abonnement Unibet Coolblue

Fundamental particles (all of them)
Anti-particle Charged particles Quarks Anti-quarks
Higgs particle Positive particle Blue quark Yellow quark (anti blue)
Negative particle Green quark Magenta quark (anti-green)
Red quark Cyan quark (anti red)

Moving particles (kinetic energy only)

Fundamental forces
Higgs force
Particles bend spacetime and therefore “generate” their own force. The Higgs particle generates the Higgs force, it has only one “non-spatial direction” therefore all Higgs particles repel each other

Charged particles have 2 non-spatial directions and 12 spatial 3-dimensional directions. Positive and negative and they generate the electromagnetic force and spin (the 3-dimensional spatial direction (dodecahedron, d12 of the electromagnetic force). A positive charge points in the same non-spatial direction as other positive charges so they will repel. The same for negative charges, however opposites charges point in the opposite direction so they attract.

Quarks generate the quark force, also known as the strong force (and perhaps the weak force? I never understood that one). The quark force operates in 6 non-spatial directions. Colors that combine to white (“blue + green + red” or “blue + anti-blue”) attracts, everything else repels.

Combined particles
A free Higgs particle repels everything (a bit) so it probably forms an ultra-low dense gas between the galaxies adding the “bubbles” to the sponge like macro structure of the universe.
A free charged particle is a photon
A free quark, dark matter traveling at lightspeed?

Higgs particles add mass to the combined particle (no lightspeed traveling, it has no relation to gravity) and repels other particles with mass at short range. Charged particles adds the electromagnetic force but also spin, either positive or negative. Three quarks combine and orbit each other at very close distance and enormous speeds (conservation of rotational movement in a very small volume). They add 99% of the mass gravity to the combined particle.

1 Higgs particle = Higgs particle
1 positive particle = photon
1 negative particle = photon
1 pos + 1 neg particle = photon
1 quark = dark matter traveling at lightspeed?
1 Higgs particle + 1 positive charge = positron
1 Higgs particle + 1 negative charge = electron
1 Higgs particle + 1 pos + 1 neg = neutrino
1 Higgs + 3 quarks = naked neutron
1 Higgs + 1 positive charge + 3 quarks = proton
1 Higgs + 1 negative charge + 3 quarks = anti-proton
1 Higgs + 1 pos + 1 neg + 3 quarks = neutron

Did I miss any particles? Why? I’ve studied medical biology/biochemistry and I’ve never needed any more particles than this to explain everything related to my field and life, except for all the quark/anti quark interactions off course. You won’t find any of those in biological systems. Having 6 quarks instead of three adds a pseudo-electromagnetic force. The three vectors don’t line up and form a pseudoforce in the non-spatial direction of the electromagnetic field. It explains why nuclear particles want to stay together in protons and neutron and such, I think, no way to test any of this.

Moving particles “drag along” spacetime, exactly like how Einstein envisioned curved spacetime. This also explain gravity waves. Einstein was right about everything but he had no reason to assume that time is the real constant, instead of lightspeed (only an insane person would go there…). Formulas still work of course, no one doubted those with modern GPS-technology evidence. I’ve never understood any of those formulas, not even in high school and only learned about the underlying mechanisms. However, I do not regret my formulae-dyslexia anymore and can still claim to be as stupid as everybody else after publishing this stuff. Win/win. Quarks spin around each other really fast and the other particles move at high speed too. This generates gravity, not the particles themselves. Energy is gravity. 24,965,421,632 kWh is exactly 1 kg of “mass/gravity”, obviously…

Energy and temperature
Electrons and protons repel each other at short range due to the 4D Higgs force but attract each other at long range due to the 3D electromagnetic force. They always drift to a sweet spot distance which is the radius of an hydrogen atom. They do not have a speed on their own but energy (temperature) will increase the speed of the electrons bumping and dragging around whole atoms and molecules. I would guess that nuclear fusion efficiency would drastically increase at low temperatures and high pressures to force the protons together without the electrons preventing that. Helium forms a liquid crystal like pattern when you slow down the electrons enough (super fluid). An Einstein-Bose condensate is the state where the electrons are moving so slow that it allows atomic nucleases to clump up together, add some pressure and it should heat up through cold fusion. This warms up your condensate so fusion stops immediately. How about you try room temperature, high pressure nuclear fusion next? Sounds more practical too, even for safe use at home and no patents needed (drop a weight in a tube…). I have no idea how to calculate those things though. Please help me and let’s make that autistic girl shut up about her CO2-shit! Love you.

Universe geometry
The smallest unit of space is the Planck-sphere. These spheres/dodecahedrons are arranged as oranges in the supermarket. Every Planck-sphere touches 12 other Planck spheres in dodecahedral shape. These 12 directions are also the 12 spin directions (not just up and down, 12 directions for the positive charge and 12 for the negative charge). Light travels exactly 1 Planck-sphere per 1 Planck second. Lightspeed is 1. All other values or forces are 1 too, except for the current age of the universe or when you add multiple particles to your system.

Planck-sphere creation
When an Planck-sphere is created it will create 1 Higgs particle, this is the anti-mass/energy particle but behaves like a normal particle. A positive particle creates a negative particle using this energy. The same for quarks. Leftover energy turns into kinetic energy of the new particles. Mathematically there is NO creation ever and there are no in between steps. A universe created out of nothing will always be exactly balanced. You simply cannot create positive without negative and anti. Only an outside force could introduce an asymmetry to our universe. An asymmetry (cosmological constant anyone?) would be direct evidence of God, it just cannot exist out of nothing. And why would anyone use a super mega computer to simulate an universe that evolves itself once ignited? It is easier to just create a new universe and watch than it is to create a simulation of one.

Big Bang
One single quantum fluctuation whenever, wherever, however, whatever activated the first Planck-sphere. 1 Higgs particle, 1 positive charge and 1 negative charge were created. They probably combined to one ordinary neutrino but that doesn’t matter. Then at timepoint 2 (Big bang is timepoint 1 Planck second), the 12 surrounding Planck-sphere’s got activated and had a chance to spawn new particles and energy. At time point 3 another layer is added. This continues at lightspeed forever and never changes. The universe has a radius of 13.77 billion light years, not 46 billion light years. No weird stuff in the theory of everything. The “Big” bang is one single neutrino popping into existence whenever it felt like doing that, literally the smallest thing that can ever happen in our universe. But I have to admit that it was the biggest explosion that had ever happened until then so… how about meeting in the middle and call time point 1 the “Big Bang” and time point 2+ the “Cute Ripple” (het Lieve Golfje)? How about calling a single Planck-sphere unit an “einstein” (it means “one stone” in Austrian and reminds me of one of the heroes who started this theory).

