abonnement Unibet Coolblue Bitvavo
  dinsdag 2 januari 2007 @ 00:06:31 #1
89730 Drugshond
De Euro. Mislukt vanaf dag 1.
123 Teletekst ma 01 jan
Doden bij sneeuwstormen midden VS
` Tijdens sneeuwstormen zijn in het
midden van de VS de laatste dagen zeker
12 mensen omgekomen.Veel slachtoffers
vielen bij auto-ongelukken op gladde
wegen.Tienduizenden mensen zitten soms
al dagen zonder elektriciteit.

De sneeuwlaag is door opstuiving op een
aantal plaatsen drie meter hoog.
wegen zijn daardoor onbegaanbaar.Tot nu
toe zijn 44 mensen die vastzaten in de
sneeuw gered.

Met vliegtuigen wordt bekeken of er nog
mensen of dieren in gevaar zijn.Sommige
vliegtuigen hebben infrarood-apparatuur
aan boord om het zoeken naar leven te
Thx to ondeugend.

Wat ze daar te veel hebben hebben we hier te weinig voor de tijd van het jaar.
  dinsdag 2 januari 2007 @ 00:25:03 #2
94451 SillyWalks
Ministry of Silly Walks
Midden VS? Waar dan? Is net dat ik zeg "er gebeurt iets ergens!"... dat komt toch ook niet in het nieuws?
Minister: lt's not particularly silly, is it? I mean, the right leg isn't silly at all and the left leg merely does a forward aerial half turn every alternate step.
Mr Pudey: Yes, but I think that with Government backing I could make it very silly.
  dinsdag 2 januari 2007 @ 00:26:20 #3
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Denver ligt al weken onder 'vuur' zeg maar.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
Wat hebben ze daar teveel dan? Van mij mogen ze van de 3 meter, 2,70 houden.
  dinsdag 2 januari 2007 @ 01:09:30 #5
143274 -skippybal-
Op dinsdag 2 januari 2007 00:06 schreef Drugshond het volgende:


Thx to ondeugend.

Wat ze daar te veel hebben hebben we hier te weinig voor de tijd van het jaar.
Wat we de laatste jaren hebben gehad is statistisch genoeg geweest voor de komende 70 jaar.
De laatste tijd was het gewoon héél extreem
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
  Moderator dinsdag 2 januari 2007 @ 08:27:09 #6
8781 crew  Frutsel
je zou haast een heel apart topic kunnen openen voor het weer in de VS.
Als je ziet wat voor verschillen daar zijn, overstromingen, hittegolven, sneeuwstormen, tornado's. Het lijkt daar elke week wel mis te zijn.

Metertje sneeuw zeg, wanneer krijgen wij dat eens
  Moderator dinsdag 2 januari 2007 @ 08:52:26 #7
8781 crew  Frutsel
Nog twee leuke plaatjes dan van hetzelfde gebied

  dinsdag 2 januari 2007 @ 13:40:45 #8
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Op sommige plekken is zo'n 20 feet gevallen, wat zo'n zes meter sneeuw is.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  dinsdag 2 januari 2007 @ 13:44:07 #9
143274 -skippybal-
Flink veel sneeuw sus ook in South Park
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
  woensdag 3 januari 2007 @ 12:16:32 #10
143274 -skippybal-
Foto's ergens uit uit Colorado (La Junta voor iemand die het kent):

Dikke chaos dus.
Check vooral die ene koe op de laatste foto die helemaal is weggezakt
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
  woensdag 3 januari 2007 @ 12:20:09 #11
89730 Drugshond
De Euro. Mislukt vanaf dag 1.
Ik denk dat ik dan toch liever geen sneeuw heb...
Is ook niet tof, zoveel dat je dak instort...
Steeds als ik tegen de lamp loop,
neem ik een stukje licht mee.
Knibbel, Knabbel etc met veel foto's! IV
  woensdag 3 januari 2007 @ 12:32:26 #13
143274 -skippybal-
Nog meer:

National Guard dropt nu voedsel, water en hooi voor de vastgesneeuwde mensen en hun vee.
Tijd geleden was er ook een blizzard waardoor duizenden stukken vee dood gingen


En door bevroren bovenleidingen zitten er ook tienduizenden zonder stroom:
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
  Moderator donderdag 4 januari 2007 @ 09:54:21 #14
8781 crew  Frutsel
LAMAR, Colo. — Ranchers, pilots and snowmobilers on Wednesday searched for thousands of cattle trapped by heavy snow and high drifts in Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico.

Eight Colorado National Guard helicopters and a C-130 cargo plane were dispatched in the state's campaign to save livestock herds snowed in by back-to-back holiday blizzards. Volunteer snowmobile search-and-rescue groups from elsewhere in the state joined the effort on the ground.

We think there are probably 30,000 head out there that are at risk that we're having to make sure we feed," said Maj. Gen. Mason Whitney of the Colorado Guard.

An undetermined number of cows died in southwestern Kansas. One feedlot owner in Haskell County, Kan., said he lost 450 cattle and 20 dairy cows.

"I don't know what we are going to do, how we are going to dispose of them," County Commissioner Gene Ochs said of the carcasses.

Emergency crews worked through the long weekend to rescue stranded motorists, evacuate people with health problems and deliver food, water and medicine to the region's snowbound residents.

Op woensdag 3 januari 2007 12:23 schreef Oblivion het volgende:
Ik denk dat ik dan toch liever geen sneeuw heb...
Is ook niet tof, zoveel dat je dak instort...
Denk dat de gebouwen hier wel sterker zijn over het algemeen.

Maar sneeuw is . Hoewel dit een beetje teveel van het goede is.
There are only two pains in life. The pain of discipline and the pain of regret.
  Moderator zondag 7 januari 2007 @ 00:15:15 #16
8781 crew  Frutsel
Avalanche buries Cars

A huge avalanche buried cars Saturday and may have pushed others over the edge on a highway near 11,307-foot-high Berthoud Pass, Colorado highway officials said.

"Our crews said it was the largest they have ever seen. It took three paths," said Stacey Stegman, spokeswoman for the Colorado Department of Transportation.

Eight people had been rescued and one was taken to a hospital, Stegman said.
The slide buried at least two cars, state Patrolman Eric Wynn told FOXNews.

Crews were probing the area for other vehicles, including any that may have gone off the road, Stegman said.

The avalanche was described as 100 feet wide and 15 feet deep.

Berthoud Pass is the main route to Winter Park, one of Colorado's largest ski areas.

The highway is completely closed at this time, and will remain closed for the rest of the day, Wynn confirmed.

Colorado was hammered Friday with its third snowstorm in as many weeks, complicating recovery efforts from back-to-back blizzards and raising fears that livestock losses would keep mounting.

The Denver area was blanketed with up to 8 inches of snow, while nearly a 1 foot fell in the foothills west of the city before the storm moved into New Mexico.

In Kansas, an estimated 60,000 people were still without power after more than a week, and between 6,000 to 10,000 customers remained in the dark in Nebraska, according to Nebraska Public Power District.

Crews in Colorado worked around the clock to clear roads so residents could get to stores for food and medicine. Several school districts canceled classes because winds gusts up to 30 mph had reduced visibility.


BF-2 mod ?
Hier nog wat meer foto's. Echt veel ijs.
Een nichterige moslim, is een Islamietje.[/b] H. Finkers
[b]Die met de hoogste percentages gaan het eerst.[/b] B. B.
| LastFM|
  maandag 8 januari 2007 @ 23:42:38 #19
115996 francorex
Earth stationary not spinning
Blizzard in Southeast May Have Been One of Worst in History click

January 7, 2007
The Denver Channel
gave foto's
//Jij bent een user waar er meer van zouden moeten zijn, zhe devilll // Ik dacht dat je schreef Hitler ofzo//Huillie is mine!
  maandag 8 januari 2007 @ 23:54:01 #21
115996 francorex
Earth stationary not spinning
Op donderdag 4 januari 2007 12:34 schreef Steenarend het volgende:


Denk dat de gebouwen hier wel sterker zijn over het algemeen.

Maar sneeuw is . Hoewel dit een beetje teveel van het goede is.
vorig jaar de sneeuw niet meegekregen?

maar erg gave foto's, ook al vind het vee wel zielig

  zondag 14 januari 2007 @ 18:47:02 #24
115996 francorex
Earth stationary not spinning
7 Deaths Blamed on Icy Midwest Storm click

Sunday January 14, 2007 8:16 AM


Associated Press Writer
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (AP) - A crippling winter storm lashed the central part of the nation with another blast of freezing rain, sleet and snow Saturday, causing widespread power outages and tying up highways and airports.
  zondag 14 januari 2007 @ 18:51:06 #25
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
't Blijft pittig weer in de 'Rockies', temperaturen van -20 tot -30 zijn geen uitzondering.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  Moderator zondag 14 januari 2007 @ 19:46:58 #26
8781 crew  Frutsel
Jep sprak net nog iemand uit Idaho, al dagen temperaturen van -17 tot -22
  zondag 14 januari 2007 @ 20:21:23 #27
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Freezing weather grips nation's midsection
115,000 homes without power; frigid temps reach California; 7 dead

Hoewel ik niet vies ben van een echte goede sneeuwstorm hoop je toch niet in aanraking te komen met een ijsstorm. Zelfs Texas en Californie krijgen het zwaar te verduren.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  Moderator zondag 14 januari 2007 @ 20:27:02 #28
8781 crew  Frutsel

Jan. 14: This satellite image shows cloud cover across the Southern Plains and into the Ohio Valley, dropping rain snow and ice throughout the region.

  zondag 14 januari 2007 @ 23:16:26 #29
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Van nu.nl:

Californie - Landbouwers vrezen gevolgen voor het citrusfruit. De oogst van sinaasappels, mandarijnen en citroenen vertegenwoordigt een waarde van bijna een miljard dollar.

oops, da's een pijnlijke tegenslag.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  Moderator maandag 15 januari 2007 @ 09:02:08 #30
8781 crew  Frutsel
Nog wat linkjes

Severe Weather Map USA --> http://www.weather.gov/view/largemap.php

NOAA Long Range Map USA --> http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.(...)/threats/threats.gif

[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door Frutsel op 15-01-2007 09:49:54 ]
  maandag 15 januari 2007 @ 09:46:59 #31
165624 Jodelaar
Wintersporter! uit ZH 079
Sneeuw in California Laat dat maar hier heen komen dan
Ski, Schnee & Schnaps!
  maandag 15 januari 2007 @ 11:31:09 #32
143274 -skippybal-
Als je dat allemaal op het nieuws ziet zou ik toch best balen als ik daar nou zit. IJsstormen met terwijl er geen stroom is en 2 cm ijs op allés ligt
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
  Moderator maandag 15 januari 2007 @ 11:33:57 #33
8781 crew  Frutsel
Op maandag 15 januari 2007 11:31 schreef -skippybal- het volgende:
Als je dat allemaal op het nieuws ziet zou ik toch best balen als ik daar nou zit. IJsstormen met terwijl er geen stroom is en 2 cm ijs op allés ligt
das nog altijd te weinig voor een elf-stedentocht
  maandag 15 januari 2007 @ 14:49:31 #34
165624 Jodelaar
Wintersporter! uit ZH 079
Op maandag 15 januari 2007 11:31 schreef -skippybal- het volgende:
Als je dat allemaal op het nieuws ziet zou ik toch best balen als ik daar nou zit. IJsstormen met terwijl er geen stroom is en 2 cm ijs op allés ligt
Stroom is wel klote natuurlijk.. Maar tog zou ik het wel een keer willen mee maken. Heb al veel sneeuw in Oostenrijk gezien. In 1998 was er in Oberstdorf +- 900 meter hoogte geen sneeuw.. Wij waren bang dat we voor de gek gehouden waren door de Hoteleigenaar. We rijden naar rond de 1300 meter en gelijk muren van sneeuw ( 5 - 6 meter ) dat zou ik hier ook wel willen zien, mja onmogelijk denk
Ski, Schnee & Schnaps!
  maandag 15 januari 2007 @ 14:57:52 #35
143274 -skippybal-
Een paar jaar geleden was er hier ook dat o-ver-al een centimeter ijzel lag.
Je kon toen dus gewoon niks doen he. Ik ging op de schaats via het fietspad naar school
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
  Moderator woensdag 17 januari 2007 @ 12:31:39 #36
8781 crew  Frutsel
McALESTER, Okla — Hundreds of people hunkered down in emergency shelters and thousands stuck it out in darkened homes after a winter storm that left 54 dead in nine states.

About 340,000 homes and businesses in several states were still without electricity late Tuesday after a storm that brought ice, snow, flooding and high winds to a swath of the country from Texas to Maine.

At the First Baptist Church in McAlester, Okla., where most of the city's 18,000 residents have lacked power for four days, residents huddled under blankets and in front of space heaters.

"If it wasn't for the shelter, I don't know where we'd be," said Tara Guzman, 38, while playing board games with her four children. "We're tough; we lasted when the power went out until (Monday). We brought mattresses out in the living room and cuddled."

Subfreezing temperatures were expected to continue in the state Wednesday, with little sunshine to aid in melting the ice until Thursday or Friday, said National Weather Service meteorologist Kevin Brown.

Gov. Brad Henry on Wednesday planned to visit McAlester and other hard-hit areas of Oklahoma, where 92,000 homes and businesses remained without power.

"I want to see the damage firsthand and make sure we are doing everything possible to help the people there," Henry said.

Josh and B.J. Medley elected to stay in their dark home on Tuesday, noting they had electrical generators, a gas stove and propane heaters. B.J. Medley also had $100 worth of groceries cooling on her front porch.

"It's hard to keep milk, because milk freezes and goes bad," she complained.

