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  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 21:18:06 #251
110057 AgLarrr
Merck toch hoe sterck!
0s.gif Op dinsdag 7 mei 2024 20:23 schreef Delenlill het volgende:
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De zicht naar buiten is hierdoor inderdaad flink beperkt. En natuurlijk kun je de toren niet meer draaien, wat de hoofd functie van een tank alleen maar beperkt. Ook zal de tank nu veel zwaarder zijn uiteraard en zal de bemanning een veel kleinere kans hebben op overleven als het toch mis gaat. Daar in tegen is de kans dat het mis gaat veel minder geworden. Maar nu er weer meer artillerie shells beschikbaar zijn en zullen komen voorzie ik een snel einde aan dit soort gedrochten.
[ x ]
In het artikel staan nog een aantal voorbeelden van deze turtle tanks die hier al voorbij zijn gekomen.
Die Russen zijn het concept Stürmgeschutz opnieuw aan het uitvinden..
"Ill fares the land, to hastening ills a prey;
Where wealth accumulates, and men decay"

- Oliver Goldsmith, The Deserted Village
0s.gif Op dinsdag 7 mei 2024 21:18 schreef AgLarrr het volgende:

Die Russen zijn het concept Stürmgeschutz opnieuw aan het uitvinden..
Alleen hebben deze schildpad tanks geen enkele van de voordelen van de Stürmgeschutz tanks van WW2. En het enige voordeel is dat zij beter beschermd zijn tegen drones (en sommige ook tegen mijnen). Maar daar wordt snel wat op gevonden.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 22:01:17 #253
263706 Barbusse
0s.gif Op dinsdag 7 mei 2024 21:02 schreef Delenlill het volgende:
[ x ]
Ik denk niet dat er veel Finnen zijn die dit willen lol.
Perkele :') Hard gelachen weer.
Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam
There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
Zelensky Assassination Plot Foiled
Kyiv has foiled an alleged Russian plot to assassinate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the country's security service (SBU) said on Tuesday.

The SBU said it had exposed a network of agents from Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) who were "preparing the assassination of the president of Ukraine" and other senior Ukrainian officials.

"Counterintelligence were detained and SBU investigators foiled the plans of the FSB to eliminate the president of Ukraine and other representatives of the top military and political leadership of the state," the security service said on Telegram.
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Twee officieren van de beveiliging van Zelenski zijn hiervoor gearresteerd. Dat had veel slechter af kunnen lopen. En dit had een cadeautje moeten zijn voor Putin voor zijn inhuldiging als president. Gelukkig hebben zij het gestopt.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 22:21:09 #255
103434 Delenlill
Paratroopers destroyed Russian motorcyclists in the Donetsk region

Soldiers of the 79th Separate Tavrian Air Assault Brigade fought off an assault and destroyed a group of Russian invaders riding motorcycles.

The brigade’s press service released a video of the combat work.

Russians tried to seize the positions of Ukrainian paratroopers near Novomykhailivka in the Donetsk region.

To break into the Ukrainian positions, an advanced group of invaders moved on motorcycles, but they were destroyed by operators of the Brigade’s Attack Drone Company.

The published footage captures Russian motorcyclists moving toward the positions of Ukrainian defenders and suffering losses as a result of fire.
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  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 22:21:45 #256
412081 Anton91
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 22:28:44 #257
103434 Delenlill
What are the consequences for the Belarusian economy due to sanctions
The overdue debt of Belarus increased by half a billion dollars on May 3.

The Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus updated the lists of malicious defaulters for the same technical reasons as the Ministry of Finance. The bank announced that it could not settle with the buyers of its Eurobonds due to Western sanctions. It is about the issue of five-year Eurobonds placed by the bank in 2019 at the rate of 6.75% per annum. The placement period ended on May 2, and on May 3, the bank announced the impossibility of payment due to sanctions.

Instead, the bank reported reserving money on the relevant accounts for future payments, having already credited other people's funds to its own account, similar to the Ministry of Finance, which has not paid its debts for two years. The bank stated that it will pay the debts after the approval of the relevant legislative act or after the sanctions are lifted.

