abonnement Unibet Coolblue
  Moderator maandag 11 maart 2024 @ 09:19:59 #151
454430 crew  SuperHartje
Muziek is een taal...
Ja of een soort hervormde antroposofie.
Ik bedoel het is in principe zo breed.
A child is born with no state of mind.
  Moderator maandag 11 maart 2024 @ 09:22:09 #152
454430 crew  SuperHartje
Muziek is een taal...
Volgens mij ook pogingen onze ‘Universele Wetten’ op verschillende wijzen vorm te geven, meer als een uiting van kunst.

Uiteindelijk gaat het om de basis van de wetten, de werkelijkheid en objectiviteit ervan.
A child is born with no state of mind.
0s.gif Op dinsdag 5 maart 2024 19:26 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:


Dat is waar zij voor staat. Niet voor Maria en al helemaal niet voor de hoer op het beest van openbaringen 17. Die hoer is juist de antithese van Gods bruid: zij is overspelig, dronken en vervolgt Gods volk.
Maar Maria was zelf overspelig.
Conscience do cost.
0s.gif Op zaterdag 24 februari 2024 16:17 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:


Overigens was ik vroeger zelf ook new ager.
Waar geloof je nu in?
Handboek voor klimaat ontkenners
Complothuilers voelen zich voortdurend in hun megalomane kuif gepikt. ^(;,;)^
1s.gif Op maandag 11 maart 2024 17:26 schreef GwanGwaa het volgende:

Waar geloof je nu in?
Jezus Christus.
Heb 7 pagina's doorgelezen, dit topic gaat over New Age en haar relatie met NWO.. maar het woord "Kabbalah" is nog niet gevallen.

Iemand die daar iets over kan/wil zeggen, over de relatie New Age en Kabbalah? Wellicht vallen dan wat meer stukjes op hun plek :)

Zomaar een link: https://themarginaliarevi(...)balah-a-controversy/

De relatie New Age en NWO is een goede, maar waarom niet ook de relatie New Age en Kabbalah (en/of de Zohar) bespreken? Is dat dan weer te ver gezocht of onwelgevallig?
0s.gif Op donderdag 4 april 2024 11:22 schreef Buikbrein het volgende:
Heb 7 pagina's doorgelezen, dit topic gaat over New Age en haar relatie met NWO.. maar het woord "Kabbalah" is nog niet gevallen.

Iemand die daar iets over kan/wil zeggen, over de relatie New Age en Kabbalah? Wellicht vallen dan wat meer stukjes op hun plek :)

Zomaar een link: https://themarginaliarevi(...)balah-a-controversy/

De relatie New Age en NWO is een goede, maar waarom niet ook de relatie New Age en Kabbalah (en/of de Zohar) bespreken? Is dat dan weer te ver gezocht of onwelgevallig?
De kabbalah wordt door meerdere esoterische bronnen genoemd als de 'bron' van alle andere esoterische stromingen.

In de kabbalah worden Yahweh en de duivel in wezen omgekeerd: Yahweh is de duivel van de materiele wereld, en de slang bevrijdt de mens daarvan met zijn goddelijke kennis.

Dat is in een notendop waar de kabbalah om draait: een occulte interpretatie van de bijbel, waarin hetzelfde idee dat de mens verlossing kan vinden in de kennis van zijn eigen goddelijkheid wordt verheerlijkt.

Hier kunnen we natuurlijk nog veel meer in detail op ingaan als je wil.
  Beste debater 2022 dinsdag 16 april 2024 @ 20:40:30 #158
396730 EttovanBelgie
Alles komt goed.
0s.gif Op dinsdag 16 april 2024 19:14 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:

De kabbalah wordt door meerdere esoterische bronnen genoemd als de 'bron' van alle andere esoterische stromingen.

In de kabbalah worden Yahweh en de duivel in wezen omgekeerd: Yahweh is de duivel van de materiele wereld, en de slang bevrijdt de mens daarvan met zijn goddelijke kennis.