The storm had largely blown out of New England by Tuesday, but forecasters expected more freezing rain to hit parts of Texas on Wednesday night, said Dennis Cook of the National Weather Service's Austin-San Antonio office. Gusty winds were forecast to make the Northeast bone-chilling through Wednesday night before warming Thursday.

Eighty-five shelters across Missouri were expected to accommodate more than 3,600 people Tuesday night, according to the State Emergency Management Agency. About 163,000 homes and businesses still had no electricity.

In the town of Buffalo — population 2,800 — nearly all stores, gas stations and restaurants were closed Tuesday.

"There are no services," Mayor Jerry Hardesty said. "I've talked to residents who have lived here 50 years and nobody can remember it ever being this bad."

The town lost all its power by Saturday. Water towers ran dry Sunday, and water service was restored only late Monday, after the National Guard hooked a generator up to a pumping station.

On Tuesday, ice, sleet and snow forced Texas officials to move the governor's inauguration ceremony indoors for the first time in five decades. Gov. Rick Perry's inaugural parade was canceled and part of Interstate 35 near the University of Texas campus was shut down.

Numerous schools and universities, as well as some local and state government offices, were also closed across the region.

Waves of freezing rain, sleet and snow since Friday have been blamed for at least 20 deaths in Oklahoma, nine in Missouri, eight in Iowa, four in New York, five in Texas, three in Michigan, three in Arkansas and one each in Maine and Indiana.

Elsewhere, Washington state's Puget Sound area, known for drizzle rather than its recent freezing weather, was hit by another round of snow Tuesday, snarling traffic and closing schools for more than 380,000 students. The Oregon Legislature delayed hearings and sessions until afternoon because of the weather.

In California, three nights of freezing weather have destroyed up to three-quarters of the state's $1 billion citrus crop, prompting Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to ask the federal government on Tuesday for disaster aid. Other crops, including avocados and strawberries, also suffered damage.

"This is not just about the crop this year. It could also have a devastating effect next year," Schwarzenegger said.

  Moderator woensdag 17 januari 2007 @ 12:33:25 #37
8781 crew  Frutsel
  woensdag 17 januari 2007 @ 12:43:34 #38
89730 Drugshond
De Euro. Mislukt vanaf dag 1.
  donderdag 18 januari 2007 @ 00:35:19 #39
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Vooral juist in het zuidwesten is het bizar weer: Texas en Californie krijgen er goed van langs.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (AP) -- The latest in a series of icy storms blamed for at least 65 deaths in nine states spread snow and freezing rain across Texas all the way to the Mexican border Wednesday, closing the Alamo, glazing freeways and immobilizing communities unaccustomed to such cold.

Accumulations were light by many regions' standards -- the Dallas area topped out at a half-inch of snow, and more than 3 inches piled up west of Fort Worth. But hundreds of flights were canceled, tens of thousands of customers lost electricity and a 300-mile stretch of Interstate 10, a major east-west artery, was closed.

Marc and Courtney Unger, visiting San Antonio with their 3- and 7-year-old boys from Tallahassee, Florida, found most of their plans wrecked by the cold weather and closed attractions. The Alamo shut down for the morning but reopened at noon.

Instead of visiting the Children's Museum or Sea World, the boys amused themselves knocking icicles off signs and benches.

"We're very disappointed it didn't go those few extra degrees colder for snow," Marc Unger said, laughing.

Storms nationwide since Friday have abruptly ended what had been an unseasonably mild winter in many areas, plunging hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses into icy darkness, many for days. Ten deaths were blamed on the storm in Texas. (Watch the many ways ice is creating havoc )

In Oklahoma, the ice storm killed at least 23 people, most in auto accidents, and about 75,000 customers in eastern Oklahoma remained without power.

In the mountains north of Los Angeles, California, a sudden snowstorm brought traffic to a halt on busy Interstate 5. Snow mixed with hail also fell at lower elevations of northern Los Angeles County, leaving some neighborhoods with rare coatings of white.

California already had been suffering from an unusual cold snap that threatened many of its winter crops and wiped out most of its citrus.

In Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, roads were largely empty Wednesday morning. Motorists unaccustomed to driving on ice took the day off after waking up to light snow, trees sagging with ice- and icicle-draped cars.

Many schools closed for the day or opened late. (Watch large chunks of ice fall off house )

Freezing rain and sleet were reported in Laredo and other communities along the Mexican border. In Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, across the border from El Paso, icicles hung from famous fountains and other landmarks.

Tree limbs laden with ice snapped and brought down electrical lines in the San Antonio area, where as many 65,000 customers lost power at the height of the storm late Tuesday.

More than 350 flights out of Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, San Antonio and Austin were canceled as officials worked to de-ice runways.

About 50 motorists were stranded at a convention center in Ozona. The jailhouse lent blankets and pillows to the emergency shelter.

"They have air mattresses and cots for everybody -- and pizza and doughnuts," said Joe Stokhaug, at the shelter with his pregnant wife.

In addition to the fatalities in Oklahoma and Texas, the storm was blamed for 11 deaths in Missouri, eight in Iowa, four each in New York and Michigan, three in Arkansas and one each in Maine and Indiana.

In Missouri, more than 120,000 homes and businesses were still waiting for power to be restored, but some residents were told the work could take several more days.

More than 3,600 people sought relief from the cold at 85 shelters throughout the state.
  donderdag 18 januari 2007 @ 14:17:33 #41
115996 francorex
Earth stationary not spinning
  donderdag 18 januari 2007 @ 18:13:28 #43
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Hier in Michigan valt het nog mee in vergelijking met het midwesten, de mensen zijn hier wel wat gewend ook. Je ziet hier eigenlijk geen verkeerschaos als het sneeuwt of stormt.

Wel grappig om te zien dat er nu ook sneeuwscooters als vervoermiddel gebruikt worden. Of het legaal is weet ik niet, ze rijden wel zonder kenteken. Ook zie je mensen die langlaufend naar hun werk gaan. Toch zijn veel scholen gisteren en vandaag dicht.

Als het echt heftig wordt blijf ik gewoon thuis.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  Moderator maandag 22 januari 2007 @ 12:07:25 #44
8781 crew  Frutsel
DENVER, Colorado (AP) -- The latest in a series of winter storms battered Colorado on Sunday, dumping several inches of snow and whipping up strong wind that created whiteout conditions on the state's eastern plains.

Accidents caused by blowing snow and icy roads closed southbound Interstate 25 near Fort Collins for two hours Sunday morning. State Patrol Master Trooper Ron Watkins said no injuries were reported.

Wind up to 60 mph piled the snow into drifts as high as 3 feet in parts of the state, the National Weather Service said.

Meanwhile, a plane in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with 104 people on board skidded off a runway in snowy weather Sunday after the Northwest Airlines crew aborted the flight as it began accelerating for takeoff, airline officials said.

No serious injuries were reported in the late-morning incident.

The crew of Flight 1726 bound from Milwaukee to Detroit, Michigan, "opted to discontinue its takeoff due to an engine problem," an airline statement said.

The plane came to a stop off the runway surface, the statement said.

The plane skidded when the pilot applied the brakes, said Pat Rowe, spokeswoman for General Mitchell International Airport.

A blizzard warning was in effect for much of eastern and northeastern Colorado, and the State Patrol advised against unnecessary travel.

The stormy weather in Colorado followed closely on the heels of a storm that spread heavy snow across parts of the Plains on Saturday, limiting visibility and creating hazardous driving conditions.

That storm was blamed for at least eight traffic deaths: four in Nebraska, three in Kansas and one in Oklahoma

The Plains storm spared much of Oklahoma from heavy snow, but utilities reported about 30,000 homes and business were still without power Sunday because of an ice storm one week earlier.

"We're coming down to what we expect to be very near the end of the restoration process," said Stan Whiteford, a spokesman for Public Service Company of Oklahoma, which reported about 4,000 customers still blacked out, mostly in the McAlester area. "We think we're going to be pretty close to wrapping things up."

[ Bericht 9% gewijzigd door Frutsel op 22-01-2007 12:11:53 (foto\'s toegevoegd) ]
pff.. ik was allang uitgestapt.. je houdt de auto toch niet meer tegen.. dan maar ff springen, iig geen persoonlijke ongelukken..
  Moderator maandag 22 januari 2007 @ 13:27:30 #46
8781 crew  Frutsel
Op maandag 22 januari 2007 13:26 schreef addie het volgende:


pff.. ik was allang uitgestapt.. je houdt de auto toch niet meer tegen.. dan maar ff springen, iig geen persoonlijke ongelukken..
je hoort iemand ook nog roepen " GET OOOUTTT "
Op maandag 22 januari 2007 13:27 schreef Frutsel het volgende:


je hoort iemand ook nog roepen " GET OOOUTTT "
volgens mij hoor je halverwege ook nog help, maar dat kan mijn verbeelding zijn
  Moderator vrijdag 26 januari 2007 @ 08:52:51 #48
8781 crew  Frutsel
ERIE, Pa — About 50 vehicles, including an ambulance, were involved in a massive chain-reaction crash on Interstate 90 under whiteout conditions Thursday, leaving one person dead, officials said.

Police closed I-90 in both directions over an approximately 10-mile section east of Erie to the New York border after the 12:45 p.m. accident. The highway remained closed Thursday night and authorities did not know when it would reopen, state police spokesman Cpl. Mark Zaleski said.

Among the vehicles involved were 22 tractor-trailers, he said.

Several tanker trucks were involved and a hazardous materials crew was dispatched to the scene, but the trucks were not damaged and remained upright, said Maria Finn, a spokeswoman for thePennsylvania Emergency Management Agency.

One person was killed, Zaleski said. Authorities were not releasing the person's information. Investigators are trying to determine whether the person died when he was thrown from a vehicle or pinned between two, Zaleski said.

A number of people sustained minor injuries, Finn said.

Police also closed southbound lanes of I-79 for several hours because of accidents south of Erie.

Doctors from St. Vincent Health Center in Erie were dispatched to help emergency crews treat victims and free them from wrecked cars on I-90, hospital spokeswoman Cyndy Patton said.

"We sent one of our emergency room physicians along with a trauma surgeon from Hamot (Medical Center) up to the scene," Patton said. "It's more to assist in extrication. They're just having trouble because of the pileup getting ambulances in and out of there."

St. Vincent and Hamot said they had a total of seven injured people from the I-90 accident plus two from crashes on Interstate 79. None of the injuries appeared to be life-threatening.

Lucia Conti, a spokeswoman for Hamot Medical Center in Erie, said she expected the hospital would get as many as three more patients.

Ann Bloxdorf, deputy director of public safety for Erie County, said the I-90 accident occurred between the Wesleyville and Harborcreek exits, just east of Erie.

"I know there are evacuation efforts under way for stranded motorists to some warming shelters nearby," she said.

Zaleski said one vehicle in the crash was an ambulance carrying patients.

Snow was falling across western Pennsylvania at the time. Erie was expected to get up to 6 inches by late evening and possibly more overnight, according to the National Weather Service.
  woensdag 31 januari 2007 @ 00:31:20 #49
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Geen schokkende verhalen vanuit Michigan maar dit weekend wordt het wel zo'n -20 graden. En heel veel sneeuw verwacht.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  Moderator woensdag 7 februari 2007 @ 21:32:45 #50
8781 crew  Frutsel
CHARLESTON, W.Va. - Blowing snow and intense cold was blamed for two more deaths on Wednesday — a total of 13 nationwide since the cold settled in — and kept schools closed for a second day and in some cases a third across much of Ohio and West Virginia.

The arctic weather disrupted flights from Chicago to the Northeast on Tuesday, leaving some travelers to camp out in airports overnight. Slick roads led to huge chain-reaction traffic accidents, and schools have been closed in places from Minnesota to upstate New York.

There was some relief Wednesday in the Great Lakes region.

Chicago woke up to temperatures around zero with a wind chill of 14 below zero — an improvement over its minus-30 wind chill Monday. The area was expected to rebound into the low 20s by the end of the week, National Weather Service meteorologist Tim Seeley said Tuesday.

The cold air returned to the northern Plains, where Hallock, Minn., had a temperature of 27 below zero early Wednesday, the weather service reported.

Five feet of snow in places
Residents of upstate New York were digging out from lake-effect squalls that dumped more than 5 feet of snow over a two-day period at the eastern end of Lake Ontario. The weather service reported 62 inches of snow at Oswego, 35 miles north of Syracuse.

In addition, ferry service was suspended on the Hudson River in upstate New York because the water began freezing over.

Despite the snow, most schools in Oswego County were back in session Wednesday. Meteorologists said some areas in the New York lake-effect snow belt could collect more than 100 inches before the system breaks up, which isn’t expected until at least the weekend.

In Ohio, snow and ice had not been removed from most residential streets in Columbus and Cincinnati, and nearly all schools in those areas were closed Wednesday. Most Cleveland schools were closed for a third straight day.

“We had a couple hundred passengers spend the night at the airport because all the hotel rooms in the area were taken, not just because of canceled flights but because highway travel was virtually impossible,” said Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport spokesman Ted Bushelman.

Elsewhere, Chicago city crews responded to more than 1,000 reports of frozen pipes Tuesday, said Department of Water Management spokesman Tom LaPorte. The cold also hampered firefighting efforts because emergency workers had to use propane torches to thaw frozen hydrants.

More than 140 flights were canceled at O’Hare International Airport, which reported average delays of 45 to 90 minutes for all arrivals and departures Tuesday night, city aviation department spokeswoman Wendy Abrams said.

“When the snow started falling it impacted visibility,” Abrams said. “That combined with deicing delays have slowed our operations at both airports.”


CHARLESTON, West Virginia (AP) -- Blowing snow and intense cold blamed for 11 deaths across the country kept schools closed Wednesday across much of West Virginia, where temperatures have been at their lowest in more than a decade.

