abonnement Unibet Coolblue
  zondag 30 september 2012 @ 10:06:30 #51
227435 heartz
Illusion 4 Confusion
Was deze al langs geweest? Ik weet het ff niet meer.

Openbaar Ministerie laakt actie hackers Anonymous
Gepubliceerd op donderdag 12 juli 2012 om 14:25
Organisatie: Rechtennieuws.nl/ANP

Het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) heeft kritiek op hackerscollectief Anonymous, dat gegevens van mensen publiceerde die actief zouden zijn geweest op pedofielenwebsites.

''Anonymous heeft deze informatie verkregen door in te breken. Dat is een strafbaar feit. Wij zitten niet te wachten op groepen die door het plegen van strafbare feiten kinderporno denken aan te pakken’’, aldus een zegsman naar aanleiding van berichtgeving van de NOS.

Het OM hoopt dat Anonymous met de publicatie van gegevens van mensen die actief zouden zijn geweest op pedofielenwebsites, lopende strafrechtelijke onderzoeken niet in de wielen rijdt.

Mensen zouden eventueel bewijsmateriaal tegen hen kunnen verwijderen doordat ze gewaarschuwd worden door de publicatie.
Vlaams gemeenteraadslid op 'pedolijst' Anonymous
RTL Nieuws | 11 juli 2012, 21:29

Een Vlaamse politicus heeft tijdelijk ontslag genomen omdat zijn naam voorkomt op de 'pedofielenlijst' van Anonymous.
Op die lijst staan honderden ip- en emailadressen van mensen die volgens het hackerscollectief pedofiele websites en chatrooms bezoeken.

E-mail gehackt
Het gemeenteraadslid voor Vlaams Belang Hans Peter Luykx verklaarde dat hij het bewuste bericht nooit heeft gepost, en zelfs nooit de bewuste site heeft bezocht. Zijn e-mailadres werd naar eigen zeggen gehackt. Hij heeft intussen een nieuw e-mailadres.

Luyckx besliste zelf om tijdelijk ontslag te nemen uit het Vlaams Belang, 'om de partij geen enkele schade toe te brengen'. Zijn partij benadrukte dat zijn ontslag niet moet worden gezien als een schuldbekentenis. Als blijkt dat Luyckx inderdaad ten onrechte op die lijst staat, kan hij terugkeren in de partij.
Volg je hart, gebruik je verstand.
  zondag 30 september 2012 @ 10:14:27 #52
227435 heartz
Illusion 4 Confusion
7s.gif Op zaterdag 29 september 2012 01:39 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:

Anonymous' Barrett Brown Writes Letter from Prison, Claims the FBI Broke His Ribs

It's been almost two weeks since law enforcement swept into a Dallas apartment and arrested Barrett Brown, frontman for that merry band of hackers at Anonymous, for threatening an FBI agent on YouTube. Brown was taken briefly to Dallas County Jail before being released to the FBI and reportedly sent to Mansfield Federal Detention Center. (The Bureau of Prisons website lists his location as "in transit.")

It was there that Brown, who hasn't yet been charged with anything, apparently wrote his letter from a Mansfield jail discussing his arrest and detention. At least, Anonymous presented the letter as his work in a tweet last night.

It's hard to know for sure the missive was penned from Brown. It was posted anonymously to Pastebin yesterday afternoon, and the first digit of Brown's prisoner ID number is wrong. Then again, it's hard to believe someone would take the effort to forge a 3,000-word letter aping Brown's rambling, eclectic style. So, it's most likely him.

He begins by claiming that the FBI crushed his ribs and his jailers denied him medical treatment.

I believe (the injury) will be healed in time even if I've had trouble acquiring medical attention due to me under Geneva; put in formal request for X-ray last night here at Mansfield, whereas last week at Lew Sterrett I was sent to medic by an officer Tamer before being instead re-directed to what is intended as a temporary holding cell for those about to be released on bond, this change of plan being instigated by an officer Roeun (sic?) whom I have since reported to the proper authorities. Despite my having explained her mistake politely twice over the course of the next seven hours, and despite my condition having been serious enough to have prompted other inmates to suggest I check for internal bleeding, I was screamed at and then later simply ordered to lay down, all of which was witnessed by two other inmates, one of whom promised to inform Tim Rogers of D Magazine that I was potentially dying and needed intervention ASAP as soon as he himself was released a few minutes hence (again, this was the temporary outgoing holding cell, not meant for housing inmates for anything longer than an hour or so as their bond is processed; as such, I was not fed, either, much less given my medication, suboxone.

Brown ties his arrest to the hack of HBGary, the security firm whose CEO last year claimed publicly that he had figured out who was behind Anyonymous. The company, he writes, had worked with a paid FBI informant to find dirt on him. He doesn't delve into the reasons for his present incarceration since a judge has forbidden discussion of the case.

A good deal of the letter is spent dissecting and disassembling his public image. The misrepresentations started when he was identified on Fox News in 2009 as a spokesman for the American Athiest Society, which he was not. He also is not and has never been "the spokesman for Anonymous, nor its 'public face' or, worse, 'self-proclaimed' 'face' or 'spokesperson' or 'leader.' That, he says, was all cooked up by lazy journalists.

The letter ends with a confession of sorts, half-sorrowful, half apologetic.

I shudder when I look back on some of the things I wrote or said when I got my first real taste of power at the dawn of 2011, and I continue to bring shame upon myself and upon my family and work by some of the things I say even lately. ... I am humiliated at not being able to protect my own mother from the FBI, or to shield my own girlfriend from watching heavily-armed men step on my spine as I scream in pain. I cannot forget how my mom cried on March 6th after the FBI had left with my equipment and hers, and how she whispered through tears that she wanted to be able to protect me from prison but couldn't; I will never forget the look on Jenna's face as the federal thugs swept through my efficiency apartment with guns drawn and safeties off, in search of hidden assailants and non-existent weapons. That these things are unjust and increasingly insane does not change the fact that they are the result of my own behavior, my own miscalculations, my own choices.

