abonnement Unibet Coolblue
  Overall beste user 2022 dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 00:47:18 #1
3928 Ulx
you aint no punk you punk
  Overall beste user 2022 dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 00:47:31 #2
3928 Ulx
you aint no punk you punk
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.






holy shit
Deafening silence
Hundreds of Ukrainian women have been victims of sexual violence during the war, but almost none talk about their experiences

In March 2023, a woman in a southern Russian city found a baby wrapped in a blanket in the bins behind her block of flats. Police soon found camera footage of a woman dumping the newborn baby girl at around 5am the previous morning. Incredibly, she survived.

The mother of the child was a Ukrainian refugee who had moved to Russia in August 2022 after her hometown in Ukraine was occupied. She was tracked down and charged with the attempted murder of a minor and placed in pretrial detention.

The lawyer assigned to her case told Novaya Europe the story, though she has asked that neither her name nor her client’s name be used.

Initially, her client barely spoke, but then one day she suddenly said, “I was raped.”

It gradually emerged that her attacker had been a Russian soldier in occupied Ukraine. By the time she decided to terminate the pregnancy, it was too late to have an abortion anyway, at which point she decided to carry the baby to term, believing she could grow to love it.

“Then she gave birth at home, and just broke down to the point where, the next day, she put the baby in the bin,” her lawyer said.

Shaken by the story, the lawyer believed she could at least use the new information to plead extenuating circumstances, but her client panicked at the thought, telling her, “You can’t tell anyone.” As a result, the court never learnt about the rape and the woman is now awaiting the court’s verdict.
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Verschikkelijk. Hopelijk worden de daders ooit nog eens aangepakt. Al zullen de meeste nu al dood zijn. Mogen ze branden in hel.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 03:03:46 #7
103434 Delenlill
Russians might have seen fake F-22s in Ukraine
There are many ways to gather intelligence. Forces analyze satellite imagery, employ spies, fly spy planes, drones, etc. One high-tech way of gathering intelligence is signals intelligence (SIGINT). It basically describes ways of listening to signals that different systems emit and interpreting them in a way that provides a clear picture of the accumulation of enemy forces and possibly even the types of weapons they have. However, there are ways to trick SIGINT.

Electronic warfare is a tricky thing. You can produce faux signals, imitating gathering of troops or even some types of weapons. For example, you can reproduce communication between different artillery detachments when there is no artillery in the area. SIGINT is performed by planes, various ground-based systems and other means.

And it is nothing new. As soon as radio signals were used for military communications, someone started trying to deceive the opposing forces by producing misleading faux communications.
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Dat moet toch wel te zien zijn, dat zo'n ballon veel te langzaam vliegt. Al kan het natuurlijk wel verwarring zaaien wanneer dit in combinatie gebeurd met drones en raketten tijdens een aanval. Dan zou het best kunnen dat in paniek de ballonnen prioriteit krijgen omdat ze denken dat het om F-16s of F-22s gaat. Wel slim van de Oekraïners.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 03:11:57 #8
103434 Delenlill
Muscovite Gets Five Years Of 'Forced Labor' For Talking To RFE/RL
A Moscow court on April 22 sentenced a 38-year-old man to five years of so-called forced labor for condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine during an on-street interview in July 2022 with a reporter from RFE/RL.

The Ostankino district court also banned Yury Kokhovets from administering websites for four years.

The punishment defined as "forced labor" in Russia means that convicts will not serve their terms in prison, but instead may stay home and be sent to work at an industrial facility in their towns, cities, or sent to other places as designated by the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN).

A certain portion of their salaries are deducted by the State Treasury.

His lawyer, Yelena Sheremetyeva, said the court ruled that Kokhovets will be paying 10 percent of his monthly salary to the state.
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Hij is vast niet de enige die gestraft is voor het beantwoorden van vragen door journalisten op een eerlijke manier. Daar zijn al meer voorbeelden van langsgekomen.

[ Bericht 5% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 23-04-2024 05:08:08 ]
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 03:15:57 #9
103434 Delenlill
Man mistaken for a Ukrainian spy severely beaten by Russian soldiers

A man in the central Russian region of Ryazan was hospitalised with injuries after soldiers who mistook him for a Ukrainian spy detained and beat him in early April, Telegram channel Baza reported Sunday.