The arctic weather disrupted flights from Chicago to the Northeast on Tuesday, shut down some Amtrak service and caused huge chain-reaction traffic accidents. Schools also have been closed in places from Minnesota to upstate New York.

There was some relief Wednesday in the Great Lakes region.

Chicago woke up to temperatures around zero with a wind chill of 14 below zero -- an improvement over its minus-30 wind chill on Monday. The area was expected to rebound into the low 20s by the end of the week, National Weather Service meteorologist Tim Seeley said Tuesday.

The cold air returned to the northern Plains, where Hallock, Minnesota, had a temperature of 27 below zero early Wednesday, the weather service reported.

Residents of upstate New York were digging out from lake-effect squalls that dumped more than 5 feet of snow over a two-day period at the eastern end of Lake Ontario. The weather service reported 62 inches of snow at Oswego, 35 miles north of Syracuse.

Despite the snow, most schools in Oswego County were back in session Wednesday. Meteorologists said some areas in the New York lake-effect snow belt could collect more than 100 inches before the system breaks up, which isn't expected until at least the weekend.

In West Virginia, however, schools were closed or had delayed openings in parts of all 55 counties Wednesday. The state's snowfall ranged up to 7 inches at White Oak, the weather service said.

"It was the perfect storm," said Joe Stevens, spokesman for the West Virginia Ski Areas Association. "Over 4 feet of snow has fallen since the middle of January, which has really turned the situation around for the resorts that were experiencing ... above normal temperatures earlier in the season."

Tuesday brought the coldest readings across West Virginia since February 5, 1996, when several records were set or tied for February, the weather service said.

The mountain city of Elkins fell to 16 below zero Tuesday, tying the record for February 6, set in 1979, and the state capitol of Charleston had a record low of 1 below, the weather service said.

Elsewhere, Chicago city crews responded to more than 1,000 reports of frozen pipes Tuesday, said Department of Water Management spokesman Tom LaPorte. The cold also hampered firefighting efforts because emergency workers had to use propane torches to thaw frozen hydrants.

More than 140 flights were canceled at O'Hare International Airport, which reported average delays of 45 to 90 minutes for all arrivals and departures Tuesday night, city aviation department spokeswoman Wendy Abrams said.

"When the snow started falling it impacted visibility," Abrams said. "That combined with deicing delays have slowed our operations at both airports."

Minnesota police reported 290 crashes during rush-hour traffic Tuesday. New York state troopers closed a section of Interstate 81 east of Oswego for an hour to remove cars and trucks that went off the road when blowing snow reduced visibility to zero. Ferry services across the Hudson River in upstate New York were suspended because the river began freezing over.

The cold and slippery roads had contributed to at least two deaths in Illinois, two deaths in Kentucky, two in Michigan, two in Ohio, and one each in Wisconsin, Maryland and Indiana, authorities said.
  woensdag 7 februari 2007 @ 21:42:12 #51
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Op woensdag 7 februari 2007 21:32 schreef Frutsel het volgende:

There was some relief Wednesday in the Great Lakes region.
Well that was about fuckin' time.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
OSWEGO, New York (AP) -- While the northern Plains and Northeast shiver in dangerously cold temperatures, the folks in upstate New York are keeping warm shoveling snow -- lots of snow.

Since Sunday, the small towns of Parish and Mexico have recorded more than 6 feet of snow, and forecasters with the National Weather Service say it isn't over yet.

Another 2 feet or more of heavy lake-effect snow was expected Thursday for the communities along eastern Lake Ontario, and more squalls are likely through the weekend

We're just trying to keep up. It's almost an unreal amount," said Mayor Randy Bateman of Oswego, where 70 inches of snow had fallen by Thursday morning. "We catch up when it stops, but then it just comes again, even heavier."

Five inches per hour
Whiteout conditions -- the snow has been falling at a rate of 5 inches an hour at times -- forced state police to temporarily close Interstate 81 between Central Square and Pulaski, a stretch of about 15 miles.

Travel advisories against unnecessary travel were posted for Oswego and its neighboring counties. Mexico officials renewed a snow emergency declaration, and many government offices were closed.

Schools were closed for a fourth day in Oswego and Mexico.

Bron CNN: Volledige Artikel --> http://edition.cnn.com/20(...)eather.ap/index.html
(ook leuk videootje van al die sneeuw , en wij klagen al bij 20 centimeter )
  Moderator zondag 11 februari 2007 @ 13:57:44 #53
8781 crew  Frutsel
Het noorden van de Verenigde Staten heeft sinds meer dan een week last van bittere kou en verijsde wegen, waardoor al twintig mensen het leven hebben verloren. Maar de meest winterse aanblik toont ongetwijfeld Oswego County in de staat New York. Het district is bedekt onder een 2,5 meter dikke laag sneeuw

Donderdag viel in Oswego County zeven centimeter sneeuw per uur en er is meer sneeuw op komst. De gouverneur heeft de noodtoestand uitgeroepen en alle niet strikt noodzakelijke verkeer is verboden.

"Het was leuk toen het begon, want we hadden in december en januari helemaal geen sneeuw gehad", zei de burgemeester. (novum)

PARISH, New York — With more than 8 feet of snow already coating the ground, it wasn't good news for this winter-weary region when the blue sky turned gray Saturday, signaling another intense snow squall was about to dump some more.

"This is bad," said 67-year-old Dave DeGrau, who has operated an auto repair shop on Main Street for 45 years. "We had a very easy winter until now. Last fall during hunting season it rained every time I went out. I kept saying 'I'm glad this isn't snow.' Now, it's snow."

Persistent bands of lake-effect snow squalls fed by moisture from Lake Ontario have been swinging up and down this part of central New York along the lake's eastern shore since last Sunday.

The National Weather Service said Parish — about 25 miles northeast of Syracuse — reached a milestone early Saturday with 100 inches of snow during the past seven days. Late Saturday, the total had risen to 110 inches. Unofficial reports pegged totals at 123 inches in Orwell and 122 in Redfield, but those measurements include snow from another storm a couple of days before the current weather system. All three towns are in Oswego County.

A warning in effect until Monday morning said 2 to 4 more feet of snow was possible with wind gusting up to 24 mph.

"That's all we need," Mike Avery said as he took a brief break from loading dump trucks with snow to be hauled to a pile outside town. "It's getting monotonous."

The fluffy new snow was a magnet for snowmobilers, but stopping was out of the question.

"You can't stop or you're done," said Dan Hojnacki, 23, of Syracuse, after he ground to a halt in a field. "I never got stuck until today, and I've been snowmobiling for 10 years."

Residents of the nearby town of Mexico see 5- to 6-foot snowfalls every two or three years, but this time even hardened locals are amazed. The only sign of parked SUVs are their radio antennas or roof racks sticking up above the snow. Front doors are buried and footprints lead to second-story windows. Sidewalks that have been dug out look like miniature canyons.

The state transportation department said 125 workers from elsewhere in the state had been sent in with snow equipment to help.

The region is located along the Tug Hill Plateau, the snowiest region this side of the Rocky Mountains. It's a 50-mile wedge of land that rises 2,100 feet from the eastern shore of Lake Ontario. It usually gets about 300 inches — roughly 25 feet — of snow a year.

The hamlet of Hooker, near the boundaries of Jefferson, Lewis, and Oswego counties, holds the state's one-year record with 466.9 inches, about 39 feet, in the winter of 1976-77.

Still, less than a month ago it seemed more like spring.
Gosh, three weeks ago there was green on the ground. We got spoiled,"
Parish Mayor Leon Heagle said. "This just came fast. This is not normal. God, we can't catch a break. I feel like getting right in the car and driving south, but I'd probably get in trouble."

[ Bericht 2% gewijzigd door Frutsel op 13-02-2007 12:59:46 ]
  zondag 11 februari 2007 @ 14:57:12 #54
89730 Drugshond
De Euro. Mislukt vanaf dag 1.
"Het was leuk toen het begon, want we hadden in december en januari helemaal geen sneeuw gehad", zei de burgemeester. (novum)
  Moderator zondag 11 februari 2007 @ 14:57:53 #55
8781 crew  Frutsel
Toch lijkt me dit wel eens een keer wat voor ons landje... gewooon 1 meter...
Het hele land gaat plat... en we zeiken nooit weer bij 20 cm
Op zondag 11 februari 2007 14:57 schreef Frutsel het volgende:
Toch lijkt me dit wel eens een keer wat voor ons landje... gewooon 1 meter...
Het hele land gaat plat... en we zeiken nooit weer bij 20 cm
We zeiken tegenwoordig al over 2 cm
There are only two pains in life. The pain of discipline and the pain of regret.
  zondag 11 februari 2007 @ 15:46:09 #57
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Ze zullen ten oosten van The Great Lakes wel erg blij zijn ja.

Vooral Lake Ontario was deze keer de boosdoener.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.

142 inch = 361cm. Sneeuwval met 13cm per uur.
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
Trouwens, ik was vorig jaar rond deze tijd in het Bayerische Wald. Daar was ook een "schneekatastrophe". Daar lag in sommige dorpen ook 2,5 meter sneeuw, met name rond de Großer Arber. Echt gaaf was dat.
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
Vorig jaar: Bodenmais, Bayerischer Wald, Zuidoost Duitsland:
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
  Moderator dinsdag 13 februari 2007 @ 12:51:58 #61
8781 crew  Frutsel
REDFIELD, New York (AP) -- The lake-effect squalls that have buried parts of upstate New York in nearly 12 feet of snow finally ended Monday, leaving road crews with the task of clearing snow piled as high as street signs.

The squalls pushed along the shore of eastern Lake Ontario, leaving behind up to three inches of new snow before tapering off.

Forecasters warned that another storm system was on the way.

Redfield received 11 feet, 9 inches of snow, but residents were unfazed in a community where the economy thrives on snowmobilers and cross-country skiers. The area receives an annual average of more than 22 feet.

"It's not really anything we'll get excited about," Town Clerk Elaine Verdon said. "It's not an unusual amount. It's just unusual that it fell in such a short period of time."

The town of Parish received 10 feet, while nearly 9 feet fell in the communities of Mexico and Osceola.

A winter storm watch was posted in all of western and central New York for Tuesday night and Wednesday as a new storm approached from the Midwest.

Forecasters said it could bring 8 to 20 inches of snow to upstate New York.

"Unfortunately, they're not going to get much of a breather," said Tom Niziol, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Buffalo.

In Redfield, officials don't have to worry about snow removal.

"Out here, we'll just leave it in piles and wait for it to melt. It's not like a city where it would be in someone's way," Verdon said.

But for larger communities, clearing the snow is more of a challenge. State officials have given some highway departments permission to dump the snow in open water if necessary. Other towns haul it to a central location.

"There's just too much snow to leave in place. It makes it dangerous to walk and to drive," said Oswego Mayor Randy Bateman.

In Oswego, which received 85 inches, the city carts snow to a two-acre reservoir, where it's piled into one big mound. Last year, the pile did not entirely melt until July.

"With all the snow we've gotten, that snow mound might be there all summer into next winter," Bateman quipped.

en dan nog even een zoekplaatje.. Zoek de auto

  dinsdag 13 februari 2007 @ 13:51:41 #62
167723 sanni
Acima de seu
Wat ik nou niet begrijp he is dat de VS over de meeste geavanceerde technologie
van de wereld beschikt als we praten over kennis en militair materieel en toch staan
ze met regelmaat in hun hemd als het gaat om de meest simpele logistieke zaken.
Is het nou pure onwil of gewoon luiheid/gemak of simpelweg nonchalance?.
neem al hun electricteits-netwerk,in NL is alles onder de grond,in de VS boven
de grond met alle gevolgen van dien dus.
  dinsdag 13 februari 2007 @ 13:58:42 #63
45206 Pietverdriet
Ik wou dat ik een ijsbeer was.
Wat nou global warming
In Baden-Badener Badeseen kann man Baden-Badener baden sehen.
Geweldig zeg.
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
And Prince is still here!
  dinsdag 13 februari 2007 @ 17:33:25 #66
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Op dinsdag 13 februari 2007 13:51 schreef sanni het volgende:
Wat ik nou niet begrijp he is dat de VS over de meeste geavanceerde technologie
van de wereld beschikt als we praten over kennis en militair materieel en toch staan
ze met regelmaat in hun hemd als het gaat om de meest simpele logistieke zaken.
Is het nou pure onwil of gewoon luiheid/gemak of simpelweg nonchalance?.
neem al hun electricteits-netwerk,in NL is alles onder de grond,in de VS boven
de grond met alle gevolgen van dien dus.
Ben je zelf wel eens aangenaam verrast door twee meter sneeuw in een paar dagen?

En bij nieuwbouw ligt alle bekabeling trouwens onder de grond, de oudere wijken hebben inderdaad nog kabels boven de grond.

Maar goed, ik begrijp dat je deze extreme situaties niet kent.
Praten over logistiek als de ene blizzard na de andere met -40C over je heen komt.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
Op dinsdag 13 februari 2007 17:33 schreef popolon het volgende:

Praten over logistiek als de ene blizzard na de andere met -40C over je heen komt.
Valt me idd nog mee dat de post het nog doet, en de winkels nog open zijn

In Nederland stopt dat al bij 50cm sneeuw.
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
  woensdag 14 februari 2007 @ 16:23:42 #68
34586 kepler
No bounce, no play
Op dinsdag 13 februari 2007 13:51 schreef sanni het volgende:
Wat ik nou niet begrijp he is dat de VS over de meeste geavanceerde technologie
van de wereld beschikt als we praten over kennis en militair materieel en toch staan
ze met regelmaat in hun hemd als het gaat om de meest simpele logistieke zaken.
Is het nou pure onwil of gewoon luiheid/gemak of simpelweg nonchalance?.
neem al hun electricteits-netwerk,in NL is alles onder de grond,in de VS boven
de grond met alle gevolgen van dien dus.

