FOK!forum / Politiek / [AMV] Amerikaanse politiek #547 - #TFA
klappernootopreismaandag 10 september 2018 @ 09:54

President - Donald Trump en kabinet:
Vice President - Mike Pence

Het kabinet
Secretary of State - Mike Pompeo
Secretary of Treasury - Steven Mnuchin
Secretary of Defense - General Jim 'Mad Dog' Mattis
Attorney General - Jeff Sessions
Secretary of the Interior - Ryan Zinke
Secretary of Agriculture - Sonny Perdue
Secretary of Commerce - Wilbur Ross
Secretary of Labor - Alexander Acosta
Secretary of Health and Human Services - Alex Azar
Secretary of Housing & Urban Development - Ben Carson
Secretary of Transportation - Elaine Chao
Secretary of Energy - Rick Perry
Secretary of Education - Betsy DeVos
Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Ronny Jackson??? Robert Wilkie (Acting)
Secretary of Homeland Security - Kirstjen Nielsen

Cabinet-level officials:
White House Chief of Staff - John F. Kelly
Trade Representative - Robert Lighthizer
Director of National Intelligence - Dan Coats
Ambassador to the UN - Nikki Haley
Director of the Office of Management & Budget - Mick Mulvaney
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency - Gina Haspel
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Scott Pruitt
Administrator of the Small Business Administration - Linda McMahon

Andere kopstukken:
Ivanka Trump (Advisor to the President), Jared Kushner (Senior Adviser Strategic Planning), Stephen Miller (Senior Adviser Policy), John Bolton (National Security Adviser), Kellyanne Conway (Counselor), Donald McGahn (White House Counsel), Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Press Secretary), Christopher Wray (Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation), Robert Mueller (Special Counsel), Rod Rosenstein (United States Deputy Attorney General).

Verdwenen of voormalige kopstukken:
Kabinet: Tom Price (HHS), David Shulkin (VA), Rex Tillerson (State)
DOJ/FBI: Sally Yates, James Comey, Preet Bharara, Andrew McCabe
Communicatie WH: Mike Dubke, Sean Spicer, Anthony Scaramucci, Hope Hicks
Adviseurs enzo: Michael Flynn, Herbert McMaster, Reince Priebus, Rob Porter, Gary Cohn, Steve Bannon, John McEntee
Race voor het Huis:
Race voor de Senaat:
Races voor governor:

Deze kaarten zijn van 9 augustus 2018 en RealClearPolitics

Voor uitgebreider gepraat over het buitenlandbeleid of de (absentie van) strategie hierin:
POL / Amerikaans Buitenlandbeleid: Trump de onderhandelaar
klappernootopreismaandag 10 september 2018 @ 09:57
Even een opmerking.

Misschien is het wel handig om bij de afbeeldingen ook gelijk een grafiek te plaatsen met de regio's waar gerrymandering nog steeds wordt gehanteerd.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 10:00
Is het trouwens geen beter idee om iedereen in het Witte Huis te waterboarden? Het is geen martelen en het levert resultaten op volgens Trump. Een leugendetector is te verslaan.
klappernootopreismaandag 10 september 2018 @ 10:21
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 10:00 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Is het trouwens geen beter idee om iedereen in het Witte Huis te waterboarden? Het is geen martelen en het levert resultaten op volgens Trump. Een leugendetector is te verslaan.
vooral bij Trump.
Bij die gast vliegt dat apparaat bijkans in de brand.

Zelfs zijn handtekening onder een executive order lijkt op een mislukte polygraph test..

westwoodblvdmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 10:38
Boeiend artikel:

Inside the GOP’s rescue mission for Ted Cruz

Alle miljonairsclubs (Cock Brothers, Club for growthblabla) zijn inmiddels opgetrommeld en gaan miljoenen besteden aan deze race. Wat an sich al winst is want die miljoenen waren anders waarschijnlijk naar Florida gegaan. En Cruz is van 's ochtends vroeg tot 's avonds laat bezig met fundraising lunches en diners met de lobbyisten van K Street. Ik ben benieuwd of hij op deze manier de fundraising gap kan sluiten. Likeable wordt hij er in ieder geval niet van, en dat is toch zijn echte probleem uiteindelijk.
DustPuppymaandag 10 september 2018 @ 10:53
Trump administration to take tough stance against International Criminal Court

The United States on Monday will adopt an aggressive posture against the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan.

President Donald Trump's national security adviser, John Bolton, is to make the announcement in a midday speech to the Federalist Society, a conservative group, in Washington. It will be his first major address since joining the Trump White House.

"The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court," Bolton will say, according to a draft of his speech seen by Reuters.

Bolton will also say that the State Department will announce the closure of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) office in Washington out of concern about Palestinian attempts to prompt an ICC investigation of Israel.

The PLO office in Washington did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

"The United States will always stand with our friend and ally, Israel," says Bolton's draft text.

The draft speech says the Trump administration "will fight back" if the International Criminal Court formally proceeds with opening an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by U.S. service members and intelligence professionals during the war in Afghanistan.

If such a probe proceeds, the Trump administration will consider banning judges and prosecutors from entering the United States, put sanctions on any funds they have in the U.S. financial system and prosecute them in the American court system.

"We will not cooperate with the ICC. We will provide no assistance to the ICC. We will not join the ICC. We will let the ICC die on its own. After all, for all intents and purposes, the ICC is already dead to us," says Bolton's draft text.

In addition, the United States may negotiate more binding, bilateral agreements to prohibit nations from surrendering Americans to the Hague court, says the text.

The court's aim is to bring to justice the perpetrators of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

The United States did not ratify the Rome treaty that established the International Criminal Court in 2002, with then-President George W. Bush opposed to the court. President Barack Obama took some steps to cooperate with the organization.

"We will consider taking steps in the U.N. Security Council to constrain the court's sweeping powers, including to ensure that the ICC does not exercise jurisdiction over Americans and the nationals of our allies that have not ratified the Rome Statute," says Bolton's draft text.

Bron: CNBC
Weer een leuke diplomatieke splijtzwam erbij.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 11:35
1s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 10:38 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Likeable wordt hij er in ieder geval niet van, en dat is toch zijn echte probleem uiteindelijk.
Ik mag Beto wel.

Ludachristmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 11:37
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 10:53 schreef DustPuppy het volgende:


Weer een leuke diplomatieke splijtzwam erbij.
Aparte actie wel, rechters persoonlijk aanvallen als ze een zaak bij het ICC durven te behandelen.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 11:40
7s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 11:37 schreef Ludachrist het volgende:


Aparte actie wel, rechters persoonlijk aanvallen als ze een zaak bij het ICC durven te behandelen.
Dit dreigement is een wassen neus. Iets komt alleen maar bij het ICC als het eigen land niets doet. Een onderzoek is al voldoende.
thesiren.nlmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 11:52
Sinds ze irak binnenvielen waren ze al bang voor het ICC. Blijkbaar wisten ze donders goed wat er daar aan de hand was.
Ook wel bekend als "Hague Invasion Act"

[ Bericht 6% gewijzigd door op 10-09-2018 12:06:14 ]
klappernootopreismaandag 10 september 2018 @ 11:57
1s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 10:38 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Boeiend artikel:

Inside the GOP’s rescue mission for Ted Cruz

Alle miljonairsclubs (Cock Brothers, Club for growthblabla) zijn inmiddels opgetrommeld en gaan miljoenen besteden aan deze race. Wat an sich al winst is want die miljoenen waren anders waarschijnlijk naar Florida gegaan. En Cruz is van 's ochtends vroeg tot 's avonds laat bezig met fundraising lunches en diners met de lobbyisten van K Street. Ik ben benieuwd of hij op deze manier de fundraising gap kan sluiten. Likeable wordt hij er in ieder geval niet van, en dat is toch zijn echte probleem uiteindelijk.
Cruz voelt de hete adem van Beto O'Rourke in zijn nek. 4 en een half percent is tegenwoordig kleiner dan je denkt
klappernootopreismaandag 10 september 2018 @ 12:08

Je kon er op wachten. :')
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 12:23
Ach ja, Trump wil niet onder ede komen getuigen. Maar aangezien er al een zaak tegen Cohen loopt is hij er denk ik te laat mee.
klappernootopreismaandag 10 september 2018 @ 12:29
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 12:23 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Ach ja, Trump wil niet onder ede komen getuigen. Maar aangezien er al een zaak tegen Cohen loopt is hij er denk ik te laat mee.
ze hebben hem misschien met plaatjes uitgelegd wat vrijheid van meningsuiting betekend.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 12:53
Betomania is wel weer lekker positief na twee jaar die ellendige cynische Trumptijd. Het maakt me vrolijk. Dit zie je Cruz niet doen, die zou zo'n kind direct de kolenmijn in sturen.

Beto heeft trouwens bas gespeeld in de band Foss, Cedric Bixler-Zavala die later bij At the Drive-in en The Mars Volta speelde was de zanger. Dat is ook wel cool.

FNC_02-15-2018_08.35.40.jpg Zijn tegenstander: Lickspittle Ted.
klappernootopreismaandag 10 september 2018 @ 13:03
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 12:53 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Betomania is wel weer lekker positief na twee jaar die ellendige cynische Trumptijd. Het maakt me vrolijk. Dit zie je Cruz niet doen, die zou zo'n kind direct de kolenmijn in sturen.

Beto heeft trouwens bas gespeeld in de band Foss, Cedric Bixler-Zavala die later bij At the Drive-in en The Mars Volta speelde was de zanger. Dat is ook wel cool.

[ afbeelding ] Zijn tegenstander: Lickspittle Ted.
Allemaal leuk, maar het is belangrijker om een goed verhaal voor je kiezers klaar te hebben. Mij lijkt het beter dat er niet weer een onkundige popi-jopie aan het roer komt. Zelfs al moeten ze het met nog een tijdje Cruz doen.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 13:04
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 13:03 schreef klappernootopreis het volgende:


Allemaal leuk, maar het is belangrijker om een goed verhaal voor je kiezers klaar te hebben. Mij lijkt het beter dat er niet weer een onkundige popi-jopie aan het roer komt. Zelfs al moeten ze het met nog een tijdje Cruz doen.
Je weet dat hij sinds 2012 in het Huis van Afgevaardigden zit? En daarvoor 7 jaar in het stadsbestuur van El Paso? 13 jaar bestuurservaring ....
klappernootopreismaandag 10 september 2018 @ 13:08
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 13:04 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Je weet dat hij sinds 2012 in het Huis van Afgevaardigden zit? En daarvoor 7 jaar in het stadsbestuur van El Paso? 13 jaar bestuurservaring ....
Vandaar mijn voorkeur voor een goed verhaal. Als het verhaal van Cruz beter is voor de Texanen, het zij zo.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 13:35
'Plaid shirt guy' dared to question Trump
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 13:57
kylegriffin1 twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 13:30:00 Ron DeSantis, the GOP Florida gubernatorial nominee, spoke four times at conferences organized by a conservative activist who has said African Americans owe their freedom to white people and the country's "only serious race war" is against whites. reageer retweet
Lekker figuur.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 14:02
realDonaldTrump twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 13:46:35 “I’m taking this book with a grain of salt & everyone should do the same. Multiple sources, but almost every one of them has come out and discredited the claims made by Woodward. You cannot take this book too seriously.” Katelyn Caralle, Washington Examiner reageer retweet
Als hij het boek van Woodward met een korrel zout zou nemen twitterde hij er niet drie keer in een uur over.
westwoodblvdmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 14:22
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 13:57 schreef Ulx het volgende:
kylegriffin1 twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 13:30:00 Ron DeSantis, the GOP Florida gubernatorial nominee, spoke four times at conferences organized by a conservative activist who has said African Americans owe their freedom to white people and the country's "only serious race war" is against whites. reageer retweet
Lekker figuur.
DeSantis had gedacht dat Graham, een vrouw, de Democratische primary zou gaan winnen. Dus toen heeft hij besloten allemaal sensitivity training te nemen om zijn seksisme te verbergen. Alleen toen won er een zwarte man en de rest is geschiedenis. :')
Ludachristmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 14:28
1s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 14:22 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:


DeSantis had gedacht dat Graham, een vrouw, de Democratische primary zou gaan winnen. Dus toen heeft hij besloten allemaal sensitivity training te nemen om zijn seksisme te verbergen. Alleen toen won er een zwarte man en de rest is geschiedenis. :')
Beetje klagen over hoe blanken het echte slachtoffer van racisme zijn is natuurlijk wel helemaal hip, momenteel. Wat dat betreft zal het bij een deel van de achterban niet eens zo'n groot issue zijn, zeker als hij ook nog kan ontkennen dat hij wist van de uitspraken van die organisator.
ExtraWaskrachtmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 14:34

1/ Our Senate forecasts are *almost* ready and it's sort of interesting to think about how much trouble Democratic incumbents would be in if there was a Democrat in the White House instead of Trump.

2/ Under those conditions, I'd guess that ND, MO and FL would be likely Republican pickups. WV, IN and MT would be lean Republican. MI, MN, OH, PA, WI, NJ would all be toss-ups or pretty close to it.

3/ Under those conditions, I'd guess that ND, MO and FL would be likely Republican pickups. WV, IN and MT would be lean Republican. MI, MN, OH, PA, WI, NJ would all be toss-ups or pretty close to it.

To be clear, I don't think Democrats are better off for having lost the presidency. It's just a weird map where there are a *lot* of seats in play. For whatever reason this class of senators almost always has interesting, dynamic election cycles (2018, 2012, 2006, 2000, 1994).
Wat dit betreft is het inderdaad wel opvallend, dat mocht Clinton gewonnen hebben de republikeinen ineens op een supermajority in de senaat af zouden hebben kunnen stevenen.
klappernootopreismaandag 10 september 2018 @ 14:44
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 14:02 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 13:46:35 “I’m taking this book with a grain of salt & everyone should do the same. Multiple sources, but almost every one of them has come out and discredited the claims made by Woodward. You cannot take this book too seriously.” Katelyn Caralle, Washington Examiner reageer retweet
Als hij het boek van Woodward met een korrel zout zou nemen twitterde hij er niet drie keer in een uur over.
Misschien had hij buikloop.
klappernootopreismaandag 10 september 2018 @ 14:45
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 14:34 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Wat dit betreft is het inderdaad wel opvallend, dat mocht Clinton gewonnen hebben de republikeinen ineens op een supermajority in de senaat af zouden hebben kunnen stevenen.
Dat hopen ze natuurlijk.
ExtraWaskrachtmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 15:07
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 14:45 schreef klappernootopreis het volgende:


Dat hopen ze natuurlijk.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 15:20
Moore drops PAC suit over misconduct accusations in ads
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 15:32
Ford steps up to support NFL players protesting police brutality

Dus steek je F-150 maar in de fik. Echte patriotten steunen Ford niet.
Nibb-itmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 15:58
C.I.A. Drone Mission, Curtailed by Obama, Is Expanded in Africa Under Trump
DIRKOU, Niger — The C.I.A. is poised to conduct secret drone strikes against Qaeda and Islamic State insurgents from a newly expanded air base deep in the Sahara, making aggressive use of powers that were scaled back during the Obama administration and restored by President Trump. (New York Times).
Late in his presidency, Barack Obama sought to put the military in charge of drone attacks after a backlash arose over a series of highly visible strikes, some of which killed civilians. The move was intended, in part, to bring greater transparency to attacks that the United States often refused to acknowledge its role in.

But now the C.I.A. is broadening its drone operations, moving aircraft to northeastern Niger to hunt Islamist militants in southern Libya. The expansion adds to the agency’s limited covert missions in eastern Afghanistan for strikes in Pakistan, and in southern Saudi Arabia for attacks in Yemen.

Nigerien and American officials said the C.I.A. had been flying drones on surveillance missions for several months from a corner of a small commercial airport in Dirkou. Satellite imagery shows that the airport has grown significantly since February to include a new taxiway, walls and security posts.

One American official said the drones had not yet been used in lethal missions, but would almost certainly be in the near future, given the growing threat in southern Libya. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the secretive operations.

A C.I.A. spokesman, Timothy Barrett, declined to comment. A Defense Department spokeswoman, Maj. Sheryll Klinkel, said the military had maintained a base at the Dirkou airfield for several months but did not fly drone missions from there.

The drones take off from Dirkou at night — typically between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. — buzzing in the clear, starlit desert sky. A New York Times reporter saw the gray aircraft — about the size of Predator drones, which are 27 feet long — flying at least three times over six days in early August. Unlike small passenger planes that land occasionally at the airport, the drones have no blinking lights signaling their presence.

“All I know is they’re American,” Niger’s interior minister, Mohamed Bazoum, said in an interview. He offered few other details about the drones.

Dirkou’s mayor, Boubakar Jerome, said the drones had helped improve the town’s security. “It’s always good. If people see things like that, they’ll be scared,” Mr. Jerome said.

Mr. Obama had curtailed the C.I.A.’s lethal role by limiting its drone flights, notably in Yemen. Some strikes in Pakistan and elsewhere that accidentally killed civilians, stirring outrage among foreign diplomats and military officials, were shielded because of the C.I.A.’s secrecy.

As part of the shift, the Pentagon was given the unambiguous lead for such operations. The move sought, in part, to end an often awkward charade in which the United States would not concede its responsibility for strikes that were abundantly covered by news organizations and tallied by watchdog groups. However, the C.I.A. program was not fully shut down worldwide, as the agency and its supporters in Congress balked.

The drone policy was changed last year, after Mike Pompeo, the C.I.A. director at the time, made a forceful case to President Trump that the agency’s broader counterterrorism efforts were being needlessly constrained. The Dirkou base was already up and running by the time Mr. Pompeo stepped down as head of the C.I.A. in April to become Mr. Trump’s secretary of state.

The Pentagon’s Africa Command has carried out five drone strikes against Qaeda and Islamic State militants in Libya this year, including one two weeks ago. The military launches its MQ-9 Reaper drones from bases in Sicily and in Niamey, Niger’s capital, 800 miles southwest of Dirkou.

But the C.I.A. base is hundreds of miles closer to southwestern Libya, a notorious haven for Al Qaeda and other extremist groups that also operate in the Sahel region of Niger, Chad, Mali and Algeria. It is also closer to southern Libya than a new $110 million drone base in Agadez, Niger, 350 miles west of Dirkou, where the Pentagon plans to operate armed Reaper drone missions by early next year.
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Another American official said the C.I.A. began setting up the base in January to improve surveillance of the region, partly in response to an ambush last fall in another part of Niger that killed four American troops. The Dirkou airfield was labeled a United States Air Force base as a cover, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential operational matters.

The C.I.A. operation in Dirkou is burdened by few, if any, of the political sensitivities that the United States military confronts at its locations, said one former American official involved with the project.