Savings due to non-payment of debts to the Ministry of Finance and the Development Bank amount to about 1.5 billion dollars, but this negatively affects the country's reputation. Thus, Belarus falls to the level of African countries. This is the summary of the rule of Lukashenka and his gang.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 22:35:38 #258
103434 Delenlill
Poland Funds 20,000 Starlink Devices to Support Ukraine's Military
Starlink operates through a constellation of satellites in low Earth orbit, enabling internet access in remote areas where traditional communication infrastructure is unavailable.

Poland has announced its financing of 20,000 Starlink internet devices in Ukraine, essential for the country's military communications amid the ongoing conflict with Russia.

"Today, we have more than 20,000 Starlink devices, the operation of which is financed by Poland," stated Krzysztof Gawkowski, Poland's Minister of Digital Affairs, during a visit to Kyiv, as quoted by the PAP news agency.

Gawkowski emphasized that Starlink not only supports the Ukrainian army but also provides crucial connectivity to hospitals.

Starlink, a satellite internet network owned by Elon Musk's SpaceX, operates through a constellation of satellites in low Earth orbit, enabling internet access in remote areas or regions where traditional communication infrastructure is unavailable.

However, the relationship between Ukraine and Musk has been strained over the past year.

In 2023, Musk declined a request to activate the network in the Crimean city of Sevastopol to support a Ukrainian attack on Russia's naval fleet.

Musk justified his decision by stating that agreeing to the request would make SpaceX "explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation."

Additionally, last year, Musk expressed concerns about indefinitely funding the service in Ukraine, though he eventually agreed to maintain the connections.
Dat is een mooi aantal. En dat zijn er 20.000 waar Musk niet veel meer over te zeggen heeft hopelijk. Al denk ik niet dat Musk er nog veel zelf financiert die in Oekraïne gebruikt worden. Dat wordt ondertussen al door veel andere partijen gedaan.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 22:43:56 #259
56749 BlaZ
Torpitudo peius est quam mors.
0s.gif Op dinsdag 7 mei 2024 20:37 schreef Delenlill het volgende:
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
Tja dat doen populistische partijen nu eenmaal. En de PVV is daar een goed voorbeeld van. Zij zeggen wat de kiezer wil horen, ongeacht of dit de waarheid is of dat zij er daadwerkelijk wat aan kunnen doen. Zij geven aan hier tegen te willen vechten en deze problemen op te willen lossen zonder met daadwerkelijk haalbare en betaalbare plannen te komen. Dit soort desinformatie moet gewoon hard aangepakt gaan worden.

Misschien dat sociale media met een betrouwbaarheidsmeter moet komen. Dat wanneer iemand bewijsbare onwaarheden zit te verkondigen, desinformatie zit te verspreiden, of de waarheid in een grote mate aan het verdraaien is, dat dat bekend wordt gemaakt en voor iedereen zichtbaar zal zijn.
Je komt dan echter vanzelf weer uit bij het eeuwenoude adagium: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Ceterum censeo Turciam delendam esse.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 22:44:25 #260
103434 Delenlill
Belarus announces start of nuclear weapons inspection

Belarus announced a sudden inspection of tactical nuclear weapons carriers with Iskander systems.

Alexander Lukashenko ordered the inspection.

“A division of the Iskander operational-tactical missile system and a squadron of Su-25 aircraft are being engaged to perform the tasks,” Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin said.

He added that it is planned to check the whole range of measures from planning, preparation, and use of strikes with tactical nuclear weapons.

Viktor Gulevich, Chief of the General Staff of the Belarusian Army, said that during the inspection, parts of the aviation forces and means were relocated to the reserve airfield.
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Wit-Rusland gaat ook lekker met Rusland mee doen met de nucleaire inspecties en oefeningen. Na meer dan 2 jaar met dreigementen worden wij hier niet echt bang meer van. Het zal waarschijnlijk alleen maar averechts gaan werken.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 22:49:31 #261
103434 Delenlill

Ik wens ze success. Met hoe snel zij terrein veroveren moet je eerder denken aan enkele jaren, en dan moet alles ook nog eens perfect gaan.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 22:53:16 #262
103434 Delenlill
0s.gif Op dinsdag 7 mei 2024 22:43 schreef BlaZ het volgende:

Je komt dan echter vanzelf weer uit bij het eeuwenoude adagium: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Daar komen wij inderdaad weer bij uit dan. Al bedoel ik het veel breder. Niet alleen de mensen die aan de macht zijn, of kunnen komen. Maar jan en alleman. Dus iedereen die van social media gebruik maakt.