3 meter sneeuw is niet met logistiek op te lossen hoor
The line is a dot to you!
  woensdag 14 februari 2007 @ 16:38:29 #69
165624 Jodelaar
Wintersporter! uit ZH 079
breng 7 cm van die sneeuw hier heen en nederland heeft weer een weeralarm
Ski, Schnee & Schnaps!
Even rechtstreeks ooggetuigenverslag uit de VS (Columbus Ohio): het sneeuwt en ijzelt hier sinds gisteren; inmiddels ligt er zo'n 30 cm sneeuw. De universiteit was gisteren en vandaag gesloten en er vliegen vrijwel geen vliegtuigen meer. Op straat was iedereen bezig sneeuw te scheppen en auto's te ontdooien. Maar de sneeuw ligt nog niet zo hoog dat er geen auto's meer kunnen rijden, hoewel het wel erg rustig is op straat.
Hopelijk is alles de 23e weer enigszins normaal, want ik heb voor dan een weekendje New York geboekt
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.
(Nu.NL) WASHINGTON/NEW YORK - Zware sneeuwstormen hebben woensdag in het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten chaos veroorzaakt. In de hoofdstad Washington moesten de twee belangrijkste luchthavens sluiten. Op de drie grote vliegvelden van New York werden honderden vluchten uit voorzorg geschrapt.

Talrijke scholen in het getroffen gebied gingen niet open. Automobilisten die zich op de ondergesneeuwde wegen waagden, bleven in lange files steken.


Vanwege de storm worden vele Valentijnskado's te laat of zelfs helemaal niet geleverd. "De mensen moeten begrijpen dat als wij nu de straat op gaan om de bestellingen af te leveren, we grote kans lopen deze barre weersomstandigheden niet te overleven."
  donderdag 15 februari 2007 @ 01:59:30 #73
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Op donderdag 15 februari 2007 01:51 schreef indahnesia.com het volgende:
Huppakee, weg Valentijn
Kijk, dat is dan niet zo erg.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
Op zondag 14 januari 2007 23:16 schreef popolon het volgende:
Van nu.nl:

Californie - Landbouwers vrezen gevolgen voor het citrusfruit. De oogst van sinaasappels, mandarijnen en citroenen vertegenwoordigt een waarde van bijna een miljard dollar.

oops, da's een pijnlijke tegenslag.
Als er zo'n laagje ijs op zit, werkt dat juist beschermend...

Als er in Nederland een late vorstperiode is, besproeien ze de bloesems van de fruitbomen, zodat zich er een laagje ijs op vormt... Op die manier blijft het beschermd tegen hevige vorst en koude wind. Maar ik weet niet of dat ook goed werkt op de vruchten...
Bestiality sure is a fun thing to do. But I have to say this as a warning to you:
With almost all animals you can have a ball, but the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.
Op donderdag 15 februari 2007 01:59 schreef popolon het volgende:


Kijk, dat is dan niet zo erg.
maar daar wordt de sneeuw niet minder op ook
  donderdag 15 februari 2007 @ 10:12:17 #76
61660 Lariekoek
Zo, jij bent echt grappig.
la·rie·koek (de ~ (m.)) 1 onzin
Kut voor hun maar het ziet er wel prachtig uit
damn, net bij RTL 4 Nieuws, horror-video vanuit een politieauto...hoe een vrachtwagen door de gladheid recht op de politiewagen inramt...

Es kijken of ik die ergens kan vinden

UPDATE: Jep, hier staat de link ---> Eerst linkje aanklikken in het artikel van CNN


[ Bericht 33% gewijzigd door Frutsel op 15-02-2007 18:36:06 ]
NORTHFIELD, Ohio (AP) -- A killer snow and ice storm that hit the Midwest and Northeast left behind huge snow piles, frigid temperatures, and highway logjams Thursday.

The storm was blamed for at least 14 deaths.

In Pennsylvania, National Guard vehicles loaded with food, water, baby supplies and fuel delivered help to hundreds of motorists stranded on Interstate 78 Wednesday night and Thursday morning while crews try clear up a 50-mile backup on the icy, hilly highway.

The Guard began helping the motorists at about 9 p.m. Wednesday and was still at more than 12 hours later, said Lt. Col. Chris Cleaver, a Guard spokesman.

Utilities reported more than 90,000 homes and businesses without electricity early Thursday in Ohio, Maryland, northern Virginia, the District of Columbia and Delaware because of high wind and iced-up power lines.

The storm hit Wednesday, leaving up to 12 inches of snow across Pennsylvania, 15 inches in Cleveland, 19 inches in western Massachusetts and 42 inches in the southern Adirondacks in New York. Three feet of snow fell on parts of Vermont, good news for the state's beleaguered ski industry. Nearly 2 feet fell on parts of New Hampshire

In parts of the Northeast, the snow was followed by up to several inches of ice, leaving motorists with a slippery commute Thursday morning. That is, if they could free their ice-entombed cars. And with gusty wind, some areas had morning wind chills below zero.

"You can't even shovel it," said Wes Velker, an electrician who had to dig out from a foot of snow so he could go to work fixing busted water pipes and furnaces in Toledo, Ohio. "You have to take it off in layers."

In Vermont, 25.7 inches fell Wednesday at Burlington International Airport, the second-highest snowfall ever. That led the founder of Burton Snowboards in Burlington to give employees the day off Thursday.

"Nothing makes me happier than giving the people who work here the opportunity to experience the essence of a sport that they are making accessible and fun for so many others," Jake Burton said.

Many school districts, including many across upstate New York, that had canceled classes Wednesday extended the unplanned vacation by an extra day

NEW YORK — JetBlue Airways Corp. (JBLU) tried to calm a maelstrom of criticism Thursday, after passengers were left waiting on planes at a New York airport for as long as nine hours during a snow and ice storm.

The airline said 10 incoming and outbound flights at John F. Kennedy International Airport were "significantly delayed" with customers on board during Wednesday's storm. Reasons included congestion, frozen equipment and an effort to keep planes ready to go in case the weather broke, said JetBlue spokesman Bryan Baldwin.

Calling the delays "unacceptable," the airline planned to offer the affected passengers refunds and free flights.
  donderdag 15 februari 2007 @ 18:39:59 #80
143274 -skippybal-
Die eerste foto

Alsof je kijkt vanuit een heli op de grote sneeuwvlakte, maar dan is het een motorkap
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
Op donderdag 15 februari 2007 18:39 schreef -skippybal- het volgende:
Die eerste foto
Filmpje bekeken?
42 inches in the southern Adirondacks in New York.
Ligt daar nu dan 176 inch? (=447cm )
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
  donderdag 15 februari 2007 @ 18:42:14 #83
143274 -skippybal-
Op donderdag 15 februari 2007 18:40 schreef Frutsel het volgende:


Filmpje bekeken?
Ja zag het vanochtend al op het NOS journaal. Die met die Fed Ex truck met dubbele aanhanger die met bizar hoge snelheid slippend aan komt glijden toch?
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
Op donderdag 15 februari 2007 18:41 schreef highway101 het volgende:


Ligt daar nu dan 176 inch? (=447cm )
jep..in sommige delen is daar zoveel gevallen
en het einde is nog niet in zicht
Op donderdag 15 februari 2007 18:42 schreef -skippybal- het volgende:


Ja zag het vanochtend al op het NOS journaal. Die met die Fed Ex truck met dubbele aanhanger die met bizar hoge snelheid slippend aan komt glijden toch?

jezus wat een klap zeg!
  donderdag 15 februari 2007 @ 18:46:22 #85
143274 -skippybal-
Op donderdag 15 februari 2007 18:43 schreef Frutsel het volgende:


jezus wat een klap zeg!
Hoe die ook die andere auto gewoon helemaal meeneemt. Echt scary als je daarin zit en je op een stilstaande patrolcar aan het glijden bent
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
In Redfield zou nu minstens 415cm liggen. Misschien in andere plaatsen nog meer.
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
  Moderator vrijdag 23 februari 2007 @ 20:32:02 #87
8781 crew  Frutsel
ik wilde deze prachtige foto toch nog even hier laten zien...

After a late-winter snow and ice storm, the clouds over the Northeast United States cleared on February 19, 2007, affording the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite this stunning view of the brown and white landscape. Snow stretches from Maine to Virginia, highlighting the curving folds of the Appalachian Mountains, branch-like rivers and streams, and the solid white smoothness of frozen lakes. Beautiful though the snow is, it trapped hundreds of motorists in eastern Pennsylvania, shut down some air and train travel, closed businesses and schools, triggered power outages, and caused 15 deaths, reported CNN on February 15.
Mooi! Iemand nog recente sneeuwhoogtes van die dorpen in upstate New York?
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
  vrijdag 23 februari 2007 @ 21:21:43 #89
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
't Dooit sinds een paar dagen in de Great Lakes regionen.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  Moderator zondag 25 februari 2007 @ 14:19:36 #90
8781 crew  Frutsel
Huge Winter Storm heads East

DETROIT Feb 25, 2007 (AP)— A huge winter storm barreled toward the East Coast on Sunday after dumping more than a foot of snow on the Upper Midwest, causing seven traffic deaths in Wisconsin and closing major highways in the Plains.

Parts of Wisconsin could get 18 to 24 inches of snow before the storm passes, said Tom Zajdel, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Sullivan, Wis.

The storm knocked out power to more than 100,000 customers, mostly in Iowa, where freezing rain coated trees and power lines. Outages were also reported in Oklahoma, Nebraska and Ohio.

"The snow is so wet it's sticking to power poles and power lines," said Bill Taylor of the National Weather Service office in North Platte, Neb.

Snow, sleet and freezing rain caused hundreds of flights to be canceled or delayed Saturday in Chicago, Minneapolis and Milwaukee, while whiteouts occurred in Colorado and Kansas.

Interstate 70, a major cross-country route, was closed for about 400 miles in both directions from just east of Denver to Salina, Kan., because of blowing snow and slippery pavement.

Between Denver and the beginning of the highway closure, about 35 cars collided in a pileup on an icy section of I-70. No major injuries were reported.

The weather service reported wind gusts of 68 mph in the Denver area. In Kansas, winds whipped about 3 inches of snowfall into 7-foot drifts.

A number of other highways also were closed in Wyoming and Nebraska. But many roads reopened later Saturday, including most of Interstate 80 in Nebraska. More than 270 miles there had been closed.

The National Weather Service posted blizzard and winter storm warnings for parts of Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and Washington, D.C.

Between 15 inches to 18 inches of snow had fallen between Winona, Minn., and La Crosse, Wis., by Saturday evening, according to the weather service.

As conditions worsened in Winona County, deputies turned to four-wheel drive vehicles. The blinding snow caused around 50 cars to spin out or go into the ditch, authorities said. (ABCNews 25-2-07)

Beetje voorbarig Popolon? Er komt nog meer
  maandag 26 februari 2007 @ 02:53:45 #91
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
No shit.

Ik zag het gras weer op sommige plekken, valt er weer 20 cm.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
Acht verkeersdoden door sneeuw in VS

AMSTERDAM - Een zware sneeuwstorm heeft in het weekeinde in het middenwesten van de Verenigde Staten tot acht doden in het verkeer geleid, zeven in Wisconsin en één in Kansas.

Op sommige plaatsen viel wel zestig centimeter sneeuw. Ook veel andere staten werden getroffen.


In Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska en Ohio kwamen talloze huishoudens en bedrijven zonder stroom te zitten en op de internationale luchthaven van Chicago werden zaterdag en zondag in totaal 430 vluchten geannuleerd. Zo'n duizend gestrande passagiers brachten de nacht op het vliegveld door.

Bij een kettingbotsing die zich zaterdagavond op een snelweg in Chicago voordeed door de sneeuw raakten negen mensen gewond. De sneeuwstorm trok zondag verder in de richting van de oostkust.

  maandag 26 februari 2007 @ 18:51:38 #93
89730 Drugshond
De Euro. Mislukt vanaf dag 1.
  zaterdag 3 maart 2007 @ 11:20:38 #94
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Weer een halve meter de laatste paar dagen.

Het sneeuwschuiven wordt lastig nu het dooit overdag (zware sneeuw)

Nu weet ik weer waarom ik de lente zo leuk vindt. Als je echt vier 'seizoenen' hebt dan weet je de andere drie ook te waarderen.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  zaterdag 3 maart 2007 @ 21:47:04 #95
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Net op de oprit sneeuwvrij gemaakt, duurde wel een uurtje met de stoep erbij:

Let wel, eergisteren was alle sneeuw bijna weg.

Sorry dat ik geen schokkende foto's heb.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  Moderator dinsdag 13 maart 2007 @ 22:37:27 #96
8781 crew  Frutsel
Asian Pollution has effect on Winter Storms in US?

Air pollution blowing over the western US from Asia has been a growing environmental concern for several years. Now, it seems, it's giving winter storms added punch as well.

Tiny aerosols and soot from burning wood and coal in winter, especially in China, appear to be seeding clouds in large winter storms that churn thousands of miles east across the northern Pacific, says a team of US scientists. The pollution is turning relatively routine marine rain clouds into towering thunderheads, much like those seen above land.

Previous studies have shown that during the last half of the 20th century, northern Pacific winter storms have become steadily more frequent and stronger, based on tracking wind speeds and atmospheric pressure. The latest results, published last week, indicate that ill winds blowing out of Asia are adding muscle to the types of clouds these stronger winter cyclones carry.

The team posits that the shift toward these types of clouds, with their strong updrafts, could be altering global circulation patterns – perhaps even masking the effects of global warming, because the thicker, taller clouds reflect more sunlight back into space. And they could be contributing to more rapid melting of snow and ice in the Arctic as dark soot is lofted by strong updrafts in these clouds and carried north to fall back to the surface.

