abonnement Unibet Coolblue
0s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 21:12 schreef QAnonn het volgende:
[ x ]
En Oekraners vroegen zich af waarom Rusland Oekrane wil inpikken gezien de Sovjet Unie uit elkaar is gevallen.
0s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 21:12 schreef QAnonn het volgende:
[ x ]
Er zijn nog ontelbare duivelse landen zoals China, Iran, Noord-Korea, India, Pakistan etc. die op de dag des oordeels de beschaafde wereld kunnen aanvallen. De NAVO is meer dan een anti-Rusland organisatie. Het is de laatste verdedigingslinie tegen barbarisme.
1s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 21:19 schreef Hatseflats22 het volgende:

En Oekraners vroegen zich af waarom Rusland Oekrane wil inpikken gezien de Sovjet Unie uit elkaar is gevallen.
Het wachten is nu op het moment dat de russische federatie uit elkaar valt :Y c_/
Geld maakt meer kapot dan je lief is.
Het zijn sterke ruggen die vrijheid en weelde kunnen dragen
0s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 21:21 schreef Digi2 het volgende:

Het wachten is nu op het moment dat de russische federatie uit elkaar valt :Y c_/
Hopelijk met een breuklijn dwars door het Kremlin heen
1s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 10:49 schreef AchJa het volgende:

Na het bewuste fragment gezien te hebben wat @:Delenlill heeft gepost is dit precies wat er aan de hand is.
Quote: "We know that if Putin is successful here, he will not stop. He will continue to take more aggressive actions in the region. And other leaders around the world, other autocrats around the world will look at this and will be encouraged by the fact that this happened and we failed to support a democracy," he added.

Later, Austin clarified that if Ukraine loses on the battlefield, the Baltic countries may be threatened.

"If you are a Baltic state, you are really worried about whether you are next. They know Putin. They know what he is capable of. And, frankly, if Ukraine falls, I really believe that NATO will be in a fight with Russia," the official said.
Dit staat letterlijk in het Pravda artikel. Alleen de kop is een beetje suggestief, maar klopt ook gewoon in de kern. Zijn gehele quote staat gewoon in het artikel woord voor woord. Dus ik zie niet in hoe het uit zijn verband is gerukt.

Het enige wat ontbreekt is de vraag zelf, en een paar zinnen die er aan vooraf gingen. Waarin wordt gezegd dat Rusland niet stopt als Oekrane valt, dat ze buurlanden blijven aanvallen.

Maar die strekking werd ook al geqoute vanuit een eerdere gedeelte van de video, zoals je kan zien het bovenvermelde.

[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 02-03-2024 23:48:21 ]
0s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 21:20 schreef Confetti het volgende:

Er zijn nog ontelbare duivelse landen zoals China, Iran, Noord-Korea, India, Pakistan etc. die op de dag des oordeels de beschaafde wereld kunnen aanvallen. De NAVO is meer dan een anti-Rusland organisatie. Het is de laatste verdedigingslinie tegen barbarisme.
Artikel 5 van het NAVO verdrag is:
De partijen komen overeen dat een gewapende aanval tegen een of meer van hen in Europa of Noord-Amerika als een aanval tegen hen allen zal worden beschouwd; zij komen bijgevolg overeen dat, indien zulk een gewapende aanval plaatsvindt, ieder van hen de aldus aangevallen partij of partijen zal bijstaan, in de uitoefening van het recht tot individuele of collectieve zelfverdediging erkend in Artikel 51 van het Handvest van de Verenigde Naties, door terstond, individueel en in samenwerking met de andere partijen, op te treden op de wijze die zij nodig oordeelt met inbegrip van het gebruik van gewapend geweld om de veiligheid van het Noord-Atlantisch gebied te herstellen en te handhaven.

Derhalve heeft een oorlog rondom China, Iran of Noord Korea volgens mij geen grote impact op de NAVO?
0s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 19:54 schreef dudewhereismycar het volgende:

Los van bovenstaande, denk ik dat het westen de technieken van de Russen flink heeft overschat. Dat zie je met kruisraketten en het gemak waarmee die door een patriot uit de lucht worden geknalt. Idem met al die vliegtuigen en satellieten.

