abonnement Unibet Coolblue Bitvavo
  woensdag 19 juli 2023 @ 16:21:00 #76
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
Gast vraagt publiekelijk een vrouw om hem te trouwen maar ze moet hem niet. Die grote bos rozen in z'n handen en z'n mooie sportwagen hebben niet geholpen

Daarna een chat conversatie tussen een government official die een vrouw uitvraagt maar ze moet hem niet. In de tekst is hij aan het opscheppen hoeveel macht hij heeft.

In the minds of some Chinese men, wealth and status are blatant bargaining chips used for romance and courtship.
According to what was said by the male official in this episode after the blind date, "We are the ones who are free from stress and live comfortably", while "you are the ones who won't be able to make it even till the retirement. This kind of expressions have gradually made the Chinese people distinguish who is "we" and who is "you".

[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 19-07-2023 16:37:11 ]
  woensdag 19 juli 2023 @ 20:52:37 #77
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
  woensdag 19 juli 2023 @ 21:19:31 #78
323876 michaelmoore
I want to live a hundred years
0s.gif Op woensdag 19 juli 2023 20:52 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:

[ twitter ]
Sinds China de lakens uitdeelt in sommige Afrikaanse landen, moet je daar opeens op de airport ook vingerafdrukken geven en paspoort scannen en facescannen

Raar idee maar wat kan je eraan doen

In Thailand ook , als je de 30 dagen visumtermijn overschrijd dan weten ze precies in welk hotel je bent en dan komen ze je halen om je het land uit te gooien
en kom je er niet meer zo eenvoudig in

Het lijkt wel of dit in de hele wereld bezig is
Big Brother is nu echt watching you
When people do counterfeiting , they go to jail , when public servants do that they get re-elected
  woensdag 19 juli 2023 @ 21:22:39 #79
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
  woensdag 19 juli 2023 @ 21:47:38 #80
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
  woensdag 19 juli 2023 @ 23:58:52 #81
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
  donderdag 20 juli 2023 @ 00:05:51 #82
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
  donderdag 20 juli 2023 @ 14:17:00 #83
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!

Recently, a large-scale law enforcement action targeting defaulting debtors is fervently taking place all over China. The protagonists of this action aren't those who owe a large amount of money. Instead, these are individuals such as someone who owes 55,000 yuan due to a private lending dispute, and another who owes a mere 70,000 yuan.

This is a fresh law enforcement action sparked by the new draft of the Civil Compulsory Execution Law. This new regulation grants the court a significant power: summoning defaulters who must attend the investigations. However, if they choose to shirk their responsibilities, ignoring the court summons and refusing to attend, law enforcement will intervene, forcing their attendance.
  donderdag 20 juli 2023 @ 14:18:29 #84
256935 xzaz
McBacon to the rescue!
0s.gif Op donderdag 20 juli 2023 14:17 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:

Recently, a large-scale law enforcement action targeting defaulting debtors is fervently taking place all over China. The protagonists of this action aren't those who owe a large amount of money. Instead, these are individuals such as someone who owes 55,000 yuan due to a private lending dispute, and another who owes a mere 70,000 yuan.

This is a fresh law enforcement action sparked by the new draft of the Civil Compulsory Execution Law. This new regulation grants the court a significant power: summoning defaulters who must attend the investigations. However, if they choose to shirk their responsibilities, ignoring the court summons and refusing to attend, law enforcement will intervene, forcing their attendance.
Weet jij van wie dat Channel is?
  donderdag 20 juli 2023 @ 16:07:25 #85
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
  donderdag 20 juli 2023 @ 16:26:28 #86
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
  donderdag 20 juli 2023 @ 17:13:52 #87
256935 xzaz
McBacon to the rescue!
0s.gif Op donderdag 20 juli 2023 16:07 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:

Van wie is die Channel? :(
  vrijdag 21 juli 2023 @ 01:24:50 #88
323876 michaelmoore
I want to live a hundred years

Handel in Evergrande is gestopt
When people do counterfeiting , they go to jail , when public servants do that they get re-elected
  vrijdag 21 juli 2023 @ 13:17:19 #89
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
tldr: 16 miljoen jongeren zijn lying flat aan het doen, oftewel ze hebben het opgegeven en doen geen moeite meer. Als je die bij het 'officiele' cijfer zou optellen dan zit je op de 46.5%

Chinese professor says youth jobless rate might have hit 46.5%

Reddit comment
Let me blow your mind on how Chinese government play the number.

