abonnement Unibet Coolblue
  zondag 11 februari 2024 @ 22:59:59 #2
396386 sturmpie
for night & nature
0s.gif Op zondag 11 februari 2024 22:02 schreef BlaZ het volgende:
het doel is bondgenoten te doen twijfelen om in te grijpen.
er valt niks te twijfelen binnen navo.
wordt er 1 navo-lid aangevallen dan staat de hele navo paraat om te helpen.
vrede, voedsel, vrijheid, veiligheid, vooruitgang
  zondag 11 februari 2024 @ 23:05:23 #3
56749 BlaZ
Torpitudo peius est quam mors.
0s.gif Op zondag 11 februari 2024 22:59 schreef sturmpie het volgende:

er valt niks te twijfelen binnen navo.
wordt er 1 navo-lid aangevallen dan staat de hele navo paraat om te helpen.
Dat is dus precies de vraag. Stel dat de president van de VS, wie dat ook moge zijn, weigert in te grijpen?

Een ander scenario is gerommel waarbij er geen sprake is van een directe aanval.
Ceterum censeo Turciam delendam esse.
  zondag 11 februari 2024 @ 23:09:25 #4
396386 sturmpie
for night & nature
0s.gif Op zondag 11 februari 2024 23:05 schreef BlaZ het volgende:
Dat is dus precies de vraag. Stel dat de president van de VS, wie dat ook moge zijn, weigert in te grijpen?
dat is iets voor 'n film, dat is niet realistisch.

een land kan misschien wel aangeven geen lid meer te willen zijn van navo, maar tijdens lidmaatschap moet men reageren.

navo is ontzettend veilig, 't is 'n heel simpele onderlinge afspraak, ben je lid van navo dan help je elkaar.
vrede, voedsel, vrijheid, veiligheid, vooruitgang
0s.gif Op zondag 11 februari 2024 23:09 schreef sturmpie het volgende:

dat is iets voor 'n film, dat is niet realistisch.

een land kan misschien wel aangeven geen lid meer te willen zijn van navo, maar tijdens lidmaatschap moet men reageren.

navo is ontzettend veilig, 't is 'n heel simpele onderlinge afspraak, ben je lid van navo dan help je elkaar.
Ja dat is de afspraak, maar wat als een land als Amerika zich niet aan die afspraak houdt?
Цой жив
Hulppakket voor Oekraïne stap dichterbij na stemming in Senaat VS
De goedkeuring van een hulppakket van 95,34 miljard dollar (omgerekend 88,4 miljard euro) voor Oekraïne, Israël en Taiwan is zondagavond een stuk dichterbij gekomen. De Amerikaanse Senaat stemde met 67 stemmen voor en 27 stemmen tegen.
De komende dagen wordt gestemd over de definitieve goedkeuring van het hulppakket. Als het wetsvoorstel wordt aangenomen in de Senaat, zoals de verwachting is, dan moet het nog worden goedgekeurd in het Huis van Afgevaardigden. Daar kan het op meer tegenstand rekenen, doordat de Republikeinen in het Huis van Afgevaardigden in de meerderheid zijn.
Geld maakt meer kapot dan je lief is.
Het zijn sterke ruggen die vrijheid en weelde kunnen dragen
  zondag 11 februari 2024 @ 23:58:21 #7
396386 sturmpie
for night & nature
0s.gif Op zondag 11 februari 2024 23:13 schreef Zwoerd het volgende:

Ja dat is de afspraak, maar wat als een land als Amerika zich niet aan die afspraak houdt?
als je 'n beetje hebt opgelet dan weet je dat er onlangs 'n wet is aangenomen in de VS die 2/3 van de senaat nodig heeft om uit de navo te stappen. de president kan dat alleen niet beslissen, die heeft daar 2/3 van de senaat voor nodig dwz eigenlijk maakt de VS 't onmogelijk voor de president om uit de navo te stappen.

16 dec 2019 — Democraten én Republikeinen werken in de Amerikaanse Senaat aan een wet die moet voorkomen dat president Trump het lidmaatschap van de NAVO ...
16 dec 2023 — De Amerikaanse president kan zich niet meer terugtrekken uit de Navo zonder toestemming van het Congres.
vrede, voedsel, vrijheid, veiligheid, vooruitgang
0s.gif Op zondag 11 februari 2024 23:58 schreef sturmpie het volgende:

als je 'n beetje hebt opgelet dan weet je dat er onlangs 'n wet is aangenomen in de VS die 2/3 van de senaat nodig heeft om uit de navo te stappen. de president kan dat alleen niet beslissen, die heeft daar 2/3 van de senaat voor nodig dwz eigenlijk maakt de VS 't onmogelijk voor de president om uit de navo te stappen.

16 dec 2019 — Democraten én Republikeinen werken in de Amerikaanse Senaat aan een wet die moet voorkomen dat president Trump het lidmaatschap van de NAVO ...
16 dec 2023 — De Amerikaanse president kan zich niet meer terugtrekken uit de Navo zonder toestemming van het Congres.
Als een NAVO land wordt aangevallen en artikel 5 inroept. Gaat alles dan op de automatische piloot? Gaan de vliegtuigen en schepen vanzelf die kant op? De vraag is wat er gebeurt in het hypothetische geval dat president Trump als commander in chief in dat geval zegt: "nee, wij geven er geen gehoor aan".
Цой жив
Vergeet niet dat de NAVO troepen heeft in de Baltische staten[/url]. Linkje weggehaald.

[ Bericht 65% gewijzigd door oheng op 12-02-2024 12:47:49 ]
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 00:14 schreef oheng het volgende:
Vergeet niet dat de NAVO troepen heeft in de Baltische staten.
Ik las dat artikel. En moest toen de datum checken. February 17, 2022

NATO has deployed four multinational combat units with some 5,000 troops in total in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, led by the U.S., Germany, Canada and Britain. They are designed to buy time for additional NATO troops to reach the front line if needed.

As many as 130,000 Russian troops are positioned close to Ukraine’s borders but Moscow insists it has no plans to invade.
Stelletje leugenaars zijn die Russen. Een week voor de inval.

