FOK!forum / Weer, Klimaat en Natuurrampen / [Vulkanen] The ring of fire #7: Gaia's hete inborst
El_Matadorvrijdag 28 november 2014 @ 03:29

In dit en komende topics, zal informatie gegeven worden over vulkanen door enthousiaste FOK!kers, en iedereen die wat weet over vulkanisme, mag hier z'n bijdrage erbij toevoegen.

Hoofdzakelijk zijn het de aardse vulkanen in belangstelling staan. Maar als er op een andere planeet/maan vulkanische activiteit wordt waargenomen, zijn bijdrages welkom.

Mocht er een zeer heftige/gewelddadige uitbarsting van een vulkaan plaatsvinden komt er naast dit topic ook nog een eigen topic.

De Aarde
Het Systeem Aarde bestaat uit verschillende sferen. De atmosfeer is het gasvormige deel, de hydrosfeer het vloeibare oppervlaktewater, de biosfeer het leven op Aarde en de geosfeer, de vaste Aarde.

De aardkorst
De bovenste ~8-100 km van de Aarde wordt de korst genoemd. De dikte van de korst is sterk variabel over de Aarde. Continentale korst, bestaande uit graniet, gneis, schist en andere metamorfe gesteenten is lichter en dikker dan oceanische korst, die vooral uit basalt en andere basische gesteenten bestaat.

De aardkorst beweegt zich over de mantel, het onderliggende plastischere deel van de Aarde in verschillende platen. Langs en tussen deze platen wordt korst gevormd (spreiding, extensie) dan wel opgenomen door de mantel (subductie, compressie). Dit gaat gepaard met vulkanisme, van verschillende soort, afhankelijk van het soort gesteente, temperatuur en tektonische krachten.

De zogenaamde Ring van Vuur is een bijna ringvormige keten aan vulkanisch actieve gebieden. Deze Ring "verbindt" zo de Zuidelijke Pacifische Oceaan nabij Nieuw_Zeeland met de klok mee over Kamtsjatka en Alaska tot aan zuid-Chili.

Ring van Vuur

De Mantel
De aardmantel of kortweg mantel is de laag in de opbouw van de Aarde die direct onder de korst ligt. De mantel begint op enkele tientallen kilometers diepte, en is ongeveer 2900 km dik. Ze neemt 83% van het volume van de Aarde in en bevat 67,5 % van haar massa.

Soorten vulkanen
Er zijn 6 verschillende soorten vulkanen.

De spleetvulkaan
Een lange scheur in de aardkorst waardoor magma naar buiten komt. Deze ontstaat als twee tektonische platen uit elkaar drijven. Je vindt deze vooral bij oceaanruggen.

De schildvulkaan
Dit is een brede, ondiepe vulkaankegel, die ontstaat doordat het lava dat eruit stroomt, dun en heet is en heel langzaam afkoelt.

De koepelvulkaan
Deze kent een steile, bolle helling die gevormd is door dikke snel afkoelende lava.

De slakkenkegel
Een vulkaan die naast lava ook veel as uitspuugt. De berg die door deze vulkaan gevormd wordt, is dan ook opgebouwd uit lagen as en lava die elkaar afwisselen.

De samengestelde vulkaan
Deze is net zo opgebouwd als de slakkenkegel maar heeft naast de hoofdkrater nog meerdere kleinere kraters op haar flanken.

De calderavulkaan
Dit is een oudere vulkaan met aan de bovenkant een grote brede krater. In deze krater hebben zich weer kleinere nieuwe kraters gevormd.

Doordat een zeer hete brandhaard (hot-spot) in de mantel, door de aardkorst heen brandt.

Andere vormen van vulkanisme zijn de geisers en de hete bronnen. Die vind je vaak in de buurt van vulkanen waar de aardkorst dunner is en de warmte van het magma verder doordringt in de aardkorst. Een geiser is een holte in de aardkorst of een waterhoudende grondlaag, die door het onderliggende magma wordt verwarmd tot het kookpunt. Het water kan dan tot 500 meter in de lucht spuiten. Een hete bron werkt op dezelfde manier alleen wordt het water daar niet zo verhit, dat het onder druk van stoom eruit spuit.

Heeft Nederland een vulkaan?
Jazeker! De naam ervan is Zuidwalvulkaan, en ligt 17 km ten westen van Harlingen
maar ... die is letterlijk allang dood en begraven. Deze ligt namelijk vele honderden meters onder de bodem van de huidige Waddenzee. De vulkaan was actief in het Laat-Jura, zo'n 152 miljoen jaar geleden.

Actieve vulkanen
Met dank aan Volcano Discovery

Status vulkanen Indonesie *NEW*
Volcano webcams all over the world
BBC-How volcanoes work
(Nieuws-)Updates van Vulkaanjager Jon Seach
Global Volcanism Program
Volcano Discovery
Live Science - Volcanoes
37 Volcano Cams
Mediatheek - Vulkanen
Kennislink (Zuidwalvulkaan)
Vulkanen in de Eifel (Duitsland)
Planet-wissen [vulkanen](Duitstalig)

Meest spectaculaire vulkaanuitbarstingen op foto

Verwante (actuele) WKN-vulkaantopics
Uitbarsting El Hierro Canarische Eilanden
Vulkaanuitbarsting Chili
Tungaruhua Ecuador
Vulkanen IJsland #18
WKN / De Riftvallei, Nieuwe oceaan kan Afrika in tween splitsen

Archief en Verzameltopics
Supervulkaan Yellowstone #2
Supervulkaan Yellowstone #1
Uitbarsting Merapi 2010
Supervulkaan bij Napels
Mount St.Helens

Deze OP in FOK!Wiki
Klik hier

De vorige deeltjes:
WKN / [vulkanen] The ring of Fire
WKN / [Vulkanen] The ring of Fire #2:
WKN / [Vulkanen] The ring of Fire #3: Eruption of Mayon?
WKN / [Vulkanen] The ring of fire #4: Veel aktiviteit!
WKN / [Vulkanen] The ring of fire #5: Het blijft actief
WKN / [Vulkanen] The ring of fire #6: Waar diverse vulkanen puffen

[ Bericht 8% gewijzigd door Frutsel op 16-06-2017 10:55:03 ]
Frutselvrijdag 28 november 2014 @ 08:40
Laatste posts uit vorige topic:

Het dorp gaat er aan
VolcanoReport twitterde op donderdag 27-11-2014 om 18:10:12 Fogo volcano, Cabo verde - Portelo village is currently being destroyed - LIVESTREAM link - reageer retweet


bwtvrijdag 28 november 2014 @ 14:52
Live view door reportages.
Als er ff geen reportage is kun je de eerder gemaakte opnames bekijken.
Nu mooi beeld van de uitbarstende vulkaan
bwtzondag 30 november 2014 @ 12:26
Fogo in de nacht
bwtdinsdag 2 december 2014 @ 13:14
De lava in Hawaii is weer naar het dorpje pahoa aan het stromen.
Een nieuwe lavastroom. Een nieuwe route.
kenhrubin twitterde op dinsdag 02-12-2014 om 05:01:36 New 2.8km long #Kilauea lava finger is headed to Pahoa but still 4.6km away (red in HVO image) reageer retweet

[ Bericht 13% gewijzigd door bwt op 02-12-2014 13:20:59 ]
bwtdinsdag 2 december 2014 @ 14:03
VolcanoReport twitterde op dinsdag 02-12-2014 om 13:47:12 Many updates + dramatic recent #video of #Fogo volcano, Cabo Verde destruction reageer retweet
bwtwoensdag 3 december 2014 @ 15:28
Dramatische beelden van de lava die door het dorp trekt.

Ook op de volgende site vind je een X aantal video's

involcan twitterde op woensdag 03-12-2014 om 13:49:50 The INVOLCAN team are witnesses to a dramatic situation at the Cape Verde, with houses swept away by the lava. reageer retweet
bwtdonderdag 4 december 2014 @ 12:24
bwtdonderdag 4 december 2014 @ 12:26
VolcanoReport twitterde op donderdag 04-12-2014 om 11:29:48 #Volcano #news Today Updates – Bardarbunga, Sabancaya, Ubinas, Fogo, Copahue (video), Cerror Negro and Aso reageer retweet
bwtdonderdag 4 december 2014 @ 13:56
Fogo puts on a show
bwtmaandag 8 december 2014 @ 11:02
Fogo update
En het dorpje is weggevaagd. Je kan alleen nog wat daken zien. Maar die zullen weldra ook verdwenen zijn.
VolcanoReport twitterde op zondag 07-12-2014 om 22:55:34 This was #Portela, Cabo Verde To the world press: not dramatic enough to cover? #Fogo volcano reageer retweet

[ Bericht 100% gewijzigd door bwt op 08-12-2014 11:20:32 ]
bwtmaandag 8 december 2014 @ 11:20
teideano twitterde op maandag 08-12-2014 om 10:56:51 Via @involcan As lava advances there´s no other chance than withdraw from our position.Terrific display of our planet reageer retweet
teideano twitterde op maandag 08-12-2014 om 10:42:48 Everything lost. Hard days for a volcanologist when friends see their homes and dreams destroyed. :( @involcan reageer retweet
El_Matadormaandag 8 december 2014 @ 20:16
0s.gif Op maandag 8 december 2014 11:02 schreef bwt het volgende:
Fogo update
En het dorpje is weggevaagd. Je kan alleen nog wat daken zien. Maar die zullen weldra ook verdwenen zijn.
VolcanoReport twitterde op zondag 07-12-2014 om 22:55:34 This was #Portela, Cabo Verde To the world press: not dramatic enough to cover? #Fogo volcano reageer retweet
[ afbeelding ]
chufimaandag 8 december 2014 @ 22:52
17s.gif Op maandag 8 december 2014 20:16 schreef El_Matador het volgende:


Nature is .... Gravities shortest path
bwtdinsdag 9 december 2014 @ 08:59
Dan hier nog zo'n voorbeeld
janinekrippner twitterde op dinsdag 09-12-2014 om 03:11:51 Absolutely incredible video footage of the #Fogo #Volcano lava flow, now moving 20-30 m per minute! #volcanomonday reageer retweet
teideano twitterde op maandag 08-12-2014 om 23:53:28 via @involcan Unbelievable rivers of molten lava. reageer retweet

[ Bericht 100% gewijzigd door bwt op 09-12-2014 09:12:33 ]
bwtdinsdag 9 december 2014 @ 09:12
teideano twitterde op maandag 08-12-2014 om 22:10:18 “Ye who enter,abandon all hope.” Dante Alighieri, Inferno. Hell may look like this. reageer retweet
bwtvrijdag 12 december 2014 @ 10:18
Fogo video
En een 2e filmpje er achteraan

[ Bericht 39% gewijzigd door bwt op 12-12-2014 14:45:48 ]
bwtzondag 14 december 2014 @ 12:34
Fogo doet het inmiddels weer iets rustiger aan.
December 13, 09:53 UTC (Armand)
A team of the University of Cabo Verde has reported that the eruption is more or less stable after having considerably decreased the last couple of days.
bwtzondag 14 december 2014 @ 12:41
En een Hawaii update op break-outs.
bwtdonderdag 18 december 2014 @ 12:24
Hawaii update:
Winkelcentrum word ontruimd ivm de lava die eer aan komt.
Binnen een paar dagen zou het winkelcentrum getruffen kunnen worden.
bwtvrijdag 19 december 2014 @ 13:55
kenhrubin twitterde op donderdag 18-12-2014 om 21:36:07 #Kilauea lava flow continues march towards HWY 130 in Pahoa, now 1.3 km upslope, moving as two flow fingers - HVO map reageer retweet
bwtvrijdag 19 december 2014 @ 14:01
Fogo update:
bwtdinsdag 23 december 2014 @ 10:31
Hawaii update:
Evening Lava Update – Monday, Dec. 22
The lava flow front is showing very little signs of advancement, having moved only 20 yards since downlsope since 6:30 a.m. this morning. The front remains 0.6 miles upslope of the Highway 130 and Pahoa Village Road intersection.

This afternoon’s assessment shows that the flow front remains active however showing very little signs of advancement. The active flow had advanced approximately 20 yards since 6:30AM this morning and the front remains approximately .6 miles upslope of the Highway 130 and Pahoa Village Road intersection. Current activity does not pose an immediate threat to area communities and Civil Defense and Hawaiian Volcano Observatory personnel are maintaining close observations of the flow. Residents and businesses down slope will be kept informed of any changes in flow activity, advancement, and status.

The Railroad Avenue alternate access road has been opened for use from 12:00 noon this past Saturday December 20th. This is to allow for motorists to become familiar with the road and traffic flow. Highway 130 remains open and there is no anticipated road closure at this time.

On behalf of the Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency and our partners we would like to thank everyone for your assistance and cooperation.

USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) scientists conducted a helicopter overflight of the June 27th lava flow this afternoon and mapped its leading edge. At the time of the flight, the tip of the flow was stalled about 0.7 km (0.4 miles) from the Pahoa Marketplace, measured in a straight line, but lava was active in several places immediately behind the front. One or more of these other active lobes could overtake the stalled front in the coming hours to days, or the stalled front could reactivate. Numerous breakouts were also active along the flow in an area extending from 1 to 3 km (0.6 to 2 miles) upslope from the front of the flow, in the ground crack area near the True/Mid-Pacific well pad, and about 3 km (2 miles) downslope from Puʻu ʻŌʻō.
bwtwoensdag 31 december 2014 @ 15:39
Allochthonous twitterde op dinsdag 30-12-2014 om 21:13:02 Satellite imagery of eruption at Fogo, Cape Verde from @NASA_EO: lava has now engulfed 2 villages in caldera. reageer retweet
Weinig verandering
bwtvrijdag 9 januari 2015 @ 13:13
janinekrippner twitterde op donderdag 08-01-2015 om 20:43:36 Latest Hawaii Civil Defense lava map - no movement on lava flow front. reageer retweet

Lava stroomt nog steeds.
Verder weinig verandering in lava flow
rubbereendzondag 11 januari 2015 @ 23:13
op de BBC nu over Ambrym en de vulkaan Marum. Een verslaggeefster van de BBC daalt mee af in de caldera
Againzenderzondag 11 januari 2015 @ 23:15
0s.gif Op zondag 11 januari 2015 23:13 schreef rubbereend het volgende:
op de BBC nu over Ambrym en de vulkaan Marum. Een verslaggeefster van de BBC daalt mee af in de caldera
goed dat je het even zegt, was het even vergeten
rubbereendzondag 11 januari 2015 @ 23:15
14s.gif Op zondag 11 januari 2015 23:15 schreef Againzender het volgende:


goed dat je het even zegt, was het even vergeten
tis ook al even bezig helaas
Againzenderzondag 11 januari 2015 @ 23:16
0s.gif Op zondag 11 januari 2015 23:15 schreef rubbereend het volgende:


tis ook al even bezig helaas
ik was even afgeleid door berichten, ik kan dit wel weer terugkijken later.
rubbereendzondag 11 januari 2015 @ 23:16
0s.gif Op zondag 11 januari 2015 23:16 schreef Againzender het volgende:


ik was even afgeleid door berichten, ik kan dit wel weer terugkijken later.
Het is wel de moeite waard!
Againzenderzondag 11 januari 2015 @ 23:18
0s.gif Op zondag 11 januari 2015 23:16 schreef rubbereend het volgende:


Het is wel de moeite waard!
de mascottes hier vinden het vast ook erg cool, dus dat terugkijken kan ik wel verantwoorden ;)
rubbereendzondag 11 januari 2015 @ 23:21
0s.gif Op zondag 11 januari 2015 23:18 schreef Againzender het volgende:


de mascottes hier vinden het vast ook erg cool, dus dat terugkijken kan ik wel verantwoorden ;)
:D ook mooi over hoe het eiland leeft met de vulkaan. En de beelden van dat kolkende lavameer _O_
Woestijnvosdinsdag 13 januari 2015 @ 14:48
Ash plume from underwater volcano off Tonga cancels flights and turns sea red | World news |

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Air New Zealand and Fiji Airlines both turn flights around after Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai sends huge ash cloud kilometres into air about 65km north of capital Nuku’alofa

An underwater volcano off Tonga was spewing ash high into the air on Tuesday, causing several carriers to suspend air travel to the South Pacific island nation and turning the surrounding ocean blood red, residents and officials said.

The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano, about 65km north of the capital Nuku’alofa, was sending volcanic ash up to 4,500m into the air, the Wellington Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC) said.

Tonga residents described a spectacular sight, with the enormous plume from the volcano shooting high into the sky and a muddy discharge underwater turning areas of the sea off the island blood red.

“I feel it is healthily letting off steam but it is growing ... the base has doubled in size since 24 December when we first saw it again. And it’s getting higher,” resident Chris Egan told Fairfax media.

The volcano, which first erupted in 2009, had been rumbling in recent weeks before exploding violently in the past few days, the New Zealand Herald reported.

An Air New Zealand flight between Auckland and Nuku’alofa on Monday was diverted to Samoa and later returned to New Zealand because of the volcano, the airline said in a statement.

A return service had been scheduled to fly on Tuesday, the airline said, but had been cancelled because of volcanic activity. The volcano was not disrupting flights to other regions, it said.

Regional carrier Fiji Airlines also turned around a flight to Tonga on Monday, citing safety concerns, and domestic flights were grounded in Tonga.

No damage is reported and New Zealand’s VAAC said the ash cloud was expected to dissipate by the end of Tuesday.
bwtwoensdag 14 januari 2015 @ 09:50
Hawaii update(tje)
janinekrippner twitterde op dinsdag 13-01-2015 om 22:25:39 Hawaii Civil Defense lava update: flow front stalled, flow widening and slowly advancing breakouts upslope reageer retweet
bwtwoensdag 14 januari 2015 @ 20:26
Extreem uitgebreide pagina met info over Fogo
Vulkaan is in ieder geval nog niet tot rust gekomen.


[ Bericht 74% gewijzigd door bwt op 14-01-2015 20:38:57 ]
bwtdonderdag 15 januari 2015 @ 15:59
Hawaii update:
janinekrippner twitterde op donderdag 15-01-2015 om 14:20:19 This page has a great animation of the Hawaii June 27 lava flow progression #volcano reageer retweet
Frutselvrijdag 16 januari 2015 @ 14:19
0s.gif Op dinsdag 13 januari 2015 14:48 schreef Woestijnvos het volgende:


Dat krijg je er van :P

WKN / Vulkaanuitbarsting geeft Tonga nog een eiland
bwtmaandag 19 januari 2015 @ 13:41
Hawaii update:

bwtwoensdag 21 januari 2015 @ 14:10
janinekrippner twitterde op woensdag 21-01-2015 om 13:41:57 Updated USGS lava flow map for the Hawaii June 27 flow #volcano reageer retweet
Frutseldonderdag 22 januari 2015 @ 08:51
Mexican volcano spews ash 29,000 ft in the air

A huge ash column exploded into the sky from one of Central America’s most dangerous volcanoes on Wednesday, reaching airplane-level heights of the atmosphere.

Mexico’s Colima volcano played host to a “strong vulcanian-type explosion” at 9:15 a.m. local time on Wednesday. The mountain belched an ash column more than 4 km above the summit, with volcanic matter rising to 29,000 ft (9 km). The resulting ash flow eventually drifted to the northeast, Volcano Discovery reported.

A webcam focused on the active stratovolcano captured the powerful blast.

A small pyroclastic flow that descended the steep slope of the volcano was generated during the explosion.

The Proteccin Civil (Civil Protection) said there is not a forecast of ash falling in the region, which is located in southwestern Mexico, according to Mashable. The volcano, which is also known as the ‘Volcano of Fire,’ straddles the states of Colima and Jalisco.
bwtvrijdag 23 januari 2015 @ 14:18
janinekrippner twitterde op vrijdag 23-01-2015 om 13:32:17 Updated Civil defense lava map of the June 27 Hawaiian lava flow #volcano reageer retweet
bwtwoensdag 28 januari 2015 @ 09:07
janinekrippner twitterde op dinsdag 27-01-2015 om 22:19:43 Hawaii civil defense update: June 27 lava flow still stalled but north lobe widening #volcano reageer retweet
bwtwoensdag 28 januari 2015 @ 13:53
janinekrippner twitterde op woensdag 28-01-2015 om 13:33:23 #Fogo #volcano active flow front 1500 m from vent moving ~1.5 m/hr, possibly through lava tubes reageer retweet
bwtdonderdag 29 januari 2015 @ 16:42
Frutseldinsdag 10 februari 2015 @ 13:27

Afgelopen weekend was het weer raak in Guatemala toen de Fuego vulkaan weer van zich liet horen.

Australian hiker: Eruption sounded like a huge bomb
An Australian hiker has told how he and his group were forced to flee down a mountain in Guatemala after a volcano sent cloud of ash raining down upon them.

The hikers were trekking near the volcano Fuego when it violently erupted on Saturday (local time), with one saying it "sounded like a jumbo jet taking off ... with the occasional explosion that sounded like a huge bomb".

It was Fuego's largest eruption in three years.

"There was an immediate change in air quality that began to coat my exposed skin with volcanic ash," said Melbourne man Justin Gallant, who was one of about 30 tourists and guides taking the popular but gruelling seven-hour trek up the adjoining peak of Acatenango volcano.

"The ash seemed like a cloud that made me cough. I was nervous about the ash getting into my lungs.

"The guides told us that the military and volcano experts had told us to descend as it was far too dangerous to be so close and there was a risk the lava could reach camp.

"I began to get a bit nervous and was keen to descend. Several hikers began to run most of the way down the mountain."

Mr Gallant said as he descended the mountain, Fuego was making a "thunderous sound" and he could see volcanic ash exploding from the top.

The eruption sent ash falling on the capital Guatemala City and the UNESCO town of Antigua and led to the closure of the international airport for much of Sunday. People were evacuated from nearby villages.

Melbourne woman Jade Nobel was working as a volunteer at a hostel in Antigua when the volcano erupted.

"All of a sudden it went really dark and started what I thought was spitting rain, until I looked up and got a clump of ash in my eye," she said.

"We went outside the front of the hostel and within a minute or so my t-shirt was covered in ash.

"We spent hours sweeping it all up and even now, I've just been out and I'm covered in a film of ash."

Tourists flock to Antigua using it as a base to hike near to several of the world's most active volcanos that line the edge of the Caribbean and Cocos tectonic plates.

Fuego is about 16 kilometres from Antigua and has been very active in recent weeks, providing spectacular displays of daily small lava eruptions which are visible from Antigua.

Fuego's most recent large eruption was during 2012 when more than 33,000 people were evacuated from their homes.

Now safely in Antigua, Mr Gallant said he had not ruled out trekking another of Central America's active volcanos.