Dat is in een notendop waar de kabbalah om draait: een occulte interpretatie van de bijbel, waarin hetzelfde idee dat de mens verlossing kan vinden in de kennis van zijn eigen goddelijkheid wordt verheerlijkt.

Hier kunnen we natuurlijk nog veel meer in detail op ingaan als je wil.
Dat is de kabbalah ja?

Omnibus in omnibus.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
0s.gif Op dinsdag 16 april 2024 19:14 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:

De kabbalah wordt door meerdere esoterische bronnen genoemd als de 'bron' van alle andere esoterische stromingen.

In de kabbalah worden Yahweh en de duivel in wezen omgekeerd: Yahweh is de duivel van de materiele wereld, en de slang bevrijdt de mens daarvan met zijn goddelijke kennis.

Dat is in een notendop waar de kabbalah om draait: een occulte interpretatie van de bijbel, waarin hetzelfde idee dat de mens verlossing kan vinden in de kennis van zijn eigen goddelijkheid wordt verheerlijkt.

Hier kunnen we natuurlijk nog veel meer in detail op ingaan als je wil.
Dus kabbala is de joodse versie van gnostiek?
God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them;
0s.gif Op dinsdag 16 april 2024 21:00 schreef Alarmonoff het volgende:

Dus kabbala is de joodse versie van gnostiek?
In wezen wel ja. Die putten uit dezelfde spirituele bron. Er zijn natuurlijk verschillen maar in de kern komt het wmb op hetzelfde neer.

Zie bijv. http://www.newkabbalah.com/gnos.html

[ Bericht 9% gewijzigd door Ali_Kannibali op 16-04-2024 22:18:10 ]
0s.gif Op dinsdag 16 april 2024 20:40 schreef EttovanBelgie het volgende:

Dat is de kabbalah ja?

Voelt ie aan z’n water aan
0s.gif Op dinsdag 16 april 2024 20:40 schreef EttovanBelgie het volgende:

Dat is de kabbalah ja?

In extreem simpele termen kom het daar wel op neer ja.

De mystieke god kent twee polen: goed en kwaad. Dit zijn twee kanten van dezelfde godheid.

Dus Yahweh en de slang waren manifestaties van dezelfde onpersoonlijke god.

Alleen waar de gemiddelde Christen en Jood Yahweh als een persoonlijke god associeren met goed en de slang/Lucifer/Satan met kwaad, zien kabbalisten god als een onpersoonlijke kracht waarvan Yahweh en de slang tegengestelde manifestaties van zijn.

Geciteerd van Blavatsky, zelf getraind in kabbalisme:

The student will do well to remember that, with every people, except the Christian nations, the Devil is to this day no worse an entity than the opposite aspect, in the dual nature of the so-called Creator. This is only natural. One cannot claim God as the synthesis of the whole Universe, as Omnipresent and Omniscient and Infinite, and then divorce him from Evil. As there is far more Evil than Good in the world, it follows on logical grounds that either God must include Evil, or stand as the direct cause of it, or else surrender his claims to Absoluteness. The Ancients understood this so well that their philosophers, now followed by the Kabalists, defined Evil as the “lining” of God or Good; Demon est Deus inversus, being a very old adage. Indeed, Evil is but an antagonizing blind force in Nature; it is reäction, opposition, and contrast—evil for some, good for others. There is no malum in se; only the Shadow of Light, without which Light could have no existence, even in our perceptions. If Evil disappeared, Good would disappear along with it from Earth.

In de mystiek gaat men ervanuit dat deze tegenpolen ook aanwezig zijn in de menselijke geest:

In human nature, evil denotes only the polarity of Matter and Spirit, a “struggle for life” between the two manifested Principles in Space and Time, which Principles are one per se, inasmuch as they are rooted in the Absolute.

Once that the key to Genesis is in our hands, the scientific and symbolical Kabalah unveils the secret. The Great Serpent of the Garden of Eden and the “Lord God” are identical, and so are Jehovah and Cain—that Cain who is referred to in Theology as the “murderer” and the Liar to God! Jehovah tempts the King of Israel to number the people, and Satan tempts him to do the same in another place. Jehovah turns into the Fiery Serpents to bite those he is displeased with; and Jehovah informs the Brazen Serpent that heals them.