Others have noted this effect of smoke and soot on individual thunderstorms in the Amazon. But this is the first time researchers have seen the effect on storm systems hundreds of miles across.

"As you change things in the atmosphere, whether it's particulates or climate change, all of the effects are not obvious" immediately, says Renyi Zhang, an atmospheric scientist at Texas A&M University in College Station, who led the study.

A poor grasp on aerosols' effects

The team has long been interested in the effects soot and tiny particles called aerosols have on climate. The latest report on global-warming science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, released last month, shows that researchers have a poor grasp on these effects. Of all the agents affecting climate – sunlight, greenhouse gases, mineral dust blowing around, for example – the "indirect" effect aerosols have on climate through seeding clouds remains the largest source of uncertainty the report lists
  Moderator vrijdag 16 maart 2007 @ 08:33:28 #97
8781 crew  Frutsel
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- This has been the world's warmest winter since record-keeping began more than a century ago, the U.S. government agency that tracks weather reported Thursday.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said the combined global land and ocean surface temperature from December through February was at its highest since records began in 1880.

A record-warm January was responsible for pushing up the combined winter temperature, according to the agency's Web site.

"Contributing factors were the long-term trend toward warmer temperatures, as well as a moderate El Nino in the Pacific," Jay Lawrimore of NOAA's National Climatic Data Center said in a telephone interview from Asheville, North Carolina.

The next-warmest winter on record was in 2004, and the third warmest winter was in 1998, Lawrimore said.

The 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1995.

"We don't say this winter is evidence of the influence of greenhouse gases," Lawrimore said.

However, he noted that his center's work is part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change process, which released a report on global warming last month that found climate change is occurring and that human activities quite likely play a role in the change.

"So we know as a part of that, the conclusions have been reached and the warming trend is due in part to rises in greenhouse gas emissions," Lawrimore said. "By looking at long-term trends and long-term changes, we are able to better understand natural and anthropogenic [human-caused] climate change."

The combined temperature for the December-February period was 1.3 degrees F (0.72 degree C) above the 20th century mean, the agency said.

Lawrimore did not give an absolute temperature for the three-month period, and said the deviation from the mean was what was important. He did not provide the 20th century mean temperature.

Temperatures were above average for these months in Europe, Asia, western Africa, southeastern Brazil and the northeast half of the United States, with cooler-than-average conditions in parts of Saudi Arabia and the central United States.

Global temperature on land surface during the Northern Hemisphere winter was also the warmest on record, while the ocean-surface temperature tied for second warmest after the winter of 1997-98.

Over the past century, global surface temperatures have increased by about 0.11 degree F per decade, but the rate of increase has been three times larger since 1976 -- around 0.32 degree F per decade, with some of the biggest temperature rises in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere.

Wel grappig... ondanks de vele sneeuw en kou is het toch de warmste winter ooit?
  Moderator zaterdag 17 maart 2007 @ 00:45:59 #98
8781 crew  Frutsel
NEW YORK (ANP) - Hevige sneeuwstormen die in het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten worden verwacht hebben vrijdag geleid tot de annulering van ruim duizend vluchten. Luchtvaartmaatschappijen hebben deels uit voorzorg gehandeld, om te voorkomen dat duizenden passagiers op luchthavens stranden.

In de staat New York zullen tientallen centimeters sneeuw vallen. Vooral de internationale luchthaven John F. Kennedy in de stad New York en de vliegvelden LaGuardia in de Newyorkse wijk Queens en Newark in New Jersey zullen grote hinder ondervinden van het noodweer.

NEW YORK (CNN) -- JetBlue canceled all its New York flights Friday.

The discount airline led a list of carriers canceling flights to and from the East Coast because of harsh winter weather.

Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and Northwest Airlines also canceled flights

The National Weather Service issued winter storm warnings for an area covering northern New Jersey and most of Pennsylvania, New York and the New England states.

A heavy snow warning was in effect for central New York state.

CNN meteorologist Chad Myers said morning rain was likely to turn to snow from New York City to Boston, and then to sleet, which was expected to fall all night Friday.

He said the nor'easter was expected to dump from 12 to 24 inches of snow north and west of New York City.

CNN's Alina Cho reported that some passengers were stranded at New York's LaGuardia Airport, but plenty of flights were leaving on time and at least one flight took off a few minutes early.

By early afternoon, the Federal Aviation Administration Web site showed delays averaging three hours for flights bound for Newark and two hours for those bound for Philadelphia. (Watch why airlines had to cancel flights even before weather got bad )

JetBlue canceled 215 flights Friday morning and 15 on Thursday evening, according to a spokesman. Most of those flights were to or from the three New York-area airports -- John F. Kennedy, LaGuardia and Newark's Liberty Airport.

"This time around, we've strategically canceled flights so we have pilots and crews in place to restart operations when the storm passes," said company spokesman Sebastian White.

The decision came after storms in mid-February stranded thousands of passengers at airports and in planes on the tarmac waiting to move. The problems caused by that storm cost JetBlue $30 million. (Full story)

Delta spokeswoman Katie Connell said the airline canceled more than 100 flights between Thursday evening and Saturday morning throughout the Northeast -- primarily in the New York City area -- in anticipation of bad weather.

The airline is waiving all cancellation fees and penalties, and is updating its passengers via its Web site, text messages and e-mails on cancellations and delays
  zaterdag 17 maart 2007 @ 11:03:52 #100
115996 francorex
Earth stationary not spinning
Volgens teletext een voorzorgsmaatregel, nadat vorige storm geleid had tot grote vertragingen.
Sneeuw ontregelt noordoosten VS

Het winterweer in het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten heeft aan zeker zes mensen het leven gekost. De sneeuwdepressie trof vooral New York, New Jersey, West Virginia en Pennsylvania.

In Maryland viel 15 centimeter sneeuw, in Pennsylvanië 51 centimeter en in de staat New York 60 centimeter. In de stad New York zelf lag 13 centimeter.

Het winterweer ontregelde het dagelijks leven. Zo'n 1500 vluchten werden geannuleerd, wegen kenden files vanwege de vele verkeersongelukken en scholen werden gesloten.

Volgens de Amerikaanse meteoroloog Kevin Lipton is sneeuw in maart niet ongebruikelijk. De zwaarste sneeuwstormen komen juist in maart voor vertelde hij aan de Associated Press.


[ Bericht 6% gewijzigd door #ANONIEM op 18-03-2007 14:18:49 ]
Rare spring cold front leaves Southeast shivering

ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- An unseasonable cold snap put a chill on Easter services across the Southeast and much of the rest of the country, moving some events indoors and adding layers over spring frocks.

Even baseball had to take a time out because of snow.

The usual courtyard service at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church in Columbia, South Carolina, had to be moved indoors, said the Rev. Michael Bingham. Sunday morning lows in Columbia dropped to the upper 20s, the National Weather Service said. (Watch how sports fans were left out in the cold )

"Our musicians are worried about their fingers," he said Saturday as the church's plans were being changed.

Across much of the eastern two-thirds of the nation, Easter celebrants swapped frills, bonnets and sandals for coats, scarves and heavy socks. Baseball fans huddled in blankets and, instead of spring planting, backyard gardeners were bundling their crops.

Two weeks into spring, Easter morning temperatures were in the upper 30s along the Gulf Coast and in the single digits in northern Minnesota and the Dakotas. Atlanta had a low of 30 degrees, with a wind chill of 23, the weather service said. The same reading put a chill on New York City's Fifth Avenue, celebrated in song for the traditional Easter Parade of spring finery.

Despite the chill, nearly 1,000 people attended the annual sunrise service at Georgia's Stone Mountain Park, as a slight breeze whipped over the granite monument. The service usually attracts 10,000.

Nashville, Tennessee, bottomed out Sunday at 23 degrees, knocking one degree off the Easter record set March 24, 1940.

Light snow showers were scattered over the western Plains and around the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley.

However, the snow was heavy along the Lake Erie shore in Cleveland, Ohio, and on Sunday, for the second day in a row, the Seattle Mariners and Cleveland Indians had to cancel a doubleheader. More than a foot of snow has fallen on parts of the Cleveland area since Friday.

The teams were snowed out of the doubleheader Saturday, when they were attempting to make up Friday's game, which was postponed after they played four innings and sat through nearly three hours of delays.

Officials in Morrison, Colorado, canceled Sunday's annual sunrise service at the Red Rocks Amphitheater because seats and stairways were covered with ice.

Kids in Chicago, Illinois, donned winter clothing for an Easter egg hunt at the Glessner House Museum. The city high reached just 32 degrees Saturday -- matching a record set in 1936 -- and Sunday's low was 28. The Windy City's average high for early April is 54.

"All the little kids had boots on and some of them were trying to wear their spring dresses. It was awful," said Clare Schaecher, the museum's education director.

Visitors to the nation's capital awoke Saturday to see cherry blossoms coated with snow. Snow also fell in metro Atlanta Friday night, and even in parts of West Texas and the Texas Panhandle.

Farmers were worried about the impact the weather could have on crops. Blueberries could be particularly affected, said Stanley Scarborough, production manager of Sunnyridge Farms, which has fields in Baxley and Homerville, Georgia.

Scarborough said the majority of the state's blueberry crop, a variety called rabbit-eye, is normally harvested around June 1. This year, the bushes bloomed early because of a wave of warm temperatures last week. Scarborough said the blueberries are not able to withstand freezing temperatures.

"At 26 or 27 degrees, you would probably lose half of the Georgia crop," valued at about $20 million to $25 million dollars, Scarborough said.

Witte Pasen in New England

Grote delen van New England (het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten) beleven een witte Pasen. Plaatselijk ligt er 40 centimeter verse sneeuw.

De sneeuw heeft gezorgd voor een ontregeld maatschappelijk leven. Wegen zijn onbegaanbaar, één persoon kwam om het leven bij een verkeersongeluk en 200.000 mensen raakten verstoken van elektriciteit. Donderdag viel de sneeuw al. In New Hampshire viel in enkele uren tijd 40 centimeter.

Ook in Michigan viel sneeuw. In het noorden van de staat viel in één etmaal 60 centimeter sneeuw. Deze hoeveelheid benaderde voor deze regio het vorige dagrecord van 14 maart 1997, toen er 26 centimeter viel.

Volgens de nationale weerdienst is sprake van een sneeuwrijke aprilmaand. Vooral de hoeveelheden zijn bijzonder te nomen.

Tja, terwijl wij hier snel richting de zomer gaan, is het in Amerika op sommige plekken nog volop winter.
Laten we hopen dat wij de komende winter weer wat te beleven krijgen.
  maandag 9 april 2007 @ 12:31:23 #105
167723 sanni
Acima de seu
Ik vrees het ergste. Laatst las je toch dat men vreesde nooit meer een elfstedentocht te zullen meemaken? Ik denk dat we ons beter zorgen kunnen maken over de stijgende zeespiegel en de smeltende ijskappen. Nog ff en Nederland bestaat niet meer.
Nog meer sneeuw
Opnieuw veel sneeuw in VS

In het noorden van de Verenigde Staten heeft het “Lake Snow-effect" opnieuw toegeslagen. In Painesdale viel in 5 dagen tijd 164 centimeter sneeuw. Andere plaatsen rapporteerden: Phoenix Farms 145 cm, Marquette 123 cm, Rockland 111 cm en Munising 100 centimeter.

Het blijft maar doorgaan met de sneeuw.

Spring snow grounds flights, closes schools

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Another spring snowstorm spread across the upper Midwest on Wednesday, closing schools and grounding more than 200 airline flights.

North Dakota had already measured 7 inches of snow, and up to 10 inches was possible in Wisconsin, the National Weather Service said.

More than 200 flights were canceled at O'Hare International Airport because of poor visibility, said aviation spokeswoman Wendy Abrams. The airport also had delays that were about 60 to 90 minutes on inbound and outbound flights. Delays at Midway Airport were about 20 to 30 minutes, she said.

Nearly two dozen school districts canceled classes Wednesday across southern Minnesota, where up to 6 inches of snow was forecast.

Snow this late is not unusual, said weather service meteorologist Andrew Krein in Chicago.

"Typically every few years we'll get some snow in April," Krein said. "Snow in April is not unheard of."

However, the forecast amounts did get attention. Up to 9 inches of snow was forecast in northern Iowa, where normal temperatures at this time of year are in the 60s.

"This is quite unusual in terms of snowfall this late in the season," said Rich Kinney, a weather service meteorologist in Johnston, Iowa.

Five inches of snow was possible in northern Illinois, before turning to rain during the afternoon.

During the weekend, a cold wave sent temperatures to the freezing point as far south as the Gulf states, devastating crops, and heavy snow wiped out scheduled Angels-Indians baseball for four straight days at Cleveland. (Full story)

The teams' games were finally moved to an enclosed field at Milwaukee.

  vrijdag 13 april 2007 @ 16:24:40 #109
115996 francorex
Earth stationary not spinning
Weeralarm in de VS,

accuwheather heeft het over een potentieel historische storm.

  vrijdag 13 april 2007 @ 16:40:08 #110
115996 francorex
Earth stationary not spinning
Update on the Big Daddy

Thursday, April 12, 2007

For many young meteorologists, this could be a storm that is talked about for many years.


(vergeet de video niet te bekijken, een bespreking van de van de weerkaarten.)
  Moderator zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 02:20:01 #111
8781 crew  Frutsel
MonsterStorm ahead

The entire eastern half of the U.S. is bracing for a monster storm, the likes of which one forecaster says occur "once every 20 years."

A storm system heading east from the Rockies is expected to strengthen over the Atlantic and form a huge nor'easter that will barrel up the East Coast, bringing gale-force winds, driving rain and heavy snow to much of the eastern half of the country.

Forecaster Brian Korty says the entire eastern part of the U.S. will feel the effects in the coming days. He calls it the kind of storm that happens "once every 20 years."