Blijft alleen extreem lastig om tegen kwantiteit te vechten...
Peper dure vliegtuigen worden uit de lucht geschoten. Denk dat Rusland de anti air van het westen flink heeft onderschat. Of ze hebben piloten die met met "TOPGUN" mee hebben gedaan en niet goed weten hoe ze moeten vliegen. Hoe dan ook, de marine van Rusland is kaput, het aantal vliegtuigen wordt steeds minder. Maar Oekrane is er helaas nog niet. Want Russia heeft helaas nog veel soldaten, tanks maar ook drones om vervelend mee te doen
0s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 21:12 schreef QAnonn het volgende:
[ x ]
Blijft bijzonder.. alsof de NATO zelf uitbreiding zoekt. Het zijn de landen die zelf toenadering zoeken.
0s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 21:12 schreef QAnonn het volgende:
[ x ]
In 1991 startte rusland een burgeroorlog in Moldavie.

rusland is vrijwel niet 1 dag geen bedreiging voor Europa geweest.
Guilt by association
How the Russian authorities have punished Navalny supporters

The Russian authorities have long been persecuting those who worked with or supported the opposition leader Alexey Navalny, who was buried in Moscow on Friday. Even before Navalny was poisoned in 2020, his supporters and employees found themselves facing detention, criminal charges and physical violence at the hands of law enforcement agencies, and the tactics of harassment and intimidation look set to continue. Novaya Gazeta Europe looks at various Navalny associates who have paid the price for their connections to the outspoken Kremlin critic.
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  zaterdag 2 maart 2024 @ 23:15:54 #13
103434 Delenlill
  zaterdag 2 maart 2024 @ 23:20:38 #14
103434 Delenlill
Putin is rehashing his nuclear threats — but this time, he may be threatening nuclear catastrophe in an effort to sway American voters
• Vladimir Putin made an explicit nuclear threat against the West this week.
• But experts remain skeptical of Putin's nuclear saber-rattling after three years of similar threats.
• One expert suggested Putin is drumming up fear among American voters to cut US support for Ukraine.
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  zaterdag 2 maart 2024 @ 23:21:08 #15
171727 StateOfMind
Ashen One
0s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 23:00 schreef Delenlill het volgende:
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
En de wappies in corona tijd maar, ongehinderd en ongestraft, roepen dat Nederland een dictatuur was.
Ze moeten zich schamen :r
Perhaps you've seen it, maybe in a dream.
A murky, forgotten land.
  zaterdag 2 maart 2024 @ 23:28:08 #16
103434 Delenlill

Eigenlijk dus hetzelfde als wat al in Oekrane gebeurd. Daar zijn ook groepen burgers die drones in elkaar aan het zetten zijn voor het leger/de oorlog.
  zaterdag 2 maart 2024 @ 23:32:15 #17
103434 Delenlill
Russian governor claims 'aerial targets' destroyed over Gulf of Finland

The governor of Russia's Leningrad Oblast, Alexander Drozdenko, claimed on March 2 that air defense had shot down “aerial targets” over the waters and coast of the Gulf of Finland.

Drozdenko’s claims came after Russian state-owned media wrote about explosions near the Bronka port in St. Petersburg.

There were no casualties or damage in St. Petersburg's Lomonosovsky District, the governor claimed on the Telegram.

Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency said that restrictions had been imposed on the departure and arrival of planes at Pulkovo Airport from around 7 to 8 p.m. local time.

In recent weeks and months, Russian authorities reported an increasing number of drone strikes targeting Belgorod, Bryansk, Oryol, and Leningrad oblasts, as well as other regions.

St. Petersburg's governor Alexander Beglov claimed two buildings were damaged following an unspecified "incident" in one of the city's districts early on March 2.

Ukrainian officials usually do not comment on these statements, which cannot be independently verified.