Even so, security analysts said, it is not clear why the United States needs both military and C.I.A. drone operations in the same general vicinity to combat insurgents in Libya. France also flies Reaper drones from Niamey, but only on unarmed reconnaissance missions.

“I would be surprised that the C.I.A. would open its own base,” said Bill Roggio, editor of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ Long War Journal, which tracks military strikes against militant groups.

Despite American denials, a Nigerien security official said he had concluded that the C.I.A. launched an armed drone from the Dirkou base to strike a target in Ubari, in southern Libya, on July 25. The Nigerien security official spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the classified program.

A spokesman for the Africa Command, Maj. Karl Wiest, said the military did not carry out the Ubari strike.

Ubari is in the same region where the American military in March launched its first-ever drone attack against Qaeda militants in southern Libya. It is at the intersection of the powerful criminal and jihadist currents that have washed across Libya in recent years. Roughly equidistant from Libya’s borders with Niger, Chad and Algeria, the area’s seminomadic residents are heavily involved in the smuggling of weapons, drugs and migrants through the lawless deserts of southern Libya.

Some of the residents have allied with Islamist militias, including Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, which operates across Algeria, Mali, Niger and Libya.

Dirkou, in northeast Niger, is an oasis town of a few thousand people in the open desert, bordered by a small mountain range. For centuries, it has been a key transit point for travelers crossing the Sahara. It helped facilitate the rise of Islam in West Africa in the 9th century, and welcomed salt caravans from the neighboring town of Bilma.

The town has a handful of narrow, sandy roads. Small trees dot the horizon. Date and neem trees line the streets, providing shelter for people escaping the oppressive midday heat. There is a small market, where goods for sale include spaghetti imported from Libya. Gasoline is also imported from Libya and is cheaper than elsewhere in the country.

The drones based in Dirkou are loud, and their humming and buzzing drowns out the bleats of goats and crows of roosters.

“It stops me from sleeping,” said Ajimi Koddo, 45, a former migrant smuggler. “They need to go. They go in our village, and it annoys us too much.”

Satellite imagery shows that construction started in February on a new compound at the Dirkou airstrip. Since then, the facility has been extended to include a larger paved taxiway and a clamshell tent connected to the airstrip — all features that are consistent with the deployment of small aircraft, possibly drones.

Five defensive positions were set up around the airport, and there appear to be new security gates and checkpoints both to the compound and the broader airport.

It’s not the first time that Washington has eyed with interest Dirkou’s tiny base. In the late 1980s, the United States spent $3.2 million renovating the airstrip in an effort to bolster Niger’s government against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, then the leader of Libya.

Compared with other parts of Africa, the C.I.A.’s presence in the continent’s northwest is relatively light, according to a former State Department official who served in the region. In this part of Niger, the C.I.A. is also providing training and sharing intelligence, according to a Nigerien military intelligence document reviewed by The Times.

The Nigerien security official said about a dozen American Green Berets were stationed earlier this year in Dirkou — in a base separate from the C.I.A.’s — to train a special counterterrorism battalion of local forces. Those trainers left about three months ago, the official said.

It is unlikely that they will return anytime soon. The Pentagon is considering withdrawing nearly all American commandos from Niger in the wake of the deadly October ambush that killed four United States soldiers.

Joe Penney reported from Dirkou, Niger, Eric Schmitt from Washington and Rukmini Callimachi and Christoph Koettl from New York. Omar Hama Saley contributed reporting from Agadez, Niger, Dionne Searcey from Dakar, Senegal, and Helene Cooper from Washington.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 16:06
Hurricane Florence on track for direct, dangerous strike

Nog even een nieuwe crisis op de stoep voor Don the Con. Dat wordt weer gooien met keukenpapier, kerel.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 16:13
realDonaldTrump twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 15:57:18 The Economy is soooo good, perhaps the best in our country’s history (remember, it’s the economy stupid!), that the Democrats are flailing & lying like CRAZY! Phony books, articles and T.V. “hits” like no other pol has had to endure-and they are losing big. Very dishonest people! reageer retweet
Beetje desperate.
Nibb-itmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 16:15
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 16:13 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 15:57:18 The Economy is soooo good, perhaps the best in our country’s history (remember, it’s the economy stupid!), that the Democrats are flailing & lying like CRAZY! Phony books, articles and T.V. “hits” like no other pol has had to endure-and they are losing big. Very dishonest people! reageer retweet
Beetje desperate.
Ik blijf iedere keer maar checken of het geen parodie is.
Zwoerdmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 16:24
"soooooo good" :D het is echt een 14 jarig meisje :')
Montovmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 16:47
Trump heeft het tenminste over de economie, in tegenstelling tot de Democraten! Totdat Trump weer over NFL knielers of Merry Christmas gaat tweeten, maar dan verzinnen we wel weer iets anders.
vipergtsmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 17:09
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 15:32 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Ford steps up to support NFL players protesting police brutality

Dus steek je F-150 maar in de fik. Echte patriotten steunen Ford niet.
Je nog niet afbetaalde F150 in de fik steken is lastiger als een paar oude Nikes
Wombcatmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 17:13
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 10:53 schreef DustPuppy het volgende:


Weer een leuke diplomatieke splijtzwam erbij.
Ben benieuwd of hij de The Hague Invasion Act (van Clinton) nog gaat benutten.

Het is wel van Clinton (weliswaar Bill, maar toch), dus dat kan nooit een goede wet zijn :P
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 17:40
1s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 17:09 schreef vipergts het volgende:


Je nog niet afbetaalde F150 in de fik steken is lastiger als een paar oude Nikes
Vaderlandsliefde is niet in geld uit te drukken. Ik zeg: de fik d'r in!
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 17:43
Avenatti zegt dat Trump de pot op kan met zijn "ik zal je niet houden aan de NDA".

Just Filed: Our response to the recent legal shenanigans of Michael Cohen and Donald Trump. I urge you to read it. #NiceTry #Basta
"Defendants’ sudden desire to escape having to defend this action without any meaningful consequence reflects a profoundly troubling reality - that Defendants have been shamelessly deceiving this Court and the American public for more than six months."
Basta. Kom maar getuigen, Donald. Onder ede.
westwoodblvdmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 17:59
1s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 17:43 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Avenatti zegt dat Trump de pot op kan met zijn "ik zal je niet houden aan de NDA".



Basta. Kom maar getuigen, Donald. Onder ede.
Je kunt geen rechtszaak houden als er geen juridisch twistpunt aan ten grondslag ligt.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 18:04
1s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 17:59 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:


Je kunt geen rechtszaak houden als er geen juridisch twistpunt aan ten grondslag ligt.
De zaak is al gestart. Halverwege begrijpt Trump dat hij gaat verliezen. Verder zijn er natuurlijk ook strafbare feiten gepleegd en heeft Trump voordeel gehad.

En dan zeggen van 'Joh, het is goed'?

Het lijkt me stug dat die vlieger opgaat.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 18:29
Iemand anders zegt dat deze motie van MA nog wat uitgebreider kan.

MA - I think you really need to consider filing mtn to amend to add abuse of process. Trump-Cohen filed the arbitration in bad faith to entertain an ulterior motive & committed a willful act in a wrongful manner. That entitles you to discovery & avoids dismissal.
Kijkertjemaandag 10 september 2018 @ 18:59
JustinWolfers twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 14:11:21 This is totally true if you exclude 1948Q1,1948Q2,1950Q1,1950Q2,1950Q3,1950Q4,1951Q1,1951Q2,1951Q3,1952Q1,1952Q4,1953Q1,1953Q2,1954Q4,1955Q1,1955Q2,1955Q3,1956Q4,1958Q3,1958Q4,1959Q1,1959Q2,1960Q1,1961Q3,1961Q4,1962Q1,1963Q3,1964Q1,1964Q3,1965Q1,1965Q2,1965Q3,1965Q4,1966Q1,1968Q1 reageer retweet
JustinWolfers twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 14:11:51 and 1968Q2,1969Q1,1971Q1,1972Q1,1972Q2,1972Q4,1973Q1,1976Q1,1977Q2,1977Q3,1978Q2,1980Q4,1981Q1,1983Q4,1984Q1,1987Q4,1988Q4,1996Q2,1997Q2,1997Q3,1998Q3,1998Q4,1999Q3,1999Q4,2000Q2,2003Q3,2006Q1 reageer retweet
JustinWolfers twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 14:12:45 ...and ignore the fact that we don't have reliable unemployment or GDP data before 1948, but it probably also occurred a fair few more times than I've listed. reageer retweet
JustinWolfers twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 14:19:59 And don't even start me on the inanity of comparing levels (of unemployment) with growth rates (of GDP) or stocks (again, of unemployment) with flows (of new production).BTW, if you liked this tweet thread, you'll love the first day of any introductory macroeconomics course. reageer retweet

[ Bericht 38% gewijzigd door Euribob op 10-09-2018 19:11:53 ]
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 19:18

DeSantis stapt uit de race in Florida.
ExtraWaskrachtmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 19:24
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 19:18 schreef Ulx het volgende:

DeSantis stapt uit de race in Florida.
Daar staat toch dat hij uit het Huis van Afgevaardigden stapt om zich te focussen op de governorsrace in Florida of snap ik hem verkeerd?
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 19:31
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 19:24 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Daar staat toch dat hij uit het Huis van Afgevaardigden stapt om zich te focussen op de governorsrace in Florida of snap ik hem verkeerd?
Hè? Ik zou gezworen hebben dat er wat anders stond.

Dan niet.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 19:34
Anyway, de GOP lijkt in paniek te raken.
Ringomaandag 10 september 2018 @ 19:37
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 17:13 schreef Wombcat het volgende:
Ben benieuwd of hij de The Hague Invasion Act (van Clinton) nog gaat benutten.

Het is wel van Clinton (weliswaar Bill, maar toch), dus dat kan nooit een goede wet zijn :P
Dan moeten er toch eerst Amerikaanse staatsburgers worden gedetineerd?
westwoodblvdmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 20:03
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 19:24 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Daar staat toch dat hij uit het Huis van Afgevaardigden stapt om zich te focussen op de governorsrace in Florida of snap ik hem verkeerd?
Hij heeft geen zin om nog twee maanden in een parlement te zitten waar hij toch niet nodig is en alleen maar potentieel impopulaire stemmingen moet doen. Dan liever gewoon campaignen. Bovendien geeft het hem een leuk nieuwsmomentje waarbij hij kan laten zien hoe zuinig hij wel niet is met belastinggeld. Slimme move.
Ulxmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 20:06
1s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 20:03 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:


Hij heeft geen zin om nog twee maanden in een parlement te zitten waar hij toch niet nodig is en alleen maar potentieel impopulaire stemmingen moet doen. Dan liever gewoon campaignen. Bovendien geeft het hem een leuk nieuwsmomentje waarbij hij kan laten zien hoe zuinig hij wel niet is met belastinggeld. Slimme move.
Hij moet wel omdat er geld naar het redden van Cruz gaat. Dit lijkt me eerder de reden.
Nintexmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 20:35
Opbeurende woorden van John Bolton voor het ICC
Ringomaandag 10 september 2018 @ 21:10
Nog zoʼn kankergezwel, die ouwe oorlogsnor.
SureD1maandag 10 september 2018 @ 21:12
7s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 21:10 schreef Ringo het volgende:
Nog zoʼn kankergezwel, die ouwe oorlogsnor.
En dan te bedenken dat het oer-idee van een ICC van de Amerikanen zelf kwam...

Maar goed, dat moest een rol gaan spelen in hun war against drugs...
Wombcatmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 21:18
7s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 19:37 schreef Ringo het volgende:


Dan moeten er toch eerst Amerikaanse staatsburgers worden gedetineerd?
Ik werd getriggerd door dit stukje in het artikel:
The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,
Wat ook de strekking is van de The Hague Invasion act (uit het Wiki-artikel waarnaar ik linkte):
“Amerikaans militair personeel en andere verkozen of benoemde vertegenwoordigers van de Verenigde Staten van Amerika te beschermen tegen rechtsvervolging door een internationaal strafhof waarvan de VS geen deel uitmaken” en geeft de president de macht om “met alle mogelijke middelen de vrijlating van Amerikaans personeel te bewerkstelligen dat gevangen wordt gehouden door of op verzoek van het Internationaal Strafhof (in Den Haag)”.
Dus wat de Trump-administration hier doet, is niets nieuws, dat was onder Clinton al het beleid van de VS.
En ik was dus benieuwd of dit dan iets is wat Trump wel goed beleid vindt van de democraten.
Wombcatmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 21:21
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 20:35 schreef Nintex het volgende:
Opbeurende woorden van John Bolton voor het ICC
[ afbeelding ]
Goed beleid, hè, wat door Clinton is ingezet?

Overigens vind ik het een kutbeleid, ondanks dat het door de democraten is ingezet: het geeft een verkeerd signaal als je als VS een internationaal gerechtshof aan je laars lapt.
Kansenjongeremaandag 10 september 2018 @ 21:25
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 21:21 schreef Wombcat het volgende:


Goed beleid, hè, wat door Clinton is ingezet?

Overigens vind ik het een kutbeleid, ondanks dat het door de democraten is ingezet: het geeft een verkeerd signaal als je als VS een internationaal gerechtshof aan je laars lapt.
Dat de huidige boevenbende tegen elke rechter is die ze niet zelf hebben benoemd kan ik dan wel weer begrijpen.
#ANONIEMmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 21:29
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 17:13 schreef Wombcat het volgende:

Het is wel van Clinton (weliswaar Bill, maar toch), dus dat kan nooit een goede wet zijn :P
Hoe kom je er bij dat het van Clinton is, hij wordt niet eens genoemd in het wiki artikel, het is een amendement van Jesse Helms in 2002 en die was destijds al Republikein.
Wombcatmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 21:30
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 21:29 schreef Chewie het volgende:


Hoe kom je er bij dat het van Clinton is, hij wordt niet eens genoemd in het wiki artikel, het is een amendement van Jesse Helms in 2002 en die was destijds al Republikein.
My bad, in mijn herinnering was het onder het presidentsschap van Clinton.
westwoodblvdmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 21:51
1s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 20:06 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Hij moet wel omdat er geld naar het redden van Cruz gaat. Dit lijkt me eerder de reden.
Nee, want dit levert hem geen extra geld op. Hij stapt niet uit de gouverneursrace, maar geeft zijn zetel in het Huis op (wat hij hoe dan ook al zou gaan doen). Bovendien vissen hij en Cruz niet volledig in dezelfde vijver als het op rijke donoren aankomt (ander ambt, staat, etc.).
Wombcatmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 22:10
Ondertussen trekt de volgende natuurramp richting de amerikaanse kust:
NWS / Zware orkaan Florence op weg naar oostkust VS

Trump kan weer keukenrollen gaan uitdelen binnenkort.
#ANONIEMmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 22:18
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 22:10 schreef Wombcat het volgende:
Ondertussen trekt de volgende natuurramp richting de amerikaanse kust:
NWS / Zware orkaan Florence op weg naar oostkust VS

Trump kan weer keukenrollen gaan uitdelen binnenkort.
Oh jezus dat pijnlijke moment was ik al lang weer vergeten. Wat een lol had hij daar toch in.
Q.maandag 10 september 2018 @ 22:37
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 22:10 schreef Wombcat het volgende:
Ondertussen trekt de volgende natuurramp richting de amerikaanse kust:
NWS / Zware orkaan Florence op weg naar oostkust VS

Trump kan weer keukenrollen gaan uitdelen binnenkort.
Aan de oostkust wonen allemaal Dirty Dems dus hij gaat natuurlijk niets doen! *O*
Zwoerdmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 22:37
9s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 22:18 schreef clumsy_clown het volgende:


Oh jezus dat pijnlijke moment was ik al lang weer vergeten. Wat een lol had hij daar toch in.
Hij noemde het een 'good news story' en gaf zichzelf een '10 out of 10' voor de response.

Het scheelt nu dat Florence op de Carolina's afstevent, daar hebben ze op Trump gestemd en mogen dus op wat meer steun rekenen.
Nintexmaandag 10 september 2018 @ 23:20
AFP twitterde op maandag 10-09-2018 om 21:05:06 #BREAKING Trump has received Kim letter seeking second meeting, says White House reageer retweet
Trump en Kim gaan weer een summit houden.
Fir3flymaandag 10 september 2018 @ 23:25
Tijd voor weer een afleidingsmanoeuvre dus.
Kijkertjemaandag 10 september 2018 @ 23:44
Tja het schiet ook niet op met dat ontmantelen van het nucleaire arsenaal van Noord-Korea.
Sterker nog ze gaan gewoon de ontwikkling ervan. Art of the deal zeker :')

As President Donald Trump issues a steady stream of praise for Kim Jong Un in interviews and on Twitter, a steady stream of evidence that North Korea is still making nuclear weapons has pushed his administration to take a much more aggressive stance toward Pyongyang.

The newest intelligence shows Kim's regime has escalated efforts to conceal its nuclear activity, according to three senior U.S. officials. During the three months since the historic Singapore summit and Trump's proclamation that North Korea intends to denuclearize, North Korea has built structures to obscure the entrance to at least one warhead storage facility, according to the officials.

The U.S. has also observed North Korean workers moving warheads out of the facility, the officials said, though they would not speculate on where the warheads went.

One former senior U.S. official said North Korea frequently moves equipment around to hinder foreign intelligence gathering. "They're trying to move them around so our sensors are confused," the official said.

U.S. intelligence assesses North Korea could produce five to eight new nuclear weapons in 2018, according to three current and former senior U.S. officials. That pace is virtually identical to their assessment of the regime's production of about six per year prior to the Trump-Kim summit.

Bruce W. Bennett, a senior international/defense researcher at the RAND Corporation and an expert in Northeast Asia military affairs, agrees with that assessment of the pace of production.

"Since the beginning of 2018, Kim has surrendered and dismantled no nuclear weapons, but has likely built five to nine new nuclear weapons. So he has not frozen his nuclear program and he has certainly not been denuclearizing; instead, he has been nuclearizing."

Kijkertjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 00:09
Nintexdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 00:22
Wel apart.

Trump loopt random meetings binnen, maar Omarosa heeft perfecte audio alsof Trump het in een microfoon heeft ingesproken.

Of ze duwde die telefoon onder zijn neus of Omarosa voert een showtje op voor de pers.
Szuradinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 00:25
Het stelt tot nu toe allemaal bar weinig voor, die Omarosa-tapes
Kijkertjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 00:36
Trump Administration Wants to Make It Easier to Release Methane Into Air

The Trump administration, taking its third major step this year to roll back federal efforts to fight climate change, is preparing to make it significantly easier for energy companies to release methane into the atmosphere.