Ruslan Khamatov was riding his motorbike near a military airfield in Dyagilevo on 7 April, when Russian soldiers detained him, accusing him of being a Ukrainian spy.

The men beat Khamatov, who reported having his ears pulled with pliers during the assault, and accused him of being responsible for a damaged fence in the military compound, using his subscription to a “Ukrainian Telegram channel”, which turned out to be pro-Russian, as evidence.

After realising their mistake, the soldiers called the traffic police, presenting Khamatov’s injuries as the result of a motorbike accident. Khamatov was fined for driving without a licence.

He was diagnosed with fractures of the eye socket, nose and ribs, a collapsed lung and multiple bruises, and later submitted a statement on the assault to the police.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 03:23:10 #10
103434 Delenlill
Ukrainian kamikaze ground drone attacks Russian positions

The soldiers of the 63rd Mechanized Brigade demonstrated the combat use of a kamikaze ground drone.

The press service of the brigade released the video on social media.

A Ukrainian drone under the control of an operator attacked the positions of Russian invaders.

The movement and combat use of the ground drone was monitored by a drone of the military of the Ukrainian Defense Forces.

The video shows Russians moving around in the trenches between the dugouts.
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  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 03:35:33 #11
103434 Delenlill
Bulgaria can’t join the eurozone in January. Here’s why.
High inflation and wavering public support ― in part blamed on Russian disinformation ― means the country is almost certain to miss its 2025 joining target.

Behind an imposing wooden desk in Sofia, in a complex once housing a statue of Lenin, the man who presides over the 20-strong group of eurozone finance ministers chose his words carefully.

“I am strongly convinced that Bulgaria will join the euro area in 2025,” Paschal Donohoe said. "The question is when your country will introduce the euro as its currency. And not if.”

Flanked by the country’s prime minister, deputy prime minister, and foreign minister, his presence carried plenty of European political heft. A month on, the coalition government has collapsed and those three ministers have all been swept from office. Donohoe’s visit ― drumming up support for Bulgaria's wobbling bid to become the 21st country to use the euro ― turned out to be at a less than ideal time.

Experts and politicians who spoke with POLITICO are convinced the January 1, 2025, target date is not going to be met ― not just because of Bulgaria’s political turmoil but also because of persistent inflation and lack of popular backing.
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  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 03:39:47 #12
103434 Delenlill


Wat een clown.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 04:01:50 #13
103434 Delenlill
Zelenskyy on Western help in defeating Iranian attack on Israel: I was shocked
On the night of April 14, Iran launched more than 200 drones and rockets from its territory toward Israel

Western countries helped Israel repel a recent attack by Iran, even though the country is not a member of NATO and does not have a strong document with the Alliance, as stated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with Hugo Décrypte, emphasizing that he was shocked by such a reaction from the allies.

Zelenskyy said he was shocked by the West's reaction to the Iranian attacks on Israel. He clarified that after Iran attacked Israel there were victims, but their number is small and in any case, they deserve sympathy. However, the president stated that the allies helped Israel even though the country is not a member of NATO.

He also said that he did not see a very serious and strong document between France and Israel, such as between the US and Israel, or a similar document between Israel and NATO.

"That is, we just saw the armies, pilots, and weapons of several allied states destroy 99% of everything that was flying from Iran toward the heads of Israelis. That's what we saw with you. And why I was shocked, because: what's wrong with us? What's wrong with the Ukrainians?" the president said.

He said that the US Congress, with the beginning of the crisis and challenges in the Middle East, began to pay attention to this problem, and the same was done by the American media.

"Let's be honest, today they are mostly looking at what is happening in Israel, in Gaza, in the Middle East in general," he said.

The president noted that due to the situation with Israel and Iran, less attention and time is given to Ukraine, which means less attention from its society. Zelenskyy added that if society reacts less, then there is less responsibility among political leaders, and therefore assistance may be reduced.
Volgens mij zijn de veiligheidsgaranties/samenwerkingsverbanden van westerse landen en Israel al veel ouder dan die van Oekraïne. Maar ik ben het wel met Zelenski eens. Eigenlijk zouden wij gewoon mee moeten helpen aan het beveiligen van hun luchtruim. Gewoon raketten en drones neerhalen wanneer ze de grens over komen. Daar vallen tenslotte geen Russische slachtoffers bij. (al ben ik persoonlijk voor directe militaire hulp aan Oekraïne).

