abonnement Unibet Coolblue
10s.gif Op dinsdag 19 augustus 2014 21:46 schreef OProg het volgende:


En dat is nog niet eens het minst flatteuze aan deze foto. :')
Haar twee tieten moeten elkaar niet denk ik, vandaar dat ze zover van elkaar af staan.
Nog even en ze zitten op haar rug :')
"Purple is the last color of the rainbow colors. It means I will trust and love you for a long time"
Ja, op die laatste foto lijkt ze 'eindelijk' op Lolo Ferrari. ;(
Mwah, dan moet er nog wel wat gedaan worden.

  † In Memoriam † maandag 29 september 2014 @ 13:54:12 #104
4036 crew  Cynix ®
Verzuurde hork
Eigenlijk geen nieuws en dat verwacht ik ook niet op korte termijn, maar toch maar weer eens een fotootje. Haar tasje past inmiddels tussen haar borsten.

Vertel het me en ik zal het vergeten. Laat het me zien en ik zal het onthouden. Laat het me ervaren en ik zal het me eigen maken.
De toekomst hangt af van wat je nu aan het doen bent.
99s.gif Op maandag 29 september 2014 13:54 schreef Cynix ® het volgende:
Eigenlijk geen nieuws en dat verwacht ik ook niet op korte termijn, maar toch maar weer eens een fotootje. Haar tasje past inmiddels tussen haar borsten.

[ afbeelding ]
Dit is echt verschrikkelijk. :{
nu heten ze ui en jer :')
Courtney heeft wat vertelt over haar break-up en get back together:

I'm not perfect. I don't expect anybody to believe I am. Yet I pride myself in always being honest and telling the truth regarding my flaws.

Ever since I appeared on the Couples Therapy Reunion Show on VH1 last week, there has been a lot of speculation about the authenticity of my marriage as well as accusations that I cheated.

I'm here to set the record straight.

I'm very much in love with Doug. Our marriage is stronger than ever and I look forward to renewing our vows together.

And, though I had relations with other men after our break-up, I never snuck around and cheated.

Before I ever started dating, our attorney drew-up separation documents, they were signed, with Doug and I legally separated.

After my time on Celebrity Big Brother and returning to the States last September, it became clear to me that, when most girls at 16 are getting their driver's licence, I was getting my marriage licence.

Even though I don't regret marrying the man I love, let's face it, I was still a teenager.

I married young and never slept around before saying 'I do' [I was a virgin on our honeymoon].
So, once I was in that CBB house – away from my home, away from Doug, away from my family for the first time ever – I felt as if I was thrown into a whole other world of partying, drinking, flirting, no rules or morals, as if I was thrust into an alternative universe experiencing the 'typical' teen years that got cut short.

It was confusing, disorienting and enticing all at the same time.

Consequently, after three weeks of nothing outside CBB, I found myself wanting to 'sow my wild oats', so to speak, and experience what it would be like to be young, reckless and promiscuous.

I was convinced, at that point in time, that I couldn't be held down by the restraints of marriage.

My revelation crushed Doug. And to be completely honest, it crushed me too. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt the man I loved with all of my heart.

And yet, despite how hard it was, I told my truth at the time, explaining to Doug that I wanted out of our marriage to concentrate on just me, and yes, be free to date other men if I so chose.

Was it selfish of me? Absolutely. But there's rarely selflessness in one's self-centered quest for self.
It was a painful chapter in our marriage, but I was to ultimately discover just what an incredible man I had married and that the grass is not necessarily greener on the other side.

Doug loved me so much that, as much as it killed him, I know, he let me go. In fact, he was the one who suggested we separate.

What I didn't know then that I know now is that Doug was demonstrating true selfless love.

Somehow Doug knew that I needed to do this for my own personal and spiritual growth. That's a kind of unconditional love I could only aspire to.

Over the next six months, I went absolutely wild. I partied with friends, drank way too much for my own good, and experienced the dating world.

