abonnement Unibet Coolblue
17s.gif Op woensdag 26 januari 2011 16:15 schreef Im.Kant. het volgende:



Ze dragen helemaal niks bij. De mensen die op Egypte op straat staan dragen iets bij. Anonfalertjes spelen een kinderachtig spelletje. Kijk die youtube-video's van die pubertjes dan. Ze dreigen Egyptische overheidswebsites plat te leggen. Ik denk dat Mubarak daar nu hard om zit te lachen.


Wat heeft Afghanistan ermee te maken? Verder kan het in Egypte nog makkelijk uitlopen op een sisser.

En echt, dat internetgepauper van de anonops was vroeger nog wel grappig. Nu is het echter gewoon zielig aan het worden. Als je zegt te helpen, help dan ook!


Kijk, wat die journalisten doen is goed werk. ^O^
Lul niet zo zwakzinnig man, als je geen argumenten hebt zeg dan niets.
1s.gif Op woensdag 26 januari 2011 16:35 schreef Maanvis het volgende:


Van geweld. En dankzij de aanvallen op de overheidssites kunnen ze niet schuilen voor het geweld omdat ze niet weten waar de schuilplaatsen zijn. Kortom, BEDANKT ANON!!!!!
Dat is niet de schuld van Anon, houd je simpele visie van de realiteit maar mooi bij je. Laffe flikker.
13s.gif Op woensdag 26 januari 2011 16:58 schreef HyperViper het volgende:


Dat is niet de schuld van Anon, houd je simpele visie van de realiteit maar mooi bij je. Laffe flikker.
Het zou Anon wel sieren als ze de betreffende info via een ander kanaal openbaar zouden maken. Zo ontneem je de gevestigde orde van een troefkaart, en schep je het beeld dat de overheid makkelijk vervangbaar is, in weerwil met de staatspropaganda dat zij een absolute noodzaak is om de lieve vrede te bewaren.
Je länger ein Blinder lebt, desto mehr sieht er - Viva la revolucion !
1s.gif Op woensdag 26 januari 2011 17:02 schreef druide het volgende:


Het zou Anon wel sieren als ze de betreffende info via een ander kanaal openbaar zouden maken. Zo ontneem je de gevestigde orde van een troefkaart, en schep je het beeld dat de overheid makkelijk vervangbaar is, in weerwil met de staatspropaganda dat zij een absolute noodzaak is om de lieve vrede te bewaren.
Mee eens.
  woensdag 26 januari 2011 @ 17:19:11 #55
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
david_7even RT @khaladk: www.mcit.gov.eg is down. Tit for tat? For taking FB,Twitter, gmail offline? Hmmm.... #Jan25 #Egypt
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 26 januari 2011 @ 17:24:26 #56
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
NextAmCity RT @AlecJRoss: USA concerned whenever there are restrictions of freedom of expression regardless of the medium. #Egypt #Jan25
Aaaaahw, die goeie ouwe USA. :')
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 26 januari 2011 @ 20:35:14 #57
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 26 januari 2011 @ 21:21:29 #58
253273 Im.Kant.
Heeft een kaasboer.
1s.gif Op woensdag 26 januari 2011 16:54 schreef druide het volgende:


Anonops zorgt ervoor dat de overheid beseft dat:
1. Wereldwijd onderdrukking wordt verworpen.
Nee. Anonops zorgt ervoor dat de overheid beseft dat enkele verstoorde puberale individuen lekker aan het kloten zijn op het internet( :') ), en dat ze dit ook nog eens heel erg slecht doen. Het is spelen en plagen, niks meer. Als je een overheid wilt laten beseffen dat onderdrukking wereldwijd wordt verworpen ga je een opinieartikel schrijven, op straat demonstreren, flyeren, een blog maken(alhoewel ik vrees dat er geen zinnige zin uitkomt), wat-maakt-het-ook-uit. Het stomste wat je kan doen is internetheldje spelen door zinloze sites plat te leggen.

2. Dat de overheid niet almachtig is. Zelfs haar eigen websites kan zij niet in de lucht houden.
Zoals ik eerder al zei heeft maar een klein deel van de Egyptenaren internet. Overheidswebsites zijn daar helemaal niet het symbool van de overheid. Nergens trouwens. In Egypte is het symbool van de macht van de overheid de geheime dienst en de politiemacht. Het neerhalen van overheidswebsites doet hen niks. Als die anonvaago's nou een overheidszender zouden kapen en er pro-revolutie propaganda op uit zouden zenden dán hadden ze mijn sympathie.

