abonnement Unibet Coolblue Bitvavo
Sneeuw ontregelt noordoosten VS

Het winterweer in het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten heeft aan zeker zes mensen het leven gekost. De sneeuwdepressie trof vooral New York, New Jersey, West Virginia en Pennsylvania.

In Maryland viel 15 centimeter sneeuw, in Pennsylvanië 51 centimeter en in de staat New York 60 centimeter. In de stad New York zelf lag 13 centimeter.

Het winterweer ontregelde het dagelijks leven. Zo'n 1500 vluchten werden geannuleerd, wegen kenden files vanwege de vele verkeersongelukken en scholen werden gesloten.

Volgens de Amerikaanse meteoroloog Kevin Lipton is sneeuw in maart niet ongebruikelijk. De zwaarste sneeuwstormen komen juist in maart voor vertelde hij aan de Associated Press.


[ Bericht 6% gewijzigd door #ANONIEM op 18-03-2007 14:18:49 ]
Rare spring cold front leaves Southeast shivering

ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- An unseasonable cold snap put a chill on Easter services across the Southeast and much of the rest of the country, moving some events indoors and adding layers over spring frocks.

Even baseball had to take a time out because of snow.

The usual courtyard service at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church in Columbia, South Carolina, had to be moved indoors, said the Rev. Michael Bingham. Sunday morning lows in Columbia dropped to the upper 20s, the National Weather Service said. (Watch how sports fans were left out in the cold )

"Our musicians are worried about their fingers," he said Saturday as the church's plans were being changed.

Across much of the eastern two-thirds of the nation, Easter celebrants swapped frills, bonnets and sandals for coats, scarves and heavy socks. Baseball fans huddled in blankets and, instead of spring planting, backyard gardeners were bundling their crops.

Two weeks into spring, Easter morning temperatures were in the upper 30s along the Gulf Coast and in the single digits in northern Minnesota and the Dakotas. Atlanta had a low of 30 degrees, with a wind chill of 23, the weather service said. The same reading put a chill on New York City's Fifth Avenue, celebrated in song for the traditional Easter Parade of spring finery.

Despite the chill, nearly 1,000 people attended the annual sunrise service at Georgia's Stone Mountain Park, as a slight breeze whipped over the granite monument. The service usually attracts 10,000.

Nashville, Tennessee, bottomed out Sunday at 23 degrees, knocking one degree off the Easter record set March 24, 1940.

Light snow showers were scattered over the western Plains and around the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley.

However, the snow was heavy along the Lake Erie shore in Cleveland, Ohio, and on Sunday, for the second day in a row, the Seattle Mariners and Cleveland Indians had to cancel a doubleheader. More than a foot of snow has fallen on parts of the Cleveland area since Friday.

The teams were snowed out of the doubleheader Saturday, when they were attempting to make up Friday's game, which was postponed after they played four innings and sat through nearly three hours of delays.

Officials in Morrison, Colorado, canceled Sunday's annual sunrise service at the Red Rocks Amphitheater because seats and stairways were covered with ice.

Kids in Chicago, Illinois, donned winter clothing for an Easter egg hunt at the Glessner House Museum. The city high reached just 32 degrees Saturday -- matching a record set in 1936 -- and Sunday's low was 28. The Windy City's average high for early April is 54.

"All the little kids had boots on and some of them were trying to wear their spring dresses. It was awful," said Clare Schaecher, the museum's education director.

Visitors to the nation's capital awoke Saturday to see cherry blossoms coated with snow. Snow also fell in metro Atlanta Friday night, and even in parts of West Texas and the Texas Panhandle.

Farmers were worried about the impact the weather could have on crops. Blueberries could be particularly affected, said Stanley Scarborough, production manager of Sunnyridge Farms, which has fields in Baxley and Homerville, Georgia.

Scarborough said the majority of the state's blueberry crop, a variety called rabbit-eye, is normally harvested around June 1. This year, the bushes bloomed early because of a wave of warm temperatures last week. Scarborough said the blueberries are not able to withstand freezing temperatures.

"At 26 or 27 degrees, you would probably lose half of the Georgia crop," valued at about $20 million to $25 million dollars, Scarborough said.

Witte Pasen in New England

Grote delen van New England (het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten) beleven een witte Pasen. Plaatselijk ligt er 40 centimeter verse sneeuw.

De sneeuw heeft gezorgd voor een ontregeld maatschappelijk leven. Wegen zijn onbegaanbaar, één persoon kwam om het leven bij een verkeersongeluk en 200.000 mensen raakten verstoken van elektriciteit. Donderdag viel de sneeuw al. In New Hampshire viel in enkele uren tijd 40 centimeter.

