abonnement Unibet Coolblue
  maandag 5 maart 2018 @ 18:02:41 #101
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Een kleine sneak preview van het rapport van de Department of Justice Inspector General (OIG), Micheal Horowitz, is een aantal dagen geleden beschikbaar gemaakt in een aantal kranten.
De New York Times had de primeur met het artikel dat de OIG de adjunct FBI-directeur Andrew McCabe gaat beschuldigen van lekken naar de pers en het misleiden van onderzoekers van het departement van de OIG.

Het rapport van Horowitz beschuldigt McCabe ervan het lekken naar de pers te hebben geautoriseerd dat leidde tot een artikel in de Wall Street Journal (WSJ) dat een lopende dispuut onthulde over de wijze waarop het onderzoek van de e-mail controverse van Hillary Clinton zou moeten worden aangepakt.
Het onderzoek werd heropend na de ontdekking van overheids-e-mails op de laptop van Anthony Wiener,
Het dispuut lag in het voornemen van DoJ-officials het onderzoek in de e-mail controverse redelijk agressief aan te pakken en Andrew McCabe die het daarmee stellig niet eens was én de onderzoekers onder druk zette vooral dagvaardingen en een grand jury te vermijden.

De New York Times stelt dat het artikel van de WSJ meer schadelijk was voor Hillary Clinton dan voor Donald Trump en dat het het lekken naar de pers standaard praktijk is voor overheidsofficials om gaten in een narratief te vullen of het aanvoeren van een verdediging op een publicatie.
Tegelijkertijd schrijft ze ook dat de regels van het ministerie van Justitie de verspreiding van vertrouwelijke informatie verbiedt (inclusief link naar de desbetreffende overheidssite) en dat Mccabe de rem op het onderzoek zette, terwijl de field officers daar meer oprecht tegenover stonden.
The Washington Post publiceerde ook over dit onderwerp een artikel, maar de nadruk lag hier meer op de beschuldigingen van het misleiden van de OIG.

Een interessante gedeelte uit dit artikel benoemd de rol van Lisa Page.
McCabe heeft volgens de Washington Post haar vermoedelijk gebruikt voor het verspreiden van de informatie naar de pers.
Onlangs vrijgegeven sms-berichten tussen Peter Strzok en Lisa Page laten zien dat twee dagen voordat het verhaal werd gepubliceerd Page en senior woordvoerder van de FBI, Michael Kortan, aan de telefoon waren met de auteur van het WSJ-artikel, Devlin Barrett (die overigens nu voor de Washington Post werkzaam is) voor een langdurige meeting.
De sms-berichten laten ook zien dat Strzok en Page waarschijnlijk al wisten dat de WSJ met dit artikel zou komen.

Als deze artikelen kloppen kunnen de beschuldigingen opgestapeld worden bij alle overige ellende waar McCabe zich in bevindt.
In januari moest hij ontslag nemen nadat FBI-directeur Christopher Wray de Nunes-memo las.
De memo beschuldigt McCabe ervan het Steele-dossier te hebben gebruikt om een FISA-bevelschrift te verzekeren tegen Carter Page en een artikel van Yahoo News!, dat nota bene door Christopher Steele zelf is gelekt, te gebruiken als validatie van het dossier.
De sms-berichten tussen Strzok en Page die gaan over de beruchte “insurance policy” zijn in referentie van een meeting in zijn kantoor. Ook is onlangs bericht dat McCabe weken op de onthullingen van de Wiener-e-mails heeft gezeten, voordat James Comey dit op 30 oktober 2016 aan het Congres meedeelde.
Verder is het heel bedenkelijk dat McCabe zichzelf niet verschoonde van het onderzoek naar de e-mail controverse, ondanks de nadrukkelijke links met de Clinton's via zijn vrouw, Jill McCabe, en de oud-gouverneur van Virginia Terry McAuliffe, waardoor hij vermoedelijk de Hatch Act heeft overtreden.
McCabe verschoonde zich uiteindelijk een week voor de presidentsverkiezingen en nadat hij naar de pers had gelekt.

Het rapport van de OIG wordt vermoedelijk deze maand en uiterlijk volgende maand verwacht.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  maandag 5 maart 2018 @ 18:07:02 #102
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
FBI lacked corroboration for Page wiretap; discredited dossier writer Steele ID’d as Yahoo source

Two pieces of evidence that have come together prove anti-Trump dossier writer Christopher Steele was the key source for a Yahoo News story that the FBI cited to support its wiretap application.
Identifying the source of that September 2016 article on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page has taken on added importance in recent weeks.
First, Rep. Devin Nunes, California Republican and chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, issued a declassified memo on Feb. 2. It said the FBI relied greatly on Mr. Steele’s discredited Democrat-financed dossier to obtain a surveillance warrant on Mr. Page.
To bolster the dossier’s charge that Mr. Page met with two Kremlin figures in Moscow, the FBI cited the Yahoo News article, which said the same thing.
But the Nunes memo said the FBI, in its Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act application, wasn’t corroborating the dossier because the Page accusation in Yahoo came from the same source: Mr. Steele.

“The Carter Page FISA application also cited extensively a September 23, 2016 Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff, which focuses on Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow,” the memo states. “This article does not corroborate the Steele dossier because it is derived from information leaked by Steele himself to Yahoo News.”
Mr. Nunes cited Mr. Steele’s testimony, through his attorneys, in a London court case in which he is being sued for libel.
Then came a Democratic rebuttal from Rep. Adam B. Schiff of California, a leading dossier supporter.
Mr. Schiff, the House intelligence committee’s top Democrat, said Republicans failed to “cite evidence that Steele disclosed to Yahoo details included in the FISA warrant, since the British Court filings to which they refer do not address what Steele may have said to Yahoo.”
This assertion is important to Democrats. They are trying to bolster the FBI as it pursues collusion charges between the Trump campaign and Russia, and also support Mr. Steele, whose unverified accusations they have repeatedly cited.

The two pieces of evidence that say Mr. Steele was in fact the source:
⦁ In the London court case, Mr. Steele acknowledged that he came to the U.S. in September 2016 at the request of Fusion GPS, which paid him with Democratic Party money. He met with a number of major news representatives, including The New York Times and The Washington Post as he tried to sell his explosive charges. Included in Mr. Steele’s list of appointments was a meeting with Mr. Isikoff.
Mr. Isikoff subsequently wrote a story that matched the dossier. Both the dossier and the Yahoo story said Mr. Page met with two U.S.-sanctioned Russians, Rosneft oil chief Igor Sechin and Vladimir Putin aide Igor Diveykin. Mr. Isikoff sourced the information not to Mr. Steele but to a “Western intelligence source.”
Mr. Page, whose trip to Moscow was for a public speech at a university, has repeatedly denied under oath that he met the two men. The former Moscow resident and energy investor has decried the investigation into him, including the nearly one-year-long wiretap, which he says found no wrongdoing.
⦁ After Mr. Schiff wrote his rebuttal to the Nunes memo on Jan. 31, Mr. Isikoff, a longtime journalist in Washington with a number of scoops to his credit, posted an edition of his podcast, “Skullduggery,” on Feb. 2. Through the Nunes memo, Mr. Isikoff had just learned and said he was surprised that the FBI relied on his article before the FISA court judge.

He told about being summoned by his “old friend,” Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, to a private room in a Washington hotel to meet the former spy from Britain.
“Steele tells me an amazing story,” Mr. Isikoff said. “One of Donald Trump’s foreign policy advisers, Carter Page, had flown to Moscow and held private talks with close associates of Vladimir Putin about lifting U.S. sanctions against Russia. And Steele tells me something else that day that gets my attention. He has taken this information to the FBI, and the bureau is very interested. Why were they interested? What did the bureau know that would prompt them to take the next step of launching an investigation into an adviser to the Republican nominee for president?”
Mr. Isikoff subsequently wrote the article that ended up in the FBI’s FISA petition. His podcast sealed the case for Mr. Nunes.

This prompts the question: Why did the FBI believe that the dossier section about Mr. Page and the Isikoff article came from collaborating sources?
The answer lies in a declassified referral sent to the Justice Department from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican, and Sen. Lindsey Graham, South Carolina Republican.
The two said the evidence suggests that Mr. Steele lied to the FBI when he denied being the source. They have asked the Justice Department to investigate him.
“The FBI repeatedly represented to the court that Mr. Steele told the FBI he did not have unauthorized contacts with the press about the dossier prior to October 2016,” the senators’ referral said. “The FISA applications make these claims specifically in the context of the September 2106 Yahoo News article. But Mr. Steele has admitted — publicly before a court of law — that he did have such contacts with the press at this time and his former business partner Mr. Simpson has confirmed it to the committee.”
The referral says that the FBI either submitted false information or “Mr. Steele made materially false statements to the FBI when he claimed he provided the dossier information only to his business partner and the FBI.”
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  maandag 5 maart 2018 @ 20:22:20 #103
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Als aanvulling op het artikel hierboven van de Washington Times zijn hier de gerechtelijke documenten van de rechtszaak tussen Aleksej Gubarev en Christopher Steele waarin Steele toegeeft dat hij op verzoek van Fusion GPS naar de Verenigde Staten afreisde.
Dit is het moment, eind september 2016, dat Steele journalisten van The Washington Post, New York Times, Yahoo News!, The New Yorker en CNN ontmoette.
Steele had daarna nog een meetings in midden oktober met The Washington Post, New York Times en Yahoo! News en eind oktober met Mother Jones.

Trump-dossier rechtszaak

Met andere woorden ontmoette Steele bijna alle belangrijke nieuwsoutlets in de Verenigde Staten om hen te informeren over zijn fictieve dossier, waaruit zij vervolgens artikelen publiceerden om Donald Trump te beschadigen en de “Russia collusion”-narratief te verspreiden en hoog in de media-aandacht te houden, wetende dat er geen bewijs was om ook maar iets uit het dossier te kunnen verifiëren.
En de FBI gebruikte het artikel van Yahoo News!, gebaseerd op informatie van Christopher Steele (via Nellie Ohr), ter validatie voor hun aanvraag van een spionagebevel van Carter Page.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door dellipder op 09-03-2018 07:55:06 ]
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  woensdag 7 maart 2018 @ 10:32:32 #104
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Gisteren kwam The Hill met het artikel over de oud-ambassadeur van Australië Alexander Downer en zijn financiële banden met de Clintons.
Ik heb vorige maand in dit bericht, in mijn opinie, de meer dan toevallige connectie al benoemd.

Om het weer even uit de herinnering te halen is Downer de Australische diplomaat die George Papadopoulos, een campagnemedewerker van Donald Trump, tegenkwam in een Londense bar. Het gesprek dat beide heren met elkaar voerden was de initiële aanzet van het “Russia collusion”-onderzoek in 2016.
De financiële banden tussen de Clinton's en Downer heb ik in eerder genoemde bericht benoemd, maar ik wil nogmaals benadrukken dat Downer's bijdrage een van de grootste buitenlandse donaties was.
De kern van dit artikel gaat over dat Congresleden vertellen dat de FBI het Congres niet over deze financiële connecties heeft ingelicht en dat er zorgen zijn dat met deze informatie bijna al het bewijs dat de FBI gebruikt heeft als rechtvaardiging voor het bespioneren van Donald Trump en de Trump-campagne van bronnen afkomstig zijn die direct verbonden of een affiliatie zijn van de Clinton's.

Dus al deze informatie ga ik dan even onder elkaar zetten;

• Christopher Steel is inderdaad via Perkens Coie en Fusion GPS ingehuurd door de Clinton-campagne
Sidney Blumenthal is een innige vriend van Hillary Clinton, die haar hielp op buitenlandbeleid tijdens haar periode als Secretary of State (SoS)
Cody Shearer is een langdurige bondgenoot van Clinton, werkt meestal samen met Blumenthal. Er is ook een lijntje via zijn broer Derek die de Amerikaanse ambassadeur voor Finland was in de Clinton-regering en via zijn schoonbroer Strobe Talbott, hoge adviseur in de Clinton-regering
Sergei Millian was waarschijnlijk degene die het verhaal van de golden shower had doorgegeven aan Steele, werkte dus namens Clinton-campagne
• Alexander Downer doneerde $25 miljoen aan de Clinton Foundation
Mike Isikoff was de auteur van het Yahoo! News artikel dat via Nellie en Bruce Ohr door de FBI werd gebruikt als validatie voor het Steele-dossier, werkte dus via Steele voor Hillary Clinton-campagne
Jonathan Winer was speciale afgezant voor Libië in de periode van Clinton's en John Kerry's Sos

Ik ben ook niet erg verbaasd dat de House Intelligence Committee een onderzoek start naar de voormalige SoS John Kerry, omdat Winer, Blumenthal en Shearer allemaal banden hebben met Buitenlandse Zaken, het departement dat Clinton leidde.
En al helemaal niet na het opiniestuk dat Winer schreef in The Washington Post waarin hij zijn relatie met Christopher Steele en zijn rol in het dossier verdedigde -een goede manier om de aandacht op je te laten vestigen.
De criminal referral van Christopher Steele van de Senate Judiciary Committee onthulde ook al dat verschillende bondgenoten van Clinton verbonden zijn met Buitenlandse Zaken en het dossier, bijvoorbeeld dat Sidney Blumenthal naar het zich laat aanzien Steele voorzag van informatie.

To be continued...

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door dellipder op 09-03-2018 08:05:07 ]
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  woensdag 7 maart 2018 @ 15:16:30 #105
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Als aanvulling op het bericht hierboven bevindt John Kerry zich inmiddels middenin potentiële strafrechtelijke implicaties, omdat hij als Secretary of State (SoS) zijn departement en zijn rol als voorzitter van een senaatscommissie gebruikt heeft om miljoenen belasting dollars door te sluizen via de Peace Corps naar de non-profit organisatie Seed Global Health van zijn dochter dr. Vanessa Kerry.

Het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken financierde een Peace Corps-programma dat werd opgericht door dr. Vanessa Kerry en ambtenaren van beide instanties. De Peace Corps kende dit geld vervolgens zonder concurrentie toe aan de non-profitorganisatie die Kerry speciaal voor het programma had gecreëerd.
In eerste instantie werd Seed Global Health een contract van drie jaar ter waarde van $ 2 miljoen State Department geld toegekend op 10 september 2012.
John Kerry was toen de voorzitter van de Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, die toezicht
op zowel Buitenlandse Zaken als de Peace Corps.
Het contract met Seed Global Health werd in september 2015 verlengd met vier jaar, wederom zonder concurrentie. Deze keer gaf de Peace Corps Seed Global Health $ 6,4 miljoen die door het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken werd verstrekt en in deze periode was John Kerry minister van Buitenlandse Zaken
Vanessa Kerry kreeg additioneel bijna $1 miljoen vanwege een aanpassing op de eerste toekenning en andere financiële bijdragen van fondsen van Buitenlandse zaken die buiten Peace Corps waren verzekerd.

John Kerry en ambtenaren heulden samen om het Global Health Service Partnership-programma op te starten en ervoor te zorgen dat Seed Global Health het contract zou krijgen.
De betrokken personen bij Peace Corps waren directeuren Warren Buckingham and Sarah Morgenthau.
Een aantal memo's onthullen de strategie die gevolgd is om Seed Global Health de contracten toe te kennen. Er is een memo van een meeting met Eric Goosby, die momenteel de post van VN hoge afgevaardigde tuberculose bekleed. En een memo van maand na deze ontmoeting waarin Buckingham het proces toelicht van een snelle toekenning mechanisme om de financiering voor Seed Global Health zeker te stellen.
Ondertussen stopte Buitenlandse Zaken de intentie van het doorsluizen van deze fondsen in de doofpot en uit het zicht van verplichte notificaties aan het Congres.
Uit het belastingformulier van Seed Global Health valt op te maken dat dr. Vanessa Kerry de enige official was van de non-profitorganisatie die salaris ontving, $140.000 voor 30 uur per week.

Warren Buckingham heeft 3 weken geleden ingestemd om volledig samen te werken met de openbare aanklagers in dit onderzoek in ruil voor geen verdere vervolging.
Volgens de gerechtelijke documenten stemde hij ermee om alle feitelijke informatie rondom dit schandaal vrij te geven, inclusief elk document, aantekening of ander tastbaar bewijs.
Buckingham stemde ook in met getuigenverhoren, waaronder ook het getuigen voor een grand jury of in rechtszaken en het identificeren van andere getuigen die mogelijk informatie hebben over het onderzoek.
De meeste betrokken personen en instanties hebben verklaard dat er technisch gezien geen problemen op zijn gedoken en dat er geen sprake was van belangenverstrengeling zoals verwoord door de woordvoerder van Seed Global Health Mark Marino:


Dan blijft er sowieso een ethische aspect over en de vraag of dit nu de juiste rol is voor de overheid.
De meeste welvarende Amerikanen (en andere mensen) financieren hun liefdadigheidsprojecten met het eigen vermogen.
John Kerry heeft een geschatte netto eigen vermogen van $194 miljoen.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  Moderator woensdag 7 maart 2018 @ 16:59:03 #106
249559 crew  Lavenderr
Dellipder, bedankt voor al je informatieve posts ^O^
  woensdag 7 maart 2018 @ 17:27:54 #107
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
0s.gif Op woensdag 7 maart 2018 16:59 schreef Lavenderr het volgende:
Dellipder, bedankt voor al je informatieve posts ^O^
Dank U.
Dat waardeer ik. :)
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  woensdag 7 maart 2018 @ 17:36:28 #108
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok werd op de hoogte gebracht van een onregelmatigheid in de server van Hillary Clinton, maar ondernam daarop geen actie.
Hij heeft vermoedelijk bewijs van een potentiële hack in de doofpot gestopt – de server met daarop vertrouwelijke nationale veiligheidsinformatie (zoals SIPRNet en SAPs).
Volgens bronnen van Fox News werd Strzok ingelicht over een afwijking in de metadata in 2016, maar volgde hij het protocol van een formele schadebeoordeling niet op.
Deze beoordelingen, de Directive 732 damage assessment, worden gedaan in de gevallen van ongeoorloofde openbaarmaking (lekken) of het hacken van vertrouwelijke nationale veiligheidsinformatie.
Naast de voor de hand liggende veiligheidsrisico's kunnen we deze onthulling ook verbinden met de uitspraken van James Comey in zijn verklaring in juli 2016:

“With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked.”

We weten inmiddels dat in mei en juni dit statement van Comey over de hack van Clinton's server werd aangepast van “reasonably likely” naar merely “possible” en dat Peter Strzok verantwoordelijk is geweest voor de veranderingen.


Samengevat als deze bronnen juist zijn -maar ik schat Catherine Herridge behoorlijk hoog in- hebben we hier potentieel te maken met een misdrijf en het roept vragen op wat James Comey precies wist op het moment van zijn publiekelijke statement waarin hij Clinton vrij pleitte.
Was hij net als Strzok op de hoogte van een anomalie in de metadata dat een bewijs was van een hack?
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  woensdag 7 maart 2018 @ 18:20:50 #109
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Als aanvulling op het bericht hierboven een kort clipje uit 2015

Er zijn speculaties dat Hillary Clinton doelbewust haar server "open" heeft gelaten, zodat het kon dienen als servicepunt voor buitenlandse entiteiten als pay for play structuur in het uitwisselen van informatie voor dollars.
Clinton kon toegang verlenen tot bepaalde documenten en dit dan nabootsen als een hack, zodat ze een plausibele ontkenning over zou houden.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  woensdag 7 maart 2018 @ 19:27:14 #110
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
DOJ Announces Fast and Furious Documents Withheld by Eric Holder Will Be Released

The Department of Justice announced Wednesday additional documents related to the Operation Fast and Furious scandal during the Obama administration will be released to the House Oversight Committee. The documents were previously withheld by Attorney General Eric Holder, who was voted in civil and criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to turn them over.

“The Department of Justice under my watch is committed to transparency and the rule of law. This settlement agreement is an important step to make sure that the public finally receives all the facts related to Operation Fast and Furious,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions released in a statement.

The Department stated the document release is part of “the conditional settlement agreement, filed in federal court in Washington D.C.” and “would end six years of litigation arising out of the previous administration’s refusal to produce documents requested by the Committee.”

During an interview with Fox and Friends Tuesday, the brother of slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry called on the Trump administration to reopen the investigation into the operation and to release previously withheld documents.

"We need to find out the truth, exactly what happened, how it happened, why it happened. We need Mr. Trump, President Trump, to unseal the documents, reverse executive privilege so that we know what happened, and that we can hold the people accountable that are responsible," Kent Terry said.

Terry was murdered by Mexican cartel rip crew members in December 2010. They were carrying guns illegally trafficked by ATF to Mexico through the Fast and Furious program.

Operation Fast and Furious was a secret ATF program, overseen heavily at the highest levels at the Department of Justice, which took place between September 2009 and December 2010. ATF agents repeatedly and knowingly allowed individuals working for Mexican cartels to traffic thousands of AK-47s, .50 caliber rifles and handguns into Mexico. The operation ended in 2010 when Agent Terry was murdered and years of coverups surrounding his death and the extent of the operation ensued. Hundreds, if not thousands of Mexican citizens have been murdered as a result of the U.S. government putting guns into the hands of narco-terrorists and a number of firearms trafficked during the operation have been found at additional crime scenes in the United States.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  donderdag 8 maart 2018 @ 16:40:58 #111
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Hierboven staat het bericht met het artikel over het vrijgeven van “Fast and Furious-documenten.
In de laatste alinea staat een korte uitleg over de gebeurtenis die in deze documenten staat weergegeven.
Ik ga met dit bericht nader in op deze perikelen en het filmpje hieronder is een prima aanzet.

Er is een premisse over dit topic dat dit een geheime operatie betreft dat onder de Bush-regering is gestart en dat de Obama-regering daarmee geconfronteerd werd toen zij het Witte Huis bemande. Een bekende citaat van Barack Obama wordt hierbij vaak aangehaald;

"I think it’s important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration."
"When (Attorney General) Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it. We assigned an inspector general to do a thorough report that was just issued."