Putin zal daar ongetwijfeld niet blij mee zijn. En zijn vriendjes zullen spreken van escalatie. Maar Oekraïne heeft het recht om zijn grondgebied te verdedigen. En zij hebben het recht om de hulp hiervoor van wie dan ook te accepteren/er om te vragen.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 04:13:05 #14
103434 Delenlill
Kremlin looking for successor in Chechnya in light of Kadyrov illness

Chechen head Ramzan Kadyrov has been diagnosed with pancreatic necrosis, a terminal illness that has prompted the Kremlin to look for his successor, Novaya Gazeta Europe has learned.

Kadyrov was first diagnosed with pancreatic necrosis in January 2019, with noticeable weight fluctuations recorded over the next several years.

Since 2019, Kadyrov has undergone regular procedures at the Moscow Central Clinical Hospital, whose sources told Novaya Gazeta Europe that Kadyrov had been hospitalised last year with “acute pulmonary insufficiency” after overdosing on a preoperative sedative.

Kadyrov was hooked up to a ventilator and temporarily put into a medically induced coma, which led to anonymous Telegram channels reporting that Kadyrov was “in a coma”. To explain his absence and disprove these reports, Kadyrov published a picture in September of himself at the bedside of his uncle Magomed, allegedly receiving treatment at the same hospital.

While doctors managed to stabilise Kadyrov’s condition in September, Novaya Gazeta Europe’s source at the hospital said that Kadyrov’s MRI results caused “distress” among many in his inner circle. A source close to Adam Delimkhanov, a Russian lawmaker and ally of Kadyrov, said that he “wouldn’t be the same”, and that the new illness would “affect him greatly”.

Following the September health scare, the Kremlin launched a mass PR campaign to show Kadyrov in good health, but the presidential administration now seems to be on the lookout for a successor. Among the potential candidates is the commander of the Chechen special forces volunteer association Akhmat, Major General Apti Alaudinov, who has recently been appointed deputy at the Main Directorate for Military and Political Work at the Defence Ministry.
Hopelijk heeft hij niet lang meer en zal zijn dood een chaos veroorzaken in het land. Al zou het prima kunnen dat hij nog jaren heeft natuurlijk.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 04:19:57 #15
103434 Delenlill

Zouden Russische burgers die op Oekraïens grondgebied zijn gaan wonen ook juridisch aangepakt kunnen worden behalve hun het land weer uittrappen? Zou er bijvoorbeeld een grond kunnen zijn om ze te arresteren en dan te veroordelen om mee te helpen om het land weer op te bouwen. Zeg maar in plaats van een gevangenis straf hun dwangarbeid uit te laten voeren?
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 04:26:37 #16
103434 Delenlill
Russia uses “Iraqi” Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft systems

Russian troops use in Ukraine custom-made Iraqi Pantsir-S1E anti-aircraft missiles and gun systems.

A video with cars in desert camouflage was released by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The TV report showcased the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft system, camouflaged and used by the Iraqi armed forces, highlighting its involvement in the conflict alongside Russian anti-aircraft crews against Ukraine.

In 2012, the Iraqi government signed a contract with Russia for the supply of 24 SAMs, with the possibility of resetting another 24 systems later. It is known that in 2016, more than 20 systems were handed over to the customer, and in 2018, the country received a new batch, probably within the frame of additional orders.
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De video waar naar gerefereerd wordt: https://t.me/Ministerstvo_oborony_official/9595 (kan ik zelf niet bekijken, heb geen telegram account).
Provided with reliable equipment

In the zone of a special military operation, anti-aircraft gunners of the Russian Armed Forces confidently repulse air and missile raids of the Ukrainian Armed Forces day and night. To successfully combat enemy air, Russian military personnel are provided with the most modern military equipment.

“I would like to tell you about the Pantsir combat vehicle. Taking into account the fact that we have been here since the first day, I can say that the vehicle has proven itself to be a very reliable piece of military equipment,” says the deputy commander of the armament unit.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 04:31:58 #17
103434 Delenlill
Russia Deploys Tactical Nuclear Weapon Systems to Finnish Border

"Russia escalates border tensions by deploying nuclear-capable missiles directly across from NATO's newest member, Finland.

Russia has reportedly moved its Iskander-M tactical nuclear missile systems to the border with Finland, a move seen as a direct response to Finland's NATO membership since April last year.

