts of the drug trafficking supply chain, which include clandestine laboratories and smuggling networks.

Local communities have expressed concerns that exposure to glyphosate has caused illnesses, among them cancers and birth defects. Colombia was the only South American country still using the chemical, authorities said.

The defence ministry and other entities which fight narcotics trafficking will be tasked with recommending other ways to eradicate illegal plants, the minister added, including possibly increasing the amount of it manually uprooted.

Over the past three decades, more than 1.6m hectares of land in Colombia have been sprayed using the chemical.

Opposition figures have expressed fears that a halt to spraying may increase coca and cocaine production.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  maandag 18 mei 2015 @ 21:13:02 #206
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Home-brewed heroin? Scientists create yeast that can make sugar into opiates | Science | The Guardian

Researchers have managed to reproduce the way poppies create morphine in the wild, but warn that the technology needs urgent regulation

Researchers have managed to reproduce the way poppies create morphine in the wild, but warn that the technology needs urgent regulation

Home-brewed heroin could become a reality, scientists have warned, following the creation of yeast strains designed to convert sugar into opiates.

The advance marks the first time that scientists have artificially reproduced the entire chemical pathway that takes place in poppy plants to produce morphine in the wild.

Scientists warned that the findings could pave the way for opium poppy farms being replaced by local morphine “breweries” and called for urgent regulation of the technology. In theory, opium brewing would be no more difficult to master than DIY beer kits, raising the possibility of people setting up Breaking Bad-style drug laboratories in their own homes.

Tania Bubela, a public health professor at the university of Alberta and co-author of a commentary on the research in the journal Nature, said: “In principle, anyone with access to the yeast strain and basic skills in fermentation could grow morphine-producing yeast using a home-brew kit for beer making.”

The team behind the advance have stopped one step short of linking together the entire chemical chain within a single easy-to-brew yeast strain, and announced a self-imposed moratorium on the work to allow law enforcement agencies and regulators time to catch up.

“We’re certainly not aiming for the illicit drugs market, that’s for sure,” said Vincent Martin, a microbiologist at Concordia University in Québec and co-author. “We realised that we’re entering into a brave new territory here. Me and my collaborators felt that various regulatory bodies should be consulted and talked to and we should build a consensus of how to take this forward.”

The findings, published in the journal Nature Chemical Biology, mark a turning point in efforts that have been made for more than a decade to replicate in microbes the 15-step chemical pathway in the poppy plant.

Scientists had previously succeeded in reproducing the second half of the chemical pathway, but the initial conversion of glucose to a compound called reticuline had proved a sticking point. The latest study cracks this problem for the first time by inserting genes from the poppy plant, sugar beet and a soil-dwelling bacteria into yeast.

Several existing yeast strains are available that can turn reticuline into morphine, and the scientists said that combining the two halves of the process was now feasible – although they have not yet attempted this final step.

“What you really want to do from a fermentation perspective is to be able to feed the yeast glucose, which is a cheap sugar source, and have the yeast do all the chemical steps required downstream to make your target therapeutic drug,” said John Dueber, lead author and a bioengineer at the University of California, Berkeley. “With our study, all the steps have been described, and it’s now a matter of linking them together and scaling up the process. It’s not a trivial challenge, but it’s doable.”

He predicted a timeline of a “couple of years, not a decade” for the reliable production of controlled drugs by sugar-fed yeast.

Being able to synthesise opiates in the laboratory raises the possibility of engineering new therapeutic forms of the drug, designed to be less addictive, more powerful or longer lasting, for instance.

“It creates a platform for finding new chemical structures that could have a lot of potential benefits,” said Martin.

However, it also raises concerns about the yeast falling into the wrong hands. In their commentary, Bubela and colleagues at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) call for urgent regulation of the technology warning that it could lead to an alternative system for current criminal networks, particularly in North America and Europe, where the drugs are in high demand. “Because yeast is so easy to conceal, grow and transport, criminal syndicates and law-enforcement agencies would have difficulty controlling the distribution of an opiate-producing yeast strain,” the authors write. “All told, decentralised and localised production would almost certainly reduce the cost and increase the availability of illegal opiates - substantially worsening a worldwide problem.”

Future strains of morphine-producing yeast could be designed to have unusual nutrient requirements as a biocontainment measure, Bubela suggests. Such strains should also be kept in bio-secure facilities in the future, with similar safeguards to those used by researchers working with anthrax or smallpox.

Globally, more than 16 million people use opiates illegally. The drugs come from the misuse of prescription pain medications and from illegally cultivated poppy crops in countries such as Afghanistan, Laos and Mexico.

“The time is now to think about policies to address this area of research,” said Dueber. “The field is moving surprisingly fast, and we need to be out in front so that we can mitigate the potential for abuse.”

Martin said the team had no plans to complete the chain until regulations were in place to do so safely. “If this is something that we shouldn’t do, let’s talk about it now,” he added.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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7s.gif Op maandag 18 mei 2015 21:13 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:


allright! *O* B-) ^O^ _O_ :7 :Y
Ich glaube, dass es manchmal nicht genügend Steine gibt und
Ich bin mir sicher, dass auch schöne Augen weinen
  dinsdag 19 mei 2015 @ 12:31:51 #208
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 19 mei 2015 @ 19:58:51 #209
156695 Tism
Sinds 24, Aug, 2006
Ook opbouw wietplantage is strafbaar

ROERMOND - Ook het opbouwen van een wietplantage, zelfs zonder dat er nog plantjes zijn, is strafbaar. Dat heeft een Weertenaar ervaren die met de voorbereidingen voor een hennepkwekerij doende was in een pand aan de Coenraad Abelstraat, maakte de politie vandaag bekend. Er werd daar geen plantje gevonden, maar dat maakt op zich niks uit, aldus de politie. Ook het treffen van voorbereidingen ten behoeve van de hennepteelt is sinds 1 maart 2015 strafbaar! De agenten vonden elders in Weert overigens nog een plantage mét wietplanten.

De politie heeft voor deze wietplantage zonder hennep een verdachte aangehouden. In een pand aan de Suffolkweg in Weert vielen agenten vandaag ook binnen. Daar werd wel een plantage met wietplanten gevonden, om precies te zijn 156. Ook daar is een verdachte aangehouden, aldus de politie. Tegen de verdachten wordt in het kader van de Opiumwet, maar ook voor diefstal van stroom, proces-verbaal opgemaakt.
  dinsdag 19 mei 2015 @ 22:37:52 #210
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
50 duizend liter chemicaliën voor drugs gevonden bij grote actie | Binnenland

In het zuiden van het land heeft de politie vandaag een grote actie gehouden tegen drugscriminaliteit. Daarbij werd onder meer in een loods in Den Bommel (Goeree-Overflakkee) 50.000 liter aan chemicaliën aangetroffen voor het vervaardigen van synthetische drugs. Twee personen zijn opgepakt.

Naast de politie waren bij de actie het OM, de douane en de gemeenten betrokken bij de operatie. In totaal ging het om honderd man. De actie is onderdeel van de aanpak van de drugscriminaliteit in het zuiden van het land. Daarvoor is extra politiecapaciteit beschikbaar.

Bron: Volkskrant
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 23 mei 2015 @ 00:18:45 #211
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
‘Ambtenaren in advies: voorkom bolletjesvluchten vanaf Eindhoven’

Ambtenaren van de ministeries van Veiligheid en Justitie, Financiën en Infrastructuur en Milieu willen dat het kabinet voor de plannen van Arke gaat liggen om vanaf november van Eindhoven naar Curaçao en Aruba te vliegen. Nieuwsuur meldt dit vanavond op grond van een geheime ambtelijke nota.

Arke, onderdeel van TUI, maakte afgelopen februari bekend dat het vanaf november twee keer per week wil gaan vliegen vanaf Airport Eindhoven naar Curaçao en Aruba. Daarmee zou Eindhoven het eerste regionale vliegveld zijn met intercontinentale vluchten. De ambtenaren van de drie ministeries adviseren in de nota dit soort vluchten uit landen met een ’100-procentcontroleregime’ voor drugs alleen vanaf Schiphol toe te staan.

Volgens de ambtenaren is er te weinig tijd om voor 1 november alle benodigde apparatuur, opvangruimtes en personeel klaar te hebben om de vluchten op bolletjesslikkers te controleren. Ook zouden de voorzieningen hiervoor te duur zijn; er zou een investering van 11 miljoen euro nodig zijn plus nog jaarlijks 18,5 miljoen euro aan personeelskosten.

In een reactie aan Nieuwsuur zeggen Arke en Eindhoven Airport dat ze ‘formeel niet op de hoogte zijn’ van een ambtelijk advies.

Mochten wij hierover in de daarvoor bestemde overleggen formeel berichtgeving ontvangen, dan zullen Arkefly en Eindhoven Airport hierover in gesprek gaan. In deze overleggen is 1 november tot nu toe het uitgangspunt geweest voor de start van deze operatie.

Volgens NRC-economieredacteur Mark Duursma is het voor zowel de luchthaven als Arke vervelend als het advies wordt opgevolgd door de betrokken ministers:

“Beide partijen hebben geïnvesteerd om dit mogelijk te maken. Voor Arke is het bovendien de eerste intercontinentale bestemming en het bewijs dat het ook lange afstandsvluchten aankan. Ook voor de toekomstige ontwikkeling van Lelystad Airport zou dit negatief kunnen uitpakken. Nu pakken dit soort regionale luchthavens vooral de chartervluchten naar goedkope vakantiebestemmingen, maar ik kan me voorstellen dat ook Lelystad op den duur ambities in de richting van intercontinentale vluchten heeft.”

Volgens Duursma zou ook Schiphol, dat overigens een meerderheidsbelang in Eindhoven Airport heeft, doorgang van dit advies met lede ogen aanzien.

“De Schiphol Group die ook eigenaar is van Lelystad en de luchthaven van Rotterdam wil juist dat de regionale vliegvelden zich ontwikkelen tot serieuze luchthavens zodat Schiphol zelf verder kan doorgroeien. Schiphol zelf wil zich steeds meer richten op de zakelijke transfers.”

Schiphol is de snelst groeiende grote luchthaven van West-Europa. Het aantal vliegbewegingen in het handelsverkeer nam vorig jaar met 3 procent toe en het aantal tonnen vervoerde vracht met 2,5 procent. Ook het aantal passagiers dat via Eindhoven Airport komt, groeide naar 4 miljoen, 6,5 procent van alle passagiers.
Bron: Trouw
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  woensdag 27 mei 2015 @ 17:47:21 #213
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 2 juni 2015 @ 14:18:48 #214
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Lib Dem leadership candidate Norman Lamb calls for cannabis legalisation | Politics | The Guardian

Lamb criticises ‘catastrophic failure’ of war on drugs and urges rational, education-based approach

The Liberal Democrat leadership candidate Norman Lamb has called for the UK to legalise, regulate and tax the sale of cannabis.

The former care minister and MP for North Norfolk said the UK should draw on examples from US states such as Colorado, which legalised the possession of small amounts of marijuana for recreational use by over-21s in November 2012.

He said he wanted immediate legalisation of the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, and said there should be a swift evidence-based policy change in relation to recreational use.

Lamb acknowledged that the legalisation of recreational use would require a UN treaty change, which he said could be secured at the 2016 meeting of the general assembly on the UN’s drug control system.

“There has been a catastrophic failure of the war on drugs, with thousands of lives lost,” Lamb said. Drug laws were “criminalising so many young people, which blights their lives because of a decision about personal use which then affects their careers and creates a global criminal network”.

He added: “As a parent, I have real concerns about the dangers of drugs, both legal and illegal. But I think that it’s much better to take a rational, education-based approach rather than the approach that we take at the moment.”

The Liberal Democrats have historically been supportive of liberalising drug laws. Their general election manifesto this year pledged to allow doctors to prescribe cannabis for medicinal use and to establish a review to assess the effectiveness of legalisation experiments in the US and Uruguay.

Lamb’s only opposition in the leadership race is Tim Farron, the former Lib Dem president and key figure on the left of the party. Farron is thought to be the frontrunner and has secured the formal backing of three of the party’s eight MPs (Mark Williams, John Pugh and Greg Mulholland); the heads of the Scottish and Welsh branches of the Lib Dems, Willie Rennie and Kirsty Williams; the party’s only surviving MEP, Catherine Bearder; and more than 100 former Lib Dem election candidates.

Lamb has been publicly endorsed by Tom Brake, the MP for Carshalton and Wallington, and Shirley Williams, a founding member of the Social Democratic party, which joined with the Liberals to form the Liberal Democrats in 1988.

On Monday, Julian Huppert, a former MP and a campaigner for drug law reform, backed Lamb and his cannabis policy.
“This is not the first time Norman has called for bold changes based on looking at the evidence – he’s done so on mental health, on prison reform and more,” Huppert said. “I think this is exactly the bold leadership we need, and hope people who feel likewise will support Norman.”
Bron: www.theguardian.com
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 3 juni 2015 @ 18:07:59 #215
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 3 juni 2015 @ 23:05:10 #216
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 6 juni 2015 @ 11:50:04 #217
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexico's election faces disruption as radical teachers burn ballot papers | World news | The Guardian

Relatives of disappeared join protests amid breakdown in credibility of electoral authorities, widespread corruption claims and murders

Radical teachers and relatives of Mexico’s disappeared have vowed to disrupt voting in the country’s coming national election on Sunday, towards the end of an electoral campaign that has been marked by the murders of candidates amid serious questions about fairness and legitimacy.

“We are ready to install and operate all the polling stations,” Lorenzo Córdova , the head of the national electoral authorities, told international observers. They are in Mexico to monitor the election that will elect all new members of the lower house of congress, as well as nine new governors and hundreds of new mayors. “But if the conditions put the physical integrity of our staff, or the voters, in danger we will not do it. We are not responsible for security.”

Related: Third political candidate killed ahead of Mexico's midterm elections

Córdova was talking about a group of radical teachers whose efforts to roll back education reform now include a movement that aims to block the working of polling stations in five southern states.

The protests are at times violent and have been particularly intense in Oaxaca where the teachers have ejected electoral officials from their offices across the state, burned ballot papers, clashed with the security forces and severely affected the distribution of petrol.

In the state of Guerrero, protesters have included relatives of people who have been killed or disappeared in the drug war violence that has ragedin Mexico for the past eight years.

There is particularly tension around the town of Tixtla, a centre of protest since 43 students from the Ayotzinapa teachers college in the town disappeared after being attacked by cartel gunmen and municipal police, last September.

Local media has reported 21 murders around the country directly associated with the elections. These include three candidates and one would-be candidate, whose beheaded body was dumped beside a message that read “this is going to happen to all the fucking politicians who don’t get in line”.

Security expert Alejandro Hope said the murders of candidates were the logical consequence of a climate in whichdisparate drug cartels are sowing terror and political vendettas can be hidden behind a tendency to blame all assassinations on organised crime. He also stressed the failure of the authorities to provide protection for candidates.

“Given the prevailing conditions,” Hope wrote in El Daily Post, “the surprise is not that some candidates get killed, but that the number of corpses is not much higher.”

The credibility of the elections has also been damaged by questions surrounding the ability of the electoral authorities to guarantee fairness.

“I cannot think of an election where the reputation of the electoral authorities has been so low,” said political analyst Federico Estevéz. “That does not bode well.”

Much of the criticism has centred on the failure to rein in the Green Party’s systematic flouting of campaigning rules, such as the amount of political advertising permitted. The Green party, widely alleged to be among the most corrupt in Mexico, is an ally of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) of President, Enrique Peña Nieto.

Related: Mexico's Greens: pro-death penalty, allegedly corrupt – and not very green

The fact that no major party is free of allegations of serious corruption has helped give maverick independent candidate Jaime Rodriguez – nicknamed El Bronco – a shot at winning the governorship of the rich northern state of Nuevo Leon, according to most polls. Elsewhere, however, corruption allegations have prompted a movement to spoil ballot papers.

“Spoiling my ballot paper is the only way I can see of stripping the system of legitimacy, shaking it up and reforming it so that it favours citizens,” national political commentator Denise Dresser said in a YouTube video.

For all the signs of crisis, the elections appear set to produce a balance of power that differs little from the one in place since the last time the country voted, in 2012. Polls suggest that the PRI will remain dominant, and with the help of the Greens, could even obtain a majority in congress.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 9 juni 2015 @ 14:56:33 #218
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De Iraanse regering opent binnenkort 150 nieuwe klinieken voor alcoholverslaafden. Opmerkelijk, want alcohol is verboden in de streng islamitische republiek
De autoriteiten schatten dat, ondanks het verbod dat sinds de Iraanse revolutie van 1979 geldt, ongeveer 200 duizend Iraniërs een alcoholprobleem hebben. 'Persoonlijke redenen zijn de belangrijkste factoren die leiden tot de verspreiding van alcoholconsumptie in de samenleving', zei vice-minister van Gezondheid Alireza Mesdaghinia in 2012. 'Sommigen denken dat dit de manier is om met hun frustraties om te gaan.'
Iran scoort nog een stuk hoger als het gaat om drugsgebruik. Het hoofdkantoor van de Iraanse drugsbestrijdingsdienst schat dat ongeveer 3 miljoen Iraniërs verslaafd zijn aan drugs (met name opium, al zijn heroïne, crack en crystal meth in opkomst). Er zijn ook onderzoeken die suggereren dat het aantal eerder richting de 10 miljoen gaat. Iran telt daarmee het hoogste aantal drugsgebruikers ter wereld.