[ Bericht 22% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 03-03-2024 00:13:48 ]
  zaterdag 2 maart 2024 @ 23:35:18 #18
412081 Anton91
  zaterdag 2 maart 2024 @ 23:56:48 #19
103434 Delenlill
0s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 23:35 schreef Anton91 het volgende:
[ x ]
Dat gaat er heftig aan toe zeg. Lijkt wel een oorlog daar.

Deze groep was al eerder zo bezig geweest?

En het zou natuurlijk prima kunnen dat dit ex soldaten/Wagner leden zijn. Die zijn wel vaker ontevreden over de gang van zaken. Of die vallen weer terug in hun oude gewoonten.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:03:36 #20
103434 Delenlill
Germany confirms bugging of Bundeswehr Ukraine war talks
Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged a quick probe into a Russian leak of secret talks about the Ukraine war. The German military confirmed the talks were real, but couldn't rule out that the recording had been edited.

Germany's Defense Ministry on Saturday confirmed the authenticity of a recording of a confidential discussion between high-ranking Bundeswehr officers regarding the war in Ukraine that was leaked by Russian state media.
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Nu ook bevestiging vanuit Duitsland zelf dat het om echte geluidsfragmenten gaat. Alleen geven ze wel aan dat ze nog niet kunnen bevestigen of deze opnames bewerkt zijn of niet.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:11:42 #21
103434 Delenlill
Ukrainian Air Forces strikes two more enemy combat aircraft with missiles
Anti-aircraft missile systems have been fired at Russian warplanes Su-34 and Su-35 in the eastern direction.
The commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, said this on Telegram, Ukrinform reported.

"The enemy continues to attack in the eastern direction using guided aerial bombs from tactical aircraft. We have just fired anti-aircraft guided missiles at two enemy Su-34 and Su-35 aircraft. We are waiting for confirmation of the desired result!" noted Oleshchuk.

The commander added that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the invaders to fly, but the Defense Forces need more systems, and more weapons to clear the Ukrainian sky.

As reported, on March 1, in the eastern direction, the Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed a Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber that tried to strike Ukrainian positions with guided bombs.

In February, Ukrainian defenders destroyed 13 Russian military aircraft.
Air Force confirms downing of another Russian fighter jet
The Eastern Air Command confirmed the downing of another fighter-bomber of the Russian invaders.
Lieutenant General Mykola Oleshchuk, Commander of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, said this on Telegram, Ukrinform reported.

"Regarding the combat work I reported an hour ago. The East Air Command confirms the downing of a Su-34 fighter-bomber. Unfortunately, only one," he said.

As reported, earlier Oleshchuk said that in the eastern direction, the Air Force had hit two more Russian combat aircraft - Su-34 and Su-35 - with guided anti-aircraft missiles.

Zo te zien ging het om 2 vliegtuigen die met raketten waren bestookt. Waarvan er bij n bevestigd is dat hij neergestort is. Tenminste door de luchtmacht/het ministerie van defensie van Oekraine.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 03-03-2024 00:19:31 ]
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:15:40 #22
103434 Delenlill
Russian airlines to lose all UN contracts
The UN will not renew contracts with Russian airlines that are due to expire soon in light of the stance taken by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

Source: RBC (Russian Business Consulting), a Russian news outlet, voting sources in the Russian Foreign Ministry

Details: Russian airlines have lost almost all contracts with UN peacekeeping and political missions.