"I was amazed by the force of Mother Nature," he said.

"And getting down safely, I am now so grateful for the rare experience."
Frutseldinsdag 10 februari 2015 @ 13:28

bwtdinsdag 10 februari 2015 @ 13:55
Het linkje zeker even bekijken
Frutseldinsdag 10 februari 2015 @ 13:58
Geweldige 360-graden en panorama foto's van de uitbarstingen van vulkanen in het uiterste oosten van Rusland.
bwtdonderdag 12 februari 2015 @ 13:14
bwtdinsdag 17 februari 2015 @ 14:43
arghh, editten zorgt voor verlies van alle gegevens...................
bwtdinsdag 17 februari 2015 @ 14:45
Hawaii update
janinekrippner twitterde op dinsdag 17-02-2015 om 14:00:20 NASA ALI image: active areas of June 27 lava flow. No advancement of flow front http://www.bigislandvideo(...)pdate-monday-feb-16/ #volcano reageer retweet
There continues to be no advancement of the lava flow front. The inactive distal tip remains roughly 550 yards from Highway 130 in the area west of the Pāhoa Fire and Police Stations. The flow has not advanced downslope for the past several weeks, but many breakouts remain active upslope.
A breakout on the south margin advanced 40 yards since yesterday morning. The narrow breakout is about 600 yards upslope of the stalled flow front.
Smoke conditions were light to moderate with a light northwest wind blowing the smoke in a southeast direction.
- See more at: http://www.bigislandvideo(...)sthash.dFii7Yqi.dpuf
mouzzerwoensdag 18 februari 2015 @ 10:24
0s.gif Op dinsdag 10 februari 2015 13:58 schreef Frutsel het volgende:
Geweldige 360-graden en panorama foto's van de uitbarstingen van vulkanen in het uiterste oosten van Rusland.
Gave foto's! Paar jaar geleden in precies zo'n heli gevlogen in Kamtjatka, geen uitbarstende vulkaan gezien maar wel langs diverse vulkanen gevlogen en in eentje geland (Ksudach) en later enkele beklommen. Bizar en erg mooi landschap daar.
bwtwoensdag 25 februari 2015 @ 17:01
Fogo update
GeoTenerife twitterde op woensdag 25-02-2015 om 16:47:17 Scientists from @Involcan and #CapeVerde publish new data on Pico do Fogo volcano eruption reageer retweet
Houtenbeendinsdag 3 maart 2015 @ 10:18
De villarrica vulkaan in Chili is uitgebarsten


[ Bericht 20% gewijzigd door Houtenbeen op 03-03-2015 16:51:03 ]
bwtdinsdag 3 maart 2015 @ 14:00
janinekrippner twitterde op dinsdag 03-03-2015 om 13:08:19 Wow RT @edualarcon: Imgenes de la erupcin del volcn Villarica, al sur de Chile #Villarica #Volcn #Chile #volcano reageer retweet
AraucaniadDTodo twitterde op dinsdag 03-03-2015 om 12:07:30 Foto Captada en el momento de la Erupcin #VolcnVillarrica #Temuco reageer retweet

[ Bericht 7% gewijzigd door bwt op 03-03-2015 15:09:25 ]
LTVDKdinsdag 3 maart 2015 @ 15:57
Prachtige plaatjes _O_ Al ziet die laatste er wel erg nep uit :P
chufidinsdag 3 maart 2015 @ 16:06
Wow mooie beelden
Frutseldinsdag 3 maart 2015 @ 16:09
0s.gif Op dinsdag 3 maart 2015 15:57 schreef LTVDK het volgende:
Prachtige plaatjes _O_ Al ziet die laatste er wel erg nep uit :P
want? :P
bwtdinsdag 3 maart 2015 @ 16:12
0s.gif Op dinsdag 3 maart 2015 15:57 schreef LTVDK het volgende:
Prachtige plaatjes _O_ Al ziet die laatste er wel erg nep uit :P
Langere sluitertijd doet wonderen.
In het donker heb je lange sluitertijd wel nodig Als je kijkt naar de sterren dan kun je het zien
dumbledinsdag 3 maart 2015 @ 16:16
Met die bliksemschicht is wel echt fuckin ziek ^O^
LTVDKdinsdag 3 maart 2015 @ 16:20
0s.gif Op dinsdag 3 maart 2015 16:12 schreef bwt het volgende:


Langere sluitertijd doet wonderen.
In het donker heb je lange sluitertijd wel nodig Als je kijkt naar de sterren dan kun je het zien
Dat snap ik, maar door die sluitertijd worden de aswolken ook als het waren "uitgesmeerd" waardoor je een soort verfeffect krijgt ;).
Frutseldinsdag 3 maart 2015 @ 16:22
WKN / Uitbarsting vulkaan Puyehue (Chili)

Check deze maar eens over Chili
ook waanzinnige plaatjes O+
stan12dinsdag 3 maart 2015 @ 19:15

Frutselwoensdag 4 maart 2015 @ 14:25
Woestijnvosvrijdag 13 maart 2015 @ 09:54
Krachtige vulkaanuitbarsting Costa Rica

In Costa Rica is de vulkaan Turrialba uitgebarsten. De berg spuwde vannacht flink wat as en rook uit. Het is de krachtigste uitbarsting sinds 1996. Omwonenden moesten dan ook hun huis uit en de wegen rondom de vulkaan zijn dicht.

Na vier explosies kwam er veel as in de lucht. Dat kwam zelfs terecht in San Jos, dat 50 kilometer verderop ligt. Het vliegveld in de Costa Ricaanse hoofdstad is daarom dicht.

Turrialba is laatste tijd weer vaker actief. Eind oktober spuwde de vulkaan voor het eerst in jaren weer as en rook uit. Ook kwam er toen voor het eerst sinds 1863 lava uit de vulkaan.
Houtenbeenwoensdag 22 april 2015 @ 23:41
NewsOnTheMin twitterde op woensdag 22-04-2015 om 23:23:57 BREAKING: Chile declares red alert after Calbuco volcano erupts. reageer retweet
mouzzerwoensdag 22 april 2015 @ 23:46
Frutseldonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 07:23
Nice pics O+
bwtdonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 09:13

prensa_libre twitterde op donderdag 23-04-2015 om 06:51:30 #Chile | Impactantes imgenes de la erupcin del volcn #Calbuco esta noche. (Fotos: @donalec) reageer retweet

SkyAlertMx twitterde op donderdag 23-04-2015 om 06:49:06 Satlite: enorme nube de ceniza, vapores y gases que emana de la gigantesca erupcin en desarrollo del #Calbuco Chile reageer retweet

[ Bericht 51% gewijzigd door bwt op 23-04-2015 09:19:01 ]
Frutseldonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 10:14
_O_ Waanzinnig zeg... heeft Chili zeker patent op... van die Puyehue waren ook al van die indrukwekkende plaatjes van
Frutseldonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 10:16

Nog meer foto's...
Frutseldonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 10:22
Frutseldonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 10:34
Het gaat hier om een 'totaal onverwachte eruptie' ?
Niemand zag dit aankomen? Geen voortekenen?
mouzzerdonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 11:08
0s.gif Op donderdag 23 april 2015 10:34 schreef Frutsel het volgende:
Het gaat hier om een 'totaal onverwachte eruptie' ?
Niemand zag dit aankomen? Geen voortekenen?
Zo te lezen kwam de uitbarsting compleet onverwacht:

This eruption was unexpected as the volcano was on green alert status (lowest) until a volcanic tremor swarm began in the mid-afternoon today at the volcano. Within as little as 15 minutes, the eruption commenced. This suggested rapid ascent of magma from its source under the volcano but as the intensity of the eruption appears to have waned as nightfall arrived.
Nattekatdonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 11:09
0s.gif Op donderdag 23 april 2015 10:34 schreef Frutsel het volgende:
Het gaat hier om een 'totaal onverwachte eruptie' ?
Niemand zag dit aankomen? Geen voortekenen?
Vast genoeg voortekenen, maar echt serieus zijn ze niet genomen.
Frutseldonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 11:10
0s.gif Op donderdag 23 april 2015 11:08 schreef mouzzer het volgende:


Zo te lezen kwam de uitbarsting compleet onverwacht:

This eruption was unexpected as the volcano was on green alert status (lowest) until a volcanic tremor swarm began in the mid-afternoon today at the volcano. Within as little as 15 minutes, the eruption commenced. This suggested rapid ascent of magma from its source under the volcano but as the intensity of the eruption appears to have waned as nightfall arrived.
Bizar... zo vaak komt dat toch niet voor? Of lijkt dat zo?

Stel je voor dat zoiets gebeurd bij de Vesuvius :X
summer2birddonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 11:10
Prachtig _O_
Frutseldonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 11:19

Staat ook een "live-link" op
mouzzerdonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 11:21
0s.gif Op donderdag 23 april 2015 11:10 schreef Frutsel het volgende:


Bizar... zo vaak komt dat toch niet voor? Of lijkt dat zo?

Stel je voor dat zoiets gebeurd bij de Vesuvius :X
Las dat het in Chili laatste jaren vaker is gebeurd o.a. met de Chaiten in 2008. Is weer eens wat anders dan maanden wachten zoals in IJsland :)
Frutseldonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 11:32
0s.gif Op donderdag 23 april 2015 11:21 schreef mouzzer het volgende:


Las dat het in Chili laatste jaren vaker is gebeurd o.a. met de Chaiten in 2008. Is weer eens wat anders dan maanden wachten zoals in IJsland :)
Misschien zijn de plaatjes daarom zo mooi :P

Leuk voor het Cascade-gebrgte als daar bijv. Mt.Rainier ofzo ploft :')
rubbereenddonderdag 23 april 2015 @ 20:39
wow :~
-CRASH-vrijdag 24 april 2015 @ 00:31

[ Bericht 4% gewijzigd door -CRASH- op 24-04-2015 00:37:25 ]
Paganvrijdag 24 april 2015 @ 02:51
0s.gif Op donderdag 23 april 2015 11:10 schreef Frutsel het volgende:


Bizar... zo vaak komt dat toch niet voor? Of lijkt dat zo?

Stel je voor dat zoiets gebeurd bij de Vesuvius :X
Het aantal bootvluchtelingen vanuit Afrika zal dan wel afnemen.
bwtwoensdag 29 april 2015 @ 09:01
janinekrippner twitterde op dinsdag 28-04-2015 om 20:30:06 Great webcam view of the Halemaʻumaʻu Overlook Vent reageer retweet
HuffPostScience twitterde op woensdag 29-04-2015 om 02:30:26 Lava lake on Hawaii's Big Island is seriously close to overflowing reageer retweet
eruptionsblog twitterde op woensdag 29-04-2015 om 02:38:06 LRT: Overflow onto the floor of an even larger crater, which itself is inside a caldera. reageer retweet
Locatie laat mooi zie waar het is.
Heat cam

janinekrippner twitterde op woensdag 29-04-2015 om 14:26:16 Halema?uma?u Outlook vent looking different this morning - lava on the crater floor reageer retweet

janinekrippner twitterde op woensdag 29-04-2015 om 14:31:44 Halema?uma?u explosion landed spatter on the overlook fence #volcano reageer retweet

janinekrippner twitterde op woensdag 29-04-2015 om 14:38:59 Image from the Halema?uma?u explosion - due to a rockfall 10:20am yesterday. Video: #volcano reageer retweet

[ Bericht 13% gewijzigd door bwt op 29-04-2015 14:51:56 ]
bwtdonderdag 30 april 2015 @ 15:30
Compleet overzicht van recente gebeurtenissen Halemaʻumaʻu Crater
Houtenbeendonderdag 30 april 2015 @ 18:38
AFP twitterde op donderdag 30-04-2015 om 18:32:41 #BREAKING Chile's Calbuco volcano erupts again, official says reageer retweet
Frutseldonderdag 7 mei 2015 @ 15:57
Alertlevel raised for Hakone volcano in Japan

An eruption warning has been declared for the volcano, as increased seismic activity under the Ōwakudani hydrothermal field were registered during the past days and could herald sudden phreatic explosions. The Owakudani valley lies north of the central lava domes inside the Hakone caldera. Seismicity started to increase in late April, consisting mostly of swarms of shallow quakes at 2 and 5 km depth. More intense swarms have occurred during the past days, triggering the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) to raise the alert level of the volcano to 2. Simultaneously, slight deformation of the ground was detected and it appears that fumarolic activity has increased in the past days. Japanese authorities have closed access to the area, which is a popular tourist destination. After the deadly, sudden phreatic eruption of Ontake-san volcano last year, the risk of such eruptions has been taken very seriously. Whether or not an eruption will occur at Hakone in the near future is impossible to say. Similar seismic crises have occurred in the past with no eruption following. The last known eruption at Hakone occurred in 950 AD.
Frutseldinsdag 12 mei 2015 @ 22:49

Etna rommelt ook weer door
bwtwoensdag 13 mei 2015 @ 08:53
En Kilauea komt weer tot rust.
kenhrubin twitterde op dinsdag 12-05-2015 om 23:56:49 #Kilauea lava lake rapidly drains from rim to much below with deflation/seismicity in last day. edited webcam pic reageer retweet
Pagandonderdag 14 mei 2015 @ 20:41
De Etna begint ook sinds gisteren weer te pruttelen. Vanavond om iets na 20:00 begon er weer lava te stromen en het vliegverkeer naar Sicili is opgeschort.
bwtdinsdag 19 mei 2015 @ 12:58
La Runion - Piton De La Fournaise staat in vuur en vlam

la1ere twitterde op dinsdag 19-05-2015 om 10:03:23 A #LaRunion, l’ruption du #PitonDeLaFournaise perd de son intensit mais reste splendide reageer retweet
Heli als schaal
chematierra twitterde op dinsdag 19-05-2015 om 07:00:46 De extraordinaria belleza!Fuentes de lava emanan de #PitonDeLaFournaise May 18#Team974 #LaReunionVa @vonbrucken: reageer retweet
Frutseldinsdag 19 mei 2015 @ 16:12
0s.gif Op woensdag 13 mei 2015 08:53 schreef bwt het volgende:
En Kilauea komt weer tot rust.

Misschien nog niet...

Kilauea Earthquakes Could Be Warning of New Eruption, Scientists Say
El_Matadordinsdag 19 mei 2015 @ 18:20
Een prachtige vulkaan op een meer dan schitterende plek; de triple junction in het midden van de Atlantische Oceaan, exact tssen Eurazi, Noord-Amerika n Afrika in gelegen...:


Pico (Ilha do Pico, Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈiʎɐ du ˈpiku]), is an island in the Central Group of the Portuguese Azores noted for its eponymous volcano, Ponta do Pico, which is the highest mountain in Portugal, the Azores, and the highest elevation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In the tradition of the Portuguese poet, Raul Brando, Pico is referred to as the Ilha Preta ("Black Island"), for its black volcanic earth, responsible for its UNESCO-designated historical vineyards that allowed the development of the island.

Pico Pahoehoe
#ANONIEMdinsdag 19 mei 2015 @ 18:54
chufidinsdag 26 mei 2015 @ 03:47
Galapagos Islands, arme beestjes

[ Bericht 12% gewijzigd door chufi op 26-05-2015 03:52:35 ]
chufidinsdag 26 mei 2015 @ 03:51
bwtdinsdag 26 mei 2015 @ 15:35
janinekrippner twitterde op dinsdag 26-05-2015 om 14:40:57 The growing spatter cone at Piton de la Fournaise and tremor phases since 17 May #volcano reageer retweet
Woestijnvosvrijdag 29 mei 2015 @ 08:54
Vulkaan Japan barst onverwachts uit


Een vulkaan op het Zuid-Japanse eiland Kuchinoerabu is vrijdagochtend onverwachts tot uitbarsting gekomen. Het Japanse meteorologische instituut heeft de hoogste waarschuwing uitgevaardigd.

De autoriteiten zijn begonnen de 137 bewoners van het eiland te evacueren. Eilandbewoners worden per boot naar een ander Japans eiland gebracht.

Voor zover bekend is een persoon gewond geraakt. Een 72-jarige man liep brandwonden op aan zijn gezicht. Het eiland ligt ongeveer 150 kilometer ten zuiden van het zuidelijkste hoofdeiland Kyushu en zo'n 1000 kilometer ten zuidwesten van Tokio.

Vanwege de grote zwarte rookwolken die uit de vulkaankrater opstijgen hebben de Japanse autoriteiten luchtvaartmaatschappijen geadviseerd niet boven het eiland te vliegen. De rook stijgt tot boven 9 kilometer en de Japanse vluchtleiding leidt vliegtuigen om. Er is verder geen gevaar voor mensenlevens, aldus de autoriteiten.
Frutselvrijdag 29 mei 2015 @ 09:17
Tis wachten op Fuji...
Frutselvrijdag 29 mei 2015 @ 09:33
Frutselwoensdag 3 juni 2015 @ 16:37
Cotopaxi volcano (Ecuador): increased seismic activity, volcanic unrest

The volcano has been showing signs of unrest. Since mid-April this year, and particularly during May, a marked increased in earthquakes and SO2 emissions have been detected, which could be signs of a magma intrusion beneath the volcano.

During May, about 3000 local earthquakes were recorded, a significant increased compared to April (628 quakes), and more than during the last seismic crisis in 2001-02.

In particular, long-period earthquakes related to internal fluid movements have shown an increase in May. Most quakes were located in areas north and northeast of the volcano's summit, at two depth layers, one at shallow 3 km and others at deeper depths of up to 14 km.

In addition, SO2 emissions have shown an increased from normal values of approx. 500 tons / day to 2500-3000 tons per day. At the crater, fumarolic activity has increased during May. During the weekend of 22 and 23 May, sulfur smell the upper northern flank was very intense.

Very slight deformation has occurred on the N and NE flanks, suggesting a trend towards inflation, IGPEN reported.

For now, the signs of volcanic unrest are small and there is no indication that a new eruption is imminent, but the current unrest could be a medium to long term precursor to a possible new eruption, which would be the first since 1942
Basp1woensdag 3 juni 2015 @ 16:52
In indonesie wordt men ook zenuwachtig.

Evacuaties Sumatra wegens kans op uitbarsting vulkaan
Foto: ANP
Gepubliceerd: 03 juni 2015 07:56
Laatste update: 03 juni 2015 09:52

De autoriteiten in het noorden van het Indonesische eiland Sumatra hebben mensen in de omgeving van de vulkaan Sinabung opgeroepen een veilig heenkomen te zoeken.
De 2460 meter hoge vulkaan lijkt op het punt van uitbarsten te staan. Woensdag kregen mensen in een straal van 7 kilometer rond de berg opdracht te vertrekken.

De Sinabung sliep vierhonderd jaar tot hij in 2010 weer langzaam ontwaakte. Sinds 2013 zijn er verscheidene kleine erupties geweest.

Video: Sinabung spuugt as in januari 2014

Gevreesd wordt dat bij een nieuwe eruptie uiterst gevaarlijke kilometerslange gloeiend hete vulkaanas-stromen van de berg af kunnen komen. Sinds 2013 leven nog altijd 2000 mensen in noodonderkomens.
Frutseldonderdag 11 juni 2015 @ 11:17

JMA raises warning level for another #volcano: Mt. Asama, 200km NW of Tokyo.
chufimaandag 15 juni 2015 @ 12:16
Mooie Calbuco compilatie
bwtzondag 28 juni 2015 @ 11:57
Exceptionally strong earthquake below the Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, Hawaii
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 5.2
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2015-06-27 22:10:10
GMT/UTC Time : 2015-06-28 08:10:10
Depth (Hypocenter) : 8.55 km
Depth and Magnitude updates in the list below.

Update : The initial depth of 0.1 km has in the meantime been updated to 8.6 km. At this depth a setting of the volcano (movement because of the weight of the volcano itself) is more likely. this happens regularly below Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa. These earthquakes are not volcanic in origin. This depth makes more sense as to the fact that the active crater did not change his activity pattern. A number of normal aftershocks are being registered after the mainshock.

Update : Magnitude 5 earthquakes are happen rarely in this area and depth

Update : Extremely shallow and below the volcano edifice. Webcams on Kilauea are not showing an increase or decrease of the volcano activity but a closer look will have to be taken from now on.

Update : we do not expect any damage outside the National Park itself and even in the National Park the shaking will have been relatively innocent for a quake of this Magnitude. Main reason : the origin of the earthquake probably not being tectonic.

Frutseldinsdag 30 juni 2015 @ 12:00
Japan Raises Volcano Alert for Mount Hakone After Small Eruption

TOKYO: Japan raised the volcano alert at Mt Hakone southwest of Tokyo, restricting access to the area after an apparent small eruption at the mountain popular with holiday-makers.

The Japan Meteorological Agency said it had confirmed volcanic ash was emitted from the area, which is known for hot springs and which has been emitting unusual amounts of steam in recent months.

"There appears to have been a very small-scale volcanic eruption," the agency said on its website, raising the alert level to 3 from 2 on a scale of 5.

The higher alert restricts people from entering the area.

Japan, one of the most seismically active areas on earth, has seen an upturn in earthquake and small volcanic eruptions, including one that required the evacuation of a small island in south Japan.
Nemephiswoensdag 1 juli 2015 @ 00:07
Giant eruption of Mount Sinabung volcano in Indonesia today
bron: reddit

Basp1vrijdag 10 juli 2015 @ 09:02
Ook op Java is de vulkaan Mount Raung aan het pruttelen wat veel vliegverkeer in Indonesi in de war schopt.
bwtvrijdag 10 juli 2015 @ 09:39
MeteoGroupWeer twitterde op vrijdag 10-07-2015 om 09:04:44 Uitbarsting Indonesische vulkaan #Raung op Oost-Java te zien op NASA satellietfoto. Vliegvelden in omgeving gesloten. reageer retweet

peterjpellis twitterde op donderdag 09-07-2015 om 17:24:16 DPS airport closed due to Mt Raung's volcanic ash. For updates follow @GerryS @flightradar24 #Bali #Indonesia reageer retweet
volcan01010 twitterde op vrijdag 10-07-2015 om 15:35:53 #Raung eruption ash cloud map from Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre. Ash up to ~5.2 km reageer retweet

[ Bericht 25% gewijzigd door bwt op 10-07-2015 15:38:38 ]
bwtvrijdag 10 juli 2015 @ 15:14
dumblevrijdag 10 juli 2015 @ 17:07
bwtvrijdag 10 juli 2015 @ 17:09
0s.gif Op vrijdag 10 juli 2015 17:07 schreef dumble het volgende:


dumblezondag 12 juli 2015 @ 10:56
0s.gif Op vrijdag 10 juli 2015 17:09 schreef bwt het volgende:


8)7 lol my bad
Nemephiszondag 12 juli 2015 @ 18:59
Mexico's 'Volcano of Fire' erupts, forcing evacuation of hundreds

Mexico's Fire Volcano, also known as the Colima Volcano, blasts ash and smoke into the night sky.