Het land kent, verrassend genoeg, een progressief drugsbeleid. Er zijn ongeveer 600 klinieken voor drugsverslaafden, waar patiënten schone naalden krijgen om drugs de injecteren. In alle grote steden zijn methadonklinieken en verslaafden die op straat leven worden geholpen door de vele ngo's die in het land actief zijn.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op dinsdag 9 juni 2015 14:56 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:
crystal meth in opkomst
Ich glaube, dass es manchmal nicht genügend Steine gibt und
Ich bin mir sicher, dass auch schöne Augen weinen
  donderdag 11 juni 2015 @ 09:34:29 #220
156695 Tism
Sinds 24, Aug, 2006
Meerderheid wil gemeentewiet

Maar liefst 70% van de Nederlanders wil dat hennepteelt gereguleerd of volledig vrijgegeven wordt. Dat blijkt uit een representatief onderzoek dat Motivaction onder ruim 1500 Nederlanders uitvoerde. Het onderzoek toont bovendien aan dat de aanpak van illegale hennepkwekerijen in de ogen van veel burgers geen topprioriteit van de politie zou moeten zijn. Dat maakte de opdrachtgever voor het onderzoek, Epicurus, bekend.

Opvallend is het verschil van opvattingen tussen politieke partijen en hun achterban. Onlangs nam de Tweede Kamer met nipte meerderheid een motie aan om lokale experimenten met hennepteelt te verbieden. Een ruime meerderheid van de achterban van politieke partijen die deze experimenten tegenhouden, blijkt voorstander van gecontroleerde hennepteelt te zijn: VVD 77%, CDA 65% en PVV 62%. Voor alle grote politieke partijen (> 5 zetels) geldt dat de meerderheid van de kiezers voor gecontroleerde teelt is. De belangrijkste argumenten om gecontroleerde hennepteelt te verkiezen boven een verbod is dat het de overlast van illegale kwekerijen vermindert (55%), de hennepteelt dan niet langer interessant is voor criminele organisaties (54%) en dit een einde maakt aan een tegenstrijdig beleid (37%).

Nederland vindt aanpak illegale hennepteelt geen prioriteit politie

De aanpak van hennepteelt heeft in de ogen van burgers geen prioriteit, in tegenstelling tot actuele doelstellingen van de Nationale Politie. De top 3 van politietaken zou in de ogen van Nederlanders de aanpak van geweldsdelicten (61%), kinderporno (42%) en overvallen (38%) moeten zijn. De aanpak van hennepteelt staat op de negende plek: 5% van de Nederlanders vindt dat de politie zich hiermee het meest moet bezighouden.

Meerderheid is voorstander van toestaan van 5 planten voor eigen consumptie

Verder valt op dat Nederland het bezit van een beperkt aantal hennepplanten niet problematisch vindt. Een meerderheid (57%) vindt het kweken van maximaal 5 hennepplanten voor eigen consumptie geen probleem.

Methode van onderzoek

Motivaction heeft het online onderzoek in opdracht van stichting Epicurus uitgezet onder zijn eigen StemPunt-panel waar meer dan 90.000 Nederlanders lid van zijn. Voor het onderzoek is een steekproef van 1568 respondenten getrokken die representatief is voor Nederlanders in de leeftijd van 18-80 jaar voor de kenmerken geslacht, leeftijd, opleidingsniveau, Mentality én stemgedrag bij de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van 2012.

Stichting Epicurus Foundation

Stichting Epicurus Foundation is een initiatief van cannabisondernemers uit heel Nederland en wil een bijdrage leveren aan het maatschappelijke debat over de regulering van de cannabissector in de breedste zin. www.detransparanteketen.nl Bijlage: Rapportage Draagvlak gereguleerde hennepteelt is hier te downloaden.
PvdA wil kwaliteitscontrole van wietteelt
Foto: Hollandse Hoogte
Gepubliceerd: 11 juni 2015 05:50
Laatste update: 11 juni 2015 08:45

Nu de Kamer zich heeft uitgesproken tegen het legaliseren van wietteelt, pleit de PvdA voor betere kwaliteitscontrole als tussenoplossing.
Dat laat PvdA-Kamerlid Marith Rebel weten aan NU.nl.

Het weigeren van de overheid om de teelt te legaliseren betekent volgens haar niet dat die de verantwoordelijkheid voor de gezondheid van zich af mag schuiven.

"Als je paardenvlees verkoopt als biefstuk krijg je drie jaar cel, maar naar de kwaliteit van de wiet wordt niet omgekeken", aldus Rebel.

Ze wijst er op dat wiet het enige product in Nederland is dat legaal verkocht wordt zonder kwaliteitscontrole.

"Criminele bendes zullen niet biologisch telen", aldus Rebel. "Ze gebruiken pesticiden om maar snel en veel te kunnen oogsten. Bovendien kan de wiet vervuild zijn met verslavende en slechte stoffen."

Ze pleit er dan ook voor om de verkochte wiet aan een kwaliteitstest te onderwerpen, waarbij door de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) getoetst wordt of er vervuilende stoffen of pesticiden in het product zitten. Momenteel gebeurt dit al bij legale smartdrugs.

Uiteindelijk zouden er ook boetes uitgedeeld moeten kunnen worden aan coffeeshops die stelselmatig vervuilde wiet verkopen.

Rebel maakt zich echter geen illusies en vreest dat de Kamer ook dit voorstel niet zal steunen.

"Als we het gebruik gedogen, moet het product zo veilig mogelijk zijn en mag de gezondheid van mensen niet in gevaar komen door vervuilde wiet. Ik hoop dat andere partijen uit hun ideologische loopgraven durven te komen om dit praktische voorstel te steunen", aldus het PvdA-Kamerlid.

Gedeelde zorgen
Coalitiepartner VVD is fel tegenstander van regulering van wietteelt, maar laat in een reactie weten de zorgen over gezondheidsrisico's te delen.

"Het is dan ook goed dat in het regeerakkoord is afgesproken het gehalte werkzame stoffen terug te brengen en het THC-gehalte voor softdrugs is inmiddels gemaximeerd op 15 procent", stelt VVD-Kamerlid Foort van Oosten.

Donderdag debatteert de Tweede Kamer met minister Ard van der Steur (Justitie) over wietteelt.

Eerder pleitte de PvdA met diverse andere partijen voor het legaal maken van de teelt. Hiermee zou met name de criminele achterkant kunnen worden afgebroken.

In de Kamer is echter een meerderheid tegen dit voorstel. Ondanks werd ook een CDA-motie aangenomen om gemeenten te verbieden te experimenteren met gereguleerde wietteelt.
Het volk kan veel willen maar met het CDA, PVV en de nepliberalen van de VVD komt er toch geen gemeentewiet. Net zoals dit plan van de PVDA ook totaal van de pot gerukt is, als je kwaliteit wil waarborgen moet je toch bij de toeleveranciers zijn en niet bij de verkopende partij die dit niet eens zou mogen inkopen omdat ze dan handel doen met criminelen. :')
  donderdag 11 juni 2015 @ 12:57:34 #222
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
0s.gif Op donderdag 11 juni 2015 09:46 schreef Basp1 het volgende:
Coalitiepartner VVD is fel tegenstander van regulering van wietteelt, maar laat in een reactie weten de zorgen over gezondheidsrisico's te delen.

"Het is dan ook goed dat in het regeerakkoord is afgesproken het gehalte werkzame stoffen terug te brengen en het THC-gehalte voor softdrugs is inmiddels gemaximeerd op 15 procent", stelt VVD-Kamerlid Foort van Oosten.

Want alcohol boven de 15% is ook harddrugs en dus illegaal. :')
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 11 juni 2015 @ 13:03:24 #223
116015 SicSicSics
Crushing Cranial Contents!
Hoe gaan ze dat handhaven dan? :D Zo jammer dat zulke mensen over dit soort dingen beslissen.
Fine, fuck you then!
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
  donderdag 11 juni 2015 @ 18:33:02 #224
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

OM wil snellere berechting van drugsverdachten

Het Openbaar Ministerie werkt aan het creëren van ‘fast lanes’ die een snellere berechting van drugsverdachten mogelijk moeten maken. Dat zei de hoofdofficier van justitie van Limburg, Roger Bos, vandaag op een bijeenkomst in Tilburg waar de resultaten werden gepresenteerd van een negen maanden geleden begonnen offensief tegen de vaderlandse drugsmaffia.

Bos presenteerde de resultaten samen met burgemeester Peter Noordanus en het hoofd van de landelijke recherche Wilbert Paulissen. In Brabant, Zeeland en Limburg zijn sinds oktober 125 rechercheurs actief om samen met FIOD, OM en Belgische collega’s alle drugshandel in het zuiden nadrukkelijker aan te pakken. Volgens Bos wil justitie “de strafrechtelijke keten versnellen om sneller vonnissen te kunnen krijgen”.

Nu duurt het vaak jaren voordat verdachten in een drugsonderzoek voor de rechter staan. Bos zei dat dit onder meer komt omdat advocaten de strafzaken vertragen door vele tientallen getuigen op te roepen. Hij zei niet hoe hij dit probleem denkt op te lossen.

Het drugsoffensief in het zuiden heeft tot nu toe onder andere geleid tot een inbeslagname van ruim 100.000 liter aan chemicaliën die worden gebruikt voor de productie van XTC en amfetaminen. Er werden 200.000 pillen in beslag genomen en 116.000 hennepplanten. In totaal werden 149 mensen gearresteerd.

Volgens Paulissen slaagt de politie er goed in de “criminele infrastructuur in het zuiden te verstoren”. Hij zei te verwachten dat het recherchewerk zal leiden tot een verhoging van de prijzen van drugs en een verplaatsing van de criminele activiteiten. Noordanus zei dat “een prioriteit is de productie van drugs stevig terug te dringen”. In zijn stad Tilburg wordt volgens onderzoek jaarlijks zo’n 750 miljoen euro omgezet in de drugshandel die er aan 2.500 mensen werk biedt.

“Brabant hoeft geen land van heiligen te worden”, aldus Noordanus maar de huidige situatie acht hij onacceptabel. “Ik wil een stad besturen waar mensen op een normale manier geld verdienen. De huidige omvang van de drugshandel ondergraaft de rechtsstaat”. Volgens hoofdofficier van justitie Bos is door het huidige justitie offensief “de onschuld van hennep” definitief verdwenen.

Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Brownies worden legaal in Canada
Medical marijuana legal in all forms, Supreme Court rules
Health minister 'outraged' by ruling, vows to combat 'normalization' of pot

Medical marijuana patients will now be able to consume marijuana — and not just smoke it — as well as use other extracts and derivatives, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled today.

The unanimous ruling against the federal government expands the definition of medical marijuana beyond the "dried" form.

The country's highest court found the current restriction to dried marijuana violates the right to liberty and security "in a manner that is arbitrary and hence is not in accord with the principles of fundamental justice."

Restricting medical access to marijuana to a dried form has now been declared "null and void" — Sections 4 and 5 of the Controlled Drug and Substances Act, which prohibits possession and trafficking of non-dried forms of cannabis, will no longer be in effect.

The respondent in this case, Owen Smith, called it "a very emotional day."

"I'm proud and really happy today for all those people who are going to benefit from this ruling," he said at a press conference in Victoria, B.C.

The decision upholds earlier rulings by lower courts in British Columbia that said they went against a person's right to consume medical marijuana in the form they choose.

Many users felt smoking it was even potentially harmful. However, methods such as brewing marijuana leaves in tea or baking cannabis into brownies left patients vulnerable to being charged with possession and trafficking under the law.

According to evidence submitted to the trial judge, it came down to forcing a person to choose between a legal but inadequate treatment, and an illegal but more effective choice.
Ich glaube, dass es manchmal nicht genügend Steine gibt und
Ich bin mir sicher, dass auch schöne Augen weinen
  zaterdag 13 juni 2015 @ 12:11:11 #226
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexican woman jailed for combatting cartels: 'It is a sacrifice that had to be made' | World news | The Guardian

Nestora Salgado is a mother of three who was thrown into a high-security prison on kidnapping charges after returning to Mexico from the US to take up the fight against Guerrero’s narcos – yet her indomitable character remains intact

Nestora Salgado is not a woman who caves in easily.

A child bride who soon became a single mother of three, Salgado was still a teenager when she left her hometown in the mountains of southern Mexico to rebuild her life in the US.

Two decades later, she returned home to lead an armed rebellion against drug traffickers and corrupt local authorities – only to be accused of kidnapping and imprisoned.

Salgado spent 21 months in a high-security jail until a hunger strike galvanized international support for her case and helped secure her transfer last month to the medical wing of a more relaxed facility.

Now, in her first interview with the international press, Salgado argued that she was guilty of nothing more than helping her community stand up to the narcos and their corrupt political allies, and called on the Mexican government to release her and drop all the charges.

“I have no regrets about what I did, and I never will have any regrets,” she told the Guardian. “I am not a person who likes to confront the authorities, but in a place where dialogue is not possible, what else can you do?”

Related: Masked gunmen took over a Mexican town and police stood by as 13 men disappeared

Salgado’s extraordinary story has unfolded amid a fierce debate about the role of armed vigilante groups that have sprung up across the country to fight the cartels, but have themselves been accused of murder, extortion and – in some cases – even acting as proxies for rival crime groups.

Mexican officials argue that nobody has the right to take the law into their own hands. Salgado’s supporters say she is merely a community leader who has been criminized for exposing the Mexican state’s failure to enforce the rule of law.

Sitting on her prison hospital bed in white and blue flannel pyjamas, Salgado, 43, said she had never underestimated the risks involved in taking a stand.

“The government is against people who want to do the right thing and protect their communities,” she said. “I know I have made my family suffer, but it is a sacrifice that had to be made.”

Salgado’s indomitable character was forged in Olinalá, high in the mountains of Guerrero, a state in southern Mexico with a long history of repression and rebellion.

The town is best known for the intricately lacquered boxes produced by local craftsmen – and for the opium poppies grown in the surrounding hills.

The sixth of seven children, Salgado says her childhood was happy, if brief. She was married at 14, but within five years her husband emigrated to the US. The plan had been for him to send money to support the family, but it never arrived. Struggling to make ends meet, Salgado decided to entrust her daughters to her sisters and head north too.

She soon joined her husband in Washington state. In those days, it was still relatively easy for migrants to cross the border safely, so in 1992 Salgado sent for her children. Saira was five, Ruby was three and Grisel was one.

The family settled in the Seattle suburb of Renton, but according to Salgado, the reunion was not a happy one: her then-husband drank and beat her, and the couple separated. Soon after, she met her current husband, Jose Luis Villa, who is now a driving force of the cross-border campaign to secure her release.

Life in Seattle was tough, but good, she says. Salgado and Villa both worked two or three jobs, and sent money to her family in Olinalá whenever they could, but Salgado didn’t return home until 2000 when she obtained her US residency.

The visit was a reminder of the harsh reality of she had left behind, Salgado said. “It really hurt me to see my people still living in such poverty,” she said. “I had got used to the United States.”

Salgado took the family to live in Olinalá for a year, hoping it would make her daughters appreciate the opportunities they had in the US. She also became more outspoken against day-to-day corruption and lawlessness. “Living in the United State had opened my horizons and made me conscious of rights,” she said.

Related: Mexico drug war continues to rage in region where president fired first salvo

Guerrero has long been one of Mexico’s most lawless regions, but in 2006 the state was plunged into a open conflict by a military-led offensive against organized crime.

The campaign helped shatter the once-mighty Beltran Leyva cartel, but numerous splinter groups sprang up in its wake. One of these, Los Rojos, took control of Olinalá. Kidnapping, extortion, disappearances and murder became common; cartel gunmen walked the streets with impunity.

“At first you just try to keep a distance out of fear, but then it starts to move your heart,” Salgado said of the terror. “You get angry when the authorities do nothing.”

That fury erupted in October 2012 at the funeral of a taxi driver who had been kidnapped and killed by cartel thugs. A rumour broke out that a second driver had been abducted – and Salgado decided that enough was enough.

She helped organize the crowd as they disarmed the local police, then commandeered a police car to drive around town, using a megaphone to urge townspeople to join the rebellion. Within hours, the gunmen were driven from town, and an ad hoc militia armed with hunting rifles and AK-47s had set up checkpoints.

The ragtag force gained a figleaf of legality within an older tradition of community policing in Guerrero’s indigenous communities. But it also tapped into another strand of the region’s history – that of armed uprisings against the Mexican state.

Under the leadership of “Comandanta Nestora”, the Olinalá community police arrested suspected wrongdoers and detained them for “re-education”. Meanwhile the group also built ties with radical community groups allegedly linked to the region’s defunct guerrilla movement.

But many locals chafed at the Salgado’s high-handed manner and called for the military to take over security in the town. Anger focussed on the detention of three teenage girls accused of dealing cocaine for their narco boyfriends. Soon after, Salgado incurred the displeasure of local politicians when she detained a well-connected town official she accused of fraternizing with the narcos.

By then, even some of Salgado’s supporters suspected she had gone too far, quietly admitting that she had perhaps been politically naive in her attempt to cut through the web of local politics and organised crime.

“I knew that when I started to expose the municipal government that there was a risk I would be arrested or killed,” she said. “I didn’t care. It was necessary.”