Tijdens revoluties speelt massapsychologie een belangrijke rol. Het is niet louter inhakken op de vijand zoals tijdens een oorlog, aangezien de tegenstander familie, vriend, landgenoot en geloofsgenoot is. Het is dan zaak om de tegenpartij zo klein mogelijk, en je zelf zo groot mogelijk te presenteren. Daar draagt Anonops zonder twijfel aan bij.
Ben ik dan de enige op wie Anonops als een groepje kinderlijke naïeve en speelse plaaggeesten overkomt? Wat doen ze nou? Ze halen met een lompe ddos-attack websites uit de lucht. Ieder serieus persoon kan daar enkel om lachen. En daar schaar ik ook de Egyptische politieagenten bij die Egyptische burgers mishandelen.

Voor veel 'Anonfalertjes' zal het platleggen van overheidssites wegens de spanning en het tarten van gezag aanlokkelijk zijn, en boeit het ideologische gedoe hen weinig, maar dit neemt niet weg dat ze de protesteerders helpen.
Ze helpen de Egyptische burgers dus niet. Ze begrijpen niks van aard van deze onrusten of de schaal hiervan. Ze begrijpen niet dat internet de gemiddelde Egyptenaar niks kan boeien. Een site die uit de lucht gaat kan vervelend zijn als je er afhankelijk van bent. (lees: site van je bank is platgelegd door anonfalertjes en je kan niks meer overschrijven) De Egyptische overheid steunt totaal niet op overheidssites. Het is wat mooi materiaal voor toeristen, niks meer.

10s.gif Op woensdag 26 januari 2011 16:57 schreef HyperViper het volgende:


Lul niet zo zwakzinnig man, als je geen argumenten hebt zeg dan niets.
Zie toch echt enkele argumenten in mijn post die jij quote. Jouw post daartegen... :)
"Dat je pretendeert een kaasboer te hebben wijst al op behoorlijke zelfoverschatting" - Wijnand_Bierenstein
  woensdag 26 januari 2011 @ 21:50:53 #59
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
1s.gif Op woensdag 26 januari 2011 21:21 schreef Im.Kant. het volgende:

Ben ik dan de enige op wie Anonops als een groepje kinderlijke naïeve en speelse plaaggeesten overkomt? Wat doen ze nou?

Various Anonymous cells have launched campaigns in support of Tunisian-inspired civil protests currently happening in countries like Egypt, Algeria or Albania.

Anonymous is a social movement characterized by strong anti-censorship views, whose supporters often organize mass Internet "operations" against companies, governments and other groups.

Anonymous is an ever changing group of people that share a set of ideals and choose to act together to achieve a common goal.

Anons have provided mirrors for Wikileaks when the organization lost the hosting for its primary website and have provided Tunisian Internet users with tools and instructions on how to avoid online traps set up by the government.

There are noew clear signs that Anonymous members are organizing similar campaigns to support protests in other countries with oppressive regimes.

The most advanced seems to be "Operation: Egypt," which has its own IRC channel where Anons are organizing a distributed denial of service attack against www.moiegypt.gov.eg, the website of the Egyptian Ministry of Interior and www.mcit.gov.eg, the Egyptian Ministry of Communications & Information Technology portal.

Earlier this week, the Egyptian government began blocking access to Twitter and other social media websites after thousands used them to coordinate protests in several cities.

The BBC reports that three people have already been killed as a result of clashes with law enforcement, including a police officer from Cairo.

"Operation: Algeria" has also been launched and participating Anonymous members threatened the country's government after street protests were banned in the country.

"We believe the Algerian attempts at censorship and oppression are doomed to fail if each one of us takes up our individual responsibilities: For only we, the people, decide to make it so," a press release read.

Meanwhile, "Operation: Albania" is also taking shape on Facebook, where Anonymous supporters posted links to censorship bypassing materials, proxy lists, encryption software and other tools.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 26 januari 2011 @ 22:08:56 #60
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Heeeeeee, internet en Twitter doen het weer in Egypte.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 26 januari 2011 @ 22:28:55 #61
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Op Egypt Black Fax/E-Mail Bomb Action
Egypte kan wat aandacht gebruiken. :P

Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 26 januari 2011 @ 22:36:10 #62
304498 Nibb-it
Dirc die maelre
Doe je zelf nou ook mee aan die dingen of post je het hier alleen maar?
  woensdag 26 januari 2011 @ 22:45:09 #63
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
1s.gif Op woensdag 26 januari 2011 22:36 schreef Nibb-it het volgende:
Doe je zelf nou ook mee aan die dingen of post je het hier alleen maar?
Posten is meedoen, ik geloof dat je het hele idee van anon/anonymous niet helemaal begrijpt.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  woensdag 26 januari 2011 @ 23:37:12 #64
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

ANONYMOUS PRESS RELEASE January 25, 2011 DEAR JOURNALISTS OF THE WORLD, You were intrigued by us when we took on the financial sector by attacking Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal as part of Operation Payback. Many of you became enamoured with us during Operation Tunisia and applauded our efforts. Some of you are now paying close attention to Operation Algeria. We know that we have gained support from even a few of you. Those few are hoping against hope that our unconventional methods will continue to have an effect on people, perhaps even the world. Those few admire us, if for no other reason than the fact that, in a world full of apathy, a world filled with people who don't even bother to read the information you painstakingly present, we are trying to do something. This intrigues you. At the very least, it inspires you to keep an eye on us, hoping we continue to take newsworthy actions. You know that, whether you are risking your own safety - perhaps even your own life - to share the truth, or whether you are beholden to your dictators or your advertisers, unable to write anything they do not approve, we, Anonymous, are on your side and are fighting for you and your freedoms. You, the journalists, reporters, and bloggers. You, the newspapers, television networks and websites who hunt down and disseminate information. We are fighting for you. Some of you have recorded milestones of our efforts. Some of you have reported upon them, and some of you have even participated in our fight. You are the press, and you have our gratitude. We need your help now. From North Africa to Gaza, people are rising up and risking their lives to demand nothing more than basic rights, an end to the corruption, and a fair chance to progress in life. What the Western world is unaware of, and the Western media largely ignores, is the fact that the people protesting and the people dying in the Arab world are just like them. They have the same desire for basic freedoms, similar ambitions for themselves and for their family and friends, the same inherent intelligence and, the same keen sense of injustice as their counterparts in the West when oppressed. Here is where we need your help. We ask you, the journalists, to bring to the rest of the world the humanity of these revolutions. What we are witnessing are not extremist acts that are committed by misled, ignorant people. Indeed, they are committed by intelligent, but desperate people people willing to sacrifice themselves in order to inspire their fellow citizens to rally against their oppressors. The world needs human news. The world needs to know who it is that needs their support, and not just the number of casualties or the politics involved. What we ask is simple. There are people protesting in Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, Albania, Libya, and many other countries at this very moment. Tell us who they are and what it is they want for their country and their people, for now and in the future. So many voices are raised in protest right now and all the world can hear is the noise. Tell us what the people are saying. Some of you will ignore this message. It announces no new operations, as we are still focusing our efforts on Operation Algeria. This message issues no threats, as you are the press and are always safe from us. If you heed our request, however, it could make all the difference in the world, as it made a difference for the Tunisians to know that they were speaking and the world was hearing their message. Help us do this for Algeria, Egypt, and other countries where the people are imploring to be heard. Signed, Anonymous. We are Anonymous. We do not forgive the denial of basic human rights. We do not forget those who assist the oppressed. To the Tyrannical governments of the world... Expect us. ###
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 27 januari 2011 @ 01:03:46 #65
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
amgadmakarem Hillary Clinton says "Free the Internet in Egypt" #Egypt #jan25 #jan26 #tahrir #masr #cairo half a minute ago via Echofon
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 27 januari 2011 @ 01:13:31 #66
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
3rdEyedVisions RT @AnonymousIRC: IRC: "Just got this from the Prime Minister via E-Mail ! "The recipient's mailbox is full and can't accept messages now" #OpEgypt #Jan25 12 minutes ago via Twitterfall
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 27 januari 2011 @ 09:34:46 #67
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

President Barack Obama announced Monday that he plans to nominate former Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) lawyer Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. as solicitor general, a position formerly held by Elena Kagan.

Verrilli currently serves as deputy counsel to the president and previously served as an associate deputy attorney general in the Department of Justice. Prior to serving for the Justice Department, he worked in the private law firm Jenner & Block for over 20 years.

During his private practice, Verrilli had been involved in a number of prominent cases involving online file-sharing and copyright infringement, arguing on behalf of the recording and entertainment industry.

He represented 28 companies that sued the file-sharing network Grokster for copyright infringement in the US Supreme Court. In 2005, Grokster was forced to shut down its site following a $50 million legal settlement with the movie studios, record labels and music publishers.