Al zal dat natuurlijk heel veel werk met zich meebrengen. En het is de vraag of dit realistisch en haalbaar is. Misschien dat er onderscheid gemaakt kan worden tussen het aantal volgers. Dat boven een bepaald aantal dit van toepassing zal worden.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 23:00:08 #263
103434 Delenlill
Stephen King urged Zelenskyy and Putin to fight one-on-one

American writer Stephen King believes that Vladimir Zelensky and dictator Vladimir Putin should “settle their differences”.

He called on the opponents to fight one-on-one. About this, he wrote in the social network X.

Stephen King, known for his constant support of Ukraine, made a new statement.

He emphasized that Putin and Vladimir Zelensky should stop killing people.

King suggests that Putin and Zelenskyy should have a fight between themselves to settle all differences.

The writer believes that the Ukrainian president would win in a hand-to-hand fight, and he would like to see it.

King also suggests charging to watch the fight

“I think Putin and Zelensky ought to stop killing people and settle their differences mano a mano on Pay Per View. I’d love to see Mr. Z kick Putin’s ass” wrote the king of horror.

Earlier, the star of “The Lord of the Rings,”, American actor Viggo Mortensen, recorded a video in support of Ukraine.

“Putin is an occupier. The seizure of territories is inexcusable for me. I support the people of Ukraine and their desire for territorial integrity. Long live free Ukraine,” Viggo Mortensen stated.
Eerlijk is eerlijk ik zou voor het zien van dit gevecht betalen. Maar dan moet Zelenski eerst wel flink getraind gaan worden. Want ondanks dat Putin bejaard, ziek, zwak en misselijk is. Heeft hij wel de benodigde training and ervaring natuurlijk.

Lol, die comments onder Musk zijn bericht. Wij wachten inderdaad nog op zijn gevecht met Zuckerberg. Dus laat hem eerst maar het goede voorbeeld geven dan.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 23:01:36 #264
56749 BlaZ
Torpitudo peius est quam mors.
0s.gif Op dinsdag 7 mei 2024 22:21 schreef Anton91 het volgende:
[ x ]
Via Russische bron


The enemy attacked Lugansk with new OTB MGM-140B ATACMS Block IA missiles with a range of 300 km, which we wrote about earlier (https://t.me/rusich_army/14276)

They hit the oil depot.
There are no casualties.
The fire is localized.
Dus wel degelijk een oliedepot.

In Liman staat er overigens ook iets heel groots in de brand, maar ik kan niet goed vinden wat het precies is.
Ceterum censeo Turciam delendam esse.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 23:06:08 #265
103434 Delenlill
Polish judge defects to Belarus
Tomasz Szmydt, a judge of the provincial administrative court in Warsaw, left Poland for Belarus and said he intends to apply for political asylum due to his "disagreement" with the Polish government's policies.

Tensions between Poland, a NATO country, and Russian ally Belarus have surged following Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

"I express my protest to the Polish authorities who, under the influence of the U.S. and Great Britain, are leading the country to war," Szmydt said at a press conference in Minsk on May 6.

"The Polish nation supports peace and good neighborly relations with Belarus and Russia. That's why I'm in Minsk and I'm ready to tell the truth."

Szmydt claimed that he was subject to political persecution and intimidation by Polish authorities for his pro-Russian viewpoints and that he was "forced to leave" Poland.
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Lol, politiek asiel aanvragen in Wit-Rusland als Poolse rechter. Volgens mij is daar meer aan de hand dan slechts zijn Russische visie.
  dinsdag 7 mei 2024 @ 23:11:43 #266
103434 Delenlill
President Iohannis: Romania open to discussing sending Patriot to Ukraine
Romania is open to discussing the possibility of sending a Patriot air defense system to Ukraine, the country's president said on May 7, Reuters reported.