These short, and seemingly contradictory, statements in the Old Testament—contradictory because the two Powers are separated instead of being regarded as the two faces of one and the same thing—are the echoes, distorted out of recognition by exotericism and theology, of the universal and philosophical dogmas in Nature, so well understood by the primitive Sages. We find the same groundwork in several personifications in the Purânas, only far more ample and philosophically suggestive.

“The tree is known by its fruit”; the nature of a God by his actions. We must either judge these actions by the dead-letter narratives, or must accept them allegorically. If we compare the two—Vishnu, as the defender and champion of the defeated Gods; and Jehovah, the defender and champion of the “chosen” people, so called by antiphrasis, no doubt, as it is the Jews who had chosen that “jealous” God—we shall find that both use deceit and cunning. They do so on the principle of “the end justifying the means,” in order to have the best of their respective opponents and foes—the Demons. Thus while, according to the Kabalists, Jehovah assumes the shape of the tempting Serpent in the Garden of Eden, sends Satan with a special mission to tempt Job, harasses and wearies Pharaoh with Saraï, Abraham's wife, and “hardens” another Pharaoh's heart against Moses, lest there should be no opportunity for plaguing his victims “with great plagues,” Vishnu is made in his Purâna to resort to a trick no less unworthy of any respectable God.

That which was allegorized in Pymander, perhaps ten millenniums ago, for a triune mode of interpretation, and intended for a record of an astronomical, anthropological, and even alchemical fact, namely, the allegory of the Seven Rectors breaking through the Seven Circles of Fire, was dwarfed into one material and anthropomorphic interpretation--the Rebellion and Fall of the Angels. The multivocal, profoundly philosophical narrative, under its poetical form of the "Marriage of Heaven with Earth," the love of Nature for Divine Form, and the Heavenly Man enraptured with his own beauty mirrored in Nature, that is to say, Spirit attracted into Matter, has now become, under theological handling, the Seven Rectors disobeying Jehovah, self-admiration generating Satanic pride, followed by their Fall, Jehovah permitting no worship to be lost save upon himself. In short, the beautiful Planet-Angels, the glorious Cyclic Æons of the Ancients, have become synthesized in their most orthodox shape in Samael, the Chief of the Demons in the Talmud, "that Great Serpent with Twelve Wings that draws down after himself, in his Fall, the Solar System, or the Titans." But Schemal--the alter ego and the Sabean type of Samael--in his philosophical and esoteric aspect, meant the "Year," in its astrological evil aspect, with its twelve months or "Wings" of unavoidable evils, in Nature. In Esoteric Theogony both Schemal and Samael represented a particular divinity.672 With the Kabalists they are the "Spirit of the Earth," the Personal God that governs it, and therefore de facto identical with Jehovah. For the Talmudists themselves admit that Samael is a god-name of one of the seven Elohim. The Kabalists, moreover, show the two, Schemal and Samael, as a symbolical form of Saturn, Cronus; the "Twelve Wings" standing for the twelve months, and the symbol in its collectivity representing a racial cycle. Jehovah and Saturn are also glyphically identical.


We zien dus dat volgens haar in de Kabbalah Jehovah/Yahweh vooral wordt geassocieerd met het kwade aspect.

He who studies the Kabala will soon find the same idea in the ultimate thought of its authors, the earlier and great Hebrew Initiates, who got this secret Wisdom at Babylonia from the Chaldean Hierophants, while Moses got his in Egypt. The Zohar cannot well be judged by its after translations in Latin and other tongues, as all those ideas were, of course, softened and made to fit in with the views and policy of its Christian arrangers; but in truth its ideas are identical with those of all other religious systems.


In elk hoofdstuk van dit boek en andere van haar werken wordt naar de Kabbalah verwezen.