Bedoel, dit wisten we al, het is geen nieuws. Maar om het toch zo weer te zien staan.. bah.
Definitely not CIA
0s.gif Op zondag 11 februari 2024 23:09 schreef sturmpie het volgende:

dat is iets voor 'n film, dat is niet realistisch.

een land kan misschien wel aangeven geen lid meer te willen zijn van navo, maar tijdens lidmaatschap moet men reageren.

navo is ontzettend veilig, 't is 'n heel simpele onderlinge afspraak, ben je lid van navo dan help je elkaar.
Dat geloof je toch zelf niet?
Donald Trump heeft het heel duidelijk gezegd: hij gaat NAVO-landen die aangevallen worden niet helpen.
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 00:28 schreef grrrrg het volgende:

Dat geloof je toch zelf niet?
Donald Trump heeft het heel duidelijk gezegd: hij gaat NAVO-landen die aangevallen worden niet helpen.
Er zitten amerikaanse troepen in de Baltische staten en in Polen (en in Finland dacht ik). Als 1 van die landen aangevallen wordt ontkomen die niet aan een confrontatie. En Trump kan zoveel roepen, maar zodra er dode amerikaanse soldaten terugkomen kan hij niet niks doen.
Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 00:28 schreef grrrrg het volgende:

Dat geloof je toch zelf niet?
Donald Trump heeft het heel duidelijk gezegd: hij gaat NAVO-landen die aangevallen worden niet helpen.
Trump roept zoveel. Het zijn immers binnenkort verkiezingen.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 00:54:22 #14
396386 sturmpie
for night & nature
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 00:09 schreef Zwoerd het volgende:
De vraag is wat er gebeurt in het hypothetische geval dat president Trump als commander in chief in dat geval zegt: "nee, wij geven er geen gehoor aan".
daar heeft hij 2/3 van het congres voor nodig om 'n dergelijk idee door te zetten, hij kan dat niet in z'n eentje beslissen. dat zie je toch aan die wet, die is er niet voor niks. de president heeft zich aan de wetten te houden, zonder wet is er geen president. mocht hij zoiets beslissen dan kan men de president uit zijn functie zetten, daar zal ook wel 'n wet voor zijn, als blijkt dat de president manisch is oid.

je kan er hoog en laag over lullen maar eenmaal lid van de navo dan heb je 'n plicht om navolidstaten te helpen.

Trump is gewoon 'n beetje financieel aan 't blaffen tegen de navo, hij vind dat navolidstaten meer geld moeten besteden aan defensie, hij speelt 't beste jongetje van de klas. hij gebruikt wel taal waarbij je vraagtekens kan zetten, oftewel, 't klinkt niet slim.

hij zei ook iets in de richting van navo is failliet, maar dat is volgens mij onzin want ieder land houdt zijn eigen defensie in stand, navo is niet 'n geldpot, 't is 'n samenwerking voor zover ik weet.
vrede, voedsel, vrijheid, veiligheid, vooruitgang
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 00:56:07 #15
396386 sturmpie
for night & nature
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 00:09 schreef Zwoerd het volgende:
Als een NAVO land wordt aangevallen en artikel 5 inroept.
dan beslissen de ministeries van defensie samen wat er moet gebeuren, er zal wel 'n draaiboek klaarliggen bij de navo in zo'n geval.

ik vraag me af of er wel eens 'n lidstaat van de navo is aangevallen
vrede, voedsel, vrijheid, veiligheid, vooruitgang
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 00:58:30 #16
396386 sturmpie
for night & nature
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 00:28 schreef grrrrg het volgende:

Dat geloof je toch zelf niet?
Donald Trump heeft het heel duidelijk gezegd: hij gaat NAVO-landen die aangevallen worden niet helpen.
Trump roept onzin vanaf de zijlijn, hij is geen president dus heeft niks te zeggen, en als hij president wordt heeft hij zich gewoon aan de regels te houden.
Trump is 'n financieel mannetje, nu gaat 't over geld en lidmaatschap, hij zou zich niet op 'n dergelijke manier moeten uiten imo, navo is 'n internationale samenwerking, geen financiele instelling.

ik vind 't gewoon dom dat Trump zulke uitlatingen doet
vrede, voedsel, vrijheid, veiligheid, vooruitgang
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 00:54 schreef sturmpie het volgende:

daar heeft hij 2/3 van het congres voor nodig om 'n dergelijk idee door te zetten, hij kan dat niet in z'n eentje beslissen. dat zie je toch aan die wet, die is er niet voor niks. de president heeft zich aan de wetten te houden, zonder wet is er geen president. mocht hij zoiets beslissen dan kan men de president uit zijn functie zetten, daar zal ook wel 'n wet voor zijn, als blijkt dat de president manisch is oid.

Hij hoeft niet uit de NAVO te stappen, hij kan gewoon zeggen dat ze geen gehoor geven aan artikel 5. En dan is het maar de vraag wat er verder gebeurt. Als Trump afgezet moet worden, zijn daarvoor ook de Republikeinse congresleden voor nodig. En als je de afgelopen jaren hebt opgelet weet je dat die niet tegen Trump in zullen gaan.
Цой жив
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 00:58 schreef sturmpie het volgende:

Trump roept onzin vanaf de zijlijn, hij is geen president dus heeft niks te zeggen, en als hij president wordt heeft hij zich gewoon aan de regels te houden.

Ja dat zou die moeten doen ja, maar Trump is niet zo van de regels en de Republikeinse partij maakt zich daar niet zo druk om.
Цой жив
"Oorlog in Oekraïne #929 onzeker richting de lente."