Methane, which is among the most powerful greenhouse gases, routinely leaks from oil and gas wells, and energy companies have long said that the rules requiring them to test for emissions were costly and burdensome.

The Environmental Protection Agency, perhaps as soon as this week, plans to make public a proposal to weaken an Obama-era requirement that companies monitor and repair methane leaks, according to documents reviewed by The New York Times. In a related move, the Interior Department is also expected in coming days to release its final version of a draft rule, proposed in February, that essentially repeals a restriction on the intentional venting and “flaring,” or burning, of methane from drilling operations.

The new rules follow two regulatory rollbacks this year that, taken together, represent the foundation of the United States’ effort to rein in global warming. In July, the E.P.A. proposed weakening a rule on carbon dioxide pollution from vehicle tailpipes. And in August, the agency proposed replacing the rule on carbon dioxide pollution from coal-fired power plants with a weaker one that would allow far more global-warming emissions to flow unchecked from the nation’s smokestacks.

“They’re taking them down, one by one,” said Janet McCabe, the E.P.A.’s top climate and clean-air regulator in the Obama administration.

Officials from the E.P.A., the Interior Department and the White House did not respond to emails and telephone calls seeking comment.

Industry groups praised the expected changes. “It’s a neat pair” of proposals on methane, said Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, an association of independent oil and gas companies that is based in Denver. The Obama-era E.P.A. methane rule, she said, “was the definition of red tape. It was a record-keeping nightmare that was technically impossible to execute in the field.”

Ms. Sgamma praised the Trump administration for turning the oil companies’ requests into policy, noting that the Obama administration frequently turned proposals from environmental groups into policy. “It all depends on who you trust,” she said. “That administration trusted environmentalists. This one trusts industry.”

The regulation of methane, while not as widely discussed as emissions from cars and coal plants, was nonetheless a major component of Mr. Obama’s efforts to combat climate change. Methane makes up only about nine percent of greenhouse gases, but it is around 25 times more effective than carbon dioxide in trapping heat in the atmosphere. About one-third of methane pollution is estimated to come from oil and gas operations.

The forthcoming proposals from the E.P.A. and Interior Department would allow far more methane to leak from oil and gas drilling operations, environmentalists say. “These leaks can pop up any time, anywhere, up and down the oil and gas supply chain,” said Matt Watson, a specialist in methane pollution with the Environmental Defense Fund, an advocacy group. “The longer you go in between inspections, the longer leaks will go undetected and unrepaired.”

The proposals exemplify President Trump’s policy quest to roll back regulations on businesses, particularly oil, gas and coal companies. While significant aspects of the president’s broader agenda — including immigration and trade policy, and the proposed border wall with Mexico — remain mired in confusion, and as the administration struggles under the investigation into the presidential campaign’s ties with Russia, the E.P.A. and Interior Department have steadily pressed forward with rollbacks of environmental regulations.

“In other areas of policymaking, like immigration and health care, they appear to have brought into the administration ideologues who don’t know a lot about policymaking,” said Cecilia Muñoz, who directed the White House Domestic Policy Council in the Obama administration. “But in climate change and energy, they appear to have brought in people who know exactly what they’re doing, and know exactly where the levers are.”

The pace of the proposals has not been slowed by the resignation in July of Scott Pruitt, who left the top job at the E.P.A. under a cloud of ethics scandals. Andrew Wheeler, a former coal lobbyist who worked in the E.P.A. under the first President George Bush, is now the agency’s acting chief.

The E.P.A.’s new methane proposal, according to the draft seen by The Times, would loosen a 2016 rule that required oil and gas drillers to perform leak inspections as frequently as every six months on their drilling equipment, and to repair leaks within 30 days. The proposed amendment would lengthen that to once a year in most cases, and to as infrequently as once every two years for low-producing wells. It would also double the amount of time a company could wait before repairing a methane leak from 30 to 60 days.

It would also double the amount of time required between inspections of the equipment that traps and compresses the natural gas, from once every three months to once every six months. On the Alaskan North Slope, where oil and gas companies contend that harsh weather makes it difficult to conduct inspections, such equipment would only have to be monitored annually.

In addition, the E.P.A. proposal would let energy companies operating in states that have their own state-level methane standards follow those standards instead of the federal ones. That would include states such as Texas, where the pollution standards have been more lax than federal standards.

If implemented, the proposal would recoup nearly all the costs to the oil and gas industry that would have been imposed by the Obama-era regulation. The E.P.A. estimated that rule would have cost companies about $530 million by 2025. The E.P.A. estimates that the proposed changes would save the oil and gas industry $484 million by the same year.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 05:38
O ja, de Omarosa-opnames. Die stellen zo weinig voor dat het WH dd telefoon-policy maar heeft aangepast.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 05:56
Trump's approval rating has fallen 6 points in the last month in a new CNN poll.

36% approve
58% disapprove

Trump's approval among independents dropped 16 points in one month. Just 31% of independents now approve of Trump. It's apparently a new all-time low among independents.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 07:13
Lachen! Omdat iedereen de waarheid moet weten gaat Trump een nieuw boek schrijven. Of laten schrijven, denk ik.

Mogelijke titel:

Pointless rants of a senile lunatic.
Ringodinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 07:29
My Battle.
DustPuppydinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 07:43
11s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 07:29 schreef Ringo het volgende:
My Battle.
AnneXdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 08:28
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 07:13 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Lachen! Omdat iedereen de waarheid moet weten gaat Trump een nieuw boek schrijven. Of laten schrijven, denk ik.

Mogelijke titel:

Pointless rants of a senile lunatic.
Plakt-ie zijn tweets aan elkaar dan?
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 08:52
11s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 07:29 schreef Ringo het volgende:
My Battle.

Mein Kapital
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 09:05
Of wat ik net zag:

All the President's Men (-tal defects)
rockstahdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 09:28
We responded with urgency to 911, now we need to respond as urgently to china.
Zorgwekkende hoeveelheid stemmingmakerij, de opkomst van china vergelijken met 9/11? ongelofelijk.
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 09:30
0s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 21:30 schreef Wombcat het volgende:


My bad, in mijn herinnering was het onder het presidentsschap van Clinton.
Die ging er schoorvoetend mee accoord
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 09:31
9s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 22:18 schreef clumsy_clown het volgende:


Oh jezus dat pijnlijke moment was ik al lang weer vergeten. Wat een lol had hij daar toch in.
Hij kan ze beter bewaren voor het deppen van zijn swamp.
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 09:38
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 00:22 schreef Nintex het volgende:
Wel apart.

Trump loopt random meetings binnen, maar Omarosa heeft perfecte audio alsof Trump het in een microfoon heeft ingesproken.

Of ze duwde die telefoon onder zijn neus of Omarosa voert een showtje op voor de pers.
Niet zo apart als je er van uit gaat dat in de huidige mobieltjes geluidsapparatuur verborgen zit waar indertijd de Beatles een moord voor zouden willen doen.
Een top of the line xperia of I-phone haalt dit soort kwaliteitsniveau makkelijk.. En Amarosa kan dit soort mobieltjes best betalen.
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 09:40
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 00:25 schreef Szura het volgende:
Het stelt tot nu toe allemaal bar weinig voor, die Omarosa-tapes
Dat weet ze zelf ook wel, maar ze speelt het spelletje zo dat Trump er behoorlijk nerveus van wordt.
zalkcdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 09:45
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 09:30 schreef klappernootopreis het volgende:


Die ging er schoorvoetend mee accoord
Nope all the way a Bush thing

Introduced in the House as H.R. 4775 by Bill Young
Passed the House on May 24, 2002 (280-138)
Passed the Senate on June 7, 2002 (71-22)
Signed into law by President George W. Bush on August 2, 2002

En gezien de stemverhouding breed gedragen
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 09:48
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 09:40 schreef klappernootopreis het volgende:


Dat weet ze zelf ook wel, maar ze speelt het spelletje zo dat Trump er behoorlijk nerveus van wordt.
Ja, alsof er steeds een paar emails worden vrijgegeven.....Het doet me ergens aan denken.....
remlofdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 10:06
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 09:05 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Of wat ik net zag:

All the President's Men (-tal defects)
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 10:26
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 10:16 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Ik haat Trump niet hoor, ik vind hem een incompetente huilebalk. Dat is alles. Als hij iets doet waarmee ik het eens ben dan post ik dat ook.
Juist. Natuurlijk zijn er ook figuren bij die klakkeloos alles adoreren wat dit soort schijnpolitici doen.
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 10:31
9s.gif Op maandag 10 september 2018 16:15 schreef Nibb-it het volgende:


Ik blijf iedere keer maar checken of het geen parodie is.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 10:33
Hurricane Florence nears Category 5 strength as it moves toward the Southeast coast


[ Bericht 22% gewijzigd door Ulx op 11-09-2018 10:38:59 ]
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 10:46
Die gaat dat gebied daar aardig swampen ben ik bang. -O-
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 10:52
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 10:46 schreef klappernootopreis het volgende:


Die gaat dat gebied daar aardig swampen ben ik bang. -O-
Dat wordt deppen!

klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 11:00
gelukkig konden ze die papieren handdoeken nog gebruiken om een vuurtje mee te stoken voor wat licht , omdat ze daar 11 maanden verstoken zijn geweest van electriciteit.
ExtraWaskrachtdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 11:04
Nu ik er aan terug denk... er was toch ook wat controverse rondom het gunnen van een miljardencontract aan een of ander klein bedrijfje in het thuisplaatje van een of andere minister of adviseur? Hoe is dat ook alweer afgelopen? (Vermoedelijk met een sisser, dan, I guess?)
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 11:05
Don Quichot is weer eens aan het strijden:
thesiren.nldinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 11:11
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 11:04 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:
Nu ik er aan terug denk... er was toch ook wat controverse rondom het gunnen van een miljardencontract aan een of ander klein bedrijfje in het thuisplaatje van een of andere minister of adviseur? Hoe is dat ook alweer afgelopen? (Vermoedelijk met een sisser, dan, I guess?)
That fishy contract to rebuild Puerto Rico's electric grid is now a bona fide scandal.It was suspicious enough that the $300 million contract, as The Washington Post revealed earlier this week, had been awarded to Whitefish Energy, a tiny and unknown company based in Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke's hometown in Montana. The Daily Beast then reported that Whitefish's CEO is friends with Zinke, and that the company is primarily financed by a large donor to President Donald Trump. When San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz expressed concern about the contract, Whitefish threatened to pull its workers out of Puerto Rico.
Die bedoel je.
Eigenlijk zie ik liever mar al lago afdrijven na een orkaan die mensen daar hebben toch al genoeg centjes, goed voor de werkgelegenheid.
TheJanitordinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 11:16
11s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 07:29 schreef Ringo het volgende:
My Battle.
Is My Struggle dan niet beter?
Ludachristdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 11:17
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 11:04 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:
Nu ik er aan terug denk... er was toch ook wat controverse rondom het gunnen van een miljardencontract aan een of ander klein bedrijfje in het thuisplaatje van een of andere minister of adviseur? Hoe is dat ook alweer afgelopen? (Vermoedelijk met een sisser, dan, I guess?)
Contract werd gecancelled, dacht ik.
thesiren.nldinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 11:17
9s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 11:16 schreef TheJanitor het volgende:


Is My Struggle dan niet beter?
Nee, als je een boek laat schrijven dan moet je de titel wel kunnen uitspreken. Struggle is een kukident killer
ExtraWaskrachtdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 11:25
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 11:11 schreef het volgende:
Die bedoel je.
Ja, dat inderdaad
Knipoogjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 11:42
2s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 11:17 schreef Ludachrist het volgende:


Contract werd gecancelled, dacht ik.
Yup, maar het is al weer lang uit het nieuws verdwenen. Over nasleep, afkoopsommen enzo weten we niets. Wie weet hoeveel miljoenen ze toch nog hebben kunnen binnen harken
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 12:10
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 11:17 schreef het volgende:


Nee, als je een boek laat schrijven dan moet je de titel wel kunnen uitspreken. Struggle is een kukident killer
ExtraWaskrachtdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 12:28
1s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 11:42 schreef Knipoogje het volgende:


Yup, maar het is al weer lang uit het nieuws verdwenen. Over nasleep, afkoopsommen enzo weten we niets. Wie weet hoeveel miljoenen ze toch nog hebben kunnen binnen harken
Lees dat WSJ nog had geleerd 30 oktober 2017 dat de FBI een onderzoek was gestart naar het contract, maar verder niet.
Ringodinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 12:50
9s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 11:16 schreef TheJanitor het volgende:
Is My Struggle dan niet beter?
Of My Fight.
Klinkt wel lekker New Yorks.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 12:52
Krugman heeft weer eens gelijk.

Last week, Ted Cruz, the unexpectedly endangered Republican senator from Texas, warned that Beto O’Rourke, his Democratic opponent, would turn the state into California, with “tofu and silicone and dyed hair.” Does Cruz really think every blonde in Texas — and every middle-aged man with remarkably little gray — is natural, and nobody has had work done?

Meanwhile, Joe Manchin, Democratic senator from West Virginia — which went for Donald Trump by 40 points — seems to have the edge in his re-election campaign. His secret weapon? Defense of the Affordable Care Act, which drastically reduced the number of uninsured residents in his state.

These two races epitomize how the 2018 campaign is playing out. On one side, Republicans are running almost entirely on identity politics — white identity politics — rather than policy. True, they’re running a lot of ads about immigration, but not about immigration’s actual effects. Instead, they’re all about a mythical wave of crimes committed by scary dark people.

On the other side, Democrats are running on policy issues, above all health care, promising to protect people with pre-existing conditions while also protecting and perhaps expanding Medicare.

But politicians make lots of promises, which are often empty. For example, Republicans promised that the Trump tax cut would lead to soaring wages, which hasn’t happened. So are Democrats really credible on health care?

Almost five years after Obamacare went into full effect, the answer is a very clear yes. It hasn’t worked perfectly, and its successes haven’t come in quite the form its proponents expected. But it has delivered huge progress, especially in states run by politicians who are trying to make it work.

It’s worth remembering what Republicans said would happen before the A.C.A. went online: that it would fail to reduce the number of uninsured, that it would blow a giant hole in the budget, that it would lead to a “death spiral” of rising premiums and declining enrollment.

What actually happened was a dramatic fall in the uninsured, especially in those states that expanded Medicaid. The budget costs of expanding Medicaid and subsidizing other insurance have been significant, but estimates for 2019 suggest that these costs will be around $115 billion — much less than half the revenue lost due to the Trump tax cut.

What about that death spiral? Premiums on the health exchanges established by the A.C.A. initially came in much lower than expected, then rose sharply when the people signing up for those exchanges turned out to be fewer and sicker than insurers had hoped. But the markets have now stabilized, with only modest premium increases for 2019 and insurers returning to the exchanges.

And while the exchanges are covering fewer people than projected, Medicaid is covering more than expected, so that overall gains in coverage have been surprisingly on target. In early 2014, the Congressional Budget Office projected that under the A.C.A., by 2018 there would be 29 million uninsured U.S. residents. The actual number is … 29 million.

What’s particularly impressive about Obamacare’s stabilization is that it’s happening despite desperate attempts by Trump and his allies to sabotage his predecessor’s achievement. Republicans have repealed the mandate that was supposed to induce people to sign up for coverage while still healthy, and the Trump administration has done all it can to increase risks and drive insurers out. Yet Democrats built their system so well that it’s still standing despite everything thrown at it.

Of course, Obamacare would be doing even better if it were run by people who weren’t trying to kill it. Look at what’s happening in New Jersey, where a Democratic governor and Legislature have used their powers to undo most of the Trumpian sabotage: 2019 premiums will actually drop 9.3 percent, even as they rise modestly in the nation as a whole.

And on the other hand, if Republicans hold Congress this November, they will simply kill Obamacare outright, taking coverage away from millions. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, or a job that doesn’t come with good insurance, be very, very afraid.

Now, Obamacare is hardly a perfect system. It was always an awkward compromise reflecting the political constraints of the time, and many Democrats — including Barack Obama himself — are now suggesting moving beyond it to “Medicare for all,” although it’s not clear exactly what that would mean.

But the Affordable Care Act really did achieve a lot. And this achievement bears strongly on the current political debate. Basically, Democrats have earned a lot of credibility on health care: They delivered what they promised, and they have showed that they can build systems that work.

Republicans, on the other hand, aren’t just lying about their health plans — pretending, for example, to protect people with pre-existing conditions when they aren’t. They’ve also been utterly wrong about everything, and have learned nothing from their mistakes.

So are Democrats justified in running as the defenders of American health care? Yes.
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 12:54
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 12:28 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Lees dat WSJ nog had geleerd 30 oktober 2017 dat de FBI een onderzoek was gestart naar het contract, maar verder niet.
Voor 300 Miljoen dollar hadden ze aardig wat van deze panelen kunnen kopen.
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 12:57
2s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 12:50 schreef Ringo het volgende:


Of My Fight.
Klinkt wel lekker New Yorks.
Het deel "my defence" zal er wel nooit komen. Trump weet niet hoe hij zich moet verdedigen. Hij probeert zijn tegenstanders alleen maar te attackeren, maar krijgt zelf klap op klap te verduren.

En eens gaat hij om.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 13:18
realDonaldTrump twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 13:08:35 “We have found nothing to show collusion between President Trump & Russia, absolutely zero, but every day we get more documentation showing collusion between the FBI & DOJ, the Hillary campaign, foreign spies & Russians, incredible.” @SaraCarterDC @LouDobbs reageer retweet
Zijn eerste tweet op 11 September: Trump valt de FBI en DOJ aan.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 13:21
realDonaldTrump twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 13:19:19 New Strzok-Page texts reveal “Media Leak Strategy.” @FoxNews So terrible, and NOTHING is being done at DOJ or FBI - but the world is watching, and they get it completely. reageer retweet
Zijn derde.

D'r was ook iets met een paar wolkenkrabbers op deze datum.
xpompompomxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 13:29
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 13:18 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 13:08:35 “We have found nothing to show collusion between President Trump & Russia, absolutely zero, but every day we get more documentation showing collusion between the FBI & DOJ, the Hillary campaign, foreign spies & Russians, incredible.” @SaraCarterDC @LouDobbs reageer retweet
Zijn eerste tweet op 11 September: Trump valt de FBI en DOJ aan.
Niks aan de hand dus. Volgens Trump en de zijnen is collusion immers geen misdaad.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 13:46
realDonaldTrump twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 13:41:33 “ERIC Holder could be running the Justice Department right now and it would be behaving no differently than it is.” @LouDobbs reageer retweet
Moet die oetlul vandaag nog ergens een krans leggen?
Mrycdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 13:51
2s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 12:50 schreef Ringo het volgende:


Of My Fight.
Klinkt wel lekker New Yorks.
My covfefe
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 13:53
1s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 13:51 schreef Mryc het volgende:


My covfefe
By anonamalifilous
#ANONIEMdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 13:55
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 13:21 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 13:19:19 New Strzok-Page texts reveal “Media Leak Strategy.” @FoxNews So terrible, and NOTHING is being done at DOJ or FBI - but the world is watching, and they get it completely. reageer retweet
Zijn derde.

