abonnement Unibet Coolblue
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:12:57 #1
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...

[Afbeelding: @MadMaster ]
[OP-tekst: @Mexicanobakker)

Nederland is tot op het bot verdeeld. Wie had dat kunnen bedenken, begin 2020. Twee kampen lijnrecht tegenover elkaar, en dat terwijl ze eigenlijk bijna hetzelfde willen. Nouja, ze willen het allebei net op een andere manier. De een wil terug naar het oude normaal. Precies zoals het in 2019 was. Sommige anderen vinden het inmiddels ook allemaal wel overdreven, maar kunnen er wel mee leven dat het zo is gegaan. En dan heb je nog mensen die het eigenlijk ten zeerste toejuichen. De grote vraag is: Wanneer is het voorbij? Blijft de tweedeling ook de komende tijd zo groot? Of zal het vanzelf rustiger worden?

Jullie hadden het waarschijnlijk al door, maar ik heb het natuurlijk over de verrassende nummer 1 van vorig jaar, Danny Vera! Hij won verrassend de strijd van Queen. Zal dat dit jaar weer gebeuren? Spannend. Als hij weer wint weet ik niet wat de gevolgen zullen worden. Protesterende menigtes voor het Top 2000 Café? Zo erg dat heel Beeld en Geluid dicht moet? Misschien verliest Studio 21 ook wel al zijn omzet. Starten jullie alvast de inzamelingsactie op?

Ja, zoals jullie wel merken was het opnieuw een bijzonder jaar. Je las het vaak. 2020 was een kutjaar, maar 2021 zou GEWELDIG worden. Een beetje naief, nietwaar? Alsof Corona ineens een vakantie naar de Spaanse costa ging boeken op 1 januari 2021. De eerste periode was echt aanmodderen, manmanman. Avondklokje hier, dichte horeca daar. Het was zo saai dat de debatten in Den Haag het hoogtepunt van de week werden. Jeetje, wat een hoop flaters van ONS kabinet. Of nouja, ONS ex-kabinet. Of nouja, ONS nog-altijd-demissionair kabinet. We kunnen wel spreken over de puinhopen van. Maar goed, laten we dit niet te veel POL laten worden, hier gaan we het vast nog uitgebreid over hebben.

Gelukkig was er eind juni ineens heel veel mogelijk. Lekker feesten. Eindelijk weer uitgaan. Muziek. Weetikwat. Nouja twee weekjes en toen gingen de besmettingscijfers nog harder omhoog dan de nummers van George Michael en ABBA de afgelopen jaren. Was dit dan het einde van het feest? Nou, gelukkig lijkt het inmiddels redelijk weer hersteld. Wie weet komt er nog wel een concertbonus!

Leuke dingen dit jaar? Ja, het ESF ging eindelijk door. Velen van ons waren erbij. En ook leuk, er werd gewonnen door een act die rawck speelt, aldus Daniel Dekker. Daar gaan we dus nog jaren van genieten tijdens de Top 2000. Italië, trouwens. De Spelen gingen ook door. Zonder publiek, maar met quarantaines. De 100 meter was het hoogtepunt. Wie won er ook alweer? Oja, Italië. Het EK was ook een leuke rubriek met Engelse tokkies die helemaal leip gingen. Ik moet wel even nadenken wie de finale ook alweer won. Zou het Italië kunnen zijn?

Met deze statistiek in het achterhoofd lijkt het me wel duidelijk. Dit jaar wordt Con te Partiro de nummer 1 in de Top 2000. Of misschien Max. Past hopelijk nog goed bij de uiteindelijke winnaar van het wereldkampioenschap autorijden. Ja, want dat wordt toch wel weer fenomenaal he, die Top 2000. Queen, Danny Vera, Paolo Conte, zij mogen het uitmaken in een prachtige lijst. 2000 liedjes om het jaar af te sluiten, toch wel het ultieme genot!

Radio 2 Top 2000: Editie 2021
Voor de 23e keer gaan we op reis door het muzikaal landschap. Er is in die tijd veel gebeurd, in 1999 waren acts als Metallica nog taboe, nu domineren dat soort acts de bovenste regionen. Het evenement is groter dan ooit, goede marketing van Radio 2 wel. Hierdoor is het wel weer spannend welk lobbyclubje dit jaar weer een plaat hoog weet te krijgen. Zoals ik vorig jaar al zei, de 2000 meest voor gelobbyde platen aller tijden, en toch klinken ze af en toe best wel lekker!

Wat kunnen wij doen?
Helemaal niets. Zoals ik zei, Nederland is tot op het bot verdeeld en het gaat helemaal mis in Den Haag, maar toch stemmen we ELKE KEER weer op dezelfde poppetjes. Nouja, hier en daar een keer een frisse wind tegenover het liedjeskartel.
We kunnen er wel weer met zijn allen over klagen. En op zich een keer op andere liedjes stemmen. Zoals elk jaar wil ik met stemtips komen van artiesten die er bijna uitvallen, maar dit jaar staat er onderin weinig met maar 1 nummer. Het kartel heeft gewonnen.

Ik ga voor twee extremen: Ray Charles is de eerste. Staat er nog maar 1x in. Voor zo'n grote naam is dat best weinig, maar hij staat ook nog eens op 1941 met Georgia on my Mind. Het zou toch zonde zijn als ie eruit valt, dan kunnen we nooit meer lachen om Weet je wat Doris Day, of over het feit of ie misschien over de Kaukasus zingt.

Mijn tweede stemtip is Niall Horan. Dit wil waarschijnlijk niemand Horan, aangezien hij zijn nummers recent heeft opgenomen, maar Nice to Meet Ya is echt een heerlijk nummer. George Michael had hem kunnen maken. Ian Brown zou toch juichend op de banken moeten staan voor dit genot. Misschien wel het beste popnummer van de laatste jaren, maar we zullen het wel weer met de twaalfde Sheeran moeten doen, want hij staat op 1967.

Oja, en blijven stemmen op Hall en Oates, anders liggen ze er weer uit. Dat jullie het weten.

Het ies tredisie om te eindigen op 31 december, middernacht met Bohemian Rhapsody. Soms wordt deze traditie verbroken, dan is de wereld te klein. Ooit was de muzikale marathon 144 uur, maar tegenwoordig moet er ook ruimte zijn voor Echoes, de Pokemon Theme Song in volledige versie, dronken gewauwel van Ruud de Wild, reclames over Café Weltschmerz, het Gijs-alarm en natuurlijk de Wals van Van Inkel. Zodoende is het nu 168 uur.


De Top 2000 lijst van 2021 online: https://www.pino112.nl/top2000/jaar.php

De Top 2000 lijst van 2021 in Excel-formaat (incl. uitzendschema per dag/uur): Klik hier voor de Top 2000 in Excel-formaat


00.00 - 02.00 uur - Jeroen van Inkel
02.00 - 04.00 uur - Rick van Velthuysen
04.00 - 06.00 uur - Frank van ‘t Hof
06.00 - 08.00 uur - Carolien Borgers
08.00 - 10.00 uur - Jan-Willem Roodbeen & Jeroen Kijk in de Vegte
10.00 - 12.00 uur - Bart Arens
12.00 - 14.00 uur - Annemieke Schollaardt
14.00 - 16.00 uur - Gijs Staverman
16.00 - 18.00 uur - Ruud de Wild
18.00 - 20.00 uur - Wouter van der Goes
20.00 - 22.00 uur - Emmely de Wilt
22.00 - 00.00 uur - Giel Beelen

NPO RADIO 2 op Instagram
NPO RADIO 2 op Twitter
TOP 2000 op Facebook

Kabelfrequenties in de verschillende steden: http://www.frequenties.net/station/radio-2

Friesland: 88.0 MHz en 92.9 MHz
Groningen: 88.0 MHz
Drenthe: 88.0 MHz
Overijssel: 88.0 MHz en 104.6 MHz
Gelderland: 88.2 MHz, 92.6 MHz en 104.6 MHz
Flevoland: 88.0 MHz en 92.6 MHz
Utrecht: 92.6 MHz
Noord-Holland: 92.6 MHz en 92.9 MHz
Zuid-Holland: 92.6 MHz
Zeeland: 92.6 MHz en 97.8 MHz
Noord-Brabant: 88.2 MHz en 92.6 MHz
Limburg: 88.2 MHz, 93.4 MHz en 97.2 MHz

Luisteren via internet: http://icecast.omroep.nl/radio2-bb-mp3

*G* *G* *O* *G* *O* *G* *G*

De Top 2000 in beeld
Cultura 24 NPO 1 Extra:
Vorig jaar zagen we hier zoomers. Ook wat FOK!kers waren op de zoom te zien, zoals U hieronder kunt bewonderen. Dit jaar heb ik vermoedens van een café dat weer open gaat. Wel met QR-code hopelijk. Dan zien we tenminste minder huismoeders die alleen losgaan op André Hazes. ERG MOOI.

Nederland 3
Diep in de nacht. Daar kijkt dus eigenlijk niemand naar.


Tevens vind je de Top 2000 dit jaar vast weer op de etalagekanalen van UPC (UPC bestaat toch helemaal niet meer joh, dit gedeelte is ook jaren niet fatsoenlijk aangepast hahaha), Ziggo (kanaal 13), Delta en Caiway, waar men NPO 2 Extra of NPO 3 Extra of wat het ook is 1 op 1 naar omzet!

Geen idee welke providers er nu nog zijn, maar je zoekt zelf maar even voor je eigen provider waar het zit. Of je vraagt het even in het topic, als het rustig is heb je kans op een antwoord.

*O* *O* *G* *G* *G* *O* *O*

*G* *G* *O* *G* *O* *G* *G*

Vanaf wanneer stemmen? Meestal eind november/begin december pas. Ruim de tijd!

Voor uitgebreide statistieken:
Pino, held! _O_

*O* *G* *O* *G* *O* *G* *O*

Spotify: Voor degene die de allereerste Top 2000 qua songs via Spotify wil terugluisteren van #2000 naar #1:
Spotify - De allereerste Top 2000 (1999)

Verder zijn er diverse andere versies van de Top 2000 op Spotify te vinden.

Staat ie in de top 2000? https://staatieindetop2000.nporadio2.nl/danny-vera/roller-coaster
De nieuwe site gaat vast midden december een keer live.

De Top 2000 op FOK! door de jaren heen
Topicreeks: Top 2000 Editie 2010 & 2011
Topicreeks: Top 2000 Editie 2012
Topicreeks: Top 2000 Editie 2013
Topicreeks: Top 2000 Editie 2014
Topicreeks: Top 2000 Editie 2015
Topicreeks: Top 2000 Editie 2016
Topicreeks: Top 2000 Editie 2017
Topicreeks: Top 2000 Editie 2018
Topicreeks: Top 2000 Editie 2019
Topicreeks: Top 2000 Editie 2020

Nog wat classics:
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
NSFW in de Zoom:
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
FOKkers in beeld

SPOILER: PippenScottie
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
SPOILER: Dagoduck
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
SPOILER: Aoibhin
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
SPOILER: ArnieAlberts
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
De lijst door de jaren heen:

@Cassa95 onderzocht: Veranderingen in de Keuzelijst
@Cassa95 onderzocht: Analyse nieuwe binnenkomers 2021
@peaceman rekende uit: Onze Eigen FOK!-lijst!

Om te weten over editie 2021:
o Tom en Manon is de nieuwe rage van de Top2000
Niemand weet wie het zijn maar toch hebben we het erover.
o 'Bankzitters', een of ander groepje mislukte YouTubers met een hele enge fanbase, zijn dit jaar met een of ander vaag nummer in de lijst gestemd, en hebben zoals gezegd de meest psychopathische fans die er bestaan. Mijden als de pest, dus.
o Op 30 december wordt er altijd te veel kutmuziek gedraaid.
o De echo van Emily:
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
Jammer @ArnieAlberts ! Jij mag niet meer in de Zoom.
♫ ~ Je kunt de massa niet beteugelen; het is een monster ~ Marcel van Roosmalen
Benieuwd wat Impossible kan @Scorpion_17
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
De vooruitgang is wel een beetje gestopt voor Dreams.
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
correcte TT
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
  Redactie Sport / Supervogel vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:13:17 #6
270182 crew  Pino112
Pino van Luna O+
Hee vorig jaar ook op 111.
Matig album hoor, dat Rumours... :')
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
Origineel van Deep Dish
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]

“I mean, nobody’s scientifically perfect, but Suzie’s about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be.”
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:13:28 #10
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef El-Stinho het volgende:
Jammer @:ArnieAlberts ! Jij mag niet meer in de Zoom.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
Dreams _O_
♫ ~ Je kunt de massa niet beteugelen; het is een monster ~ Marcel van Roosmalen
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:13:37 #12
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:
De vooruitgang is wel een beetje gestopt voor Dreams.
Staat hier ook wel goed vind ik.
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:13:41 #14
842 Zorro
Legendarisch! Ze zei legendarisch!
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
♫ ~ Je kunt de massa niet beteugelen; het is een monster ~ Marcel van Roosmalen
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:
Benieuwd wat Impossible kan @:Scorpion_17
Ik ben er een beetje bang voor. Soldier On zal ook nog wel moeilijk hoor staan. verder benieuwd naar wat another 45 miles doet, waar Dolly Pardon dit jaar eindigt en wat de laatste ABBA's doen.
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
Dreams O+
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef alpeko het volgende:

Waar zijn de krenten?
Wil je niet zo vies praten
“I mean, nobody’s scientifically perfect, but Suzie’s about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be.”
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef alpeko het volgende:

Waar zijn de krenten?
♫ ~ Je kunt de massa niet beteugelen; het is een monster ~ Marcel van Roosmalen
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:14:11 #22
222754 Dagoduck
Hadden jullie nog meegekregen dat ik een zoom-VIP-room in werd gezet en dat de regie toen vroeg of ik vanavond bij het aftelmoment in beeld wilde komen _O-
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef Poppejans het volgende:

[ link | afbeelding ]
Wat kan ze bakken he, die vrouw _O_
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:14:28 #24
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef alpeko het volgende:

Waar zijn de krenten?
In de pap.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:14:32 #25
280416 Whiskers2009
Maak dat de kat wijs!!
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:14 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Hadden jullie nog meegekregen dat ik een zoom-VIP-room in werd gezet en dat de regie toen vroeg of ik vanavond bij het aftelmoment in beeld wilde komen _O-
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither" Benjamin Franklin
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:14:33 #26
842 Zorro
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef alpeko het volgende:

Waar zijn de krenten?
In de pap
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:14:34 #27
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef Poppejans het volgende:

[ link | afbeelding ]
@diaan73 die het af laat weten dit jaar
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:14 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Hadden jullie nog meegekregen dat ik een zoom-VIP-room in werd gezet en dat de regie toen vroeg of ik vanavond bij het aftelmoment in beeld wilde komen _O-
dagod _O_
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:14:42 #29
311938 Kopiko
We were so happy...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef Poppejans het volgende:

[ link | afbeelding ]
Blauwe emmer > Blauwe dag
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef Zorro het volgende:
Legendarisch! Ze zei legendarisch!
Nee hè, moet ik nu weer drinken? ;(
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:14 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Hadden jullie nog meegekregen dat ik een zoom-VIP-room in werd gezet en dat de regie toen vroeg of ik vanavond bij het aftelmoment in beeld wilde komen _O-
Je bent gewoon een VIZ Dago...
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:14:51 #32
842 Zorro
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:14 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:

In de pap.
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:14 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Hadden jullie nog meegekregen dat ik een zoom-VIP-room in werd gezet en dat de regie toen vroeg of ik vanavond bij het aftelmoment in beeld wilde komen _O-
Haha. Ze zijn natuurlijk warnhopig op zoek naar mensen die zo gek zijn om om 12 uur te zoomen _O-
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:15:02 #35
488763 Starflyer
Flies to the stars
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef El-Stinho het volgende:
Die van mij op FM komt nog
No Dyson Barrier is going to stop me!
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:15 schreef Starflyer het volgende:

Die van mij op FM komt nog
De ketting?
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:14 schreef peaceman het volgende:

@:diaan73 die het af laat weten dit jaar
Met toestemming van @Diaan73 even een keer het stokje overgenomen
“I mean, nobody’s scientifically perfect, but Suzie’s about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be.”
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:15:22 #38
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
Live was dit niet om aan te … ach laat ook maar ;(
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:14 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Hadden jullie nog meegekregen dat ik een zoom-VIP-room in werd gezet en dat de regie toen vroeg of ik vanavond bij het aftelmoment in beeld wilde komen _O-
Dan kom je ook gewoon op NPO 1 :D Ik zou het doen!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:15:24 #40
280416 Whiskers2009
Maak dat de kat wijs!!
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:15 schreef Starflyer het volgende:

Die van mij op FM komt nog
En dat is?
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither" Benjamin Franklin
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:15:27 #41
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

Ik ben er een beetje bang voor. Soldier On zal ook nog wel moeilijk hoor staan. verder benieuwd naar wat another 45 miles doet, waar Dolly Pardon dit jaar eindigt en wat de laatste ABBA's doen.
Alleen Dancing Queen moet nog
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:15:38 #42
222754 Dagoduck
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:14 schreef Whiskers2009 het volgende:

Nou, ze vroegen eerst in welke tijdzone ik zat omdat ik hele nachten de hele week al in de zoom zat _O-
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:15:39 #43
311938 Kopiko
We were so happy...
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:14 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Hadden jullie nog meegekregen dat ik een zoom-VIP-room in werd gezet en dat de regie toen vroeg of ik vanavond bij het aftelmoment in beeld wilde komen _O-
Ah, ze hebben naar mijn advies geluisterd.
Hierna maar even naar de supermarrekt en dan op tijd terug zijn voor oorlog en kinderen die een schot van ons verwijderd zijn.
♫ ~ Je kunt de massa niet beteugelen; het is een monster ~ Marcel van Roosmalen
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:15 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:

Nou, ze vroegen eerst in welke tijdzone ik zat omdat ik hele nachten de hele week al in de zoom zat _O-
_O- _O-
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:15:56 #46
280416 Whiskers2009
Maak dat de kat wijs!!
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:15 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:

Nou, ze vroegen eerst in welke tijdzone ik zat omdat ik hele nachten de hele week al in de zoom zat _O-
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither" Benjamin Franklin
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:16:05 #47
488763 Starflyer
Flies to the stars
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:15 schreef Isorden het volgende:

De ketting?

Het ultieme Formule 1 anthem
No Dyson Barrier is going to stop me!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:15 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:

Alleen Dancing Queen moet nog
Oh dan heb ik Mama Mia gemist.

After all is de top 100 best wel een hypevrije top 100 gebleven kunnen we concluderen
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:16:22 #49
280416 Whiskers2009
Maak dat de kat wijs!!
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:16 schreef Starflyer het volgende:


Het ultieme Formule 1 anthem
F1 O+ O+ O+
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither" Benjamin Franklin
wat een album is Rumours toch ook _O_
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:16 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

Oh dan heb ik Mama Mia gemist.

After all is de top 100 best wel een hypevrije top 100 gebleven kunnen we concluderen
Stond al op 315
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:16:50 #52
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:15 schreef BillDauterive het volgende:

Dan kom je ook gewoon op NPO 1 :D Ik zou het doen!
Naja, zit ik daar tijdens Queen :r _O- Maar nee, heb vriendelijk bedankt.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:16:55 #53
488763 Starflyer
Flies to the stars
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:15 schreef Whiskers2009 het volgende:

En dat is?
The Chain
No Dyson Barrier is going to stop me!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:16:57 #54
465903 Hamlapjes
Niet voor op de BBQ
Zo, lunch is op, tijd voor het GENOTSUURTJE
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:14 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

Wat kan ze bakken he, die vrouw _O_
Ja he, beter dan op de Zoom gister :D
“I mean, nobody’s scientifically perfect, but Suzie’s about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be.”
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:16 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

Oh dan heb ik Mama Mia gemist.

After all is de top 100 best wel een hypevrije top 100 gebleven kunnen we concluderen
je mag dit nog herstellen...
All Day I Dream About Stemlijsten
  Redactie Sport / Supervogel vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:17:10 #57
270182 crew  Pino112
Pino van Luna O+
Zullen ze ook iPhones en Macs hebben?

Fleetwood MacBook Pro
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:17:18 #58
222754 Dagoduck
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:16 schreef Starflyer het volgende:

The Chain
Oelala, genot _O_
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:16 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

Oh dan heb ik Mama Mia gemist.

After all is de top 100 best wel een hypevrije top 100 gebleven kunnen we concluderen
Die was gisterenmiddag bij Ruud de Wild, die vond het héél fijn om vier keer ABBA te mogen draaien in één uur _O-
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:17 schreef Tussle266 het volgende:

je mag dit nog herstellen...
Ja oke alles onder de top 10
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:17:29 #61
222754 Dagoduck
Dreams ook genot uiteraard!
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
9s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:17 schreef Pino112 het volgende:
Zullen ze ook iPhones en Macs hebben?

Fleetwood MacBook Pro
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:17 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:

Oelala, genot _O_
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
17s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:17 schreef Cinderelladreamer het volgende:

Die was gisterenmiddag bij Ruud de Wild, die vond het héél fijn om vier keer ABBA te mogen draaien in één uur _O-
KIDV zal jaloers zijn geweest.
♫ ~ Je kunt de massa niet beteugelen; het is een monster ~ Marcel van Roosmalen
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:17:43 #65
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:16 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

Oh dan heb ik Mama Mia gemist.

After all is de top 100 best wel een hypevrije top 100 gebleven kunnen we concluderen
Alleen Another 45 Miles (en evt Impossible) zou ik echt nog onder hypenoteringen scharen naast natuurlijk Whiter Shade
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
Ach, de klotehelikopter
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:17:53 #67
842 Zorro
Beste van Billy _O_
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:17:55 #68
114177 Diaan73
Sinds 31-05-07: Peacewoman!!!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:13 schreef Poppejans het volgende:

[ link | afbeelding ]
Ziet er goed uit! ^O^

Hier geen oliebollen, wel elke ochtend churro's. Een goede vervanger. O+
Beste Billy Joel.

Dit staat te laag!
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
Goodnight Saigon _O_
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:18:05 #71
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:18:10 #72
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
Beter dan Pianoman
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:18:17 #73
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
Beste van meneer Joel O+
Goodnight Kaboel
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:18:19 #75
222754 Dagoduck
Met zijn allen naar Vietnam *O*
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
deze heeft ook best wat hoger gestaan volgens mij.
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
Waarom zitten jullie op je helm. Zodat ze onze ballen er niet af schieten!
"Und Niemals Vergessen - Eisern Union!"
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:18:21 #78
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
Beste van Billy _O_
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
Ben dit nummer best wel gaan waarderen. Steengoede tekst
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:17 schreef El-Stinho het volgende:

KIDV zal jaloers zijn geweest.
Die hadden beter even kunnen ruilen inderdaad :D
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:18:35 #81
842 Zorro
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:18 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:
Beter dan Pianoman
Zelfs Susan en Freek.....

Nou ja dat dan niet, maar toch.
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:18 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:
Beter dan Pianoman
Das ook niet zo moeilijk.

T is een prima kroegnummer, meer ook niet.
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:18:39 #83
488763 Starflyer
Flies to the stars
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:16 schreef MTheBassman het volgende:
wat een album is Rumours toch ook _O_
Misschien wel het op een na beste album ooit :)
No Dyson Barrier is going to stop me!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:18:41 #84
465903 Hamlapjes
Niet voor op de BBQ
Absoluut de beste van Billy _O_
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:18:43 #85
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:18 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Met zijn allen naar Vietnam *O*
Dat probeer ik al 2 jaar. :'(
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:18:46 #86
156145 Lucifer_Doosje
Licht ontvlambaar
*O* stemplaat *O*
Op zaterdag 26 juli 2008 11:43 schreef Kali-Mist1 het volgende:
lucifer FTW!!!!
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:18 schreef MTheBassman het volgende:
deze heeft ook best wat hoger gestaan volgens mij.
#8 in 2001 ;(
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:19:03 #88
308538 Piebe
Van alle markten thuis.
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:17 schreef Zorro het volgende:
Beste van Billy _O_
Inderdaad beter dan Piano Man.
Die overigens ook gewoon dik in orde is.

Daarover geen misverstanden
Ja ja
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:19:05 #89
222754 Dagoduck
Met je kip op de zoom _O-
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:19:18 #90
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:18 schreef Starflyer het volgende:

Misschien wel het op een na beste album ooit :)
Deze man weet
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
2s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:17 schreef Diaan73 het volgende:

Ziet er goed uit! ^O^

Hier geen oliebollen, wel elke ochtend churro's. Een goede vervanger. O+
Oeh zeker een waardige vervanger, lekker!
Wolfs favoriet
“I mean, nobody’s scientifically perfect, but Suzie’s about as close to being perfect as any human could possibly be.”
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:19:25 #92
114177 Diaan73
Sinds 31-05-07: Peacewoman!!!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:19:28 #93
222754 Dagoduck
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:19 schreef Isorden het volgende:

#8 in 2001 ;(
Lol, damn.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
Ik vind dit erg saai.
They gave us Bob Hope.. lol niemand kent die man nog
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:19:51 #96
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:18 schreef 4-elements het volgende:

Dat probeer ik al 2 jaar. :'(
Alleen Jan, Pier, Tjores en Corneel mogen heen.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:19:53 #97
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:19 schreef Bugno3 het volgende:
Ik vind dit erg saai.
Nog veel te strepen vandaag. CCR is de volgende :9

0009) Pearl Jam - Black (31 dec 22:00 - 23:00)
0013) Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (31 dec 22:00 - 23:00)
0017) Guns N' Roses - November Rain (31 dec 22:00 - 23:00)
0021) Prince & The Revolution - Purple Rain (31 dec - 21:00 - 22:00)
0022) Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb (31 dec 21:00 - 22:00)
0024) David Bowie - Heroes (31 dec 21:00 - 22:00)
0026) Metallica - One (31 dec 21:00 - 22:00)
0040) The Cure - A Forest (31 dec 19:00 - 20:00)
0041) Johnny Cash - Hurt (31 dec 19:00 - 20:00)
0042) Queen - Innuendo (31 dec 19:00 - 20:00)
0049) Michael Kiwanuka - Cold Little Heart (31 dec 18:00 - 19:00)
0071) Supertramp - Fool's Overture (31 dec 16:00 - 17:00)
0108) Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen The Rain (31 dec 12:00 - 13:00)

0111) Fleetwood Mac - Dreams (31 dec 12:00 - 13:00)
0129) Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin (31 dec 10:00 - 11:00)
0162) Bruce Springsteen - Streets Of Philadelphia (31 dec 07:00 - 08:00)
0209) Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out) (31 dec 03:00 - 04:00)
0280) Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah (30 dec 21:00 - 22:00)
0306) Kate Bush - The Man With The Child In His Eyes (30 dec 18:00 - 19:00)
0318) Underworld - Born Slippy (30 dec 17:00 - 18:00)
0344) Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit (30 dec 15:00 - 16:00)
0384) Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird (30 dec 11:00 - 12:00)
0400) Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is (30 dec 10:00 - 11:00)
0499) Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart (30 dec 01:00 - 02:00)
0650) Charles Aznavour - Yesterday When I Was Young (29 dec 13:00 - 14:00)
0702) Massive Attack - Teardrop (29 dec 08:00 - 09:00)
0840) The Blue Nile - Tinseltown In The Rain (28 dec 21:00 - 22:00)
0870) Smiths - There Is a Light That Never Goes Out (28 dec 18:00 - 19:00)
0947) Manic Street Preachers - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next (28 dec 12:00 - 13:00)
1103) War On Drugs - Pain (27 dec 23:00 - 00:00)
1459) Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Learning To Fly (26 dec 19:00 - 20:00)
1662) Spinvis - Bagagedrager (26 dec 02:00 - 03:00)
1845) The Verve - The Drugs Don't Work (25 dec 12:00 - 13:00)
1920) Beach Boys - Tears In The Morning (25 dec 06:00 - 07:00)
1950) Kraftwerk - The Model (25 dec 03:00 - 04:00)
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:19:56 #99
842 Zorro
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:19 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:
They gave us Bob Hope.. lol niemand kent die man nog
Het gaat dan ook over de Vietnam oorlog Hans
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:20:21 #100
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:19 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:
They gave us Bob Hope.. lol niemand kent die man nog
Net als Jim uit Idols
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:19 schreef Zorro het volgende:

Het gaat dan ook over de Vietnam oorlog Hans
Weet ik ouwe reus
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:20:52 #102
308538 Piebe
Van alle markten thuis.
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:19 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:
They gave us Bob Hope.. lol niemand kent die man nog
Komiek die 100+ werd toch
Ja ja
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:19 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:
They gave us Bob Hope.. lol niemand kent die man nog
They sent us Playboy.

we will aaaaaaaaall go doooown together :@
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:21:13 #105
280416 Whiskers2009
Maak dat de kat wijs!!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:19 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:
They gave us Bob Hope.. lol niemand kent die man nog
Jawel hoor :)
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither" Benjamin Franklin
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:20 schreef Piebe het volgende:

Komiek die 100+ werd toch
100 en een paar maanden lees ik net.
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:21:16 #107
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:20 schreef Piebe het volgende:

Komiek die 100+ werd toch
Geen fatshaming! :(
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:21:17 #108
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
And we're all going down together.
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:21:29 #109
842 Zorro
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:21 schreef Arth_NL het volgende:

They sent us Playboy.

