quote:Cool Blast This Weekend Across Great Lakes, Northeast
Temperatures are expected to plunge this weekend across the Great Lakes and Northeast, delivering the season's first frost for many.
Behind a cold front, cool Canadian high pressure will push south into the Great Lakes on Saturday and across the Northeast later in the weekend.
The cool air combined with changing fall foliage will create the season's first real autumn feeling across areas from the Upper Midwest east across New England this weekend. By early morning, some will even have to deal with frosty windshields with temperatures falling into the 30s.
A widespread frost will blanket parts of northeastern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan Saturday night. Freezing conditions will be possible in the normally cooler areas.
By early Sunday morning, patchy frost will form from across interior Michigan, parts of northwest Pennsylvania, upstate New York and northern New England.
Any remaining, sensitive vegetation should be covered up or brought indoors. Also, be sure to provide adequate, warm shelter for any outdoor pets.
Remember, while the temperature on your household thermometer may read a few degrees above freezing, temperatures at ground-level can often run a few degrees colder, resulting in frost.
As the high pressure builds farther south early next week, temperatures will slowly moderate across the region, but should remain below seasonable levels for at least a few days.
quote:Snow in the East... Already?
Sparky the llama taking a break in the snow. Photo courtesy of Allyson Virden.
Some of the first snow of the season fell Monday, as the high mountains of the Appalachians were coated with several inches of snow.
Allyson Virden, resident manager of the Mt. LeConte, Tenn., lodge, reported 3 inches of snow Monday morning. She said it was the biggest first snow since 1979.
Another half inch of snow fell into Tuesday as the low overnight was 23 degrees.
Mt. LeConte was not the only location with snow. Mt. Mitchell reported a trace of snow Tuesday morning. According to the NWS, the earliest measurable snowfall was on this date back in 1980.
Snowshoe Mountain, W.Va., also reported light snow.
The same storm system that brought clouds, rain and cool weather to the Northeast ushered a cold front farther south into the Appalachians, dropping temperatures throughout the mid-Atlantic.
Cities including Richmond, Charlotte and Nashville have all reported highs significantly below normal over the past several days. High temperatures were running 10 to 15 degrees below the normal high for this time of the year.
For areas including Nashville and Charlotte, the overnight lows are more of what is expected in the middle of November.
Overnight into Tuesday, all three cities had the coldest nighttime temperatures of the season, according to AccuWeather.com Meteorologist Andy Mussoline. For Nashville, it was the coldest weather since April 10.
This cold trend will soon give way to near-normal temperatures by Thursday and will last into the weekend.
quote:It is only the first week of November, and we already have a lake-effect snow event set to unfold across the Great Lakes and snow in the forecast for the spine of the Appalachian Mountains the next few days.
The wintry weather is arriving right on time according to the 2010-2011 AccuWeather.com Winter Forecast, which is calling for an early winter in the East and a busy lake-effect snow season for the Great Lakes.
Rain will mix with or change to snow from west to east across the Great Lakes through the end of the week, occurring over northern Michigan today and then areas farther east through New York and Pennsylvania on Friday.
Snow showers will also be found along the spine of the Appalachian Mountains tonight into Friday.
Snow already made an appearance across northern Osceola Co., Mich., on Wednesday morning. No accumulations were reported.
According to the AccuWeather.com Winter Weather Center, places just downwind of the Great Lakes, including Marquette and Gaylord, Mich., South Bend, Ind., Ashtabula, Ohio, Edinboro, Pa., as well as Jamestown, N.Y., have the potential to pick up a few inches of snow by Saturday.
Snowfall totals may even reach half a foot or more in a few locations.
Several inches of snow could also accumulate in the mountains from southwestern Pennsylvania into West Virginia, the Maryland panhandle, western Virginia and even western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee on Friday into Saturday.
While little or no accumulation is expected, the chance for snowflakes is also in the forecast for Detroit, Mich., Albany, N.Y., Pittsburgh and State College, Pa., Charleston, W.Va., and Asheville, N.C., at some point on Friday into Saturday.
Fortunately, this snow event is not expected to have a major, widespread impact on ground travel. Areas at greatest risk for having roads become slippery will be in the higher elevations of the East heading into the weekend.
quote:The first snow of the season greeted people across southern New England this morning with a coating to several inches blanketing areas from Connecticut into Rhode Island and Massachusetts.