Authorities put out an arrest warrant for kidnapping, and on 21 August 2013, Salgado was detained by the army.

She was sent to a high-security jail over 1,000km (620 miles) away from Olinalá – a move her lawyers describe as the first of many violations of due process in the government crackdown crackdown on vigilantes.

“The arrest and prosecution of Nestora was clearly a political decision,” said Salgado’s lawyer, Leonel River. “The case is full of violations.”

Salgado’s supporters also allege mistreatment within the jail. They say she has been isolated from other inmates, denied medical attention for spinal injuries sustained in a 2002 car accident, and that visits from her legal council and family have been severely restricted.

In January, calls by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights for urgent action to improve her conditions did little to help. But suggestions from the Guerrero state government that it would consider dropping the kidnapping charges faded after a backlash from high-profile anti-crime campaigners associated with the political right.

The case, meanwhile, inched through Mexico’s labyrinthine judicial system, in which cases are still mostly fought in written arguments, often behind closed doors.

On 5 May, Salgado decided to stop eating in protest at her treatment. “I was prepared to die,” she said of the hunger strike that she maintained for 31 days.

The hunger strike focused new attention on her cause which has been taken up by supporters on Mexico and the US, and at the end of May, Salgado was transferred to the medical wing of a relatively relaxed women’s prison on the southern outskirts of Mexico City

At first, Salgado said she would continue to refuse food until she was freed, but was persuaded to end the hunger strike when doctors warned she risked permanent damage. Meanwhile, discrete negotiations with state authorities continue – though Salgado’s supporters are wary of raising their hopes too soon.

“We are facing a monster in Mexico and we know how dirty politics are,” said her husband, José Louis Villa. “The government gives three choices to activists. You can be bought, you can be killed or you can be put in prison.”

Meanwhile, La Comandata remains defiant. In an 30-minute interview, she only appeared to drop her guard for a brief moment as she described seeing herself in the mirror last month for the first time since her arrest.

“They try to destroy you in that place,” she said. Then she straightened her back and continued: “But I am strong.”
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 13 juni 2015 @ 13:05:23 #227
444256 Villas__Rubin
Kwaadaardige dictator
drugs zijn gevaarlijk joh, kut!
"A leader must be a terror to the few who are evil in order to protect the lives and well-being of the many who are good"
  zaterdag 13 juni 2015 @ 14:05:28 #228
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Smuggling tonnes of cocaine through an Italian port - Al Jazeera English

Gioia Tauro, Italy - In Calabria, one of Italy's poorest regions, the Gioia Tauro port has become known for the massive quantities of cocaine transported by organised crime groups.

"The port was born with an original sin," said Roberto Di Palma, an Italian magistrate and mob researcher, during a conversation with Al Jazeera at his Reggio Calabria office.

The "original sin" Di Palma refers to is the 'Ndrangheta, Europe's most powerful crime syndicate, an organisation that is more dangerous and influential than the Mafia, its better-known Sicilian cousin.

The coastal road leading to the Gioia Tauro port runs past a number of abandoned warehouses and un-farmed plots of land. In Calabria - home to powerful 'Ndrangheta families with global influence - the illegal activities of organised crime dwarf the revenues of the legal economy.

The Gioia Tauro port is one of Europe's largest when it comes to transhipment, the term the shipping industry uses to describe ports used primarily as intermediate destinations.

Every year 3.6 million containers arrive at the Gioia Tauro port, a number that makes it extremely difficult for the companies operating there, as well as the team of 25 policemen supervising it, to control the port's inflows and outflows.

"How can we check everything?" a nearly desperate company manager told Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity.

"It's nearly impossible. If we checked every cargo, no ship would stop and the port would die."

Di Palma said "when it comes to drug trafficking, it is always hard to have reliable numbers. What we can say with certainty is that in terms of numbers of drug requisitions by port authorities, Gioia Tauro tops Europe".

90 percent purity

When estimating cocaine volumes, authorities involved in fighting narcotrafficking use what is known as the one-to-10 rule of thumb.

According to this rule, for every police seizure there are about nine drug shipments that freely transit through the port.

According to data published by the DIA, the Italian law enforcement agency dealing with organised crime, between 2011 and 2014 total seizures amounted to 5.5 metric tonnes, implying that almost 50 tonnes of cocaine probably transited through the port over that time period.

Vincenzo Caruso, who is in charge of port security and a lieutenant colonel with the Guardia di Finanza, a police force that deals with financial crimes, said in a phone interview with Al Jazeera that "the cocaine arriving in Gioia Tauro is usually about 90 percent pure, meaning that it can be cut up to four times before being placed on the market".

Given that the average street price of cocaine in Western Europe is somewhere between 60-70 euros ($67-79) a gram, the estimated market value of the cocaine that transited through Gioia Tauro between 2011 and 2014 is somewhere between 30bn-35 billion euros ($34bn-39bn).

Italian police estimate the 'Ndrangheta controls between 60-80 percent of Europe's cocaine market. Narcotrafficking, coupled with other activities including real estate, the illegal arms trade, and hazardous waste management, yield the group an annual revenue of roughly 56 billion euros ($63bn), more than the combined annual revenue of Deutsche Bank and McDonald's.

Data from the UNODC, the UN agency monitoring drug trafficking and consumption, show the volume of seizures have declined. However, Di Palma said these numbers should be taken with caution, since the 'Ndrangheta has recently refined its smuggling techniques, for a time duping port authorities.

Refining techniques

The 'Ndrangheta's new smuggling technique is called "rip-off" and is at the centre of a new book Oro Bianco (White Gold), authored by Nicola Gratteri and Antonio Nicaso, the world's top researchers on the Calabria-based crime syndicate.

A few years ago, cocaine smuggling was mainly carried out by establishing fake cargo companies under the control of the 'Ndrangheta.

But now the group relies on men whom it has placed in key ports along cocaine trafficking routes, a technique it first experimented with in Gioia Tauro, a port where it was able to take more risks thanks to the strong influence it exercises in the region.

The strategy involves a 'Ndrangheta member strategically placed at a port who opens up a container bound for Gioia Tauro, and hides cocaine parcels inside it. His counterpart in Gioia Tauro is then informed of the container's number. When it arrives at the Italian port, the crime syndicate rushes to empty it before customs or police are able to check it.

"It's nearly impossible for authorities to find out what is going on," a port worker in Gioia Tauro told Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity.

"There are just too many containers coming and going, and the 'Ndrangheta's influence is strong despite the work of the authorities."

The recent economic crisis also plays a role. A number of companies operating in Gioia Tauro were hit heavily and at risk of going bankrupt. The 'Ndrangheta loaned money to companies in crisis, allowing them to take them over and operate in the port without anyone noticing.

The new smuggling technique has two benefits, Nicaso and Gratteri told Al Jazeera.

It reduces costs because the criminal organisation no longer has to open up fictitious cargo companies. It also diminishes risk, because cocaine is smuggled in smaller quantities - up to 200kg per shipment. If seized, the loss is not a major setback.

Impossible to halt

This makes it harder for authorities to stop the inflow.

Nevertheless, the Gioa Tauro Guardia di Finanza has been quick to find ways to fight the "rip-off" technique.

Caruso and his men were the first to take notice. As the Guardia di Finanza caught on, it started checking the codes on the cargo container locks to see whether they were tampered with. If the code was different, the cargo probably contained a drug parcel.

This strategy has now been imitated across Europe by other national authorities fighting narcotrafficking.

As authorities discovered more and more containers that had been tampered with, the 'Ndrangheta responded by forging locks with the same numerical code as the original in order to bypass police checks.

This made it once again hard, if not impossible, for Gioia Tauro's authorities to find drug parcels. However, Caruso said "new prevention techniques are being developed, and we are certain we'll soon have positive results".

Di Palma, Gratteri, Nicaso, and Caruso complain that the 'Ndrangheta and its cocaine smuggling are often falsely considered to be a local or national problem; the 'Ndrangheta is an organised crime network that operates on an international scale.

Authorities in Gioia Tauro can put up a fight, they say, but until there is a coordinated effort by international police, it may be nearly impossible to bring to a halt an industry worth billions.

Bron: www.aljazeera.com

[ Bericht 10% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 13-06-2015 14:10:45 ]
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  vrijdag 19 juni 2015 @ 18:55:26 #231
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Men in fake ambulance accused of smuggling drugs into UK | UK news | The Guardian

Four Dutch men dressed as paramedics arrested in car park in Smethwick, West Midlands. after amphetamine and ecstasy found in vehicle

Four Dutch men have been charged with attempting to smuggle hundreds of kilos of drugs, including heroin and cocaine, into Britain inside a fake ambulance.

Men dressed as paramedics were arrested by National Crime Agency (NCA) officers in a car park in Smethwick, West Midlands, on Tuesday.

Packages of drugs were found behind interior panels, in cupboards and under the floor of the vehicle, police said. Wraps of amphetamine and three holdalls containing thousands of what are believed to be ecstasy pills were also discovered.

The seizure of about 270 kilos of drugs followed a surveillance operation by the NCA officers, who watched as two men arrived in Birmingham in the ambulance on Tuesday morning and met two others.

The officers, who were assisted by West Midlands police, arrested four men at a car park on Hill Street in Smethwick. Two men from London who were seen leaving the car park shortly before the ambulance arrived were arrested nearby.

Brent Lyon, from the NCA’s armed operations unit, said: “This was an audacious plot. We believe the two men in the ambulance posed as paramedics to avoid unwanted attention when entering the country through Harwich. Our officers were ready and waiting though and stopped the drugs from being distributed to crime groups across the country.”

Four Dutch men – Olof Schoon, 37; Leonardus Bijlsma, 55; Dennis Vogelaar, 28; and Richard Engelsbel, 50 – were charged with drug offences and appeared at Birmingham magistrates court on Thursday morning.

All four have been remanded in custody until 2 July when they will appear at Birmingham crown court. The two men from London have been bailed pending further inquiries.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 23 juni 2015 @ 21:52:16 #232
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Lib Dems: legalise medicinal cannabis and possession of drugs for personal use | Society | The Guardian

‘Locking up drug users is not the answer,’ says Lord Paddick, who has tabled amendments to government’s controversial psychoactive substances bill

Liberal Democrat peers have called on the government to decriminalise the possession of drugs for personal use and legalise medical cannabis.

Brian Paddick, the party’s home affairs spokesman in the Lords and a former London mayoral candidate, has tabled a series of amendments to the government’s psychoactive substances bill, including decriminalisation of the possession of all drugs for personal use and the legalisation of medicinal use of cannabis when it is prescribed by a doctor.

The psychoactive substances bill, which will be debated in the Lords on Tuesday, seeks to outlaw legal highs, which have been blamed for a number of deaths in recent years. But the draft legislation has been criticised for being badly drafted and containing too broad a definition of psychoactive substances.

Lord Paddick, who was deputy assistant commissioner for the Metropolitan police before his retirement, also called for the government to delay the new laws until a full independent, evidence-based review of existing laws had been carried out.

Paddick said that, instead of tackling the threat of these new drugs, the proposed legislation was likely to make things worse.

“When I was a police officer, I realised that locking up drug users is simply not the answer,” he said. “We have to learn the lessons of why our current approach is failing before we make the same mistakes with new psychoactive substances as we have done with other illegal drugs.”

Decriminalising personal possession would free up police resources, ensure addicts got treatment and social users received the education they needed to keep them safe, said Paddick.

Arguing for the legalisation of cannabis use for medical purposes, he said: “There can be absolutely no justification for seriously ill people, prescribed medicine by a doctor, to be forced to become drug smugglers.

“We aren’t talking about fake prescriptions for those wishing to get high. We are talking about properly prescribed doses of pain relief for those with serious conditions.”

Despite losing 48 of their 56 MPs at the last election, leaving them as the fourth biggest party in the Commons with only eight MPs, the Lib Dems have 101 members in the Lords, making up 93% of their parliamentary party.

The Conservative party has 228 members, Labour has 212 and there are 178 crossbenchers, meaning the Lib Dems have significant potential to unite with others to amend government legislation.

Liberalising drugs laws has always been a key Lib Dem policy, with the party’s two leadership candidates, Tim Farron and Norman Lamb, both backing calls for the UK to legalise, regulate and tax the sale of cannabis.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op vrijdag 19 juni 2015 18:55 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:


Wel een slim idee! Ben benieuwd of het ze gelukt is, en zo ja hoe vaak. :D
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  donderdag 25 juni 2015 @ 10:49:06 #235
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Steeds meer gemeenten stoppen met het zogeheten ‘ingezetenencriterium’: dat alleen Nederlanders softdrugs mogen kopen in coffeeshops en buitenlanders worden geweerd om drugstoerisme tegen te gaan. Te veel rompslomp zeggen de betrokken burgemeesters.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 25 juni 2015 @ 11:10:03 #236
156695 Tism
Sinds 24, Aug, 2006
7s.gif Op donderdag 25 juni 2015 10:49 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:



Haha!..Ja natuurlijk.. :D

Opstelten.. :')
14s.gif Op donderdag 25 juni 2015 11:10 schreef Tism het volgende:


Haha!..Ja natuurlijk.. :D

Opstelten.. :')
Alleen in tilburg vragen de belgen nog steeds of je even voor ze naar binnen wil gaan. :')

Want wij hebben hier noordanus zitten, een echte PVDA plucheplakker die danst naar de pijpen van het kabinet om volgende termijn daar een mooie job te krijgen.

Ik ben benieuwd hoe de vervanger van opstelten onze nieuwe minister steur die doden door softdrugs kent hierop gaat reageren. :D
  vrijdag 26 juni 2015 @ 06:08:51 #238
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
'Gemeenten negeren verbod regulering wietteelt' | NU - Het laatste nieuws het eerst op NU.nl

Dat meldt Nieuwsuur donderdag na een rondgang. Het televisieprogramma spreekt van een patstelling.

"Het wordt tijd dat Den Haag de ogen opent voor de realiteit en de achterdeurproblematiek rondom de hennepteelt", stelt burgemeester van Weert Jos Heijmans (D66).

Weert is een van de 55 gemeenten die het zogenoemde 'Joint Regulation'-manifest ondertekende. In Wageningen werd onlangs een motie aangenomen die stadsbestuur aanspoort te blijven zoeken naar mogelijkheden voor regulering.

Volgens burgemeester van Zwijndrecht Dominic Schrijer (PvdA) zijn de problemen zo groot dat nieuw beleid niet kan wachten.

"Je moet kiezen voor een totaalverbod op softdrugs óf voor het reguleren van de wietteelt om zo via de geleidelijke weg de criminaliteit te verdringen."

Hij wil dat wietteelt onder staatstoezicht aan banden wordt gelegd en gecontroleerd.

De Tweede Kamer nam in mei met een krappe meerderheid een CDA-motie aan waarin het kabinet wordt opgeroepen gemeenten "geen enkele ruimte" te geven om wietteelt zelf te organiseren.

Burgemeester Schrijer denkt dat het CDA hiermee aan het voorsorteren is voor de volgende verkiezingen. "Door het zo politiek te maken, wordt de hele discussie geblokkeerd", stelt de burgervader.

[ Bericht 83% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 26-06-2015 11:28:30 ]
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 26 juni 2015 @ 16:13:02 #239
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
China's 1st official drug report shows alarming situation - CCTV News - CCTV.com English

06-24-2015 15:12 BJT

China has released its first ever official report on the general situation on drug-related crimes and measures to deal with them.

Narcotics authorities say that the country faces a serious drug abuse problem, and warns that its spread and related crimes will continue to increase over the next few years.

The Chinese government is one of the world’s toughest on drugs. But that does not mean the country faces less of a problem.

On Wednesday, the National Narcotics Control Commission published the first official report on drug use in China, in which some alarming figures were released.

The report shows that by the end of 2014, there were nearly 3 million registered drug users in China, and the actual number of users is estimated at 14 million. That means one out of every hundred Chinese is a drug user. The number has been rising at a staggering pace of 40 percent each year since 2008.

"The ages of arrested drug users are becoming lower and lower. In 2014, over half of them were under 35. Moreover, in the past, most drug takers used to be found among marginalized groups such as jobless people, poor farmers or migrant workers. But recently, we find that drug abuse is gradually spreading to groups like regular employees, freelancers, celebrities and even civil servants," said Liu Yuejin, minister assistant of Public Security Ministry.

As Chinese people become richer, drugs have become more widespread, particularly in bars and clubs.

Another unsettling fact is that these people tend to use synthetic drugs, which are more addictive and dangerous than traditional drugs like heroin and opium. In 2014, four out of every five people caught were users of synthetic drugs.

"The excessive use of synthetic drugs can cause mental disorders, which often prompts dangerous behaviors like suicide, murder and rape. Unlike traditional drugs, which generally cause people to be silent and go inward, synthetic drugs make people excited and go to the extreme. That is a serious threat to public safety," Liu said.

China's narcotics authorities say that following this report they are going to publish regular reports on the drug situation in the country. They say while China is determined to crack down on drugs, it also finds it impossible to do it alone. They are therefore calling for stronger international cooperation to make that happen.

Geographically, China is very close to the world's two top drug exporting regions, with drugs flooding across the border. One is called the Golden Triangle, along the Mekong River, and the other called the Golden Crescent, near the border of Afghanistan.

"The rampancy of drug production and exporting there is partly because of the restive situation in those regions. China attaches great importance to cooperation with relevant countries. And we spare no effort in assisting them to calm the situation and crack down on drugs," Liu said.