Escalation at the Edge
Sources from the Russian Ministry of Defense told "Izvestia" that the deployment took place in Karelia, a region bordering Finland.

The Iskander-M systems, capable of firing both cruise and ballistic missiles—including those equipped with nuclear warheads—are part of a newly formed missile brigade within the Leningrad Military District, reestablished recently.

This strategic move reflects the growing tensions between Russia and NATO countries following Finland's shift from a neutral status to full NATO membership.
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  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 04:45:13 #18
103434 Delenlill
Kongsberg Upgrades NASAMS for Enhanced Defense Against Ballistic Missiles

The Norwegian company Kongsberg is working on modernizing the NASAMS anti-aircraft system.

This effort aims to include the capability to intercept ballistic missiles, according to sources within Kongsberg as cited by Norwegian media outlet Teknisk Ukeblad.

The reports suggest that this modernization effort aims to equip the NASAMS system with the ability to intercept ballistic targets.

This could potentially address a need for long-range missile defense systems in Norway, where such systems are currently lacking.
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  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 05:01:14 #19
103434 Delenlill
Russia’s Historic Submarine Rescue Ship Looks Undamaged After Claimed Strike
Ukraine’s armed forces claimed to have hit the historic submarine rescue and salvage vessel Kommuna in Sevastopol yesterday.

The Russian Navy's unique submarine rescue and salvage vessel Kommuna, which is more than 100 years old, shows no clearly visible signs of being damaged by a Ukrainian strike yesterday based on satellite imagery. Despite being one of the oldest naval vessels in active service anywhere in the world, Kommuna continues to offer a range of valuable underwater search and recovery capabilities that could make it an attractive target.

The War Zone obtained satellite imagery taken earlier today from Planet Labs showing Kommuna in port in Sevastopol on the Russian-occupied Crimean Peninsula. Another satellite image captured on April 20 also shows the very distinctive catamaran-hulled ship in the same location and in the same apparent condition.
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Hij is niet gezonken zo te zien. Maar de zwarte plek in het water zou wel een indicatie kunnen zijn van een olie lek ofzo. Al zie ik nu dat dat waarschijnlijk schaduwen zijn van de wolken.

Wat ook opvalt is dat het 4de schip een hele andere schip is .

[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 23-04-2024 05:06:38 ]
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 05:21:28 #20
103434 Delenlill
Russia quietly exits Karabakh, ceding its clout 'for good'
Baku (AFP) – When Russian troops deployed to Nagorno-Karabakh four years ago, their task was clear: keep the peace between bitter foes Armenia and Azerbaijan and prevent another war in the volatile region.

But as Azerbaijani forces swept through mountainous Karabakh last September and crushed Armenian separatist forces in a matter of hours, the Russian mission looked lost.

The Kremlin this week quietly confirmed that the peacekeepers were withdrawing, taking with them their weapons and hardware, as well as Russian clout from a region it long considered its own backyard.
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  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 05:24:36 #21
103434 Delenlill
Estonian defense spending could hit 5% of GDP soon, says commander
Martin Herem, an Estonian general and the current Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces, has been quoted as saying by the Estonian Public Broadcasting service, ERR News, that the amount of money Tallinn spends on defense could rise to 5% of the country’s GDP over the next few years.

The extra spending would allow Estonia to invest ¤1.5 billion to upgrade its arms and ammunition to deter the Kremlin from attacking, and also allow for the country to destroy Russian infrastructure should Russia decide to attack.

“In the next few years, the defense budget should be significantly higher than it is now, and then it can be a bit lower again because we know how much goes to procurement and how much goes to maintenance. It should not be 5% for the next 10 years, maybe 5% for the next two years and then a little lower,” he was quoted as saying, adding that “this is not just a question of asking for extra money, but a specifically operationalized need.”

Herem, who will leave the military service in June, said that “percentages can be too general and the EDF could instead specify the exact amount of funding needed in the coming years,” ERR News states.

“When Russia comes out of Ukraine, it will take a few years to prepare. I think we may not have more than three years. We have done the calculations, but we are ¤1.5 billion munitions short,” said Herem, according to ERR News.

“It is already known how many Russian forces could be sent to Estonia and how to stop them quickly,” the military commander told the news service.