In Burrillville, R.I., residents woke up to 2.5 inches of snow on the ground. Other snowfall totals that have been reported include 2.0 inches in Staffordville and Moosup, Conn., 1.5 inches in Greenville, R.I., 0.8 of an inch in Dighton, Mass., and 0.7 of an inch in North Providence, R.I.
Sleet and freezing rain have also mixed in with rain and snow across the region. Sleet was even falling around New York City this morning, while snow fell for a time on eastern Long Island.
In addition to snow and ice, howling winds have been knocking down trees and power lines across much of eastern New England. In Hingham, Mass., people were trapped inside a vehicle after a tree was downed onto it this morning.
Any snow or wintry precipitation that managed to accumulate will be short-lived, as the same storm system that brought the wintry weather soaks the region with plain rain this afternoon into Tuesday.
AccuWeather.com Facebook Fan Erich Twachtman sent in this photo of a tiny snowman after the first snow of the season fell in Haddam, Conn., Monday morning. Twatchman reported wind gusts near 40 mph with the snow. If you have pictures of the snow or have captured other wild weather across the country, be sure to upload your photos on AccuWeather.com's Facebook page.
It will remain raw outside for people across all of New England through Tuesday. Temperatures are expected to remain mostly in the 40s, while howling winds make for a wind-whipped rain from southern New England to the coast of Maine.
AccuWeather.com RealFeel® temperatures, which provide a measure of how cold it feels with the wind factored in, will range between 20 and 30 degrees in Boston, Mass., Hartford, Conn., and Providence, R.I., through tonight.
Warm, waterproof jackets will be more useful than umbrellas as winds whip the rain around.
The storm bringing nasty conditions will pull eastward away from the southern New England coast later Tuesday into Wednesday, allowing for drying from west to east across New England. Warmer air will also spread into the region Wednesday, allowing temperatures to rebound to more seasonable levels.
Lijkt mij gewoon niet te betalen om heel ( of gedeeltelijk ) dat onder de grond te leggen.quote:Op dinsdag 9 november 2010 10:45 schreef rubje het volgende:
Ik vind het onbegrijpelijk dat een land dat zich zo met de laatste technologie bezighoudt en er prat opgaat,tav het weer zich zo elke keer laat verrassen.![]()
Neem al die electriciteitspalen,die altijd boven de grond staan en die altijd voor problemen zorgen bij storm of sneeuw. Waarom plaatst men dat niet zoals in Nl onder de grond dmv kabels ipv die goedkope houten dingen uit de cowboytijd die altijd kapotgaan.Heb je minder last van allerlei weersgevoelige omstandigheden.
quote:Messy travel conditions, due to brutal cold, snow, and episodes of wind will remain a big concern in the West early in the week. Meanwhile, more rounds of rain and snow will also shift into the Plains and Great Lakes through much of Thanksgiving week.
The worst of the messy weather will arrive later in the week for areas farther east.
In some parts of the country, the weather can even be dangerous due to the combination of extremely cold temperatures and snow.
The culprits behind the travel problems will be a series of storms that form over the middle of the nation during the early to middle part of next week. Heavy snow will develop on the north side of these systems, while rain and thunderstorms, some potentially severe, break out farther south and east.
pfff, zou maar een wedstrijd aan de gang zijn zeg...quote:
moet je die vent op dat karretje zien scheuren, maakt dat ie wegkomtquote:Op maandag 13 december 2010 10:54 schreef ForzaScuderiaFerrari het volgende:
pfff, zou maar een wedstrijd aan de gang zijn zeg...
quote:While not everyone across the eastern half of the country dealt with snow or a blizzard this past weekend, they will all be facing brutal cold soon if not already.
The coldest air of the season yet is headed for these regions and could end up being the coldest of the entire winter. Many records, especially nighttime lows across the Southeast, will be broken early this week.
Painfully cold, arctic air sweeping across the Midwest has already been driving temperatures well-below zero. Across much of Minnesota, western Wisconsin and the eastern Dakotas, lows were down to 10 to 20 degrees below zero this morning.