De bewegende beelden van dit statement;

Deze premisse en het statement van Obama zijn onjuist.
Het verdiende volgens The Washington Post's factchecker “Three Pinocchios” en een “False” van Politifact.
Een dag voordat Obama dit interview deed voor Univision gaf de inspecteur-generaal van het ministerie van Justitie een rapport vrij over Fast and Furious.
Dit rapport laat duidelijk zien dat Fast and Furious begon onder de Obama-regering, vanaf begin oktober 2009 -Obama trad in januari 2009 in functie.

Dit gezegd hebbende was er onder de Bush-regering een soortgelijke programma tussen 2006-2007.
Dat programma, Operation Wide Receiver genaamd (dat een onderdeel was van een pilot Project Gunrunner, startte in Laredo Texas), en probeerde ook verdachte wapens te traceren. De verkoop van wapens werd toegestaan zelfs wanneer de ATF een redelijk vermoeden had om aan te nemen dat er sprake was van een illegale verkoop, om zodoende vooruitgang te boeken in de strijd tegen zware (drugs-)criminaliteit.
Een andere overeenkomst is dat deze operatie ook door de ATF’s Phoenix Field Division werd opgezet.

Waarin de strategie van de operatie van de Bush-regering duidelijk verschilt met die van de Obama-regering is dat de kopers van de wapens na de overdracht, maar voordat men de grens over kon steken naar Mexico of men de wapens kon overgedragen aan zware criminelen, meteen werden gearresteerd.
Sterker nog, de cijfers over arrestaties en vervolgingen met behulp van deze operatie lagen significant lager tijdens de Obama-regering. Alsof het leek dat Justitie helemaal niet geïnteresseerd was in het vervolgen van illegale wapendealers.
ATF-agenten hebben getuigenissen afgelegd dat ze uitdrukkelijk de opdracht hadden gekregen om niet in actie te komen toen ze wapendealers probeerden te volgen en dat alle zorgen over de gevolgen van de gekozen strategie met betrekking tot de veiligheid van Amerikanen werden weggewuifd.

Operatie Wide Receiver had gefaald, omdat het weinig tot niets bijdroeg aan een verbod, handhaving of vervolgingen ondanks de miljoenen die daaraan werden besteed.
En er waren problemen met het traceersysteem, waardoor het uitvoeren van wapendeals bemoeilijkt werd.
Bij de operatie Fast and Furious werden zware criminelen van Mexicaanse drugkartels bewapend en officials hebben bevestigd dat deze wapens honderden Mexicaanse burgers hebben gedood.
Eric Holder (over hem later meer) verklaarde onder ede, dat waarschijnlijk ook in de toekomst doden zouden kunnen vallen als gevolg van dit programma.

Er zijn een aantal theorieën over Fast and Furious.
Deze operatie werd gestart om de Sinaloa drug kartel te ondersteunen ten koste van hun rivaal Los Zetas (mogelijk in ruil voor geld en/of drugs) om het drugsgeweld in de grensstreek aan te pakken.
Buitenlandse Zaken ruilde Amerikaanse visa voor informatie over Los Zetas.
De ATF liet op zijn minst 2000 wapens uit Amerikaanse wapenwinkels direct naar Sinaloa kartel leden gaan en de DEA hielp mee met het circuleren van miljoenen dollars drugsgeld van het kartel over de grens (en misschien nog wel andere zaken?).
Het Mexicaanse nieuwsblad El Universal voerde een jaar lang onderzoek uit waarin de verslaggevers de omvang en de gevolgen van deze illegale samenwerking documenteerden.

Een andere theorie is dat de operatie van het overspoelen van Mexico met Amerikaanse wapens en het geweld dat daaruit zou voortvloeien een bewustzijn zou aanmoedigen, mogelijk zou maken of creëren om een verbod op semi automatische geweren in de Verenigde Staten te rechtvaardigen.
In dit proces zou ook de laatste overgebleven verhandelbare automatische wapens weggevoerd verworden met de veronderstelling dat later deze wapens aan de grens als overheidsbezit zou kunnen worden ingevorderd en vernietigd.

Naast vele Mexicaanse burgerdoden werd Border Patrol agent Brian Terry in december 2010 met een van de wapens van Fast and Furious gedood.
Dit was meteen het einde van dit programma.

De House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (COGR) trachtte dit schandaal te onderzoeken, maar de Obama-regering heeft onderzoekers van het Congres doorlopend dwarsgezeten en het onderzoek met vertragingstactieken gefrustreerd -door het geven van misleidende verklaringen en het achterhouden van documenten.
Ten eerste ontkende zij dat agenten aan informanten toestemming hadden gegeven om illegaal vuurwapens in de Verenigde Staten te kopen met de bedoeling te verhandelen zonder arrestaties.
Bijna een jaar later gaf het eindelijk toe dat dit precies hetgeen was dat er was gebeurd.

Ten tweede probeerde president Obama te voorkomen dat documenten die door de onderzoekscommissie werden gedagvaard zouden worden overgedragen door zijn executive privilege te claimen. Deze claim werd echter door een federale rechter afgewezen.

Als reactie op de houding van president Obama en de procureur-generaal Eric Holder stemde de House of Representatives (the House) in juni 2012 in overgrote meerderheid dat Eric Holder het Congres had geminacht. Dit was voor het eerst in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis dat het zittende hoofd van het ministerie van Justitie dit “overkwam”.
The House heeft later een rechtszaak aangespannen om te proberen de openbaarmaking van de (ruim 240.000) documenten te forceren. De zaak werd herhaaldelijk uitgesteld, omdat er geen schikking kon worden getroffen.
Drie en een half jaar later legde rechter Amy Berman Jackson het aanleveren van zo'n 20.000 pagina's op en uiteindelijk zwichtte de Obama-regering in 2016 en leek zich te schikken in de eerdere uitspraak.

Het artikel van het bericht hierboven gaat met name over additionele documenten van deze operatie die verzegeld zijn of onder executive privilege vallen.
Het ministerie van Justitie van de huidige regering heeft een extra schikkingsovereenkomst bij de rechtbank ingediend om alle door de COGR opgevraagde documenten vrij te geven.
Een aantal statements rondom het vrijgeven van de documenten:

De broer van de gedode grenswacht Brian Terry, Kent Terry.

De procureur-generaal Jeff Sesions:

“The Department of Justice under my watch is committed to transparency and the rule of law”

“This settlement agreement is an important step to make sure that the public finally receives all the facts related to Operation Fast and Furious.”

Amanda Gonzalez woordvoerster van de COGR:

“For over six years, the House Oversight Committee has fought for additional documents related to Operation Fast and Furious. Today, the Committee finally reached a conditional settlement with the Department of Justice”

“The Committee seeks all relevant facts so we can learn from the mistakes made by the Justice Department. We have a responsibility to uncover why they worked so hard to hide this information from the Committee, the family of [slain border patrol agent] Brian Terry, and the American people.”

Een aantal filmpjes die ik nog kan aanbevelen over dit schandaal:

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door dellipder op 09-03-2018 10:05:18 ]
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  donderdag 8 maart 2018 @ 21:47:29 #112
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte en House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy hebben dinsdag een brief gestuurd aan de procureur-generaal Jeff Sessions met daarin de oproep voor het instellen van een tweede special counsel om potentiële partijdigheid en belangenverstrengeling binnen het ministerie van Justitie te onderzoeken.
De special counsel zou ook bewijs moeten beoordelen van partijdigheid van medewerkers of agenten van de DoJ, de FBI of andere departementen.
Ze vragen ook bewijs te beoordelen over de beslissingen die gemaakt zijn om aanklachten in te stellen of juist niet én of deze genomen zijn conform de wet, onderzoeksmethoden en policy van vervolging. Daarnaast vragen Goodlatte en Gowdy het bewijs te beoordelen of het FISA-proces wettelijk en volgens de relevante procedures en policy zijn doorlopen.

Er is rondom het aanhoudende FISA-schandaal en de kwesties van onwettig DoJ- en FBI-gedrag in het politieke onderzoek naar Donald Trump en de Trump-campagne veel consternatie ontstaan over Jeff Sessions.
Grote verdeeldheid heerst er tussen mensen, die de details van de verschillende kwesties en schandalen van de afgelopen maanden, die onthuld zijn, volgen. Veel mensen hekelen de vermeende inactiviteit van de procureur-generaal.

Dit gezegd hebbende, onthulde Sessions gisterenavond in een interview met Shannon Bream dat hij een openbaar aanklager heeft aangesteld, die met de Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Micheal Horowitz samenwerkt om de kwesties te onderzoeken die werden aangeleverd door Goodlatte en Gowdy.

“Well, I have great respect for Mr. Gowdy and Chairman Goodlatte, and we are going to consider seriously their recommendations. I have appointed a person outside of Washington, many years in the Department of Justice to look at all the allegations that the House Judiciary Committee members sent to us; and we’re conducting that investigation.”

Dit is een interessante ontwikkeling.
Een tweede special counsel is vanwege alle onthullingen over partijdigheid, mismanagement en vermeende wetsovertredingen binnen de DoJ en de FBI te rechtvaardigen, maar gaat veel tijd vergen.
Een openbaar aanklager die met Horowitz samenwerkt kan direct na het vrijgeven van het OIG-rapport aanklachten instellen. Een ander voordeel is dat een openbare aanklager geen beperkte jurisdictie heeft in tegenstelling tot die van de OIG Horowitz.
En het lijkt erop dat deze openbare aanklager al een tijdje aan het werk is.
Waarschijnlijk zijn er ook al een aantal meewerkende getuigen van binnen de DoJ en FBI, zoals Andrew McCabe en Bill Priestap.

Ik vermoed dat er op redelijk korte termijn de 'Russia collusion”-saga een flink andere wending gaat krijgen.

To be continued...
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zaterdag 10 maart 2018 @ 15:52:08 #113
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Het artikel hieronder is een longread, dus je moet er even de tijd voor nemen.
Ik heb in de context van dit topic al een aantal berichten gemaakt over de rol van de media en dit stuk sluit daar naadloos bij aan.
Het beschrijft, in mijn opinie, feilloos de corrupte rol van de media in de aanval op burgerlijke vrijheden gedurende het "Russia collusion"-onderzoek; het spionageschandaal van de Obama-regering.
Het artikel is ongeveer 20.000 woorden lang, dus voor het gemak heb ik dit verdeeld in twee berichten.

Who Believes in Russiagate?

Knowledgeable reporters on the left and right are frightened by the spread of an elite conspiracy theory among American media

Half the country hates Donald Trump, and even the half that thinks he’s doing a good job often flinch from his boorishness, his nasty public attacks, sometimes even on his own aides.

For all the top talent he says he’s surrounded himself with, the president repeatedly attracts among the worst that Washington -and New York- have to offer. No doubt that’s one reason why whatever is thrown at him seems to stick.

At the same time, there is a growing consensus among reporters and thinkers on the left and right -especially those who know anything about Russia, the surveillance apparatus, and intelligence bureaucracy -that the Russiagate-collusion theory that was supposed to end Trump’s presidency within six months has sprung more than a few holes. Worse, it has proved to be a cover for U.S. intelligence and law-enforcement bureaucracies to break the law, with what’s left of the press gleefully going along for the ride. Where Watergate was a story about a crime that came to define an entire generation’s oppositional attitude toward politicians and the country’s elite, Russiagate, they argue, has proved itself to be the reverse: It is a device that the American elite is using to define itself against its enemies—the rest of the country.

Yet for its advocates, the questionable veracity of the Russiagate story seems much less important than what has become its real purpose -elite virtue-signaling. Buy into a storyline that turns FBI and CIA bureaucrats and their hand-puppets in the press into heroes while legitimizing the use of a vast surveillance apparatus for partisan purposes, and you’re in. Dissent, and you’re out, or worse -you're defending Trump.

Recently, a writer on The New Yorker blog named Adrian Chen gave voice to the central dilemma facing young media professionals who struggle to balance their need for social approval with the demands of fact-based analysis in the age of Trump. In an article pegged to special counsel Robert Mueller’s indictments of the Internet Research Agency, Chen referenced an article he had written about the IRA for The New York Times Magazine several years ago. After the Mueller indictments were announced, Chen was called on to lend his expertise regarding Russian troll farms and their effect on the American public sphere -an offer he recognized immediately as a can’t-win proposition.

“Either I could stay silent,” wrote Chen, “and allow the conversation to be dominated by those pumping up the Russian threat, or I could risk giving fodder to Trump and his allies.”

In other words, there’s the truth, and then there’s what’s even more important -sticking it to Trump. Choose wrong, even inadvertently, Chen explained, no matter how many times you deplore Trump, and you’ll be labeled a Trumpkin. That’s what happened to Facebook advertising executive Rob Goldman, who was obliged to apologize to his entire company in an internal message for having shared with the Twitter public the fact that “the majority of the Internet Research Agency’s Facebook ads were purchased after the election.” After Trump retweeted Goldman’s thread to reaffirm that Vladimir Putin had nothing to do with his electoral victory, the Facebook VP was lucky to still have a job.

Chen’s article serves to explain why Russiagate is so vital to The New Yorker, despite the many headaches that each new weekly iteration of the story must be causing for the magazine’s fact-checkers. According to British court documents, The New Yorker was one of the publications that former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele briefed in September 2016 on the findings in his now-notorious dossier. In a New Yorker profile of Steele this week -portraying the spy-for-corporate-hire as a patriotic hero and laundering his possible criminal activities -Jane Mayer explains that she was personally briefed by Steele during that time period.

The New Yorker has produced tons of Russiagate stories, including a small anthology of takes on the Mueller indictments alone. Of course there’s one by the recently-hired Adam Entous, the former Washington Post and Wall Street Journal reporter who broke the news that the Washington firm Fusion GPS, which produced the Steele dossier, had been hired by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee -a story that helped Fusion GPS relieve some of the pressure congressional inquiries had put on the firm to release its bank records. No doubt Entous will continue to use his sources, whoever they are, to break more such stories at The New Yorker.

One person at The New Yorker who won’t get on board with the story is Masha Gessen. Born in Moscow, Gessen knows first-hand how bad Putin is and dislikes Trump only a little less than she dislikes the Russian strongman. Yet in a recent New Yorker piece, Gessen mocked Mueller’s indictments: “Trump’s tweet about Moscow laughing its ass off was unusually (perhaps accidentally) accurate,” she wrote. “Loyal Putinites and dissident intellectuals alike are remarkably united in finding the American obsession with Russian meddling to be ridiculous.”

Another native Russian-speaking reporter, Julia Ioffe, formerly with The New Republic and more recently, The Atlantic, has some similar reservations. In a September 2016 article for Politico, she threw cold water on the legend of Carter Page, master spy and wheeler-dealer. As Ioffe reported, virtually no one in Moscow had ever heard of Page.

From the beginning, Gessen saw the collusion story as dangerous, not because she supported Trump but because it fed into a fantasy that convinced Trump’s opponents that they need not bother with the difficult and boring work of procedural politics. And who were the would-be agents of America’s salvation? Spies -the former British spy allegedly responsible for the dossier and countless American intelligence officials using anonymous press leaks to manipulate the American public.

“The backbone of the rapidly yet endlessly developing Trump-Putin story,” Gessen wrote in The New York Review of Books nearly a year ago, “is leaks from intelligence agencies, and this is its most troublesome aspect.”

The specter of an intelligence bureaucracy working in tandem with the press to preserve the prerogatives of a ruling clique is the kind of thing that someone who knows Russia from the inside and actually fears the specter of authoritarian government would naturally find worrying. And not surprisingly, concerns over the role of the intelligence community and its increasingly intrusive methods motivate other Russiagate critics on the left, like Glenn Greenwald at the Intercept, historian Jackson Lears writing at the London Review of Books, and Stephen Cohen at The Nation.

“One of the most bizarre aspects of Russiagate,” writes Lears, “is the magical transformation of intelligence agency heads into paragons of truth-telling -a trick performed not by reactionary apologists for domestic spying, as one would expect, but by people who consider themselves liberals.”

Cohen, a distinguished if often overly sympathetic historian of the Soviet Union, was even more alarmed. “Was Russiagate produced by the primary leaders of the US intelligence community?” asks Cohen, referring to former CIA director John Brennan as well as ex-FBI chief James Comey. “If so, it is the most perilous political scandal in modern American history and the most detrimental to American democracy.”

Yes, the left hates Trump. I didn’t vote for him, either. But what Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and Cohen all understand is that Russiagate isn’t about Trump. He’s just a convenient proxy for the real target. Their understanding is shared by writers on the right, like Andrew McCarthy, a former lawyer at the Department of Justice, who has unfolded the Russiagate affair over the last year in the pages of National Review, where he has carefully explained how the DOJ and FBI misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in order to spy on Carter Page and violate the privacy of an American citizen.

What unites Gessen, Greenwald, Lears, and McCarthy obviously isn’t politics—rather, it’s the recognition that the Russiagate campaign represents an attack on American political and social institutions, an attack on our liberties, an attack on us. Russiagate is a conspiracy theory, weaponized by political operatives, much of the press, as well as high-level intelligence and law enforcement bureaucrats to delegitimize an American election and protect their own interests, which coincide with those of the country’s larger professional and bureaucratic elite. [...]
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zaterdag 10 maart 2018 @ 15:52:57 #114
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
[...] The story of how the Russiagate collusion myth was made and marketed is much easier to understand -it’s social. Imagine a map of professional, academic, and family networks that connect people across professions like law, journalism, public relations, and lobbying, which intersect with political institutions, like the permanent bureaucracies that staff places like the FBI, CIA, Congress, and the White House. That map is largely blue, but there’s lots of red there, too.

The story of how spies and journalists came to collaborate on a disinformation campaign is also, as the left may not be surprised to find, partly explained by economics. With the rise of the internet and social media, and the resulting collapse of print advertising, it was no longer necessary for the media to mass so close to New York City ad firms. Surviving old-media outlets and their new-media cousins moved much of their operations to Washington, which offered one-stop shopping for “national” stories. Having insulated itself from the 2008 economic collapse, the capital thrived. Ambitious and inexperienced young journalists flocked to where the jobs were, staffing startup news and social media operations -which were often simply partisan war rooms that produced and solicited opposition research -just in time to cover Obama’s historic presidency.

For those like Gessen, Cohen, Lears, and others on the left who don’t understand how and when American journalists got in bed with the country’s spies, it started several years before Trump or Russiagate. It was while reporting on the Obama administration that the press came to rely on the White House’s political operatives, including intelligence officials, for sources and stories about American foreign policy. It got worse when the Obama administration started spying on its domestic opponents during the Iran deal, when the Obama administration learned how far it could go in manipulating the foreign-intelligence surveillance apparatus for domestic political advantage. As Adam Entous, then of The Wall Street Journal, wrote in a December 2015 article, “the National Security Agency’s targeting of Israeli leaders and officials also swept up the contents of some of their private conversations with U.S. lawmakers and American-Jewish groups.”

Obama administration officials had leaked the story to Entous in order to shape its reception. After all, the real news was pretty bad—Obama had spied on Americans and the Americans he spied on, Congress and Jewish community leaders, knew it. But in Entous’ account, it was only by accident that the National Security Agency had listened in on Americans opposed to the Iran deal, opponents whose communications had simply been “swept up.” While Entous’ evident lack of skepticism about that account was hardly good reporting, it was perfectly in keeping with the maxim of not biting the hand that feeds you.

What the White House really wanted to know, on Entous’ telling, was what the Israeli prime minister and his ambassador to Washington were doing to contest the Iran deal. Except, neither Benjamin Netanyahu nor Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer makes U.S. policy: Congress does. As I explained in an April Tablet article, the purpose of the spying campaign was to help the White House fight U.S. legislators and other Americans critical of the deal -i.e., to win a domestic political battle. A pro-Israel political operative who was deeply involved in the Iran deal fight told me last year, “The NSA’s collections of foreigners became a means of gathering real-time intelligence on Americans.” With the Iran deal, as would later happen with Russiagate, the ostensible targets of intelligence collection -Israel, then Russia- were simply instruments that the Obama administration used to go after the real bad guys, namely its enemies at home.

The same process of weaponizing foreign-intelligence collection for domestic political purposes that the Obama administration road-tested during the Iran-deal fight was used to manufacture Russiagate and get it to market. Except instead of keeping a close hold of the identities of those swept up during “incidental collection” of U.S. persons, departing Obama White House officials leaked the names to friendly reporters.

Leaking classified intelligence is a felony, which means that Obama officials, many in the intelligence community, who leaked the names of Americans whose communications were intercepted to the press, were breaking the law. A crucial concern, then, was the trustworthiness of the intermediaries chosen to publish classified intelligence. It is to those intermediaries that anyone seeking to understand how the press became an instrument of the U.S. intelligence bureaucracy’s information war must now turn.

Entous, now The New Yorker’s man in Washington, had already proved his trustworthiness by shaping the story about Obama administration spying on congressional and American Jewish-community leaders in a way that was favorable to the administration, and disguised blatant abuses of power. More stories would now come his way, courtesy of the U.S. intelligence community.

One of Entous’ most famous Russia-related scoops was a Dec. 31, 2016, Washington Post article reporting that “according to US officials,” Russians hackers had penetrated the computer system of a Vermont dam. As it turns out, the story was entirely wrong.

A statement from Burlington Electric released shortly after the Post’s story explained that a laptop unconnected to the company’s grid was affected by malware. There was no threat to the dam, never mind “the nation’s electrical grid,” as the anonymous U.S. officials quoted in the Entous story had claimed.