Barrett Brown - Communiqué from Prison 9/20/12
Anonymous publiceert creditcardgegevens uit wraak tegen FBI
14/09/12, 05:59 − bron: hln.be © Thinkstock

Anonymous heeft gisteren de gegevens van creditcards, die mogelijk aan Amerikaanse overheidsverantwoordelijken toebehoren, gepubliceerd. Het hackerscollectief deed dat uit wraak tegen de arrestatie van een van de hackers door de FBI, de Amerikaanse federale politiedienst. .

Volgens Anonymous werd Barrett Brown woensdag ingerekend toen hij aan het chatten was. De FBI weigert commentaar te geven op de zaak. Anonymous verspreidde een video die de onderbreking toont van de chat door wat lijkt op een politieraid.

Het collectief publiceerde daarop de nummers van 13 creditcards die mogelijk toebehoren aan overheidsverantwoordelijken.

Volgens de website The Hacker News is Barrett Brown de man die dreigde de namen van 75 leden van het Mexicaanse drugkartel Los Zetas te publiceren nadat ze een lid van Anonymous hadden ontvoerd.
Volg je hart, gebruik je verstand.
  zondag 30 september 2012 @ 14:56:52 #53
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
We Are Legion has almost impossibly high production values. This is a documentary, but it is a documentary for the children of the Internet era. It has narrative and plot structure; it has aesthetics; it has design and artistic value. Luminant Media deserves at least an accolade, if not several, for understanding the aesthetic and entertainment demands of information consumers that grew up online.

As one of those people, I was both impressed with and taken aback by how effectively and totally I was sucked into the vision of the world that We Are Legion presents. I am sure that someone, somewhere, will call this movie propaganda, and while I’m not entirely convinced the label is deserved, if it is, We Are Legion is the best-done piece of propaganda I have ever encountered. When I finished watching it, I wanted to immediately jump on the Internet and teach myself encryption basics and start that Code Year project I’d heard so much about in January and see how quickly I could catch up now that I was ten months behind.

There is no doubt that this film could be called propaganda. The film is not unfair, or untruthful, but it is remarkably sympathetic in its portrayal of Anonymous, and rather savage in its portrayal of some of the more draconian punishments being leveraged against participants in some of the group’s more well-known actions.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 1 oktober 2012 @ 22:03:12 #54
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Anti-Downloading Law Hits Japan, Up To 2 Years in Prison From Today

A few hours ago Japan introduced new anti-piracy legislation designed to clamp down on illegal file-sharing. The regime is one of the most draconian in the world. In most countries users are only targeted when they upload copyright-infringing material to other Internet users, but the new law’s wording means that simply downloading unauthorized material could result in a jail sentence.

According to the Recording Industry Association of Japan and their IFPI affiliates, the Japanese music industry is in trouble. Unauthorized downloads eclipse those from official source by 10 to 1, and the market for downloads shrank by 16% last year.

This decline needs to combated, they insist.

After intensive lobbying by the music industry, in June this year Japan approved an amendment to its Copyright Law that would see downloaders of unauthorized music face stiff criminal penalties in addition to the civil remedies already in place.

The wording here is important. While in some countries downloading copyrighted media without permission is already illegal, it is usually the uploaders (distributors) of content that are targeted in so-called “3 strikes” style campaigns.

While Japan already has the legislative muscle to hit uploaders with up to 10 years in prison and a 10 million yen ($128,300) fine, this new legislation makes criminals of mere downloaders.

From today, knowingly downloading copyright infringing material can result in a two-year jail sentence or a fine of 2 million yen ($25,680). But there could be complications.

Tracking uploaders of infringing material is a fairly simple affair, with rightsholders connecting to file-sharers making available illicit content and logging evidence. However, proving that someone has downloaded content illegally presents a whole new set of issues.

On BitTorrent, for example, rightsholders would have to be the ones actually sending the infringing material to a file-sharer in order to know that he or she is downloading it. This scenario could cause complications, since rightholders already have permission to upload their own content, making the source a legal one.

But for the implications for ‘downloaders’ could be even more widespread. The generally tech-savvy BitTorrent user understands the potential for being targeted for sharing, but by making mere downloading a criminal offense it is now feared that those who simply view an infringing YouTube video could also be subjected to sanctions.

For some rightsholders though, even this kind of draconian regime isn’t enough. As reported in June, music rights groups including the Recording Industry Association of Japan say they have developed a system capable of automatically detecting unauthorized music uploads before they even hit the Internet.

But to do that they need to be able to spy on Internet users’ connections and compare data being transferred with digital fingerprints held in an external database. That can only be achieved with the assistance of Internet service providers who would be asked to integrate the system deeply into their networks.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  maandag 1 oktober 2012 @ 22:49:05 #55
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

Anonymous message: #OpUCKG

Hello Citizens of the world. We are Anonymous.

Dear brothers and sisters, Now is the time to open your eyes and expose the truth!

Our Anonymous brothers and sisters from Brazil are asking for our help. A powerful man who is the founder of the cult "Universal Church of the Kingdom of God" (UCKG) owns a television station in Brazil. Currently, the self-anointed Pentecostal cult leader Bishop Edir Macedo is using his television station to defame Anonymous labeling them as criminals and defacing the Anonymous symbol. He is connecting the Guys Fawkes' mask to false criminal accusations.

The "Universal Church of the Kingdom of God" (UCKG) cult originated in Brazil in the early Seventies, grown popular in the most deprived areas of both Brazil and many other countries. With their promises of miraculous headings and supernatural financial success, the cult manipulates it's followers into donating all of their life savings and even homes to the "church" leaving them completely penniless.

The cult, through acts of bleeding victims of their wealth, have acquired property, including, but not limited to, Temples, Radio stations, TV stations, a fleet of private jets etc... The cult has been known to commit crimes such as financial scams, money laundering, violent persecution of ex-members, and desecrating Catholic images.

In the late Eighties a videotape of the cults founder and leader "Bishop" Macendo, showing him lecturing "Pastors" on how to extract money from their victims, was leaked to the Portuguese and Brazilian Television channels.

(Tape plays)

Today their membership is comprised of mostly younger people and immigrants who are not aware of the cult's history. The cult is spread throughout the world in Africa, Brazil, Europe, the United states, Japan and China. The cult is very dangerous and rapidly growing whilst, incredibly, the press seems to be silent.

