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  woensdag 23 augustus 2023 @ 18:46:04 #201
37149 slashdotter3
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What a heroic way to seek freedom!

Chinese human rights activist #QuanPing (权平) fled to #SouthKorea on August 20, after crossing 300 kilometers by jet ski at night.

He set off on the 16th, and before the trip, he filled up the boat with fuel, tied five 25-liter gasoline drums to the boat, and kept refueling the boat until he reached Incheon, South Korea.
He has now been arrested by the South Korea police.

Police said he carried life jackets, binoculars, compasses, helmets and other items and set off from China's Shandong Province on a 1,800cc displacement jet ski.

On September 30, 2016, Quan Ping took to the streets wearing a cultural shirt bearing the words "XITLER", "习包子" (Steamed Stuffed Bun, a sarcastic nickname for #XiJinping ), "大撒币" (Big Money Throw, satirizing Xi Jinping for throwing huge amounts of money to other countries), and and was secretly arrested by police on October 1 of that year on charges of "inciting subversion."

He was tortured and ill-treated during his imprisonment and was not allowed to meet with a lawyer.
On February 15, 2017, Quan Ping was sentenced to one and a half years in prison.

Quan Ping, 35, an ethnic Korean from Yanbian, Jilin Province, returned to #China after graduating from Iowa State University in the #UnitedStates in 2012.

What courage it took to cross the ocean 300 kilometers alone!

  woensdag 23 augustus 2023 @ 21:19:00 #202
37149 slashdotter3
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  donderdag 24 augustus 2023 @ 19:32:48 #203
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  zaterdag 26 augustus 2023 @ 01:33:32 #204
37149 slashdotter3
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As mainland China confronts an escalating youth unemployment crisis, authorities announced on August 15th that they will cease the publication of youth unemployment figures, starting this month. This move has intensified international concerns about China's deteriorating economic health, which may have prompted the government to withhold data. Experts believe that the unemployment of millions of young Chinese has dashed societal hopes, further destabilizing the social fabric of China.
A Crisis of Confidence Is Gripping China’s Economy

Een iets uitgebreider NYT artikel.
Voor de mensen die van lezen houden ipv al die schreeuwerige filmpjes.
  zondag 27 augustus 2023 @ 16:58:39 #206
323876 michaelmoore
I want to live a hundred years

Column: staat China aan de vooravond van een Lehman-moment?
2 uur geledenin FINANCIEEL

China duikt steeds vaker op in het nieuws als een land dat te maken heeft met hoge schuldenniveaus in zowel de vastgoedsector als onder lokale overheden.
In combinatie met een krimpende bevolking en sinds kort ook negatieve prijsstijgingen (ofwel deflatie) wordt niet alleen steeds vaker de vergelijking gemaakt met Japan, maar ook met de Verenigde Staten in 2008 vlak voordat de grote zakenbank Lehman Brothers omviel.

Staat China ook aan de vooravond van haar eigen 'Lehman-moment'?
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.

Ze hebben de laatste kopers nog even uitgeperst en wat dubieuze debiteuren het mes op de keel gezet

[ Bericht 40% gewijzigd door michaelmoore op 27-08-2023 18:41:26 ]
When people do counterfeiting , they go to jail , when public servants do that they get re-elected
  zondag 27 augustus 2023 @ 18:43:54 #207
37149 slashdotter3
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Hoe EV wordt gestimuleerd in China.

- in Shanghai moet je op een veiling minimaal 150k yuan bieden voor een kenteken, die van een EV is gratis
- taxi chauffeurs krijgen 15k subsidie voor een EV
- EV krijgt vrijstelling van 10% aankoopbelasting

In China, It’s Already Cheaper to Buy EVs Than Gasoline Cars
  zondag 27 augustus 2023 @ 21:25:26 #208
37149 slashdotter3
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De nieuwe Amerikaanse restricties die op 9 aug zijn geintroduceerd gaan ditmaal ook HK flink raken.

Amerikaanse bedrijven die in China/HK/Macau willen investeren in AI en andere high tech moeten dat voortaan melden aan de Amerikaanse overheid.

Deze restricties zorgen ervoor dat er uitgeweken wordt naar andere landen

HK heeft/had een bijzondere positie, restricties die op China van toepassing waren werden omzeild via HK

HK is momenteel de wereldleider in de export (van producten uit China) van integrated circuit producten zoals smartphones, camera's, computer apparatuur

Met het stoppen van de investeringen stopt ook de mogelijkheid van het aantrekken van internationaal talent die de banen en het geld volgt.