Mexico's most active volcano, the Fire volcano spewed smoke and ash into the night sky, prompting the evacuation of a nearby hamlet as lava poured down its flank.

The grainy black and white images captured an intense explosion after which ash spewed from its crater. The activity at this volcano in Colima began on Thursday.

Authorities have taken preventative measures and evacuated residents within a five-kilometre (three-mile) radius of the volcano's peak after lava was observed coming down its flanks.

The Fire Volcano was most recently active in January and February of 2015 but altogether no civil protection actions have been warranted thus far.
Frutselvrijdag 24 juli 2015 @ 13:52
WKN / Vulkaan "Kick 'em Jenny" bij Grenada (Carabisch gebied) rommelt
Frutselmaandag 27 juli 2015 @ 13:11
5 volcanoes erupt in Indonesia
Major eruptions at five volcanoes in Indonesia have darkened skies with ash over a large swath of the archipelagic nation and three airports have closed.

Government volcanologist Surono said Mount Raung on Java island erupted again Wednesday, blasting ash and debris up to 2,000 meters (6,560 feet) into the air after rumbling for several weeks.

Eruptions of Gamalama and Dukono mountains on the Moluccas islands chain and the Sinabung volcano on Sumatra island have darkened skies and forced the evacuation of more than 10,000 people. Mount Karangetang on Siau island also erupted.

Transport Ministry spokesman Julius Adravida Barata said Jember and Banyuwangi airports closed late Tuesday and Bali's international airport was closed for several hours on Wednesday, disrupting flights.

Indonesia has 130 active volcanoes.
Frutselwoensdag 29 juli 2015 @ 09:53

Popo spews ash 2 km in the air
Amazing footage has emerged of dozens of ash exhalations from Mexico's most active volcano, Popocatepetl - reaching up to two kilometres into the sky.

The above video shows a large ash explosion that took place over several minutes and was part of a 24 hour recording that began at 11am on Monday.

Mexico's National Center for Disaster Prevention recorded 80 low-intensity exhalations and six explosions.

Popocatepetl is one of Mexico's most active volcanoes and the second highest volcano in North America, with an elevation of 5426m.

The largest volcano in North America, Pico de Orizaba, is about 285km east of Popocatepetl and has an elevation of 5636m.

This week's volcanic activity has led to ash falling in the nearby towns of Amecameca and Tlalmanalco - about 60km southeast of the country's capital, Mexico City.
#ANONIEMvrijdag 31 juli 2015 @ 07:37
BREAKING: Manam Volcano Erupts in Papua New Guinea
Frutselvrijdag 31 juli 2015 @ 08:42
2s.gif Op vrijdag 31 juli 2015 07:37 schreef aloa het volgende:
BREAKING: Manam Volcano Erupts in Papua New Guinea
Misschien wel getriggerd door die aardbeving onlangs? Of rommelde het daar al een tijdje?
#ANONIEMvrijdag 31 juli 2015 @ 09:04
0s.gif Op vrijdag 31 juli 2015 08:42 schreef Frutsel het volgende:


Misschien wel getriggerd door die aardbeving onlangs? Of rommelde het daar al een tijdje?
zou kunnen...

Frutselvrijdag 31 juli 2015 @ 11:04
Vulkaanuitbarsting op Runion

SAINT-DENIS (ANP) - Op het Franse eiland Runion is vrijdag een vulkaan uitgebarsten. Plaatselijke media meldden dat de vulkaan, de Piton de la Fournaise (Top van de Oven), lava en rook uitstoot. De uitbarsting zou het zoeken naar wrakstukken van een vliegtuig waarvan woensdag een stuk vleugel op het eiland aanspoelde, kunnen bemoeilijken, bijvoorbeeld als helikopters aan de grond moeten blijven.

De vulkaan, in onbewoond gebied in het zuidoosten van het eiland, is een van de actiefste ter wereld en barst al voor de derde keer dit jaar uit. De uitbarstingen in februari en in mei duurden enkele dagen.
Frutselmaandag 3 augustus 2015 @ 14:41
Frutselwoensdag 19 augustus 2015 @ 13:56
Are Volcanoes Erupting More Frequently?

It seems like there have been a lot of volcanic eruptions lately.

Popocatpetl volcano in central Mexico has been spewing ash and smoke for months, while Colima, also in Mexico, continues to erupt regularly. In Japan, Sakurajima keeps threatening to erupt in a big way, and some scientists believe it will happen soon. According to Volcano Discovery, there are at least eight volcanoes currently active around the world.

If you're wondering what all this activity means, you're not alone. Scientists are asking the very same questions. They've been studying active periods of volcanic eruptions to see if there's a trend, or even if something's causing the increase in these events – and they still don't have any concrete answers.

Last year, a new study was released suggesting the speed at which the Earth spins may have an effect on the amount of volcanic activity. The belief is that the extra energy the sun uses to alter the speed of Earth's spin, even by the smallest amount, can transfer hundreds of thousands of petajoules of energy into the subsurface, and that may trigger additional eruptions.

Some researchers have also said global warming may be to blame. According to a 2012 study in the journal Geology, melting of land ice could relieve pressure off continents, which may allow magma to surge up more easily, leading to a higher likelihood of more eruptions. A 2015 study in Iceland had similar findings, according to Time.

But the scientists of both studies agree that the ties between climate change and more eruptions aren't concrete, and more examination needs to be done before any conclusions can be drawn.

"The link between climate change and volcanism is still poorly understood," Dr. Robin Wylie, researcher of volcanology at the University College of London, said in the Conversation, a science magazine based in the UK.

If either of these theories are proven to be true, Wylie adds, it would be yet another example of how the smallest changes in our world can have major consequences.
mouzzerwoensdag 19 augustus 2015 @ 23:30
0s.gif Op woensdag 19 augustus 2015 13:56 schreef Frutsel het volgende:


eruptionsblog twitterde op woensdag 19-08-2015 om 23:21:35 I guess I have to tell @sean_breslin that no, volcanic activity is not increasing. All normal on volcano front. reageer retweet
Frutseldonderdag 27 augustus 2015 @ 09:02
Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador): ash emissions

New ash explosions took place at the volcano the day before yesterday (3 July), generating a plume that rose approx. 1 km above the summit and caused light ash fall on the western slope.
This was the first significant activity since the weak eruptive episode in April.
IGEPN reported moderate internal activity and does not exclude that more vigorous eruptions might follow in the near future.
Tungurahua naast Cotopaxi in Ecuador ook weer bezig
Frutselmaandag 21 september 2015 @ 10:10

Meru volcano (Tanzania) new eruption reported, first in 105 years

A new eruption has been reported yesterday from the volcano, which has last been active 105 years ago.

An ash plume was seen rising approx. 1 km and drifting NW from what looks like a lateral vent on the northern slope of the volcano near Arusha town. The are no reports of damage or fatalities.
According to local sources, people in the area around the volcano have been experiencing an increased number of small felt earthquakes in recent months.
Frutselmaandag 21 september 2015 @ 10:21
Word trouwens ook gesuggereerd dat er daar een grote bosbrand gaande is.
Tis me niet duidelijk of dat een gevolg is van een kleine eruptie of dat die eruptie uberhaupt niet geweest is maar dat al die tijd het gewoon een bosbrand was?

Frutseldinsdag 22 september 2015 @ 08:31
Meru volcano (Tanzania): false eruption report - plume caused by forest fire
Monday Sep 21, 2015 19:17 PM | BY: T

The volcano is NOT erupting. The reported eruption turned out to be a false report - what seemed to be an ash plume was in fact caused by a huge forest fire on the slopes of Meru
ah :P
Frutseldonderdag 24 september 2015 @ 11:16
Alertlevel Mauna Loa Hawaii raised
HILO, Hawaii —Scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory have elevated the Volcano Alert Level for Mauna Loa from normal to advisory. This change in status indicates that the volcano is showing signs of unrest that are above known background levels, but it does not mean that a Mauna Loa eruption is imminent or certain.

HVO's seismic stations recorded elevated rates of shallow, small-magnitude earthquakes beneath the summit, upper Southwest Rift Zone, and west flank of Mauna Loa for at least the past year. During this same time, HVO monitoring instruments have measured ground deformation on Mauna Loa that is consistent with recharge of the volcano's shallow magma storage system. Together, these observations indicate that Mauna Loa is no longer at a background level of activity.

Based on these changes in activity, and in accordance with the USGS Volcanic Activity Alert-Notification System, HVO raised the Volcano Alert Level for Mauna Loa to advisory and the Aviation Color Code to yellow. The Volcano Alert Level is a four-tiered system that uses the terms Normal (background levels), Advisory, Watch, and Warning (highest threat) to inform the public about a volcano’s status. These alert levels are issued in conjunction with Aviation Color Codes, which provide information about volcanic-ash hazards to the aviation industry. The codes are Green (background), Yellow, Orange, and Red (eruption imminent).

An advisory/yellow status is declared when one or more volcano monitoring parameters are above the background range of activity, which is the current situation on Mauna Loa. Progression toward an eruption is by no means certain, but the volcano is closely watched to track how the unrest develops.

"It's possible that the increased level of activity at Mauna Loa could continue for many months, or years, without leading to an eruption," said Tina Neal, HVO’s Scientist-in-Charge. "It is also possible that the current unrest could be a precursor to the next eruption of Mauna Loa. But at this early stage, we cannot determine precisely which possibility is more likely."

HVO previously maintained an advisory/yellow status for Mauna Loa following increased rates of ground deformation during the rapid inflation of the volcano in 2004-2005. That period of inflation, similar to deformation currently observed, did not result in an eruption. When the inflation slowed to background levels in early 2010, the status of Mauna Loa was returned to normal/green.

The most recent eruption of Mauna Loa, which began on March 25, 1984, and lasted just over three weeks, was preceded by up to three years of increased earthquake activity. But, in contrast to pre-1984 activity, the energy released by recent earthquakes remains comparatively low.

HVO continues to closely monitor Mauna Loa, and will notify Hawai'i County Civil Defense, the National Park Service and other emergency managers, as well as the public, if significant changes are detected.
GekkePoesdinsdag 29 september 2015 @ 11:51

Vulkaanas veroorzaakt bliksem
Frutseldinsdag 29 september 2015 @ 12:06
prachtig O+
volgens mij is dat uit die vulkaan in Chili?

Daar zijn weergaloze plaatjes van O+
Ajaxfandinsdag 29 september 2015 @ 13:27
Ah zelfde bericht gezien?
Frutseldinsdag 29 september 2015 @ 13:53

Volgens Twitter doet de Sinabung vulkaan in Indonesie weer boem op dit moment
Frutselvrijdag 2 oktober 2015 @ 10:00
Veniaminof volcano (Alaska, USA): alert level raised due to increased seismic activity

Seismic trace of Veniaminof volcano, VNH station (AVO)
Over the past day, seismicity at Veniaminof has increased and is ongoing in the form of volcanic tremor, the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) reported.
The Aviation Color Code was raised to Yellow and the Volcano Alert Level to Advisory.
GekkePoesdinsdag 3 november 2015 @ 23:17

Reizigers die vandaag met KLM van Amsterdam naar Bali vlogen, zijn gestrand in Singapore. Het is te gevaarlijk om te vliegen door de grote aswolk uit de vulkaan Rinjani.

De vulkaan staat op Lombok. Dat eiland ligt vlak bij Bali, waar een van de grootste vliegvelden van Indonesi ligt, Denpasar.

De Rinjani spuwt al dagen zoveel as, dat vliegtuigen gevaar lopen. "Hoeveel passagiers er zijn gestrand weten we niet. Maar gestrande reizigers worden opgevangen in hotels", laat een woordvoerder van KLM weten.

KLM wil morgen pas beoordelen of ze weer gaan vliegen.
Frutselwoensdag 4 november 2015 @ 10:17
Tienduizenden toeristen vast op Bali na vulkaanuitbarsting

De luchthaven van het Indonesische Bali schrapt bijna zevenhonderd vluchten vanwege de uitbarsting van de vulkaan Rinjani op het nabijgelegen eiland Lombok. De as die de vulkaan uitspuwt, maakt vliegen onmogelijk.

De luchthaven van Denpasar is een van de drukste van Indonesi. De luchthaven blijft in elk geval tot morgenochtend dicht. Daarna wordt de situatie herbekeken, aldus een woordvoerder van de luchthaven. De vulkaan kwam afgelopen weekend tot leven. Tienduizenden toeristen zijn gestrand door de stremming op de luchthaven.
Was dat in Juli/Augustus/September ook al niet zo dat er tigzoveel mensen niet konden vliegen vanwege vulkanische activiteit op Bali? Was dat dezelfde vulkaan?

[ Bericht 4% gewijzigd door Frutsel op 05-11-2015 14:58:33 ]
Blikwoensdag 4 november 2015 @ 11:40
4 jaar geleden daar nog gelopen, prachtig gebied rondom de Rinjani. Het is overigens volgens mij officieel niet de Rinjani zelf aangezien die ontploft is ergens rond 1200. In de krater van de ontploffing is een kratermeer ontstaan (Segara Anak), in dat kratermeer is vervolgens weer een vulkaan ontstaan. Weet niet of die vulkaan officieel ook Rinjani heet of een andere naam heeft. Op onderstaand plaatje is dat goed te zien

Frutseldonderdag 5 november 2015 @ 14:58
Frutseldinsdag 24 november 2015 @ 09:31
Kanlaon Volcano spews ash; no injuries reported

ANLAON Volcano in Negros region on Monday night spewed ash that reached 4,921 feet (1,500 meters) above its summit.
The minor ash eruption started at 9:55 p.m. and ended at 10:03 p.m., according to a notification by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS).
Rumbling noise was heard in Barangay Mananawin and Sitio Upper Pantao, Barangay Pula, Canlao City in Negros Oriental province as the volcano ejected ash.

Kanlaon Volcano, which has an elevation 2,435 meters, has erupted 26 times, making it one of the most active volcanoes in central Philippines.
The initial report did not mention any injuries or damage to property.
Philippines raised to level 1 alert after steam explosion at summit. 4 km radius permanent exclusion zone.
Frutseldonderdag 26 november 2015 @ 16:06

Seismologists watching Glacier Peak after four earthquakes

Four earthquakes struck within hours of each other Wednesday afternoon near Glacier Peak in Washington.

The first two earthquakes registered at magnitudes 3.1 and 3.5.

The first earthquake occurred at 12:11 p.m. The second registered roughly an hour later at 1:20 p.m.

Then a third earthquake — a magnitude 1.6 — occurred at 2:33 p.m.

And finally a fourth earthquake — a magnitude 1.4 — was registered at 3:44 p.m.

All the quakes were recorded roughly 19-21 miles east-southeast of the town of Darrington.

Seth Moran, geophysicist at the University of Washington, tells KIRO Radio they're keeping a close eye on the area and continue to watch the seismic records.

"Magnitude 3 earthquakes happen in Washington and Oregon a number of times per year," Moran said. "The one thing that makes these potentially interesting in a different way is they're somewhat close to Glacier Peak."

The quakes, about three miles from Glacier Peak, occurred where there haven't been a lot of magnitude 3 earthquakes in the past, according to Moran.

"The last time there was a magnitude 3 in the vicinity was in 1991," Moran said.

However, there isn't a great network of seismic instruments in the area.

There have been no reports of damage or injuries.

According to the USGS, the last time Glacier Peak erupted was 1,100 years ago. Mount St. Helens and Glacier Peak are the only volcanoes in Washington state that have been explosive in the past 15,000 years.
TheRipperwoensdag 2 december 2015 @ 12:29
Momotombo in Nicaragua begint wat te rommelen: link
Ener-Gwoensdag 2 december 2015 @ 13:51
Zit nu aan het strand in Carita, met uitzicht op Anak Krakatau 8-)
Frutseldonderdag 3 december 2015 @ 14:20
0s.gif Op woensdag 2 december 2015 12:29 schreef TheRipper het volgende:
Momotombo in Nicaragua begint wat te rommelen: link
[ afbeelding ]
WKN / Vulkaan in Nicaragua barst na 110 jaar weer uit

Thx voor de tip :)
Frutselmaandag 4 januari 2016 @ 16:12
WKN / Vulkaan Soputan op Sulawesi weer uitgebarsten
Frutselmaandag 4 januari 2016 @ 16:28

FUEGO in Guatemala ook weer bezig
Coelhomaandag 4 januari 2016 @ 19:24
Ik heb een jaar of 12 geleden de Fuego zien uitbarsten toen we op rondreis Antigua aandeden. Indrukwekkend! Sowieso heel bijzonder om een vulkaan te zien uitbarsten (wanneer je op veilige afstand staat).
Frutselmaandag 4 januari 2016 @ 22:49
0s.gif Op maandag 4 januari 2016 19:24 schreef Coelho het volgende:


Ik heb een jaar of 12 geleden de Fuego zien uitbarsten toen we op rondreis Antigua aandeden. Indrukwekkend! Sowieso heel bijzonder om een vulkaan te zien uitbarsten (wanneer je op veilige afstand staat).
nog video's gemaakt toevallig?
Coelhodinsdag 5 januari 2016 @ 10:47
0s.gif Op maandag 4 januari 2016 22:49 schreef Frutsel het volgende:


nog video's gemaakt toevallig?
Nee, helaas. En ook destijds niet een camera die daar een redelijke foto van kon maken.
Frutselwoensdag 20 januari 2016 @ 13:28
People evacuated after eruption Mt. Egon
MORE than 1,200 people have been evacuated from their homes to escape a gurgling volcano in eastern Indonesia spewing clouds of ash and toxic gas into the air.

Officials said they had distributed thousands of gas masks to villagers around Mount Egon in eastern Flores island as the choking fumes from the volcano intensified.

All residents within three kilometres of the volcano were ordered to evacuate and roads were also closed. Authorities said they were prepared to issue a wide-scale evacuation order if the situation deteriorates further.

“We are on a high alert and ready to evacuate any time,” disaster mitigation official Silvanus Tobi told AFP.

The volcano is popular with tourists, but it is unknown if any were near the volcano at the time it began erupting.

The volcano began rumbling last month but has become more active in recent days, sending villagers fleeing from their homes.

During its last serious eruption in 2008, Mount Egon blasted smoke and volcanic material nearly six kilometres into the atmosphere.
It is one of 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, which sits on the Ring of Fire, a belt of seismic activity running around the basin of the Pacific Ocean.
Frutseldinsdag 2 februari 2016 @ 16:32
El Misti: Showing signs of activity
For the first time in more than 500 years, Peru's El Misti volcano is showing signs of potentially eruptive activity.

According to the committee charged with volcanic risk management for the region of Arequipa, El Misti is one of a dozen potentially active volcanoes in Peru but its proximity to a million residents have the officials concerned.

Gas emissions and magmatic activity have been recorded, Peru This Week reports, but officials note the activity does not necessarily pose an immediate danger of eruption.

Officials warned people living nearby to refrain from building property too close to the volcano and to be prepared for evacuations, Wired reports.

According to the Smithsonian Institution's Global Volcanism Program, El Misti is Peru's most well-known volcano and hasn't had a major eruption since the 15th century.
Frutselwoensdag 3 februari 2016 @ 15:58

Eruptie gaan de bij de Nevado de Chillan in Chili
Houtenbeenvrijdag 5 februari 2016 @ 11:39
RT_com twitterde op vrijdag 05-02-2016 om 11:30:33 BREAKING: Japan's #sakurajima volcano erupts 50km from nuclear plant (pic by @japantimes) reageer retweet
dumblevrijdag 5 februari 2016 @ 13:49
Wie komt er in godsnaam op het idee om een nucleare reactor naast een actieve vulkaan te zetten?
Frutseldinsdag 9 februari 2016 @ 16:14
Mwoah... beetje overtrokken Tweetje van RT...
Sakurajima explodeert regelmatig met fantastische erupties... en dat was nog nooit een probleem voor de omgeving...

Zie ook
WKN / Spectaculaire uitbarstingen vulkaan Sakurajima in Japan
WKN / Vulkaan Sakurajima op Japan laat weer van zich horen (en zien)
Frutselwoensdag 24 februari 2016 @ 16:46

Monotombo in Nicaragua blijft actief
rubbereenddonderdag 25 februari 2016 @ 19:52
geweldige beelden weer _O_
Frutseldonderdag 3 maart 2016 @ 10:16

Tungurahua vulkaan is ook weer flink bezig in Ecuador
#ANONIEMzaterdag 12 maart 2016 @ 20:04
Alaid Volcano.


[ Bericht 32% gewijzigd door #ANONIEM op 12-03-2016 20:06:54 ]
#ANONIEMmaandag 28 maart 2016 @ 13:08

A volcano on Alaska's Aleutian Islands erupted Sunday afternoon, sending ash 20,000 feet into the air.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported that the Pavlof Volcano, located about 600 miles southwest of Anchorage, erupted at 4:18 p.m. local time (8:18 p.m. ET). The agency said that the eruption also led to tremors on the ground.

The agency says the volcano, which is about 4.4 miles in diameter, has had 40 known eruptions and "is one of the most consistently active volcanoes in the Aleutian arc."

The Alaska Volcano Observatory says that ash plumes from past eruptions have risen as high as 49,000 feet. During a previous eruption in 2013, ash plumes rose 27,000 feet.

The community closest to the volcano is Cold Bay, which is about 37 miles southwest of it and has a population of approximately 100 people.


[ Bericht 80% gewijzigd door #ANONIEM op 28-03-2016 13:10:15 ]
biertappermaandag 28 maart 2016 @ 15:13
Popocatpetl spuwt kilometers hoge aswolken

Popocatpetl in Mexico is weer actief. De vulkaan ligt vlakbij Mexico-Stad en spuwt enorme rookwolken van wel 2 kilometer hoog. Lokale autoriteiten adviseren de inwoners in omliggende dorpen om hun neus en mond te bedekken met vochtige doeken, zodat ze het as niet inademen.

Als de wind draait, kan de asregen in de richting van Mexico-Stad gaan. Dat is de afgelopen jaren vaker gebeurd.

Mexico telt zo'n 3000 vulkanen, maar slechts veertien daarvan zijn actief, waaronder de Popocatpetl. De 5450 meter hoge vulkaan spuwt vaker as, maar de laatste grote uitbarsting was in het jaar 2000. Toen werden meer dan 40.000 mensen gevacueerd.
#ANONIEMmaandag 28 maart 2016 @ 17:01
alaska_avo twitterde op maandag 28-03-2016 om 16:11:41 Pavlof volcano in eruption, 8pm AKDT 3/27/2016. Photo courtesy of Royce Snapp. reageer retweet
Frutseldinsdag 29 maart 2016 @ 11:57
Activitylevel of Pavlov volcano downgraded
The activity level of an Alaska volcano has declined after the mountain erupted with a massive ash cloud that prompted the cancellation of dozens of flights.