Currently "Bishop" Macendo resides at a palatial home in Miami Florida and has an estimated net worth of two billion dollars. Macendo has the justice system wrapped around his finger in the United States, however, after a long investigation by the federal police, Brazil's attorney general is finally litigating a big fraud and racketeering case against Macendo.

Anonymous must not tolerate the destruction of human life and we will not let our brothers and sisters be victim of deceit.

"One day the poor will have nothing left to eat, but the rich."

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect Us.


UCKG begging and deceiving in London


Billionaire Bishop Charged With Bilking Brazil's Pentacostals, Sending Money to US

Archive of 2008: Opium of the People - Religions

The Rick A. Ross Institute has gathered about the Universal Church Kingdom of God.



Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 2 oktober 2012 @ 01:15:30 #56
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

Released on 2012-09-10 13:00 GMT

Email-ID 1048959
Date 2011-05-06 03:35:50
From thatanonnoo8@gmail.com
To info@moct.gov.sy, baath-n@net.sy, info@moi.gov.sy, info@competition.gov.sy, info@nec.gov.sy, info@spo.gov.sy, info@syroptica.gov.sy, mhe@mhe.gov.sy, a.mayaleh@bcs.gov.sy, alibrahim56@hotmail.com, webmaster@moex.gov.sy, complaint@parliament.gov.sy, help@parliament.gov.sy, info@parliament.gov.sy, latakia@bcs.gov.sy, raedbk@parliament.gov.sy, raqaa@bcs.gov.sy, info@edpa.gov.sy, webmaster@customs.gov.sy, hasakah@bcs.gov.sy, scd_gaz@scdgaz.gov.sy, beefs@parliament.gov.sy, Aleppo@bcs.gov.sy, info@milihouse.gov.sy, der.ezzor@bcs.gov.sy, idleb@bcs.gov.sy, hama@bcs.gov.sy, homs@bcs.gov.sy, tartous@bcs.gov.sy, sweida@bcs.gov.sy, daraa@bcs.gov.sy, Director@natec.gov.ye, suggest@parliament.gov.sy, q@mdpc.gov.sy, asycuda@customs.gov.sy, info@customs.gov.sy, gas@scdgas.gov.sy

The Government of Syria:

You are psychopathic killers who have slaughtered their own people. You are ALL
complicit in these horrible crimes against humanity. We are compiling the evidence
to forward to the World Court. You will end your days in a jail cell in the
Hague. The internet is watching you, and the Internet does not like what it sees...
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  dinsdag 2 oktober 2012 @ 01:17:17 #57
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
AnonymousPress twitterde op maandag 01-10-2012 om 22:02:29 Happy Birthday! RT @4chan Happy Birthday 4chan! Today the site turns 9 years old. reageer retweet
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 4 oktober 2012 @ 00:55:07 #58
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Anonyphant twitterde op woensdag 03-10-2012 om 21:57:55 #Anonymous going hard on 3 separate fronts right now: #OpPhilippines #OpSweden #NDAARuling. Who else you know can rock it like that? reageer retweet
“It’s come to our attention that Swedish government raided PRQ servers in order to shut down numerous file sharing and torrent websites,” wrote the Anonymous group on English-language image board website 4chan on Wednesday.

“This has gone too far. This is unacceptable. Anonymous says this stops right now. You don’t fuck with The Internet… Today we hit their wallets hard.”
A federal appeals court has extended a temporary stay of a district court judge's order barring the government from using an indefinite detention provision in a defense bill passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama late last year.

A three-judge motions panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit issued the order Tuesday afternoon, indicating they saw flaws with the scope and rationale for U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Forrest's original order blocking the disputed provision of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2011.

"We conclude that the public interest weighs in favor of granting the government's motion for a stay," Appeals Court Judges Denny Chin, Raymond Lohier and Christopher Droney wrote in a three-page order that also expedited the appeal.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  donderdag 4 oktober 2012 @ 14:37:34 #59
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
Hague is Anonymous:

Freedom of internet must be protected by governments, says William Hague

Foreign secretary says states should always 'err on side of freedom', even if they find content offensive or objectionable

Democratic governments must protect the freedom of the internet – even when it provokes crises like the recent anti-Islamic video, the foreign secretary, William Hague, has said.

Addressing an international cyberspace conference in Budapest, he said states should always "err on the side of freedom", even when they found online content offensive or objectionable.

Hague acknowledged the difficulties caused by postings such as the amateur trailer made in the United States which portrayed the prophet Muhammad as a womaniser and a fool.

It was, he said, a "contemptible piece of work" and he deplored the deaths that occurred in the riots it provoked across the Muslim world.

He warned, however, that attempts by governments to block access to such material were counterproductive and doomed to failure.

"We believe that efforts to suppress the internet are wrong and are bound to fail over time," he said.

"Governments who attempt this are erecting barricades against an unstoppable tide, and acting against their own long-term economic interests and their security.

"Democratic governments must resist the calls to censor a wide range of content just because they or others find it offensive or objectionable.

"If we go down that path, we begin to erode the hard-won rights of freedom of expression. We will always argue that it is necessary to err on the side of freedom."

At the same time, Hague announced the UK was establishing a £2m cybersecurity centre offering advice to countries on how to protect their systems against online criminals who threaten the future economic wellbeing of states and major companies.

It will draw on the expertise of a network of eight universities currently conducting cutting-edge research on the issue and act as a forum to draw together initiatives from around the world.

"Cybercriminals and terrorists should have no refuge online, just as they should have no sanctuary offline," Hague said.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 5 oktober 2012 @ 15:32:48 #60
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
New attack knocks out government sites

Just before 2.30pm on Friday, websites for the Riksbank, the Swedish Institute, and security service Säpo were all inaccessible.

The website for the Riksdag was also inaccessible for a short time.

Other sites hit in the apparent attack included that of the Svea Court of Appeal, as well as the police, and the Swedish courts.

While some of the sites remained down for extended periods of time, others were slow to load or were intermittently offline.