“It is not Estonia alone, it is us together with our allies, but we have to spend our share in advance. For ammunition, it would be ¤1.5 billion. It means fighting a war where most of the targets are destroyed not in contact with us, but further away. And this is where the Ukrainians are struggling today. They can only destroy those enemies with whom they are nose to nose.”
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 05:36:36 #22
103434 Delenlill
Putin’s Propagandists Rage Against the Republican ‘Betrayal’
Kremlin mouthpieces are having a hard time explaining why a supposedly sympathetic US Congress has just passed a huge military aid package for Ukraine.

It seems like only yesterday Russia’s propagandists were rejoicing over the successful interruption of the US aid to Ukraine, reportedly at the behest of former US President Donald Trump.

The delay has undoubtedly cost countless lives and imperiled Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, left wide open due to diminished air defenses. Russian state TV had delighted in the destruction of the Trypilska Thermal Power Plant, the largest supplier of electricity to Kyiv, Cherkasy, and Zhytomyr regions, remarking that it will take years to rebuild it.

Celebrating the decline in Ukraine’s capabilities without American help, prominent propagandists started to refer to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson as “our Johnson,” in a similar vein to claiming Trump as their own, calling him “our Trump” or affectionately referring to him as Trumpushka.

When Speaker Johnson finally advanced the long-stalled aid package and the House approved $61bn of desperately needed foreign aid for Ukraine — including a measure to allow the sale of frozen Russian sovereign assets to help Ukraine’s war effort — the disappointment in Moscow was palpable.
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  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 05:42:18 #23
103434 Delenlill
The German company Knauf announced its complete withdrawal from Russia
The building materials manufacturer Knauf is ceasing to operate in the Russian Federation after more than 30 years. The company did not name the reasons for leaving the Russian market, indicating only that this was happening against the backdrop of “current events.”

The German manufacturer of building materials Knauf is completely curtailing work on the Russian market. On Monday, April 22, the world-famous family concern confirmed that “the Knauf group, against the background of current events, has decided, after more than 30 years in Russia, to part with its business” in this country.

The company said in a statement that it had decided to transfer the entire business, including raw material extraction, production and sales, to local management in order to preserve the jobs of more than 4,000 employees. Russian authorities have yet to approve it.

Knauf did not name specific reasons for curtailing its business in Russia. Recently, the concern, whose turnover in 2022 amounted to 15.4 billion euros, again came under fire due to its work in the Russian Federation, as well as in the Russian-occupied Ukrainian Mariupol . Since the Russian armed invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, all other German companies have already left Russia.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 06:33:40 #24
103434 Delenlill
Shadow Unit drone helps demonstrate major design weakness of ruzzian BMP-2, lightly armored rear doors double as fuel tanks. Impressive display, Slava Ukraini~!

Battlefield aerial video from Shadow Unit of repulsed ruzzian attack, with several armored vehicles/tanks destroyed, location undisclosed. A bit long, but worth the wait! Slava Ukraini~!

More outstanding FPV/Loitering Drone combo footage - showcasing excellent flying skills of Shadow Unit, location unknown. Slava Ukraini~!

Combo FPV/Loitering Drone Footage courtesy Shadow Unit, excellent flying with excellent results! Location undisclosed. Slava Ukraini~!

Mine fields are doing their job near Novomykhailivka. Russian MT-LB and APC with infantry on top of anti-tank mines and a tank hit by an FPV drone.

One of a pair of Russian soldiers hiding next to an abandoned vehicle attempts to stop a FPV drone with his hand

From the 33rd OMBR, FPV drone destroys ruzzian AGS-17 Plamya Automatic Grenade Launcher

Sukhoi Su-25 attacking Russian targets with 127mm Zuni rockets and then leaving the area while using countermeasures. 299th Tactical Aviation Brigade (Date not mentioned)

M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle fires at Russian positions and evacuates infantry from the battlefield near Avdiivka

"n.p. Grape, Kherson region. Russian military personnel recorded a video after their 2S19 MSTA-S self-propelled gun was destroyed by a Ukrainian FPV drone. - 0:14. Coordinates: ( 46°27'28.9"N 32°11'09.8"E )"(translation requested)

Ukranian drone testing

Simultaneous launch of 16 HIMARS. There must be some serious hurt somewhere downrange.

Otto ¦imko calls on Slovak citizens to join the fundraising for Ukraine.