The U.S. Geological Survey said in a news release late Monday night that the intensity of the eruption had "declined significantly."

Pavlof Volcano, one of Alaska's most active volcanoes, is 625 miles southwest of Anchorage on the Alaska Peninsula, the finger of land that sticks out from mainland Alaska toward the Aleutian Islands.

The volcano in the 8,261-foot mountain erupted about 4 p.m. Sunday, spitting out an ash cloud that rose to 20,000 feet.

Lightning over the mountain and pressure sensors indicated eruptions continued overnight Sunday. By 7 a.m. Monday, the ash cloud had risen to 37,000 feet and winds to 50 mph or more had stretched it over more than 400 miles into interior Alaska.

"It's right in the wheelhouse of a lot of flights crisscrossing Alaska," said geologist Chris Waythomas, of the U.S. Geological Survey, part of the Alaska Volcano Observatory, along with the University of Alaska and the state Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.

In its statement late Monday, the USGS said that the volcano's activity decline began around noon Monday and that by late at night a continuous emission was no longer being observed by satellite.

Consequently, a volcano alert — that had been at its highest level, warning of hazards both in the air and on the ground — was downgraded from a warning to a watch.

But the agency said that a significant eruption was still possible.
nu al een downgrade? das best snel toch? :{
Frutseldinsdag 29 maart 2016 @ 12:35

Muschelschloss twitterde op dinsdag 29-03-2016 om 11:32:15 #PavlovRT @LastQuake: Airline passenger captures amazing picture of Alaskan volcano erupting from his plane window. reageer retweet
bwtdonderdag 31 maart 2016 @ 09:23
BuienRadarNL twitterde op woensdag 30-03-2016 om 15:55:05 Rondom de Pacific zijn op dit moment vulkanen actief. Hoe dat komt en nog veel meer vertelt @Jennifer_Faber je reageer retweet
TheRippervrijdag 1 april 2016 @ 09:50
Exxon Mobile koopt Yellowstone om geothermische energie.
Link ;)
Frutselmaandag 4 april 2016 @ 15:02
Popo barst weer uit
De Popocatpetl in Mexico is uitgebarsten. Daarbij spuwde de vulkaan gloeiend hete stenen zo'n 2 kilometer de lucht in. Sommige stenen kwamen 3,5 kilometer verderop terecht. Ook veroorzaakt de vulkaan kilometers hoge rookwolken.

Lokale autoriteiten waarschuwen dat deze asregen op de omliggende dorpen kan neerdalen. Vorige week werd de Popocatpetl, die vlakbij Mexico-stad ligt, opnieuw actief. Toen werden inwoners van de omliggende dorpen al geadviseerd om hun neus en mond te bedekken met vochtige doeken, zodat ze de as niet inademen.

In Mexico zijn veertien van de ruim 3000 vulkanen die het land telt actief, waaronder de Popocatpetl. De 5450 meter hoge vulkaan spuwt vaker as, maar de laatste grote uitbarsting was in het jaar 2000. Toen werden meer dan 40.000 mensen gevacueerd.
Godshandmaandag 25 april 2016 @ 12:34
Ik dacht even dat dit de vulkaan was, die in een graanveld van een boer is ontstaan.

Maar dat is de Paricutn...
Frutselvrijdag 29 april 2016 @ 09:41
Volcanic earthquake swarm and lake heating at Mt. Ruapehu
A volcanic earthquake swarm is being recorded beneath the Crater Lake of Mount Ruapehu since April 26, 2016, GeoNet reports. Swarms of volcanic earthquakes like these are uncommon on Ruapehu in recent years. The most recent eruption of this volcano occured on September 25, 2007.

The temperature of the Crater Lake has been rising since late 2015 and since mid-April 2016 the temperature has risen from 25 to 40 C (77 to 104 F). Similar temperatures and rate of temperature increase were observed in March 2011, April 2014 and February 2015, the agency reported today.

GeoNet didn't observe any changes in other monitored parameters like volcanic gas, lake chemistry or lake overflow. A gas flight was performed on March 30 and the Crater Lake was sampled on April 14.

"Currently we are uncertain of the implications of the recent observations. However at this time these changes at Ruapehu are not considered sufficient to change the Volcanic Alert Level," GNS Science volcanologist Agnes Mazot said.

The changes at Ruapehu are not related to the volcanic eruption that occurred at White Island on Wednesday, April 27, Mazot added.

As of April 29, 2016, Mount Ruapehu remains at Volcanic Alert Level 1 (Minor volcanic unrest). Aviation Color Code is Green.
Frutselvrijdag 29 april 2016 @ 14:58

Sakurajima Japan doet ut weer ff...
Frutselmaandag 2 mei 2016 @ 13:34

Sakurajima in Japan deed weer boem
Frutselmaandag 9 mei 2016 @ 14:25
130 quakes detected beneath Mount St Helens over last eight weeks, USGS says volcano is recharging

he US Geological Survey (USGS) reports that last eight weeks were very crucial for Mount St Helens, which experienced over 130 earthquakes during a short period. The quakes-the largest was 1.3 on the Richter scale-have been detected over a mile below the surface.

The government agency also says that in last about two months, the rate of small earthquakes under the volcano has been increasing. During the peak time, the Washington state volcano experienced about 40 earthquakes. As majority of these quakes are below the volcano's surface, people aren't able to feel them, reports the USGS.

Some of the quakes occurred more than two miles below the surface of the volcano with an extremely weak magnitude of just 0.5 or less. The agency asks people not to panic as earthquakes are common in volcanoes. Surge in quakes beneath the volcano surface doesn't mean it is going to erupt, it says.

Volcano experts say the steady increase in such activities suggest that the state volcano is just recharging. It means new magma is refilling in the chamber of Mount St. Helens, they say.

Mount St Helens last erupted in 2008. During an eruption about 36 years ago, 57 people lost their lives. The accident also sparked forest fires at that time. The USGS believes such an event isn't going to occur in near future.

Today, the volcano is among the most closely monitored volcanoes around the globe. Thousands of sensors have been placed around the volcano to understand its activities. "Our best long-term forecast is that the next eruption will be a lava dome building eruption, which will have some explosivity to it, but nothing as catastrophic as St Helens in 1980", says Seth Moran of the Cascades Volcano Observatory.

These mini earthquakes, along with the fact that the ground around the volcano is moving ever so slightly away from it, suggest that Mount St. Helens will one day erupt again, said Seth Moran, the scientist in charge at the USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, Washington," according to a news report published by Live Science.

"Such events are commonly seen in active hydrothermal and magmatic systems," the USGS said. "The magma chamber is likely imparting its own stresses on the crust around and above it, as the system slowly recharges. The stress drives fluids through cracks, producing the small quakes."

According to a report in Tech Times by James Maynard, "Tumbling down the mountainside, sweeping everything in its path, were lahar events - volcanic mud flows. These were accompanied by one of the most dangerous of all effects of volcanoes - pyroclastic flows. These deadly emulsions of semi-solid fragments of molten rock and toxic gases are able to tear through a region, or a populace, at more than 60 miles per hour."

"Over the course of the day, prevailing winds blew 520 million tons of ash eastward across the United States and caused complete darkness in Spokane, Washington, 400 kilometers (250 miles) from the volcano. Major ash falls occurred as far away as central Montana, and ash fell visibly as far eastward as the Great Plains of the Central United States, more than 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) away," the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reports.

A report published in Fox News informed, "Scientists said the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network detected more than 130 earthquakes, between 1.2 and 4 miles deep, in the region since March 13. Researchers said the majority of the quakes have registered as a magnitude 0.5 or less and some are too small to detect."

"The magma chamber is likely imparting its own stresses on the crust around and above it, as the system slowly recharges. The stress drives fluids through cracks, producing the small quakes. The current pattern of seismicity is similar to swarms seen at Mount St. Helens in 2013 and 2014; recharge swarms in the 1990s had much higher earthquake rates and energy release."
rubbereendmaandag 9 mei 2016 @ 17:52
Frutselwoensdag 11 mei 2016 @ 10:05
Ruapehu on alert after 20C rise

Mt Ruapehu's risk of eruption may have increased, but GNS volcanologists say nearby residents should not feel concerned.

GNS today announced the mountain's crater lake temperature had doubled in the past few weeks, rising from 25C to between 45C and 46C over the past couple of days.

Duty volcanologist Geoff Kilgour says scientists made two visits to Ruapehu yesterday, one flight to measure the gas output and other to sample the crater lake water and make additional ground-based gas measurements.

"Volcanic gas measurements indicate an increase in the amount of both carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) output ... Seismic activity at Mt Ruapehu is usually dominated by volcanic tremor. Since the volcanic earthquakes in late April the seismicity has been dominated by volcanic tremor at varying levels. The level of tremor has increased but is not exceptional in terms of the last few years."

Volcanologist Brad Scott has quashed a few "urban myths" about why there is currently an increasing level of activity in the volcano.

"It's got nothing to do with weather. And White Island, they're [volcanoes] all independent of each other."

Mr Scott says the activity is caused by molten lava getting trapped inside the volcano itself.

"When that new pulsar heat and hot rock comes into the volcano it's whether or not it can flow through the volcano and get out of it and if the holes in the volcano aren't big enough to let the gas through it just over pressurises and pops."

And for those in surrounding towns worried that a lahar will swamp them, Mr Scott says debris is
unlikely to travel more than a few kilometres from the volcano itself.

"One of the biggest eruptions, in 1995, only a few blots got past the 3km or 4km mark and that was really rare. Being away from the volcano is very safe and even the standard places you can go. Different story if you go and climb the thing and you're camping at the crater lake or something."

As for where it travels, Mr Scott says the majority head out towards the Desert Rd but there have been some eruptions producing lahar on the northern side.

"If you're at the ski lodges, they're safe as. Ruapehu only affects within about 3km of the lake and the nearest part of the ski fields are about 4km or 5km away so it does make it a fairly safe environment and the rest, once off you're off the bottom of the volcano, nothing can touch you."

Mr Scott says Ruapehu Alpine Lifts has shifted all of its infrastructure - ski tows, towers, cafes - out of the valleys in case it did head in that direction.

As for how the volcanic unrest occurs? "That's the $64,000 science question of volcanologists all over the world."

The Department of Conservation also issued a warning to climbers and trampers on the mountain, to not enter the Summit Hazard Zone on Mt Ruapehu until further notice.

The Summit Hazard Zone is the area within 2km of the centre of the crater lake.

It encompasses all the peaks in the summit area, with Te Heuheu Peak at the north end of the summit area at the edge of the zone, and the upper Turoa skifield at the south.

Climbers and trekkers should refer to the Summit Hazard Zone map or use their map and GPS reading skills, to determine when they are approaching the zone.

"We recommend climbers, trampers and walkers do not enter the zone," said Paul Carr, DoC's operations manager for Tongariro.

"Guiding companies should also heed the advice and not take people into the zone."

No ski areas, other facilities or roads on Ruapehu or elsewhere in Tongariro National Park - including the Tongariro Alpine Crossing - are affected by this warning.
Frutseldinsdag 17 mei 2016 @ 12:26
More quakes under a north west volcano
SEATTLE - As of 1 p.m. Monday, Oregon's Mount Hood has seen about 40 earthquakes in close proximity over less than 18 hours. Such clusters of earthquakes are known as a swarm. The location of the quakes is on the southern flank of the volcano, and they are small, magnitude 2.0 or less.

Alicia Hotovec-Ellis is a volcano seismologist at the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at the University of Washington and an expert on earthquake swarms. She says the swarms have happened in the same place before. The quakes on Mount Hood are not seen as a warning of an eruption and are probably related to water moving through rock.

Swarms of small quakes are used as a tool by scientists to monitor what's going on deep inside a volcano. Mount St. Helens has seen a series of swarms involving more than 100 key quakes over the past two months, part of a larger pattern of swarm activity dating back to the late 1990s.

Mount St. Helens last erupted in 2004.

"The style of earthquakes and where they’re locating is consistent with what we’re calling re-charge," said Seth Moran of the Cascades Volcano Observatory.

But he hastens to add that the next eruption is likely years, if not decades, away.
Dat laatste zinnetje moeten ze er wel altijd ff bij zetten he :P
Mt. Hood heb ik ooit zelf van zeer dichtbij gezien. Geweldige ervaring en natuur daarro.
Na St. Helens nu dus ook Hood met veel lichte bevinkjes.
Frutseldinsdag 17 mei 2016 @ 16:30
Mt Jefferson, Mt Hood, Mt St Helens, Mt Rainier, Mt Adams, Volcanic Peaks


Bij Hood, Rainier en St. Helens rommelt het dus deze maand
Frutselwoensdag 18 mei 2016 @ 13:51
etnaboris twitterde op woensdag 18-05-2016 om 13:47:18 Eruption started at Etna's Voragine crater reageer retweet
Frutseldinsdag 31 mei 2016 @ 13:49
Scientists prepare for Lake Taupo eruption

There is only a very small chance the volcano that is now Lake Taupo will erupt, but researchers are planning for a worst case scenario in case it does.

A team of researchers is studying the volcano so better response plans can be put in place in case of a large eruption.

The Earthquake Commission said damage from the last time the volcano erupted - almost 1800 years ago - would be large enough to destroy the central North Island.

The commission is funding research that will map out where ash and debris would travel in an eruption.

The research is led by Simon Barker from Auckland University. He said it will help emergency services in a worst case scenario, although the chances of a large eruption are very slight.

"We want to see what the thickness of ash will be in the various regions, how far it will go. The chances are still very very low but from the past activity we can really see quite big eruptions all the way down to really small 1995, 1996 Ruapehu size."

Dr Barker said the eruptions of Mt Ruapehu in 1995-6 were the minimum size expected at Lake Taupo, which could be up to a 100 times greater.

He said the researchers want to know where the ash will go in modern atmospheric conditions and in different seasons, as wind directions can shift a lot.

Taupo is a very large caldera (volcanic crater), Dr Barker said, taking up the entire northern part of the lake.
Frutselwoensdag 8 juni 2016 @ 16:35
Increased unrest continues at Ruapehu, Crater Lake cooling stops, New Zealand

New Zealand's Mount Ruapehu remains in a state of heightened volcanic unrest. The temperature of the summit Crater Lake has declined from 46 C (114.8 F), but the cooling has stopped and the temperature is rising again.

Recent visits to the volcano have confirmed the output of volcanic gas (carbon dioxide CO2, hydrogen sulphide H2S and sulphur dioxide SO2) remains elevated above background levels but is declining, GeoNet reports.

The lake temperature reached a high of 46 C on May 11 then the lake started to cool, declining to 30 C (86 F) by June 2. Since then it has risen to the current temperature of 32 C. Water samples have been collected from the Crater Lake for chemical analysis. Moderate to low levels of volcanic tremor continue.

The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2 (moderate to heightened unrest). The Aviation Colour Code is also unchanged, at Yellow.
Frutselwoensdag 3 augustus 2016 @ 13:35
Three Indonesian volcanoes erupt in three days

Giant clouds of ash engulfed the skies as Mount Sinabung became the third volcano to erupt in Indonesia, in the space of just three days.

Mount Rinjani on Lombok island near Bali erupted on Monday, with the Sinabung volcano on Sumatra island and Mount Gamalama in the Moluccas chain of islands following suit late yesterday.

No one has been injured but flights at two airports have been disrupted.

Mount Rinjani on Lombok island near Bali erupted on Monday, with the Sinabung volcano on Sumatra island and Mount Gamalama in the Moluccas chain of islands following suit late yesterday.

The archipelago of 250 million people is prone to earthquakes and volcanoes because it sits along the Pacific 'Ring of Fire,' a string of faults that lines the Pacific Ocean.
The eruptions darkened skies in parts of the archipelago and disrupted some flights.
Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, the spokesman for Indonesia's Disaster Mitigation Agency, said that Gamalama and Sinabung erupted late yesterday, blasting debris high into the air.
'People are advised to stay calm,' said Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, adding authorities were not yet planning evacuations.

Nugroho said farms and trees around the three volcanoes were covered in gray ash, but nearby towns and villages were not in danger.

Hot ash tumbled down the Sinabung slopes as far as 2,000 metres (6,562 feet) southward into a river.
The volcano has been put on alert its highest level since June 2015 following a significant increase in activity.
Frutselwoensdag 3 augustus 2016 @ 13:37

Frutseldonderdag 4 augustus 2016 @ 23:24
Earthquakes in the Cape Verde Islands Could Signal an Explosive Eruption to Come

ape Verde Islands: Earthquakes on Brava in the Cape Verde Islands noticed on August 1 have prompted a heightened alert and evacuations of over 300 people from the slopes of the volcano. Brava has no known eruptions in the past 10,000 years, although many of the cones and flows on the volcano look relatively young. Based on its location in an oceanic island chain (like Hawai’i), you might expect lava flows from Brava. However, some of what are thought to be the most recent eruptions are phonolite, which is a stickier lava with higher silica content that can produce explosive eruptions. Combine that with interaction with groundwater on Brava, and we could see an explosive eruption.

Only two years ago, Fogo in the Cape Verde Islands had one of its most specular eruptions in decades, with lava flows that overran multiple villages.
Frutselvrijdag 12 augustus 2016 @ 12:11
rubbereendvrijdag 12 augustus 2016 @ 15:49
van surfen is weinig gekomen _O-
Frutseldonderdag 8 september 2016 @ 16:29
Phivolcs warns of 'big' Mayon eruption in coming days

Phivolcs cites 'abnormal activity' such as drying wells, more earthquakes, and increased sulfur dioxide emission of the volcano

LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines – The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) has warned of a possible "big" Mayon volcano eruption in the coming days.

"Phreatic explosion may happen anytime but a big explosion is expected in the coming days," said Philvolcs resident volcanologist Eduardo Laguerta.

Laguerta cited "abnormal activity" similar to what happened prior to the Mayon eruption in 1984.

The 1984 Mayon eruption is classified as a Vulcanian-type eruption which involves relatively small but violent explosions of thick lava producing columns of ash, gas, and occasional pyroclastic flows.

"The massive drying up of wells across Albay, specifically in the municipalities surrounding the volcano, may be attributed to the magma movement activity beneath the restive volcano," Laguerta added.

He also cited the 3 consecutive earthquakes in August originating from the Sto Domingo fault line, which can affect volcanic activity.

Laguerta said his office asked geodetic engineers from the Phivolcs central office to conduct a ground survey around the volcano following the earthquakes.

"We noted after the survey, Mayon is inflated, magma beneath the volcano is building up. Deep wells are drying up surrounding the volcano and in several towns here – an implication of abnormal activity," he said.

Magmatic eruption possible

Laguerta said that while magma build-up did not progress past the belly of the volcano during its explosion in 2014, a "magmatic eruption" may happen this time around.

"Today the possibility to continue for magmatic eruption is possible. We cannot discount the possibility of big explosion," he said.

With these latest findings, Phivolcs raised Mayon to Alert Level 1.

According to a Phivolcs advisory, its monitoring showed the following:

Increased sulfur dioxide emission from the Mayon crater, or beyond the baseline level of 500 tons per day, even exceeding 1,000 tons per day on some days, since July 2016
Increased volcanic earthquake activity, with a total of 146 earthquakes recorded by the Mayon Volcano Observatory seismic network from August 3 to August 6 on the southeast side, 10 kilometers away from the volcano
4 of the 14 monitored water wells located on the southeastern side of Mayon are drying up, while one has completely dried up
Steam activity from the crater has ranged from weak to moderate, and no crater glow – which would indicate magma activity – has been observed. Even so, Phivolcs warned of a phreatic explosion anytime that could lead to a big eruption.

Rocks and steam are spewed out during a phreatic explosion.

Laguerta also reiterated the government's warning for the public to stay out of the 6-kilometer danger zone, to avoid casualties.

In 1993, 77 farmers were killed, while several foreigners and their Filipino tourist guide were killed in phreatic explosions in 2013.

Cedric Daep, Albay Public Safety and Emergency Management Office (Apsemo) chief, said there are 18,000 people living along the slopes of the volcano.
Frutselwoensdag 14 september 2016 @ 14:12
Sakurajima volcano building up for major eruption
The Sakurajima volcano in Japan last erupted in 1914 killing 58 people and caused widespread flooding in the nearby city of Kagoshima.

The volcano, however, could erupt again in the next few decades as the pool of liquid magma that swells beneath it grows each year, indicating a looming large eruption.

A team of researchers developed a new method for imaging the underground plumbing system of Sakurajima, one of the most active volcanoes in Japan.

Using GPS deformation measurements and 3D computer models, the researchers assessed the buildup beneath Sakurajima volcano and found that the reservoir of magma grows at a significant rate. They found that 14 million cubic meters (494 million cubic feet) of magma accumulate every year, which is enough to fill the Wembley Stadium three-and-a-half times over.

Based on their findings, the researchers said that it would take 130 years from the volcano's last major eruption for the next one to happen. This means that the region is due for a major eruption about 2044, which is about 25 years from now.

Although the Sakurajima volcano remained constantly active over the last several decades, the small regular volcanic eruptions were not able to get rid of all the magma and the Aira caldera — deep crater that was formed from a collapsed magma chamber. It now serves as a shallow reservoir for Sakurajima's magma and is being filled faster than the rate magma is released through small eruptions. This means that pressure is building up.

"Using the example of continued inflation at Aira caldera, Japan, we demonstrate that magma is accumulating faster than it can be erupted, and the current uplift is approaching the level inferred prior to the violent 1914 Plinian eruption," the researchers reported in their study, which was published in the journal Scientific Reports on Sept. 13.

"[T]he inferred magma supply rate indicates a ~130-year timeframe to amass enough magma to feed a future 1914-sized eruption."

Although it is not possible to accurately predict when a volcano would erupt, the researchers said that the result of their study should help authorities plan for future disasters not just in Japan but also in other places worldwide.

"The numerical constraints we were able to put on the magma supply conditions can also be used to assist with probabilistic and quantitative eruption forecasting," said study researcher James Hickey, from the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol in the UK.
hmmm..das die vulkaan die toch al spectaculaire shots oplevert....

WKN / Spectaculaire uitbarstingen vulkaan Sakurajima in Japan
Frutselwoensdag 28 september 2016 @ 08:38
Tourists evacuated after eruption
JAKARTA: Rescuers in Indonesia were dispatched Wednesday to evacuate nearly 400 tourists, most of them foreigners, after a volcano erupted at one of the country's most popular hiking destinations, an official said.