Komt er dit jaar weer een voorjaarsoffensief? Hoe is de vorige afgelopen eigenlijk?
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 01:18:44 #20
396386 sturmpie
for night & nature
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 01:04 schreef Zwoerd het volgende:
hij kan gewoon zeggen dat ze geen gehoor geven aan artikel 5.
nee dat kan niet
als je lid bent van navo ga je automatisch akkoord met artikel 5.
vrede, voedsel, vrijheid, veiligheid, vooruitgang
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 03:23:54 #21
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 00:54 schreef sturmpie het volgende:
hij zei ook iets in de richting van navo is failliet, maar dat is volgens mij onzin want ieder land houdt zijn eigen defensie in stand, navo is niet 'n geldpot, 't is 'n samenwerking voor zover ik weet.
Het enige wat NATO heeft is een kantoor, een vergaderruimte en wat AWACS. De rest word idd geleverd door de lidstaten.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 03:24:53 #22
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 01:06 schreef DavidTwente het volgende:
"Oorlog in Oekraïne #929 onzeker richting de lente."

Komt er dit jaar weer een voorjaarsoffensief? Hoe is de vorige afgelopen eigenlijk?
Het offensief van de Russen of Ukraine?
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 01:18 schreef sturmpie het volgende:

nee dat kan niet
als je lid bent van navo ga je automatisch akkoord met artikel 5.
De partijen komen overeen dat een gewapende aanval tegen een of meer van hen in Europa of Noord-Amerika als een aanval tegen hen allen zal worden beschouwd; zij komen bijgevolg overeen dat, indien zulk een gewapende aanval plaatsvindt, ieder van hen de aldus aangevallen partij of partijen zal bijstaan, in de uitoefening van het recht tot individuele of collectieve zelfverdediging erkend in Artikel 51 van het Handvest van de Verenigde Naties, door terstond, individueel en in samenwerking met de andere partijen, op te treden op de wijze die zij nodig oordeelt met inbegrip van het gebruik van gewapend geweld om de veiligheid van het Noord-Atlantisch gebied te herstellen en te handhaven.
Er staat niet in wat voor hulp er gegeven moet worden. "op de wijze die zij nodig oordeelt". Elk land kan hier zijn eigen invulling aan geven. En technisch gezien zou je met het sturen van een verbanddoosje al aan artikel 5 kunnen voldoen.

Dus wanneer Trump niet wil helpen met een artikel 5 zijn er genoeg manieren om toch aan artikel 5 te voldoen. Je zou zelfs kunnen beargumenteren dat morele steun ook hulp is. Dus Trump kan lekker voor de camera een duimpje omhoog geven en iets zeggen in de trant van "Go team NATO, you can do it, i believe in you!!!!"

Er zomaar uitstappen is inderdaad niet zo gemakkelijk meer in Amerika.
1s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 00:20 schreef capricia het volgende:

Ik las dat artikel. En moest toen de datum checken. February 17, 2022
Stelletje leugenaars zijn die Russen. Een week voor de inval.

Bedoel, dit wisten we al, het is geen nieuws. Maar om het toch zo weer te zien staan.. bah.
Oh naja dan pak je een willekeurig ander artikel, het is niet zo belangrijk welke. Ik had gefilterd op afgelopen maand.
Estonian PM: Russia provoked by weakness, not strength
Ukraine's Western allies must commit to victory over Russia and not fall into "traps" laid by the Kremlin, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said in a Feb. 11 interview with the Austrian news outlet Der Standard.

Kallas has been a vocal supporter of Ukraine since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion in early 2022.

"We should not fall into the various traps that have been set," Kallas said when questioned about the war in Ukraine.

"It is a mistake to believe that the war can be won quickly. Russia is preparing for a long period of war. The war will continue until Russia realizes that it cannot win."

Kallas's strong words of support come as doubts rise regarding the long-term stability of Western aid to Ukraine.

Political turmoil in Washington, D.C. has frozen U.S. aid to Ukraine for months, delaying urgently-needed funds as the country enters its third year at war. A Nordic-Baltic delegation, including representatives from Estonia, recently visited the U.S. to advocate for continued financial support from Congress.

According to Kallas, Ukraine's international partners must believe that victory is possible.

"We are stronger, but we must help Ukraine defend itself and give it what it needs. ... Russia wants us to believe that Ukraine cannot win, so that we stop supporting it," she said.

One "trap" that Kallas urged allies to avoid is the belief that negotiations with Russia will lead to a lasting peace. Another is fear that defending Ukraine will only provoke Moscow further and lead to escalating conflict.

"The opposite is true," Kallas said. "It is weakness, not strength, that provokes Russia."

Other European leaders have also intensified their rhetoric in support of Ukraine amid the U.S. funding crisis.

French President Emmanuel Macron said on Jan. 30 that Europe must be ready to defeat Russia no matter what American politicians decide. Finland's president-elect Alexander Stubb has called for unconditional NATO support for Ukraine.

Estonia remains one of Ukraine's staunchest allies. During the full-scale war, it has provided Kyiv with financial assistance worth nearly 500 million euros — more than 1.4% of its GDP.

Ukraine and Estonia also agreed on Feb. 8 to start negotiations on a bilateral security agreement.
Polish protestors dump grain from Ukrainian trucks at Yahodyn-Dorohusk checkpoint

Polish protesters have started pouring out grain from Ukrainian trucks directly onto the ground at the Yagodyn-Dorogusk checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Polish border
News agency Konkurent reported the information.

"The police arrived, shrugged their shoulders, collected the data, and that was it. They wanted to cut the hatch with a battery-powered grinder, broke the seal and poured out the wheat. Three tons fell out of each truck. These are our "Polish friends". It was unexpected, but the fact is the fact," says an eyewitness.

You can see what exactly is happening at the checkpoint in the video that appeared on social media.

• On February 7, Polish farmers sent an official notice to resume strikes on the border with Ukraine. The blocking of the Dorohusk-Yagodyn checkpoint began on February 9. The protest was approved by local authorities until March 9.
• Earlier, the Polish farmers' union Solidarity announced a general strike across the country on February 9. At the time, it was noted that it would begin with the blockade of all checkpoints on the border with Ukraine, as well as the blocking of roads and highways in certain voivodeships.
• The reason for the renewed protests is simple: according to one of the organizers, Roman Kondruw, the government has done nothing to solve the problem of technical grain from Ukraine since the previous protests.