Lucky for me, I got it out of my system in a fairly short amount of time.

I learned very quickly that the dating world, especially in Hollywood, isn't all it's cracked up to be. And that promiscuity, in the end, is meaningless and unsatisfactory despite being exciting at first.

As soon as the tabloids confirmed Doug and I had called it quits, my phone was ringing off the hook with men offering me the world on a silver platter. Men wanting to wine and dine me. Men promising to show me good times. Men flattering me with diamonds.

I dated four of them: a plastic surgeon, an attorney, a dermatologist and an actor.

I wouldn't say that I had an awful time with any of them [with the exception of the dermatologist, who was an egotistical jerk], but none of them I truly connected with.

None of them inspired me and – quite frankly – none of them were Doug.
During our separation, Doug and I remained close friends and business partners. He continued to teach me acting and we shared custody of our adorable Italian greyhound pup, Dourtney.

I guess you could say our separation was as unconventional as our marriage!

I was open with Doug about my dating life, since we still lived under the same roof for a while [in separate quarters of our house] until I eventually moved out.

I'm not sure how he did it, but Doug managed to endure the inevitable blow to his ego and heart through it all.

When I'd finally had enough of my indiscretions, he was still there, loving me for who I am.

And what happened was, the entire time I was exercising that teenaged wild child in me, I was falling more in love with the man who knows me better than anyone else can, the man who shares my sense of humour, who loves me through thick and thin, who had the strength to let me go and who always remained: my best friend, my rock, my husband. My Doug.

It took some time, a lot of healing, heart-to-hearts and getting back to God, but eventually Doug and I returned into each other's arms and we've never been happier.

There's one last thing I'd like to put to rest.
There are those out there who are convinced I'm a gold-digger, that I'm with Doug for a plethora of reasons that have nothing to do with love: money, fame, opportunity, career.

Granted, I can't change certain opinions of me, but if this were true, I promise you there are loads of men out there wealthier, more famous and higher on the Hollywood food chain than my husband.

A couple of those I dated during the separation, were men of means, money, driving Ferraris and wearing Chanel watches. There's no amount of money that can buy true love – or buy me.

Before Doug, and during our separation, I was wooed by producers, athletes, musicians/actors, doctors, lawyers, politicians, you name it. I was even pursued by an extremely wealthy Saudi prince.

None of them intrigued me in the least. None of them captured my heart.

So trust me. If I were a true gold-digger, the gold mines out there are plentiful and I know how to wield a shovel.

But me? I'd rather dig for a good man regardless of stature, regardless of bank account. I'd rather dig for things like character, kindness, honesty, faithfulness and strength.

And I did. I just can't help but dig Doug!

Love Courtney, xoxo
Hoe oud is dat spook inmiddels? Ziet er uit als 38 ofzo.

Zou haar wel raken daar niet van, maar ze ziet er niet uit :')
  maandag 29 september 2014 @ 16:39:07 #109
84244 Scorpie
Abject en infaam!
0s.gif Op maandag 29 september 2014 16:33 schreef Sapstengel het volgende:
Hoe oud is dat spook inmiddels? Ziet er uit als 38 ofzo.

Zou haar wel raken daar niet van, maar ze ziet er niet uit :')
Denk wel dat ze er een wokkel van maakt.
Op dinsdag 13 augustus schreef Xa1pt:
Neuh, fraude mag best aangepakt worden. Maar dat het de maatschappij meer oplevert of beter is voor de samenleving, is nog maar de vraag.
Op donderdag 25 juni 2015 schreef KoosVogels:
Klopt. Ik ben een racist.