Speaking in Washington after a meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden, Klaus Iohannis said he would discuss the matter with his Supreme Defence Council.

This is the latest development from Western nations responding to calls from Kyiv for more air defenses in the face of escalating Russian missile and drone attacks on cities across Ukraine.
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Zou mooi zijn als dit ook daadwerkelijk gaat gebeuren. Maar eerst zien dan geloven. Hangt er natuurlijk geheel er van af wat zij er voor in ruil willen.
  woensdag 8 mei 2024 @ 00:17:15 #267
103434 Delenlill
District settlement Kopani, Zaporozhye region. Destroyed Russian equipment. Mega electronic warfare on "Loaf" failed. - 0:39.Coordinates: ( 47°25'56.8"N 35°43'23.0"E )

Russians continuing beatings until morale improves
Ik denk niet dat het moraal er veel beter op is geworden. En volgens de comments gaat het om drankmisbruik door deze soldaten waarvoor ze gestraft worden.

US Spokesmen John Kirby tells Putin and other Russian officials who complain about Western weapons killing Russians to simply leave
Inderdaad. Gewoon opdonderen dus. Al was dit mogelijk al een wat ouder filmpje. Volgens mij was ik deze al eerder tegen gekomen. Of in elk geval zoiets.

81st Separate Air Mobile Brigade "Black Ravens" take out soft targets, poorly defended ruzzian soldiers. Some NSFW parts and pieces. Slava Ukraini~!

Unit: 43 OABr Counter-battery work of gunners and self-propelled guns PzH 2000 to damage/destroy targets: 122-mm howitzers "D-30" 152-mm howitzers "D-20" 240-mm self-propelled gun "Tulip". BC field squad. West of the village of Bakhmutske, the city of Soledar and the village of Yagidne, Donetsk

Crimea resident shows what 10 years of Russian occupation and looting has done.
Het is er niet beter op geworden zie ik. Dat was ooit eens een vakantie paradijs.

79th Separate Airborne Assault destroys ruzzian troops within nested emplacement, Slava Ukraini~!
Dat scheelde niet veel. Had hij bijna zichzelf opgeblazen met die granaat.

destruction of enemy equipment and personnel by the 58th OMpBr
Ook weer wat gevangenen erbij zie ik. Mooi zo.

Belgorod region, electrical substation used by the Russian occupiers for military purposes on fire!

This is what Robotyne in the Zaporizhia Oblast looks like now. The earth is completely covered with the corpses of the occupiers who came to Ukraine to make money

Drone attacks on ruzzian equipment and soldiers who attempt to run, hide or sometimes even fight... Slava Ukraini~!

Ukrainian fighters from the 79th Air Assault Brigade show the destruction of 300+ tanks and armored vehicles during the recent Battle for Novomykhailivka.
Wat een verliezen voor zo'n gehucht. En zoals je in het onderstaande filmpje kan zien blijven ze de troepen in dit gehucht bestoken nu deze ingenomen is. Ik ben benieuwd hoeveel soldaten dit Rusland gekost heeft. Dat zullen er niet weinig zijn.

Ukrainian fighters from the 79th Air Assault Brigade continue striking Russian forces inside the village to complicate consolidation and further movement.