The website for the Prison and Probation Service (Kriminalvården) was not fully functioning, but a spokesperson told The Local that the site was undergoing maintenance which began before the attack occurred.

The outages coincide with the time mentioned in a video warning about cyber attacks to be launched against Sweden and which was issued earlier this week by someone claiming to speak for Anonymous.

“This Friday we will do the biggest thing we have ever done. We will not say what we will do yet,” an artificial sounding voice proclaimed in the clip, which claims ties to Anonymous and was broadcast on YouTube.

Per Gårdehall, webmaster at for the Swedish Institute, confirmed that the organization's website, www.sweden.se, had also been targeted in the attack.

“Yes, we have been down for almost two hours now, they started early with us at around 12.30pm. We expect it’s another DDOS attack,” he told The Local.

“I guess it’s the Anonymous network again. We’ll most likely formally report this to the police next week.”

During a DDOS attack, a website is bombarded with communication requests so that the servers become overloaded and the site crashes, and late Wednesday night the Riksbank's website was inaccessible.

Details of the attack were being discussed freely on Facebook by people claiming to be a part of Anonymous.

A total of 18 websites were listed as potential targets for the attack, which was scheduled to begin at 2.30pm local time and continue for much of the afternoon.

A Facebook group featuring details of the attack has almost 2,000 members and encourages people to help in carrying out the cyber attack.

“Let's start attack on Swedish Sites!” the page reads, followed by a list of “targets” containing 18 official Swedish government agency websites, and a warning that the attack will begin at 2.30pm.

The Facebook group, called #OpPRK #OpPirateBay, also features links to the two videos uploaded to YouTube by the Anonymous group.

In the second video, posted online on Thursday, an Anonymous spokesperson in a mask speaks to the camera in an automated voice.

“In the next coming days, Anonymous will become even more active and launch major attacks on several vital portals that represent Swedish society,” the voice reads.

The video claims the attack will be the "biggest thing ever done" by Anonymous and closes with a warning that "the internet belongs to us".

According to the clips posted on YouTube earlier in the week, the attacks are meant to be a retaliation against Monday’s raid by Swedish police on web hosts PRQ, previously hosting both The Pirate Bay and WikiLeaks.

Police confiscated three servers in the raid, including those hosting filesharing site Tankafetest.se

The Local
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 5 oktober 2012 @ 22:23:03 #61
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.
The European Union is hosting what it describes as its biggest cybersecurity exercise.

Governments, businesses and ISPs (internet service providers) are being faced with 1,200 separate incidents during a simulated DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack.

A similar event was staged in 2010, but this is the first time that the bloc's banks have been involved.

The results will be used to find ways to improve co-operation.

However, one computer security expert warned that the effort would be of only limited use when it came to protecting organisations against real-world attacks.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  vrijdag 5 oktober 2012 @ 22:29:43 #62
172669 Papierversnipperaar
Cafeïne is ook maar een drug.

Media's favorite Anonymous hacktivist charged with conspiracy against FBI agents

Nearly one month after being arrested at gunpoint by federal agents during an FBI raid streamed live on the Web, Project PM founder and Anonymous-linked hacktivist Barrett Brown has been indicted on three counts relating to threatening an officer.

Brown, a 31-year-old activist often portrayed by the media as an unofficial spokesperson for the Anonymous movement, was participating in a live webcam chat on September 12 at his Dallas, Texas home when a squadron of FBI agents unexpectedly stormed the residence and brought him into custody. Brown was booked at a local jail shortly after, but details surrounding the case have since been scarcely made available to the public, until now.

On Wednesday, The Dallas Morning News embedded a copy of the official indictment as it was released, revealing that Brown has officially been charged with three counts: making Internet threats; conspiracy to make publically available restricted personal information of an employee of the United States; and retaliation against a federal law enforcement officer.

All counts are related to perceived threats of violence and intimidation that prosecutors say Brown issued over the Web in the days leading up to September’s arrest. Brown’s home had been raided months earlier in an unrelated investigation linked to the FBI’s arrest of LulzSec hacker Hector Xavier Monsegur, or “Sabu,” whom Brown described in a March 2012 dispatch as “a degenerate pussy traitor who couldn't face two fucking years in prison, making him the biggest pussy in the history of mankind.” Monsegur reportedly ratted out several alleged Anonymous operatives and associates to the FBI and had been serving as an undercover informant in the months before authorities surprised Brown and others. During March’s raid, Brown’s laptops and other electronics were subsequently confiscated by the FBI, to which he demanded an immediate return shortly before his latest arrest.

The March raids of alleged hacktivists spawned several arrests of accused members of LulzSec, or Lulz Security, a hacker group that claimed to have launched assaults on Sony, the CIA and others during a string of attacks in the spring of 2011. Jeremy Hammond of Chicago, Illinois was arrested during one of the several international raids that happened concurrently with that month’s incident at Brown’s residence, and has currently been imprisoned without trial for over 200 days over accusations that he assisted the LulzSec hacking group with illegal operations.

In the weeks and months after Sabu turned informant and provided the FBI with information about LulzSec and Anonymous hackers, Brown claims several federal agents harassed both him and his mother, particularly an officer of the FBI named Robert Smith. It is the videos and Twitter messages Brown made public in the days leading up to last month’s arrest, Brown calls out Mr. Smith, suspected informants and others, and asks his supporters to conduct an investigation of their own into the alleged wrongdoing. Of particular importance, however, was that Brown finally have his personal computers returned to him so he could continue his ongoing personal endeavors, including Project PM: an open-source think-tank he founded that examines and uncovers corruption in the federal and private intelligence community.

“I want everyone to know a demand I’m making to the FBI today. That I will have my stuff returned to me in two weeks. No later,” Brown insisted in a video uploaded before his arrest. “When I get it back I’m going to release some stuff that’s on there, and they don’t know what I have access to. That I have copies of that is on there. They don’t want me to have it back. There’s a reason they’re not giving it back, even copies of it. They aren’t done with it.”

“My fucking mom is being threatened by a fucking US DA and a fucking chickenshit little faggot cocksucker, a little FBI agent — Robert Smith, who we are investigating now,” he said.