Today, the bitter cold is overspreading the rest of the eastern half of the country. While actual temperatures may not fall below zero early this week, horrendous winds will make it feel that way for millions.
quote:AccuWeather.com RealFeel® temperatures, which provide a measure of how cold it feels with the wind factored in, have already dropped below zero as far south as Atlanta this morning. Early Tuesday and Wednesday morning, these values will be near zero all the way east into New York City and Philadelphia and stay in the single digits all day Tuesday.
In Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Indianapolis and Pittsburgh, people will have to endure RealFeel® temperatures that stay below zero for 36 to 48 hours straight. Frostbite and hypothermia can set in very quickly in such extreme cold.
Since many of these places have picked up snow from the blizzard this weekend, roads are in tough shape. Any travelers who end up being stranded could find themselves in a life-threatening situation if left too long in the brutal cold.
Farther south across the country, temperatures have dropped into the teens and even single digits this morning from Oklahoma to Tennessee and the eastern Great Lakes. Even northern portions of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia have dipped into the teens.
Meanwhile, subfreezing temperatures have reached all the way into Deep South Texas, central Florida and many areas along the Gulf Coast, including areas around Houston, New Orleans, Gulfport, Miss., Mobile, Ala., and Panama City, Fla.
quote:Tonight will be even colder for most of the Southeast with widespread lows in the teens extending into southern parts of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia and even into northern Florida.
The cold will put additional stress on winter crops across the Southeast and especially in Florida. Damage was already done during last week's freeze.
Ik weet niet of dat nou zo'n goed idee is.quote:Op maandag 13 december 2010 13:09 schreef Infection het volgende:
Het word tijd dat Nederland eens een keer zo'n winter krijgt.
quote:Leger Canada verklaart oorlog aan winterweer
TORONTO - Ingesneeuwde automobilisten hebben dinsdag in Canada hulp gekregen uit onverwachte hoek. Zowel lokale boeren als het leger rukten uit om ruim tweehonderd mensen te bevrijden uit hun benarde positie, meldden de Canadese autoriteiten.
In een gebied ten zuidwesten van de stad Toronto waren de weersomstandigheden zo dramatisch dat de noodtoestand werd uitgeroepen. Op sommige plekken zou een pak sneeuw van zeker twee meter liggen en door de extreme sneeuwval is op de weg geen hand voor ogen te zien.
Het leger zette daarop helikopters in om zeker 66 mensen in veiligheid te brengen. In totaal moesten 237 personen geëvacueerd worden, nadat honderden voertuigen vast kwamen te zitten op een stuk snelweg. Sommige automobilisten moesten twintig uur wachten op redding.
Met een legervliegtuig werd daarna verder gezocht naar automobilisten die op omliggende wegen mogelijk zijn ingesneeuwd in de bittere kou. Ook hielpen boeren met hun tractoren om vastzittende voertuigen uit greppels te trekken.
Sommige gestrande reizigers wisten met mobiele telefoons hun locatie door te geven aan de reddingswerkers. Andere ingesneeuwde automobilisten weigerden hun voertuigen te verlaten, omdat ze liever wilden wachten tot de weg is vrijgemaakt.
quote:Op dinsdag 9 november 2010 11:43 schreef Drassss het volgende:
Lijkt mij gewoon niet te betalen om heel ( of gedeeltelijk ) dat onder de grond te leggen.
Zware sneeuwstorm zal vandaag het oosten van Amerika teisteren.quote:Dangerous Christmas Weekend Winter Storm
by Meteorologists Tim Ballisty, Chris Dolce and Jonathan Erdman
Updated: December 25, 2010 6:45 pm ET
All through this past week we've been tracking the potential for a significant storm to develop along the East Coast.
While we knew a potent area of low pressure would develop, the big question of relevance was where it would track. It previously looked like a more offshore path would materialize, however it is now clear that a major snowstorm will move from portions of the Southeast to New England.
Track the snow: Current radar maps
Watch video: Storm Watch
Snow will spread east from the Tennessee Valley into the Carolinas Christmas Day, continuing into Sunday. Below are the accumulations we are forecasting with the heaviest totals expected to fall over North Carolina, including Raleigh and Charlotte. Notice also how far south accumulating slushy snow is possible by Sunday, including the Lowcountry of South Carolina.