2/3 of Chinese are still technically registered as farmer. By definition and law, farmers have a job for life: farming. Unless those people move to cities and officially register as urbanists they will never be part of jobless. Including those who graduated from college in cities.

anyone who is at school are not jobless, this one makes sense.

in order to be counted as jobless, you need to register to local government, but of course it will make the local government look bad, they invented tons of ways to "discourage" you from doing so, including charging fees.

unemployment benefit is very little that it is far not enough to make basic living, and even then, in order to get it, you must have no income in any way. It makes no sense to do so.

for college new grad, there is a system where the employer, school and student will sign a contract of some sort to formally claim the student found a job. In order to make the school look good, the school force the student to find fake companies to sign the contract which then be used by school for the "employment rate". It is well-known that most colleges' employment rate is 2-3x of the actual rate for the last decade or so.

in China, retirement age is 60 for male and 50 or 55 for female, anyone over the age, regardless of employment status will not be counted towards unemployment rate.

After all these, the Chinese came up with the official total unemployment rate as 20%.

comment waarom populatie cijfers opgeklopt worden. Er is een YT video waarom de populatie eerder 1 is ipv 1.4 miljard
All data, not just economic. I lived in Shanghai for a few years and was there during the 2020 census. Asked a Chinese friend, who worked a desk job for the local gov at that time, a bit about it. They told me that cities and regions get funding based on population size, so they bump up the numbers and party members skim off the top. Apparently they've been doing this for decades.

Sorry for the 'trust me bro' source but there are several videos on youtube that break this down pretty extensively. The bottom line is, data is not meant to be an accurate measurement in China, its meant to serve the interests of the party. Period. If you doubt that look up offical Covid numbers for China and do some basic math.

I heard that schools in China receive funds based on the employment rates, therefore the students are "incentivized" to find employment by all possible means. How?

From what I've heard you need to present an job offer before graduation in order to graduate, so what has happened is a whole industry of fake jobs that people use in order to graduate.

[ Bericht 14% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 21-07-2023 13:35:59 ]
  vrijdag 21 juli 2023 @ 20:36:59 #90
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
9.05 jonge gezonde 24 jarige verstuikt z'n enkel bij een potje volleybal. Gaat dood in het ziekenhuis vanwege een 'mysterieuze ziekte' en z'n organen worden gelijk gebruikt voor een operatie. Totaal niet verdacht verhaal O-)

14.05 In 1999 waren er 100 miljoen beoefenaars van Falun Gong maar de CCP vreesde dat het ooit een protest beweging zou worden die hun macht bedreigt en onderdrukt het nu al 24 jaar.

SPOILER: what is Falun Gong
Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
• Farmers in Henan suffered huge losses due to rain and alleged that compensation was insufficient
• School admission slots in Zhengzhou have been sold on the internet. Officials scold reporters and force them to remove the news
• Reports of forced blood testing have raised concerns about the CCP's live organ harvesting
• The 20th of July marks the 2nd anniversary of the Zhengzhou Flood in Henan and the 24th anniversary of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong

[ Bericht 24% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 22-07-2023 11:05:51 ]
  vrijdag 21 juli 2023 @ 20:39:56 #91
323876 michaelmoore
I want to live a hundred years
0s.gif Op vrijdag 21 juli 2023 20:36 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:
• Farmers in Henan suffered huge losses due to rain and alleged that compensation was insufficient
• School admission slots in Zhengzhou have been sold on the internet. Officials scold reporters and force them to remove the news
• Reports of forced blood testing have raised concerns about the CCP's live organ harvesting
• The 20th of July marks the 2nd anniversary of the Zhengzhou Flood in Henan and the 24th anniversary of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong
kan ook zijn dat ze van zeldzame bloedgroepen willen weten wie dat heeft

Dat zou niet verkeerd zijn

China wil alles weten

maar is goed mogelijk dat ze er gelijk een nier, lever of hart uithalen

[ Bericht 2% gewijzigd door michaelmoore op 21-07-2023 20:45:18 ]
When people do counterfeiting , they go to jail , when public servants do that they get re-elected
  zaterdag 22 juli 2023 @ 11:03:33 #92
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
Op het platteland is weinig werk dus gaan veel mensen naar de grote stad om werk te zoeken.