In one video uploaded to Brown’s YouTube account, he said, “Robert Smith’s life is over. And when I say his life is over, I don’t say I’m going to kill him. But I am going to ruin his life and look into his fucking kids,” suggesting it was retaliation for the harassment his own family has endured during 2012. That perceived threat and several others are included in the federal indictment, as well as several seemingly unrelated tweets and posts calling on his online followers to be weary of authority and to exercise their Second Amendment rights.

Elsewhere on the indictment released this week, prosecutors call into question a tweet sent from Brown on September 4 that linked to a news article involving a Maryland police officer caught on camera pistol-whipping a civilian, unprovoked.

“Have you doxed a pig today?” Brown asked. “Be ready for the revolution.” Doxing, or a dox, is researching and collecting information about any person of interest and publishing it on the Web. Encouraging his supporters to investigate on their own is the basis of one of the three federal counts he now faces.

In other tweets listed on the indictment, Brown addresses a news article that the Department of Homeland Security has ordered thousands of rounds of ammo and asks his followers if they are doing the same. In another, he writes, “Kids! Overthrow the US government lol.”

Prosecutors also include tweets from Brown advocating anarchism and one in which he tells a Twitter user that he will shoot on sight if they attempt to trespass in his home. The indictment also quotes Brown as calling FBI agent Robert Smith “a criminal…involved in a criminal conspiracy”

Yet another tweet included as evidence in the indictment is a message sent by Brown on September 10: “A dead man can’t leak stuff…illegally shoot the son of a bitch.” In that instance, he was directly quoting Fox News analyst Bob Beckel, who used those words in reference to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 2010.

Days after he was booked, Brown himself dispatched a letter to a friend condemning the case, but said he was barred from discussing the details until the indictment was disclosed.

“I, and everyone else in the court room, were ordered to refrain from discussing the complaint, affidavits, and warrant, all of which are sealed at the request of the author,” Brown wrote, adding, “if I had written something of such low quality and demonstrable untruth, I would burn it and ask forgiveness of every deity invented by man and the higher apes/dolphins/whales.”

“Apparently I am not just a danger to the fragile FBI agents who have taken to threatening my mother and fracturing my ribs in the course of heavily-armed raids on my uptown Dallas apartment, but must be prevented from explaining to my associates, followers, and even enemies why I have again been subjected to violence and indignity,” Brown added.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 05-10-2012 22:37:05 ]
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
De gevolgen van de argumenten van de anti-rook maffia
  zaterdag 6 oktober 2012 @ 10:19:26 #63
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Anonymous collective the new face of online hacktivism: CSIS report

OTTAWA - Canada's spy agency says the online collective Anonymous isn't just a thorn in the side of the powerful, but the new model for digital hacktivism.

Anonymous has carried out cyber-attacks against governments, corporations and others in the name of free speech, Internet liberties and, more so in the last year, anti-capitalist causes.

A newly declassified report from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service says although hacktivism — a blend of hacker smarts and social activism — has existed for years, it is only now that conditions have allowed such groups to bloom.

"The global reach of the Internet, the availability of numerous open source/free attack tools, and the flourishing of social networking venues facilitates the organization and carrying out of cyber-attacks by hacktivist groups," says the report.

"Anonymous is the face of modern hacktivism."

The cyber-activist collective's success lies in its ability to communicate its message to a world audience, says CSIS. "Its media capabilities are impressive, but are more of a reflection of the greater availability, and effective use, of media-making software than 'deep pockets.'"

The Canadian Press obtained a declassified version of the secret January intelligence assessment, Anonymous: An Overview, under the Access to Information Act. Portions of the document were deemed too sensitive to release.

The report says the impetus for the assessment was Anonymous' November 2011 threat to "remove Toronto from the Internet" in response to the city's plans to oust Occupy protesters from an encampment.

Anonymous captured more headlines in Canada earlier this year with threatening demands that Public Safety Minister Vic Toews resign over a federal bill that would give police and spies easier access to information about Internet users.

Anonymous followed through on the threats, posting a series of videos featuring a disguised female voice discussing alleged details of Toews' past.

A senior RCMP officer told the Commons committee on procedure and House affairs in April that the force's investigation into the matter was ongoing.

Last December, Anonymous claimed it was behind an attack against national security think-tank Stratfor. The collective says it has aided Iran's Green Movement. And it took on Visa, Mastercard and PayPal for refusing to handle donations to WikiLeaks, the site run devoted to disclosure of classified documents.

CSIS notes that despite the arrest of its members in Australia, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey and the United States, Anonymous continues to launch operations in countries including Canada, mainly against government and corporate targets.

"Deeply anti-authority and libertarian at its inception, it was only in 2011 that the group adopted the more stringent anti-capitalist, animal rights, environmentalist (with frequent references to Aboriginal rights) and anti-law enforcement/security service attitudes more commonly associated with left-wing activists," says the CSIS report.

Composed of individuals and cells that share the same basic ethos, Anonymous is first and foremost a social movement, the spy agency concludes.

That characterization is encouraging, said Alexandra Samuel, director of the Social and Interactive Media Centre at Emily Carr University in Vancouver.

"A lot of the time governments have failed to distinguish between social movements that engage in civil disobedience and criminal organizations," she said in an interview.

"And there's a world of difference between people who are hacking websites in order to steal credit card numbers and launder money or whatever, and people who are hacking websites as a form of political speech."

When there's a threat to public safety, it's appropriate for authorities to investigate, she said, but they must tread carefully.

"This is a social movement and I think we want to be careful that law enforcement isn't sort of subverting what is really a new form of people engaging politically, even if at times it's in a way that is quite alarming."

She disagrees with CSIS's notion that social media have fostered hacktivism, saying one could also argue the opposite.

In the late 1990s, hacktivism — such as website defacement and denial-of-service attacks that shut down websites — was the only way of carrying out mass actions online, she said.