As the crackdown continues to intensify, police say that the fight against drugs also needs systemic efforts from society to tackle this complicated and rising problem.

Bron: english.cntv.cn
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 26 juni 2015 @ 16:20:37 #240
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
How Britain's khat ban devastated an entire Kenyan town | World news | The Guardian

Mild stimulant used to be Maua’s most valuable export, bringing prosperity to all involved. A year since it was outlawed, the local economy has been devastated

In a quiet and unassuming town tucked away in a hilly part of eastern Kenya, the British home secretary Theresa May’s name is spoken with barely concealed anger. Since her role in the ban of the town’s most valuable export, she’s become a universally vilified figure.

For more than two decades, Maua enjoyed booming business propelled by the growth and sale of khat, known locally as miraa, a popular herb whose leaves and stems are chewed for the mild high they offer.

But last year the UK, home to one of khat’s biggest markets, declared the stimulant a class C drug and banned all imports, prompting Maua’s rapid descent into economic purgatory.

Since the early 1990s, Britain has imported between 2,500 to 2,800 tonnes a year, according to the Home Affairs committee. Although in its initial findings the committee could not find a compelling health or social reason to ban khat, May’s argument – that continuing to allow trade in the UK would spawn off an illegal export corridor to other European countries where it is banned – won out in what became a controversial cultural debate.

Now that people are no longer making money from miraa, they do not have money to buy food

Now, a year after the legislation was signed, residents in Maua have been hit hard by a shrinking local economy that has left many facing poverty.

Edward Muruu is one of the earliest pioneers of the khat export trade. A retired headmaster at a local primary school, he says he has experienced unprecedented losses since the ban came into effect.

“I used to ferry miraa (khat) from Maua to Nairobi four times a week using 27 Toyota Hilux trucks, where it was repackaged for export. I used to make around £2,100 a month. Now I am lucky if I bring in £250 per month,” he says.

With the European market gone, the only place left for Muruu to sell his stimulant is Somalia, where consumers now dictate how much they pay – and it’s not much.

“The other issue with the Somali market is that the only people who can transport miraa to Mogadishu are Kenyan Somalis, meaning that the rest of us drivers have been put out of work,” says a former worker of Muruu’s, who only identified himself as Kanda.

According to Kanda, if non-Somali drivers attempt the trip they are attacked along the journey. For a town of its size and location, Maua has a disproportionately large number of residents of Somali heritage, most of whom are involved in the khat trade as middlemen. They are also big consumers themselves.

The effects of the London ban have reached everybody in the khat micro-economy, from the big name traders like Muraa to the small fish who depend on the trade for their survival.

Although Muraa has made investments that have cushioned him against the blows of a deeply depleted income, those at the lower end of the food chain have not been so lucky.

Miriti Ngozi, chairman of the Miraa Traders Association, says that many farmers and traders are no longer able to pay school fees or even buy enough food for their families.

The miraa trade was the heartbeat of this town; it drove everything else

“You have to understand that in this region, subsistence farming has long been overshadowed by the more prestigious miraa farming. Now that people are no longer making money from miraa, they do not have money to buy food and many families are sleeping hungry,” he says.

Yet many remain reluctant to uproot their khat crops and plant maize instead, holding on to the hope that their fortunes might one day return.

Pius Mbiti, a trader in his early 30s, is a qualified vet but says that he makes most of his income from picking and selling the stimulant.

“On a good day I used to make up to £12 which, when supplemented with earnings from my vet practice, was enough to take care of my family. But since the ban I am lucky if I make even £2 pounds,” he says.

He cannot rely on animal medicine any more either because farmers no longer have the money to pay for his services.

This narrative is familiar across the town, with the common refrain being that shutting down miraa imports to London is killing businesses indirectly linked to the herb.

“The miraa trade was the heartbeat of this town; it drove everything else. With revenue from miraa so drastically low, people no longer have the money to buy things,” says Lawrence Kobia, who owns a bookshop. He says that his sales have plummeted by more than 40% since last year.

In its submissions to parliament, the Home Office committee warned that banning khat would result in the formation of a black market – as seen in the United States and other European countries including Norway and Holland.

Related: This ban on khat is another idiotic salvo in the UK's disastrous war on drugs | Ian Birrell

Although initially khat sold for between £3 and £4 a kilogram in Britain, the committee reported that if it was banned the price could increase to £318, similar to its price in the US.

Their predictions turned out to be true: there has been a proliferation of the stimulant in London since the ban. While the border police have no statistics on seizures, the London Metropolitan police says it has handled a number of khat-related offences.

A spokesperson said that in the first six months after the ban came into effect, a total of 68 warnings and 14 penalty notices were issued. In addition, 36 people were arrested for possession of the herb, four of whom were later charged.

In the meantime, the Kenyan government is trying hard to get the ban lifted, with president Uhuru Kenyatta even promising the farmers in Maua as recently as February that he will petition to have the market reopened for them.

The farmers, however, see this as a cheap political move to whip up support, complaining that no tangible rewards have come from promises made by politicians regarding the matter in the past.

But the squabbling over high-level politics in Kenya and the workings of the parliament in Britain are meaningless to the miraa farmer in Maua, whose only worry is where the next meal will come from.

Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 26 juni 2015 @ 19:32:31 #241
156695 Tism
Sinds 24, Aug, 2006
Berlijn wil vier coffeeshops openen

Legaal wiet kopen, midden in Berlijn, dat wil stadsdeelburgemeester Monika Herrmann in ongeveer een jaar realiseren. Ze wil in haar stadsdeel Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg vier coffeeshops openen, waar mensen boven de 18 jaar tot 10 gram wiet per keer kunnen kopen.

"Het moet geen gezellige coffeeshop worden zoals in Nederland."
-Monika Herrmann, stadsdeelburgemeester-

Speciale pas

Om wiet te mogen kopen, moeten mensen kunnen aantonen dat zij boven de 18 zijn en in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg staan ingeschreven. Dat kan alleen met een speciale pas, die je bij de notaris kan krijgen. Hij onderzoekt of iemand aan alle eisen voldoet.

Alleen de notaris weet wie de passen krijgen, de identiteit van de pashouders is bij de gemeente niet bekend, zegt Herrmann. "Dat ligt natuurlijk gevoelig in verband met de privacy, maar wij denken dat die op deze manier het best beschermd is."

Of het plan het gaat halen, is nog maar de vraag. De vergunning wordt verleend door het instituut voor medicijntoezicht. Deze instantie staat niet te boek als ruimhartig, maar Herrmann denkt toch dat het project kans van slagen heeft. "We hebben een inhoudelijk sterke aanvraag. Als er op een ideologische manier naar wordt gekeken zal de aanvraag waarschijnlijk worden afgewezen. Maar als hij inhoudelijk wordt beoordeeld, maken we een kans."

Als het plan doorgaat, wordt de hele keten in één keer uit de illegaliteit gehaald.

  zaterdag 27 juni 2015 @ 12:08:38 #242
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Amateurs :')

'Inept' head of family drug-dealing gang sentenced to nine years in jail | UK news | The Guardian

A couple who were part of a family-run multimillion-pound drugs ring spent £40,000 on their wedding and lived a lavish lifestyle while still claiming benefits, a court heard.

Carl Honey-Jones, 31, described by a judge as the “inept” head of his family-run conspiracy, was brought before a judge, along with his wife and four other relatives, to be sentenced for their part in a cocaine supply ring in Swansea.

Prosecutor Ian Wright QC said Honey-Jones and his wife, Donna, lived the kind of lavish lifestyle reserved for the rich and famous, while continuing to claim benefits. The couple jetted off on all-inclusive trips to the Maldives and paid for a family holiday to Lapland. They also spent £40,000 on their wedding – getting married at a 14th-century church before going to a reception by horse and cart.

Swansea crown court heard the Honey-Jones’s frivolous spending had made them conspicuous to the authorities. They drove top-of-the-range Audis and BMWs, both with private number plates, and lived in a suburban four-bedroomed home while still in minimum-wage jobs and claiming thousands in benefits.

Carl Honey-Jones, 31, was sentenced to a nine-year custodial term, while his wife, 32 – whose lawyer has insisted was just “taking cash from her husband and spending it” – had her sentence adjourned until 6 July.

Four other relatives were involved, including Honey-Jones’s father-in-law Brian Harding, 58, who mixed cocaine with cutting agents in his garage; and Honey-Jones’s cousin, Matthew Jones, 24, described in court as Honey-Jones’s “right-hand man”.

Donna Honey-Jones’s brother and sister also inadvertently gave themselves up after calling the police to report that they had received threats from gangsters.

Judge Paul Thomas said the Honey-Jones operation – which saw large quantities of cocaine brought from Liverpool to Swansea – was motivated by greed. He said: “Carl Honey-Jones, you were the dealer principal and in your case it financed a extravagant lifestyle of foreign holidays, a lavish wedding and luxury cars.

“The sums involved were in the seven-figures and you, Carl Honey-Jones, was at the very top of that conspiracy. Although it was was lucrative, the operation that you led was inept and amateurish.

“Top-of-the-range cars and luxury brands in Penlan road were bound to attract suspicion.” The drugs network was taken apart after police raided 11 addresses in Swansea last year.

Cocaine with a potential street value of £750,000 and almost £60,000 in cash were seized, along with expensive jewellery – including a genuine Rolex watch – as well as cars and quad bikes.

Detectives also found a notebook detailing drug deals – with the amounts described in court as “eye-watering”.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 29 juni 2015 @ 20:53:54 #243
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
'Drugs zorgen inderdaad min of meer voor een blijvende verandering in de hersenen, terwijl je van suiker direct afkickt', zegt Aart Jan van der Lelij, hoogleraar endocrinologie aan het Erasmus MC en niet betrokken de promotie van De Jong. 'Daardoor zul je niet snel zien dat iemand een bejaarde berooft van een zakje suiker wanneer hij daar al paar dagen van onthouden is.'

Toch reageren de hersenen tijdens het consumeren zelf wel degelijk vergelijkbaar, zegt Van der Lelij. 'Het probleem is dat suiker inmiddels overal in zit, van pindakaas tot kokosnootmelk. Door de belonende werking ervan zijn mensen constant gebrand op meer, meer, meer.'
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to Lynn Ulbricht, the mother of Ross Ulbricht who was behind the Silk Road. In this video Lynn breaks down important never before heard information regarding to the case that shows a shocking precedent that has been set with internet freedom.
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
The war on drugs is racist, it criminalizes people who need help and it is attacking women’s bodily autonomy - fighting it is a core feminist issue.
  donderdag 2 juli 2015 @ 17:56:04 #246
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Norman Lamb: more than half of Tory ministers have taken drugs | Politics | The Guardian

Lib Dem leadership candidate attacks ‘pathetic’ drug laws and says majority of government ministers will ‘almost certainly’ have taken drugs in their youth

Liberal Democrat leadership hopeful Norman Lamb has said that more than half of current government ministers “almost certainly” tried illegal drugs in their younger years.

Speaking at an event organised by the Institute of Public Policy Research thinktank on Wednesday evening, the MP for North Norfolk described the UK’s current drugs laws as pathetic and a “monumental failure of public policy”.

“We have the crazy situation that, almost certainly, more than half of this government – half of the government ministers in a Conservative government – will have taken drugs in their younger years,” said Lamb, a former care minister under the coalition government.

“They put it down, in a very middle-class way, to youthful indiscretion, while other fellow citizens end up criminalised and their careers blighted as a result of taking a substance that is less dangerous than substances that are entirely legal.”

Lamb has previously called for the UK to legalise, regulate and tax the sale of cannabis, arguing that the UK should draw on examples from US states such as Colorado, which legalised the possession of small amounts of marijuana for recreational use by over-21s in November 2012.

“We have tobacco, which kills about 100,000 people a year in our country,” said Lamb. “We have alcohol, which causes untold damage to families. We’ve lost our own former leader to an illness of alcohol addiction and yet we chose to criminalise young people for smoking a joint.”

Charles Kennedy, who was Lib Dem leader between 1999 and 2006, died in early June aged 55 after a long struggle with alcohol addiction.

“This is pathetic, outrageous public policy,” said Lamb. “At the same time as giving billions of pounds to international criminal networks. What an extraordinary position we’ve got ourselves into.”

A 2007 biography of the prime minister, Cameron: the Rise of the New Conservative, by James Hanning and Francis Elliott, tells how David Cameron was punished for smoking cannabis at Eton in 1982, weeks before his O-level exams.

According to the book, Cameron was fined, grounded for two weeks, and given the school’s traditional punishment of a “Georgic”: copying out hundreds of lines of Latin poetry. Cameron has never denied the story.

Former Conservative frontbenchers David Willetts, Francis Maude, Chris Grayling and Oliver Letwin have all admitted to smoking cannabis in their youth as have Labour leadership candidates Andy Burnham and Yvette Cooper.

Lamb has spoken openly about his own family’s experience with his son’s mental ill-health and problems with drugs. “Look, as a father I’m actually rather hostile to drugs,” he said. “I don’t like the idea of people being affected by the influence and certainly not the addiction of a range of drugs, legal or illegal … But I don’t want my sons to be criminalised if they chose to do something like that.”

The Lib Dems have historically been supportive of liberalising drug laws. Their general election manifesto this year pledged to allow doctors to prescribe cannabis for medicinal use and to establish a review to assess the effectiveness of legalisation in the US and Uruguay.

Lib Dem peers have tabled a series of amendments to the government’s psychoactive substances bill, which seeks to outlaw legal highs. The amendments include the decriminalisation of the possession of all drugs for personal use and the legalisation of medicinal use of cannabis when it is prescribed by a doctor.

Lamb is competing with the MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale, Tim Farron, to replace Nick Clegg as party leader. Members will cast their ballots under an alternative vote system and the winner will be announced on 16 July.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 7 juli 2015 @ 22:51:21 #247
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

Economist Films: For 20 years The Economist has led calls for a rethink on drug prohibition. This film looks at new approaches to drugs policy, from Portugal to Colorado. “Drugs: War or Store?” kicks off our new “Global Compass” series, examining novel approaches to policy problems.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 9 juli 2015 @ 11:22:07 #248
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Chileen mag voortaan zes wietplanten telen

Chili staat op het punt het gebruik van marihuana te legaliseren. Woensdag stemde de Tweede Kamer met een ruime meerderheid in met de wetswijziging. Als ook de senaat akkoord gaat mogen Chilenen voortaan zes wietplanten in huis hebben en naar hartelust blowen.

Bron: www.volkskrant.nl
Het artikel gaat verder,
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zondag 12 juli 2015 @ 09:20:50 #250
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Mexicaanse drugsbaas El Chapo ontsnapt uit gevangenis

Mexico’s meest notoire drugsbaas Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán is gisteravond ontsnapt uit een zwaarbewaakte gevangenis. Het is de tweede keer dat de voormalige leider van het Sinaloa-kartel uit een gevangenis breekt.

Dat blijkt uit een verklaring van de Mexicaanse veiligheidscommissie. Guzmán is voor het laatst gezien toen hij ‘s avonds ging douchen. Nadat zijn cel werd gecontroleerd, bleek dat Guzmán weg was.

Een zoekoperatie in het gebied rondom de gevangenis is inmiddels in volle gang. Uit voorzorg zijn alle vluchten van het vliegveld van Toluca, nabij de gevangenis, geannuleerd.

El Chapo (De Kleine) werd in februari vorig jaar gearresteerd in de badplaats Mazatlan. Hij wordt gezien als één van de grootste drugsbazen van Mexico. Onder zijn leiding werd het Sinaloa-kartel een van de machtigste drugsbendes in het land. Het kartel kreeg na een bloedige strijd met andere bendes de controle over een aantal belangrijke drugsroutes naar de VS en was in meer dan vijftig landen actief. Guzmán vergaarde een enorm fortuin, wat hem zelfs in de miljardairslijst van het zakenblad Forbes deed belanden.

Bron: NRC
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 13 juli 2015 @ 14:25:29 #251
156695 Tism
Sinds 24, Aug, 2006
Neem een kijkje in de wiethoofdstad van de VS

Wij hebben in Nederland Tilburg als 'wiethoofdstad', in Amerika is dit Denver. In deze stad is er een overvloed aan coffeeshops en cannabisapotheken. VICE News bezocht de stad en zocht uit hoe de investeerders deze 'wiethype' omzetten in geld, heel veel geld.

In het zestien minuten durende item spreken ze met deze investeerders en bespreken ze de tegenstrijdige wetten die in Amerika gelden. Ik zou zeggen wacht niet langer en kijk de reportage van VICE.

7s.gif Op zondag 12 juli 2015 09:20 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:




Mexico :')
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  zaterdag 18 juli 2015 @ 13:27:25 #253
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Drug trafficking and corruption bankroll Guatemalan politics, says report | World news | The Guardian

Gangsters have infiltrated politics by financing campaigns, putting up candidates and creating construction companies to win government contracts

Drug money and corruption are now key sources of financing for political parties in Guatemala, a prominent anti-crime commission said on Thursday, ramping up pressure on the Central American country’s battered political establishment.

Just two months from a presidential ballot, the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), a United Nations-backed independent group working with prosecutors to root out corruption, said that political contributor anonymity is facilitating links to organised crime.

“Corruption is the principal source of financing for political parties,” Ivan Velasquez, commissioner at the CICIG, told a news conference. The group’s investigations have rocked the government and led to the arrest of some high-ranking officials, including the central bank chief.