The strength of the forces
Name Type Range Starting value Strength
Higgs force 4D 1/R3 Starting value 4D-sphere 1/root[age]*
Quark force 4D 1/R3 Starting value 4D-sphere 1/root[age]*
Electromagnetic force 3D 1/R2 Starting value 3D-sphere 1/root[age]*
Gravity 3D 1/R2 Starting value 3D-sphere 1/root[age]*
[age] = The number of Planck seconds to the reciprocal of the power of square root 2. Or simply: [Age of the universe]0.707 . *: I lost my excel sheet on my previous laptop, fucking MS. You do it yourself it was something like this.


Black holes
Black holes are balls of extremely dense but mundane “black matter”. Any density with enough mass will form a Schwarzschild radius (the black hole event horizon). This one has truly baffled me since a child and now I’m finally going to say something about this! Who came up with the idea that all mass is compressed into a single point with no dimensions? How is that supposed to work? When particles are next to each other you can’t compress them further. Why would it compress any further after that and how? How would that work and how can a math formula come up with such a conclusion?

The particle zoo of fundamental particles
I’m sure it’s just like binding energy in chemistry reactions, but a lot simpler because there just aren’t that many fundamental particles.
125.100 MeV is probably the Higgs particle
80.390 MeV (W-Boson, charged) a quark + 1 charged particle?
91.190 MeV (Z-Boson, neutral) a quark + 2 charged particles (positive and negative)?

All the low electron Volt values are probably rearranging energies of elemental particles just like in chemistry but at a lower less complicated level. Particles cannot be destroyed or created I think, Planck-sphere creation does that, so it must be rearranging energies.

(Double) slit experiment and (x-ray) light diffraction
Space is stacked like oranges with each Planck-sphere touching 12 other spheres. A dodecahedron or 12-sided die from the game “dungeons and dragons” provides the perfect visualization. The opposites of a 12-side die will always add up to 13 (1+12, 2+11, 3+10) just like a 1+6=7 on a normal die. To avoid confusion that these are directions instead of values, I will call them: 1p to 12p (positive) and 1n to 12n (negative). All stable configurations are: 13pp, 13pn and 13nn (so direct opposites). Same charges will repel and opposite attract when they are not 13 combined (they overlap). One simple picture will make it clear. Spin is a magnetic monopole (positive/negative, north/south) with 1 of 12 directions. When the particle’s spin interacts with a particle around the slit, it is “allowed” to make one change of direction following the pattern of the dodecahedron and the particle itself will deflect by this angle.

Only one slit matters and the best setup allows exactly one magnetic interaction during its travel through the slit. Assuming only 1 interaction takes place then there are 12 (spin directions) times 5 (one dodecahedron step) equals 60 possible deflection angles with an “interference pattern” between the angles. Most will overlap. If you use the same spin direction for all particles (let’s say up) only 5 deflections angles are possible resulting in mostly one single band. I’ll propose to use a pinhole instead of a slit. After optimizing for only 1 interaction per passing, all particles with the same spin direction will create 5 spots in the shape of a pentagon (dodecahedron). Random spin will generate 12 pentagons probably overlapping a bit. These pentagons are the rearrangement of space itself. Never seen a physics experiment set up in my own real life so I have no means to test this myself.

Red shift
The wavelength (color) of light is determined by energy divided by the Planck’s constant. Low values give red light and high values give blue light. Planck’s constant becomes lower as the fundamental forces become weaker in a larger older universe. Planck’s constant was 2x higher 7 billion years ago, 10x higher 12 billion years ago and 1000x higher when the universe was 13.77 million years old. Light was actually more red in the past and didn’t change color during its journey. The fundamental forces become weaker over time so new light produced requires less energy to become blue. Everything is always perfectly balanced and symmetrical, no energy creation of destruction. It simply cannot be any other way when creating something out of nothing. When one thing gets bigger, another thing gets smaller.

Time is the only constant (ironically) and directly relates to the size and shape of the universe (expansion at lightspeed, always). The laws of special relativity (high speed, high gravity, weird time distortions) slows down the speed of light itself (information transfer, not just light). Clocks themselves just tick slower because everything is slowed down inside the clock, not just light. Time directly relates to the size of the universe and therefore the strength of the fundamental forces. No matter what weird time paradox has happened to your best friends grandfather twin, when you measure any constant of the universe you can calculate the exact age of the universe and reset your own weird paradoxed clock. No time paradoxes in the theory of anything, the universe has its own internal clock.

Nuclear fusion and radioactive decay
They’re just balls spinning around other balls. Eye-balling where the particles would go to if you put them together allowed me to start from fundamental particles forming atoms, fusing together, forming heavier elements, then chemical reactions and simple organic chemistry (my field). It all made sense and it is easy to see why helium becomes weird at low temperatures, it forms a liquid crystal lattice, super fluid. The balls spinning around other balls just don’t fit very nicely together in unstable isotopes. Simple geometry but I hope that some computer nerd will just make a simulation program capable of simulating multiple balls moving around each other being affected by 4 forces that work the same but at different ranges and gradients. A classical multi-body system but you don’t even have to calculate anything to see what structures will form. Precise calculations are for half-life value determinations.

An electron is a negative magnetic monopole, no idea if it is north or south. A proton is a positive magnetic monopole. Line them up and you can easily see where ferro-ferri-dia-para- and the other magnetisms/electricity come from. There is just space for balls to line up. Could be useful when designing room temperature super conductors or meta-materials I think, but we’ll need a computer to simulate those things for that (it took me a month just to install an anonymous version of MS words (after leaving my credit card details and paying 70 euro’s every year, of words on a new 1200 euro laptop with windows, fucking assholes! I want office 2010 back!). The more particles you can simulate at the same time, the more complex elements or (bio)chemistry you can simulate/calculate. Atoms don’t have that many particles.