Jij wil hem vragen er ook wat naar jou op te sturen?
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
_O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:21:49 #111
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:20 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:

Net als Jim uit Idols
Of die dikke uit de jury.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:20 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:

Net als Jim uit Idols
Had die niet iets met die dikke uit die jury te maken? Te laat.
All Day I Dream About Stemlijsten

We held the day in the (na)palm of our hand
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:22:00 #114
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:21 schreef 4-elements het volgende:
And we're all going down together.
Nog steeds actueel die zin!
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:21 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:

Of die dikke uit de jury.
Die zit bij Radio 5 tegenwoordig
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:22 schreef Isorden het volgende:

Die zit bij Radio 5 tegenwoordig
Ja hoe die man ooit radiomaker is geworden. Braakt alleen maar cliches uit
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:22:31 #117
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:22 schreef Isorden het volgende:

Die zit bij Radio 5 tegenwoordig
Dat is altijd RUIM de irritantste presentator tijdens de Evergreen
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:22:31 #118
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:21 schreef peaceman het volgende:

Geen fatshaming! :(
500+ miljoen dollar was ie ooit waard lees ik net. Koekoek.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:22:39 #119
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
Nummers met een origineel onderwerp krijgen van mij altijd een plusje. ^O^
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:22 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:

Dat is altijd RUIM de irritantste presentator tijdens de Evergreen
Ook totaal geen goed duo met mevrouw Kemps
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:22:56 #122
222754 Dagoduck
Arme kips.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:22 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

Ook totaal geen goed duo met mevrouw Kemps
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:23:08 #124
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:22 schreef 4-elements het volgende:
Nummers met een origineel onderwerp krijgen van mij altijd een plusje. ^O^
Deze niet dus.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:23:15 #125
280416 Whiskers2009
Maak dat de kat wijs!!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:21 schreef 4-elements het volgende:
And we're all going down together.
Dat is geen Engels :P
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither" Benjamin Franklin
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:23:17 #126
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:22 schreef peaceman het volgende:

Nog steeds actueel die zin!
Helaas wel. En dat zal nog wel een tijdje zo blijven. :'(
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:23:44 #127
222754 Dagoduck
In Den Helder is 40 kilo vuurwerk ingeleverd jongens.

Man man man.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:23:56 #128
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:23 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:

Deze niet dus.
Annemieke noemt ze ook even
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  Redactie Sport / Supervogel vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:24:09 #129
270182 crew  Pino112
Pino van Luna O+
Origineel van Glee
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:24:18 #131
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:23 schreef 4-elements het volgende:

Helaas wel. En dat zal nog wel een tijdje zo blijven. :'(
Ach ja de mensheid laat zichzelf ten onder gaan. Zit je tzt met je miljarden zonder eten in 45 graden..
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:24:19 #132
842 Zorro
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
Is dit Journey?
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:24:26 #134
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
Dit is echt ongelooflijke klote kitsch, ik kan het niet anders verwoorden.
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
Origineel van Glee.
Koel en donker bewaren
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:24:36 #138
308538 Piebe
Van alle markten thuis.
Ja ja
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:24:36 #139
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:24 schreef ok01 het volgende:
Is dit Journey?
Nee dit zijn ze wel
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:24:46 #140
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
Oef deze staat ook wel heel erg hoog :o
  Moderator vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:24:47 #141
198822 crew  Rellende_Rotscholier
Robbertje matten met de wouten
The Sopranos _O_
Het blijft toch een merkwaardige sport hè, dat wielrennen.
  Redactie Sport / Supervogel vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:24:53 #142
270182 crew  Pino112
Pino van Luna O+
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:24 schreef Guanabana het volgende:
Origineel van Glee.
Al bespr..
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:24 schreef MTheBassman het volgende:
Dit is echt ongelooflijke klote kitsch, ik kan het niet anders verwoorden.
Hierna word het weer beter :Y
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:24:59 #144
311938 Kopiko
We were so happy...
Journey > Kaagman
Glee en Family Guy genot _O_
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:09 #146
842 Zorro
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:24 schreef peaceman het volgende:
Oef deze staat ook wel heel erg hoog :o
Je schrijft laag verkeerd
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:11 #147
222754 Dagoduck
Zei iemand nummers over de Vietnamoorlog?

"19" by Paul Hardcastle
"1954 Cha Bỏ Quê, 1975 Con Bỏ Nước" by Phạm Duy [about the two large migrations: in 1954 and 1975.]
"2 + 2 = ?" by The Bob Seger System
"50,000 Names" by George Jones [about the Vietnam Memorial wall]
"500 Miles Away From Home" by Bobby Bare
"7 O'Clock News/Silent Night" by Simon & Garfunkel
"8th of November" by Big & Rich
"21st Century Schizoid Man" by King Crimson
"The 'A' Team" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Agent Orange" by Grinder
"Agent Orange" by Sodom
"Agent Orange Song" by Maan Shah
"Alice's Restaurant Massacree" by Arlo Guthrie
"All Along the Watchtower" by Bob Dylan
"All My Children of the Sun" by Pete Seeger
"Am I Ever Gonna See My Baby Again" by The Sweet Inspirations
"Amerika the Brutal" by Six Feet Under
"America, Fuck Yeah" by Trey Parker
"American Woman by Guess Who
"An American Draft Dodger in Thunder Bay" by Sam Roberts
"Anh hùng đâu phải cứ mày râu" – Vũ Trọng Hối (about women who fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Anh phi công ơi!" – Xuân Giao (a children's song about communist airmen protecting Vietnam)
"Anh Quân Bưu Vui Tính" – Đàm Thanh (about communist military postal men)
"Anh lái xe đường dây" – Nguyễn Hữu Tuấn (about the couragement of communist transport driver driving on ropes to supply for communist troops)
"Anh vẫn hành quân" – Huy Du (about communist troops still marching towards the battlefields for the national reunification despite of attacks and bombardment from the US army and the ARVN)
"Another Christmas Without My Son" by Reverend Oris Mays
"Artefucked" by Nargaroth
"Article IV" by Good Riddance (About US soldiers during The Tet-Offensive fighting for survival and protesters back in the states)
"Bà Mẹ Phù Sa" (all you need is love) Phạm Duy [about a peasant woman who hides a government agent when she sees a Vietcong, and in turn hides the Vietcong when she sees a government platoon coming.]
"Bài Ca Dành Cho Những Xác Người" (Song for the Corpses) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about the Battle of Huế]
"Bác Đang Cùng Chúng Cháu Hành Quân" – Huy Thục (about communist troops on Ho Chi Minh trail)
"Bài ca bên cánh võng" – Nguyên Nhung
"Bài ca chiến sĩ hải quân" – Văn Cao (about Vietnamese shipmen protecting Vietnam)
"Bài ca Đường 9" – Huy Du (about communist troops in battle of Khe Sanh)
"Bài ca Hà Nội" – Vũ Thanh (about Hanoi under bombardment of the US)
"Bài ca hy vọng" – Văn Ký (about the hope on the national reunification)
"Bài Ca Người Chiến Sĩ Hải Quân" – Thanh Trúc
"Bài Ca Người Săn Máy Bay" – Văn Lưu (about Vietnamese pilots shooting down US fighter jets)
"Bài ca người nữ tự vệ Sài Gòn" – Phạm Minh Tuấn (about Saigon's female urban commandos fighting against the US and the ARVN)
"Bước chân trên dãy Trường Sơn" – Vũ Trọng Hối (about communist troops surpassing Trường Sơn mountains)
"Bài ca không quên" – Phạm Minh Tuấn (about deaded companions in the communist army)
"Back in Vietnam" by Lenny Kravitz
"Back to Vietnam" by Television Personalities
"Back to the World" by Curtis Mayfield
"Backlash Blues" by Nina Simone
"Badge of Courage" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Ballad of a Crystal Man" by Donovan
"Ballad for a Soldier" by Leon Russell & Marc Benno
"The Ballad of the Green Berets" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Ballad of Vietnam" by Ludvick Rummel
"Bamiba" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Battalions of Fear" by Blind Guardian
"The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley" by Terry Nelson
"The Battle of Vietnam" by Hal Willis
"Beach Party Vietnam" by The Dead Milkmen
"The Big Parade" by 10,000 Maniacs
"Big Time in the Jungle" by Old Crow Medicine Show
"Billy Don't Be a Hero" by Paper Lace
"Black Flame" by Renaissance
"Black Wall" by Dennis DeYoung (about the fear of being drafted, the fear during the war, and going "back to the world"[3])
"Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan
"Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen (references the Siege of Khe Sanh among other things.)
"Born on the Fourth of July" by Tom Paxton
"Broken Heroes" by Saxon
"The Boy Who's Never Found" by The Katydids
"Brainwashed" by The Bossmen (tells what happens to the people who come back from the war in Vietnam, and shows the post war trauma that happens)
"Bring the Boys Home" by Freda Payne
"Bring Them Home" by Pete Seeger
"Brother Did You Weep" by Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger
"Brothers Under the Bridge" by Bruce Springsteen
"Bungle in the Jungle" by Jethro Tull
"Burning Bridges" by Pink Floyd
"Burnt Alive" by Rocket from the Crypt
"Burnt Out Souls" by Despair
"Business Goes on as Usual" by the Chad Mitchell Trio
"Ca Dao Mẹ" (Mother's Lullaby) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about a mother's sacrifices during wartime]
"Cánh đồng hòa bình" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Câu hò bên bến Hiền Lương" – music: Hoàng Hiệp, lyric: Hoàng Hiệp – Đằng Giao (about the wish for the national reunification)
"Chào Anh Giải Phóng Quân" – Hoàng Vân (celebration for the PLAF troops)
"Chào Anh Giải Phóng Quân, Chào Mùa Xuân Đại Thắng" – Hoàng Vân Trình (celebration for the PLAF troops and the national reunification)
"Chính chúng ta phải nói" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chú Giải phóng quân cháu xin tặng chú một bài ca" – Vũ Thanh (a children's song for celebration to the PLAF troops)
"Chúng ta đã đứng dậy" – Tôn Thất Lập (about the uprising of South Vietnamese youth against the ARVN and the US army)
"Chiếc gậy Trường Sơn" – Phạm Tuyên (about the determination of communist troops on liberating South Vietnam)
"Chiến sĩ Rađa trên chốt biên thùy" – Thuận Yến (about the fighting of communist radar soldiers)
"Chim hòa bình" – (about the hope on peace)
"Chờ nhìn quê hương sáng chói" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chú bộ đội" – Hoàng Hà (about communist troops in Vietnam war)
"Chưa hết giặc ta chưa về" – Huy Du (about the determination of communist troops on destroying the enemy)
"Chưa mất niềm tin" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chưa mòn giấc mơ" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Cô Gái Mở Đường"-Xuân Giao (about communist female army engineers)
"Cô Gái Pa – Kô" – Huy Thục (about minority ethnic girls supporting communist troops)
"Cô gái Sài Gòn đi tải đạn" – Lư Nhất Vũ (about Saigon girls supporting communist troops)
"Cô Gái vót chông" – Hoàng Hiệp (about minority ethnic girls supporting communist troops)
"Cho Một Người Vừa Nằm Xuống" – Trịnh Công Sơn
"Cambodia" by Kim Wilde
"Camouflage" by Stan Ridgway
"Carried by Six" by Internal Void
"Charlie Boy" by the Lumineers
"Charlie Don't Surf" by The Clash
"Charlie Freak" by Steely Dan
"Child in Time" by Deep Purple
"Cho Một Người Vừa Nằm Xuống" (For a Person Just Fallen Down) by Trịnh Công Sơn [dedicated to Lưu Kim Cương, a friend of the author who died in battle. Who is a Republic of Vietnam Air Force pilot.]
"Christmas in Vietnam" by Johnny and Jon
"Chuyện hai người lính" (Story about two soldiers) by Phạm Duy [1968, about two soldiers on different front lines who "kill each other because of love of Vietnam"]
"Clean Cut Kid" by Bob Dylan (tells how a normal American boy is changed to a fierce fighting boy by the use of drugs, pills, and alcohol)
"Coming Home Soldier" by Bobby Vinton
"Commando" by The Ramones
"Compared to What" by Gene McDaniels
"Compulsory Hero" by 1927 [deals with conscription in Australia during the Vietnam War]
"Copperhead Road" by Steve Earle
"Cops of the World" by Phil Ochs
"Cowboys on Horses with Wings" by Hoyt Axton
"Cousin Randy" by Infectious Grooves
"Cream Puff War" by The Grateful Dead
"Cruel War" by Peter, Paul and Mary
"Cry for Freedom" by The Starfires
"Cùng anh tiến quân trên đường dài" – Huy Du và Xuân Sách (about Nguyễn Viêt Xuân, a hero in fighting against the US)
"Cùng hành quân giữa mùa xuân" – Hoàng Hà (about happiness, beliefs on victories of communist troops on Ho Chi Minh trail)
"Daddy Won't Be Home Anymore" by Dolly Parton
"Dậy mà đi" – Nhạc: Nguyễn Xuân Tân (Tôn Thất Lập), thơ: Tố Hữu (encourages for uprings against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Đất nước trọn niềm vui" – Hoàng Hà (about happiness of Vietnamese on the national reunification)
"Đại Bác Ru Đêm" (Cannon's Night Lullaby) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about bombardment in the city]
"Dancing in the Ashes" by Psychotic Waltz
"Dân Ta Vẫn Sống" (Our People Still Lives) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Daniel" by Elton John [the verse dealing most specifically with the Vietnam War was removed by lyricist Bernie Taupin shortly before being recorded.]
"Đêm bây giờ đêm mai" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đêm Trường Sơn" (Nights in Trường Sơn) – Huy Du (about nights and communist troops at Trường Sơn mountains)
"Đêm Trường Sơn nhớ Bác" – Trần Chung (about the thinkings on Ho Chi Minh of communist troops surpassing Trường Sơn mountains)
"Dead Yankee Drawl" by Manic Street Preachers
"Dear Uncle Sam" by Loretta Lynn
"Dear Mr. President" by Pink
"Death" by The Pretty Things
"Death Sound" by Country Joe and the Fish
"Deathbed" by Relient K
"Death Tone" by Manowar
"Desperation Part IV" by Redemption
"Đi tìm quê hương" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Did You Ever See Me" by Shrubs
"Did You Hear What They Said?" by Gil Scott-Heron
"Do the Russians Want War?" by Mark Bernes
"Does Anybody Know I'm Here?" by The Dells
"Đôi mắt nào mở ra" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đồng Đội ơi" (My companion!) by Nguyễn Giang (music) and Trương Vĩnh Tuấn (lyrics) [expressing the sentiment of communist veterans and soldiers to their sacrificed companions)
"Đợi Có Một Ngày" (Wait Until the Day) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expressing the author's desire for peace]
"Doin' All Right" by The Fugs
"Đồng Dao Hoà Bình" (Children's Song of Peace) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Don't Cry My Love" by The Impressions
"Don't Cry My Soldier Boy" by Thelma Houston
"Don't Walk Away" by Shrubs
"Door jou" by Gerard Cox
"Down On The Base" by Leon Russell & Marc Benno
"Dựng lại người dựng lại nhà" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đừng mong ai, đừng nghi ngại" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đường chúng ta đi" – Huy Du và Xuân Sách (about the determinations of communist troops)
"Đường Trường Sơn xe anh qua" – Văn Dung (about Ho Chi Minh trails)
"Draft Dodger Rag" by Phil Ochs
"Draft Morning" by The Byrds
"Draft Resister" by Steppenwolf
"Drive On" by Johnny Cash
"Echoes" by Pink Floyd
"El Derecho de Vivir en Paz" by Víctor Jara
"The Edge of Darkness" by Iron Maiden
"Eve of Destruction" by Barry McGuire [written by P. F. Sloan]
"Everyday Combat" by Lostprophets
"Em Bé Giải Phóng Quân" – Thanh Trúc (about the love of children for PLAF troops)
"Era Um Garoto Que Como Eu Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones" by Os Incríveis (about an American boy, guitarist, that was sent to Vietnam, losing his youth, career, and life fighting)
"Fear of Napalm" by Terrorizer
"Fellows in Vietnam" by Inez and Charlie Foxx
"The Fiddle and the Drum" by Joni Mitchell
"Fightin' for the U.S.A." by Jerry Reed
"The Fightin' Side of Me" by Merle Haggard
"Fight to be Free" by Nuclear Assault
"Find the Cost of Freedom" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
"First Blood" by Evile
"First Vietnamese War" by The Black Angels
"Flowers of Evil" by Mountain
"Forget Me Not" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas[4]
"For Fuck's Sake" by The Almighty
"Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
"For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield
"Front Line" by Stevie Wonder
"Future Shock" by Evildead
"Galveston" by Glen Campbell
"Galveston Bay" by Bruce Springsteen
"Giải phóng miền Nam" (Liberate the South) by Huỳnh Minh Siêng
"Gặp nhau trên đỉnh Trường Sơn" – Hoàng Hà (about meetings between communist troops at Ho Chi Minh trails)
"Garet Trooper" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Gia Tài Của Mẹ" (A Mother's Legacy) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Giọt Nước Mắt Cho Quê Hương" (A Teardrop for Homeland) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Gimme Shelter" by The Rolling Stones[5]
"Give Peace a Chance" by John Lennon (Plastic Ono Band)
"Godspeed" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
"Going to Vietnam" by Big Amos
"Goodnight Saigon" by Billy Joel
"Grass for Blades" by Jim Pembroke and Wigwam
"The Great Goodnight" by Magellan
"The Great Mandala" by Peter, Paul and Mary
"Greetings (This is Uncle Sam)" by The Valadiers (also recorded by The Monitors)[4]
"Grey October" by Peggy Seeger
"Gunya Down" by Pro-Pain
"Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ" – Phạm Tuyên (about victories of North Vietnam in Operation Linebaker II)
"Hành khúc không quân Việt Nam" – Văn Cao
"Hàng em mang tới chiến hào" – Lư Nhất Vũ (about logistics brought to communist troops at battlefields)
"Hành Ca" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hành Khúc Giải Phóng" – Long Hưng và Lưu Nguyễn
"Hành khúc ngày và đêm" – Phan Huỳnh Điểu (about the love of a communist couple temporarily divided by the war)
"Hát cho dân tôi nghe" Tôn Thất Lập (about South Vietnamese youth against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Hát mãi khúc quân hành" – Diệp Minh Tuyền (about the love toward peace and hatred toward war of communist troops)
"Hát trên đường tranh đấu" –
"Hát trong tù" – (the song of South Vietnamese youth being in prison because of against the US and the ARVN)
"Hãy ca dạy lên"
"Hãy đi cùng nhau" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hãy giữ gìn lấy Việt Nam" – Văn Chung
"Hãy nhìn lại" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hãy nói giùm tôi" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hò kéo pháo" – Hoàng Vân (the song communist troops singing while pulling artilleries by hand)
"Hoan hô chú bộ đội" – Nguyễn Thanh Tùng (celebration communist troops shooting down the US fighter jets)
"Hallelujah Day" by The Jackson 5
"Hand of Doom" by Black Sabbath
"Handsome Johnny" by Richie Havens
"Hands Off Vietnam!" by Dzhilda Mazheykayte
"Hanoi Hannah" by Roger McGuinn
"Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon
"Hát Trên Những Xác Người" (Singing on Corpses) by Trịnh Công Sơn [written following the Tet Offensive]
"Hallå Där Bonde" (Hello there Farmer) by Knutna Nävar
"He Wore the Green Beret" by Nancy Ames
"Heart of Darkness" by Grave Digger
"Hello Vietnam" by Johnnie Wright (also recorded by Dave Dudley)
"Hello Vietnam (Goodbye My Love)" by Ray Hildebrand
"Here's to the State of Richard Nixon" by Phil Ochs
"High" by Richard Marx
"Home" by Mac Davis. Also recorded by Gary Puckett & The Union Gap
"Home from the War" by Lugh Damen
"Ho Chi Minh City" by Shrubs
"House Of The Rising Sun" by [The Animals]
"Huế Sài Gòn Hà Nội" (Huế, Saigon, Hanoi) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expresses the author's desire for a peaceful, united Vietnam.]
"Human Being Lawnmower" by MC5
"Hungry for Blood" by Virus
"Huyền Sử Một Người Mang Tên Quốc" (Ballad of a Person named Quốc) by Phạm Duy [about Phạm Phú Quốc, a RVAF pilot who bombed the Independence Palace in Saigon. He was shot down in North Vietnam in a mission to bomb the North.]
"I Ain't Marching Anymore" by Phil Ochs
"I Believe I'm Gonna Make It" by Joe Tex
"I Can't Write Left Handed" by Bill Withers
"I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag" by Country Joe and the Fish
"I'd Love to Change the World" by Ten Years After
"I'm Your Captain (Closer to Home)" by Grand Funk Railroad
"I Should Be Proud" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
"I Want to Come Home for Christmas" by Marvin Gaye
"I Was Only Nineteen (A Walk in the Light Green)" by Redgum
"Imagine" by John Lennon
"I've Seen All Good People" by Yes
"Into the Fire" by Sabaton
"Khe Sanh" by Cold Chisel
"The Knife" by Genesis (Peter Gabriel, influenced by a book on Gandhi, "wanted to try [to] show how all violent revolutions inevitably end up with a dictator in power")[6]
"Kuiama" by the Electric Light Orchestra
"Last Train to Clarksville" by The Monkees
"Long Live Our Love" by The Shangri-Las
"Lost in the Flood" by Bruce Springsteen
"Love Vigilantes" by New Order
"Lời ru đêm" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Luang Prabang", by Dave Van Ronk
"Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation", by Tom Paxton
"Machine Gun" by Band of Gypsys (Jimi Hendrix)
"Madre" by Silvio Rodriguez
"Mama Bake a Pie (Daddy Kill a Chicken)" by Tom T. Hall[7]
"Masters of War" by Bob Dylan
"More Than a Name on a Wall" by The Statler Brothers
"Mountains" by Manowar[8]
"Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton (#1 – 1964)
"Một ngày vietnam"
"Một ngày vinh quang một ngày tuyệt vọng" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Mùa áo quan" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Năm Anh Em Trên Một Chiếc Xe Tăng" – Doãn Nho (about communist tankmen)
"Ngày dài trên quê hương" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngày Mai Chúng Mình Ra Trận" – Nhạc: Hoài Tố Hạnh, lời: Trần Đăng Khoa (nhà thơ) (about the feeling, believes in victory and the national reunification of Vietnamese communist youth, who was to join the war)
"Ngày mai đây bình yên" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngủ đi con" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngụ ngôn của mùa Đông" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Người con gái Việt Nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Người mẹ Bàn Cờ" – Nhạc: Trần Long Ẩn, thơ: Nguyễn Kim Ngân (about Vietnamese mothers wanting peace)
"Người mẹ miền Nam tay không thắng giặc" – Thuận Yến (about South Vietnamese mothers fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Người mẹ Ô Lý" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Những ai còn là Việt nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Những giọt máu trổ bông" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Nhưng hôm nay" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Napalm in the Morning" by Sodom
"The Nang, the Front, the Bush and the Shit" by El-P
"Near Thái Nguyên Bridge" by Alexander Gusev
"Như có Bác Hồ trong ngày vui đại thắng" (Uncle Ho likely was Here On the Day of Victory) by Phạm Tuyên (about the feelings that Ho Chi Minh being appear on the national reunification day).
"Nối Vòng Tay Lớn" (Joining Hands) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expresses the author's wish for peace and national solidarity. This song was played on the radio after the communist forces took over Saigon's radio station during the Fall of Saigon.]
"None of Your Doing" by Steppenwolf
"No One to Follow" by Anvil
"A Nurse in the U.S. Army" by Connie Francis
"Napalm Sticks to Kids" by unknown US servicemen, first recording by First of the Ninth Chorus
"Những Bông Hoa Trên Tuyến Lửa" – Đỗ Trung Quân (about the happiness of communist troops on fighting against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Những ngày hội đấu tranh" – (about the uprising against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Ohio" by Neil Young
"Okie from Muskogee" by Merle Haggard
"Old Hippie" by The Bellamy Brothers
"One Tin Soldier" by The Original Caste
"Orange Crush" by R.E.M.
"Paint It Black" by Rolling Stones
"Peace Train" by Cat Stevens
"Pencil Marks on the Wall" by Henson Cargill
"People, Let's Stop the War" by Grand Funk Railroad
"Postcards from Saigon" by James Blundell
"Pull Out the Pin" by Kate Bush
"Question" by The Moody Blues
"Rachel’s Coming Home" (aka "Rachel") by Russell Morris
"Rapture" by Impaled Nazarene
"Raymond" by Brett Eldredge
"The Rebel" by Carl Hauck
"Readjustment Blues" by Bill Danoff, sung by John Denver
"Red" by Barefoot Truth
"Reflected Prayer" by Shrubs
"Reflections of My Life" by The Marmalade
"Remember" by Biohazard
"Remember the Heroes" by Sammy Hagar
"Requiem for the Masses" by The Association
"Return to Vietnam" by Master
"Revolution" by The Beatles
"Revolution 1" by The Beatles
"Ricochet" by Bionic Jive
"Riding With Private Malone" by David Ball
"Rooster" by Alice in Chains
"Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town" by Kenny Rogers and the First Edition
"Running Gun Blues" by David Bowie
"Saigon" by John Prine
"Saigon" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Saigon Bride" by Joan Baez
"Saigon Ơi Vĩnh Biệt" (Saigon, Goodbye) by Nam Lộc (a song for Vietnamese refugees having to flee their homeland after the Fall of Saigon)
"Saigon Shrunken Panorama" by The Mountain Goats
"Sài Gòn Quật Khởi" – Hồ Bắc (about the determination against the US and the Republic of Vietnam of people in Saigon)
"Sao mắt mẹ chưa vui" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Sẵn sàng bắn" – Tô Hải (about communist antiaircraft gunmen fighting against the US airforce and the ARVN)
"Salute to the Nurses" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Sam Stone" by John Prine
"Sandman" by America
"Save the Country" by Laura Nyro, also recorded by The Fifth Dimension
"Sean Flynn" by The Clash
"Search and Destroy" by The Stooges
"Sergeant Death" by Fate
"The Seductive Nature of Female Sexuality" by Buried Inside
"Shapes of Things" by The Yardbirds
"Shell Shock" by Manowar
"Shut Out the Lights" by Bruce Springsteen [deals with Post-traumatic stress disorder of a returning veteran]
"Simple Song of Freedom" by Bobby Darin
"Singin' in Vietnam Talkin' Blues" by Johnny Cash
"Sit Down Young Stranger" by Gordon Lightfoot
"Skies on Fire" by AC/DC
"Sky Pilot", written by Eric Burdon, recorded by The Animals
"Slaughter" by Billy Preston
"Smiley" by Ronnie Burns
"Soldier" by Stephen Stills
"Sợi nhớ sợi thương" – Phan Huỳnh Điểu (about the love of a communist couple)
"Sức mạnh nhân dân" – (about the power of Vietnamese in the war against the US)
"Soldier" by Neil Young
"Soldier Boy" by The Shirelles[4]
"The Soldier Has Come Home" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Soldier of Misfortune" by Ogre
"Soldier's Goodbye" by William Bell
"Soldier's Plea" by Marvin Gaye[4]
"A Soldier's Prayer, 1967" by Archie Bell & the Drells
"Some Gave All" by Billy Ray Cyrus
"Someday at Christmas" by Stevie Wonder
"Something to Believe In" by Poison
"Son of the Freeway" by Gravestone
"Song About the Vietnamese Friend" by Edmund Iodkovsky & Vano Muradeli
"South Carolina" by Gil Scott-Heron
"Spiral of Violence" by Whiplash
"Spitting" by Rocket from the Crypt
"Standing on the Corner" by Watson & The Sherlocks
"Still in Saigon" by the Charlie Daniels Band
"Stop the War Now" by Edwin Starr
"Stop the War in Vietnam" by Laurel Aitken
"Straight to Hell" by The Clash [deals with the abandonment of Vietnamese children fathered by American soldiers]
"Student Demonstration Time" by The Beach Boys
"Summer Side of Life" by Gordon Lightfoot
"Sunshine" by Jonathan Edwards
"Suppose They Give a War and No One Comes" by West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
"Surf Nicaragua" by Sacred Reich
"Surrender" by Cheap Trick
"Sympathy for the Devil" by The Rolling Stones
"Ta là chiến sĩ Giải Phóng quân" – Văn Lưu và Triều Dâng (about the pride of being the PLAF troops fighting against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Ta đã thấy gì trong đêm nay" – Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ta đi dựng cờ" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Take Good Care" by Tony Mason
"Take the Star Out of the Window" by John Prine
"Talking Vietnam" by Phil Ochs
"Talking Vietnam Potluck Blues" by Tom Paxton
"Tame the Lion" by Emitt Rhodes
"Ta quyết phải sống" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ta Phải Thấy Mặt Trời" (We Must See the Sun) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Thank You" by the Bobkatz
"That Black Wall" by Danny Barnes
"Tên lửa ta đáng rất hay" – Huy Thục (about communist antiaircraft missile soldiers against the US airforce and the ARVN)
"The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton
"Theme for an American Hero" by Chip Taylor
"Theme for an Imaginary Western" by Jack Bruce
"There Won't Be Any Snow (Christmas in the Jungle)" by Derrik Roberts
"There's a Wall in Washington" by Iris DeMent
"This is Radio Clash" by The Clash
"Three-Five-Zero-Zero" from the musical Hair
"Through the Ages" by Bolt Thrower
"Tình Ca Người Mất Trí" (Love Song of Someone Who Lost Their Mind) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about women with lovers who are soldiers]
"This Ain't Nothing" by Craig Morgan
"This Cowboy's Hat" by Chris Ledoux [talks about his nephew dying in 1969 in Vietnam]
"Tiến bước dưới quân kỳ" – Doãn Nho
"Tiến lên chiến sĩ đồng bào" – Huy Thục
"Tiến Về Sài Gòn" – Lưu Hữu Phước (marching toward Saigon of communist troops)
"Tiếng nói Hà Nội" – Nhạc: Văn An; Lời: Cảnh Trà (about Hanoi's voice on the hope towards national peace)
"Tiếng Đàn Ta Lư" – Huy Thục (the sounds of minority ethnic supporting communist troops)
"Tin tưởng ca" (the beliefs on national peace and reunification of Vietnamese)
"Tình ca" – Hoàng Hiệp (about the love of a communist couple in the war)
"Tình ca của người mất trí" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Tình nghĩa Bắc Nam" – (about the love between North and South Vietnamese)
"Tiếng hát những đêm không ngủ" – Phạm Tuyên
"Tiếng Hát Người Nữ Du Kích Củ Chi" – Lưu Cầu (nhạc sĩ) (about female communist guerilla at Củ Chi)
"Tiểu đoàn 307" – Nguyễn Hữu Trí (about the 307 Battalion of the PLAF)
"To Susan on the West Coast Waiting" by Donovan
"Tôi sẽ đi thăm" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Travelin' Soldier" by Bruce Robison (popularized by the Dixie Chicks)
"Train to Vietnam" by The Rudies
"Trooper's Lament" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Trường Sơn Đông – Trường Sơn Tây" by Hoàng Hiệp [from a poem by Phạm Tiến Duật, about the love and the life of communist troops on the Ho Chi Minh trail.]
"The Road of Life from Hanoi" by unknown Soviet military transportation officer
"Thề quyết bảo vệ Tổ quốc" (Swear to defend the country) – Huy Du (Chinese version "誓死保卫祖国" also available in the late 1960s)
"Thuyền em đi trong đêm" Nguyễn Phú Yên
"Tổ quốc ơi đã ta nghe" – La Hữu Vang
"Tôi biết tôi yêu" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Tôi Là Lê Anh Nuôi" – Trần Hiếu (about cooks in communist armies)
"Tuổi trẻ Việt Nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Từ mặt đất thân yêu" – Tô Hải (about communist airmen fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Tự nguyện" – Trương Quốc Khánh (about voluntary spirits of delication for Vietnam of communist youth)
"Trên dòng sông lịch sử" – Nguyễn Nam
"Trên đỉnh Trường Sơn ta hát" – Huy Du (the happiness of communist troops on Truong Son mountains)
"Uncle Sam" by Jimmy Hughes
"Uncommon Valor: A Vietnam Story" by Jedi Mind Tricks
"Universal Soldier" by Buffy Sainte-Marie; also recorded by Donovan
"Unknown Soldier" by The Doors
"Unknown Soldier" by Breaking Benjamin
"Unnatural Selection" by Ayreon
"Us and Them" by Pink Floyd
"Vaya con Dios-Fellow in Vietnam" by Inez and Charlie Foxx
"Verbal Razors" by Exodus
"Viet Nam Blues" by Dave Dudley
"Vietnam" by Abner Jay
"Vietnam" by Phil Ochs
"Vietnam" by J. B. Lenoir
"Vietnam" by The Satellites
"Vietnam" by Jimmy Cliff
"Vietnam" by Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards
"Vietnam" by T-Bone Walker
"Vietnam Blues" by J. B. Lenoir
"Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh" by Ái Vân and The Blue Guitars
"Vietnam Talkin' Blues" by Johnny Cash
"Vietnam Vets" by Circle One
"Vietnamerica" by The Stranglers
"Vietnamese Baby" by New York Dolls
"Vietnow" by Rage Against the Machine
"Violence and Bloodshed" by Manowar
"Việt Nam – đất nước tình yêu" – Lệ Giang (about the love of Vietnam)
"Việt Nam ơi hãy vùng lên" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Việt Nam Ơi! Mùa Xuân Đến Rồi" – Huy Du (about the national reunification)
"Vết chân tròn trên cát" – Trần Tiến (about a communist handicap veteran, who was a teacher before and after the war, he usually told his students about the happiness of the national reunification, the couragement and the sacrifice of communist troops)
"Vì nhân dân quên mình" – Doãn Quang Khải (about the sacrifice for Vietnamese of communist troops)
"Volunteers" by Jefferson Airplane
"Waist Deep in the Big Muddy" by Pete Seeger
"Wait for Me" by Brothers of Soul
"Walking on a Thin Line" by Huey Lewis and the News
"Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine
"The Wall" by Tim Murphy
"The Wall" by Bruce Springsteen
"Wandering the Swamps of Vietnam" by unknown Soviet military advisor
"War" by Edwin Starr (also recorded by The Temptations and performed by Bruce Springsteen)
"War Games" by The Monkees
"The War Drags On" written and recorded by Mick Softley; also recorded by Donovan
"War Is a Card Game" by Nancy Ames
"The War Is Over" by Phil Ochs
"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath [written about the politicians who were responsible for the war.]
"War Song" by Neil Young
"War Sucks" by The Red Krayola
"Watergate Blues" by Gil Scott-Heron
"We Just Did What We Were Told" by Don Forbes
"We Gotta Get Outta This Place" by The Animals
"Welcome the Boys Back Home" by Bill Moss & the Celestials
"Welcome to the Real World" by Sweet Savage
"Welcome Wagon" by Nasty Savage
"Welterusten Meneer de President" by Boudewijn de Groot
"What Are You Fighting For" by Phil Ochs
"What is Truth" by Johnny Cash
"What We're Fighting For" by Dave Dudley
"What's Going On?" by Marvin Gaye
"When the Hunter Becomes Hunted" by Tank
"When the War Is Over" by Cold Chisel
"When You're Only Nine" by The Toe River Valley Boys[9]
"Where Are You Now, My Son?" by Joan Baez
"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" by Pete Seeger
"White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land" by Phil Ochs
"The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton
"Wild Irish Rose" by George Jones [about a homeless, alcoholic Vietnam veteran][10]
"The Windows of the World" by Dionne Warwick
"Winning the Hearts and Minds" by Good Riddance (About the violence committed by US soldiers against Vietnamese peasants)
"Wish You Were Here, Buddy" by Pat Boone
"Working for the Yankee Dollar" by The Skids
"Xác ta xác thù" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Xmas in February" by Lou Reed
"Xuân Chiến Khu" – Xuân Hồng (about spring and happiness in communist military camps)
"Yellow River" by Christie
"A Young Man's Problem" by The Young Men
"Youngstown" by Bruce Springsteen
"Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore" by John Prine
"Your Heart Belongs To Me" by The Supremes[4] & The Velvelettes
"Yours Is No Disgrace" by Yes (Anderson has stated that the theme of the song was recognition that the kids fighting the war had no choice but to fight and that the war wasn't their fault)[11]
"Young Men Dead" by The Black Angels
"Yesterday Died, Tomorrow Won't Be Born" by Good Riddance (about a POW slowly losing his mind)
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:20 #148
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
Dit kan ook wel 200 plaatsen lager
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:24 schreef peaceman het volgende:
Oef deze staat ook wel heel erg hoog :o
En dan issie nog 3 plaatsen gezakt _O-
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:30 #150
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
10s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:23 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:

