FOK!forum / Politiek / [AMV] Amerikaanse politiek #543 - Is er een laatste druppel voor Trump
SymbolicFrankdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 00:47

President - Donald Trump en kabinet:
Vice President - Mike Pence

Het kabinet
Secretary of State - Mike Pompeo
Secretary of Treasury - Steven Mnuchin
Secretary of Defense - General Jim 'Mad Dog' Mattis
Attorney General - Jeff Sessions
Secretary of the Interior - Ryan Zinke
Secretary of Agriculture - Sonny Perdue
Secretary of Commerce - Wilbur Ross
Secretary of Labor - Alexander Acosta
Secretary of Health and Human Services - Alex Azar
Secretary of Housing & Urban Development - Ben Carson
Secretary of Transportation - Elaine Chao
Secretary of Energy - Rick Perry
Secretary of Education - Betsy DeVos
Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Ronny Jackson??? Robert Wilkie (Acting)
Secretary of Homeland Security - Kirstjen Nielsen

Cabinet-level officials:
White House Chief of Staff - John F. Kelly
Trade Representative - Robert Lighthizer
Director of National Intelligence - Dan Coats
Ambassador to the UN - Nikki Haley
Director of the Office of Management & Budget - Mick Mulvaney
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency - Gina Haspel
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Scott Pruitt
Administrator of the Small Business Administration - Linda McMahon

Andere kopstukken:
Ivanka Trump (Advisor to the President), Jared Kushner (Senior Adviser Strategic Planning), Stephen Miller (Senior Adviser Policy), John Bolton (National Security Adviser), Kellyanne Conway (Counselor), Donald McGahn (White House Counsel), Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Press Secretary), Christopher Wray (Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation), Robert Mueller (Special Counsel), Rod Rosenstein (United States Deputy Attorney General).

Verdwenen of voormalige kopstukken:
Kabinet: Tom Price (HHS), David Shulkin (VA), Rex Tillerson (State)
DOJ/FBI: Sally Yates, James Comey, Preet Bharara, Andrew McCabe
Communicatie WH: Mike Dubke, Sean Spicer, Anthony Scaramucci, Hope Hicks
Adviseurs enzo: Michael Flynn, Herbert McMaster, Reince Priebus, Rob Porter, Gary Cohn, Steve Bannon, John McEntee
Race voor het Huis:
Race voor de Senaat:
Races voor governor:

Deze kaarten zijn van 9 augustus 2018 en RealClearPolitics

Voor uitgebreider gepraat over het buitenlandbeleid of de (absentie van) strategie hierin:
POL / Amerikaans Buitenlandbeleid: Trump de onderhandelaar
Nintexdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 00:49
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 00:11 schreef TruusHenk het volgende:


Het probleem met deze vergelijking is dat er zoveel andere verschillen zijn dan alleen de poltitieke kleur. Ik denk dat het veel meer te maken heeft met het feit dat de Obama's niet blank zijn, veel meer een jeugdige, hippe uitstraling hadden (en die veelal bevestigd hebben in hun doen en laten) en de politieke dynamiek van hun presidentschap heel anders was (hoop vs. haat om het grof te zeggen). Als Trump namens de Democraten had meegedaan en gewonnen had ie ook niet de Twitterdesigntjes mogen uitproberen denk ik. :P.
Met Hillary als president hadden ze continu met de 'abuela' op de stream gestaan.

Zelf vind ik het niet zo erg dat Facebook/Twitter/Google een politieke voorkeur hebben. Dat mag. Waar ik vooral op tegen ben is dat ze er niet eerlijk en transparant over zijn en doen alsof ze neutraal zijn. Wat niet het geval is.

Overigens is YouTube van Google, nogal wiedus dat Google en YouTube gelijk gesteld worden. Het gaat ook niet om wat de algoritmes tonen, het gaat erom wat Google en YouTube als platform naar buiten brengen. Als ze wel Obama's SOTU linken vanuit Google, maar niet die van Trump is dat gewoon bias. Idem ditto met Facebook die wel een live chat/vragenuurtje heeft met Obama, maar niet met Trump.

Dit is ook geen geheim bij de kenners. Ik heb de keynote van de online marketeer gezien die Obama's 2012 campagne regelde. Die kwam er ook gewoon openlijk voor uit dat Facebook aan hun kant stond. Dat vond niemand toen ook nog een probleem.

Feit is, je kunt niet met droge ogen beweren dat 100 Russische trollen een verkiezing beinvloed hebben via social media maar vervolgens zeggen dat het niet uit maakt dat de eigenaren van diezelfde social media een politieke voorkeur hebben.

Google steunde bijvoorbeeld ook openlijk de Arabische Lente en speelde in Egypte een belangrijke rol in dat verhaal.
SymbolicFrankdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 00:51
5s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 00:26 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:
Zijn er naast je eigen voorkeuren ook niet gewoon veel minder rechtse sites?
Dit is lastig. Hierbij moet je eerst kunnen bepalen wat het midden is.

"Socialisme" doet het dan goed, maar de locatie daarvan op het politieke spectrum varieert ook per land. En dus de betekenis daarvan.

En sites zijn er over het algemeen om "kliks" te scoren. Dus reflecteren ze de visie van de rijkere meerderheid.

De generatie van de vorige eeuw is opgegroeid met de ellende van de wereldoorlogen. Het leven van 1945 tot ongeveer 1970 stond in het teken van: samen alles weer opbouwen en proberen om nieuwe oorlogen te voorkomen.

Hun kinderen hadden het goed. De grootst mogelijke ellende was meestal een echtscheiding of een akelige ziekte.

Als je het nooit slecht hebt gehad en je ouders altijd alles betaalden, wil je meer. Je ziet het nut niet in van samenwerken. Je wilt het allemaal zelf!

Als het dan slecht gaat met de economie, slaat het nationalisme toe: het was niet jouw fout, jij kon er niets aan doen. Jij hebt het altijd goed gedaan. Het zijn die smerige buitenlanders die de zaak voor jouw verkloten!

We wonen hier allemaal met zijn allen op een kluitje. Als iedereen zomaar kan doen waar ze zin in hebben, gaan er veel mensen dood. Dat willen we voorkomen. En we willen ook allemaal een plezierig leven.

Trek dat door, en je hebt socialisme: ja, mensen mogen doen wat ze willen, zolang ze daar geen andere mensen mee lastig vallen.

Maar als je dat niet gewend bent en het altijd goed hebt gehad, ligt nationalisme/alt-right/nazisme meer voor de hand.

Mensen leren tenslotte van hun fouten.
thesiren.nldonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 00:54
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 00:51 schreef SymbolicFrank het volgende:


Mensen leren tenslotte van hun fouten.
Maar ze leren niet van het verleden omdat geschiedenis een ondergeschoven kindje is in de schoolwereld.
SymbolicFrankdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 00:55
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 00:49 schreef Nintex het volgende:
Zelf vind ik het niet zo erg dat Facebook/Twitter/Google een politieke voorkeur hebben. Dat mag. Waar ik vooral op tegen ben is dat ze er niet eerlijk en transparant over zijn en doen alsof ze neutraal zijn. Wat niet het geval is.
Die hebben ze niet. Ze hebben jouw politieke voorkeur. En dat geld voor iedereen.
Nintexdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 00:58
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 00:55 schreef SymbolicFrank het volgende:


Die hebben ze niet. Ze hebben jouw politieke voorkeur. En dat geld voor iedereen.
Wat snap je niet aan het verschil tussen berichten van Facebook en Google zelf (politieke aankondigingen, interviews met kandidaten/staatshoofden) en wat de gebruikers plaatsen?

De content waar ik het over heb komt niet van de gebruikers. Wat Trump aankaart (een link op de Google zoekpagina) is daar ook een voorbeeld van.
thesiren.nldonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 00:58
Als ik op youtube een video kijk van Bill Maher en Neil de grasse Tyson dan heeft het algoritme berekend dat ik atheist ben, en is de volgende video van Richard Dawkins.

Het is niet zo dat iedereen het zelfde ziet. Als jij negativiteit ziet dan zit je naar jezelf te kijken. Het is een spiegel die je jezelf voorhoud.
Nintexdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:04
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 00:58 schreef het volgende:
Als ik op youtube een video kijk van Bill Maher en Neil de grasse Tyson dan heeft het algoritme berekend dat ik atheist ben, en is de volgende video van Richard Dawkins.

Het is niet zo dat iedereen het zelfde ziet. Als jij negativiteit ziet dan zit je naar jezelf te kijken. Het is een spiegel die je jezelf voorhoud.
Dat is niet waar we het over hebben. We hebben het over advertentiecampagnes van Google en Faccebook voor bepaalde kandidaten.

Facebook's allereerste live stream event was een interview met Obama

De intro zegt eigenlijk genoeg:
Barack Obama, BuzzFeed and Facebook — It was supposed to be a high-profile showcase for new journalism from new technology with the new-media President.
SymbolicFrankdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:05
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 00:54 schreef het volgende:


Maar ze leren niet van het verleden omdat geschiedenis een ondergeschoven kindje is in de schoolwereld.
Ja, veel mensen leren alleen van hun eigen ervaringen. De meeste hebben niet het vereiste abstractieniveau.

Niels Bohr (als ik het me goed herinner) zei het heel treffend: wetenschap veranderd pas als de huidige generatie wetenschappers dood gaat en er een nieuwe generatie van wetenschappers actief wordt.
thesiren.nldonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:06
Hij heeft Twitter groot gemaakt het was de eerste president kandidaat die Twitter gebruikte waardoor de jonge stemmers allemaal voor hem gingen niet zo gek dat ze wat terugdoen om hem te promoten.
Nintexdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:07
Dit is een voorbeeld van een campagne op YouTube

Dit zag iedereen die in de VS YouTube opende, ongeacht politieke voorkeur of zoekgeschiedenis.
Xa1ptdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:07
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 01:04 schreef Nintex het volgende:


Dat is niet waar we het over hebben. We hebben het over advertentiecampagnes van Google en Faccebook voor bepaalde kandidaten.
Je snapt niet hoe de feeds werken dus.
thesiren.nldonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:08
Hij heeft geen koekie in zijn broekie.
Nintexdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:08
10s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 01:07 schreef Xa1pt het volgende:


Je snapt niet hoe de feeds werken dus.
Dat zag iedereen ongeacht zoek geschiedenis.

Een beetje als toen Zuckerberg als VR mannetje in een ramp gebied ging staan. Je kon het niet uitzetten, het stond altijd bovenaan.
Xa1ptdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:10
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 01:08 schreef Nintex het volgende:


Dat zag iedereen ongeacht zoek geschiedenis.
Nee, dat is redelijk gepersonaliseerd allemaal.
thesiren.nldonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:11
Waar heb je die screencap vandaan dan als ik op afbeeldingen zoek vind ik het nergens. Misschien was het wel alleen op jou gericht om jou te mobiliseren voor de goede andere kant.
Nintexdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:15
De SOTU was een evenement georganiseerd door Snapchat, YouTube en de Amerikaanse overheid.
In a bureaucratic twist for the see-it-before-it-disappears app, the White House worked out an arrangement with Snapchat to ensure Obama’s posts won’t truly disappear from the historical record, in line with the Presidential Records Act.

And who was chosen to interview the president after the big address? Not a network news anchor or a big-name correspondent, but a trio of YouTube users who have achieved celebrity status on the video-sharing site.

Adande Thorne, a video game enthusiast known as “sWooZie,” and Destin Sandlin, who makes educational videos, will quiz Obama on Friday in the East Room, where replicas of the sets they use for their web videos are being constructed. Rounding out the threesome is Ingrid Nilsen, a 26-year-old fashionista known on YouTube as “Missglamorazzi,” who said women’s issues, health care, unemployment and gay rights are all are her mind.
Als ze wel de boodschap van de ene regering, maar niet van de andere verspreiden is dat gewoon bias. Stel je voor dat in Nederland een nieuw kabinet aan treed, maar de nieuwszenders daar opeens geen zendtijd aan geven, terwijl ze Rutte iedere week zijn zegje lieten doen. Dat soort partijdigheid moet je toch niet willen?
SymbolicFrankdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:28
Nintex, ik raad je aan hier eerst wat onderzoek naar te verrichten.

Als je het zelf uitzoekt, weet je het ook echt.
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 01:39
Trump’s latest misleading attack on Google, explained

The president falsely claimed Google did not link to State of the Union addresses

President Donald Trump intensified his criticism of Google today, posting a native video of unknown origin to his Twitter account this afternoon claiming the search giant stopped promoting the State of the Union (SOTU) address on its homepage after he took office. It turns out the video he posted is not only misleading, but also contains what appears to be a fake screenshot of the Google homepage on the day in question.

In a statement given to The Verge, a Google spokesperson clarifies that the company promoted neither former President Barack Obama nor Trump’s inaugural SOTU addresses in 2009 and 2017, respectively. That’s because they were not technically State of the Union addresses, but “addresses to a joint session” of Congress, a tradition set back in 1993 so that new presidents didn’t have to immediately deliver SOTU addresses after holding office for just a few weeks. Google resumed promoting Obama’s SOTU address in 2010 and continued to do so through 2016, as he held office for all six of those years.

With regards to the 2018 SOTU, Google says it did in fact promote it on its homepage. “On January 30th 2018, we highlighted the livestream of President Trump’s State of the Union on the homepage,” reads Google’s statement. “We have historically not promoted the first address to Congress by a new President, which is not a State of the Union address. As a result, we didn’t include a promotion on for this address in either 2009 or 2017.”

Trump’s posting of the video to his official Twitter account is just the latest attack in a series of heightened criticism against tech companies this week, with Trump singling out Google after watching a Fox News segment about a report that claimed 96 percent of search results were for from “national left-wing media.” (The author of the report has since distanced herself from the claims, calling them “not scientific” and “based on only a small sample size” of 100 results.)

Trump parroted the report’s findings in a tweet early yesterday morning, saying Google search results are “rigged” and claiming the US government would “address” the situation. Since then, Trump has expanded his criticism of Silicon Valley and its perceived liberal bias to Facebook and Twitter, which he said later that day “are on troubled territory” and “better be careful.” However, it’s unlikely Congress can or will do anything at all about this, as Trump loves threatening policy and legal challenges against his adversaries without actually following through.
SymbolicFrankdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 02:20
Als ik google naar "idiot" (ik heb mijn voorkeurstaal op Engels staan in Google), en op "images" klik, dan zie ik vooral plaatjes van Trump.

Dat is een combinatie van mijn zoekhistorie en de tekst die bij de plaatjes hoort.

Dus, alhoewel deze resultaten uniek zijn voor mij, ik Trump zeker een idioot vind en Google dat waarschijnlijk wel weet, betekent het ook, dat veel mensen die een plaatje van "een idioot" online zetten, daar een plaatje van Trump voor gebruiken. Want anders was het niet zo eenzijdig geweest.

Absolute waardes kun je hier echter niet aan toekennen. Your mileage will vary.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door SymbolicFrank op 30-08-2018 02:29:04 ]
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 03:43
JenniferJJacobs twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 00:39:36 NEWS: The White House ethics lawyer, Stefan Passantino, leaves the post *tomorrow*, sources tell me. reageer retweet
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 04:38
rgoodlaw twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 03:43:32 Dear Southern voters in 2020 GOP presidential primaries:“Trump has come to resent him for other reasons, griping to aides and lawmakers that [Sessions] doesn’t have the Ivy League pedigree the president prefers, that he can’t stand his Southern accent” reageer retweet
Trump personally lobbying GOP senators to flip on Sessions

Opposition to the attorney general's firing, long seen as a red line by lawmakers, has softened in recent days.

The willingness of Republican senators to turn on Attorney General Jeff Sessions is the result of a furious lobbying campaign from President Donald Trump, who for the past 10 days has been venting his anger at Sessions to “any senator who will listen,” as one GOP Senate aide put it.

The president, who has spent a year and a half fulminating against his attorney general in public, finally got traction on Capitol Hill thanks to the growing frustration of a handful of GOP senators with their former colleague – most importantly, Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham, who have been irritated by Sessions’ opposition to a criminal justice reform bill they support, according to interviews with more than a half-dozen congressional GOP aides, Trump advisers, and Republicans close to the White House.

Trump raised the prospect of firing Sessions last week in a phone conversation with Graham, according to two Capitol Hill aides, who said that Graham pressed the president to hold off until after the midterm elections. The president has also complained loudly about Sessions to several Republican senators, according to a GOP chief staff.

Grassley has not gotten a call from the White House, according to a Republican familiar with events.

Trump hasn’t been pushing his case just with Republican senators: He’s worn down his lawyers, too, according to two Republicans close to the White House. Though they once cautioned him that dismissing Sessions would feed special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Trump’s potential obstruction of justice, these people say, Trump’s legal team has become increasingly convinced Mueller will make that case regardless of whether the president fires Sessions or leaves him in place.

“There’s the belief that if the president taking action with respect to Sessions is going to be an important part of the Mueller obstruction case, most of that case has already been made. Things that the president has already done privately that have been reported, but also things that the president has done publicly that could be characterized as bullying or intimidating, all of that case is already there ready to be made, such that firing him is almost like an afterthought,” said one person familiar with the conversations among members of the president’s legal team.

Spokesmen for Graham and the White House declined to comment. The president’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, did not return a phone call seeking comment.

But Graham told CBS on Wednesday that the Sessions-Trump relationship has deteriorated with little chance of a detente “anytime soon,” adding that a change at the department would not impede Mueller's investigation. “The bottom line is this relationship is not working. It's not good for the Department of Justice, ”Graham said.

Seized by paroxysms of anger, Trump has intermittently pushed to fire his attorney general since March 2017, when Sessions announced his recusal from the Russia investigation. If Sessions’ recusal was his original sin, Trump has come to resent him for other reasons, griping to aides and lawmakers that the attorney general doesn’t have the Ivy League pedigree the president prefers, that he can’t stand his Southern accent and that Sessions isn’t a capable defender of the president on television — in part because he “talks like he has marbles in his mouth,” the president has told aides.

The impetus for Trump’s latest push, according to two White House aides, was the dual convictions last week of his longtime lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen and his former campaign manager Paul Manafort — outgrowths of the Russia probe, for which the president pointed the finger at Sessions. Trump fumed on Fox News that Sessions “never took control of the Justice Department” and that “the only reason I gave him the job is because I felt loyalty.”

Top Senate Republicans see their job, in part, as blocking Trump’s worst moves, several senators said this week. Firing Sessions at this time, or moving against Mueller, fall into those categories.

Sessions maintains the critical support of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who told reporters Tuesday, “I have total confidence in the attorney general; I think he ought to stay exactly where he is.” McConnell’s No. 2, Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas), has joined Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) in making public statements of support for Sessions in recent days.

Over the past week, Trump has belittled Sessions in conversations with several Republican senators, including Graham, and the idea of dismissing him no longer provokes the political anxiety it once did.

Along with Graham and Grassley, Sessions has also alienated presidential son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, the chief White House proponent of the Graham-Grassley approach on criminal justice reform, as well as his wife, Ivanka Trump.

After a meeting last week that included Trump, Sessions and Kushner, the White House and McConnell delayed action on the issue until after the midterms. Grassley and other backers of the effort left the meeting hopeful for progress at that point. But Sessions’ office put out a sharply negative statement that suggested the president had come out against any sentencing reform in the legislation.

Holly Harris, a longtime Kentucky GOP strategist pushing for a reform deal from the helm of the nonprofit Justice Action Network, blasted Sessions for an “absolute mischaracterization” of the White Houses stance on the issue.

“DOJ is making so many enemies in so many places now that I actually think it’s going to help our legislation. I think they’ve gone way too far,” Harris said, describing Sessions’ actions on the issue as “off the rails.”

The criminal justice issue has been an ongoing sore point between Sessions and Grassley. The House passed a narrower bill in May that doesn’t include changes to sentencing requirements — something Sessions strongly opposes but that Grassley and others, including Graham, have insisted on adding.

When Sessions spoke out against a broader criminal justice bill that the Judiciary Committee passed in February, Grassley publicly dressed him down. “Look at how hard it was for me to get him through committee in the United States Senate,” the senator said then. “And look at, when the president was going to fire him, I went to his defense.”

No longer. Though Grassley had previously said he could not schedule hearing time to confirm a new attorney general, he changed his tune last week. “I do have time for hearings on nominees that the president might send up here that I didn’t have last year,” Grassley said last week.

Inside the White House, the president’s lawyers have changed their tune, too. They once warned Trump that firing Sessions would help Mueller build an obstruction of justice case, particularly because the president had fulminated in both public and private about his recusal from the Russia probe.

They have come to believe, however, that if Mueller wants to build an obstruction case around Sessions, he has the fodder he needs in the form of a January 2018 New York Times report indicating that the president instructed White House counsel Don McGahn to prevent Sessions from recusing himself — and that Trump aides have talked with Mueller about the episode.

The drumbeat of presidential tweets denigrating Sessions as “weak” and calling on him to “stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now” have also shaped the view among the president’s legal team. They have come to believe that if Mueller wants to build a case that the president has intimidated his attorney general, he can do so given the voluminous public record created by the president — and that firing Sessions won’t change much.

It’s unclear that the Senate would be able to confirm a replacement for Sessions should he leave his post this fall, given a packed legislative schedule that includes a must-pass government funding package this month and the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. But following the November elections, when Republicans are poised to potentially pick up seats thanks to a uniquely favorable Senate map, confirming a new attorney general may prove an easier task.

Even the Republican senators who have risen to Sessions’ defense have appeared to have put a time limit on their support. The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that five GOP lawmakers, including Cornyn and Sasse, had breakfast with Sessions last Thursday and urged him to stay in the job — at least through the midterm elections.

Sasse, a member of the Judiciary Committee, was the attorney general’s most vocal advocate. In a speech on the Senate floor, he warned the president: “It would be a very, very, very bad idea to fire the attorney general because he’s not executing his job as a political hack.”
SethAbramson twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 02:19:48 It's important that everyone understand why today's news about Don McGahn and yesterday's about Trump wanting to fire Sessions matter: because they're related. Trump is clearing the decks to fire Sessions and try to *end* the Mueller investigation—and he's doing it in plain view. reageer retweet
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 04:51
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 02:30:34 Trump's advisers are increasingly worried that he has neither the staff nor the strategy to protect himself from a possible Democratic takeover of the House, which would empower Dems to shower the admin with subpoenas or even pursue impeachment charges. reageer retweet
‘Winter is coming’: Allies fear Trump isn’t prepared for gathering legal storm

President Trump’s advisers and allies are increasingly worried that he has neither the staff nor the strategy to protect himself from a possible Democratic takeover of the House, which would empower the opposition party to shower the administration with subpoenas or even pursue impeachment charges.

Within Trump’s orbit, there is consensus that his current legal team is not equipped to effectively navigate an onslaught of congressional demands, and there has been broad discussion about bringing on new lawyers experienced in white-collar defense and political scandals.

The president and some of his advisers have discussed possibly adding veteran defense attorney Abbe Lowell, who currently represents Trump son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner, to Trump’s personal legal team if an impeachment battle or other fights with Congress emerge after the midterm elections, according to people familiar with the discussions.

Trump advisers also are discussing recruiting experienced legal firepower to the Office of White House Counsel, which is facing departures and has dwindled in size at a critical juncture. The office has about 25 lawyers now, down from roughly 35 earlier in the presidency, according to a White House official with direct knowledge.

Trump announced Wednesday that Donald McGahn will depart as White House counsel this fall, once the Senate confirms Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh. Three of McGahn’s deputies — Greg Katsas, Uttam Dhillon and Makan Delrahim — have departed, and a fourth, Stefan Passantino, will have his last day Friday. That leaves John Eisenberg, who handles national security, as the lone deputy counsel.

Trump recently has consulted his personal attorneys about the likelihood of impeachment proceedings. And McGahn and other aides have invoked the prospect of impeachment to persuade the president not to take actions or behave in ways that they believe would hurt him, officials said.

Still, Trump has not directed his lawyers or his political aides to prepare an action plan, leaving allies to fret that the president does not appreciate the magnitude of what could be in store next year.

This account of the president and his team grappling with a potential crisis is based on interviews this week with 26 White House officials, presidential advisers, and lawyers and strategists close to the administration, most of whom spoke on the condition of anonymity to be candid.

Trump attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani said he and the president have discussed the possibility that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III will issue a damning report to Congress.

“We’ve talked a lot about impeachment at different times,” Giuliani said. “It’s the only thing that hangs out there. They can’t [criminally] charge him.”