Russian operators are completing their work under old contracts and will leave the air transport market for UN agencies in the first quarter of 2024, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"There is a systemic problem concerning contracts not being renewed for the provision of aircraft by Russian companies for the UN. After the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) approved a decision on the existence of 'significant safety concerns’ regarding Russia, the UN Secretariat, based solely on its own interpretation of the SSC [Significant Safety Concern – ed.], restricted the participation of Russian companies in new tenders for the supply of air services to the [UN]," said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:26:48 #23
103434 Delenlill
Russia's Black Sea warships are 'hiding' says Ukraine navy, as sea drones spread fear
• Russian warships have been observed making unexpected U-turns in the Black Sea.
• A Ukraine navy spokesperson said they were "fleeing to their hiding spots."
• Ukraine's victories against Russia's navy have been a standout success of the two-year-long war.
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  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:34:58 #24
103434 Delenlill
Russian disinformation is about immigration. The real aim is to undercut Ukraine aid
For Vladimir Putin, victory in Ukraine may run through Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.
In recent weeks, Russian state media and online accounts tied to the Kremlin have spread and amplified misleading and incendiary content about U.S. immigration and border security. The campaign seems crafted to stoke outrage and polarization before the 2024 election for the White House, and experts who study Russian disinformation say Americans can expect more to come as Putin looks to weaken support for Ukraine and cut off a vital supply of aid.

In social media posts, online videos and stories on websites, these accounts misstate the effect of immigration, highlight stories about crimes committed by immigrants, and warn of dire consequences if the U.S. doesn’t crack down at its border with Mexico. Many are misleading, filled with cherry-picked data or debunked rumors.
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  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:35:15 #25
323876 michaelmoore
I want to live a hundred years
When people do counterfeiting , they go to jail , when public servants do that they get re-elected
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:37:52 #26
103434 Delenlill
Mooie explosie inderdaad. Was van 10 augustus 2020 jammer genoeg. Hopelijk volgen er meer van zulke explosies.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:49:08 #27
103434 Delenlill

Dit zou op zich een prima oplossing kunnen zijn. Landen die er niet op tegen zijn om troepen en materieel naar Oekrane te sturen de grenzen van bijvoorbeeld Wit-Rusland en bezet gebied in Moldavi te laten beschermen zodat Oekrane meer troepen en materieel naar het daadwerkelijke front kan sturen.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:53:30 #28
12587 oheng
0s.gif Op zondag 3 maart 2024 00:26 schreef Delenlill het volgende:
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[ x ]
Ja, dat zien we al langer, dat de schepen omkeren bij de Bospherus. Heel, heel vreemd.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:55:31 #29
103434 Delenlill
0s.gif Op zondag 3 maart 2024 00:53 schreef oheng het volgende:

Ja, dat zien we al langer, dat de schepen omkeren bij de Bospherus. Heel, heel vreemd.
Misschien dat ze de lading overpompen/overladen naar een ander schip. Zoals ze nabij Griekenland ook deden?

Russian Oil Tankers Behave Strangely After Latest U.S. Sanctions
Two oil tankers appeared to stop what they were doing off the coast of Greece just a few days after the US Treasury imposed fresh sanctions on 14 Russian ships, another sign of how a toughening of western measures is disrupting Moscow's petroleum trade.
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Er zijn wel meer Russische schepen die rare bewegingen gingen maken na de nieuwste sancties zo te zien.

[ Bericht 13% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 03-03-2024 01:04:39 ]
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 00:57:49 #30
12587 oheng
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 01:10:22 #31
103434 Delenlill
Ukraine uses Sentinel radar mock-ups to deceive Russians

To deceive invaders, the Ukrainian military uses mock-ups of US Sentinel counter-battery radar systems.

One such mock-up was seized by the Russian military in Avdiivka in mid-February.

The mock-up of the AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel radar shown shows visible damage from debris. Presumably, Russians mistook this mock-up for a real radar and used ammunition to destroy it.

The Russian Defense Ministry’s reports often include “destroyed” radar systems.

It is highly likely that many of these systems were mock-ups.

The main task that is solved by using mock-ups is to divert the main attack from real equipment, as well as to mislead the enemy about the real number of military equipment located in a certain area of the territory.

Counter-battery radar systems are priority targets for Russians.

The Sentinel radar system has a short range, but it effectively helps air defense to intercept approaching threats such as missiles and UAVs.

The AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel is an X-band electronically steered pulse-Doppler 3D radar system used to alert and cue Short Range Air Defense weapons to the locations of hostile targets approaching their front line forces.