Deze niet dus.
Laat ik het anders zeggen: liedjes die geen standaardriedeltje afdraaien over de liefde.. :P
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:34 #151
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
Jaap Resema toch?
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:37 #152
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:25 schreef Zorro het volgende:

Je schrijft laag verkeerd
Nee want dat bedoelde ik niet.
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:25 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Zei iemand nummers over de Vietnamoorlog?

"19" by Paul Hardcastle
"1954 Cha Bỏ Quê, 1975 Con Bỏ Nước" by Phạm Duy [about the two large migrations: in 1954 and 1975.]
"2 + 2 = ?" by The Bob Seger System
"50,000 Names" by George Jones [about the Vietnam Memorial wall]
"500 Miles Away From Home" by Bobby Bare
"7 O'Clock News/Silent Night" by Simon & Garfunkel
"8th of November" by Big & Rich
"21st Century Schizoid Man" by King Crimson
"The 'A' Team" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Agent Orange" by Grinder
"Agent Orange" by Sodom
"Agent Orange Song" by Maan Shah
"Alice's Restaurant Massacree" by Arlo Guthrie
"All Along the Watchtower" by Bob Dylan
"All My Children of the Sun" by Pete Seeger
"Am I Ever Gonna See My Baby Again" by The Sweet Inspirations
"Amerika the Brutal" by Six Feet Under
"America, Fuck Yeah" by Trey Parker
"American Woman by Guess Who
"An American Draft Dodger in Thunder Bay" by Sam Roberts
"Anh hùng đâu phải cứ mày râu" – Vũ Trọng Hối (about women who fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Anh phi công ơi!" – Xuân Giao (a children's song about communist airmen protecting Vietnam)
"Anh Quân Bưu Vui Tính" – Đàm Thanh (about communist military postal men)
"Anh lái xe đường dây" – Nguyễn Hữu Tuấn (about the couragement of communist transport driver driving on ropes to supply for communist troops)
"Anh vẫn hành quân" – Huy Du (about communist troops still marching towards the battlefields for the national reunification despite of attacks and bombardment from the US army and the ARVN)
"Another Christmas Without My Son" by Reverend Oris Mays
"Artefucked" by Nargaroth
"Article IV" by Good Riddance (About US soldiers during The Tet-Offensive fighting for survival and protesters back in the states)
"Bà Mẹ Phù Sa" (all you need is love) Phạm Duy [about a peasant woman who hides a government agent when she sees a Vietcong, and in turn hides the Vietcong when she sees a government platoon coming.]
"Bài Ca Dành Cho Những Xác Người" (Song for the Corpses) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about the Battle of Huế]
"Bác Đang Cùng Chúng Cháu Hành Quân" – Huy Thục (about communist troops on Ho Chi Minh trail)
"Bài ca bên cánh võng" – Nguyên Nhung
"Bài ca chiến sĩ hải quân" – Văn Cao (about Vietnamese shipmen protecting Vietnam)
"Bài ca Đường 9" – Huy Du (about communist troops in battle of Khe Sanh)
"Bài ca Hà Nội" – Vũ Thanh (about Hanoi under bombardment of the US)
"Bài ca hy vọng" – Văn Ký (about the hope on the national reunification)
"Bài Ca Người Chiến Sĩ Hải Quân" – Thanh Trúc
"Bài Ca Người Săn Máy Bay" – Văn Lưu (about Vietnamese pilots shooting down US fighter jets)
"Bài ca người nữ tự vệ Sài Gòn" – Phạm Minh Tuấn (about Saigon's female urban commandos fighting against the US and the ARVN)
"Bước chân trên dãy Trường Sơn" – Vũ Trọng Hối (about communist troops surpassing Trường Sơn mountains)
"Bài ca không quên" – Phạm Minh Tuấn (about deaded companions in the communist army)
"Back in Vietnam" by Lenny Kravitz
"Back to Vietnam" by Television Personalities
"Back to the World" by Curtis Mayfield
"Backlash Blues" by Nina Simone
"Badge of Courage" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Ballad of a Crystal Man" by Donovan
"Ballad for a Soldier" by Leon Russell & Marc Benno
"The Ballad of the Green Berets" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Ballad of Vietnam" by Ludvick Rummel
"Bamiba" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Battalions of Fear" by Blind Guardian
"The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley" by Terry Nelson
"The Battle of Vietnam" by Hal Willis
"Beach Party Vietnam" by The Dead Milkmen
"The Big Parade" by 10,000 Maniacs
"Big Time in the Jungle" by Old Crow Medicine Show
"Billy Don't Be a Hero" by Paper Lace
"Black Flame" by Renaissance
"Black Wall" by Dennis DeYoung (about the fear of being drafted, the fear during the war, and going "back to the world"[3])
"Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan
"Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen (references the Siege of Khe Sanh among other things.)
"Born on the Fourth of July" by Tom Paxton
"Broken Heroes" by Saxon
"The Boy Who's Never Found" by The Katydids
"Brainwashed" by The Bossmen (tells what happens to the people who come back from the war in Vietnam, and shows the post war trauma that happens)
"Bring the Boys Home" by Freda Payne
"Bring Them Home" by Pete Seeger
"Brother Did You Weep" by Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger
"Brothers Under the Bridge" by Bruce Springsteen
"Bungle in the Jungle" by Jethro Tull
"Burning Bridges" by Pink Floyd
"Burnt Alive" by Rocket from the Crypt
"Burnt Out Souls" by Despair
"Business Goes on as Usual" by the Chad Mitchell Trio
"Ca Dao Mẹ" (Mother's Lullaby) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about a mother's sacrifices during wartime]
"Cánh đồng hòa bình" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Câu hò bên bến Hiền Lương" – music: Hoàng Hiệp, lyric: Hoàng Hiệp – Đằng Giao (about the wish for the national reunification)
"Chào Anh Giải Phóng Quân" – Hoàng Vân (celebration for the PLAF troops)
"Chào Anh Giải Phóng Quân, Chào Mùa Xuân Đại Thắng" – Hoàng Vân Trình (celebration for the PLAF troops and the national reunification)
"Chính chúng ta phải nói" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chú Giải phóng quân cháu xin tặng chú một bài ca" – Vũ Thanh (a children's song for celebration to the PLAF troops)
"Chúng ta đã đứng dậy" – Tôn Thất Lập (about the uprising of South Vietnamese youth against the ARVN and the US army)
"Chiếc gậy Trường Sơn" – Phạm Tuyên (about the determination of communist troops on liberating South Vietnam)
"Chiến sĩ Rađa trên chốt biên thùy" – Thuận Yến (about the fighting of communist radar soldiers)
"Chim hòa bình" – (about the hope on peace)
"Chờ nhìn quê hương sáng chói" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chú bộ đội" – Hoàng Hà (about communist troops in Vietnam war)
"Chưa hết giặc ta chưa về" – Huy Du (about the determination of communist troops on destroying the enemy)
"Chưa mất niềm tin" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chưa mòn giấc mơ" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Cô Gái Mở Đường"-Xuân Giao (about communist female army engineers)
"Cô Gái Pa – Kô" – Huy Thục (about minority ethnic girls supporting communist troops)
"Cô gái Sài Gòn đi tải đạn" – Lư Nhất Vũ (about Saigon girls supporting communist troops)
"Cô Gái vót chông" – Hoàng Hiệp (about minority ethnic girls supporting communist troops)
"Cho Một Người Vừa Nằm Xuống" – Trịnh Công Sơn
"Cambodia" by Kim Wilde
"Camouflage" by Stan Ridgway
"Carried by Six" by Internal Void
"Charlie Boy" by the Lumineers
"Charlie Don't Surf" by The Clash
"Charlie Freak" by Steely Dan
"Child in Time" by Deep Purple
"Cho Một Người Vừa Nằm Xuống" (For a Person Just Fallen Down) by Trịnh Công Sơn [dedicated to Lưu Kim Cương, a friend of the author who died in battle. Who is a Republic of Vietnam Air Force pilot.]
"Christmas in Vietnam" by Johnny and Jon
"Chuyện hai người lính" (Story about two soldiers) by Phạm Duy [1968, about two soldiers on different front lines who "kill each other because of love of Vietnam"]
"Clean Cut Kid" by Bob Dylan (tells how a normal American boy is changed to a fierce fighting boy by the use of drugs, pills, and alcohol)
"Coming Home Soldier" by Bobby Vinton
"Commando" by The Ramones
"Compared to What" by Gene McDaniels
"Compulsory Hero" by 1927 [deals with conscription in Australia during the Vietnam War]
"Copperhead Road" by Steve Earle
"Cops of the World" by Phil Ochs
"Cowboys on Horses with Wings" by Hoyt Axton
"Cousin Randy" by Infectious Grooves
"Cream Puff War" by The Grateful Dead
"Cruel War" by Peter, Paul and Mary
"Cry for Freedom" by The Starfires
"Cùng anh tiến quân trên đường dài" – Huy Du và Xuân Sách (about Nguyễn Viêt Xuân, a hero in fighting against the US)
"Cùng hành quân giữa mùa xuân" – Hoàng Hà (about happiness, beliefs on victories of communist troops on Ho Chi Minh trail)
"Daddy Won't Be Home Anymore" by Dolly Parton
"Dậy mà đi" – Nhạc: Nguyễn Xuân Tân (Tôn Thất Lập), thơ: Tố Hữu (encourages for uprings against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Đất nước trọn niềm vui" – Hoàng Hà (about happiness of Vietnamese on the national reunification)
"Đại Bác Ru Đêm" (Cannon's Night Lullaby) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about bombardment in the city]
"Dancing in the Ashes" by Psychotic Waltz
"Dân Ta Vẫn Sống" (Our People Still Lives) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Daniel" by Elton John [the verse dealing most specifically with the Vietnam War was removed by lyricist Bernie Taupin shortly before being recorded.]
"Đêm bây giờ đêm mai" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đêm Trường Sơn" (Nights in Trường Sơn) – Huy Du (about nights and communist troops at Trường Sơn mountains)
"Đêm Trường Sơn nhớ Bác" – Trần Chung (about the thinkings on Ho Chi Minh of communist troops surpassing Trường Sơn mountains)
"Dead Yankee Drawl" by Manic Street Preachers
"Dear Uncle Sam" by Loretta Lynn
"Dear Mr. President" by Pink
"Death" by The Pretty Things
"Death Sound" by Country Joe and the Fish
"Deathbed" by Relient K
"Death Tone" by Manowar
"Desperation Part IV" by Redemption
"Đi tìm quê hương" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Did You Ever See Me" by Shrubs
"Did You Hear What They Said?" by Gil Scott-Heron
"Do the Russians Want War?" by Mark Bernes
"Does Anybody Know I'm Here?" by The Dells
"Đôi mắt nào mở ra" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đồng Đội ơi" (My companion!) by Nguyễn Giang (music) and Trương Vĩnh Tuấn (lyrics) [expressing the sentiment of communist veterans and soldiers to their sacrificed companions)
"Đợi Có Một Ngày" (Wait Until the Day) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expressing the author's desire for peace]
"Doin' All Right" by The Fugs
"Đồng Dao Hoà Bình" (Children's Song of Peace) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Don't Cry My Love" by The Impressions
"Don't Cry My Soldier Boy" by Thelma Houston
"Don't Walk Away" by Shrubs
"Door jou" by Gerard Cox
"Down On The Base" by Leon Russell & Marc Benno
"Dựng lại người dựng lại nhà" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đừng mong ai, đừng nghi ngại" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đường chúng ta đi" – Huy Du và Xuân Sách (about the determinations of communist troops)
"Đường Trường Sơn xe anh qua" – Văn Dung (about Ho Chi Minh trails)
"Draft Dodger Rag" by Phil Ochs
"Draft Morning" by The Byrds
"Draft Resister" by Steppenwolf
"Drive On" by Johnny Cash
"Echoes" by Pink Floyd
"El Derecho de Vivir en Paz" by Víctor Jara
"The Edge of Darkness" by Iron Maiden
"Eve of Destruction" by Barry McGuire [written by P. F. Sloan]
"Everyday Combat" by Lostprophets
"Em Bé Giải Phóng Quân" – Thanh Trúc (about the love of children for PLAF troops)
"Era Um Garoto Que Como Eu Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones" by Os Incríveis (about an American boy, guitarist, that was sent to Vietnam, losing his youth, career, and life fighting)
"Fear of Napalm" by Terrorizer
"Fellows in Vietnam" by Inez and Charlie Foxx
"The Fiddle and the Drum" by Joni Mitchell
"Fightin' for the U.S.A." by Jerry Reed
"The Fightin' Side of Me" by Merle Haggard
"Fight to be Free" by Nuclear Assault
"Find the Cost of Freedom" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
"First Blood" by Evile
"First Vietnamese War" by The Black Angels
"Flowers of Evil" by Mountain
"Forget Me Not" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas[4]
"For Fuck's Sake" by The Almighty
"Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
"For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield
"Front Line" by Stevie Wonder
"Future Shock" by Evildead
"Galveston" by Glen Campbell
"Galveston Bay" by Bruce Springsteen
"Giải phóng miền Nam" (Liberate the South) by Huỳnh Minh Siêng
"Gặp nhau trên đỉnh Trường Sơn" – Hoàng Hà (about meetings between communist troops at Ho Chi Minh trails)
"Garet Trooper" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Gia Tài Của Mẹ" (A Mother's Legacy) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Giọt Nước Mắt Cho Quê Hương" (A Teardrop for Homeland) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Gimme Shelter" by The Rolling Stones[5]
"Give Peace a Chance" by John Lennon (Plastic Ono Band)
"Godspeed" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
"Going to Vietnam" by Big Amos
"Goodnight Saigon" by Billy Joel
"Grass for Blades" by Jim Pembroke and Wigwam
"The Great Goodnight" by Magellan
"The Great Mandala" by Peter, Paul and Mary
"Greetings (This is Uncle Sam)" by The Valadiers (also recorded by The Monitors)[4]
"Grey October" by Peggy Seeger
"Gunya Down" by Pro-Pain
"Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ" – Phạm Tuyên (about victories of North Vietnam in Operation Linebaker II)
"Hành khúc không quân Việt Nam" – Văn Cao
"Hàng em mang tới chiến hào" – Lư Nhất Vũ (about logistics brought to communist troops at battlefields)
"Hành Ca" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hành Khúc Giải Phóng" – Long Hưng và Lưu Nguyễn
"Hành khúc ngày và đêm" – Phan Huỳnh Điểu (about the love of a communist couple temporarily divided by the war)
"Hát cho dân tôi nghe" Tôn Thất Lập (about South Vietnamese youth against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Hát mãi khúc quân hành" – Diệp Minh Tuyền (about the love toward peace and hatred toward war of communist troops)
"Hát trên đường tranh đấu" –
"Hát trong tù" – (the song of South Vietnamese youth being in prison because of against the US and the ARVN)
"Hãy ca dạy lên"
"Hãy đi cùng nhau" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hãy giữ gìn lấy Việt Nam" – Văn Chung
"Hãy nhìn lại" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hãy nói giùm tôi" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hò kéo pháo" – Hoàng Vân (the song communist troops singing while pulling artilleries by hand)
"Hoan hô chú bộ đội" – Nguyễn Thanh Tùng (celebration communist troops shooting down the US fighter jets)
"Hallelujah Day" by The Jackson 5
"Hand of Doom" by Black Sabbath
"Handsome Johnny" by Richie Havens
"Hands Off Vietnam!" by Dzhilda Mazheykayte
"Hanoi Hannah" by Roger McGuinn
"Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon
"Hát Trên Những Xác Người" (Singing on Corpses) by Trịnh Công Sơn [written following the Tet Offensive]
"Hallå Där Bonde" (Hello there Farmer) by Knutna Nävar
"He Wore the Green Beret" by Nancy Ames
"Heart of Darkness" by Grave Digger
"Hello Vietnam" by Johnnie Wright (also recorded by Dave Dudley)
"Hello Vietnam (Goodbye My Love)" by Ray Hildebrand
"Here's to the State of Richard Nixon" by Phil Ochs
"High" by Richard Marx
"Home" by Mac Davis. Also recorded by Gary Puckett & The Union Gap
"Home from the War" by Lugh Damen
"Ho Chi Minh City" by Shrubs
"House Of The Rising Sun" by [The Animals]
"Huế Sài Gòn Hà Nội" (Huế, Saigon, Hanoi) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expresses the author's desire for a peaceful, united Vietnam.]
"Human Being Lawnmower" by MC5
"Hungry for Blood" by Virus
"Huyền Sử Một Người Mang Tên Quốc" (Ballad of a Person named Quốc) by Phạm Duy [about Phạm Phú Quốc, a RVAF pilot who bombed the Independence Palace in Saigon. He was shot down in North Vietnam in a mission to bomb the North.]
"I Ain't Marching Anymore" by Phil Ochs
"I Believe I'm Gonna Make It" by Joe Tex
"I Can't Write Left Handed" by Bill Withers
"I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag" by Country Joe and the Fish
"I'd Love to Change the World" by Ten Years After
"I'm Your Captain (Closer to Home)" by Grand Funk Railroad
"I Should Be Proud" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
"I Want to Come Home for Christmas" by Marvin Gaye
"I Was Only Nineteen (A Walk in the Light Green)" by Redgum
"Imagine" by John Lennon
"I've Seen All Good People" by Yes
"Into the Fire" by Sabaton
"Khe Sanh" by Cold Chisel
"The Knife" by Genesis (Peter Gabriel, influenced by a book on Gandhi, "wanted to try [to] show how all violent revolutions inevitably end up with a dictator in power")[6]
"Kuiama" by the Electric Light Orchestra
"Last Train to Clarksville" by The Monkees
"Long Live Our Love" by The Shangri-Las
"Lost in the Flood" by Bruce Springsteen
"Love Vigilantes" by New Order
"Lời ru đêm" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Luang Prabang", by Dave Van Ronk
"Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation", by Tom Paxton
"Machine Gun" by Band of Gypsys (Jimi Hendrix)
"Madre" by Silvio Rodriguez
"Mama Bake a Pie (Daddy Kill a Chicken)" by Tom T. Hall[7]
"Masters of War" by Bob Dylan
"More Than a Name on a Wall" by The Statler Brothers
"Mountains" by Manowar[8]
"Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton (#1 – 1964)
"Một ngày vietnam"
"Một ngày vinh quang một ngày tuyệt vọng" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Mùa áo quan" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Năm Anh Em Trên Một Chiếc Xe Tăng" – Doãn Nho (about communist tankmen)
"Ngày dài trên quê hương" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngày Mai Chúng Mình Ra Trận" – Nhạc: Hoài Tố Hạnh, lời: Trần Đăng Khoa (nhà thơ) (about the feeling, believes in victory and the national reunification of Vietnamese communist youth, who was to join the war)
"Ngày mai đây bình yên" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngủ đi con" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngụ ngôn của mùa Đông" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Người con gái Việt Nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Người mẹ Bàn Cờ" – Nhạc: Trần Long Ẩn, thơ: Nguyễn Kim Ngân (about Vietnamese mothers wanting peace)
"Người mẹ miền Nam tay không thắng giặc" – Thuận Yến (about South Vietnamese mothers fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Người mẹ Ô Lý" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Những ai còn là Việt nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Những giọt máu trổ bông" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Nhưng hôm nay" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Napalm in the Morning" by Sodom
"The Nang, the Front, the Bush and the Shit" by El-P
"Near Thái Nguyên Bridge" by Alexander Gusev
"Như có Bác Hồ trong ngày vui đại thắng" (Uncle Ho likely was Here On the Day of Victory) by Phạm Tuyên (about the feelings that Ho Chi Minh being appear on the national reunification day).
"Nối Vòng Tay Lớn" (Joining Hands) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expresses the author's wish for peace and national solidarity. This song was played on the radio after the communist forces took over Saigon's radio station during the Fall of Saigon.]
"None of Your Doing" by Steppenwolf
"No One to Follow" by Anvil
"A Nurse in the U.S. Army" by Connie Francis
"Napalm Sticks to Kids" by unknown US servicemen, first recording by First of the Ninth Chorus
"Những Bông Hoa Trên Tuyến Lửa" – Đỗ Trung Quân (about the happiness of communist troops on fighting against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Những ngày hội đấu tranh" – (about the uprising against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Ohio" by Neil Young
"Okie from Muskogee" by Merle Haggard
"Old Hippie" by The Bellamy Brothers
"One Tin Soldier" by The Original Caste
"Orange Crush" by R.E.M.
"Paint It Black" by Rolling Stones
"Peace Train" by Cat Stevens
"Pencil Marks on the Wall" by Henson Cargill
"People, Let's Stop the War" by Grand Funk Railroad
"Postcards from Saigon" by James Blundell
"Pull Out the Pin" by Kate Bush
"Question" by The Moody Blues
"Rachel’s Coming Home" (aka "Rachel") by Russell Morris
"Rapture" by Impaled Nazarene
"Raymond" by Brett Eldredge
"The Rebel" by Carl Hauck
"Readjustment Blues" by Bill Danoff, sung by John Denver
"Red" by Barefoot Truth
"Reflected Prayer" by Shrubs
"Reflections of My Life" by The Marmalade
"Remember" by Biohazard
"Remember the Heroes" by Sammy Hagar
"Requiem for the Masses" by The Association
"Return to Vietnam" by Master
"Revolution" by The Beatles
"Revolution 1" by The Beatles
"Ricochet" by Bionic Jive
"Riding With Private Malone" by David Ball
"Rooster" by Alice in Chains
"Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town" by Kenny Rogers and the First Edition
"Running Gun Blues" by David Bowie
"Saigon" by John Prine
"Saigon" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Saigon Bride" by Joan Baez
"Saigon Ơi Vĩnh Biệt" (Saigon, Goodbye) by Nam Lộc (a song for Vietnamese refugees having to flee their homeland after the Fall of Saigon)
"Saigon Shrunken Panorama" by The Mountain Goats
"Sài Gòn Quật Khởi" – Hồ Bắc (about the determination against the US and the Republic of Vietnam of people in Saigon)
"Sao mắt mẹ chưa vui" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Sẵn sàng bắn" – Tô Hải (about communist antiaircraft gunmen fighting against the US airforce and the ARVN)
"Salute to the Nurses" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Sam Stone" by John Prine
"Sandman" by America
"Save the Country" by Laura Nyro, also recorded by The Fifth Dimension
"Sean Flynn" by The Clash
"Search and Destroy" by The Stooges
"Sergeant Death" by Fate
"The Seductive Nature of Female Sexuality" by Buried Inside
"Shapes of Things" by The Yardbirds
"Shell Shock" by Manowar
"Shut Out the Lights" by Bruce Springsteen [deals with Post-traumatic stress disorder of a returning veteran]
"Simple Song of Freedom" by Bobby Darin
"Singin' in Vietnam Talkin' Blues" by Johnny Cash
"Sit Down Young Stranger" by Gordon Lightfoot
"Skies on Fire" by AC/DC
"Sky Pilot", written by Eric Burdon, recorded by The Animals
"Slaughter" by Billy Preston
"Smiley" by Ronnie Burns
"Soldier" by Stephen Stills
"Sợi nhớ sợi thương" – Phan Huỳnh Điểu (about the love of a communist couple)
"Sức mạnh nhân dân" – (about the power of Vietnamese in the war against the US)
"Soldier" by Neil Young
"Soldier Boy" by The Shirelles[4]
"The Soldier Has Come Home" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Soldier of Misfortune" by Ogre
"Soldier's Goodbye" by William Bell
"Soldier's Plea" by Marvin Gaye[4]
"A Soldier's Prayer, 1967" by Archie Bell & the Drells
"Some Gave All" by Billy Ray Cyrus
"Someday at Christmas" by Stevie Wonder
"Something to Believe In" by Poison
"Son of the Freeway" by Gravestone
"Song About the Vietnamese Friend" by Edmund Iodkovsky & Vano Muradeli
"South Carolina" by Gil Scott-Heron
"Spiral of Violence" by Whiplash
"Spitting" by Rocket from the Crypt
"Standing on the Corner" by Watson & The Sherlocks
"Still in Saigon" by the Charlie Daniels Band
"Stop the War Now" by Edwin Starr
"Stop the War in Vietnam" by Laurel Aitken
"Straight to Hell" by The Clash [deals with the abandonment of Vietnamese children fathered by American soldiers]
"Student Demonstration Time" by The Beach Boys
"Summer Side of Life" by Gordon Lightfoot
"Sunshine" by Jonathan Edwards
"Suppose They Give a War and No One Comes" by West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
"Surf Nicaragua" by Sacred Reich
"Surrender" by Cheap Trick
"Sympathy for the Devil" by The Rolling Stones
"Ta là chiến sĩ Giải Phóng quân" – Văn Lưu và Triều Dâng (about the pride of being the PLAF troops fighting against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Ta đã thấy gì trong đêm nay" – Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ta đi dựng cờ" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Take Good Care" by Tony Mason
"Take the Star Out of the Window" by John Prine
"Talking Vietnam" by Phil Ochs
"Talking Vietnam Potluck Blues" by Tom Paxton
"Tame the Lion" by Emitt Rhodes
"Ta quyết phải sống" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ta Phải Thấy Mặt Trời" (We Must See the Sun) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Thank You" by the Bobkatz
"That Black Wall" by Danny Barnes
"Tên lửa ta đáng rất hay" – Huy Thục (about communist antiaircraft missile soldiers against the US airforce and the ARVN)
"The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton
"Theme for an American Hero" by Chip Taylor
"Theme for an Imaginary Western" by Jack Bruce
"There Won't Be Any Snow (Christmas in the Jungle)" by Derrik Roberts
"There's a Wall in Washington" by Iris DeMent
"This is Radio Clash" by The Clash
"Three-Five-Zero-Zero" from the musical Hair
"Through the Ages" by Bolt Thrower
"Tình Ca Người Mất Trí" (Love Song of Someone Who Lost Their Mind) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about women with lovers who are soldiers]
"This Ain't Nothing" by Craig Morgan
"This Cowboy's Hat" by Chris Ledoux [talks about his nephew dying in 1969 in Vietnam]
"Tiến bước dưới quân kỳ" – Doãn Nho
"Tiến lên chiến sĩ đồng bào" – Huy Thục
"Tiến Về Sài Gòn" – Lưu Hữu Phước (marching toward Saigon of communist troops)
"Tiếng nói Hà Nội" – Nhạc: Văn An; Lời: Cảnh Trà (about Hanoi's voice on the hope towards national peace)
"Tiếng Đàn Ta Lư" – Huy Thục (the sounds of minority ethnic supporting communist troops)
"Tin tưởng ca" (the beliefs on national peace and reunification of Vietnamese)
"Tình ca" – Hoàng Hiệp (about the love of a communist couple in the war)
"Tình ca của người mất trí" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Tình nghĩa Bắc Nam" – (about the love between North and South Vietnamese)
"Tiếng hát những đêm không ngủ" – Phạm Tuyên
"Tiếng Hát Người Nữ Du Kích Củ Chi" – Lưu Cầu (nhạc sĩ) (about female communist guerilla at Củ Chi)
"Tiểu đoàn 307" – Nguyễn Hữu Trí (about the 307 Battalion of the PLAF)
"To Susan on the West Coast Waiting" by Donovan
"Tôi sẽ đi thăm" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Travelin' Soldier" by Bruce Robison (popularized by the Dixie Chicks)
"Train to Vietnam" by The Rudies
"Trooper's Lament" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Trường Sơn Đông – Trường Sơn Tây" by Hoàng Hiệp [from a poem by Phạm Tiến Duật, about the love and the life of communist troops on the Ho Chi Minh trail.]
"The Road of Life from Hanoi" by unknown Soviet military transportation officer
"Thề quyết bảo vệ Tổ quốc" (Swear to defend the country) – Huy Du (Chinese version "誓死保卫祖国" also available in the late 1960s)
"Thuyền em đi trong đêm" Nguyễn Phú Yên
"Tổ quốc ơi đã ta nghe" – La Hữu Vang
"Tôi biết tôi yêu" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Tôi Là Lê Anh Nuôi" – Trần Hiếu (about cooks in communist armies)
"Tuổi trẻ Việt Nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Từ mặt đất thân yêu" – Tô Hải (about communist airmen fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Tự nguyện" – Trương Quốc Khánh (about voluntary spirits of delication for Vietnam of communist youth)
"Trên dòng sông lịch sử" – Nguyễn Nam
"Trên đỉnh Trường Sơn ta hát" – Huy Du (the happiness of communist troops on Truong Son mountains)
"Uncle Sam" by Jimmy Hughes
"Uncommon Valor: A Vietnam Story" by Jedi Mind Tricks
"Universal Soldier" by Buffy Sainte-Marie; also recorded by Donovan
"Unknown Soldier" by The Doors
"Unknown Soldier" by Breaking Benjamin
"Unnatural Selection" by Ayreon
"Us and Them" by Pink Floyd
"Vaya con Dios-Fellow in Vietnam" by Inez and Charlie Foxx
"Verbal Razors" by Exodus
"Viet Nam Blues" by Dave Dudley
"Vietnam" by Abner Jay
"Vietnam" by Phil Ochs
"Vietnam" by J. B. Lenoir
"Vietnam" by The Satellites
"Vietnam" by Jimmy Cliff
"Vietnam" by Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards
"Vietnam" by T-Bone Walker
"Vietnam Blues" by J. B. Lenoir
"Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh" by Ái Vân and The Blue Guitars
"Vietnam Talkin' Blues" by Johnny Cash
"Vietnam Vets" by Circle One
"Vietnamerica" by The Stranglers
"Vietnamese Baby" by New York Dolls
"Vietnow" by Rage Against the Machine
"Violence and Bloodshed" by Manowar
"Việt Nam – đất nước tình yêu" – Lệ Giang (about the love of Vietnam)
"Việt Nam ơi hãy vùng lên" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Việt Nam Ơi! Mùa Xuân Đến Rồi" – Huy Du (about the national reunification)
"Vết chân tròn trên cát" – Trần Tiến (about a communist handicap veteran, who was a teacher before and after the war, he usually told his students about the happiness of the national reunification, the couragement and the sacrifice of communist troops)
"Vì nhân dân quên mình" – Doãn Quang Khải (about the sacrifice for Vietnamese of communist troops)
"Volunteers" by Jefferson Airplane
"Waist Deep in the Big Muddy" by Pete Seeger
"Wait for Me" by Brothers of Soul
"Walking on a Thin Line" by Huey Lewis and the News
"Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine
"The Wall" by Tim Murphy
"The Wall" by Bruce Springsteen
"Wandering the Swamps of Vietnam" by unknown Soviet military advisor
"War" by Edwin Starr (also recorded by The Temptations and performed by Bruce Springsteen)
"War Games" by The Monkees
"The War Drags On" written and recorded by Mick Softley; also recorded by Donovan
"War Is a Card Game" by Nancy Ames
"The War Is Over" by Phil Ochs
"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath [written about the politicians who were responsible for the war.]
"War Song" by Neil Young
"War Sucks" by The Red Krayola
"Watergate Blues" by Gil Scott-Heron
"We Just Did What We Were Told" by Don Forbes
"We Gotta Get Outta This Place" by The Animals
"Welcome the Boys Back Home" by Bill Moss & the Celestials
"Welcome to the Real World" by Sweet Savage
"Welcome Wagon" by Nasty Savage
"Welterusten Meneer de President" by Boudewijn de Groot
"What Are You Fighting For" by Phil Ochs
"What is Truth" by Johnny Cash
"What We're Fighting For" by Dave Dudley
"What's Going On?" by Marvin Gaye
"When the Hunter Becomes Hunted" by Tank
"When the War Is Over" by Cold Chisel
"When You're Only Nine" by The Toe River Valley Boys[9]
"Where Are You Now, My Son?" by Joan Baez
"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" by Pete Seeger
"White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land" by Phil Ochs
"The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton
"Wild Irish Rose" by George Jones [about a homeless, alcoholic Vietnam veteran][10]
"The Windows of the World" by Dionne Warwick
"Winning the Hearts and Minds" by Good Riddance (About the violence committed by US soldiers against Vietnamese peasants)
"Wish You Were Here, Buddy" by Pat Boone
"Working for the Yankee Dollar" by The Skids
"Xác ta xác thù" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Xmas in February" by Lou Reed
"Xuân Chiến Khu" – Xuân Hồng (about spring and happiness in communist military camps)
"Yellow River" by Christie
"A Young Man's Problem" by The Young Men
"Youngstown" by Bruce Springsteen
"Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore" by John Prine
"Your Heart Belongs To Me" by The Supremes[4] & The Velvelettes
"Yours Is No Disgrace" by Yes (Anderson has stated that the theme of the song was recognition that the kids fighting the war had no choice but to fight and that the war wasn't their fault)[11]
"Young Men Dead" by The Black Angels
"Yesterday Died, Tomorrow Won't Be Born" by Good Riddance (about a POW slowly losing his mind)
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:38 #154
114177 Diaan73
Sinds 31-05-07: Peacewoman!!!
Ik vind dit niks...
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:40 #155
842 Zorro
Wat een stem _O_
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
Wel een beetje een niemendalletje dit, had ook wel op 1378 mogen staan.
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
last.fm Album top 100
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:46 #157
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:25 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Zei iemand nummers over de Vietnamoorlog?