D'r was ook iets met een paar wolkenkrabbers op deze datum.
Ja op die dag had Trump weer de op 1 na hoogste wolkenkrabber in NY
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 13:56
15s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 13:55 schreef Chewie het volgende:


Ja op die dag had Trump weer de op 1 na hoogste wolkenkrabber in NY
Klopt, hoor eens hoe blij hij was!

braxtonryn twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 13:30:38 @kylegriffin1 Here's Trump bragging about having the "tallest" building in downtown Manhattan during the 9/11 attacks. #NeverForget reageer retweet
#ANONIEMdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 14:03
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 13:56 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Klopt, hoor eens hoe blij hij was!

braxtonryn twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 13:30:38 @kylegriffin1 Here's Trump bragging about having the "tallest" building in downtown Manhattan during the 9/11 attacks. #NeverForget reageer retweet
Dat hij ook vertelt dat zijn staf hem dat gelijk kwam melden na de ramp |:(
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 14:03
realDonaldTrump twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 13:59:08 Rudy Giuliani did a GREAT job as Mayor of NYC during the period of September 11th. His leadership, bravery and skill must never be forgotten. Rudy is a TRUE WARRIOR! reageer retweet
Daar ben ik het bijna mee eens. Die laatste zin is anno nu wat overdreven.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 14:05
Gelukkig, er is een officieel statement van de regering op deze dag:

JustinTrudeau twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 14:04:01 Today, we remember those who lost their lives in the deadliest terrorist attack in US history, and honour the bravery & selflessness shown by so many on 9/11: reageer retweet
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, and on the National Day of Service:

“The events of 9/11 – the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the United States – will remain ingrained in our memories for generations.

“Today, on the 17th anniversary of this tragedy, we remember its nearly 3,000 innocent victims, including 24 Canadians.

“Hundreds of first responders lost their lives. We offer our deepest condolences to all those who lost loved ones, and live with pain and grief that will never completely go away.

“We recognize the incredible bravery of first responders who risked everything so others might live. They raced into smoke and flames, braved falling rubble, and charged up the stairs of the collapsing towers. They were firefighters, police officers, military personnel, and ordinary people – all heroes, extraordinary in their service and sacrifice.

“On this National Day of Service, we honour those first responders, and all those who have sacrificed so much – before and since – in service to their neighbours and country.

“Communities across Canada banded together to help a country – a neighbour and friend – stricken by grief. Canadians opened their arms and homes to stranded airline passengers, joining an outpouring of generosity across North America that, to this day, reminds us to keep faith in the darkest hours – and know the best of us will always shine through.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I encourage Canadians to take part in acts of service today to remember those who lost their lives, and to honour the selflessness shown by so many on 9/11.”
Nu Trump nog.
architodinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 14:28
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 14:05 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Gelukkig, er is een officieel statement van de regering op deze dag:

JustinTrudeau twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 14:04:01 Today, we remember those who lost their lives in the deadliest terrorist attack in US history, and honour the bravery & selflessness shown by so many on 9/11: reageer retweet

Nu Trump nog.
Je moet even tussen zijn rants doorlezen:

DustPuppydinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 14:39
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 14:28 schreef archito het volgende:


Je moet even tussen zijn rants doorlezen:

Patriot Day? Really? :')

More like 'Your sins coming back to kick you in the balls Day'.

Maar dat bekt niet zo lekker.
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 14:58
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 14:03 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 13:59:08 Rudy Giuliani did a GREAT job as Mayor of NYC during the period of September 11th. His leadership, bravery and skill must never be forgotten. Rudy is a TRUE WARRIOR! reageer retweet
Daar ben ik het bijna mee eens. Die laatste zin is anno nu wat overdreven.
Hij vergeet te vermelden dat het OBAMA was die Bin Laden heeft uitgeschakeld.
remlofdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:03
realDonaldTrump twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 14:58:10 17 years since September 11th! reageer retweet
Joh :')

edit: Oké, dat was wel op de minuut af het moment van de inslag van het eerste vliegtuig.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:06
Over ballen gesproken.....Ik geloof niet dat Avenatti zegt dat Trump de zijne van het hakblok mag halen na zijn overgave in de zaak Stormy Daniels.

Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:11

Iemand een broodje?
Puddingtondinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:14
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 15:11 schreef Ulx het volgende:
[ afbeelding ]

Iemand een broodje?
Dit is satire, toch?
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:14
Puddingtondinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:25
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 15:14 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Je weet het nooit met bedrijven...
klappernootopreisdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:29
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 15:14 schreef Ulx het volgende:
daar maken ze zich op het moment minder druk om dan om die "cartoon" van Serena Williams.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:32
kylegriffin1 twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 15:30:06 Woodward P. 56-58 Gary Cohn said interest rates would go up. Trump said, "We should just go borrow a lot of money right now, hold it, and then sell it and make money." Cohn was astounded.Trump kept saying, "We'll just borrow," enamored that they could borrow at the lowest rate. reageer retweet
Dat niemand anders daar ooit op gekomen is.
Ludachristdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:34
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 15:32 schreef Ulx het volgende:
kylegriffin1 twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 15:30:06 Woodward P. 56-58 Gary Cohn said interest rates would go up. Trump said, "We should just go borrow a lot of money right now, hold it, and then sell it and make money." Cohn was astounded.Trump kept saying, "We'll just borrow," enamored that they could borrow at the lowest rate. reageer retweet
Dat niemand anders daar ooit op gekomen is.
Daar heeft hij als zakenman best redelijk succes mee gehad, en met zijn wat beperkte mentale vermogens is het niet zo gek dat hij denkt dat een land hetzelfde werkt als een vastgoedbedrijf.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:37
7s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 15:34 schreef Ludachrist het volgende:


Daar heeft hij als zakenman best redelijk succes mee gehad, en met zijn wat beperkte mentale vermogens is het niet zo gek dat hij denkt dat een land hetzelfde werkt als een vastgoedbedrijf.
Had hij het over het land dan?
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:45
dougmillsnyt twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 15:16:02 .@realDonaldTrump First Lady Melania Trump greet supporters as they arrive in Johnstown, PA to attend the Flight 93 September 11 Memorial Service in Shanksville, PA reageer retweet

Moet ik hier wat over zeggen?
AnneXdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:46
Ben benieuwd hoe zijn speech klinkt...

Als moron-in-chief verstandig is, houdt hij zijn mond. B-)
westwoodblvddinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 15:56
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 15:45 schreef Ulx het volgende:
dougmillsnyt twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 15:16:02 .@realDonaldTrump First Lady Melania Trump greet supporters as they arrive in Johnstown, PA to attend the Flight 93 September 11 Memorial Service in Shanksville, PA reageer retweet
[ afbeelding ]

Moet ik hier wat over zeggen?
realDonaldTrump twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 14:58:10 17 years since September 11th! reageer retweet
Hell Yeah 9/11! We gaan er weer een feestje van maken! :')
Szuradinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 16:03
Hoe vaak zou hij het over zichzelf gaan hebben in de speech?
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 16:04
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 16:03 schreef Szura het volgende:
Hoe vaak zou hij het over zichzelf gaan hebben in de speech?
911 keer.
Ulxdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 16:05
Zou hij halverwege in een NO COLLUSION! rant terechtkomen?
Kijkertjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 17:26
Bob Woodward book: Gary Cohn was 'astounded at Trump's lack of basic understanding' about the federal debt


During the meeting at Trump Tower in November 2016, Cohn touched on a series of economic issues, including the Federal Reserve. Cohn told Trump that the Fed would most likely increase interest rates during his term. Trump then offered an idea of how to deal with the rising rates.

"We should just go borrow a lot of money, hold it, and then sell it to make money," Trump said, according to the book.

While Trump was correct that many private businesses issue debt at a time of low interest rates, Cohn was "astounded at Trump's lack of basic understanding" about what the government borrowing would mean, Woodward wrote.

During the campaign, Trump ran on a promise to eliminate the federal debt during his presidency. Borrowing more would increase the deficit and add to that debt, Cohn explained. The president-elect offered a solution.

"Just run the presses — print money," Trump said, according to Woodward.

Cohn suggested that would be detrimental to the fiscal and economic health of the US, since printing vast amounts of money is thought to lead to inflation. But Trump returned to the idea later in the conversation.

Cohn also pointed to the federal debt ceiling, a statutory limit to the amount of debt the federal government can have outstanding. Even approaching the debt ceiling can be harmful to the stock market and US economic growth.

8)7 :X :|W
Monolithdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 17:31
Nog een aardig stuk over de uitgangsposities van China en de VS in een handelsoorlog:
Kijkertjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 17:53
SethAbramson twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 07:58:08 (THREAD) 20 QUESTIONS FOR GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS. Now that @GeorgePapa19 is talking Russia on Twitter—and keeping in mind he follows this feed, so I know he'll see these tweets—I want to see if he'll answer tough questions from a guy who wrote a book about him. Read on and find out. reageer retweet
Kijkertjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 18:05
Watergate attorney says Trump will 'undoubtedly be impeached'

Andrew Hall, who served as an attorney for President Nixon’s top adviser in the Watergate scandal, said in a recent interview that President Trump will "undoubtedly be impeached.”

In a recent interview with The Independent, Hall, who had served as counsel for John Ehrlichman, Nixon’s former senior adviser for domestic affairs who was later convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice and perjury, said he is watching history repeat itself with Trump as more of his associates become caught up in special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian election interference.

“The coverup is always worse than the crime,” the attorney told the British publication. “And this one is very shady. We have a sitting president who will undoubtedly be impeached.”

Hall’s remarks arrive as more bombshell revelations emerge surrounding the release of veteran journalist Bob Woodward’s book about the Trump administration, including the news of an alleged mock interview former Trump attorney John Dowd arranged with the president on Jan. 27 to help Trump prepare for a possible sit-down with Mueller.

“The idea to prepare a witness in and of itself is a good idea, but the fact that he’s incapable of being truthful throughout the entire exam is pretty scary,” Hall said.

“It raises a whole lot of issues,” he continued. “If a lawyer knows his client is not telling the truth, he can’t sit by and let that happen, he can’t participate and he must disassociate himself with that activity … otherwise, they lose their license for facilitating perjury.”

Woodward has said in recent interviews promoting his book that Dowd concluded that the president was “disabled” and unable to “tell the truth” following the practice interview and also allegedly called the president a liar.

The president has repeatedly lashed out at Woodward over the book in the past several days and has called him a "liar.” He also suggested Woodward was a Democratic operative and labeled his new book, titled "Fear: Trump in the White House," a work of "fiction."

The White House called Woodward's work "reckless” on Monday and did not rule out the possibility of a lawsuit.

Hall, however, contends that some of the revelations in Woodward’s new book could lead to the president’s impeachment, which the Watergate attorney predicts will occur in Trump’s first term.

“The November elections have an enormous impact on how this plays out,” he said. “If the Democrats take the Senate, or enough Republicans switch over, there will be a successful impeachment.”
Kijkertjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 18:16
Trump’s assault on Woodward riddled with contradictions

The president has slammed Woodward's book as 'fiction' — even as he rails against former aides for leaking.

President Donald Trump has called journalist Bob Woodward’s book on his administration a work of “fiction” and a “scam,” claiming that quotes in the book are “made up" and that the author is a "liar."

At the same time, sources familiar with his thinking said he is livid at his former economic adviser, Gary Cohn, and his former staff secretary, Rob Porter, for “leaking” to Woodward.

It’s difficult to rationally argue that the book could be both: fiction dreamed up by Woodward, and a betrayal by former top stewards of the administration, who shared with the famed journalist alarming details about how the White House functions.

But it’s not hard for Trump, who often spouts two opposing views intended for different audiences. And his supporters often soak up the contradictory claims just as readily as he spits them out, taking it all in stride.

Call it a belt-and-suspenders approach.

When it comes to the ongoing special counsel investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 campaign, for instance, Trump has simultaneously claimed that “there was no collusion” with the Russians, but, also, that “collusion is not a crime.”

He has covered all of his bases when it comes to his view of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, flip-flopping on whether Kim is a “worthy negotiator” or “obviously a mad man,” depending on what Kim has recently said about him.

One of Trump’s favorite boasts is that he has one of the “greatest memories of all time.” But he has also simultaneously claimed not to be able to remember critical moments of his presidency, like having a one-on-one meeting with former FBI Director James Comey in the White House. (One could, however, argue that a great memory is one that selectively forgets unhelpful information.)

And when it comes to the media, Trump constantly rails against the “fake news media,” branding journalists as “very dishonest people” while continuing to sit with journalists in the Oval Office and even praise some of his favorite punching bags mid-swing. A day after refusing to call on CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta at a news conference in England and bragging about his “takedown,” Trump last July, for instance, tweeted that Acosta was “actually a nice guy.”

People who have interacted with Trump over the years said he can sell two opposing viewpoints because he doesn’t see them as such.

When it comes to the Woodward book, in particular, “he has to call it fiction because it criticizes him, that piece is just a given,” said Jack O’Donnell, a former president and chief operating officer of the Trump Plaza casino in Atlantic City, who has since become a critic of his former boss. “He also loves attacking people. He’s comfortable when he’s doing that. As a tack, he doesn’t associate the two. He can say the book is fiction and then go out and attack individuals he thinks spoke to Woodward.”

O’Donnell said it’s part of a classic Trump playbook. “The same person can be a good guy and a bad guy,” he said. “He does that regularly. He changes every five minutes because it’s all about the attention span, and who is the last person he spoke to, and what light does it put him in in any given moment. That’s what can change his whole approach.”

Other longtime associates said in the case of the Woodward book, Trump would be better off changing tack completely: embracing the narrative whole hog, rather than trying to discredit it on multiple fronts at once.

"Trump is level-headed. It's the other guy who is taking the stuff off of his desk,” said Steve Bannon, the former White House chief strategist, referring to a scene in the book where Cohn steals a letter off of the Resolute Desk to prevent Trump from withdrawing from a trade agreement with South Korea. "My strong recommendation is Trump buys 1 million copies and carpet bombs them into every congressional district in dispute and he will win them all."

Bannon said Trump should stop bashing both the author and his former aides, because in his view the book demonstrates that Trump stayed the course, even beset by a set of advisers misleading him -- and that Trump, alone, understood how national security and trade deals are linked. “If he acts like a 5-year-old,” said Bannon, “I want more 5-year-olds on the National Security Council.”

Another former adviser said most of Trump’s anger is likely driven by the fact that he never had the opportunity to sit down with Woodward, despite the author’s repeated requests for an interview.

But even when it comes to whether or not Trump knew about the interview request, he appeared to want to bet on both sides of the coin: he claimed he didn’t know anything about Woodward’s attempts to reach him, while also admitting in the same conversation that “Sen. Graham actually mentioned it quickly in one meeting."

“He has always spoken highly of Woodward over the years,” said Sam Nunberg, a former campaign adviser. “He reveres these people. He would have loved to participate in this book. I can tell you, the idea of a Bob Woodward book, he lives for that."
Monolithdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 18:28
And his supporters often soak up the contradictory claims just as readily as he spits them out, taking it all in stride.
Dat is wel een herkenbare omschrijving van veel van die types die hier ook rondlopen ja.
Kijkertjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 18:35
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 18:28 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Dat is wel een herkenbare omschrijving van veel van die types die hier ook rondlopen ja.
Ik blijf me daarover verbazen...
westwoodblvddinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 18:52
Heeft iedereen het NYT Upshot project al gezien? Live polling van 100 Huisdistricten. Resultaten tot dusver zijn gemengd maar zijn te volgen a.d.h.v. het aantal respondenten. Interessant inkijkje in hoe een poll met 250 respondenten een totaal ander resultaat kan geven dan een poll met 500 respondenten.

Hier te volgen:
Kijkertjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 19:19
Het geplande bezoek van Trump aan Ierland is alweer van de baan vanwege 'schedule reasons'

Jaja :')

Almost immediately after Trump's visit was announced, the prospect of the controversial U.S. president in Ireland sparked calls for protests.

Eamon Ryan, the leader of Ireland's Green Party called on the Irish people to "show their disgust and rejection of the Trump administration's policies by turning out, as we did during the Iraq War in 2003, in large-scale mass protest around the country."

Kijkertjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 19:26
Nintexdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 19:55
Porter, belangrijke bron van het boek heeft een statement naar buiten gebracht


Cohn ook:

jonathanvswan twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 18:18:13 Scoop: Gary Cohn takes on Bob Woodward reageer retweet
Het blijft zo nog wel even gezellig.
Fir3flydinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 20:03
Rob Porter de vrouwenmepper _O-.
ExtraWaskrachtdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 20:04
Federal deficit soars 32 percent to $895B

The federal deficit hit $895 billion in the first 11 months of fiscal 2018, an increase of $222 billion, or 32 percent, over the same period the previous year, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

The nonpartisan CBO reported that the central drivers of the increasing deficit were the Republican tax law and the bipartisan agreement to increase spending. As a result, revenue only rose 1 percent, failing to keep up with a 7 percent surge in spending, it added.

Revenue from individual and payroll taxes was up some $105 billion, or 4 percent, while corporate taxes fell $71 billion, or 30 percent.

The August statistics were somewhat inflated, however, due to a timing shift for certain payments, putting the deficit measure through August slightly out of sync with the previous year, the CBO noted. Had it not been for the timing shift, the deficit would have increased $154 billion instead of $222 billion.

Earlier analysis from CBO projected that deficits would near $1 trillion in 2019 and surpass that amount the following year.
Het zal wat worden als ze de economie nu zouden willen stimuleren als een crash komt. Het komt op me over als erg slecht beleid.
Szuradinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 20:13
10s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 20:03 schreef Fir3fly het volgende:
Rob Porter de vrouwenmepper _O-.
Die alles verborgen hield met z’n medeplichtigen, nee daar kunnen we van op aan _O_.
Kansenjongeredinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 20:18
1s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 20:13 schreef Szura het volgende:


Die alles verborgen hield met z’n medeplichtigen, nee daar kunnen we van op aan _O_.
Volgens Nintex is hij een belangrijke bron van het boek, helaas vergat hij die bewering te onderbouwen.
Kijkertjedinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 22:31
Koch group loses donor secrecy fight at appeals court

A nonprofit group founded by conservative political megadonors Charles and David Koch must disclose its largest givers to law enforcement authorities in California, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.