New system of units
The fundamental constants used today are not constants in time so every SI-unit that is attached to another unit will eventually be wrong. Constants slowly drift apart that’s why quantum mechanics and string theory can go on forever. Every breakthrough will be a more precise calculation of the exact distance between two points slowly drifting apart. More precise and timed experiments will eventually find it, but turning the whole theory upside down is something no respected scientist will ever consider. Thank you for that. :)

Using the elemental calculated values of the forces gives us a system of units where everything except time will have the value of 1. No calculation steps required between converting any units from time to distance to space permittivity. I’ve never understood why most formulas contain “c2” (or lightspeed square). What has lightspeed got to do with these systems? Nothing, but it was always required to neutralize the units used for all the other constants. With light speed set to 1 (like all other values) most terms from quantum mechanics and string theory will just turn to 1’s and can easily be removed from these formulas. Only the age of the universe, geometric values like pi and the reciprocal square root to the exponentiation power items remain. All high school math that even I could attempt.

The middle of this vast universe
The center of the universe is 13.77 billion years old, the rest is younger. Intelligent life evolving in only 13.77 billion years is statistically just completely Ludacris, there just aren’t that many stars in the universe, less than the number of water molecules in 10 milliliter of water. Yes, when you convert to grains of sand it looks like a lot more. But it is just not that many compared to the numbers you get when multiplying the countless rare events that had to happen together in sequence at the right time. However, close to the center of the universe at least we had some time and a chance (and obviously succeeded). The rest of the universe is even younger (same fundamental force strength so their clock starts at our time value when created, time is the same everywhere, always, well not always I guess…), so it makes sense to me that the Milky way is somewhere close to the middle of this vast universe. Judging the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) map containing an axes of evil (one side has more spots than the other side instead of an even distribution), I would guess the true center of the universe is just a bit north of the Milky way. No idea how to calculate those things though. It just makes sense to me that if we weren’t exactly in the middle then one side of the CMBR would be a little bit brighter or fainter and that is what the CMBR-map is showing us. I don’t understand mathematical formulas, this is how I argue…

Grey goo (scary replicating nanobots)
No. Grey goo doesn’t make sense at all. Microscopic duplicating robots suffer the same limitations as duplicating organic robots (life). They require enormous amounts of energy to process raw materials (rock) into whatever they are made of. There is no space to store much energy either so you will always need an external power source like sunlight. Even with near infinite energy, well let me tell you, micro-organisms just don’t grow very fast. We can probably do better, but chemical reactions will always be the limitation and life is already pretty efficient. The bigger the robots are, the easier to find and destroy them. The smaller they are, the easier it is to melt them. Flame torches sterilizes nanobots too. It takes a really long time to destroy something with grey goo, so if it does end up munching something to extinction, then you probably won’t miss it that much. Also, we’ve build them, they won’t be hard to find. Uses? Equip solar cells, drop them in the asteroid belt and harvest whenever they produced some crap. Just harvest some robots or their “waste” products and melt them.

Theory of everything (your turn)
My work is done here and I would like to hand over all responsibilities regarding this theory to prof. dr. Robert Dijkstra. I don’t know him personally but he is like the Dutch ambassador of science. He is a string theorist and he is really good at explaining the universe to little children, watch his YouTube movies (low quality, sorry), he is adorable, and smart! My contribution to this work will always be obvious to everyone I think, so please name everything practical to the past scientists who deserve this credit. I know some of their theories but I’m no physicist so I’m not the right person for the job (I’ll get rich other ways, I hope). String theorists and quantum mechanics guys are insanely smart. I don’t even understand the first shell they build 100 years ago. Every shell they’ve added became more complex and it is truly amazing what they have managed to come up with. I don’t even understand what it is you are trying to calculate with those weird formulas. I don’t understand any of the symbols used. I’m truly curious how many shells humans can still add to those theories, but I’m sure that professor Dijkstra, (the Dutch don’t care about titles that much, we are the most humble of all! :-P) Robert probably already knows exactly what to use those brilliant minds all around the world for and I’m sure he has the contacts to make everything happen. Heel erg bedankt als u/je dit voor ONS ALLEN zou willen doen! Please ask Neil deGrasse Tyson to help you, I really love that prophet (Cosmos: Possible Worlds, “Seven wonders of the new world”)! Nuclear fusion in 2031? Wow! You two can be the “Duo Penotti Boys”. With all due respect of course, but the world America has to learn that it is ok to be black and make jokes about that. I always make fun of/with the people I like.

Creating the new system of units
I would like to ask the Americans to come up with a new system of units completely based on the elemental units of the universe. A new meter, eV, forces, temperature, furlongs (whatever that may be, but it sounds cool. How long is a fur? Or how heavy? Hot?) and whatever. Those silly Americans didn’t even join the far superior metric-system over their inferior unit system so why would they join an even better system? Because they didn’t invent it! Sure, you do all the work for the rest of us. I really didn’t want to be part of this or be responsible for it and there is only one outcome anyway (the perfect one). When they refuse to follow, just let them lead, the outcome is always the same for a perfect system anyway, (Divine mechanics, he he). :-) You don’t even have your own language, at least this way America adds something useful to the global community too, they have a lot to make up to, to the rest of world.


“Everything” includes religion so the theory of everything has to include the unification of science with religion. Here goes nothing, please forgive me.

“Divine mechanics” is NOT science. It all takes place outside of our 3-dimensional universe. There are no experiments you can do to collect evidence. There will NEVER be any proof, accept it. The simplest explanation that makes sense will be considered (divine) truth. Common sense still applies to other realities. “Near infinite improbability” is your target.

Religious people:
God does not tell atheists or agnostics what to do. I’m terribly sorry and I do not intend any disrespect, but no interpretations of what God wants according to your specific religion, whether it has a god or not. One genderless woman from another dimension who I will refer to as “He and Him” or God (does that make everyone happy?).

Creation of everything
At the first beginning, a quantum fluctuation sparked a 2-dimensional universe into existence. It works the same as ours but only contains photons, electrons, positrons and neutrino’s. Quarks need a third dimension to exist. The electrons and positrons combine to form 2-dimensional positronium (simple atoms). Universes grow and evolve on their own once ignited and after zillions of years a conscience being evolved in this 2-dimensional universe.