Accuweather.com predicts the storm will flood low-lying areas and cause coastal erosion. Inland areas could see a record-breaking snowstorm.
  zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 02:21:26 #112
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Succes Oostkust.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  Moderator zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 02:28:15 #113
8781 crew  Frutsel
  Moderator zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 17:47:48 #115
8781 crew  Frutsel
NEW YORK — A severe weather system blamed for one death plowed eastward Saturday, rattling Louisiana with strong thunderstorms as the Northeast prepared for possible coastal flooding.

The storm blew across the southern Plains on Friday, piling snow a foot deep in Kansas and raking Texas with high wind.

"I felt my house start shaking like the wind and I ran in here and grabbed my little girl," Amanda Rymer, 21, said in Haltom City, Texas. "As soon as I moved her, the roof fell in right where she was standing."

The storm tore roofs off houses in Rymer's neighbor and destroyed porches and garages. About a dozen tractor-trailer rigs were blown onto their sides.

One man was killed in Fort Worth by a pile of lumber that fell on him from his truck during the storm, and a police officer in Irving died when his patrol car slid on wet pavement and struck a utility pole, authorities said.

By Saturday morning, the system was spreading rain from Louisiana to Virginia and across much of the Ohio Valley. Lines of strong thunderstorms rolled across Louisiana.

The weather system was forecast to strengthen when it reaches the East Coast on Sunday and form a nor'easter, a storm that follows the coast northward, with northeasterly wind driving waves and heavy rain.

"This is very odd for this time of year," National Weather Service meteorologist John Koch said Saturday in New York. "This is something that you would expect to see more in the middle of winter."

A flood watch was posted for the New York City region, as the weather service forecast 2 to 4 inches of rain Sunday with wind gusting to 50 mph.

Snow continued falling Saturday in eastern Kansas, where some schools and businesses closed Friday as blowing snow created whiteout conditions. Nearly a foot of snow fell near Syracuse, Kansas.

A tornado was spotted near Bedford, a suburb between Dallas and Forth Worth, though no damage was reported, the National Weather Service said. (FOX)
  zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 18:19:02 #116
143274 -skippybal-
Wanneer komt dat geintje aan?
03/06 Maccabees - 10/06 Gaslight Anthem - 18/06 Oi Vai Voi - 20/06 Green Beats - 24/06 Ghinzu - 18/07 Extrema Outdoor
  Moderator zaterdag 14 april 2007 @ 19:38:33 #117
8781 crew  Frutsel
Op zaterdag 14 april 2007 18:19 schreef -skippybal- het volgende:
Wanneer komt dat geintje aan?
vanochtend... nu... morgen...deels overmorgen...
Amerika gebukt onder zware voorjaarsstorm
De Verenigde Staten van Amerika (VS) worden geteisterd door een zware voorjaarsstorm. Het Amerikaanse persbureau AP meldt dat twee tornados in Texas het leven van tenminste twee mensen hebben gekost.

Door onverwachte sneeuwval in de staat Kansas kwamen drie mensen om het leven bij ongevallen op de snelwegen.
Sneeuw ver na het seizoen, tornado's er ver voor.. lekker allemaal
  zondag 15 april 2007 @ 10:07:23 #119
89730 Drugshond
De Euro. Mislukt vanaf dag 1.
VS in de greep van winterweer

Delen van de VS zijn dit weekend getroffen door noodweer. Daarbij zijn vijf mensen om het leven gekomen.

Grote delen van het land waren dit weekend bedekt onder een regenzone. In Kansas ging het noodweer gepaard met sneeuw. In het zuidwesten van de staat viel 38 centimeter. Drie mensen kwamen om het leven bij ongevallen op de snelwegen. De meteorologische dienst spreekt van een zeer ongewone situatie voor april. In Texas kwamen ook zware buien voor en werden vier tornado’s waargenomen. Twee mensen kwamen om het leven door dit noodweer.

Het regengebied dat 50 tot 100 millimeter neerslag afleverde, trok zondag naar de Oostkust. Hier kwam ook harde wind voor. In delen van het noordoosten waren de inwoners nog aan het bijkomen van een dik pak sneeuw dat daar vorig weekend was gevallen.

Verwacht wordt dat in de lagere delen overstromingen optreden. Voor de hogere delen van het gebied wordt 50 centimeter verse sneeuw verwacht.

  Moderator zondag 15 april 2007 @ 15:09:43 #122
8781 crew  Frutsel
NEW YORK — Coastal Long Island could see some of its worst flooding in 14 years when a hard-blowing nor'easter begins whipping through New York on Sunday, officials said.

Forecasters were expecting sustained winds of 40 mph and a storm-surge of between 3 and 5 feet, a combination that could cause as much damage as a winter storm that wreaked havoc on the island in late 1992, Gov. Eliot Spitzer said.

The Northeast braced for strong wind, heavy rain and unseasonable snow as the storm blew across the Plains. The storm, which rattled the Gulf states Friday and Saturday with violent thunderstorms and raked Texas with at least two tornadoes, was blamed for five deaths.

"This is very odd for this time of year," National Weather Service meteorologist John Koch said in New York. "This is something that you would expect to see more in the middle of winter."

A tornado Friday night tore roofs off houses and destroyed porches and garages in Haltom City, Texas. About a dozen tractor-trailer rigs were blown onto their sides.

"I felt my house start shaking like the wind and I ran in here and grabbed my little girl," Amanda Rymer, 21, said. "As soon as I moved her, the roof fell in right where she was standing

second tornado that night in Benbrook, southwest of Fort Worth, caused minor damage, according to the National Weather Service. More wind damage to power lines, trees and roofs was reported to the east in Dallas and Rockwall counties, but meteorlogists had yet to confirm Saturday whether tornadoes formed there.

One man was killed in Fort Worth by a pile of lumber that fell on him from his truck during Friday's storm, and a police officer in Irving died when his patrol car slid on wet pavement and struck a utility pole, authorities said.

Three people were killed in Kansas in traffic accidents on highways covered with ice and slush, police said.

Snow stopped falling by Saturday afternoon in eastern Kansas, where some schools and businesses closed Friday as blowing snow created whiteout conditions. Up to 15 inches of snow fell in southwestern Kansas.

By Saturday afternoon, the system was spreading rain from Louisiana to Virginia and across much of the Ohio Valley. Lines of strong thunderstorms rolled across Louisiana and Mississippi into northern Alabama, and the National Weather Service posted tornado warnings for wide areas of Mississippi and some parts of Alabama.

The weather system was forecast to strengthen Sunday when it reaches the East Coast and form a nor'easter, a storm that follows the coast northward, with northeasterly wind driving waves and heavy rain.

A flood watch was posted for the New York City region, as the weather service forecast 2 to 4 inches of rain Sunday with wind gusting to 50 mph. Snow and sleet were possible inland, Koch said.

Spitzer said some low-lying areas of Long Island may need to be evacuated, and he deployed 3,200 members of the National Guard to areas predicted to be in the storm's path.

In Pennsylvania, officials activated the state emergency operations center in anticipation of the storm. "While snowfall in April is highly unusual, it is critical to remain vigilant in executing winter weather preparedness plans," he said in a statement.

The National Weather Service said there could be as much as 20 inches of snow possible at higher elevations in the Adirondacks and several inches of rain in the Hudson Valley by the time the storm passes late Monday and Tuesday.

New Jersey was ready for whatever may fall — snow or rain. About 250 trucks were ready to plow and spread salt on state highways if needed. The northwest corner of the state was expecting snow, while the rest of the state was bracing for possible flooding.

"We're ready for everything, which based upon the forecast, is pretty much what we could get," said Joe Orlando, a spokesman for the state Department of Transportation and the New Jersey Turnpike Authority.
Hmmm vallen Brooklyn en Queens en Nassau county ook onder low lying areas van Long Island?
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
Noordoosten wind zou het water van het Long Island Sound flink upstuwen in de East River en Manhattan/Queens/Bronx.
/ ¦ ¦ / ¦ ¦
  Moderator zondag 15 april 2007 @ 22:30:14 #125
8781 crew  Frutsel

NEW YORK — Airlines canceled 300 flights Sunday as a hard-blowing nor'easter gathered strength along the East Coast and threatened to deliver some of the worst shore flooding in 14 years.

The storm, already blamed for five deaths on the Plains, also flooded people out of their homes in the middle of the night in West Virginia.

The cancellations at the New York area's three major airports affected most carriers, said Steve Coleman, a spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. More cancellations were expected throughout the day.

Meteorologists expected sustained wind of 40 mph and a storm surge of 3 to 5 feet, a combination that could cause as much coastal damage to New York's Long Island as a winter storm that wreaked havoc there in late 1992, Gov. Eliot Spitzer said.

The 1992 storm also caused millions of dollars worth of damage to low-lying areas on the New Jersey shore, and on Sunday some residents of those areas were packing up to leave.

This is going to be bad," Shaun Rheinheimer said as he moved furniture to higher spots at his house on New Jersey's low-lying Cedar Bonnet Island. Streets were beginning to flood by late morning and waves splashed over bulkheads into backyards.

Heavy rain and thunderstorms extended from Florida up the coast to southern New England on Sunday and the National Weather Service said Washington's Reagan National Airport had measured 1.43 inches of rain.

The weather service posted storm warnings and watches all along the East Coast, with flood warnings extending from Virginia north to the New York area. Winter storm warnings were in effect for parts of New England and eastern New York state.

The storm also caused flooding in the mountains of southern West Virginia, where emergency services personnel rescued nearly two dozen people from homes and cars in Logan and Boone counties early Sunday. Two people were unaccounted for.

"It's about as bad as it can get," said Logan, W.Va., Fire Chief Scott Beckett. "This thing came down at 2 or 3 in the morning, when people were sleeping in their beds. They just didn't know what was happening."

Two to 4 inches of rain was forecast for the New York City region with wind gusting to 50 mph. The weather service said as much as 20 inches of snow was possible at higher elevations of New York's Adirondacks by the time the storm passes late Monday and Tuesday.

Gaat er echt hard aan toe
  zondag 15 april 2007 @ 22:41:31 #127
71919 wonderer
Hung like a My Little Pony

Hier wat recente foto's trouwens van de sneeuw afgelopen week. Op dit moment ligt er alweer een laagje (gister was bijna alles weggesmolten) en het sneeuwt nog steeds, grote dikke vlokken.
"Pain is my friend. I can trust pain. I can trust pain to make my life utterly miserable."
"My brain is too smart for me."
"We don't need no education." "Yes you do, you just used a double negative."
Kaartje voor 00.00 uur.
Veel neerslag.

  maandag 16 april 2007 @ 21:59:14 #129
115996 francorex
Earth stationary not spinning
Record-Setting Storm Pounds East, Causing Flooding and Power Outages click

April 16, 2007
USA Today
NEW YORK (AP) — A fierce spring nor'easter that stretched from Florida to Maine drenched the New York City area, causing heavy flooding that canceled school Monday, forced people to evacuate and slowed the soggy morning commute.
Deadly storm lingers in Northeast

TRENTON, New Jersey (AP) -- Floodwaters swirled through low-lying communities, but commuters had an easier time Tuesday as remnants of a deadly spring storm lingered in the Northeast for a third day.

The nor'easter left a huge swath of devastation, from the beaches of South Carolina to the mountains of Maine. It knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of people and was blamed for at least 15 deaths nationwide.

Showers lingered Tuesday, and forecasters said the system wouldn't move out entirely for another day. Flood warnings remained posted in parts of New Jersey and eastern New York. (Watch the New York storm surge demonstrate the nor'easter's dangers )

More than 170,000 utility customers were without power in North Carolina alone. Utilities in New Hampshire said repairs were going slowly because of continued flooding, washed-out roads and the storm's broad reach, which meant other utilities couldn't send spare crews to help.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said the New York area's airports were operating normally Tuesday, a day after about 600 flights were canceled.

The storm dumped up to 9 inches of rain on parts of New Jersey on Monday, and more than 8 inches fell on New York City's Central Park. The park's Sunday total, 7 ½ inches, quadrupled the 101-year-old record for April 15.

New Jersey was placed under a state of emergency and more than 1,400 residents were evacuated -- many by boat. (Watch I-Report video of Hoboken, New Jersey, residents escaping floodwaters )

Acting Gov. Richard J. Codey said he expects the state to qualify for federal assistance to recover from the storm.

"We're going to well exceed it [the federal aid threshold], without question," Codey said.

The storm was especially harsh in Bound Brook, where five homes burned down after fire crews could not reach the buildings because of floodwaters.

The Raritan River was more than 10 feet above flood stage in Bound Brook late Monday and was not expected to return to below flood stage before Tuesday afternoon.

The river overran Route 18 in New Brunswick, forcing Rutgers University to cancel Tuesday classes at its New Brunswick and Piscataway campuses.

Dale Johnson said he and his girlfriend fled their second-story apartment through swirling, waist-deep water. They sought shelter at the Presbyterian Church of Bound Brook, where more than 100 cots were set up.

"I want to move out. I can't take it after this one," said Johnson, 48, noting that it was his third evacuation. The community also was hard hit by Hurricane Floyd in 1999.

New Jersey Transit, particularly affected during Monday's commute, had trains running close to schedule Tuesday, but trains were skipping certain stations because of flooding. A section of the New Jersey Turnpike near Newark Liberty Airport remained closed.

In New York's Orange County, where hundreds of residents had been forced from their homes, some roads remained closed Tuesday morning.

In New Hampshire, more than 5,000 people were evacuated from 13 communities and more than 400 roads were closed because of flooding, Gov. John Lynch said. A mudslide blocked the state's main east-west route.

Winds blew loose the boards protecting oceanfront windows at Hampton Beach, shattering windows and flinging merchandise into the street. Waves crashed over the sea wall at high tide. Residents reported up to 5 feet of water gushing into their front doors.