If Democrats control the House, the oversight committees likely would use their subpoena power as a weapon to assail the administration, investigating with a vengeance. The committees could hold hearings about policies
such as the travel ban affecting majority-Muslim countries and “zero tolerance” family separation, as well as on possible ethical misconduct throughout the administration or the Trump family’s private businesses.

White House officials defended Trump’s lack of preparation by saying he is focused squarely on helping Republicans preserve their majorities in the Nov. 6 midterm elections rather than, in the words of one senior official, “panicking about something that could happen.”

Any Democratic salvos would not happen until new members take office in January, which Trump advisers said seems like eons away in an administration juggling so many immediate problems. As a result, preparing for possible impeachment proceedings is not at the top of Trump’s to-do list.

“I don’t know if he’s really thought about it in depth yet,” Giuliani said.

One source of growing anxiety among Trump allies is the worry that the president and some senior White House officials are not anxious enough. Although Trump sometimes talks about impeachment with his advisers, in other moments, he gets mad that “the i-word,” as he calls it, is raised, according to his associates.

“Winter is coming,” said one Trump ally in close communication with the White House. “Assuming Democrats win the House, which we all believe is a very strong likelihood, the White House will be under siege. But it’s like tumbleweeds rolling down the halls over there. Nobody’s prepared for war.”

Trump has told confidants that some of his aides have highly competent lawyers such as Lowell, who represents Kushner, and William A. Burck, who represents McGahn as well as former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and former White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon.

“He wonders why he doesn’t have lawyers like that,” said one person who has discussed the matter with Trump.

Another adviser said Trump remarked this year, “I need a lawyer like Abbe.”

Giuliani said that he has not heard of Trump considering adding Lowell to the team but that he would be a great choice because of his thorough and aggressive style.

“This president might like that better,” Giuliani said. “If he thinks someone isn’t being tough enough, he has a tendency to go out to defend himself. And that’s not good.”

Lowell declined to comment, and people familiar with the talks said it was unclear whether he would have the time for or interest in working for Trump, considering that he already represents Kushner.

Mark Corallo, a former spokesman for Trump’s legal team, recommended that the president hire lawyers who are “real scholars of the Constitution” and who are well versed in history’s impeachment proceedings for Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson.

“I would think that the type of lawyer most able to handle the impeachment scenario would be someone from the appellate and Supreme Court bar — someone of the Ted Olson or Paul Clement or Andy Pincus level, someone who knows how to make the kind of arguments should it come to a vote in the Senate,” Corallo said.

Emmet Flood, a White House lawyer and McGahn ally who handles the special counsel’s Russia investigation, has long been considered a top prospect to replace McGahn. People close to Flood said that if Trump offers him the counsel’s job, he would have to evaluate how best he could continue his priority of serving as the White House’s chief strategist with the Mueller probe.

Flood, often described as a lawyer’s lawyer, is in many ways the opposite of Trump and Giuliani, yet the president has told advisers he is impressed by Flood’s legal chops and hard-line positions defending the prerogatives of the White House.

“The next White House counsel needs to be prepared for a lot of interactions on the Hill,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.). “If the Democrats do take back the House, you can expect the White House counsel to be center stage in answering subpoenas and really in the middle of it all.”

White House officials said Trump is working hard on the campaign trail to prevent Democrats from winning a majority in either the House or the Senate.

“We don’t expect Democrats to take over,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. “Democrats have no message other than to attack the president. . . . If they want to go backwards, they can vote for Democrats. If they want to continue moving forward under President Trump, they should vote for people that support his policies.”

White House aides, including deputy chief of staff Johnny DeStefano and political director Bill Stepien, have tried to ratchet down Trump’s expectations for the elections, saying that projections look grim in the House.

Some of Trump’s advisers, including recently departed White House legislative affairs director Marc Short, have said that Democrats winning the House could help the president’s reelection chances in 2020 if they overplay their hand going after Trump, as Republicans did in Clinton’s second term.

Trump has so far not accepted that argument, often saying that Republicans are going to keep the House, according to people familiar with the talks.

Many Trump associates inside and outside the government say the opposite. They warn that a Democratic House majority could all but paralyze the White House with investigations, requests for documents and calls to testify on any number of issues, including Trump’s businesses.

One adviser recalled recently telling Trump, “They will crush you if they win. You don’t want them investigating every single thing you’ve done.”

Another concern is that the White House, which already has struggled in attracting top-caliber talent to staff positions, could face an exodus if Democrats take over the House, because aides fear their mere proximity to the president could place them in legal limbo and possibly result in hefty lawyers’ fees.

“It stops good people from potentially serving because nobody wants to inherit a $400,000 legal bill,” said another Trump adviser.

Trump allies privately worry that the West Wing staff is barely equipped to handle basic crisis communications functions, such as distributing robust talking points to key surrogates, and question how the operation could handle an impeachment trial or other potential battles.

Trump sees the administration as having a singular focus — him — and therefore is less concerned with the institution of the presidency and not aware of the vast infrastructure often required to protect it, according to some of his allies.

During the impeachment proceedings against Clinton, the White House staffed a robust war room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building that included scores of lawyers, as well as communications staffers and other strategists.

Jack Quinn, who served as White House counsel under Clinton, said his office had at least 40 lawyers and as many as 60 during key times. He estimated that he spent between half and three-quarters of his time dealing with investigations.

“I appreciate that Rudy Giuliani is doing a lot of the public speaking and perhaps some other things,” Quinn said. But, he added, “it’s a little bit of a mystery to me who is doing the outside legal work.”

“The president needs to have the very best lawyers he can get both in the White House and outside representing him personally,” Quinn said.

Trump allies lament that the current administration has no such infrastructure and fret that there are no indications it is building one.

“What he really has to get ready for is an onslaught from all of these committees,” Giuliani said of congressional inquiries. “Because what the Democrats want is death by a thousand cuts.”

- Met interview met n van de WP-reporters van bobevenstaand artikel, Carol Leonnig

- plus NYT-artikel mbt de aanklacht van Abigail Sparnerberger, Dem. kandidaat voor het Congres

C.I.A. Officer-Turned-Candidate Says PAC Obtained Her Security Application

A former C.I.A. officer running for Congress accused a super PAC aligned with Speaker Paul D. Ryan on Tuesday of improperly obtaining her entire federal security clearance application -- a highly sensitive document containing extensive personal information -- and then using it for political purposes.

Abigail Spanberger, the Democratic candidate challenging Representative Dave Brat of Virginia, sent a cease-and-desist letter to Corry Bliss, the executive director of the Congressional Leadership Fund, which has raised more than $100 million to help Republicans in the midterm elections. She demanded that the super PAC destroy all copies of the form and agree to not use the information in any fashion.

"I write as a former civil servant and as an American, in shock and anger, that you have tried to exploit my service to our country by exposing my most personal information in the name of politics," she wrote.

The super PAC released a statement on Tuesday strongly denying Ms. Spanberger's charge, saying that the document was obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request filed with the United States Postal Service by America Rising, a separate Republican-aligned research firm.

"C.L.F. follows the letter of the law in examining any candidate's background and Ms. Spanberger was no different," Courtney Alexander, a spokeswoman for the group, said in the statement.

The group also released a portion of the security clearance application, blacking out some personal information.

Graham Wilson, a lawyer for Ms. Spanberger's campaign, said that explanation, which laid the mistake on the Postal Service, did not ring true. "In this unredacted form, this is not a document that the government can provide under the Privacy Act," he said.

Ms. Spanberger, 39, said in the letter that she had "clear evidence" that the Congressional Leadership Fund had provided a copy of her security clearance application to "at least one news outlet," adding, "I am not aware of any legal way that C.L.F. could have this document." In an interview, she said that she suspected that the group was trying to exploit a brief time when she taught at a private Islamic school funded by Saudi Arabia.

The super PAC validated that suspicion in its response, going on at some length to try to link the school -- called "Terror High" in an earlier news article -- to terrorist activity.

The application was one of two that she completed for government positions, for a law enforcement job at the Postal Service and for her position with the Central Intelligence Agency.

At a political event this month, Ms. Spanberger said she was approached by a reporter for The Associated Press, who showed her a copy of the security form and said the leadership fund had provided the document on a background basis, meaning that the source would typically not be named. The reporter pulled up a copy of the form on his email, and Ms. Spanberger said she was "100 percent" certain it was hers.

The forms ask for detailed personal information about work and health and also include vital data like a Social Security number.

"I am proud of my background and my service, and not ashamed of the information I submitted," she said. "I have nothing to hide in my background. But, as any American in a similar situation would be, I am concerned about my privacy and security."

Ms. Spanberger, a first-time candidate, served in the C.I.A. as a covert officer overseas for eight years, much of it investigating international terrorism cases, and has used that part of her biography in her appeal to voters in Virginia's Seventh Congressional District, which includes the suburbs of Richmond and extends north to far reaches of exurban Washington.

She has made the race, which is rated a tossup by the Cook Political Report, surprisingly competitive.

"When I decided to run for Congress, I took stringent measures for my campaign because, as a former C.I.A. operative, I assumed I would be the target of attacks," she said in the letter. "But I expected those attacks to come from foreign adversaries, not domestic groups associated with members of Congress, like C.L.F."

Even before being approached by a reporter, Ms. Spanberger said in the interview that she had become suspicious that the application had been leaked because Republican-aligned groups conducting "push polling" in the race had been asking respondents whether they knew she had once taught at the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Va., an international baccalaureate program.

One of her supporters received a call from the polling company and reported that she was asked if she would be less likely to support Ms. Spanberger if she knew that the candidate had taught at a school funded by the Saudi royal family that had "numerous students arrested for terrorism," Ms. Spanberger said.

A recent graduate from the University of Virginia at the time, Ms. Spanberger returned to the United States in 2002 after teaching in Germany and earning a master's degree. She applied for a job at the C.I.A. that year and was told in December that she had a conditional offer pending her background check, which she was told could take at least six months.

She waited tables in the interim, and a colleague asked her if she would be interested in a temporary job teaching English at the academy to cover for another instructor's maternity leave, Ms. Spanberger said.

As she awaited final word from the C.I.A., she took a job at the Postal Inspection Service, the law enforcement arm of the Postal Service. She said she filled out the federal forms for both jobs at about the same time. She also said she informed the C.I.A. each time she took on new employment.

National security experts said that the unauthorized release of such a highly confidential document is particularly troubling if it turns out to not be an isolated episode.

"It calls for a tremendous amount of extremely private, personal information, and so to the person whose information is at stake, it is extremely significant," said David Kris, a founder of Culper Partners and a former assistant attorney general for national security.

Ms. Spanberger noted that she, like millions of others, had been notified that her personal information may have been compromised in 2015 during a breach at the federal Office of Personnel Management. American officials have said privately that they believe that the hacking could be traced to the Chinese government.

Ms. Spanberger is among more than a dozen Democratic candidates this year with strong background in national security through service in the military or at the intelligence agencies.

Representative Ben Ray Lujn, Democrat of New Mexico and the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, sent a letter on Tuesday to more than a dozen candidates in his party making them aware of Ms. Spanberger's complaint and urging caution.

"This is an official government document that only President Trump's administration should have in its possession in its unredacted form," Mr. Lujn said.

"To be clear, we have no reason to believe that Republican groups have illegally obtained any of your personnel files, nor are we certain how C.L.F. got Ms. Spanberger's document in the first place," Mr. Lujn said. "But even the evidence of this isolated incident is deeply troubling."

A spokesman for Mr. Ryan, Jeremy Adler, said, "We cannot speak to the activity or behavior of outside groups."

The Associated Press declined to comment directly on the issue. "As a matter of longstanding policy, The Associated Press does not publicly discuss its news gathering methods or sourcing," said Bryan Baldwin, a spokesman for the news organization. "In this instance, The A.P. did not publish a story on this topic."

President Trump's persistent attacks on the intelligence agencies, notably in connection with its assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential campaign to help him, have given rise to complaints that a "deep state" exists in the government that is working to undermine the president.

But Ms. Spanberger is looking at that from the opposite perspective.

"I personally don't see that they only have my documents," Ms. Spanberger said. "I just happen to be the canary in the coal mine and we had someone bring it to my attention."

She added, "I have nothing to hide. If they need a canary in the coal mine, I'm glad it's me."
- natuurlijk over het vertrek van McGahn, Papadopoulos die toch maar een plea deal wil, scheutje Manafort, tweede medewerker van Trump Org. wilde immunity maar kreeg dat niet...

-en last but not least WSJ met:

U.S. Probing Whether Malaysian Fugitive Laundered Funds to Pay Chris Christie and Trump Lawyer

Jho Low under investigation for alleged embezzlement of $4.5 billion from 1MDB fund

The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether a fugitive Malaysian financier laundered tens of millions of dollars through two associates and used the funds to pay a U.S. legal team that includes former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and a lawyer who represents President Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.

Jho Low, the Malaysian businessman, has been described in U.S. court filings as playing a central role in the alleged embezzlement of $4.5 billion from a Malaysian fund called 1Malaysia Development Bhd.

Malaysian authorities this week separately charged Mr. Low with money laundering in the case, which investigators suspect may be one of the biggest financial frauds in history. He has been moving around Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China in recent months, according to people with knowledge of his whereabouts.

The Justice Department, in July 2016 and last year, filed civil lawsuits in federal court in California seeking to recover assets from Mr. Low and others including mansions, artwork and a yacht allegedly bought with 1MDB funds. It is now pursuing a criminal investigation in which Mr. Low, who has U.S. assets, is a target, these people said.

The team of lawyers and consultants working for Mr. Low includes Mr. Christie, who briefly headed Mr. Trump's presidential transition team; Mr. Trump's longtime lawyer Marc Kasowitz; Bobby Burchfield, a lawyer who has served as the Trump Organization's outside ethics adviser; and Ed Rogers, a Washington lobbyist with close ties to the Republican Party.

Mr. Low was close to former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, who unexpectedly lost an election in May and was arrested last month in Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Najib has pleaded not guilty to charges of money laundering and criminal breach of trust in connection with the 1MDB scandal.

Since 2016, Mr. Low's access to the global financial system has been sharply curtailed by banks wary of handling allegedly tainted funds, according to the people familiar with the matter. That has made it difficult for him to pay directly for a range of outlays, from lifestyle expenses to legal and advisory services, according to these people.

There is no indication that any of the people who ultimately received payments were aware the funds could have originated from money Mr. Low allegedly siphoned off from 1MDB. The Justice Department is investigating Mr. Low's potential use of two intermediaries to facilitate the payments through the international financial system, people familiar with the matter say. A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment.

Representatives for Mr. Low didn't respond to a request for comment. He has previously denied wrongdoing.

Mr. Christie is representing Mr. Low in the asset-forfeiture cases in California, a spokesman for the former governor said. "There has been no communication by Governor Christie with any other area of government on Mr. Low's behalf," the spokesman said, adding there has been "no inquiry made to him by the Department of Justice with regard to any other investigation regarding funding or otherwise."

A spokesman for Kasowitz Benson Torres, Mr. Kasowitz's New York law firm, confirmed the firm represents Mr. Low in Justice Department matters. "Here, as with all of our clients, our job as attorneys is to represent and vindicate our clients' interests; and here, as with all of our non-pro-bono clients, we are paid for the legal services we provide," the spokesman said in a statement.

Mr. Burchfield said, in an emailed statement, that Mr. Low retained his Atlanta-based firm, King & Spalding, to "advise him on the ongoing investigations," adding that the law firm "performed appropriate due diligence on sources of payment."

"Further, neither I nor King & Spalding has had contacts with any governmental entity, directly or indirectly, on behalf of Mr. Low, nor has King & Spalding received any inquiries from the Department of Justice regarding this engagement," Mr. Burchfield said.

Mr. Rogers declined to comment.

The Justice Department is looking into whether a Thai businessman, Phengphian Laogumnerd, and American former rap artist Pras Michel, a founding member of the Fugees hip-hop group, played roles in helping Mr. Low make payments, the people familiar with the matter said.

For at least a year, these people say, Mr. Low has relied on Mr. Phengphian to pay accommodation expenses in Hong Kong and Macau, legal and advisory bills and to keep Mr. Low's $250 million yacht, Equanimity, fully staffed and maintained until it was seized earlier this month. Justice Department investigators are examining records and money flows related to a series of companies controlled by Mr. Phengphian in Hong Kong and in offshore havens such as the British Virgin Islands to determine whether Mr. Low's money was involved, the people said.

The Thai businessman also handled payments of tens of millions of dollars to Mr. Low's lead law firm and advisers, New York-based Kobre & Kim LLP, and British reputation law firm Schillings International LLP, according to the people familiar with the investigation.

"We do not comment on any specific financial arrangements with our clients due to the commercial confidentiality and privileged nature of such information," said Robin Rathmell, who has identified himself as Mr. Low's global counsel at Kobre & Kim. Partners at Schillings didn't respond to a request for comment.

A representative for Mr. Phengphian said his client "is an independently wealthy businessman. The source of his income is nothing to do with--and he has not received any money from--Mr. Low."

The representative added: "What he chooses to do with his own funds is his business alone. The Department of Justice has never contacted him about anything, neither have they ever asked him about the source of his funds."

Mr. Michel was responsible for bringing on another consultant to work on Mr. Low's behalf: Republican fundraiser and venture-capital executive Elliott Broidy, who was vice chairman of the Trump campaign's joint fund with the Republican Party during the 2016 presidential campaign. The route of any payments to Mr. Broidy also are part of the Justice Department probe, the people said.

Mr. Broidy's lawyer has previously said Mr. Broidy and his wife were hired by Mr. Michel "to provide strategic advice as part of a broader team to Mr. Low."

A lawyer for Mr. Michel said: "I do not know what, if anything, the Department of Justice is currently reviewing, but I am confident that Mr. Michel has not done anything improper."

The public-integrity section of the Justice Department is separately investigating some of the lobbying work on behalf of Mr. Low, including whether Mr. Broidy attempted to sell his influence in the Trump administration to Mr. Low, who in turn was allegedly acting as an agent of the Malaysian and Chinese governments, people familiar with the investigations said.

A lawyer for Mr. Broidy said: "Elliott Broidy has never agreed to work for, been retained by nor been compensated by any foreign government for any interaction with the United States Government, ever."

Mr. Low has been seeking to influence the administration to drop its investigations into him and 1MDB, according to people familiar with Mr. Low's dealings and the Justice Department investigations. The Justice Department investigations overlap and involve some of the same investigators, the people familiar with them said. The Washington Post first reported on the public-integrity investigation.
Pff wat een beerput :|W


[ Bericht 3% gewijzigd door Kijkertje op 30-08-2018 07:40:21 ]
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 05:01
Meer leugens :')

realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 03:43:30 “Ohr told the FBI it (the Fake Dossier) wasn’t true, it was a lie and the FBI was determined to use it anyway to damage Trump and to perpetrate a fraud on the court to spy on the Trump campaign. This is a fraud on the court. The Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court is in...... reageer retweet
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 03:51:50 ...charge of the FISA court. He should direct the Presiding Judge, Rosemary Collier, to hold a hearing, haul all of these people from the DOJ & FBI in there, & if she finds there were crimes committed, and there were, there should be a criminal referral by her....” @GreggJarrett reageer retweet
Montovdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 07:37
"Old men yells at cloud service"
Szuradonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 07:58
Er vertrekt weer eens iemand

NEWS: The White House ethics lawyer, Stefan Passantino, leaves the post *tomorrow*, sources tell me.
SureD1donderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 08:13
9s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 05:01 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:
Meer leugens :')

realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 03:43:30 “Ohr told the FBI it (the Fake Dossier) wasn’t true, it was a lie and the FBI was determined to use it anyway to damage Trump and to perpetrate a fraud on the court to spy on the Trump campaign. This is a fraud on the court. The Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court is in...... reageer retweet
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 03:51:50 ...charge of the FISA court. He should direct the Presiding Judge, Rosemary Collier, to hold a hearing, haul all of these people from the DOJ & FBI in there, & if she finds there were crimes committed, and there were, there should be a criminal referral by her....” @GreggJarrett reageer retweet
Geeft hij nou toe dat het Steele dossier echt is in die eerste tweet :?
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 08:26
“Trump has come to resent him (AG Jeff Sessions] for other reasons, griping to aides and lawmakers that [Sessions] doesn’t have the Ivy League pedigree the president prefers, that he can’t stand his Southern accent
Trump houdt dus van elitaire noorderlingen. Het Harvard-establishment.
Ringodonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 08:28
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 08:26 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Trump houdt dus van elitaire noorderlingen. Het Harvard-establishment.
Trump is een New Yorker, die voelt zich boven zuiderlingen verheven.
livelinkdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 08:32
1s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 08:13 schreef SureD1 het volgende:


Geeft hij nou toe dat het Steele dossier echt is in die eerste tweet :?
Nee, dat lees ik er niet in. Volgens mij zegt hij dat Ohr de FBI heeft gewaarschuwd dat het dossier een leugen was en dat de FBI er toch voor koos om het te gebruiken.

Maar ja, dat rijmt weer niet helemaal met al het andere dat Trump over Ohr zegt. Ik volg het ook allemaal niet meer zo.
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 08:58
Exclusive: Trump promised Kim Jong Un he’d sign an agreement to end the Korean War

President Donald Trump told North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during their Singapore summit in June that he’d sign a declaration to end the Korean War soon after their meeting, according to multiple sources familiar with the negotiations.

But since then, the Trump administration has repeatedly asked Pyongyang to dismantle most of its nuclear arsenal first, before signing such a document.

That decision is likely what has led to the current stalemate in negotiations between the two countries — and the increasingly hostile rhetoric from North Korea.

“It makes sense why the North Koreans are angry,” one source told me. “Having Trump promise a peace declaration and then moving the goalposts and making it conditional would be seen as the US reneging on its commitments.”[....]
Als je iets toezegt moet je het ook doen, Donnie. Als ik dit artikel lees snap ik de woede van Kim ook wel.
Szuradonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 09:18
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 08:58 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Exclusive: Trump promised Kim Jong Un he’d sign an agreement to end the Korean War


Als je iets toezegt moet je het ook doen, Donnie. Als ik dit artikel lees snap ik de woede van Kim ook wel.
Dealbreaker in chief
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 09:41
DonaldJTrumpJr twitterde op woensdag 29-08-2018 om 15:53:45 “The experts” said it couldn’t be done. This is what happens when you have a real leader and businessman in The White House. @realDonaldTrump’s policies are working. 4.2% Baby!!!Boom! US economy logs best performance in nearly 4 years! reageer retweet
JohnJHarwood twitterde op woensdag 29-08-2018 om 16:22:24 no expert said a quarter of 4.2% growth "couldn't be done."it was done in four different quarters under President Obama, with one difference: Growth in those four quarters was higher - 4.5%, 4.7%, 4.9%, 5.1% reageer retweet
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 09:45
Eyjafjallajoekulldonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 10:13
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 09:45 schreef Ulx het volgende:
[ afbeelding ]
Montovdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 11:16
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 08:32 schreef livelink het volgende:


Nee, dat lees ik er niet in. Volgens mij zegt hij dat Ohr de FBI heeft gewaarschuwd dat het dossier een leugen was en dat de FBI er toch voor koos om het te gebruiken.

Maar ja, dat rijmt weer niet helemaal met al het andere dat Trump over Ohr zegt. Ik volg het ook allemaal niet meer zo.
Het lijkt wel op een soort heksenjacht op Ohr.
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 11:20
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 11:16 schreef Montov het volgende:


Het lijkt wel op een soort heksenjacht op Ohr.
Trump wil gewoon iedereen kunnen ontslaan. Dat mag hij niet, dus dan maar zo.
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 12:53
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 12:50:20 The hatred and extreme bias of me by @CNN has clouded their thinking and made them unable to function. But actually, as I have always said, this has been going on for a long time. Little Jeff Z has done a terrible job, his ratings suck, & AT&T should fire him to save credibility! reageer retweet
Hij wil wel veel mensen werkloos krijgen zeg.

#ANONIEMdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:02
Ik denk dat elke keer dat Trump op twitter verkondigt dat iemand ontslagen zou moeten worden, n van de assistenten van team Mueller een turfstreepje op papier zet.
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:03
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:02:16 What’s going on at @CNN is happening, to different degrees, at other networks - with @NBCNews being the worst. The good news is that Andy Lack(y) is about to be fired(?) for incompetence, and much worse. When Lester Holt got caught fudging my tape on Russia, they were hurt badly! reageer retweet
En het is nog niet eens vrijdag. En welke tape is dit nou weer?
Knipoogjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:04
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 09:41 schreef Ulx het volgende:
DonaldJTrumpJr twitterde op woensdag 29-08-2018 om 15:53:45 “The experts” said it couldn’t be done. This is what happens when you have a real leader and businessman in The White House. @realDonaldTrump’s policies are working. 4.2% Baby!!!Boom! US economy logs best performance in nearly 4 years! reageer retweet
JohnJHarwood twitterde op woensdag 29-08-2018 om 16:22:24 no expert said a quarter of 4.2% growth "couldn't be done."it was done in four different quarters under President Obama, with one difference: Growth in those four quarters was higher - 4.5%, 4.7%, 4.9%, 5.1% reageer retweet
En tel daarbij op dat Trump die groeicijfers mede verkregen heeft door even anderhalf biljoen bij te lenen. En de idioot hoge koersen worden daar ook mede door verklaard (die anderhalf biljoen taxcut is voor 80% ofzo (?) gebruikt voor stock buyback).
Montovdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:06
Lekker stoer op twitter over ontslag praten, maar bijvoorbeeld Omarosa niet in het gezicht durven te vertellen dat ze ontslagen is. Wat een lachertje.
klappernootopreisdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:08
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 13:02 schreef clumsy_clown het volgende:
Ik denk dat elke keer dat Trump op twitter verkondigt dat iemand ontslagen zou moeten worden, n van de assistenten van team Mueller een turfstreepje op papier zet.

Daar heeft hij dus een dagtaak aan.
Montovdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:09
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 13:03 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:02:16 What’s going on at @CNN is happening, to different degrees, at other networks - with @NBCNews being the worst. The good news is that Andy Lack(y) is about to be fired(?) for incompetence, and much worse. When Lester Holt got caught fudging my tape on Russia, they were hurt badly! reageer retweet
En het is nog niet eens vrijdag. En welke tape is dit nou weer?
Misschien dat Mueller het interview van Holt wil gebruiken als bewijs van rechtsbelemmering, je weet wel, het interview waarin Trump toegaf de druk te willen verminderen van het Rusland-onderzoek door Comey. Ik denk dat we dus ergens in september officieel bericht kunnen verwachten dat dit het geval is.
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:14
14s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 13:09 schreef Montov het volgende:


Misschien dat Mueller het interview van Holt wil gebruiken als bewijs van rechtsbelemmering, je weet wel, het interview waarin Trump toegaf de druk te willen verminderen van het Rusland-onderzoek door Comey. Ik denk dat we dus ergens in september officieel bericht kunnen verwachten dat dit het geval is.
Hij zegt nu dus dat die tape nep is.
ExtraWaskrachtdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:16
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:11:58 I just cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest much of the Media is. Truth doesn’t matter to them, they only have their hatred & agenda. This includes fake books, which come out about me all the time, always anonymous sources, and are pure fiction. Enemy of the People! reageer retweet
Hij heeft t Zwaar vandaag zo Te zien.
#ANONIEMdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:21
Weer zwaar aan het projecteren
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:23
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 13:16 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:11:58 I just cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest much of the Media is. Truth doesn’t matter to them, they only have their hatred & agenda. This includes fake books, which come out about me all the time, always anonymous sources, and are pure fiction. Enemy of the People! reageer retweet
Hij heeft t Zwaar vandaag zo Te zien.
HamillHimself twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:20:48 In Drama school we were warned: When an actor concentrates & obsesses on his reviews, his performance is sure to suffer immeasurably.#EnemaOfThePeople reageer retweet
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:25
Americans Are Making Less Money Despite Trump’s Promises
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:49
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:40:15 Trump and Michael Cohen devised a plan to buy up all the dirt on Trump that the National Enquirer had collected on him, dating back to the 80s, Trump associates tell NYT. The plan was never finalized, but it was strongly hinted at in a recording. reageer retweet
Hmmmm.......Werkt die Pecker nu niet mee met Mueller?
klappernootopreisdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 13:51
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 13:49 schreef Ulx het volgende:
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:40:15 Trump and Michael Cohen devised a plan to buy up all the dirt on Trump that the National Enquirer had collected on him, dating back to the 80s, Trump associates tell NYT. The plan was never finalized, but it was strongly hinted at in a recording. reageer retweet
Hmmmm.......Werkt die Pecker nu niet mee met Mueller?

ja.. c_/
pullupdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:05
Wederom een dag gevuld met paranode tweets :D

realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:02:16 What’s going on at @CNN is happening, to different degrees, at other networks - with @NBCNews being the worst. The good news is that Andy Lack(y) is about to be fired(?) for incompetence, and much worse. When Lester Holt got caught fudging my tape on Russia, they were hurt badly! reageer retweet
Nu beweert hij ook al dat Lester Holt heeft lopen knoeien met de tapes van een interview waarin hij toegaf dat hij Comey vanwege Rusland heeft ontslagen
klappernootopreisdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:07
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 14:05 schreef pullup het volgende:
Wederom een dag gevuld met paranode tweets :D

realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:02:16 What’s going on at @CNN is happening, to different degrees, at other networks - with @NBCNews being the worst. The good news is that Andy Lack(y) is about to be fired(?) for incompetence, and much worse. When Lester Holt got caught fudging my tape on Russia, they were hurt badly! reageer retweet
Nu beweert hij ook al dat Lester Holt heeft lopen knoeien met de tapes van een interview waarin hij toegaf dat hij Comey vanwege Rusland heeft ontslagen
Types als Nontex geloven hem wel. 8)7
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:12
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:44:28 Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner had NOTHING to do with the so called “pushing out” of Don McGahn.The Fake News Media has it, purposely,so wrong! They love to portray chaos in the White House when they know that chaos doesn’t exist-just a “smooth running machine” with changing parts! reageer retweet
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:14
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 14:12:22 I am very excited about the person who will be taking the place of Don McGahn as White House Councel! I liked Don, but he was NOT responsible for me not firing Bob Mueller or Jeff Sessions. So much Fake Reporting and Fake News! reageer retweet
eh wut?
Montovdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:15
Mikedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:15
Hij is echt losgeslagen vandaag...ik ben nu wel erg benieuwd wel nieuws eraan zit te komen. :9
Q.donderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:24
Echt. Wat slikt die vent in godsnaam allemaal?
Boze_Appeldonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:35
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 14:15 schreef Mike het volgende:
Hij is echt losgeslagen vandaag...ik ben nu wel erg benieuwd wel nieuws eraan zit te komen. :9
Vooral mooi dat hij ruzie aan het zoeken is met Google.
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:40
10s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 14:35 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:


Vooral mooi dat hij ruzie aan het zoeken is met Google.
Hij heeft 'idiot' ingetikt bij Image Search
Boze_Appeldonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:46
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 14:40 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Hij heeft 'idiot' ingetikt bij Image Search
Nee, ging over 'Trump News' en dat er dan allemaal 'Fake News' als CNN tevoorschijn kwam.

En later dat de state of the union van Obama wel gelinked was op de index van google en die van hem zogenaamd niet. Overigens was die ook gewoon gelinked, dus waarschijnlijk kreeg hij dat uiteindelijk door en heeft hij het van de pinned afgehaald.
klappernootopreisdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:58
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 14:15 schreef Mike het volgende:
Hij is echt losgeslagen vandaag...ik ben nu wel erg benieuwd wel nieuws eraan zit te komen. :9
Morgen is het Muellertime, heb geduld! B:)B
Montovdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:58
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 14:54:13 Wow, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr’s wife, is a Russia expert who is fluent in Russian. She worked for Fusion GPS where she was paid a lot. Collusion! Bruce was a boss at the Department of Justice and is, unbelievably, still there! reageer retweet
When a pundit or stranger on the Internet starts a comment with “Wow,” as if shocked by an opinion, that is a tell for cognitive dissonance. That is anger disconnected from reason. People who have reasons for disagreeing offer them right away, because doing so is the strongest counter-argument. “Wow” usually indicates you are feeling persuasion that violates your self-image as a person with smart opinions.

Scott Adams - Trump groupie.
klappernootopreisdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 14:59
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 14:40 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Hij heeft 'idiot' ingetikt bij Image Search
:D :P
westwoodblvddonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:06
Waar heeft hij het in vredesnaam over? Uit de gemiddelde demente bejaarde komen nog coherentere opmerkingen. :')

Trump's para tweets worden wel steeds meer genegeerd in de media en daarbuiten. Verliest een beetje zijn glans.
nostradonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:13
1s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:06 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:

Trump's para tweets worden wel steeds meer genegeerd in de media en daarbuiten.
Dat zal hem nog wel het meest frustreren. Nobody gives a fuck.
klappernootopreisdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:15
7s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:13 schreef nostra het volgende:


Dat zal hem nog wel het meest frustreren. Nobody gives a fuck.
Hij begint voorspelbaar te worden. De doodsteek voor iemand als Trump
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:22
1s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:06 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Waar heeft hij het in vredesnaam over? Uit de gemiddelde demente bejaarde komen nog coherentere opmerkingen. :')

Trump's para tweets worden wel steeds meer genegeerd in de media en daarbuiten. Verliest een beetje zijn glans.
Het zijn gewoon allemaal reacties op het nieuws in de verschillende media :D
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:26
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 15:17:48 The Rigged Russia Witch Hunt did not come into play, even a little bit, with respect to my decision on Don McGahn! reageer retweet
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:28
10s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:22 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:


Het zijn gewoon allemaal reacties op het nieuws in de verschillende media :D
SureD1donderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:35
10s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:22 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:


Het zijn gewoon allemaal reacties op het nieuws in de verschillende media :D
Waarbij zijn object permanence probleem ook weer opspeelt; hij realiseert zich niet dat de lezers van zijn tweets niet weten op welk tv programma hij via twitter ‘live’ zijn reactie geeft...

Met dat artikel over Pence’s goddelijke roeping in gedachten kan ik me niet voorstellen dat hij niet al eens heel nauwkeurig artikel 25(4) van de Grondwet gelezen heeft...
#ANONIEMdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:40
Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:35 schreef SureD1 het volgende:
Waarbij zijn object permanence probleem ook weer opspeelt; hij realiseert zich niet dat de lezers van zijn tweets niet weten op welk tv programma hij via twitter ‘live’ zijn reactie geeft...

Met dat artikel over Pence’s goddelijke roeping in gedachten kan ik me niet voorstellen dat hij niet al eens heel nauwkeurig artikel 25(4) van de Grondwet gelezen heeft...
Ik neem aan dat 'hij' verwijst naar Pence en niet naar Trump ?
Montovdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:46
Trump weet niet meer wat hij moet tweeten, dus herhaalt hij nu een tweet van 2 uur geleden. Sad.
Edit: Oh wacht, de recente versie bevat een spelfoutcorrectie van counsel.

[ Bericht 29% gewijzigd door Montov op 30-08-2018 15:52:01 ]
gniffiedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:47
Zijn laatste tweet. Genot :D
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:50
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 15:39:00 I am very excited about the person who will be taking the place of Don McGahn as White House Counsel! I liked Don, but he was NOT responsible for me not firing Bob Mueller or Jeff Sessions. So much Fake Reporting and Fake News! reageer retweet
Het is zo'n beetje de eerste keer dat ik lees dat McGahn niet vrijwillig zou zijn gegaan.
Montovdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:54
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:47 schreef gniffie het volgende:
Zijn laatste tweet. Genot :D
Ja, ik kijk ook uit naar die dag.
klappernootopreisdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:56
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:54 schreef Montov het volgende:


Ja, ik kijk ook uit naar die dag.
:P ik ook. Nu je het zegt.
SureD1donderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 15:59
6s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:40 schreef Treinhomo het volgende:


Ik neem aan dat 'hij' verwijst naar Pence en niet naar Trump ?
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 16:05
1s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:35 schreef SureD1 het volgende:


Waarbij zijn object permanence probleem ook weer opspeelt; hij realiseert zich niet dat de lezers van zijn tweets niet weten op welk tv programma hij via twitter ‘live’ zijn reactie geeft...

Met dat artikel over Pence’s goddelijke roeping in gedachten kan ik me niet voorstellen dat hij niet al eens heel nauwkeurig artikel 25(4) van de Grondwet gelezen heeft...

"Mike will be ready" is the line Pence's aides and allies use as they contemplate his place in a post-Trump world.
ExtraWaskrachtdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 16:06
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 15:26 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 15:17:48 The Rigged Russia Witch Hunt did not come into play, even a little bit, with respect to my decision on Don McGahn! reageer retweet
Dus hij is nu wel eruit gewerkt? Door Trump zelf nota bene? Of wat was Trumps beslissing hierin over McGahn?

Een paar tweets ervoor was het nog 'so called "pushing out" [...] The Fake News Media has it, purposely, so wrong!' ... alsof dat nep was...

realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:44:28 Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner had NOTHING to do with the so called “pushing out” of Don McGahn.The Fake News Media has it, purposely,so wrong! They love to portray chaos in the White House when they know that chaos doesn’t exist-just a “smooth running machine” with changing parts! reageer retweet

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door ExtraWaskracht op 30-08-2018 16:11:20 ]
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 16:07
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 16:06 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Dus hij is nu wel eruit gewerkt? Door Trump zelf nota bene?

Een paar tweets ervoor was het nog pushed out tussen quotes ...

realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:44:28 Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner had NOTHING to do with the so called “pushing out” of Don McGahn.The Fake News Media has it, purposely,so wrong! They love to portray chaos in the White House when they know that chaos doesn’t exist-just a “smooth running machine” with changing parts! reageer retweet
Ik denk van wel. McGahn hield zich niet aan de omerta.
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 16:13
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 16:06 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Dus hij is nu wel eruit gewerkt? Door Trump zelf nota bene? Of wat was Trumps beslissing hierin over McGahn?

Een paar tweets ervoor was het nog 'so called "pushing out"' ... alsof dat nep was...

realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:44:28 Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner had NOTHING to do with the so called “pushing out” of Don McGahn.The Fake News Media has it, purposely,so wrong! They love to portray chaos in the White House when they know that chaos doesn’t exist-just a “smooth running machine” with changing parts! reageer retweet
Volgens Axios wilde MacGahn na de confirmation van Kavanaugh ergens in het najaar opstappen. Voor Trump was dat blijkbaar genoeg reden om hem voor te zijn.

Mr. Trump had grown tired of seeing reports that Mr. McGahn might leave, according to people familiar with his thinking, and decided to take away any wiggle room he might have. Allies of Mr. McGahn said on Wednesday that he believed the story was planted by his critics to force the president's hand and hasten the timeline of announcing his departure.

Among those critics have been Mr. Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Ms. Trump complained bitterly to her father about The Times report this month, which detailed how some in the White House were unaware of the extent of Mr. McGahn's cooperation with Mr. Mueller, according to a person briefed on the discussion.


[ Bericht 11% gewijzigd door Kijkertje op 30-08-2018 16:27:12 ]
Montovdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 16:19
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 16:06 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Dus hij is nu wel eruit gewerkt? Door Trump zelf nota bene? Of wat was Trumps beslissing hierin over McGahn?

Een paar tweets ervoor was het nog 'so called "pushing out"' ... alsof dat nep was...

realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 13:44:28 Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner had NOTHING to do with the so called “pushing out” of Don McGahn.The Fake News Media has it, purposely,so wrong! They love to portray chaos in the White House when they know that chaos doesn’t exist-just a “smooth running machine” with changing parts! reageer retweet
Trump gebruikt aanhalingstekens heel vaak verkeerd en heeft het zelf niet door. Dus daar zou ik niet teveel waarde aan hechten.

Mijn speculatie: Mueller gebruikt het Holt interview als een bewijsstuk voor rechtsbelemmering. CNN heeft dit via een anonieme bron weten te achterhalen en heeft het Witte Huis om een verklaring gevraagd. Trump wil nu zowel CNN als NBC (Holt) beschadigen via zijn gebruikelijke "enemy of the people" rant. Ook zijn gejank omtrent anonieme bronnen zal daar over zijn gegaan. En hij probeert twijfel te zaaien door te zeggen dat het interview gemanipuleerd is.

Daarnaast heb je de McGahn situatie, waar mensen over speculeren dat dat gedaan is in de strategie om Mueller/Sessions te ontslaan. Maar het is goed mogelijk dat het vertrek daar buiten staat als McGahn zelf heeft aangegeven weg te willen. Er is een tijd van komen en een tijd van McGahn... ( ;( )
crystal_methdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 17:06
0s.gif Op dinsdag 28 augustus 2018 19:55 schreef Montov het volgende:
ddale8 twitterde op dinsdag 28-08-2018 om 12:43:55 Trump’s “96%” complaint about Google is from an article by right-wing PJ Media that has been making the rounds online in the last day. It complains that the News tab for Trump brings sites...rather than right-wing opinion PJ Media. reageer retweet
ddale8 twitterde op dinsdag 28-08-2018 om 13:02:13 Here is the “bias” classification system the PJ Media uses. Among the “left-wing” outlets: the Associated Press, USA Today, Politico, The Hill, Bloomberg, Reuters (to which Trump just gave an interview)...In other words, this is all very silly. But you knew that. reageer retweet
De echokamer van Trump is tegelijkertijd lachwekkend en beangstigend.
Die rangschikking van de media is wel ....
Times en The Atlantic (in 2016 door de American Society of Magazine Editors tot Best Magazine of the Year verkozen) liggen verder van het centrum dan Breitbart.
Reuters bijna even ver van het centrum als Fox News.
De BBC staat verder van het centrum dan de Daily Mail, de Daily Caller, NY Post (Murdoch), ongeveer gelijk met de Washington Times (van Sun Myung Moon, Unification Church).

Enige site die rechtser staat dan ik zou verwachten is Christian Science Monitor (tussen Daily Mail en Daily Caller). Zullen allicht anti-abortus editorials te vinden zijn, maar hun artikels leken me altijd vrij objectief.

De chart is trouwens het resultaat van (conservatieve) user comments op een eerdere versie.
Take the center line and move 1/4 the way to the right – that would be one way to do it. But specifically… Reuters is in the middle?? (absolutely freaking not) as is UPI??.. Fox is nowhere near that conservative, they should be toward the center. NYP and WSJ are not that conservative…
De 4 commentaren over Christian Science Monitor naar links opschuiven heeft ze blijkbaar genegeerd.
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 17:29
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 16:00:01 Republicans are disregarding Trump's bilateral trade plans with Mexico, arguing his plan may not even be possible due to procedural constraints."That would be almost impossible as it's been described to me," said Republican Ron Johnson. reageer retweet
Republicans Push Back on Trump's Trade Gambit

The president threatened to leave Canada behind in renegotiating NAFTA. But lawmakers doubt he’s allowed to do that.
Congressional Republicans disregarded President Donald Trump's announcement Monday that he would pursue a bilateral trade deal with Mexico unless Canadian negotiators quickly agree to a framework for an updated trilateral North American Free Trade Agreement, arguing that his plan may not even be possible due to procedural constraints.

"That would be almost impossible as it's been described to me,” said Wisconsin Republican Ron Johnson when asked about Trump’s plan. “About all we can really do is fix NAFTA and keep it as a three-party agreement, which I think, first of all, we should want that.”

Trump, announcing the understanding with Mexico, said that he would like to rename NAFTA the “United States-Mexico Trade Agreement.” The “agreement” — used in the loosest sense of the term — is preliminary. Many details haven’t been shared yet, though it represents a key breakthrough for U.S. and Mexican negotiators who have quibbled over auto manufacturing requirements for months. It would include new minimum wage requirements for a percentage of the vehicle manufacturing process ($16 an hour) and increase the amount of U.S. or Mexican content that must be included in each automobile, from 62.5 percent to 75 percent, in order to obtain duty-free status.

"We will see whether or not we decide to put up Canada or just do a separate deal with Canada, if they want to make the deal,” Trump said.

Because the White House has to notify Congress 90 days in advance of signing an agreement, negotiators have only until Friday to strike a deal if they want to finish a new NAFTA before current Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto is replaced by left-wing president-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in early December. Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland is set to appear in Washington to meet with negotiators on Tuesday, but it remains to be seen just how flexible the Canadians are willing to be on a number of politically-sensitive issues, such as dairy tariffs. If Canada does not agree to a renegotiated NAFTA this week, the White House plans to notify Congress of the U.S.-Mexico deal on Friday instead, a senior Trump administration official told reporters on a phone call with reporters Monday afternoon.

“Ideally Canada will be in it and we’ll be able to notify that. If Canada’s not in, we’ll notify that we have an agreement with Mexico and we’re open to Canada joining us,” the official told reporters.

It is unclear why the office of the U.S. Trade Representative thinks this is an option.

In order to negotiate trade pacts quickly in accordance with Trade Promotion Authority, the White House has to notify Congress of its intentions in writing. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer did that in the spring of 2017—but with respect to NAFTA specifically, explicitly stating that both Mexico and Canada would be involved. “I am pleased to notify the Congress that the President intends to initiate negotiations with Canada and Mexico regarding modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement,” Lighthizer wrote in his letter.

This kicked off a process that allows the administration to move more quickly in obtaining congressional approval, known as “ fast track” negotiating authority, which speeds up to process by limiting the amount of debate time available and preventing amendments from being submitted to trade agreements, among other things.

But Lighthizer has not taken any of the steps required to proceed on a bilateral basis to negotiate an entirely new U.S.-Mexico trade agreement. CNBC’s Kayla Tausche notes that the administration would have to ask Congress to approve the two-party negotiations and would later have to notify lawmakers of its plans to seek a vote on that trade deal. “That process would take, at a minimum, 180 days,” Tausche writes.

"What the administration submitted to Congress in setting up the opportunity to use TPA, and the expedited process that TPA allows, contemplated a revision to a tri-party agreement,” Pennsylvania Republican Pat Toomey told reporters on Monday night. “So it's my understanding that this has to be a tri-party agreement.”

Lighthizer — perhaps hedging his bets on the consistent reluctance of congressional Republicans to differ with the president — instead hopes to bypass the procedural hurdles of TPA, submitting a bilateral Mexican trade agreement instead of the trilateral NAFTA modernization he obtained approval for in the first place.

"I don’t think anybody’s envisioning that,” Tennessee Republican Lamar Alexander said of a plan that the White House is most certainly envisioning. “Modernizing it is a good thing, but I hope that the president takes whatever agreement he has with Mexico and then gets one promptly with Canada and we'd get back to business.”

Ohio Democrat Sherrod Brown, often an ally of Trump’s on matters of trade, agreed that the final deal has to include Canada. “There is question about whether Trade Promotion Authority is allowed if you don't include Canada. But I prefer that if you're going to renegotiate NAFTA, you renegotiate with all three countries in it,” he said.

The chairmen of both congressional committees dealing with trade released statements lauding the progress that had been made with Mexico, but clearly signaling that they expect a three-party agreement in the end. “I look forward to carefully analyzing the details and consulting in the weeks ahead with my colleagues and constituents to determine whether the new proposal meets the trade priorities set out by Congress under Trade Promotion Authority,” House Ways and Means chairman Kevin Brady wrote.

And Senate Finance chairman Orrin Hatch said that a “final agreement should include Canada.” Asked specifically if Hatch thought a bilateral Mexican trade deal would be TPA-compliant, a spokesperson for the Finance committee reiterated, “The chairman’s preference is a trilateral agreement.”

If anything, given the procedural difficulty of a bilateral deal with Mexico at this point, the newfound solidarity between the United States and Mexico may be primarily intended to place additional pressure on Canada to make concessions. Mexico’s foreign minister appeared to be doing his part to strong-arm Ottawa into an agreement on Monday when he said that while a trilateral NAFTA is ideal, Mexico would be willing to continue towards its bilateral deal with the United States if Canada does not agree to a revised NAFTA by Friday.

Retiring Tennessee Republican Bob Corker raised the prospect that the U.S.-Mexico understanding was being exaggerated. “My guess is that this is more like Singapore and, you know, maybe there's not really …” he trailed off. “We'll see what comes out of it. I think all of us want to see. But you know, for it to work, you need a need a three-way deal.”
AnneXdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 17:38
Die geweldige senior Jared heeft de agreement met Mexico geregeld, complimenten van Henrique.
Hoorde ik in het telefoongesprek en Kenneth / Jared ( van Barbie / Ivanka) zat ernaast als een etalagepop
op de eetkamerstoel in de oval office.
( keek wel even onderzoekend rond of de pers zijn naam oppikte ... (8> )
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 17:54
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 17:10:03 Paul Manafort worked more extensively in the former Soviet Union than was previously reported, a new investigation claims.Manafort and his fixer Konstantin Kilimnik were apparently sent in 2005 to Kyrgyzstan, where the two promoted Russian interests. reageer retweet
Paul Manafort went to Kyrgyzstan to 'strengthen Russia's position'

Investigation claims former Trump campaign chair promoted Russian interests

Paul Manafort, whose work as a political consultant in Russia and Ukraine led to his conviction in a Virginia courtroom on Wednesday, worked more extensively in the former Soviet Union than was previously reported, a new investigation has claimed.