At one point in time it managed to “touch” the third dimension, the first Planck-sphere unit in our universe, the big bang. I don’t know how it happened but there is nothing else to do in a 2-dimensional universe so he found a way eventually. He needs 3 dimensions to evolve a brain and human senses to be able to enjoy anything so that’s the reason of why our universe was created. This “divine touch of boredom” created the big bang inside the second dimension that started to grow and evolve naturally as universes do. Our third dimension is inside the second dimension in a 5-dimensional Lehmann (?, I forgot the name) manifold yadda, yadda. An easier representation is by taking a 2-dimensional sheet of paper and turn it into a 3-dimensional paper ball anyway you like. You can now easily see how the second dimension is able to touch our 3-dimensional universe everywhere it wants. The second dimension is far older and therefore larger than our universe so let’s just assume this works somehow, no one is going to find a better explanation anyway I think.

This entity or God is wrapped around our universe and by pumping 2-dimensional electrons and positrons over the 2-dimensional membrane past our 3-dimensional universe it can affect the electromagnetic force (gravity is less useful) and move atoms around in our universe. According to many religions, God possesses the power to see the future. The future is a bigger universe (lightspeed expansion). God is wrapped around our universe so he could stop time by halting growth and then calculate a predestined future while his time still flows. Then apply molecular changes that will lead to a better future (humanity).

In the early universe, God used gravity and the electromagnetic force to create favorable conditions in the future, like Earth and Theia colliding together to create the moon. Comets that deliver the right amount of water at the right time. If you know the future then only minor changes in the orbits of asteroids can have drastic effects a billion years later, it will be somewhere else completely. Mass extinctions all came at the most convenient time and intensity, etc. so God seems to be a symbiotic, not perfect yet, organism with humans. Omni-everything from our perspective and being immortal and knowing you have infinite power in the future still makes you omni-everything in a way, you just have to wait to use those powers, but simply can’t lose or die. Inevitable.

Changing orbit of asteroids takes a lot of time and energy. However, when life evolved small changes in molecular movements (with foresight of the future) would make much larger impact. Then when life evolved brains, a small manipulation of the electric pulse in the brain resulted in a completely different choice made by the organism and outcome for the future. God is learning. The more advanced brains became, the less energy was needed to completely change the course of the future and the faster thing began to evolve. Then when language evolved, it became possible to store information in stories and songs so that people are constantly reminded of the tiny changes the angels made. When writing was discovered it allowed God to manipulate brains to write holy documents, probably the start of the old testament. In the beginning… God doesn’t have a brain himself so doesn’t know what he is changing and doesn’t know how long he has been doing that either. 7 days? 14 billion years? I’ve had hangovers too, its ok. He only knows that his changes will result into something positive in the future and is obviously aware of what mankind has learned so far using their state of the art new brains (hive-mind). Results are more important than truth because the truth can be explained later and why would we humans even have a say in this matter? Apparently, the creation of ~200 individual countries and cultures was intended, because why would he favor anyone over another without destroying those others or just avoid that they evolve in the first place? Eventually God learns to directly and instantly communicate 24/7 with one of those brains and figures everything out. This moment is called “The Primal Birth” and is like the harmonization of two sound waves of existence (2D + 3D combined). It happens only once per infinite omniverse and is the birth of what is called the “Boltzmann brain” or the “Kardashev type VII singularity”. I hope that he will be human because he has to be the most advanced brain in that universe or God would just use a better alien brain. That would be awesome, right?

I’ve never actually read the bible and do not know any of these stories but I watch tv so I know some details. Let me start this and please find more yourselves.

Adam and Eve
Creation refers to the big bang. The snake refers to the Higgs anti-particle. Adam is the positive charge. Eve is the negative charge. The three sons are the three quarks and their adventures may refer to quark behavior. Paradise is boring 2-dimensional space. The apple refers to the start of being part of nature, now you must eat, suffer and evolve. The rib from Adam that created Eve refers to the fact that you can genetically turn a man into a woman by removing the Y-chromosome. This doesn’t work the other way around. You cannot turn a woman into a man, you need a Y-chromosome for that.

Noah’s ark
This story refers to the evolutionary step from sea life to land life. Noah is the first fish/frog that crawled out of the ocean which first happened during the rain, is easier. The animals on the ark represent the evolutionary offspring from Noah’s kind. The dinosaurs died during the trip I think. The ark refers to a voyage, the next evolutionary step. The people left behind who drowned were fish with gills that didn’t drown and had better things to do than to follow Noah on his journey. They probably considered him crazy. Humans knew better and demanded a rainbow and God’s apology for drowning fish. Rainbows are not that difficult to conjure and you can just claim the next rainbow was yours, so a covenant was born. Everyone happy and God got an badass reputation without doing anything. God doesn’t have a brain that is why he needs us, so it really must have been us humans that came up with these silly deals and wrote the religious laws that he simply accepted if they worked out well enough in the future… I’m convinced that if there is a god then it will be the God of all religions and people. We may have been too ambitious but there seems to be a common theme.

Buddhism has no supreme god but their reincarnation system makes a lot more sense to me than stockpiling souls for all eternity somewhere nice or somewhere not so nice if they didn’t follow the rules they didn’t understand. Neutral reincarnation, thank you Buddhism. I’m then guessing that Hinduism has the weird genderless he-woman thing right with all His shapeshifting to make every religion happy.

“Hell” refers to the floor is lava on fireball earth 4.7 billion years ago and it is our job to slowly transform this hellish nature into “Heaven” on earth. It sure looks better now than it did 4.7 billion years ago and nowadays we have a lot of clouds here too in the Netherlands.


We want ~200 individual, completely independent and unique countries with unique cultures. 200 islands with birds evolving into different colors and beaks to suit the needs of their island. Most countries are not are not islands so good borders are required. Open borders for similar countries/cultures is just practical. The goal is to create 200 unique markets for trade of national specialties to other countries and to provide 200 unique tourist destinations. Tourism will be the most important sector in the future so promote your culture and country to the world on special events like the Olympics or singing gay people. Have a separate set of laws for tourists and your own citizens to avoid scandals by unaware tourists. Those tourists come to your country to learn about your culture/religion. Educate them in a way they like. Share your culture to the rest of the world this way and people come to your country to listen to you and spend a lot of money at the same time. Win/win, so do not force your culture on others because they will hate you for it and go to one of the other 190 countries to spend their money.