"We went to look, but the wind was so strong that you couldn't walk," said Linda Pepin of Bristol, Connecticut, who owns a second-floor condominium less than 50 feet from the shore.

Snow fell in inland areas, including 17 inches in Vermont. Wind gusts to more than 80 mph toppled trees on highways in Maine, and snow drifts stranded tractor-trailers on highways in Pennsylvania. Washouts, flooding, mudslides and fallen trees blocked roads from Kentucky to New England.

Amtrak's Downeaster suspended service in Maine because tracks were washed out in Berwick. Flooding delayed or canceled Amtrak service between Boston, Massachusetts, and Washington.

New York had activated 3,200 National Guard members to help with evacuations. New Hampshire and New Jersey also sent Guardsmen to hard-hit towns, while the Connecticut National Guard supplied amphibious vehicles to the hard-hit southwestern part of the state.

Suburbs north of New York City were among the hardest hit. Mamaroneck resident Nicholas Staropoli said a truck near his home "actually floated up on the riverbank."

In Maine, a woman and her 4-year-old granddaughter died when they were swept into a river by the fast-moving floodwaters as they tried to cross a washed-out section of road in Lebanon, near the New Hampshire line, the Maine Warden Service reported. Rescuers pulled two people from the Little River, but they were pronounced dead at a hospital.

A man died in a car stalled in deep water in an underpass in New Jersey, while another drowned in a flooded street. Another person was killed by a tornado in South Carolina, and three died in car accidents -- one in upstate New York, one in Connecticut and one in North Carolina. The same storm was blamed for five deaths earlier in Texas and Kansas.

Runners in the Boston Marathon on Monday had to compete amid moderate rain and wind that made the final homestretch to Copley Square a particular challenge.

The storm was expected to turn into the worst of its kind since the December 1992 nor'easter that caused millions of dollars worth of damage to buildings, boardwalks and beaches.

Uniek noodweer treft New England

Het noodweer dat afgelopen weekend huishield in het midden van de Verenigde Staten heeft in het oosten aan drie mensen het leven gekost. Het noodweer ging gepaard met regen, sneeuw en wind tot orkaankracht. In New York JFK daalde de luchtdruk tot 968,5 hPa tijdens de storm.

In Central Park in New York werd de grootste hoeveelheid regen gemeten sinds 1882. Hier viel in 24 uur tijd 192 millimeter neerslag. In totaal viel hier 214 millimeter. In Riverdale (New Yersey) viel in totaal 236 millimeter neerslag. In Vermont, de staat New York en in New Hampshire lag na de sneeuwstorm plaatselijk meer dan 40 centimeter sneeuw. Blue Mountain Lake in New York meldde 48 centimeter.

In Maine werden windstoten tot 130 kilometer per uur gemeten. Op Mount Washington zelfs tot 250 kilometer per uur. Het totale noodweer koste uiteindelijk aan 15 mensen het leven.

Ook in Canada was het raak. In Ontario en Quebec viel 40 centimeter sneeuw tijdens de sneeuwstorm. Hier kwamen ook drie mensen om het leven en raakten 11 mensen gewond bij verkeersongelukken.

Winterverwachting voor de VS
Winter VS zal zacht verlopen

Een winterverwachting voor de Verenigde Staten die vorige week door de NOAA werd uitgegeven, laat zien dat de VS een zachte winter gaan beleven. Alleen het noordwesten maakt kans op een normale winter.

Daarmee zegt NOAA dat de eerder gedane verwachting voor een milde winter wordt gesteund. Het zuiden van de VS krijgt ook te maken met aanhoudende droogte.

Ook de meteorologen van Accuweather hebben een winterverwachting opgesteld. Het oosten van de VS krijgt volgens hun te maken met een zachtere winter dan die van vorig jaar. Ze spreken vooral hun zorgen uit voor het zuidoosten waar sprake is van aanhoudende droogte. Ook gedurende de komende winter.
Eerste winterse situatie in VS

Delen van het merengebied in de Verenigde Staten hebben te maken gehad met de eerste sneeuwval van het seizoen. Plaatselijk viel 20 centimeter.

De sneeuw viel in een aantal plaatsen rondom Lake Erie. De sneeuw werd veroorzaakt door een lagedrukgebied boven het noordoosten van de Verenigde Staten. Het westen van de staat New York en Pennsylvania kregen met de sneeuw te maken.

Dinsdag viel in Waterford 20 centimeter in 12 uur tijd. Dit ging gepaard met de gebruikelijke ongemakken als slippartijen en het uitvallen van elektriciteit. De sneeuwval werd gestimuleerd doordat de lucht over het relatief warme water werd aangevoerd.

Winterstorm treft Verenigde Staten

Delen van de Verenigde Staten beleven de tweede winterstorm van het seizoen. De meeste sneeuw wordt verwacht voor het noordoosten van het land.

Achter een lagedrukgebied bij de Rocky Mountains stroomt koude Canadese lucht naar het zuiden. Regen, ijzel en sneeuw valt in een groot gebied van de Verenigde Staten.

De sneeuw is welkom voor de skipistes in de Rocky Mountains. Sommige zijn door gebrek aan sneeuw nog niet geopend. Zaterdagochtend was in Colorado 71 centimeter verse sneeuw gevallen. Maar ook in het lager gelegen Michigan viel 30 centimeter.

Nebraska en Iowa lagen zaterdagochtend volledig onder het ijzelgebied. In Kansas werd plaatselijk 12 millimeter neerslag afgetapt door ijzel. De komende dagen krijgt New England te maken met winters weer.


[ Bericht 5% gewijzigd door #ANONIEM op 01-12-2007 21:25:21 ]
  zaterdag 1 december 2007 @ 21:25:39 #135
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Stormpje op komst, ook hier in Michigan.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
  † In Memoriam † zaterdag 1 december 2007 @ 22:32:02 #136
137787 Snowsquall
Noord Brabant
Hmm, waar ik over een weekje naartoe ga krijgen ze vannacht ook een cm of 20 sneeuw:

Ik kan het je wel uitleggen maar het niet voor je begrijpen........
  † In Memoriam † zaterdag 1 december 2007 @ 22:40:35 #137
137787 Snowsquall
Noord Brabant

Wat een toeval :-)

ps: ik wilde eigenlijk alleen de foto hier neerzetten maar krijg dat niet voor elkaar, vandaar alleen de link.... :-(
Ik kan het je wel uitleggen maar het niet voor je begrijpen........
  zaterdag 1 december 2007 @ 23:38:10 #138
71919 wonderer
Hung like a My Little Pony
6-8" morgennacht hier, als het goed is. Leuk!
"Pain is my friend. I can trust pain. I can trust pain to make my life utterly miserable."
"My brain is too smart for me."
"We don't need no education." "Yes you do, you just used a double negative."
  Moderator maandag 3 december 2007 @ 19:39:41 #139
8781 crew  Frutsel
Drivers in much of the Northeast navigated a treacherous mix of rain, sleet and snow Monday as a storm blamed for at least 14 deaths slid through the region after pounding the Upper Midwest.

Schools canceled or delayed classes from New York to Maine as highways turned slippery and wind gusted to 40 mph in parts of the region.

The speed limit on part of the Massachusetts Turnpike was cut to 40 mph as police reported numerous traffic accidents around the state during the morning commute. States put hundreds of plows on the roads, including about 650 in New Hampshire alone.

Most courts in Maine closed for the day and Gov. John Baldacci considered sending state workers home early. Communities around the state imposed parking bans for Monday and Tuesday to make way for snowplows.

"It's snowing so hard you can hardly keep your eyes open," said Bill Swain, spokesman for Maine's Sugarloaf USA ski area in Carrabassett Valley.

The National Weather Service said a foot of snow was possible in the mountains of northern New England, with the potential for 20 inches in northern Maine and a foot in northern New York's central Adirondacks and Lake George region.

Ice storm warnings were issued for Massachusetts and Connecticut, and winter storm warnings were in effect in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and northern and western New York.

The heavy snow and wind discouraged hikers at the Appalachian Mountain Club's Highland Center in Crawford Notch, N.H., Maeve Lugris said at the center's front desk. "Today would be at the discretion of our guide whether they felt confident taking people out due to the wind chill factor," Lugris said.

Air travel was disrupted Monday at the Portland International Jetport in Maine as flights were canceled because of poor conditions at connecting airports.

Hundreds of flights into the New York City area's three main airports Kennedy, Newark Liberty and LaGuardia ; were delayed as long as two hours Sunday by wind and ice, and hundreds of flights were canceled Saturday at Chicago's O'Hare.

Airliners slid off slippery pavement during the weekend at airports in Syracuse, N.Y.; Des Moines, Iowa, and Madison, Wis. No one was injured.

Minnesota's Grand Marais, on Lake Superior's North Shore, got 20 inches of snow Saturday, according to the weather service. However, Grand Marais roads were already cleared Sunday, said Jane Shinners, owner of the downtown Harbor Inn.

Before the storm hit the Plains and Midwest, it dumped about 3 feet of snow in one mountain area in western Colorado. Silverton Mountain ski resort had to postpone Sunday's scheduled season opener for a day because of the storm.

Icy or wet pavement was blamed for four deaths in Michigan, three in Wisconsin, two in New Jersey and one each in Illinois, Indiana, New York, North Dakota and Colorado. One of the New Jersey deaths occurred during the night in a 15-car pileup that also injured 28 people, police said.

Elsewhere, a separate storm raked the Oregon and Washington coasts with wind gusting higher than 100 mph in some spots and surf reported 45 feet high. The Washington State Patrol said most major roads were closed in two coastal counties Monday morning, and 33,000 customers were reported without electricity.

  Moderator dinsdag 11 december 2007 @ 15:40:15 #140
8781 crew  Frutsel
DES MOINES, Iowa — Much of America's center was in the icy grip of a deep freeze Tuesday that has been blamed for the deaths of at least 18 people and left more than 600,000 homes and businesses without power.

Trees snapped, flights were canceled and roads closed as the National Weather Service posted ice and winter storm warnings Tuesday for parts of the five states of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois.

The waves of frozen rain left at least 18 dead in Oklahoma and Missouri, with 15 of them killed on slick highways. Officials in Kansas and Oklahoma declared states of emergency.

About an inch of ice was expected over parts of Iowa, followed by up to 5 inches of sleet and snow. "It's a pretty good ice-maker," said Frank Boksa, a weather service forecaster.

Rain that started falling Monday evening was causing slushy conditions in the Kansas City metro area and farther south, where temperatures hovered around freezing.

"The predictions were pretty grim, and they're still not good at all," said Noelle Runyan, a weather service meteorologist. She warned that with ice of more than half an inch accumulating, power lines could come down across a wide area.

Ice Storm Hits Oklahoma City At Kansas City International Airport, most incoming flights scheduled after 8 p.m. Monday (0200 GMT, Tuesday) were canceled, as were a few dozen departures.

Westar Energy, Kansas' largest electrical provider, said outages started spiking as temperatures dropped after 10 p.m. Monday (0400 GMT, Tuesday). Some 25,000 were without power.

Spokeswoman Gina Penzig said the company was prepared for the worst, calling in hundreds of line workers from states like Colorado and Nebraska — farther away than the utility normally goes to get additional help.

Oklahoma utilities said Monday that 500,000 customers were blacked out as power lines snapped under the weight of ice and falling trees — the biggest power outage in state history. Utilities in Missouri had more than 100,000 homes and business without power.

"This is a big one. We've got a massive situation here and it's probably going to be a week to 10 days before we get power on to everybody," said Ed Bettinger, a spokesman for Public Service Company. "It looks like a war zone."

Schools across Oklahoma were closed and some hospitals were relying on backup power generators. The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers sent 50 generators and three truckloads of bottled water from Texas to distribute to blacked-out areas of Oklahoma.

Tulsa International Airport had no power for about 10 hours and halted flight operations for the day, and most morning flights at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City were canceled because of icy runways. Greyhound bus passengers were stranded overnight at a shelter in a church in Tulsa, and were joined by some local residents who had no heat.

Parts of two major roads were shut early Monday afternoon in Oklahoma City after ice-laden power lines collapsed and fell into the roadways.

The sound of branches snapping under the weight of ice echoed through Oklahoma City neighborhoods. "You can hear them falling everywhere," Lonnie Compton said Monday as he shoveled ice off his driveway. A large elm tree in his front yard had crashed onto his wife's sport utility vehicle.

At O'Hare International Airport, about 200 flights were canceled by late Monday, with delays of up to 45 minutes, said Chicago Department of Aviation spokeswoman Karen Pride. Fewer than a dozen flights were canceled at Midway Airport, and a handful of flights were delayed for up to an hour, she said.
  zondag 16 december 2007 @ 19:03:53 #142
3185 Adelante
To let it go now
Op dinsdag 11 december 2007 16:21 schreef indahnesia.com het volgende:
Lekkere puinhoop zo
tsjah, mogen de grootste CO2 uitstoters er zelf ook eens iets van merken
"We meet every day at the same cafe, six-thirty and no one knows she'll be there."
filmpje: Klik
Life is Music
Drie doden door ijzige koude en sneeuw in VS

WASHINGTON - Drie mensen zijn in het noordoosten van de VS omgekomen door verkeersongelukken als gevolg van zware sneeuwval. Twee doden vielen in de staat Michigan en een in Wisconsin.

Het noordoosten van de VS heeft te maken met hevige sneeuwstormen en delen kampen met 30 centimeter sneeuw.


De Amerikaanse meteorologische dienst NWS vaardigde waarschuwingen uit voor winterstormen in onder meer de staten Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania en New York.