"19" by Paul Hardcastle
"1954 Cha Bỏ Quê, 1975 Con Bỏ Nước" by Phạm Duy [about the two large migrations: in 1954 and 1975.]
"2 + 2 = ?" by The Bob Seger System
"50,000 Names" by George Jones [about the Vietnam Memorial wall]
"500 Miles Away From Home" by Bobby Bare
"7 O'Clock News/Silent Night" by Simon & Garfunkel
"8th of November" by Big & Rich
"21st Century Schizoid Man" by King Crimson
"The 'A' Team" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Agent Orange" by Grinder
"Agent Orange" by Sodom
"Agent Orange Song" by Maan Shah
"Alice's Restaurant Massacree" by Arlo Guthrie
"All Along the Watchtower" by Bob Dylan
"All My Children of the Sun" by Pete Seeger
"Am I Ever Gonna See My Baby Again" by The Sweet Inspirations
"Amerika the Brutal" by Six Feet Under
"America, Fuck Yeah" by Trey Parker
"American Woman by Guess Who
"An American Draft Dodger in Thunder Bay" by Sam Roberts
"Anh hùng đâu phải cứ mày râu" – Vũ Trọng Hối (about women who fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Anh phi công ơi!" – Xuân Giao (a children's song about communist airmen protecting Vietnam)
"Anh Quân Bưu Vui Tính" – Đàm Thanh (about communist military postal men)
"Anh lái xe đường dây" – Nguyễn Hữu Tuấn (about the couragement of communist transport driver driving on ropes to supply for communist troops)
"Anh vẫn hành quân" – Huy Du (about communist troops still marching towards the battlefields for the national reunification despite of attacks and bombardment from the US army and the ARVN)
"Another Christmas Without My Son" by Reverend Oris Mays
"Artefucked" by Nargaroth
"Article IV" by Good Riddance (About US soldiers during The Tet-Offensive fighting for survival and protesters back in the states)
"Bà Mẹ Phù Sa" (all you need is love) Phạm Duy [about a peasant woman who hides a government agent when she sees a Vietcong, and in turn hides the Vietcong when she sees a government platoon coming.]
"Bài Ca Dành Cho Những Xác Người" (Song for the Corpses) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about the Battle of Huế]
"Bác Đang Cùng Chúng Cháu Hành Quân" – Huy Thục (about communist troops on Ho Chi Minh trail)
"Bài ca bên cánh võng" – Nguyên Nhung
"Bài ca chiến sĩ hải quân" – Văn Cao (about Vietnamese shipmen protecting Vietnam)
"Bài ca Đường 9" – Huy Du (about communist troops in battle of Khe Sanh)
"Bài ca Hà Nội" – Vũ Thanh (about Hanoi under bombardment of the US)
"Bài ca hy vọng" – Văn Ký (about the hope on the national reunification)
"Bài Ca Người Chiến Sĩ Hải Quân" – Thanh Trúc
"Bài Ca Người Săn Máy Bay" – Văn Lưu (about Vietnamese pilots shooting down US fighter jets)
"Bài ca người nữ tự vệ Sài Gòn" – Phạm Minh Tuấn (about Saigon's female urban commandos fighting against the US and the ARVN)
"Bước chân trên dãy Trường Sơn" – Vũ Trọng Hối (about communist troops surpassing Trường Sơn mountains)
"Bài ca không quên" – Phạm Minh Tuấn (about deaded companions in the communist army)
"Back in Vietnam" by Lenny Kravitz
"Back to Vietnam" by Television Personalities
"Back to the World" by Curtis Mayfield
"Backlash Blues" by Nina Simone
"Badge of Courage" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Ballad of a Crystal Man" by Donovan
"Ballad for a Soldier" by Leon Russell & Marc Benno
"The Ballad of the Green Berets" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Ballad of Vietnam" by Ludvick Rummel
"Bamiba" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Battalions of Fear" by Blind Guardian
"The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley" by Terry Nelson
"The Battle of Vietnam" by Hal Willis
"Beach Party Vietnam" by The Dead Milkmen
"The Big Parade" by 10,000 Maniacs
"Big Time in the Jungle" by Old Crow Medicine Show
"Billy Don't Be a Hero" by Paper Lace
"Black Flame" by Renaissance
"Black Wall" by Dennis DeYoung (about the fear of being drafted, the fear during the war, and going "back to the world"[3])
"Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan
"Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen (references the Siege of Khe Sanh among other things.)
"Born on the Fourth of July" by Tom Paxton
"Broken Heroes" by Saxon
"The Boy Who's Never Found" by The Katydids
"Brainwashed" by The Bossmen (tells what happens to the people who come back from the war in Vietnam, and shows the post war trauma that happens)
"Bring the Boys Home" by Freda Payne
"Bring Them Home" by Pete Seeger
"Brother Did You Weep" by Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger
"Brothers Under the Bridge" by Bruce Springsteen
"Bungle in the Jungle" by Jethro Tull
"Burning Bridges" by Pink Floyd
"Burnt Alive" by Rocket from the Crypt
"Burnt Out Souls" by Despair
"Business Goes on as Usual" by the Chad Mitchell Trio
"Ca Dao Mẹ" (Mother's Lullaby) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about a mother's sacrifices during wartime]
"Cánh đồng hòa bình" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Câu hò bên bến Hiền Lương" – music: Hoàng Hiệp, lyric: Hoàng Hiệp – Đằng Giao (about the wish for the national reunification)
"Chào Anh Giải Phóng Quân" – Hoàng Vân (celebration for the PLAF troops)
"Chào Anh Giải Phóng Quân, Chào Mùa Xuân Đại Thắng" – Hoàng Vân Trình (celebration for the PLAF troops and the national reunification)
"Chính chúng ta phải nói" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chú Giải phóng quân cháu xin tặng chú một bài ca" – Vũ Thanh (a children's song for celebration to the PLAF troops)
"Chúng ta đã đứng dậy" – Tôn Thất Lập (about the uprising of South Vietnamese youth against the ARVN and the US army)
"Chiếc gậy Trường Sơn" – Phạm Tuyên (about the determination of communist troops on liberating South Vietnam)
"Chiến sĩ Rađa trên chốt biên thùy" – Thuận Yến (about the fighting of communist radar soldiers)
"Chim hòa bình" – (about the hope on peace)
"Chờ nhìn quê hương sáng chói" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chú bộ đội" – Hoàng Hà (about communist troops in Vietnam war)
"Chưa hết giặc ta chưa về" – Huy Du (about the determination of communist troops on destroying the enemy)
"Chưa mất niềm tin" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chưa mòn giấc mơ" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Cô Gái Mở Đường"-Xuân Giao (about communist female army engineers)
"Cô Gái Pa – Kô" – Huy Thục (about minority ethnic girls supporting communist troops)
"Cô gái Sài Gòn đi tải đạn" – Lư Nhất Vũ (about Saigon girls supporting communist troops)
"Cô Gái vót chông" – Hoàng Hiệp (about minority ethnic girls supporting communist troops)
"Cho Một Người Vừa Nằm Xuống" – Trịnh Công Sơn
"Cambodia" by Kim Wilde
"Camouflage" by Stan Ridgway
"Carried by Six" by Internal Void
"Charlie Boy" by the Lumineers
"Charlie Don't Surf" by The Clash
"Charlie Freak" by Steely Dan
"Child in Time" by Deep Purple
"Cho Một Người Vừa Nằm Xuống" (For a Person Just Fallen Down) by Trịnh Công Sơn [dedicated to Lưu Kim Cương, a friend of the author who died in battle. Who is a Republic of Vietnam Air Force pilot.]
"Christmas in Vietnam" by Johnny and Jon
"Chuyện hai người lính" (Story about two soldiers) by Phạm Duy [1968, about two soldiers on different front lines who "kill each other because of love of Vietnam"]
"Clean Cut Kid" by Bob Dylan (tells how a normal American boy is changed to a fierce fighting boy by the use of drugs, pills, and alcohol)
"Coming Home Soldier" by Bobby Vinton
"Commando" by The Ramones
"Compared to What" by Gene McDaniels
"Compulsory Hero" by 1927 [deals with conscription in Australia during the Vietnam War]
"Copperhead Road" by Steve Earle
"Cops of the World" by Phil Ochs
"Cowboys on Horses with Wings" by Hoyt Axton
"Cousin Randy" by Infectious Grooves
"Cream Puff War" by The Grateful Dead
"Cruel War" by Peter, Paul and Mary
"Cry for Freedom" by The Starfires
"Cùng anh tiến quân trên đường dài" – Huy Du và Xuân Sách (about Nguyễn Viêt Xuân, a hero in fighting against the US)
"Cùng hành quân giữa mùa xuân" – Hoàng Hà (about happiness, beliefs on victories of communist troops on Ho Chi Minh trail)
"Daddy Won't Be Home Anymore" by Dolly Parton
"Dậy mà đi" – Nhạc: Nguyễn Xuân Tân (Tôn Thất Lập), thơ: Tố Hữu (encourages for uprings against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Đất nước trọn niềm vui" – Hoàng Hà (about happiness of Vietnamese on the national reunification)
"Đại Bác Ru Đêm" (Cannon's Night Lullaby) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about bombardment in the city]
"Dancing in the Ashes" by Psychotic Waltz
"Dân Ta Vẫn Sống" (Our People Still Lives) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Daniel" by Elton John [the verse dealing most specifically with the Vietnam War was removed by lyricist Bernie Taupin shortly before being recorded.]
"Đêm bây giờ đêm mai" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đêm Trường Sơn" (Nights in Trường Sơn) – Huy Du (about nights and communist troops at Trường Sơn mountains)
"Đêm Trường Sơn nhớ Bác" – Trần Chung (about the thinkings on Ho Chi Minh of communist troops surpassing Trường Sơn mountains)
"Dead Yankee Drawl" by Manic Street Preachers
"Dear Uncle Sam" by Loretta Lynn
"Dear Mr. President" by Pink
"Death" by The Pretty Things
"Death Sound" by Country Joe and the Fish
"Deathbed" by Relient K
"Death Tone" by Manowar
"Desperation Part IV" by Redemption
"Đi tìm quê hương" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Did You Ever See Me" by Shrubs
"Did You Hear What They Said?" by Gil Scott-Heron
"Do the Russians Want War?" by Mark Bernes
"Does Anybody Know I'm Here?" by The Dells
"Đôi mắt nào mở ra" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đồng Đội ơi" (My companion!) by Nguyễn Giang (music) and Trương Vĩnh Tuấn (lyrics) [expressing the sentiment of communist veterans and soldiers to their sacrificed companions)
"Đợi Có Một Ngày" (Wait Until the Day) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expressing the author's desire for peace]
"Doin' All Right" by The Fugs
"Đồng Dao Hoà Bình" (Children's Song of Peace) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Don't Cry My Love" by The Impressions
"Don't Cry My Soldier Boy" by Thelma Houston
"Don't Walk Away" by Shrubs
"Door jou" by Gerard Cox
"Down On The Base" by Leon Russell & Marc Benno
"Dựng lại người dựng lại nhà" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đừng mong ai, đừng nghi ngại" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đường chúng ta đi" – Huy Du và Xuân Sách (about the determinations of communist troops)
"Đường Trường Sơn xe anh qua" – Văn Dung (about Ho Chi Minh trails)
"Draft Dodger Rag" by Phil Ochs
"Draft Morning" by The Byrds
"Draft Resister" by Steppenwolf
"Drive On" by Johnny Cash
"Echoes" by Pink Floyd
"El Derecho de Vivir en Paz" by Víctor Jara
"The Edge of Darkness" by Iron Maiden
"Eve of Destruction" by Barry McGuire [written by P. F. Sloan]
"Everyday Combat" by Lostprophets
"Em Bé Giải Phóng Quân" – Thanh Trúc (about the love of children for PLAF troops)
"Era Um Garoto Que Como Eu Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones" by Os Incríveis (about an American boy, guitarist, that was sent to Vietnam, losing his youth, career, and life fighting)
"Fear of Napalm" by Terrorizer
"Fellows in Vietnam" by Inez and Charlie Foxx
"The Fiddle and the Drum" by Joni Mitchell
"Fightin' for the U.S.A." by Jerry Reed
"The Fightin' Side of Me" by Merle Haggard
"Fight to be Free" by Nuclear Assault
"Find the Cost of Freedom" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
"First Blood" by Evile
"First Vietnamese War" by The Black Angels
"Flowers of Evil" by Mountain
"Forget Me Not" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas[4]
"For Fuck's Sake" by The Almighty
"Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
"For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield
"Front Line" by Stevie Wonder
"Future Shock" by Evildead
"Galveston" by Glen Campbell
"Galveston Bay" by Bruce Springsteen
"Giải phóng miền Nam" (Liberate the South) by Huỳnh Minh Siêng
"Gặp nhau trên đỉnh Trường Sơn" – Hoàng Hà (about meetings between communist troops at Ho Chi Minh trails)
"Garet Trooper" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Gia Tài Của Mẹ" (A Mother's Legacy) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Giọt Nước Mắt Cho Quê Hương" (A Teardrop for Homeland) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Gimme Shelter" by The Rolling Stones[5]
"Give Peace a Chance" by John Lennon (Plastic Ono Band)
"Godspeed" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
"Going to Vietnam" by Big Amos
"Goodnight Saigon" by Billy Joel
"Grass for Blades" by Jim Pembroke and Wigwam
"The Great Goodnight" by Magellan
"The Great Mandala" by Peter, Paul and Mary
"Greetings (This is Uncle Sam)" by The Valadiers (also recorded by The Monitors)[4]
"Grey October" by Peggy Seeger
"Gunya Down" by Pro-Pain
"Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ" – Phạm Tuyên (about victories of North Vietnam in Operation Linebaker II)
"Hành khúc không quân Việt Nam" – Văn Cao
"Hàng em mang tới chiến hào" – Lư Nhất Vũ (about logistics brought to communist troops at battlefields)
"Hành Ca" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hành Khúc Giải Phóng" – Long Hưng và Lưu Nguyễn
"Hành khúc ngày và đêm" – Phan Huỳnh Điểu (about the love of a communist couple temporarily divided by the war)
"Hát cho dân tôi nghe" Tôn Thất Lập (about South Vietnamese youth against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Hát mãi khúc quân hành" – Diệp Minh Tuyền (about the love toward peace and hatred toward war of communist troops)
"Hát trên đường tranh đấu" –
"Hát trong tù" – (the song of South Vietnamese youth being in prison because of against the US and the ARVN)
"Hãy ca dạy lên"
"Hãy đi cùng nhau" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hãy giữ gìn lấy Việt Nam" – Văn Chung
"Hãy nhìn lại" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hãy nói giùm tôi" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hò kéo pháo" – Hoàng Vân (the song communist troops singing while pulling artilleries by hand)
"Hoan hô chú bộ đội" – Nguyễn Thanh Tùng (celebration communist troops shooting down the US fighter jets)
"Hallelujah Day" by The Jackson 5
"Hand of Doom" by Black Sabbath
"Handsome Johnny" by Richie Havens
"Hands Off Vietnam!" by Dzhilda Mazheykayte
"Hanoi Hannah" by Roger McGuinn
"Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon
"Hát Trên Những Xác Người" (Singing on Corpses) by Trịnh Công Sơn [written following the Tet Offensive]
"Hallå Där Bonde" (Hello there Farmer) by Knutna Nävar
"He Wore the Green Beret" by Nancy Ames
"Heart of Darkness" by Grave Digger
"Hello Vietnam" by Johnnie Wright (also recorded by Dave Dudley)
"Hello Vietnam (Goodbye My Love)" by Ray Hildebrand
"Here's to the State of Richard Nixon" by Phil Ochs
"High" by Richard Marx
"Home" by Mac Davis. Also recorded by Gary Puckett & The Union Gap
"Home from the War" by Lugh Damen
"Ho Chi Minh City" by Shrubs
"House Of The Rising Sun" by [The Animals]
"Huế Sài Gòn Hà Nội" (Huế, Saigon, Hanoi) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expresses the author's desire for a peaceful, united Vietnam.]
"Human Being Lawnmower" by MC5
"Hungry for Blood" by Virus
"Huyền Sử Một Người Mang Tên Quốc" (Ballad of a Person named Quốc) by Phạm Duy [about Phạm Phú Quốc, a RVAF pilot who bombed the Independence Palace in Saigon. He was shot down in North Vietnam in a mission to bomb the North.]
"I Ain't Marching Anymore" by Phil Ochs
"I Believe I'm Gonna Make It" by Joe Tex
"I Can't Write Left Handed" by Bill Withers
"I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag" by Country Joe and the Fish
"I'd Love to Change the World" by Ten Years After
"I'm Your Captain (Closer to Home)" by Grand Funk Railroad
"I Should Be Proud" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
"I Want to Come Home for Christmas" by Marvin Gaye
"I Was Only Nineteen (A Walk in the Light Green)" by Redgum
"Imagine" by John Lennon
"I've Seen All Good People" by Yes
"Into the Fire" by Sabaton
"Khe Sanh" by Cold Chisel
"The Knife" by Genesis (Peter Gabriel, influenced by a book on Gandhi, "wanted to try [to] show how all violent revolutions inevitably end up with a dictator in power")[6]
"Kuiama" by the Electric Light Orchestra
"Last Train to Clarksville" by The Monkees
"Long Live Our Love" by The Shangri-Las
"Lost in the Flood" by Bruce Springsteen
"Love Vigilantes" by New Order
"Lời ru đêm" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Luang Prabang", by Dave Van Ronk
"Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation", by Tom Paxton
"Machine Gun" by Band of Gypsys (Jimi Hendrix)
"Madre" by Silvio Rodriguez
"Mama Bake a Pie (Daddy Kill a Chicken)" by Tom T. Hall[7]
"Masters of War" by Bob Dylan
"More Than a Name on a Wall" by The Statler Brothers
"Mountains" by Manowar[8]
"Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton (#1 – 1964)
"Một ngày vietnam"
"Một ngày vinh quang một ngày tuyệt vọng" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Mùa áo quan" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Năm Anh Em Trên Một Chiếc Xe Tăng" – Doãn Nho (about communist tankmen)
"Ngày dài trên quê hương" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngày Mai Chúng Mình Ra Trận" – Nhạc: Hoài Tố Hạnh, lời: Trần Đăng Khoa (nhà thơ) (about the feeling, believes in victory and the national reunification of Vietnamese communist youth, who was to join the war)
"Ngày mai đây bình yên" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngủ đi con" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngụ ngôn của mùa Đông" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Người con gái Việt Nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Người mẹ Bàn Cờ" – Nhạc: Trần Long Ẩn, thơ: Nguyễn Kim Ngân (about Vietnamese mothers wanting peace)
"Người mẹ miền Nam tay không thắng giặc" – Thuận Yến (about South Vietnamese mothers fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Người mẹ Ô Lý" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Những ai còn là Việt nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Những giọt máu trổ bông" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Nhưng hôm nay" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Napalm in the Morning" by Sodom
"The Nang, the Front, the Bush and the Shit" by El-P
"Near Thái Nguyên Bridge" by Alexander Gusev
"Như có Bác Hồ trong ngày vui đại thắng" (Uncle Ho likely was Here On the Day of Victory) by Phạm Tuyên (about the feelings that Ho Chi Minh being appear on the national reunification day).
"Nối Vòng Tay Lớn" (Joining Hands) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expresses the author's wish for peace and national solidarity. This song was played on the radio after the communist forces took over Saigon's radio station during the Fall of Saigon.]
"None of Your Doing" by Steppenwolf
"No One to Follow" by Anvil
"A Nurse in the U.S. Army" by Connie Francis
"Napalm Sticks to Kids" by unknown US servicemen, first recording by First of the Ninth Chorus
"Những Bông Hoa Trên Tuyến Lửa" – Đỗ Trung Quân (about the happiness of communist troops on fighting against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Những ngày hội đấu tranh" – (about the uprising against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Ohio" by Neil Young
"Okie from Muskogee" by Merle Haggard
"Old Hippie" by The Bellamy Brothers
"One Tin Soldier" by The Original Caste
"Orange Crush" by R.E.M.
"Paint It Black" by Rolling Stones
"Peace Train" by Cat Stevens
"Pencil Marks on the Wall" by Henson Cargill
"People, Let's Stop the War" by Grand Funk Railroad
"Postcards from Saigon" by James Blundell
"Pull Out the Pin" by Kate Bush
"Question" by The Moody Blues
"Rachel’s Coming Home" (aka "Rachel") by Russell Morris
"Rapture" by Impaled Nazarene
"Raymond" by Brett Eldredge
"The Rebel" by Carl Hauck
"Readjustment Blues" by Bill Danoff, sung by John Denver
"Red" by Barefoot Truth
"Reflected Prayer" by Shrubs
"Reflections of My Life" by The Marmalade
"Remember" by Biohazard
"Remember the Heroes" by Sammy Hagar
"Requiem for the Masses" by The Association
"Return to Vietnam" by Master
"Revolution" by The Beatles
"Revolution 1" by The Beatles
"Ricochet" by Bionic Jive
"Riding With Private Malone" by David Ball
"Rooster" by Alice in Chains
"Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town" by Kenny Rogers and the First Edition
"Running Gun Blues" by David Bowie
"Saigon" by John Prine
"Saigon" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Saigon Bride" by Joan Baez
"Saigon Ơi Vĩnh Biệt" (Saigon, Goodbye) by Nam Lộc (a song for Vietnamese refugees having to flee their homeland after the Fall of Saigon)
"Saigon Shrunken Panorama" by The Mountain Goats
"Sài Gòn Quật Khởi" – Hồ Bắc (about the determination against the US and the Republic of Vietnam of people in Saigon)
"Sao mắt mẹ chưa vui" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Sẵn sàng bắn" – Tô Hải (about communist antiaircraft gunmen fighting against the US airforce and the ARVN)
"Salute to the Nurses" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Sam Stone" by John Prine
"Sandman" by America
"Save the Country" by Laura Nyro, also recorded by The Fifth Dimension
"Sean Flynn" by The Clash
"Search and Destroy" by The Stooges
"Sergeant Death" by Fate
"The Seductive Nature of Female Sexuality" by Buried Inside
"Shapes of Things" by The Yardbirds
"Shell Shock" by Manowar
"Shut Out the Lights" by Bruce Springsteen [deals with Post-traumatic stress disorder of a returning veteran]
"Simple Song of Freedom" by Bobby Darin
"Singin' in Vietnam Talkin' Blues" by Johnny Cash
"Sit Down Young Stranger" by Gordon Lightfoot
"Skies on Fire" by AC/DC
"Sky Pilot", written by Eric Burdon, recorded by The Animals
"Slaughter" by Billy Preston
"Smiley" by Ronnie Burns
"Soldier" by Stephen Stills
"Sợi nhớ sợi thương" – Phan Huỳnh Điểu (about the love of a communist couple)
"Sức mạnh nhân dân" – (about the power of Vietnamese in the war against the US)
"Soldier" by Neil Young
"Soldier Boy" by The Shirelles[4]
"The Soldier Has Come Home" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Soldier of Misfortune" by Ogre
"Soldier's Goodbye" by William Bell
"Soldier's Plea" by Marvin Gaye[4]
"A Soldier's Prayer, 1967" by Archie Bell & the Drells
"Some Gave All" by Billy Ray Cyrus
"Someday at Christmas" by Stevie Wonder
"Something to Believe In" by Poison
"Son of the Freeway" by Gravestone
"Song About the Vietnamese Friend" by Edmund Iodkovsky & Vano Muradeli
"South Carolina" by Gil Scott-Heron
"Spiral of Violence" by Whiplash
"Spitting" by Rocket from the Crypt
"Standing on the Corner" by Watson & The Sherlocks
"Still in Saigon" by the Charlie Daniels Band
"Stop the War Now" by Edwin Starr
"Stop the War in Vietnam" by Laurel Aitken
"Straight to Hell" by The Clash [deals with the abandonment of Vietnamese children fathered by American soldiers]
"Student Demonstration Time" by The Beach Boys
"Summer Side of Life" by Gordon Lightfoot
"Sunshine" by Jonathan Edwards
"Suppose They Give a War and No One Comes" by West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
"Surf Nicaragua" by Sacred Reich
"Surrender" by Cheap Trick
"Sympathy for the Devil" by The Rolling Stones
"Ta là chiến sĩ Giải Phóng quân" – Văn Lưu và Triều Dâng (about the pride of being the PLAF troops fighting against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Ta đã thấy gì trong đêm nay" – Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ta đi dựng cờ" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Take Good Care" by Tony Mason
"Take the Star Out of the Window" by John Prine
"Talking Vietnam" by Phil Ochs
"Talking Vietnam Potluck Blues" by Tom Paxton
"Tame the Lion" by Emitt Rhodes
"Ta quyết phải sống" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ta Phải Thấy Mặt Trời" (We Must See the Sun) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Thank You" by the Bobkatz
"That Black Wall" by Danny Barnes
"Tên lửa ta đáng rất hay" – Huy Thục (about communist antiaircraft missile soldiers against the US airforce and the ARVN)
"The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton
"Theme for an American Hero" by Chip Taylor
"Theme for an Imaginary Western" by Jack Bruce
"There Won't Be Any Snow (Christmas in the Jungle)" by Derrik Roberts
"There's a Wall in Washington" by Iris DeMent
"This is Radio Clash" by The Clash
"Three-Five-Zero-Zero" from the musical Hair
"Through the Ages" by Bolt Thrower
"Tình Ca Người Mất Trí" (Love Song of Someone Who Lost Their Mind) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about women with lovers who are soldiers]
"This Ain't Nothing" by Craig Morgan
"This Cowboy's Hat" by Chris Ledoux [talks about his nephew dying in 1969 in Vietnam]
"Tiến bước dưới quân kỳ" – Doãn Nho
"Tiến lên chiến sĩ đồng bào" – Huy Thục
"Tiến Về Sài Gòn" – Lưu Hữu Phước (marching toward Saigon of communist troops)
"Tiếng nói Hà Nội" – Nhạc: Văn An; Lời: Cảnh Trà (about Hanoi's voice on the hope towards national peace)
"Tiếng Đàn Ta Lư" – Huy Thục (the sounds of minority ethnic supporting communist troops)
"Tin tưởng ca" (the beliefs on national peace and reunification of Vietnamese)
"Tình ca" – Hoàng Hiệp (about the love of a communist couple in the war)
"Tình ca của người mất trí" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Tình nghĩa Bắc Nam" – (about the love between North and South Vietnamese)
"Tiếng hát những đêm không ngủ" – Phạm Tuyên
"Tiếng Hát Người Nữ Du Kích Củ Chi" – Lưu Cầu (nhạc sĩ) (about female communist guerilla at Củ Chi)
"Tiểu đoàn 307" – Nguyễn Hữu Trí (about the 307 Battalion of the PLAF)
"To Susan on the West Coast Waiting" by Donovan
"Tôi sẽ đi thăm" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Travelin' Soldier" by Bruce Robison (popularized by the Dixie Chicks)
"Train to Vietnam" by The Rudies
"Trooper's Lament" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Trường Sơn Đông – Trường Sơn Tây" by Hoàng Hiệp [from a poem by Phạm Tiến Duật, about the love and the life of communist troops on the Ho Chi Minh trail.]
"The Road of Life from Hanoi" by unknown Soviet military transportation officer
"Thề quyết bảo vệ Tổ quốc" (Swear to defend the country) – Huy Du (Chinese version "誓死保卫祖国" also available in the late 1960s)
"Thuyền em đi trong đêm" Nguyễn Phú Yên
"Tổ quốc ơi đã ta nghe" – La Hữu Vang
"Tôi biết tôi yêu" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Tôi Là Lê Anh Nuôi" – Trần Hiếu (about cooks in communist armies)
"Tuổi trẻ Việt Nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Từ mặt đất thân yêu" – Tô Hải (about communist airmen fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Tự nguyện" – Trương Quốc Khánh (about voluntary spirits of delication for Vietnam of communist youth)
"Trên dòng sông lịch sử" – Nguyễn Nam
"Trên đỉnh Trường Sơn ta hát" – Huy Du (the happiness of communist troops on Truong Son mountains)
"Uncle Sam" by Jimmy Hughes
"Uncommon Valor: A Vietnam Story" by Jedi Mind Tricks
"Universal Soldier" by Buffy Sainte-Marie; also recorded by Donovan
"Unknown Soldier" by The Doors
"Unknown Soldier" by Breaking Benjamin
"Unnatural Selection" by Ayreon
"Us and Them" by Pink Floyd
"Vaya con Dios-Fellow in Vietnam" by Inez and Charlie Foxx
"Verbal Razors" by Exodus
"Viet Nam Blues" by Dave Dudley
"Vietnam" by Abner Jay
"Vietnam" by Phil Ochs
"Vietnam" by J. B. Lenoir
"Vietnam" by The Satellites
"Vietnam" by Jimmy Cliff
"Vietnam" by Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards
"Vietnam" by T-Bone Walker
"Vietnam Blues" by J. B. Lenoir
"Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh" by Ái Vân and The Blue Guitars
"Vietnam Talkin' Blues" by Johnny Cash
"Vietnam Vets" by Circle One
"Vietnamerica" by The Stranglers
"Vietnamese Baby" by New York Dolls
"Vietnow" by Rage Against the Machine
"Violence and Bloodshed" by Manowar
"Việt Nam – đất nước tình yêu" – Lệ Giang (about the love of Vietnam)
"Việt Nam ơi hãy vùng lên" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Việt Nam Ơi! Mùa Xuân Đến Rồi" – Huy Du (about the national reunification)
"Vết chân tròn trên cát" – Trần Tiến (about a communist handicap veteran, who was a teacher before and after the war, he usually told his students about the happiness of the national reunification, the couragement and the sacrifice of communist troops)
"Vì nhân dân quên mình" – Doãn Quang Khải (about the sacrifice for Vietnamese of communist troops)
"Volunteers" by Jefferson Airplane
"Waist Deep in the Big Muddy" by Pete Seeger
"Wait for Me" by Brothers of Soul
"Walking on a Thin Line" by Huey Lewis and the News
"Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine
"The Wall" by Tim Murphy
"The Wall" by Bruce Springsteen
"Wandering the Swamps of Vietnam" by unknown Soviet military advisor
"War" by Edwin Starr (also recorded by The Temptations and performed by Bruce Springsteen)
"War Games" by The Monkees
"The War Drags On" written and recorded by Mick Softley; also recorded by Donovan
"War Is a Card Game" by Nancy Ames
"The War Is Over" by Phil Ochs
"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath [written about the politicians who were responsible for the war.]
"War Song" by Neil Young
"War Sucks" by The Red Krayola
"Watergate Blues" by Gil Scott-Heron
"We Just Did What We Were Told" by Don Forbes
"We Gotta Get Outta This Place" by The Animals
"Welcome the Boys Back Home" by Bill Moss & the Celestials
"Welcome to the Real World" by Sweet Savage
"Welcome Wagon" by Nasty Savage
"Welterusten Meneer de President" by Boudewijn de Groot
"What Are You Fighting For" by Phil Ochs
"What is Truth" by Johnny Cash
"What We're Fighting For" by Dave Dudley
"What's Going On?" by Marvin Gaye
"When the Hunter Becomes Hunted" by Tank
"When the War Is Over" by Cold Chisel
"When You're Only Nine" by The Toe River Valley Boys[9]
"Where Are You Now, My Son?" by Joan Baez
"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" by Pete Seeger
"White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land" by Phil Ochs
"The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton
"Wild Irish Rose" by George Jones [about a homeless, alcoholic Vietnam veteran][10]
"The Windows of the World" by Dionne Warwick
"Winning the Hearts and Minds" by Good Riddance (About the violence committed by US soldiers against Vietnamese peasants)
"Wish You Were Here, Buddy" by Pat Boone
"Working for the Yankee Dollar" by The Skids
"Xác ta xác thù" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Xmas in February" by Lou Reed
"Xuân Chiến Khu" – Xuân Hồng (about spring and happiness in communist military camps)
"Yellow River" by Christie
"A Young Man's Problem" by The Young Men
"Youngstown" by Bruce Springsteen
"Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore" by John Prine
"Your Heart Belongs To Me" by The Supremes[4] & The Velvelettes
"Yours Is No Disgrace" by Yes (Anderson has stated that the theme of the song was recognition that the kids fighting the war had no choice but to fight and that the war wasn't their fault)[11]
"Young Men Dead" by The Black Angels
"Yesterday Died, Tomorrow Won't Be Born" by Good Riddance (about a POW slowly losing his mind)
Ik hoorde 19 laatst op de meubelboulevard _O-
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:49 #158
222754 Dagoduck
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:24 schreef ok01 het volgende:
Is dit Journey?
Dit is niet mijn rney.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  Redactie Sport / Supervogel vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:25:51 #159
270182 crew  Pino112
Pino van Luna O+
Gooi dat eens in een spoiler ofzo Dago
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:25 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Zei iemand nummers over de Vietnamoorlog?

TIL dat echoes over de vietnam oorlog gaat
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:25 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Zei iemand nummers over de Vietnamoorlog?