Full video. Ukrainian drone watches two Russian soldiers each get hit by an FPV drone after being forced to dismount their MIR Rover.

"We've arrived Russian servicemen got behind the wheel drunk."-russianocontext

Russian armoured vehicle fitted with a cage location not stated
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 07:43:56 #25
229247 LethalNinja

Stukje over de turtle tank. Ding rijdt gewoon door een conflict gebied en komt heelhuids terug.

Verder in beeld en geluid weer ontwikkelingen in conflict gebieden.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 07:49:43 #26
103434 Delenlill
Trump Nieuws. Niet openen als je er niet in geïnteresseerd bent.

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Biden heeft bijna 3x zoveel geld uitgegeven aan verkiezingsadvertenties, en de kas van Biden is dubbel zo groot als die van Trump op het ogenblik. Ook de DNC heeft meer dan dubbel zoveel geld in kas als de RNC. Wanneer het op geld aankomt staat Biden er dus heel erg goed voor. En 3 van de 4 binnengebrachte dollars van de PAC Save America wordt besteed aan Trump zijn legale kosten. Wel apart eigenlijk dat Trump dit geld überhaupt mag gebruiken voor deze kosten.
Legale problemen:
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Vandaag begon met de openingsverklaringen van beide partijen. De aanklagers verklaarden dat Trump schuldig is en de verkiezingen op een illegale manier heeft proberen te beïnvloeden (nieuws te verbergen dat de verkiezingen negatief zouden kunnen beïnvloedden), en dat het falsificeren van bedrijfsdocumenten gebeurden met dit als doel. Deze bedrijfsdocumenten moesten verbergen dat Trump zwijggeld had betaald om zijn affaire te verhullen.

Trump zijn verdediging geeft aan dat hij onschuldig is. Dat hij slechts de handtekeningen heeft gezet, maar dat hij verder niks te maken had met het falsificeren van de documenten. En dat het beïnvloedden van de verkiezingen normaal is. Dat dat bij een democratie hoort.

Ook spraken zij over een belangrijke getuigen Cohen. Die de jury niet moest geloven. Dat hij zijn eigen belangen hierin heeft. Natuurlijk zei de aanklager juist dat de verleden van deze getuige niet betekend dat zijn getuigenis niet waar is. En dat dit ook met ander bewijs en andere getuigen ondersteund zal worden.

De eerste getuige is ook aan het woord geweest. David Pecker was een publicist die voor Trump werkte en de opdracht had om hem goed in het nieuws te brengen, nieuws dat hem kon beschadigen te verhullen en slecht nieuws over Trump zijn opponenten te publiceren. Morgen zal hij verder getuigen.

Ook zal morgen beginnen met het behandelen van de motie over het overtreden van de gag order. De aanklager eist 1000 dollar boete per overtreding (meer dan 10 nu volgens mij). En wil ook dat de rechter Trump waarschuwt dat her mogelijk gevangenis straf kan volgen.
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Trump heeft zelf al aangegeven/beloofd dat hij gaat getuigen. Maar historisch gezien is dat alleen maar slecht afgelopen. Wat ik ook verwacht als hij het in deze zaak gaat doen. De rechter heeft afgelopen vrijdag al besloten waarover Trump ondervraagt mag worden als hij gaat getuigen.

Eigenlijk zou het geen zwijggeld rechtszaak genoemd mogen worden daar dat slechts bijzaak is. Het draait om het falsificeren van zakelijke documenten met het doel om de verkiezingen op een illegale manier te beïnvloedden. Het betalen zwijggeld zelf is in de meeste omstandigheden gewoon legaal.
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De rechter is akkoord gegaan met de 175 miljoen dollar bond. Maar heeft de eisen wel aangescherpt. De controle over de account waar deze 175 miljoen dollar op staat moet overgedragen worden zodat er niet zomaar geld meer vanaf gehaald kan worden. Ook moet er maandelijks een overzicht van de rekening doorgegeven worden.Overig:
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Zo als te verwachten is dat hij Biden en zijn administratie weer de schuld geeft van alle legale problemen op het ogenblik, dat het een heksenjacht is. Ook klaagt hij er over dat vandaag bij de rechter gekeken werd of de 175miljoen dollar bond wel acceptabel was, daar het bedrijf die er gerant voor staat een aantal fouten heeft gemaakt bij het aanmelden hiervan. En dat het ook de vraag is of het bedrijf überhaupt wel in de positie is om garant te kunnen staan, of zij er wel daadwerkelijk de middelen voor hebben. Trump geeft natuurlijk aan dat hij de hele 175 miljoen dollar cash heeft overgedragen aan dit bedrijf, dus dat het geen probleem zou moeten zijn. Maar waarom zou hij dit dan niet direct overhandigen aan de rechterlijke macht. Dat zou hem een heleboel geld besparen tenslotte.