Mount Barujani began erupting late Tuesday afternoon, sending columns of ash and smoke shooting 2 kilometres (1.2 miles) into the sky over Lombok island, a tourist hotspot to the immediate east of Bali.

Nearly 400 people were recorded as hiking near Barujani -- a smaller cone within the crater of Mount Rinjani -- when it began erupting, prompting plans for their immediate evacuation, said national disaster agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho.

"A rescue team has been sent to Mount Rinjani to evacuate the tourists. They set off on Wednesday morning," he said.

Hikers have been told to keep at least 3 kilometres from the smouldering volcano, a key attraction on the multi-day trek to the summit of Mount Rinjani made by thousands of tourists every year.

Nugroho said 389 hikers were recorded as having entered the national park since Sunday, the overwhelming majority of them foreigners.

While most would have taken the official route to the summit, rescue teams suspected some hikers may have gone off-piste, Nugroho added.

The threat level of the volcano was upgraded Tuesday as Barujani sent plumes of smoke and hot ash into the atmosphere, but remains two steps from the highest-risk category.

There were no flight disturbances recorded on Wednesday due to the ash clouds, transport ministry spokesman Hemi Pramuraharjo told AFP.

Some flights to and from the nearby resort island of Bali were cancelled overnight, but Lombok's international airport remains unaffected.

Flight disruptions due to drifting ash clouds are not uncommon in Indonesia, which sits on a belt of seismic activity known as the Pacific Ring of Fire and is home to 130 active volcanoes.

An eruption at Mount Rinjani last month forced the closure of Lombok airport and disrupted some flights to neighbouring Bali.
bwtwoensdag 5 oktober 2016 @ 16:29
Kilauea is ook mooi op beeld gezet
janinekrippner twitterde op woensdag 05-10-2016 om 15:58:46 4K Kīlauea #Volcano, Halemaʻumaʻu Crater, Summit Vent Lava Lake video available via @usgs reageer retweet
Frutseldinsdag 25 oktober 2016 @ 12:15
AVO raises alert level for Cleveland volcano to orange after explosion

October 24, 2016: The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) has raised the alert level for the Cleveland volcano to orange from yellow after detecting explosion.

The explosion at Cleveland volcano was recorded at 13:10 AKDT (21:10 UTC). The explosion was heard by the residents in Nikolski, about 75 km from Cleveland volcano.

"The most recent significant period of eruption began in February, 2001 and produced 3 explosive events that generated ash clouds as high as 39,000 ft above sea level," the volcano observatory noticed stated on Monday.

According to the observatory, the orange code, the second-highest on the scale, is issued when a volcano is "exhibiting heightened or escalating unrest with increased potential of eruption."

The volcano, named after U.S. President Grover Cleveland, is located about 75 km (45 mi) west of the community of Nikolski, and 1500 km (940 mi) southwest of Anchorage.
Frutselwoensdag 2 november 2016 @ 13:33
Sumatra volcano rages on
Residents in Karo regency on Sumatra island were on edge yesterday, with a rumbling Mount Sinabung spewing volcanic ash that reached as high as 1km. The volcano, which began erupting on Sunday, has prompted the authorities to bar tourists from entering a radius of 6km from the crater, volcanologist Nia Hairani said. Sinabung roared back to life in 2010 for the first time in 400 years. After another period of inactivity, it erupted once more in 2013. It has been highly active since. It is one of 129 active volcanos in Indonesia sitting on a quake-prone zone called the Pacific Ring of Fire.
Frutseldonderdag 8 december 2016 @ 13:16
Cayambe volcano in Ecuador has become restless
The volcano has become restless. Scientists from Ecuador's Institute of Geophysics (IGEPN) recorded an increased number of earthquakes under the volcano a new report shows. The increased seismicity could be (but not must be) a precursor of renewed activity in the medium-term future (weeks, months?).

An increase of earthquakes began on 5 June this year when a seismic swarm of earthquakes started which totaled more than 2300 events by the end of the month. The quakes occurred concentrated in an area NE of the volcano and were volcano-tectonic in origin, likely caused by a magma intrusion at depth causing pressurization and fracturing of rocks.

After the June swarm, the volcano returned to calm again first. New earthquakes started to appear in increased numbers from September and have been continuing. Different from in June, the quakes have been concentrated under the summit area of the volcano and been showing an
upward trend in depth.

In addition, there have been increased reports of strong sulfur smell from climbers who visited the volcano, suggesting that there has been an increase in SO2 emission.
Both observations fit into the interpretation that a new magma body has been intruding inside the volcano. Whether or not it reaches the surface (and if so, when), i.e. causes a new eruption, is matter of speculation and cannot be answered with certainty.

For now, the signs of unrest are considered weak. They favor the idea that the intrusion of magma is of small volume only. As a consequence, if there is an eruption to come it is (for now) expected to be likely a small one only.

Cayambe's last eruption was only a moderate event in 1785-86, although the volcano has had violent explosive eruptions in the recent geologic record (i.e. past few thousands of years) and merits to be closely monitored.
Frutseldinsdag 13 december 2016 @ 14:08
120 quakes rattle Mt.St.Helens last month

Roughly 120 small earthquakes rumbled beneath the slopes of Mount St. Helens late last month, officials said, though the recent seismic activity does not necessarily foretell an impending eruption.

While the mountain responsible for the deadliest eruption in American history does not appear the be on the precipice of blowing its top, the recent quake swarms serve as a reminder that Mount St. Helens is still very active.

"Each of these little earthquakes is a clue and a reminder we are marching toward an eruption someday," Weston Thelen, a seismologist with U.S. Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory in Vancouver, told The Columbian, which first reported the story.

"There's nothing in this little modest seismicity, and none since 2008, that is a really good indicator of when that eruption will be," Thelen added.

Little is known about the exact origin of Mount St. Helens' magma. Recently, scientists found that the inside of the volcano was surprisingly cool and theorized that molten rock actually flowed in an underground plumbing system from east of the mountain.

Research raises questions about the mysterious source of Mount St. Helens' magma
It turns out the rock beneath the volcano's surface is actually quite cool.

Wherever the magma comes from, it constantly releases gas within the volcano, which experts believe could be the cause of the recent quakes. Most of the temblors were 1 to 2 miles beneath the surface and all of them were too weak to be felt above ground.

"We know Mount St. Helens is slowly repressurizing," Liz Westby, a Cascades Volcano Observatory geologist, told The Columbian. "We can't see it, but we think it's inflating subtly."
Zie ook
WFL / Vulkaanuitbarsting Mount St.Helens
WKN / Mount St.Helens - Mei 1980 - Toen en Nu
Frutselwoensdag 21 december 2016 @ 10:11
Unexpected eruption of Bogoslof volcano Alaska

An unexpected, powerful eruption of Bogoslof volcano, Alaska occurred at about 00:35 UTC on December 21, 2016. The eruption lasted about 30 minutes and sent volcanic ash to an estimated altitude of 10.3 km (34 000) above sea level. The Aviation Color Code was briefly raised to Red. The last eruption of this volcano took place in 1992.

According to Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO), a short-lived explosive eruption was reported by several pilots.

Satellite data showed a discrete explosion that detached and drifted to the south by 01:15 UTC. The Aviation Color Code was increased to Red and the Volcano Alert Level to Warning.

A subsequent pilot report from 01:50 UTC indicated that activity had decreased and the cloud was dispersing.

The ash cloud was carried southward over the Gulf of Alaska and no ash fell on inhabited areas. No further explosions have been detected in seismic and infrasound networks indicating that the activity has subsided.
Frutselmaandag 9 januari 2017 @ 09:15
Bogoslof volcano keeps erupting
Alaska's Bogoslof volcano blows an island to smithereens and sends ash 35,000 feet into the air in repeated eruptions

Alaska's remote Bogoslof volcano keeps erupting, and has demolished much of its Aleutian island home with a string of huge explosions.

The latest event on Thursday sent a cloud of ash and ice 35,000 feet in the air, prompting the Alaska Volcano Observatory to issue its highest alert for aircraft.

The Federal Aviation Administration says the volcano had no immediate effect on flight operations.
Frutselmaandag 9 januari 2017 @ 09:17
Blijft bezig dat ding daar op Alaska

rschott twitterde op maandag 09-01-2017 om 09:04:44 Looks like the seismicity at Bogoslof is picking up again. Lack of lightning may also suggest eruption is interacti… reageer retweet

rschott twitterde op maandag 09-01-2017 om 09:06:30 There's the lightning. It's an eruption for sure! reageer retweet

rschott twitterde op maandag 09-01-2017 om 09:10:24 Bogoslof eruption cloud growing. reageer retweet
Frutselmaandag 9 januari 2017 @ 09:23
Alaska volcano Q&A: Eruptions have high-flying consequences

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A remote volcano in Alaska’s Aleutian Islands has erupted 10 times in less than a month, and experts say more eruptions are possible.

Bogoslof volcano has sent up ash clouds that have reached as high as 35,000 feet. Here are answers to questions on why volcanoes in Alaska erupt so often and the dangers they present:


The Alaska Volcano Observatory, a joint program of the U.S. Geological Survey and the University of Alaska Fairbanks, says 90 volcanoes have been active within the last 10,000 years — and could erupt again. More than 50 have been active since about 1760, when record-keeping begin.

Like Bogoslof, most are on the 1,550-mile-long Aleutian Arc, which forms the northern portion of the Pacific “Ring of Fire,” a horseshoe shape zone around the Pacific Ocean of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions triggered by the subduction of an oceanic plate beneath continental plates.


Regularly. Pavlof Volcano sent up ash clouds in 2013. Cleveland volcano blew in December 2011. Redoubt volcano 100 miles southwest of Anchorage blew in March 2009, dropping ash during the medals ceremony for the U.S. alpine ski championships at Alyeska Resort in Girdwood. Some volcanoes erupt and spit out additional ash intermittently for weeks, as Bogoslof seems to be doing.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory, formed in response to the 1986 eruption of Mount Augustine, has tools to predict eruptions. As magma moves beneath a volcano before an eruption, it often generates earthquakes, swells the surface of a mountain and increases the gases emitted. The observatory samples gases, measures earthquake activity and watches for landscape deformities.

The observatory uses mathematical models to forecast how fast ash particles will be transported in the atmosphere and where ash could fall. The observatory runs the models when it detects that a volcano might erupt, and updates them when they blow.


Volcanoes in Hawaii ooze lava. Volcanoes in Alaska tend to explode.

Instead of a red river of lava, Alaska volcanoes typically shoot ash up to 50,000 feet, or more than nine miles, into the jet stream.

That ash is not the kind you left after a campfire. Instead, it’s an abrasive kind of rock fragment. The particulate has jagged edges and has been used as an industrial abrasive to polish metals.

Particulate can injure skin, eyes and breathing passages. The young, the elderly and people with respiratory problems are especially susceptible. Ash under a windshield wiper can scratch glass. However, most volcanoes are far from communities and ash fall requiring breathing masks or new air filters on a car is infrequent.


USGS geophysicist John Power once likened flying through an ash cloud to flying into a sandblaster.

Ash can scrape the moving parts of jet engines such as turbine blades. However, ash on hot parts of a jet engine is potentially more dangerous, according to the observatory. The engines operate near the melting temperature of volcanic ash.

“Ingestion of ash can clog fuel nozzles, combustor, and turbine parts causing surging, flame out, immediate loss of engine thrust, and engine failure,” according to the observatory.


Using information provided by the Federal Aviation Administration, the observatory estimates that more than 80,000 large aircraft per year, and 30,000 people per day, fly on routes downwind of Aleutian volcanoes, which are along great-circle routes between Europe, North America and Asia.

Airlines get excited when an ash cloud rises above 20,000 feet.

The jet stream can carry ash for hundreds of miles. Ash from Kasatochi Volcano in August 2008 blew all the way to Montana.

Redoubt volcano blew on Dec. 15, 1989, and sent ash 150 miles away into the path of a KLM jet carrying 231 passengers. Its four engines flamed out.

As the crew tried to restart the engines, “smoke” and a strong odor of sulfur filled the cockpit and cabin, according to a USGS account. The jet dropped more than 2 miles, from 27,900 feet to 13,300 feet, before the crew was able to restart all engines and land the plane safely at Anchorage.


“That’s always a possibility but big eruptions have precursor signals,” said USGS research geophysicist Chris Waythomas, “That just doesn’t happen in 20 minutes.”

Months of below-ground unrest can precede a major eruption. The Alaska Volcano Observatory, Waythomas said, likely would be tipped off by movement of the huge volume of magma involved.

“It has to break a lot of rock to get to the surface,” he said.
bwtmaandag 9 januari 2017 @ 16:00
Handige link om eea te checken van bogoslov
Frutselwoensdag 18 januari 2017 @ 10:03
Explosie Colima vulkaan:


The volcano's activity remains above average. Vulcanian-type explosions from the summit crater occur at intervals of several hours and are sometimes very powerful, generating dense ash columns that rise 2-4 km, and cover the upper slopes of the volcano with bombs.
Some of them also generate small pyroclastic flows descending the steep upper flank.
Frutselwoensdag 18 januari 2017 @ 15:53

Sinabung op Sumatra gisteren
Frutseldonderdag 19 januari 2017 @ 09:19
Colima nog een keertje:

#ANONIEMvrijdag 20 januari 2017 @ 15:01
Frutselwoensdag 25 januari 2017 @ 09:36

Earthquake swarm under Takawangha volcano
An energetic earthquake swarm was detected under Alaskan Takawangha volcano on January 23, 2017, prompting the Alaska Volcano Observatory to raise Aviation Color Code to Yellow and Alert Level to Advisory on January 24. The last known eruption of this volcano took place in 1550.

The earthquakes are located 6 to 7 km (3.7 to 4.3 miles) ESE of Takawangha Volcano. Two of them had magnitudes above 4; M4.1 and 4.4 at a depth of 7 and 10 km (4.3 and 6.2 miles), respectively

"This activity may be due to brittle failure in the surrounding rock caused by magma movement," AVO said and raised the Aviation Color Code to Yellow and Alert Level to Advisory. No eruptive activity has been detected in satellite data.

The seismicity has waxed and waned over the past 24 hours, the observatory reported late January 24.

The last known eruption of this volcano took place in 1550, Volcanic Explosivity Index is unknown.

Parts of Takawangha's edifice are hydrothermally altered and may be unstable, possibly leading to localized debris avalanches from its flanks. Takawangha lies across a saddle from historically active Tanaga volcano to the west.

Geological summary
Takawangha is a 1449-m-high, youthful volcano with an ice-filled caldera on northern Tanaga Island, near the western end of the Andreanof Islands. Takawangha lies across a saddle from historically active Tanaga volcano to the west; older, deeply eroded volcanoes lie adjacent to Takawangha on the east.

The summit of the dominantly basaltic to basaltic-andesite volcano is largely ice covered, with the exception of five Holocene craters that during the last few thousand years produced explosive eruptions and lava flows that reached the lower flanks of the volcano.

No historical eruptions are known from Takawangha, although radiocarbon dating indicates explosive eruptions have occurred within the past several hundred years. (GVP)
Frutseldonderdag 26 januari 2017 @ 11:18
Colima blijft heel actief...

A very strong explosion occurred at Mexican Colima volcano at 13:45 UTC on January 25, 2017. This is yet another strong explosion at the volcano, currently one of the most active in the world.

The eruption was accompanied with pyroclastic flows on the NE flank.

The Washington VAAC reported volcanic ash drifted NE and reached 7 km (23 000 feet) above sea level at 14:15 UTC.
Frutselvrijdag 27 januari 2017 @ 09:31
Alaska volcano erupts again, sending up another ash cloud

A volcano in Alaska's Aleutian Islands has erupted again, sending a cloud of ash and ice particles 30,000 feet in the air.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory says the cloud was seen by satellite shortly after Bogoslof (BOH-gohs-lawf) Volcano erupted Thursday.

Volcanic ash above 20,000 feet is a threat to airliners flying between Asia and North America. The Aviation Color Code was lowered from red to orange late Thursday evening after the ash cloud dissipated.

The volcano 850 miles southwest of Anchorage has erupted more than 25 times since mid-December and could keep up its periodic eruptions for months.

The cloud Thursday drifted southeast at lower altitudes. No ash was expected to fall on nearby Unalaska Island, home to one of the nation's largest fishing ports, Dutch Harbor.
Seismic activity returned to low levels after the eruption.
#ANONIEMdonderdag 2 februari 2017 @ 08:04
#ANONIEMvrijdag 3 februari 2017 @ 17:11

webcamsdemexico twitterde op maandag 23-01-2017 om 04:35:24 RT @photoweather1: In West Mexico Volcan Colima was very active! An amazing photo by Sergio Tapiro @tapirofoto reageer retweet
Nattekatvrijdag 3 februari 2017 @ 17:12
2s.gif Op vrijdag 3 februari 2017 17:11 schreef aloa het volgende:
[ afbeelding ]

webcamsdemexico twitterde op maandag 23-01-2017 om 04:35:24 RT @photoweather1: In West Mexico Volcan Colima was very active! An amazing photo by Sergio Tapiro @tapirofoto reageer retweet
Prachtig kiekje _O_
TheRipperzondag 5 februari 2017 @ 16:05
Sinabung blijft maar actief:
Frutselmaandag 6 februari 2017 @ 11:44
0s.gif Op zondag 5 februari 2017 16:05 schreef TheRipper het volgende:
Sinabung blijft maar actief:
[ afbeelding ]
volgens mij lopen die lui allemaal veels te dichtbij :{
Frutselmaandag 6 februari 2017 @ 11:45

Colima 2 en 3 februari
Roel_Jewelwoensdag 8 februari 2017 @ 10:44
Verkeerde topic.. Verplaatst naar WKN / [ACTUEEL] Vulkanen IJsland #21: Aardbevingen bij Katla
Frutselwoensdag 8 februari 2017 @ 10:57
Mag wel in beide hoor, kan je altijd nog doorverwijzen :)
Frutseldonderdag 9 maart 2017 @ 14:34

Powerful eruption at Bezymianny volcano
A powerful eruption took place at Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka, Russia around 03:00 UTC on March 9, 2017. The Aviation Color Code was first raised to Orange, then to Red.

Tokyo VAAC said at 03:42 UTC, that an eruption at Bezymianny at 03:00 UTC sent ash up to 10 km (33 000 feet) extending N-NW.

According to satellite data by KVERT, ash plume at the height about 7 km (23 000 feet) a.s.l. drifts for about 112 km (70 miles) to the northwest from the volcano, KVERT said at 05:11 UTC. The width of ash plume is about 14 km (8.7 miles). Strong gas-steam activity of the volcano continues, it said.

Strong ash explosions up to 15 km (49 200 feet) a.s.l. could occur at any time. Ongoing activity could affect international and low-flying aircraft.

Based on KB GS RAS (Kamchatka Branch of Geophysical Services, Russian Academy of Sciences) data, KVERT noted that seismicity at Bezymianny began to increase on November 18, 2016. The temperature of a thermal anomaly detected in satellite images increased on December 5, and then significantly increased on December 13, which was likely caused by lava-dome extrusion. The Aviation Color Code was raised to Orange.

The Tokyo VAAC noted that ash plumes rose as high as 6.1 km (20 000 ft) a.s.l. on December 15. A gas-and-steam plume containing a small amount of ash drifted about 118 km (73 miles) W.

The last strong explosive eruption at Bezymianny occurred on September 2, 2012 when ash plumes rose to altitudes of 10 - 12 km (32 800 - 39 400 ft) a.s.l. and drifted more than 1 500 km ENE (932 miles).
Frutselmaandag 27 maart 2017 @ 14:28

Kambalny volcano erupts after 248 years of sleep
A major eruption started at Kamchatkan Kambalny volcano at 21:20 UTC on March 24, 2017, prompting authorities to raise the Aviation Color Code to Orange. According to experts, the sharp intensification of the volcano was a complete surprise. Although there are reports of an increase in activity in 1769, the last major eruption of this volcano took place in 1350.

At 21:20 UTC, KVERT said satellite data showed an ash plume about 35 km (21.7 miles) southwest from the volcano. Volcanic cloud was reaching a height of 5 - 6 km (16 400 - 19 680 feet). By 01:34 UTC on March 25, the plume was already about 100 km (62 miles) SSW from the volcano and by 13:24 UTC it was 550 km (341 miles) SSW. At the time, satellite data showed volcanic cloud reaching 5 km (16 400 feet).

An explosive eruption of the volcano continues, KVERT said. Ash explosions up to 6 - 8 km (19 700 26 200 feet) a.s.l. could occur at any time. Ongoing activity could affect international and low-flying aircraft.

"This is the first scientific observation of a major volcanic event at Kambalny," said Olga Kirin, head of KVERT group. "According to tephrochronology, a strong eruption occurred 600 years ago, but there is information about the increase in activity some 250 years ago," she added. "The volcano is under our close supervision, but it is hard to say what will happen next."

The nearest settlement is located some 77 km (47.8 miles) away from the volcano.
Frutseldinsdag 18 april 2017 @ 14:22

Sudden increase in seismic activity under San Miguel volcano, El Salvador

El Salvador authorities are reporting a sudden increase in seismic activity under San Miguel volcano on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. The last major eruptive phase of this volcano started on December 29, 2013, and ended in August 2014 (VEI 2).

In a special report released 20:30 local time on April 17, 2017 (02:00 UTC on April 18), MARN reported a sudden increase in internal seismic vibration was recorded under San Miguel volcano, also known as Chaparrastique, between 00:20 and 00:30 UTC on April 18. The number of earthquakes reached 356 in a period of 10 minutes.

"These variations are associated with the movement of magma inside the crater, typical situation in an active volcano," the Ministry said.

Given the behavior recorded in the past couple of days, the emission of gasses and/or magma from the central crater or from the flanks of the volcano can be expected.

Authorities are urging the population to stay away from the volcano.

An explosive eruption at San Miguel that began at 10:30 local time on December 29, 2013, prompted an evacuation of 1 400 - 2 600 people. A dense ash plume rose from the crater and eventually reached an altitude of 9.7 km (32 000 feet) above sea level. It was the first significant eruption at the volcano since 2001 (VEI 1).
Pregodinsdag 18 april 2017 @ 15:13
0s.gif Op dinsdag 18 april 2017 14:22 schreef Frutsel het volgende:
The number of earthquakes reached 356 in a period of 10 minutes

oh my :o
TheRipperzaterdag 22 april 2017 @ 22:42
Lekker camperen in de vakantie.
Fuego vulkaan in Guatemala.
rubbereendmaandag 24 april 2017 @ 15:55
prima uitzicht :D
Frutselmaandag 8 mei 2017 @ 09:48
Noodtoestand na vierde vulkaanuitbarsting op rij in Guatemala

In Guatemala is de noodtoestand uitgeroepen in de omgeving van de Vuurvulkaan. De Volcn de Fuego kwam deze week voor de vierde keer dit jaar tot uitbarsting en stoot een twee kilometer hoge aswolk uit.