Ook in Michigan viel sneeuw. In het noorden van de staat viel in één etmaal 60 centimeter sneeuw. Deze hoeveelheid benaderde voor deze regio het vorige dagrecord van 14 maart 1997, toen er 26 centimeter viel.

Volgens de nationale weerdienst is sprake van een sneeuwrijke aprilmaand. Vooral de hoeveelheden zijn bijzonder te nomen.

Tja, terwijl wij hier snel richting de zomer gaan, is het in Amerika op sommige plekken nog volop winter.
Laten we hopen dat wij de komende winter weer wat te beleven krijgen.
  maandag 9 april 2007 @ 12:31:23 #105
167723 sanni
Acima de seu
Ik vrees het ergste. Laatst las je toch dat men vreesde nooit meer een elfstedentocht te zullen meemaken? Ik denk dat we ons beter zorgen kunnen maken over de stijgende zeespiegel en de smeltende ijskappen. Nog ff en Nederland bestaat niet meer.
Nog meer sneeuw
Opnieuw veel sneeuw in VS

In het noorden van de Verenigde Staten heeft het “Lake Snow-effect" opnieuw toegeslagen. In Painesdale viel in 5 dagen tijd 164 centimeter sneeuw. Andere plaatsen rapporteerden: Phoenix Farms 145 cm, Marquette 123 cm, Rockland 111 cm en Munising 100 centimeter.

Het blijft maar doorgaan met de sneeuw.

Spring snow grounds flights, closes schools

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Another spring snowstorm spread across the upper Midwest on Wednesday, closing schools and grounding more than 200 airline flights.

North Dakota had already measured 7 inches of snow, and up to 10 inches was possible in Wisconsin, the National Weather Service said.

More than 200 flights were canceled at O'Hare International Airport because of poor visibility, said aviation spokeswoman Wendy Abrams. The airport also had delays that were about 60 to 90 minutes on inbound and outbound flights. Delays at Midway Airport were about 20 to 30 minutes, she said.

Nearly two dozen school districts canceled classes Wednesday across southern Minnesota, where up to 6 inches of snow was forecast.

Snow this late is not unusual, said weather service meteorologist Andrew Krein in Chicago.

"Typically every few years we'll get some snow in April," Krein said. "Snow in April is not unheard of."

However, the forecast amounts did get attention. Up to 9 inches of snow was forecast in northern Iowa, where normal temperatures at this time of year are in the 60s.

"This is quite unusual in terms of snowfall this late in the season," said Rich Kinney, a weather service meteorologist in Johnston, Iowa.

Five inches of snow was possible in northern Illinois, before turning to rain during the afternoon.

During the weekend, a cold wave sent temperatures to the freezing point as far south as the Gulf states, devastating crops, and heavy snow wiped out scheduled Angels-Indians baseball for four straight days at Cleveland. (Full story)

The teams' games were finally moved to an enclosed field at Milwaukee.

  vrijdag 13 april 2007 @ 16:24:40 #109
115996 francorex
Earth stationary not spinning
Weeralarm in de VS,

accuwheather heeft het over een potentieel historische storm.

  vrijdag 13 april 2007 @ 16:40:08 #110
115996 francorex
Earth stationary not spinning
Update on the Big Daddy

Thursday, April 12, 2007

For many young meteorologists, this could be a storm that is talked about for many years.


(vergeet de video niet te bekijken, een bespreking van de van de weerkaarten.)
  Moderator zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 02:20:01 #111
8781 crew  Frutsel
MonsterStorm ahead

The entire eastern half of the U.S. is bracing for a monster storm, the likes of which one forecaster says occur "once every 20 years."

A storm system heading east from the Rockies is expected to strengthen over the Atlantic and form a huge nor'easter that will barrel up the East Coast, bringing gale-force winds, driving rain and heavy snow to much of the eastern half of the country.

Forecaster Brian Korty says the entire eastern part of the U.S. will feel the effects in the coming days. He calls it the kind of storm that happens "once every 20 years."

Accuweather.com predicts the storm will flood low-lying areas and cause coastal erosion. Inland areas could see a record-breaking snowstorm.
  zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 02:21:26 #112
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Succes Oostkust.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  Moderator zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 02:28:15 #113
8781 crew  Frutsel
  Moderator zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 17:47:48 #115
8781 crew  Frutsel
NEW YORK — A severe weather system blamed for one death plowed eastward Saturday, rattling Louisiana with strong thunderstorms as the Northeast prepared for possible coastal flooding.

The storm blew across the southern Plains on Friday, piling snow a foot deep in Kansas and raking Texas with high wind.