Veel snelwegen zijn bedekt onder een dikke laag ijs en sneeuw. Tweehonderd vluchten zijn zaterdag en zondag geschrapt in Chicago. Ruim 100.000 personen in Pennsylvania zaten zondag in het donker.


De storm is de tweede binnen een week, nadat ijsstormen aan zeker 38 mensen het leven kostte in het midden van het land. De slachtoffers waren toen ook vooral in het verkeer gevallen.
Nieuwe sneeuwdepressie trekt over VS

Een depressie met plaatselijk zware sneeuw heeft opnieuw in de Verenigde Staten voor sneeuw gezorgd. De depressie is onderweg naar New England waar al meer dan 30 centimeter verse sneeuw ligt.
Ondertussen is 51 procent van de Verenigde Staten bedekt met een witte sneeuwlaag. Dit betreft voornamelijk de noordelijke helft van de Verenigde Staten, behalve Montana en de westkust. Het noordoosten en het merengebied kent de meeste sneeuwdikte met plaatselijk meer dan 50 centimeter sneeuw in de hogere delen.

Na de sneeuwdepressie van zaterdag is ook het noorden van Texas bedekt met sneeuw. Kansas en Nebraska kregen te maken met een nieuwe sneeuwlaag van 5 tot 10 centimeter dik. Op sommige plaatsen viel zaterdag 30 centimeter.

Oklahoma, Arkansas en Missouri bleven bespaard van sneeuw. Deze staten zijn herstellende van ijzel die de afgelopen week voor zeer veel overlast zorgde. In totaal kwamen - bij voornamelijk verkeersongelukken - 38 mensen om het leven.
  zondag 16 december 2007 @ 23:55:39 #146
10763 popolon
Fetchez la vache!
Op zondag 16 december 2007 22:16 schreef aloa het volgende:
Drie doden door ijzige koude en sneeuw in VS

WASHINGTON - Drie mensen zijn in het noordoosten van de VS omgekomen door verkeersongelukken als gevolg van zware sneeuwval. Twee doden vielen in de staat Michigan en een in Wisconsin.

Het noordoosten van de VS heeft te maken met hevige sneeuwstormen en delen kampen met 30 centimeter sneeuw.


De Amerikaanse meteorologische dienst NWS vaardigde waarschuwingen uit voor winterstormen in onder meer de staten Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania en New York.

Veel snelwegen zijn bedekt onder een dikke laag ijs en sneeuw. Tweehonderd vluchten zijn zaterdag en zondag geschrapt in Chicago. Ruim 100.000 personen in Pennsylvania zaten zondag in het donker.


De storm is de tweede binnen een week, nadat ijsstormen aan zeker 38 mensen het leven kostte in het midden van het land. De slachtoffers waren toen ook vooral in het verkeer gevallen.
Daar woon ik. Het is op de weg inderdaad erg verraderlijk. De sneeuwopruimdiensten zijn altijd prima voorbereid maar soms is het gewoon vechten tegen de bierkaai en heb je nooit alles op tijd schoon.

Moet wel zeggen dat rijden in een laag van 30/40 cm sneeuw wel spannend is.
Patience is not one of my virtues, neither is memory. Or patience for that matter.
Op zondag 16 december 2007 23:55 schreef popolon het volgende:


Daar woon ik. Het is op de weg inderdaad erg verraderlijk. De sneeuwopruimdiensten zijn altijd prima voorbereid maar soms is het gewoon vechten tegen de bierkaai en heb je nooit alles op tijd schoon.

Moet wel zeggen dat rijden in een laag van 30/40 cm sneeuw wel spannend is.
In maart 2005 lag hier ook een 40 cm sneeuw. Een aantal probeerde het toch nog om te gaan rijden, wat niet echt een succes was.
A pre-winter blend of snow, sleet and freezing rain cut visibility and iced over highways from the Great Lakes to New England, dumping more than 10 inches of snow in parts of Michigan and Vermont, stranding air and road travelers and causing a jetliner to skid off a runway.

School districts across the region -- including Michigan's largest, in Detroit -- canceled classes Monday. Slippery roads were blamed for two traffic deaths over the weekend in Michigan, and one each in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Before the snowfall eased up Sunday night, 10 inches had fallen in Michigan's Ann Arbor, and a similar amount in Jackson County, the National Weather Service said.

Gehele artikel
Veel Amerikanen al een week zonder stroom
WASHINGTON - Een week na de zware storm met ijsregen zitten in de Amerikaanse staat Oklahoma nog steeds 100.000 mensen zonder stroom. De autoriteiten zijn er nog steeds niet in geslaagd de elektriciteitsleidingen te repareren die waren geknapt onder het gewicht van het ijs.

Dit heeft het tv-station CNN gemeld. Vorige week hadden tijdelijk 600.000 mensen zonder stroom gezeten. Door kou en ongelukken als gevolg van ijzel vielen achttien doden.

OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma (AP) -- An official with an electric cooperative in Kansas says the utility hopes everyone who lost power in the ice storm more than a week ago will have electricity back by Christmas.

1 of 2 But he said that may not be a realistic goal. About 24,000 rural customers in Kansas are still out.

More than 88,000 homes and businesses across the Midwest remained without power early Tuesday. Overnight temperatures in the past week have dipped into the teens.

Rebeca Rascon's two children were bundled up against the brisk wind when she went to report power was still off at her south Oklahoma City home.

Rascon speaks little English, but her 7-year-old son, Josue Velasquez, described the house Monday as "very cold."

"We've got eight days without lights," the boy said. "We just sit on the couch and wait for the lights to come on."

  Moderator woensdag 19 december 2007 @ 14:05:48 #150
8781 crew  Frutsel

Mid-December Snowstorm in United States

A major snow storm slid across the United States over the weekend of December 15, 2007, laying down ice and snow across the country from the Rockies to the Great Lakes. More than a foot of snow fell in some places, cancelling air travel and causing some states to forbid all but emergency vehicles from being on the roads. This was the second major storm to wallop the country’s mid-section in December; the first arrived at the start of the month.

As the storm moved toward the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, the skies cleared over the Midwest on December 16, allowing the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite to capture these images of a wide swath of snow spanning the country’s mid-section. The top image is a photo-like view of the scene, while the bottom image uses visible, shortwave, and near-infrared light to make snow on the ground (bright blue) stand out from clouds (white) and vegetation (green). Lakes appear deep blue in this type of image.

The snow highlights the topography of the Rocky Mountains, which run north-south through the images in a series of sub-ranges from Idaho and Montana to New Mexico. The evergreen forests on their slopes appear dark brown in the top image, but green in the false-color version of the scene. Near the center of the image, the dark blue ribbon of the Missouri River cuts through South Dakota, the river widening in places in a series of reservoirs. Near the lower right of the false-image, standing water (or water-saturated ground) in the Mississippi River alluvial plain appears light blue.
  Moderator zondag 23 december 2007 @ 20:01:31 #151
8781 crew  Frutsel
AMARILLO, Texas — A storm packing heavy snow and howling wind moved north Sunday, knocking out power in homes and making conditions hazardous for holiday travelers.

High wind and ice that coated power lines blacked out tens of thousands of people in Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin. Ice slicked roadways through the region.

"Everything is just an ice rink out there," said Rock County Sheriff's Sergeant Steve Selby in Wisconsin.

Some 74,000 customers were without power in Michigan on Sunday morning, down from 104,000 at the peak, Consumers Energy said. In Illinois, about 58,000 customers were without power in the Chicago metro area and 5,500 others were in the dark in southern and central Wisconsin.

The storm blew heavy snow from Texas to Wisconsin, causing at least five deaths and dozens of injuries as multi-car pileups closed parts of several major highways on Saturday.

Much of the region affected by this storm on the Plains was still recovering from a severe ice storm early last week that knocked out electricity for hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses.

Up to a foot of new snow was forecast Sunday in northeastern Minnesota. Winter storm warnings were posted for parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan.

Strong wind could make traveling hazardous all weekend, said Craig Cogil, a forecaster with the National Weather Service in Des Moines, Iowa. Parts of that state were expected to get as much as 10 inches of snow by Sunday morning, he said.

At least three people in Minnesota and one person each in Texas and Kansas were killed in traffic accidents that authorities said were weather related.

The fatality in Texas came in a chain-reaction pileup involving more than 50 vehicles, including several tractor-trailer rigs, on Interstate 40, police said. Authorities said it would take a few days to determine exactly how many vehicles were involved.

Eighteen people were taken to hospitals, two with life-threatening injuries, Sgt. Michael Poston said.

"There were cars crashing while they (firefighters) were there," Fire Department Capt. Bob Johnson told the Amarillo Globe-News. "They could hear them (the crashes), but they couldn't see them."

Many were holiday travelers, including families with small children not dressed for the weather, Sgt. Shawn McLeland said. Other drivers spotted them and opened Christmas presents to provide warmer clothing for the children.

Authorities believe the pileup, which shut down the highway for most of the day, was caused by near zero visibility in blowing snow.

The Kansas traffic death came in a 30-car pileup about 30 miles west of Topeka that closed a 40-mile stretch of Interstate 70.

The storm also was blamed for a wreck involving 20 to 40 vehicles, including three tractor-trailer rigs, on Interstate 29 in St. Joseph in western Missouri. Police closed about 100 miles of I-29.

  Moderator zondag 23 december 2007 @ 20:13:56 #152
8781 crew  Frutsel
The fatality in Texas came in a chain-reaction pileup involving more than 50 vehicles, including several tractor-trailer rigs, on Interstate 40, police said. Authorities said it would take a few days to determine exactly how many vehicles were involved.
dat moet me een puinhoop zijn dan
  Moderator maandag 24 december 2007 @ 12:13:29 #155
8781 crew  Frutsel
Snowstorm Knocks Out Power to Tens of Thousands, Leaves at Least 11 Dead

MILWAUKEE — Highways were hazardous for holiday travelers Sunday and thousands of homes and businesses had no electricity in the Midwest as a storm blustered through the region with heavy snow and howling wind.

At least 11 deaths had been blamed on the storm.

Winter storm warnings were posted for parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan on Sunday as the core of the storm headed north across the Great Lakes. Parts of Wisconsin already had a foot of snow, and up to a foot was forecast Sunday in northeastern Minnesota, the National Weather Service said.

Radar showed snow falling across much of Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota on Sunday and moving into parts of Michigan and Indiana.

"Everything is just an ice rink out there," said Sgt. Steve Selby with the sheriff's department in Rock County, Wis.

The weather system also spread locally heavy rain on Sunday from the Southeast to the lower Great Lakes.

The storm rolled through Colorado and Wyoming on Friday, then spread snow and ice on Saturday from the Texas Panhandle to Minnesota. Multi-car pileups closed parts of several major highways Saturday in the Plains states.

The area of Madison, Wis., got three to four hours of freezing rain early Sunday, said weather service meteorologist intern Bill Borghoff at Sullivan. The combination of icy pavement and gusty wind made driving treacherous, he said.

"It's quite a mess out there," Borghoff said.

Wind gusting to more than 50 mph uprooted trees in parts of Michigan. "I can see the snow moving basically sideways," meteorologist Wayne Hoepner said in Grand Rapids.

Winds were recorded blowing as fast as 88 mph over Lake Michigan with gusts of 50 to 68 mph across the Chicago region, according to the National Weather Service.

Because of the wind, airlines canceled more than 300 flights Sunday at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, the city Aviation Department said. Municipal officials said the wind had knocked out nearly 170 traffic signals, and there were more than 500 reports of fallen trees and limbs.

More than 11,000 homes and businesses were without power at some point Saturday in Wisconsin because of the freezing rain, ice, gusty wind and heavy snow, utilities said. Michigan utilities reported some 60,000 customers were still without power Sunday night, and in Illinois about 15,000 customers were blacked out.

At least three people in Minnesota, three in Wyoming, three in Wisconsin and one person each in Texas and Kansas were killed in traffic accidents that authorities said stemmed from the storm.

The fatality in Texas came in a chain-reaction pileup involving more than 50 vehicles, including several tractor-trailer rigs, on Interstate 40, police said. At least 16 people were taken to hospitals, Sgt. Michael Poston said.

"We're not really sure how many cars, probably in excess of 40 cars and in excess of 20 semitrailers," Amarillo police Sgt. Greg Fisher said Sunday.

Many were holiday travelers, including families with small children not dressed for the weather, Sgt. Shawn McLeland said. Other drivers opened their own Christmas presents to provide warmer clothing for the children.

Authorities believe the pileup, which shut down the highway for most of the day, was caused by near zero visibility in blowing snow and slippery pavement. Multi-vehicle wrecks on Saturday also temporarily blocked sections of I-70 in Kansas and I-29 in Missouri.

Opnieuw sneeuwdepressie voor VS

Een nieuw sneeuwgebied is onderweg naar het midden van de Verenigde Staten. De sneltrekkende sneeuwdepressie zal 10 tot 20 centimeter verse sneeuw achterlaten.

Het is een komen en gaan van sneeuwstoringen deze maand in het noorden en midden van de Verenigde Staten. De laatste zorgde enkele dagen voor de kerst voor forse overlast en minimaal 22 mensen kwamen om het leven door het winterweer.

Naast de gebruikelijke sneeuwlaag in de Rocky Mountains, ligt er ook een dik pak van meer dan 50 centimeter in het grote merengebied. Met name Minnesota en Wisconsin zijn bedekt. Ook in New England tegen de Canadese grens ligt veel sneeuw. Aan de Canadese zijde ligt vooral veel sneeuw in Quebec en New Foundland met plaatselijk meer dan 75 centimeter.


75 cm sneeuw. New Foundland ligt zo'n beetje op dezelfde hooge als Nederland. (Maar een stuk kouder als hier)
  Moderator vrijdag 4 januari 2008 @ 17:43:10 #157
8781 crew  Frutsel
abonnement Unibet Coolblue Bitvavo
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