The report said that drug trafficking had infiltrated local politics by financing campaigns, putting its own members up as candidates and creating construction companies that later won government contracts.

Since Guatemala decided in April to renew the CICIG’s mandate, encouraged by the United States, corruption scandals have prompted several key politicians in the country to stand down, including vice-president Roxana Baldetti.

Guatemala’s president, Otto Perez, who has not been directly accused of any wrongdoing, is waiting to see whether US Congress decides to strip him of his immunity to be investigated over pending cases.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 18 juli 2015 @ 15:45:50 #254
296552 JoaquinGuzman
no jodas conmigo
0s.gif Op dinsdag 14 juli 2015 03:54 schreef heiden6 het volgende:




Mexico :')
Tengo todos estos federales en mi bolsillo de atrás, sin preocupaciones.

[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door JoaquinGuzman op 18-07-2015 15:51:17 ]
0s.gif Op zaterdag 18 juli 2015 15:45 schreef JoaquinGuzman het volgende:


Tengo todos estos federales en mi bolsillo de atrás, sin preocupaciones.
Mooie tunnel btw, mijn complimenten!
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  woensdag 22 juli 2015 @ 15:01:28 #256
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Het Vereenigde Koninckrijck:

Durham police stop targeting pot smokers and small-scale growers | Society | The Guardian

Durham PCC Ron Hogg says move is an effort to cut costs, keep users out of criminal justice system and focus resources on organised crime

A police force in the north-east of England will no longer actively pursue cannabis smokers and small-scale growers in order to prioritise its resources against more serious crime.

Durham’s police and crime commissioner, Ron Hogg, said the move was an effort to cut costs and keep users out of the criminal justice system, while focusing scarce resources on gangs and organised crime.

Indicating his support for the decriminalisation of drug use, Hogg also said he was prepared to meet the home secretary, Theresa May, to discuss the matter.

The move has been interpreted as a shift towards the effective decriminalisation of cannabis. However, Mike Penning, the policing minister, has already responded to the news by reaffirming that growing cannabis is illegal.

Hogg told the Guardian that his policy for Durham was about prioritisation. He insisted that his officers would still enforce the law if they got complaints from the public about cannabis users and growers.

“The focus of what we are trying to do is target those who produce drugs on a larger scale,” he said. “Our communities want us to focus on drug dealers in the streets. They don’t want dealers in the streets at the same time as their children are playing.

“It’s illegal to grow and use cannabis and we will still enforce the law. However, what we will try and do is engage with users and help them if that’s what they want.”

He said that continuing cuts to policing had made such prioritisation more important. “There’s a resource issue, we must also be clear about that, but we are doing it because it’s the right approach.”

The policy was first revealed in a meeting between Hogg and pro-cannabis activists from local chapters of the UK Cannabis Social Clubs in the first week of July. At the meeting Hogg confirmed rumours that Durham police were no longer actively working to detect small-scale cannabis growers and users, said John Holiday, a local activist.

Holiday – not his real name – said Hogg was clear that the policy was not intended as a free-for-all. He said: “It’s still illegal. If you were to light up in front of a policeman or go into a police station and tell them you’ve got a ten-bag you would still be arrested.

“The idea is discretion: don’t piss off your neighbours.”

The move follows a conference hosted by Hogg in Durham last November where police, drugs professionals and activists, including some from local cannabis clubs, debated the future of drugs policy. Following the summit, Hogg wrote a letter to the prime minister with a warning that current drug laws were failing.
“Policy on drug addiction should be moved to the Department of Health, in order for the focus to be on treating rather than punishing,” Hogg’s letter said.

Neil Woods, vice-chair of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (Leap) UK, hailed Hogg’s move, saying that although police officials prioritised their officers’ work all the time, it was “quite bold to word it in the way that he is doing”.

Woods, a former undercover drugs detective, agreed with suggestions that drug crime could get less attention from police as they are forced to reassess priorities as budgets are pared back in the name of austerity.

“If you consider that a taxpayer pays £400 towards fighting the war on drugs in this country, the financial pressures are going to take us there,” he said.

Woods added: “It’s an important, small, incremental step in the right direction. I think it’s necessary and I’m pleased that they are brave enough to very publicly make this step.

“I applaud their move. No one should ever be criminalised for drug possession.”
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 23 juli 2015 @ 17:40:43 #257
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
US navy seizes submarine with seven tonnes of cocaine on board | World news | The Guardian

The vessel was intercepted off the coast of El Salvador and four suspected smugglers taken into custody

US authorities have seized a submarine-like vessel loaded with more than eight tonnes of cocaine off the coast of El Salvador.

US Navy, Customs and Border Protection and Coast Guard personnel took part in the operation last Saturday.

The semi-submersible vessel was tracked in international waters off the El Salvador coast by US aircraft. It was intercepted by the Coast Guard after a speedboat began to approach.

Inside the semi-submersible, authorities found 274 bales packed with 7,650kg (16,870 pounds) of cocaine worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Four suspected smugglers were taken into custody.

Traffickers use submarine-like vessels to move large amounts of cocaine because their low waterline profile makes them difficult to detect.

The interdiction is part of a 15-nation effort targeting international drug traffickers.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 23 juli 2015 @ 21:06:51 #258
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Ecstasy and LSD use reaches new high among young | UK news | The Guardian

Findings on drug use are serious blow to government’s hardline strategy

The use of ecstasy and LSD among young adults has spiked over the last two years, with survey results indicating the numbers taking the drugs in the past 12 months up 84% and 175% respectively.

An estimated 157,000 more people aged 16-24 took ecstasy over the past year compared to two years ago, according to figures released on Thursday. About 49,000 more used the hallucinogen LSD over the same period.

An estimated one in 20 young people have used ecstasy in the past 12 months, according to the latest data. Use of LSD is still much lower, with around 0.4% of young people – about one in 200 – using it.

Both drugs saw year-on-year increases in consumption by the young of around 40%.

The figures will be a serious blow to the government’s hardline strategy on drug use. In an effort to combat an increase in the numbers of new designer drugs a recent bill was introduced that would ban all new psychoactive substances.

But even as overall drug use remained flat, the statistics from the Crime Survey of England and Wales show a sharp rise in the use of two class-A drugs which are among the drug war’s major targets.

Among most of the population – those aged 16-59 – use of ecstasy in the past year has risen an estimated 37% since 2012/13, while use of LSD is up 117%. The reasons for the surge in the popularity of LSD are unclear, but one expert said the rise in ecstasy use could be explained by an increase in the availability of relatively pure MDMA – that drug’s active ingredient.

The figures also illustrate how young adults remain the most likely age group to take drugs: they indicated 19% of 16-19 year-olds and 20% of 20-24 year-olds took any drug within the past year. By contrast, only 2% of 55 to 59 year-olds did so.

The survey found that use of new psychoactive substances (NPSs), more commonly referred to as legal highs, was generally concentrated among young adults. Around 3% of 16-24 year-olds took an NPS within the past year, compared with 1% of 16-59 year-olds.

Those young adults who took NPSs were most likely to acquire them over the counter. An estimated 39% bought them from a shop, while 37% got them from a friend, neighbour or colleague. Only 1% of young people reported using the Internet to buy NPSs.

The survey results also appears to indicate a rise in the number of people mixing different drugs. Of those people who took drugs within the past year, 9% reported having used more than one drug at once, compared to a previous figure of 7%. The drugs most likely to be mixed with other drugs were mephedrone (68%), ecstasy (57%), amphetamines (50%) and tranquilisers (35%).

Professor Fiona Measham, who chairs a working group on polysubstance use for the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, said that the increase in the number of 16-24-year-olds using ecstasy from 3.9% to 5.4% represented an important development.

“My view is that increased purity from 2010 onwards across Europe is making ecstasy in pill, powder and crystal form increasingly attractive combined with easy availability and relatively low prices,” she said.

Separately, figures released by the Health and Social Care Information Centre show that the numbers of young people aged 11 to 15 who have ever tried smoking, drinking or drugs are at their lowest levels since 1982.

More than 6,000 pupils in 210 schools in England were asked a series of questions about smoking, drinking and drug use. Less than one in five (18%) said that they had ever smoked, the lowest figure since the survey began. The proportion of 11 – 15-year-olds who said they had tried e-cigarettes was slightly higher at 22%.

The results are consistent with a continuing decline in the number of children trying tobacco over the past decade. In 2003 as many as 42% said they had tried smoking. Meanwhile, 38% of 11-15 year-olds reported having tried alcohol, also the lowest level recorded since the survey began. In 2003 the figure was 61%.

The number of 11-15 year-olds who reported having ever tried drugs also hit a new low of 15%, down from 30% in 2003. Cannabis remains the drug most likely to be sampled by young people: of the 10% of pupils who said that they had tried drugs within the past year, 7% reported trying cannabis.

The survey also sheds light on young people’s attitudes towards why other young people their own age decided to smoke or drink. The most common reason, at 85% for smoking and 79% for drinking, was “to look cool in front of their friends”.

But there was a variety of other motivations: 72% of young people said they thought their peers smoked because “their friends pressure them into it”, while 70% thought it was because they were addicted to cigarettes. A smaller group, 67%, thought their friends drank in order to be more sociable, and 66% said they thought they drank for a rush or a buzz.

Measham, who is professor of criminology at Lancaster University, said the popularity of ecstasy, which has long been associated with rave culture, dipped when fashions changed in the 2000s and people moved onto alcohol and cocaine.

“I think now people have got back into raving,” she said. “Really there has been a resurgence in dance music, I’ve seen that in my undergraduates. My students all want to be part-time DJs and promoters.”

The rise in LSD use was more difficult to explain. “It was popular in the mid-90s when it got down to about 50p a tab,” Measham said. “So I think the risk to reward ratio for dealers was not there.” Although there were no sentencing guidelines, at the time dealers could expect to get about a month in jail for each tab of ecstasy in their possession, she said.

Again the increase in LSD use could simply be down to fashion, Measham speculated. “The 70s are back in fashion, for women’s fashions at least - you have these sort of revivals and cycles.”

Measham said relative scarcity of the drug could also be a factor, with some users shunning substances they feel have become too popular and too accessible because they are no longer cool. “Maybe there’s a whole load of stars aligning in relation to that,” she added.

Amanda Feilding, director of the Beckley Foundation, which researches psychedelic drugs, said she had heard anecdotal reports that more people were using LSD. “I think there’s more around now,” she said. “There was a kind of great shortage and now I think more people have got into it.

“Hopefully the terrible taboo on it will slowly pass away because actually it’s completely non-toxic and if it’s taken in the right conditions it can be a very useful substance.”

The policing minister, Mike Penning said: “There are positive signs our approach to drugs is working as there has been a long-term downward trend in drug use over the last decade.

“However, we continue to be concerned about the harms caused by drug misuse, including ecstasy and other class A drugs, new psychoactive substances and prescription only medicines.”
Bron: www.theguardian.com
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 24 juli 2015 @ 11:17:58 #259
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

Coffeeshop Den Bosch beschoten | NOS

Vanmorgen rond 04.30 uur zijn zeker twintig schoten gelost op de Bossche coffeeshop Chip 'n Dale in de Hinthamerstraat.

Er zijn geen gewonden gevallen, zegt de politie. Op het moment van de schietpartij was er niemand in de coffeeshop.

Op een paar kilometer van de coffeeshop vond de politie zo'n tien minuten na de schietpartij een uitgebrande auto. Of het de vluchtauto van de dader(s) was, moet onderzoek uitwijzen.

In de Hinthamerstraat zitten meerdere coffeeshops. Deze week werden de eigenaressen van een van die andere coffeeshops aangehouden, omdat zij mogelijk iets te maken hadden met twee mannen die tientallen kilo's drugs bij zich hadden, vermoedelijk bestemd voor de shop.

Het is niet duidelijk of de schietpartij van vannacht en het incident van deze week iets met elkaar te maken hebben.

Bron: nos.nl
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
The Murders Don't Stop: How the War on Drugs Is Responsible For Mexico's Outrageous Death Toll
The war on drugs is a war on people, where the majority of casualties are black and brown bodies.
  dinsdag 4 augustus 2015 @ 17:14:26 #261
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Opium is Replacing Marijuana Plants in most Mexican States - The Yucatan Times

The plants growing along an increasing number of Mexican hillsides reflect trends in illegal drug use here in the United States. While marijuana fields easily outnumbered poppy plantations in prime Mexican growing regions, both government and international-agency statistics show those numbers have reversed as Mexican-origin heroin use in the US has exploded.

According to the Mexican daily Reforma, the leading marijuana production states in Mexico are Chihuahua, Guerrero, Jalisco, Durango, Sinaloa and Oaxaca. Between 2007-2010, the Mexican army discovered 432,561 marijuana fields in these areas. But that number plummeted by 56 percent between 2011-2014, as soldiers only found 187,056 marijuana plantations during that time frame. Mexico’s military department known as SEDENA indicated that opium poppies have been replacing marijuana plants in these states.

Shifts in illegal drug production by Mexican cartels tend to occur rather quickly in response to changes in demand from the US market. Unlike cocaine, which has to be brought into Mexico from other countries, heroin and marijuana can both be grown and processed internally. This allows cartels to dictate to their growers what kinds of plants they need to grow and in what quantities.

Guerrero, currently one of the most violent states in Mexico and home to the Guerreros Unidos Cartel and infiltrated by Jalisco Nueva Generación drug organization, remains first in poppy production. However, Chihuahua—across the border from southwest Texas—has seen the fastest increase in production, tripling its crop size in the past four years.

According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration statistics released in May 2015 by the Drug Enforcement Administration, between 2007-2013 the number of heroin addicts in the US almost doubled from 161,000 to 289,000.

Besides, deaths involving heroin more than tripled between 2007 (2,402) and 2013 (8,260).

Bron: www.theyucatantimes.com
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 5 augustus 2015 @ 18:22:31 #262
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De Balie:

Een driedelige reeks over de regulering van drugs

“Red het land, sta drugs toe!” Met die oproep schreven Frits Bolkestein, Els Borst, Hedy d’Ancona en anderen in 2010 een hartstochtelijk pleidooi voor de regulering van niet alleen wiet maar ook een flink aantal harddrugs. “Het verbod op drugs kost miljarden: het leidt tot misdaad en is slecht voor de volksgezondheid. Hef het op.”

Ooit was Nederland een toonbeeld van tolerantie met haar gedogen. Tegenwoordig lopen we met ons vreemde “voor- en achterdeurbeleid” achter, zelfs op verschillende staten in Amerika, toch de bakermat van de enorm averechtse en zelfs verslavende ‘war on drugs’. Door vooraanstaande politici, denkers, gebruikers en experts wordt al jaren geroepen om regulering.

De Balie en D66 nemen die uitdaging aan en onderzoeken in deze driedelige reeks wat nu eigenlijk de gevolgen zijn van de regulering van drugs. Eerst onderzoeken we de feiten wat betreft de kosten én opbrengsten en de gevolgen voor de volksgezondheid, daarna bespreken we, op basis van de verzamelde feiten, de grote vraag van het debat: kunnen we samen een nieuwe deal maken over drugs?

“Al ruim veertig jaar zijn drugs verboden. Maar het gebruik is groter dan ooit en niets wijst er op dat het verbod werkt. Wél is duidelijk dat het verbod schade veroorzaakt. De ongehoorde omvang daarvan dringt echter nauwelijks tot de publieke opinie door. Deze – ook letterlijk – ongehoorde feiten zijn de grote afwezige in het drugsdebat.” - Red het land, sta drugs toe! NRC Handelsblad, 18-10-2010
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 6 augustus 2015 @ 02:13:48 #263
334494 Dance99Vv
Praise Bastet
Ohio proposal seeks to drug test certain welfare applicants

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio would screen and test welfare applicants for drugs under a bill expected to be introduced.

The proposal from Republican Reps. Tim Schaffer and Ron Maag would create a two-year pilot program in three counties that have yet to be determined.

Adults applying for cash assistance would have to complete a screening. If that shows they likely abuse drugs, they’d need to take a drug test.

If they test positive, then they couldn’t receive benefits. A third-party could accept the payment on behalf of the children and dependents of those who fail the tests.

The bill is to be introduced Wednesday. Its sponsors say it ensures taxpayer money isn’t supporting drug habits.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio opposes the measure, saying it unfairly targets the poor.

There is only one religion
  vrijdag 7 augustus 2015 @ 18:44:44 #264
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Greater Manchester police step up patrols in wake of drug gang shootings | UK news | The Guardian

Detectives believe three separate turf wars are being played out, with most high-profile shooting that of Salford ‘Mr Big’ Paul Massey

Police have stepped up patrols on the streets of Manchester following a spate of shootings between rival drugs gangs.

Detectives believe three separate battles are being fought for “vacant turf” in north and south Manchester after four key drugs suspects were arrested earlier this year.

The turf wars are believed to be being played out in the Newton Heath area in north Manchester, in Wythenshawe in the south of the city and in Salford, Greater Manchester.

The most high-profile recent shooting came when Salford’s “Mr Big”, Paul Massey, was murdered outside his home 12 days ago.

Massey is believed to have been mediating between two warring gangs fighting for drugs rights in the city when he was shot four times.