The Americans for Prosperity Foundation had argued that the state's rules requiring filing of the donor list violate the First Amendment by discouraging individuals from giving and by exposing them to threats and harassment.

In 2016, the group persuaded a federal judge in Los Angeles to issue a permanent injunction against the requirement. U.S. District Court Judge Manuel Real said the state rarely used the information, but often disclosed it accidentally with charities' public tax filings.

However, a three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously reversed that ruling Tuesday, holding that the state had a legitimate need for the data and that the Koch-founded group had not shown a significant burden on donors.

"To the extent the district court found actual chilling or a reasonable probability of harassment from confidential disclosure to the Attorney General, those findings are clearly erroneous," Judge Raymond Fisher wrote In a 41-page opinion, joined by Judges Richard Paez and Jacqueline Nguyen.

"The mere possibility that some contributors may choose to withhold their support does not establish a substantial burden on First Amendment rights," Fisher added.

The foundation's head, Tim Phillips, testified in the case that the group believes it is being targeted for political reasons by California officials. Sen. Kamala Harris, a Democrat, was the attorney general at the time the litigation began. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, a Democrat and former House member, is now overseeing the case.

Fisher called it "undeniably" true that that some people connected to the Americans for Prosperity Foundation had been subjected to threats or harassment, but it was unclear whether that resulted from their ties to the foundation or from other activities. He also said that the court did not need to consider the dangers associated with public disclosure of the donor list, because the state has implemented a regulation that exempts the information from public release.

"The evidence presented by the plaintiffs here does not show that disclosure to the Attorney General will 'actually and meaningfully deter contributors,'" the opinion said, "or that disclosure would entail 'the likelihood of a substantial restraint upon the exercise by [their contributors] of their right to freedom of association.'"

The appeals court said it had "serious concern" about lapses that led to disclosure of the donor lists in the past, but said steps the state has taken to prevent those in the future were reasonable. Fisher also noted that the IRS already collects the same information and he described as "slight" the chances of the state accidentally releasing the group's data in the future.

"Nothing is perfectly secure on the internet in 2018, and the Attorney General’s data are no exception, but this factor alone does not establish a significant risk of public disclosure," he wrote.

Another conservative group, the Michigan-based Thomas More Law Center, pursued a parallel case against the California AG's office over the donor filing requirement. That challenge was also rejected by the 9th Circuit Tuesday.

Americans for Prosperity Foundation spokesman Bill Riggs said the group plans to pursue the case further, but he did not indicate if that will involve a request for a larger, 11-judge 9th Circuit panel to rehear the case or for the Supreme Court to take it up.

“We are disappointed by the Ninth Circuit’s latest decision and believe it imperils people’s First Amendment right to freedom of speech and of association," Riggs said in a statement. "Consistent with the protected, sensitive nature of our donors’ identities, the threat and chill they face from disclosure that was established during the trial of this case."

The Thomas More Law Center and Becerra's office did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the ruling.

Fisher and Paez were appointed by President Bill Clinton, Nguyen by President Barack Obama and Real by President Lyndon Johnson.
westwoodblvddinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 23:20
Fisher and Paez were appointed by President Bill Clinton, Nguyen by President Barack Obama and Real by President Lyndon Johnson.
Die gaat al een tijdje mee, zeg :D
ExtraWaskrachtdinsdag 11 september 2018 @ 23:29
1s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 23:20 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:



Die gaat al een tijdje mee, zeg :D
Uit 1924... Wow. Dat is kennelijk ook de enige actieve, naast een andere met senior status:

One of Johnson's appointees, Manuel Real of the Central District of California, remains in active service while one district judge, Jack B. Weinstein, remains on senior status.
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 00:04
U.S. expects to hit $1 trillion deficit earlier than planned

The U.S. deficit grew by $222 billion from this time last year — reaching a total of $895 billion, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

Why it matters: This increase was due mostly to the new Republican tax law and Congress' routine decision to increase spending, which grew by 7% compared to revenue growth of only 1%. The CBO now says the deficit will approach $1 trillion by the end of this fiscal year, but in April the agency didn’t expect the deficit to reach $1 trillion until 2020.
thesiren.nlwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 00:20
Als de economie nou met meer als 25% was gegroeid dan had je een 25% groei aan schuld kunnen betalen.
Als de rente straks oploopt met een democratische president dan zijn echt draconische maatregelen nodig, anders moeten ze echt gaan defaulten.
Amerikaans schuldpapier is straks het papier niet meer waard waar het op gedrukt word.
Jellereppewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 01:44
Al jaren zo toch. Leven boven hun stand maar omdat de dollar wereldreservemunt is kunnen ze het maken zonder levensverziekende inflatie door het printen van de greenback. Daarom landen die de positie van de greenback als wereldreservemunt bedreigen kunnen het Amerikaanse leger (zwakkere landen) of ander destabiliserende maatregelen (landen waarmee oorlog voeren te riskant is en dat zijn maar twee) verwachten.
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 02:51
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 02:05:04 Paul Manafort is in talks with Mueller's office about a possible plea deal, two people with knowledge tell WaPo.The people cautioned that the negotiations may not result in a deal. But the discussions indicate a possible shift in strategy for Manafort. reageer retweet
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 02:10:14 This news is particularly interesting in light of Judge Amy Berman Jackson today pushing back a scheduled pretrial hearing in Manafort's case from Wednesday to Friday. Court filings did not indicate the reason for the delay. reageer retweet
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 03:14
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 01:44 schreef Jellereppe het volgende:


Al jaren zo toch. Leven boven hun stand maar omdat de dollar wereldreservemunt is kunnen ze het maken zonder levensverziekende inflatie door het printen van de greenback. Daarom landen die de positie van de greenback als wereldreservemunt bedreigen kunnen het Amerikaanse leger (zwakkere landen) of ander destabiliserende maatregelen (landen waarmee oorlog voeren te riskant is en dat zijn maar twee) verwachten.
Dat is het punt niet. Trump heeft beloofd dat hij het begrotingstekort wel even in 8 jaar zou wegwerken. De Republikeinen hebben jarenlang Obama verweten het begrotingstekort te laten oplopen. De ingevoerde belastingverlagingen waar vnl. de rijken en de grote bedrijven van profiteren zouden zichzelf wel terugbetalen waardoor het begrotingstekort zou afnemen.

Niet dus, sterker nog het begrotingstekort loopt alleen maar sneller op :')

Wel ironisch dat hij hier ook beweert dat de volle stadions bij zijn rally's een bewijs zijn dat er met de werkeloosheidcijfers geknoeid is door Obama :')

[ Bericht 2% gewijzigd door Kijkertje op 12-09-2018 03:42:20 ]
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 03:48
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 02:30:13 Carmen Yulín Cruz: "If [Trump] thinks the deaths of 3,000 people is a success, he really doesn’t know what this was all about.""I really don't know where the president gets the nerve ... He thinks this is about him, and about his political position." reageer retweet
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 03:57
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 03:20:06 Sen. Jeff Merkley tells @maddow that he has gotten his hands on a document that appears to show that DHS requested to transfer about $10,000,000 out of FEMA's budget and into the coffers of ICE to support immigration detention programs. reageer retweet
Video: Breaking: Trump admin took millions from FEMA for ICE detentions

[ Bericht 5% gewijzigd door Kijkertje op 12-09-2018 04:08:53 ]
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 04:20

[ Bericht 47% gewijzigd door Kijkertje op 12-09-2018 04:58:33 ]
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 06:13

Americans Want to Believe Jobs Are the Solution to Poverty. They’re Not.

U.S. unemployment is down and jobs are going unfilled. But for people without much education, the real question is: Do those jobs pay enough to live on?
Ludachristwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 06:48
1s.gif Op dinsdag 11 september 2018 20:13 schreef Szura het volgende:


Die alles verborgen hield met z’n medeplichtigen, nee daar kunnen we van op aan _O_.
Hij ontkent verder ook niet zoveel. 'Stukken pakken is normaal, en hij noemt Trumps successen niet so unfair'.

Bewijst alleen maar dat iemand dus wel degelijk dingen van Trumps bureau heeft gepakt. Verder is dat gedoe over the resistance meer gericht op de brief in de NYT heb ik het idee.
klappernootopreiswoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 09:00
"ik heb alle papieren van Trumps bureau gehaald die hij toch niet leest. Daar zit toch geen kwaad in?"

Cohn heeft trouwens een pakhuis gehuurd om ze allemaal te bewaren, zijn kantoor is nu een beetje vol":

westwoodblvdwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 10:10
9s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 03:57 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 03:20:06 Sen. Jeff Merkley tells @maddow that he has gotten his hands on a document that appears to show that DHS requested to transfer about $10,000,000 out of FEMA's budget and into the coffers of ICE to support immigration detention programs. reageer retweet
Video: Breaking: Trump admin took millions from FEMA for ICE detentions
Dit is geen best nieuws zo vlak voordat een enorme storm land maakt.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 10:15
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 00:55:34 Woodward P. 230 McMaster wanted Trump to sign an order re: Libya. He wouldn't.Trump said the U.S. should be getting oil. The generals aren't sufficiently focused on getting or making money. They don't understand our objectives. They have the U.S. engaged in all the wrong ways. reageer retweet
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 10:17
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 05:30:43 Woodward P. 310 Trump wanted minerals from Afghanistan."We need to get a company in there," Trump said. "Why aren't we in there taking it?"Asked who 'we' was, Trump said, "We should just be in there," as if there were a national mining company to move into Afghanistan. reageer retweet
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 10:19
mmfa twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 18:43:13 NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch says Botham Jean, a man killed by a cop inside his Dallas home, could have survived if he "was a law abiding gun owner" reageer retweet
De NRA wil blijkbaar dat de politie beschoten wordt.
westwoodblvdwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 10:26
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 10:19 schreef Ulx het volgende:
mmfa twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 18:43:13 NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch says Botham Jean, a man killed by a cop inside his Dallas home, could have survived if he "was a law abiding gun owner" reageer retweet
De NRA wil blijkbaar dat de politie beschoten wordt.
NRA komt alleen op voor blanke wapenbezitters. Dus dan hadden ze waarschijnlijk gezegd dat de politie zwaardere wapens moet dragen.
westwoodblvdwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 10:27
Interessant artikel:

5 ways the fight for the Senate majority could turn out:
vipergtswoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 10:34
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 10:19 schreef Ulx het volgende:
mmfa twitterde op dinsdag 11-09-2018 om 18:43:13 NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch says Botham Jean, a man killed by a cop inside his Dallas home, could have survived if he "was a law abiding gun owner" reageer retweet
De NRA wil blijkbaar dat de politie beschoten wordt.
Meer wapens is altijd hun oplossing nu is het wachten op de eerste wapenfanaat die zijn vrouw doodschiet omdat ze de sleutel niet meteen in het slot krijgt
klappernootopreiswoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 10:47
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 10:17 schreef Ulx het volgende:
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 05:30:43 Woodward P. 310 Trump wanted minerals from Afghanistan."We need to get a company in there," Trump said. "Why aren't we in there taking it?"Asked who 'we' was, Trump said, "We should just be in there," as if there were a national mining company to move into Afghanistan. reageer retweet
Dat was Bush al van plan. Én de Russen. Én alle terroristen die in die regio zitten. Afghanistan is een schatkist, dat weet iedereen.
zalkcwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 10:51
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 10:47 schreef klappernootopreis het volgende:


Dat was Bush al van plan. Én de Russen. Én alle terroristen die in die regio zitten. Afghanistan is een schatkist, dat weet iedereen.
[ afbeelding ]
Voornamelijk ijzer dus. En dat kunnen ze weer moeilijk naar de VS exporteren vanwege de importtarieven ;)
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 11:06
1s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 10:34 schreef vipergts het volgende:


Meer wapens is altijd hun oplossing nu is het wachten op de eerste wapenfanaat die zijn vrouw doodschiet omdat ze de sleutel niet meteen in het slot krijgt
Als ze een pistool zou hebben zou dat natuurlijk niet gebeuren.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 11:21

Toen de Black Panthers zo rondom een overheidsgebouw liepen vond de NRA trouwens dat dat niet kon. Kan iemand dat duiden? Zowel de Black Panthers als de NRA hadden/hebben als motto: "Only the gun can set us free!" (Of iets in die trant.)

Wombcatwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 11:28
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 11:21 schreef Ulx het volgende:
[ afbeelding ]

Toen de Black Panthers zo rondom een overheidsgebouw liepen vond de NRA trouwens dat dat niet kon. Kan iemand dat duiden? Zowel de Black Panthers als de NRA hadden/hebben als motto: "Only the gun can set us free!" (Of iets in die trant.)

Het recht om wapens te dragen om je te kunnen verzetten tegen machtsmisbruik van de overheid geldt natuurlijk alleen als je de goede opvattingen hebt. Voor de verkeerde geldt het niet. In dat geval is het terrorisme.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 11:29
6 Years Ago, North Carolina Chose To Ignore Rising Sea Levels. This Week It Braces For Disaster.

[....] in North Carolina, lawmakers chose to ignore the threats. A panel of scientists on the state Coastal Resources Commission issued a dire warning in March 2010, estimating that the sea levels along the state’s coast would rise 39 inches over the next century. Conservative lawmakers and business interest groups feared the report would hurt lucrative real estate development on the state’s coast and sought to undermine it. A lobbying group committed to economic development on the coast accused the panel of “pulling data out of their hip pocket.”

Conservative state Rep. Pat McElraft, whose top campaign contributors were the North Carolina Association of Realtors and the North Carolina Home Builders’ Association, drafted a bill in response that rejected the panel’s predictions.

McElraft introduced the bill in April 2011, and it passed the legislature in the summer of 2012.

Part of the bill stipulated that state and local agencies must also refer to historical linear predictions of sea level rise rather than current research, and another alarming section required that research look only at 30-year predictions rather than at a century, as the CRC report had done. Supporters of the bill saw short-term benefits in more affordable insurance, and continued opportunities for real estate development and tourism along the attractive coast. Critics saw the long-term consequences of damaged homes and businesses and vast swaths of the state being swallowed by floods.[...]
Moet Washington deze staat komen helpen? Ze waren gewaarschuwd en kozen zelf voor vastgoed aan zee. Ik ben van mening dat Trump niets moet doen voor deze staat.

Nou ja, hij kan natuurlijk thoughts & prayers sturen. Dat is op zich een opsteker voor de getroffenen.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 11:30
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 11:28 schreef Wombcat het volgende:


Het recht om wapens te dragen om je te kunnen verzetten tegen machtsmisbruik van de overheid geldt natuurlijk alleen als je de goede opvattingen hebt. Voor de verkeerde geldt het niet. In dat geval is het terrorisme.
Je moet geen verdachte huidskleur hebben of aanhanger zijn van een risicogeloof? Zoiets?
Wombcatwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 11:33
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 11:30 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Je moet geen verdachte huidskleur hebben of aanhanger zijn van een risicogeloof? Zoiets?
Linkse opvattingen zal ook niet goed zijn.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 12:11
Laura Ingraham’s Brother Goes to War Against Her

CurtisIngraham1 twitterde op woensdag 05-09-2018 om 01:24:36 My sister, Laura Ingraham, needs to search her own moral closet and history as she rolls forward in support of this candidate. I can only assume a further lack of integrity. @FoxNews @Hadas_Gold #lauraigraham reageer retweet
CurtisIngraham1 twitterde op donderdag 21-06-2018 om 03:13:02 Once again, I am in full support of David Hogg. My sister's recent comments likening child detention centers to summer camps is beyond disturbing. Where is her humanity? Sad and tragic. @davidhogg111 #davidhogg #LauraIngraham @Journo_Christal @TimMarc reageer retweet
CurtisIngraham1 twitterde op donderdag 21-06-2018 om 03:51:52 My sister's repeated mean spirited, flip and insensitive remarks makes me, her brother, question her very humanity. Your continued sponsorship is disturbing to say the least. @BeachesResorts @SandalsResorts @SIRIUSXM @CarfaxReports @JohnDeere @Cabelas @davidhogg111 #DavidHogg reageer retweet
Grappig stukje wel. Papa Ingraham was dus een alcoholist met nazi-sympathieën.
klappernootopreiswoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 12:16
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 11:21 schreef Ulx het volgende:
[ afbeelding ]

Toen de Black Panthers zo rondom een overheidsgebouw liepen vond de NRA trouwens dat dat niet kon. Kan iemand dat duiden? Zowel de Black Panthers als de NRA hadden/hebben als motto: "Only the gun can set us free!" (Of iets in die trant.)

Die gasten begrepen toen al dat ze zich moesten bewapenen.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 12:42
The Labor Department is investigating the visa program Mar-a-Lago uses to hire foreign workers

Ik verwacht er niet veel van. Echt niet dat men het durft om Mar-A-Lago te sluiten.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 12:55
realDonaldTrump twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 12:51:59 We got A Pluses for our recent hurricane work in Texas and Florida (and did an unappreciated great job in Puerto Rico, even though an inaccessible island with very poor electricity and a totally incompetent Mayor of San Juan). We are ready for the big one that is coming! reageer retweet
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 13:12
‘Shipwreck’: GOP grows fearful about losing Senate as candidates struggle, Trump support tumbles

De GOP raakt een beetje in paniek.

Republicans have grown increasingly worried about losing control of the Senate, as President Trump’s approval rating tumbles and Democrats gain steam in key battleground races.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday sounded some of the most doubtful notes of Trump’s presidency that Republicans will keep the upper chamber of Congress, telling reporters, “I hope when the smoke clears, we’ll still have a majority.”

His comments came as Republican strategists and officials fretted over a fresh round of private polling on the Senate races, while public polls registered further erosion in Americans’ approval of Trump. “Shipwreck” was how one leading strategist described the situation, adding an expletive to underscore the severity of the party’s problems.

One of the most unexpected fights is in reliably GOP Texas, where Sen. Ted Cruz is trying to fend off Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke. Republicans are so fearful about losing the seat that they are diverting resources to Texas, a sore point in the White House after the animosity between Cruz and Trump in the 2016 Republican presidential primary.

Beyond Texas, Sen. Joe Donnelly, once seen as perhaps the most vulnerable Democratic incumbent, has opened up a slight edge over Republican businessman Mike Braun in Indiana, while hopes for picking off Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) in a state Trump won by 43 percentage points have faded along with GOP confidence in state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, the Republican nominee.