Een wat langer filmpje in deze link.
Polish farmers spill grain from Ukrainian trucks on border - video

Polish agrarians protesting near the checkpoint on the Polish-Ukrainian border have spilled grain from three Ukrainian trucks on the ground.

Source: European Pravda with reference to RMF24

Details: The incident occurred on 11 February at about 11:30 at the Yahodyn-Dorohusk checkpoint, one of the locations of Polish protest actions.

A video from the site of the incident was posted on the farmer.pl page on Facebook.

"Three trucks driven by Ukrainian citizens entered Poland after undergoing customs procedures. The participants of the protest actions did not let them pass and opened semi-trailers which resulted in some quantity of grain being spilled on the road. The drivers were then headed back to Ukraine," Ewa Czyz, representative of the Polish police, reported.

She added that there was no direct confrontation during these events.

"We are conducting an investigation, identifying the participants and interrogating the witnesses," she added, noting that gathered information will be handed over to the Prosecutor's Office for legal assessment.

• On Friday, 9 February, farmers from all around Poland started a protest action which is expected to last for 30 days. It provides for, among other things, blocking the roads and border crossings with Ukraine.
• Before that, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine stated that it was expecting protest actions near five checkpoints, starting 12 February at two of them.
• On 10 February, heavy truck traffic resumed at the Shehyni-Medyka checkpoint after the protest action of Polish farmers was over, and they lifted the blockade.
0s.gif Op zondag 11 februari 2024 23:09 schreef sturmpie het volgende:

dat is iets voor 'n film, dat is niet realistisch.

een land kan misschien wel aangeven geen lid meer te willen zijn van navo, maar tijdens lidmaatschap moet men reageren.

navo is ontzettend veilig, 't is 'n heel simpele onderlinge afspraak, ben je lid van navo dan help je elkaar.
Leuke cirkelredenering.
Heel veel sambal
GOP senators defy Trump by advancing foreign aid bill
Donald Trump spent the weekend telling senators they should not pass more unconditional U.S. foreign aid. More than a dozen Republicans ignored him Sunday, moving forward on a bill to send $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

The Senate voted 67-27 to advance the foreign aid supplemental spending bill that doesn’t include border provisions, moving it another step closer to passage. That still isn’t guaranteed, as leaders haven’t yet reached an agreement on GOP-demanded border amendments.

The package faces some resistance from Republicans, who say they won’t back further aid to Ukraine unless it’s amended to include border policy changes. Last week, Republicans blocked a bipartisan border-foreign aid package that was negotiated for months, arguing it didn’t go far enough to limit migration. Consideration of border amendments would require unanimous consent from senators, which is still elusive.

“From this point forward, are you listening U.S. Senate (?),” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “No money in the form of foreign aid should be given to any country unless it is done as a loan, not just a giveaway.”

Trump had helped tank the bipartisan border-foreign aid bill, calling for Republicans to block that legislation as well. This time, many GOP senators didn’t seem concerned with his opposition.

“I think that it’s unlikely that we lose any more [members],” Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) said in response to Trump’s comments. “It’s more likely that we can gain more, particularly of members who … were just wanting to make sure that our members got a chance to file amendments and have them heard.”

Republican support actually gained some ground on Sunday, with 18 voting to move the measure forward.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stumped for further aid in his Sunday floor speech, refusing to back away from his adamant support for foreign aid, particularly Ukraine, that’s highlighted a growing divide within his conference.

“I know it’s become quite fashionable in some circles to disregard the global interests we have as a global power. To bemoan the responsibilities of global leadership,” McConnell said. “This is idle work for idle minds. And it has no place in the United States Senate.”

Trump had other comments over the weekend that riled lawmakers, suggesting at a rally Saturday evening that Russia should “do whatever the hell they want” to any NATO-member nation that is not meeting its spending commitment. Senate Democrats were expectedly aghast at the comment — but the remarks also elicited mixed responses from Senate Republicans.

Tillis blamed Trump’s team rather than the former president’s long-established beef with NATO, saying “shame on his briefers” for not explaining the U.S. has made a commitment to assist any NATO country that is attacked.

Others were sharper in their criticism. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said it was a “stupid thing to say.” Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) said it was “uncalled for.” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said he doesn’t take Trump “literally.”

“None of us want to see a war in Europe and I don’t think he does either,” said Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.). “And, very clearly, we’re going to defend our NATO allies, and I’m quite certain the president does not want to see us in a war with Russia.”

On the foreign aid bill, which has cut into the Senate’s previously scheduled two-week recess, lawmakers are still holding out hope for a time agreement and swift amendment votes. Several had scheduled international CODELs and commitments in their home states.

But any one senator can prevent that from happening, and Paul has indicated he will object to any attempts to speed up passage unless the southern border is addressed first. Without a time agreement, final passage can’t occur before Wednesday.

“We shouldn’t be sending anything overseas until we secure [our own] border,” Paul said Sunday.
Weer een klein stapje dichterbij. 4 dagen geleden was de stemming 67-32, gisteren was hij 67-27. Blijkbaar is er steeds minder weerstand van de republikeinen in het senaat (voor wat voor reden dan ook, weet niet precies waar die 5 stemmen gebleven zijn. Misschien zijn ze wel ziek ofzo). Ook heb ik geen idee waarom er zo snel weer op gestemd wordt.

Informatie over stemming 4 dagen geleden:

We zijn er alleen nog niet helaas. En er kan nog makkelijk roet in het eten gegooid worden.
Ukrainian teen basketball player killed in Germany
Seventeen-year-old basketball player Volodymyr Yermakov was killed in a street attack in Dusseldorf, Germany, the Kyiv Basketball Federation (FBK) reported Feb. 11.

Yermakov played for the ART Giants youth team in Dusseldorf. The night before an upcoming match, on Feb. 10, he and his teammate Artem Kozachenko were reportedly attacked with knives on the street.

Yermakov died in the hospital of injuries sustained in the attack. Kozachenko remains in intensive care.