"19" by Paul Hardcastle
"1954 Cha Bỏ Quê, 1975 Con Bỏ Nước" by Phạm Duy [about the two large migrations: in 1954 and 1975.]
"2 + 2 = ?" by The Bob Seger System
"50,000 Names" by George Jones [about the Vietnam Memorial wall]
"500 Miles Away From Home" by Bobby Bare
"7 O'Clock News/Silent Night" by Simon & Garfunkel
"8th of November" by Big & Rich
"21st Century Schizoid Man" by King Crimson
"The 'A' Team" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Agent Orange" by Grinder
"Agent Orange" by Sodom
"Agent Orange Song" by Maan Shah
"Alice's Restaurant Massacree" by Arlo Guthrie
"All Along the Watchtower" by Bob Dylan
"All My Children of the Sun" by Pete Seeger
"Am I Ever Gonna See My Baby Again" by The Sweet Inspirations
"Amerika the Brutal" by Six Feet Under
"America, Fuck Yeah" by Trey Parker
"American Woman by Guess Who
"An American Draft Dodger in Thunder Bay" by Sam Roberts
"Anh hùng đâu phải cứ mày râu" – Vũ Trọng Hối (about women who fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Anh phi công ơi!" – Xuân Giao (a children's song about communist airmen protecting Vietnam)
"Anh Quân Bưu Vui Tính" – Đàm Thanh (about communist military postal men)
"Anh lái xe đường dây" – Nguyễn Hữu Tuấn (about the couragement of communist transport driver driving on ropes to supply for communist troops)
"Anh vẫn hành quân" – Huy Du (about communist troops still marching towards the battlefields for the national reunification despite of attacks and bombardment from the US army and the ARVN)
"Another Christmas Without My Son" by Reverend Oris Mays
"Artefucked" by Nargaroth
"Article IV" by Good Riddance (About US soldiers during The Tet-Offensive fighting for survival and protesters back in the states)
"Bà Mẹ Phù Sa" (all you need is love) Phạm Duy [about a peasant woman who hides a government agent when she sees a Vietcong, and in turn hides the Vietcong when she sees a government platoon coming.]
"Bài Ca Dành Cho Những Xác Người" (Song for the Corpses) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about the Battle of Huế]
"Bác Đang Cùng Chúng Cháu Hành Quân" – Huy Thục (about communist troops on Ho Chi Minh trail)
"Bài ca bên cánh võng" – Nguyên Nhung
"Bài ca chiến sĩ hải quân" – Văn Cao (about Vietnamese shipmen protecting Vietnam)
"Bài ca Đường 9" – Huy Du (about communist troops in battle of Khe Sanh)
"Bài ca Hà Nội" – Vũ Thanh (about Hanoi under bombardment of the US)
"Bài ca hy vọng" – Văn Ký (about the hope on the national reunification)
"Bài Ca Người Chiến Sĩ Hải Quân" – Thanh Trúc
"Bài Ca Người Săn Máy Bay" – Văn Lưu (about Vietnamese pilots shooting down US fighter jets)
"Bài ca người nữ tự vệ Sài Gòn" – Phạm Minh Tuấn (about Saigon's female urban commandos fighting against the US and the ARVN)
"Bước chân trên dãy Trường Sơn" – Vũ Trọng Hối (about communist troops surpassing Trường Sơn mountains)
"Bài ca không quên" – Phạm Minh Tuấn (about deaded companions in the communist army)
"Back in Vietnam" by Lenny Kravitz
"Back to Vietnam" by Television Personalities
"Back to the World" by Curtis Mayfield
"Backlash Blues" by Nina Simone
"Badge of Courage" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Ballad of a Crystal Man" by Donovan
"Ballad for a Soldier" by Leon Russell & Marc Benno
"The Ballad of the Green Berets" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Ballad of Vietnam" by Ludvick Rummel
"Bamiba" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Battalions of Fear" by Blind Guardian
"The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley" by Terry Nelson
"The Battle of Vietnam" by Hal Willis
"Beach Party Vietnam" by The Dead Milkmen
"The Big Parade" by 10,000 Maniacs
"Big Time in the Jungle" by Old Crow Medicine Show
"Billy Don't Be a Hero" by Paper Lace
"Black Flame" by Renaissance
"Black Wall" by Dennis DeYoung (about the fear of being drafted, the fear during the war, and going "back to the world"[3])
"Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan
"Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen (references the Siege of Khe Sanh among other things.)
"Born on the Fourth of July" by Tom Paxton
"Broken Heroes" by Saxon
"The Boy Who's Never Found" by The Katydids
"Brainwashed" by The Bossmen (tells what happens to the people who come back from the war in Vietnam, and shows the post war trauma that happens)
"Bring the Boys Home" by Freda Payne
"Bring Them Home" by Pete Seeger
"Brother Did You Weep" by Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger
"Brothers Under the Bridge" by Bruce Springsteen
"Bungle in the Jungle" by Jethro Tull
"Burning Bridges" by Pink Floyd
"Burnt Alive" by Rocket from the Crypt
"Burnt Out Souls" by Despair
"Business Goes on as Usual" by the Chad Mitchell Trio
"Ca Dao Mẹ" (Mother's Lullaby) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about a mother's sacrifices during wartime]
"Cánh đồng hòa bình" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Câu hò bên bến Hiền Lương" – music: Hoàng Hiệp, lyric: Hoàng Hiệp – Đằng Giao (about the wish for the national reunification)
"Chào Anh Giải Phóng Quân" – Hoàng Vân (celebration for the PLAF troops)
"Chào Anh Giải Phóng Quân, Chào Mùa Xuân Đại Thắng" – Hoàng Vân Trình (celebration for the PLAF troops and the national reunification)
"Chính chúng ta phải nói" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chú Giải phóng quân cháu xin tặng chú một bài ca" – Vũ Thanh (a children's song for celebration to the PLAF troops)
"Chúng ta đã đứng dậy" – Tôn Thất Lập (about the uprising of South Vietnamese youth against the ARVN and the US army)
"Chiếc gậy Trường Sơn" – Phạm Tuyên (about the determination of communist troops on liberating South Vietnam)
"Chiến sĩ Rađa trên chốt biên thùy" – Thuận Yến (about the fighting of communist radar soldiers)
"Chim hòa bình" – (about the hope on peace)
"Chờ nhìn quê hương sáng chói" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chú bộ đội" – Hoàng Hà (about communist troops in Vietnam war)
"Chưa hết giặc ta chưa về" – Huy Du (about the determination of communist troops on destroying the enemy)
"Chưa mất niềm tin" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chưa mòn giấc mơ" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Cô Gái Mở Đường"-Xuân Giao (about communist female army engineers)
"Cô Gái Pa – Kô" – Huy Thục (about minority ethnic girls supporting communist troops)
"Cô gái Sài Gòn đi tải đạn" – Lư Nhất Vũ (about Saigon girls supporting communist troops)
"Cô Gái vót chông" – Hoàng Hiệp (about minority ethnic girls supporting communist troops)
"Cho Một Người Vừa Nằm Xuống" – Trịnh Công Sơn
"Cambodia" by Kim Wilde
"Camouflage" by Stan Ridgway
"Carried by Six" by Internal Void
"Charlie Boy" by the Lumineers
"Charlie Don't Surf" by The Clash
"Charlie Freak" by Steely Dan
"Child in Time" by Deep Purple
"Cho Một Người Vừa Nằm Xuống" (For a Person Just Fallen Down) by Trịnh Công Sơn [dedicated to Lưu Kim Cương, a friend of the author who died in battle. Who is a Republic of Vietnam Air Force pilot.]
"Christmas in Vietnam" by Johnny and Jon
"Chuyện hai người lính" (Story about two soldiers) by Phạm Duy [1968, about two soldiers on different front lines who "kill each other because of love of Vietnam"]
"Clean Cut Kid" by Bob Dylan (tells how a normal American boy is changed to a fierce fighting boy by the use of drugs, pills, and alcohol)
"Coming Home Soldier" by Bobby Vinton
"Commando" by The Ramones
"Compared to What" by Gene McDaniels
"Compulsory Hero" by 1927 [deals with conscription in Australia during the Vietnam War]
"Copperhead Road" by Steve Earle
"Cops of the World" by Phil Ochs
"Cowboys on Horses with Wings" by Hoyt Axton
"Cousin Randy" by Infectious Grooves
"Cream Puff War" by The Grateful Dead
"Cruel War" by Peter, Paul and Mary
"Cry for Freedom" by The Starfires
"Cùng anh tiến quân trên đường dài" – Huy Du và Xuân Sách (about Nguyễn Viêt Xuân, a hero in fighting against the US)
"Cùng hành quân giữa mùa xuân" – Hoàng Hà (about happiness, beliefs on victories of communist troops on Ho Chi Minh trail)
"Daddy Won't Be Home Anymore" by Dolly Parton
"Dậy mà đi" – Nhạc: Nguyễn Xuân Tân (Tôn Thất Lập), thơ: Tố Hữu (encourages for uprings against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Đất nước trọn niềm vui" – Hoàng Hà (about happiness of Vietnamese on the national reunification)
"Đại Bác Ru Đêm" (Cannon's Night Lullaby) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about bombardment in the city]
"Dancing in the Ashes" by Psychotic Waltz
"Dân Ta Vẫn Sống" (Our People Still Lives) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Daniel" by Elton John [the verse dealing most specifically with the Vietnam War was removed by lyricist Bernie Taupin shortly before being recorded.]
"Đêm bây giờ đêm mai" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đêm Trường Sơn" (Nights in Trường Sơn) – Huy Du (about nights and communist troops at Trường Sơn mountains)
"Đêm Trường Sơn nhớ Bác" – Trần Chung (about the thinkings on Ho Chi Minh of communist troops surpassing Trường Sơn mountains)
"Dead Yankee Drawl" by Manic Street Preachers
"Dear Uncle Sam" by Loretta Lynn
"Dear Mr. President" by Pink
"Death" by The Pretty Things
"Death Sound" by Country Joe and the Fish
"Deathbed" by Relient K
"Death Tone" by Manowar
"Desperation Part IV" by Redemption
"Đi tìm quê hương" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Did You Ever See Me" by Shrubs
"Did You Hear What They Said?" by Gil Scott-Heron
"Do the Russians Want War?" by Mark Bernes
"Does Anybody Know I'm Here?" by The Dells
"Đôi mắt nào mở ra" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đồng Đội ơi" (My companion!) by Nguyễn Giang (music) and Trương Vĩnh Tuấn (lyrics) [expressing the sentiment of communist veterans and soldiers to their sacrificed companions)
"Đợi Có Một Ngày" (Wait Until the Day) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expressing the author's desire for peace]
"Doin' All Right" by The Fugs
"Đồng Dao Hoà Bình" (Children's Song of Peace) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Don't Cry My Love" by The Impressions
"Don't Cry My Soldier Boy" by Thelma Houston
"Don't Walk Away" by Shrubs
"Door jou" by Gerard Cox
"Down On The Base" by Leon Russell & Marc Benno
"Dựng lại người dựng lại nhà" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đừng mong ai, đừng nghi ngại" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đường chúng ta đi" – Huy Du và Xuân Sách (about the determinations of communist troops)
"Đường Trường Sơn xe anh qua" – Văn Dung (about Ho Chi Minh trails)
"Draft Dodger Rag" by Phil Ochs
"Draft Morning" by The Byrds
"Draft Resister" by Steppenwolf
"Drive On" by Johnny Cash
"Echoes" by Pink Floyd
"El Derecho de Vivir en Paz" by Víctor Jara
"The Edge of Darkness" by Iron Maiden
"Eve of Destruction" by Barry McGuire [written by P. F. Sloan]
"Everyday Combat" by Lostprophets
"Em Bé Giải Phóng Quân" – Thanh Trúc (about the love of children for PLAF troops)
"Era Um Garoto Que Como Eu Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones" by Os Incríveis (about an American boy, guitarist, that was sent to Vietnam, losing his youth, career, and life fighting)
"Fear of Napalm" by Terrorizer
"Fellows in Vietnam" by Inez and Charlie Foxx
"The Fiddle and the Drum" by Joni Mitchell
"Fightin' for the U.S.A." by Jerry Reed
"The Fightin' Side of Me" by Merle Haggard
"Fight to be Free" by Nuclear Assault
"Find the Cost of Freedom" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
"First Blood" by Evile
"First Vietnamese War" by The Black Angels
"Flowers of Evil" by Mountain
"Forget Me Not" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas[4]
"For Fuck's Sake" by The Almighty
"Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
"For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield
"Front Line" by Stevie Wonder
"Future Shock" by Evildead
"Galveston" by Glen Campbell
"Galveston Bay" by Bruce Springsteen
"Giải phóng miền Nam" (Liberate the South) by Huỳnh Minh Siêng
"Gặp nhau trên đỉnh Trường Sơn" – Hoàng Hà (about meetings between communist troops at Ho Chi Minh trails)
"Garet Trooper" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Gia Tài Của Mẹ" (A Mother's Legacy) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Giọt Nước Mắt Cho Quê Hương" (A Teardrop for Homeland) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Gimme Shelter" by The Rolling Stones[5]
"Give Peace a Chance" by John Lennon (Plastic Ono Band)
"Godspeed" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
"Going to Vietnam" by Big Amos
"Goodnight Saigon" by Billy Joel
"Grass for Blades" by Jim Pembroke and Wigwam
"The Great Goodnight" by Magellan
"The Great Mandala" by Peter, Paul and Mary
"Greetings (This is Uncle Sam)" by The Valadiers (also recorded by The Monitors)[4]
"Grey October" by Peggy Seeger
"Gunya Down" by Pro-Pain
"Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ" – Phạm Tuyên (about victories of North Vietnam in Operation Linebaker II)
"Hành khúc không quân Việt Nam" – Văn Cao
"Hàng em mang tới chiến hào" – Lư Nhất Vũ (about logistics brought to communist troops at battlefields)
"Hành Ca" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hành Khúc Giải Phóng" – Long Hưng và Lưu Nguyễn
"Hành khúc ngày và đêm" – Phan Huỳnh Điểu (about the love of a communist couple temporarily divided by the war)
"Hát cho dân tôi nghe" Tôn Thất Lập (about South Vietnamese youth against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Hát mãi khúc quân hành" – Diệp Minh Tuyền (about the love toward peace and hatred toward war of communist troops)
"Hát trên đường tranh đấu" –
"Hát trong tù" – (the song of South Vietnamese youth being in prison because of against the US and the ARVN)
"Hãy ca dạy lên"
"Hãy đi cùng nhau" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hãy giữ gìn lấy Việt Nam" – Văn Chung
"Hãy nhìn lại" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hãy nói giùm tôi" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hò kéo pháo" – Hoàng Vân (the song communist troops singing while pulling artilleries by hand)
"Hoan hô chú bộ đội" – Nguyễn Thanh Tùng (celebration communist troops shooting down the US fighter jets)
"Hallelujah Day" by The Jackson 5
"Hand of Doom" by Black Sabbath
"Handsome Johnny" by Richie Havens
"Hands Off Vietnam!" by Dzhilda Mazheykayte
"Hanoi Hannah" by Roger McGuinn
"Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon
"Hát Trên Những Xác Người" (Singing on Corpses) by Trịnh Công Sơn [written following the Tet Offensive]
"Hallå Där Bonde" (Hello there Farmer) by Knutna Nävar
"He Wore the Green Beret" by Nancy Ames
"Heart of Darkness" by Grave Digger
"Hello Vietnam" by Johnnie Wright (also recorded by Dave Dudley)
"Hello Vietnam (Goodbye My Love)" by Ray Hildebrand
"Here's to the State of Richard Nixon" by Phil Ochs
"High" by Richard Marx
"Home" by Mac Davis. Also recorded by Gary Puckett & The Union Gap
"Home from the War" by Lugh Damen
"Ho Chi Minh City" by Shrubs
"House Of The Rising Sun" by [The Animals]
"Huế Sài Gòn Hà Nội" (Huế, Saigon, Hanoi) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expresses the author's desire for a peaceful, united Vietnam.]
"Human Being Lawnmower" by MC5
"Hungry for Blood" by Virus
"Huyền Sử Một Người Mang Tên Quốc" (Ballad of a Person named Quốc) by Phạm Duy [about Phạm Phú Quốc, a RVAF pilot who bombed the Independence Palace in Saigon. He was shot down in North Vietnam in a mission to bomb the North.]
"I Ain't Marching Anymore" by Phil Ochs
"I Believe I'm Gonna Make It" by Joe Tex
"I Can't Write Left Handed" by Bill Withers
"I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag" by Country Joe and the Fish
"I'd Love to Change the World" by Ten Years After
"I'm Your Captain (Closer to Home)" by Grand Funk Railroad
"I Should Be Proud" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
"I Want to Come Home for Christmas" by Marvin Gaye
"I Was Only Nineteen (A Walk in the Light Green)" by Redgum
"Imagine" by John Lennon
"I've Seen All Good People" by Yes
"Into the Fire" by Sabaton
"Khe Sanh" by Cold Chisel
"The Knife" by Genesis (Peter Gabriel, influenced by a book on Gandhi, "wanted to try [to] show how all violent revolutions inevitably end up with a dictator in power")[6]
"Kuiama" by the Electric Light Orchestra
"Last Train to Clarksville" by The Monkees
"Long Live Our Love" by The Shangri-Las
"Lost in the Flood" by Bruce Springsteen
"Love Vigilantes" by New Order
"Lời ru đêm" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Luang Prabang", by Dave Van Ronk
"Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation", by Tom Paxton
"Machine Gun" by Band of Gypsys (Jimi Hendrix)
"Madre" by Silvio Rodriguez
"Mama Bake a Pie (Daddy Kill a Chicken)" by Tom T. Hall[7]
"Masters of War" by Bob Dylan
"More Than a Name on a Wall" by The Statler Brothers
"Mountains" by Manowar[8]
"Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton (#1 – 1964)
"Một ngày vietnam"
"Một ngày vinh quang một ngày tuyệt vọng" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Mùa áo quan" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Năm Anh Em Trên Một Chiếc Xe Tăng" – Doãn Nho (about communist tankmen)
"Ngày dài trên quê hương" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngày Mai Chúng Mình Ra Trận" – Nhạc: Hoài Tố Hạnh, lời: Trần Đăng Khoa (nhà thơ) (about the feeling, believes in victory and the national reunification of Vietnamese communist youth, who was to join the war)
"Ngày mai đây bình yên" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngủ đi con" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngụ ngôn của mùa Đông" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Người con gái Việt Nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Người mẹ Bàn Cờ" – Nhạc: Trần Long Ẩn, thơ: Nguyễn Kim Ngân (about Vietnamese mothers wanting peace)
"Người mẹ miền Nam tay không thắng giặc" – Thuận Yến (about South Vietnamese mothers fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Người mẹ Ô Lý" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Những ai còn là Việt nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Những giọt máu trổ bông" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Nhưng hôm nay" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Napalm in the Morning" by Sodom
"The Nang, the Front, the Bush and the Shit" by El-P
"Near Thái Nguyên Bridge" by Alexander Gusev
"Như có Bác Hồ trong ngày vui đại thắng" (Uncle Ho likely was Here On the Day of Victory) by Phạm Tuyên (about the feelings that Ho Chi Minh being appear on the national reunification day).
"Nối Vòng Tay Lớn" (Joining Hands) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expresses the author's wish for peace and national solidarity. This song was played on the radio after the communist forces took over Saigon's radio station during the Fall of Saigon.]
"None of Your Doing" by Steppenwolf
"No One to Follow" by Anvil
"A Nurse in the U.S. Army" by Connie Francis
"Napalm Sticks to Kids" by unknown US servicemen, first recording by First of the Ninth Chorus
"Những Bông Hoa Trên Tuyến Lửa" – Đỗ Trung Quân (about the happiness of communist troops on fighting against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Những ngày hội đấu tranh" – (about the uprising against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Ohio" by Neil Young
"Okie from Muskogee" by Merle Haggard
"Old Hippie" by The Bellamy Brothers
"One Tin Soldier" by The Original Caste
"Orange Crush" by R.E.M.
"Paint It Black" by Rolling Stones
"Peace Train" by Cat Stevens
"Pencil Marks on the Wall" by Henson Cargill
"People, Let's Stop the War" by Grand Funk Railroad
"Postcards from Saigon" by James Blundell
"Pull Out the Pin" by Kate Bush
"Question" by The Moody Blues
"Rachel’s Coming Home" (aka "Rachel") by Russell Morris
"Rapture" by Impaled Nazarene
"Raymond" by Brett Eldredge
"The Rebel" by Carl Hauck
"Readjustment Blues" by Bill Danoff, sung by John Denver
"Red" by Barefoot Truth
"Reflected Prayer" by Shrubs
"Reflections of My Life" by The Marmalade
"Remember" by Biohazard
"Remember the Heroes" by Sammy Hagar
"Requiem for the Masses" by The Association
"Return to Vietnam" by Master
"Revolution" by The Beatles
"Revolution 1" by The Beatles
"Ricochet" by Bionic Jive
"Riding With Private Malone" by David Ball
"Rooster" by Alice in Chains
"Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town" by Kenny Rogers and the First Edition
"Running Gun Blues" by David Bowie
"Saigon" by John Prine
"Saigon" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Saigon Bride" by Joan Baez
"Saigon Ơi Vĩnh Biệt" (Saigon, Goodbye) by Nam Lộc (a song for Vietnamese refugees having to flee their homeland after the Fall of Saigon)
"Saigon Shrunken Panorama" by The Mountain Goats
"Sài Gòn Quật Khởi" – Hồ Bắc (about the determination against the US and the Republic of Vietnam of people in Saigon)