A charming allegory is found in the Zohar, one which unveils better than anything ever did the true character of Jehovah or YHVH in the primitive conception of the Hebrew Kabalists. It is now found in the philosophy of I'bn Gebirol's Kabbalah, translated by Isaac Myer. "In the introduction written by R'Hez'quee-yah, which is very old," says our author, "and forms part of our Brody edition of the Zohar (I, 5b. sq.) is an account of a journey taken by R. El'azar, son of R. Shim-on b. Io'hai, and Rabbi Abbah." ... Then the author explains that the feminine Sephiroth, Binah, is termed by the Kabalist the great sea: therefore Binah, whose divine names are Jehovah, Yah, and Elohim, is simply the Chaldean Tiamat, the female power, the Thalatth of Berosus, who presides over the Chaos, and was made out later by Christian theology to be the serpent and the Devil. She-He (Yah-hovah) is the supernal (Heh, and Eve). This Yah-hovah then or Jehovah, is identical with our Chaos -- Father, Mother, Son, -- on the material plane and in the purely physical World. Demon and Deus at one and the same time; the sun and moon, good and evil, God and Demon.


The esoteric discipline and ecstatic visionary practices of the early *Merkabah mystics, while exhibiting certain gnostic traits, certainly did not share the basic dualism of the great gnostic systems. Dualistic elements, however, were not absent, as, e.g., in the doctrine of *Metatron (originally Javel) as the "lesser YHWH." In fact, the term yozer bereshit ("Creator") was deprived of any possible gnostic connotation by being used, in the *Shi'ur Komah literature, for the manifestation of God on the Throne of Glory. Another kind of dualism is involved in the radical distinction made by the kabbalists between the hidden, inaccessible deus absconditus (the Ein Sof), and the godhead as manifested in the *Sefirot. The latter two are occasionally described in a dualistic manner (right-left, male-female), but the essential point of the kabbalists was precisely the ultimate mystical unity behind the multiple manifestations.

The dualistic tendency is, perhaps, most marked in the kabbalistic treatment of the problem of evil. The profound sense of the reality of evil brought many kabbalists to posit a realm of the demonic, the sitra ahra (or "azilut of the left"), a kind of negative mirror image of the "side of holiness" with which it was locked in combat. Nevertheless, here too it is necessary to distinguish between dualistic tendency and dualistic theory. It is precisely because kabbalistic doctrine does not know an ultimate dualism, that it is forced to seek the origin of the demonic realm of the kelippot somewhere in the sphere of divine emanation - whether in the sefirah gevurah (din) or (as in Lurianic kabbalism) in even more hidden aspects of the godhead. More than anything else, it is this awareness of the reality of evil, coupled with an essentially monotheistic rather than dualistic theology of the Zoroastrian type, which gives kabbalistic speculation such an audacious and indeed all but "heretical" quality. In medieval philosophy, the solution proposed for the problem of evil and its possible dualistic implications was the theory that evil had no substantial existence of its own but was a negation of good, even as darkness was the absence of light (cf. *Maimonides, Guide, 3:8; see also *Good and Evil). The first Jewish philosopher to argue systematically and at length against dualistic notions was *Saadiah Gaon in his Beliefs and Opinions (treatise 2).


[ Bericht 3% gewijzigd door Ali_Kannibali op 17-04-2024 00:34:58 ]
  Beste debater 2022 donderdag 18 april 2024 @ 10:30:21 #163
396730 EttovanBelgie
Alles komt goed.
0s.gif Op dinsdag 16 april 2024 23:00 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:

In extreem simpele termen kom het daar wel op neer ja.

De mystieke god kent twee polen: goed en kwaad. Dit zijn twee kanten van dezelfde godheid.

Dus Yahweh en de slang waren manifestaties van dezelfde onpersoonlijke god.

Alleen waar de gemiddelde Christen en Jood Yahweh als een persoonlijke god associeren met goed en de slang/Lucifer/Satan met kwaad, zien kabbalisten god als een onpersoonlijke kracht waarvan Yahweh en de slang tegengestelde manifestaties van zijn.