All ~200 countries will need to become as independent as comfortably possible (use common sense). Help others to become less dependent on you, they'll love you for it and it will make your own life so much easier and less chaotic! Dependance and contracts creates tensions, loopholes and black mail opportunities, avoid them. Countries need to feel safe and free before they can interact happily and conflict free with others. When you are not dependent on another, you will simply walk away when a conflict starts to arrive. This is even a lot easier when it is a completely different country. Stay away from the people you don’t like. Avoid conflicts so that you don’t have to solve them later. People like their own culture and habits, not yours or they would already be doing that (Chinese restaurants, pizza, shoarma, fast food, Thai massages, etcetera. When they want it, they’ll copy it. It is ok for Chinese restaurants to only hire Chinese people. We don’t need male bikini models either, but every country has full control over these matters and are free to outlaw Chinese restaurants all together if they can explain that to their own citizens. Each country has its own set of laws, no matter how stupid or unfair the rest of the world may feel they are.

Fishing and mining foreign territory
No need to use fishing rights as a blackmail device to threaten people who want to leave your cult. When you want to use someone else’s land or water you arrange a contract: Rent/royalty, a quota and an expiry date. Always add a quota to avoid surprises, feel free to raise it at any time, no need to adapt the expiry date, but a new signature is required (win/win is always encouraged). No one else has to get involved in these contracts but for fishing it is just practical when the whole fleet unites (on their own or by their government, something to vote about) to get the same fair contracts every year. No one has to share their ground or water if they don’t want to. Your fish, your responsibility. I also consider “pulse phishing” as superior in every way to old obsolete fishing methods. Less fuel, less damage, less fish overall caught, no baby fish caught (too small for pulse to work) and painless. I consider the old fishing methods unethical now but every country has to decide for themselves. They are just fish and I come from a family line of fisherman who have always used the old destructive methods. It is ok but please try to do better, makes you richer so is ok. That also reminds me of the matter of Green”peace”. By throwing concrete blocks in the sea with the intention to capsize fishing boats you directly threatened to kill my own father (a fisherman). You’ve hit me personally and I AM NOT AMUSED!
[Nightcore]  Rise (cover) || Lyrics
Victory is in my veins

Nuclear energy is far superior over all other energy generation technologies (cleaner, safer, cheaper, better, etcetera). I’m not fucking explaining it again, google it! There is no competition nuclear wins all battles, it is simply far superior) Additionally, if you hadn’t derailed trains transporting nuclear waste (how is that not a terroristic act???) then the earth would have been completely clean by now instead of march 15, 2080! You are solely responsible for all our shit! I FUCKING HATE YOU and that fucking “sea shepherd” moron even more! How dare you raise the noble Dutch flag to perform all your terroristic violence!

International organizations
International organizations for global matters like global warming, medicine approval or whatever. They come up with advice only for easy reference for countries who agree with a certain discission so they don't have to do all the work again themselves. Translation to national law: "We agree with the decision of institute "x", product "y", decision nr "z".
“We know they might be wrong about this but we won't be able to do a better job ourselves so we will follow their advice with these modifications suited to our country." No need to do everything yourself when several independent global institutions you trust in each sector can do that for 200 countries at once. Advice is NEVER mandatory. Please test the products yourself too if you want/can! All data is useful to come to even better decisions in the future, so please do!

Our evil Hellish past
No country owns another country any shit from what happened in the past anymore (use common sense for existing agreements but let them all phase out as soon as possible). Germany, the previous generation has already forgiven you for Hitler. Use German names when Germany is handed a star and exoplanet to name like all other countries. “Mago” and “Neri” (HD32518) are Ethiopian Giraffe parks. Pick something German or I will call that star Adolf and the exoplanet Hitler. Every country was given a star and exoplanet to name to extend human culture into space. Why giraffes? “Beach” and “Holes” is how I know Germans. You are really fine, too fine actually and that has become a huge problem to the rest of Europe. “Wir shaffen das”, the three most destructive words in recent history. I died a little bit inside when I heard those words. If they rape your girls then kill them so they won’t do it a second (or first) time. I hope they won’t try ever again all around the world after reading this message and that goes especially for Sweden who is being cuckolded and raped in the ass by hordes of evil immigrants and keep blaming their own sweet (but utter moronic) boys for doing all the raping! It is not ok for a refugee to rape your citizens or to create dangerous no-go zones. Nuke those zones if you have to but keep your own citizens safe first, at all times! Send them all to a “no-go island” so they can’t harm your citizens, your citizens safety first! Build a factory with jobs no one else wants to do so they can work and pay for their stay. A job also keeps them motivated. Allow the motivated people back into your country, no need to give them your nationality for that either. Above all, send them back if they are not from a neighboring country. They are NOT your responsibility but be polite and respectful. No free money to vermin or vermin will multiply. Do not feed those pigs because your whole country will hate the really nice people from those cultures (by far the most of them) if you force their disgusting habits on your citizens.

Western slavery is ancient history. Black people kept slaves for thousands of years and are still doing that today. White people only bought them for a while from an existent slave market that still exists today. Transporting slaves was horrible, but a happy, healthy slave was far more productive and profitable. Happy slaves, less problems, more money. Not buying whips is not expensive either and gives you time to do some other stuff, far more practical). Only the worst stories survived history and yes it was and still is bad! Focus your slavery attention to the (black) slave masters of today. Afrika had and still has most (if not all) of the blame for slavery. You are poor, miserable and unsuccessful because you blame your problems on others instead of fixing them yourself. You are responsible for your own problems first, only then others. I would never hire an asshole immigrant who demands respect for being an asshole. You are the immigrant so you show respect to your host country or you go somewhere else! No one is forced to leave their home country and no country will ever be forced to let assholes inside their borders except their own (plenty of those already, no need to add even more). Build a wall if you have to. The very least an immigrant could do when he wants to enter another country uninvited is to use a fucking road! NGO’s are fucking evil human traffickers! Sink their boats full of migrants if they persist to transporting them to Europe instead of Libya. They choose to go to Libya in the first place so take them back there! Pregnant women or parents who bring children along on such a trip are pure evil. The father of that little migrant kid that drowned belongs in jail for bringing his kid along! Do not encourage that kind of behavior and sue him and the NGO’s that make this all such a lucrative business, I don’t even blame those Libya human traffickers. They smell easy money, off course they will do that because what moron wouldn’t?!? NGO’s make that trip very, very profitable for them so they are responsible for all migrants deaths in the Mediterranean sea. It is never discrimination to protect your own country and people. “Tolerance to intolerance will always lead to intolerance”. It is not a paradox to protect yourself and your citizens from outside criminal, lazy, gold-digging, migrant tsunamis originating 2000 km away with 12 safe countries in between. WTF people!