In other words, there was no story -which Entous or his co-writer would have discovered had they contacted the electricity company. They didn’t, because the story was not sourced to original reporting -i.e. discovering from sources on location in Vermont that the state’s electrical grid had in fact been compromised. In support of reporting like that, the journalists might well have sought supporting information or quotes from government officials, named or even anonymous. Instead, their story started with anonymous U.S. officials, who leaked to Entous and his colleague for the evident purpose of advancing the Russiagate narrative. Russia was everywhere -from a dam in Vermont to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

If Entous’ story about the Obama administration’s spying on Congress and U.S. Jewish leaders showed that the reporter was trustworthy, the Vermont-dam article showed he wasn’t going to ask many questions of the officials who pointed him toward a nonexistent story, whose purpose appeared to have less to do with the health of the state of Vermont than with fear-mongering about Russia.

Clearly, someone noticed. In the March 1, 2017, Washington Post, Entous was lead byline on an article breaking the news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions met twice with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. A July 21, 2017, Post story on which Entous had the lead byline alleged that Sessions had discussed campaign-related matters with Kislyak. The latter story provides evidence of how the March and July articles were produced -U.S. officials leaked classified intelligence regarding intercepts of Kislyak’s communications with Moscow, in which he discussed Sessions. Officials then unmasked the identity of the attorney general and leaked it to Entous and the other reporters on the story.

Following close on the heels of those two pass-through DC-based “scoops,” Entous was lead byline on an April 3, 2017, story reporting a meeting in the Seychelles between Blackwater founder Erik Prince and a Russian banker, reportedly to set up a back channel between Trump and Putin. After publication of the story, Prince said he was shown “specific evidence” by sources from the intelligence community that his name was unmasked and given to the paper. “Unless The Washington Post has somehow miraculously recruited the bartender of a hotel in the Seychelles,” Prince told the House Intelligence Committee in December, “the only way that’s happening is through SIGINT [signals intelligence].” Recent news reports suggest that Prince’s meeting has become a key focus of the Mueller investigation. If those reports are accurate, it seems even more likely that classified intelligence was purposefully being leaked to put pressure on Prince. A week later, on April 11, 2017, Entous is bylined on yet another story based on a leak of classified intelligence that once again violated the privacy rights of an American citizen when the Post broke the news that the FBI secured a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant on Carter Page.

If you think Russiagate is real, then you will probably conclude that Sessions, Prince, and Page are all part of a single, monstrous criminal conspiracy -and that Adam Entous is one of the most important journalists in American history, an indefatigable shoe-leather reporter who helped whistleblowers inside the federal government put the truth before the American public, like Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, and Neil Sheehan combined. If you think the collusion story is nonsense, then Entous is just a political operative with a convenient byline. And if you think Russiagate is a campaign of political warfare waged in the shadows by bureaucrats who violated the privacy of American citizens in order to undo election results they disagreed with, then Entous is something worse—an asset whom sectors of the intelligence community have come to rely on in order to manipulate the public.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zondag 11 maart 2018 @ 12:08:44 #115
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
In de reeks van onthullingen rondom het dossier van Christopher Steele is in december vorig jaar bekend geworden dat Nellie Ohr voor Fusion GPS werkte en in deze hoedanigheid informatie doorsluisde voor het dossier via haar man Bruce Ohr, die werkzaam was bij National Security Division van het ministerie van Justitie.
Een nieuwe naam in het onderzoek naar het Steele dossier is er nu opgedoken en die is niet van zo maar een assistent, maar van een hooggeplaatste assistent onder vice-president Joe Biden en onder Barack Obama.

Fox News meldde dat de 2e man van Fusion GPS, Neil King Jr., getrouwd is met een Witte Huis official van de Obama-regering, Shailagh Murray.

Murray diende als assistent staf-chef en senior communicatie-adviseur van vice-president Joe Biden voordat ze direct ging werken onder president Barack Obama als beleidsadviseur.
Murray was een journalist van The Washington Post voordat ze onder Joe Biden ging werken. De Obama-regering liet daarbij haar ethische regels varen om haar toe te staan contact te blijven onderhouden met de krant.
Murray markeerde daarmee als 18e journalist die een overstap maakte van een journalistieke positie naar een functie in de politiek van de DNC of vice versa sinds president Obama aantrad -alsof de ideologieën elkaar overlappen.
Murray's man Neil King was een voormalig journalist van de Wall Street Journal voordat hij in 2016 door Gusion GPS werd ingehuurd.
Interessant feitje is dat King in juli 2016 26 keer het Witte Huis heeft bezocht.

De House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (House Intelligence Committee ) zoekt nu naar antwoorden op vragen aan Murray onder andere wanneer zij precies op de hoogte kwam van het dossier. Ook onderzoekt zij of er tussen King en Murray en tussen het echtpaar Bruce en Nellie Ohr overeenkomsten zijn, wat betreft de constructie van het doorspelen van informatie dat een weg vindt naar media-outlets.
Bruce Ohr ontmoette de oprichter van Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson vlak na de verkiezingen om het dossier te bespreken. Zijn vrouw werkte op dat moment als onderzoekster van Fusion GPS onderzoek over Donald Trump.

Er is door de House Intelligence Committee ook een vragenlijst gestuurd naar Colin Kahl, die diende als nationale veiligheidsadviseur onder Joe Biden.
Kahl diende ook als Midden-Oosten senior assistent op het ministerie van Defensie.

Met deze vragen en de eerder gestelde vragen aan andere hoge officials van de Obama-regering probeert de House Intelligence Committee misstanden binnen de FBI en het ministerie van Justitie aan het licht te brengen.
Ze zoekt naar antwoorden op vragen wat deze officials precies weten, wanneer zij precies weet hadden van het dossier, wanneer zij op de hoogte kwamen dat het dossier deels betaald werd door de Clinton-campagne en de DNC en of zij daarmee informatie hebben gedeeld en wanneer Barack Obama op de hoogte is gesteld van de claims uit het dossier.

De deadline om de vragen te beantwoorden is 19 maart.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  dinsdag 13 maart 2018 @ 19:53:27 #116
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
In de poging om de 2016 Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen ongedaan te maken is er een terugkerend verschijnsel te zien van het samenspannen van de inlichtingengemeenschap en de media.
In deze context dit bericht dat gaat over James Clapper.
James Clapper is gepensioneerd luitenant-generaal van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht, die al vanaf 1992 in de inlichtingengemeenschap carrière heeft gemaakt.
Tussen 1991-1995 als directeur van de agentschap inlichtingen van het ministerie van Defensie. In de zes jaar in de privésector stond hij twee jaar aan het hoofd van Security Affairs Support Association een freelance inlichtingen organisatie. Tussen 2001-2006 was hij directeur van de National Imagery and Mapping Agency (later genaamd National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency -NGA) een inlichtingen en gevechtssteun agentschap van het ministerie van Defensie en de inlichtingengemeenschap.
Tussen 2006-2007 werkte hij voor GeoEye een bedrijf gespecialiseerd in satellietbeelden en zat hij in de raad van bestuur van drie bedrijven die door de overheid werden ingehuurd. Twee daarvan deden zaken met NGA, terwijl hij daar de directeursfunctie bekleedde.
Andere gespecialiseerde inlichtingen bedrijven uit de privésector waarvoor Clapper werkte waren de Britse Detica en de Amerikaanse Booz Allen Hamilton en SRA International.
In 2007 werd Clapper de Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence onder president George W. Bush.
Dit was een nieuwe agentschap dat toezicht heeft over de militaire inlichtingen agentschap (DIA), de
NGA, de NSA en de National Reconnaissance Office. Ook werkte hij nauw samen met de DNI.
Vanaf augustus 201 werkte hij als DNI-directeur van de Obama-regering.

Waarschijnlijk is James Clapper vooral bekend geworden vanwege de publieke hoorzitting van het Congres waarin senator Ron Wyden aan hem vroeg of dat de NSA informatie verzamelt van Amerikaanse burgers. Clapper verklaarde dat het soms onvermijdelijk, maar niet opzettelijk gebeurde.

Later werd echter door het lekken van de voormalig NSA-systeemanalist Edward Snowden onthuld dat de NSA bulkverzameling van communicatie metadata, telefoon en internetverkeer, van Amerikanen uitvoerde, dat werd toegestaan volgens de controversiële sectie 215 van de Patriot Act, het surveilleren zonder dagvaarding, alhoewel officials van de inlichtingengemeenschap altijd beweerden dat de programma's gericht waren op buitenlanders en terrorismeverdachten uit andere landen.

James Clapper probeerde hierop zijn eerdere verklaring te verhelderen in een interview bij MSNBC.
I responded in what I thought was the most truthful, or least untruthful, manner” -because the program was classified.

In een verklaring naar aanleiding van schriftelijke vragen van Dianne Feinstein schreef Clapper dat hij de vraag van Wyden niet helemaal begrepen had.


Een wat meer recentere voorbeeld van het misleiden van James Clapper betreft de bespioneren van Donald Trump en de Trump campagne.

Na deze Twitterbericht kwam er een storm van reacties los en werden talloze experts in de diverse media-outlets opgevoerd om de uitlatingen van Trump te ontkennen, te ridiculiseren en aan de kaak te stellen.
De opmerkingen van James Clapper in een interview bij Meet the Press over deze kwestie was geheel in deze lijn ontkennend.
“There was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president, the president-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign”

Later werd Clapper in een gesprek met CNN-host Don Lemon gedwongen toe te geven dat communicatie van Donald Trump via de surveillance van Paul Manafort kon zijn opgepikt.

Don Lemon: Is it possible the president was picked up in a conversation with Paul Manafort?
James Clapper: It’s certainly conceivable.
Lemon: Is it likely?
Clapper: I can’t say. I wouldn’t want to go there, but I will say it’s possible

James Clapper heeft tijdens het publieke verhoor voor de Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism (Senate Judicary Committee) categorisch ontkend uit politieke overwegingen “unmasking ” van Trump-medewerkers.
Deze ontkenning kwam nadat er rapporten verschenen die aanwijzingen aan het licht waren brachten van mogelijk ongepast gedrag door National Security Advisor Susan Rice die beweerden dat ze de identiteit had gevraagd van Amerikaanse staatsburgers wiens communicatie werd onderschept door Amerikaanse inlichtingendiensten in het kader van het onderzoek naar de vermoedelijke inmenging van Rusland in 2016. Deze “unmasking” had als doel het bespioneren van het Trump-team, volgens berichten.
James Clapper moest toegeven dat Trump-medewerkers waren “unmasked”.

Volgens het rapport van de House Intelligence Committee heeft Clapper gelekt dat Donald Trump door hoge ambtenaren over de inhoud van het dossier is ingelicht en in feite over deze meeting.
Het dossier kreeg hiermee cachet en media-outlets begonnen over de inhoud van het dossier te publiceren, omdat het officieel nieuws was geworden.
Onderzoeksjournalist Sarah Carter bericht dat James Clapper naar verluidt begin vorig jaar informatie naar CNN heeft gelekt met betrekking tot de geheime briefings met president-elect Donald Trump en president Barrack Obama.
Volgens regeringsbronnen werd het bewijs van het lek ontdekt tijdens het “Russia collusion”-onderzoek van de House Intelligence Committee vlak voordat dit artikel werd gepubliceerd door Evan Perez, Jim Sciutto, Jake Tapper.
Evan Perez heeft banden met Fusion GPS. Hij is persoonlijk bevriend met Peter Fritsch, de mede-oprichter van Fusion GPS en Neil King, een oud-journalist van de Wall Street Journal die voor Fusion GPS ging werken.
Jim Sciutto werd door president Barack Obama benoemd als stafchef van de Amerikaanse ambassadeur van China.

Clapper was een van de vier hoge ambtenaren van de Obama-regering die de briefing met de president-elect en president bijwoonden.
In een officiële verklaring in januari 2017 liet hij weten hierover teleurgesteld te zijn en dat de lekken buitengewoon schadelijk zijn.

Gisteravond verscheen James Clapper op CNN om zichzelf te verdedigen tegen de bewijzen dat hij 9 of 10 januari naar CNN zou hebben gelekt en dat hij de inhoud van een presidentiële inlichtingenbriefing zou hebben vervalst.
Overigens is Clapper momenteel werkzaam bij CNN.

Tijdlijn van de events:

Vrijdag 6 januari: James Clapper (DNI), John Brennan (CIA), James Comey (FBI) en Mike Rogers (NSA) hebben president Trump geïnformeerd over hun gezamenlijke analyserapport van de “Russia election interference”.
President Trump's statement na deze briefing.
Dinsdag 10 januari: CNN heeft een explosief verhaal en een artikel over ambtenaren van de diverse inlichtingendiensten, president Trump en het Steele Dossier.
Dinsdag 10 januari: Om 17:20 uur gebruikt Buzzfeed het CNN-verhaal als excuus om het Steele-dossier te publiceren.
Woensdag 11 januari: Het Trump-transitieteam laat in een verklaring weten ook dat de inhoud van het CNN-verhaal (dat beweert dat president-elect Trump op de hoogte was van het Steele-dossier) niet klopt.
Woensdag 11 januari (dezelfde dag): President-elect Trump vaart uit tegen CNN voor het publiceren van Fake News en beweert stellig niet te zijn ingelicht over het dossier.
Woensdag 11 januari (dezelfde dag): MSNBC weerlegt onafhankelijk de inhoud van de CNN publicatie. Donald Trump was de vrijdag ervoor niet geïnformeerd over het dossier.
Woensdag 11 januari (dezelfde dag): FOX News weerlegt onafhankelijk de inhoud van CNN publicatie. Donald Trump was niet geïnformeerd over het dossier.
Woensdag 11 januari (dezelfde avond): DNI James Clapper brengt een persbericht uit waarin hij bevestigt dat de president-elect slechts kort daarvoor is ingelicht over het standpunt van de inlichtingengemeenschap over het Steele-dossier; dus 11 januari en niet 6 januari.


Samengevat; op dinsdag 10 januari 2017 zegt CNN dat president-elect Trump werd geïnformeerd over het dossier. Een uur later publiceerde Buzzfeed het dossier. De volgende dag op woensdag 11 januari, zegt president Trump dat hij niet op de hoogte was van het dossier. NBC en Fox news bevestigen ieder afzonderlijk dat Trump niet was geïnformeerd. Dezelfde dag, in de avond, stelt DNI James Clapper in zijn verklaring dat hij de president-elect momenten daarvoor over het dossier heeft geïnformeerd.

De clip van het interview van James Clapper met Don Lemon van gisteravond 12 maart:

Opvallend hier is dat Clapper de datum verkeerd heeft. Donald Trump viel de media aan -inclusief de “Nazi”-opmerking de dag nadat CNN en Buzzfeed hun verhalen over het dossier hadden gepubliceerd. Dus niet zoals Clapper stelt 10 januari, maar 11 januari.

Als ik rekening houd met de track-record van leugens en misleidingen van Clapper, zoals ik die eerder in dit bericht heb omschreven ben ik geneigd te denken dat hij hier wederom liegt.

Tot slot nog een opmerkelijke ontboezeming uit de 11 januari 2017 verklaring van Clapper.
Het gaat om de zin die onderstreept is.
“The IC has not made any judgment that the information in this document is reliable”.

Als de inlichtingengemeenschap op 11 januari de informatie uit het dossier niet betrouwbaar acht hoe in hemelsnaam kan er dan in oktober 2016 met dezelfde informatie een FISA-bevelschrift zijn bemachtigd?

De majority members House Intelligence Committee kunnen weliswaar de “Russia collusion”- onderzoek -wat mij betreft volkomen terecht- hebben afgerond, er zijn nog echter een aantal lopende onderzoeken waarover ik heel benieuwd ben naar de uiteindelijke bevindingen.
Het gaat over de onderzoeken van de “unmasking”, de FISA-aanvragen en het Steele-dossier.
In diverse artikelen wordt aangegeven dat Clapper waarschijnlijk de juridische gevolgen van het liegen tegen het Congres ontloopt vanwege de statutes of limitations van vijf jaar.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door dellipder op 14-03-2018 10:26:27 ]
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  dinsdag 13 maart 2018 @ 21:37:51 #117
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
The CIA Democrats: Part one

An extraordinary number of former intelligence and military operatives from the CIA, Pentagon, National Security Council and State Department are seeking nomination as Democratic candidates for Congress in the 2018 midterm elections. The potential influx of military-intelligence personnel into the legislature has no precedent in US political history.

If the Democrats capture a majority in the House of Representatives on November 6, as widely predicted, candidates drawn from the military-intelligence apparatus will comprise as many as half of the new Democratic members of Congress. They will hold the balance of power in the lower chamber of Congress.

Both push and pull are at work here. Democratic Party leaders are actively recruiting candidates with a military or intelligence background for competitive seats where there is the best chance of ousting an incumbent Republican or filling a vacancy, frequently clearing the field for a favored “star” recruit.

A case in point is Elissa Slotkin, a former CIA operative with three tours in Iraq, who worked as Iraq director for the National Security Council in the Obama White House and as a top aide to John Negroponte, the first director of national intelligence. After her deep involvement in US war crimes in Iraq, Slotkin moved to the Pentagon, where, as a principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, her areas of responsibility included drone warfare, “homeland defense” and cyber warfare.

Elissa Slotkin

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has designated Slotkin as one of its top candidates, part of the so-called “Red to Blue” program targeting the most vulnerable Republican-held seats—in this case, the Eighth Congressional District of Michigan, which includes Lansing and Brighton. The House seat for the district is now held by two-term Republican Representative Mike Bishop.

The Democratic leaders are promoting CIA agents and Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans. At the same time, such people are choosing the Democratic Party as their preferred political vehicle. There are far more former spies and soldiers seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party than of the Republican Party. There are so many that there is a subset of Democratic primary campaigns that, with a nod to Mad magazine, one might call “spy vs. spy.”

The 23rd Congressional District in Texas, which includes a vast swathe of the US-Mexico border along the Rio Grande, features a contest for the Democratic nomination between Gina Ortiz Jones, an Air Force intelligence officer in Iraq, who subsequently served as an adviser for US interventions in South Sudan and Libya, and Jay Hulings. The latter’s website describes him as a former national security aide on Capitol Hill and federal prosecutor, whose father and mother were both career undercover CIA agents. The incumbent Republican congressman, Will Hurd, is himself a former CIA agent, so any voter in that district will have his or her choice of intelligence agency loyalists in both the Democratic primary and the general election.

CNN’s “State of the Union” program on March 4 included a profile of Jones as one of many female candidates seeking nomination as a Democrat in Tuesday’s primary in Texas. The network described her discreetly as a “career civil servant.” However, the Jones for Congress website positively shouts about her role as a spy, noting that after graduating from college, “Gina entered the US Air Force as an intelligence officer, where she deployed to Iraq and served under the US military’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy” (the last phrase signaling to those interested in such matters that Jones is gay).

According to her campaign biography, Ortiz Jones was subsequently detailed to a position as “senior advisor for trade enforcement,” a post President Obama created by executive order in 2012. She would later be invited to serve as a director for investment at the Office of the US Trade Representative, where she led the portfolio that reviewed foreign investments to ensure they did not pose national security risks. With that background, if she fails to win election, she can surely enlist in the trade war efforts of the Trump administration.

How this article was prepared

The House of Representatives is currently controlled by the Republicans, with a majority of 238 compared to 193 Democrats. There are four vacancies, one previously held by the Democrats. To reach a majority of 218 seats in the next Congress, the Democrats must have a net gain of 24 seats.

The DCCC has designated 102 seats as priority or competitive, including 22 seats where the incumbents are not running again (five Democrats and 17 Republicans), and 80 seats where Republican incumbents could be defeated for reelection in the event that polls predicting a sizeable swing to the Democrats in November prove accurate.

The World Socialist Web Site has reviewed Federal Election Commission reports filed by all the Democratic candidates in these 102 competitive districts, focusing on those candidates who reported by the latest filing date, December 31, 2017, that they had raised at least $100,000 for their campaigns, giving them a financial war chest sufficient to run in a competitive primary contest. In addition, there a few cases where a candidate had less than the $100,000 cutoff, but was unchallenged for the nomination, or where last-minute retirement or resignation has led to late entry of high-profile candidates without an FEC report on file. These have also been included.

The total of such candidates for the Democratic nomination in the 102 districts is 221. Each has a website that gives biographical details, which we have collected and reviewed for this report. It is notable that those candidates with a record in the military-intelligence apparatus, as well as civilian work for the State Department, Pentagon or National Security Council, do not hide their involvement, particularly in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They clearly regard working as a CIA agent in Baghdad, an Army special ops assassin in Afghanistan, or a planner for drone missile warfare in the White House or Pentagon as a star on their résumé, rather than something to conceal.

One quarter of all the Democratic challengers in competitive House districts have military-intelligence, State Department or NSC backgrounds. This is by far the largest subcategory of Democratic candidates. National security operatives (57) outnumber state and local government officials (45), lawyers (35), corporate executives, businessmen and wealthy individuals (30) and other professionals (19) among the candidates for Democratic congressional nominations.

Of the 102 primary elections to choose the Democratic nominees in these competitive districts, 44 involve candidates with a military-intelligence or State Department background, with 11 districts having two such candidates, and one district having three. In the majority of contests, the military-intelligence candidates seem likely to win the Democratic nomination, and, if the Democrats win in the general election, would enter Congress as new members of the House of Representatives.

There are some regional differences. In the Northeast, 21 of the 31 seats targeted by the Democrats have military-intelligence candidates. This area, not the South or Midwest, has the highest proportion of military-intelligence candidates seeking Democratic nominations.

In the West, only 7 of the 23 targeted seats have military-intelligence candidates, while in a half dozen seats the leading candidates are self-funded millionaires, mainly from the IT industry. There has been a wave of Republican retirements in California and wealthy people are bidding for these seats.