Geciteerd van Blavatsky, zelf getraind in kabbalisme:

The student will do well to remember that, with every people, except the Christian nations, the Devil is to this day no worse an entity than the opposite aspect, in the dual nature of the so-called Creator. This is only natural. One cannot claim God as the synthesis of the whole Universe, as Omnipresent and Omniscient and Infinite, and then divorce him from Evil. As there is far more Evil than Good in the world, it follows on logical grounds that either God must include Evil, or stand as the direct cause of it, or else surrender his claims to Absoluteness. The Ancients understood this so well that their philosophers, now followed by the Kabalists, defined Evil as the “lining” of God or Good; Demon est Deus inversus, being a very old adage. Indeed, Evil is but an antagonizing blind force in Nature; it is reäction, opposition, and contrast—evil for some, good for others. There is no malum in se; only the Shadow of Light, without which Light could have no existence, even in our perceptions. If Evil disappeared, Good would disappear along with it from Earth.

In de mystiek gaat men ervanuit dat deze tegenpolen ook aanwezig zijn in de menselijke geest:

In human nature, evil denotes only the polarity of Matter and Spirit, a “struggle for life” between the two manifested Principles in Space and Time, which Principles are one per se, inasmuch as they are rooted in the Absolute.

Once that the key to Genesis is in our hands, the scientific and symbolical Kabalah unveils the secret. The Great Serpent of the Garden of Eden and the “Lord God” are identical, and so are Jehovah and Cain—that Cain who is referred to in Theology as the “murderer” and the Liar to God! Jehovah tempts the King of Israel to number the people, and Satan tempts him to do the same in another place. Jehovah turns into the Fiery Serpents to bite those he is displeased with; and Jehovah informs the Brazen Serpent that heals them.

These short, and seemingly contradictory, statements in the Old Testament—contradictory because the two Powers are separated instead of being regarded as the two faces of one and the same thing—are the echoes, distorted out of recognition by exotericism and theology, of the universal and philosophical dogmas in Nature, so well understood by the primitive Sages. We find the same groundwork in several personifications in the Purânas, only far more ample and philosophically suggestive.

“The tree is known by its fruit”; the nature of a God by his actions. We must either judge these actions by the dead-letter narratives, or must accept them allegorically. If we compare the two—Vishnu, as the defender and champion of the defeated Gods; and Jehovah, the defender and champion of the “chosen” people, so called by antiphrasis, no doubt, as it is the Jews who had chosen that “jealous” God—we shall find that both use deceit and cunning. They do so on the principle of “the end justifying the means,” in order to have the best of their respective opponents and foes—the Demons. Thus while, according to the Kabalists, Jehovah assumes the shape of the tempting Serpent in the Garden of Eden, sends Satan with a special mission to tempt Job, harasses and wearies Pharaoh with Saraï, Abraham's wife, and “hardens” another Pharaoh's heart against Moses, lest there should be no opportunity for plaguing his victims “with great plagues,” Vishnu is made in his Purâna to resort to a trick no less unworthy of any respectable God.

That which was allegorized in Pymander, perhaps ten millenniums ago, for a triune mode of interpretation, and intended for a record of an astronomical, anthropological, and even alchemical fact, namely, the allegory of the Seven Rectors breaking through the Seven Circles of Fire, was dwarfed into one material and anthropomorphic interpretation--the Rebellion and Fall of the Angels. The multivocal, profoundly philosophical narrative, under its poetical form of the "Marriage of Heaven with Earth," the love of Nature for Divine Form, and the Heavenly Man enraptured with his own beauty mirrored in Nature, that is to say, Spirit attracted into Matter, has now become, under theological handling, the Seven Rectors disobeying Jehovah, self-admiration generating Satanic pride, followed by their Fall, Jehovah permitting no worship to be lost save upon himself. In short, the beautiful Planet-Angels, the glorious Cyclic Æons of the Ancients, have become synthesized in their most orthodox shape in Samael, the Chief of the Demons in the Talmud, "that Great Serpent with Twelve Wings that draws down after himself, in his Fall, the Solar System, or the Titans." But Schemal--the alter ego and the Sabean type of Samael--in his philosophical and esoteric aspect, meant the "Year," in its astrological evil aspect, with its twelve months or "Wings" of unavoidable evils, in Nature. In Esoteric Theogony both Schemal and Samael represented a particular divinity.672 With the Kabalists they are the "Spirit of the Earth," the Personal God that governs it, and therefore de facto identical with Jehovah. For the Talmudists themselves admit that Samael is a god-name of one of the seven Elohim. The Kabalists, moreover, show the two, Schemal and Samael, as a symbolical form of Saturn, Cronus; the "Twelve Wings" standing for the twelve months, and the symbol in its collectivity representing a racial cycle. Jehovah and Saturn are also glyphically identical.