The developments signaled the most serious peril yet for Republicans’ 51-49 majority. Losing the Senate was once an unthinkable prospect as the GOP looked to gain seats in the midterms, and with the party’s grip on the House in serious jeopardy, the chamber had been seen as the last line of defense.

At the start of Trump’s tenure, some Republicans envisioned enough wins to secure a filibuster-proof majority of 60 seats, confident they could oust many of the 10 Democrats running in states Trump won in 2016. Even a few weeks ago, Republicans were talking more assuredly about flipping seats.

But less than two months till the Nov. 6 election, Republicans barely mention Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania — states Trump won — as opportunities to knock out a Democrat, while McConnell reiterated that nine seats, plus Texas, were at stake.

“Arizona, Nevada, Tennessee, Montana, North Dakota, Missouri, Indiana, West Virginia and Florida. All of them too close to call, and every one of them like a knife fight in an alley; I mean, just a brawl in every one of those places,” McConnell told reporters in Louisville.

Republicans could still emerge with an increase in their numbers if GOP candidates eventually prevail in many of these close races, with Democrats seriously concerned about Florida, where Republican Gov. Rick Scott is running about even against Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson.

The dire warnings also could serve as a wake-up call to GOP donors for the final eight weeks of the campaign.

But for the GOP, simply retaining its majority — which was whittled by a seat after a stunning upset in the Alabama special election last year — has looked like a more challenging goal by the day, as controversy swirls around Trump, the public loses confidence in the president and GOP candidates are slow to gain traction.

A Washington Post-ABC News national poll conducted in late August found just 38 percent of voters approved of the job that Trump was doing, compared with 60 percent who disapproved. His approval rating in April was 44 percent.

These difficulties have come into sharp focus in Texas, where Cruz is fighting for political survival against O’Rourke, a rising liberal star who is raising record-setting sums of cash and attracting large crowds across a ruby-red state. At the end of June, O’Rourke had close to $14 million cash on hand to Cruz’s $9 million, according to Federal Election Commission reports.

The tough realities of Texas have prompted an unexpected alliance between Cruz and the Republicans he spent years waging a vendetta against as a senator and as a candidate for president — including Trump and McConnell.

The sudden cooperation underscores how much the GOP fears losing Texas. The shock waves are being felt well beyond the state, as its several expensive media markets could force the party to spend money there that it will have to subtract from GOP hopefuls in other battlegrounds.

“Other campaigns are going to be shorted due to the lackluster nature of the campaign,” said one White House official, speaking of the Cruz operation.

McConnell recently assured Cruz in a private conversation that resources would be there for him, according to people familiar with the talk. Trump is planning to campaign for Cruz in Texas next month.

The Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC helmed by a former top McConnell aide, has recently taken a close look at Texas, conducting polling and summarizing its findings in a memo, according to Chris Pack, a spokesman for the group.

The organization also announced a seven-figure advertising campaign in five other states on Tuesday. The ads mostly target Democratic candidates.

A Cruz-McConnell partnership would have been unimaginable when Cruz called McConnell a liar on the Senate floor in July 2015 over strategy on legislation. A Cruz-Trump alliance would have seemed equally implausible after Cruz labeled Trump a “pathological liar” and declined to endorse him at the Republican National Convention.

Beyond Trump and McConnell, Cruz angered other Republicans with his unsuccessful effort to strip funds from the Affordable Care Act in 2013, which forced a 16-day partial government shutdown, and his support for outside groups that financed primary challengers to GOP senators.

“They are working together for political expediency,” said Rick Tyler, a former Cruz spokesman. “These people don’t like each other.”

Cruz spoke about his plight at a luncheon for Republican senators earlier this summer, according to people familiar with his remarks. One GOP senator said Cruz sought to convince them that he was facing a“real race,” citing polls and noting that O’Rourke was amassing cash.

Like others interviewed for this story, the senator spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations.

In Texas on Tuesday, Cruz told reporters he was eager to debate O’Rourke five times. “Typically, sitting officeholders don’t suggest that many debates. They don’t want to do any debates. But the reason I proposed that is, I think we owe it to the voters of Texas.”

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), whom Cruz declined to endorse in his 2014 primary, is hosting a fundraiser for Cruz in Washington next month.

Public polls have shown Cruz leading O’Rourke by single digits. David McIntosh, the president of the Club for Growth, an anti-tax group that has long championed Cruz, said donors he has spoken with have been caught off-guard by the tightness of the contest.

“I think, particularly in Texas, it’s like: ‘Oh yeah, I didn’t think it would be a big race. Yes, we need to win it. I’ll help you do that.’ And the same around the country,” McIntosh said.

Speaking to reporters in Louisville on Tuesday, McConnell called the race “competitive” but said he expected Cruz to prevail. One advantage for any Republican in the state is the ability of voters to simply cast a straight-party-ticket ballot.

Despite Trump’s poll numbers, GOP strategists still consider the president their most effective weapon in the fight to keep control of the Senate. They say his trips to red states with marquee contests, like Montana, North Dakota, Missouri and Indiana, have provided boosts for their candidates.

The Senate Leadership Fund’s new Indiana ad begins with footage of Trump praising Braun and Braun pledging to fight for the president.

Whether the bursts of momentum will last is another question party leaders are grappling with as they eye the final two months before the November elections. A steady stream of explosive stories about dissent within Trump’s administration and special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation hover over the fall stretch.

Republican strategists are closely watching suburban areas, where they fear that anger with Trump could spark a backlash against GOP candidates. The suburbs loom larger over the battle for the House, with many rural states set to decide Senate contests. But Senate strategists are still mindful of the challenges they may pose.

One bright spot for the GOP has been the nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Republican leaders are confident they will confirm him this month, giving Trump and his party a landmark achievement just before voting begins.

Until then, they will have to weather a political storm that has increasingly stoked private GOP comparisons to 2006, a banner election year for the Democrats. Amid that perceived danger, every competitive Senate race is becoming more critical.
architowoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 14:10
In de voorspellingen van 538 worden de kansen voor de Republikeinen in het huis er ook niet beter op i.i.g.

Monolithwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 14:22
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 14:10 schreef archito het volgende:


In de voorspellingen van 538 worden de kansen voor de Republikeinen in het huis er ook niet beter op i.i.g.

Het huis en de senaat verschillen ook nog wel significant, hoewel bij Predictwise de kansen voor de Democraten op een meerderheid in de senaat op zo'n 24% staan.
architowoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 14:37
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 14:22 schreef Monolith het volgende:


Het huis en de senaat verschillen ook nog wel significant, hoewel bij Predictwise de kansen voor de Democraten op een meerderheid in de senaat op zo'n 24% staan.
Daar ben ik van op de hoogte inderdaad, huis + senaat zou voor de democraten een dream come true zijn. Ik ben alleen benieuwd of slechtere voorspellingen voor het huis ervoor zou kunnen zorgen dat de Republikeinen nog meer in paniek raken en gekke dingen gaan doen.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 14:45

Om in DC alcohol te mogen schenken moet je de "good character" test halen. Ben je een racistische oplichter, laat je je in met criminelen, krijg je rechtzaak na rechtzaak aan je broek, dan kun je daar beter geen bar of hotel openen.

Donald Trump is president, but is he fit to run a bar?

A Washington, D.C., liquor board will consider that question Wednesday after a group of city residents complained that the owner of the Trump International Hotel fails the “good character” test required of anyone who wants to sell wine, beer or spirits in the city.
In their grievance to the city’s Alcohol Beverage Control Board, the group presented a litany of what they say are Trump’s moral failures, calling him a liar, a fraudster and a racist who associates with criminals.

The hotel, just blocks from the White House, opened in 2016 and has become a hangout for administration aides and Trump loyalists. The president himself, who does not drink, has appeared at major fundraisers there, and his campaign has spent thousands of dollars on events. Foreign governments, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, are frequent patrons, too. In 2017 and 2018, Kuwait’s ambassador to the U.S. booked the hotel for galas to celebrate the anniversary of the country’s independence from British rule.

Yanking the hotel’s liquor license would put a serious dent in its events business, including weddings and fundraisers. The hotel's steakhouse, BLT Prime, and the lobby’s popular Benjamin Bar and Lounge — mocked by locals for serving wine by the spoonful — operate under a separate license that isn’t targeted by the current complaint. But both could be hit if the case goes forward, because they, like the hotel, have liquor licenses held by Trump Old Post Office LLC, which in turn is owned by the president.

It’s too soon to say whether local leaders — all of them appointed by the city’s Democratic mayor — will revoke the license; the alcohol control board on Wednesday will decide whether to start that process by recommending a review. But the challenge is just the latest attempt at resistance in a city in which Trump won only about 4 percent of the vote.

“The merits of the complaint are strong,” said Joshua Levy, a partner with law firm Cunningham Levy Muse, who represents the residents. “The evidence of Mr. Trump’s bad character is strong.”

Trump Organization lawyer Alan Garten and BLT spokeswoman Rachel Wormser did not respond to requests for comment.

The control board has cited character flaws to deny liquor licenses in the past, including to applicants who have lied to investigators, misrepresented their finances or had run-ins with the law. But while it has sought to revoke licenses for violations such as serving underage customers, running the taps after hours and shoddy record-keeping, it’s unusual for the board to investigate an existing license on the basis of character.

The seven complainants against Trump include a federal judge, a former chair of the White House Council on Faith and Neighborhood Partnerships, and several religious leaders. Their effort is being funded by Jerry Hirsch, an Arizona Republican and chairman of the nonprofit Make Integrity Great Again.

"Character and the rule of law comprise the foundation of our society, and yet both are under assault,” Hirsch said in a written statement. “This complaint is important because it is a test of both, at a critical time in American history."[....]
klappernootopreiswoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 14:46
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 14:37 schreef archito het volgende:


Daar ben ik van op de hoogte inderdaad, huis + senaat zou voor de democraten een dream come true zijn. Ik ben alleen benieuwd of slechtere voorspellingen voor het huis ervoor zou kunnen zorgen dat de Republikeinen nog meer in paniek raken en gekke dingen gaan doen.
gekke dingen? Refereer jij aan het kiezen van een malloot als president of al die ondoordachte haastwetten die ze er doorheen willen jagen?
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 14:48
Als ze de response op de orkaan verneuken is dat ook niet echt gunstig.
westwoodblvdwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 14:52
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 14:48 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Als ze de response op de orkaan verneuken is dat ook niet echt gunstig.
Er gaan sowieso dingen fout. En dan gaat de gouverneur van North Carolina (Democraat) daar de schuld van krijgen van Trump. Zie je nu al aankomen.
architowoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 15:11
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 14:46 schreef klappernootopreis het volgende:


gekke dingen? Refereer jij aan het kiezen van een malloot als president of al die ondoordachte haastwetten die ze er doorheen willen jagen?
gekke nog gekkere
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 15:36
paulkrugman twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 15:34:13 Nobody could have predicted: the Trump tax cut has caused soaring budget deficits 1/ reageer retweet
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 15:54
McConnell screws Dems ahead of election with October session

Het zijn natuurlijk niet alleen de Democraten die dan in sessie zijn. Het is een gok van McConnell.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 16:13
PeterAlexander twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 14:38:58 Trump, this morning, as Florence barrels toward the Carolina coast: "Bad things can happen when you’re talking about a storm this size, called Mother Nature, you never know, but we know." reageer retweet
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 16:30
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 16:25:05 Docs reviewed by BuzzFeed reveal a previously undisclosed aspect of the Trump Tower meeting: a complex web of financial transactions among some planners and participants.Investigators are focused on banking activity after the meeting and the election. reageer retweet
Aardig artikel in de tweet. En als Buzzfeed dit al weet, wat weet Mueller dan?
westwoodblvdwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 16:31
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 15:54 schreef Ulx het volgende:
McConnell screws Dems ahead of election with October session

Het zijn natuurlijk niet alleen de Democraten die dan in sessie zijn. Het is een gok van McConnell.
Wel in overwegende mate natuurlijk. Vraag me af waarom ze niet gewoon niet komen opdagen.
Knipoogjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 16:52
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 14:37 schreef archito het volgende:


Daar ben ik van op de hoogte inderdaad, huis + senaat zou voor de democraten een dream come true zijn. Ik ben alleen benieuwd of slechtere voorspellingen voor het huis ervoor zou kunnen zorgen dat de Republikeinen nog meer in paniek raken en gekke dingen gaan doen.
Ze kunnen in ieder geval nooit die amendment in Florida door laten gaan waar anderhalf miljoen ex-felons dan weer zouden kunnen gaan stemmen. Dan is Florida op zijn minst een generatie blauw en dat zal toch wel een diepe diepe wond zijn in de GOP. Benieuwd hoe ze dat gaan tegenhouden en op welke smerige wijze.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 16:58
1s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 16:31 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:


Wel in overwegende mate natuurlijk. Vraag me af waarom ze niet gewoon niet komen opdagen.
Omdat de GOP dan alles door de Senaat jast.
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 17:02
axios twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 14:15:24 CORRECTION: This story has been corrected to reflect that the CBO did not change their estimate of when the U.S. would approach a trillion dollar deficit. (We had incorrectly stated they changed their current estimate from one in April.) reageer retweet
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 17:07
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 15:50:09 Ken Starr says on @Morning_Joe that he believes a president can be indicted."No one is above the law, and so in my judgement the president can, in fact, be indicted." reageer retweet
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 17:30
tedlieu twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 17:25:11 I just introduced the E. Scott Pruitt Accountability for Government Officials Act because it is important to memorialize his legacy of corruption, and that of Trump cabinet officials. It's also a pretty good anti-corruption bill.#WednesdayMotivation reageer retweet


Hoe bedoel je een Fuck You naar de GOP?
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 18:14
Publisher Simon & Schuster released a statement on Monday saying that it had ordered a seventh printing, which would bring the total number of hardcover copies of “Fear” to 1 million.
Ulxwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 18:47
Ambassades in DC kopen dat boek ook. In bulk.
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 20:05
Trump OKs sanctions for foreigners who meddle in elections

President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday authorizing sanctions against foreigners who meddle in U.S. elections, a move that counters critics who claim he has not taking election security seriously enough.

The executive order covers not just interference with campaign infrastructure, but it also covers the distribution of disinformation and propaganda, national security adviser John Bolton told reporters. The order requires the Office of the National Intelligence Director to conduct regular assessments about potential foreign interference in the elections, asks for reports by the Homeland Security and Justice departments in the case of meddling in campaign-related infrastructure, he said. It also describes a process for the Treasury and State departments to recommend appropriate, automatic sanctions.

“We felt it was important to demonstrate the president has taken command of this issue, that it’s something he cares deeply about — that the integrity of our elections and our constitutional process are a high priority to him,” Bolton said.

With the midterm elections now two months away, National Intelligence Director Dan Coats said the U.S. is not currently seeing the intensity of Russian intervention that was experienced in 2016, but didn’t rule it out. He said the U.S. is also worried about the cyber activities of China, North Korea and Iran.

Coats said the executive order directs intelligence agencies to determine whether an individual, entity or country has interfered in a U.S. election and, if so, turn the information over to the attorney general and Department of Homeland Security. He said the order also directs intelligence officials to conduct an assessment after elections to inform the public about what might have occurred.

“This clearly is a process put in place to try to assure that we are doing every possible thing we can, first of all, to prevent any interference with our elections, to report on anything we see between now and the election, but then to do a full assessment after the election to assure the American people just exactly what may have happened or may not have happened,” Coats said.

Trump has drawn widespread criticism for not taking threats to the U.S. electoral system seriously enough, particularly Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race.

At a July 16 news conference in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump was asked if he would denounce what happened in 2016 and warn Putin never to do it again. Trump did not directly answer the question. Instead, he delivered a rambling response, including demands for investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server and his description of Putin’s “extremely strong and powerful” denial of meddling. That drew outrage from both Republican and Democrats.

Trump has pushed back, saying that no other American president has been as tough on Russia. He has cited U.S. sanctions and the expulsion of alleged Russian spies from the U.S.
Kijkertjewoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 20:15
kylegriffin1 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 19:45:41 A newly identified group of 10,000 tweets from nearly 600 Twitter accounts linked to the Kremlin-backed Internet Research Agency shows that the accounts mostly tweeted about the Affordable Care Act, intending to pit one side against the other. reageer retweet
Nearly 600 Russia-Linked Accounts Tweeted About the Health Law

The majority of the nearly 10,000 tweets on the Affordable Care Act seem intended to pit one side against the other

On the March 23 anniversary of the Affordable Care Act becoming law, Democrats attacked Republicans for trying to sabotage the health law and praised the embattled legislation.

So did Russian trolls.

“8 years ago today, President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. Millions of Americans have gained access to health care. Thank you, Mr. President!” said a tweet linked to the Internet Research Agency, a Russian company engaged in an online influence campaign that typically seeks to pit one side against the other on controversial issues.

A newly identified group of nearly 10,000 tweets shows that while Russian trolls often focus on such hot-button issues as Hillary Clinton’s email or athletes kneeling during the national anthem, they also target substantive and divisive policy areas like health care.

Nearly 600 IRA-linked accounts posted to Twitter about the ACA and health policy from 2014 through this past May, with the most prolific ones tweeting hundreds of times, the new data show. One account, called TEN_GOP, rocketed from fewer than 1,000 followers to more than 138,000 in two years, sending 60 tweets that potentially reached followers more than four million times.

Researchers at Clemson University provided The Wall Street Journal with the set of about 9,800 tweets involving health policy and the ACA that the IRA posted over that period. An analysis by the Journal found that 80% of the tweets had conservative-leaning political messages, often disparaging the health law.

The accounts have been shut down by Twitter as congressional investigators unearthed their origin, but intelligence experts say the assault is continuing through similar accounts and channels. The tweets provide a snapshot of a continuing strategy, one that is likely now aimed at November’s midterm elections in which health care is playing a dominant role, experts said.

Sowing Divison

Accounts linked to Russian trolls created thousands of tweets about the Affordable Care Act, peaking during last year's GOP-led repeal efforts.


Tweeting by the IRA accounts peaked in spring 2017 and again that summer, when congressional Republicans mounted failed efforts to repeal the health law.

The IRA, based in St. Petersburg, seeks to use divisions over the health law to mobilize voters, pressure Congress and target specific lawmakers, the tweets suggest. The organization is seen by U.S. intelligence officials as a sophisticated, Kremlin-backed group that ran a surreptitious operation to influence the 2016 elections with a budget in the tens of millions of dollars.

The IRA is the focus of several federal and congressional investigations as it becomes increasingly clear how Russian propagandists have used social media to stoke tensions in the U.S.

A Twitter spokesman declined to comment for this article. Previously, Twitter has said it would improve communications with the political parties before the midterms and move rapidly to curb spam and abuse.