According to a report published on Wednesday by the new investigative media outlet Project, Manafort and his fixer Konstantin Kilimnik were sent in 2005 to the central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan, where the two promoted Russian interests, including the closure of the US military base Manas.

According to the article, their travel was funded by a Russian oligarch who was later sanctioned by the US over meddling in the 2016 US presidential elections.

“I heard about Kyrgyzstan – they went there to strengthen Russia’s position,” a former member of Manafort’s team from Ukraine said in the article, which was obtained by the Guardian before its release. A colleague of Kilimnik confirmed to Project that the two men worked there.

Kilimnik worked in the country for the then new president, Kurmanbek Bakiyev, who had come to power following an uprising dubbed the Tulip revolution. It would mark the second time Manafort appeared in a post-Soviet country shortly after a “coloured revolution”, as the uprisings sparked by contested elections which Moscow has blamed on malign US influence are known.

While Manafort’s work in the country has not previously been reported, leaked documents had indicated he later wired money that he received from a Ukrainian political party to offshore accounts he held in Kyrgyzstan.

Project’s article was co-written by investigative journalists Maria Zholobova and Roman Badanin. The latter is a former editor of the news website RBC who left amid a conflict with management over the paper’s investigative reporting, including a profile of Sergei Roldugin, the Vladimir Putin confidant whose links to a money trail of billions was revealed in the Panama Papers, and a story revealing the identity of Putin’s daughter.

The article tracks down Kilimnik, a Russian political operative who served as Manafort’s fixer for close to a decade while the former Trump campaign chairman worked in Ukraine.

The piece also asserts that Kilimnik received envelopes containing cash and air tickets for his and Manafort’s travel from the offices of a company owned by Oleg Deripaska, an oligarch close to Putin who was recently sanctioned by the US. The Treasury department’s top sanctions official said on Tuesday that the US had made Deripaska’s business “radioactive”.

Representatives of Deripaska denied to Project that he or the company, BasEl, had ever financed Kilimnik. The “private investment relations of Deripaska and Manafort, whose existence is not disputed, have never been aimed at achieving political goals”, a Deripaska representative told Project. The Guardian could not independently confirm the article’s conclusions.

While Kilimnik could often be found in Kiev at the Hyatt Regency lobby, he has largely disappeared since leaving for Russia. Project tracked the political fixer to a wealthy gated neighbourhood just north-west of Moscow, where the graduate of the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense lives with his wife and shuns publicity.

He has also been famously conscious of avoiding having his image taken, but the report included several new photographs of Kilimnik.

US officials have speculated about Kilimnik’s loyalties, and an indictment released by Robert Mueller alleged he had links to Russian intelligence. He has denied that, and Manafort has said he was promoting western values in places such as Ukraine. The Project report suggested Kilimnik was acting in the interests of his native country, Russia.

“He is absolutely a Soviet man, a patriot,” one of Kilimnik’s friends said.
Boze_Appeldonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 19:09
Tom_Winter twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 16:04:26 BREAKING / NBC News: The FBI has arrested Robert Chain, 68, from Encino, California for threats they say he made to The Boston Globe following their recent editorial about the press. Chain allegedly referred to the Boston Globe as "the enemy of the people" in phone calls. reageer retweet
California man charged with threatening to kill Boston Globe employees

"You're the enemy of the people, and we're going to kill every f------ one of you," said man accused of making 14 threatening calls to the newspaper.

A California man was charged with threatening to kill employees of The Boston Globe, whom he called "the enemy of the people," federal officials said Thursday.

Robert Chain, 68, from Encino, allegedly made 14 threatening calls to the paper from Aug. 10 through Aug. 22. He is charged with one count of making threatening communications in interstate commerce, according to a statement from Andrew Lelling, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts.

"In a time of increasing political polarization, and amid the increasing incidence of mass shootings, members of the public must police their own political rhetoric. Or we will," Lelling said in the statement.

Some of the calls were recorded, according to the FBI. On the day The Boston Globe published a coordinated editorial response with other newspapers around the country to attacks on the press and in defense of the First Amendment, Chain is accused of calling them and threatening to kill newspaper employees.

"You're the enemy of the people, and we're going to kill every f------ one of you," the caller said. "Hey, why don't you call the F, why don't you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out, buddy."

In response, local law enforcement maintained a presence outside the Globe's offices, according to the statement.

Chain owns several firearms, including buying a 9 mm carbine rifle in May, according to the criminal complaint.

Law enforcement officials in California said Chain was taken into custody without incident and federal agents were searching his home.

Hank Shaw, in charge of the FBI's Boston office, said in the statement, "All threats are taken seriously, as we never know if the subject behind the threat intends to follow through with their actions."

"Everyone has a right to express their opinion, but threatening to kill people, takes it over the line and will not be tolerated," he said.

The FBI said that even though Chain blocked his caller ID, they were able to trace the calls to his address in California and used public databases to confirm that he lived there. In addition, Chain made two calls from his cellphone that were unblocked.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly lashed out against the press and called the news media an "enemy of the people," using the phrase as recently as Thursday on Twitter.

Chain faces up to five years in prison and a fine of $250,000 if convicted and was scheduled to appear in federal court in Los Angeles on Thursday and be transferred to Boston at a later date.

The Boston Globe thanked law enforcement in a statement.

"While it was unsettling for many of our staffers to be threatened in such a way, nobody - really, nobody - let it get in the way of the important work of this institution," a newspaper spokesperson said.
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 19:42
Trump cancels pay raises for civilian federal workers in 2019

President Donald Trump said Thursday that civilian employees of the federal government won't get pay raises next year. In a letter to congressional leaders, Trump said pay increases "will be set at zero" for 2019. Trump said in his letter that the government "must maintain efforts to put our Nation on a fiscally sustainable course, and Federal agency budgets cannot sustain such increases." A 2.1% across-the-board increase was scheduled to go into effect in January.
Wombcatdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 19:44
Ze hadden ook al een enorme belastingverlaging gehad natuurlijk, dus dan is een payraise nergens meer voor nodig.
Kijkertjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 19:57
Monolithdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 19:59
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 19:44 schreef Wombcat het volgende:


Ze hadden ook al een enorme belastingverlaging gehad natuurlijk, dus dan is een payraise nergens meer voor nodig.
Past binnen de strategie h? De niet-militaire tak van de federale overheid moet zoveel mogelijk kapot.
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 19:59
Ambulance at the White House. Taking stretcher into the West Wing.
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 20:00
Nintexdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 20:04
Als de President iets heeft komen ze niet met een enkele ambulance.
Er zal wel een medewerker van de trap gevallen zijn.
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 20:08
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 20:04 schreef Nintex het volgende:
Als de President iets heeft komen ze niet met een enkele ambulance.
Er zal wel een medewerker van de trap gevallen zijn.
Voor die papzak zou een hijskraan ook aanwezig moeten zijn.
Nintexdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 20:10
1s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 20:08 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Voor die papzak zou een hijskraan ook aanwezig moeten zijn.
_O- _O_
Knipoogjedonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 20:15
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 17:06 schreef crystal_meth het volgende:


Die rangschikking van de media is wel ....
Times en The Atlantic (in 2016 door de American Society of Magazine Editors tot Best Magazine of the Year verkozen) liggen verder van het centrum dan Breitbart.
Reuters bijna even ver van het centrum als Fox News.
De BBC staat verder van het centrum dan de Daily Mail, de Daily Caller, NY Post (Murdoch), ongeveer gelijk met de Washington Times (van Sun Myung Moon, Unification Church).

Enige site die rechtser staat dan ik zou verwachten is Christian Science Monitor (tussen Daily Mail en Daily Caller). Zullen allicht anti-abortus editorials te vinden zijn, maar hun artikels leken me altijd vrij objectief.

De chart is trouwens het resultaat van (conservatieve) user comments op een eerdere versie.


De 4 commentaren over Christian Science Monitor naar links opschuiven heeft ze blijkbaar genegeerd.

Deze is een stuk beter.NYT & WaPo zo links plaatsen is dikke onzin. Komt door hun linkse opinionisten. Daar zit slecht een verdwaalde rechts conservatief tussen. Hun nieuws is gewoon feitelijk en mainstream midden.
Ulxdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 20:18

Papadopoulos sticks with Mueller.
Monolithdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 20:22
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 20:15 schreef Knipoogje het volgende:


[ afbeelding ]

Deze is een stuk beter.NYT & WaPo zo links plaatsen is dikke onzin. Komt door hun linkse opinionisten. Daar zit slecht een verdwaalde rechts conservatief tussen. Hun nieuws is gewoon feitelijk en mainstream midden.
Klopt ja, gewoon uit het groene en grijze vlakje lezen.
ExtraWaskrachtdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 20:58
MarcGoldwein twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 19:23:20 This saves ~$0 unless they reduce recent cap increases. It just gives appropriators/agencies more money to spend elsewhere. reageer retweet
AnneXdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 21:06
Laatst vroeg ik (jullie ) hoe het ervoor stond met de jeugd en voter’s registration sinds Parkland.
Blijkbaar wordt er flink geregistreerd.

Former Parkland high school student David Hogg is teaming up with mayors to promote voter registration in advance of the midterms, linking getting younger people to vote to moving forward on gun safety.

The student-founded organization March For Our Lives is teaming up with mayors from both parties for the new initiative, Mayors For Our Lives. Hogg said the initiative is crucial to advancing the cause of gun safety, the issue that originally sparked the creation of March For Our Lives.

"When it comes to gun safety, what I hear from younger voters is uncompromising. They believe it's a matter of life and death. They're right," Democratic mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City said in an appearance with Hogg on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

"What David and his colleagues have done has changed American politics and awoken a...sleeping giant, which is younger voters," he added.

"The issue of gun safety is not Democrat or Republican. It's an American issue that we face as a country...The only way we're ever going to solve that is by working together as Democrats and Republicans and as Americans to solve this issue and registering everybody to vote," Hogg said in the same appearance.

"Young people are angry, but more importantly they want to see people that bring people together and don't divide us more. They want to see Democrats and Republicans that actually make this country unified, and not even more divided than it is," Hogg added.

Mayors are pledging to increase the availability of voter registration forms to eligible students, maintain registration goals, enact get out the vote campaigns and work with other mayors.

"During our time traveling the country, we have been able to find common ground and agreement wherever we have gone, regardless of ideology. We are grateful for the participation of the United States Conference of Mayors, African American Mayors Association and cities across the nation who are pledging to help millions of young people engage in our democracy, understand the issues, and get to the ballot box," Hogg, who co-founded March For Our Lives, said in a press release.

Hogg on Thursday also cited efforts by March For Our Lives that he says have already produced significant increases in voter registration.

"Our team from March For Our Lives Orlando helped promote voter registration so much that it went up 90 percent in Florida, youth registration is up 41 percent," he said.

March For Our Lives was founded following the February shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida.
#ANONIEMdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 21:11
11s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 19:09 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:
"You're the enemy of the people, and we're going to kill every f------ one of you," the caller said. "Hey, why don't you call the F, why don't you call Mueller, maybe he can help you out, buddy."

Heeft verder niets met Trump te maken, ik zie niet in hoe dit hem aan te rekenen is.


Maar goed, zoals velen ben ik ook wel erg benieuwd waarom Trump juist vandaag moet zeuren over dat het interview met Holt nep zou zijn. Het komt bij hem zomaar uit de lucht vallen.
Boze_Appeldonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 21:16
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 21:11 schreef clumsy_clown het volgende:


Heeft verder niets met Trump te maken, ik zie niet in hoe dit hem aan te rekenen is.
Niet direct aan te rekenen, maar dit soort maffies volgen zijn voorbeeld.

President Donald Trump has repeatedly lashed out against the press and called the news media an "enemy of the people," using the phrase as recently as Thursday on Twitter.
#ANONIEMdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 21:18
7s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 21:16 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:


Niet direct aan te rekenen, maar dit soort maffies volgen zijn voorbeeld.


Uiteraard, het was sarcasme, m'n post.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door #ANONIEM op 30-08-2018 21:18:38 ]
Ringodonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 22:38
Volgt iemand het account @realDonaldTrump nog? Ik lees zijn tweets alleen nog via @UnfollowTrump. Lijkt me genoeg eer voor die tumor.
livelinkdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 22:42
7s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 22:38 schreef Ringo het volgende:
Volgt iemand het account @realDonaldTrump nog? Ik lees zijn tweets alleen nog via @UnfollowTrump. Lijkt me genoeg eer voor die tumor.
Ik lees ze alleen maar hier.
ExtraWaskrachtdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 22:55
7s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 22:38 schreef Ringo het volgende:
Volgt iemand het account @realDonaldTrump nog? Ik lees zijn tweets alleen nog via @UnfollowTrump. Lijkt me genoeg eer voor die tumor.
Soms heb ik hem wel eens open op een tabje als er weer eens een tweetstorm gaande is. Dan zie je vanzelf een eentje verschijnen als er weer wat opgeborreld is bij hem.
Monolithdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 22:59
Nee, maar ik mijd Twitter dan ook omdat ik het een infantiliserend medium vind en dat account is zoals de Amerikanen zeggen "Exhibit A".
ExtraWaskrachtdonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 23:00
0s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 22:59 schreef Monolith het volgende:
Nee, maar ik mijd Twitter dan ook omdat ik het een infantiliserend medium vind en dat account is zoals de Amerikanen zeggen "Exhibit A".
Ik vind het juist wel echt een handig medium. Maar dan wel slechts als je een gecureerde lijst met accounts hebt. Veel beter dan een RSS-feed met nieuws zeg maar.
westwoodblvddonderdag 30 augustus 2018 @ 23:59
1s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 21:06 schreef AnneX het volgende:
Laatst vroeg ik (jullie ) hoe het ervoor stond met de jeugd en voter’s registration sinds Parkland.
Blijkbaar wordt er flink geregistreerd.

Former Parkland high school student David Hogg is teaming up with mayors to promote voter registration in advance of the midterms, linking getting younger people to vote to moving forward on gun safety.

The student-founded organization March For Our Lives is teaming up with mayors from both parties for the new initiative, Mayors For Our Lives. Hogg said the initiative is crucial to advancing the cause of gun safety, the issue that originally sparked the creation of March For Our Lives.

"When it comes to gun safety, what I hear from younger voters is uncompromising. They believe it's a matter of life and death. They're right," Democratic mayor Bill de Blasio of New York City said in an appearance with Hogg on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

"What David and his colleagues have done has changed American politics and awoken a...sleeping giant, which is younger voters," he added.

"The issue of gun safety is not Democrat or Republican. It's an American issue that we face as a country...The only way we're ever going to solve that is by working together as Democrats and Republicans and as Americans to solve this issue and registering everybody to vote," Hogg said in the same appearance.

"Young people are angry, but more importantly they want to see people that bring people together and don't divide us more. They want to see Democrats and Republicans that actually make this country unified, and not even more divided than it is," Hogg added.

Mayors are pledging to increase the availability of voter registration forms to eligible students, maintain registration goals, enact get out the vote campaigns and work with other mayors.

"During our time traveling the country, we have been able to find common ground and agreement wherever we have gone, regardless of ideology. We are grateful for the participation of the United States Conference of Mayors, African American Mayors Association and cities across the nation who are pledging to help millions of young people engage in our democracy, understand the issues, and get to the ballot box," Hogg, who co-founded March For Our Lives, said in a press release.

Hogg on Thursday also cited efforts by March For Our Lives that he says have already produced significant increases in voter registration.

"Our team from March For Our Lives Orlando helped promote voter registration so much that it went up 90 percent in Florida, youth registration is up 41 percent," he said.

March For Our Lives was founded following the February shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida.
Moeten die millennials wel een keer op komen dagen anders heb je er alsnog niks aan.
ExtraWaskrachtvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 00:06
1s.gif Op donderdag 30 augustus 2018 23:59 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:


Moeten die millennials wel een keer op komen dagen anders heb je er alsnog niks aan.
Hier is wel een interessant artikel over de Britse verkiezingen na de Brexit en Trumpverkiezing over de jeugdstem:

Ze noemen een hogere jongerenopkomst hierin een mythe, vanwege de fout. Strikt genomen heel leuk, maar de kans dat de jongeren een aanzienlijk hogere opkomst hadden dan voorheen is wel serieus hoog:


En dan bedoel ik met jongeren ook nog vroege veertigers ... *waves fist at babyboomers*
crystal_methvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 00:33
De EU stelt voor alle tarieven op auto's op te heffen, Trump wijst het voorstel af...

Trump rejects EU's offer to drop car tariffs to zero

President Trump on Thursday refused an offer from the European Union to lower car tariffs to zero.

“It’s not good enough,” Trump said of the offer that came earlier in the day from Brussels during an Oval Office interview with Bloomberg News.

“Their consumer habits are to buy their cars, not to buy our cars," he said.

Earlier, EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom told the European Parliament
that Europe would be willing to cut car tariffs to zero if the U.S was willing to do the same.

Trump again compared the EU to China, where he has ramped up a trade war with Beijing by imposing billions of tariffs on each other's goods.

“The European Union is almost as bad as China, just smaller,” Trump told Bloomberg.

Besides imposing another $200 billion in tariffs on Chinese imports into the United States as early as next week, Trump has asked the Commerce Department to determine whether auto imports endanger national security.

Many in the auto industry likely expect that the Commerce Department will say that those foreign autos do put U.S. security at risk.

Inmiddels heeft het Appellate Body van de WTO slechts 3 rechters meer (Uit de US, China, India), het minimum vereist om een zaak te behandelen. Binnen enkele maanden verdwijnt de volgende en valt de WTO volledig stil.

Het begint erop te lijken dat Trump simpelweg af wil van de WTO, zodat hij de economische macht van de VS kan gebruiken om landen te dwingen aan z'n wensen te voldoen.
Hij heeft het met Z Korea gedaan, nu met Mexico, benieuwd of het met Canada zal lukken.
#ANONIEMvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 01:06
Het is maar amper gelinkt aan Amerikaanse politiek, maar Alex Jones gaat hopelijk flink uitgekleed worden door rechtszaken aangespannen door familie van Sandy Hook-kinderen (en een man die door Infowars ten onrechte als dader is gedoxxed). Het vuil stuk vreten heeft geprobeerd de rechtszaak te dismissen, maar daar was de rechter het niet mee eens.

A Texas judge denied the motion by the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to dismiss a defamation lawsuit brought against him and his Infowars operation by the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim, in a ruling released on Thursday.

The lawsuit was filed in state district court in Austin by Veronique De La Rosa and Leonard Pozner, parents of Noah Pozner, who was 6 years old when he was killed in the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

On his radio broadcast and in videos, Mr. Jones for years spread bogus claims that the shooting was a “false flag,” an event staged by the government as part of an effort to confiscate Americans’ firearms, and that the parents of the children killed were “crisis actors.”

After Mr. Pozner succeeded in getting an Infowars video casting doubt on the shooting removed from YouTube, Mr. Jones showed his audience Mr. Pozner’s personal information and maps to addresses associated with his family, court documents say. Mr. Jones also falsely accused Ms. De La Rosa of participating in a faked interview with Anderson Cooper of CNN after the shooting, according to court documents.

Subsequent death threats and harassment have forced the Pozner family to move seven times. They currently live in hiding.
crystal_methvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 01:20
15s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 01:06 schreef clumsy_clown het volgende:
Het is maar amper gelinkt aan Amerikaanse politiek, maar Alex Jones gaat hopelijk flink uitgekleed worden door rechtszaken aangespannen door familie van Sandy Hook-kinderen (en een man die door Infowars ten onrechte als dader is gedoxxed). Het vuil stuk vreten heeft geprobeerd de rechtszaak te dismissen, maar daar was de rechter het niet mee eens.

17 staten hebben naast "civil" ook "criminal defamation" wetten, Texas is er jammer genoeg niet bij...
Zelvavrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 02:44
“It’s not good enough,” Trump said of the offer that came earlier in the day from Brussels during an Oval Office interview with Bloomberg News.

“Their consumer habits are to buy their cars, not to buy our cars," he said.
Dus wat Trump wil is dat we verplicht Amerikaanse troep gaan kopen hier :')
klappernootopreisvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 09:00
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 02:44 schreef Zelva het volgende:


Dus wat Trump wil is dat we verplicht Amerikaanse troep gaan kopen hier :')
Szuravrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 09:08
klappernootopreisvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 09:16
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 09:08 schreef Szura het volgende:
Ik wacht nog even met dit oordeel tot ik de Trump twitter feeds van woensdag 7 november kan lezen.
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 10:52
Trump threatens to pull US out of World Trade Organization

Lastig hoor. Dan moeten er nog meer deals worden gemaakt, en dat kan de man niet,
Ludachristvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 10:54
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 10:52 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Trump threatens to pull US out of World Trade Organization

Lastig hoor. Dan moeten er nog meer deals worden gemaakt, en dat kan de man niet,
Lijkt me top, dan kan de rest van de wereld weer normaal via het WTO werken zonder die Amerikanen die de boel daar frustreren.
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 10:58
14s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 10:54 schreef Ludachrist het volgende:


Lijkt me top, dan kan de rest van de wereld weer normaal via het WTO werken zonder die Amerikanen die de boel daar frustreren.
Ik heb er ook niet veel problemen mee.
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 12:43
Chuck Todd Says Mueller May Drop Something Big: ‘I Wouldn’t Miss Work Tomorrow’

MSNBC’s Chuck Todd thinks all signs point to special counsel Robert Mueller making major moves on Friday.

President Donald Trump on Thursday called the inquiry into Russian meddling “an illegal investigation.”

“This is the president feeling like there’s a lot happening around him, the walls may be closing in on him, and I think he’s lashing out,” said Bloomberg’s Sahil Kapur on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily.”

Republican strategist Brad Todd, however, said Mueller has a “responsibility” to know when “he’s gone past the time limit of when he has credibility with the public.”

“What time limit are we at?” wondered Todd.

Todd said everyone who’s worked with Mueller believes he would’ve ended the investigation already if there was no evidence of collusion.

He also said Mueller would “keep quiet” between Labor Day and November’s midterm elections so as not to be accused of interfering politically.

Daniella Gibbs Lger of the Center for American Progress predicted Mueller would drop big news in January as a result.

But Todd said it could be a whole lot sooner.

“I’ll be honest with you: I’m not missing work tomorrow,” he said, referring to Friday, the last business day before Labor Day. “I wouldn’t miss work tomorrow.”

He later added: “Not to be totally cliche, but 5 o’clock tomorrow is a big deadline, isn’t it?
Geen idee of de man gelijk heeft, maar Trump was de afgelopen dagen wel idioot bezig. Iets zal hem getriggerd hebben, en het is vrijdag.....
klappernootopreisvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 12:54
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 12:43 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Chuck Todd Says Mueller May Drop Something Big: ‘I Wouldn’t Miss Work Tomorrow’


Geen idee of de man gelijk heeft, maar Trump was de afgelopen dagen wel idioot bezig. Iets zal hem getriggerd hebben, en het is vrijdag.....
c_/ c_/ c_/
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 15:48
1 big thing: Mueller's secret files

With speculation hot among the president's legal team that today could be a day for action by Bob Mueller (last working day before Labor Day), remember all the evidence the special counsel has — or could — that we haven't seen:

• President Trump's tax returns.
• Trump bank records, which are more valuable than tax returns.
• Internal Trump Organization records.
• More recordings from Michael Cohen.
• Cellphone records (metadata showing calls placed/received and duration) related to the Trump Tower meeting.
• White House and campaign emails and text messages. (Trump's legal team said in January that the White House had produced more than 20,000 pages of materials, and the campaign had provided more than 1.4 million pages.)
• Contemporaneous notes of White House staffers from meetings with Trump.
• A full reconstruction by former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who made a plea deal, of his conversations about Russia and subsequent lies.
• Scores of hours of testimony of Trump insiders (including at least 20 White House personnel) about his private dealings, much of which is unknown to POTUS and the public.
• National Enquirer files revealed by today's N.Y. Times: Trump and Cohen "devised a plan to buy up all the dirt on Mr. Trump that the National Enquirer and its parent company had collected on him, dating back to the 1980s."
• As MSNBC analyst Matt Miller summarized: "Basically, everything!"