We zien dus dat volgens haar in de Kabbalah Jehovah/Yahweh vooral wordt geassocieerd met het kwade aspect.

He who studies the Kabala will soon find the same idea in the ultimate thought of its authors, the earlier and great Hebrew Initiates, who got this secret Wisdom at Babylonia from the Chaldean Hierophants, while Moses got his in Egypt. The Zohar cannot well be judged by its after translations in Latin and other tongues, as all those ideas were, of course, softened and made to fit in with the views and policy of its Christian arrangers; but in truth its ideas are identical with those of all other religious systems.


In elk hoofdstuk van dit boek en andere van haar werken wordt naar de Kabbalah verwezen.

A charming allegory is found in the Zohar, one which unveils better than anything ever did the true character of Jehovah or YHVH in the primitive conception of the Hebrew Kabalists. It is now found in the philosophy of I'bn Gebirol's Kabbalah, translated by Isaac Myer. "In the introduction written by R'Hez'quee-yah, which is very old," says our author, "and forms part of our Brody edition of the Zohar (I, 5b. sq.) is an account of a journey taken by R. El'azar, son of R. Shim-on b. Io'hai, and Rabbi Abbah." ... Then the author explains that the feminine Sephiroth, Binah, is termed by the Kabalist the great sea: therefore Binah, whose divine names are Jehovah, Yah, and Elohim, is simply the Chaldean Tiamat, the female power, the Thalatth of Berosus, who presides over the Chaos, [b]and was made out later by Christian theology to be the serpent and the Devil. She-He (Yah-hovah) is the supernal (Heh, and Eve). This Yah-hovah then or Jehovah, is identical with our Chaos -- Father, Mother, Son, -- on the material plane and in the purely physical World. Demon and Deus at one and the same time; the sun and moon, good and evil, God and Demon.[/b]


The esoteric discipline and ecstatic visionary practices of the early *Merkabah mystics, while exhibiting certain gnostic traits, certainly did not share the basic dualism of the great gnostic systems. Dualistic elements, however, were not absent, as, e.g., in the doctrine of *Metatron (originally Javel) as the "lesser YHWH." In fact, the term yozer bereshit ("Creator") was deprived of any possible gnostic connotation by being used, in the *Shi'ur Komah literature, for the manifestation of God on the Throne of Glory. Another kind of dualism is involved in the radical distinction made by the kabbalists between the hidden, inaccessible deus absconditus (the Ein Sof), and the godhead as manifested in the *Sefirot. The latter two are occasionally described in a dualistic manner (right-left, male-female), but the essential point of the kabbalists was precisely the ultimate mystical unity behind the multiple manifestations.

The dualistic tendency is, perhaps, most marked in the kabbalistic treatment of the problem of evil. The profound sense of the reality of evil brought many kabbalists to posit a realm of the demonic, the sitra ahra (or "azilut of the left"), a kind of negative mirror image of the "side of holiness" with which it was locked in combat. Nevertheless, here too it is necessary to distinguish between dualistic tendency and dualistic theory. It is precisely because kabbalistic doctrine does not know an ultimate dualism, that it is forced to seek the origin of the demonic realm of the kelippot somewhere in the sphere of divine emanation - whether in the sefirah gevurah (din) or (as in Lurianic kabbalism) in even more hidden aspects of the godhead. More than anything else, it is this awareness of the reality of evil, coupled with an essentially monotheistic rather than dualistic theology of the Zoroastrian type, which gives kabbalistic speculation such an audacious and indeed all but "heretical" quality. In medieval philosophy, the solution proposed for the problem of evil and its possible dualistic implications was the theory that evil had no substantial existence of its own but was a negation of good, even as darkness was the absence of light (cf. *Maimonides, Guide, 3:8; see also *Good and Evil). The first Jewish philosopher to argue systematically and at length against dualistic notions was *Saadiah Gaon in his Beliefs and Opinions (treatise 2).