Vanaf de 3763 meter hoge vulkaan lopen twee lavastromen naar beneden die dorpjes in de buurt bedreigen. 330 mensen moesten worden gevacueerd en tien scholen moesten worden gesloten. Er zijn voor zover bekend nog geen slachtoffers gevallen.

Actiefste vulkaan
De bewoners van de dorpen kunnen voorlopig nog niet terug naar hun huizen. Door de hevige regenval bestaat het gevaar van steenlawines en aardverschuivingen, meldt een organisatie die aardbevingen en vulkaanuitbarstingen monitort.

De Vuurvulkaan, die vijftig kilometer ten zuidwesten van de hoofdstad Guatemala-Stad ligt, staat bekend als de actiefste op het Amerikaanse
TheRippermaandag 8 mei 2017 @ 10:30
Mooie aktie weer op Sinabung, Indonesie, dd 7-5.
At Sinabung, May 7th saw a few explosions accompanied by ash plumes. They climbed between 2 and 3,000 meters above the summit.
In recent days, the southeast dome has resumed its growth and presents the risk of collapses and pyroclastic flows.
TheRippermaandag 5 juni 2017 @ 14:06
The Gunung Marapi, located west of Sumatra, not to be confused with the Merapi on Java, entered several eruptions on June 4, 2017.

According to the PVMBG, the first eruption occurred at 10:10 am, accompanied by a plume 300-400 meters high. The second, more powerful, took place at 10:22; the ash plume rose to 600-700 m. A third followed at 10:46, and its plume is reported to be over 400 m. height.
Nog steeds fase 2, sinds augustus 2011.
Frutseldinsdag 6 juni 2017 @ 13:28
Frutseldonderdag 15 juni 2017 @ 11:24

Shiveluch volcano...

Shiveluch volcano in Kamchatka (Russia) threw a column of ash reached an area of ​​36 thousand sq. M. km.
This was reported in Kamchatka group response to volcanic eruptions, reports TASS.
Read more
Klyuchevskii Volcano in Kamchatka threw column of ash to a height of 6 km
"Cloud of ash during the eruption of the volcano Shiveluch continues to spread in the north-east and south-west of the volcano. The main part is moving north - north-east from the volcano toward Karahynskoyi Bay. Area clouds at the moment is about 36 thousand sq. Km. . Shiveluch activities continues, possible emission of ash to a height of 15 kilometers above sea level, "- said in a statement.
It is noted that the highest volcano set - red danger.
In the village of Ust-Kamchatsky Keys area of ​​Kamchatka, which fell to ashes, closed educational institutions.
Locals give cotton-gauze bandages, recommended people refrain from going outside during popelopadu.
Ener-Gdonderdag 15 juni 2017 @ 11:29
Dat worden weer mooie zonsondergangen als die nog even door blijven roken tot in de stratosfeer :)
Frutseldonderdag 15 juni 2017 @ 12:32

A major eruption started at Russia's Sheveluch volcano at 16:20 UTC on June 14, 2017. KVERT reports a plume of ash reached a height of 12 km (39 360 feet) above sea level and warned explosions up to 15 km (49 200 feet) could occur at any time. The Aviation Color Code was raised from Orange to Red.

At 19:00 UTC, vast ash cloud (140 x 60 km / 87 x 37 miles) from the eruption was observed about 64 km (40 miles) to the southwest and 76 km (47 miles) to the northwest from the volcano, KVERT said at 19:32 UTC. By 20:20 UTC, ash cloud grew to 196 x 223 km (122 x 138 miles). Front of ash cloud with a large content of ash particles (67 x 54 km / 41 x 33 miles) was observed about 96 km (59 miles) north-northwest of the volcano, but the other front of ash cloud was 118 km (73 miles) southwest of the volcano.

By 22:30 UTC, ash cloud grew to 422 x 155 km (262 x 96 miles / 36 000 km2 / 13 900 mi2). Ash cloud with a large content of ash particles (84 x 55 km / 52 x 34 miles) was observed 131 km (81 miles) to the north-northeast. A general front of the largest ash cloud was observed 225 km (140 miles) to the northeast, and the other about 194 km (120 miles) to the southwest. By 06:00 UTC, the front of first ash plume was about 640 km (398 miles) to the ENE of the volcano, while the front of the second ash plume was about 294 km (182 miles) SW.
Frutselvrijdag 16 juni 2017 @ 10:13

Levert wel mooie plaatjes op die Shiveluch
Frutselvrijdag 16 juni 2017 @ 10:52
Ah zijn buurman doet nu ook mee:

Mayor eruption Bezymianny
A major explosive eruption took place at Russia's Bezymianny volcano at 04:53 UTC on Friday, June 16, 2017. By 05:10 UTC, ash plume from the eruption reached an altitude of 12.2 km (40 000 feet) above sea level and a distance of 40 km (25 miles) NE of the volcano, according to the Tokyo VAAC. This is the strongest eruption of this volcano since September 2012.

At 05:43 UTC, KVERT said they raised the Aviation Color Code from Orange to Red. "Ash cloud as big as 28 x 25 km (17.4 x 15.5 miles) drifts to the northeast of the volcano," the Observatory said, adding that ash explosions up to 10 - 15 km (32 800 - 49 200 feet) a.s.l. could occur at any time. "Ongoing activity could affect international and low-flying aircraft.
This is the strongest eruption of Bezymianny volcano since September 1/2, 2012. It comes just two days after a powerful eruption of nearby Sheveluch volcano ejected ash to an altitude 12 km (39 360 feet) a.s.l. Sheveluch is located 90 km (56 miles) NE of Bezymianny.

The last significant eruption of Bezymianny volcano, although nowhere near today's, took place on March 9, 2017. Based on webcam observations, an ash plume rose to altitudes of 6 - 7 km (20 000 - 23 000 feet) a.s.l. and drifted 20 km (12.4 miles) northeast. The Aviation Color Code was raised from Yellow to Orange. About 30 minutes later, an ash plume rose to altitudes of 7 - 8 km (23 000 - 26 200 feet) a.s.l. and drifted 60 km (37 miles) northwest. Later that day a 274-km-long (170 miles) ash plume identified in satellite images drifted NW at altitudes of 4 - 4.5 km (13 100 - 14 800 feet) a.s.l.; the majority of the leading part of the plume contained a significant amount of ash. A lava flow traveled down the NW part of the lava dome.

Bezymianny is one the most active volcanoes in the world. In 1955, for the first time in history, it started to erupt, and after six months it produced a catastrophic eruption with the total volume of eruptive products over 3 km3.

The lava dome began to grow in the explosive caldera immediately after the catastrophe and still continues. At least 44 Vulcanian-type strong explosive eruptions of Bezymianny occurred between 1965 - 2012.
Frutseldonderdag 29 juni 2017 @ 14:27

Increased seismic activity at underwater Lō‘ihi volcano, Hawaii

Since the end of February 2017, the Hawaii Volcano Observatory (HVO) seismic analysts have noted a slight uptick in the number of earthquakes near underwater Lō‘ihi volcano. The quakes appear to be clustered roughly 10 to 12 km (6 - 7 miles) below sea level and extend from beneath the summit region of Lō‘ihi to the south. The most recent confirmed eruption of this volcano occurred in 1996.

From January 2015 through February 2017, there was, on average, one located Lō‘ihi earthquake per month. Since then, the rate of earthquakes has gradually increased. As of June 22 (the last HVO update on this matter), there have been 51 located earthquakes in the Lō‘ihi region.

"Without permanent seismic stations at Lō‘ihi, because the highest point of the volcano is 1 km (0.62 miles) underwater, it is not possible to locate earthquakes there as accurately as we can at Kīlauea or Mauna Loa," HVO said. "However, we can state that the June 2017 earthquakes appear to be clustered roughly 10 - 12 km (6 - 7 miles) below sea level and extend from beneath the summit region of Lō‘ihi to the south."

Interestingly, the roughly 170 earthquakes located in the area of Lō‘ihi between 2010 and 2016 occurred away from the summit region. They were primarily beneath the northern flanks of Lō‘ihi, and extended to significantly greater depths below the volcano. The significance of this difference is unclear, HVO says.

As early as 1952, HVO scientists interpreted occasional earthquake swarms in the Lō‘ihi region as reflecting active volcanism there. In fact, the earthquakes were key to recognizing that the seamount is actually an active volcano.

Earthquake activity alone does not conclusively indicate that Lō‘ihi is erupting. But the locations of recent earthquakes directly beneath the volcano's summit region plausibly suggest magmatic or volcanic origin, such as adjustments within the magma reservoir or volcanic edifice. "We would, however, expect to see many more earthquakes associated with an eruption," the observatory notes.

The most recent confirmed eruption of Lō‘ihi occurred in 1996. That year, an energetic earthquake swarm began in July and quickly intensified, motivating a scientific expedition to Lō‘ihi to seize an unprecedented opportunity to possibly observe a submarine eruption. Thousands of earthquakes, including over a dozen with magnitudes greater than 4.5, were recorded from beneath the summit and south flank of the volcano between July and September 1996.

Subsequent viewing and mapping of the Lō‘ihi summit region showed that, consistent with magma movement from beneath the summit area, a significant portion of it had collapsed. Fresh pillow lavas and glassy fragments collected during submersible dives also confirmed the occurrence of an eruption.

"Because Lō‘ihi is still so deep beneath the ocean's surface, the USGS regards Lō‘ihi as a low- to very low-threat volcano. Thus, there are no immediate plans for additional monitoring instruments and our views of Lō‘ihi for the foreseeable future will be strictly seismological," the observatory concluded.
Frutseldonderdag 21 september 2017 @ 09:09
Mexican earthquake triggers eruption
Just as a devastating 7.1 magnitude earthquake rocked Mexico, the nation’s famed Popocatepetl volcano erupted, sending a plume of smoke in the air.

At the time of the eruption, a church in the town of Atzitzihuacan which is located on the slopes of the volcano, collapsed during the mass earthquake, killing 15 according to Reuters. The volcano is located just 40 miles southeast of Mexico City and can be seen from the capital city when the weather is clear.
Geologist and Forbes contributor Trevor Nace says it probably is not a coincidence that the eruption occurred shortly after the earthquake. “The volcanic eruption likely was triggered by shaking caused by the earthquake,” wrote Nace in an article in Forbes.

However, Mexico’s National Center for the Prevention of Disasters (Cenapred), which classified the eruption as “low-level” disputes that assertion.

“It is important to note that no significant increase has been observed in the activity of the volcano that can be related to the earthquake of magnitude 7.1, registered on September 19 with an epicenter in the state of Puebla,” wrote the agency (translated) in a press release.
Popocatepetl, which at 17,800 feet is North America’s second tallest volcano, is incredibly active.

After being largely dormant for most of the 20th century, it roared back to life in 1994 and has been irregularly but consistently active since then, according to Volcano Discovery.

According to the Cenapred website, Popocatpetl volcano emitted 299 low-intensity exhalations and an explosion during the same 24-hour period in which the earthquake occurred. During that same time, it also caused 6 volcano-tectonic earthquakes with magnitudes between 1.2 and 1.8.
On early Monday morning, before the earthquake, the volcano emitted a fumarole that shot ash 3 kilometers in the air.
Ener-Gdonderdag 21 september 2017 @ 14:25
Gunung Agung op Bali schijnt ook op knappen te staan:
Frutseldonderdag 21 september 2017 @ 14:40
0s.gif Op donderdag 21 september 2017 14:25 schreef Ener-G het volgende:
Gunung Agung op Bali schijnt ook op knappen te staan:
Psst ;)

WKN / Bali: Vulkaan Agung maakt zich op voor mogelijke uitbarsting
Ener-Gdonderdag 21 september 2017 @ 14:41
ah :)

Wist niet dat ie inmiddels zn eigen draadje had :) Gelukkig hoef ik daar niet in de buurt te zijn de komende tijd :P
Frutselzaterdag 23 september 2017 @ 13:41
Vanuatu prepares to evacuate 5000 as Ambae volcano erupts

A web camera picture of the Ambae Volcano in Vanuatu on Saturday morning.A web camera picture of the Ambae Volcano in Vanuatu on Saturday morning. Photo: Vanuatu Geohazards Department
Authorities in Vanuatu were preparing to evacuate as many as 5000 people on Saturday, as a volcanic eruption on Ambae island continued to intensify.

The country's Geohazards Department on Saturday raised its alert from level three to four, what it classified as a "moderate eruption state."

The volcano is one of the most active in the world, but its activity has steadily increased in the past couple of weeks, said Esline Garaeviti, the manager of the Geohazards Department. On Saturday, that increased further, with the volcano belching ash across much of the 400sqkm island.

"In the early hours, around 3-4am, we noticed that the activity started to increase, followed by another eruptive phase," said Ms Garaeviti. "So the ash plume from Ambae is still there now. The ash fall is expected all around the island."

"The increased level of activity means increased area of risk," she said. "There's more risk exposed to people on the island, that's why. It's a moderate state of activity."

Ms Garaeviti stressed that the state of the eruption was only moderate, but there was every chance it could increase. However, authorities on the island, which sits between Santo and Pentecost about halfway up the archipelago, were swinging into action on Saturday.

Shadrack Welegtabit, the director of the Vanuatu National Disaster Management Office, said his officials weren't taking chances, and were preparing to start evacuating half of the island's 10,000 people from one side to the other.

"We are looking at moving people away from the south and north of the island, and moving them to the eastern and western part. We are working closely with the [Penama] Provincial Government on the ground arrangements," said Mr Welegtabit.

"It will be a big operation. We are talking about roughly 5,000 people that we have to move," he said. "Once all the ground arrangements is done in terms of preparing evacuation centres and stuff then we are looking at moving people. That is going to happen very soon."

"There has been a lot of ash fall in recent weeks, but as of last night there was a small eruption and people could see fire for the first time on that volcano," he said.

The last time there was a significant eruption on Ambae was in 2005, when a similar evacuation was carried out. It was as long as three months before people were able to return to their villages.

Both Ms Garaeviti and Mr Welegtabit said it was difficult to say whether the volcano's activity would intensify or start to settle down in coming days, but that every precaution was being taken.
Frutseldinsdag 26 september 2017 @ 11:14
Vulkaan barst uit op Vanuatu: duizenden gevacueerd
Op de eilandenstaat Vanuatu, ten oosten van Australi in de Stille Oceaan, is de noodtoestand uitgeroepen. Een vulkaanuitbarsting heeft de helft van de bevolking van het eiland Ambae gedwongen om toevlucht te zoeken tot nabijgelegen dorpen. De autoriteiten bereiden zich voor op een ergere uitbarsting. Mogelijk wordt het hele eiland gevacueerd, meldt Radio New Zealand.

De vulkaan Manaro in het midden van het eiland is al weken actief. Sinds het weekend is die activiteit sterk verhoogd met uitbarstingen. Een groot deel van Ambae ligt onder as.

Circa 5.000 dorpsbewoners van het noorden en zuiden van het eiland zijn gevacueerd naar het oosten en westen, in kampen van het rampenbeheer van Vanuatu.

,,Tot dusver heeft de vulkaan as en donkere rook uitgespuwd, met een beetje lava", vertelt Manuel Amu, de voorzitter van het rampenbeheercomit, aan de radiozender. Volgens die zender groeit de schrik bij de gevacueerden omdat er steeds minder onderdak overblijft. Daarnaast maakten omwonenden melding van luidere uitbarstingen.
Frutselwoensdag 27 september 2017 @ 10:37
Eigen topics voor Bali en Vanuatu:"

WKN / Vulkaan Manaro op eilandenstaat Vanuata barst uit
WKN / Bali: Vulkaan Agung maakt zich op voor mogelijke uitbarsting
wattelwoensdag 27 september 2017 @ 14:26
De Popocatpetl vulkaan in Mexico is behoorlijk actief nu.
wattelwoensdag 27 september 2017 @ 14:27
0s.gif Op woensdag 27 september 2017 14:26 schreef wattel het volgende:
De Popocatpetl vulkaan in Mexico is behoorlijk actief nu.
Ik ben deze vulkaan al een paar dagen aan het stalken en nu lijkt ie toch te gaan knallen.
Ener-Gwoensdag 27 september 2017 @ 16:46
Sinabung deed ook boem:


Wel opvallend dat het allemaal ongeveer tegelijk gaat, zal niet lang meer duren voordat Agung ook wat gaat doen.
Frutselwoensdag 4 oktober 2017 @ 10:22
Sakurajima 29-9

Nice bliksem
Pregowoensdag 4 oktober 2017 @ 13:51
mooie foto O+
Frutselwoensdag 11 oktober 2017 @ 09:30

Shinmoedake erupts
Kyushu's Mount Shinmoedake blew its stack for the first time in six years early Oct. 11, sending a plume of ash 300 meters into the air.

The eruption, although minor, followed the Japan Meteorological Agency's decision Oct. 5 to raise the volcano’s activity alert to Level 2, warning climbers to stay away from the crater.

The level was raised again Oct. 11 to Level 3, warning people to stay away from the mountain. It was the first such warning since October 2013 amid fears of a larger eruption that could hurl large cinders two kilometers from the crater.

No flying cinders were evident this time around.

The volcano, part of the Kirishima range in southern Kyushu, straddles the border of Miyazaki and Kagoshima prefectures. It previously erupted Sept. 7, 2011.
Frutselwoensdag 1 november 2017 @ 14:37
Alert Level 1 up on Mayon Volcano

THE Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) raised Alert Level 1 over Mayon Volcano after it recorded 10 earthquakes over the past 24 hours.

In a statement on Wednesday, Phivolcs said, however, that despite the “abnormal condition”, there was no imminent “magmatic eruption”.

Nonetheless, Phivolcs advised the public to refrain from entering the 6-kilometer Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ).

“Although this means that presently no magmatic eruption is imminent, it is strongly advised that the public refrain from entering the 6-kilometer radius Permanent Danger Zone (PDZ)”, Phivolcs said as it warned that rockfalls, landslides, and ash puffs may occur.

Mayon Volcano’s last recorded eruption was on September 2014.
thesiren.nlmaandag 13 november 2017 @ 19:47
0s.gif Op maandag 13 november 2017 18:35 schreef Resistor het volgende:
Even geen zin om het reguliere vulkanentopic op te zoeken, maar:
Livestream van in Mexico
Perrinmaandag 13 november 2017 @ 21:39
Behoorlijk actief nu!
Frutselvrijdag 24 november 2017 @ 14:45
Zwaarste uitbarsting sinds 2013 van de Popo...

Popocatepetl: Strongest eruption since 2013
On Thursday, November 23, 2017, Mexico's Popocatepetl volcano experienced its strongest eruption since 2013. Ashfall was reported in nearby communities, mainly to the south and southeast.

The eruption started at 20:13 UTC (14:13 local time), producing a plume of ash to around 1 800 m (5 900 feet) above the crater. That's 7 226 m (23 700 feet) above sea level.

"This is the largest activity since 2013," Carlos Valdes Gonzales, General Director of Mexico's National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED) said on Twitter.

The eruptive event was registered by the Tlamacas and Altzomoni stations, located 4.5 km (2.8 miles) and 12 km (7.4 miles) from the volcano, respectively.

Valdes reminded residents living near the volcano to cover their water sources, wear protective masks and do not let ash accumulate on light roofs.CENAPRED warns residents and tourists not to go near the volcano, especially near the crater due to hazard caused by ballistic fragments.
Frutselwoensdag 29 november 2017 @ 16:58

Second crater inside Popo discovered

The National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred) shared a video of the overflight they made yesterday at the Popocatpetl volcano, where a second crater was discovered inside the volcano.

The director of Cenapred, Carlos Valds, announced that the interior crater has a diameter of 370 meters and 110 meters deep.
“There is no dome. It is considered an open system, which facilitates the release of recent ash emissions,” Valds wrote through his Twitter account.

The discovery revealed that in the coming days it is expected that the volcano will continue to throw new material towards the surface and that, gradually, the internal crater will be filled, at least by a mere partial new lava dome.

Therefore, the Cenapred urges people not to approach the volcano and especially the crater, because of the danger involved in spewing and falling fragments.
In addition, he informed that in case of heavy rains, stay away from the ravines posing danger of landslides and mudflows.

The “Popo” volcanic warning light is located in Amarillo Phase 2 .
Frutselwoensdag 20 december 2017 @ 13:11

Major eruption at Bezymianni volcano
A major eruption started at Bezymianni volcano, Kamchatka, Russia at 03:41 UTC on December 20, 2017. According to Tokyo VAAC, volcanic ash plume is reaching 15.2 km (50 000 feet) above sea level and drifting NE. In terms of ash cloud height, this is the strongest eruption anywhere on the planet this year.

The activity at the volcano started gradually increasing on Monday, December 18. According to video data by RAS, hot avalanches at the southeastern flank of the lava dome were observed for several hours, probably as a result of the extrusive eruption.

This activity, accompanied by strong gas-steam activity continued through early December 20 when strong ash explosions started at 03:41 UTC. Ash plume rose to about 8 km (26 000 feet) a.s.l., forcing authorities to raise the Aviation Color Code from Orange to Red.

At 04:09 UTC, ash plume/cloud was extending 20 km (12 miles) NE of the crater. By 04:20 UTC, it was already 85 km (53 miles) NE of the crater.

"Strong ash explosions up to 15 km (49 000 feet) a.s.l. occur at this time," KVERT said 04:47 UTC. "Ongoing activity could affect international and low-flying aircraft," they warned.
Frutseldonderdag 4 januari 2018 @ 14:46
St.Helens had four times as many earthquakes as usual

Mount St. Helens, an active volcano, had four times as many earthquakes than usual last month
Something wacky seems to be happening underneath Mount St. Helens.

Early today (Jan. 3), at least 17 earthquakes hit near the active volcano in Washington state, in rapid succession between 12:30am and 6:28am US Pacific time. The first and strongest registered a magnitude of 3.9 on the Richter scale, according to the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network.

Last month, University of Washington seismologists logged more than 80 quakes, a huge increase over the average 17 per month.

Mount St. Helens, 96 miles (154 km) south of Seattle, Washington and 50 miles (80 km) northeast of Portland, Oregon, is part of the Cascade Mountain Range that runs from northern California to British Columbia, Canada. It isn’t the only active volcano in the region—in fact, there are 12 other major volcanoes and nearly 3,000 other volcanic features in the Cascades—but scientists consider it the most active within the past 10,000 years.

Swarms of quakes around the Mount St. Helens are relatively common and do not always suggest a sign of impending eruption. Still, there have been a few instances in recent memory that have led the uptick in seismic activity to cause alarm.