Andere landen zullen het voorbeeld van de VS volgen

[ Bericht 4% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 27-08-2023 21:41:26 ]
  zondag 27 augustus 2023 @ 21:45:40 #209
37149 slashdotter3
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English titles added:
I am truly astonished by this video.
In a recent speech, a primary school teacher in #CCP-controlled #China addressed her students before assigning them a task.
The task involves writing a letter to #Japan's Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida
, concerning Japan's decision to discharge #nuclear #wastewater into the sea.
Several aspects left me taken aback:

1. The teacher's use of inappropriate language. She employed terms like "拉屎放屁" (equivalent to "shit and fart") when discussing Japan, and encouraged the students to employ skillful curse words, comparing it to "eating someone/people without spilling bones" (吃人不吐骨头).

2. The evident understanding shared between the students and the teacher regarding #NorthKorea's satellite launch. It appears that even children in China are aware of the close relationship between North Korea and the CCP.

3. The alarming future the teacher depicted for the students. She painted a dystopian picture in which, several decades from now, their descendants would mutate into monsters and suffer from ailments due to the #FukushimaWaterRelease, also known as #FukushimaNuclearWastewater.

These sentiments might help explain the fear among the #Chinese population.

By the way, the pink text on the blackboard to the left of the Chinese characters "#日本" (Japan), which the teacher is about to write at the end of the video, translates to "Letter to Fumio Kishida on Japan's Nuclear Wastewater Discharge Practices."
  zondag 27 augustus 2023 @ 23:50:19 #210
37149 slashdotter3
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SPOILER: As China Falls Into Deflation, the Mood Turns Dark
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.

[ Bericht 95% gewijzigd door mascara-klodder op 28-08-2023 10:18:10 ]
  maandag 28 augustus 2023 @ 10:11:45 #212
37149 slashdotter3
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  maandag 28 augustus 2023 @ 10:15:58 #213
37149 slashdotter3
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Zo ziet de grens met Myanmar eruit. Een groot hek met prikkeldraad onderaan en bovenaan.
• Je kan een zware deken over het prikkeldraad gooien waarna je er veilig overheen kan.
• Of met wat gereedschap van de ijzerhandel een gat in het hek knippen.
• Of het prikkeldraad op 2 punten doorknippen, verwijderen en dan eroverheen.


[ Bericht 6% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 28-08-2023 10:39:58 ]
  maandag 28 augustus 2023 @ 11:15:55 #214
37149 slashdotter3
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2021 filmpje maar nog altijd actueel.
0.50 een dikke ijzeren staaf wordt makkelijk kapotgeslagen, moet dat spul een gebouw verstevigen?

YT comments:

At a construction site in Sweden they bought Chinese steel included prewelded parts.... The price for the steel was much cheaper than buying in Europe so they thought hey this is nice let's save money. Parts arrive, every weld had to be redone on every steel part because it wasn't up to standard. Took about 1000 hours to fix.
This is a major problem in China. As a purchasing agent for an industrial contractor in Texas, I had to abide to a list of approved sourcing for all structural materials. The list is called an AML (Approved Manufacturing List). China was excluded due to their complete absence of fraud protection. An agent could visit a factory in China that produced high quality products that were stamped with certification marks but at the docks a substandard product would be exchanged that had forged certification to mimic the quality material. The original manufacturer was not at fault, but China refuses to prosecute fraud.

[ Bericht 36% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 28-08-2023 12:23:37 ]
Foxconn founder Terry Gou announces run for Taiwan presidency, pledging to fix China ties

The billionaire has touted his business experience, saying it was the ‘era of entrepreneurs’ rule’
Helen Davidson in Taipei
Mon 28 Aug 2023 05.37 BST
Last modified on Mon 28 Aug 2023 06.02 BST

The billionaire founder of tech giant Foxconn, Terry Gou, has announced he will run for president of Taiwan as an independent candidate, pledging to fix cross-strait relations and boost Taiwan’s economy.

At a press conference on Monday, Gou – a well-known and outspoken businessman – announced what he called “the era of entrepreneurs’ rule”.

“I have decided to join the 2024 presidential race,” he said, touting his business and finance experience, including dealings with China.