But with the advent of social networking and global online petitions, there are other cyber-outlets for political engagement. "You can do things that are provocative with Facebook and YouTube, and that have that kind of in-your-face spirit, without breaking the law now."
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  zondag 7 oktober 2012 @ 11:51:16 #64
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Swedish Internet sites unreachable after warning from Anonymous

Several Swedish government websites could not be accessed Friday after they had received a warning the evening before from a group claiming to be the Anonymous collective, which supports fugitive WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

The Swedish branch of Anonymous denied it was behind the attacks. Assange is wanted by the Swedish authorities for questioning over allegations of sexual assault but has been under diplomatic protection inside the Ecuadoran embassy in London since mid-August. At midday the web sites of the Swedish Central Bank, the intelligence services, the Parliament and the courts could not be reached, AFP determined. They may have been the victims of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack in which sites are saturated by requests.

The Swedish branch of Anonymous, which communicates on the micro-blogging Twitter site under the name of @AnonOpsSweden, denied it was involved. "We call b(expletive) on the op... #nothingNew," the message said in English. "Our theory on #opsweden its European Cyber Security Month/EU testdriving cyberattacks blaming it on #Anonymous," it added in a later message.

In a film posted on the online version of the tabloid newspaper Aftonbladet Friday a young man aged 18 said it was he who had published a video Thursday evening on the Internet site YouTube. In it a masked individual read in English in a female voice a message indicating that the sites of several Swedish public bodies would be attacked Friday. "It was I who made the film," the young man said in the Aftonbladet contribution. "But I had help with the wording. I'm not so good in English," he added. "We are going to attack the Central Bank and the police...and several other government sites," the young man said. "It'll be the worst thing ever done by Anonymous. It'll mark world history."

All week Swedish public authorities and companies have experienced similar attacks. Police have linked them to the Assange affair. Internet attacks blocked access to several popular Swedish websites for part of Monday.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2012(...)e-anonymous.html#jCp
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  maandag 8 oktober 2012 @ 11:16:59 #65
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Prosecutor seeks up to 24 years for hacker group members

An Ankara prosecutor is seeking prison sentences of 8.5 to 24 years for members of RedHack, a hacker group responsible for attacks on several government and public websites.

The indictment, prepared by the Ankara Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and naming 10 members of the socialist hacker group, was recently accepted by the Ankara 13th High Criminal Court. The suspects include three held under arrest -- Duygu Kerimoğlu, Alaattin Karagenç and Uğur Cihan Oktulmuş, under arrest for the past seven months. The suspects stand accused of membership in an armed terrorist organization, illegally obtaining confidential documents and personal information and accessing information systems without permission.

RedHack, which is affiliated with the international hacking group Anonymous, had earlier attacked websites belonging to the Turkish Football Federation (TFF), National Intelligence Organization (MİT), the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), the Land Forces Command, the Air Forces Command, Turkish telecommunications mega-corporation Türk Telekom and a number of other institutions.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  dinsdag 9 oktober 2012 @ 01:31:20 #66
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Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
Free Assange! Hack the Planet
[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  dinsdag 9 oktober 2012 @ 01:34:53 #67
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Hacker group says attacks Greek official websites

(Reuters) - The activist hacker group Anonymous said it had taken down a number of Greek government websites on Monday, on the eve of a visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel that is likely to be met by angry protests.

Several government websites appeared to go down briefly late on Monday, including those of the Citizens Protection Ministry, the police and the Ministry of Justice. A message appeared saying: "The page cannot be found".

Police could not confirm who was responsible for the attack, which Anonymous claimed in a series of Tweets on the social media site Twitter.

In a message posted on YouTube, the group criticized the huge security operation that police plan for Tuesday to contain protests against Merkel, comparing the government to the military junta that ruled Greece from 1967 to 1974.

Trade unions and opposition political parties have called for mass protests to greet the German chancellor, whom many Greeks accuse of unfairly forcing them down the path of painful austerity and driving the country even deeper into recession.

The Greek government is locked in negotiations with its international lenders on yet more spending cuts to clinch the next tranche of a 130-billion-euro ($169-billion) bailout saving the country from bankruptcy.

Anonymous in February claimed a cyber-attack on the Greek ministry of justice website. ($1 = 0.7711 euros) (Reporting by Renee Maltezou, Writing by Matt Robinson, Editing by Michael Roddy)
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  dinsdag 9 oktober 2012 @ 15:53:03 #68
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Anonymous attack on Masonichip for Forced Chipping of Kids

RFID is becoming one of the scariest acronyms I’ve ever heard of. Radio Frequency Identification sounds like just another innocuous bit of technology when you first hear it, but the fact that the radio intends to identify us through implanted chips in our bodies makes it a little more unsettling. I think of all those care free days I’ve spent as a human being. At the park as a child, at the park with my children, all those beautiful summer days that belonged to me. I was a happy person, free on the earth. RFID seeks to change all that free on the earth business. The technology promises that with a scanner, anybody can find out where I am, who I’m with, what I’ve bought and what I’m likely to buy when I leave the park.

I can say no, it’s my day and I will not share it with anybody. Particularly someone who plans to control me more effectively through technical innovation, I can refuse to share. I can argue that I am safe because I will fight anyone who tries to take away my freedom to be away, right to the death. What if they plant it in such a way that I am unaware of being chipped? These are tiny devices, it wouldn’t take a whole lot of creative evil to get it into my bloodstream without my knowledge. That is a serious potential problem with this technology. Today I can protect myself, but tomorrow I may need a shot of something to avoid a killer disease, I may just need to see a doctor for some other reason. Sooner or later, I will have to trust someone. That is down that road though, I’m safe today. Everyone is safe today, right?

Children are not safe. Children are not given the voice to say no. There is already reason to fear, right now, for the children. The Masonic Order has a major operation going on right now, to chip the kids, (http://www.masonichip.org/). This is not a potential problem, this is a serious concern that has landed on our doorstep, today. The plan is to implant chips in as many kids as possible, for their own protection. This way when an Amber Alert goes out, all the authorities have to do is track the chip to find the child. The part they leave out of this rosy scenario is that anyone can track these kids, including child predators. Then, if they are lucky enough to grow up, they will already be chipped and indexed. It will make marketing and governing so much easier, and all it costs is a few dollars and the freedom of humanity.