Related: Salford's 'Mr Big' Paul Massey 'had been mediating between two warring gangs'

DCI Howard Millington, the senior investigating officer, issued an appeal for a man seen carrying a gun in nearby Clifton Country Park two days before Massey was killed.

He said: “It has been just over a week since the murder of Paul Massey and our investigation continues to catch whoever did this.

“We are keen to speak to a man who was seen at 7pm on Friday 24 July 2015, in Clifton Country Park. He was near to the entrance to Giants Seat Farm about 150 yards before the Giants Seat Garden Centre. He was in what was described as a white Renault Kangoo van.

“The man is described as white, in his late 30s to early 40s, about 5ft 10in tall, of average build, with a round face, and was wearing a black hat, black jacket, grey and black camouflage trousers, and was carrying a torch and a gun.”

Investigators believe a separate flare-up in the north of the city is linked to the arrests in March. Three houses in Ancoats and Newton Heath were the target of shootings on 27 March, followed a month later by gunshots in nearby Blackley and Chadderton.

A well-informed source said the turf war in north Manchester had been going on since jailed police killer Dale Cregan shot dead father and son David and Mark Short in 2012.

Two recent shootings in Wythenshaw are not considered to be connected to the north Manchester rivalries.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
0s.gif Op donderdag 6 augustus 2015 02:13 schreef Dance99Vv het volgende:

Adults applying for cash assistance would have to complete a screening. If that shows they likely abuse drugs, they’d need to take a drug test.

If they test positive, then they couldn’t receive benefits.
Dat snap ik niet, hoe kan een positieve test nou het onderscheid maken tussen drugsgebruik en drugsmisbruik?
Wees gehoorzaam. Alleen samen krijgen we de vrijheid eronder.
  zaterdag 8 augustus 2015 @ 00:06:35 #266
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
165 miljoen euro aan cocaïne onderschept in onderzeeër

De Amerikaanse kustwacht heeft een zelfgemaakte onderzeeër met daarin een voorraad cocaïne ter waarde van ten minste 165 miljoen euro onderschept bij de kust van Mexico. Dat bericht NBC News. Nooit eerder in de geschiedenis van de kustwacht vond er zo'n grote onderschepping plaats.

De kustwacht arresteerde vier vermoedelijke smokkelaars. De onderzeeër is op 18 juli onderschept, maar het nieuws is nu pas naar buiten gekomen. Aan boord van het vaartuig lagen 275 balen samengeperste cocaïne. De onderzeeër werd gespot door een vliegtuig van de Amerikaanse marine, die vervolgens de kustwacht inschakelde.

'Elke onderschepping van zo'n half-afzinkbaar en zelfbesturend schip verstoort internationaal georganiseerde misdaadnetwerken en helpt het versterken van de veiligheid en stabiliteit op het westelijk halfrond', zei Charles W. Ray, viceadmiraal en commandant van het Pacifisch gebied in een verklaring.

De kustwacht probeerde het vaartuig naar de kust te slepen, maar het zonk met 1814 kilo cocaïne aan boord. Er kon 5443 kilo van de onderzeeër worden gehaald voordat het vaartuig zonk.

Onderzeeër geliefd bij smokkelaars

Colombiaanse smokkelaars maken al bijna tien jaar gebruik van onderzeeërs. 'Je ziet alleen de uitlaatpijp en de stuurhut vanuit de lucht', zei Allyson Conroy van de Amerikaanse kustwacht.

Ten minste 25 onderzeeërs zoals deze zijn sinds november 2006 onderschept door de Amerikaanse kustwacht. Op 16 juni onderschepte de kustwacht er nog een. Er bevond zich 2476 kilo cocaïne aan boord.

Bron: www.volkskrant.nl
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
De waarheid in iemands hoofd is vaak onbuigzamer dan het sterkste staal.
Geerd: "Ik zou ze allemaal keihard doen ! ! ! !"
  zaterdag 8 augustus 2015 @ 11:10:42 #270
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Murder and drug trafficking allegations cast pall over Argentina primary election | World news | The Guardian

Government says claim that cabinet chief Aníbal Fernández leads double life as drug kingpin ‘the Walrus’ is part of smear campaign by conservative media

Government says claim that cabinet chief Aníbal Fernández leads double life as drug kingpin ‘the Walrus’ is part of smear campaign by conservative media

Lurid allegations of murder and drug smuggling have overshadowed the build-up to this weekend’s primary elections in Argentina as outgoing president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner attempts to ensure a Peronist ally follows her to the Pink House.

The claims have been leveled against the president’s cabinet chief, Aníbal Fernández, who a convicted gangster recently claimed was living a double life as a trafficking kingpin known as “the Walrus”.

The ruling camp say the story has been fabricated by the opposition and the powerful Clarín media group – which has often clashed with President Fernández – in an attempt to dent the popularity of Peronist candidates ahead of Sunday’s open party primaries. The vote, in which Argentinians can vote for any candidate from any party, will offer a gauge of public opinion ahead of the presidential election on 25 October.

Opinion polls suggest Fernández’s preferred successor, Daniel Scioli – the current governor of Buenos Aires – is ahead of his rivals. He will run uncontested as the candidate of the ruling Frente Para la Victoria (Victory Front) this Sunday, while the conservative opposition alliance Cambiemos (Let’s Change) will see three candidates challenge for the nomination, including the frontrunner Mauricio Macri, the mayor of Buenos Aires.

But the campaign has been overshadowed by press reports claiming that the president’s righthand man Fernández masterminded the murder of three drug smugglers who triangulated the sale of vast amounts of the prescription drug ephedrine (used for the production of methamphetamine) between China and Mexico via Argentina in 2008.

Although press accusations of involvement with drug cartels have been raised before, these reached fever pitch this week after one of the criminals convicted for the triple murder alleged on the country’s most-watched television news programme Periodismo Para Todos that it was Fernández, then the justice minister, who had given the order.

Speaking from prison, convict Martín Lanatta claimed Fernández ordered the killings to elbow his way into the profitable business.

“The ephedrine-smuggling business ended up entirely in the hands of Aníbal Fernández with intelligence people,” said Lanatta.

He and another witness linked to the drug ring, José Luis Salerno, claimed Fernández was known under the code name “the Walrus” because of his abundant mustache.

The cabinet chief has denied the accusations. “I’m leading the polls,” said Fernández, who is running for governor of Buenos Aires province in the October elections. “They’re trying to keep me from becoming governor.”

The more sober side of the campaign has focused on the extent to which the next president will continue the Kirchnerist policies of the past 12 years, particularly with regard to workers’ rights, fighting inequality, controls on the economy and relations with international financial markets. Macri has promised a change of direction and more business-friendly policies.

Scioli is considered a relatively moderate figure inside the Peronist movement, but he has chosen a key ally of Fernández as his running mate and adopted a leftist stance in campaign speeches praising trade unions and pledging increased spending on public works and education.

Critics claim the outgoing president will maintain a strong influence if he wins. Scioli derided suggestions that Fernández will be a backseat driver.

“You know what, I’m going to do it my way,” he told supporters on Thursday, pledging to fight inflation and make Argentina more attractive to foreign investment.

Bron: www.theguardian.com
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 11 augustus 2015 @ 13:39:07 #271
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Sydney man becomes oldest person charged with cocaine smuggling – at 91 | Australia news | The Guardian

Retired surgeon Victor Twartz ‘legitimately scammed’ by Indian gang over internet, one of 40 Australians arrested on home soil in such cases since 2013

A 91-year-old devout Christian with a penchant for tweed suits is believed to have become the oldest person to be charged with drug trafficking after he was duped into importing almost 5kg (11lbs) of cocaine from India to Australia.

Police say retired dental surgeon Victor Twartz was scammed by a drugs gang who groomed him via email and lured him into importing the class A drug last month, disguised in bars of coloured soap.

Twartz appeared briefly at court in Sydney on Tuesday, dressed in a three-piece tweed suit, after being charged with importing a commercial quantity of the drug. His case was adjourned until October.

Speaking to reporters afterwards, he said he had been tricked into importing the drugs. Citing the new testament book of Revelation, he said those responsible should be cast into a “lake of fire”.

Interviewed by the Sydney Morning Herald at his nursing home in a Sydney suburb, Twartz said: “I’m 1,000% against drugs. I don’t even drink alcohol.”

His son, Peter Twartz, told ABC News his father is a devout Seventh Day Adventist with no criminal background.

“His background is as a dentist, he is significantly religious,” Peter Twartz said. “There is no way that he would knowingly [have] anything to do with drugs — he sees it as a scourge.”

The Australian federal police’s organised crime commander, David Stewart, would not go into detail about what Twartz had been promised by the group, but said he had been in touch with them over many months.

Police were tipped off by Twartz’s family but were unable to stop him leaving Australia, Stewart said in Canberra. “There is certainly some evidence to suggest that this man was legitimately scammed by this group and exploited.

“There were warnings issued to him about his activities both here and overseas ... but you can only provide people with certain warnings. At the end of the day they’ll make their own choices.”

Twartz was returning to Australia from Delhi on 8 July when he was caught carrying 27 bars of soap, filled with about 4.5kg of cocaine.

He claims he was duped by people he met in Delhi after he was contacted online. He was handed a bag just before he boarded his flight and told it contained gifts for a person in Australia.

“I looked carefully at what was in the soap,” Twartz told the Herald. “I scraped it and it was certainly soap but there were these streaks of white stuff in between. I thought it was additional perfume or that was the style of Indian soap.”

Stewart said in the past two years 40 Australians have been arrested locally and more overseas in similar scams.

The internet is making it easier for organised crime syndicates to groom people using social media, Stewart added, with vulnerable Australians – particularly the elderly and mentally ill – targeted. But he warned ignorance was not a defence and urged the public to steer clear of any offer that sounds too good to be true.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
To smoke, or not to smoke, that is the question. :)

Wiet gevonden in pijpen uit tuin William Shakespeare
Foto: Thinkstock
Gepubliceerd: 10 augustus 2015 09:09
Laatste update: 10 augustus 2015 19:08

William Shakespeare rookte mogelijk meer dan tabaksbladeren. Wetenschappers uit Zuid-Afrika hebben cannabis gevonden in een aantal pijpen die werden gevonden in de tuin van de Britse schrijver.
De onderzoekers testten 24 pijpen en in 8 werd de drugs aangetroffen, waarvan in 4 pijpen gevonden in de tuin van de schrijver. De pijpen zijn meer dan vierhonderd jaar oud.

Dat schrijft de Britse krant The Independent.

Het is eerder gesuggereerd dat Shakespeare, die leefde tussen 1564 en 1616, wel eens wiet rookte. Hij zou wel op de hoogte zijn van de effecten van cannabis, aangezien hij in een aantal sonnetten schreef over 'weed' en 'vreemde drugs'.

In andere pijpen uit de omgeving van waar Shakespeare woonde, werd ook cocaïne aangetroffen.

Bill Maher on USA presidents smoking weed.
  donderdag 13 augustus 2015 @ 14:21:45 #274
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Kinderen zwaargewond door chemische stof in bos Zutendaal

In een bos in het Belgische Zutendaal, zo’n twaalf kilometer van Maastricht, zijn vier kinderen zwaargewond geraakt doordat ze door een plas fietsten waar vermoedelijk chemisch afval in was gedumpt.

Dat melden Belgische media. De kinderen zouden eerste- en tweedegraads brandwonden hebben opgelopen. Twee andere kinderen en de begeleider raakten niet gewond.

Momenteel wordt het water onderzocht, om vast te stellen om wat voor stof het gaat en het spul uit het bos te verwijderen. De politie wil ook achterhalen of op andere plaatsen in het bos afval is gedumpt.

Steeds meer drugsafval wordt gedumpt in de natuur. In Nederland wordt 90 procent van het gedumpte drugsafval gevonden in het zuiden van het land; Brabant spant de kroon. Zo’n 30 procent van alle drugsfabrieken staat in Brabant, Limburg of Zeeland. De oude traditionele Hollandse criminele netwerken verschuiven hun activiteiten steeds meer vanuit de Randstad naar het zuiden van Nederland.
Bron: NRC
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
So Much for the Munchies! Everything You Think You Knew About Pot And Weight Might Be Wrong
This latest study is not the first to link cannabis use with lower incidences of obesity and diabetes.
  woensdag 19 augustus 2015 @ 17:28:55 #276
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
België - Einde wietverbod komt in zicht - RollingStoned.nl

Hoewel de zomer niet eens voorbij is, durft de voorzitter van de Mambo Social Club ‘m al te benoemen tot ‘fraai’. Op wietgebied dan toch zeker, nu de publieke opinie in België snel switcht naar pro-cannabis, steeds meer mensen hun eigen medicijn verbouwen en dat ook nog eens eenvoudiger is dan ooit…

Nu de zomer stilletjes op zijn einde loopt, kunnen we zeggen dat het een mooie Belgische zomer is geweest voor onze geliefde plant. Het debat over cannabis lijkt eindelijk op gang te komen in België. Als er ergens peilingen worden gehouden over de regulering van cannabis dan wordt duidelijk dat er een maatschappelijk draagvlak is voor de regulering van cannabis en dat de meerderheid van de bevolking hier ondertussen achterstaat.

De voordelen van regulering beginnen ook bij het grote publiek bekend te raken, het is op dit moment enkel een kwestie van tijd voor onze plant bevrijd wordt.

In België hebben de cannabis social clubs ondertussen bewezen dat het mogelijk is een goed systeem op te zetten waar zowel de recreatieve als de medische gebruikers van cannabis mee geholpen zijn. Op die manier hoeven de leden van deze clubs zich niet meer via het illegale circuit te bevoorraden en zijn ze zeker van de kwaliteit. Dit is mogelijk binnen het huidige wettelijke kader dankzij de ministeriële richtlijn van 2005 die ervoor zorgt dat mensen die één cannabisplant kweken voor hun persoonlijke gebruik niet vervolgd hoeven te worden.

In de praktijk hangt dit echter van de willekeur af, sommige mensen worden vervolgd terwijl anderen voor gelijkaardige praktijken ongemoeid gelaten worden.

Gelukkig hebben heel wat mensen door dat het vrij simpel is om je eigen plantje te kweken en dat je hiervoor heus niet gestudeerd moet hebben of grote investeringen hoeft te doen. Met een zakje potgrond van het lokale tuincentrum, een goed zaadje en zon en water kom je al een heel eind. Alles wat je wil en moet weten is eenvoudig terug te vinden op internet tegenwoordig, je hoeft eigenlijk je huis nog niet meer uit om aan de slag te kunnen. Mochten er toch problemen zijn met je kweek dan zijn er heel wat forums of sites als RollingStoned waar je advies kan vinden en waar er zeker iemand is die je kan verder helpen. Het kweken van je eigen plantje was nog nooit zo eenvoudig als vandaag en steeds meer en meer blowers ontdekken wat een fijne hobby tuinieren is.

Steeds meer en meer mensen ontdekken ook de medicinale eigenschappen van de plant en komen er achter dat het simpel en eenvoudig is om je eigen medicijn zelf te kweken en zelf te maken. Dankzij internet en Youtube is het voor iedereen een koud kunstje om er achter te komen hoe je zelf olie, boter of zalf van cannabis maakt.

Gelukkig durven er ook steeds meer en meer mensen hun stem te laten horen in het debat en zijn er meer en meer mensen die zich uitspreken voor de regulering van cannabis omdat ze de zinloosheid en het perverse van het huidige systeem doorzien en begrijpen dat het ook heel anders kan. Dankzij de ontwikkelingen die er wereldwijd zijn is ondertussen in de praktijk bewezen dat regulering werkt.

Het momentum dat er is is nog nooit zo groot geweest als vandaag de dag. Je voelt aan alles dat het einde van de prohibitie nabij is en dat er betere tijden aankomen. We are winning, het is enkel nog een kwestie van tijd. Of waarom je tandpasta niet terug in de tube kan stoppen…

Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 20 augustus 2015 @ 12:00:06 #277
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Inwoners bepalen drugsbeleid gemeente Nijkerk - Omroep Gelderland

Uit analyses van rioolwater in de gemeente blijkt dat er bovengemiddeld veel drugs worden gebruikt. De gemeente nodigt zo veel mogelijk mensen uit om mee te denken over het beleid dat drugsgebruik moet verlagen.

Maar hoe groot is het probleem? Volgens onderzoek is het Nijkerkse drugsgebruik vergelijkbaar met die van een gemiddelde grote stad. Wat betreft cocaïne scoort in het onderzoek alleen Amsterdam hoger. Het gebruik van XTC ligt op het niveau van Amsterdamse cijfers uit 2011. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat 70 procent van de jongeren wordt behandeld voor drugsgebruik raakt binnen een jaar weer in de problemen.

Welzijnsorganisatie Welstede onderzocht onlangs het drugsgebruik in Nijkerk. Wethouder Marly Klein is verantwoordelijk voor het drugsbeleid in de gemeente Nijkerk: 'Uit het onderzoek van Welstede bleek dat Nijkerk niet veel afwijkt van het landelijk gemiddelde, maar er is nog steeds sprake van een behoorlijk gebruik. De onderzoeken spreken elkaar misschien tegen, maar dat er gebruikt wordt is duidelijk. Het probleem is voldoende duidelijk, dat we er een vervolg op willen geven.'