Every person on earth has only one nationality. You can love all countries but can only be loyal to one. It just becomes a destructive, chaotic mess if you do it any other way. New nationality, bye old nationality. No exceptions! No nationality but with convenient amnesia? DNA test will determine your country of origin or just use common sense! No country is ever allowed to affect citizens from another country (except when they are in your country, they have to obey your laws). Your old government will NEVER be allowed to do anything outside their borders, no black mail! You will also lose all rights for free money from your old country.

Nationality of children
Children will get the nationality that makes the most sense whenever they need one, probably the same as the parents. It doesn't matter where they were born so please avoid stressful traveling and just go to the nearest hospital when in another country. Children don't pay tax, who cares what nationality they are? Change it if that’s more practical but never allow this rule to be abused by unwanted immigration.

Three different internet networks using three completely different computer technologies making it physically impossible to communicate with each other. No hacking in between systems!

Internet 1 (normal)
The current global internet but with easy anonymous access for everyone. People are evil one day and good the other day. Let them have different accounts for those mood swings. Use a global up/down voting system for everything on social media. Use your “good reputation” account for useful discussions. Slowly gain global reputation with that account so people will take you more seriously. Then when you get frustrated, login on your “troll account”. It will get millions of down votes so people won’t have to take that account very seriously and you have a way to vent your frustration. Building a good reputation takes ages, that doesn’t happen after writing just one document, usually. Protect your good account(s) and just delete the bad ones after a while and make new ones, who cares? Every country gets full control over all internet data going in or out of their country. They don’t have to do anything with that power (happy citizens) but are allowed to block 100% of foreign data (angry citizens).

Internet 2 (confidential national information)
National internet, 200x. Every country needs their own internet 2 system using a new computer technology based on 0’s, 1’s AND 2’s (trigital). These transistors will be more difficult to build (also by hackers) but this internet only has to process tiny amounts of personal and confidential matter, end-to-end encryption of course. All information about a nations citizens that you don’t want to share with strangers (that includes everything although we should take a look on how to share criminal data. Criminals do pass borders, maybe use internet 1 for this purpose). Every country needs their own internet system but one trigital computer technology is good enough for everyone (more practical). Design an unique software language for every country that cannot communicate with other countries so that whenever an hacker discovers some way of stealing data, they won’t be able to do the same for the rest of the world (that fast). Use internet 2 for all personal information. A channel for government business, a channel for hospital things, confidential data, financial business, etcetera. Design a new laptop based on this new trigital technology, but make the screens square so that everyone can immediately see that it is a different technology and cannot communicate with normal computers. It also allows to design a new key bord layout with practical big colored, labeled buttons for things people use often. One big round button to login on tax business for example. Different cultures and alphabets, different practical layouts so design your own but try to copy your neighbors as much as you can. Two letters swapped on two different language key bords is just plain annoying. Always the choice between biometric login (convenient) or account/password login (safe). Cheap non-profit laptops of course and always a human person at city hall (or home visit) to help people with whatever they want. A human talks so much nicer than a computer program and we want more jobs right? Have a whole army of them, as many as you can afford drinking coffee at (old) people’s homes and putting up shelves or programming VCR-clocks. No special education needed but a well-developed common sense helps a lot. Flawless reputation (no criminal record) required. One day a week you will be trained in practical stuff and we will give you a toolkit, duck tape (kwak!), nails and whatever is useful to fix minor problems around the house. Minimum wage job but all you have to do is to help citizens and make them happy (not the same citizens every day and not too literal…), because isn’t that what every job is supposed to do? To help people and society? Can’t we just pay 0.1% extra income tax to easily pay for an army of these people? More jobs! Robots for the stupid jobs!

Internet 3 (the internet of things)
The internet of crap! If you can access your security camera or fridge anywhere on earth then so can a hacker. This will never be completely safe, but it is fun and convenient. People will use it no matter what you tell them so let’s create the next best thing we can. One global satellite based internet of things. Global because internet access when you are NOT at home is the whole point, that includes vacation. It has to use a different technology as the other two computer technologies (not digital and not trigital, make it awital). No communication possible between the three different computer technologies! Wireless satellite communication with GPS (with button to easily switch on/off, no tracking!). Earth based signal hubs for inside buildings if needed. It only has to process tiny packages of anonymous, end-to-end encrypted data (open curtains) but also has to include multimedia (camera) data. Create a third computer hardware technology that is mobile, easy to carry with you and specifically designed for this function. It could be practical to attach this to a smartphone to create a single easy to carry device, but components, not even batteries are allowed to be shared between these two devices. They always have to remain two completely separate entities, no communication between them! When one breaks the other is hopefully fine. Leave the GPS part at home when you go for a walk with your dog and only want to bring your anonymous smartphone. Take it with you to play Pokémon Go or to let all your friends know where you are during your walk or when throwing up wasted on cheap festival beer or just an easy Uber 2.0 (map with GPS). Have watches and necklaces to trace your kids. When they get older they will refuse to wear them. Perfect age to consider if they still need one. Animals should be chipped with GPS chip (anonymous identification number, although 35 dots in a meadow are probably cows). Animal poaches or cattle thieves do not need to know where all the animals are so we have to come up with some practical and easy solution to turn GPS tracking off when you don’t want it on, it is just practical especially for farmers. A service, therefore NOT mandatory but every country has to decide these rules for themselves. Every nation will always keep the right to completely go their own way whenever they feel like it, and come back when their citizens force them too. Because why would you? But every nation has full control inside its borders.