The maximum range is 75 km, but effective range is limited to 40 km.

The antenna uses phase-frequency electronic scanning technology, forming sharp 3D pencil beams covering large surveillance and track volume.

It uses a rotating platform with a high scan rate (30 RPM) to provide 360 degree coverage.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 01:13:32 #32
103434 Delenlill
Slovak foreign minister shakes hands with his Russian counterpart, Slovak PM hails meeting – photo

Slovak Foreign Minister Juraj Blanr has met and held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a diplomatic forum in Antalya, Trkiye.

Source: Slovak news outlet Aktuality, as reported by European Pravda

Details: Russia's Foreign Ministry posted a photo of Lavrov and Blanr shaking hands.

Back in 2022, Lavrov and Russian President Vladimir Putin were added to the European Union's sanctions list. Since then, out of all EU countries, only Hungarian Foreign Minister Pter Szijjrt had had meetings with Lavrov.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said the meeting was an example of "our balanced and sovereign Slovak foreign policy towards all sides of the world". The foreign ministers reportedly discussed the opportunities the peace summit in Switzerland could bring.

"I knew about this meeting, I fully recommended him to meet with the Russian minister," Fico said.

The meeting took place at a diplomatic forum in Antalya, Trkiye. In addition to Blanr, Lavrov also met with representatives of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Eswatini.

On the second anniversary of the full-scale war, Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico claimed that Russia started its war against Ukraine in 2014 because "Ukrainian neo-Nazis" were "rampant". Earlier this week, he convened a security council, raising concerns about a meeting of allies in Paris to discuss support for Ukraine.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 01:28:27 #33
103434 Delenlill
Israel may have just torched its relationship with Russia, promising to supply Ukraine with 'early-warning systems'
• Israel has said it is 'working to provide Ukraine with early-warning systems.'
• It signals a major about-turn in Israeli foreign policy.
• The announcement comes as Russia hosts an intra-Palestinian delegation in Moscow this weekend.

Israel's permanent representative to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, said the Middle Eastern country was "working to provide Ukraine with early warning systems" in a speech on Wednesday.

Such systems would help "save civilian lives from Russia's indiscriminate missile and drone attacks," Erdan said.

A spokesperson for Israel's foreign ministry told Business Insider that the system was "not Iron Dome," Israel's most advanced air defense system.
Rather, it would be an "alarm system" that would help "get people into shelters." It would likely be very similar to Israel's Tzeva Adom radar system, the spokesperson told BI.
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  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 01:56:06 #34
103434 Delenlill
Trump slams E. Jean Carroll’s objection to his request to delay posting bond as ‘inconsistent’
Former President Donald Trump said Saturday that E. Jean Carroll can’t have it both ways in arguing that he was rich enough for the jury to award her $83.3 million in damages in her defamation trial but now saying he shouldn’t be permitted to delay posting bond because he hasn’t provided evidence of his wealth.
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Trump is blijkbaar in (cash) geld problemen. eerst wou hij al de 450 miljoen die hij in bewaring moet geven voor de fraude zaak naar 100 miljoen verlagen, wat afgewezen is door de rechter. Nu wil hij het in bewaring stellen van de 85 miljoen voor Carroll ook al vertragen/verminderen. Dit laatste bedrag heeft een deadline van 9 maart.

In april 2023 getuigde hij nog dat hij meer dan 400 miljoen dollar in cash had, en dat dit elke maand flink omhoog ging. En volgens Forbes zou hij nu ongeveer 413 miljoen dollar in cash moeten hebben. Al telt die ook de cash van zijn bedrijven mee. Het zou best kunnen dat hij daar niet vrij over kan beschikken natuurlijk. (geen idee hoe dat werkt).

Here’s How Much Cash Donald Trump Has
Forbes has been valuing the real estate tycoon and former president’s fortune for decades. Here’s the math behind how much cash he likely has on hand.