Blavatsky was geen kabbalist maar een hobbyist die een eigen religie ontwikkelde.

Wat je verder schrijft stelt nergens wat jij beweert en kan enkel geschieden wanneer je het, zoals uit het citaat blijkt, 'met christelijk-theologische blik' aanschouwt.
Omnibus in omnibus.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
0s.gif Op donderdag 18 april 2024 10:30 schreef EttovanBelgie het volgende:

Blavatsky was geen kabbalist maar een hobbyist die een eigen religie ontwikkelde.

theosoof toch?
0s.gif Op donderdag 18 april 2024 10:30 schreef EttovanBelgie het volgende:

Blavatsky was geen kabbalist maar een hobbyist die een eigen religie ontwikkelde.

Wat je verder schrijft stelt nergens wat jij beweert en kan enkel geschieden wanneer je het, zoals uit het citaat blijkt, 'met christelijk-theologische blik' aanschouwt.
Blavatsky was getraind in kabbalisme, als ik bronnen moet geloven.

Ik citeer haar omdat zij tot de kern van kabbalisme gaat met betrekking tot Genesis.

Dat dualisme zie je ook beschreven in de onderste bron van de Joodse bibliotheek.

Verder zijn er een hele reeks andere bronnen die hetzelfde bevestigen.

Het valt me op dat jij altijd om bronnen vraagt, maar geen enkele bron op waarde kunt schatten.
0s.gif Op donderdag 18 april 2024 15:57 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:

Blavatsky was getraind in kabbalisme, als ik bronnen moet geloven.

Ik citeer haar omdat zij tot de kern van kabbalisme gaat met betrekking tot Genesis.

Dat dualisme zie je ook beschreven in de onderste bron van de Joodse bibliotheek.

Verder zijn er een hele reeks andere bronnen die hetzelfde bevestigen.

Het valt me op dat jij altijd om bronnen vraagt, maar geen enkele bron op waarde kunt schatten.
"mooi" contrast met hetgeen wat hij aangaf..
  Beste debater 2022 donderdag 18 april 2024 @ 19:17:15 #167
396730 EttovanBelgie
Alles komt goed.
0s.gif Op donderdag 18 april 2024 15:57 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:

Blavatsky was getraind in kabbalisme, als ik bronnen moet geloven.

Ik citeer haar omdat zij tot de kern van kabbalisme gaat met betrekking tot Genesis.

Dat dualisme zie je ook beschreven in de onderste bron van de Joodse bibliotheek.

Verder zijn er een hele reeks andere bronnen die hetzelfde bevestigen.

Het valt me op dat jij altijd om bronnen vraagt, maar geen enkele bron op waarde kunt schatten.
Ja, en lees nog eens goed wat er staat: "Volgens de christelijke theologie..."
Omnibus in omnibus.
Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
0s.gif Op donderdag 18 april 2024 15:57 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:

Blavatsky was getraind in kabbalisme, als ik bronnen moet geloven.

Ik citeer haar omdat zij tot de kern van kabbalisme gaat met betrekking tot Genesis.

Dat dualisme zie je ook beschreven in de onderste bron van de Joodse bibliotheek.

Verder zijn er een hele reeks andere bronnen die hetzelfde bevestigen.

Het valt me op dat jij altijd om bronnen vraagt, maar geen enkele bron op waarde kunt schatten.
Het zal de antichrist voortbrengen, 1 Johannes zoveel heeft ook gnostiek op het oog.
God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them;
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