The volcano’s most recent eruption, which occurred from 2004 to 2008, began with harbingers much like today’s: In the early hours of Sept. 23, 2004, a series of small-magnitude, shallow earthquakes rumbled through its lava dome. Over the next seven days, the frequency and size of the earthquakes increased and culminated in the first of several explosions on Oct. 1 2004. Fortunately, after initial steam and volcanic ash eruptions, the volcano only extruded semi-solid lava, which stayed relatively contained. By February 2008, the volcano quieted back down.

Mount St. Helens is most infamous for a 1980 eruption, which caused a horrifying level of devastation.

On May 18 that year, what had begun as tremors on March 20 culminated in a terrible explosion that blew off the volcano’s top 1,300 feet. The eruption caught the surrounding area unprepared and took the lives of 57, the deadliest volcanic event in US history. According to the US Geological Survey, most of the people who died likely did so from from asphyxiation after inhaling hot ash. Many of the victims’ bodies were also never found.

Presently, there seems to be no immediate danger of an eruption, according to geologist Trevor Nace, but scientists are continuing to monitor the situation. “While we can’t be certain,” Nace wrote in Forbes, “chances are the next time Mount St. Helen erupts, we will be significantly better prepared.”
Frutselzaterdag 6 januari 2018 @ 13:33
Dormant Kadovar volcano awakens, first eruption in known history, P.N.G.

More than 500 people living on Kadovar Island, East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea have been evacuated following the first eruption of Kadovar volcano in known history. This volcano, dormant until yesterday, is part of the Schouten Islands, and lies off the coast of New Guinea, about 25 km (15 miles) N of the mouth of the Sepik River. The latest activity at this volcano was a period of heightened thermal phenomena in 1976. The Aviation Color Code for the volcano was raised to Orange. 50 - 60 percent of the island is already covered in lava.

Kadovar started erupting around 12:00 local time Friday, January 5, 2018 (02:00 UTC), prompting authorities to send out boats to evacuate more than 500 people living on Kadovar Island. The boats were sent from Kopar, the nearest island, some 30-minutes boat ride from Kadovar.

According to Loop PNG, immediately after sending boats to Kadovar, Kopar councilor Tom Kelly said that thick clouds can be seen rising from the island. "The clouds are darker and increasing at an alarming rate," Kelly said.

Places like Kairuru Island, Mt Uru in Yangoru and Woginara in the West coast of Wewak District are under thick clouds and dust, Loop PNG reported 00:53 UTC, January 6. Kairuru is not visible from Wewak and Mushu is covered by dust, it said.

In a Loop PNG article published 08:24 UTC, January 6, Ricky Wobar, Wewak District Administrator, said that the situation at Kadovar Island has worsened.

The statement was made after an overflight confirmed lava coming out of the once dormant volcano.

"At least 50 to 60 percent of the island is covered in lava," he said.

Wobar said they saw no evidence of inhabitants on the island, adding that he hopes all of them have been evacuated. The National Disaster and Emergency Services were called in to respond at the earliest tomorrow.

eerste eruptie ooit....
Againzenderzaterdag 6 januari 2018 @ 13:56
0s.gif Op zaterdag 6 januari 2018 13:33 schreef Frutsel het volgende:


[ afbeelding ]

eerste eruptie ooit....
in known history ;) maar dit is wel apart ja.
Frutselmaandag 8 januari 2018 @ 11:08
Kadovar eruption could turn explosive posing risk of landslides or tsunami's
Following the first known eruption of Papua New Guinea's Kadovar volcano that took place on January 5, 2018, the Rabaul Volcanological Observatory (RVO) believes that the eruption could become explosive, posing a risk of landslides and tsunamis.

RVO said they based their belief on the chemistry of the most recent (pre-historic) cumulodome (high-silica andesite), Loop PNG reported January 7.

Landslides, and consequently tsunamis, are possible due to the steepness of the Kadovar Island, RVO said, adding that the risk is high for those on the island while residents on the mainland face a small risk of tsunamis.

Based on satellite imagery and aerial photographs, the eruption started with a mild vulcanian activity from a vent at the south-east base of the cumulodome, which occupies the summit's southeastward breached vent.

"It appears a fissure may be opening just inside of the western wall of the vent's breach, descending down to at least sea level," RVO said in their report to the Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazards Management (DMPGH).

The first eruption of this volcano in known history took place on January 5, 2018, although an unconfirmed eruption might have taken place in 1700, RVO said.

There was no other activity reported until an outbreak of thermal activity in 1976 and a short period of seismic unrest in 2015, the observatory said, adding that the volcano is very remote and communications are difficult, so minor unrest may have gone unreported.

According to local government sources, all residents of the island (some 700 - 800 people) have been evacuated and there are no reports of injuries.

Air Niugini, the national airline of Papua New Guinea, has canceled its Monday's flight to Wewak due to the dust and volcanic ash fallout over the Wewak township, the company said. The flight has been rescheduled to daylight operations on January 9, conditions permitting.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door Frutsel op 27-11-2018 12:25:43 ]
Frutselmaandag 15 januari 2018 @ 13:11
WKN / Vulkaan Mayon op de Filipijnen weer actief
Frutseldinsdag 16 januari 2018 @ 09:23
In navolging van de uitbarsting van de Kadovar

WKN / Bewoners van Blup Blup en Bam gevacueerd na uitbarsting vulkaan
Frutseldinsdag 30 januari 2018 @ 09:47
Warning level raised on another Japanese volcano a week after fatal eruption

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan raised the warning level on another volcano on Tuesday, exactly a week after an dramatic eruption at another peak killed one man, injured nearly a dozen others and stranded scores of skiers - including foreign tourists - for several hours.

Japan’s Meteorological Agency lifted the warning on Zao, a cluster of volcanoes in northern Japan whose highest point is 1,841 meters (6,040 ft), to 2 from 1, meaning that people should avoid going near the crater.

“There is a possibility of a small-scale eruption,” the agency said in a statement, noting that a number of small earth movements were detected on Tuesday, along with a slight bulging of the ground in one area.

It also warned of the possibility that volcanic rocks could be thrown as far as 1.2 km in any eruption.

The announcement came a week after a member of Japan’s military was struck and killed when rocks from the sudden eruption of the Kusatsu-Shirane volcano rained down on skiers at a mountain resort in central Japan.

Video footage taken by skiers on the mountain, including some from Taiwan, showed black ash boiling up into the sky as stones plummeted down, some punching holes in the metal roof of a ski gondola. Eleven people were injured and around 100 skiers took refuge in a mountain hut for several hours until rescued.

Zao, like Kusatsu-Shirane, is a popular resort area famed for its “snow monsters,” created by water vapor freezing on trees in winter. Its slopes are packed with skiers in winter and hikers in other seasons.

Japan has 110 active volcanoes and monitors 47 of them around the clock. In September 2014, 63 people were killed on Mount Ontake, the worst volcanic disaster in Japan for nearly 90 years.
Frutseldonderdag 1 februari 2018 @ 13:03
Alertlevel Vanuatu volcano raised
The Vanuatu Meteorology and Geohazards Department (VMGD) raised the Volcanic Alert Level of Gaua volcano from Level 1 to Level 2 on January 31, 2018. The decision restricts visitors from approaching the volcanic cone. A long period of dormancy of this volcano ended in 1962 with an eruption on its SE flank. Since then, the volcano erupted 15 times, including its last eruption in 2011.

Observations performed from December 2017 to January 2018 confirm that the activity at Gaua volcano consists of ongoing volcanic steam cloud which may content volcanic gases, VGMD said today. These observations and seismic analysis confirm that the volcano activity has increased to the major unrest state.

Alert Level for Gaua volcano was at Level 1 since December 21, 2010. Based on its slight increased seismic activity and observation of ongoing volcanic gas emission and steam plumes in December 2017 and January 2018, the Volcanic Alert Level (VAL) was raised to Level 2. The current observations are consistent with the Alert Level 2 activity which indicates 'Major Unrest' - the danger is around the crater rim and specific area, there is a considerable possibility of an eruption and also a chance of a flank eruption.

VMGD advises all tourism agencies, local authorities, people of Gaua and the general public not to access Gaua's volcanic cone. In this area, volcanic gases will always be expected and other volcanic risks could occur at any time in such major unrest state. In addition, visitors approaching the volcano may smell volcanic gases.

Gaua Island is actually the exposed upper cone and summit of a stratovolcano that is 3 000 meters (10 000 feet) high and 40 kilometers (25 miles) wide. Most of the volcano is submerged beneath the Pacific Ocean.
Againzendervrijdag 2 februari 2018 @ 16:09
0s.gif Op donderdag 1 februari 2018 13:03 schreef Frutsel het volgende:


oud collega is verhuisd naar Vanuatu. Eerste foto die hij op FB gooide na de verhuizing was een selfie met een rokende vulkaan achter hem. Ik verwacht nu meer van dat soort foto's :P
rubbereendvrijdag 2 februari 2018 @ 16:30
11s.gif Op vrijdag 2 februari 2018 16:09 schreef Againzender het volgende:


oud collega is verhuisd naar Vanuatu. Eerste foto die hij op FB gooide na de verhuizing was een selfie met een rokende vulkaan achter hem. Ik verwacht nu meer van dat soort foto's :P
Frutselmaandag 5 februari 2018 @ 12:22
Fuego eruption
Guatemalan authorities issued an Orange Alert for Fuego volcano after its first eruption of the year on February 1, 2018. Explosions at the volcano lasted 20 hours, generating pyroclastic flows and a column of ash up to 6 500 m (21 325 feet) above sea level. Ash drifted up to 40 km (25 miles) to the west and southwest.

CONRED said the eruption affected 47 704 people in the departments of Sacatepquez, Chimaltenango, Escuintla and Suchitepquez.

Pyroclastic flows descended through the Honda, Santa Teresa, Las Lajas and Ceniza ravines with lengths between 700 and 1 500 meters (2 300 - 4 900 feet), INSIVUMEH reported.

Ashfall was recorded in the La Rochela and Ceylon communities in Escuintla, Escuintla; in the urban centers of Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa and Siquinal, Escuintla; San Pedro Yepocapa, Palo Verde Estate, Sangre de Cristo, Panimach I and II, Santa Sofa, Morales and Yucales, in Yepocapa, Chimaltenango.

In addition, authorities closed the National Route 14 at kilometer 90 due to the advance of pyroclastic flows. The closure was a preventive measure.

Due to the increase in activity and the presence of ash, the education authorities of Sacatepquez and Escuintla suspended all educational activities.

To provide a better response and coordination in the municipality, San Juan Alotenango, Sacatepquez, declared Municipal Red Alert and activated the Municipal Emergency Operations Center, which identifies the places that could function as shelters.

The population living in the vicinity of the volcano is urged to comply with instructions issued by authorities and stay away from the ravines or places that could be affected by ballistic materials expelled from the crater.

In addition, precautionary measures must also be taken for ashfall, protecting the containers where water for human consumption is stored, covering eyes and respiratory passages in the presence of fine ash particles and reporting observed incidents at number 119 of the CONRED.

DemonRagewoensdag 21 februari 2018 @ 08:25
Mount Sinabung in Indonesi doet boem.
Frutselwoensdag 21 februari 2018 @ 08:39
wow :o
Frutselwoensdag 21 februari 2018 @ 08:40
A high impact volcanic ash eruption started at Sinabung volcano, Indonesia at 01:53 UTC on Monday, February 19, 2018. Pyroclastic flows traveled 3.5 km (2.1 miles) and 4.9 km (3 miles) from the summit. Ash plume was reaching an altitude of 16.7 km (55 000 feet) above sea level, the Darwin VAAC reported 04:50 UTC. Aviation Color Code was raised from Orange to Red.

The eruption started at 01:53 UTC (08:53 local time) and lasted 4 minutes and 51 seconds, Sinabung Volcano Observatory reported.

Their best estimate of the ash cloud top at 02:13 UTC was 7.4 km (23 872 feet) above sea level. The observatory noted that the ash cloud is drifting to the east and southeast, adding that its top may be higher than what can be clearly observed from the ground. The Aviation Color Code was raised from Orange to Red.

"Pyroclastic flow is observed through the ESE slope to a distance of 3.5 km [2.1 miles] from the summit and through the south slope to a distance of 4.9 km [3 miles] from the summit," they said.

Major ashfall was reported around the volcano and visibility was down to only 5 to 10 meters (16 - 32 feet).

The volcanic ash cloud is reaching an altitude of 16.7 km (55 000 feet) above sea level and extending 46.3 km (28.7 miles) ENE, the Darwin VAAC reported 03:35 UTC. At the same time, the second volcanic ash cloud was reaching 7.6 km (25 000 feet) a.s.l. and extending 18.5 km (11.5 miles) S.

At 04:53 UTC, the Darwin VAAC said that one volcanic ash cloud was observed reaching an altitude of 13.7 km (45 000 feet) at 04:50 UTC and extending 138.9 km (86.3 miles) to the northwest, while the second volcanic ash cloud was reaching 6.7 km (22 000 feet) and extending 46.3 km (28.7 miles) to the south.

"High impact volcanic eruption is clearly observed on satellite imagery," they noted, adding that the 04:50 UTC volcanic ash cloud heights were estimated based on plume top IR temperature and 00:00 UTC February 19 Medan sounding.
Frutselwoensdag 21 februari 2018 @ 08:41

Frutseldinsdag 6 maart 2018 @ 14:13
Mount Shinmoe erupted explosive for first time in 7 years
Mount Shinmoe, a volcano in southwestern Japan, has erupted explosively for the first time in 7 years. Japan's Meteorological Agency is warning people not to go near the mountain.

The first eruption took place around 2:30 PM on Tuesday. Smoke spewed up 2,100 meters from the mountain's crater, and air vibrations from the volcanic activity were observed.

Twenty minutes later, after more explosive eruptions, smoke reached a height of 2,300 meters.

The mountain in the Kirishima range straddles Kagoshima and Miyazaki prefectures. Minor eruptions had been occurring at the volcano since Thursday.

Shinmoe last erupted explosively in March 2011.

The agency is keeping its alert level at 3 on a scale up to 5. It's warning of flying volcanic rocks within roughly 3 kilometers of the crater and pyroclastic flows, or fast currents of hot ash and rocks, within 2 kilometers.

It's also telling people downwind to exercise caution against volcanic gas and falling ash and small rocks, and saying windows could be shattered by air vibrations.
Frutseldinsdag 6 maart 2018 @ 14:14

#ANONIEMvrijdag 20 april 2018 @ 10:37
Japanse vulkaan voor het eerst in 250 jaar uitgebarsten
De Japanse vulkaan Mount Iō is voor het eerst in 250 jaar uitgebarsten. Donderdag en vrijdag waren grote rookpluimen aan de hemel te zien. De vulkaan spuwde stenen uit die tot twee kilometer ver belandden. Omringende bewoners zijn gevacueerd.

[ Bericht 31% gewijzigd door #ANONIEM op 20-04-2018 10:40:19 ]
Frutselvrijdag 20 april 2018 @ 20:33
nice :o
Frutselwoensdag 16 mei 2018 @ 09:49
NWS / Vulkaan Kilauea op Hawaii barst uit

topic staat tijdelijk in NWS voor als iemand informatie zoekt :)
Frutseldinsdag 29 mei 2018 @ 14:42
Etna volcano update: Earthquake swarms under eastern and western flanks

The volcano is becoming increasingly restless. Two earthquake swarms have occurred during the past days:

The first was at medium depths (mostly 10-30 km) beneath the eastern flank during 24-26 May, the second one started yesterday and is still continuing under the western flank at depths around 5-10 km. Both could indicate an intrusion of magma, and tremor levels are slightly elevated. Whether this heralds a new eruption in the near future (days, weeks?) is matter of speculation. So far, the quakes have been relatively weak.

When we visited Bocca Nuova last Saturday, we noticed relatively strong, pulsating gas emissions from not-very-deep seated explosions inside the main western vent. According to the mountain guides, this activity had increased, as well as degassing from some areas at the southern rim of the central crater as well as the NE crater
wattelmaandag 4 juni 2018 @ 04:13
In Guatemala zijn zeker zeven mensen om het leven gekomen bij een vulkaanuitbarsting. Tientallen mensen raakten gewond.

De vulkaan Fuego, zo'n veertig kilometer ten zuidwesten van Guatemala-Stad, spuwt lava en hete as uit. Een lavastroom is het dorpje Rodeo binnengestroomd. "De stroom trad buiten zijn oevers en liep het dorpje in. Er zijn daar gewonde, verbrande en dode mensen", zei het hoofd van de hulpdiensten op de Guatemalteekse radio.

Vier mensen kwamen om het leven toen een huis vlam vatte door de hitte van de lavastroom. Twee kinderen verbrandden toen ze de uitbarsting bekeken vanaf een brug. Een slachtoffer werd gevonden door brandweerlieden en overleed later in de ambulance.
Flinke uitbarsting :o
Frutseldonderdag 7 juni 2018 @ 09:46
Ja klopt... Fuego topic staat tijdelijk even in NWS

NWS / Guatemala: Veel doden bij vulkaanuitbarsting Fuego
ender_xenocidevrijdag 8 juni 2018 @ 16:51

Wie niet of het hier thuishoort aangezien het een geiser is, maar Steamboat in Yellowstone is dit jaar ook weer een paar keer actief geweest, schijnbaar nog niet zo extreem als in 2014., maar al wel een keer of 7 dit jaar....
Frutselvrijdag 8 juni 2018 @ 18:59
Ja hoor dat kan prima hier of in het yellowstone topic. Thx
Frutselmaandag 11 juni 2018 @ 22:58
Elevated earthquake activity at Alaskan volcano
Seismicity at Alaska's Great Sitkin volcano has been at elevated levels over the past couple of days, followed by a signal that may represent a short-lived steam explosion on June 11. The last known eruption of this stratovolcano took place in 1974.

Seismicity at Great Sitkin volcano was at elevated levels over the past 5 days, the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) reported 21:26 UTC on June 11, 2018.

This activity was followed by a signal at 19:39 UTC that may represent a short-lived steam explosion detected by seismic data.

AVO has thus raised the Aviation Color Code to Yellow and Alert Level to Advisory.

The last time the observatory raised Aviation Color Code to Yellow and Volcano Alert to Advisory was on November 22, 2017. The status was unchanged until January 18 of this year.

On November 19, 2017, local observers photographed a light-colored vapor plume rising about 300 m (984 feet) above the vent and drifting 15 - 20 km (9 - 12 miles) S. A satellite image acquired on November 21 showed steam continuously jetting from a small fumarole on the W side of the 1974 lava flow within the summit crater, and at least one area where snow and ice had been melted.

Seismicity at this volcano had fluctuated but increased overall since July 2016, most notably in June 2017. The seismic activity was characterized by earthquakes less than M 1, and occurred either just below the summit or just offshore the NW coast of the island, 30 km (18.6 miles) below sea level. Possible explosion signals were recorded in seismic data on January 10 and July 21, 2017, but there were no confirmed emissions.

The last known eruptive episode of this volcano took place from February 19, 1974 to September 16, 1974 (+/- 15 days) (VEI2).

Great Sitkin forms much of the northern side of Great Sitkin Island. A younger parasitic volcano capped by a small, 0.8 x 1.2 km (0.5 - 0.7 miles) ice-filled summit caldera was constructed within a large late-Pleistocene or early Holocene scarp formed by massive edifice failure that truncated an ancestral volcano and produced a submarine debris avalanche. Deposits from this and an older debris avalanche from a source to the south cover a broad area of the ocean floor north of the volcano. The summit lies along the eastern rim of the younger collapse scarp.

Deposits from an earlier caldera-forming eruption of unknown age cover the flanks of the island to a depth up to 6 m (20 feet). The small younger caldera was partially filled by lava domes emplaced in 1945 and 1974, and five small older flank lava domes, two of which lie on the coastline, were constructed along the northwest- and NNW-trending lines.

Hot springs, mud pots, and fumaroles occur near the head of Big Fox Creek, south of the volcano.

Historical eruptions have been recorded since the late-19th century.

The volcano is monitored by a five-station seismic network on Great Sitkin Island and with additional seismic stations on the nearby islands of Igitkin, Adak, Kagalaska, and Kanaga. A six-element infrasound array to detect explosions (atmospheric pressure waves) was installed on Adak Island in June 2017, although it is currently (June 2018) only partly operational. AVO also uses satellite imagery to monitor Great Sitkin Volcano.
Frutselwoensdag 13 juni 2018 @ 13:37
Eartquake swarm detected under Colombian volcano
Colombian authorities are reporting significantly increased seismic activity under Galeras volcano, one of Colombia's most frequently active volcanos. Increased seismicity was first recorded on May 29 and June 2, 2018. The last eruption of this volcano took place in 2014 (VEI 2).

Earthquakes are located between 1 and 8 km (0.6 - 5 miles) to the northeast of the volcano at depths between 1.2 and 7.5 km (0.7 and 6 miles) from the top of the volcano (4 200 m / 12 800 feet a.s.l.), the Colombian Geological Service (SGC) reported in a special bulletin published 04:35 UTC today.

A total of 310 earthquakes have been reported between 09:35 UTC on June 12 when a M4.5 volcano-tectonic earthquake was recorded and 04:35 UTC today. Other geophysical and geochemical monitoring parameters have no significant changes.

Some of the quakes were felt by nearby residents, according to the preliminary reports of the Office of Disaster Risk Management of the Municipality of Pasto.

The quakes produced several landslides in the municipality of Narino, affecting homes in the northern parts of the city of San Juan de Pasto.

The Alert Level remains at III (Yellow; "changes in the behavior of volcanic activity") since 2011.

SGC urged residents to only heed information from official sources, adding that someone is spreading false information about the activity status of the volcano through social media. This false information is designed to generate panic and confusion in nearby communities, SGC scientists said.

Galeras is dominantly andesitic stratovolcano located immediately west of the city of Pasto. It has been active for more than 1 million years.

Major explosive eruptions since the mid-Holocene have produced widespread tephra deposits and pyroclastic flows that swept all but the southern flanks. A central cone slightly lower than the caldera rim has been the site of numerous small-to-moderate historical eruptions since the time of the Spanish conquistadors.

After 10 years of quiescence, Galeras became active again in 1988 and became infamous when its January 4, 1993 eruption killed 6 volcanologists and 3 tourists who were inside the crater when it exploded.

The group was part of a scientific conference excursion and their final decision to enter the crater, pushed forth by team leader Stanley Williams (who miraculously survived), was and still is highly debated.