Cash, as the old saying goes, is king, but how much of it does Donald Trump really have? That’s the $540 million question. Staring down at least that sum in legal penalties, mostly stemming from a fraud case brought by the New York attorney general’s office, the former president is facing a cash crunch.

It would be “impossible” for him to write a check covering the full amount, Trump’s lawyers argued this week, in a failed attempt to lower Trump’s bond in the case. Trump, the lawyers say, may be forced to instead sell properties “under exigent circumstances”—in other words, at fire sale prices, with “no way to recover any property sold following a successful appeal and no means to recover the resulting financial losses from the Attorney General.”
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[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 03-03-2024 02:09:31 ]
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 02:02:55 #35
103434 Delenlill
Paratroopers repelled invaders’ assault near Novomykhailivka

Ukrainian paratroopers destroyed Russian armored vehicles near the village of Novomykhailivka, Donetsk region.

The 79th Air Assault Brigade said that another enemy assault had ended with significant losses.

“Another enemy assault on the positions of the Ukrainian paratroopers resulted in losses of manpower and armored vehicles,” the paratroopers said.

Novomykhailivka continues to be one of the hottest spots in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Russians are making significant efforts to drive the paratroopers of the 79th Air Assault Brigade out of the village.
During another assault, the enemy sent infantry on armored vehicles into the battle, but the offensive failed.

“Russian infantry was destroyed, armored vehicles were burned,” the brigade said.

The video shows the results of the coordinated work of the ATGM crews that skillfully stopped armored vehicles.

The first seconds of the video show the use of cluster munitions against a Russian convoy.

The Ukrainian military then finished off the abandoned and damaged vehicles by dropping ammunition from drones.

Novomykhailivka is located about 12 kilometers south of Marinka, which Russian forces have been trying to capture since 2014.

Russian forces have intensified their assaults since the beginning of October 2023, and now they control the site where Marinka was located, the settlement itself no longer actually exists.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 02:07:36 #36
103434 Delenlill
JDAM bomb hit Russian soldiers at the Avdiivka Coke Plant
The Ukrainian Air Force began to bomb Russian positions at the Avdiivka Coke Plant with JDAM bombs.

Ukrainian military Mykola Kolesnyk showed footage of the airstrike.

Mykola Kolesnyk said that at the plant, Russians had begun to equip their position, set up communications, command posts, electronic warfare systems, and pull up personnel.

“Russian invaders have just started setting up at the coke plant, they set up antennas, communications, EW systems, command posts, a bunch of stuff, and gathered there themselves, but something didn’t work out, so they need to do it again,” the soldier said.

A reconnaissance UAV of the LUFTWAFFE unit was used to adjust the fire.
The drone spotted a JDAM bomb hitting one of the buildings at the coke plant.

The Russian military occupied the Avdiivka Coke Plant in the second half of February.

The plant, one of the most fortified positions in the Avdiivka sector, was not stormed by Russian invaders and was left behind by Ukrainian forces when they withdrew from Avdiivka.

JDAM converts conventional unguided bombs into all-weather precision-guided munitions.

The JDAM kit includes an inertial navigation system and GPS receiver to improve accuracy, as well as small wings attached to the middle of the bomb, and a tail unit that has a tail section with aerodynamic control surfaces; it allows the bomb to adjust its course during its flight to the target. The unit houses navigation and other equipment.

After being released from the aircraft, the JDAM autonomously follows the determined coordinates of the target.

Ukraine received the ER (Extended Range) version, which has a target range of 72.4 kilometers. The exact nomenclature of ammunition is not known, but from the published photo, it is clear that there are 500 lb (230 kg) versions.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 02:21:15 #37
12587 oheng
0s.gif Op zondag 3 maart 2024 00:55 schreef Delenlill het volgende:

Misschien dat ze de lading overpompen/overladen naar een ander schip. Zoals ze nabij Griekenland ook deden?

Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
Er zijn wel meer Russische schepen die rare bewegingen gingen maken na de nieuwste sancties zo te zien.
Ik heb geen idee wat ik van de rare bewegingen moet denken.