In many ways, the ACA and health policy were natural targets for the provocateurs. The ACA “was already an issue that divided America, and if Russians could throw fuel on the fire, it makes sense,” said Sen. Susan Collins (R., Maine). “It’s a systematic effort to weaken faith in our democracy. That’s why it’s so serious.”

A recent report in the American Journal of Public Health found that Russian trolls and bots have been spreading misinformation about vaccines, already the subject of unsubstantiated theories and rumors.

On the ACA, the Russian effort moved easily between supporting and opposing the health law depending on the political moment.

Pro-ACA tweets peaked around the spring of 2016, possibly aimed at fostering division between Mrs. Clinton and her presidential primary rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.). Anti-ACA tweets intensified in mid-2017 as Republicans mounted their push to repeal the law, apparently seeking to capitalize on the emotions generated by that effort. “Let Obamacare crash & burn. Do not bail out insurance companies,” said a tweet from an IRA-linked account called JUSMASXTRT on Aug. 28, 2017.

The tweeters displayed political savvy, retweeting respected analysts and citing pop culture figures like singer Clay Aiken, who gained fame on “American Idol,” as ACA supporters. They latched onto ACA-related events, such as votes in Congress, urging followers to contact lawmakers and making far-fetched assertions, such as saying the health law was a weapon of mass destruction or more dangerous than Islamic State.

“The IRA consistently uses the ACA as a wedge issue to motivate their right-leaning followers,” said Darren Linvill, an associate professor of communication at Clemson University who, along with a colleague, provided the tweets used in the Journal’s analysis.

The Russian trolls also likely use topics like the ACA to gather personal information from Americans they can later exploit, experts said. They may follow up by encouraging them to vote—or not vote.

“One has to ask, what are they trying to do when they’re on both sides of an issue?” said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania. “When people like it, share it, you can collect the identification to send additional information.”

The technique works in part because of the harsh language that has become common regarding the health law on social media, experts said. Nicholas Bagley, an assistant law professor at the University of Michigan who focuses on health policy, said he tries to tune out the most extreme tweets and emails. “It can get extraordinarily heated,” he said.

While the trolls are disguised as American citizens, sometimes a Russian or even Soviet flavor peeks through, such as when the senders refer to Stalin or Marxism.

“As the ACA slowly sinks into the sunset the Marxists claim #DJT is sentencing people to death,” tweeted ADNNELST on Aug. 13, referring to President Donald J. Trump.

Then it linked to a website seeking volunteers for an all-civilian army.
ExtraWaskrachtwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 21:46
NateSilver538 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 21:45:56 Our Senate model is out!! Republicans have a 2 in 3 chance to keep the Senate, per our Classic and Deluxe forecasts.Our "polls-only" Lite forecast is similar, giving them a 7 in 10 chance. reageer retweet
Black_Baronwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 22:01
70.000 dollar om met Trump op de foto te mogen. 8)7
westwoodblvdwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 22:12
2s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 21:46 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:
NateSilver538 twitterde op woensdag 12-09-2018 om 21:45:56 Our Senate model is out!! Republicans have a 2 in 3 chance to keep the Senate, per our Classic and Deluxe forecasts.Our "polls-only" Lite forecast is similar, giving them a 7 in 10 chance. reageer retweet
Toch een stuk minder dan ik had verwacht. Opvallend.
ExtraWaskrachtwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 22:13
1s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 22:12 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:


Toch een stuk minder dan ik had verwacht. Opvallend.
Het is een stuk meer dan ik had verwacht. Zo zie je maar. Trouwens, de kans op een D meerderheid opgeteld bij 50/50 is volgens deze modellen (behalve het Lite model) net meer dan 50% ... naja, ongeveer even groot dus dat R > 50 zetels houdt.

Zet dit af tegen de senaatszetels die op het spel staan in vele staten waar Trump met dubbele cijfers won en ik vind het vrij verbluffend dat ze uberhaupt deze kans zo hebben.
Monolithwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 22:32
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 22:13 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Het is een stuk meer dan ik had verwacht. Zo zie je maar. Trouwens, de kans op een D meerderheid opgeteld bij 50/50 is volgens deze modellen (behalve het Lite model) net meer dan 50% ... naja, ongeveer even groot dus dat R > 50 zetels houdt.

Zet dit af tegen de senaatszetels die op het spel staan in vele staten waar Trump met dubbele cijfers won en ik vind het vrij verbluffend dat ze uberhaupt deze kans zo hebben.
Precies, ik snap ook niet hoe je dit aan de lage kant kunt vinden. De map is echt extreem ongunstig voor de Democraten. Winst in Texas is wel bijna een vereiste. De Republikeinen hebben met bijvoorbeeld Rick Scott ook wel een goede kandidaat in Florida.
Ik schat de kans op een Democratische meerderheid toch wel wat lager in dan 33%.
westwoodblvdwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 22:40
Ik bedoelde de kansen voor de GOP om de Senaat te behouden is een stuk lager dan ik had verwacht. Niet echt helder geformuleerd.
ExtraWaskrachtwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 22:42
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 22:40 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Ik bedoelde de kansen voor de GOP om de Senaat te behouden is een stuk lager dan ik had verwacht. Niet echt helder geformuleerd.
Ahhh. Ja, wel gek eigenlijk dat zowel Monolith als ik het omgekeerd aannamen om een of andere reden.
westwoodblvdwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 22:42
Als iedere race uiteindelijk eindigt zoals 538 het nu iets waarschijnlijker lijkt (al is het maar 55/60%), dan is de Senaat 51-49. Maargoed daar moet dan wel een hele hoop geluk bij komen kijken.

AZ en NV zijn cruciaal, als ND (beste pick up voor de GOP) verloren gaat dan lijkt me TN en daarna TX het belangrijkst. Arizona lijkt na de orimary juist weer iets dichter bij elkaar te komen. De beslissing gaat hoe dan ook in het zuiden vallen.
westwoodblvdwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 22:43
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 22:42 schreef ExtraWaskracht het volgende:


Ahhh. Ja, wel gek eigenlijk dat zowel Monolith als ik het omgekeerd aannamen om een of andere reden.
Ja toen ik het schreef dacht ik al ik weet niet of dit helemaal helder overkomt maar als je het leest als "de kansen voor de Republikeinen zijn 2 in 3" dan is het opzich wel logisch. :P
ExtraWaskrachtwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 23:47
Hier is hoe de modellen onderling correleren:

Nintexwoensdag 12 september 2018 @ 23:57

Tja, toch wel duidelijk hoe partijdig big tech is. :7
KoosVogelsdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 00:02
Intelligente, succesvolle Amerikanen balen van Trump. Wat een verrassing toch weer.
Kijkertjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 00:45
Ze proberen gewoon hetzelfde trucje als bij Strzok. Iemand die biased is/ kritiek heeft (iedereen dus) moet wel biased werk afleveren!

In a statement Wednesday, Google said the meeting shown in the video reflected the expression of employees’ own personal views after "a long and divisive election season."

"Nothing was said at that meeting, or any other meeting, to suggest that any political bias ever influences the way we build or operate our products," a Google representative said in the statement. "To the contrary, our products are built for everyone, and we design them with extraordinary care to be a trustworthy source of information for everyone, without regard to political viewpoint."

Kijkertjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 01:14
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 00:35:02 The U.S. is holding a record 12,800 migrant children in detenion, a fivefold increase from May 2017, according to data obtained by NYT. reageer retweet
Detention of Migrant Children Has Skyrocketed to Highest Levels Ever

Even though hundreds of children separated from their families after crossing the border have been released under court order, the overall number of detained migrant children has exploded to the highest ever recorded — a significant counternarrative to the Trump administration’s efforts to reduce the number of undocumented families coming to the United States.

Population levels at federally contracted shelters for migrant children have quietly shot up more than fivefold since last summer, according to data obtained by The New York Times, reaching a total of 12,800 this month. There were 2,400 such children in custody in May 2017.

The huge increases, which have placed the federal shelter system near capacity, are due not to an influx of children entering the country, but a reduction in the number being released to live with families and other sponsors, the data collected by the Department of Health and Human Services suggests. Some of those who work in the migrant shelter network say the bottleneck is straining both the children and the system that cares for them.

Most of the children crossed the border alone, without their parents. Many are teenagers from Central America, and they are housed in a system of more than 100 shelters across the United States, with the highest concentration near the southwest border.

The new data was reported to members of Congress, who shared it with The Times. It shows that despite the Trump administration’s efforts to discourage Central American migrants, roughly the same number of children are crossing the border as in years past. The big difference, said those familiar with the shelter system, is that red tape and fear brought on by stricter immigration enforcement have discouraged relatives and family friends from coming forward to sponsor children.

Shelter capacities have hovered close to 90 percent since at least May, compared to about 30 percent a year ago. Any new surge in border crossings, which could happen at any time, could quickly overwhelm the system, operators say.

“The closer they get to 100 percent, the less ability they will have to address anything unforeseen,” said Mark Greenberg, who oversaw the care of migrant children for the Health and Human Services Department under President Barack Obama. “Even if there’s not a sudden influx, they will be running out of capacity soon unless something changes.”

The administration appeared to move to address that on Tuesday, when it announced that it will triple the size of a temporary “tent city” in Tornillo, Tex., to house up to 3,800 children through the end of the year. Immigrant advocates and members of Congress reacted to the news with distress, because conditions are comparatively harsh in such large overflow facilities, compared with traditional shelters.

Facilities like the one in Tornillo are also more expensive to operate, according to Representative Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, the ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations subcommittee that funds the shelter program. She said such facilities cost about $750 per child per day, or three times the amount of a typical shelter.

“You are flying in the face of child welfare, and we’re doing it by design,” Ms. DeLauro said. “You drive up the cost and you prolong the trauma on these children.”

Federal authorities said they were dealing with high levels of illegal border crossings and requests for asylum. “The number of unaccompanied alien children apprehended are a symptom of the larger issue of a broken immigration system,” Evelyn Stauffer, press secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services, said in a statement. “That is why H.H.S. joins the president in calling on Congress to address this broken system and the pull factors that have led to increasing numbers at the U.S. border.”

The system for sheltering migrant children came under scrutiny this summer, when more than 2,500 children who were separated from their parents were housed in federally contracted shelters under the Trump administration’s zero tolerance border enforcement policy. But those children were only a fraction of the total number of children who are currently detained.

Historically, children categorized as “unaccompanied” have been placed with sponsors, such as parents already in the United States, extended family members or family friends, as soon as the sponsors can be vetted by federal authorities. But the new data shows that the placement process has slowed significantly. Monthly releases have plummeted by about two-thirds since last year.

The delays in vetting sponsors relate, in part, to changes the Trump administration has made in how the process works. In June, the authorities announced that potential sponsors and other adult members of their households would have to submit fingerprints, and that the data would be shared with immigration authorities.

Traditionally, most sponsors have been undocumented themselves, and therefore are wary of risking deportation by stepping forward to claim sponsorship of a child. Even those who are willing to become sponsors have had to wait months to be fingerprinted and otherwise reviewed.

Federal officials say their vetting procedures are designed to safeguard the children in their care.

“Children who enter the country illegally are at high risk for exploitation by traffickers and smugglers,” Ms. Stauffer said in her statement.

But the longer children are detained, the more anxious and depressed they are likely to become, according to Mr. Greenberg, who oversaw the program under Mr. Obama. When that happens, children may try to harm themselves or escape, and can become violent with the staff and with one another, he said.

Stories of such behavior have emerged through reporting in recent months as the shelter system has faced intense criticism by members of Congress and the public.

“Being in congregate care for an extended period of time is not a good thing. It increases the likelihood of things going wrong,” Mr. Greenberg said.

The administration funneled children who were separated from their parents into the shelter system this summer under the earlier policy, without any apparent collaboration with the officials who oversee the shelter program.

The separated children injected a new degree of chaos into the facilities, according to several shelter operators, who spoke anonymously because they are barred by the government from speaking to the news media. The children were younger and more traumatized than those the shelters were used to dealing with, and they arrived without a plan for when they could be released or to whom.

But the system had already been overwhelmed for months, operators said, as children continued to flow in while fewer were being discharged.

The shelter system has overflowed before. In 2014, when unaccompanied children flooded across the border in unprecedented numbers, a lack of shelter space led to a backup of children at the border in what authorities referred to at the time as a humanitarian crisis.

Since then, new facilities have been constructed or arranged by contract — and they are now nearing capacity.
Kijkertjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 06:44
CNBC twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 04:39:49 China may use its property markets to defend against Trump's trade war offensive reageer retweet
China may use its property markets to defend against Trump's trade war offensive

• Rising property prices in China can help the country fend off some of the negative aspects of the trade war with the United States, according to CLSA property analyst Nicole Wong.

• More expensive property would encourage buyers to make purchases to beat further anticipated rises, increase construction jobs and boost local government coffers, she says.

• China has been seeking ways to blunt the negative effects of U.S. tariffs as the trade conflict drags on.

China has a potentially useful defense in its ongoing trade war with the United States: its vast property market.

The same sector that has long been a source of anxiety about China's economic fate could also prove to be its temporary savior in the face of tariff pressure from the U.S., according to Nicole Wong, managing director for property research at CLSA.

Authorities are likely to encourage property prices, which are already rising, to increase further to help boost the economy, Wong told reporters Tuesday at the annual CLSA Investors' Forum in Hong Kong.

"With this trade war going on, we think that the China property market policy would reverse because with a trade war there is this risk of losses of jobs in the unskilled category," Wong said.

"And the property sector is a very good sort of replacement." she added.

U.S. President Donald Trump is targeting tariffs on potentially hundreds of billions of dollars in Chinese goods in a bid to both to rebalance trade between the countries and also pressure Beijing to fundamentally change industrial and commercial policies.

China has responded with tariffs of its own, but it imports far less from the U.S. than it exports to the world's largest economy, so it has had to evaluate other responses. Those have included potentially stimulating the Chinese economy by letting its currency, the yuan, move lower against the dollar and encourage banks to lend more money.

'Leeway to leverage up'

Wong said that rising property prices can help stimulate the economy in several ways, such as by encouraging buyers to accelerate purchases before the cost goes up, thus bringing forward future demand.

Another positive result of costlier housing, she said, is that savings will move out of banks and into the real economy.

A booming property sector would also increase new jobs centered on the construction industry, and developers' increased demand for land would mean local governments can rake in more revenues from land sales to invest in infrastructure.

"So the new economy of China is great, but then it really is the old economy that's going to be a very predictable macro tool for China in times of urgency," she said, referring to the distinction between headline-grabbing tech firms like Alibaba and long-standing sectors such as construction.

Land and housing have seen immense changes in the 40 years since the Communist Party began opening up China's economy to free market forces.

One of those reforms was allowing citizens to own property. As China's economy has grown into the world's second largest, many have seen their homes become a key source of personal wealth.

Wong said that potential buyers are in a good position because prices are currently affordable and there is plenty of room to take on mortgages.

"Overall, the China property market is just not leveraged," she said, stressing that household cash savings outnumber outstanding mortgages three to one.

"So this is an industry that's still got a lot of leeway to leverage up, which we believe would happen," she said.
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 07:27
Ik vind de naam "Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson" nogal elitair klinken.
klappernootopreisdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 08:50
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 22:01 schreef Black_Baron het volgende:
[ afbeelding ]
70.000 dollar om met Trump op de foto te mogen. 8)7
Een dure vorm van euthanasie. Iedereen weet nu dat als je te innig omgaat met Trump je je eigen doodvonnis tekent.
icecreamfarmer_NLdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 09:21
6s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 06:44 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:
CNBC twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 04:39:49 China may use its property markets to defend against Trump's trade war offensive reageer retweet
China may use its property markets to defend against Trump's trade war offensive

• Rising property prices in China can help the country fend off some of the negative aspects of the trade war with the United States, according to CLSA property analyst Nicole Wong.

• More expensive property would encourage buyers to make purchases to beat further anticipated rises, increase construction jobs and boost local government coffers, she says.

• China has been seeking ways to blunt the negative effects of U.S. tariffs as the trade conflict drags on.


Die vastgoedbubble in China nog meer opblazen.v
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 09:35
Tijd voor thoughts & prayers.

6 people are dead after shooting spree in California
architodonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 10:14
Weapons don't kill, people do. En nog maar van zulks.
klappernootopreisdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 11:01

klappernootopreisdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 11:06
1s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 00:02 schreef KoosVogels het volgende:


Intelligente, succesvolle Amerikanen balen van Trump. Wat een verrassing toch weer.
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 11:39
Red Tide and Blue-Green Algae Could Block Rick Scott’s Path To The Senate

Lef heeft hij wel: Als Gouverneur allerlei milieubeschermende maatregelen afschaffen, en als het een zooitje wordt gaan roepen dat het de schuld is van de Dems.

Record ‘Red Tide’ Of Toxic Algae Is Killing Wildlife In Florida
FlipjeHollanddonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 11:45
Breitbart en Infowars zijn geen goede bronnen, dus denk eerst na voordat je daar een link van plaatst om je argumenten te ondersteunen.
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 11:46
US-China tariffs: The next round could hit your Fitbit, dishwasher, and garlic seasoning

crystal_methdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 12:12
U.S. firms in China feeling 'clear and far reaching' trade war pinch: survey
China may not be able to match future U.S. tariffs dollar for dollar and has warned that it would take other measures.

More than 52 percent of respondents to the survey reported already suffering the consequences of such measures, mainly through increased inspections, slower customs clearance and “other complications from increased bureaucratic oversight or regulatory scrutiny”.
DestroyerPietdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 12:13
er blijken nu dus ook verdachte betalingen na de famous "Tower-meeting" te zijn geweest


het moeras wordt steeds dieper.
westwoodblvddonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 12:22
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 07:27 schreef Ulx het volgende:
Ik vind de naam "Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson" nogal elitair klinken.
Wat dacht je van Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III. Dat is bijna een parodie. :')
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 12:39
brianstelter twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 07:10:13 "Fear" is now the year's #3 top seller of 2018 on Amazon... still climbing reageer retweet
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 13:12
Trump Plans To Pay Millions To Mexico So It’ll Deport Undocumented Immigrants

Trump heeft tenslotte altijd geroepen dat de VS Mexico zou gaan betalen!

Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 13:26
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 13:22:00 The problem with banker Jamie Dimon running for President is that he doesn’t have the aptitude or “smarts” & is a poor public speaker & nervous mess - otherwise he is wonderful. I’ve made a lot of bankers, and others, look much smarter than they are with my great economic policy! reageer retweet
En toen vloog mijn koffie tegen mijn beeldscherm.
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 13:42
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 13:39:42 We are completely ready for hurricane Florence, as the storm gets even larger and more powerful. Be careful! reageer retweet

• Storm has weakened: Florence is now a Category 2 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 110 mph.
Lord-Ronddraaidonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:07
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 13:26 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 13:22:00 The problem with banker Jamie Dimon running for President is that he doesn’t have the aptitude or “smarts” & is a poor public speaker & nervous mess - otherwise he is wonderful. I’ve made a lot of bankers, and others, look much smarter than they are with my great economic policy! reageer retweet
En toen vloog mijn koffie tegen mijn beeldscherm.
Ik heb nog nooit een slechtere public speaker dan Trump gezien. Hij is meestal maar wat aan brabbelen, moeilijk verstaanbaar, verliest continue de draad van zijn verhaal. Wel lachen dat zo'n faler een ander slecht durft te noemen ja...
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:11
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:06:15 More text messages between former FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are a disaster and embarrassment to the FBI & DOJ. This should never have happened but we are learning more and more by the hour. “Others were leaking like mad” in order to get the President! ........ reageer retweet
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:10:19 .....”It is a cesspool of corruption, and the people who did this need to be brought to justice.” @GreggJarrett reageer retweet
Hij zit weer TV te kijken geloof ik. Ik verwacht aardig wat tweets vandaag, want hij heeft een dag vrij. Er staat niets op de planning.
klappernootopreisdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:16
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:11 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:06:15 More text messages between former FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are a disaster and embarrassment to the FBI & DOJ. This should never have happened but we are learning more and more by the hour. “Others were leaking like mad” in order to get the President! ........ reageer retweet
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:10:19 .....”It is a cesspool of corruption, and the people who did this need to be brought to justice.” @GreggJarrett reageer retweet
Hij zit weer TV te kijken geloof ik. Ik verwacht aardig wat tweets vandaag, want hij heeft een dag vrij. Er staat niets op de planning.
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:33
On Sept. 7, President Trump woke up in Billings, Mont., flew to Fargo, N.D., visited Sioux Falls, S.D., and eventually returned to Washington. He spoke to reporters on Air Force One, held a pair of fundraisers and was interviewed by three local reporters.

In that single day, he publicly made 125 false or misleading statements — in a period of time that totaled only about 120 minutes. It was a new single-day high.

The day before, the president made 74 false or misleading claims, many at a campaign rally in Montana. An anonymous op-ed article by a senior administration official had just been published in the New York Times, and news circulated about journalist Bob Woodward’s insider account of Trump’s presidency.

Trump’s tsunami of untruths helped push the count in The Fact Checker’s database past 5,000 on the 601st day of his presidency. That’s an average of 8.3 Trumpian claims a day, but in the past nine days — since our last update — the president has averaged 32 claims a day.
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:41
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:37:27 3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000... reageer retweet
klappernootopreisdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:45
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:41 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:37:27 3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000... reageer retweet
En een falende infrastructuur en vervuild water en uitval van stroom voor ziekenhuizen telt dan niet mee??
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:49
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:45 schreef klappernootopreis het volgende:


En een falende infrastructuur en vervuild water en uitval van stroom voor ziekenhuizen telt dan niet mee??
Niet zijn probleem.
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:50
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:49:12 .....This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico! reageer retweet
klappernootopreisdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:51
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:49 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Niet zijn probleem.
Mag de volgende storm alleen Mar-a-lago treffen. En hem hem de bermuda driehoek in blazen.
AnneXdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:52
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:50 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:49:12 .....This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico! reageer retweet
Zóoooo stuitend.

# speechless. Moi.
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:56
1s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:52 schreef AnneX het volgende:


Zóoooo stuitend.

# speechless. Moi.
Deze twee staan hoog in de top tien van schofterigste kuttweets van Trump.
Barbussedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:57
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:50 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:49:12 .....This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico! reageer retweet
Like wut :{
nostradonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:58
Werkelijk ongekend.
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:59
1s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:57 schreef Barbusse het volgende:


Like wut :{
In gewoon Nederlands staat er:

Er zijn geen 3000 doden gevallen, dat was een conspiracy van de Dems om Trump te kunnen afzeiken.
westwoodblvddonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 14:59
Godverdomme Trump. :')
westwoodblvddonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 15:00
Waar is die man mee bezig? "Laat ik een dag voordat een enorme orkaan aan land komt de aandacht verschuiven naar mijn verschrikkelijke afhandeling van de vorige orkaan." 8)7
Barbussedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 15:00
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:59 schreef Ulx het volgende:


In gewoon Nederlands staat er:

Er zijn geen 3000 doden gevallen, dat was een conspiracy van de Dems om Trump te kunnen afzeiken.
Ik begrijp niet hoe die man dit soort poep kan spuien, twietje voor twietje....
Nibb-itdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 15:01
En daar is de WaPo push.
Barbussedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 15:07
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 15:00 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Waar is die man mee bezig? "Laat ik een dag voordat een enorme orkaan aan land komt de aandacht verschuiven naar mijn verschrikkelijke afhandeling van de vorige orkaan." 8)7
Ik mag hopen dat de regering zich ditmaal beter heeft voorbereid....
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 15:15
1s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 15:07 schreef Barbusse het volgende:


Ik mag hopen dat de regering zich ditmaal beter heeft voorbereid....
Ik denk het niet. Er zijn net miljoenen van het FEMA budget afgehaald om aan ICE te geven.
Barbussedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 15:23
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 15:15 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Ik denk het niet. Er zijn net miljoenen van het FEMA budget afgehaald om aan ICE te geven.
Het was dan ook geen vraag, maar meer een wens. Naast dat FEMA geld kwijt is, is er ook nog dit: 6 Years Ago, North Carolina Chose To Ignore Rising Sea Levels. This Week It Braces For Disaster.
architodonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 15:23
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 15:15 schreef Ulx het volgende:


Ik denk het niet. Er zijn net miljoenen van het FEMA budget afgehaald om aan ICE te geven.
Achja, vluchtelingen worden ook als tsunami gezien. Dus in zekere zin blijft het geld bestemd voor natuurrampen. :')
Montovdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 15:32
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:50 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:49:12 .....This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico! reageer retweet
Tering inderdaad.
Ik moest controleren of dit echt was.
Zwoerddonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 16:24
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 14:50 schreef Ulx het volgende:
realDonaldTrump twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:49:12 .....This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico! reageer retweet
Deze kan misschien wel in z'n top10 meest walgelijke tweets (en dat zegt heel veel).
Ulxdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 16:35
3000 doden en meneer snottert dat hij het eigenlijke slachtoffer is.

Wat een gore ploert.
westwoodblvddonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 16:44
Dit is dus waarom je nu al aan ziet komen dat mocht er iets fout gaan straks, daar iedereen behalve Trump de schuld van zal krijgen.
Barbussedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 16:46
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 16:44 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Dit is dus waarom je nu al aan ziet komen dat mocht er iets fout gaan straks, daar iedereen behalve Trump de schuld van zal krijgen.
Uiteraard. Trump maakt geen fouten, niemand in z'n administratie maakt fouten. Als mensen doodgaan is het hun eigen schuld. En Hillary's emails natuurlijk.
#ANONIEMdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 16:48
Wel knap dat hij überhaupt een nieuw dieptepunt weet te bereiken.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door #ANONIEM op 13-09-2018 16:48:48 ]
Kijkertjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 17:36
Djeez wat een infantiele respectloze hufter is het toch :')
Kijkertjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 17:47
matthewamiller twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 14:49:31 Sometimes the scandal is right out in the open. Hard to believe Manafort's team and Giuliani aren't discussing a pardon as he negotiates a no-cooperation plea with Mueller. reageer retweet
SethAbramson twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 15:40:40 This is legitimately shocking inasmuch as it is criminal obstruction in plain sight reageer retweet
Montovdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 17:49
Maar het proces van Manafort heeft niets met Trump te maken. Dat heb in dit topic gestaan.
vipergtsdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 17:57
15s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 16:48 schreef clumsy_clown het volgende:
Wel knap dat hij überhaupt een nieuw dieptepunt weet te bereiken.
Ik vind dit wel meevallen na het opsluiten van kindjes. Je raakt gewend aan dit soort vuiligheid.
Wel vraag ik me af of dit ooit nog goed komt.
OMGdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 17:58
Ik raak niet echt gewend aan dat soort vuiligheid.
Ringodonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 18:00
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 17:58 schreef OMG het volgende:
Ik raak niet echt gewend aan dat soort vuiligheid.
Het is pure kanker. Aan kanker wen je niet, je snijdt het weg of je gaat langzaam dood.
Kijkertjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 18:11
Xa1ptdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 18:35
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 16:35 schreef Ulx het volgende:
3000 doden en meneer snottert dat hij het eigenlijke slachtoffer is.

Wat een gore ploert.
Deze is ook wel 'mooi':

Monolithdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 18:47
De FiveThirtyEight chat over de mogelijke effecten van Obama op de midterms was ook wel weer aardig:

Kijkertjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 19:17
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 18:55:03 Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee have referred a letter concerning Brett Kavanaugh to the FBI, BuzzFeed reports. reageer retweet
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 19:10:15 Dianne Feinstein: "I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh ... That individual strongly requested confidentiality ... I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities." reageer retweet
AnneXdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 19:19
6s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 19:17 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 18:55:03 Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee have referred a letter concerning Brett Kavanaugh to the FBI, BuzzFeed reports. reageer retweet
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 19:10:15 Dianne Feinstein: "I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh ... That individual strongly requested confidentiality ... I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities." reageer retweet
Really. B-)

Only the fine people ( out of the swamp).
crystal_methdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 19:33
Zelfs Ben Shapiro vindt dat Trump te ver gegaan is...
benshapiro twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 16:31:44 Trump's denial of the official death toll from Hurricane Maria is absurd and gross, even though there is uncertainty in the death count. Here's why. reageer retweet
Szuradonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 19:38
Maar hee, gelukkig zit Sjon Kelly in het Witte Huis, die zichzelf speciaal heeft opgeofferd om hem in toom te houden :).
vipergtsdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 19:51
7s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 18:00 schreef Ringo het volgende:


Het is pure kanker. Aan kanker wen je niet, je snijdt het weg of je gaat langzaam dood.
Ach er komt een dag dat Trump en consorten weggesneden zijn en komt voor wat er overblijft het pijnlijke herstel.
westwoodblvddonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 20:11
6s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 19:17 schreef Kijkertje het volgende:
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 18:55:03 Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee have referred a letter concerning Brett Kavanaugh to the FBI, BuzzFeed reports. reageer retweet
kylegriffin1 twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 19:10:15 Dianne Feinstein: "I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh ... That individual strongly requested confidentiality ... I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities." reageer retweet

Hoewel dat bij Clarence Thomas destijds ook geen probleem hoefde te zijn. :')
westwoodblvddonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 20:26
Misschien heeft het iets te maken met dat vage gedoe rondom de creditcards van Kavenaugh? Daar heeft altijd al een luchtje aan gezeten.
Kijkertjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 20:39
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 20:26 schreef westwoodblvd het volgende:
Misschien heeft het iets te maken met dat vage gedoe rondom de creditcards van Kavenaugh? Daar heeft altijd al een luchtje aan gezeten.

Two officials familiar with the matter say the incident involved possible sexual misconduct between Judge Kavanaugh and a woman when they were both in high school.


The information came in a letter, which was first sent to the office of Representative Anna Eshoo, Democrat of California, and included the allegation of sexual misconduct toward the letter’s author, a person familiar with the letter confirmed.



#ANONIEMdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 20:42
Er doen een hoop roddels de ronde, oa dat het zou gaan over een vrouw waar hij mee op high school heeft gezeten en dat de vrouw zou worden bijgestaan door Debra Katz, advocaat dieet meerdere MeToo-slachtoffers werkt. Maar volgens mij zijn er geen seksuele vergrijpen waar hij nu nog voor vervolgd zou kunnen worden ivm verjaring, dus dat zou geen nut hebben om naar de FBI te sturen. Dan hou je over dat hij mogelijk iemand heeft afbetaald om een verhaal te doden, en dat is niet ideaal, voor een rechter. Zou idd iets met die creditcards en de paar duizend euro aan football tickets of way was het, te maken kunnen hebben.

Maar goed, dit is allemaal wilde speculatie en dus eigenlijk nutteloos.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door #ANONIEM op 13-09-2018 20:43:23 ]
crystal_methdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 20:43
Producent van Ierse cider:
westwoodblvddonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 20:45
1s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 20:42 schreef clumsy_clown het volgende:
Er doen een hoop roddels de ronde, oa dat het zou gaan over een vrouw waar hij mee op high school heeft gezeten en dat de vrouw zou worden bijgestaan door Debra Katz, advocaat dieet meerdere MeToo-slachtoffers werkt. Maar volgens mij zijn er geen seksuele vergrijpen waar hij nu nog voor vervolgd zou kunnen worden ivm verjaring, dus dat zou geen nut hebben om naar de FBI te sturen. Dan hou je over dat hij mogelijk iemand heeft afbetaald om een verhaal te doden, en dat is niet ideaal, voor een rechter. Zou idd iets met die creditcards en de paar duizend euro aan football tickets of way was het, te maken kunnen hebben.

Maar goed, dit is allemaal wilde speculatie en dus eigenlijk nutteloos.
It's always the cover up. Als er niets strafbaars staat in die brief, lijkt het me niet logisch om hem naar de FBI door te sturen.
westwoodblvddonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 20:47
Als het daadwerkelijk #MeToo is dan vraag ik me af of Collins en Murkowski dan nog voor zo'n figuur durven te stemmen. Ze staan al onder druk van vrouwenrechtenbewegingen vanwege o.a. Roe v. Wade.
Fir3flydonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 20:47
Ik hoop dat de Dems zo vuig mogelijk blijven spelen wat betreft die Kavanaugh. Oh, en Obama's kop moet zo vaak mogelijk op tv voor november, bij voorkeur een keiharde middelvinger naar Trump opstekend.
thesiren.nldonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 20:53
Er was toch een vraag of hij gokschulden had? En of hij behandeld was voor excessief gokken. Kwam bij colbert voorbij, zo ook was beto o'rourke aanwezig.
De vraag werd daarna nog specifieker of hij schulden bij een bepaald new jersey casino.
60K to 200K dollar in creditcard schuld, een normaal mens zou 5000 per maand aan rente daarover krijgen...

[ Bericht 29% gewijzigd door op 13-09-2018 21:12:21 ]
#ANONIEMdonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 20:56
14s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 20:47 schreef Fir3fly het volgende:
Ik hoop dat de Dems zo vuig mogelijk blijven spelen wat betreft die Kavanaugh. Oh, en Obama's kop moet zo vaak mogelijk op tv voor november, bij voorkeur een keiharde middelvinger naar Trump opstekend.
Dat laatste zou nog best tegen de democraten kunnen werken.
monkyyydonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 21:07
0s.gif Op woensdag 12 september 2018 22:01 schreef Black_Baron het volgende:
[ afbeelding ]
70.000 dollar om met Trump op de foto te mogen. 8)7
Bigger than Obama! Tremendous

Ik ga de 28e naar een speech van Obama, kost ¤1000, wel véél meer value for money :P
Knipoogjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 21:11
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 19:33 schreef crystal_meth het volgende:
Zelfs Ben Shapiro vindt dat Trump te ver gegaan is...
benshapiro twitterde op donderdag 13-09-2018 om 16:31:44 Trump's denial of the official death toll from Hurricane Maria is absurd and gross, even though there is uncertainty in the death count. Here's why. reageer retweet
Ergens is het sneu/grappig om te zien hoe Trump daadwerkelijk alles in een verpiswedstrijd verandert, ook als het onderwerp zich totaal niet toe leent. En de media buitelt over elkaar heen. Alleen Trump krijgt de media zo ver om hele analyses los te laten over welke orkaan nu meer doden op zijn geweten heeft :{
nostradonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 21:12
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 20:53 schreef het volgende:
60K to 200K dollar in creditcard schuld, een normaal mens zou 5000 per maand aan rente daarover krijgen...
60 tot 200k aan PL's of CC-schuld op een knipmoment lijkt me nou ook weer niet bijzonder spannend.
Knipoogjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 21:13
1s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 20:42 schreef clumsy_clown het volgende:
Er doen een hoop roddels de ronde, oa dat het zou gaan over een vrouw waar hij mee op high school heeft gezeten en dat de vrouw zou worden bijgestaan door Debra Katz, advocaat dieet meerdere MeToo-slachtoffers werkt. Maar volgens mij zijn er geen seksuele vergrijpen waar hij nu nog voor vervolgd zou kunnen worden ivm verjaring, dus dat zou geen nut hebben om naar de FBI te sturen. Dan hou je over dat hij mogelijk iemand heeft afbetaald om een verhaal te doden, en dat is niet ideaal, voor een rechter. Zou idd iets met die creditcards en de paar duizend euro aan football tickets of way was het, te maken kunnen hebben.

Maar goed, dit is allemaal wilde speculatie en dus eigenlijk nutteloos.
Misschien moeten ze sowieso eens stoppen met publieke figuren aanklagen/zwart maken -terecht of niet- vanwege sexueel wangedrag tijdens hun tiener/twintiger jaren. Andere tijden. Het is nogal sneu.
thesiren.nldonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 21:15
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 21:12 schreef nostra het volgende:


60 tot 200k aan PL's of CC-schuld op een knipmoment lijkt me nou ook weer niet bijzonder spannend.
Als je blijft gokken dan ben je wel chantabel.
nostradonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 21:16
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 21:15 schreef het volgende:
Als je blijft gokken dan ben je wel chantabel.
Ja, als hij een gokprobleem heeft, is het een heel ander verhaal. Maar die markers bouw je niet op bij VISA.
Szuradonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 21:17
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 21:07 schreef monkyyy het volgende:


Bigger than Obama! Tremendous

Ik ga de 28e naar een speech van Obama, kost ¤1000, wel véél meer value for money :P
Mag hopen dat je baas dat betaalt
monkyyydonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 21:21
1s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 21:17 schreef Szura het volgende:


Mag hopen dat je baas dat betaalt
Ben eigen baas, dus ja, de baas betaalt. :P
Szuradonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 21:22
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 21:21 schreef monkyyy het volgende:


Ben eigen baas, dus ja, de baas betaalt. :P
1000 euro, daar kun je voor naar een handvol festivals :P
Kijkertjedonderdag 13 september 2018 @ 21:40
0s.gif Op donderdag 13 september 2018 21:07 schreef monkyyy het volgende:


Bigger than Obama! Tremendous

Ik ga de 28e naar een speech van Obama, kost ¤1000, wel véél meer value for money :P
Gaaf! *O* Laat je even weten hoe het was? :P

Krijg je ook een handtekening voor dat geld? :@