The military-intelligence candidates are disproportionately favored by the party apparatus, encouraged to run in districts that are the most likely takeover targets. Military-intelligence candidates account for 10 of the 22 districts selected for the most high-profile attention as part of the “red-to-blue” program, or nearly half. In some cases, military-intelligence candidates have amassed huge campaign war chests that effectively shut out any potential rivals, an indication that the financial backers of the Democratic Party have lined up behind them.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  dinsdag 13 maart 2018 @ 23:25:14 #118
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
The CIA Democrats: Part two

Agents and war commanders

There are 57 candidates for the Democratic nomination in 44 congressional districts who boast as their major credential their years of service in intelligence, in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, at the State Department, or some combination of all three. They make up the largest single occupational group running in the Democratic primaries that began March 6 in Texas and extend through mid-September, selecting the candidates who will appear on the general election ballot on November 6.

Aside from their sheer number, and the fact that more than 40 percent, 24 of the 57, are women, there are other aspects worth considering.

Agents, but no longer secret

First: The number of candidates who openly proclaim their role in the CIA or military intelligence. In years past, such activities would be considered confidential, if not scandalous for a figure seeking public office. Not only would the candidates want to disguise their connections to the spy apparatus, the CIA itself would insist on it, particularly for those who worked in operations rather than analysis, since exposure, even long after leaving the agency, could be portrayed as compromising “sources and methods.”

This is no longer the case. The 2018 candidates drawn from this shadow world of espionage, drone murders and other forms of assassination positively glory in their records. And the CIA and Pentagon have clearly placed no obstacles in the way.

We’ve already reviewed the cases of Elissa Slotkin, running in Michigan’s 8th District, who served three tours with the CIA in Baghdad, and Gina Ortiz Jones, an Air Force intelligence officer in Iraq, running for the Democratic nomination in the 23rd District of Texas. There are many others.

Abigail Spanberger, seeking the Democratic nomination in a district in the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia, has the following declaration at the top of her campaign website: “After nearly a decade serving in the CIA, I’m running for Congress in Virginia’s 7th District to fight for opportunity, equality and security for all Americans. My previous service as a law enforcement officer, a CIA officer, and a community volunteer has taught me the value of listening.” Indeed!

Abigail Spanberger's campaign website

Spanberger worked for the CIA as an operations officer, in which capacity, “She traveled and lived abroad collecting intelligence, managing assets, and overseeing high-profile programs in service to the United States.” Her opponent for the Democratic nomination is a career Marine Corps pilot, Dan Ward, in one of nearly a dozen contests involving multiple military-intelligence candidates.

Jesse Colvin, running in the 1st District of Maryland, spent six years in Army intelligence, including four combat deployments to Afghanistan and a year near the Demilitarized Zone between North Korea and South Korea. According to his campaign biography, “I am a proud graduate of the US Army’s Ranger Course, the premier leadership school in the military. I am even more honored to have served in the 75th Ranger Regiment—the Army Rangers. Rangers lead in many key roles throughout the Special Operations Forces’ (SOF) community, and I am lucky to have served and led with men and women of this caliber.”

His biography continues: “As a Ranger, my four combat deployments in Afghanistan took place within a Joint Special Operations Task Force. I led intelligence teams whose work facilitated capture/kill missions of Taliban, al-Qaeda and other terrorist leaders. I managed a lethal drone program. I ran human intelligence sources. Every day, my team and I made dozens of decisions whose outcomes carried life and death consequences for my fellow Rangers, our Afghan partners, and Afghan civilians.”

Jesse Colvin (front right) with his unit in Afghanistan

Jeffrey Beals, seeking the Democratic nomination in the 19th District of New York, is now a school teacher, but writes on his website, “After beginning my career as a CIA intelligence officer, I joined the State Department … I answered the call to help our country in Iraq in 2004 and became one of the longest serving US diplomats of the Iraq War. Fluent in Arabic, I faced down insurgents to set up the first diplomatic talks between our ambassador, our generals and the insurgency. I helped bring warring factions together to create a constitution for Iraq and was decorated by both the US Army and the State Department.”

Unfortunately for Beals, his fundraising, $174,000 by December 31, 2017, is dwarfed by that of another military-intelligence rival for the nomination, Patrick Ryan, a West Point graduate with two tours of duty in Iraq, “including a tour as the lead intelligence officer for an infantry battalion of 1,000 soldiers and officers responsible for ground operations in Mosul,” according to his campaign website. Ryan had raised $906,000 by December 31, and two other candidates in that district, a politically connected lawyer and a medical device manufacturer, had raised more than one million dollars each, all seeking to challenge two-term Republican incumbent John Faso in the Hudson Valley district.

Jonathan Ebel, running in the 13th District of Illinois, served four years as a naval intelligence officer, including on the staff of the US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. He now teaches religion at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Then there is Shelly Chauncey, seeking the Democratic nomination in the 5th District of Pennsylvania, in the Philadelphia suburbs. Her website strikes a feminist note:

“Shelly served her nation for more than a decade with the Central Intelligence Agency. She began her career as a secretary and worked her way up to become a counter-intelligence officer. Shelly served as an undercover officer with the CIA in Latin America, East Asia and throughout the United States, providing logistical and counter-intelligence support to operatives abroad.”

The reference to undercover operations “throughout the United States” underscores the role of the intelligence apparatus in spying on the American people, although the CIA is, by law, prohibited from such activity.

Another campaign website touches on the domestic operations of the US spy machine. Omar Siddiqui, running in California’s 48th District, describes his background as follows: “On the front lines of national defense, Mr. Siddiqui serves as a private advisor and consultant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on issues of national security and counter-terrorism and was formerly an advisor and community partner with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Mr. Siddiqui is presently director of special projects of the FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association…”

Commanders and planners of the Iraq War

Barack Obama won the Democratic presidential nomination and the 2008 election in large measure by presenting himself as an opponent of the war in Iraq launched under George W. Bush. Once in office, however, he retained Bush’s defense secretary, former CIA Director Robert Gates, and continued the war for another three years, as well as escalating the long-running US war in Afghanistan.

It is noteworthy in this context that so many of the military-intelligence candidates for Democratic congressional nominations boast of their roles in the war in Iraq and even, in some cases, present it as the high point of their professional and even personal lives.

Thus Elissa Slotkin, already referred to above, met her future husband, the pilot of an Apache helicopter gunship, while working as a CIA agent in Baghdad. Dan McCready, a Marine Corps veteran turned “clean energy” multi-millionaire, backed by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for the Democratic nomination in the 9th District of North Carolina, even claims to have found Jesus in Iraq, where he was baptized in water from the Euphrates River.

The Iraq War veterans are either officers, giving them command responsibility in one of the great crimes of the 21st century, or served in special forces units like the Army Rangers and the Navy SEALs, engaging in covert operations that were among the bloodiest and most brutal of the war, or had high-level responsibility at the Pentagon or the National Security Council.

Daniel Helmer, running in Virginia’s 10th Congressional District against five other well-financed candidates—including former State Department official Alison Friedman, who has already topped the $1 million mark—says remarkably little about what he did in Afghanistan and Iraq, although his photograph in military fatigues is on the front page of his website. But Helmer boasts perhaps the most extensive list of endorsements by retired national security officials of any candidate in the country, including eight generals and admirals, two former deputy directors of the CIA, Avril Haines and David Cohen, and Michele Flournoy, former under secretary of defense for policy. What he did to earn their support is left to the imagination.

Richard Ojeda, elected as a West Virginia state senator in 2016, is now seeking the Democratic nomination in the 3rd Congressional District, covering the southern third of the state. As the WSWS has reported, Ojeda has based his political career on more than two decades in the US Army Airborne, including repeated tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, where he reached the rank of major. His last post was as executive director of Army recruiting in Beckley, seeking to convince youth in West Virginia and Virginia to become cannon fodder for the Pentagon.

Josh Butner, running in the 50th District of California against Republican Duncan Hunter, Jr., “served for 23 years in the United States Navy where he saw multiple combat deployments, most recently in Iraq and Afghanistan.” The career Navy SEAL says almost nothing about what he actually did in the top military assassination unit, but that is to be expected. His campaign website features the slogan “Service, Country, Leadership,” alongside a photograph of Butner in desert fatigues.

Dan Feehan is running to succeed incumbent Democrat Tim Walz in the 1st Congressional District of Minnesota, after Walz announced his candidacy for governor of that state. From 2005 to 2009, according to his campaign biography, Feehan “served as an active duty soldier and completed two combat tours of duty as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.” He then joined the Obama administration, first as a White House aide, then as an acting assistant secretary of defense in the Pentagon.

Andy Kim, running in the 3rd District of New Jersey, has actually raised more money than the incumbent Republican, Tom MacArthur. Kim worked at the Pentagon and as a strategic adviser to generals David Petraeus and John Allen while they were in command of US forces in Afghanistan. He then moved to the National Security Council, where he was Obama’s director for Iraq for two years.

Maura Sullivan, seeking the Democratic nomination in New Hampshire’s 2nd District, where incumbent Democrat Carol Shea-Porter is retiring, was a Marine Corps officer, rising to the rank of captain and deploying to Fallujah, Iraq, scene of some of the bloodiest battles and most horrific US war crimes of that war. She too joined the Obama administration as a civilian administrator at both the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Pentagon.

Jason Crow is running in Colorado’s 6th Congressional District against incumbent Republican Mike Coffman, where he was selected by the DCCC as one of its top candidates in the “Red-to-Blue” program. He is a veteran of the 82nd Airborne Division, leading a paratrooper platoon during the invasion of Iraq. He then joined the Army Rangers and served two tours in Afghanistan “as part of the Joint Special Operations Task Force,” where he rose to the rank of captain.

Matthew Morgan had a 20-year career in the Marine Corps “where I would deploy routinely overseas, culminating in several senior staff roles where I’d provide counsel to numerous military leaders, including the secretary of defense.” He did two tours in Iraq and also worked in counterterrorism on the Horn of Africa. Now he is the unopposed candidate for the Democratic nomination in Michigan’s 1st Congressional District, which has switched back and forth between the two big business parties and is currently held by first-term Republican Jack Bergman.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  woensdag 14 maart 2018 @ 10:53:26 #119
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
The CIA Democrats: Part three

From the State Department to Capitol Hill

The final category of military-intelligence candidates consists of veterans of the US State Department during the Obama years, most of them former aides to Hillary Clinton. These are among the best financed and most publicized of the likely Democratic nominees. In the event of a Democratic “wave” in November, most would find themselves with seats in Congress.

Tom Malinowski, a former congressional aide and Clinton administration official, headed the Washington office of Human Rights Watch for 13 years before joining the Obama administration under Secretary of State John Kerry as assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights, and labor. He is seeking the Democratic nomination in New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District against incumbent Republican Leonard Lance.

Lauren Baer was a legal adviser to both Secretaries Clinton and Kerry, as well as US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power. She is now seeking the Democratic nomination in the 18th District of Florida, where her principal opponent is Pam Keith, a former judge advocate general in the US Navy and now general counsel to Florida Power & Light. Both women push additional buttons for identity politics, as Baer is openly gay and Keith is African-American.

Nancy Soderberg is a longtime US foreign policy figure going back to the Clinton administration, first at the National Security Council, then as deputy assistant to the president for national security affairs, then as an alternate US representative at the UN Security Council with the rank of ambassador. She has spent much of her time since then heading private overseas operations like the International Crisis Group, while playing a prominent role in the Florida Democratic Party. She is effectively unchallenged for the Democratic nomination in Florida’s 6th Congressional District (Daytona Beach), where the incumbent Republican Ron DeSantis is running for governor.

Edward Meier was a senior adviser to the State Department. According to his campaign website, he “was responsible for coordinating the military-to-civilian transition in Iraq—ensuring our diplomats and aid workers would be safe and secure after the withdrawal of US troops. In this role, he traveled to Iraq on multiple official trips working closely with the US military and the Iraqi government. …” He went on to be director of policy outreach for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Meier fell short Tuesday in his bid for the Democratic nomination in the 32nd District of Texas, finishing fourth out of five Democrats running against incumbent Republican Pete Sessions in a suburban Dallas district Clinton carried over Donald Trump, even though he spent the most money.

Sara Jacobs is another State Department official turned Clinton campaign aide, working on “conflict zones in East and West Africa,” particularly the campaign against Boko Haram in Nigeria, and helping to “spearhead President Obama’s efforts to improve governance in the security sector of our counterterrorism partners,” according to her campaign website. She was a foreign policy adviser to the Clinton campaign and is now seeking the Democratic nomination in California’s 49th District, where incumbent Darrell Issa is retiring.

Jacobs is the best-financed Democrat in the race, as befits the granddaughter of Qualcomm founder Irwin Jacobs, but at age 29 she would be the youngest congresswoman ever, and she has been snubbed in favor of several more experienced rivals by recent Democratic Party caucuses. One of her opponents is Douglas Applegate, a career Marine Corps judge advocate general with combat tours in Fallujah, Baghdad and Ramadi, who narrowly lost the 2016 race to Issa.

Talley Sergent, yet another State Department official turned Clinton campaign aide, is running in West Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District, which includes Charleston, against two-term incumbent Republican Alex Mooney. A former aide to Senator Jay Rockefeller, Sergent worked on slavery and sex trafficking at the State Department, then managed Clinton’s disastrous campaign in West Virginia before becoming a public relations executive for The Coca-Cola Co.

Challenging her for the Democratic nomination is Aaron Scheinberg, West Point graduate and Iraq War veteran, deployed first as a platoon leader in the 4th Infantry Division, then as a civil affairs officer in Haswah, Iraq. Scheinberg is now executive director of The Mission Continues, a nonprofit promoting the employment of veterans, whose board of directors includes such figures as Michele Flournoy, Pentagon undersecretary in the Obama administration; Meghan O’Sullivan, Iraq director for the National Security Council under George W. Bush; and retired General Ray S. Odierno, former commander of US forces in Iraq.

Jessica Morse was Iraq country coordinator for the State Department in the course of “over a decade as a national security strategist,” according to her website. She worked for the US Agency for International Development, a longtime CIA front, then as adviser to the US Pacific Command, where she “strengthened the US-India defense relationship … and worked to counter terrorist threats in South Asia.” Her opponent for the Democratic nomination in the 4th District of California, to face Republican incumbent Tom McClintock, is another former State Department officer, Regina Bateson, who was a vice-consul in Guatemala and “studied terrorist travel and border security,” according to her campaign website.

A stealth candidate—and some celebrities

The American corporate media has been slow to comment on the extraordinary influx of military and intelligence officers into the Democratic Party’s 2018 congressional campaign. The media prefers to cover the campaign from the standpoint of secondary characteristics, focusing on the great number of women running for office, mainly as Democrats, supposedly in response to Trump’s misogyny.

An exception to this pattern was the article February 8 by the Capitol Hill publication Roll Call, under the headline, “Active-Duty Candidates Can Run—But Can They Campaign?” The article profiled a Tennessee Democratic congressional candidate, Matt Reel, who was called up from his reserve status for a five-month deployment with the 20th Special Forces Group (Green Berets). According to the article, “Even Matt Reel’s staff doesn’t know where he’s deployed.”

Matt Reel

Reel announced his campaign for the 7th District seat shortly after incumbent Republican Marsha Blackburn announced that she was leaving the House of Representatives to run for the US Senate seat from Tennessee currently held by Bob Corker, who is retiring. Because of the late announcements, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has not yet targeted the district and Reel is not included in the figures cited earlier in this article.

The unusual situation for Reel is that, under Pentagon rules, he cannot direct his own campaign while he is on active duty. His aides and supporters can continue to campaign, but he is barred communicating with them in any way. Reel is not even allowed to tell them where he is, since the military deployment is covert. This truly “dark horse" candidate left his campaign having shot a few commercials and other video material, and will return a month or so before the August 2 primary.

Reel is one more example of a candidate from the “black ops” section of the military running as a Democrat. In his case, the two cannot be separated: he has been a Democratic Party functionary and a Green Beret since completing college. A former chief of staff to Alabama Representative Terri Sewell, his most recent position was deputy staff director for the Democrats on the House Veterans Affairs Committee.

While Reel is considered an extreme long-shot as a candidate, running in a district won by the Republicans in 2016 by a 3-1 margin, the DCCC is heavily promoting a number of career military candidates, most of them women, as star recruits for the most competitive districts in 2018, those where a switch from Republican to Democratic control is most likely. These candidates have access to funding far beyond what would be expected for first-time candidates without huge personal resources.

Running in the 31st District of Texas is Mary Jane Hegar, a helicopter pilot and certified military celebrity—Angelina Jolie is cast to play her in a biographical film based on her memoir, Shoot Like a Girl: One Woman’s Dramatic Fight in Afghanistan and on the Home Front. Hegar came to prominence through a lawsuit against the Pentagon policy of barring women from combat. Opposing her for the nomination to face incumbent Republican John Carter is Kent Lester, a West Point graduate and career military officer who retired as a lieutenant colonel after deployments to Panama and Bosnia, among other locations.

Shoot Like A Girl

In Virginia’s 2nd District, which encompasses the Norfolk-Hampton Roads area with its complex of naval bases and shipyards, the DCCC has promoted Elaine Luria, one of the first Navy women to serve as an officer on a nuclear-powered ship, as its favored candidate under the “Red-to-Blue” program. Luria has “deployed six times to the Middle East and Western Pacific as a nuclear-trained surface warfare officer.” She was second-in-command of a guided missile cruiser and commanded assault craft supporting a Marine Corps deployment.

Other military candidates who had already raked in more than one million dollars in campaign funds in 2017, the year before the election, and have been widely publicized in local media in their districts, include:

Mikie Sherrill, a career Navy helicopter pilot, with ten years’ active service in Europe and the Middle East, now a federal prosecutor. She reported raising $1,230,000 by December 31, 2017 for her campaign for the Democratic nomination in New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, where incumbent Republican Rodney Freylingheusen is retiring.

Chrissy Houlahan, a former US Air Force captain, has raised $1,228,000 for her campaign in Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, against incumbent Republican Ryan Costello.

Amy McGrath, a career Marine fighter pilot with 89 missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, has raised $1,133,000 for her campaign in Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District against incumbent Republican Andy Barr.

Some political conclusions

There is growing popular hostility to the Trump administration, but within the political straitjacket of the two-party system, it is trapped without any genuine outlet. In November 2016, faced with the choice of equally repugnant ruling class figures—Hillary Clinton, the longtime stooge of Wall Street and the Pentagon, and Donald Trump, the corrupt billionaire from the financial underworld of real estate swindling and casino gambling—millions refused to vote. But disappointment and anger over the bankrupt, right-wing policies of the Obama administration led a sufficient number of working people to vote for Trump, particularly in devastated industrial states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia, that he could eke out an Electoral College victory despite losing the popular vote.

The 2018 elections could well see a similar process, but in reverse. Angered by the tax cuts for the wealthy and big business, the gutting of social programs like Medicaid and food stamps, the attacks on immigrants and democratic rights more generally, and Trump’s threats of military violence and even nuclear war, millions of working people, however reluctantly, will go to the polls to cast their ballots for the official “opposition,” the Democratic Party, which does not actually oppose Trump at all.

It is by no means certain that the Democrats will win control of the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm election on November 6. But the details presented in this report demonstrate that a Democratic victory would in no sense represent a shift to the left in capitalist politics.

In a sense, the Democratic Party’s promotion of a large number of military-intelligence candidates for competitive districts represents an insurance policy for the US ruling elite. In the event of a major swing to the Democrats, the House of Representatives will receive an influx of new members drawn primarily from the national security apparatus, trusted servants of American imperialism.

Parenthetically, it should be noted that there would be no comparable influx of Bernie Sanders supporters or other “left”-talking candidates in the event of a Democratic landslide. Only five of the 221 candidates reviewed in this study had links to Sanders or billed themselves as “progressive.” None is likely to win the primary, let alone the general election.

When the dust clears after November 6, 2018, there will almost certainly be more former CIA agents in the Democratic caucus in the House of Representatives than former Sanders activists. It is the military-intelligence operatives who constitute the spine of the Democratic Party, not the Sanders “Our Revolution” group. This is a devastating verdict on the claims of the Vermont senator, backed by various pseudo-left groups, that it is possible to reform the Democratic Party and push it to the left.

The preponderance of national security operatives in the Democratic primaries sheds additional light on the nature of the Obama administration. Far from representing a resurgence of liberal reformism, as apologists for the Democrats like the International Socialist Organization claimed at the time of his election, Obama’s eight years in office marked the further ascendancy of the military-intelligence apparatus within the Democratic Party.

This is demonstrated by the subsequent role of his top personnel. Among the former Obama civilian officials who are running in the Democratic primaries for seats in the House of Representatives, 16 served in the State Department, Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security or National Security Council, while only five served in domestic agencies. One of those, Haley Stevens, was chief of staff for the Obama auto industry task force, which imposed 50 percent wage cuts on newly hired auto workers. Among the five, only Stevens is considered a likely winner in the primary.

The Democratic Party has always been a party of the American capitalist class, and that means, from the dawn of the 20th century on, it has been a party of imperialism and imperialist war, whatever the occasional “peace” noises made by its candidates for the purpose of diverting and derailing mass antiwar sentiment among the American people.

For more than a century, a major political task of the Marxist movement in the United States has been to combat illusions in the Democratic Party, particularly those engendered by its comparatively brief periods of reformist politics, under President Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s, and again during the Kennedy-Johnson years of the 1960s. The struggle against the Democratic Party, as well as the Republicans, remains the main focus of the effort to establish the political independence of the working class.

But the 2018 campaign represents something qualitatively different. Neither party offers any credible prospect of significant social reform. Both offer right-wing nostrums, laced with militarism, while seeking to split the working class along the lines of race, gender and national origin.

The campaign takes place in the wake of more than a year of unrelenting focus by the Democrats on the anti-Russian campaign, a narrative claiming that Trump’s victory in the presidential election was the result of Russian interference and that Trump is, for all practical purposes, a Russian stooge in the White House.

Not a shred of evidence has been provided either of Russian interference or of collusion with Russia on the part of the Trump campaign. Nor is there any suggestion that there was any significant element of fraud in either the vote or its tabulation by local and state governments.