“Give me four years and I promise that I will bring 50 years of peace to the Taiwan Strait and build the deepest foundation for the mutual trust across the strait … Taiwan must not become Ukraine and I will not let Taiwan become the next Ukraine.”
Taiwan's Vice President Lai Ching-te, former mayor of Taipei Ko Wen-je and former mayor of New Taipei Hou You-yi
Taiwan’s choice: who will replace Tsai Ing-wen as president amid China tensions?
Read more

Gou has hinted at running for several months after he was not chosen as the candidate for the main opposition party, the Kuomintang (KMT). He pledged support for the KMT’s chosen candidate, Hou Yo-ih, but continued to hold public campaign-style events.

Gou will need to collect 290,000 signatures by early November to qualify as an independent candidate.

China’s government has vowed to subsume Taiwan into the Chinese state, under what it calls “reunification”, but which is overwhelmingly rejected by Taiwan’s people and its major political parties. Under Xi Jinping’s rule, China has grown increasingly aggressive towards Taiwan. It cut communications with Taipei after president Tsai Ing-wen’s election win in 2016, and in recent years has sent increasing numbers of war planes and ships into Taiwan’s air defence identification zone (ADIZ).

On Saturday the Chinese military appeared to stage a total encirclement of the main island, launching 32 aircraft and nine ships, including weaponised drones, fighter jets, reconnaissance aircraft, and bombers. It prompted both Taiwan and Japan to scramble their own warplanes in response.

32 PLA aircraft and 9 PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m.(UTC+8) today. R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities. pic.twitter.com/XtR9WMT2tV
— 國防部 Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C. 🇹🇼 (@MoNDefense) August 26, 2023

On Monday, Gou blamed Tsai’s ruling Democratic Progressive party (DPP) for escalating tensions, calling them arrogant and corrupt.

“Under the rule of the Democratic Progressive party in the past seven years or so, internationally, they lead Taiwan towards the danger of war. Domestically, their policies are filled with mistakes,” he said.

The entrance of Gou into the campaign adds further intrigue to what was already an unusual race. Lai Ching-te, the current vice-president and presidential nominee for the ruling DPP, is polling ahead of both the KMT’s Hou, the current mayor of New Taipei City and a former police chief, and Ko Wen-je, the former mayor of Taipei City and nominee for the Taiwan People’s party he founded.

A poll last week found Lai’s support was at 43%, compared with 27% for Ko, and just 14% for the KMT’s Hou. More than 16% were undecided or refused to answer.

In his speech Gou called for an anti-DPP coalition. Ko, Hou and Gou are all considered to be from the pan-blue side of Taiwanese politics which adheres more closely to a Chinese identity. However initial reaction from analysts was that Gou’s entry into the race would probably split the blue vote further and instead benefit the DPP.

Lai, who had in the past referred to himself as a “worker” for Taiwanese independence, has tempered his approach since taking the nomination and stuck closer to the position of Tsai. The president has avoided crossing any Chinese red lines by saying the Republic of China (Taiwan) is already a sovereign nation with no need to declare independence.

On Friday, Lai told international media he would continue Tsai’s work on boosting defence, strengthening international ties, and seeking dialogue with Beijing but only on the premise of “parity and dignity”.
  maandag 28 augustus 2023 @ 23:29:55 #216
37149 slashdotter3
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  maandag 28 augustus 2023 @ 23:40:52 #217
37149 slashdotter3
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1.62 miljoen huizen die niet meer afgebouwd worden want geen enkele partij gaat de verantwoordelijkheid voor en risico's van andermans lage kwaliteit tofu gebouwen overnemen.

[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 29-08-2023 00:00:34 ]
  dinsdag 29 augustus 2023 @ 11:54:34 #218
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
Japan dumpt Fukushima radioactive wastewater in de Chinese zee
De CCP start een haatcampagne
het volk wordt opgeroepen japanse bedrijven te belagen
op school wordt onderwezen om de Japanners te haten

maar China heeft meerdere energie centrales die 10x de uitstoot hebben van wat er nu gedumpt wordt
Nuancerende meningen op social media die dit duidelijk maken worden prompt verwijderd

Waarschijnlijk ter afleiding van de grote binnenlandse problemen:
- dorpen en steden die opzettelijk onder water worden gezet zodat Beijing niet overstroomt wordt, het dodental wordt geheim gehouden maar is in de honderden of duizenden
- straat protesten bij de overheid waarom hun stad is opgeoffered
- enorme jeugdwerkloosheid van minstens 46.5%
- enorme werkloosheid in de grote steden sinds de exodus van buitenlandse bedrijven
- protesten bij banken door mensen die hun geld er niet af kunnen halen

After receiving approval from the The International Atomic Energy Agency, Japan initiated a plan on the afternoon of August 24th to release treated radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi power station into the Pacific Ocean.