Nicequote:Op maandag 27 december 2010 20:59 schreef Roel_Jewel het volgende:
Geweldig filmpje! Zie dat sneeuwdek alsmaar dikker worden!![]()
Watch 20 Hours of Blizzard in 38 Seconds http://goo.gl/OeIbM
Gaaf filmpjequote:Op maandag 27 december 2010 20:59 schreef Roel_Jewel het volgende:
Geweldig filmpje! Zie dat sneeuwdek alsmaar dikker worden!![]()
Watch 20 Hours of Blizzard in 38 Seconds http://goo.gl/OeIbM
Als zoiets in Nederland gebeurt kun je je huis niet meer uit joh.. no thanks!quote:Op maandag 27 december 2010 23:13 schreef Neraice het volgende:
Er is zeker geen kans dat zoiets ook in NL komt? Lijkt me stiekem wel heel gaaf namelijk
Damnquote:Op donderdag 16 december 2010 16:26 schreef Frutsel het volgende:
Vuurtoren Ohio normaal
[ afbeelding ]
Vuurtoren Ohio nu
[ afbeelding ]
Serious, you don't!quote:Op maandag 27 december 2010 23:13 schreef Neraice het volgende:
Er is zeker geen kans dat zoiets ook in NL komt? Lijkt me stiekem wel heel gaaf namelijk
Nou dat valt nog mee.quote:
Dat zie je daar elk jaar. 't Is dit keer wat aan de vroege kant en de Oostkust krijgt nu goed op z'n kloten. Het noorden van de Midwest is de dans mooi ontsprongen, ik zit goed.quote:
Die is wel gaaf.quote:Op maandag 27 december 2010 20:59 schreef Roel_Jewel het volgende:
Geweldig filmpje! Zie dat sneeuwdek alsmaar dikker worden!![]()
Watch 20 Hours of Blizzard in 38 Seconds http://goo.gl/OeIbM
Jan Visserquote:Amerikaanse meteorologen verwachten dat januari in grote delen van de VS mogelijk de koudste louwmaand in een kwart eeuw (1985) gaat worden. De komende dagen bereikt ‘bitter arctic air’ vanuit Canada de noordelijke Rockies en de Plains. In delen van Montana, de Dakotas, Minnesota, Nebraska en Iowa zullen de middagtemperaturen beneden -18 graden blijven. Later krijgen ook steden als Seattle, Portland, Dallas, Memphis en Charlotte, North Carolina met sneeuw en ijs te maken. Tijdens het aanstaande weekeinde en met name gedurende de derde week van de maand (17-23 januari) wordt de kou wellicht nog heftiger en kunnen in sommige delen van de VS kouderecords worden gevestigd.
De uitvalspoorten van de kou lijken voor wat betreft Europa minder gunstig te zijn. Niet eerder dan de laatste week van januari zou de grootschalige luchtdrukverdeling een winterser karakter kunnen krijgen. Het is echter prematuur om daar nu al rekening mee te houden. Eerst maar even de op stoom komende westcirculatie laten uitrazen.
quote:Sneeuwstorm teistert New York
NEW YORK - New York gaat sinds dinsdagnacht schuil onder een dikke deken van sneeuw. Duizenden vluchten zijn geannuleerd, het openbaar vervoer staat op losse schroeven en burgemeester Michael Bloomberg heeft een weeralarm afgekondigd.
Dat meldde The New York Times woensdag.
Het stadsbestuur heeft 365 strooiwagens en 1700 sneeuwschuivers op pad gestuurd om de metropool toegankelijk te houden. Bovendien ronselt de stad inwoners die de sneeuwruimers voor 12 dollar (ruim 9 euro) per uur een handje willen helpen.
De sneeuwval in New York veroorzaakt volgens meteorologen de uitzonderlijke situatie dat in 49 van de vijftig staten sneeuw ligt.
Het zuiden wordt geteisterd door een hardnekkige storm en zelfs op de toppen van een vulkaan op Hawaii zijn enkele sneeuwvlokken neergedwarreld. Alleen Florida is volledig sneeuwvrij.
Nu.nlquote:Op woensdag 12 januari 2011 10:01 schreef Frutsel het volgende:
en zelfs op de toppen van een vulkaan op Hawaii zijn enkele sneeuwvlokken neergedwarreld.
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