The fatal decision was made despite the observation of a significantly increased number of particular earthquakes (tornillos), which had preceded previous eruptions and also started to occur in the days before the eruption.
Frutselmaandag 13 augustus 2018 @ 13:15
Chile volcano eruptions scares tourists
Tourist captures TERRIFYING moment volatile volcano EXPLODES with ash at holiday resort
A VOLCANO eruption has struck a volatile Chilean site, situated on a busy ski resort, sending a colossal column of smoke 5,000-feet high in the air.

Helpless skiers could do nothing but was the volcanic eruption unfold as they sat stuck on a ski lift at a popular resort in Chile.

The volatile Nevados de Chilln erupted and spewed a 5,000ft plume of smoke, dust and ash into the sky.

Chile’s national emergency office, ONEMI, immediately issued a yellow alert — the second highest on its scale — to communities living close to the volcano.

Gonzalo Llamas Sebesta, an Argentinian holidaymaker, was one of the many tourists who filmed the eruption at the ski resort in the Andes mountains.

The footage, which went viral, was captured while stuck on a ski lift travelling towards the eruption.

In the video, the volcano can be seen erupting just past the ski peak of the mountain.

Despite the chaotic scenes seen in the footage, there have not been any evacuations yet.

Nevados de Chilln volcano, which last experienced a major eruption in 2009, is one of the most active volcanic clusters in the world.

However, the country's Service Nacional de Geologa and Minera has been closely monitoring the volcano for the past month.

Since July, there have been a series of earthquakes and other seismic activity associated with explosions from the volcano.

According to Chile's 24 Horas news agency, there are six other volcanoes in the area that have been upgraded in alert status from the National Emergency Office.

There are concerns that the rise in seismic activity puts the surrounding region at risk of a major red-alert eruption in the near future.
Zow..zit je dan ff lekker relaxed in je ski-lift gaat er een vulkaan af... :')

Frutselwoensdag 15 augustus 2018 @ 09:53
Kuchinoerabu volcano: Japan prepares to evacuate island ahead of feared eruption

JAPANESE authorities are preparing to evacuate a southern island after the threat of a volcanic eruption increased dramatically.

Japan’s Meteorological Agency said volcanic earthquakes and sulphur emissions had increased at a peak on Kuchinoerabujima island, located roughly 1000km southwest of Tokyo, and raised its warning level to 4 out of 5 on Wednesday

The mountain blew its top three years ago, sending ash and smoke thousands of metres into the sky and releasing potentially deadly pyroclastic flows, flows of superheated ash and gas, that reached the sea.

At that time, the island’s entire population evacuated but eventually returned. Some 100 people live there at present.

Japan has 110 active volcanoes and monitors 47 constantly.

When 63 people were killed in the volcanic eruption of Mount Ontake in September 2014, it was the country’s worst such toll for nearly 90 years.

In January, a member of Japan’s military was struck and killed when rocks from a volcanic eruption rained down on skiers at a central mountain resort.

An actual eruption at the peak of Kuchinoerabujima has yet to be detected.
Ener-Gwoensdag 15 augustus 2018 @ 10:00
Je zal maar net aan het hiken zijn naar de rand van de krater :P

Levert in het donker wel coole plaatjes op:

Frutselwoensdag 3 oktober 2018 @ 08:34
Ook nog een vulkaanuitbarsting nu op Sulawesi

Volcano erupts in North Sulawesi
A volcano erupted Wednesday on the same central Indonesian island as an earlier earthquake and authorities warned planes about volcanic ash in the air.

Mount Soputan in North Sulawesi province spewed ash 6,000 meters into the sky Wednesday morning.

The eruption status was raised from an alert to standby 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) from the summit and up to 6.5 kilometers to the west-southwest. Standby status means the public should avoid the area nearest the volcano and have masks available in the event of ashfall.

No evacuations were immediately ordered.

Planes were warned of the ash clouds because volcanic ash is hazardous for plane engines.

Soputan is on the northern part of Sulawesi island, where a central region was severely damaged by an earthquake and tsunami Friday.

Indonesia, an archipelago of more than 250 million people, sits on the Pacific "Ring of Fire" and is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Government seismologists monitor more than 120 active volcanoes.
rubbereendwoensdag 3 oktober 2018 @ 22:19
0s.gif Op woensdag 3 oktober 2018 08:34 schreef Frutsel het volgende:
Ook nog een vulkaanuitbarsting nu op Sulawesi


[ afbeelding ]
kan er ook nog wel bij :{
Frutseldonderdag 4 oktober 2018 @ 11:41
En nog een vulkaanuitbarsting in Indonesi. Na Krakatau en Soputan nu de derde...

Mount Gamalama Erupts, Status Remains at Level II Alert

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Ternate volcano in North Maluku, Mount Gamalama, has erupted today, October 4, at 11:52 local times and spewed volcanic ash as high as 250 meters above the crater. The mount status remained at Alert Level II or Warning.

The official Twitter account of Magma Indonesia @id_magma posted a photo displaying the volcano's eruption. Magma Indonesia is a multi-platform application under the management of the Volcanology Center and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG).

The activity level of Mount Gamalama is at Level II or Warning. The public and tourists around the mountain are prohibited to stay within 1.5 kilometers from the mountain crater.

As quoted from Magma Indonesia’s post, the ash column from Mount Gamalama's eruption with moderate to thick intensity headed to the northwest.
rubbereenddonderdag 4 oktober 2018 @ 13:44
0s.gif Op donderdag 4 oktober 2018 11:41 schreef Frutsel het volgende:
En nog een vulkaanuitbarsting in Indonesi. Na Krakatau en Soputan nu de derde...


en de aardbevingen, het is erg actief daar
Frutseldonderdag 15 november 2018 @ 09:16
meer nieuws over het monster bij Napels

WKN / Campi Flegrei Napels: Supervulkaan kan leven Europa in 2020 bedreigen
Frutseldonderdag 15 november 2018 @ 11:42

Sakurajima O+
Houtenbeenmaandag 24 december 2018 @ 12:34



Houtenbeenmaandag 24 december 2018 @ 13:28
EMSC twitterde op maandag 24-12-2018 om 13:26:50 #Earthquake (#terremoto) M4.0 strikes 25 km NW of #Catania (#Italy) 18 min ago. More info: reageer retweet
#ANONIEMmaandag 24 december 2018 @ 15:57
Frutselvrijdag 28 december 2018 @ 20:37
Explosive-extrusive eruption at Sheveluch volcano, Russia

A gas-steam with ash plume is currently drifting NE of the volcano, KVERT reports.

At 02:30 UTC, volcanic ash was observed rising up to 4.5 and 5 km (14 760 - 16 400 feet) above sea level.

Ash plume/cloud is drifting 70 km (43 miles) WNW of the volcano.

Ash explosions up to 8 - 15 km (26 200 - 49 200 feet) a.s.l. could occur at any time, the observatory warns, adding that ongoing activity could affect international and low-flying aircraft.

A thermal anomaly was identified in satellite images during December 7 and 8 and December 11 - 13. A small explosion on December 12 generated an ash plume that rose 6.5 - 6.8 km (21 300 - 22 300 feet) a.s.l.

That same day a gas-and-steam plume, containing a small amount of ash and drifting 150 km (93 miles) NE, was visible in satellite data.

The Aviation Color Code remains at Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale).

Sheveluch (also spelled Shiveluch) rises above the lowlands NNE of the Kliuchevskaya volcano group and is one of Kamchatka's largest and most active volcanic structures.

The summit of roughly 65 000-year-old Stary Shiveluch is truncated by a broad 9-km-wide (5.6 miles) late-Pleistocene caldera breached to the south. Many lava domes dot its outer flanks.

At least 60 large eruptions have occurred during the Holocene, making it the most vigorous andesitic volcano of the Kuril-Kamchatka arc.

Frequent collapses of dome complexes, most recently in 1964, have produced debris avalanches whose deposits cover much of the floor of the breached caldera.
Frutselwoensdag 2 januari 2019 @ 12:03
Lewotolok volcano (Lembata Island, Indonesia): alert status raised as seismic activity under volcano increases

The volcano observatory raised the alert status of the volcano to 2 ("Waspada" on the Indonesian 1-4 scale), as an increase of volcanic earthquakes and fumarolic activity had been observed during the past week.
The observatory reported a light steam / gas plume rising approx. 500 m above the summit crater of Lowotolok. Since 29 December, the seismic network detected 4 earthquake swarms, one shallow and 3 deeper volcanic earthquakes. This could indicate magma intrusions under the volcano, which could (but not must) lead to a new eruption of the volcano in a near to medium-term future (weeks to months).

Residents as well as visitors and climbers are advised to keep a safety distance of 2 km from the crater. At present, climbing activities have been banned, and residents should remain on alert.

Lewotolok (or Lewotolo) on Lembata Island is one of the region's most active volcanoes. It has erupted on average every few decades, the last time in 1951 and 2012.
Frutseldinsdag 8 januari 2019 @ 09:37
Volcano erupts on remote Papua New Guinea island

One of Papua New Guinea's most active volcanoes has erupted, authorities said Tuesday, pummelling villages on a remote island with volcanic rock before subsiding.

Manam island is a volcanic cone that towers out of the sea north of the Papua New Guinea mainland and has a history of eruptions, with major activity in November 2004 forcing the evacuation of some 9,000 people.

The volcano has erupted a number of times since then and spewed lava and ash last month.

A series of tremors around Manam triggered a warning system on Monday and the volcano began erupting shortly after, the Rabaul Volcanological Observatory said.

The eruption continued into early Tuesday, Ima Itikarai of the observatory told AFP.

An observatory report said there were "small ongoing eruptions" from the main crater early Tuesday.

Lava was channelled into a nearby valley and "intermittent bursts" of volcanic rock falling on villages, adding to a heightened risk of mudflows, it added.

The level of sesmic activity declined later in the day after jumping early Tuesday, the agency said.

But it warned that Manam was "still dynamic and volatile and therefore the potential for further eruptive activity in the future is still high".

Papua New Guinea has many volcanoes, particularly on its offshore islands, as the country lies at the junction of two tectonic plates.

Some islanders who were evacuated from Manam 15 years ago and resettled elsewhere on Papua New Guinea recently complained they were still struggling with their new lives, The National newspaper reported.
Frutselmaandag 14 januari 2019 @ 10:29
WKN / Aardbevingszwerm bij Griekse Santorini
Frutseldonderdag 17 januari 2019 @ 11:39
Volcano in southern Japan erupts; no injuries or damage
A small island volcano in southern Japan erupted Thursday, blasting rocks and ashes into the air but causing no damage or injuries.

Japan Meteorological Agency said the eruption of the Shindake volcano on Kuchinoerabu island sent rocks flying and hot gas and debris pouring down the crater. It has not reached the residential area 2 kilometers (1.2 mile) away, the agency said.

Officials said no damage or injuries have been reported. About 80 residents initially took refuge at a shelter on the island but have since started to return home after an evacuation advisory was lifted less than two hours after the eruption.

Shizuko Goto, an innkeeper, told Kyodo News agency that she felt the ground rattling for several seconds following an explosion and decided to evacuate after seeing a massive cloud of black smoke rise from the volcano.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga urged residents to stay calm and follow safety instructions from local officials.

Shindake's last major eruption in May 2015 had temporarily displaced the island's entire population of about 150. The residents were evacuated to Yakushima Island, about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) to the east.

Only about two thirds of them had since returned to Kuchinoerabu, south of Japan's main southern island of Kyushu.
Frutseldonderdag 17 januari 2019 @ 13:19
Central Java prepares for worst as Mt Merapi eruptions increase

KLATEN, CENTRAL JAVA (THE JAKARTA POST/ASIA NEWS NETWORK) - Mount Merapi, which stands on the border between Yogyakarta and Central Java, has shown heightened volcanic activity over the past few days, spewing incandescent lava from its crater.

Sidorejo subdistrict head Jemakir said that apart from incandescent lava, the volcano was emitting booming sounds resembling thunder more frequently, prompting local residents to also increase the frequency of their independently organised patrols.

"The people are still calm because the lava so far has flowed only 500m to 800m down the slope. But we remain alert, in case Merapi erupts," he said on Tuesday (Jan 15).

idorejo subdistrict extends to the slopes of Mount Merapi in the northern part of Klaten regency, Central Java.

Mr Dimas Joko, a volunteer monitoring Mount Merapi, said that the volume and the extent of the lava flow were both relatively normal, but that the volunteer team had banned all human activity within a 3km radius from the cratre.

"They may (still) harvest grass or farm, but they are not allowed within a radius of 3km from the crater," he said.

Citing recommendations from the Centre of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), Mr Joko said that people were advised to stay away from the upper slopes of the mountain for their own safety, especially considering the lava flow.

Mount Merapi's warning status on Tuesday was still Waspada (caution), the second of the four-tiered national volcano alert system that has been in place since May 2018.

The Central Java Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD Central Java) is working with other regencies to prepare evacuation routes and emergency shelters in anticipation of a major eruption.

BPBD Central Java head Sarwa Pramana said existing Mount Merapi evacuation routes have been heavily damaged by the hundreds of trucks transporting volcanic ash. Conditions have been further worsened by almost daily rainfall in the area.

"Restoring the evacuation routes is very urgent, especially in Klaten. The routes are needed to evacuate people when Merapi's alert level reaches Awas (Danger)," he said.

Mr Sarwa said the most heavily damaged evacuation routes in Klaten included the routes in Kemalang, Manisrenggo and Karangnongko districts. The agency had proposed a budget of 100 billion rupiah (S$9.6 million) to repair the routes.

"I heard that the fund had already been disbursed. Hopefully, construction can begin soon," he said.

Mr Sarwa added that the agency had started calculating logistical needs in case the eruptions worsened, including masks, community kitchens, emergency tents and rehabilitation posts.

"[The calculations] are necessary for smoother mitigation [efforts] at the time of a disaster," he said.

BPBD Central Java had also installed three additional CCTV cameras in Klaten, Magelang and Boyolali to monitor the volcano.

One of the world's most active volcanoes, Mount Merapi is located at the point where four regencies meet: the Central Java regencies of Magelang, Boyolali and Klaten, and Sleman regency in Yogyakarta. At least 353 people were killed and more than 350,000 others were displaced in the 2010 eruption. Most of the victims lived on the volcano's slopes
Frutselmaandag 21 januari 2019 @ 09:21

A strong explosive eruption took place at Bezymianny volcano, Kamchatka, Russia at 16:10 UTC (04:06 local time) on January 20, 2019. The Aviation Color Code was raised to Red. The last major eruption of this volcano took place on December 20, 2017. The latest activity period, which was preceded by a 1000-year quiescence, began with the dramatic 1955-56 eruption.

Explosions sent ash up to 10 km (32 800 feet) above sea level and ash cloud begin to drift northwest, KVERT reported 22:43 UTC.

Activity at the volcano continued with strong gas-steam plume and some amount of ash at a height of about 3.5 - 4.5 km a.s.l., drifting NW.
Frutseldinsdag 22 januari 2019 @ 10:38
Deep Quakes Reveal That Magma Is Moving Beneath An Ancient German Volcano

When it comes to active volcanoes, what country first comes to mind? Japan, perhaps? The US? What about Italy? These are all excellent examples, and understandably so. They have a wide range of fiery mountains that, at some point in the last 12,000 years, have erupted – a condition that, per the United States Geological Survey, makes them “active.”

It’s easy to forget that plenty of once-prolific volcanoes around the world have long fallen silent; geologically tame countries were often once replete with effusive or explosive eruptions. Just take Germany’s Laacher See Volcano (LSV), found in the Eifel mountain range within the Rhineland-Palatinate state. This lake-filled cauldron ("caldera") is a rather serene site today, but it was originally forged out of fury. Around 12,900 years ago, a cataclysmic eruption, one that coated plenty of Europe in ash, was responsible for creating the crater-like edifice that we can see there today.

Make no mistake: coming in at a 6 on the Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI), which tops out at 8, this was an unmistakably huge eruption. Today, according to Volcano Discovery, it’s the only caldera in Central Europe, which means that in the last 12-13,000 years, this part of the world has never seen an eruption as powerful as the one that formed LSV.

Its days of volcanism aren’t necessarily done and dusted, though. A new study, published in Geophysical Journal International, reveals that there are some curious rumblings going on beneath LSV. These specific tremors, known as deep low-frequency earthquakes, are a clear sign that magmatic fluids are on the move.

That's certainly noteworthy. The East Eifel Volcanic Field, of which LSV is part of, hasn’t experienced an eruption for roughly 12,000 years, so the movement of magma beneath the surface is something that volcanologists are keen to document and comprehend.
Frutseldinsdag 22 januari 2019 @ 10:40
Laacher See: Eifel-Vulkan ist aktiver als gedacht

Forscher haben immer wieder gesagt, dass die Vulkane in der Eifel noch immer aktiv sind. Sie schlummern einfach seit tausenden Jahren vor sich hin. Genau wie der Vulkan unter dem Laacher See 40 Kilometer sdlich von Bonn.

Mikrobeben Zeichen fr Aktivitt

Seit 2013 verzeichnen Geologen der Landeserdbebendienste immer wieder leichtere Erdste unter dem See. Die neusten Erkenntnisse dazu haben die Forscher jetzt verffentlicht. Menschen knnen diese sogenannten Mikrobeben nicht wahrnehmen. Allerdings sind sie ein Zeichen dafr, dass sich die Magmakammer wenige Kilometer unter dem Krater allmhlich wieder mit flssigem Gestein fllt. Vermutlich passiert das schon seit lngerer Zeit. Modernste Messtechnik macht es inzwischen mglich, diese Beben berhaupt zu registrieren.

Nchster Ausbruch kommt bestimmt

Dass der Vulkan unter dem Laacher See irgendwann wieder ausbricht, gilt unter den Forschern als sicher. Vermutlich wird es aber erst in mehreren tausend Jahren soweit sein. Denn solange wird es dauern, bis sich die Magmakammer unter dem Krater wieder komplett gefllt hat. Vor knapp 13.000 Jahren ist der Laacher Vulkan zuletzt ausgebrochen. Die Aschewolken wehten bis ins heutige Norditalien und nach Sdschweden.
rubbereenddinsdag 22 januari 2019 @ 13:12
Ener-Gdinsdag 22 januari 2019 @ 14:08
Nu nog die onder de Waddenzee ;)
Frutselwoensdag 23 januari 2019 @ 11:13
Powerful eruption at Manam volcano
A powerful eruption started at Papua New Guinea's Manam volcano around 04:48 UTC on January 23, 2019. The Aviation Color Code is Red.

The Darwin VAAC first reported the eruption at 04:49 UTC with ash estimated at a height of 12.2 km (40 000 feet) a.s.l.

The eruption is clearly ongoing despite widespread meteorological cloud in the area, the center said 05:32 UTC. Plume to 13.7 km (45 000 feet) appears to be moving W, lower-level emission to 7.6 km (25 000 feet) is moving northeast.

At 07:32 UTC, height was revised to 15.2 km (50 000 feet) and 6 km (20 000 feet) based on the movement of plumes. Volcanic ash to 15.2 km moving west remains discernible, However volcanic ash to 6 km, moving north and east, is obscured by meteorological cloud.

This volcano is experiencing similar high-impact eruptions over the past couple of months. The last one took place on January 11, 2019, with ash plume rising up to 15.2 km a.s.l. An even stronger eruption took place on January 7, up to 16.7 km (55 000 feet) a.s.l. It was the highest plume produced by the volcano since 2015 when VA rose to 19.8 km (65 000 feet) a.s.l.

A sudden, high-impact eruption took place on August 24, 2018, producing lava flows that forced 2 000 villagers to flee to safety.

A major eruption of this volcano forced the evacuation of some 9 000 people in 2004. Many of them still reside at a camp on the outskirts of Madang.
Frutselvrijdag 8 februari 2019 @ 10:13
Magmatic recharge detected beneath Laacher See

For the first time since the improvement of the local seismic networks in the East Eifel region, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, scientists have detected and located recurrent deep low-frequency (DLF) earthquakes in the lower crust and upper mantle beneath the Laacher See Volcano (LSV), using a joint data set of permanent sensors and a temporary deployment. DLF microquakes suggest mass transport in the volcanic plumbing system and used to infer feeding channels from and into magma reservoirs.

So far, eight DLF earthquake sequences were observed in four distinct clusters at depths between 10 and 40 km (6.2 - 25 miles), scientists report in a study published recently in the Geophysical Journal International.

These clusters of weak events (ML< 2) align along an approximately 80 southeast dipping line south of the LSV. Moment tensor solutions of these events have large shear components, and the irregular dispersion and long coda of body waves indicate interaction processes between shear cracks and fluids.

"We find a rotation of P-axes orientation for shallow tectonic earthquakes compared to DLF events, indicating that the stress field in the depth interval of DLF events might favor a vertical migration of magma or magmatic fluids," authors say.

"The caldera of the LSV was formed by the last major eruption of the East Eifel Volcanic Field only 12.9 kyr ago, fed by a shallow magma chamber at 5 - 8 km (3.1 - 5 miles) depth and erupting a total magma volume of 6.7 km3 (1.6 mi3). The observed DLF earthquake activity and continuous volcanic gas emissions around the LSV indicate an active magmatic system, possibly connected with an upper mantle melt zone."

"We cannot say for sure that a large amount of magma is rising and we don't actually expect an immediate eruption very soon, or in the near future," said Dr. Torsten Dahm, Head of section 2.1: Physics of Earthquakes and Volcanoes at GFZ Potsdam and one of the authors of the new study, in an interview published in Deutsche Welle on February 6, 2019.

"It shows us that there is activity going on, and also magmatic activity. And it's the first time that we have direct evidence, meaning direct in the sense of observing seismic signals. So we know it's really occurring now," Dahm said.

"This is a destructive volcano," Dahm added. "13 000 years ago it erupted with such violence that its ash stopped the Rhine River. I still can't get over that. It makes me wonder, how are we monitoring Lake Laach right now, and what should we improve?"

Asked about CO2 gasses bubbling up in parts of the lake, Dahm said that there is a danger in this region. "And everywhere where you have CO2. As you know, CO2 can be dangerous. I always thought it was forbidden to swim in some areas of Lake Laach, or at least it was not recommended to swim there."
Houtenbeenmaandag 11 februari 2019 @ 15:11
FOCUS_TopNews twitterde op maandag 11-02-2019 om 13:35:02 Strkstes Erdbeben seit 2012 - Glser klirrten, Betten schwankten: Erdste der Strke 2,8 erschttern die Eifel reageer retweet
Een paar kilometer van de Laacher See


[ Bericht 10% gewijzigd door Houtenbeen op 11-02-2019 15:21:47 ]
Frutselvrijdag 1 maart 2019 @ 10:32
Bijna vol
Frutselvrijdag 1 maart 2019 @ 10:32
Nu wel dus