But the Democratic Party has deliberately sought to whip up and appeal to the most right-wing, McCarthyite, chauvinist sentiments. It denounces Trump not for his right-wing policies, his immigrant baiting, his consorting with fascists and white supremacists, or his tax cut bonanza for the wealthy, but because he is allegedly insufficiently committed to confronting Russia militarily in the Middle East, Central Asia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe and the Baltic.

Clinton ran in 2016 as the favored candidate of the military-intelligence apparatus, amassing hundreds of endorsements by retired generals, admirals and spymasters, and criticizing Trump as unqualified to be the commander-in-chief.

This political orientation has developed and deepened in 2018. The Democratic Party is running in the congressional elections not only as the party that takes a tougher line on Russia, but as the party that enlists as its candidates and representatives those who have been directly responsible for waging war, both overt and covert, on behalf of American imperialism. It is seeking to be not only the party for the Pentagon and CIA, but the party of the Pentagon and CIA.

This is not merely a result of the political psychology or even the career paths of those who make up the upper echelon of the Democratic Party. It has a social and class character. The Democratic Party has long abandoned even a limited role as a party pledging social reforms in the interests of working people as a whole, in favor of the promotion of privileges for sections of the upper-middle class, doled out on the basis of identity politics.

The Democrat Party proposes a certain redistribution of wealth and power within the most privileged layer of the population, while leaving the essential social structure unchanged, with society divided between the super-rich at the top, a privileged upper-middle class, perhaps ten percent or less, and below them, the vast majority of working people, whose conditions of life continue to deteriorate as the economic “recovery” from the 2008 Wall Street crash approaches its tenth year.

The upper-middle-class layer that provides the “mass” base of the Democratic Party has moved drastically to the right over the past four decades, enriched by the stock market boom, consciously hostile to the working class, and enthusiastically supportive of the military-intelligence apparatus which, in the final analysis, guarantees its own social position against potential threats, both foreign and domestic. It is this social evolution that now finds expression on the surface of capitalist politics, in the rise of the military-intelligence “faction” to the leadership of the Democratic Party.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  donderdag 15 maart 2018 @ 03:11:30 #120
258333 Vis1980
Veni Vidi Vissie

[ Bericht 51% gewijzigd door ChrisCarter op 15-03-2018 13:49:18 (Nee) ]
Het antwoord op de belangrijkste vraag van alle vragen? 42!
  vrijdag 16 maart 2018 @ 10:10:26 #121
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
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Obamagate: Exposing the Obama deep state

Obama’s third term has begun. Our Republic is in danger

After Trump secured the nomination, Obama’s people filed a wiretapping request. As he was on the verge of winning, they did it again. After he won, they are doing everything they can to bring him down.

It was always going to come down to this.

One is the elected President of the United States. The other is the Anti-President who commands a vast network that encompasses the organizers of OFA, the official infrastructure of the DNC and Obama Anonymous, a shadow government of loyalists embedded in key positions across the government.

A few weeks after the election, I warned that Obama was planning to run the country from outside the White House. And that the “Obama Anonymous” network of staffers embedded in the government was the real threat. Since then Obama’s Kalorama mansion has become a shadow White House. And the Obama Anonymous network is doing everything it can to bring down an elected government.

Valerie Jarrett has moved into the shadow White House to plot operations against Trump. Meanwhile Tom Perez has given him control of the corpse of the DNC after fending off a Sandernista bid from Keith Ellison. Obama had hollowed out the Democrat Party by diverting money to his own Organizing for America. Then Hillary Clinton had cannibalized it for her presidential bid through Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Donna Brazile. Now Obama owns the activist, OFA, and organizational, DNC, infrastructure.

But that’s just half the picture.

Obama controls the opposition. He will have a great deal of power to choose future members of Congress and the 2020 candidate. But he could have done much of that from Chicago or New York. The reason he didn’t decide to move on from D.C. is that the nation’s capital contains the infrastructure of the national government. He doesn’t just want to run the Democrats. He wants to run America.

The other half of the picture is the Obama Deep State. This network of political appointees, bureaucrats and personnel scattered across numerous government agencies is known only as Obama Anonymous.

Obama Inc. had targeted Trump from the very beginning when it was clear he would be the nominee.

Trump had locked down the GOP nomination in May. Next month there was a FISA request targeting him. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court denied the request, and it is still unknown whether the request targeted Trump, or only his associates, but it’s silly to pretend that the submission of such a request a month after he became the presumptive GOP nominee was apolitical.

The second, narrower, FISA request came through in October. This one was approved. The reason for getting a FISA request in October was even more obvious than June. October is the crucial month in presidential elections. It’s the month of the “October Surprise” when the worst hit pieces based on the keenest opposition research is unleashed. Obama’s opposition research on Trump involved eavesdropping on a server in Trump Tower. Nixon would have been very jealous.

After the election, Obama Inc. began to spread out its bets. Some of his people migrated into his network of political organizations. Others remained embedded in the government. While the former would organize the opposition, the latter would sabotage, undermine and try to bring down Trump.

An unprecedented campaign for full spectrum dominance was being waged in domestic politics.

Political opposition wasn’t a new phenomenon; even if a past president centralizing control of the organizational and activist arms of his party to wage war on his successor was unprecedented. But weaponizing unelected government officials to wage war on an elected government was a coup.

Obama Anonymous conducted its coup in layers. The first layer partnered congressional Democrats with OA personnel to retain control of as much of the government as possible by the Obama Deep State. They did it by blocking Trump’s nominees with endless hearings and protests. The second layer partnered congressional Democrats with the deeper layer of Obama operatives embedded in law enforcement and intelligence agencies who were continuing the Obama investigations of Trump.

This second layer sought to use the investigation to force out Trump people who threatened their control over national security, law enforcement and intelligence. It is no coincidence that their targets, Flynn and Sessions, were in that arena. Or that their views on Islamic terror and immigration are outside the consensus making them easy targets for Obama Anonymous and its darker allies.

These darker allies predate Obama. The tactics being deployed against Trump were last used by them in a previous coup during President Bush’s second term. The targets back then had included Bush officials, an Iran skeptic, pro-Israel activists and a Democrat congresswoman. The tactics, eavesdropping, leaks, false investigations, dubious charges and smear campaigns against officials, were exactly the same.

Anyone who remembers the cases of Larry Franklin, Jane Harman and some others will recognize them. Before that they were used to protect the CIA underestimates of Soviet capabilities that were broken through by Rumsfeld’s Halloween Massacre and Team B which helped clear the way for Reagan’s defeat of the Soviet Union.

Under Bush, the Deep State was fighting against any effort to stop Iran’s nuclear program. It did so by eliminating and silencing opposition within the national security establishment and Congress through investigations of supposed foreign agents. That left the field clear for it to force a false National Intelligence Estimate on President Bush which claimed that Iran had halted its nuclear program.

Obama broke out the same tactics when he went after Iran Deal opponents. Once again members of Congress were spied on and the results were leaked to friendly media outlets. Before the wiretapping of Trump’s people, the NSA was passing along conversations of Iran Deal opponents to the White House which were used to coordinate strategy in defense of the illegal arrangement with Islamic terrorists.

The same wall between government and factional political agendas that Nixon’s “White House Plumbers” had broken through on the way to Watergate had been torn down. NSA eavesdropping was just another way to win domestic political battles. All it took was accusing the other side of treason.

And worse was to come.

During the Iran Deal battle, the NSA was supposedly filtering the eavesdropped data it passed along.

In its last days, Obama Inc. made it easier to pass along unfiltered personal information to the other agencies where Obama loyalists were working on their investigation targeting Trump. The NSA pipeline now makes it possible for the shadow White House to still gain intelligence on its domestic enemies.

And the target of the shadow White House is the President of the United States.

There is now a President and an Anti-President. A government and a shadow government. The anti-President controls more of the government through his shadow government than the real President.

The Obama network is an illegal shadow government. Even its “light side” as an opposition group is very legally dubious. Its “shadow side” is not only illegal, but a criminal attack on our democracy.

When he was in power, Obama hacked reporters like FOX News’ James Rosen and CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson. He eavesdropped on members of Congress opposed to the Iran Deal. Two men who made movies he disliked ended up in jail. But what he is doing now is even more deeply disturbing.

Obama no longer legally holds power. His Deep State network is attempting to overturn the results of a presidential election using government employees whose allegiance is to a shadow White House. Tactics that were illegal when he was in office are no longer just unconstitutional, they are treasonous.

Obama Inc. has become a state within a state. It is a compartmentalized network of organizations, inside and outside the government, that claim that they are doing nothing illegal as individual groups because they are technically following the rules within each compartment, but the sheer scope of the illegality lies in the covert coordination between these “revolutionary cells” infecting our country.

It is a criminal conspiracy of unprecedented scope. Above all else, it is the most direct attack yet on a country in which governments are elected by the people, not by powerful forces within the government.

"We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain,” President Lincoln declared at Gettysburg. “That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Obama’s shadow government is not just a war on President Trump. It is a war on that government of the people, by the people and for the people. If he succeeds, then at his touch, it will perish from the earth.

Obama’s third term has begun. Our Republic is in danger.

Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 16 maart 2018 @ 10:21:21 #122
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Unlawful FISA Spying Widespread Under Obama Administration

Relaxation of privacy policies paved the way for FBI and NSA to spy on Americans

The FBI and the National Security Agency (NSA), under the Obama administration, committed numerous violations of procedures intended to safeguard Americans’ personal data and communications collected under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).

Under the section, which was part of amendments to FISA passed in 2008 by then-President George W. Bush, the intelligence community has broad powers to collect internet and telephone data to spy on foreign nationals.

Procedures to protect Americans’ data collected under the program were weakened under then-President Barack Obama in 2011, allowing the NSA to search through Americans’ data using their names. Previously, these types of searches, known as “queries using United States person identifiers,” were prohibited.

In its ruling in 2011, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) said the “relaxation of the querying rules” would be limited to queries “reasonably likely to yield foreign intelligence information.”

The FISC at the time also approved the broader collection of so-called upstream data, which is all internet data traveling through key internet backbone carriers.

However, in subsequent years, policies intended to defend against the misuse of this power, called minimization and targeting procedures, were systematically broken, resulting in numerous violations.

A declassified top-secret FISC report released in April 2017 revealed that the NSA had an 85 percent noncompliance rate when it came to searches involving Americans.

The 702 system, which was never designed to spy on Americans, but rather to safeguard U.S. national security, had become a powerful spying tool in the hands of the government.

Problems with the FISA system received nationwide attention in February after a declassified House intelligence committee memo revealed that the FBI and the Department of Justice had obtained a FISA warrant on Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, using information paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

The initial warrant, and its three subsequent renewals, could have been used to spy on anyone who was in contact with Page, including members of the Trump campaign. The NSA is allowed to analyze communications “three hops” from its original target. Anyone in direct communication with Page is one hop away; anyone in communication with those talking to Page is two hops away; and anyone talking to those who are twice removed from Page is three hops away.

Last year, it was already revealed that top Obama officials, including national security adviser Susan Rice and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power, used so-called unmasking requests to obtain communications belonging to specific members of the Trump campaign and transition team.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on March 7 that he has appointed a person outside of Washington to look into the allegations of FISA abuse. Sessions’s statement came in response to a letter signed by 13 members of Congress calling for the appointment of a second special counsel to investigate the alleged abuse.

Problems With the FBI

According to the declassified top-secret FISC report, the FBI provided access to sensitive 702 data to employees that were not authorized to have access to the data. In some cases, this data was then exported by the employees, and it is unclear how it was subsequently used.

The agency also provided contractors with access to raw 702 data. The contractors maintained access to the data, even after their work for the FBI was finished.

In one case, an unauthorized private entity was given access by the FBI to 702 data. The unnamed private entity is mostly staffed by private contractors, whose access to 702 data was not controlled or monitored.

The “contractors had access to raw FISA information that went well beyond what was necessary to respond to the FBI’s requests,” wrote the FISC, in its report.

The FBI discontinued the private entity’s access to raw FISA data in April 2016, the same month in which the Clinton campaign and the DNC used law firm Perkins Coie to retain Fusion GPS to produce the so-called Trump dossier.

The dossier would eventually lead to the FBI obtaining the FISA warrant on Carter Page in October 2016.

While the FISC did recertify the FBI’s minimization procedures as being constitutional it wrote that it was “nonetheless concerned about the FBI’s apparent disregard of minimization rules and whether the FBI may be engaging in similar disclosures of raw Section 702 information that have not been reported.”

The scope of the FBI’s accessing of Americans’ data is unclear, as the government is not required to provide the FISC with numbers on violations. In the NSA’s case, it told the court that it was unable to provide a number for how many times Americans’ data had been unlawfully accessed. The scope of the NSA’s violations also remains unclear.

In response to the problems, as well as an internal review by the agency, the NSA stopped the collection of what are called multicommunication transactions (MCTs) to minimize violations. The term MCTs refers to the NSA’s mass collection of communications while targeting one communication.

The FBI and CIA will no longer have access to upstream data collected by the NSA at key internet junctions.

In January, President Donald Trump ordered his director of national intelligence to develop procedures for law enforcement agencies to obtain the identities of Americans in intelligence reports. This practice of unmasking is what was used to spy on the Trump campaign during the elections.

Trump did authorize Section 702 in January for another six years, stressing the importance of the program for national security.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door dellipder op 18-03-2018 11:09:50 ]
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 16 maart 2018 @ 11:57:40 #123
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Nieuw interview met Devin Nunes inclusief dat New York Times reporters worden betaald door Democratic Superpacs (vanaf 5:50) en steeds meer klokkenluiders en informanten het Committee helpen (vanaf 7:25).

Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 16 maart 2018 @ 17:13:14 #124
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
De corruptie en machtsmisbruik lijkt ook het juridisch systeem te hebben aangetast.
Het was al heel opmerkelijk dat een paar dagen na de plea deal van Micheal Flynn Rudolph Contreras zich verschoonde van deze zaak en de geruchten waren destijds dit niet een vrijwillig besluit was. Nu blijkt dat de FISA-rechter en Peter Strzok goede vrienden waren.

Het is niet ondenkbaar dat deze onthulling later gevolgen kan hebben voor de plea deal.

Explosive Text Messages Reveal Judge in Flynn Case Was Friends with Strzok

Newly redacted text messages discovered by congressional investigators reveal that an embattled FBI agent at the center of the Russia investigation controversy was close friends with a District of Columbia judge who recused himself from the criminal case over former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, congressional members said, and text documents show.

The never before seen text messages, which were a part of the texts given to congress by the Department of Justice, show that FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his paramour FBI attorney Lisa Page discussed Strzok’s relationship with U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1, 2017 hearing where former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Strzok was removed from Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office last year after anti-Trump text messages between him and his FBI agent lover were discovered by the DOJ’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz. But on Dec. 7, without warning, Judge Rudolph Contreras was removed as the presiding judge on Flynn’s case. Little information was given at the time as to why Contreras was removed.

DOJ officials did not immediately respond for comment.

In a text message chain from Page to Strzok on July, 25, 2016 she writes, “Rudy is on the FISC! Did you know that? Just appointed two months ago.” At that point, the pair continues to discuss other issues but comes back to Contrares, “I did. We talked about it before and after. I need to get together with him.” Then later Strzok appears to return to his discussion about Contreras.

Page: “Thought of it because you had to Google FISC judges and him there. I’m telling you.”

Strzok: “….She brought up a good point about being circumspect in talking to him in terms of not placing him into a situation where he’d have to recuse himself.”

Page: “I can’t imagine you either one of you could talk about anything in detail meaningful enough to warrant recusal.” Page then goes back to discussing a different issue saying, “Anyway, maybe you meant to, but didn’t.’

Strzok: “Really? Rudy. I’m in charge of espionage for the FBI. Any espionage FISA comes before him, what should he do? Given his friend oversees them?”

Page: “Standards for recusal are quite high. I just don’t think this poses an actual conflict. And he doesn’t know what you do?”

Strzok: “Generally he does know what I do. Not the level or scope or area but he’s super thoughtful and rigorous about ethics and conflicts. (redacted) suggested a social setting with others would probably be better than a one on one meeting. I’m sorry, I’m just going to have to invite you to that cocktail party. Of course you’ll be there. Have to come up with some other work people cover for action.”

Page: “Why more? Six is a perfectly fine dinner party.”

Investigators working with Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and Rep. Mark Meadows, both with the House Oversight Committee, discovered the text messages during their ongoing investigation into the FBI’s handling of the alleged Trump-Russia collusion investigation, the Congressional members told this reporter. Under rules established by DOJ officials, congressional investigators could only review the less redacted version of the pairs’ text messages at DOJ headquarters and only the highly redacted version of the texts were allowed to be removed during the ongoing process, they said. Of the 1.2 million documents collected by Horowitz’s team, the House Oversight Committee has only received 3,162 “unique documents,” they added.

“Why did Contreras recuse himself?” said Jordan. “Text messages show he had a relationship with Strzok… Why did the DOJ make it difficult for us to get the information? To me those are the two fundamental questions. We don’t know that answers to either one of those ”

Jordan noted that the text messages provide some context but that some of the communications are not completely clear. He added what is “clear is that the back and forth exchange shows that Strzok and Page were friends. But we don’t know if the discussion regarding recusal has anything to do with Russia or if they were referring to another case. What we do know is that Contreras recused himself after the guilty plea but we still don’t know why?”

Meadows added that a “recusal for a judge is very high bar,” added Meadows. “I think from my stand point we’re asking the department of justice and the FBI to give us the documents we need to do proper oversight. Failing to be able to be able to provide Congress with those documents in an expeditious manner would certainly strengthen the case for a special prosecutor.”

Meadows also stated that the DOJ’s failure to be forthright with the information makes it extremely difficult for Congress to conduct oversight.

“The only thing we would not have access to is grand jury material and some classified documents,” said Meadows. “There is no reason why we cannot get the same documents the Inspector General has.”

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door dellipder op 16-03-2018 17:58:08 ]
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zaterdag 17 maart 2018 @ 03:43:26 #125
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains

Het disciplinaire proces van de FBI aangaande Andrew Mccabe is opgestart op basis van de aanbevelingen uit het rapport van de Inspector General en de FBI OPR.
McCabe zou aankomende zondag met pensioen en dan ook zijn volledige uitkering ontvangen maar de Attorney General Jeff Sessions heeft ervoor gekozen hem te ontslaan.

Nu is het verlies van zijn pensioen voor McCabe het minste van alle problemen waarin hij zich bevindt.
Ik heb dit eerder in dit bericht uiteen gezet.

Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zaterdag 17 maart 2018 @ 14:08:50 #126
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Het nieuws van gisteren en vermoedelijk heel dit weekend gaat over de voormalig adjunct procureur-generaal Andrew McCabe, zoals iedereen kan vermoeden die het bericht hierboven heeft gelezen.
Op veel social media platforms wordt dit nieuws nogal gesimplificeerd door het te presenteren als een wraakactie van president Donald Trump.
Vandaar dit bericht om buiten deze talking points verheldering aan te bieden.

Twee Democraten van the House of Representatives, Elijah Cummings en John Conyers hebben op 4 oktober 2016 het verzoek neergelegd bij de Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG), Micheal Horowitz, die is aangesteld door president Barack Obama, een onderzoek te starten. Zij vroegen om dit onderzoek vanwege het illegaal lekken van informatie aangaande het onderzoek naar de e-mail controverse en de oneerlijke behandeling die Hillary Clinton beschadigde.


Horowitz kondigde zijn onderzoek naar de wijze waarop de Department of Justice (DoJ) en de Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) de Clinton e-mail controverse behandelde 4 maanden later op 12 januari 2017 aan.

Cummings prees de beslissing van Horowitz en stelde dat het onderzoek noodzakelijk was om een legitimiteitscrisis te voorkomen.
Adam Schiff prees zowel het verzoek als de aankondiging van Horowitz in een optreden bij MSNBC.

“I think this was very appropriate for the IG to initiate and I say hats off to my colleague Elijah Cummings for making the request for this investigation some months ago, it now has bipartisan support”

De afgelopen maanden heeft het onderzoek van Horowitz politieke partijdigheid bij de DoJ en de FBI laten zien. Vermoedelijk niet exact wat Cummings, Conyers en Schiff voor ogen hadden, maar dit is wat vanuit de toezichthouder Horowitz naar buiten is gebracht.

De onderzoeksresultaten van de de OIG worden binnenkort onthuld en er wordt gespeculeerd dat de bevindingen zullen inslaan als een bom.
Daar wil ik nog niet op vooruit lopen, hoewel dit topic al een tijdje mijn aandacht heeft en ik daardoor meer dan alleen vage vermoedens heb.

De aanbeveling om Andrew McCabe te ontslaan komt van de FBI vandaan, op basis van het rapport van de OIG vanuit de wens tot onderzoek van Democraten.
De FBI heeft een afdeling, genaamd Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), dat vergelijkbaar is met de afdeling Interne Zaken van een politiebureau.
De mensen binnen dit departement bekleden geen functies op basis van politiek gemotiveerde benoemingen, maar het zijn carrière mensen binnen de FBI en de DoJ.
De OPR heeft op basis van het aanstaande rapport een beoordeling gemaakt en van daaruit aanbevelingen gedaan.
De procureur-generaal Jeff Sessions heeft daarop de aanbevelingen van de OPR overwogen en uiteindelijk overgenomen.

“Pursuant to Dept Order 1202, & based on the report of the IG, the findings of the FBI OPR, and the recommendation of the Department’s senior career official, I have terminated the employment of Andrew McCabe effective immediately"


In dit proces is de president niet betrokken, ondanks de pogingen van CNN en The Washington Post om hiervan een talking point te maken. En het besluit heeft ook niets van doen met het onderzoek van de special counsel, zoals Mccabe wil doen geloven.

Eventuele aanbevelingen voor strafrechtelijke vervolging zullen ook vanuit het bureau komen waar McCabe werkzaam was en deze aanbevelingen worden gedaan door zijn oud-collega's.
McCabe heeft dit lot zelf over zich afgeroepen en het verlies van zijn pensioen is het minste waarover hij bezorgd zou moeten zijn.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door dellipder op 19-03-2018 01:25:23 ]
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zaterdag 17 maart 2018 @ 14:25:33 #127
450551 ChrisCarter
Ti Ta Toverland
In dit proces is de president niet betrokken, ondanks de pogingen van CNN en The Washington Post om hiervan een talking point te maken.
Dat viel mij ook al op ja. Smerig staaltje framing.
  zaterdag 17 maart 2018 @ 14:29:55 #128
128155 Fir3fly
Goodnight everybody!
0s.gif Op zaterdag 17 maart 2018 14:25 schreef ChrisCarter het volgende:


Dat viel mij ook al op ja. Smerig staaltje framing.
Nee hoor. Trump heeft het al een tijdje op deze kerel gemunt en dat is precies wat de pers ook report. Zoals gewoonlijk verdraait redpilled de feiten weer eens.

And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll
  zaterdag 17 maart 2018 @ 14:47:25 #129
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
0s.gif Op zaterdag 17 maart 2018 14:25 schreef ChrisCarter het volgende:


Dat viel mij ook al op ja. Smerig staaltje framing.
Op zich is het begrijpelijk vanuit de optiek van sommige journalisten, omdat er nu eenmaal veel lijntjes zijn tussen hen en DoJ en FBI officials en politieke officials die anti-Trump zijn.
Vrij recent nog sprak Devin Nunes over bijvoorbeeld aanwijzingen dat New York Times reporters worden betaald door Democratische Superpacs. Vanuit de informatie van Wikileaks is bekend geworden dat er bevriende relaties zijn tussen Democraten en de grote nieuws netwerken.
En er zijn een aantal oud-Obama officials die voor de grotere nieuwsorganisaties werken, zoals James Clapper en John Brennan.

In mijn sourcing gebruik ik The Washington Post, CNN en nog meer van dit soort bronnen, maar alleen vanwege citaten. Zodra er geen verifieerbare bronnen ("unnamed sources, "people familiar with the matter", etc.) erbij staan is het vaak gewoon rommel met enkel als doel om als hitpiece te fungeren.

Overigens het verhaal over McMaster en dat hij de laan uit zou worden gestuurd was met de intentie om de lekken te identificeren. Daaruit blijkt al hoe betrouwbaar The Washington Post is. Een ander voorbeeld daarvan is Bloomberg en het verhaal over Deutsche Bank.
Maar ja, 90% anti-Trump berichtgeving is een inspanning en een agenda.
Ik hou daar altijd rekening mee en moet er ook zo vaak om lachen, eerlijk gezegd.

[ Bericht 4% gewijzigd door dellipder op 18-03-2018 17:51:42 ]
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zaterdag 17 maart 2018 @ 14:57:49 #130
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zaterdag 17 maart 2018 @ 15:20:42 #131
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
2s.gif Op zaterdag 17 maart 2018 14:08 schreef dellipder het volgende:

Eventuele aanbevelingen voor strafrechtelijke vervolging zullen ook vanuit het bureau komen waar McCabe werkzaam was en deze aanbevelingen worden gedaan door zijn oud-collega's.
McCabe heeft dit lot zelf over zich afgeroepen en het verlies van zijn pensioen is het minste waarover hij bezorgd zou moeten zijn.
Het nadeel van de grote nieuws netwerken en hun ongelooflijke partijdigheid is dat ze het publiek geen dienst bewijzen door hun manier van berichtgeven.
Dit houdt mensen niet op de hoogte op het niveau dat het roddeljournalistiek ontstijgt.
In de kwestie Andrew McCabe gaat het niet over Twitterberichten van president Donald Trump (dit wordt in andere subforums besproken), maar over drie verschillende lopende onderzoeken tegen McCabe.
Ik heb dit reeds in een aantal berichten hier en bij herhaling besproken, maar om het nogmaals te benadrukken gaat het over OIG-onderzoek inzake verschoning en Terry McAuliffe, OSC-onderzoek inzake de Hatch Act en het onderzoek naar aanleiding van de EEO-klacht inzake Robin Gritz.
Dit staat dus ook nog eens los van de aanbevelingen van de OPR die onder andere gaan over meineed en het ongeautoriseerde lekken van overheidsinformatie naar de media. Een Twitterberichtje hier of daar maakt geen verschil; beide vergrijpen uit deze aanbeveling zijn misdrijven. Vandaar ontslag.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zondag 18 maart 2018 @ 21:22:51 #132
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
De verklaring van Andrew McCabe laat wat inconsistenties zien waardoor het lijkt alsof James Comey onder de bus is gegooid. in elk geval is Comey in een netelige situatie gebracht en zal hij zich vermoedelijk moeten verantwoorden.

McCabe just made life tough for Comey and the special counsel

Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
Amazing that anyone takes the time to read this complete and utter time-wasting shit - never mind beleive it.
In the new 'reality' we will be living in,nothing will be real and everything will be true-David A.McGowan
Why do some people not credit the origin of the quotes they use under their posts?- Tingo
  maandag 19 maart 2018 @ 13:02:06 #134
450551 ChrisCarter
Ti Ta Toverland
0s.gif Op maandag 19 maart 2018 12:47 schreef Tingo het volgende:
Amazing that anyone takes the time to read this complete and utter time-wasting shit - never mind beleive it.
Onderbouw het dan als het zulke shit is. Dellipder is heel relevant bezig
1s.gif Op maandag 19 maart 2018 13:02 schreef ChrisCarter het volgende:


Onderbouw het dan als het zulke shit is. Dellipder is heel relevant bezig
TV political drama portrayed as real.imo.
In the new 'reality' we will be living in,nothing will be real and everything will be true-David A.McGowan
Why do some people not credit the origin of the quotes they use under their posts?- Tingo
0s.gif Op maandag 19 maart 2018 13:07 schreef Tingo het volgende:


TV political drama portrayed as real.imo.
Eindelijk die diepe onderbouwing waar we naar zochten.
Conscience do cost.
  Moderator maandag 19 maart 2018 @ 14:33:13 #137
249559 crew  Lavenderr
0s.gif Op maandag 19 maart 2018 12:47 schreef Tingo het volgende:
Amazing that anyone takes the time to read this complete and utter time-wasting shit - never mind beleive it.
Doe eens niet. Wees blij dat iemand de moeite neemt om uitgebreide stukken te plaatsen.
  maandag 19 maart 2018 @ 16:46:51 #138
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
0s.gif Op maandag 19 maart 2018 12:47 schreef Tingo het volgende:
Amazing that anyone takes the time to read this complete and utter time-wasting shit - never mind beleive it.
0s.gif Op maandag 19 maart 2018 13:07 schreef Tingo het volgende:


TV political drama portrayed as real.imo.
Ik reageer meestal niet op deze en soortgelijke berichten, maar ik ben jou nog niet tegengekomen bij mijn berichten, dus ik maak hier een uitzondering.
Ik negeer meestal niet-inhoudelijke berichten, want dat leidt teveel af van het onderwerp en het voegt niets wezenlijks toe -misschien een aantal minuten dat jij je goed voelt?.
Afbreken is gemakkelijk, maar in gezamenlijk verder komen ligt de uitdaging, dus probeer wel een beetje constructief te zijn, alstublieft!

Ik wil er best in meegaan dat in dit forum er meer ruimte ligt om bepaalde theorieën neer te zetten dan in bijvoorbeeld in het nieuws en politiek forum, maar dit is slechts een klein onderdeel van dit topic. Het overgrote deel van de berichten bevat informatie op basis van (gerenommeerde) nieuwswebsites.
De berichten die je hier kunt lezen zijn gebaseerd op sourcing van websites van de overheid en van artikelen die wat betreft politieke kleur het gehele politieke spectrum beslaan.

Iedereen heeft verschillende interesses, dus ik begrijp volkomen dat wanneer je je niet bezighoudt met dit onderwerp het raar kan overkomen dat iemand anders daar wel tijd in steekt.
Ik geloof echter niet dat het héél vreemd is; het is simpelweg een interesse net zoals bijvoorbeeld gamen, lezen en voetballen ook interesses zijn.
En ik vind ook niet dat jij moet gaan bepalen wat voor iemand anders tijdsverspilling is.

Integendeel, ik leer heel veel over dit onderwerp en al de deelonderwerpen die daarmee samenhangen en ik vind het leuk hetgeen ik opsteek te delen.
Ik plaats pas berichten na onderzoek, waar ik mijn kijk op bepaalde nieuwsartikelen of onderwerpen in bredere zin uitleg, maar altijd met de bijbehorende sourcing zodat alle geïnteresseerden zelf alles kunnen opzoeken en kunnen zien waarop ik een bepaald perspectief baseer.
Ik stel en verwacht ook niet dat men alles van mij zomaar aanneemt en ik ben ervan overtuigd dat de volgers onafhankelijk van mijn inspanning zelf kunnen bepalen welk perspectief ze aan deze informatie hangen.
Don't believe me, look it up!

Tot slot zit je er ook naast dat ik bepaalde zaken geloof of juist niet zou geloven.
Het is geen religie, maar informatie die publiekelijk toegankelijk is en ik sta gewoon achter wat ik hier doe.
Sterker nog vind ik zaken één op één uit bijvoorbeeld The Washington Post, CNN of MSNBC voor waar aannemen daar eerder blijk van geven.
Het anti-Trump sentiment is behoorlijk aan het doorslaan, vind ik. In het "resistance"-kamp zit er heel veel gevoel bij het nieuws (90% negatieve berichtgeving) dat ten koste gaat van feiten en geverifieerde informatie -die men overigens gewoon kan opzoeken.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zaterdag 24 maart 2018 @ 13:47:19 #139
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
De term deep state is een kritische term dat een verwijzing is naar het gebrek aan invloed via verkiezingen op de instituties die de belangrijkste beslissingen maken.
In dit topic noem ik de deep state de DoJ/FBI/Hillary/Obama/DNC nexus. Het argument daarvoor is dat deze groep het doel heeft de verkiezingsuitslag onwettig te verklaren en het beleid van de president zoveel als mogelijk willen dwarsbomen.
Sommigen denken dat de deep state de aanstellingen van de president zijn door te wijzen naar het nepotisme en de vriendjespolitiek.
Nu is het inderdaad zo dat de president bij zijn verkiezing ongeveer 4000 vertrouwelingen kan aanstellen en dat deze eerder partijpolitieke benoemingen zijn dan per sé gekwalificeerde werknemers.
De deep state is echter een meer sinister systeem dat veel dieper gaat dan de benoemingen van de president en is als het ware een schaduwoverheid dat controle heeft over de bureaucratie van Washington D.C.
Het is een overheidsprogramma van enkele duizenden mensen, genaamd Senior Executive Service (SES). De SES werd in 1979 door Kristine Marcy opgericht toen de Civil Service Reform Act van 1978 van kracht werd onder president Jimmy Carter.
SES-leden zijn carrière ambtenaren die beslissingen mogen vetoën of verwerpen van een hoofd van een overheidsinstantie, waaronder het ministerie van Justitie, de FBI, de CIA en andere inlichtingenorganisaties.
SES-leden krijgen automatisch de hoogste veiligheidsmachtiging zonder echte achtergrondcontrole.
Op deze manier beheren ze 54 van de 58 overheidsinstanties.
Op 15 december 2015 ondertekende president Barack Obama een executive order dat de macht van het SES versterkte, waardoor bijna 90% van de SES gevuld is met zijn vertrouwelingen.

Meer informatie over de Senior Executive Service in het filmpje hieronder (ongeveer 16 minuten):

Een aantal voorbeelden van SES leden:
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Bruce Ohr, John Kerry, Dianne Feinstein, Rahm Emanuel, Loretta Lynch, Sidney Blumenthal, John Podesta, Christopher A. Wray, Victoria Nuland, Jennifer M. Palmieri, Susan E. Rice, Condoleeza Rice, Lona Valmoro, Cheryl Mills, James E. Baker, Andrew S. Effron, Alex Wagner, Madeleine K. Albright, Eric Holder, Jeremy B Bash, John McCain, Sheryl K. Sandberg, Marisa McAuliffe
Thomas E. Perez en Carol Mccabe Booker.

Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  zaterdag 24 maart 2018 @ 18:27:43 #140
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Dit artikel is een plaats ik in de context van de berichten over de SES.

John Bolton reportedly set to fire dozens of White House officials amid leaking problem

Incoming national security adviser John Bolton is reportedly poised to remove dozens of White House officials when he starts his new job early next month.

Among those who will get the boot will be Obama administration holdovers and anyone who isn't loyal to President Trump, sources told Foreign Policy.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” one former White House official was quoted as saying.

On Thursday, Trump announced that Bolton would replace H.R. McMaster as head of the National Security Council -- a move that would be effective on April 9.

Bolton, a former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under former President George W. Bush, hinted in follow-up interviews Thursday on Fox News and Fox Business that he would be a strong force to solve the White House's lingering issue with leaks, particularly those of a national security nature.

"It's not for them to put in jeopardy the other 300 plus million American citizens just because they think their morality is better than everybody else's," Bolton said of the leakers on Fox Business.

The issue is so prevalent, the New York Times reported Friday that Trump himself has told Bolton that he needs to plug up the leaks.

McMaster's exit followed a recent high-profile leak where briefing materials for a phone call between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin from Trump’s national security advisers were leaked.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  donderdag 29 maart 2018 @ 18:58:05 #141
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
De feiten die in dit topic de basis vormen van de theorie dat de DoJ/FBI/Hillary/Obama/DNC nexus samen hebben gespannen om de 2016 Amerikaanse verkiezingen te beïnvloeden, de uitslag daarvan nietig te maken en de inlichtingendiensten (ook die van het Verenigd Koninkrijk) hebben ingezet om de politieke opponent te bespioneren worden stapsgewijs bevestigd.
Ik heb hierover eerder al een artikel gepost waarvan de titel dit proces goed omschreef; van conspiracy theorie tot een reële samenzwering.
Deze saga is nog niet ontrafelt, maar uit documenten is onlangs weer een deel bevestigd geworden dat de voormalige hoofd van de GCHQ Robert Hannigan, materiaal aan John Brennan heeft overhandigd, dat het resultaat was van hun spionagewerk.
Met dit materiaal heeft John Brennan majority-leader Harry Reid overgehaald een brief naar James Comey te sturen met het verzoek de aantijgingen uit het Britse materiaal te onderzoeken.
Deze gebeurtenissen markeren het moment dat het onderzoek van Russische hacken van de DNC-servers (er is nog geen enkel bewijs voor de hack geleverd, enkel de opinie van Crowdstrike) naar "Russia collusion" verschoof; het onderzoek richt zich vanaf nu direct op Donald Trump en de Trump campagne.
Er zijn steeds meer aanwijzingen van coördinatie tussen de veiligheidsdiensten en de departementen. Daarnaast zijn de actoren allemaal hoge officials van de Obama-regering. Het wordt hierdoor steeds meer waarschijnlijker dat de oud-president op de hoogte moet zijn geweest van al deze inspanningen. Ook niet ondenkbaar is dat hij een rol heeft gespeeld.

COLLUSION DELUSION: New Documents Show OBAMA Officials, FBI COORDINATED in Anti-Trump Probe

Former Sen. Harry Reid asked James Comey to investigate Trump

Documents obtained by congressional investigators suggest possible coordination by Obama White House officials, the CIA and the FBI into the investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign. Those senior Obama officials used unsubstantiated evidence to launch allegations in the media that the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia during the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, according to newly discovered documents and communications obtained by Congress.

The documents also reveal that former Senate majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, sent a letter on Aug. 29, 2016, asking then FBI Director James Comey to investigate the allegations, which were presented to him by then CIA Director John Brennan. Brennan had briefed Reid privately days earlier on the counterintelligence investigation and documents suggest Reid was also staying in close touch with Comey over the issues. The Gang of Eight is a group of eight lawmakers who have access to the most highly classified information and often meet on Capitol Hill to be briefed on classified material.

The documents, which include text messages from embattled FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his paramour Lisa Page, also reveal that former Obama White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough was involved in the initial investigation into Trump’s campaign. Comey, Brennan and McDonough the “highest-ranking officials at the FBI, CIA and White House” were working in concert to ensure an investigation was initiated, congressional members told this reporter.

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, was deeply troubled by the findings.

“We’ve been asking for documents with little cooperation of the DOJ and FBI — we’re having to find these unreacted documents on our own,” said Meadows, who’s also chairman of the House Freedom Caucus. “It appears there was a coordination between the White House, CIA, and FBI at the onset of this investigation and it’s troubling.”

Meadows said a meeting that John Moffa, who was part of the counterintelligence division at the FBI, meets with Denis McDonough on August 10, (2016),” Meadows added. “What we’re finding is the more we dig the more we realize that there appeared to be a willful coordination between multiple groups outside the Department of Justice and FBI. Moffa was also the FBI agent who helped draft Comey’s July 5, 2016, exoneration letter to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Meadows said the documents suggest Reid’s briefing from Brennan “was used in Michael Isikoff’s Yahoo News story.”

Isikoff’s article was used as evidence for the FBI’s FISA warrant being granted against Carter Page. Page was a short-term volunteer advisor on the Trump campaign, who was spied on by the FBI. Congress and the Department of Justice are investigating the FBI’s conduct in obtaining a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October 2016 to spy on Page. Page was a central figure in an unverified dossier put together by former British Spy Christopher Steele alleging the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

In April 2017 The New York Times published the first story about Brennan’s counterintelligence briefing to Reid regarding Trump. The briefings to Gang of Eight congressional members suggested Russia might be helping Trump win the election. Brennan alluded to the unverified information that members of the Trump campaign may be colluding with the Russians. The information briefed to the lawmakers expanded the number of people who were aware of the unverified allegations, and played a significant role in the increase of leaks to the media, according to the information obtained by the committee.

“A chain of events suggest the FBI encouraged Reid to write this letter to legitimize its surveillance of Carter Page”

A congressional investigator told this reporter that they believe the FBI was involved in the briefing to Reid but are still waiting for confirmation.

In the letter from Reid to Comey, he cites information Brennan shared with him that Trump advisor, referencing Carter Page, and other “high ranking sanctioned individuals” in Moscow were meeting. Reid asks Comey to launch an investigation by the FBI into the Trump Campaign and the Kremlin.

The letter, which was obtained by this reporter, refers to reports briefed by Brennan but gives “almost no evidence” regarding the Trump campaign and Russia, according to congressional investigators.

For example, the letter only states that “questions have been raised about whether a Trump advisor who has been highly critical of U.S. and European economic sanctions on Russia, and who has conflicts of interests due to his investments in Russian energy conglomerate Gazprom, met with high-ranking sanctioned individuals in Moscow in July of 2016.”

Congressional investigators also note that newly revealed text messages between Strzok and Page also show possible coordination between the FBI, CIA and the Democrats.

Shortly after Reid’s letter was revealed in a New York Times article on August 30, 2016, Strzok texts Page saying, “here we go.” He included a link to the story in the text message.

Congressional investigators suggest that the pair were creating inferences “that they knew it would create public calls for an investigation into Russian interference.”

Sept. 23, 2016, Isikoff article, which cites Reid’s letter, is also another example of possible coordination, congressional investigators state. The FBI used the Yahoo news article as part of the evidence in their application to obtain a FISA warrant on Carter Page.

“This sequence of events strongly suggests the FBI encouraged Reid to write this letter to legitimize its surveillance of Carter Page,” congressional investigators stated.

Congressional Findings:

• What began as an investigation into allegations of Russian cyber hacking of the DNC was eventually broadened into an investigation of the Trump campaign.
• By sending high-ranking officials and led to brief members of Congress on the possibility of Russian interference in the 2016 election, the DNC hack, and the possibility Trump campaign associates were in contact with Russia, the FBI was given cover for the investigation they had recently opened on Trump with questionable legal justification.
• The intelligence community has admitted Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election were only the most “recent expression” of their longstanding desire to undermine US elections.
• It appears based on the information “insurance policy” in case Trump won, these briefings by the intelligence community to Congress, which led to several members calling for investigations into Russian interference and Trump, were perfectly timed to plant seeds of doubt in the outcome of the 2016 election.
• By utilizing the FBI’s cyber division to look into the DNC hack, the agents exhibiting improper political biases from the FBI’s counterintelligence division, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok, were offered cover.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 30 maart 2018 @ 16:02:13 #142
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
Graag wil ik met jullie delen een heel lang, maar heel goed artikel dat het werkelijke samenspannen en samenzweren van de "Russia collusion"-saga in een tijdlijn weergeeft.
Een artikel van een saga met (nu nog) een open einde.

Ik kwam in dit stuk nieuwe details tegen, maar globaal komt het overeen met de berichten die ik hier heb geplaatst en de strekking die ik hierin heb uiteen gezet.
Het artikel is min of meer te verdelen in twee gedeelten waarin het eerste deel de nadruk ligt op de details en de tijdlijn en het tweede gedeelte nadruk legt op opinie op basis van de onthullingen die de afgelopen maanden zijn geweest.

Een lang, pijnlijk verhaal over dubbelhartigheid, incompetentie, kuddementaliteit, bedrog, machtsmisbruik en absolute corruptie.
Ik denk degenen die hierin het meest excelleren John Brennan en Andrew McCabe zijn. Zij hebben eigenhandig de eer en goede naam van de twee belangrijkste inlichtingenbureaus van de Verenigde Staten te grabbel gegooid voor hun politieke doeleinden. Als er iemand verantwoordelijk gehouden moeten worden voor hun onethische, dubieuze en hoogst aannemelijk strafrechtelijke handelingen in mijn opinie zijn zij het.

Het artikel moet ik meerdere berichten posten vanwege de lengte.

The Real Collusion Story

In a textbook example of denial and projection, Trump foes in and out of government wove a sinister yarn meant to take him down.