"I felt my house start shaking like the wind and I ran in here and grabbed my little girl," Amanda Rymer, 21, said in Haltom City, Texas. "As soon as I moved her, the roof fell in right where she was standing."

The storm tore roofs off houses in Rymer's neighbor and destroyed porches and garages. About a dozen tractor-trailer rigs were blown onto their sides.

One man was killed in Fort Worth by a pile of lumber that fell on him from his truck during the storm, and a police officer in Irving died when his patrol car slid on wet pavement and struck a utility pole, authorities said.

By Saturday morning, the system was spreading rain from Louisiana to Virginia and across much of the Ohio Valley. Lines of strong thunderstorms rolled across Louisiana.

The weather system was forecast to strengthen when it reaches the East Coast on Sunday and form a nor'easter, a storm that follows the coast northward, with northeasterly wind driving waves and heavy rain.

"This is very odd for this time of year," National Weather Service meteorologist John Koch said Saturday in New York. "This is something that you would expect to see more in the middle of winter."

A flood watch was posted for the New York City region, as the weather service forecast 2 to 4 inches of rain Sunday with wind gusting to 50 mph.

Snow continued falling Saturday in eastern Kansas, where some schools and businesses closed Friday as blowing snow created whiteout conditions. Nearly a foot of snow fell near Syracuse, Kansas.

A tornado was spotted near Bedford, a suburb between Dallas and Forth Worth, though no damage was reported, the National Weather Service said. (FOX)
  zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 18:19:02 #116
143274 -skippybal-
Wanneer komt dat geintje aan?
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
  Moderator zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 19:38:33 #117
8781 crew  Frutsel
Op zaterdag 14 april 2007 18:19 schreef -skippybal- het volgende:
Wanneer komt dat geintje aan?
vanochtend... nu... morgen...deels overmorgen...
Amerika gebukt onder zware voorjaarsstorm
De Verenigde Staten van Amerika (VS) worden geteisterd door een zware voorjaarsstorm. Het Amerikaanse persbureau AP meldt dat twee tornados in Texas het leven van tenminste twee mensen hebben gekost.

Door onverwachte sneeuwval in de staat Kansas kwamen drie mensen om het leven bij ongevallen op de snelwegen.
Sneeuw ver na het seizoen, tornado's er ver voor.. lekker allemaal
  zondag 15 april 2007 @ 10:07:23 #119
89730 Drugshond
De Euro. Mislukt vanaf dag 1.
VS in de greep van winterweer

Delen van de VS zijn dit weekend getroffen door noodweer. Daarbij zijn vijf mensen om het leven gekomen.

Grote delen van het land waren dit weekend bedekt onder een regenzone. In Kansas ging het noodweer gepaard met sneeuw. In het zuidwesten van de staat viel 38 centimeter. Drie mensen kwamen om het leven bij ongevallen op de snelwegen. De meteorologische dienst spreekt van een zeer ongewone situatie voor april. In Texas kwamen ook zware buien voor en werden vier tornado’s waargenomen. Twee mensen kwamen om het leven door dit noodweer.

Het regengebied dat 50 tot 100 millimeter neerslag afleverde, trok zondag naar de Oostkust. Hier kwam ook harde wind voor. In delen van het noordoosten waren de inwoners nog aan het bijkomen van een dik pak sneeuw dat daar vorig weekend was gevallen.

Verwacht wordt dat in de lagere delen overstromingen optreden. Voor de hogere delen van het gebied wordt 50 centimeter verse sneeuw verwacht.

  Moderator zondag 15 april 2007 @ 15:09:43 #122
8781 crew  Frutsel
NEW YORK — Coastal Long Island could see some of its worst flooding in 14 years when a hard-blowing nor'easter begins whipping through New York on Sunday, officials said.

Forecasters were expecting sustained winds of 40 mph and a storm-surge of between 3 and 5 feet, a combination that could cause as much damage as a winter storm that wreaked havoc on the island in late 1992, Gov. Eliot Spitzer said.

The Northeast braced for strong wind, heavy rain and unseasonable snow as the storm blew across the Plains. The storm, which rattled the Gulf states Friday and Saturday with violent thunderstorms and raked Texas with at least two tornadoes, was blamed for five deaths.

"This is very odd for this time of year," National Weather Service meteorologist John Koch said in New York. "This is something that you would expect to see more in the middle of winter."

A tornado Friday night tore roofs off houses and destroyed porches and garages in Haltom City, Texas. About a dozen tractor-trailer rigs were blown onto their sides.