BREAKING: Trump commits NEW violation during trial
Trump heeft vandaag weer de 'gag order' overtreden bij het praten met de pers na zijn rechtszaak. Hij heeft beschuldigen aan de getuige cohen geplaatst.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 07:54:07 #27
103434 Delenlill
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 08:37:23 #28
103434 Delenlill
‘Our artillery is starving:’ Ukraine holds its breath as US set to approve $60bn of military aid
Soldiers on the front lines in Ukraine say the prospect of final approval in the US Congress of a $60 billion military aid package for Kyiv will serve as a giant morale boost as Russia looks to step up its advance.

The Ukraine aid bill, passed in the United States’ House of Representatives on Saturday, is now due to go to the Senate on Tuesday. If passed in Congress’s upper chamber then President Joe Biden has said he will sign it into law immediately, so that “we can quickly send weapons and equipment to Ukraine to meet their urgent battlefield needs.”

Ukraine’s wish list is no secret. At the top: artillery shells and air defense systems.

For months, Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines have spoken of being badly outgunned by Russian forces. President Volodymyr Zelensky recently said the ratio was 10 to one in Russia’s favor.

“To win, we need ammunition… our artillery is starving,” an artillery reconnaissance commander with the 110th mechanized brigade, callsign “Teren,” told CNN after the vote on Saturday.
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  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 08:52:28 #29
61421 icecreamfarmer_NL
VOC mentaliteit
0s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 04:01 schreef Delenlill het volgende:
Volgens mij zijn de veiligheidsgaranties/samenwerkingsverbanden van westerse landen en Israel al veel ouder dan die van Oekraïne. Maar ik ben het wel met Zelenski eens. Eigenlijk zouden wij gewoon mee moeten helpen aan het beveiligen van hun luchtruim. Gewoon raketten en drones neerhalen wanneer ze de grens over komen. Daar vallen tenslotte geen Russische slachtoffers bij. (al ben ik persoonlijk voor directe militaire hulp aan Oekraïne).

Putin zal daar ongetwijfeld niet blij mee zijn. En zijn vriendjes zullen spreken van escalatie. Maar Oekraïne heeft het recht om zijn grondgebied te verdedigen. En zij hebben het recht om de hulp hiervoor van wie dan ook te accepteren/er om te vragen.
Het verschil is niet de partij die aangevallen wordt maar de partij die aanvalt. Mocht Iran Oekraine bestoken dan hadden er al VS troepen in Teheran gezeten. Rusland is echter een tegenstander van ander formaat.

Plus deze reactie was er ook om een volgende grote oorlog te voorkomen.
1/10 Van de rappers dankt zijn bestaan in Amerika aan de Nederlanders die zijn voorouders met een cruiseschip uit hun hongerige landen ophaalde om te werken op prachtige plantages.
"Oorlog is de overtreffende trap van concurrentie."
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 09:02:52 #30
450295 skysherrif
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 09:30:32 #31
6484 ExTec
<subtitle here>
0s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 04:19 schreef Delenlill het volgende:
Zouden Russische burgers die op Oekraïens grondgebied zijn gaan wonen ook juridisch aangepakt kunnen worden behalve hun het land weer uittrappen?
Da's een oorlogsmisdaad. Daar kun je nog veel meer andere dingen mee doen anders dan het land uittrappen.
&lt;signature here&gt;.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 09:38:35 #32
450295 skysherrif
7s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 09:02 schreef skysherrif het volgende:
[ x ]
Is trouwens eenS300 radar ,geen s400 maar alsnog heel nice.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 09:44:07 #33
6484 ExTec
<subtitle here>
Wie had dat gedacht....

&lt;signature here&gt;.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 10:20:58 #34
172882 Sabata
proest, daar ging de koffie
"Und Niemals Vergessen - Eisern Union!"
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 10:25:52 #35
171727 StateOfMind
Ashen One
10s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 09:44 schreef ExTec het volgende:
Wie had dat gedacht....