Why it matters, from Bob Bauer, former White House counsel to President Obama, and now an NYU Law professor:

"Investigators have the skills and resources to turn up evidence, including witness testimony, that goes beyond what anyone on the outside can imagine in the daily speculation about the Mueller probe."
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:21
kylegriffin1 twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 16:15:02 New: Ex-Manafort associate Sam Patten has been charged with failing to register as a foreign agent for his work lobbying on behalf of a Ukrainian political party, Bloomberg News reports. reageer retweet
Artikel over Patten uit april:

A Suspected Russian Spy, With Curious Ties to Washington

A longtime Republican operative has been in contact with a suspected Russian intelligence agent for nearly two decades. What does it mean for Robert Mueller's investigation?

A longtime Republican operative with ties to the controversial data firm hired by President Donald Trump's campaign team also has a nearly two-decade-long friendship and business relationship with a suspected Russian intelligence agent, Konstantin Kilimnik, who has landed in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's crosshairs.

The Washington-based operative, Sam Patten, would not tell me whether he has been interviewed by Mueller's team as part of their investigation into Russia's election interference and potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow. But Patten said that his relationship with Kilimnik--a former officer in Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) who worked closely with Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, for over a decade--has "been thoroughly explored by relevant government entities."

Patten's long friendship with Kilimnik--which stems from their time working together at the International Republican Institute in Moscow between 2001 and 2003--would likely be enough to draw scrutiny from Mueller, who appears to have homed in on Kilimnik as a potentially significant link between the Trump campaign and Russia. The special counsel's office alleged in a court filing late last month that Kilimnik still had ties to Russian intelligence services in 2016, and that his conversations with Gates in September of that year are relevant to the investigation. Manafort and Gates's arrival to the campaign team coincided with the most pivotal Russia-related episode of the election: the release of emails that had been stolen from the Democratic National Committee by hackers working for the GRU, Russia's premier military-intelligence unit.

"We've known each other for more than 15 years, and we periodically look for places we can work together," Patten told me of Kilimnik. Their relationship is also proof that Kilimnik's ability to ingratiate himself with American political consultants went beyond Manafort and Gates--a fact that could serve as a new data point in examining Russia's ties to Republican operatives in the U.S. By the spring of 2015--when, as my colleague Frank Foer wrote, Manafort's "life had tipped into a deep trough"--Kilimnik was already working on a new venture with Patten that appeared to be focused on targeted messaging in foreign elections.

That venture, first reported by The Daily Beast this week, was a private LLC incorporated in February 2015 called Begemot Ventures International (BVI) with a mission to "build the right arguments before domestic and international audiences." Kilimnik is listed as the firm's principal and Patten is listed as an executive, according to company records, and the company is registered to Patten's office address in Washington. A website for Begemot--which was built almost two years after the company was incorporated--links to Patten's email for inquiries, but does not list the company's clients.

It is not clear why Patten, who already had a consulting firm registered in D.C., decided to open a brand-new company with Kilimnik. Asked whether any of the firm's clients were in Russia or Ukraine, Patten replied, "It would be poor business to talk about our clients, but I can tell you declaratively that none of the clients have involvement in the particular circus in the U.S. that seems to have become a news industry in and of itself," an apparent reference to the Russia investigation. He confirmed that the company, which he described as providing "strategic communications advice for clients outside the U.S.," is still active, but said it has no projects ongoing at this time.

"BVI has only worked for clients outside U.S. in other countries," Patten said. "As a result of all this, I regret it probably won't be working for anyone anymore, but you never know. Life can be unpredictable." Patten said that, "to the best of [his] knowledge," Kilimnik "was no longer working for Manafort when BVI was formed." But he acknowledged that Kilimnik and Manafort, who began working together in Kiev in 2005, "remained in touch, as is well-known." Patten's work in Ukraine dovetailed with Manafort's. About eight months after BVI was incorporated, in October 2015, Patten was in Ukraine advising Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko on his reelection campaign. On his website, Patten writes that he "helped steer Mayor Klitschko to reelection in Ukraine's capital and largest city in one of the toughest anti-government atmospheres in that country's history."

Serhiy Lyovochkin--the former chief of staff to ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who hired Manafort to rebrand the pro-Russia Party of Regions in 2014--brought Patten onto Klitschko's team, Ukrainian media reported at the time. Dmitry Firtash, a pro-Russia Ukrainian oligarch with ties to Manafort who is known for bankrolling pro-Russia candidates in Ukraine, also boasted in 2015 that he was involved in Klitschko's campaign. Asked whether Manafort coordinated with Patten and/or Kilimnik on Klitschko's reelection campaign, a spokesman for Manafort said he had "nothing to add."

Patten describes himself as an "international political consultant" on his website, but he worked at the Oregon office of Cambridge Analytica's parent company, SCL Group, helping to fine-tune the firm's voter targeting operations in the runup to the 2014 midterm elections, according to investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed, now a columnist for Middle East Eye. Patten alluded to this work on his website, writing that he worked with "one of London's most innovative strategic communications companies" on "a beta run of a cutting-edge electoral approach" that "included taking micro-targeting to the next level" during the 2014 congressional cycle. Those technologies, he wrote, were "adopted by at least one major U.S. presidential candidate."

Both Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump employed Cambridge Analytica during the 2016 election. Mueller is now scrutinizing the Trump campaign's ties to Cambridge Analytica, whose board included Trump's campaign CEO and former chief strategist, Steve Bannon. Bannon interviewed Patten in July 2016 for his SiriusXM radio show, Breitbart News Daily, about a group Patten represents called the Committee to Destroy ISIS. There is no evidence that Patten did any work with Cambridge Analytica or the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. But his relationship with the data firm did not end with the 2014 midterm elections. According to The Guardian's Carole Cadwalladr, Patten "played a central role" in the firm's work in Nigeria in early 2015--work that included hiring Israeli computer hackers to search for "kompromat," or compromising information, on the candidate challenging the incumbent president at the time, Goodluck Jonathan. Patten didn't respond to a request for comment about the Nigeria campaign.

Patten said that he remains in touch with Kilimnik, who he believes has been unfairly scrutinized. "As you might imagine, the barrage of shade and innuendo that has been cast on him since Manafort had his time in Trump Tower has not been something he'd welcomed, nor anything that could objectively be called fair," Patten said, referring to Manafort's role on the campaign, which was headquartered at Trump Tower.

Gates and Manafort--who were indicted by Mueller in late October on charges including money laundering and tax evasion--remained in touch with Kilimnik during the campaign, according to court documents and emails, even though both knew about Kilimnik's background in Russian intelligence. Kilimnik later acknowledged in an interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty that he and Manafort emailed each other "about Trump and everything" during the campaign. "There were millions of emails," Kilimnik told RFERL in a text message. "We worked for 11 years. And we discussed a lot of issues, from Putin to women."

[ Bericht 40% gewijzigd door Kijkertje op 31-08-2018 16:27:50 ]
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:26
kylegriffin1 twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 16:25:05 Sam Patten, the man who Mueller's team just charged with a FARA violation, has a nearly two-decade-long friendship and business relationship with suspected Russian intelligence agent Konstantin Kilimnik, @NatashaBertrand reported in April. reageer retweet
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:30
Wat is Trump stil vandaag. Is er geen Fox & Friends?
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:31
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 16:30 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Wat is Trump stil vandaag. Is er geen Fox & Friends?
Drukke agenda misschien? O-)
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:33
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 16:31 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:


Drukke agenda misschien? O-)
_O- _O- :D _O-
Boze_Appelvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:34
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 16:31 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:


Drukke agenda misschien? O-)
Hij is de hele dag een beetje aan het reizen, dan heeft hij juist tijd ;)
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:34
Elex_Michaelson twitterde op donderdag 30-08-2018 om 20:48:38 .@algore to @realDonaldTrump ? "Resign!"The fmr VP is hosting @ClimateReality teaching 2,000+ activists to persuade climate change skeptics. "Take it from Mother Nature! Every night on the TV is like a nature hike through the Book of Revelation!”More reageer retweet
Former Vice President Al Gore had a blunt message for President Donald Trump: "Resign."

The climate change advocate sat down with "Good Day L.A." this week for an interview about his upcoming Climate Reality Project event, a gathering of some 2,000 activists in Los Angeles. When co-host Elex Michaelson asked if Gore had any message for Trump when it comes to climate change, his response was simple.

"Oh, my only message would be: resign," Gore said, laughing.

"I don't mean to be flippant about it," he added. "I don't think he's prepared to listen to advice about the importance of clean air and clean water."
ExtraWaskrachtvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:39
New York’s attorney general says Trump Foundation bankrolled political campaign, pursues lawsuit (PBS/AP)

NEW YORK — Lawyers for President Donald Trump asked a judge to dismiss a lawsuit brought against his charitable foundation by New York’s attorney general, arguing that it was politically motivated.

In the motion Thursday, Trump attorney Alan S. Futerfas argued that former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman “made it his stated mission to ‘lead the resistance’ and attack Mr. Trump whenever possible” and “used his public antipathy for Mr. Trump to solicit donations for his own re-election campaign and advance his career interests and aspirations.”

Trump very publicly announced his intention to dissolve the foundation and donate all of its remaining funds to charity, but the AG “actively stonewalled dissolution,” Futerfas wrote.

“At the same time, the NYAG turned a blind eye to serious and significant allegations of misconduct involving the Clinton Foundation, including claims that it, and its subsidiaries, violated New York law by failing to disclose $225 million in donations from foreign governments,” Futerfas wrote.

Schneiderman began investigating the Trump Foundation in 2016 following Washington Post reports that its spending personally benefited the presidential candidate. Schneiderman ordered the foundation to stop fundraising in New York.

Schneiderman resigned in May after allegations that he physically abused women he had dated; he denied the claims.

His successor, Democratic Attorney General Barbara Underwood, filed the lawsuit in June, claiming the Trump Foundation “was little more than a checkbook for payments from Mr. Trump or his businesses to nonprofits, regardless of their purpose or legality.” The suit seeks $2.8 million in restitution and the foundation’s disbandment.

The filing said Underwood continued the “inflammatory rhetoric, stating publicly that she considers her battles with the President ‘the most important work (she) has ever done’ and has vowed that such ‘work will continue.'”

Trump’s lawyers also argued that several impermissible donations by the foundation were due to clerical errors and were all corrected when brought to the attention of foundation officials.

In a statement Thursday, the attorney general’s office said it won’t back down from “holding Trump and his associates accountable for their flagrant violations of New York law.”

“As our lawsuit detailed, the Trump Foundation functioned as a personal piggy bank to serve Trump’s business and political interests,” the statement said.
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:39
Massachusetts Schools Getting Buckets, Hammers To Fend Off Shooters

Florida’s Parkland student activists are focusing on gun control to stop multiple shootings in schools. But Massachusetts schools in Brockton are getting buckets, tape, hammers and ropes to help protect students from bullets.

More than 1,000 of the buckets filled with supplies for a barricade or lock-down situation will be distributed to classrooms in the coming weeks.

The supplies were the brainchild of the Brockton school district, the mayor’s office and the Brockton Police Department. Workers have been filling 5 gallon blue buckets provided at a discount by Lowe’s with a wooden wedge (to keep classroom doors shut), a 1 pound hammer, a 50 foot length of rope and a roll of duct tape.

The hammer could be used to break windows for escape, and the tape could seal doors in case of smoke, said officials. Buckets could be used in an “emergency bathroom situation,” Brockton Public Schools Deputy Superintendent Mike Thomas told the Brockton newspaper, The Enterprise.

“If something bad happens, you have to think quickly on your feet,” Thomas said. “Teachers can’t be running around the room looking for cords, or looking for something to smash a window. Now they know exactly where everything is.”

A Lowe’s store manager noted that there’s “no better way to give back than to the kids of the future.”

Students told CBS Boston that they’re OK with the buckets. “It’s kind of weird, but it’s for safety, so I’d do anything for safety,” a student said.
Wat een onzin. Wat is er mis met thoughts & prayers?
ExtraWaskrachtvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:44
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 16:31 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:


Drukke agenda misschien? O-)
Mogelijk, maar kan ook mogelijk te maken hebben met het feit dat de uitvaart van McCain bezig is?

Kellyanne Conway is er aanwezig trouwens:
crystal_methvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:48
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 16:30 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Wat is Trump stil vandaag. Is er geen Fox & Friends?
Ik verwacht een tweet over "First Man", National Review heeft al kritiek geleverd:
Neil Armstrong Movie Leaves Out the American Flag Planting
Rewriting history to own the patriots

"rewriting history" :') Ze hadden de film ook kunnen eindigen met de vlag liggend in het stof, ze werd omver geblazen toen ze vertrokken...
remlofvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:57
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 16:44 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Mogelijk, maar kan ook mogelijk te maken hebben met het feit dat de uitvaart van McCain bezig is?

Kellyanne Conway is er aanwezig trouwens:
[ afbeelding ]
Is dat de uitvaart met speech van Obama?
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:57
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 16:44 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Mogelijk, maar kan ook mogelijk te maken hebben met het feit dat de uitvaart van McCain bezig is?

Kellyanne Conway is er aanwezig trouwens:
[ afbeelding ]
Hm lijkt me niet erg waarschijnlijk, tijdens de Memorial gisteren was hij ook druk aan het twitteren...

Hij moet vandaag centjes ophalen voor NC kandidaten.

President Donald Trump will apear at Charlotte’s Carmel Country Club Friday to headline a fundraiser for two North Carolina congressional candidates.

As Tennessee Volunteer fans head to the Queen city for the season opener against WVU, there may be some road closures in place for the President's arrival and travel.

Trump will attend a lunch reception at the southeast Charlotte club. An invitation says a “round table” and photo with the president is $25,000 per person. A photo alone costs $10,000 per couple and the luncheon itself is $1,000 per person.

The event is private. No public events with the president are scheduled.

Dure fotootjes....
ExtraWaskrachtvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 16:59
7s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 16:57 schreef remlof het volgende:


Is dat de uitvaart met speech van Obama?
Ik meen van wel ja al ben ik niet zeker. Niet dus.

[ Bericht 3% gewijzigd door ExtraWaskracht op 31-08-2018 17:39:22 ]
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 17:04
7s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 16:57 schreef remlof het volgende:


Is dat de uitvaart met speech van Obama?
Nee die is morgen:

On Saturday, September 1, at approximately 7 a.m. Arizona time, a national memorial service will take place at Washington National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Senator McCain’s family, friends, congressional colleagues and staff, as well as U.S. and international leaders have been invited to attend and participate.

On Friday, August 31, Senator McCain will lie in state at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. A ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda will begin at approximately 8 a.m. Arizona time.
Boze_Appelvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 17:05
7.00, lekker op tijd wel.
Szuravrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 17:10
Zou ie een move maken tijdens de uitvaart, Sessions ontslaan ofzo? Of nieuwe tarieven tegen de EU aankondigen? :')
Fir3flyvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 17:19
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 17:05 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:
7.00, lekker op tijd wel.
Arizona time ;).
Boze_Appelvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 17:21
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 17:19 schreef Fir3fly het volgende:


Arizona time ;).
Ohja, te snel gelezen.
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 17:27
John Dean of Nixon fame to testify at Kavanaugh hearing

The Senate Judiciary Committee has added former Solicitor General Theodore Olson and former White House counsel John Dean to the list of witnesses who will testify next week in the confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh to serve on the Supreme Court.

Olson served as solicitor general in the George W. Bush administration. He’s one of the country’s best-known lawyers, having argued the Bush v. Gore Supreme Court case that stopped Al Gore’s recount in the 2000 presidential election. He’ll offer backing to a former colleague in the Bush White House. Kavanaugh served as legal counsel and later as staff secretary for Bush.

Dean ultimately cooperated with prosecutors and helped bring down Richard Nixon’s presidency, though he served a prison term for obstruction of justice. He has been a harsh critic of President Donald Trump and is listed as a Democratic witness. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Dean will “speak about the abuse of executive power.

Democrats trying to defeat Kavanaugh’s nomination have asserted that Trump chose him for the court because he would protect the White House from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. Kavanaugh has written that it would be appropriate for Congress to pass a statute that would allow lawsuits against a sitting president to be deferred until the president’s term ends. He said Congress should consider doing the same with “respect to criminal investigations and prosecutions of the President.”

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio and attorney Lisa Blatt will introduce Kavanaugh when hearings begin Tuesday.

Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, will also testify as a Democratic witness later in the week.
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 17:29
Bombshell leak to Toronto Star upends NAFTA talks: In secret ‘so insulting’ remarks, Trump says he isn’t compromising at all with Canada

WASHINGTON—High-stakes trade negotiations between Canada and the U.S. were dramatically upended on Friday morning by inflammatory secret remarks from President Donald Trump, after the remarks were obtained by the Toronto Star.

In remarks Trump wanted to be “off the record,” Trump told Bloomberg News reporters on Thursday, according to a source, that he is not making any compromises at all in the talks with Canada — but that he cannot say this publicly because “it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal.”

“Here’s the problem. If I say no — the answer’s no. If I say no, then you’re going to put that, and it’s going to be so insulting they’re not going to be able to make a deal ... I can’t kill these people,” he said of the Canadian government.

In another remark he did not want published, Trump said, according to the source, that the possible deal with Canada would be “totally on our terms.” He suggested he was scaring the Canadians into submission by repeatedly threatening to impose tariffs.

“Off the record, Canada’s working their ass off. And every time we have a problem with a point, I just put up a picture of a Chevrolet Impala,” Trump said, according to the source. The Impala is produced at the General Motors plant in Oshawa, Ontario.

Trump made the remarks in an Oval Office interview with Bloomberg. He deemed them off the record, and Bloomberg accepted his request not to reveal them.
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 17:38
SethAbramson twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 17:18:52 (THREAD) PLEASE RETWEET this Trump-Russia news: Simon & Schuster has just listed for pre-order PROOF OF COLLUSION—the book that finally gathers into *one* narrative the *hundreds* of reliable major-media reports on Trump-Russia collusion. Read on for more. reageer retweet

Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 17:51
AP sources: Lawyer was told Russia had ‘Trump over a barrel’

A senior Justice Department lawyer says a former British spy told him at a breakfast meeting two years ago that Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump “over a barrel,” according to multiple people familiar with the encounter.

The lawyer, Bruce Ohr, also says he learned that a Trump campaign aide had met with higher-level Russian officials than the aide had acknowledged, the people said.

The previously unreported details of the July 30, 2016, breakfast with Christopher Steele, which Ohr described to lawmakers this week in a private interview, reveal an exchange of potentially explosive information about Trump between two men the president has relentlessly sought to discredit.

They add to the public understanding of those pivotal summer months as the FBI and intelligence community scrambled to untangle possible connections between the Trump campaign and Russia. And they reflect the concern of Steele, a longtime FBI informant whose Democratic-funded research into Trump ties to Russia was compiled into a dossier, that the Republican presidential candidate was possibly compromised and his urgent efforts to convey that anxiety to contacts at the FBI and Justice Department.

The people who discussed Ohr’s interview were not authorized to publicly discuss details of the closed session and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

Among the things Ohr said he learned from Steele during the breakfast was that an unnamed former Russian intelligence official had said that Russian intelligence believed “they had Trump over a barrel,” according to people familiar with the meeting. It was not clear from Ohr’s interview whether Steele had been directly told that or had picked that up through his contacts, but the broader sentiment is echoed in Steele’s research dossier.

Steele and Ohr, at the time of the election a senior official in the deputy attorney general’s office, had first met a decade earlier and bonded over a shared interest in international organized crime. They met several times during the presidential campaign, a relationship that exposed both men and federal law enforcement more generally to partisan criticism, including from Trump.

Republicans contend the FBI relied excessively on the dossier during its investigation and to obtain a secret wiretap application on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. They also say Ohr went outside his job description and chain of command by meeting with Steele, including after his termination as a FBI source, and then relaying information to the FBI.

Trump this month proposed stripping Ohr, who until this year had been largely anonymous during his decades-long Justice Department career, of his security clearance and has asked “how the hell” he remains employed.

Trump has called the Russia investigation a “witch hunt” and has denied any collusion between his campaign and Moscow.

Trump and some of his supporters in Congress have also accused the FBI of launching the entire Russia counterintelligence investigation based on the dossier. But memos authored by Republicans and Democrats and declassified this year show the probe was triggered by information the U.S. government received earlier about the Russian contacts of then-Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos.

The FBI’s investigation was already under way by the time it received Steele’s dossier, and Ohr was not the original source of information from it.

One of the meetings described to House lawmakers Tuesday was a Washington breakfast attended by Steele, an associate of his and Ohr. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, who worked for the political research firm, Fusion GPS, that hired Steele, attended at least part of the breakfast.

Ohr also told Congress that Steele told him that Page, a Trump campaign aide who traveled to Moscow that same month and whose ties to Russia attracted FBI scrutiny, had met with more senior Russian officials than he had acknowledged meeting with.

That breakfast took place amid ongoing FBI concerns about Russian election interference and possible communication with Trump associates. By that point, Russian hackers had penetrated Democratic email accounts, including that of the Clinton campaign chairman, and Papadopoulos, the Trump campaign associate, was said to have revealed that Russians had “dirt” on Democrat Hillary Clinton in the form of emails, according to court papers. That revelation prompted the FBI to open the counterintelligence investigation on July 31, 2016, one day after the breakfast but based on entirely different information.

Ohr told lawmakers he could not vouch for the accuracy of Steele’s information but has said he considered him a reliable FBI informant who delivered credible and actionable intelligence, including his investigation into corruption at FIFA, soccer’s global governing body.

In the interview, Ohr acknowledged that he had not told superiors in his office, including Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, about his meetings with Steele because he considered the information inflammatory raw source material.

He also provided new details about the department’s move to reassign him once his Steele ties were brought to light.

Ohr said he met in late December 2017 with two senior Justice Department officials, Scott Schools and James Crowell, who told him they were unhappy he had not proactively disclosed his meetings with Steele. They said he was being stripped of his associate deputy attorney post as part of a planned internal reorganization, people familiar with Ohr’s account say.

He met again soon after with one of the officials, who told him Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein did not believe he could continue in his current position as director of a drug grant-distribution program — known as the Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force.

Sessions and Rosenstein, Ohr was told, did not want him in the post because it entailed White House meetings and interactions, the people said.

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores declined to comment.
remlofvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 17:57
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 17:05 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:
7.00, lekker op tijd wel.
7:00 GMT-7 = 16:00 GMT+2. Even live kijken dus.
Boze_Appelvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 18:07
14s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 17:57 schreef remlof het volgende:


7:00 GMT-7 = 16:00 GMT+2. Even live kijken dus.
Ben benieuwd of Trump zijn frustratie binnen kan houden en niet tweeten tijdens en vlak daarna.
crystal_methvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 18:51
Tja, Trump is enkel bezig met z'n achterban. Daarom wil hij ofwel:
- klagen over hoe unfair de US behandeld wordt, en hoe andere landen profiteren.
- deals die hij kan voorstellen als "victories". De inhoud interesseert hem niet, enkel de indruk dat de andere partij gecapituleerd heeft is belangrijk. Nadat de Canadezen zeiden dat ze enkel een deal zullen afsluiten die goed voor Canada is kan dat niet meer.
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 18:59
Ik vraag me af hoe dit heeft kunnen gebeuren bij Mr. Art of the Deal.
ExtraWaskrachtvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 19:06
kpolantz twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 13:32:26 SCOOP out this am: Two prosecutors leave Mueller's office—and not for political reasons/wrongdoing. Mueller now using 15 attorneys for Russia probe reageer retweet
ExtraWaskrachtvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 19:35
Reactie Trudeau:

Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 19:35
Hun werk zal klaar zijn geweest.
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 19:37
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 19:35 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Reactie Trudeau:

[ afbeelding ]
Met andere woorden: Ga eens normaal doen, Donnie. Leer een wat een win-win-win situatie is.
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 20:48
kylegriffin1 twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 20:00:10 Update: Ex-Manafort associate Sam Patten admitted that he helped foreign donors give money to Trump's Inaugural Committee. reageer retweet
kylegriffin1 twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 20:05:04 Patten enlisted a U.S. citizen to serve as a "straw" buyer to purchase 4 tickets for $50,000, after receiving a check for $50,000 from the firm run by Patten and Konstantin Kilimnik.That firm was reimbursed by a $50,000 wire from the Ukrainian oligarch's Cypriot bank account. reageer retweet
kylegriffin1 twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 20:15:07 Ex-Manafort associate Sam Patten also agreed that he misled the Senate Intelligence Committee when he testified before the panel in January 2018. reageer retweet
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 20:58
JoyceWhiteVance twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 17:31:36 Interestingly, the same judge presiding over the Manafort case is taking Patten's plea, which is taking place on a timeline that would make him available to testify against Manafort during his September trial in DC. reageer retweet
crystal_methvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 21:07
Trump disapproval hits 60 percent in new poll

Disapproval of President Trump reached 60 percent in a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, the highest those outlets have recorded throughout his tenure.