On the same day, the spokesperson for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested against "Japan's release of nuclear-contaminated water", expressing "firm opposition and strong condemnation." Ever since the Japanese government announced this plan on the 22nd, the CCP propaganda machine has been on an anti-Japan overdrive. State media then heavily publicized the dangers of nuclear radiation, causing a widespread panic, resulting in a crazy nationwide rush to buy salt, including Beijing, Shanghai, Fuzhou, Jiangsu, and Shandong.

[ Bericht 2% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 30-08-2023 14:47:58 ]
  dinsdag 29 augustus 2023 @ 12:14:01 #219
37149 slashdotter3
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Boze telefoontjes, baksteen op de ambassade, eieren op een school: Japanners merken gevolgen van lozing radioactief water
Radioactiviteit Sinds Japan is begonnen met het lozen van radioactief afvalwater uit de kerncentrale van Fukushima in de Stille Oceaan, voelen Japanners in China de woede die dat heeft veroorzaakt.
Paid Late, or Never: Painters, Builders and Brokers Hit by China’s Property Crisis

Wederom een artikel wat iets dieper op de vastgoed crisis in China ingaat. Volgens een conservatieve schatting hebben toeleveranciers nog 390 miljard dollar tegoed van de vastgoedontwikkelaars
  woensdag 30 augustus 2023 @ 10:47:19 #221
37149 slashdotter3
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  woensdag 30 augustus 2023 @ 12:31:25 #222
37149 slashdotter3
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China heeft 600 miljoen huizen gebouwd. Beetje overkill voor een populatie van 1~ 1,4 miljard mensen.

Maar volgens onderstaande comment is het enkel het geraamte zonder verdere inrichting maar net genoeg om een bank lening te krijgen voor een volgende gebouw.

Ze vangen geld op de volgende manieren:
- huizen worden verkocht terwijl het nog gebouwd wordt, dus ze hebben het geld van de kopers al binnen
- meer vastgoed op de balans dus 'succesvol' bedrijf dus aantrekkelijk voor private investors en de aandelenbeurs

YT comments:
To clear up some of the confusion: these are residential buildings only in the academic sense. They were building the concrete facade without ever completing the interior or making it livable. They would then claim the building as an asset and use it to get huge loans. Using part of that money to build another never complete building, attracting more investors, and then pocketing the rest. Most of these buildings never had anyone ever living there.


My nephew would visit a city in China where his company had custom wheels made. His first trip was when everything was new and saw blocks of apartments going up. He returned once a year and began noticing how stuff was falling apart with the apartment buildings not completed. During his last visit many of the buildings were now gone and the companies making their wheels were moving to new locations since their present factory buildings were falling apart.


I was wondering about this when I visited China a few years ago. There were thousands of highrise buildings everywhere, but at night very few of them had lights on.


In China you are not allowed to move your money out of the Country, the Banks are ALL run by the State thus the Party in Power..so your funds are not yours...if a local bank fails....their is no recourse...thus where do you save your money ?
Gold is one option.
Real Estate is the easiest way.
Regional banks backed by the Bank of China created loans that built the Ghost Cities (120+) were people bought apartments (unfinished) and traded them Around, thus making a Profits on their money ?.
Estimates of total loans for construction of the cities ?? 50 to 100 trillion DOLLARS outstanding.
When CERTAIN regional banks fail the Bank of China assumes the Assets to keep the Schemes Going . . .