The entire ART Giants youth team reportedly spent the night in the hospital with Yermakov and Kozachenko following the attack.

According to the FBK, the young men's attackers may have been motivated by hatred against Ukraine. The players "were attacked with knives in the street simply because they were Ukrainians," the FBK said in their announcement.

Local police are currently investigating the attack.

Yermakov played basketball throughout his childhood, and was a member of Ukraine's youth national team at the 2022 European Championship in Bulgaria. The FBK and Ukraine's national Basketball Federation (FBU) expressed condolences to Yermakov's family.
‘A gift to Moscow’: dismay as NYPD takes part in UAE Swat games with Chechnya and Belarus
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
Filmpjes van de deelnemers/events waaronder die van Chechnya.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 07:38:12 #32
103434 Delenlill
Protests by relatives of mobilised soldiers growing in Russia – ISW
Relatives of mobilised Russian soldiers continue to protest across Russia, with rallies taking place in the cities of Moscow, St Petersburg, Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg.

Source: Institute for the Study of War (ISW)

Details: The ISW reported that the protests are continuing despite the Kremlin's attempts to censor them and suppress any social movement in support of the mobilised Russian soldiers.

On 10 February, Russian opposition media outlets Sota and Mobilization News released footage showing members of the Russian civic movement the Way Home laying flowers and gathering at monuments in Moscow, St Petersburg, Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg, calling for their relatives to be demobilised.

Mobilization News reported that members of the Way Home also visited the campaign headquarters of Russian presidential candidate Vladislav Davankov in Moscow and handed over letters asking for demobilisation to Davankov's team.

The Russian authorities have recently attempted to censor protests by Way Home members at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow and nearby Manezhnaya Square.

ISW stressed its assessment that the Kremlin's attempts to censor and discredit the Way Home movement underscore the Kremlin's desperation to shut down these protests, especially in the run-up to the March 2024 presidential elections.

To quote the ISW’s Key Takeaways on 10 February:
• Delays in Western security assistance may lead to significant Ukrainian air defence missile shortages that could allow Russian forces to bomb Ukrainian forces or even front-line cities more aggressively.
• Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy appointed Major General Anatolii Barhylevych as Chief of the Ukrainian General Staff, replacing Lieutenant General Serhii Shaptala.
• Russian drone footage published on 9 February showed Russian forces executing Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) near Klishchiivka on the Bakhmut front.
• Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov reiterated several Kremlin narratives aimed at justifying Russia’s war in Ukraine and threatening the West at a ceremony honouring Diplomats’ Day on 10 February.
• Kremlin mouthpieces reiterated ongoing Russian narratives blaming the West, specifically the United States, for the absence of constructive peace negotiations to end Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, despite numerous Russian statements indicating that Russia is not interested in good-faith peace negotiations with Ukraine.
• The Russian State Duma is considering a bill aimed at further censoring actors designated as "foreign agents", likely aimed at censoring dissent from opposition media outlets and prominent information space voices.
• Russian forces made confirmed advances near Kreminna and Avdiivka.
• The relatives of mobilised Russian soldiers continue to protest throughout Russia despite previous Kremlin efforts to censor similar protests and suppress any possible resurgence of a broader social movement in support of mobilised Russian soldiers.
• Russian and occupation officials continue to set conditions for the deportation of Ukrainian children from occupied Ukraine through educational and extracurricular schemes.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 07:40:49 #33
103434 Delenlill
War in Ukraine contributing to shortage of doctors across Russia - UK intelligence
There are indications that Russia has faced a shortage of medical professionals across the country due to the aggressive war that the Kremlin has launched against Ukraine.
The UK Defense Ministry said this in an intelligence update posted on the social media platform X, Ukrinform reports.

According to the ministry, shortly after mobilization of the Russian military in September 2022, healthcare professionals were warned not leave the country; but up to 2% of Russian doctors and healthcare professionals did leave the country to avoid the draft. Additionally, up to 3,000 medical staff have likely been mobilized to assist in combat medical care.

The ministry cites data from the Russian Ministry of Health, which said in November 2023 that the medical sector lacked about 26,500 doctors and 58,200 nursing staff. There is a significant shortage of doctors in 22 regions, and in another seven regions it is assessed as severe.

Another estimate from January 2024 suggests that in the previous 15 months, the number of doctors decreased by 7,500 – with many blaming long hours and low pay. In its report on the budget for 2024, the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Government noted that poorer regions of Russia in particular would have problems financing medical salaries.

“The heavy resource and financial burden of supporting Russia's war in Ukraine is negatively affecting a range of civilian sectors that serve the Russian population. There are no signs that the trend of reducing numbers of healthcare professionals in Russia will change during 2024,” the intelligence said.

As reported by Ukrinform, the healthcare sector in the temporarily occupied territory of Zaporizhzhia region is experiencing a collapse. The enemy closed 70% of medical institutions, turning them into military hospitals.

[ Bericht 5% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 12-02-2024 08:35:50 ]
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 07:48:40 #34
103434 Delenlill
Russians Construct 30-Kilometer Defensive Line with 2,000 Railway Cars

The Russians built a 30-kilometer line of defense from more than 2,000 railway cars.
This was reported by the DeepState analytical community.

The continuous construction stretches along the branch line from the railway station in Olenivka to Volnovakha and has about 2,100 wagons of various types.

It is reported that the construction of this massive defensive line began in July 2023. For its construction, apparently, rolling stock was used, stolen from the temporarily occupied territories.

Such a defensive structure, which in fact represents a solid wall, is a very serious obstacle in the way of advancing troops.

Given that some sections of the railway track are built with a high roadbed (an embankment that distributes the load on the soil), such a defensive line is a full-fledged defensive shaft.

It is possible to overcome it only after large-scale engineering works: disengagement of wagons, removal from tracks, or movement to another place. However, these engineering works will be accompanied by the counteraction of the Russians.

In addition to problems for Ukrainian troops, such a line of defense also creates problems for the Russians themselves: logistics for advanced positions can be difficult due to an obstacle, in addition, such a barrier creates an obstacle to maneuver.