The results, released Friday, come at a challenging time for the Trump presidency, after his former longtime lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in federal court, and his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was found guilty on eight counts and faces yet another trial next month. Meanwhile, White House counsel Don McGahn is on his way out this fall, as Democrats aim to take control of the House come November. Mr. Trump's approval rating is still high among conservatives, but it has dropped from a high of 74 percent to 67 percent. And his approvals among white men without college education has also dropped 15 points -- from a high of 70 percent to 55 percent.

Mr. Trump, who often calls polls fake, has more to worry about, if this poll is accurate. A majority of those polled, 53 percent, believe he has tried to interfere with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation in a way that amounts to obstruction of justice, compared to 35 percent who believe has has not. Speaking of Mueller, Americans are broadly supportive of him and his investigation, according to the ABC-Washington Post poll. The survey found 63 percent support Mueller's investigation into Trump associates, while 29 percent oppose it.

While the president has complained that Manafort's prosecution was unfair, the poll finds a majority of Americans think it was justified, 67 to 17 percent, and nearly half of Republicans agree with this. Sixty-six percent of Americans oppose a Trump pardon for Manafort, and 45 percent of Republicans also oppose a pardon.

Those polled did express concern over Mr. Trump's associates, and the president's interactions with them. A majority of those polled, 61 percent, agreed that if Mr. Trump directed Cohen to pay off women, he committed a crime. And only 18 percent of those polled believed the president should pardon Manafort, while 66 percent say he should not.

Americans are split on whether impeachment proceedings should begin against Mr. Trump, something that would likely only happen if Democrats take control of Congress. Of those polled, 49 percent said impeachment proceedings should begin, while 46 percent said they should not.

There's also a split among Americans on Mr. Trump's handing of the economy, with 45 percent who approve and 47 percent who disapprove.

The poll was conducted by landline and cell phone from Aug. 26 through Aug. 29, in both English and Spanish, among 1,003 adults.

Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 21:31
Wow, I made OFF THE RECORD COMMENTS to Bloomberg concerning Canada, and this powerful understanding was BLATANTLY VIOLATED. Oh well, just more dishonest reporting. I am used to it. At least Canada knows where I stand!
Weet je wie ook off-the-record dingen vertellen aan de pers?

Anonieme bronnen.
Ulxvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 21:32
Maar bij God wat is die Trump een prutsende amateur.
ExtraWaskrachtvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 21:43
CNBCnow twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 21:25:14 BREAKING: US, Canada trade talks end with no agreement; Trump set to notify Congress of plans to process with Mexico-only deal, but suggest Canada can still join revised NAFTA - Dow Jones reageer retweet
Het lijkt me stug dat een bilaterale deal met Mexico realiteit wordt, maar we zullen zien. Wel ferm van Canada, 75% van hun export gaat naar de VS.
Szuravrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 21:51
2s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 21:43 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:
CNBCnow twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 21:25:14 BREAKING: US, Canada trade talks end with no agreement; Trump set to notify Congress of plans to process with Mexico-only deal, but suggest Canada can still join revised NAFTA - Dow Jones reageer retweet
Het lijkt me stug dat een bilaterale deal met Mexico realiteit wordt, maar we zullen zien. Wel ferm van Canada, 75% van hun export gaat naar de VS.
Er zou nog onderhandeld worden volgens NBC
ExtraWaskrachtvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 21:53
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 21:51 schreef Szura het volgende:


Er zou nog onderhandeld worden volgens NBC
Lees het nu ook ja, restart van onderhandelingen volgende week... wat een herstart dan ook moge betekenen bij zoiets als dit.
Montovvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 22:08
Trump Inaugural Committee Got Foreign Money, Plea Deal Shows

A former Paul Manafort associate who pleaded guilty to a lobbying crime admitted that he helped foreign donors give money to President Donald Trump’s Inaugural Committee.

In a plea agreement made public Friday, prosecutors outlined other crimes that the lobbyist, Sam Patten, admitted to but wouldn’t be charged with. Among them was “causing foreign money” to be paid to the Trump inaugural committee. Patten signed off on the allegation.

Patten pleaded guilty earlier Friday to failing to disclose his lobbying on behalf of Ukraine, and agreed to cooperate with prosecutors.

According to a court filing, Patten’s Ukrainian client wanted to attend the Trump inauguration in January 2017, but the Inauguration Committee couldn’t accept money from foreign nationals because of Federal Election Commission rules.

To get around that restriction, Patten enlisted a U.S. citizen to serve as a “straw” buyer, according to the filing. That individual, who wasn’t named, bought four tickets for $50,000, after receiving a check for $50,000 from the consulting firm run by Patten and Konstantin Kilimnik, Manafort’s longtime fixer in Ukraine suspected of having ties to Russian intelligence. That firm, in turn, was reimbursed by a $50,000 wire from the Ukrainian oligarch’s Cypriot bank account, the filing says.

It’s unclear whether anyone on the Inaugural Committee was aware that the money came from a Ukrainian, or whether Patten has more to tell investigators about the matter.


Trump’s Inaugural Committee raised a record $107 million, roughly double the amount collected for the 2008 swearing-in of Barack Obama. The 2016 committee spent about $90 million, including $26 million to an event-planning company headed by a friend of First Lady Melania Trump. Under federal law, the committee was required to disclose to the Federal Election Commission the names of donors who gave more than $200.

Bron: Bloomberg
De beerput gaat weer wat verder open, en de rest van de financien van de inauguratie komt ook weer onder de loep.
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 22:09
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 21:31 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Weet je wie ook off-the-record dingen vertellen aan de pers?

Anonieme bronnen.
maggieNYT twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 21:48:28 This literally never happens, that the OTR portions of these interviews leaks. Most people close to White House have raised possibility that Trump ordered it put out. reageer retweet
Boze_Appelvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 22:12
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 21:31 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Weet je wie ook off-the-record dingen vertellen aan de pers?

Anonieme bronnen.
ExtraWaskrachtvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 22:25
Dit is de notificatie aan Congress:


Kan dat zo, dat de president zegt: "Ja, misschien ook met Canada, maar wie weet \_(ツ)_/ "
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 22:47
kylegriffin1 twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 22:45:07 Yikes. @spettypi just said on @DeadlineWH that she was on the phone with Rudy Giuliani this morning when the headline came out that ex-Manafort associate Sam Patten had plead guilty and Giuliani replied, 'Oh, who's that? I've never heard of him.' reageer retweet
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 23:00
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 22:25 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:
Dit is de notificatie aan Congress:

[ afbeelding ]

Kan dat zo, dat de president zegt: "Ja, misschien ook met Canada, maar wie weet \_(ツ)_/ "
Hij zet ze er nu maar als mogelijkheid bij? :D

Hij had de Canadezen ook gezegd dat ze tot vandaag hadden om een besluit te nemen. Is niet zo, maar Trump wil dit per 1 december rond hebben en er is een 90 day notice van het Congres voor nodig anders mag hij niet tekenen :P

President Trump is telling Canadian officials they have until Friday to sign on to his major new North American trade deal, threatening to leave them behind, rip up the continent’s existing trade pact and even, possibly, hit Canada with draconian auto tariffs.

But according to Congress, foreign officials and even members of Trump’s own administration, Friday isn’t the drop-dead deadline for Canada that the president is suggesting.

On Friday, Trump plans to send a letter to Congress notifying it of an impending trade deal, which he’s terming a replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement (new name to be determined). He wants to send a letter because it starts the clock on the 90-day notice that U.S. trade law requires Trump to give Congress before he can sign any agreement.

Getting that window started by Friday matters to Trump, because he wants to get a deal done by Dec. 1. That’s when Mexican President Enrique Pea Nieto will step down to make way for President-elect Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador. Lpez Obrador has had representatives at the U.S.-Mexico trade talks, but Trump doesn’t want to risk the new Mexican administration balking at a deal his team brokered with the old one.


[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door Kijkertje op 31-08-2018 23:05:14 ]
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 23:14
eyokley twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 21:09:35 Jerry Lundergan, @AlisonForKY's dad and a major fixture in Kentucky Democratic politics, has been indicted over donations to her 2014 #KYSen campaign against @SenateMajLdr. reageer retweet
Kijkertjevrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 23:29
kylegriffin1 twitterde op vrijdag 31-08-2018 om 23:20:06 Dear Robert Mueller: Is anything else happening today? Anything at all? Asking for a friend. reageer retweet
ExtraWaskrachtvrijdag 31 augustus 2018 @ 23:44
Sinds 22 augustus begon Trumps approval rating te dalen bij fivethirtyeight. Nu vraag ik me af of dat daadwerkelijk zo is ... want het kan net zo goed een tijdelijk polling afwijkinkje zijn zo bezien, en zo ja, hoe dat dan zou komen. Eerder is het er kort over gegaan dat de disrespect voor McCain hem approval zou kunnen kosten, maar aangezien de neerwaardse trend is ingezet op de 22e lijkt eerder dat de veroordeling van Manafort meer uitgemaakt heeft... hoewel het een het ander niet uitsluit natuurlijk?

Ringozaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 00:18
Aardig stukje in De Groene van Casper Thomas:
Amerika ontdekt nu dat het een bestel heeft waarin de bewoner van het Witte Huis vrijwel onaantastbaar is. Dit is ook de reden waarom de parallel tussen het Nixon-tijdperk en dat van Trump niet heel ver gaat. ʼI am not a crookʼ, zei Nixon toen hij vrijwillig opstapte. Trump blijft zitten omdat ook hij weet in hoeverre hij een crook is, en of dat verder gaat dan de guilt by assocation die tot nu toe aan het licht is gekomen.
Monolithzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 00:29
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 23:44 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:
Sinds 22 augustus begon Trumps approval rating te dalen bij fivethirtyeight. Nu vraag ik me af of dat daadwerkelijk zo is ... want het kan net zo goed een tijdelijk polling afwijkinkje zijn zo bezien, en zo ja, hoe dat dan zou komen. Eerder is het er kort over gegaan dat de disrespect voor McCain hem approval zou kunnen kosten, maar aangezien de neerwaardse trend is ingezet op de 22e lijkt eerder dat de veroordeling van Manafort meer uitgemaakt heeft... hoewel het een het ander niet uitsluit natuurlijk?

[ afbeelding ][ afbeelding ]
Ik zou niet teveel waarde hechten aan kleine fluctuaties. Als je kijkt naar de onderliggende polls dan zie je ook een extreem negatieve poll van ABC / WaPo met slechts 36% approval wat wel een redelijke outlier is. Die specifieke pollster lijkt er ook voor het eerst in lange tijd tussen te staan.
ExtraWaskrachtzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 00:31
1s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 00:29 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Ik zou niet teveel waarde hechten aan kleine fluctuaties. Als je kijkt naar de onderliggende polls dan zie je ook een extreem negatieve poll van ABC / WaPo met slechts 36% approval wat wel een redelijke outlier is. Die specifieke pollster lijkt er ook voor het eerst in lange tijd tussen te staan.
Dat is wel een A+ pollster, maar buiten dat, was deze trend er ook al zonder die poll (of naja, trend lijkt me niet de goede term, maar ik denk dat we elkaar begrijpen) .
Zwoerdzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 00:32
Volgens mij hebben die dipjes van 1 a 2 procent nog best een aantoonbare oorzaak. De vorige dip lijkt bijvoorbeeld een rechtsstreeks gevolg te zijn van de blamerende ontmoeting met Putin. Uiteindelijk verdwijnt zoiets met een week of 2 uit de media en daarmee ook uit de gedachte van de meeste mensen en gaan de ratings ook weer omhoog.
Wanneer er een paar weken op rij echt shit gaande is (en ik heb sterk het gevoel dat dit nu best wel eens het geval kan zijn) dan kan er een momentum onstaan waardoor de ratings echt gaan zakken.
Monolithzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 00:33
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 00:31 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Dat is wel een A+ pollster, maar buiten dat, was deze trend er ook al zonder die poll (of naja, trend lijkt me niet de goede term, maar ik denk dat we elkaar begrijpen) .
Trend is echt een heel groot woord voor dergelijke fluctuaties op de korte termijn. Als ik het goed heb stond gisteren het gemiddelde nog op 41.5, nu op 40.7. de approval fluctueert al tijden een beetje van net boven de 40 tot net boven de 42.
ExtraWaskrachtzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 00:37
1s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 00:33 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Trend is echt een heel groot woord voor dergelijke fluctuaties op de korte termijn. Als ik het goed heb stond gisteren het gemiddelde nog op 41.5, nu op 40.7. de approval fluctueert al tijden een beetje van net boven de 40 tot net boven de 42.
Gister was 53.5 - 41.5. Eergister 53.6 - 41.4. De disapproval had hiervoor dus al aan kracht gewonnen. Maar dit begint wel een beetje geneuzel te worden zo.
thesiren.nlzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 00:38
Dit is wel een momentje dat wij achter canada moeten gaan staan en maple syrup op onze pannenkoeken moeten doen. Het gat wat Amerika laat, daar moet Europa inspringen! Als wij het niet doen als Europa dan doet de UK het zeker.
westwoodblvdzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 00:46
Als de approval al praktisch een half jaar statisch is ga je al snel spijkers op laag water zoeken. Dit is ook allemaal gebaseerd op n poll van de WaPo. Tegelijkertijd begint iedere trend met een outlier zoals Nate Silver ook altijd zegt.

Wat zou de reden zijn voor dalende approval? Trump heeft wel net 2 miljoen federale ambtenaren tegen zich in het harnas gejaagd maar dat lijkt me te insignificant om een impact te hebben.
thesiren.nlzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 00:48
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 00:46 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Als de approval Al praktisch een half jaar statisch is ga je al snel spijkers op laag water zoeken. Dit is ook allemaal gebaseerd op n poll van de WaPo. Tegelijkertijd begint iedere trend met een outlier zoals Nate Silver ook altijd zegt.

Wat zou de reden zijn voor dalende approval? Trump heeft wel net 2 miljoen federale ambtenaren tegen zich in het harnas gejaagd maar dat lijkt me te insignificant om een impact te hebben
Er zouden zich ook een aantal republikeinen tegen het vlaggen gedrag kunnen hebben gekeerd, en veteranen ook misschien.
Monolithzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 00:50
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 00:37 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Gister was 53.5 - 41.5. Eergister 53.6 - 41.4. De disapproval had hiervoor dus al aan kracht gewonnen. Maar dit begint wel een beetje geneuzel te worden zo.
Peilingen hebben gewoon enkele procentpunten aan foutmarge. Heel veel betekenis lezen in dit soort fluctuaties is echt gewoon veel te voorbarig.
ExtraWaskrachtzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 01:01
1s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 00:46 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Als de approval al praktisch een half jaar statisch is ga je al snel spijkers op laag water zoeken. Dit is ook allemaal gebaseerd op n poll van de WaPo. Tegelijkertijd begint iedere trend met een outlier zoals Nate Silver ook altijd zegt.

Wat zou de reden zijn voor dalende approval? Trump heeft wel net 2 miljoen federale ambtenaren tegen zich in het harnas gejaagd maar dat lijkt me te insignificant om een impact te hebben.
Het is niet gebaseerd op 1 WaPo poll, hoewel ik wel denk dat het te vroeg is om er serieus wat van te vinden.
westwoodblvdzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 01:09
Officieel campagnemateriaal van de Republikeinse partij in Texas. Cruz heeft recent een update gehad en heeft nu geleerd dat hij ook jongelui dient aan te spreken. Vet cool, jongeren! :')

thesiren.nlzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 01:13
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 01:09 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Officieel campagnemateriaal van de Republikeinse partij in Texas. Cruz heeft recent een update gehad en heeft nu geleerd dat hij ook jongelui dient aan te spreken. Vet cool, jongeren! :')

[ afbeelding ]
MS-13 approves this message.
westwoodblvdzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 01:14
Trump denkt er in ieder geval het zijne van:

Why would the people of Texas support Ted Cruz when he has accomplished absolutely nothing for them. He is another all talk, no action pol!
Barbussezaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 01:29
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 01:09 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Officieel campagnemateriaal van de Republikeinse partij in Texas. Cruz heeft recent een update gehad en heeft nu geleerd dat hij ook jongelui dient aan te spreken. Vet cool, jongeren! :')

[ afbeelding ]
Godskolere :')

Nektattoos, Churchill en een mooie Russische ster om het af te maken...

remlofzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 01:39
9s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 01:29 schreef Barbusse het volgende:


Godskolere :')

Nektattoos, Churchill en een mooie Russische ster om het af te maken...

En de sigaret natuurlijk, want antirookbeleid is maar betutteling want van roken krijg je helemaal geen kanker.
Barbussezaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 01:44
13s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 01:39 schreef remlof het volgende:


En de sigaret natuurlijk, want antirookbeleid is maar betutteling want van roken krijg je helemaal geen kanker.
Dit kan niet anders dan door een stel 60 jarige blanke mannetjes met een huis in the Hamptons verzonnen zijn die denken de jeugd te begrijpen :')
Nibb-itzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 02:11
Dit is nep, toch?
Barbussezaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 03:21
9s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 02:11 schreef Nibb-it het volgende:
Dit is nep, toch?
Ja en nee. Het is oud en geen verkiezingsposter, maar Cruz schijnt het wel ok te vinden:

Edit: er zijn er dus meerdere :')

Kijkertjezaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 04:43
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 augustus 2018 22:25 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:
Dit is de notificatie aan Congress:

[ afbeelding ]

Kan dat zo, dat de president zegt: "Ja, misschien ook met Canada, maar wie weet \_(ツ)_/ "
But it is unclear whether a three-nation trade pact can be replaced under congressional rules with a two-nation agreement, and Trump needs Congress to sign off on any changes to NAFTA— a voting process that could take months or even years.

It is also unclear how the Mexican government will respond to Trump’s bid to cut Canada out
of the free-trade agreement, a quarter-century after the original NAFTA was signed. “The notification sent by the U.S. represents a step forward in the formalization of the understanding reached between Mexico and the U.S. in relation to NAFTA,” Mexican Economy Secretary Ildefonso Guajardo said in a statement. “Mexico will participate in the negotiation of trilateral issues, while continuing to promote an agreement to which Canada is a party.”

Reworking NAFTA is one of Trump’s primary economic and foreign policy goals. He has said the 1994 deal decimated much of the U.S. manufacturing industry, causing companies across the Midwest to close factories and move jobs to Mexico.

Trump reached an agreement with Mexican leaders on Monday on a smaller trade deal that he said could replace NAFTA, but a number of GOP lawmakers have made clear they will support changes only if Canada is involved.


[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door Kijkertje op 01-09-2018 05:02:59 ]
Ulxzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 08:21
Still can’t believe that Bloomberg violated a firm OFF THE RECORD statement. Will they put out an apology?
Oh, het was gewoon een onderdeel van zijn War on Free Press. Hij zal het zelf wel gelekt hebben zodat hij weer kan jammeren.
Ulxzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 08:50

Een overzicht van van alles van Trump's Summer of Hell. Van zijn top met Kim en knieval voor Poetin tot nu...
#ANONIEMzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 09:13
1s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 03:21 schreef Barbusse het volgende:


Ja en nee. Het is oud en geen verkiezingsposter, maar Cruz schijnt het wel ok te vinden:

Edit: er zijn er dus meerdere :')

[ afbeelding ]

Ik kan er wel om lachen. Je kunt ook alles t serieus nemen.
crystal_methzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 09:46
The Trump administration is withholding more than 100,000 pages of Brett Kavanaugh’s records from the Bush White House on the basis of presidential privilege ahead of the Supreme Court nominee’s confirmation hearing.

The Senate Judiciary Committee was notified of the action Friday. George W. Bush’s attorney Bill Burck told the panel it had essentially completed its work compiling documents, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press. Bush directed them to err “on the side of transparency and disclosure, and we believe we have done so.”

But the current administration is also able to review the records, and the Trump White House “has directed that we not provide these documents,” the letter says.

In all, 267,000 pages of Kavanaugh documents from his Bush years are being made public.
#ANONIEMzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 12:30
Goed idee, beetje laat
Nintexzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 12:31
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 08:50 schreef Ulx het volgende:

Een overzicht van van alles van Trump's Summer of Hell. Van zijn top met Kim en knieval voor Poetin tot nu...
Waarom plaatsen we nog berichten van CNN eigenlijk?

CNN heeft minder kijkers dan History Channel en Garden TV.
zalkczaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 12:44
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 12:31 schreef Nintex het volgende:


Waarom plaatsen we nog berichten van CNN eigenlijk?

CNN heeft minder kijkers dan History Channel en Garden TV.
Volgens de cijfers van juli 2018 had history er nog wel minder, weliswaar had de garden channel er wel meer.
Monolithzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 12:49
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 12:44 schreef zalkc het volgende:


Volgens de cijfers van juli 2018 had history er nog wel minder, weliswaar had de garden channel er wel meer.
Volstrekt irrelevant criterium natuurlijk. Veel kwalitatief hoogwaardige media hebben een veel kleiner bereik dan een Fox of CNN. TV is sowieso een medium voor de wat simpeleren onder ons en daar zijn er nou eenmaal heel veel van.
zalkczaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 12:55
1s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 12:49 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Volstrekt irrelevant criterium natuurlijk. Veel kwalitatief hoogwaardige media hebben een veel kleiner bereik dan een Fox of CNN. TV is sowieso een medium voor de wat simpeleren onder ons en daar zijn er nou eenmaal heel veel van.
Ik reageerde alleen op de bewering dat history channel meer kijkers zou hebben.

Het is uiteraard volstrekt irrelevant, populariteit zegt weinig over kwaliteit. Dat de TV een medium is voor de simpelen vind ik affront.
Nintexzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 12:55
Mjah, het is meer dat CNN altijd wordt aangedragen als een soort van bastion van waarheid wat het absoluut niet is. Het is puur entertainment en opinie en heeft in veel gevallen weinig met journalistiek te maken. Vermakelijk als Conway en Cuomo elkaar 30 minuten lang in de haren vliegen of Acosta hysterisch begint te gillen bij een persconferentie, maar de nieuwswaarde van het kanaal is 0.
Monolithzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 12:58
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 12:55 schreef Nintex het volgende:
Mjah, het is meer dat CNN altijd wordt aangedragen als een soort van bastion van waarheid wat het absoluut niet is. Het is puur entertainment en opinie en heeft in veel gevallen weinig met journalistiek te maken. Vermakelijk als Conway en Cuomo elkaar 30 minuten lang in de haren vliegen of Acosta hysterisch begint te gillen bij een persconferentie, maar de nieuwswaarde van het kanaal is 0.
Nee dat doet niemand, dat zit enkel in jouw hoofd. Jij leeft in een entertainmentwereldje en hebt geen interesse in serieuze politiek, vandaar dat je zo'n CNN-obsessie hebt.
De politiek genteresseerden hier lezen geschreven media als the Atlantic, Foreign Policy, the Economist, de NYT en ga zo maar door.
Ulxzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 13:21
Ik heb weinig te klagen over CNN. Meestal klopt het wat ze uitzenden, en als ze een fout maken rectificeren ze dat.

En Acosta is natuurlijk een prima journalist. Hoe hij het hele WH tot tranen toe kan trollen door wat gerichte vragen te stellen is heerlijk.
ExtraWaskrachtzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 13:29
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 13:21 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Ik heb weinig te klagen over CNN. Meestal klopt het wat ze uitzenden, en als ze een fout maken rectificeren ze dat.

En Acosta is natuurlijk een prima journalist. Hoe hij het hele WH tot tranen toe kan trollen door wat gerichte vragen te stellen is heerlijk.
Die panels gevuld met schreeuwerds die doen alsof ze onafhankelijk zijn, terwijl ze dat vaak niet zijn, zijn me wel een doorn in het oog. Niet dat dat uniek is aan CNN.
Ulxzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 13:31
Och. Ik zie het verschil wel tussen nieuws en zoiets.
crystal_methzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 13:38
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 12:55 schreef Nintex het volgende:
Mjah, het is meer dat CNN altijd wordt aangedragen als een soort van bastion van waarheid wat het absoluut niet is.
Ze waren wel n van de enigen die correct berichtten over de uitbreiding van de marines in Noorwegen. Reuters en haast alle media outlets schreven dat het verzoek van Noorwegen kwam (Norway will ask the United States to more than double the number of U.S. Marines stationed in the country... The government in Oslo has grown increasingly concerned about Russia...). Enkel CNN en marinecorpstimes meldden dat de Noorse regering toestemming gaf, het verzoek kwam van het Pentagon.
Ulxzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 13:38
I love Canada, but they’ve taken advantage of our Country for many years!
Is dit Sheila Broflovski of Donald Trump?
Nintexzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 13:44
realDonaldTrump twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 13:19:04 "I think today what has happened is that news reporting has become part of the adversary system." Alan Dershowitz It has become tainted and corrupt! DJT reageer retweet
Zit Big D nu zichzelf te quoten?

ExtraWaskrachtzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 14:10
Wat is eigenlijk de deal met Dershowitz? Waarom is hij de afgelopen jaren zich steeds meer op gaan stellen als propagandist?
Ulxzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 14:10
It's so heartwarming that you've forgiven Lyin' Ted, despite his unattractive wife and his father being involved in JFK's assassination.

En dat mag men inderdaad ook wel eens zeggen!
thesiren.nlzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 14:31

So you need paid actors to fill your events.


Dit is uit de commentaren op de cruz rally.
Wombcatzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 15:33
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 14:31 schreef het volgende:
[ afbeelding ]

So you need paid actors to fill your events.


Dit is uit de commentaren op de cruz rally.
Dit is best wel triest idd. :')
Kijkertjezaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 16:01
SethAbramson twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 06:05:58 (THREAD) BREAKING: Trump national security adviser George Papadopoulos' sentencing memo has been released, and it has some startling elements in it. I go through all of them in this thread. I hope you'll read on and share. reageer retweet
Papadopoulos defense sentencing memo

kylegriffin1 twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 13:30:00 ICYMI: New Papadopoulos sentencing memo says when he suggested setting up a Trump-Putin meeting, Trump "nodded with approval," Sessions said "the campaign should look into it."It says he told the Greek Foreign Minister the Russians had "dirt" on Clinton. reageer retweet
Kijkertjezaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 16:05
Trump administration withholds 100K Kavanaugh pages

The Trump administration is withholding more than 100,000 pages of Brett Kavanaugh’s records from the Bush White House on the basis of presidential privilege ahead of the Supreme Court nominee’s confirmation hearing.

The Senate Judiciary Committee was notified of the action Friday. George W. Bush’s attorney Bill Burck told the panel it had essentially completed its work compiling documents, according to a letter obtained by The Associated Press. Bush directed them to err “on the side of transparency and disclosure, and we believe we have done so.”

But the current administration is also able to review the records, and the Trump White House “has directed that we not provide these documents,” the letter says.

In all, 267,000 pages of Kavanaugh documents from his Bush years are being made public.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer called it “a Friday night document massacre.”

Schumer said the decision to withhold the documents “has all the makings of a cover-up. ... What are they trying so desperately to hide?”
Kijkertjezaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 16:12
Live stream John McCain’s Memorial Service

#ANONIEMzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 16:26
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 13:29 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Die panels gevuld met schreeuwerds die doen alsof ze onafhankelijk zijn, terwijl ze dat vaak niet zijn, zijn me wel een doorn in het oog. Niet dat dat uniek is aan CNN.
Dat krijg je op CNN Europe/World ook amper te zien, dat is eigenlijk een typisch Amerikaans dingetje (al kunnen ze het in India ook goed in de overtreffende trap)
Ulxzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 16:43
Meghan McCain: "We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness. The real thing. Not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege." (via ABC)

Puddingtonzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:03
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 16:43 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Meghan McCain: "We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness. The real thing. Not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege." (via ABC)

McCain was verder ook gewoon een slappe zak die met alle politiek van Trump instemde. Politieke gigant ten spijt, 'greatness' is schromelijk overtrokken.
Ulxzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:04
Duh. Hij was een republikein.
Ulxzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:05
En er is amper wat geweest waarover men moest stemmen.
remlofzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:06
Omg, Kissinger aan het woord op McCain’s uitvaart. Die man overleeft ze allemaal.
la_perle_rougezaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:12
1s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 17:03 schreef Puddington het volgende:


McCain was verder ook gewoon een slappe zak die met alle politiek van Trump instemde. Politieke gigant ten spijt, 'greatness' is schromelijk overtrokken.
5 jaar in een gevangenis, maanden zonder zon of maan te zien, gemarteld worden, en niet bevrijd willen zijn zolang je maten nog vastzitten, hoewel ze jou als zoon van een admiraal dat op een gegeven moment aanbieden... Wikipedia: Toen de Noord-Vietnamezen te weten kwamen dat hij de zoon van admiraal McCain was, wilden zij hem vrijlaten. De jonge McCain bedankte hiervoor, tenzij Noord-Vietnam ook de andere krijgsgevangenen, die vr hem gevangen waren genomen, zou vrijlaten.[2] Gedurende zijn gevangenschap werd hij gemarteld.

Bedenk eens wat jij 5 jaar geleden was en wat je deed, 5 jaar is heel erg lang. Dan mag je wat mij betreft van greatness spreken, al doe je je hele leven verder niets meer. Als jij dat een slappe zak vindt, vraag ik me werkelijk af hoe jij je in die situatie zou houden.

Maar hij deed nog veel meer. Hij had zich alleen niet met die idioot van een Sarah Palin moeten inlaten, maar ik heb begrepen dat hij zelf daar ook spijt van had.

Overigens: wat is Kissinger oud geworden, zonder tekst had ik hem niet herkend.
Boze_Appelzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:15
Ondertussen in de Twitterverse, ... lekker respect weer Donnie.

We make new deal or go back to pre-NAFTA!
realDonaldTrump twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 17:03:28 There is no political necessity to keep Canada in the new NAFTA deal. If we don’t make a fair deal for the U.S. after decades of abuse, Canada will be out. Congress should not interfere w/ these negotiations or I will simply terminate NAFTA entirely & we will be far better off... reageer retweet
realDonaldTrump twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 17:12:25 ....Remember, NAFTA was one of the WORST Trade Deals ever made. The U.S. lost thousands of businesses and millions of jobs. We were far better off before NAFTA - should never have been signed. Even the Vat Tax was not accounted for. We make new deal or go back to pre-NAFTA! reageer retweet
Boze_Appelzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:17
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 17:12 schreef la_perle_rouge het volgende:
Overigens: wat is Kissinger oud geworden, zonder tekst had ik hem niet herkend.
Mja, hij is 95 heh. :D
ExtraWaskrachtzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:24
Dit staat er verder nog op het programma:

• Tribute by President George W. Bush
• Tribute by President Barack H. Obama
• Anthem, “Battle Hymn of the Republic”
• The Collect for Burial by The Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, Dean of Washington National Cathedral
• Prayer for Those Who Grieve by The Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, Dean of Washington National Cathedral
• Reading, Wisdom 3:1-5, 9, by Senator Kelly Ayotte
• Anthem, “The Lord is my Shepherd,” led by the Washington National Cathedral Choir
• Reading, 2 Corinthians 5:6-8, read by Sidney McCain
• Hymn, “How Great Though Art,” sung by the congregation
• Gospel, John 15:12-13, read by Senator Lindsey Graham
• Homily by Father Edward A. Reese, S.J.
• Musical Reflection, “Danny Boy,” sung by Renee Fleming
• The Lord’s Prayer
• The Prayers
• Concluding Prayer, led by The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of Washington
• Anthem, “America the Beautiful”
• The Commendation, led by The Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, Dean of Washington National Cathedral; The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of Washington; and Father Edward A. Reese, S.J.
• The Blessing by The Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of Washington
• The Dismissal by The Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, Dean of Washington National Cathedral
• Postlude, “Final,” from Symphony I, OP.14 and Piece d’orgue, BWV 572
Kijkertjezaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:30
Obama O+
remlofzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:30
Nu Obama.
Euribobzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:30
11s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 17:06 schreef remlof het volgende:
Omg, Kissinger aan het woord op McCain’s uitvaart. Die man overleeft ze allemaal.
The good die young h.
crystal_methzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:35
15s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 17:15 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:
Ondertussen in de Twitterverse, ... lekker respect weer Donnie.


realDonaldTrump twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 17:03:28 There is no political necessity to keep Canada in the new NAFTA deal. If we don’t make a fair deal for the U.S. after decades of abuse, Canada will be out. Congress should not interfere w/ these negotiations or I will simply terminate NAFTA entirely & we will be far better off... reageer retweet
realDonaldTrump twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 17:12:25 ....Remember, NAFTA was one of the WORST Trade Deals ever made. The U.S. lost thousands of businesses and millions of jobs. We were far better off before NAFTA - should never have been signed. Even the Vat Tax was not accounted for. We make new deal or go back to pre-NAFTA! reageer retweet
Dat bullshit BTW argument heb ik al vaak zien terugkomen in comments van Trump voters, ze rekenen btw als een importtax.
En de VS heeft hogere tariffs dan Canada, weighted average tariff rates in Canada: 0.6% VS: 1.4%.
remlofzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:36
9s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 17:30 schreef Euribob het volgende:


The good die young h.
Trump zal wel 120 worden.
Boze_Appelzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:40
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 17:35 schreef crystal_meth het volgende:


Dat bullshit BTW argument heb ik al vaak zien terugkomen in comments van Trump voters, ze rekenen btw als een importtax.
En de VS heeft hogere tariffs dan Canada, weighted average tariff rates in Canada: 0.6% VS: 1.4%.
Uiteraard is het bullshit. Donnie kan wel wat economy 101 gebruiken.

Hij ziet een trade deficit ook als een letterlijke berg geld wat de VS. tegoed zou hebben. Rijke meneertje snapt er gewoon geen ene anus van.

Canada redt zich wel door andere deals te maken, de VS. zal zich hiermee simpelweg flink in de vingers snijden, voorlopig onrepareerbaar. Mits, natuurlijk, hij doorzet. Met zijn ego moet hij nu wel.
remlofzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 17:42
Misschien moeten we Canada maar het EU-lidmaatschap aanbieden.
Montovzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 18:53
Ik pleit voor een wereldwijd handelsakkoord, waarin de VS wordt geboycot, met als naam:
Trade Relations Unifying Markets & People.
zalkczaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 18:54
6s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 17:42 schreef remlof het volgende:
Misschien moeten we Canada maar het EU-lidmaatschap aanbieden.
Misschien beter om het als bufferstaat te houden met een vijandige kernmacht als buur ;)
Eficazzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 18:59
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 14:31 schreef het volgende:
[ afbeelding ]

So you need paid actors to fill your events.


Dit is uit de commentaren op de cruz rally.
Schokkend :N

Dit ook :'( :
zalkczaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 19:02
Ik weiger per definitie om youtube filmpjes te kijken zolang het geen bronbestand is.
crystal_methzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 19:03
7s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 17:40 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:


Uiteraard is het bullshit. Donnie kan wel wat economy 101 gebruiken.

Hij ziet een trade deficit ook als een letterlijke berg geld wat de VS. tegoed zou hebben. Rijke meneertje snapt er gewoon geen ene anus van.

Canada redt zich wel door andere deals te maken, de VS. zal zich hiermee simpelweg flink in de vingers snijden, voorlopig onrepareerbaar. Mits, natuurlijk, hij doorzet. Met zijn ego moet hij nu wel.
Ik denk dat veel ervan puur voor z'n achterban bedoeld is. Zolang die het geloven steunen ze hem. Je zag het ook aan z'n reactie op het EU voorstel om tarieven op auto's te schrappen, dan komt hij met een excuus om het af te wijzen.

Canada heeft weinig opties, vergelijkbaar met de UK tov de EU. Brexiteers zeggen ook dat ze deals met andere landen kunnen maken, maar dat kost tijd, en het vervoer alleen al is een heel verschil, containerschip ipv truck, weken ipv dagen.
Nintexzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 20:53
rolandscahill twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 16:58:19 George W. Bush sneaking a piece of candy to Michelle Obama is warming my heart . reageer retweet
FoxNews twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 18:20:19 George W. Bush: "Perhaps above all, John detested the abuse of power and could not abide bigots and swaggering despots." #McCainMemorial reageer retweet
George stal de show vandaag :7
Boze_Appelzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 21:01
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 20:53 schreef Nintex het volgende:
rolandscahill twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 16:58:19 George W. Bush sneaking a piece of candy to Michelle Obama is warming my heart . reageer retweet
FoxNews twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 18:20:19 George W. Bush: "Perhaps above all, John detested the abuse of power and could not abide bigots and swaggering despots." #McCainMemorial reageer retweet
George stal de show vandaag :7
overdrijven ben je goed in. Het blijft wel een boefje en de bush-barack relatie is prima. Kan jouw mongooltje met de kleine handjes nog heel veel van leren.
Ulxzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 21:23
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 20:53 schreef Nintex het volgende:
rolandscahill twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 16:58:19 George W. Bush sneaking a piece of candy to Michelle Obama is warming my heart . reageer retweet
FoxNews twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 18:20:19 George W. Bush: "Perhaps above all, John detested the abuse of power and could not abide bigots and swaggering despots." #McCainMemorial reageer retweet
George stal de show vandaag :7
Nee, dat deed Meghan.
Peligrossozaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 21:59
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 20:53 schreef Nintex het volgende:
rolandscahill twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 16:58:19 George W. Bush sneaking a piece of candy to Michelle Obama is warming my heart . reageer retweet
FoxNews twitterde op zaterdag 01-09-2018 om 18:20:19 George W. Bush: "Perhaps above all, John detested the abuse of power and could not abide bigots and swaggering despots." #McCainMemorial reageer retweet
George stal de show vandaag :7
Ja het zijn vreemde tijden. Gasten als McCain en Bush lijken ineens heel chill naast die oranje malloot.
DuizendGezichtenzaterdag 1 september 2018 @ 22:15
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 21:59 schreef Peligrosso het volgende:


Ja het zijn vreemde tijden. Gasten als McCain en Bush lijken ineens heel chill naast die oranje malloot.
Ik mis Bush bijna.

Obama zowiezo.
Nintexzondag 2 september 2018 @ 01:21
davidsirota twitterde op zondag 02-09-2018 om 00:55:51 The craziest thing about the Trump Era is that the bipartisan political class seems to be pining for America to return to the years of the financial crisis and the Iraq War and then supposedly everything would then be fine and back to normal. reageer retweet
Gek genoeg waar
Boze_Appelzondag 2 september 2018 @ 01:31
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 01:21 schreef Nintex het volgende:
davidsirota twitterde op zondag 02-09-2018 om 00:55:51 The craziest thing about the Trump Era is that the bipartisan political class seems to be pining for America to return to the years of the financial crisis and the Iraq War and then supposedly everything would then be fine and back to normal. reageer retweet
Gek genoeg waar
Neuh, niet echt.
ExtraWaskrachtzondag 2 september 2018 @ 01:37
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 01:21 schreef Nintex het volgende:
davidsirota twitterde op zondag 02-09-2018 om 00:55:51 The craziest thing about the Trump Era is that the bipartisan political class seems to be pining for America to return to the years of the financial crisis and the Iraq War and then supposedly everything would then be fine and back to normal. reageer retweet
Gek genoeg waar
Deze meneer suggereert dat men terug zou willen naar W. Bush. Volgens mij zou men liever de president ervoor of erna hebben, of in meerderheid zelfs de kandidaat die het tegen Trump op nam. :')
Ringozondag 2 september 2018 @ 05:46
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 01:37 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:
Deze meneer suggereert dat men terug zou willen naar W. Bush. Volgens mij zou men liever de president ervoor of erna hebben, of in meerderheid zelfs de kandidaat die het tegen Trump op nam. :')
Men mijmert in elk geval vol melancholie en nostalgie over die “goeie ouwe tijd” vrdat de kanker van Trump toesloeg, toen presidenten nog presidentieel waren; eerlijk, rechtschapen, edel van inborst. Die Vergangenheitssehnsucht is wel gevaarlijk, ze werkt verlammend en beperkt het zicht op een werkelijk politiek alternatief.

[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door Ringo op 02-09-2018 06:17:57 ]
westwoodblvdzondag 2 september 2018 @ 09:24
Natuurlijk heeft Bush een eerzamer voorkomen en meer respect voor het instituut van het presidentsschap. Maar laten we niet vergeten dat het mede dankzij zijn keuzes (en die van McCain) is dat we nu met Trump zitten opgescheept. In die zin voelt een begrafenis vol kritiek op Trump wat hypocriet en kortzichtig. "Laat het maar weer gewoon aan ons over, dan wordt alles weer goed en normaal." Zo gaat het natuurlijk niet werken.
Barlexuszondag 2 september 2018 @ 09:26
Trump heeft geen zin in om 8 jaar in het witte huis te zitten. Hij had er eigenlijk vanaf het begin al geen zin in om president te worden.

Hij doet er dus van alles aan om niet herkozen te worden.
vipergtszondag 2 september 2018 @ 09:29
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 09:24 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Natuurlijk heeft Bush een eerzamer voorkomen en meer respect voor het instituut van het presidentsschap. Maar laten we niet vergeten dat het mede dankzij zijn keuzes (en die van McCain) is dat we nu met Trump zitten opgescheept. In die zin voelt een begrafenis vol kritiek op Trump wat hypocriet en kortzichtig. "Laat het maar weer gewoon aan ons over, dan wordt alles weer goed en normaal." Zo gaat het natuurlijk niet werken.
Wat een flauwekul dan kun je ook net zo goed Obama de schuld geven of de republikeinse en democratische partij vanwege het feit dat ze zulke slechte kandidaten leverde.
vipergtszondag 2 september 2018 @ 09:34
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 09:26 schreef Barlexus het volgende:
Trump heeft geen zin in om 8 jaar in het witte huis te zitten. Hij had er eigenlijk vanaf het begin al geen zin in om president te worden.

Hij doet er dus van alles aan om niet herkozen te worden.
Ik denk niet dat het hem lukt zijn fans zijn trouw
westwoodblvdzondag 2 september 2018 @ 09:54
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 09:29 schreef vipergts het volgende:


Wat een flauwekul dan kun je ook net zo goed Obama de schuld geven of de republikeinse en democratische partij vanwege het feit dat ze zulke slechte kandidaten leverde.
Bush creerde met zijn financieel-economische beleid de crisis van 2008 waar veel in de arbeidersklasse nooit meer echt van terug zijn gekomen. McCain introduceerde met Paling het figuur van anti-establishment maniak in de Amerikaanse politiek. Beiden maakten gretig gebruik van subtiel racistische ondertonen om de blanke man naar de stembus te krijgen. Wees nou niet zo naef om te denken dat Trump zomaar uit het niets is ontstaan. Afgezien van het sausje van totale krankzinnigheid dat er overheen ligt is Trump bovendien een vrij standaard GOP president.
Zwoerdzondag 2 september 2018 @ 09:55
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 09:26 schreef Barlexus het volgende:
Trump heeft geen zin in om 8 jaar in het witte huis te zitten. Hij had er eigenlijk vanaf het begin al geen zin in om president te worden.

Hij doet er dus van alles aan om niet herkozen te worden.
Dat denk ik niet. Het presidentschap is het enige wat hem nu nog beschermt tegen de wet.
Boze_Appelzondag 2 september 2018 @ 09:57
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 09:54 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:


Bush creerde met zijn financieel-economische beleid de crisis van 2008 waar veel in de arbeidersklasse nooit meer echt van terug zijn gekomen. McCain introduceerde met Paling het figuur van anti-establishment maniak in de Amerikaanse politiek. Beiden maakten gretig gebruik van subtiel racistische ondertonen om de blanke man naar de stembus te krijgen. Wees nou niet zo naef om te denken dat Trump zomaar uit het niets is ontstaan. Afgezien van het sausje van totale krankzinnigheid dat er overheen ligt is Trump bovendien een vrij standaard GOP president.
Huh? Dat geeft echt teveel eer aan Bush Jr. Het fucked up beleid wat naar 2008 toe heeft geleidt is niet zijn doen. Hij heeft niet geholpen om het op te lossen, maar dat allemaal, een volledige wereldcrisis bij hem neerleggen is echt echt echt teveel eer.
westwoodblvdzondag 2 september 2018 @ 10:04
15s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 09:57 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:


Huh? Dat geeft echt teveel eer aan Bush Jr. Het fucked up beleid wat naar 2008 toe heeft geleidt is niet zijn doen. Hij heeft niet geholpen om het op te lossen, maar dat allemaal, een volledige wereldcrisis bij hem neerleggen is echt echt echt teveel eer.
Weliswaar ingezet door Clinton maar 8 jaar deregulering en goedkope leningen verstrekken is een direct gevolg van zijn keuzes en zijn de twee belangrijkste oorzaken van de financile crisis. Vergeet niet dat het een sneeuwbaleffect had.
Boze_Appelzondag 2 september 2018 @ 10:20
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 10:04 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:


Weliswaar ingezet door Clinton maar 8 jaar deregulering en goedkope leningen verstrekken is een direct gevolg van zijn keuzes en zijn de twee belangrijkste oorzaken van de financile crisis. Vergeet niet dat het een sneeuwbaleffect had.
Ingezet door Bush sr., maar sneeuwbal zeker. Bill had er weinig mee te maken en probeerde het recht te zetten. Met rep-huizen toen, weinig effectief.
la_perle_rougezondag 2 september 2018 @ 12:09
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 09:55 schreef Zwoerd het volgende:


Dat denk ik niet. Het presidentschap is het enige wat hem nu nog beschermt tegen de wet.
Dat denk ik ook, Trump gaat kiezen voor de vlucht naar voren, dat ligt (ook historisch gezien) meer in zijn aard.
Eyjafjallajoekullzondag 2 september 2018 @ 12:20
En hoezeer ik nog eens 4 jaar Trump echt niet zie zitten acht in de kans nog steeds vrij hoog dat hij weer wint. Met name omdat de democraten gewoon niemand hebben nu die de aandacht pakt.
Barbussezondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:08
0s.gif Op zaterdag 1 september 2018 01:14 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Trump denkt er in ieder geval het zijne van:


Even hierop terugkomende. Meanwhile, somewhere in Texas:


Fir3flyzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:10
10s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:08 schreef Barbusse het volgende:


Even hierop terugkomende. Meanwhile, somewhere in Texas:

[ afbeelding ]

Ik snap em niet.
Monolithzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:13
2s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 12:20 schreef Eyjafjallajoekull het volgende:
En hoezeer ik nog eens 4 jaar Trump echt niet zie zitten acht in de kans nog steeds vrij hoog dat hij weer wint. Met name omdat de democraten gewoon niemand hebben nu die de aandacht pakt.
Ik zie niet in waarom dat zo relevant is meer dan 2 jaar voor de volgende presidentsverkiezingen. Wie zag Obama hier in 2006 al als de nieuwe president van de VS (afgezien van Maartena, maar die post hier volgens mij niet meer :P )? En wat heeft een 'kroonprinses' als Hillary als resultaat gehad? Een verloren primary en een verloren GE. Waar zijn Jeb Bush en Scott Walker? Wie weet er vandaag de dag nog wie Brinkman en Linschoten zijn?