In 2007, he led a team of lawyers that sued Google for $1 billion on behalf of the entertainment giant Viacom, alleging that Google's site YouTube was involved in massive violations of copyrighted material.

In the same year, Verrilli represented the RIAA against a Minnesota woman named Jammie Thomas, who allegedly made songs available on the file-sharing network Kazaa. During the case, he argued that "making copyrighted sound recordings available for electronic distribution on a peer-to-peer network" violated the law, "regardless of whether actual distribution has been shown."

Along with representing the recording and entertainment industry, in 2003 Verrilli argued on the winning side of a Supreme Court ruling that overturned a convicted killer's death penalty and unsuccessfully challenged the form of lethal injection used by many states to carry out executions, The New York Times reported.

He also signed an amicus curie brief that argued Jose Padilla, a United States citizen accused of being a terrorist, could not be classified as an "enemy combatant" and was entitled to due process.

If confirmed by the Senate, Verrilli would fill the powerful position now held by Neal Katyal, who became the acting Solicitor General after Elena Kagan was nominated to the Supreme Court. Kagan was confirmed to the post by Congress in August 2010.

The solicitor general argues on behalf of the government of the United States in the Supreme Court and is responsible for filing amicus curiae briefs in cases where the government has a significant legal interest.

Verrilli has participated in more than 100 cases before the US Supreme Court and argued 12, according to the White House. He also served as an adjunct professor of constitutional law at the Georgetown University Law Center for more than 15 years, focusing on First Amendment law.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 27 januari 2011 @ 09:44:47 #68
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 27 januari 2011 @ 17:02:38 #69
272649 Louis22
Exil im Salon
Engeland is nu ook overgegaan tot het arresteren van ddosers:

Police arrest five over Anonymous WikiLeaks attacksFive people in custody on suspicion of crippling the websites of MasterCard, Visa and PayPal

Five people from across the UK were arrested early today in connection with a spate of online attacks last month in support of the whistleblowers' site WikiLeaks.

Police said the five males, aged between 15 and 26, are being held after a series of arrests in the West Midlands, Northamptonshire, Hertfordshire, Surrey and London.

Three teenagers, aged 15, 16 and 19, were arrested in a series of coordinated raids at 7am along with two men aged 20 and 26. All five are being held in custody at local police stations.

The five were arrested on suspicion of being involved in the loose-knit group of "hacktivists" known as Anonymous, who temporarily crippled the websites of MasterCard, Visa and PayPal after those companies cut off financial services to WikiLeaks. The attacks followed WikiLeaks' release of US diplomatic cables from late November.

Today's arrests were coordinated by the Metropolitan police working in conjunction with other UK forces and international agencies.

"They are part of an ongoing [Metropolitan police] investigation into Anonymous which began last year following criminal allegations of DDoS [distributed denial of service] attacks by the group against several companies," Scotland Yard said.

"This investigation is being carried out in conjunction with international law enforcement agencies in Europe and the US."

The so-called DDoS attacks, which bring down sites by bombarding them with repeated requests to load web pages, are illegal in the UK under the Computer Misuse Act and carry a maximum fine of £5,000.

Anonymous leapt to the support of WikiLeaks after Amazon and other companies terminated business links with the site. The 1,000-strong group of activists launched what they called Operation Payback, vowing to give perceived anti-WikiLeaks firms a "black eye".

More recently, the group has turned its attention to supporting the political uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt, temporarily disabling access to 10 Tunisian government websites and four Egyptian government sites.

Anonymous says the cyber attacks are in retaliation for government censorship in both countries. Facebook, Twitter and other information-sharing sites have been routinely blocked by the authorities in Tunisia and Egypt.

Ireland's main opposition party's website was also hacked into earlier this month, with Anonymous claiming responsibility for the attack which compromised up to 2,000 people's personal details.

Authorities across Europe signalled an intention to identify those behind the attacks, the majority of which are traceable by their internet protocol (IP) addresses that connect each device to the internet.

The more sophisticated "hacktivists" use technology that makes their connection anonymous on the internet, so authorities and other internet users cannot see who is behind the computer. But most of those involved in the Anonymous attacks are understood to be "average internet citizens", whose location can be discovered through the IP address.

Dutch police last month arrested two teenagers suspected of involvement in the online campaign. They face trial later this year.
  donderdag 27 januari 2011 @ 19:06:01 #70
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
NSB'ers in Nederland

1s.gif Op donderdag 27 januari 2011 18:57 schreef Dlocks het volgende:
Het mooie van dit soort open lijsten is dat je zelf meldingen kan doen en deze lijst kunt vervuilen waardoor het waardeloos wordt.