Not everyone is taking this laying down. A group of computer hackers Anonymous has seen this as an eminent threat, and they are working toward mitigating it by disrupting the chipping operation. Say what you want about hackers, they are the only group I see meeting this challenge with a course of action. They have built their own operation, in opposition to this injustice. #OpMasonChip is designed to express publicly their anger and unwillingness to accept the forced chipping of children. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to talk with an operative who is working with #OpMasonChip, he goes by the name xPsych0path. He had the following to say about this operation;

“We are fighting against putting RFID chips inside children by masons they have plan to put chips in all of us and those who don't want it won't be able to buy and sell. So I down all those site's for them”

They DDOSing following sites related to them:
1. http://masonichip.org/
2. http://mychip.org/
3. http://www.masonichip.ca/
4. http://www.mainemason.org/
5. http://www.illinoisfreemason.org/ilchip.html
6. http://www.keywestmason.com/child_id.htm
7. http://www.mdchip.org/
8. http://www.kschip.org/

It is clear that this individual and many others take exception to chipping, particularly the forced chipping of a child. There has been no public debate that I am aware of and on a subject like chipping children, I think some conversation before we just start doing it would be appropriate. This is something that the public needs to be aware of and ultimately take control of. Utilizing RFID in people needs to be a public policy issue, everyone should be talking about it and the legality of it has to be up for debate. The way it is going right now, with the current operation of chipping children, it is completely under the radar. I find very little mention of it outside of the relatively new “alternative media” sources. Anyone who has an opinion on this matter, I urge you to voice it as loudly and clearly as possible.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  dinsdag 9 oktober 2012 @ 23:47:07 #69
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Ik geloof dat Jennifer Emmick de verkeerde boos heeft gemaakt: Th3 j35t3r....

Long story short: A few days ago this unhinged fruit-loop insulted all 33K of my loyal followers, not ONCE, not TWICE, but THRICE no less. After 12 months of her shit, to start attacking my followers kinda pricked my ears up. The last time my ears got pricked up didn’t end well for who forced me to listen. More information here. .
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  woensdag 10 oktober 2012 @ 02:35:25 #70
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Today will mark 200 days that Jeremy Hammond has been imprisoned without bail and without trial for having allegedly committed the 2011 attack against Strafor. On this day we stand in absolute solidarity with Jeremy Hammond and ask that everyone take a few moments to educate themselves or others regarding Jeremy’s case and the information that he selflessly made available to us. Do not allow his sacrifice to be in vain! Below is a press release issued by Jeremy Hammond’s Support Network.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  woensdag 10 oktober 2012 @ 13:26:26 #71
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Pirate Bay founders, due to speak, go missing in action

Get your conspiracy theories ready: Two founders of The Pirate Bay were due to speak at the Hack in the Box security conference in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, but didn't show up.

The 3 p.m. speaking slot for Peter "brokep" Sunde and Fredrik "tiamo" Neij was cancelled. Their talk was titled "Data is Political."

A popular tweet by F-Secure's Mikko Hypponen written around the time their talk was to commence read: "The Pirate Bay founders Peter 'brokep' Sunde and Fredrik 'tiamo' Neij were stopped in Bangkok on their way to #HITB2012KUL. Talk cancelled."
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  donderdag 11 oktober 2012 @ 14:33:55 #72
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RSA Europe 2012: Anonymous responds to Corman’s comments

“Anonymous has very few hackers, it has very few activists… It is very misleading to call the groups hacktivists. The common attribute is angst. The talented ones are either quitting or starting to do things that are more clandestine.”

Thus said Josh Corman, director of security intelligence at Akamai, speaking at a panel debate on Anonymous at RSA 2012 and reported by TechWeekEurope. His view is that DDoS has failed as a weapon, and, says the article, “may have done the opposite by helping pour money into the pockets of vendors flogging DDoS protection and giant corporations making money from security.”

While not denying that companies like Akamai may have benefitted by selling DDoS mitigation services, Anonymous refutes many of Cormon’s comments. In a statement to Infosecurity, it questions the dismissal of DDoS as a weapon. “On packet volumes alone, the world leaders in DDoS are governments such as China, US and Israel who are quietly engaged in commercially motivated cyber-terrorism”, it claims. Then it questioned Cormon’s motives. “The reason why Akamai representative Josh Corman does not mention this at RSA 2012 is that it would be both career and business limiting for him to do so.”

Anonymous says that the attribution of the term ‘angst’ is also wrong. This view may have its roots in an earlier TechWeekEurope article, in which “A UK-based splinter cell recently told TechWeekEurope the group as a whole was destroying itself, thanks to a large amount of infighting.” This was based on an interview with anon Winston Smith. Smith has now told Infosecurity this phase is over. “I Winston Smith will admit for the first time I went through a rough ride with Anonymous,” he told Infosecurity, “because I did not understand the importance of collectivism. It was a mistake on my part which resulted in discord between me and parts of Anonymous.” This discord no longer exists, he said.

The Anonymous statement went on to explain that “Anonymous works because there is no control, because it’s in a constant fight for ideas and direction and that is a great leveller. It keeps us all on the same plane, so while politicians will often talk about fairness and equality as an ideology for all, Anonymous actually practices it. So Anonymous will always be struggling and fighting because that is how collective consciousness works.” That constant fight for ideas and direction is what Anonymous believes has been misinterpreted as ‘angst’.

It’s not angst, says Anonymous – it’s rage. “Within that high impact environment are hackers, crackers, phreakers, skiddies, doxers and ground fags whose dominant personality trait is not ‘angst’, it’s rage. Rage at the wars that our countries wage in our name, rage at the lack of fairness in society, rage at the way governments seek to hide the truth, rage at the way corporations manipulate the press and anger at the erosion of our human rights.”

Basically, Anonymous simply dismisses Corman’s comments as just another “misrepresentation of its culture and beliefs because of the financial motivation of security companies and governments through their network of corporations.” Meanwhile, it claims, Anonymous remains united in its disunity.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  vrijdag 12 oktober 2012 @ 01:59:11 #73
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WikiLeaks Goes Behind Paywall, Anonymous Cries Foul

Secret-spilling site WikiLeaks has moved millions of documents behind a paywall, prompting blowback from elements of an underground ally, the hacking group Anonymous, including one well-known member to conclude that it “cannot support anymore what WikiLeaks has become.”