"I felt my house start shaking like the wind and I ran in here and grabbed my little girl," Amanda Rymer, 21, said. "As soon as I moved her, the roof fell in right where she was standing

second tornado that night in Benbrook, southwest of Fort Worth, caused minor damage, according to the National Weather Service. More wind damage to power lines, trees and roofs was reported to the east in Dallas and Rockwall counties, but meteorlogists had yet to confirm Saturday whether tornadoes formed there.

One man was killed in Fort Worth by a pile of lumber that fell on him from his truck during Friday's storm, and a police officer in Irving died when his patrol car slid on wet pavement and struck a utility pole, authorities said.

Three people were killed in Kansas in traffic accidents on highways covered with ice and slush, police said.

Snow stopped falling by Saturday afternoon in eastern Kansas, where some schools and businesses closed Friday as blowing snow created whiteout conditions. Up to 15 inches of snow fell in southwestern Kansas.

By Saturday afternoon, the system was spreading rain from Louisiana to Virginia and across much of the Ohio Valley. Lines of strong thunderstorms rolled across Louisiana and Mississippi into northern Alabama, and the National Weather Service posted tornado warnings for wide areas of Mississippi and some parts of Alabama.

The weather system was forecast to strengthen Sunday when it reaches the East Coast and form a nor'easter, a storm that follows the coast northward, with northeasterly wind driving waves and heavy rain.

A flood watch was posted for the New York City region, as the weather service forecast 2 to 4 inches of rain Sunday with wind gusting to 50 mph. Snow and sleet were possible inland, Koch said.

Spitzer said some low-lying areas of Long Island may need to be evacuated, and he deployed 3,200 members of the National Guard to areas predicted to be in the storm's path.

In Pennsylvania, officials activated the state emergency operations center in anticipation of the storm. "While snowfall in April is highly unusual, it is critical to remain vigilant in executing winter weather preparedness plans," he said in a statement.

The National Weather Service said there could be as much as 20 inches of snow possible at higher elevations in the Adirondacks and several inches of rain in the Hudson Valley by the time the storm passes late Monday and Tuesday.

New Jersey was ready for whatever may fall — snow or rain. About 250 trucks were ready to plow and spread salt on state highways if needed. The northwest corner of the state was expecting snow, while the rest of the state was bracing for possible flooding.

"We're ready for everything, which based upon the forecast, is pretty much what we could get," said Joe Orlando, a spokesman for the state Department of Transportation and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority.
Hmmm vallen Brooklyn en Queens en Nassau county ook onder low lying areas van Long Island?
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
Noordoosten wind zou het water van het Long Island Sound flink upstuwen in de East River en Manhattan/Queens/Bronx.
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
  Moderator zondag 15 april 2007 @ 22:30:14 #125
8781 crew  Frutsel

NEW YORK — Airlines canceled 300 flights Sunday as a hard-blowing nor'easter gathered strength along the East Coast and threatened to deliver some of the worst shore flooding in 14 years.

The storm, already blamed for five deaths on the Plains, also flooded people out of their homes in the middle of the night in West Virginia.

The cancellations at the New York area's three major airports affected most carriers, said Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. More cancellations were expected throughout the day.

Meteorologists expected sustained wind of 40 mph and a storm surge of 3 to 5 feet, a combination that could cause as much coastal damage to New York's Long Island as a winter storm that wreaked havoc there in late 1992, Gov. Eliot Spitzer said.

The 1992 storm also caused millions of dollars worth of damage to low-lying areas on the New Jersey shore, and on Sunday some residents of those areas were packing up to leave.

This is going to be bad," Shaun Rheinheimer said as he moved furniture to higher spots at his house on New Jersey's low-lying Cedar Bonnet Island. Streets were beginning to flood by late morning and waves splashed over bulkheads into backyards.

Heavy rain and thunderstorms extended from Florida up the coast to southern New England on Sunday and the National Weather Service said Washington's Reagan National Airport had measured 1.43 inches of rain.

The weather service posted storm warnings and watches all along the East Coast, with flood warnings extending from Virginia north to the New York area. Winter storm warnings were in effect for parts of New England and eastern New York state.

The storm also caused flooding in the mountains of southern West Virginia, where emergency services personnel rescued nearly two dozen people from homes and cars in Logan and Boone counties early Sunday. Two people were unaccounted for.

"It's about as bad as it can get," said Logan, W.Va., Fire Chief Scott Beckett. "This thing came down at 2 or 3 in the morning, when people were sleeping in their beds. They just didn't know what was happening."

Two to 4 inches of rain was forecast for the New York City region with wind gusting to 50 mph. The weather service said as much as 20 inches of snow was possible at higher elevations of New York's Adirondacks by the time the storm passes late Monday and Tuesday.

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