Dus verzoekje aan alle rokers:

1. Ga naar: http://www.cleanairnederland.nl/asp/rookverbod_horeca.asp

2. Maak een valse melding. Je hoeft alleen de velden met een * in te vullen.

Dus voor een kroeg waarvan je weet dat er NIET gerookt wordt op plekken waar dit niet mag maak je een melding dat daar WEL gerookt wordt.

Voor een kroeg waarvan je weet dat er WEL gerookt wordt maak je een melding dat er NIET gerookt wordt.

NB: maak slechts een paar meldingen anders gaat het opvallen. Of gebruik een proxy en/of verschillende mailadressen.

Als maar genoeg rokers meewerken met het toevoegen van valse meldingen wordt deze lijst waardeloos. Dus zeg het voort.

NSB praktijken verdienen een sabotage actie. :Y
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 27 januari 2011 @ 20:55:09 #71
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Anonymous flyers provide practical and tactical advice for confronting riot police, and besieging government offices

Egyptians have been urged to come out after Friday prayers tomorrow and demand the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak's government, along with freedom, justice and a democratic regime.

Anonymous leaflets circulating in Cairo also provide practical and tactical advice for mass demonstrations, confronting riot police, and besieging and taking control of government offices.

Signed "long live Egypt", the slickly produced 26-page document calls on demonstrators to begin with peaceful protests, carrying roses but no banners, and march on official buildings while persuading policemen and soldiers to join their ranks.

The leaflet ask recipients to redistribute it by email and photocopy, but not to use social media such as Facebook and Twitter, which are being monitored by the security forces.

Protesters in Cairo are advised to gather in large numbers in their own neighbourhoods away from police and troops and then move towards key installations such the state broadcasting HQ on the Nile-side Corniche and try to take control "in the name of the people". Other priority targets are the presidential palace and police stations in several parts of central Cairo.

The leaflet includes aerial photographs with approach routes marked and diagrams on crowd formations. Suggested "positive" slogans include "long live Egypt" and "down with the corrupt regime". There are no signs of slogans reflecting the agenda of the powerful Muslim Brotherhood. It advises demonstrators to wear clothing such as hooded jackets, running shoes, goggles and scarves to protect against teargas, and to carry dustbin lids – to ward off baton blows and rubber bullets – first aid kits, and roses to symbolise their peaceful intentions.

Diagrams show how to defend against riot police and push in waves to break through their ranks. "The most important thing is to protect each other," the leaflet says.

It is important to prevent policemen penetrating the ranks of demonstrators, it adds. If they do, they should be persuaded to change sides and reminded that their own families could be among the people.

Banners and posters should be hung from balconies and windows, it advises, and it provides handy models for posters – one showing a visor-helmeted riot policeman flanked by an elderly woman in traditional peasant dress and a younger one in modern clothes over the slogan "Police and people together against the regime".

The president's son Gamal – often thought likely to succeed his father – is labelled "Cowardly Mubarak", with the words "Where's Daddy now?" Another idea is the country's national symbol of an eagle with "Egypt's Liberation Day" underneath it.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 27 januari 2011 @ 22:21:40 #72
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

A message to Anonymous from Egypt.
Even uitgetypt.


Tomorrow, there is a real danger that Egypt will be cut off from the world, with no internet and no mobile networks. Already we have seen Twitter go down, along with facebook and Gchat, and now Blackberry 3G. These are the means by
If it is confirmed tomorrow that our communications have been lost , we ask that you stand behind us, and protest against our ISPs and Mobile Providers, many of whom are multinationals.
Vodaphone, LinkDSL, TEData, and others have already colluded with the government to stifle freedom of speech and access to free information. The world MUST know what they are doing, and respond with boycotts and demonstrations.
Anon, we ask you that you let them know that this will not stand. You cannot be here with us, but if you can simply help us communicate with the world, you will be fighting a much larger battle, one which will come to you all soon enough.