Barack Obama keeps a close watch on his emotions. “I loved Spock,” he wrote in February 2015 in a presidential statement eulogizing Leonard Nimoy. Growing up in Hawaii, the young man who would later be called “No-Drama Obama” felt a special affinity for the Vulcan first officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. “Long before being nerdy was cool, there was Leonard Nimoy,” the eulogy continued. “Leonard was Spock. Cool, logical, big-eared and level-headed.”

It is the rare occasion when Obama lets his Spock mask slip. But November 2, 2016, was just such a moment. Six days before the presidential election, when addressing the Congressional Black Caucus, he stressed that the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, threatened hard-won achievements of blacks: tolerance, justice, good schools, ending mass incarceration — even democracy itself. “There is one candidate who will advance those things,” he said, his voice swelling with emotion. “And there’s another candidate whose defining principle, the central theme of his candidacy, is opposition to all that we’ve done.”

The open display of emotion was new, but the theme of safeguarding his legacy was not. Two months earlier, on July 5, in Charlotte, N.C., Obama delivered his first stump speech for Hillary Clinton. He described his presidency as a leg in a relay race. Hillary Clinton had tried hard to pass affordable health care during Bill Clinton’s administration, but she failed — and the relay baton fell to the ground. When Obama entered the White House, he picked it up. Now, his leg of the race was coming to an end. “I’m ready to pass the baton,” he said. “And I know that Hillary Clinton is going to take it.”

But he was less certain than he was letting on. Hillary Clinton was up in the polls, to be sure, but she was vulnerable. Three weeks earlier, on June 15, a cyberattacker fashioning himself as Guccifer 2.0 had published a cache of emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee (DNC). They proved, as supporters of Vermont senator Bernie Sanders had long alleged, that the DNC had conspired with the Clinton campaign to undermine their candidate. Sanders was still withholding his endorsement of Clinton for president, even though her nomination as the Democratic candidate was now a foregone conclusion. At the very moment when Clinton had expected the Democratic party to unite behind her, its deepest chasm seemed to be growing wider. In contrast to Clinton, Obama held some sway over the Sanders insurgents. He came to Charlotte to urge them to support Clinton against their shared enemy, the presumptive Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump.

The insurgency was not the only Clinton vulnerability on Obama’s mind. He had come to Charlotte, in addition, to deflect attention from the news conference that James Comey, the director of the FBI, had held that morning in Washington, D.C. The investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server was complete, Comey announced. The FBI would recommend no criminal charges — that was the honey. But Comey administered it with a dose of vinegar. He dwelled on Clinton’s mishandling of classified material in such detail that it sounded as if he was laying the foundation for an indictment. The decision not to charge Clinton, his statement signaled, was an exercise in prosecutorial restraint, not a true exoneration.

From the perspective of the voters, Clinton’s twin email travails — the hack of the DNC and the investigation into her server — were two faces of a single problem. Call it “Clinton, Inc.” Sanders and Trump were painting Clinton as Wall Street’s darling, the establishment candidate. She was the greatest defender and a prime beneficiary of a rigged political and financial system. Comey’s statement had played directly into the hands of the Sanders insurgents. It left the distinct impression that laws are for the little people; they simply don’t apply to Hillary Clinton, because, well, she’s Hillary Clinton.

Which points to Obama’s third and final job at Charlotte: humanizing the queen. “I saw how she treated everybody with respect, even the folks who aren’t, quote/unquote, ‘important,’” Obama testified. He enlarged Clinton’s humility before the crowd, because it was invisible to the naked eye. With his jacket and tie off, the cuffs of his sleeves turned, and a winning smile spread from ear to ear, Obama came to loan Hillary Clinton his common touch.

Passing the baton to her was a team effort, however. It demanded hard work from countless enablers. These included not just Democrats but also many Republicans, who shared the conviction that Trump represented an extraordinary threat to our democracy. Desperate times call for desperate measures. To block Trump, Clinton’s supporters bent rules and broke laws. They went to surprising lengths to strengthen her while framing him — both in the sense of depicting him in a particular light and of planting evidence against him.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 30 maart 2018 @ 16:03:52 #143
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Unwashed brains
Joe Friday

When it comes to ongoing FBI criminal investigations, presidents typically refrain from describing their preferred outcomes. They fear the appearance of exerting undue influence over Lady Justice. But in the case of Hillary Clinton’s email abuses, Obama made an exception. “She would never intentionally put America in any kind of jeopardy,” he remarked in a TV interview in April 2016. She has displayed “a carelessness in terms of managing emails,” he allowed. “But I also think it is important to keep this in perspective.”

Well-intentioned but careless, said the commander in chief. Three months later, the FBI finished its investigation, and James Comey arrived at an identical conclusion. “Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information,” he said in his July 5 statement, “there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.” Well-intentioned but careless — Comey was locked in a Vulcan mind-meld with his boss.

As a political move, highlighting Clinton’s intentions was astute. It had a commonsense feel. Americans instinctively take intentions into account when determining guilt. As a strict matter of law, however, it was vapid. The mishandling of classified information falls into the category of a “non-intent crime.” It’s a type of objective recklessness, like running over a pedestrian while blowing through a red light. Violations of this sort trigger criminal liabilities regardless of the offender’s state of mind.

But let’s assume that some clever lawyer in the Department of Justice discovered a very learned and superficially compelling rationale for applying Obama’s fictive standard of intent. Even so, Hillary Clinton couldn’t clear the hurdle. The sheer volume of classified material the FBI recovered from her server constituted proof of intent. “Fifty-two email chains . . . contain classified information,” Comey said.

Particularly damning was the form this material took. It is impossible to paste a classified document into an unclassified email accidentally, because the three computer systems (Unclassified, Confidential/Secret, and Top Secret) are physically separate networks, each feeding into an independent hard drive on the user’s desk. If a classified document appears in an unclassified email, then someone downloaded it onto a thumb drive and manually uploaded it to the unclassified network — an intentional act if ever there was one.

One of Clinton’s emails suggests that downloading and uploading material in this fashion was a commonplace activity in her office. In June 2011, a staffer encountered difficulty transmitting a document to her by means of a classified system. An impatient Clinton instructed him to strip the classified markings from the document and send it on as an unclassified email. “Turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure,” Clinton instructed.

On three separate occasions staffers got sloppy and failed to strip the “nonpapers” of all markings that betrayed their classified origins. The FBI recovered one email, for example, that contained a “C” in parenthesis in the margin — an obvious sign that the corresponding paragraph was classified “Confidential.” When an agent personally interviewed Clinton, on July 2, he showed her the document and asked whether she understood what the “C” meant. For anyone who has ever held a security clearance, “C’s” in the margins are more ubiquitous than “C’s” on water faucets — and no more baffling. But Clinton played the ditzy grandmother. She had simply assumed, she said, that the “C” was marking an item in an alphabetized list.

In the 2,500-year life of the alphabet, this was a first: a list that started with the third letter and contained but a single item. The explanation was laughable, but any sensible answer would have constituted an acknowledgement of malicious intent. Her only out was the “well-intentioned but careless” script that Obama had written for her. In other words, she lied to the FBI — a felony offense.

Before she ever told this howler, however, Comey had already prepared a draft of his statement exonerating her. The FBI let Hillary Clinton skate.

But give Comey his due. If he had followed the letter of the law, the trail of guilt may have led all the way to Obama himself. As Andrew C. McCarthy has demonstrated at National Review Online, Obama used a dummy email account to communicate with Clinton via her private server. Did this make Obama complicit in Clinton’s malfeasance? Anyone in Comey’s position would have thought twice before moving to prosecute her — and not only because the case might have ensnared the president himself. The FBI must enforce the law, but it must also be seen to be enforcing it. As a rule, these two imperatives buttress each other. During the 2016 election, Comey faced extraordinary circumstances. If he had followed the law to the letter, he would have toppled the leading candidate for president and decapitated the Democratic party. Clinton’s supporters, more than 50 percent of the electorate, would have erupted in outrage, screaming that a politicized FBI had thrown the election to Donald Trump.

Guarding the bureau’s reputation for impartiality is a serious concern. But it is nevertheless a thoroughly political concern. Comey would have us believe that it was a unique moment in his career, the singular entry into the political arena of an otherwise apolitical servant of the law. Truth be told, Comey loves being in the thick of it, but not because he is a partisan brawler. He is not. It is the drama that he relishes — the grand stage. His favorite role is that of Joe Friday, the no-nonsense lawman, the guardian of legal processes before the encroachments of dirty politicians.

Joe Friday, however, was a simple detective, a confirmed bachelor, content to live quietly with his mother and his parakeet. And, of course, he was a TV fiction. In real life, humble straight shooters get clobbered with a brick before they ever reach the limelight. In real life, snagging the big part often requires the equivalent of leaving a bloody horsehead in the producer’s bed.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 30 maart 2018 @ 16:05:44 #144
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Unwashed brains
McCabe and the Lovers

And it requires a supportive staff. Midyear Exam, the codename for the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, relied on a team of men and women with the right stuff — a quality that is hard to define but easy to recognize.

The right stuff did not require strong Democratic credentials, but they certainly helped. Andrew McCabe, the deputy director of the FBI, led the team. McCabe was not your FBI gumshoe of old. He spent no time in his younger days chasing bank robbers in Des Moines. He was part of a new breed — the post-9/11 FBI leadership, for whom the career fast track was counterterrorism. He came of age at the intersection of law enforcement with national security, shuttling between D.C. and New York. Along the way, he developed a valuable personal network. His wife, Jill, ran as a Democrat for a Virginia state-senate seat in 2015. The political organization of Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, one of Hillary Clinton’s very closest associates, gave her nearly $500,000.

Perhaps more important than having Democratic credentials was having a heightened understanding of the needs of senior leadership — in the FBI, certainly, but also in the DOJ. Right across the street from the J. Edgar Hoover Building sat Attorney General Loretta Lynch. She would be scrutinizing Midyear Exam in every detail. And not just Lynch. Hillary Clinton herself would be watching closely — and would be brought in for questioning, too. Being willing and able to treat her with kid gloves was essential. She “might be our next president,” team member Lisa Page reminded Peter Strzok, the agent in charge of Midyear Exam. Referring to Clinton’s upcoming FBI interview, Page wrote, “The last thing you need us going in there loaded for bear.”

Like McCabe, Strzok had pursued a career at the nexus of law enforcement and counterterrorism. But he was less overtly political. A John Kasich sympathizer, he was by nature a middle-of-the-roader, and a Republican-leaning one, at that. Clinton left him cold. But Trump left him even colder — and his active personal life helped concentrate his mind on that antipathy. Strzok was having an affair with Page, who was an FBI lawyer on McCabe’s staff. Both were married. Page’s politics were typical of highly educated people in D.C.: She detested Trump and his supporters. He is “a loathsome human being,” she texted to Strzok, who readily agreed. After Trump captured the nomination, hostility to him quickly became part of their private idiom.

If “the ultimate aphrodisiac,” as Henry Kissinger famously claimed, is power, then wielding it together with an illicit lover must be the pinnacle of eroticism. Together, Strzok and Page explored the power of secrets, routinely leaking to the press to shape political outcomes. “Still on the phone with Devlin,” Page texted to Strzok, referring to former Wall Street Journal national-security reporter Devlin Barrett. Big news about the Hillary Clinton email story was breaking when Devlin and Page were on the phone together. “You might wanna tell Devlin he should turn on CNN, there’s news on,” Strzok texted back.

Page: He knows. He just got handed a note.

Strzok: Ha. He asking about it now?

Page: Yeah. It was pretty funny.

Influencing the nation’s politics was routine. And ridiculously easy: one quick call to “Devlin,” and boom! The world changed.

Deploying secrets for political effect — deciding which to keep, which to tell, and how to tell them — was a task that they approached with alacrity. The ultimate goal, of course, was not propping up Hillary Clinton so much as maximizing the power and autonomy of the FBI. In pursuing this goal, McCabe and the two lovers demonstrated the very essence of the right stuff: a breezy comfort with bending the law to the demands of politics.

They honed their skills on Midyear Exam. As that test ended, an even bigger one loomed before them. At the end of July, Comey and McCabe would officially open an investigation into Russian meddling in the election, including possible coordination between Russia and the Trump campaign. On July 5, the day of Comey’s press conference on Clinton’s emails, a former British spy, Christopher Steele, flew to Rome to meet an old FBI contact. The information he brought had weighty implications for the impending investigation. But neither the information nor the implications are what we have been led to believe.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 30 maart 2018 @ 16:05:58 #145
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Unwashed brains
The Super Spy

Steele — a former British spy and a Russia expert — was working on contract to Fusion GPS, a Washington-based public-relations firm, which, in turn, was on contract to a D.C. law firm, which, in turn, was on contract to the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. Steele, that is to say, was working for Hillary Clinton. His job, among other things, was to collect opposition research on Trump from his network of Russian sources.

When Steele arrived in Rome, his famous “dossier” did not exist. The dossier, as we have come to know it, is some 17 reports that he compiled between June and December 2016. In early July, Steele had been working on the Clinton account for only a few weeks and had written but one report, dated June 20. It claimed that Trump was Vladimir Putin’s Manchurian candidate. “[The] Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting, and assisting Trump for at least 5 years,” Steele reported. Putin’s goal was “to sow discord and disunity both within the US itself, but more especially within the Transatlantic alliance.” The Russian leader supported Trump, mainly, by supplying “valuable intelligence on his opponents, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.”

Putin had offered lucrative financial contracts, but Trump had turned them down. The wily Russian, however, had managed to get his hooks into Trump due to the American’s “sexual perversion.” During a visit to Moscow in 2013, Trump had hired prostitutes to stay with him in the same hotel suite used by the Obamas on one of their trips. The FSB, Russia’s secret police, had fitted the room with cameras and recording equipment. Trump had the prostitutes defile Obama’s bed by putting on a “golden shower” performance for him. All of it was caught on tape.

Earthshaking news: Vladimir Putin was blackmailing Donald J. Trump. No doubt, Steele’s FBI handler rushed this report to his superiors in Washington, D.C. They, in turn, raced it straight to Obama’s desk. Sorry, wrong. According to the New York Times, Steele’s explosive revelations wound their way to the J. Edgar Hoover Building only slowly. It took weeks before they appeared in Strzok’s in-box. Why?

Mike Morell, the former deputy director of the CIA, helps explain the delay. Morell did some digging into Christopher Steele’s dossier and shared the results of his research at a public forum in Washington, D.C., in March 2017. Steele, according to Morell, did not have direct access to the Russians whom he labeled as his “sources” — people who included former officers in the FSB. He “communicated” with them, if that is the right word, through paid intermediaries, who paid the so-called sources.

The chances of Steele having been played were thus great. Morell explained it like this:

If you’re paying somebody, particularly former FSB officers, they are going to tell you truth and innuendo and rumor, and they’re going to call you up and say, “Hey, let’s have another meeting, I have more information for you,” because they want to get paid some more.

This process, Morell said, “takes you nowhere.”

Steele’s report was, in a word, junk. And Morell, the man who expressed that opinion, was not just a seasoned intelligence professional; he was also a staunch supporter of Hillary Clinton for president. Nor did Steele’s FBI handler in Rome set off an alarm in Washington, because he, presumably, was also a seasoned professional who knew junk when he saw it. And he had many additional reasons to doubt the veracity of Steele’s reporting — reasons that Morell refrained from broaching. How, for example, could Steele be sure that the former FSB officers in his network were fully retired? The convoluted pipeline between Moscow and London gave Russian intelligence too many opportunities to inject disinformation into the flow of reports to London.

And let’s not neglect the glaring issue of plausibility. When in the history of the rivalry between the West and Russia has it been possible for a British spy to call up sources in Moscow and gain immediate access to the deepest secrets of the Kremlin? Steele, relying only on his wits, unearthed gems the likes of which glittered only in the dreams of the CIA, Mossad, and MI6, the greatest intelligence-gathering organizations on earth. To believe that tale, we must assume that Steele, like James Bond, is no ordinary secret agent. He’s a super spy.

Then there’s the little matter of Steele’s personal bias. According to one well-informed associate, Steele was “passionate about” preventing Trump from winning the election. His financial incentives, of course, oriented him in exactly the same direction. He was a paid piper — and he got paid only for collecting information detrimental to Trump. Isn’t it possible — likely, even — that his shadowy paymasters in the demimonde of the Clinton campaign were calling the tune?

Steele’s reports certainly harmonized beautifully with the campaign’s propaganda. On June 2, in a speech in San Diego, Hillary Clinton unveiled her main line of attack on Donald Trump’s foreign policy. His ideas, she said, were “dangerously incoherent.” In fact, they weren’t “even really ideas — just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds, and outright lies.” Particularly mystifying was his attitude toward the Russian dictator: “He said if he were grading Vladimir Putin as a leader, he’d give him an A. . . . I’ll leave it to the psychiatrists to explain his affection for tyrants.”

But the demimonde wasn’t about to leave it to mental-health professionals. It hired instead a British super spy. He immediately explained that Putin was extorting Trump. Two weeks after that, he flew to Rome to share his explanation with the FBI. By the time he left Rome, his handler might not have guessed that the Clinton campaign was funding the spy’s work. The political nature of Steele’s mission, however, would have been obvious.

In Rome on July 5, the FBI was beginning to acquire a new secret. But it was not the one contained in Steele’s report. The Clinton campaign, the FBI would soon learn with certainty, was intent on framing Trump as Putin’s puppet. That secret was truly explosive — and perhaps thrilling for the two lovers on McCabe’s staff. In time, all of them —Strzok, Page, McCabe, and Comey — would all mishandle it, damaging their careers irreparably. In July, however, they were not yet in a rush to ruination. The team with the right stuff cautiously watched and waited. Not until September would they take their fateful missteps.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 30 maart 2018 @ 16:07:28 #146
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Unwashed brains
The Birth of the Collusion Thesis

On July 22, WikiLeaks released the largest cache of DNC emails. The plan behind the hack now became clear: to sabotage the Democratic National Convention, which opened in Philadelphia on July 25. While Clinton was organizing a celebration of Democratic unity, Guccifer 2.0 was working to flood the convention floor with enraged Bernie Sanders insurgents. In the event, Clinton managed to prevent the protests from ruining the convention. But they did damage her theater of power — and they also handed Trump a fresh opportunity to broadcast his “Crooked Hillary” theme. He took obvious delight in the rage of the Sanders followers. “An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders would have won the Democratic nomination if it were not for the Super Delegates,” Trump tweeted on the eve of the convention.

The statement hit Clinton like an iron bar to her kneecap. The thought that a malevolent foreign actor was helping Trump deliver the blow only increased the pain. Most observers assumed that Russian state-backed hackers stood behind Guccifer 2.0 (an assumption that has grown stronger with time). If Trump felt sheepish about benefiting from such people, he hid it well. “I will tell you this, Russia. If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” he said on July 27, referring to Hillary Clinton’s messages that the FBI never recovered during its investigation of her private server.

In the eyes of his supporters, Trump’s appeal to Putin was a stage whisper, a mock gesture — and a pointed dig at Clinton. In her rush to hide emails from the FBI, Trump implied, she had delivered them up to Putin on a platter. But his brand of humor was lost on Clinton and her team. To them, the appeal to Putin was sinister. “I just think that’s beyond the pale,” said Clinton loyalist and former CIA director Leon Panetta. To shame Trump before the voters, the campaign shifted its rhetoric perceptibly. In June, Clinton had depicted Trump’s attitude toward Putin as irrational. Now the two were said to be in a partnership — a “bromance” was how John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman, described it. “This has to be the first time that a major presidential candidate has actively encouraged a foreign power to conduct espionage against his political opponent,” said senior Clinton policy aide Jake Sullivan. “This has gone from being a matter of curiosity, and a matter of politics, to being a national-security issue.”

Shaming was all well and good, but it only resonated among committed voters. Winning the election required convincing independents that Trump was more than just a passive beneficiary of the DNC hack; he had to be an accomplice. Clinton’s campaign thus posted five questions on its website:

1. What’s behind Trump’s fascination with Vladimir Putin?

2. Why does Trump surround himself with advisers with links to the Kremlin?

3. Why do Trump’s foreign policy ideas read like a Putin wish list?

4. Do Trump’s still-secret tax returns show ties to Russian oligarchs?

5. Why is Trump encouraging Russia to interfere in our election?

Each question was followed by a short answer, leading to the inevitable conclusion that Trump was actively conspiring with Putin.

And so, the collusion thesis was born. The website did not spell out the details of the conspiracy, but the campaign’s demimonde left nothing to the imagination. Christopher Steele had discovered Russian “sources” who painted a vivid picture of the plot. Putin had decided against releasing the compromising videos of Trump. The Manchurian candidate was proving just too beneficial to Russia. In fact, a full-blown alliance had formed between Putin and Trump. Based on their “mutual interest in defeating . . . Hillary Clinton,” they struck a grand bargain: Putin would help elect Trump, who would deliver a supine American policy on Ukraine and NATO defense.

The super spy’s network was remarkable. His Russian sources were as close to Trump as they were to Putin. “An ethnic Russian close associate” of Trump’s “admitted that there was a well-developed conspiracy” between him and the Russians. Another source revealed more: The DNC hack was carried out “with the full knowledge and support of Trump and senior members of his campaign team.” There it was: the proof the Clinton campaign needed. The great crime against Hillary Clinton was a joint Russian-American operation, and Trump was in on it from the beginning.

Steele’s startling discoveries hardly stopped there. But before revealing more, let’s pause and consider the purpose of his reports. How, precisely, did his direct employer, Fusion GPS, use them?
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 30 maart 2018 @ 16:09:58 #147
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Unwashed brains
The Super Duo

To hear Glenn Simpson tell it, his company, Fusion GPS, is a research organization. “What we do is provide people with factual information,” he told the Senate Judiciary Committee in August 2017. “Our specialty is public record information.” In truth, Simpson’s true specialty is not research but persuasion — more specifically, persuasion of reporters. He has a talent for convincing journalists to publish stories, true or not, that benefit his clients. In short, he is a public-relations flack.