Het hele idee dat je meer dan twee jaar al een gedoodverfde favoriet zou moeten hebben om te winnen strookt mijns inziens niet helemaal met de politieke geschiedenis.
Monolithzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:14
5s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:10 schreef Fir3fly het volgende:


Ik snap em niet.
Trump doet nu net of Ted Cruz z'n grote vriend is die fantastisch werk levert. Nu wordt er door tegenstanders van Cruz campagne gevoerd met Tweets van Trump uit 2016, toen hij wat minder positief was over Trump.
Boze_Appelzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:15
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:14 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Trump doet nu net of Ted Cruz z'n grote vriend is die fantastisch werk levert. Nu wordt er door tegenstanders van Cruz campagne gevoerd met Tweets van Trump uit 2016, toen hij wat minder positief was over Trump.
Minder positief? Hij zat hem ronduit de grond in te boren!
Fir3flyzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:16
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:14 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Trump doet nu net of Ted Cruz z'n grote vriend is die fantastisch werk levert. Nu wordt er door tegenstanders van Cruz campagne gevoerd met Tweets van Trump uit 2016, toen hij wat minder positief was over Trump.
Ah hebbes. Ik zag de datum op die tweet niet.
Monolithzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:17
10s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:15 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:


Minder positief? Hij zat hem ronduit de grond in te boren!
Dat was natuurlijk een understatement. :P
Barbussezondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:19
10s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:15 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:


Minder positief? Hij zat hem ronduit de grond in te boren!
Genoeg twietjes van Trump over 'lying Ted' om langs iedere snelweg in Texas billboards te plaatsen :P
Boze_Appelzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:19
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:17 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Dat was natuurlijk een understatement. :P
Des te bizarder hoe hij Cruz nu de hemel inprijst en nog bizarder dat Cruz dat gewoon pikt.
Falcozondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:22
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:19 schreef Barbusse het volgende:


Genoeg twietjes van Trump over 'lying Ted' om langs iedere snelweg in Texas billboards te plaatsen :P
Dit was echt een geweldige foto van Cruz die per telefoon campagne voerde voor Trump


""Hi, this is Ted Cruz ... Yes, Senator Ted Cruz ... ... Yes, he called me Lyin' Ted ... No, my father didn't murder JFK ..."
westwoodblvdzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:23
7s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:19 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:


Des te bizarder hoe hij Cruz nu de hemel inprijst en nog bizarder dat Cruz dat gewoon pikt.
Het is eigenlijk nog bizarder dat Trump eerst Cruz's familie belachelijk heeft gemaakt ("je vrouw is lelijk", "je vader is een moordenaar") en Cruz voor de political expediency daarop zonder bezwaar een loopjongen van Trump is geworden. En jezelf dan nog "tough" noemen :')
Barbussezondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:25
2s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:22 schreef Falco het volgende:


Dit was echt een geweldige foto van Cruz die per telefoon campagne voerde voor Trump

[ afbeelding ]

""Hi, this is Ted Cruz ... Yes, Senator Ted Cruz ... ... Yes, he called me Lyin' Ted ... No, my father didn't murder JFK ..."
Dit was toch wel de zoveelste bevestiging dat Cruz een ruggegraatloze hoer is.
Monolithzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:29
7s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:19 schreef Boze_Appel het volgende:


Des te bizarder hoe hij Cruz nu de hemel inprijst en nog bizarder dat Cruz dat gewoon pikt.
Mwoah, Trump bedrijft in alles Alzheimerpolitiek. De ene week loopt hij iemand via Twitter af te zeiken, of dat nou een eigen kabinetslid of een buitenlands staatshoofd is, en vervolgens is hij face-to-face weer poeslief.
Cruz kan verder ook weinig. Het lijkt onverwacht toch een stuk spannender te gaan worden dan hij misschien een tijd terug had gedacht en voor de eigen achterban is steun van Trump relevant.
Het verbaast me in bredere zin wel hoe ruggegraatloos de GOP is, maar in dit geval heeft Cruz gewoon weinig keus.
vipergtszondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:32
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 09:54 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:


Bush creerde met zijn financieel-economische beleid de crisis van 2008 waar veel in de arbeidersklasse nooit meer echt van terug zijn gekomen. McCain introduceerde met Paling het figuur van anti-establishment maniak in de Amerikaanse politiek. Beiden maakten gretig gebruik van subtiel racistische ondertonen om de blanke man naar de stembus te krijgen. Wees nou niet zo naef om te denken dat Trump zomaar uit het niets is ontstaan. Afgezien van het sausje van totale krankzinnigheid dat er overheen ligt is Trump bovendien een vrij standaard GOP president.
Ik zeg niet dat Trump uit het niets is onstaan maar dat er veel meer aan vooraf is gegaan als alleen Bush McCain. Dat hele land is de afgelopen 50 jaar alleen maar bezig geweest om zichzelf de afgrond in te werken. Trump en goedkoop schreeuwrig niets is het laatste hoofdstuk.
Barbussezondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:39
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:29 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Mwoah, Trump bedrijft in alles Alzheimerpolitiek. De ene week loopt hij iemand via Twitter af te zeiken, of dat nou een eigen kabinetslid of een buitenlands staatshoofd is, en vervolgens is hij face-to-face weer poeslief.
Cruz kan verder ook weinig. Het lijkt onverwacht toch een stuk spannender te gaan worden dan hij misschien een tijd terug had gedacht en voor de eigen achterban is steun van Trump relevant.
Het verbaast me in bredere zin wel hoe ruggegraatloos de GOP is, maar in dit geval heeft Cruz gewoon weinig keus.
Dat zelfs Texas opeens een spannende race tegemoet gaat geeft wel aan dat de GOP toch maar eens na moet gaan denken waarvoor men wil staan. Maar ik zie weinig tot geen introspectie.
Monolithzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:42
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:32 schreef vipergts het volgende:


Ik zeg niet dat Trump uit het niets is onstaan maar dat er veel meer aan vooraf is gegaan als alleen Bush McCain. Dat hele land is de afgelopen 50 jaar alleen maar bezig geweest om zichzelf de afgrond in te werken. Trump en goedkoop schreeuwrig niets is het laatste hoofdstuk.
Feitelijk is bij Reagan het echte hakken in de overheid en regelgeving begonnen, dat zie je bijvoorbeeld ook aan de hoogste belastingsschijf:


Nou is het reduceren van wet- en regelgeving of het verlagen van belastingen niet per definitie een slecht idee, maar op een aantal vlakken is het wel wat doorgeschoten. Clinton met een Republikeins congres en vervolgens Bush gingen er redelijk mee door. Onder Obama is dat weer wat omgedraaid, met name toen er ook Democratische meerderheden in het congres waren.
Onder Trump en een Republikeins congres zien we echter weer een terugkeer naar Bush en sterk er nog, men doet er ook nog wel een schepje bovenop.
Monolithzondag 2 september 2018 @ 13:49
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:39 schreef Barbusse het volgende:


Dat zelfs Texas opeens een spannende race tegemoet gaat geeft wel aan dat de GOP toch maar eens na moet gaan denken waarvoor men wil staan. Maar ik zie weinig tot geen introspectie.
Zo dieprood is Texas ook weer niet. In de Cook Partisan Voting Index staan ze bijvoorbeeld pas op de 20e plek van de meest Republikeinse staten met een score +8. Er zijn zelfs in Texas een aantal 'liberal hellholes' zoals Austin en je hebt er een groeiend aantal Hispanics.
Barbussezondag 2 september 2018 @ 14:21
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:49 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Zo dieprood is Texas ook weer niet. In de Cook Partisan Voting Index staan ze bijvoorbeeld pas op de 20e plek van de meest Republikeinse staten met een score +8. Er zijn zelfs in Texas een aantal 'liberal hellholes' zoals Austin en je hebt er een groeiend aantal Hispanics.
Ow. De demografische verandering was me bekend. Niet dat Texas zo laag scoorde qua republikeins zijn in het algemeen :@ Thanks :)
Monolithzondag 2 september 2018 @ 14:29
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 14:21 schreef Barbusse het volgende:


Ow. De demografische verandering was me bekend. Niet dat Texas zo laag scoorde qua republikeins zijn in het algemeen :@ Thanks :)
De elasticiteit is er volgens mij wel vrij laag, waardoor het een heel rode staat lijkt. Ondanks de relatief kleine Republikeinse marge winnen de Democraten vrijwel nooit staatsbrede verkiezingen. De laatst verkozen Democratische senator uit Texas is alweer uit begin jaren negentig en Carter was de laatste Democratische president die er won.
Democraten hopen natuurlijk al jaren dat de demografische ontwikkelingen ze kans geven in de presidentsverkiezingen, want het is een hele grote vis met 36 kiesmannen. Zonder Texas worden de presidentsverkiezingen wel heel lastig voor de Republikeinen.
Joost-mag-het-wetenzondag 2 september 2018 @ 14:30
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 14:21 schreef Barbusse het volgende:


Ow. De demografische verandering was me bekend. Niet dat Texas zo laag scoorde qua republikeins zijn in het algemeen :@ Thanks :)
In de jaren 80 en 90 had Texas zelfs nog gewoon vaak afwisselend een democratische of republikeinse goeverneur. Voor 1980 zelfs uitsluitend democraten.
Boze_Appelzondag 2 september 2018 @ 14:37
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 14:30 schreef Joost-mag-het-weten het volgende:


In de jaren 80 en 90 had Texas zelfs nog gewoon vaak afwisselend een democratische of republikeinse goeverneur. Voor 1980 zelfs uitsluitend democraten.
Niet zo heel erg spannend aangezien 'democratisch' en 'republikeins' in die tijd wat anders betekende. De laatste drie waren Bush, Perry en Abbott ...
Monolithzondag 2 september 2018 @ 14:39
Gouverneursverkiezingen volgen ook lang niet altijd de nationale trends. Democraten in rode staten of Republikeinen in blauwe staten zijn vaak een stuk gematigder dan hun presidentskandidaat.
westwoodblvdzondag 2 september 2018 @ 14:46
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 13:49 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Zo dieprood is Texas ook weer niet. In de Cook Partisan Voting Index staan ze bijvoorbeeld pas op de 20e plek van de meest Republikeinse staten met een score +8. Er zijn zelfs in Texas een aantal 'liberal hellholes' zoals Austin en je hebt er een groeiend aantal Hispanics.
Onderstaande plaatje zegt veel over het demografische proces dat zich momenteel in Texas (en in veel andere staten) voltrekt:


De donkerste kleur zijn blanken. Wat je ziet is dat die groep in de categorie 50+ in de meerderheid is. Hoe jonger de bevolking, hoe diverser. Zoals bekend zijn ouderen als stemmers een stuk betrouwbaarder en stemmen ook vaker conservatief. Hoe meer die piramide omhoogschuift, hoe liberaler Texas wordt. Dat is al jaren een onderwerp van discussie, de vraag is alleen wanneer het kantelpunt komt. Dit jaar misschien? Zou kunnen, niet te voorspellen nu. Maar dat het ooit gaat kantelen is een ding wat eigenlijk wel zeker is.
westwoodblvdzondag 2 september 2018 @ 14:48
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 14:39 schreef Monolith het volgende:
Gouverneursverkiezingen volgen ook lang niet altijd de nationale trends. Democraten in rode staten of Republikeinen in blauwe staten zijn vaak een stuk gematigder dan hun presidentskandidaat.
Case in point: Republikeinse incumbents/kandidaten voor Gouverneur ik Oklahoma en Kansas zijn momenteel kwetsbaarder dan in Maryland of Massachusetts. Gouverneursverkiezingen zijn eigenlijk het laatste soort verkiezing waarbij nog niet alles in het beton van rode en blauwe staten gegoten is.
Eficazzondag 2 september 2018 @ 15:37
2s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 12:20 schreef Eyjafjallajoekull het volgende:
En hoezeer ik nog eens 4 jaar Trump echt niet zie zitten acht in de kans nog steeds vrij hoog dat hij weer wint. Met name omdat de democraten gewoon niemand hebben nu die de aandacht pakt.
Kans is zeker denk ik. Het recht zegeviert! Hier een simply amazing Speech to Supporters in North Carolina, 31 augustus!
Ulxzondag 2 september 2018 @ 15:56
Ach, Trump dreigt nu maar om NAFTA op te blazen. Niet dat hij dat kan, maar goed.

Wat een stumper.
Ulxzondag 2 september 2018 @ 18:32

Een reconstructie van die keer dat Al Gore bruikbare dingen kreeg over de campagne van Bush.

En het niet accepteerde.
westwoodblvdzondag 2 september 2018 @ 20:58
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 18:32 schreef Ulx het volgende:

Een reconstructie van die keer dat Al Gore bruikbare dingen kreeg over de campagne van Bush.

En het niet accepteerde.
Zo zie je maar weer dat het je zelden wat oplevert om roomser dan de Paus te zijn in de politiek.
Ulxzondag 2 september 2018 @ 21:19
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 20:58 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:


Zo zie je maar weer dat het je zelden wat oplevert om roomser dan de Paus te zijn in de politiek.
Hoezo? Het kwam toch uit dat Jr. het wel accepteerde? Trump is nu politiek dood. Hij krijgt weinig gedaan - behalve dan de rechters benoemen.

En verder: 537 stemmen verschil in Florida. Had het verschil gemaakt als Gore wel gebruik gemaakt had van die info?
westwoodblvdzondag 2 september 2018 @ 21:28
1s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 21:19 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Hoezo? Het kwam toch uit dat Jr. het wel accepteerde? Trump is nu politiek dood. Hij krijgt weinig gedaan - behalve dan de rechters benoemen.

En verder: 537 stemmen verschil in Florida. Had het verschil gemaakt als Gore wel gebruik gemaakt had van die info?
Trump politiek doodverklaren lijkt me toch wel wat voorbarig..
Ulxzondag 2 september 2018 @ 22:10
Hij leeft, maar bereikt niks.

Hij weet geen deals te sluiten.
Kijkertjezondag 2 september 2018 @ 22:47
Trump is failing to bring back American jobs

Ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, President Donald Trump is campaigning in battleground states with a new slogan: “Promises Made, Promises Kept.”

But Trump’s message isn’t ringing true with working-class voters like Renee Elliott, a Democrat who cast her ballot for Trump in 2016. Elliott - who lost her job at the Carrier plant in Indianapolis after Trump promised to save it from being outsourced Mexico - thinks Trump’s slogan should be the opposite - “Promises made, none of them kept.”

Trump won the White House by selling himself to voters like Elliott and vowing to deliver “more jobs and better wages” by bringing jobs back to the U.S. Trump’s pro-worker message helped him score upset victories in Democratic strongholds that have been hard-hit by outsourcing and the disappearance of good union jobs.

Despite boasting that he would punish corporate offshorers, a new research report from Good Jobs Nation - Broken Promises #2 - shows that President Trump is actually using the executive power of the presidency to incentivize corporations to ship good jobs overseas in record numbers.

Our study reveals that the Trump administration has awarded more than $50 billion in new federal contracts to companies that continue to shutter U.S. factories as they seek cheaper labor abroad.

As a result, top federal contractors - Carrier’s parent company United Technologies, General Motors, Honeywell and Siemens - are now offshoring jobs at the fastest rate since the Great Recession. In fact, annual offshoring by taxpayer-funded corporations under Trump is on track to be three times greater than under the Obama and Bush administrations.

Overall, more than 133,000 Americans have received pink slips since Trump took office.

President Trump has the power to stop giving taxpayer dollars to companies that outsource jobs. However, even though he’s signed more than 100 executive orders and memoranda, he has yet to sign a single one that delivers on his promise to “create more jobs” by stopping offshoring.

For working-class voters who supported Trump, his inaction is political hypocrisy.

According to a Pew Research Panel survey of validated voters taken three times in 2016 and again in 2018, 62 percent of Trump voters still felt very warm views toward him. At the same time, there are a significant number of voters who hold a negative view of the president, and that number has grown since his election.

Take Randall Troyer of Elkhart, Indiana, who voted for Trump because he said he would keep companies like his employer, CTS Corp, from sending his job to overseas. Unfortunately, in a few weeks, CTS will be closing down its Elkhart plant and sending Troyer’s job, along with others, to Mexico. And President Trump has done nothing, even though CTS was just awarded a federal contract.

“I voted for Donald Trump because he promised to save jobs. But my plant is moving to Mexico and he hasn’t stopped it,” Troyer said. “I’m 62 and worried about retirement. Who’s going to hire me at this age?”

Dave Green, in Trumbull County, Ohio feels the same way. He’s the local union president at the General Motors plant in Lordstown, Ohio, which went from 5,000 workers down to 1,500 in a series of recent layoffs. General Motors, which received $600 million in federal contracts from the Trump administration, announced the second layoff at the Lordstown plant earlier this summer -- on the same day, the company also announced plans to build the Chevy Blazer in Mexico.

“When Trump campaigned here, he told us hold on to your homes because the ‘jobs are coming back.’ But the reality is that people keep getting pink slips, and now hundreds of my members have put their homes up for sale to look for jobs elsewhere,” Green said.

Trumbull County is a “pivot county” - a place that voted for President Obama twice before turning to Trump.

Trump’s track record on offshoring is his Achilles heel. If Democrats want places like Trumbull County, and voters like Troyer and Elliott to pivot back in the upcoming midterms, they’re going to have to show working-class voters that they will use the full power of our government to ensure American corporations keep good jobs right here in America.

It’s clear that working-class voters aren’t buying Trump’s “Promises Kept” slogan. It’s up to the Democrats to declare that they stand ready to pick up where Trump has failed to deliver.

Joseph Geevarghese is an attorney and executive director of Good Jobs Nation, a worker advocacy organization that is part of the Change to Win labor coalition, which is comprised of various unions including SEIU.
Eficazzondag 2 september 2018 @ 22:59

cnn? _O- :W
Kijkertjezondag 2 september 2018 @ 23:24
Racist Robocalls Target Andrew Gillum, Democratic Nominee for Florida Governor

Racist robocalls targeting Andrew Gillum, the first black nominee for Florida governor from a major party, have been placed to residents from an out-of-state white supremacist entity.

Mr. Gillum, 39, the Tallahassee mayor and a progressive candidate who won an upset victory in the Democratic primary on Tuesday, will face Representative Ron DeSantis, 39, a Republican who embraced the style and policies of President Trump, in the November election.

In the audio of one robocall placed on Friday and obtained by The New York Times, a man pretending to be Mr. Gillum can be heard talking in the exaggerated accent of a minstrel performer. “Well hello there,” it begins, “I is Andrew Gillum.” He then talks for a little over a minute about mud huts and unfair policing practices, and asks repeatedly for the listener’s vote. In the background are the sounds of drums and monkeys.

The recording, reported on Friday by The Tallahassee Democrat, ends with a man saying that the message was paid for by the Road to Power, an Idaho-based website and podcast with white supremacist and anti-Semitic content.

It is unclear how many people received the robocalls, but Mr. Gillum’s campaign spokesman, Geoff Burgan, said that multiple people had reported them to the campaign. He called the message “reprehensible” and said it “could only have come from someone with intentions to fuel hatred and seek publicity.”

“Please don’t give it undeserved attention,” he added.

A campaign spokesman for Mr. DeSantis, Stephen Lawson, called the robocall “appalling and disgusting.”

“Hopefully, whoever is behind this has to answer for this despicable action,” he said. “Our campaign has and will continue to focus solely on the issues that Floridians care about and uniting our state as we continue to build on our success.”

On Wednesday, Mr. DeSantis was accused of using a racist dog whistle after he said that voters should not “monkey this up” by electing Mr. Gillum. Mr. Lawson said that the comment did not have racial undertones and that the Republican candidate was “obviously talking about Florida not making the wrong decision to embrace the socialist policies” of his opponent.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has noted a recent rise in robocalls across the country, calling them a “new, high-tech, computer-delivered brand of hate.”

The Anti-Defamation League calls the Road to Power a “right wing extremist website” that is behind several rounds of robocalls in recent months, including two that supported anti-Semitic congressional candidates in California and one that went out to Iowa residents after the funeral for Mollie Tibbetts, the college student killed while jogging, The Associated Press reported.
Barbussezondag 2 september 2018 @ 23:29
0s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 22:59 schreef Eficaz het volgende:

cnn? _O- :W
Nee, The Hill.

Eficazzondag 2 september 2018 @ 23:46

[ Bericht 10% gewijzigd door Eficaz op 02-09-2018 23:57:24 ]
Xa1ptzondag 2 september 2018 @ 23:57
14s.gif Op zondag 2 september 2018 15:37 schreef Eficaz het volgende:


Kans is zeker denk ik. Het recht zegeviert! Hier een simply amazing Speech to Supporters in North Carolina, 31 augustus!
Welk recht?
Nintexmaandag 3 september 2018 @ 00:54
Het verschil tussen het volk en de elite in Washington viel goed op tijdens de begrafenis van John McCain.

Bush, Cheney, Hillary, Bill Clinton. Allemaal op een voetstuk geplaatst door de media. Ze kijken met heimwee terug naar de tijd van de Irak oorlog en de crisis(?). Je kunt best tegen Trump zijn, maar om nu mensen als John McCain neer te zetten als 'helden van het volk' gaat wel erg ver.

Het werd ook wel duidelijk in de comments van de opiniestukken en journalisten op Twitter. Zowel links als rechts zat eigenlijk niet zo te wachten op een verheerlijking van John McCain als een soort van boegbeeld voor Amerika. Sterker nog, ze wilden hem niet als president.

Het gat tussen de media/washington en de rest van het land is nog steeds zo groot als in november 2016 en daarom denk ik dat Trumpers het wederom verrassend goed gaan doen met de aankomende verkiezingen en Trump gewoon herkozen gaat worden.
Kijkertjemaandag 3 september 2018 @ 03:22
"You know what they talk about? They talk about the elite," Mr. Trump said. "The elite. Do you ever see the elite? They're not the elite, you are the elite. You are the elite."

After receiving applause, Mr. Trump went on to call his supporters are "smarter" than the elite, and "make bigger incomes."

"The elite -- they're more elite than me? I am better than everything they have, including this," Mr. Trump said, pointing to his head. "And I became president and they didn't, meaning you became president. And it's driving them crazy."
Sounds like a severe case of 'elite envy' :Y

Elitenijd zeg maar :P

[ Bericht 3% gewijzigd door Kijkertje op 03-09-2018 03:36:28 ]
Kijkertjemaandag 3 september 2018 @ 03:43
kylegriffin1 twitterde op maandag 03-09-2018 om 01:30:00 A U.S. Army director recently offered a job as deputy director of the federal agency that oversees immigration applications made anti-Muslim statements and posts on Facebook in recent years, BuzzFeed found. He will now not fill that position. reageer retweet
Kijkertjemaandag 3 september 2018 @ 03:51
Trump tariffs on Canadian newsprint to be reversed

An independent trade panel on Wednesday derailed the Trump administration's push to impose tariffs on imports of newsprint from Canada, handing a significant win to U.S. newspapers, union groups and scores of lawmakers who pressed for the change.

The 5-0 decision by the U.S. International Trade Commission marks a significant win for newspapers that were reeling from increased costs of up to 30 percent for a core product. It also removes a prominent thorn in the bilateral relationship between the United States and its northern neighbor and comes as the two countries are working to resolve differences in NAFTA talks by the end of this week.

“Today is a great day for American journalism,” said David Chavern, president and CEO of the News Media Alliance, in a statement. “The ITC’s decision will help to preserve the vitality of local newspapers and prevent additional job losses in the printing and publishing sectors.”

The ITC unanimously decided that imports of Canadian newsprint do not materially injure or threaten to injure U.S. industry. That vote will reverse the Commerce Department's move earlier this year to impose tariffs on imports of what's known as uncoated groundwood paper.

A petition by a Washington state-based paper company filed last year claimed that Canadian newsprint was being subsidized and sold in the U.S. at unfairly low prices. The North Pacific Paper Company, also known as NORPAC, is one of five remaining paper mills in the U.S. but was the sole petitioner in the case. It is owned by private equity firm One Rock Capital Partners, based in New York.

Government records show that a team from the private equity firm pressed the Commerce Department on the issue, including in a meeting with Secretary Wilbur Ross, according to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal. The paper credited a former paper industry executive with close ties to Washington and Wall Street with initially getting the tariffs in place.

After an investigation — and despite significant pushback from industry and union representatives as well as dozens of members of Congress — the Commerce Department in January moved to impose anti-dumping and countervailing duties on imports of newsprint ranging from 4.5 percent to 22 percent. The agency recently lowered those levels, but only moderately — a step that left both sides unhappy.

The ITC's decision on Wednesday means that U.S. officials will stop collecting the penalties on imports and will begin refunding what importers have already paid, though that process could take several months.

Lawmakers from both parties had been lobbying and testifying against the tariffs, saying they would threaten American jobs and went against the spirit of U.S. trade law. Republican lawmakers in both chambers had introduced and built up bipartisan support for legislation that would halt the tariffs for an impact study.

"These tariffs were extremely harmful to our regional newspapers — the lifeblood of our local communities — and I worked hard to remove them," Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement Wednesday. "The International Trade Commission made the exactly right decision today to completely eliminate them. I will remain vigilant to make sure that they never return.”

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) also applauded the ITC's "important decision."

“Our district is home to a thriving local press corps that would be unfairly burdened by these costs, harming local journalism and the families across our district that rely on these important organizations," she said in a statement.

Imports of the product from Canada were valued at about $1.27 billion in 2016.
Kijkertjemaandag 3 september 2018 @ 05:03
kylegriffin1 twitterde op maandag 03-09-2018 om 04:30:00 A county GOP official in Pennsylvania has resigned, just a day after it was revealed that she repeatedly called NFL players who kneeled during the national anthem "baboons." reageer retweet
“Steelers are now just as bad as the rest of the over paid baboons," she said. "You respect your flag, country and our national anthem. How many men and women have lost limbs or died to protect this country and you baboons want respect."

"Let’s see how the baboons get paid when white people stop paying their salaries,” she added.