[ x ]
Perhaps you've seen it, maybe in a dream.
A murky, forgotten land.
  Forum Admin dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 10:30:12 #36
334798 crew  Straatcommando.
Je zuster op een houtvlot
10s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 09:44 schreef ExTec het volgende:
Wie had dat gedacht....

[ x ]
Hij zit weer lekker te knetteren
''Tuurlijk is het een onoogelijk lelijk spuugding. Kun je d'r toch nog wel aan gehecht zijn? Je houdt toch ook van je moeder?''
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 10:52:54 #37
171727 StateOfMind
Ashen One
7s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 09:30 schreef ExTec het volgende:

Da's een oorlogsmisdaad. Daar kun je nog veel meer andere dingen mee doen anders dan het land uittrappen.
Ik zou ze in dat geval een mooie voetbalclub cadeau geven.

FC Tungsten O-)
Perhaps you've seen it, maybe in a dream.
A murky, forgotten land.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 11:21:15 #38
504728 Nyamuk
Sambal bij
Heel veel sambal
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 11:34:59 #39
192657 xpompompomx
0s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 11:21 schreef Nyamuk het volgende:
[ x ]
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 12:04:15 #40
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
10s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 09:44 schreef ExTec het volgende:
Wie had dat gedacht....

[ x ]
De Paus is stiekum katholiek! :o
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  Overall beste user 2022 dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 12:05:59 #41
3928 Ulx
you aint no punk you punk
0s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 05:01 schreef Delenlill het volgende:
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
Hij is niet gezonken zo te zien. Maar de zwarte plek in het water zou wel een indicatie kunnen zijn van een olie lek ofzo. Al zie ik nu dat dat waarschijnlijk schaduwen zijn van de wolken.

Wat ook opvalt is dat het 4de schip een hele andere schip is .
Ze ligt wel scheef.
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.
  Overall beste user 2022 dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 12:07:14 #42
3928 Ulx
you aint no punk you punk
0s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 04:19 schreef Delenlill het volgende:
[ x ]
Zouden Russische burgers die op Oekraïens grondgebied zijn gaan wonen ook juridisch aangepakt kunnen worden behalve hun het land weer uittrappen? Zou er bijvoorbeeld een grond kunnen zijn om ze te arresteren en dan te veroordelen om mee te helpen om het land weer op te bouwen. Zeg maar in plaats van een gevangenis straf hun dwangarbeid uit te laten voeren?
Lijkt me wel. Het is gewoon diefstal. Of heling.
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 12:17:00 #43
108676 Aether
Russia warns Europe: if you take our assets, we have a response that will hurt
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
When the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 12:22:55 #44
410726 Idisrom
Ik heb deze video niet gezien, maar wel op een andere video dat de Russen de laatste twee weken ten westen van Avdiivka op het moment het snelst oprukken.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 12:31:18 #45
57482 Simmertje
9s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 12:17 schreef Aether het volgende:
Russia warns Europe: if you take our assets, we have a response that will hurt
Ik wacht nog steeds op het moment dat ik mijn hamster (die gebruikt wordt om stroom op te wekken) op moet eten.
  Overall beste user 2022 dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 12:45:20 #46
3928 Ulx
you aint no punk you punk
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 13:21:21 #47
171727 StateOfMind
Ashen One
0s.gif Op dinsdag 23 april 2024 12:45 schreef Ulx het volgende:
[ x ]
Diversiteit *O* 😱
Perhaps you've seen it, maybe in a dream.
A murky, forgotten land.
  Overall beste user 2022 dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 13:41:17 #48
3928 Ulx
you aint no punk you punk

Mooi. Dat scheelt behoorlijk in de levertijd.
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.
  Overall beste user 2022 dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 14:08:13 #49
3928 Ulx
you aint no punk you punk
Russen: Vukjoefinlandwezettenrakettenbijdegrens! Ha!

Finland: Ok, maakt ze makkelijker te raken.

I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.
  dinsdag 23 april 2024 @ 14:20:57 #50
272777 Digi2
Geld maakt meer kapot dan je lief is.
Het zijn sterke ruggen die vrijheid en weelde kunnen dragen
abonnement Unibet Coolblue
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