But Simpson is no ordinary PR man; he’s a super flack. In the first decade of this century, he was in his early forties and working as an investigative journalist for the Wall Street Journal. He was reaching the pinnacle of his profession just as the Internet was gutting the print media. Simpson, however, had a marketable talent. “I call it journalism for rent,” he said at a public forum in August 2017. Journalism as we once knew might be dead, but deep-pocketed clients still needed to get stories into the press. And they needed to block other stories from being published. Simpson knew almost every member of the Washington press corps personally, and he understood the constraints under which they worked — what it took to get a story past an editor. He handed them canned articles. They got scoops; he got happy clients.

When pitching stories on Trump-Putin collusion, Simpson eventually discovered the great benefit of placing Christopher Steele directly in front of reporters. In September and October, he would fly the spy from London to the United States so the two of them could brief major media outlets as a team. Before that, in July and August, Simpson did not have the benefit of Steele’s physical presence. But neither was he alone. He still had the super spy’s reports — James Bond in a briefcase.

Con men stoke the greed of their marks by letting them catch glimpses of suitcases bulging with cash. Simpson gave his marks a sense that he was similarly loaded — but with valuable information, not money. “In September 2016, Steele and I met in Washington and discussed the information now known as the ‘dossier,’ ” wrote Jonathan Winer, in the Washington Post. A former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state, Winer admitted passing Steele’s information to his superiors. “I was allowed to review, but not to keep, a copy of these reports to enable me to alert the State Department,” he explained. Simpson, we infer, would let journalists catch a glimpse of the super spy’s “raw intelligence.” Then he would quickly take the document back — because, you understand, it was just too sensitive to leave lying around.

If journalists feared that Steele’s startling reports (such as, for example, the one about the golden shower) contained Russian disinformation, Simpson had a well-rehearsed spiel at the ready to reassure them. He inadvertently shared it before the House Intelligence Committee in November 2017. Steele, Simpson explained, had a “standard presentation” for journalists to explain how he avoided falling prey to the diabolical Russians. Sliding into the first person, he rattled off Steele’s lines:

I was the lead Russianist at Ml6 in the final years of my career. And I was previously stationed in Moscow. And I speak Russian. And I’ve done Russian intelligence/counterintelligence issues all my life. And the central problem when you’re a Russian intelligence expert is disinformation, and that the Russians have . . . a long history and an advanced capability in disinformation. And so . . . before we go any further, I just want you to know that . . . this is . . . the fundamental problem with my profession. And it should be assumed that in any sort of intelligence gathering . . . there will be some disinformation. And I’m trained to spot that and filter it out, but . . . you should understand that . . . no one’s perfect.

Simpson then switched to the first-person plural. Perhaps, when briefing journalists, this was the point at which he would speak, in his own voice, as the leader of the talented and experienced team at Fusion GPS:

And so we’ve essentially filtered out everything that we think is disinformation, and we’re not going to present that to you here. We’re going to present to you things that we think come from credible sources, but we’re not going to warrant [sic] to you . . . that this is all true.

Simpson staked the credibility of the dossier on just one thing: Steele’s super awesomeness. On his own, Simpson would have been flacking salacious rumor, but paired with Steele, he was briefing “credible intelligence.” Together, they became a super duo.

The purpose of the dossier would change over time. In July and August, the goal was not to get Steele’s reports directly into the press. Nobody knew better than Simpson, a highly experienced reporter, that Steele’s claims were unverifiable and, therefore, unprintable. The best he could achieve was an article that reinforced the main suppositions of the collusion thesis — an article such as “Trump and Putin: A Love Story,” which David Remnick, the editor of The New Yorker, wrote and published in early August. “Putin,” sees in Trump a grand opportunity,” Remnick explained. “He sees in Trump weakness and ignorance, a confused mind. He has every hope of exploiting him.”

Remnick stopped just short of claiming that Putin was actually blackmailing Trump, but his depiction of their relations matched, in general, the story that emerged from Steele’s reports. Remnick took pains, for example, to instruct readers:

The gathering of kompromat — compromising material — is a familiar tactic in Putin’s arsenal. For years, the Russian intelligence services have filmed political enemies in stages of sexual and/or narcotic indulgence, and have distributed the grainy images online.

Did Remnick personally rely on a Fusion GPS briefing? We do not know. Jane Mayer, a staff writer for the New Yorker, recently confessed that she received a briefing, in September, directly from super spy himself — so the potential for communication certainly existed. Regardless of what inspired Remnick, his approach represented a win for Simpson. If, with the help of the dossier or any other tool of persuasion, he could convince journalists that Putin was blackmailing Trump with compromising videos, then it was just that much easier to convince them to report stories about, say, the danger to the Western alliance that Trump represented — a story that would require nothing more than stringing together a few quotes from Trump with a few ominous warnings from foreign-policy experts. The dossier, in short, helped Simpson sell a master narrative.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 30 maart 2018 @ 16:11:02 #148
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
A Diabolical Mastermind

By choosing to convince voters that Trump was somehow an accomplice to the DNC hack, the Clinton campaign had set itself a difficult challenge: defining the role of Putin’s American partners in crime. After all, the hack did not require the assistance of a Tom Cruise character. No one broke into DNC headquarters, crawled through a ventilator shaft, rappelled from a cable, and slid a disk into a hard drive. The hackers carried out the operation unilaterally, electronically, and probably from offshore. They required no accomplices on American soil.

Steele solved this problem by finding “sources” who revealed that the crucial contributions of Trump’s team came in the planning stages. As it turns out, Steele reported, the idea to hack the DNC actually originated from the American side. It was Trump’s team that defined the objective of the operation: “leaking the DNC e-mails to Wikileaks during the Democratic Convention” in order “to swing supporters of Bernie Sanders away from Hillary Clinton and across to Trump.”

This report solved half of the Clinton campaign’s problem: It established Trump’s guilt. But a conspiracy can’t grab the popular imagination if it is devoid of actual conspirators. Here again, the super spy’s “sources” came to the rescue. On the day-to-day level, the job of managing the Trump-Putin collusion fell to Paul Manafort, who, at that time, was still Trump’s campaign manager. But Manafort was not the architect of the DNC hack. Fortunately, the super spy was running a mole who was able to identify that criminal genius. The plot, Steele reported, “was conceived and promoted by Trump’s foreign policy adviser Carter Page.”

Here the super spy’s vaunted ability to filter out Russian disinformation appears to have failed him. Carter Page (who is no relation to Lisa Page on McCabe’s team) played a negligible role in the campaign. The Trump people had placed him on a team of foreign-policy advisers, to be sure, but they had thrown the group together in haste to counter the accusation that the campaign lacked an expert bench. Page did not know Donald Trump personally. He worked in finance, with a focus on investing in Russia’s energy sector, but he had no notable achievements to his name. A former boss described him, very unkindly, as “a gray spot,” a man “without any special talents or accomplishments.”

Steele’s allegations against Page make sense only in a Marvel Comics universe. Carter Page: by day, a mild-mannered businessman; by night, a diabolical mastermind.

The role that the super spy ascribed to Page may have been absurd, but what choice did he have? The conspiracy needed a face. That person had to have plausible connections to Russia plus a certain amount of visibility. In Trump’s orbit, there were only two candidates: Manafort and Page. Manafort’s ties, however, were to Ukraine, not Russia — and he was too well known. He had been working in Washington since the Reagan era.

Page, by contrast, had direct connections to Russia, having lived in Moscow for some three years. The modesty of his career was actually a plus, because Clinton’s propagandists could present it as shadowy rather than unsuccessful. For an unknown, Page was surprisingly visible. His trip to Moscow in July 2016 had received significant press attention, not least because he had expressed opinions in favor of rapprochement with Russia and critical of American foreign policy.

With the aid of Fusion GPS, the Clinton campaign rolled out their master narrative on Trump-Putin collusion. A new orthodoxy immediately gripped the establishment press, which amplified the overwrought propaganda, complete with suggestions of dirty deals, dark conspiracies, and blackmail. It was Jeffrey Goldberg, the national correspondent (now editor) of The Atlantic, who first trumpeted the new line. In his aptly titled article, “It’s Official: Hillary Clinton Is Running against Vladimir Putin,” Goldberg alleged that Trump “has chosen . . . to unmask himself as a de facto agent of Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

In “Putin’s Puppet,” Franklin Foer of Slate examined the matter from the Russian side: “Vladimir Putin has a plan for destroying the West — and that plan looks a lot like Donald Trump,” he wrote. David Remnick’s article discussing Putin’s affinity for grainy sex videos made identical points. All three authors noted, with grave concern, the Russian ties of Paul Manafort and . . . Carter Page.

With the exception of Fox News, the broadcast media beat the same drum. CNN might not have accused Page of masterminding the hack of the DNC, but it recognized a dangerous man when it saw one. On August 8, for example, it devoted a long segment entirely to Page. “What’s really remarkable here,” Jim Sciutto, CNN’s chief national-security correspondent told anchorman Wolf Blitzer, is that Page’s positions “match almost word for word the positions of the Kremlin, on, for instance, alleged U.S. orchestration of pro-democracy in and around Russia. And that is sparking concern from Russia experts and former policy makers even inside the GOP.”

So Page was “sparking concern” even among Never-Trump Republicans? How ominous! But imagine how much more ominous it would have sounded if journalists could have reported that Page was also sparking concern in the FBI! At that moment, John Brennan, the director of the CIA, was doing his damnedest to hand journalists precisely that story.

Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 30 maart 2018 @ 16:15:10 #149
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
A Ventriloquist and His Dummy

While the establishment press was singing in harmony with the Clinton campaign, a cacophonous debate erupted inside government. At the end of July, James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, said at a public forum that the intelligence community was not “ready yet to make a call on attribution” — not ready, that is, to attribute the DNC hack to Putin. Clapper was also unready to say that the intention of the hackers was to get Trump elected. The goal, he said, may simply have been “to stir up trouble.” When combined with similar comments by other intelligence officials, Clapper’s statements undercut Hillary Clinton’s efforts to brand Trump as Putin’s active accomplice.

Enter John Brennan. In early August, Brennan launched a personal campaign to force a consensus in support of Clinton’s propaganda. Before long, Clapper became his partner in this effort. They would succeed, however, only after the election — and then only by establishing an ad hoc and highly unorthodox intelligence-assessment team. To man the team, Brennan and Clapper handpicked a small number of analysts, tasking them with reaching a consensus before the inauguration of Donald Trump. The team, no surprise, did not disappoint. In January 2017, it produced the “consensus” that Brennan had been trying to orchestrate for the previous five months. By then, it was still useful as a propaganda tool against President Donald Trump, though it had arrived far too late to help Hillary Clinton win the election.

Of course, Brennan has never admitted his political motives. On the contrary, according to an in-depth Washington Post investigation (based on interviews with either Brennan himself or people very close to him), the CIA director claimed to be in possession of eye-popping intelligence reports about the DNC hack. These reports supposedly “captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation’s audacious objectives — defeat or at least damage the Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, and help elect her opponent, Donald Trump.” Yet even if this intelligence trove actually did exist and truly did convince the CIA director, it obviously did not have the same persuasive impact on his colleagues, as evidenced by Brennan’s failure to deliver a consensus assessment of Putin’s motives.

In his mission to transform the intelligence community into an official choir of the Clinton campaign, Brennan ran up against a 6’7″ wall in the form of James Comey. According to the New York Times, in August 2016, “a critical split” emerged between “the CIA and counterparts at the FBI, where a number of senior officials continued to believe . . . that Russia’s cyberattacks were aimed primarily at disrupting America’s political system, and not at getting Mr. Trump elected.” As a component of this disagreement, Brennan may also have pressured Comey to investigate possible collusion with Russia by aides and associates of Trump.

By law, the CIA cannot spy on Americans; only the FBI has the authority to investigate citizens. But the CIA can share reports with the FBI about efforts by foreign agents to suborn individual Americans, and it can strongly urge the bureau to take action on the basis of those leads. Brennan, it would appear, did just that in July 2016.

That was the moment when the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation into Russian efforts to influence the Trump campaign. As we mentioned, Peter Strzok, who had been in charge of Midyear Exam, took charge of this investigation, too. The genesis and scope of it, however, is shrouded in a fog of deliberate misinformation. From the little we know, the probe seems to have centered on George Papadopoulos, a young foreign-policy adviser to the Trump campaign. Acting mostly on his own initiative, Papadopoulos reached out to Russians in the hopes of brokering a meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. In the process, he may have bumped into Russian intelligence agents.

Papadopoulos’s activities took place, primarily, in London — a part of the world where the CIA has greater reach than the FBI. How did Comey come to learn of them? The answer is unclear, but certain clues point to Brennan.

One of these is Brennan’s own testimony before the House Intelligence Committee in March 2017. The CIA, he explained, had shared certain information with the FBI — an apparent reference to the Papadopoulos leads. This was information, he said, “that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether or not U.S. persons were actively conspiring, colluding with Russian officials.” Was Brennan taking responsibility for kick-starting the investigation into the Trump campaign? He seemed to be saying that he had dropped the Papadopoulos file on Comey’s desk and said, “Investigate Trump!”

If this supposition about the origins of the investigation in July is correct, it may also help explain Brennan’s behavior in late August, when he grew increasingly exasperated with Comey. In an effort to gain allies, Brennan turned to friends in Congress for help. With the blessing of Obama, he organized a series of briefings for the so-called Gang of Eight — the Democratic and Republican leaders in both chambers of Congress, and the chairs and ranking minority members on the Senate and the House intelligence committees. According to the New York Times, Brennan told these senior lawmakers that he “had information indicating that Russia was working to help elect Donald J. Trump president,” a view that was not supported by an authoritative intelligence assessment.

Obama and Brennan explained the briefings as an effort to forge bipartisan unity in the face of the Russian threat. But if Brennan couldn’t force a consensus inside the intelligence community, how could he possibly convince Republicans and Democrats to join hands — during a polarizing election, no less?

This high-minded bipartisanship was simply cover for a highly partisan move. The true motive of the briefings was to ventriloquize the Democrats on the Hill. If Brennan himself had gone public with his claims about Putin, he would have called down attacks on himself for passing off Clinton propaganda as an official intelligence assessment — and for meddling, as the director of the CIA, in domestic politics. Democratic lawmakers who received his briefings, however, operated under no such constraints. They were perfectly free to pass along Brennan’s views to the public as their own. They became the ventriloquist’s dummies, moving their lips mechanically as the CIA director spoke.

Brennan placed one of them center stage. On August 25, he gave a briefing that differed from the others; he tailored its content especially to the bare-knuckle politics of its recipient, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. During the 2012 election, Reid had assisted President Obama by falsely claiming that his Republican presidential challenger, Mitt Romney, had paid no taxes for ten years. When later asked if spreading a false rumor wasn’t reminiscent of McCarthyism, Reid responded, “They can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?” With the certain knowledge that Reid, who was in any case retiring after the 2016 election, would do whatever it took to win, Brennan indulged his own partisan political passions. He told Reid, according to the New York Times, “that unnamed advisers to Mr. Trump might be working with the Russians to interfere in the election.”

If Reid’s response is anything to go by, Brennan did much more than that: He briefed the senator on information taken directly from Steele’s dossier; and he complained about the recalcitrance of the director of the FBI. Two days after the briefing, Reid wrote a letter to Comey, which he immediately shared with the press. Claiming there was mounting evidence of “a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Reid demanded that the FBI launch an immediate investigation. The American people, he wrote, deserve all the facts “before they vote this November.”

The Trump campaign, Reid continued bluntly, “has employed a number of individuals with significant and disturbing ties to Russia and the Kremlin.” He was particularly concerned with Trump associates who may have served as what he called “complicit intermediaries” between the Russian government and hackers. “The prospect of individuals tied to Trump, Wikileaks, and the Russian government coordinating to influence our election raises concerns of the utmost gravity and merits full examination.” In an unmistakable reference to Steele’s reports on Carter Page, Reid informed Comey that “questions have been raised” about a Trump adviser who allegedly “met with high-ranking sanctioned individuals while in Moscow.”

Serving as Brennan’s dummy, Reid publicized the Marvel Comics rendering of Carter Page, and he demanded that the FBI launch an investigation on the basis of it. Before long, Comey would obey.

Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
  vrijdag 30 maart 2018 @ 16:16:39 #150
469602 dellipder
Unwashed brains
The Cutout

Shortly after Reid’s letter, Obama asked the FBI for an update on its investigation of Russian tampering with the election. The president, Lisa Page texted to her lover Peter Strzok, “wants to know everything we’re doing.” The text probably refers to Obama’s preparations for the G-20 meeting in China, where he personally lodged a complaint with Putin about the Russian hacking. But the request is intriguing. Obama was engaging the FBI just as it stood ready to use the allegations of the Steele dossier as a basis for broadening its investigation of Trump. When Comey informed Obama about “everything we are doing,” did he discuss the Carter Page allegations? Did he note their source, Christopher Steele? And what about the president himself? Did Obama nudge Comey to comply with the demands of Brennan and Reid?

Whatever signals the president may have sent, McCabe and his lovebirds certainly began supporting the efforts of Brennan and Reid to paint Trump as Putin’s puppet. The form of support was nuanced and clandestine. If Peter Strzok and Lisa Page had contacted their favorite reporter, Devlin Barrett, and leaked the fact that a Trump adviser was coming under investigation, the leak would have implicated the FBI. Trump and his supporters would then have castigated Comey, accusing him of intervening in politics. To avoid such problems, the lovers used a pair of cutouts — intermediaries who laundered the FBI’s information in the same way that Reid had laundered information for Brennan.

Who better to play this role than the super duo, Simpson and Steele? Either directly or through an intermediary, Strzok shared with Steele the news of the impending investigation of Carter Page. He did so with the certain knowledge that Steele would channel it to Simpson, who, in turn, would incorporate it into his standard press briefings. (FBI representatives would later deny having used Steele as a cutout with the press, but their self-defense, as we shall see below, is demonstrably false.)

The experience of the journalist Julia Ioffe demonstrates how diligent Simpson was at spreading the news that Strzok was surreptitiously feeding him. In mid September, Ioffe published a profile on Carter Page for Politico. “As I started looking into Page,” she relates, “I began getting calls from two separate ‘corporate investigators’ digging into what they claim are all kinds of shady connections Page has to all kinds of shady Russians.” One of those investigators was, presumably, Simpson; the other one probably represented another dank corner of the Clinton demimonde. Both emphasized an allegation that came directly from Steele’s dossier: namely, that Page, during his trip to Moscow in July, had met with Igor Sechin, who is a key Putin ally and the chairman of the Russian state oil company. The “corporate investigators,” however, now had something else to push, something new and very newsworthy: “The FBI was investigating Page.”

As knowledge of the FBI’s interest in Carter Page spread, Steele’s credibility soared. To exploit the opportunity, Simpson flew Steele to the United States to brief select media outlets in person. Thanks to the information that McCabe’s team was leaking to the press through Steele, Simpson could repackage the super spy. No longer just a former MI6 operative working as an “independent” researcher, Steele was now a trusted colleague of the FBI’s. He possessed unique insight into the fears of American counterintelligence officials about Trump’s nefarious relations with Putin.

For the first time, Steele agreed to go on the record as a quoted source for journalists. This round of briefings generated an article, written by veteran Yahoo reporter Michael Isikoff. Entitled “U.S. Intel Officials Probe Ties between Trump Adviser and Kremlin,” it focused, naturally, on Carter Page. Isikoff reported that American officials had “received intelligence reports” that Page had met with Sechin. “At their alleged meeting,” Isikoff reported, “Sechin raised the issue of the lifting of sanctions with Page, the Western intelligence source said.” A Western intelligence source? That would be Christopher Steele. By identifying the super spy in this manner, Isikoff disguises (wittingly or unwittingly) Steele’s identity as a Clinton operative and as the author and disseminator of the reports in question. The moniker had the added benefit of making Steele seem to work for a Western government, creating the illusion of transatlantic trepidation about the cunning Carter Page.

Confirmation of the article’s central claims came from two other sources. The first was a “senior U.S. law enforcement official,” who told Isikoff that Page’s meetings in Moscow were “being looked at.” Would that be Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, or Lisa Page? The second confirmation came from “a congressional source familiar with . . . briefings” that lawmakers had received about Carter Page’s meetings in Moscow. Would that be Harry Reid? Whether these were indeed the correct identities, it is obvious where Isikoff found his sources: on Glenn Simpson’s Rolodex. Here was a story processed and canned in Fusion GPS’s information factory. All Isikoff had to do was add water and shake. His sources were all part of a single network conspiring to hoodwink the public.

Why did Comey participate in this fraud? Perhaps it was to get Brennan and Reid off his back. On the risk side of the ledger, the dangers were minimal. Today the Isikoff article is a fingerprint on a hot bullet casing, irrefutable proof placing the FBI at the scene of the crime. But in September 2016, the chances of anyone ever tying the bureau to it were negligible. Although the article announced with great flourish the opening of an investigation into Carter Page, it’s not even clear that, at this point, Page was truly an official target of the probe.

The important thing to Brennan and Reid was helping Hillary Clinton win the election. What they desired most from the FBI was a public statement that the Trump team was under investigation for conspiring with Putin. With the Isikoff article, Comey didn’t fully satisfy them, but he threw them a bone.

On the reward side of the ledger, he showed Hillary Clinton and her friends that he was, despite everything, a team player. And his contribution to the team effort was indeed significant. The FBI’s leaks were indispensable in giving super-flack Glenn Simpson a stable of seemingly independent sources willing to go on the record about the grave concern sweeping the Western world about, of all people, Carter Page.
Crooked Hillary
“Political correctness is tyranny with manners"-- Charlton Heston (1999)
"If Fascism Ever Comes To America, It Will Come In The Name Of Liberalism" -- Ronald Reagan (1975)
"Socialsm...feeling hungry and misrable with a friend" -- Common sense (2018)
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