http://manoa.hawaii.edu/hi-seas/Ga je je echt opgeven?
laat ik erbij vermelden:
Bachelors degree from an accredited institution, in engineering, biological or physical sciences, mathematics, or computer science.
Professional experience (including graduate school) of at least three years beyond the bachelors degree
Ability to pass a class 2 flight physical examination
No history of upper airway surgery, rhinoplasty, chronic rhinitis or chronic sinusitis
No other medical or psychological condition that would preclude participation in this study
Willingness and ability to eat a wide range of foods
Normal sense of taste and smell
Tobacco-free for at least 24 months
Demonstrated ability to conduct field research
Strong interest in human space exploration
Fluency in verbal and written English
Availability and willingness to take time to participate in the workshop and the two analogue missions
Experience in a complex operational system, e.g. submarine, ambulance, airplane cockpit, control room
Background in medicine or nursing at the first responder level or higher
Ability to lift 15 kg and to cover 100 m on foot in 40 seconds or less
Experience in construction, electronics, or home repair
Body mass index between 19 and 25.
Not pregnant or lactating during 2012 and 2013
Household cooking experience
Valid drivers license
Age between 21 and 65