"Sao mắt mẹ chưa vui" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Sẵn sàng bắn" – Tô Hải (about communist antiaircraft gunmen fighting against the US airforce and the ARVN)
"Salute to the Nurses" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Sam Stone" by John Prine
"Sandman" by America
"Save the Country" by Laura Nyro, also recorded by The Fifth Dimension
"Sean Flynn" by The Clash
"Search and Destroy" by The Stooges
"Sergeant Death" by Fate
"The Seductive Nature of Female Sexuality" by Buried Inside
"Shapes of Things" by The Yardbirds
"Shell Shock" by Manowar
"Shut Out the Lights" by Bruce Springsteen [deals with Post-traumatic stress disorder of a returning veteran]
"Simple Song of Freedom" by Bobby Darin
"Singin' in Vietnam Talkin' Blues" by Johnny Cash
"Sit Down Young Stranger" by Gordon Lightfoot
"Skies on Fire" by AC/DC
"Sky Pilot", written by Eric Burdon, recorded by The Animals
"Slaughter" by Billy Preston
"Smiley" by Ronnie Burns
"Soldier" by Stephen Stills
"Sợi nhớ sợi thương" – Phan Huỳnh Điểu (about the love of a communist couple)
"Sức mạnh nhân dân" – (about the power of Vietnamese in the war against the US)
"Soldier" by Neil Young
"Soldier Boy" by The Shirelles[4]
"The Soldier Has Come Home" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Soldier of Misfortune" by Ogre
"Soldier's Goodbye" by William Bell
"Soldier's Plea" by Marvin Gaye[4]
"A Soldier's Prayer, 1967" by Archie Bell & the Drells
"Some Gave All" by Billy Ray Cyrus
"Someday at Christmas" by Stevie Wonder
"Something to Believe In" by Poison
"Son of the Freeway" by Gravestone
"Song About the Vietnamese Friend" by Edmund Iodkovsky & Vano Muradeli
"South Carolina" by Gil Scott-Heron
"Spiral of Violence" by Whiplash
"Spitting" by Rocket from the Crypt
"Standing on the Corner" by Watson & The Sherlocks
"Still in Saigon" by the Charlie Daniels Band
"Stop the War Now" by Edwin Starr
"Stop the War in Vietnam" by Laurel Aitken
"Straight to Hell" by The Clash [deals with the abandonment of Vietnamese children fathered by American soldiers]
"Student Demonstration Time" by The Beach Boys
"Summer Side of Life" by Gordon Lightfoot
"Sunshine" by Jonathan Edwards
"Suppose They Give a War and No One Comes" by West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
"Surf Nicaragua" by Sacred Reich
"Surrender" by Cheap Trick
"Sympathy for the Devil" by The Rolling Stones
"Ta là chiến sĩ Giải Phóng quân" – Văn Lưu và Triều Dâng (about the pride of being the PLAF troops fighting against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Ta đã thấy gì trong đêm nay" – Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ta đi dựng cờ" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Take Good Care" by Tony Mason
"Take the Star Out of the Window" by John Prine
"Talking Vietnam" by Phil Ochs
"Talking Vietnam Potluck Blues" by Tom Paxton
"Tame the Lion" by Emitt Rhodes
"Ta quyết phải sống" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ta Phải Thấy Mặt Trời" (We Must See the Sun) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Thank You" by the Bobkatz
"That Black Wall" by Danny Barnes
"Tên lửa ta đáng rất hay" – Huy Thục (about communist antiaircraft missile soldiers against the US airforce and the ARVN)
"The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton
"Theme for an American Hero" by Chip Taylor
"Theme for an Imaginary Western" by Jack Bruce
"There Won't Be Any Snow (Christmas in the Jungle)" by Derrik Roberts
"There's a Wall in Washington" by Iris DeMent
"This is Radio Clash" by The Clash
"Three-Five-Zero-Zero" from the musical Hair
"Through the Ages" by Bolt Thrower
"Tình Ca Người Mất Trí" (Love Song of Someone Who Lost Their Mind) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about women with lovers who are soldiers]
"This Ain't Nothing" by Craig Morgan
"This Cowboy's Hat" by Chris Ledoux [talks about his nephew dying in 1969 in Vietnam]
"Tiến bước dưới quân kỳ" – Doãn Nho
"Tiến lên chiến sĩ đồng bào" – Huy Thục
"Tiến Về Sài Gòn" – Lưu Hữu Phước (marching toward Saigon of communist troops)
"Tiếng nói Hà Nội" – Nhạc: Văn An; Lời: Cảnh Trà (about Hanoi's voice on the hope towards national peace)
"Tiếng Đàn Ta Lư" – Huy Thục (the sounds of minority ethnic supporting communist troops)
"Tin tưởng ca" (the beliefs on national peace and reunification of Vietnamese)
"Tình ca" – Hoàng Hiệp (about the love of a communist couple in the war)
"Tình ca của người mất trí" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Tình nghĩa Bắc Nam" – (about the love between North and South Vietnamese)
"Tiếng hát những đêm không ngủ" – Phạm Tuyên
"Tiếng Hát Người Nữ Du Kích Củ Chi" – Lưu Cầu (nhạc sĩ) (about female communist guerilla at Củ Chi)
"Tiểu đoàn 307" – Nguyễn Hữu Trí (about the 307 Battalion of the PLAF)
"To Susan on the West Coast Waiting" by Donovan
"Tôi sẽ đi thăm" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Travelin' Soldier" by Bruce Robison (popularized by the Dixie Chicks)
"Train to Vietnam" by The Rudies
"Trooper's Lament" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Trường Sơn Đông – Trường Sơn Tây" by Hoàng Hiệp [from a poem by Phạm Tiến Duật, about the love and the life of communist troops on the Ho Chi Minh trail.]
"The Road of Life from Hanoi" by unknown Soviet military transportation officer
"Thề quyết bảo vệ Tổ quốc" (Swear to defend the country) – Huy Du (Chinese version "誓死保卫祖国" also available in the late 1960s)
"Thuyền em đi trong đêm" Nguyễn Phú Yên
"Tổ quốc ơi đã ta nghe" – La Hữu Vang
"Tôi biết tôi yêu" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Tôi Là Lê Anh Nuôi" – Trần Hiếu (about cooks in communist armies)
"Tuổi trẻ Việt Nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Từ mặt đất thân yêu" – Tô Hải (about communist airmen fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Tự nguyện" – Trương Quốc Khánh (about voluntary spirits of delication for Vietnam of communist youth)
"Trên dòng sông lịch sử" – Nguyễn Nam
"Trên đỉnh Trường Sơn ta hát" – Huy Du (the happiness of communist troops on Truong Son mountains)
"Uncle Sam" by Jimmy Hughes
"Uncommon Valor: A Vietnam Story" by Jedi Mind Tricks
"Universal Soldier" by Buffy Sainte-Marie; also recorded by Donovan
"Unknown Soldier" by The Doors
"Unknown Soldier" by Breaking Benjamin
"Unnatural Selection" by Ayreon
"Us and Them" by Pink Floyd
"Vaya con Dios-Fellow in Vietnam" by Inez and Charlie Foxx
"Verbal Razors" by Exodus
"Viet Nam Blues" by Dave Dudley
"Vietnam" by Abner Jay
"Vietnam" by Phil Ochs
"Vietnam" by J. B. Lenoir
"Vietnam" by The Satellites
"Vietnam" by Jimmy Cliff
"Vietnam" by Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards
"Vietnam" by T-Bone Walker
"Vietnam Blues" by J. B. Lenoir
"Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh" by Ái Vân and The Blue Guitars
"Vietnam Talkin' Blues" by Johnny Cash
"Vietnam Vets" by Circle One
"Vietnamerica" by The Stranglers
"Vietnamese Baby" by New York Dolls
"Vietnow" by Rage Against the Machine
"Violence and Bloodshed" by Manowar
"Việt Nam – đất nước tình yêu" – Lệ Giang (about the love of Vietnam)
"Việt Nam ơi hãy vùng lên" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Việt Nam Ơi! Mùa Xuân Đến Rồi" – Huy Du (about the national reunification)
"Vết chân tròn trên cát" – Trần Tiến (about a communist handicap veteran, who was a teacher before and after the war, he usually told his students about the happiness of the national reunification, the couragement and the sacrifice of communist troops)
"Vì nhân dân quên mình" – Doãn Quang Khải (about the sacrifice for Vietnamese of communist troops)
"Volunteers" by Jefferson Airplane
"Waist Deep in the Big Muddy" by Pete Seeger
"Wait for Me" by Brothers of Soul
"Walking on a Thin Line" by Huey Lewis and the News
"Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine
"The Wall" by Tim Murphy
"The Wall" by Bruce Springsteen
"Wandering the Swamps of Vietnam" by unknown Soviet military advisor
"War" by Edwin Starr (also recorded by The Temptations and performed by Bruce Springsteen)
"War Games" by The Monkees
"The War Drags On" written and recorded by Mick Softley; also recorded by Donovan
"War Is a Card Game" by Nancy Ames
"The War Is Over" by Phil Ochs
"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath [written about the politicians who were responsible for the war.]
"War Song" by Neil Young
"War Sucks" by The Red Krayola
"Watergate Blues" by Gil Scott-Heron
"We Just Did What We Were Told" by Don Forbes
"We Gotta Get Outta This Place" by The Animals
"Welcome the Boys Back Home" by Bill Moss & the Celestials
"Welcome to the Real World" by Sweet Savage
"Welcome Wagon" by Nasty Savage
"Welterusten Meneer de President" by Boudewijn de Groot
"What Are You Fighting For" by Phil Ochs
"What is Truth" by Johnny Cash
"What We're Fighting For" by Dave Dudley
"What's Going On?" by Marvin Gaye
"When the Hunter Becomes Hunted" by Tank
"When the War Is Over" by Cold Chisel
"When You're Only Nine" by The Toe River Valley Boys[9]
"Where Are You Now, My Son?" by Joan Baez
"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" by Pete Seeger
"White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land" by Phil Ochs
"The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton
"Wild Irish Rose" by George Jones [about a homeless, alcoholic Vietnam veteran][10]
"The Windows of the World" by Dionne Warwick
"Winning the Hearts and Minds" by Good Riddance (About the violence committed by US soldiers against Vietnamese peasants)
"Wish You Were Here, Buddy" by Pat Boone
"Working for the Yankee Dollar" by The Skids
"Xác ta xác thù" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Xmas in February" by Lou Reed
"Xuân Chiến Khu" – Xuân Hồng (about spring and happiness in communist military camps)
"Yellow River" by Christie
"A Young Man's Problem" by The Young Men
"Youngstown" by Bruce Springsteen
"Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore" by John Prine
"Your Heart Belongs To Me" by The Supremes[4] & The Velvelettes
"Yours Is No Disgrace" by Yes (Anderson has stated that the theme of the song was recognition that the kids fighting the war had no choice but to fight and that the war wasn't their fault)[11]
"Young Men Dead" by The Black Angels
"Yesterday Died, Tomorrow Won't Be Born" by Good Riddance (about a POW slowly losing his mind)
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"19" by Paul Hardcastle
"1954 Cha Bỏ Quê, 1975 Con Bỏ Nước" by Phạm Duy [about the two large migrations: in 1954 and 1975.]
"2 + 2 = ?" by The Bob Seger System
"50,000 Names" by George Jones [about the Vietnam Memorial wall]
"500 Miles Away From Home" by Bobby Bare
"7 O'Clock News/Silent Night" by Simon & Garfunkel
"8th of November" by Big & Rich
"21st Century Schizoid Man" by King Crimson
"The 'A' Team" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Agent Orange" by Grinder
"Agent Orange" by Sodom
"Agent Orange Song" by Maan Shah
"Alice's Restaurant Massacree" by Arlo Guthrie
"All Along the Watchtower" by Bob Dylan
"All My Children of the Sun" by Pete Seeger
"Am I Ever Gonna See My Baby Again" by The Sweet Inspirations
"Amerika the Brutal" by Six Feet Under
"America, Fuck Yeah" by Trey Parker
"American Woman by Guess Who
"An American Draft Dodger in Thunder Bay" by Sam Roberts
"Anh hùng đâu phải cứ mày râu" – Vũ Trọng Hối (about women who fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Anh phi công ơi!" – Xuân Giao (a children's song about communist airmen protecting Vietnam)
"Anh Quân Bưu Vui Tính" – Đàm Thanh (about communist military postal men)
"Anh lái xe đường dây" – Nguyễn Hữu Tuấn (about the couragement of communist transport driver driving on ropes to supply for communist troops)
"Anh vẫn hành quân" – Huy Du (about communist troops still marching towards the battlefields for the national reunification despite of attacks and bombardment from the US army and the ARVN)
"Another Christmas Without My Son" by Reverend Oris Mays
"Artefucked" by Nargaroth
"Article IV" by Good Riddance (About US soldiers during The Tet-Offensive fighting for survival and protesters back in the states)
"Bà Mẹ Phù Sa" (all you need is love) Phạm Duy [about a peasant woman who hides a government agent when she sees a Vietcong, and in turn hides the Vietcong when she sees a government platoon coming.]
"Bài Ca Dành Cho Những Xác Người" (Song for the Corpses) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about the Battle of Huế]
"Bác Đang Cùng Chúng Cháu Hành Quân" – Huy Thục (about communist troops on Ho Chi Minh trail)
"Bài ca bên cánh võng" – Nguyên Nhung
"Bài ca chiến sĩ hải quân" – Văn Cao (about Vietnamese shipmen protecting Vietnam)
"Bài ca Đường 9" – Huy Du (about communist troops in battle of Khe Sanh)
"Bài ca Hà Nội" – Vũ Thanh (about Hanoi under bombardment of the US)
"Bài ca hy vọng" – Văn Ký (about the hope on the national reunification)
"Bài Ca Người Chiến Sĩ Hải Quân" – Thanh Trúc
"Bài Ca Người Săn Máy Bay" – Văn Lưu (about Vietnamese pilots shooting down US fighter jets)
"Bài ca người nữ tự vệ Sài Gòn" – Phạm Minh Tuấn (about Saigon's female urban commandos fighting against the US and the ARVN)
"Bước chân trên dãy Trường Sơn" – Vũ Trọng Hối (about communist troops surpassing Trường Sơn mountains)
"Bài ca không quên" – Phạm Minh Tuấn (about deaded companions in the communist army)
"Back in Vietnam" by Lenny Kravitz
"Back to Vietnam" by Television Personalities
"Back to the World" by Curtis Mayfield
"Backlash Blues" by Nina Simone
"Badge of Courage" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Ballad of a Crystal Man" by Donovan
"Ballad for a Soldier" by Leon Russell & Marc Benno
"The Ballad of the Green Berets" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Ballad of Vietnam" by Ludvick Rummel
"Bamiba" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Battalions of Fear" by Blind Guardian
"The Battle Hymn of Lt. Calley" by Terry Nelson
"The Battle of Vietnam" by Hal Willis
"Beach Party Vietnam" by The Dead Milkmen
"The Big Parade" by 10,000 Maniacs
"Big Time in the Jungle" by Old Crow Medicine Show
"Billy Don't Be a Hero" by Paper Lace
"Black Flame" by Renaissance
"Black Wall" by Dennis DeYoung (about the fear of being drafted, the fear during the war, and going "back to the world"[3])
"Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan
"Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen (references the Siege of Khe Sanh among other things.)
"Born on the Fourth of July" by Tom Paxton
"Broken Heroes" by Saxon
"The Boy Who's Never Found" by The Katydids
"Brainwashed" by The Bossmen (tells what happens to the people who come back from the war in Vietnam, and shows the post war trauma that happens)
"Bring the Boys Home" by Freda Payne
"Bring Them Home" by Pete Seeger
"Brother Did You Weep" by Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger
"Brothers Under the Bridge" by Bruce Springsteen
"Bungle in the Jungle" by Jethro Tull
"Burning Bridges" by Pink Floyd
"Burnt Alive" by Rocket from the Crypt
"Burnt Out Souls" by Despair
"Business Goes on as Usual" by the Chad Mitchell Trio
"Ca Dao Mẹ" (Mother's Lullaby) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about a mother's sacrifices during wartime]
"Cánh đồng hòa bình" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Câu hò bên bến Hiền Lương" – music: Hoàng Hiệp, lyric: Hoàng Hiệp – Đằng Giao (about the wish for the national reunification)
"Chào Anh Giải Phóng Quân" – Hoàng Vân (celebration for the PLAF troops)
"Chào Anh Giải Phóng Quân, Chào Mùa Xuân Đại Thắng" – Hoàng Vân Trình (celebration for the PLAF troops and the national reunification)
"Chính chúng ta phải nói" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chú Giải phóng quân cháu xin tặng chú một bài ca" – Vũ Thanh (a children's song for celebration to the PLAF troops)
"Chúng ta đã đứng dậy" – Tôn Thất Lập (about the uprising of South Vietnamese youth against the ARVN and the US army)
"Chiếc gậy Trường Sơn" – Phạm Tuyên (about the determination of communist troops on liberating South Vietnam)
"Chiến sĩ Rađa trên chốt biên thùy" – Thuận Yến (about the fighting of communist radar soldiers)
"Chim hòa bình" – (about the hope on peace)
"Chờ nhìn quê hương sáng chói" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chú bộ đội" – Hoàng Hà (about communist troops in Vietnam war)
"Chưa hết giặc ta chưa về" – Huy Du (about the determination of communist troops on destroying the enemy)
"Chưa mất niềm tin" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Chưa mòn giấc mơ" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Cô Gái Mở Đường"-Xuân Giao (about communist female army engineers)
"Cô Gái Pa – Kô" – Huy Thục (about minority ethnic girls supporting communist troops)
"Cô gái Sài Gòn đi tải đạn" – Lư Nhất Vũ (about Saigon girls supporting communist troops)
"Cô Gái vót chông" – Hoàng Hiệp (about minority ethnic girls supporting communist troops)
"Cho Một Người Vừa Nằm Xuống" – Trịnh Công Sơn
"Cambodia" by Kim Wilde
"Camouflage" by Stan Ridgway
"Carried by Six" by Internal Void
"Charlie Boy" by the Lumineers
"Charlie Don't Surf" by The Clash
"Charlie Freak" by Steely Dan
"Child in Time" by Deep Purple
"Cho Một Người Vừa Nằm Xuống" (For a Person Just Fallen Down) by Trịnh Công Sơn [dedicated to Lưu Kim Cương, a friend of the author who died in battle. Who is a Republic of Vietnam Air Force pilot.]
"Christmas in Vietnam" by Johnny and Jon
"Chuyện hai người lính" (Story about two soldiers) by Phạm Duy [1968, about two soldiers on different front lines who "kill each other because of love of Vietnam"]
"Clean Cut Kid" by Bob Dylan (tells how a normal American boy is changed to a fierce fighting boy by the use of drugs, pills, and alcohol)
"Coming Home Soldier" by Bobby Vinton
"Commando" by The Ramones
"Compared to What" by Gene McDaniels
"Compulsory Hero" by 1927 [deals with conscription in Australia during the Vietnam War]
"Copperhead Road" by Steve Earle
"Cops of the World" by Phil Ochs
"Cowboys on Horses with Wings" by Hoyt Axton
"Cousin Randy" by Infectious Grooves
"Cream Puff War" by The Grateful Dead
"Cruel War" by Peter, Paul and Mary
"Cry for Freedom" by The Starfires
"Cùng anh tiến quân trên đường dài" – Huy Du và Xuân Sách (about Nguyễn Viêt Xuân, a hero in fighting against the US)
"Cùng hành quân giữa mùa xuân" – Hoàng Hà (about happiness, beliefs on victories of communist troops on Ho Chi Minh trail)
"Daddy Won't Be Home Anymore" by Dolly Parton
"Dậy mà đi" – Nhạc: Nguyễn Xuân Tân (Tôn Thất Lập), thơ: Tố Hữu (encourages for uprings against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Đất nước trọn niềm vui" – Hoàng Hà (about happiness of Vietnamese on the national reunification)
"Đại Bác Ru Đêm" (Cannon's Night Lullaby) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about bombardment in the city]
"Dancing in the Ashes" by Psychotic Waltz
"Dân Ta Vẫn Sống" (Our People Still Lives) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Daniel" by Elton John [the verse dealing most specifically with the Vietnam War was removed by lyricist Bernie Taupin shortly before being recorded.]
"Đêm bây giờ đêm mai" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đêm Trường Sơn" (Nights in Trường Sơn) – Huy Du (about nights and communist troops at Trường Sơn mountains)
"Đêm Trường Sơn nhớ Bác" – Trần Chung (about the thinkings on Ho Chi Minh of communist troops surpassing Trường Sơn mountains)
"Dead Yankee Drawl" by Manic Street Preachers
"Dear Uncle Sam" by Loretta Lynn
"Dear Mr. President" by Pink
"Death" by The Pretty Things
"Death Sound" by Country Joe and the Fish
"Deathbed" by Relient K
"Death Tone" by Manowar
"Desperation Part IV" by Redemption
"Đi tìm quê hương" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Did You Ever See Me" by Shrubs
"Did You Hear What They Said?" by Gil Scott-Heron
"Do the Russians Want War?" by Mark Bernes
"Does Anybody Know I'm Here?" by The Dells
"Đôi mắt nào mở ra" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đồng Đội ơi" (My companion!) by Nguyễn Giang (music) and Trương Vĩnh Tuấn (lyrics) [expressing the sentiment of communist veterans and soldiers to their sacrificed companions)
"Đợi Có Một Ngày" (Wait Until the Day) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expressing the author's desire for peace]
"Doin' All Right" by The Fugs
"Đồng Dao Hoà Bình" (Children's Song of Peace) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Don't Cry My Love" by The Impressions
"Don't Cry My Soldier Boy" by Thelma Houston
"Don't Walk Away" by Shrubs
"Door jou" by Gerard Cox
"Down On The Base" by Leon Russell & Marc Benno
"Dựng lại người dựng lại nhà" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đừng mong ai, đừng nghi ngại" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Đường chúng ta đi" – Huy Du và Xuân Sách (about the determinations of communist troops)
"Đường Trường Sơn xe anh qua" – Văn Dung (about Ho Chi Minh trails)
"Draft Dodger Rag" by Phil Ochs