[ Bericht 72% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 27-01-2011 22:41:30 ]
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 27 januari 2011 @ 22:27:16 #73
306743 Opa2012
© 2010..2017
7s.gif Op donderdag 27 januari 2011 22:21 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:


Hans Spekman (PvdA): 'Nivelleren is een feest!' [38 11 9 zetels]
  vrijdag 28 januari 2011 @ 00:22:56 #74
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

Dear UK government,
We are Anonymous. It has come to our attention that you deemed it necessary
to arrest five of our fellow anons for their participation in the DDoS
attacks against PayPal, Mastercard, and others, that have been carried out
in our name in retaliation for those organisations’ actions against WikiLeaks.
We understand you are planning to charge these fellow anons with offences
under the 1990 Computer Misuse Act, which prohibits impairing the operation
of a computer or the readability of data. Anonymous believes, however, that
pursuing this direction is a sad mistake on your behalf. Not only does it
reveal the fact that you do not seem to understand the present-day political
and technological reality, we also take this as a serious declaration of war
from yourself, the UK government, to us, Anonymous, the people.
First and foremost, it is important to realize what a DDoS attack exactly is
and what it means in the contemporary political context. As traditional means
of protest (peaceful demonstrations, sit-ins, the blocking of a crossroads
or the picketing of a factory fence) have slowly turned into nothing but an
empty, ritualised gesture of discontent over the course of the last century,
people have been anxiously searching for new ways to pressure politicians
and give voice to public demands in a manner that might actually be able
to change things for the better. Anonymous has, for now, found this new
way of voicing civil protest in the form of the DDoS, or Distributed Denial of
Service, attack. Just as is the case with traditional forms of protest, we block
access to our opponents infrastructure to get our message across. Whether
or not this infrastructure is located in the real world or in cyberspace, seems
completely irrelevant to us.
Moreover, we would like to take this opportunity to set the record straight
on the difference between a DDoS attack and hacking, as these concepts
often seem to be confounded when media and policy-makers talk about
Anonymous. Hacking as such is defined by the law as ‘unauthorised access
to a computer or network’, whereas a DDoS attack is simply a case of
thousands of people making legitimate connections to a publicly accessible
webserver at the same time, using up the entire bandwidth or processing
power of the given server at once and thereby causing a huge ‘traffic jam’.
January 27, 2011
It is clear then, that arresting somebody for taking part in a DDoS attack
is exactly like arresting somebody for attending a peaceful demonstration
in their hometown. Anonymous believes this right to peacefully protest
is one of the fundamental pillars of any democracy and should not be
restricted in any way. Moreover, we have noted that similar attacks have
also been carried out against Wikileaks itself, yet so far, nobody has been
arrested in connection with these attacks, nor are there even any signs
of an investigation into this issue at all. Yet, we know exactly who was
responsible for that attack. Anonymous believes it is unfair and hypocritical
to attempt to put these 5 arrested anons to trial without even attempting to
find those who DDoS’ed a website which you oppose. We can therefore
only assume that these arrests are politically motivated, and were being
carried out under pressure from the US government. Anonymous can not,
and will not, stand idle while this injustice is being done.
Furthermore, the maximum sentence these 5 anons could be given under
the Computer Misuse Act is 10 years imprisonment and a fine of up to
£5000. We want you to realize just how ridiculous these sentences are,
especially given the exact nature of a DDoS attack and its lack of permanent
damage to the target website. To hand out these kinds of harsh sentences
(even to minors!) would effectively ruin their life, taking away their chance
at higher education or even any kind of proper future, simply because they
participated in a peaceful cyber-protest and stood up for their rights. A fine
as high as £5000 would also put an incredible strain on the minors’ families.
We hope that you consider changing the legal framework for what is, at
worst, a minor offence.
And last but not least: The fact that thousands of people from all over the
world felt the need to participate in these attacks on organisations targeting
Wikileaks and treating it as a public threat, rather than a common good,
should be something that sets you thinking. You can easily arrest individuals,
but you cannot arrest an ideology. We are united by a common objective
and we can and WILL cross any borders to achieve that. So our advice to
you, the UK government, is to take this statement as a serious warning from
the citizens of the world. We will not rest until our fellow anon protesters
have been released.
Awaiting your action,
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 28 januari 2011 @ 01:09:24 #75
253273 Im.Kant.
Heeft een kaasboer.
Haha, grappig geschreven weer. Tevens zielig.

Stop die ventjes gewoon even in het gevang, om een voorbeeld te stellen. Maandje of vijf? En een levenslang internetverbod.

Oh, en het arrogante snotneusje die dat artikel op zijn geweten heeft mag wat mij betreft ook heropgevoed worden. De Britse overheid bedreigen op zo een manier is treurig en idioot. Ga rebelletje spelen op het speelplein, het schrijven van zo een brief kost meer tijd en is minder leuk.
"Dat je pretendeert een kaasboer te hebben wijst al op behoorlijke zelfoverschatting" - Wijnand_Bierenstein
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