“This is a very specific engineering structure, the effectiveness of which is difficult to assess. The idea is clear – an obstacle to the advancement of the Defense Forces. It can be considered as a separate line of defense, because it is extremely difficult to damage, move or blow up the 30-kilometer mass of metal, and the movement of equipment through such a blockage without breaking through the corridor is impossible,” writes the DeepState team.

This is not the first time the Russians have built huge engineering barriers as part of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war.

In April 2023, it became known that the Russians built a solid 70-kilometer anti-tank ditch in Zaporizhzhia, which stretched from the village of Semenivka to the village of Marynivka.

Militarnyi has reported several times on the construction of fortifications in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

For example, in August 2023, a significant strengthening of defense was reported near major settlements in Zaporizhzhia region.

[ Bericht 9% gewijzigd door Delenlill op 12-02-2024 07:54:24 ]
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 07:52:39 #35
103434 Delenlill
Russians Show T-62M and T-62MV Tanks Upgrades: Self-Entrenching Blades, Tank Sweeps and EW

The Russians showed T-62M and T-62MV mod. 2022 tanks, which are equipped with protective ‘grilles,’ self-entrenching blades, tank sweeps, and electronic warfare systems.

The video with these tanks was published by Andrii Tarasenko, a researcher of armored vehicles, on his Telegram channel.

Obviously, despite the statements of the Russians about the use of T-62 as ersatz-self-propelled guns, these combat vehicles are equipped for offensive operations.

An RP-377 electronic jamming system, which directly indicates that the tank does not act in the rear, is installed on one of the combat vehicles.

Later, Tarasenko released photos of a destroyed Russian armor convoy, among which one of the previously demonstrated T-62 was noticed.

It is worth noting that obsolete Soviet tanks from the Cold War era are often observed during attempts by Russian troops to advance.

Recently, Militarnyi reported that soldiers of the 3rd Brigade ‘Spartan’ of the National Guard destroyed the Russian T-55 tank, which was equipped with ‘grills’ on the turret and engine compartment.

The Russians began to use T-62 virtually from the beginning of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, this was reported in May 2022.

Later, in June of the same year, Russian T-62 began to equip slat armor and “grills” against drones, which already signaled the use of tanks for their intended purpose, and not as ersatz-self-propelled guns.

Modernization of T-62
Currently, Russia plans to modernize approximately 800 outdated Soviet T-62M/MV tanks.

Modernization is carried out by installing a new radio, thermal sight, ERA and other protection

The very idea of modernizing the T-62 is generally justified: firstly, other tanks simply do not exist in the right quantities, and the Ukrainian military destroyed about 2,000 Russian vehicles.

Secondly, the level of training does not allow crews to quickly master more modern vehicles for the battlefield. The factory demonstrated a T-62MV on which a thermal sight with a 1PN-96MT-02 built-in laser rangefinder is installed.

Unlike Sosna-U, it does not have a daytime channel – exclusively thermal, but with a laser rangefinder.

It is based on a non-cooling matrix that affects target detection ranges (about two to three kilometers). Also, 1PN96MT-02 does not have the ability to use guided tank missiles.

To protect the tank, ‘grilles’ are welded onto the rear of the turret, and the dynamic protection ‘Kontakt-1’ is installed. However, there remains a vulnerability at the factory in the form of instruments on the turret that are not covered by the dynamic protection.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 08:00:29 #36
103434 Delenlill
After a huge shake-up in the top brass of Ukraine’s armed forces, Zelensky met with his new team of military leaders. On Sunday he replaced the commander of the Joint Forces.

President Volodymyr Zelensky spent all day Saturday in meetings with his new team of military leadership.

“We continue to reboot the management team in the Armed Forces,” he wrote on his official Telegram channel.

On Sunday, Zelensky signed a decree appointing Gen. Yuriy Sodol as the Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to replace Gen. Serhiy Naiev. Since 2018, Sodol was the commander of Ukraine's Marines.

Among the officers Zelensky gathered were people the President described as “well known in the army and whothemselves know well what the army needs.” He added that they “are taking on new responsibilities.”

Apart from the new Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrsky, whose reputation as a hard-edged and cunning tactician is well known in Ukraine, there are several relatively new faces:

Colonel Vadym Sukharevsky’s focus will be on uncrewed systems and the development of drones.

Colonel Andriy Lebedenko will focus on innovation, specifically the technology component of the army and combat systems. “Clear practice with new technologies is needed,” Zelensky said.

Brigadier General Volodymyr Horbatiuk will concentrate on operational work, staff work, planning and management. “In every staff, they must fully understand the front,” Zelensky said, repeating a leitmotiv from the previous day when he announced that he insists his new commanders be familiar with the front rather than languishing at headquarters.

Brigadier General Oleksiy Shevchenko has been tasked to develop logistics, “ensuring maximum quality of logistics in our army.”

Meanwhile Brigadier General Mykhailo Drapaty will be responsible for training soldiers. Drapaty has commanded Joint Forces Kherson since the start of the full-scale war. His first job was constructing ad hoc defensive lines in the early days of Russia’s 2022 attack on Ukraine, following a Kremlin breakthrough from Crimea reaching initially weak Ukrainian forces around the cities Kherson and Mykolaiv.

“All the real-life experience of combat commanders, combat brigades, our units, who have built a quality training system for soldiers and evaluation and analysis of combat actions – all this experience must be implemented for the success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” Zelensky said.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 08:08:40 #37
103434 Delenlill
Ukraine's new Territorial Defence Commander oversaw dispersal of Revolution of Dignity protests as head of Internal Troops
Ihor Plakhuta, who was recently appointed to the post of the commander of the Territorial Defence Forces by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, was the head of Internal Troops during the 2013-14 Revolution of Dignity, and was therefore involved in the violent dispersal of protesters.

Source: Ukrainska Pravda

Details: Forces overseen by Plakhuta were involved in removing, on 10 December 2013, protesters’ barricades from the so-called "government quarter" – the area in Kyiv where many of Ukraine’s government buildings are located.