Eerste beeld en aanzet voor drugsvraagstuk

De gemeente wil tot een praktische aanpak komen. Er komt niet een officieel beleid, maar wel een plan van aanpak. De gemeente nodigt zo veel mogelijk betrokkenen uit die met verslaving te maken hebben. Dat kunnen instanties zijn die met verslavingszorg te maken hebben, maar ook ouders. Alle partijen mogen meedenken over preventie, handhaving en alles wat met drugsgebruik te maken heeft.

'Dat soort input is heel belangrijk,' zegt wethouder Marly Klein, die verantwoordelijk is voor het drugsbeleid in de gemeente Nijkerk. 'Wij hebben de wijsheid ook niet in pacht. De huidige aanpak sluit niet aan bij de behoefte en ouders weten zelf ook heel goed wat er speelt. Ze hebben ook ideeën over hoe ze drugsgebruik kunnen voorkomen en willen daarover meepraten.'

Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  zaterdag 29 augustus 2015 @ 12:18:25 #280
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 31 augustus 2015 @ 09:21:32 #281
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
VOC-mentaliteit! *O*

Colombia overspoeld met Nederlandse xtc

Nederlandse drugsbendes hebben het Zuid-Amerikaanse continent kennelijk ontdekt als groeimarkt voor xtc. In het hippe uitgaansleven van grote Colombiaanse steden als Medellin, Bogota, Cali en Cartagena verdringt dure Nederlandse xtc het lokaal spotgoedkope witte feestpoeder. Met name in de dancescene kijken cokedealers jaloers toe hoe de in megapartijen aangevoerde partypilletjes gretig aftrek vinden.

De tendens dat Europese en dan vooral Nederlandse drugsbendes Colombia hebben ontdekt als belangrijk afzetland, wordt ook gesignaleerd door de International Narcotics Control Board (INCB). In sommige gevallen vinden zelfs ruiltransacties plaats tussen criminele organisaties. Grote partijen coke worden dan geruild tegen xtc.

Bron: Telegraaf
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 31 augustus 2015 @ 22:46:13 #282
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Instituto Manquehue - With no DEA in sight, Bolivia keeps reducing coca fields

Drug dealing now represents less than 1% of the Andean country's GDP, in a sustained reduction ever since the expulsion of the United States DEA agency.

According to data from the United Nations, Bolivia achieved a reduction in the amount of coca fields — the plant which is used as a raw material for the elaboration of cocaine — approximately in an 11% since the year 2014, and in over a 30% since 2010, which amounts to four consecutive years of decline, from over 30 thousand to some 20 thousand hectares.

Morales stressed that the progress against drug trafficking was possible after the 2008 expulsion of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) — accused of conspiracy and espionage — together with a significant national effort.

The data, presented in the form of satellite images and imaging studies, were published last week in a report which was jointly presented by Antonio De Leo, representative of the UN Office Against Drug and Crime, and the Bolivian president, Evo Morales.

De Leo congratulated the Bolivian government over the good news, indicated that the area for the growing of coca is the lowest in twelve years, and asserted the participation of social movements, coca unions and different local authorities in the process.

During his speech, Morales stressed that the progress against drug trafficking was possible after the 2008 expulsion of the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) — accused of conspiracy and espionage — together with a significant national effort. The head of state also celebrated that drug trafficking no longer has a significant weight in the economy of the Andean country, now corresponding to less than 1% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Bolivia is the third world producer of coca, after Peru and Colombia, and approximately a 40% of the production ends up in the illegal market. The rest is consumed traditionally, chewed or in tea, as a natural analgesic.

Bron: en.institutomanquehue.org
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 1 september 2015 @ 20:48:04 #283
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
To Improve Police-Community Relations, End the War on Drugs | James Gierach

Protests and violence have captured the attention of world media following the first anniversary of the day police Officer Darren Wilson fatally shot unarmed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Yet President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing, charged with improving police-community relations and reducing crime, has largely overlooked one of the elements most essential to accomplishing this goal: the need to reform drug policy. Ending drug prohibition is essential to restoring peace in the streets, reforming our criminal justice system, and healing our communities. Until those policies change, black communities will continue to fall victim to American policing gone awry.

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP), a nonprofit of police, judges, prosecutors, and other criminal justice professionals dedicated to ending the War on Drugs, recently submitted the following statement to the Task Force:

"The drug war created [America's] crisis in policing and destroyed public support [for policing] in some quarters.... Both police and academic leaders have offered... their ideas [to the Task Force] regarding improved community policing, better training, more accountability, civilian review boards, grand jury reform, ending police impunity for misconduct, etc. These recommendations have merit and capacity for improved policing and better community relations. However, LEAP believes that without reforming U.S. and global drug policy, no reform or set of reforms can stop the unending perversion of American values, virtues [and]... policing [practices]."

It is the time-honored mission of police to "serve and protect" communities, but that mission has been corrupted by decades of failed drug enforcement policies. Federal grants and departmental promotion policies reward drug arrests, creating a monetary and personal incentive to focus on drug offenses instead of serious crimes. Violent crime has taken a back seat to drug enforcement for too long, and has changed the way police relate to marginalized communities, who no longer see police as protectors, but as aggressors.

Meanwhile, police are playing doctor, giving people addicted to drugs an arrest record rather than the treatment options and medical attention that would allow them to improve their lives.

LEAP called upon President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing because we believe in introducing a new drug policy paradigm based upon human rights, harm reduction, education, accessible medications, economic development, racial equality, respect for the law, and respect for law enforcement. We now call on all Americans concerned with the state of our justice system to contact Congress and the President to end the War on Drugs. Call upon them to jointly push for an amendment of the three United Nations Drug-Control Treaties that serve as fountainhead for the global War on Drugs. Call upon them to replace the criminalization-and-incarceration model of drug policy with a system of legalized, controlled, and regulated drug markets, treating drug abuse as a health problem and not a law enforcement issue.
Bron: www.huffingtonpost.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Ja ja, het was allemaal de schuld van de Amerikanen. Altijd lachen met die corrupte huichelaar Morales.
  zaterdag 5 september 2015 @ 08:39:58 #285
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
UK sees huge rise in heroin and morphine-related deaths | Society | The Guardian

Increase contributes to total mortality rate from drug poisoning rising to the highest level since comparable records began in 1983

Heroin and morphine-related deaths have increased by almost two-thirds over the past two years, contributing to the mortality rate from drug poisoning rising to the highest level since comparable records began in 1983.

Official figures show there were 952 deaths involving the substances last year – their highest level since 2001 – compared with 579 in 2012, bucking a decline in previous years, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures published on Thursday.

They contributed to the mortality rate from drug misuse rising to 39.9 deaths per million population.

Heroin-related fatalities – which are combined with those from morphine because heroin breaks down in the body into morphine, so either may be recorded on the death certificate – accounted for 42% of total drug misuse deaths.

Harry Shapiro, a drug information and policy analyst, described the figures as “pretty shocking”.

The former director of communications for now-defunct independent monitoring body DrugScope said: “There’s been such a focus on legal highs, new psychoactive substances, that to some extent maybe we’ve been taking our eye off the ball a bit [regarding illegal drugs]. We’ve certainly had declining drug use [in the recent past].

“From a policy point of view, we might have got a bit ‘we’ve ticked all the boxes on this, we’re doing well.’ There are figures here and from the Crime Survey of England and Wales, [which showed a spike in use of ecstasy and LSD among young adults] that suggest we are not ticking all the boxes.”

Public Health England calculated last year that around 60% of drug-related deaths between 2007 and 2012 were people who had not been in treatment at all, or in the previous five years.

Shapiro said the ONS figures raised questions about whether people were being let down by the commissioning process, leaving treatment too early, or being put off by an increasing reluctance to prescribe methadone.

He added that the 2013 abolition of the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse had put responsibility for treatment in the hands of local authorities but that they were under extreme financial pressures.

The ONS recorded an increase in the number of deaths involving heroin/morphine across all age groups bar people aged 70 or over between 2013 and 2014. Shapiro said ageing problems could be combining with complications from heroin use to increase the mortality rate.

The ONS highlighted an increase in supply of the drug, after a “heroin drought”, which it said had led to an increase in the purity of street heroin and declining prices, from £74.32 per gramme purity-adjusted in 2011 to £49.55 in 2013. However, Shapiro suggested this was probably the “least controversial version of events”.

He said: “The issue is really: is anyone going to do anything about it and come up with a national strategy to deal with drug-related deaths? It’s not just in relation to morphine.”

Deaths involving cocaine increased sharply last year to 247 from 169 in 2013, reaching an all-time high of 4.4 deaths per million population, according to the ONS. It was the third year in a row the mortality rate for cocaine-related deaths had increased.

Rosanna O’Connor, director of alcohol, drugs and tobacco at Public Health England, described the rise in heroin-related deaths as “a great concern”.

She said: “Fewer people are using heroin but the harms are increasingly concentrated among older, more vulnerable users and those not recently in touch with their local drug treatment services. Reassuringly, overall drug use has also declined and treatment services have helped many people to recover but these figures show the need for an enhanced effort.

“We need to ensure the most vulnerable users can access drug treatment services.”
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Heroine legaliseren. _O_

Gratis uitdelen tevens. _O_

Iedereen verplicht bij geboorte heroine inspuiten. _O_
  maandag 7 september 2015 @ 20:32:17 #287
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Na zes maanden onderzoek concludeert het team van onafhankelijke experts dat de studenten niet zijn verbrand op een vuilnisbelt, zoals de regering beweert. Wat er wel met ze is gebeurt, blijft onduidelijk. Een van de schokkendste bevindingen van het rapport betreft de rol van de federale politie en het leger. Zij wisten op het moment dat de studenten werden aangevallen precies wat er gebeurde. En ze deden niets.

Op 26 september vorig jaar gingen studenten van de lerarenopleiding in Ayotzinapa naar Iguala, een kleine stad in de zuidelijke deelstaat Guerrero. De studenten, jongens tussen de 17 en 26 jaar oud, kaapten daar een aantal bussen die ze wilden gebruiken voor transport naar een demonstratie in Mexico Stad. Politieagenten openden het vuur en hielden een urenlange klopjacht. Er vielen zes doden en sinds die nacht zijn 43 studenten spoorloos verdwenen.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zondag 13 september 2015 @ 18:37:47 #288
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
The outlawing of narcotic drugs at the start of the Twentieth Century, the turning of the matter from public health to social control, coincided with American’s imperial Open Door policy and the belief that the government had an obligation to American industrialists to create markets in every nation in the world, whether those nations liked it or not.

Civic institutions, like public education, were required to sanctify this policy, while “security” bureaucracies were established to ensure the citizenry conformed to the state ideology. Secret services, both public and private, were likewise established to promote the expansion of private American economic interests overseas.

It takes a book to explain the economic foundations of the war on drugs, and the reasons behind the regulation of the medical, pharmaceutical and drug manufacturers industries. Suffice it to say that by 1943, the nations of the “free world” were relying on America for their opium derivatives, under the guardianship of Harry Anslinger, the Commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN).
The war on drugs is largely a projection of two things: the racism that has defined America since its inception, and the government policy of allowing political allies to traffic in narcotics. These unstated but official policies reinforce the belief among CIA and drug law enforcement officials that the Bill of Rights is an obstacle to national security.

Blanket immunity from prosecution for turning these policies into practice engenders a belief among bureaucrats that they are above the law, which fosters corruption in other forms. FBN agents, for example, routinely “created a crime” by breaking and entering, planting evidence, using illegal wiretaps, and falsifying reports. They tampered with heroin, transferred it to informants for sale, and even murdered other agents who threatened to expose them.

All of this was secretly known at the highest level of government, and in 1965 the Treasury Department launched a corruption investigation of the FBN. Headed by Andrew Tartaglino, the investigation ended in 1968 with the resignation of 32 agents and the indictment of five. That same year the FBN was reconstructed in the Department of Justice as the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD).

But, as Tartaglino said dejectedly, “The job was only half done.”
In its report, the Abzug Committee said: “It was ironic that the CIA should be given responsibility of narcotic intelligence, particularly since they are supporting the prime movers.”
DCI William Webster formed the CIA’s Counter-Narcotics Center in 1988. Staffed by over 100 agents, it ostensibly became the springboard for the covert penetration of, and paramilitary operations against, top traffickers protected by high-tech security firms, lawyers and well-armed private armies.

The CNC brought together, under CIA control, every federal agency involved in the drug wars. Former CIA officer and erstwhile Twofold member, Terry Burke, then serving as the DEA’s Deputy for Operations, was allowed to send one liaison officer to the CNC.

The CNC quickly showed its true colors. In the late 1990, Customs agents in Miami seized a ton of pure cocaine from Venezuela. To their surprise, a Venezuelan undercover agent said the CIA had approved the delivery. DEA Administrator Robert Bonner ordered an investigation and discovered that the CIA had, in fact, shipped the load from its warehouse in Venezuela.

The “controlled deliveries” were managed by CIA officer Mark McFarlin, a veteran of Reagan’s terror campaign in El Salvador. Bonner wanted to indict McFarlin, but was prevented from doing so because Venezuela was in the process of fighting off a rebellion led by leftist Hugo Chavez. This same scenario has been playing out in Afghanistan for the last 15 years, largely through the DEA’s Special Operations Division (SOD), which provides cover for CIA operations worldwide.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 16 september 2015 @ 18:11:30 #289
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Belastingdienst verkoopt kweekspullen voor hennepteelt door

De Belastingdienst heeft in beslag genomen kweekbenodigdheden voor hennepteelt gisteren zelf verkocht op een veiling. Dat lijkt strijdig met de nieuwe Opiumwet, die “handelingen ter voorbereiding of vergemakkelijking van illegale hennepteelt” verbiedt.

Vloeibare meststoffen, koolstoffilters, ventilatorboxen en droogrekken, artikelen die growshops sinds 1 maart niet meer mogen verkopen, zijn via veilinghuis BVA Auctions verkocht. De artikelen zijn afkomstig van een growshop met een belastingschuld.

Het is niet voor het eerst dat de overheid artikelen van growshops in beslag neemt en ze daarna op de veiling brengt. Eind april was het de dienst Domeinen van het ministerie van Financiën dat in beslag genomen goederen aanbood, onder meer afzuigslangen, geurfilters en een kweektent - nuttig voor het verwijderen van geuren bij hennepteelt. Een “misverstand”, zei de woordvoerder toen. De spullen hadden moeten worden vernietigd. De kavel zou alsnog zijn ingetrokken.

Ditmaal is de kavel, ‘Tuinbouwmaterialen te Zwolle’, volgens de Belastingdienst “gewoon” executoriaal verkocht. De artikelen zijn volgens de fiscus “niet specifiek te koppelen aan hennepteelt omdat zij overal verkocht worden”, zegt een woordvoerder.

“Een goed voorbeeld zijn de plantenvoedingsstoffen. Die kun je bij ieder tuincentrum of op internet aanschaffen, een directe link met hennepteelt is er niet.”

Verbazingwekkend, vind de eigenaar van een Brabantse groothandel, waar een deel van de artikelen oorspronkelijk vandaan komt. Zijn advocaat, Frank Van Ardenne:

“Bij een politie-inval in april is juist zijn hele inboedel met identieke artikelen in beslag genomen omdat verkoop wél in strijd zou zijn met de nieuwe Opiumwet”.

De nieuwe wet verbiedt de verkoop van artikelen die vermoedelijk worden gebruikt bij grootschalige hennepteelt. Op grond daarvan heeft de politie inmiddels tientallen growshops ontruimd. Veel apparatuur is vernietigd. Over de rechtmatigheid van die inbeslagnames lopen vele procedures. Advocaat André Beckers heeft de kavel gisteren op een zitting waar hij een growshopeigenaar verdedigde, al genoemd als voorbeeld van het inconsistente beleid.

“Hoe kan de Belastingdienst dit nu in hemelsnaam doen?”

Dat de overheid opnieuw zelf growshop-artikelen verkoopt is “bizar”, zegt Jan Brouwer, hoogleraar algemene rechtswetenschap van de rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

“Met links wordt er afgepakt en met rechts verkocht. Helderheid in het wietbeleid ontbreekt al jaren. De overheid hoort met één mond te spreken, maar intussen spreken wetgever, rechters, Belastingdienst en burgemeesters elkaar voortdurend tegen. Gevolg: volstrekte willekeur.”
Bron: NRC
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Weet niet of hij al door de versnipperaar is geweest.

We must guard against the aquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.
  donderdag 17 september 2015 @ 11:18:25 #291
156695 Tism
Sinds 24, Aug, 2006
Politie begonnen met grootschalig ruimen wietplantages

17 september 2015

ROERMOND - De politie is vandaag begonnen met het ruimen van meer dan honderd hennepplantages in open veld. Begin september ontdekte de politie in Limburg in totaal 112 wietplantages van verschillend formaat in onder meer de maisvelden, liet een woordvoerder vanochtend weten.

Een van de eerste plekken waar de politie vanochtend met ruimen begon was in een maisveld in het Noord-Limburgse Heijen. De velden werden begin september ontdekt door vluchten met een politiehelikopter. Om hoeveel planten het precies gaat kon de woordvoerder nog niet zeggen. ,,We zijn pas net met ruimen begonnen'', zei hij.
  maandag 21 september 2015 @ 17:05:39 #292
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
'Inderdaad. Wij gaan proberen beide begrotingen te wijzigen. In onze tegenbegroting zit meer geld voor veiligheid en justitie. Bijvoorbeeld door het legaliseren van wiet, dat levert een enorme bezuiniging op.'
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 22 september 2015 @ 14:14:46 #293
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
Lang leve het korte termijn denken van onze moraal ridders aan de rechterzijde van het politieke spectrum

Drugsgebruik toegenomen na verhogen leeftijd alcoholgebruik'

Foto: ANP
Gepubliceerd: 22 september 2015 12:15
Laatste update: 22 september 2015 13:34

Het drugsgebruik onder tieners is toegenomen sinds het verhogen van de minimumleeftijd voor alcoholgebruik naar 18 jaar.
Dat blijkt uit een onderzoek onder vijfduizend jongeren tussen de 16 en 18 jaar dat is gedaan in opdracht van digitaal themakanaal NPO101 van BNN.