Upon clicking on any of the site’s documents, including “Cablegate: 250,000 US Embassy Diplomatic Cables,” which is said to have came from alleged WikiLeaks-leaker Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks visitors are taken to a page with a video that lambastes Barack Obama and ends with WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange asking for donations. To access documents, one can donate, share the video on Facebook or tweet it. The fullscreen overlay cannot be closed unless a donation is made or something is shared, though the video does not appear over every document dump.

Prominent Anonymous Twitter accounts were quick to register displeasure. @YourAnonNews called for the wall to come down and then followed up with a damning message:

YourAnonNews twitterde op donderdag 11-10-2012 om 02:47:02 This, dear friends will lose you all allies you still had. @Wikileaks, please die in a fire, kthxbai. reageer retweet
@AnonymousIRC went further by dropping a long letter to Pastebin, explaining that it has had enough of WikiLeaks’ founder, concluding that WikiLeaks has lost its way and is consumed by Assange’s legal troubles and ego instead of its mission of transparency.

The dustup adds to the rocky relationship between Anonymous and WikiLeaks. Anonymous rallied behind WikiLeaks in December 2010, targeting Visa, MasterCard and PayPal for blocking off donations to WikiLeaks. Fourteen suspects connected to Anonymous were charged last year for allegedly participating in denial-of-service attacks against online payment service provider PayPal.

Later it even acted as a conduit for documents Anonymous obtained via hacking, including break-ins seemingly masterminded by FBI-informant Sabu. For instance, in February, in what was viewed as an unprecedented collaboration between WikiLeaks and Anonymous, WikiLeaks began leaking portions of a massive trove of e-mails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor that Anonymous obtained by hacking the company in December.

But that partnership left many in Anonymous unsatisfied and some Anons set up their own leaking operation, known as Par:AnoIA.

Assange, who has taken refuge at the Ecuador embassy in London, did not immediately respond for comment. But Wikileaks wrote on Twitter that “A tweet, share, wait or donate campaign is not a ‘paywall.’”

Assange was granted asylum by Ecuador in August amid claims that, if he was extradited to Sweden to face an investigation for sex crimes, he would be further extradited to the United States where he would face political persecution and military court trial for publishing documents that have angered the U.S. government. He remains holed up in the London embassy on fears he would be arrested if he fled to Ecuador.
Het artikel gaat verder.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  vrijdag 12 oktober 2012 @ 11:39:46 #74
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John Ibbitson: The quiet death of the Internet surveillance bill

What Parliament isn’t debating can be as interesting as what it is debating. This fall it emphatically isn’t debating Bill C-30.

That’s because, for all intents and purposes, the Conservatives’ Internet surveillance legislation is dead.

C-30, you will remember, would grant the federal government and law enforcement agencies the power to obtain information about individuals who are online without having to apply for a warrant.

You will also remember that Public Safety Minister Vic Toews endured a world of hurt back in February when he told critics of the bill that they could “either stand with us or with the child pornographers.”

Stung by the widespread opposition, including from the federal and provincial privacy commissioners and from within its own caucus, the Conservative government said it would refer the bill to a committee.

Last May, your correspondent was rebuked by Mr. Toews for writing that the bill was, in reality, “dead in the water.”

“Our government has been very clear, that matter will be referred to a parliamentary committee,” he insisted.

But the five hours of debate needed before the bill could be referred to the committee didn’t happen that May. It didn’t happen in June. It didn’t happen in September, when the House returned from summer recess. October? So far, nada.

When asked when and whether C-30 would come before the House this autumn, Mr. Toews’ spokeswoman, Julie Carmichael, said by email: “Our government is thoroughly reviewing this legislation.

“At all times we will strike an appropriate balance between protecting privacy and giving police the tools they need to do their job,” she wrote.

Which may be another way of saying the Internet surveillance bill is not just dead in the water – it’s at the bottom of the sea.

Nathan Cullen, House Leader for the NDP, says he has asked about the status of C-30 at virtually every one of his weekly meetings with Conservative House Leader Peter Van Loan.

“I always get the exact same answer back, which is a non-answer,” said Mr. Cullen in an interview.

“I don’t know whether it was because the Minister so screwed up the messaging, or whether they’ve had some other input saying they went too far or it just can’t be salvaged,” he speculates.

What isn’t speculation is that the Internet bill has disappeared from the radar – for good, it would appear.

Stephen Harper is likely to have Parliament prorogued this coming winter, in anticipation of a major cabinet shuffle and a throne speech to mark the halfway point in his majority government. With prorogation, C-30 will die on the order paper, unmourned.

A new Public Safety Minister may introduce new lawful access legislation that would require a judicial warrant before anyone could compel an Internet Service Provider to divulge information about a client.

But that’s down the road. What matters is this: If you’re with the child pornographers, or with the privacy commissioners, or with at least some of the Tory caucus, or with the millions of other Canadians who want to limit the power of the federal government to snoop online, you can forget about C-30.

The Tories appear content to leave this political shipwreck alone.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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  vrijdag 12 oktober 2012 @ 18:33:48 #75
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De beruchte hackersgroep Anonymous dreigt zaterdag een grote aanval uit te voeren op Nederlandse internetproviders en de overheid. De doelen zouden onder meer de stichting BREIN, KPN, Ziggo, Tele2, UPC en XS4All zijn. Op een lijst op de site Pastebin, die de hackers vaker gebruiken, staan ook de websites van de Tweede Kamer, de Rijksoverheid en het ministerie van Defensie.

Reden voor de aanval is de Nederlandse blokkade van downloadsite The Pirate Bay. 'Dat stichting BREIN een paar politieke vrienden heeft en een gewoonte om nepbewijs te maken, betekent niet ze de macht zouden moeten hebben om met ons internet te klooien', zegt Anonymous op videowebsite YouTube.
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[b]Op dinsdag 6 januari 2009 19:59 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:[/b]
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