Space travel
Play Kerbal Space Program on Steam! A really fun game in which you have to build space rockets the Jebediah way. It teaches (smart) children how spaceship travel in space. Orbital mechanics is really weird. You have to slow down to go faster. It also teaches you how “delta v” works (triangle ∆ = delta). This number tells you how far a rocket can go. Here is a little table I just made while being drunk and stoned. Forgive me for errors.

Earth to international space station: 9.4 ∆v
Earth to Moon: 15.07 ∆v
Earth to Mars: 13.67 ∆v (minimal) 18.91 ∆v (safe)
Moon to Mars: 3.70 ∆v (minimal) 8.94 ∆v (safe)
Moon to Saturn: 7.14 ∆v (minimal, who cares about safe?)
Moon to Infinity: 8.60 ∆v

A good rocket from earth carries about 5% of its weight in cargo. The same rocket from the moon carries about 55% (safe) or 75% (minimal) of its weight in cargo. That’s 11 to 15 times as much cargo from a single launch using the same rocket. Less gravity means easier and safer to launch. No atmosphere means easier and safer to launch. No weather means easier planning. From the Moon means less damage after a crash. From the moon means less worries about Kessler syndrome (space junk). Then, you can start with the optimization process. Why use low efficient chemical fuel earth rockets? No atmosphere, so shape does not matter. Six times less gravity so they can be much bigger and no wobbling after launch. Kerbal has learned us that for interplanetary space, go nuclear! Far more efficient and easily 99% weight to fuel ratio (or percentage or whatever). Space is already nuclear so who cares about nuclear propulsion. Also thrust adjustable and steerable meaning it is a spaceship instead of a bullet bomb. Why not just install a magnetic railgun on the moon. No atmosphere and it probably costs less energy to just catapult a complete warship to Saturn from the moon than it is to deliver a pizza at the International Space Station from Earth (you can probably calculate this, I have no clue). Just shoot these buggers to Saturn. If you miss you call it a : “FlyBy”, if you accidentally hit a moon you call it “LithoBreaking”. Bonus points for “Crash on Titan”. Only cannons on the dark side of the moon! You don’t want people to see the cannons when the dark side is facing the earth. And when the moon becomes too small from all the metal mining after a quadrillion years, and you want to return these spacecraft, first: Make them really long and thin. Then find the smallest boat on which it still fits. Do not make the landing site any bigger than strictly necessary. Place it far away from your moon base in one of the “Maria’s”. Try to simulate wave motion on your boat to make it harder and move it around from time to time so it won’t always be were you expect to find it. Try to land your cigar on top of the wobbling boat the most inconvenient way you can think of, up. Use it as your personal parking spot and call an moon uber to recover your rocket(part). Leave the boat for next time? I mean…? Well it’s really impressive and all, yes, but why? Isn’t an empty fuel tank supposed to be the cheapest part? Shouldn’t you remelt them anyway due to all the metal stresses it already had to endure? Can’t they get wet? Gremlin syndrome? What metals do you use during construction? Sugar? What about a des(s)ert? What will your next landing target “area” be? The antenna on top of the Empire state building during the next Katrina? A wooden barrel going down the Niagaragaralga watervallen? I mean, it’s really awesome and all, but I don’t even have a fucking clue of how other players succeed in returning Jebediah alive to the Kerbin space center without cheating or reloading quicksaves 666 times. Only found the easter egg next to the starting base myself so far… The rest on YouTube. That’s where I found the first one too. Because really, do they want me to walk there? Why? It was actually quite a disappointment when I got there (ja? en nu?). My first 12 “spaceship” designs actually failed to get me there. Thank God for the infinite money cheat! >.< You are so much smarter than me Elon! >.< What da fuck? I literally have no single fucking clue of how Sheldon formulas can lead to such an event in real life… Please teach me and bring all those Sheldon’s nerds and that Penny/Blossom/Annoying voice trio too please and explain this fucking result to me (Stuart who? Little Jew? (I’m Dutch, you are all little to us, I’m average height here though) Oh, does that make me an antisemenistic Jewish messiah or something now? Anti = against, semi = half, tisme = religion crap. So I’m anti half a religion or something? What does that mean? What is the other half? Islam? A proantisemitistism? I don’t get all your crap. You get insulted by more things than I am able to explain. Please slow down I can’t keep up. ALL BLACK FOOTBALL PLAYERS ARE STUPID MONKEYS!!! They make tons of money but get knocked down by one kid yelling monkey sounds from a stadium? Fire that nigger! Your salary is high enough to endure a short soundwave from a stadium with 10.000 excited drunk people who paid for entertainment (the people who pay YOUR salary, you know). How about we forbid all black players from public sports! That way no one will get hurt. How is that not racist!!! FUCK YOU!). Because if you (Elon Musk) can do this on “God difficulty Earth” on a fucking wobbling fishing boat (with captain on board? Scary job… Or do you have to get a captain to that boat first before you can retrieve it? And then? How do you transport it next? Won’t it fall over or capsize your boat?), then you will probably also do fine on the moon, I might think… Better than me.

I’m sorry mister Tusk, but I prefer a moon base over a Mars colony. Well who cares? How about you put Donaldus Trump on Mars first. Start a small semi-automatic mining colony next and then focus all your attention to Selena, our moon. You can be “MoonDuke71” and rule her moonliness, deal? Have some Moon cows with fishbowls on their head filled with some water to drink (always works) for some really expensive holy chow on Earth. My nerd army will then force you to turn the Saturn/Kessler system into a drone spaceship/robot war arena. Have a couple of competing Moon corporations building all kind of Kerbal warships, send them to Saturn, release them there and sell them to the people nerds on earth to pilot them (light lag is terrible and it’ll take years to even find each other, GKPS? The Kronos (stop saying Kerbal! Saturn = Kronos = Time) Positioning System). Turn the moon with the most natural uranium into a nuclear war field. The other 81 moons too (except Fenrir, that one is for my mother and her current German Shepherd called Freya). I want bigger rings and more space junk floating around in that system. I know it’s just a silly unimaginative non-human “FireFly”-idea (where is that second season you weather guy freak with your cry-baby sensitive hands?), but would you like to design something like that? Someone has to do it, right? I left the good parts out, your turn to come up with the ideas. 😊 I doesn’t have many financial monies to give you now, but I can always ask someone else who wants to do this for free like Isaac Arthur, but I have other plans for him and his happy wife (dirty bastards! No not them, you! 0_o). Do you think there will be a market for this kind of stuff, mister MoonDuke71?