Van de ondervraagden jongeren zegt 1 op de 3 meer drugs te zijn gaan gebruiken sinds de nieuwe alcoholwet van kracht is. Voor 8 procent was het niet beschikbaar zijn van alcohol zelfs de reden om drugs voor de eerste maal te gaan proberen.

Bijna een derde van de jongeren gebruikt elke week drugs, en een derde doet maandelijks aan drugsgebruik. Het gaat om allerlei soorten drugs, zoals xtc, speed en pep.

D66 pleit naar aanleiding van deze peiling voor een uitgebreid en onafhankelijk onderzoek naar het gebruik van drugs onder minderjarigen, en wil met staatssecretaris Martin van Rijn van Volksgezondheid in gesprek.

De wet werd bijna twee jaar geleden van kracht. Sindsdien mogen jongeren onder de 18 jaar geen alcohol meer kopen of consumeren in horecagelegenheden en winkels. Alleen de PVV en D66 stemden tegen het wetsvoorstel.

Het onderzoek werd uitgevoerd door bureau Labyrinth in Utrecht en vond plaats via Facebook.

Regisseur Laïs van Niel maakte voor NPO101 een korte documentaire over het toenemende probleem. Zij kwam op het idee voor de film doordat zij in haar vriendenkring hoorde dat het drugsgebruik onder tieners toenam.

Het Trimbos-Instituut, dat onderzoek doet naar het gebruik van verdovende middelen, kan de normalisering van consumptie van drugs onder bepaalde groepen jongeren bevestigen. Maar cijfers over deze specifieke leeftijdscategorie zijn niet voorhanden, aldus een woordvoerster tegen NU.nl.

"We hebben wel bij de verhoging van de drankleeftijd gewaarschuwd dat alertheid geboden is voor dit soort bij-effecten", legt ze uit. "Maar uit de gegevens die we nu voorhanden hebben, blijkt geen schrikbarende stijging." Het gaat dan bijvoorbeeld om de incidenten-monitor en de meest recente cijfers van het CBS. "Drank is nog steeds relatief gemakkelijk verkrijgbaar voor deze leeftijdsgroep."

Het Trimbos doet in 2016 weer een groot onderzoek naar het gebruik van alcohol en drugs onder jongeren. "Als er effecten aantoonbaar zijn, verwachten we die in dat onderzoek te gaan zien. Maar de proef van BNN is niet representatief genoeg voor zulke harde conclusies."

Vera Bergkamp van D66 noemde de cijfers dinsdag in De Nieuws BV "zorgwekkend". Bergkamp: "De nieuwe wet was bedoeld om de gezondheidsrisico's onder jongeren te beperken, maar het blijkt averechts te werken."

Zij stelt dat "de politieke werkelijkheid uitgaat van een zekere maakbaarheid: we verbieden iets en dat heeft het gewenste effect. Zo werkt dat dus niet. We moeten ons veel meer verplaatsen in jongeren."
  woensdag 23 september 2015 @ 17:06:12 #295
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 24 september 2015 @ 14:44:16 #296
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Smugglers soak rice in cocaine in bid to beat Argentine customs | World news | The Guardian

Drug-sniffing dogs discovered about 30kg of cocaine absorbed into grains of rice at the port of Rosario, headed for Europe via Africa

Argentine customs agents found about 30kg (66lb) of cocaine hidden in a way they had never seen before – drug-sniffing dogs found it had been absorbed into grains of rice headed for Europe via Africa, an official said on Wednesday.

The bust underscores the role Argentina has come to play as a shipping point for cocaine produced in Bolivia, Peru and Colombia, destined for Africa, and then smuggled north to the lucrative markets of Europe.

Related: Murder, drug cartels and misery counter Argentina's claims of falling poverty | Patrick Greenfield

Imaginative drug runners soaked rice in water that had been mixed with cocaine, said Guillermo Gonzalez, chief of narcotic investigations for Argentina’s customs agency. When the water evaporated the rice was left invisibly “impregnated” with the addictive stimulant.

“It’s a new method,” Gonzalez said. “This is the first time we’ve seen technology this sophisticated.”

Rather than employing a chemical process to extract the cocaine from the rice once it reached its destination, Gonzales said the traffickers probably planned to grind the grains into fine powder and sell it as cocaine.

“Pure cocaine is too strong to be ingested without being cut with something. It may have been their plan to cut this shipment with the same rice that was used to carry it,” he said.

Twelve suspects, among them Argentines and Colombians, have been arrested in what people are calling “operation white rice”.

The scheme was discovered on 17 September when drug-sniffing dogs detected cocaine in a cargo of 50kg rice sacks at a warehouse in the port city of Rosario. It was kept secret for a week while security agents hunted for more suspects.

“The investigation indicates we have to keep looking. We know that these are international criminal organizations,” Gonzalez said.

The plan was to ship the cargo to Guinea-Bissau, a former Portuguese colony called by crime experts as Africa’s first “narco-state”. Each of the white sacks was stamped “country of origin: Argentina”.

The South American country is a major world food provider. On the banks of the Paraná river, Rosario, the birthplace of the iconic revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara and soccer phenomenon Lionel Messi, is a departure point for millions of tonnes of soy, wheat and corn harvested from the Pampas grains belt.

But international drug enforcement officials have taken to calling Rosario “the Tijuana of Argentina” for what it has in common with the Mexican border city used to move cocaine into the US.

Experts say the drug enters Argentina by truck or plane from Andean cocaine-producing countries to the north. The smuggling routes narrow the closer shipments get to Rosario, increasing violent competition among gangs to control the final steps toward the Paraná river, leading south to Buenos Aires and shipping lanes of the Atlantic Ocean.

Drug-related killings spiked so high in Rosario last year that federal forces were called in to provide security.
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 26 september 2015 @ 12:49:21 #297
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Ex-police chief to head pro-legalisation National Cannabis Coalition | Society | The Guardian

Tom Lloyd, who will chair new cannabis law reform umbrella group, says he regrets arresting drug users during his career as a police officer

A former chief constable is to head a new umbrella organisation of cannabis law reform campaign groups that will seek to change views about the use of the drug.

Tom Lloyd, formerly of Cambridgeshire police, will chair the National Cannabis Coalition (NCC), an alliance of groups calling for legal access to the drug for recreational use for adults and for medicinal use for anybody who needs it.

Lloyd has said he now regrets investigating and arresting drug users during his career as a policeman in London and Cambridge. “When you think about arresting somebody who is in possession of drugs, are you really catching a criminal?” he asked. “When it came to law enforcement I think I caused more harm than good.”

The new organisation, which incorporates groups including Norml UK, the UK Cannabis Social Clubs and the United Patients Alliance, aims to move from grassroots protests to political campaigning, targeting decision makers in UK drug policy.

“A major problem in drug law reform, and the resistance to it, is that people look at people, whether they are heroin users or stoners, and they just think they are not serious people,” Lloyd told the Guardian.

He said that traditional tactics, including the annual 4/20 day picnic in Hyde Park, were doing little to transform this perception, but many people involved in the campaign to reform cannabis laws had brought strong evidence into the debate.

“There is a deeper message and that message gets clouded and subverted by the vested interests and it’s to some extend ridiculed,” he said. “I feel that we have got the opportunity to show that we are people who are very sincere and credible, with a lot of valid information.”

Related: I tried recipes from the Cannabis Kitchen Cookbook, then I needed a long nap

The NCC’s constituent groups will still campaign on their own terms, Lloyd said, with the aim of the coalition being to coordinate efforts across the country and to reach key policymakers, whose opinions can have a big impact on official decisions.

Although the new group is still in its early days – without its own website or social media pages – it comes along at a time when the campaign to reform cannabis laws is gathering pace. Two police commissioners have recently said they will not target small-scale cannabis users and growers. Next month MPs will debate cannabis legalisation in Westminster after more than 200,000 people signed a parliamentary petition calling for reform.

Lloyd said: “The world is changing: Uruguay has now legalised it; you have got legal production in states in America; in half the states you can get medicinal cannabis. America is a very powerful player.”

Nevertheless, the government seems dead set against changing the law. The biggest challenge the group faces is transforming the narrative surrounding cannabis use. Lloyd, like many others lobbying for reform, believes this will come through the work of groups campaigning for the right to use cannabis as a medicine.

But he added: “It’s difficult to draw a line between what might be medicinal use and what becomes what we call recreational use, because anybody who wants to consume cannabis to de-stress is doing something which is probably an improvement to their health. I don’t think there is a distinction between the two.”

Jonathan Liebling, of the United Patients Alliance, which campaigns specifically on medical cannabis use, said the hope was that bringing together a range of reform groups would eliminate wasted opportunities and overlapping efforts.

Most of the alliance’s work involves lobbying MPs by urging members to write letters and turn up to surgeries, and Liebling claims a number of successes. “It’s very easy for an MP, especially a Conservative MP, to respond to an email and give you the standard party line,” he said. “But it’s much harder for them to stand in front of an MS sufferer and tell them they can’t have their medicine.”

Liebling and Lloyd will share a platform, along with Lady Meacher, a crossbench peer who chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Drug Policy Reform, in London on Monday for a pre-debate public meeting on medicinal cannabis. Medicinal users of the drug will tell their stories about how it helps them to deal with their conditions.

However, there is a big omission in the list of groups constituting and supporting the NCC. Clear, Britain’s largest membership-based cannabis reform group, is not a part of the coalition, with Liebling saying that their views and tactics are not compatible.

Related: Medicinal cannabis and the caregiving community giving it away for free

“They don’t like the epithet ‘stoners’, they will criticise people for looking a certain way,” Liebling said. “They have separated themselves in that regard and the rest of us said you are welcome to join the NCC but you have to stop shouting at us.”

Peter Reynolds, the president of Clear’s executive committee, disputed the claim that the organisation had turned down a chance to join, saying that they had never been invited. However, he was clear that they would not sign up at this stage and added that, with more than 500,000 followers on social media, Clear was one of the UK’s biggest pressure groups on any issue.

“We have some very difficult differences of opinion with the way that the campaign ought to be run,” Reynolds said, adding that although he had respect for the work of the United Patients Alliance, he felt that other groups who sought to take their cannabis use into the street were counterproductive.

“We would unashamedly criticise anybody who behaves in that way because we feel that the new approach that we have brought to the campaign in the past five years has been proven to work. In many ways UPA is the closest to that approach, but the whole stoner, go and smoke in a policeman’s face tactic has failed.”

He added: “There is not going to be a revolution. The government is not going to stand up and say we were wrong and you are right, but we are making slow progress. I’m confident that we will have some degree of medicinal access within this parliament.”
Bron: www.theguardian.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 30 september 2015 @ 15:07:10 #298
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Xtc-team politie veel te zwaar belast | NOS

De specialisten van de politie die worden ingezet om illegale xtc-laboratoria op te rollen worden veel te zwaar belast. De Inspectie SZW heeft vastgesteld dat de agenten veel te lange dagen maken en onvoldoende rust krijgen. Politiebond ACP spreekt van een levensgevaarlijk situatie.

De werkbelasting komt terug in een nog niet gepubliceerde boeterapport van de Inspectie en is in handen van het ANP en ingezien door de NOS. In één geval is een dienst van 26,5 uur vastgesteld.

De zogeheten Landelijke Faciliteit Ontmantelen (LFO) - een team van vier specialisten - is opgezet om xtc-laboratoria te ontruimen. Dat gebeurt vele tientallen keren per jaar. Sinds een paar jaar zijn daar de dumpingen van chemicaliën in het bos bij gekomen. Daardoor is de werklast sterk toegenomen.

De Inspectie SZW onderzocht de werktijden en vond in vier weken tijd 48 overtredingen van de Arbeidstijdenwet. Behalve de uitzonderlijk lange dienst maakten medewerkers weken van meer dan 60 uur. Werkdagen langer dan 15 uur kwamen regelmatig voor. Eén medewerker moest 28 dagen achter elkaar werken zonder vrije dag. Sommigen hadden geen enkel weekend vrij, terwijl twee vrije weekenden per maand is voorgeschreven.

De Inspectie verwijt de Nationale Politie ook dat er geen inventarisatie is gemaakt van de risico’s die de medewerkers van het LFO lopen. Dat is noodzakelijk omdat zij in hun werk te maken krijgen met giftige of bedwelmende stoffen. Ook kan er iets ontploffen.

ACP-voorzitter Gerrit van der Kamp noemt de situatie bij het LFO levensgevaarlijk en onverantwoord. De medewerkers werken met gevaarlijke stoffen en moeten uitgerust en scherp zijn als ze een drugslab betreden. Ook omdat er boobytraps kunnen zijn aangebracht. Van der Kamp is bang dat de medewerkers gezondheidsrisico's lopen. Hij vraagt zich ook af waarom het rapport, dat al in maart is opgesteld, tot nu toe is achtergehouden.

De Landelijke Eenheid van de Nationale Politie, waaronder het LFO valt, geeft toe dat de werkdruk bij het xtc-team hoog was. Er wordt vaak een beroep op hen gedaan, om de locaties veilig te stellen voor nader onderzoek. Volgens een woordvoerder zijn er nu vier mensen extra aangenomen. Zij zijn begin volgend jaar volledig inzetbaar. Ook is er inmiddels een risico-inventarisatie gemaakt.

Bron: nos.nl
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 30 september 2015 @ 17:13:48 #299
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Anti-Marijuana Politician Charged With Possession of Marijuana - Counter Current News

A New York State Republican assemblyman who opposed medical marijuana legislation at every turn was arrested and charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. The police found the marijuana after they pulled him over for speeding.

A statement released shortly after the March 2013 incident, law enforcement officials reported that state police discovered Steve Katz had a “small bag” of marijuana on him.

A New York State Trooper said that the 59-year-old assemblyman had been driving 80 miles per hour in 65 mph zone. He noticed the marijuana and took Katz into custody, charging him with possession before he was finally bailed out.

Katz had voted against the legalization of medical marijuana back in June.

The New York Times noted that the Republican assemblyman also sits on New York’s Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Committee.

Katz said that this was merely an “unfortunate incident” during a press conference.

“This should not overshadow the work I have done over the years for the public and my constituency,” Katz said to reporters. “I am confident that once the facts are presented that this will quickly be put to rest.”

Watch the local report that aired in March of 2013 (article continues below).

Now here’s where the story gets really interesting…

After the arrest, the Republican politician flipped his position on marijuana, even joining the investor network of San Francisco-based marijuana investment and research firm The ArcView Group.

ArcView CEO Troy Dayton said that Katz is “gung-ho” about marijuana.

He says that he hopes to help pool millions of dollars of investment capital and fund marijuana-related start-ups.

“For me, entering this industry at this time is a dream come true from a child of the Sixties all grown up,” Katz said, completely ignoring his history as an opponent of medical marijuana.

“I decided to vote what I believed to be the vote of my constituents. The day after that I told my wife, ‘Next year, I really don’t care. I’m voting for medical marijuana because that’s what I believe in and I’m not comfortable with what happened.’ … I knew how I was going to vote and I felt great about it. I knew how I was going to vote a year before the police incident.”

The marijuana bust was “an epiphany,” he explained. “‘You’re turning me into a criminal? You got to be kidding.’”

Katz says he knows doctors, lawyers, businessmen and pillars of their community who all use marijuana.

“We’re all criminals? This is ridiculous,” he emphasized.

The arrest he faced “didn’t change anything other than make me decide that I was going to not only be a champion for medical marijuana, and for its total legalization, I was going to become part of the wave that’s building in the industry itself. ;It’s a great feeling. It’s very liberating;.”

“Steve Katz is not an anomaly,” Dayton said. “In the last few months numerous very prominent and seemingly unlikely investors have joined our investor group. People from all walks of life are realizing that cannabis may be the next great American industry.”

(Article by M. David)
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Bron: countercurrentnews.com
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
7s.gif Op woensdag 30 september 2015 15:07 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:

Politiebond ACP spreekt van een levensgevaarlijk situatie.

Geen medelijden mee, teringboeven.
As the officer took her away, she recalled that she asked,
"Why do you push us around?"
And she remembered him saying,
"I don't know, but the law's the law, and you're under arrest."
  vrijdag 2 oktober 2015 @ 04:43:25 #301
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
De FBI zelf geeft de recruteringsproblemen ruiterlijk toe. 'Ik heb veel mensen nodig om op te boksen tegen de cybercriminelen, en sommige van die jongens roken graag een stickie op weg naar het sollicitatiegesprek', zei FBI-directeur James Comey vorig jaar halfgrappend. Hij verklaarde tegenover het Congres het drugsbeleid van de FBI zeker niet te willen aanpassen. 'Maar de houding van jongeren en onze staat tegenover marihuana verleidt steeds meer jongeren het eens te proberen.'
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
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