Everything you need to know about the “nuclear exercises” of the Belarusian purist: the TV channel of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus blurred the outboard fuel tanks of the Su-25 , although in some frames they are clearly visible Did they want to pass them off as nuclear warheads or something?
  woensdag 8 mei 2024 @ 06:25:20 #268
359329 Discombobulate
0s.gif Op dinsdag 7 mei 2024 23:00 schreef Delenlill het volgende:
Eerlijk is eerlijk ik zou voor het zien van dit gevecht betalen. Maar dan moet Zelenski eerst wel flink getraind gaan worden. Want ondanks dat Putin bejaard, ziek, zwak en misselijk is. Heeft hij wel de benodigde training and ervaring natuurlijk.
[ x ]
Lol, die comments onder Musk zijn bericht. Wij wachten inderdaad nog op zijn gevecht met Zuckerberg. Dus laat hem eerst maar het goede voorbeeld geven dan.
Goed idee, zouden we sowieso meer moeten doen in het leven om conflicten op te lossen. Past wel bij mannen.
A Robin Redbreast in a Cage Puts all Heaven in a Rage.
  woensdag 8 mei 2024 @ 06:45:18 #269
103434 Delenlill
  woensdag 8 mei 2024 @ 06:46:18 #270
103434 Delenlill
  woensdag 8 mei 2024 @ 06:48:55 #271
103434 Delenlill
Slovakia hit by wave of bomb threats
Police in Slovakia are trying to find out who sent more than 1,000 bomb threats to schools and other institutions on Tuesday.

Police teams with sniffer dogs and bomb disposal experts were called out repeatedly across the country.

The alerts prompted mass evacuations.

Officials said they were treating the threats "as a particularly serious crime of terrorist attack".

Emails from an anonymous sender reportedly began arriving at 05:00, alleging that explosives were stored in hundreds of schools spanning the country's eight regions.

The number of confirmed threats issued has reportedly been growing.

Officials have not specified what is in the threats. But according to TV reports, they were written in Slovak, sent from a Russian email address and targeted what the author described as enemies of Islam.
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  woensdag 8 mei 2024 @ 06:52:00 #272
103434 Delenlill
The EU plans to ban parties from receiving funding from the Russian Federation due to threats of interference in elections
The European Union is actively considering the possibility of including a ban on the use of the Russian analogue of SWIFT - the financial messaging system (SPFS) by the Bank of Russia as part of the 14th package of sanctions against Russia. In addition, as part of the new EU sanctions, it is proposed to ban political parties, think tanks and other groups from receiving funding from Russia. Source: Bloomberg

The measures come amid growing concerns about disinformation being spread by the Kremlin, especially ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections in June.

The elections, scheduled for 6 to 9 June 2024, will be important in determining the composition and direction of the EU's main legislative body over the next five years.
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
  woensdag 8 mei 2024 @ 06:52:04 #273
365087 RamboDirk
Queers 4 Palestine!
  woensdag 8 mei 2024 @ 06:54:18 #274
103434 Delenlill
Berlin bans Russian flag on Victory Day
The German authorities have banned Russian flags, military uniforms, placards featuring the letters V or Z, and other symbols and signs that could be seen as glorifying Russia's war against Ukraine during events in Berlin on 9 May [Victory Day, a Russian holiday that commemorates the Soviet victory in WWII – ed.].

Source: European Pravda with reference to Zeit

Details: On Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 May, Berlin will host a number of events to mark the end of World War II in Europe, including several wreath-laying ceremonies at Soviet memorials in Treptower Park and the Tiergarten, as well as rallies at the Brandenburg Gate and in the government quarter.

This year, police have once again banned Russian flags, military uniforms, placards featuring the letters V or Z, and other symbols and signs that could be seen as glorifying Russia's war against Ukraine near Soviet memorials. Russian military marches and songs are also banned.
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Mooi zo. Dit soort symboliek heeft op dit ogenblik niks te zoeken tijdens dit soort evenementen.
  woensdag 8 mei 2024 @ 06:59:21 #275
103434 Delenlill
Students in St. Petersburg began to be forced to work in military production under the threat of expulsion
Students of the Baltic State Technical University "Voenmech" in St. Petersburg are sent to do internships at military enterprises LLC "Special Technology Center", JSC "Research Institute of Command Devices" and JSC "Research and Production Enterprise "Radar mms", where they are forced to sign employment contracts and documents for access to state secrets. The university students themselves spoke about this in a conversation with Groza .

When filling out documents for access to state secrets, young people have to provide their personal data, including information about travel abroad and information about their immediate family. The students are not told what they will do in production, but they themselves believe that the work will involve assembling drones and other military equipment. For this they are promised a salary of 60 thousand rubles. Students complain that if they refuse, they are threatened with expulsion “for practice debt.”
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