We want 200 individual, independent, unique countries with unique cultures. No one has the right to shit in another country! You were born in your country, bad luck, you could also have been born as a mosquito. No illegal migration and certainly never give them free money! Treat them with the most respect you can but never hand them free money! There shouldn't be any wars using this system but all refugees have to go to the nearest reasonably safe country. It will be so much easier to help you all if you all just stay at the same place! Food/medicine/supply droppings can come from all over the world when they all know where to drop it. Refugees should be educated as much as possible with the intention to go back to their home country and help rebuild it. Refugees are the strongest people and their country really needs them to help rebuild it after a calamity, that’s why the strong focus on as much practical education as possible during refugee bungalow camp.

Legal migration for whatever reason is always encouraged but you will not receive free money from your host country, and the host makes the rules, not the guest! No government has to pay another government citizens free money for whatever. If they come and work in your country then you make the rules, do not export live long free money because they worked in your country for a year! Individual agreements on how to tax citizens working and living in different countries should be made separately between every individual country. Neighboring countries will need far fewer rules to come up with a fair agreement than countries with completely different tax and law systems. Keep 200 specially tailored agreements ready for your people who want to work in a different country. Keep them simple!

The financial system
One global currency + 200 national (backup) currencies. Countries are encouraged to use the global currency only but always need to have a backup currency available they can easily switch to when they need to fix their economic system. However, the most import function is to let your population know that you have their backs when a global economic crisis hits. Systems that force countries to join will always create tensions. Countries will only voluntarily join when they are completely assured they can leave and come back at any time. That's why complete independence is so important! Please make this as simple as possible for countries and you'll never need it. If someone wants to keep you into something that bad then they are probably trying to dominate you.

Cashless society
Society will never be cashless, NEVER. People have the right to easily and anonymously hide wealth. Fiat cash is most practical but physical gold and silver is encouraged. Pennies are crap so we do want digital money (digital gold) for daily life.

Digital money/gold
A new technology has to be invented and will work like this. A big, indestructible and watertight “coin” this will be your anonymous wallet. It contains a chip with only: Identification number (also clearly visible on the coin itself) and current balance. It needs short range wireless communication (10 cm), solar cells and battery for energy, two “screens” with two buttons next to it. When you press the top green button (to safe energy) it will display the current balance on the coin in green (never negative). Whenever someone or something tries to make a transfer at 10 cm distance or less, the first and second screen will light up and display +$$$ in blue when someone tries to donate and -$$$ in red when someone tries to get your money. A dash through the amount being transferred (-$$$) means that no transaction is possible, usually due to not enough money sometimes no internet connection. One press on the lower red button next to the requested transfer will immediately finalize the transaction. No codes or anything and no second transaction possible for 5 or 10 seconds, whatever is most practical. Every single transaction will record the following information and without internet connection it won’t work: Identification number coin, amount being transferred, location, time and balance left on the coin. Better than blockchain, completely transparent and no personal information transferred, but it still gives economists everything they need to know about how the currency is doing (balance left and coins in use) and some interesting information for research (time, amount transferred and location). All coins need a clear year “printed” on it. Every coin will expire after 10 years on January 7th. This way, after the holydays, everyone will remind each other to check for expiring coins, because everything left on them will be a donation to the financial system and those Swiss-gold-clowns. We don’t want digital gold going lost in history, so whenever you dig up a coin that is over 10 years old, it will not contain gold. This allows coin technology to improve by slowly replacing old (but collectable) coins. The coins also needs to be easily attachable to wrist bands and necklaces and should look a bit different from normal coins like with a ring to attach a chain. The intention is for parents to fill a random anonymous coin with 10 gold pieces and hang it around the neck of their children for a day on the beach to buy some ice cream later that day before they arrive at the beach (crying kids later that day will learn from their “mistakes”, let them cry t
  zondag 14 februari 2021 @ 14:38:09 #2
232494 Boca_Raton
Voor al uw no nonsense
Het houdt niet op.
En dan halverwege je verhaal gewoon ineens stoppen!

Waar blijft deel 2!?
  Boks-Chick zondag 14 februari 2021 @ 15:48:32 #4
118131 BrandX
BoksChick & CoffeeAddict
0s.gif Op zondag 14 februari 2021 15:13 schreef tuinkabouter5000 het volgende:
En dan halverwege je verhaal gewoon ineens stoppen!

Waar blijft deel 2!?
Jij bent zo'n dappere dodo die de moeite neemt dit soort c/p-dump te lezen? :o
10s.gif Op zondag 14 februari 2021 15:48 schreef BrandX het volgende:


Jij bent zo'n dappere dodo die de moeite neemt dit soort c/p-dump te lezen? :o
Hiervoor is de laatste regel lezen voldoende
  Boks-Chick zondag 14 februari 2021 @ 15:49:49 #6
118131 BrandX
BoksChick & CoffeeAddict
1s.gif Op zondag 14 februari 2021 15:49 schreef Godfried_met_den_baard het volgende:


Hiervoor is de laatste regel lezen voldoende
_O- Dat is ook wel weer zo. Maar dan nog :+
Theory of everything en dan zet je maar de helft in de OP :')
Heel interessant.
Ts, kun je je bericht flink inkorten? Dit is echt veel te lang. Dan doen users er geen moeite meer voor.
Eenzelfde topic staat ook al in W&T.

Los van de directe tegenspraken met het standaardmodel, dat empirisch gezien uitermate stevig in haar schoenen staat, is de allereerste vraag natuurlijk:

Welk pobleem los je op dat de huidige theorieën niet kunnen oplossen? Zonder dat je die huidige theorieën tegenspreekt waar ze overeenkomen met experimenten, natuurlijk

Zo weten we b.v. dat Higgsdeeltjes elektrisch ongeladen zijn, net als fotonen. Waarom beweer je dan anders?

Er is verder ook lastig commentaar op te geven zo. Nog een tip: laat die emotionele wartaal eruit als je wilt dat mensen er serieus naar kijken. Wetenschap is inherent zo objectief mogelijk.
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