The Party ? had to goose the Economy because they promised...we will give you the riches of an operating Economy if you bow to what we the Party elite Say in ALL things.
Then they the ELITEs had About 28 million people moving each year to the new Industrial Cities, which they had to keep busy, with incomes far above what could be supported in the hinterland subsistence farming gig.
Each year for over three Decades, Without end. The way out was to inflate the Economy, sell MANufactures to the rest of the world and use the inflow to grow, at one point it started to falter, then get even more Foreign Companies to move to your southeast areas, steal the manufacturing methods then go abroad and steal even more of what you need from the rest of the World.
Create the Belt & Road Initiative, where you get the second and third World to become indebted to you, so that you can have the Future inflows after the projects are completed.
Problem, China has put $ 2 trillion out, with their own companies and citizens doing the work on foreign Soil. But the projects are not complete and producing PROFITS.
Now, the Plague Hit, World Economies ground to a Hault, the one with the worst problems is CHINA.
And another 28 million from the hinterlands want jobs When you have 500 Million who are very under employed.
Enjoy CCP, you created a false system, now you will reap the results.

[ Bericht 5% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 31-08-2023 12:04:56 ]
  woensdag 30 augustus 2023 @ 20:55:58 #223
37149 slashdotter3
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China zit minstens 50 trillion usd in de schulden, lokale overheden zijn afhankelijk van de inkomsten uit de huizenverkoop die is ingestort en verkrijgen nu inkomsten door onzinnige boetes uit te schrijven. Zoals boetes voor in het ov drinken van een flesje water en modder aan je autoband.

Tegelijkertijd is er een corrupt systeem ontstaan waarbij transportbedrijven deals sluiten met de politie om alvast boetes alvast vooruit te betalen waarna ze niet meer door agenten op straat worden gestopt om te worden gecontroleerd. Worden ze alsnog gecontroleerd dan kan je de 'boete' laten zien en mag je doorrijden

7.40 een chauffeur met een lege vrachtwagen krijgt een boete aangesmeerd omdat hij 'te zwaar is beladen'
8.00 supercreatieve manier om meer verkeersboetes te genereren. Wie na een bepaalde streep van snelweg baan wisselt krijgt een boete

On the Nanjing subway, a woman was given a ticket for drinking water on the subway. When a journalist inquired about it, Subway authorities responded by saying that eating and drinking were prohibited on trains. Water is a form of drink. Once spotted, one must be fined. If passengers are thirsty, they can get off the train drink on the platform, and come back up when done.

The crazy operation of imposing fines will undoubtedly and significantly add to the burden of running a business. Consumers suffer in the end. They have to shell out more money for spending. Fines might lead business operators to cut back on quality, or, worse, close the businesses, resulting in less supply of products and a continual rise in the unemployment rate.

[ Bericht 3% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 31-08-2023 19:57:39 ]
  donderdag 31 augustus 2023 @ 12:16:11 #224
37149 slashdotter3
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8.10 Rijkste man van HK verkoopt nu snel al zijn vastgoed in HK voor een 30% discount

Hij voorziet dat de HK dollar wordt gedecoupled van de US dollar wat de waarde van zijn bezit met 40% doet dalen.

Sinds mei 2022 is er al 49x ingegrepen door de HK financiele authoriteiten om deze coupling in stand te houden maar dat kost veel geld (290 billion hkd) en dat kunnen ze niet oneindig blijven doen.

Starting August, 95-year-old Li Ka-shing, the wealthiest man in Hong Kong began to reduce the prices and divest his properties in Hong Kong and Beijing. His properties are priced even lower than the surrounding second-hand ones. He has also eliminated the previously required "pre-sale financial verification". This highlights the urgency of Li's move. Historically, Li Ka-shing has been regarded as an indicator of investment trends. His accelerated property offloading in China has sparked various speculations.


YT comments:

Definition of insanity is purchasing a home and taking out a mortgage before the home is even built. This is especially true in China because if you lose your job, you lose your income and if you lose your income, you're not able to pay your mortgage and if you're not able to pay the mortgage you lose the home. But what is worst of all is that you have to still pay the mortgage off even after the bank takes the home away from you even worse is the fact that you can't discharge that debt in bankruptcy. You're screwed for life.

[ Bericht 5% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 31-08-2023 12:49:24 ]
  zaterdag 2 september 2023 @ 08:37:10 #225
37149 slashdotter3
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Leuke video van het Australische ABC News over de population crisis

China’s economy is tanking. Similar things are happening across Asia but in China it’s happening extremely fast.
It’s because of the One Child Policy, introduced over 40 years ago to drive up productivity.
Now, after years of fudging the population data, China’s real population has been revealed.
The policy might be over, but the population is going backward, the labour force is retiring, and China is in a world of trouble.

[ Bericht 11% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 02-09-2023 08:46:42 ]
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