Had jij trouwens deze slachting al gepost? Bradley vs BTR.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 02:22:21 #38
103434 Delenlill
Ukraine made the naval drones sinking Russian warships 'deadlier' by arming them with bigger warheads, general says
• Ukraine has used naval drones to wreak havoc on Russia's Black Sea Fleet.
• These systems were introduced in 2022 and have been used in a number of attacks on Russian vessels.
• A Ukrainian general said the drones have been upgraded over time and outfitted with larger warheads.
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1. Zwaardere payload van bijna 650kg
2. Verbeterde zeewaardigheid zodat ze nu kunnen varen in golven van 1 1/2 meter.
3. Afstand vergroot. Ze kunnen nu minimaal een afstand van tweemaal Odessa -> Sevastopol varen (zo'n 950km)
4. Ze hebben ze herbruikbaarder gemaakt (al zal dat met kamikaze zee drones natuurlijk niet werken)

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 03-03-2024 02:28:15 ]
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 02:27:44 #39
103434 Delenlill
0s.gif Op zondag 3 maart 2024 02:21 schreef oheng het volgende:

Ik heb geen idee wat ik van de rare bewegingen moet denken.

Had jij trouwens deze slachting al gepost? Bradley vs BTR.
Nee, maar die is al wel in het topic langsgekomen volgens mij.

7s.gif Op zaterdag 2 maart 2024 19:30 schreef ExTec het volgende:
Tering. Weer een slachting. Leuk samenspel ook, vliegen af en toe nog wat FPV drones door het beeld.

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Al is jouw filmpje langer zie ik.

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[ Bericht 4% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 03-03-2024 02:36:03 ]
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 02:40:31 #40
103434 Delenlill
Kasparov Says Russia May Shed Some Territories If It Loses War In Ukraine
Self-exiled Russian opposition politician and co-founder of the Free Russia Forum Garry Kasparov told RFE/RL in an interview on March 1 that Russia's current borders may "not necessarily remain" if Moscow loses the war in Ukraine but stressed that a total dissolution of Russia is unlikely.

Among possible regions Kasparov said might separate from the Russian Federation are the republics of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Daghestan, and Chechnya, but he added he doesn't believe everything is clear about what will come after the war.
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  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 02:43:48 #41
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  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 02:45:44 #42
103434 Delenlill
Traffic shut down on Crimean Bridge amid reports of explosions
Russian proxy authorities in occupied Crimea shut down traffic on the Crimean Bridge in the early hours of March 3, amid reports of explosions in Feodosia.

Authorities announced that vehicle traffic was blocked on the bridge at around 3:40 a.m. local time. Earlier in the night, local Telegram channels reported that residents heard sounds of explosions near an oil depot in Feodosia.

No reason was given for the traffic closure. Russian officials and the Russian Defense Ministry have not yet commented on reports of explosions.

The bridge, also called the Kerch Bridge, connects the Russian mainland with the Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula. Construction on the bridge began after the illegal 2014 annexation and occupation of Crimea, and was completed in 2018.

The 19-kilometer long bridge is a critical supplies and transport route for Russian forces in Crimea and mainland Ukraine, and has been the target of repeated attacks following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Ukrainian forces have intensified attacks on targets in occupied Crimea, particularly against Russia's Black Sea Fleet, over the past months. A Ukrainian missile strike destroyed a Russian landing ship docked at Feodosia in December 2023. Its sister ship was sunk in the Black Sea the morning of Feb. 14 in a joint operation by Ukraine's military intelligence and armed forces.

In an interview with Fox News released Feb. 22, President Volodymyr Zelensky said more "surprises" were in store for Russia's Black Sea Fleet.

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[ Bericht 10% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 03-03-2024 02:52:02 ]
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 02:51:13 #43
103434 Delenlill
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 03:44:43 #44
103434 Delenlill
Russian anti-war & anti-Putin partisan movement Black Bridge released a call to arms for Navalny's supporters. "It is time to fight the system in the same manner that it destroys us. There are partisan organizations that act to liberate the country from tyranny and end the war with Ukraine"

Partisan news network Rospartizan reports a partisan attack occurred at an electrical substation in Yekaterinburg. The station is used to provide energy to three factories used by the Russian military-industrial complex, including MZiK, which produces anti-aircraft rocket systems.