Plakhuta, who was then the commander of the Southern Territorial Command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ Internal Troops, said that around 400 Internal Troops personnel and members of the Berkut special police force were involved in removing the barricades from the streets.

He said that "people in black who disassembled the barricades were municipal workers".

Around the same time, Plakhuta claimed that two Berkut officers sustained injuries while carrying out their duties.

Media reported that an "official from the Internal Affairs Ministry" came out to negotiate with the protesters on 21 January 2014, with some suggesting that it was Plakhuta.

For reference: Ihor Plakhuta served as the commander of the Separate Presidential Brigade in 2005-2008.

In 2009, he was appointed the commander of the training centre No 169. He was later made the commander of the Southern Territorial Command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ Internal Troops.

• President Zelenskyy’s decree from 11 February saw the appointment of Ihor Plakhuta as commander of Ukraine’s Territorial Defence Forces, replacing Anatolii Barhylevych, who was relieved from his duties on Friday, 9 February.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 08:09:22 #38
103434 Delenlill
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 08:19:06 #39
65902 Zwoerd
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 01:18 schreef sturmpie het volgende:

nee dat kan niet
als je lid bent van navo ga je automatisch akkoord met artikel 5.
OK laat maar :') Jij bent een onmogelijk figuur. Als ik je vraag wat er gebeurt als je je gasrekening niet betaalt, is je antwoord dan ook: "nee dat kan niet, je hebt een contract afgesloten, je moet betalen".
Цой жив
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 08:26:45 #40
103434 Delenlill
Russian soldiers more often express dissatisfaction with their commanders
Among the ranks of Russian military personnel, dissatisfaction with their commanders is growing. Courts are increasingly handing down verdicts for the shooting of their subordinates by commanders, according to the National Resistance Center (NRC).

It is noted that in the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces, there is a trend of acts of violence committed by unit commanders against their subordinates.

In particular, in the Kursk region, numerous verdicts of garrison military courts are recorded regarding cases of mass murder of servicemen, when unit commanders shot their subordinates during service.

It is pointed out that these incidents occurred due to mutual animosity or as a result of servicemen being in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication.

"As a result of the latest incident in early February of this year, the Kursk Garrison Military Court handed down a verdict sentencing a senior warrant officer to 14 years in prison for shooting his subordinates while heavily intoxicated," the statement said.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 08:30:15 #41
103434 Delenlill
Finland's new president sees no limit to NATO ties, Ukraine support

HELSINKI, Feb 11 (Reuters) - Alexander Stubb declared himself winner of Finland's presidential election on Sunday after a campaign built on promises to make the most of his country's new membership of NATO and back Ukraine in its war with shared neighbour Russia.
In his new job, the centre-right former prime minister and investment banker will head up foreign and security policy, represent Finland in NATO meetings and act as Commander-in-Chief of the military.
It is "very important that we in Europe take care of our own defence," the 55-year-old told Reuters in the buildup to the vote. He said he agreed with his predecessor Sauli Niinisto "who said that we need a more European NATO".
The new job marks Stubb's return to domestic politics after several years abroad working as vice president of the European Investment Bank and director at the European University Institute in Florence.
Allies describe him as a multi-lingual, pro-European, fiscal conservative. He describes himself as a moderate.
He would be "a Western president in many ways" and lean towards the United States, Britain and Nordic neighbours when it came to setting the tone of foreign policy, he told Reuters.
He would set "no limits" to Finland's support for Ukraine.
"My starting point is, paraphrasing (European Central Bank President) Mario Draghi, whatever it takes," Stubb said.
The Nordic nation joined the Western military alliance in April last year, breaking with decades of non-alignment in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
During his election campaign Stubb said Finland should be an active NATO member and seek to have some NATO troops stationed on its territory.
He has also said he would be ready to let nuclear weapons be transported through the country - though not stored there. "At times, a nuclear weapon is a guarantee of peace," he said at a debate.
Many Finns also see cosmopolitan Stubb as a candidate of the Helsinki elite, according to University of Helsinki political scientist Johanna Vuorelma. "The visible and well-known names of the business world are strongly behind Stubb," Vuorelma said.
But that was an image he tried to shift during his campaign, by speaking favourably of Finland's social-democratic welfare model, she added.
As far back as the 1990s, it was clear that foreign policy was one of his strengths, even though over the years there were questions "over what the level of his domestic political expertise and interest in it was," the head of Finland's Centre for Parliamentary Studies, Markku Jokisipila, said.
Stubb served as a Member of the European Parliament from 2004 to 2008 before moving home to kick off a political career capped by a string of ministerial posts - foreign affairs, European affairs and trade, finance and then prime minister in 2014-2015. He was ousted in 2016 as chair of the National Coalition Party that he still represents.
Stubb is a keen amateur athlete and triathlon champion - though he has said he will cut down on sport once he becomes Finland's 13th president.
He is married to British-born lawyer Suzanne Innes-Stubb, 54, with whom he has two grown-up children.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 09:02:53 #42
103434 Delenlill
"Destruction of two russian tanks near the "Tsarska Ohota" hotel complex in the south of Avdiivka. One of the tanks comes to an epic end."

Ukrainians destroyed russian starlink terminal

EU to sanction companies from China, India, Serbia, Turkey for helping Russia bypass sanctions

Shooting down Iranian Shahed-136s over Odessa using an unknown SAM system

Video from a Russian soldier. Mine MON-50.(Translation requested)
Translation: "This is a well-known mine, the MON-50. I'll show you now how it's disassembled".
Wat een goedkoop ogend dingetje. En ik zie ook geen explosieve lading zo op het eerste oog.

Putin's spokesman, Peskov, said that if Carlson had asked Putin sharp questions, he would have given very sharp answers that many would not have liked.

Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation, showed Ukrainian drones such as the Magura V5 naval drone, used to sink the Ivanovets ship. "Russian oil depots do not explode by themselves. Russia must understand we have just started," he added.

Another new drone soon on the battlefield.
Leuk, hij kan vliegen en rijden. Ziet er alleen niet uit alsof hij veel gewicht kan dragen.