Ze heeft ook nog de Ice-bucket challenge gedaan :')
  † In Memoriam † maandag 29 september 2014 @ 17:33:30 #111
4036 crew  Cynix ®
Verzuurde hork
Ik vind haar vooral viezig. :{
Vertel het me en ik zal het vergeten. Laat het me zien en ik zal het onthouden. Laat het me ervaren en ik zal het me eigen maken.
De toekomst hangt af van wat je nu aan het doen bent.
Ik begin te geloven dat die twee echt van elkaar houden :@
  † In Memoriam † maandag 29 september 2014 @ 21:19:27 #113
4036 crew  Cynix ®
Verzuurde hork
Het moet in ieder geval iets zijn wat diep van binnen zit. Van beider buitenkant wordt niemand echt heel erg vrolijk. :{
Vertel het me en ik zal het vergeten. Laat het me zien en ik zal het onthouden. Laat het me ervaren en ik zal het me eigen maken.
De toekomst hangt af van wat je nu aan het doen bent.
  vrijdag 31 oktober 2014 @ 22:36:55 #114
6067 Turbomuis
Kruimeltjes zijn ook cake
Haar zeer classy halloween"kostuum" van dit jaar

Deze kwam ik ook tegen. Die boobies beginnen volgens mij een eigen bewustzijn te krijgen.

I give myself very good advice
But I very seldom follow it
That explains the trouble that I'm always in
  vrijdag 31 oktober 2014 @ 22:44:47 #115
100126 Maraca
1s.gif Op maandag 29 september 2014 21:14 schreef Lucky_Strike het volgende:
Ik begin te geloven dat die twee echt van elkaar houden :@
Ik ook :o Mooi stukje dat Lyssa heeft gepost
Verily i say unto you; dost thou even hoist, brethren? - Jesus (Psalm 22)

[ Bericht 98% gewijzigd door Ole op 18-02-2015 09:40:30 ]
  roze woensdag 18 februari 2015 @ 07:57:58 #117
393783 Ama
Hypa Hypa
Your beauty never ever scared me.
??? Wtf? :')
"Purple is the last color of the rainbow colors. It means I will trust and love you for a long time"
Ik mis het nieuws een beetje rond deze mensen.
  woensdag 18 februari 2015 @ 11:05:22 #120
14505 OProg
A Life in Music
Ze zijn nu zelfs met elkaar nog marginalerer geworden. ;(
"Het is oorlog, bedankt Vannoppen, bedankt Van der Linden. Dit is het laatste dat ik voor de Belgische ploeg gedaan heb. Ze kunnen allemaal de boom in."
Improv: Rich Tapestry of Life
  FOK!Video Chick, PR en FP sportredactie woensdag 18 februari 2015 @ 12:34:21 #121
149527 crew  ChipsZak.
That's hot.
1s.gif Op woensdag 18 februari 2015 11:00 schreef Lucky_Strike het volgende:
Ik mis het nieuws een beetje rond deze mensen.
Er gebeurt inderdaad niet veel ;(. Voor hun break-up was het echt lachwekkend soms, :') nu zie ik alleen heel af en toe nog Doug verschijnen op Courtneys instagram.
I guess words are a motherfucker.
I kill a bitch with a potato peeler for the skrilla.
Je zou verwachten dat met valentijn die twee wel weer wat krankzinnig gedaan zouden hebben.
Ze schijnt in een of andere (vermoed ik) low budget film te spelen genaamd Love Addict :')

Former Teen Bride Courtney Stodden makes her acting debut in the upcoming romantic-comedy, 'Love Addict.' Courtney plays the part of Mrs. Davenport, a Los Angeles socialite wife who spends her days lazing by the pool working on her tan. Elliot Haddaway plays the lead character of Owen Maxwell, a ladies man who is hypnotized by a massage therapist, resulting in his getting ill at the sight of an attractive female.

Wordt vast en zeker een groot kassucces aan het stukje tekst te lezen _O-
"Purple is the last color of the rainbow colors. It means I will trust and love you for a long time"
  woensdag 18 februari 2015 @ 19:24:49 #124
61646 Copycat
I am a trigger hippie
Die synopsis.
Curiosity cultured the cat
Hoge dames vangen veel wind
Whadda ya hear! Whadda ya say!
What is any ocean but a multitude of drops?
een kalender mag ook niet ontbreken

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