First confirmed attack by Ukrainian Air Force with French precision-guided bombs AASM-250
Een wat langer filmpje van aanvallen op de coke fabriek.

New Ukrainian Fpv drone design test

Ukrainian FPV-drone hits rare portable rocket launcher 9П132 "Grad-P" designed in 1965 as USSR military aid for Vietnam. The launcher also called "Partisan" because it was convinient for Viet Cong partisans to install in jungle or bush.

Ukrainian land-based suicide drone strikes a Russian position

"They scream at me in pain." A Russian doctor describes the conditions on the left bank of the Kherson region.

The headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol is still in ruins , reports the Crimean Wind monitoring group.(more info in the comments)

Remains of the Russian Kh-35 missile near the village of Novoshcherbinovskaya, Krasnodar Krai Russia
Weer een raket op eigen grondgebied terecht gekomen zo te zien.

  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 03:49:58 #45
103434 Delenlill
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 03:53:45 #46
103434 Delenlill
Video: Air-Bursting Anti-Personnel Munition Employed by Ukraine Drone
Ukraine operators may have figured out a way to marry up a drone with a Korea-era landmine originally designed to blast massed infantry attacks with ball bearings. But it’s not confirmed.

A video first released by Ukraine’s 3rd Assault Brigade, a combat unit raised and mostly recruited in greater Kyiv, showed a drone releasing an anti-personnel munition able to pound an area about the size of a basketball court with hundreds of projectiles.

The images first made public by the unit on Monday show a circular air burst and a rectangular area of ground approximately 8 meters by 50 meters pelted with strikes.

Three soldiers, in the video identified as Russian army service members, are cut down by the shrapnel-like fragments or slugs, following the detonation of a white object momentarily visible in the upper left of the images.

Ukrainian combat units have published tens of thousands of drone strike videos since Russia’s February 2022 full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but almost all are of an FPV drone crashing into a target and exploding, using kamikaze tactics. A minority of drones are used to drop small bombs. Video of air-bursting munitions is rare. The video authors did not say the type of weapon used by the drone.

The pattern of shrapnel impacts on the ground was similar to the lethal zone produced by the detonation of a 1950s-era US-made Claymore anti-personnel mine. The weapon first fielded in the Korean War by the US Army to stop massed People’s Republic infantry attacks fires a directed charge propelling more than 700 steel ball bearings in a flat, cone-shaped arc. As designed, the densely packed ball bearings are deadly out to ranges of 50-100 meters.

The video did not show the drone aircraft used. Other possible munitions used in the strike could have been a Soviet-produced MON anti-personnel mine, a weapon with similar performance to the US Claymore.

A home-made weapon built of metal fragments or shotgun shot packed onto a directed explosive charge, and triggered remotely, might also have been used in the attack, Kyiv Post researchers said.

Kyiv Post researchers confirmed the video probably showed a rare drop of an anti-personnel munition to explode above soldiers. The blast pattern was like the beaten area covered by a US-made Claymore anti-personnel mine.
  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 03:57:58 #47
103434 Delenlill
SBU Allege Ex-State Enterprise Leadership Let World’s Largest Airplane Be Destroyed
The Mriya's commander, Dmitry Antonov, told the Kyiv Post that the plane could have been saved, but that the crew “really wanted to help those who wanted to take Kyiv in three days.”

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) reported that it’s collected “indisputable evidence” that high-level officials at Antonov State Enterprise took actions that let Mriya – what had been not only the largest airplane in Ukraine but also the largest in the world – be destroyed by the Russians in the early days of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
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  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 04:08:22 #48
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  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 04:13:16 #49
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  zondag 3 maart 2024 @ 04:17:39 #50
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