Russians abandoned their wounded soldier but the third assault brigade gave him first aid

Crowd makes "Z" in Moscow today

that maskovian who were talking about hitting entrances of residental buildings is already dead, he had funeral 27.12.2023.

  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 09:07:22 #43
103434 Delenlill
Russia Lost 10 Percent Of Its Deployed Tanks Trying To Capture Avdiivka
Pyrrhic victory: noun; a victory that is not worth winning because so much is lost to achieve it

The four-month battle for Avdiivka probably is culminating as the Ukrainian garrison in the ruined city, just five miles northwest of Russian-occupied Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, runs out of ammunition—a direct consequence of Russia-aligned Republicans in the U.S. Congress withholding aid—and Russian infantry creep into the city from north and south, threatening the garrison’s supply lines.

It’s a painful loss for Ukraine—the first large settlement it’s lost to Russia in nearly a year—but, as a win, it’s potentially even more painful for Russia. In capturing a few square miles of demolished and depopulated urban terrain, the Kremlin has sacrificed almost exactly an entire mechanized division’s worth of tanks.

As open-source analyst @partisan_oleg pointed out, before the fall of the Soviet Union a 10,000-person motor-rifle division on paper would have 220 tanks. The Russian army still broadly adheres to Soviet force-design.

Since attacking Avdiivka in early October, the Russian 2nd and 41st Combined Arms Armies have lost 214 tanks that analyst @naalsio26 has counted. Mostly T-72s and T-80s, but also a few high-end T-90s. The Ukrainian brigades in and around Avdiivka meanwhile have lost just 18 tanks.

Russian tanks losses just around Avdiivka amount to potentially more than a tenth of all the tanks Russian forces have in Ukraine.

The Russians can’t blame the 12-to-one loss ratio on the Ukrainians not deploying tanks in their defensive campaign in Avdiivka: the Ukrainians did deploy tanks, including some of their best German-made Leopard 2A6s—before chopping those tanks to a brigade holding the line around Kreminna, 50 miles to the north.

Nor can the Russians point to the traditional advantage a dug-in defender has over an exposed attacker. Historically, an attacker should expect to suffer three times the losses a defender suffers.

No, the Ukrainians simply outfought the Russians with mines, artillery, drones, missiles and old-fashioned rifle fire from entrenched positions. And they did it despite gradually running out of ammunition after Republicans withheld U.S. aid to Ukraine starting in October.

In losing four times as many tanks as they should expect to lose, the Russians fell into an attrition trap. They might capture what’s left of Avdiivka, but if the Ukrainian garrison withdraws now, the Russians will win the ruins at a cost in people and equipment they probably can’t make good very quickly—and likely not without slowing the pace of operations elsewhere along the 600-mile front of Russia’s 23-month wider war on Ukraine.

The problem, of course, is that the Ukrainian garrison in Avdiivka might not retreat. If, at the orders of Ukraine’s eastern command or new commander-in-chief Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky, the garrison fights to the last person, it risks surrendering its attritional advantage.

This has happened before. The last time the Russians surrounded a large Ukrainian settlement—Bakhmut, last May—Syrsky, then the head of Ukrainian ground forces, probably kept Bakhmut’s garrison in the eastern city’s ruins too long.

“While Bakhmut initially unfolded as a success story for Ukraine, with Russians sustaining significant casualties, at times reaching a ratio of 1:7 or 1:10, the situation swiftly changed,” Ukrainian analysis group Frontelligence Insight explained. “Once Russian forces managed to seize Ukrainian flanks and disrupt supply routes, the casualty rates almost equaled.”

It’s not too late for the Avdiivka battle to hurt Russia far more than it hurts Ukraine, even as Russia “wins” the fight. But, for the Ukrainians, snatching victory from defeat means knowing when to retreat.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 13:23:15 #44
12587 oheng
De russen hebben bijna de belangrijkste aanvoerlijn naar Avdiivka afgesloten.

Andrew Perpetua's observaties. Google Docs bron.
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
De russen hebben ook eindelijk een (1) HIMARS beschadigd:

[ Bericht 12% gewijzigd door oheng op 12-02-2024 13:29:17 ]
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 15:14:27 #45
103434 Delenlill
1s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 13:23 schreef oheng het volgende:
De russen hebben bijna de belangrijkste aanvoerlijn naar Avdiivka afgesloten.

Andrew Perpetua's observaties. Google Docs bron.
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
De russen hebben ook eindelijk een (1) HIMARS beschadigd:
Dat valt nog wel mee met de schade gelukkig. Heeft slechts 2 jaar geduurd voordat ze er één te pakken hebben gehad.

Zou die tweede in plaats van door een ongeluk bijvoorbeeld door een anti persoonsmijn geraakt kunnen zijn? Of is daar de schade niet groot genoeg voor.

Op die snelheid kost het hun 78 jaar om ze allemaal te raken.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 15:25:47 #46
12587 oheng
0s.gif Op maandag 12 februari 2024 15:14 schreef Delenlill het volgende:


Zou die tweede in plaats van door een ongeluk bijvoorbeeld door een anti persoonsmijn geraakt kunnen zijn? Of is daar de schade niet groot genoeg voor.
Nee, een antipersoneelsmijn is niet krachtig genoeg. Ze kunnen best wel wat schade toebrengen aan een gewone auto, zoals we hebben kunnen zien in deze oorlog, maar een militaire truck vernielen is toch wat anders. Je ziet ook geen schade door fragmenten zoals bij de 1e HIMARS. Ramen zijn ook nog heel. Volgens mij is de andere voorwiel niet eens lek.
Maar de hele onderkant is wel weer weggevaagd.
  Overall beste user 2022 maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 16:42:19 #47
3928 Ulx
you aint no punk you punk
I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me.
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 20:33:56 #48
12587 oheng
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 20:52:38 #49
393453 NeeOfTochJA
  maandag 12 februari 2024 @ 20:53:30 #50
38496 Perrin
Toekomst. Made in Europe.
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