"Draft Morning" by The Byrds
"Draft Resister" by Steppenwolf
"Drive On" by Johnny Cash
"Echoes" by Pink Floyd
"El Derecho de Vivir en Paz" by Víctor Jara
"The Edge of Darkness" by Iron Maiden
"Eve of Destruction" by Barry McGuire [written by P. F. Sloan]
"Everyday Combat" by Lostprophets
"Em Bé Giải Phóng Quân" – Thanh Trúc (about the love of children for PLAF troops)
"Era Um Garoto Que Como Eu Amava os Beatles e os Rolling Stones" by Os Incríveis (about an American boy, guitarist, that was sent to Vietnam, losing his youth, career, and life fighting)
"Fear of Napalm" by Terrorizer
"Fellows in Vietnam" by Inez and Charlie Foxx
"The Fiddle and the Drum" by Joni Mitchell
"Fightin' for the U.S.A." by Jerry Reed
"The Fightin' Side of Me" by Merle Haggard
"Fight to be Free" by Nuclear Assault
"Find the Cost of Freedom" by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
"First Blood" by Evile
"First Vietnamese War" by The Black Angels
"Flowers of Evil" by Mountain
"Forget Me Not" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas[4]
"For Fuck's Sake" by The Almighty
"Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
"For What It's Worth" by Buffalo Springfield
"Front Line" by Stevie Wonder
"Future Shock" by Evildead
"Galveston" by Glen Campbell
"Galveston Bay" by Bruce Springsteen
"Giải phóng miền Nam" (Liberate the South) by Huỳnh Minh Siêng
"Gặp nhau trên đỉnh Trường Sơn" – Hoàng Hà (about meetings between communist troops at Ho Chi Minh trails)
"Garet Trooper" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Gia Tài Của Mẹ" (A Mother's Legacy) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Giọt Nước Mắt Cho Quê Hương" (A Teardrop for Homeland) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Gimme Shelter" by The Rolling Stones[5]
"Give Peace a Chance" by John Lennon (Plastic Ono Band)
"Godspeed" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
"Going to Vietnam" by Big Amos
"Goodnight Saigon" by Billy Joel
"Grass for Blades" by Jim Pembroke and Wigwam
"The Great Goodnight" by Magellan
"The Great Mandala" by Peter, Paul and Mary
"Greetings (This is Uncle Sam)" by The Valadiers (also recorded by The Monitors)[4]
"Grey October" by Peggy Seeger
"Gunya Down" by Pro-Pain
"Hà Nội – Điện Biên Phủ" – Phạm Tuyên (about victories of North Vietnam in Operation Linebaker II)
"Hành khúc không quân Việt Nam" – Văn Cao
"Hàng em mang tới chiến hào" – Lư Nhất Vũ (about logistics brought to communist troops at battlefields)
"Hành Ca" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hành Khúc Giải Phóng" – Long Hưng và Lưu Nguyễn
"Hành khúc ngày và đêm" – Phan Huỳnh Điểu (about the love of a communist couple temporarily divided by the war)
"Hát cho dân tôi nghe" Tôn Thất Lập (about South Vietnamese youth against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Hát mãi khúc quân hành" – Diệp Minh Tuyền (about the love toward peace and hatred toward war of communist troops)
"Hát trên đường tranh đấu" –
"Hát trong tù" – (the song of South Vietnamese youth being in prison because of against the US and the ARVN)
"Hãy ca dạy lên"
"Hãy đi cùng nhau" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hãy giữ gìn lấy Việt Nam" – Văn Chung
"Hãy nhìn lại" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hãy nói giùm tôi" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Hò kéo pháo" – Hoàng Vân (the song communist troops singing while pulling artilleries by hand)
"Hoan hô chú bộ đội" – Nguyễn Thanh Tùng (celebration communist troops shooting down the US fighter jets)
"Hallelujah Day" by The Jackson 5
"Hand of Doom" by Black Sabbath
"Handsome Johnny" by Richie Havens
"Hands Off Vietnam!" by Dzhilda Mazheykayte
"Hanoi Hannah" by Roger McGuinn
"Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon
"Hát Trên Những Xác Người" (Singing on Corpses) by Trịnh Công Sơn [written following the Tet Offensive]
"Hallå Där Bonde" (Hello there Farmer) by Knutna Nävar
"He Wore the Green Beret" by Nancy Ames
"Heart of Darkness" by Grave Digger
"Hello Vietnam" by Johnnie Wright (also recorded by Dave Dudley)
"Hello Vietnam (Goodbye My Love)" by Ray Hildebrand
"Here's to the State of Richard Nixon" by Phil Ochs
"High" by Richard Marx
"Home" by Mac Davis. Also recorded by Gary Puckett & The Union Gap
"Home from the War" by Lugh Damen
"Ho Chi Minh City" by Shrubs
"House Of The Rising Sun" by [The Animals]
"Huế Sài Gòn Hà Nội" (Huế, Saigon, Hanoi) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expresses the author's desire for a peaceful, united Vietnam.]
"Human Being Lawnmower" by MC5
"Hungry for Blood" by Virus
"Huyền Sử Một Người Mang Tên Quốc" (Ballad of a Person named Quốc) by Phạm Duy [about Phạm Phú Quốc, a RVAF pilot who bombed the Independence Palace in Saigon. He was shot down in North Vietnam in a mission to bomb the North.]
"I Ain't Marching Anymore" by Phil Ochs
"I Believe I'm Gonna Make It" by Joe Tex
"I Can't Write Left Handed" by Bill Withers
"I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag" by Country Joe and the Fish
"I'd Love to Change the World" by Ten Years After
"I'm Your Captain (Closer to Home)" by Grand Funk Railroad
"I Should Be Proud" by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
"I Want to Come Home for Christmas" by Marvin Gaye
"I Was Only Nineteen (A Walk in the Light Green)" by Redgum
"Imagine" by John Lennon
"I've Seen All Good People" by Yes
"Into the Fire" by Sabaton
"Khe Sanh" by Cold Chisel
"The Knife" by Genesis (Peter Gabriel, influenced by a book on Gandhi, "wanted to try [to] show how all violent revolutions inevitably end up with a dictator in power")[6]
"Kuiama" by the Electric Light Orchestra
"Last Train to Clarksville" by The Monkees
"Long Live Our Love" by The Shangri-Las
"Lost in the Flood" by Bruce Springsteen
"Love Vigilantes" by New Order
"Lời ru đêm" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Luang Prabang", by Dave Van Ronk
"Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation", by Tom Paxton
"Machine Gun" by Band of Gypsys (Jimi Hendrix)
"Madre" by Silvio Rodriguez
"Mama Bake a Pie (Daddy Kill a Chicken)" by Tom T. Hall[7]
"Masters of War" by Bob Dylan
"More Than a Name on a Wall" by The Statler Brothers
"Mountains" by Manowar[8]
"Mr. Lonely" by Bobby Vinton (#1 – 1964)
"Một ngày vietnam"
"Một ngày vinh quang một ngày tuyệt vọng" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Mùa áo quan" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Năm Anh Em Trên Một Chiếc Xe Tăng" – Doãn Nho (about communist tankmen)
"Ngày dài trên quê hương" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngày Mai Chúng Mình Ra Trận" – Nhạc: Hoài Tố Hạnh, lời: Trần Đăng Khoa (nhà thơ) (about the feeling, believes in victory and the national reunification of Vietnamese communist youth, who was to join the war)
"Ngày mai đây bình yên" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngủ đi con" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ngụ ngôn của mùa Đông" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Người con gái Việt Nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Người mẹ Bàn Cờ" – Nhạc: Trần Long Ẩn, thơ: Nguyễn Kim Ngân (about Vietnamese mothers wanting peace)
"Người mẹ miền Nam tay không thắng giặc" – Thuận Yến (about South Vietnamese mothers fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Người mẹ Ô Lý" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Những ai còn là Việt nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Những giọt máu trổ bông" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Nhưng hôm nay" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Napalm in the Morning" by Sodom
"The Nang, the Front, the Bush and the Shit" by El-P
"Near Thái Nguyên Bridge" by Alexander Gusev
"Như có Bác Hồ trong ngày vui đại thắng" (Uncle Ho likely was Here On the Day of Victory) by Phạm Tuyên (about the feelings that Ho Chi Minh being appear on the national reunification day).
"Nối Vòng Tay Lớn" (Joining Hands) by Trịnh Công Sơn [expresses the author's wish for peace and national solidarity. This song was played on the radio after the communist forces took over Saigon's radio station during the Fall of Saigon.]
"None of Your Doing" by Steppenwolf
"No One to Follow" by Anvil
"A Nurse in the U.S. Army" by Connie Francis
"Napalm Sticks to Kids" by unknown US servicemen, first recording by First of the Ninth Chorus
"Những Bông Hoa Trên Tuyến Lửa" – Đỗ Trung Quân (about the happiness of communist troops on fighting against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Những ngày hội đấu tranh" – (about the uprising against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Ohio" by Neil Young
"Okie from Muskogee" by Merle Haggard
"Old Hippie" by The Bellamy Brothers
"One Tin Soldier" by The Original Caste
"Orange Crush" by R.E.M.
"Paint It Black" by Rolling Stones
"Peace Train" by Cat Stevens
"Pencil Marks on the Wall" by Henson Cargill
"People, Let's Stop the War" by Grand Funk Railroad
"Postcards from Saigon" by James Blundell
"Pull Out the Pin" by Kate Bush
"Question" by The Moody Blues
"Rachel’s Coming Home" (aka "Rachel") by Russell Morris
"Rapture" by Impaled Nazarene
"Raymond" by Brett Eldredge
"The Rebel" by Carl Hauck
"Readjustment Blues" by Bill Danoff, sung by John Denver
"Red" by Barefoot Truth
"Reflected Prayer" by Shrubs
"Reflections of My Life" by The Marmalade
"Remember" by Biohazard
"Remember the Heroes" by Sammy Hagar
"Requiem for the Masses" by The Association
"Return to Vietnam" by Master
"Revolution" by The Beatles
"Revolution 1" by The Beatles
"Ricochet" by Bionic Jive
"Riding With Private Malone" by David Ball
"Rooster" by Alice in Chains
"Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town" by Kenny Rogers and the First Edition
"Running Gun Blues" by David Bowie
"Saigon" by John Prine
"Saigon" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Saigon Bride" by Joan Baez
"Saigon Ơi Vĩnh Biệt" (Saigon, Goodbye) by Nam Lộc (a song for Vietnamese refugees having to flee their homeland after the Fall of Saigon)
"Saigon Shrunken Panorama" by The Mountain Goats
"Sài Gòn Quật Khởi" – Hồ Bắc (about the determination against the US and the Republic of Vietnam of people in Saigon)
"Sao mắt mẹ chưa vui" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Sẵn sàng bắn" – Tô Hải (about communist antiaircraft gunmen fighting against the US airforce and the ARVN)
"Salute to the Nurses" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Sam Stone" by John Prine
"Sandman" by America
"Save the Country" by Laura Nyro, also recorded by The Fifth Dimension
"Sean Flynn" by The Clash
"Search and Destroy" by The Stooges
"Sergeant Death" by Fate
"The Seductive Nature of Female Sexuality" by Buried Inside
"Shapes of Things" by The Yardbirds
"Shell Shock" by Manowar
"Shut Out the Lights" by Bruce Springsteen [deals with Post-traumatic stress disorder of a returning veteran]
"Simple Song of Freedom" by Bobby Darin
"Singin' in Vietnam Talkin' Blues" by Johnny Cash
"Sit Down Young Stranger" by Gordon Lightfoot
"Skies on Fire" by AC/DC
"Sky Pilot", written by Eric Burdon, recorded by The Animals
"Slaughter" by Billy Preston
"Smiley" by Ronnie Burns
"Soldier" by Stephen Stills
"Sợi nhớ sợi thương" – Phan Huỳnh Điểu (about the love of a communist couple)
"Sức mạnh nhân dân" – (about the power of Vietnamese in the war against the US)
"Soldier" by Neil Young
"Soldier Boy" by The Shirelles[4]
"The Soldier Has Come Home" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Soldier of Misfortune" by Ogre
"Soldier's Goodbye" by William Bell
"Soldier's Plea" by Marvin Gaye[4]
"A Soldier's Prayer, 1967" by Archie Bell & the Drells
"Some Gave All" by Billy Ray Cyrus
"Someday at Christmas" by Stevie Wonder
"Something to Believe In" by Poison
"Son of the Freeway" by Gravestone
"Song About the Vietnamese Friend" by Edmund Iodkovsky & Vano Muradeli
"South Carolina" by Gil Scott-Heron
"Spiral of Violence" by Whiplash
"Spitting" by Rocket from the Crypt
"Standing on the Corner" by Watson & The Sherlocks
"Still in Saigon" by the Charlie Daniels Band
"Stop the War Now" by Edwin Starr
"Stop the War in Vietnam" by Laurel Aitken
"Straight to Hell" by The Clash [deals with the abandonment of Vietnamese children fathered by American soldiers]
"Student Demonstration Time" by The Beach Boys
"Summer Side of Life" by Gordon Lightfoot
"Sunshine" by Jonathan Edwards
"Suppose They Give a War and No One Comes" by West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
"Surf Nicaragua" by Sacred Reich
"Surrender" by Cheap Trick
"Sympathy for the Devil" by The Rolling Stones
"Ta là chiến sĩ Giải Phóng quân" – Văn Lưu và Triều Dâng (about the pride of being the PLAF troops fighting against the US and the Republic of Vietnam)
"Ta đã thấy gì trong đêm nay" – Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ta đi dựng cờ" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Take Good Care" by Tony Mason
"Take the Star Out of the Window" by John Prine
"Talking Vietnam" by Phil Ochs
"Talking Vietnam Potluck Blues" by Tom Paxton
"Tame the Lion" by Emitt Rhodes
"Ta quyết phải sống" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Ta Phải Thấy Mặt Trời" (We Must See the Sun) by Trịnh Công Sơn
"Thank You" by the Bobkatz
"That Black Wall" by Danny Barnes
"Tên lửa ta đáng rất hay" – Huy Thục (about communist antiaircraft missile soldiers against the US airforce and the ARVN)
"The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton
"Theme for an American Hero" by Chip Taylor
"Theme for an Imaginary Western" by Jack Bruce
"There Won't Be Any Snow (Christmas in the Jungle)" by Derrik Roberts
"There's a Wall in Washington" by Iris DeMent
"This is Radio Clash" by The Clash
"Three-Five-Zero-Zero" from the musical Hair
"Through the Ages" by Bolt Thrower
"Tình Ca Người Mất Trí" (Love Song of Someone Who Lost Their Mind) by Trịnh Công Sơn [about women with lovers who are soldiers]
"This Ain't Nothing" by Craig Morgan
"This Cowboy's Hat" by Chris Ledoux [talks about his nephew dying in 1969 in Vietnam]
"Tiến bước dưới quân kỳ" – Doãn Nho
"Tiến lên chiến sĩ đồng bào" – Huy Thục
"Tiến Về Sài Gòn" – Lưu Hữu Phước (marching toward Saigon of communist troops)
"Tiếng nói Hà Nội" – Nhạc: Văn An; Lời: Cảnh Trà (about Hanoi's voice on the hope towards national peace)
"Tiếng Đàn Ta Lư" – Huy Thục (the sounds of minority ethnic supporting communist troops)
"Tin tưởng ca" (the beliefs on national peace and reunification of Vietnamese)
"Tình ca" – Hoàng Hiệp (about the love of a communist couple in the war)
"Tình ca của người mất trí" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Tình nghĩa Bắc Nam" – (about the love between North and South Vietnamese)
"Tiếng hát những đêm không ngủ" – Phạm Tuyên
"Tiếng Hát Người Nữ Du Kích Củ Chi" – Lưu Cầu (nhạc sĩ) (about female communist guerilla at Củ Chi)
"Tiểu đoàn 307" – Nguyễn Hữu Trí (about the 307 Battalion of the PLAF)
"To Susan on the West Coast Waiting" by Donovan
"Tôi sẽ đi thăm" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Travelin' Soldier" by Bruce Robison (popularized by the Dixie Chicks)
"Train to Vietnam" by The Rudies
"Trooper's Lament" by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler
"Trường Sơn Đông – Trường Sơn Tây" by Hoàng Hiệp [from a poem by Phạm Tiến Duật, about the love and the life of communist troops on the Ho Chi Minh trail.]
"The Road of Life from Hanoi" by unknown Soviet military transportation officer
"Thề quyết bảo vệ Tổ quốc" (Swear to defend the country) – Huy Du (Chinese version "誓死保卫祖国" also available in the late 1960s)
"Thuyền em đi trong đêm" Nguyễn Phú Yên
"Tổ quốc ơi đã ta nghe" – La Hữu Vang
"Tôi biết tôi yêu" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Tôi Là Lê Anh Nuôi" – Trần Hiếu (about cooks in communist armies)
"Tuổi trẻ Việt Nam" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Từ mặt đất thân yêu" – Tô Hải (about communist airmen fighting against the US army and the ARVN)
"Tự nguyện" – Trương Quốc Khánh (about voluntary spirits of delication for Vietnam of communist youth)
"Trên dòng sông lịch sử" – Nguyễn Nam
"Trên đỉnh Trường Sơn ta hát" – Huy Du (the happiness of communist troops on Truong Son mountains)
"Uncle Sam" by Jimmy Hughes
"Uncommon Valor: A Vietnam Story" by Jedi Mind Tricks
"Universal Soldier" by Buffy Sainte-Marie; also recorded by Donovan
"Unknown Soldier" by The Doors
"Unknown Soldier" by Breaking Benjamin
"Unnatural Selection" by Ayreon
"Us and Them" by Pink Floyd
"Vaya con Dios-Fellow in Vietnam" by Inez and Charlie Foxx
"Verbal Razors" by Exodus
"Viet Nam Blues" by Dave Dudley
"Vietnam" by Abner Jay
"Vietnam" by Phil Ochs
"Vietnam" by J. B. Lenoir
"Vietnam" by The Satellites
"Vietnam" by Jimmy Cliff
"Vietnam" by Lars Frederiksen and the Bastards
"Vietnam" by T-Bone Walker
"Vietnam Blues" by J. B. Lenoir
"Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh" by Ái Vân and The Blue Guitars
"Vietnam Talkin' Blues" by Johnny Cash
"Vietnam Vets" by Circle One
"Vietnamerica" by The Stranglers
"Vietnamese Baby" by New York Dolls
"Vietnow" by Rage Against the Machine
"Violence and Bloodshed" by Manowar
"Việt Nam – đất nước tình yêu" – Lệ Giang (about the love of Vietnam)
"Việt Nam ơi hãy vùng lên" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Việt Nam Ơi! Mùa Xuân Đến Rồi" – Huy Du (about the national reunification)
"Vết chân tròn trên cát" – Trần Tiến (about a communist handicap veteran, who was a teacher before and after the war, he usually told his students about the happiness of the national reunification, the couragement and the sacrifice of communist troops)
"Vì nhân dân quên mình" – Doãn Quang Khải (about the sacrifice for Vietnamese of communist troops)
"Volunteers" by Jefferson Airplane
"Waist Deep in the Big Muddy" by Pete Seeger
"Wait for Me" by Brothers of Soul
"Walking on a Thin Line" by Huey Lewis and the News
"Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machine
"The Wall" by Tim Murphy
"The Wall" by Bruce Springsteen
"Wandering the Swamps of Vietnam" by unknown Soviet military advisor
"War" by Edwin Starr (also recorded by The Temptations and performed by Bruce Springsteen)
"War Games" by The Monkees
"The War Drags On" written and recorded by Mick Softley; also recorded by Donovan
"War Is a Card Game" by Nancy Ames
"The War Is Over" by Phil Ochs
"War Pigs" by Black Sabbath [written about the politicians who were responsible for the war.]
"War Song" by Neil Young
"War Sucks" by The Red Krayola
"Watergate Blues" by Gil Scott-Heron
"We Just Did What We Were Told" by Don Forbes
"We Gotta Get Outta This Place" by The Animals
"Welcome the Boys Back Home" by Bill Moss & the Celestials
"Welcome to the Real World" by Sweet Savage
"Welcome Wagon" by Nasty Savage
"Welterusten Meneer de President" by Boudewijn de Groot
"What Are You Fighting For" by Phil Ochs
"What is Truth" by Johnny Cash
"What We're Fighting For" by Dave Dudley
"What's Going On?" by Marvin Gaye
"When the Hunter Becomes Hunted" by Tank
"When the War Is Over" by Cold Chisel
"When You're Only Nine" by The Toe River Valley Boys[9]
"Where Are You Now, My Son?" by Joan Baez
"Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" by Pete Seeger
"White Boots Marching In A Yellow Land" by Phil Ochs
"The Willing Conscript" by Tom Paxton
"Wild Irish Rose" by George Jones [about a homeless, alcoholic Vietnam veteran][10]
"The Windows of the World" by Dionne Warwick
"Winning the Hearts and Minds" by Good Riddance (About the violence committed by US soldiers against Vietnamese peasants)
"Wish You Were Here, Buddy" by Pat Boone
"Working for the Yankee Dollar" by The Skids
"Xác ta xác thù" - Trịnh Công Sơn
"Xmas in February" by Lou Reed
"Xuân Chiến Khu" – Xuân Hồng (about spring and happiness in communist military camps)
"Yellow River" by Christie
"A Young Man's Problem" by The Young Men
"Youngstown" by Bruce Springsteen
"Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore" by John Prine
"Your Heart Belongs To Me" by The Supremes[4] & The Velvelettes
"Yours Is No Disgrace" by Yes (Anderson has stated that the theme of the song was recognition that the kids fighting the war had no choice but to fight and that the war wasn't their fault)[11]
"Young Men Dead" by The Black Angels
"Yesterday Died, Tomorrow Won't Be Born" by Good Riddance (about a POW slowly losing his mind)
Tevens mooie lijst
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:26:15 #164
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:26 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:
ja leuk jongens, allemaal ff citeren
Classic _O-
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:26 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:
ja leuk jongens, allemaal ff citeren
Misschien ga ik het zo nog wel een keer doen :D
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:26:43 #166
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:26 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:

Tevens mooie lijst
Top tig Vietnam?
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
jongens hou op met de hele post citeren aub _O-
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:26:48 #169
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
RIP Mobiele users
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
Don't Stop Believin'.. zeiden Urkers nooit
  Redactie Sport / Supervogel vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:26:55 #171
270182 crew  Pino112
Pino van Luna O+
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:25 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Zei iemand nummers over de Vietnamoorlog?

"19" by Paul Hardcastle
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:27:14 #173
103590 dvdfreak
geen dvdfreak maar kc27
the sopranos _O_
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:27:14 #174
280416 Whiskers2009
Maak dat de kat wijs!!
Jongens.. }:| :( }:|
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither" Benjamin Franklin
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:27:15 #175
488763 Starflyer
Flies to the stars
7s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:24 schreef Pino112 het volgende:
Origineel van Glee
Ik dacht van Jaap Reesema :)
No Dyson Barrier is going to stop me!
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:27:19 #176
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:26 schreef Isorden het volgende:

Die mag wel terug in de lijst
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:27:20 #177
114177 Diaan73
Sinds 31-05-07: Peacewoman!!!
Volgende pagina graag...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:27:25 #178
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:26 schreef BillDauterive het volgende:

Heb je ook zo'n lijstje over de koreaoorlog?
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:27:26 #179
842 Zorro
Nog een anekdote dan:
Door We Are The World verliefd geworden op deze stem en sinds toen Journey fan :)
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:27:35 #180
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
Wel duidelijk dat dago mobiele fokkers haat ;(
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:27:44 #181
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
2s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:27 schreef Diaan73 het volgende:
Volgende pagina graag...
Niet 300 posts op 1 pagina hebben :')
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:26 schreef TommyL0204 het volgende:
Don't Stop Believin'.. zeiden Urkers nooit
Altijd toch?
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
last.fm Album top 100
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:27:49 #183
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
Kan iemand de populariteit van dit nummer verklaren? Is wel erg middle of the road.
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:07 #184
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:27 schreef 4-elements het volgende:
Kan iemand de populariteit van dit nummer verklaren? Is wel erg middle of the road.
Het kabbelt en het rockt.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:08 #185
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:27 schreef 4-elements het volgende:
Kan iemand de populariteit van dit nummer verklaren? Is wel erg middle of the road.
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:27 schreef Felagund het volgende:

Altijd toch?
Oh verrek ja _O-
7 Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven
15 Deep Purple - Child In Time
28 Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound Of Silence
29 Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond
36 Dire Straits - Telegraph Road
47 Supertramp - School
50 The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black
57 Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
68 Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky
70 Paolo Nutini - Iron Sky
75 Floor Jansen & Henk Poort - Phantom Of The Opera
77 Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
108 Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen The Rain
119 David Bowie - Space Oddity
134 Muse - Knights Of Cydonia
177 Elton John - Rocket Man
187 Pearl Jam - Jeremy
189 Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark
216 Golden Earrings - Just A Little Bit Of Peace In My Heart
220 Foo Fighters - Everlong
339 Neil Young - Old Man
364 Cuby & the Blizzards - Window Of My Eyes
383 The Who - Baba O'Riley
384 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird
408 The Alan Parsons Project - Eye In The Sky
416 Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell
613 Oasis - Champagne Supernova
711 Al Stewart - Year Of The Cat
842 Bruce Springsteen - Jungleland
932 Paul McCartney & Wings - Band On The Run
1101 Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Peter Gunn Theme
1379 Jeff Wayne & Justin Hayward - The Eve Of The War
1670 Van Halen - Panama
1698 Gary Moore & Phil Lynott - Out In The Fields

- Black Sabbath - War Pigs
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
Grappig dat dit de laatste jaren zo in de lift zit
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
Twee liedjes maar. Dat valt tegen.
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:27 schreef 4-elements het volgende:
Kan iemand de populariteit van dit nummer verklaren? Is wel erg middle of the road.
Erg populair in de Bible Belt?
You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
last.fm Album top 100
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:27 schreef 4-elements het volgende:
Kan iemand de populariteit van dit nummer verklaren? Is wel erg middle of the road.
series, radiovriendelijk etc.

jammer dat het zo'n ongelooflijk kutnummer is :N
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:27 #192
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:28 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:
Grappig dat dit de laatste jaren zo in de lift zit
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:28 #193
308538 Piebe
Van alle markten thuis.
Ja ja
  Moderator vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:29 #194
351614 crew  ijs_beer
ijskoud de lekkerste
Puur genieten. O+
Op donderdag 15 juni 2017 16:53 schreef Cyan9 het volgende:
IJsbeer is inderdaad officieel cute. :D
Op donderdag 30 juli 2020 16:27 schreef Guanabana het volgende:Houdt @:ijs_beer een beetje van ouder? En dan niet 40 jaar ouder, maar laten we zeggen bijvoorbeeld, iets van 5 jaar ouder?
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:29 #195
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:28 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:

Is het erg als mij dat niets zegt?
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:34 #196
222754 Dagoduck
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:28 schreef Isorden het volgende:
7 Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven
15 Deep Purple - Child In Time
28 Simon & Garfunkel - The Sound Of Silence
29 Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond
36 Dire Straits - Telegraph Road
47 Supertramp - School
50 The Rolling Stones - Paint It Black
57 Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
68 Electric Light Orchestra - Mr. Blue Sky
70 Paolo Nutini - Iron Sky
75 Floor Jansen & Henk Poort - Phantom Of The Opera
77 Fleetwood Mac - The Chain
108 Creedence Clearwater Revival - Have You Ever Seen The Rain
119 David Bowie - Space Oddity
134 Muse - Knights Of Cydonia
177 Elton John - Rocket Man
187 Pearl Jam - Jeremy
189 Iron Maiden - Fear Of The Dark
216 Golden Earrings - Just A Little Bit Of Peace In My Heart
220 Foo Fighters - Everlong
339 Neil Young - Old Man
364 Cuby & the Blizzards - Window Of My Eyes
383 The Who - Baba O'Riley
384 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Freebird
408 The Alan Parsons Project - Eye In The Sky
416 Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell
613 Oasis - Champagne Supernova
711 Al Stewart - Year Of The Cat
842 Bruce Springsteen - Jungleland
932 Paul McCartney & Wings - Band On The Run
1101 Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Peter Gunn Theme
1379 Jeff Wayne & Justin Hayward - The Eve Of The War
1670 Van Halen - Panama
1698 Gary Moore & Phil Lynott - Out In The Fields

- Black Sabbath - War Pigs
Nu moet je weer even wachten.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:35 #197
842 Zorro
En nou dit weer...
Jongons Jongons, wat een feest _O_
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:40 #198
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:42 #199
9001 Gunner
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:43 #200
114177 Diaan73
Sinds 31-05-07: Peacewoman!!!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:27 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:

Niet 300 posts op 1 pagina hebben :')
Dat werkt niet zo lekker op de telefoon. Net geprobeerd met desktopversie maar dat is bijna niet te lezen.
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:50 #201
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
CCRGoden _O_ _O_
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:53 #202
311622 Bargehassus
Hoogst merkwaardig
CCR. _O_ _O_ _O_
Het einde van de dag is nabij als kleine mensen lange schaduwen werpen.
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:28:54 #203
222754 Dagoduck
I Put a Spell on You is beter.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:29:00 #205
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
Wat een uur _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:28 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:

Nu moet je weer even wachten.
Volgende is wel echt GENOT
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
ik begrijp nooit zo goed waarom dit de hoogste CCR is voor jaren maar ach prima nummer verder ook wel
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:28 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
I Put a Spell on You is beter.
Ik behoor niet tot dat kamp
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:29:19 #210
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
Of is het toch Schindler's Lift?
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:29:31 #212
842 Zorro
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:28 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
I Put a Spell on You is beter.
Mwah nee
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
Fogerty... nog een concert wat de corona heeft verneukt voor me -O-
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:29:46 #214
114177 Diaan73
Sinds 31-05-07: Peacewoman!!!
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:29:47 #215
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
Ik CCR al aankomen
Is de Creedence Clearwater Revival?
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:30:00 #216
842 Zorro
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:29 schreef Isorden het volgende:
Fogerty... nog een concert wat de corona heeft verneukt voor me -O-
Daar was ik ook graag heen gegaan
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
_O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_

Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:29 schreef Isorden het volgende:
Fogerty... nog een concert wat de corona heeft verneukt voor me -O-
die man is volgend jaar dood
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:30:19 #219
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:29 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:
Ik CCR al aankomen
Is de Creedence Clearwater Revival?
Bedankt Hansie
CCR is ook gewoon wel de grote John Fogerty show, weet iemand uberhaupt of die andere muzikanten nog iets noemenswaardigs hebben gedaan?
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:30:25 #221
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

die man is volgend jaar dood
Dan staat dit op 20
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:30:25 #222
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
Hoogste plek ooit. Er is nog hoop voor Nederland. ^O^
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef Zorro het volgende:

Daar was ik ook graag heen gegaan
In een maand tijd MacCartney Fogerty en Rammstein ;( ;( ;(
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  Redactie Sport / Supervogel vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:30:35 #224
270182 crew  Pino112
Pino van Luna O+
Jammer dat de moeder van Rob Stenders deze niet aankondigt.
Goedemorgen, (kan nog net). Nauwelijks tijd gehad en ook vandaag maar kort maar hallo iedereen.
Heerlijke muziek weer. :W
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:30:50 #226
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
7s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef Pino112 het volgende:
Jammer dat de moeder van Rob Stenders deze niet aankondigt.
De revival van de creedence van de clearwater xd
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:30:52 #227
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef MTheBassman het volgende:
CCR is ook gewoon wel de grote John Fogerty show, weet iemand uberhaupt of die andere muzikanten nog iets noemenswaardigs hebben gedaan?
Er waren meer bandleden?
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:30:54 #228
842 Zorro
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

die man is volgend jaar dood
En dan te bedenken dat ik niet meer zo van de grote concerten ben, maar Fogerty en McCartney had ik graag gezien....
Dat gaat niet meevallen
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:30:56 #229
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef Xqtress het volgende:
Goedemorgen, (kan nog net). Nauwelijks tijd gehad en ook vandaag maar kort maar hallo iedereen.
Heerlijke muziek weer. :W
Middag :W
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:31:03 #230
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef Xqtress het volgende:
Goedemorgen, (kan nog net). Nauwelijks tijd gehad en ook vandaag maar kort maar hallo iedereen.
Heerlijke muziek weer. :W
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef Mexicanobakker het volgende:

Dan staat dit op 20
kan er niet op tegen zijn
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:31:34 #233
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
Ik geloof dat ik..
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:31:37 #234
9001 Gunner
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef peaceman het volgende:

Er waren meer bandleden?
Tom Fogerty is helaas overleden aan AIDS na een foute bloedtransfusie in 1990. :(
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:31:39 #235
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
Dit is top 100 niveau _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
  Redactie Sport / Supervogel vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:31:45 #236
270182 crew  Pino112
Pino van Luna O+
Ik denk dat ik AC/DC
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:31:53 #237
842 Zorro
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef MTheBassman het volgende:
CCR is ook gewoon wel de grote John Fogerty show, weet iemand uberhaupt of die andere muzikanten nog iets noemenswaardigs hebben gedaan?
Gezorgd dat John niet alleen op de foto hoefde
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:32:01 #239
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
Voor het eerst geen Top100
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
15 Deep Purple – Child in Time
22 Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb
26 Metallica – One
107 AC/DC – Whole Lotta Rosie
141 Red Hot Chili Peppers – Californication
151 Falco – Jeanny
152 Simon and Garfunkel – The Boxer
186 Rammstein – Sonne
247 Beatles – While My Guitar Gently Weeps
279 ABBA – The Day Before You Came
302 Queens of the Stone Age – No One Knows
351 Mark & Clark Band – Worn Down Piano
417 New Order- Blue Monday
460 Jim Croce – Time in a Bottle
484 Buena Vista Social Club – Chan Chan
560 Evanescence – Bring Me To Life
608 Fleetwood Mac – Rhiannon
708 Alice in Chains – Would?
711 Al Stewart – Year of the Cat
778 Crowded House – Don’t Dream It’s Over
793 Rufus Wainwright – Going to a Town
830 Genesis – Land of Confusion
991 Talk Talk- It’s My Life
1018 Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Almost Cut My Hair
1217 The Doors – Roadhouse Blues
1222 Alphaville – Big In Japan
1249 Ike & Tina Turner – Nutbush City Limits
1287 Cuby & The Blizzards- Somebody Will Know Someday
1301 Nirvana – In Bloom
1320 Kim Wilde – Cambodia
1460 Golden Earring – Buddy Joe
1485 Anouk – Jerusalem
1538 Kate Bush - Babooshka

"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
Prima dat dit voor t eerst ooit buiten de top 100 staat
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:32:12 #242
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:32:19 #244
842 Zorro
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:32:20 #245
307331 aloa
Steeds harder, steeds sneller
:B :B :B :B :B :B :B :B
94257 - 478969
In my dreams I'm dying all the time
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:32:26 #246
311622 Bargehassus
Hoogst merkwaardig
Het einde van de dag is nabij als kleine mensen lange schaduwen werpen.
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:32:34 #248
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:32 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:
Prima dat dit voor t eerst ooit buiten de top 100 staat
Je hebt liever dat afgrijselijke thunderstruck?
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:32:37 #249
307331 aloa
Steeds harder, steeds sneller
94257 - 478969
In my dreams I'm dying all the time
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:32 schreef Isorden het volgende:
Beef bohhh
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:32:47 #253
308538 Piebe
Van alle markten thuis.
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:30 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

die man is volgend jaar dood
Ja ja
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:32:47 #254
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:32 schreef peaceman het volgende:

Je hebt liever dat afgrijselijke thunderstruck?
allebei niet mag dat ook? :D
Het beste adres voor al uw primeurs!
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:32:54 #256
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
Verreweg de beste versie van het liedje van AC/DC
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
Wissel maar ff met Thunderstruck btw
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:33:06 #258
222754 Dagoduck
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:33:07 #259
307331 aloa
Steeds harder, steeds sneller
De plaat der platen _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_
94257 - 478969
In my dreams I'm dying all the time
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:33:07 #260
308538 Piebe
Van alle markten thuis.
Te laag ook deze.

Ja ja
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:33:20 #261
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:32 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

allebei niet mag dat ook? :D
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:33:21 #262
222754 Dagoduck
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:32 schreef Isorden het volgende:
Wissel maar ff met Thunderstruck btw
Moet die ook nog?
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
Thunderstruck is sowieso verneukt door Sander....
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:32 schreef peaceman het volgende:

Je hebt liever dat afgrijselijke thunderstruck?
Nou, eigenlijk wel ja :@ *O*
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:33:37 #265
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:33 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:

Moet die ook nog?
31... waar dit hoort te staan
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:33:49 #267
307331 aloa
Steeds harder, steeds sneller
_O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_ *O* _O_
94257 - 478969
In my dreams I'm dying all the time
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:33:50 #268
42816 peaceman
Peace Man! ofzo...
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:33 schreef Isorden het volgende:
Thunderstruck is sowieso verneukt door Sander....
Is bovendien een matig nummer.
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:32 schreef Isorden het volgende:
Wissel maar ff met Thunderstruck btw
zo'n overschatte plaat dat.
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:33:56 #270
222754 Dagoduck
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:33 schreef Isorden het volgende:

31... waar dit hoort te staan
Nah, buiten de top 50 is prima.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:33:58 #271
280416 Whiskers2009
Maak dat de kat wijs!!
Ontbijten met oliebollen *O* *O* *O*
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither" Benjamin Franklin
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:34:02 #272
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:33 schreef Isorden het volgende:

31... waar dit hoort te staan
Jeetje die is ook flink gezakt dan
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:34:21 #273
311938 Kopiko
We were so happy...
Scottverdomme _O_
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:34:22 #274
280416 Whiskers2009
Maak dat de kat wijs!!
Rosie *O*
"He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither" Benjamin Franklin
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:34:24 #275
842 Zorro
Zelf in een ACDC band gespeeld en aan de reactie van het publiek was Highway to Hell altijd het polulairst gevolgd door Thunderstruck en dan deze
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:34:30 #276
222754 Dagoduck
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:33 schreef Isorden het volgende:
Thunderstruck is sowieso verneukt door Sander....

Liep nog een keer voorbij in de trein bij Hilversum.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:34:46 #277
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
Wat lekker zeg _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:34:57 #278
114177 Diaan73
Sinds 31-05-07: Peacewoman!!!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:32 schreef Scorpion_17 het volgende:

allebei niet mag dat ook? :D
Prima idee :Y
  Redactie Frontpage / Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:34:58 #279
426493 crew  PippenScottie
Poging twee om op te staan. Deze voelt iets hoopvoller
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:35:02 #281
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
Wie is Sander? :@
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:35:02 #282
222754 Dagoduck
Heb een meidenband deze een keer niet onverdienstelijk zien coveren.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:35:03 #283
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
Een van de beste solo's OOIT
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
"Elke wasbeer hep een staart, maar niet elke staart hep een wasbeer."
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:35:15 #285
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:35 schreef 4-elements het volgende:
Wie is Sander? :@
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:34 schreef Zorro het volgende:
Zelf in een ACDC band gespeeld en aan de reactie van het publiek was Highway to Hell altijd het polulairst gevolgd door Thunderstruck en dan deze
Ja, dat is de volgorde in het buitenland, en daarop volgend TNT.
Buiten Let There Be Rock (die in 2018 pas binnenkwam) zakken alle AC/DC noteringen al 4 jaar op rij :o
Muziekwebsite: https://caschart.blogspot.com/
Top 2000 feeling shuffle playlist: https://spoti.fi/3E3r615
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:35:38 #289
114177 Diaan73
Sinds 31-05-07: Peacewoman!!!
1s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:34 schreef PippenScottie het volgende:
Poging twee om op te staan. Deze voelt iets hoopvoller
:D _O-
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:35:48 #290
49501 4-elements
Arrectis Auribus
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:35 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:

Wat heeft die met AC/DC te maken?
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Murray Walker
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:36:03 #291
842 Zorro
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:35 schreef Dagoduck het volgende:
Heb een meidenband deze een keer niet onverdienstelijk zien coveren.
Black Thunder Ladies?
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:35 schreef 4-elements het volgende:
Wie is Sander? :@
Hoogendoorn... heeft thunderstruck gebruikt voor een jingle met zn naam op 3FM -O-
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:36:19 #293
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:35 schreef Idisrom het volgende:

Ja, dat is de volgorde in het buitenland, en daarop volgend TNT.
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:36:35 #295
465903 Hamlapjes
Niet voor op de BBQ
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:36:45 #296
222754 Dagoduck
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:35 schreef 4-elements het volgende:

Wat heeft die met AC/DC te maken?
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
  FOK!fotograaf vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:36:47 #297
842 Zorro
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:35 schreef Idisrom het volgende:

Ja, dat is de volgorde in het buitenland, en daarop volgend TNT.
Let there Be Rock ook, maar dat lag ook aan mijn capriolen op de grond en zo _O-
Un dann rettet kein Kavallerie,
keine Zorro kümmert sich dodrömm.
Dä piss höchstens e " Zet " en der Schnie
  Redactie Sport vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:36:50 #298
274204 crew  Mexicanobakker
Wat een GENOT
[i]Put me on a pedestal and I'll only disappoint you
Tell me I'm exceptional and I promise to exploit you
Give me all your money and I'll make some origami honey
I think you're a joke but I don't find you very funny[/i]
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:37:14 #299
363891 laxus13
Gotta Catch Em' All
Wat wat dat lekker zeg _O_
For you, there'll be no more crying.
For you, the sun will be shining.
And I feel that when I'm with you,
It's alright, I know it's right.
Dat was prettig
Op maandag 30 december 2019 15:36 schreef Kyran het volgende:
Die overgang was zo goed dat volgend jaar fucking Trekker in de top 10 staat omdat idioten denken dat die 15 minuten durende trekkerplaat een meesterwerk is ...
  vrijdag 31 december 2021 @ 12:37:21 #301
222754 Dagoduck
6s.gif Op vrijdag 31 december 2021 12:36 schreef Zorro het volgende:

Let there Be Rock ook, maar dat lag ook aan mijn capriolen op de grond en zo _O-
Waar zijn de beelden?
|| FOK!Stok || tatatatatataatatatattaaaaapiediedieuwtididipieuwpidibididi She said I'll throw myself away pididididum They're just photos after all! || Den Helder || Winnaar VBL Wijndal-award 2020: beste AZ-user! || Mijn concertstatistieken ||
abonnement Unibet Coolblue
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