De straten zitten vol mensen daklozen die op de grond slapen.

Wat is de oplossing?

De lokale overheid lokt ze met dekens en gratis eten en daarna worden ze op de bus gezet en 1000km verderop op het platteland gedumpt.

Ze komen niet meer terug want ze hebben geen geld voor een buskaartje.

[ Bericht 2% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 22-07-2023 11:31:04 ]
  zaterdag 22 juli 2023 @ 11:11:18 #93
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
De Foreign Minister is verdwenen (opgepakt door de overheid en nu in een gevangenis)
Hij heeft een buitenechtelijke relatie en een kind met een HK news anchor die uit de VS komt
Het vermoeden is dat zij een CIA spion is en hem gehoneytrapped heeft om voor de VS te werken

Where has China's Foreign Minister gone? It has become a global manhunt, with all major mainstream media tracking him down. The foreign minister was last seen in public on June 25, this year. He then disappeared from the public eye, missing several major events during the peak diplomatic season.

Previously, the official response was that Qin Gang couldn’t attend the ASEAN meeting for "health reasons." However, no one believes it now. Rumors about why Qin disappeared abound. One of the most widespread rumors is that he fell into an extramarital affair with Hong Kong's Phoenix TV host Fu Xiaotian and had an illegitimate child, thus falling into the trap of a double agent.
  zaterdag 22 juli 2023 @ 12:49:48 #94
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
The girl is worried that her mother with limited mobility will set up a stall alone, and accompany her mother to set up a stall on the side of the road...
  zondag 23 juli 2023 @ 20:32:57 #95
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
Kissinger is in China om een 3e wereldoorlog te voorkomen.

Zelfs veteraan Henry Kissinger kan China en de VS niet nader tot elkaar brengen
VS-China Een keur aan huidige en voormalige Amerikaanse hoogwaardigheidsbekleders trok de voorbije weken naar China. Het haalt de kou eventjes uit de lucht, maar diep wantrouwen blijft de relatie tussen de grootmachten beheersen.

Lees verder: https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws(...)aar-brengen-a4170185
  zondag 23 juli 2023 @ 22:17:30 #96
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!

China should just give up on inbound tourism at this point. The fact that it's big news that foreigners can pay for things is maybe a sign that the country isn't set up for tourism.

Me, a resident of China, trying to book a short trip. Let's make sure the hotel accepts foreigners. Tickets for everything in the area can only be purchased with a shenfenzheng (ID). So I guess just show up in person and hope I can buy tickets to stuff.

Imagine if some Chinese person went to Las Vegas, was told they couldn't stay in the hotel they booked because they're foreign. And then couldn't book any tourist things because they didn't have a drivers license.

It was a diplomatic incident when some Chinese in Sweden were told they couldn't squat for free in a hotel lobby in Stockholm. Imagine if they were reguarly told they couldn't stay in a hotel because of their nationality.

A lot of things in China are simply at odds with tourism.
-Real name verification for everything
-Many apps/services only accept Chinese ID
-Great firewall
-Incredibly hard to sign up for WeChat
-Hotels that won't take foreigners/PSB 24 hour registration requirement

Those are unlikely to change because they're linked to security. But it also means a lot of people will just never visit China. The tourism spending doesn't matter. The bigger issue is people never seeing the country and life firsthand

Even checking into a hotel as a foreign resident is a pain. Check the passport, the visa/residence permit, entry stamp. Take a photo with webcam on the desk.

I put a post-it on the page with the latest entry stamp. No time for someone to look through 50 pages of stamps.

If you're not staying in a hotel, there is an anachronistic regulation that you have to register your presence with the local police station within 24 hours.

Staying with a friend for 2 days and don't register with the PSB? Technically breaking the law.

Admittedly, it's not enforced often. But I've gotten in trouble and fined for it.

Inbound tourism:
Apply for an expensive and visa. Then take expensive flight. Hour in queue at Pudong immigration and health declaration.

Need WeChat. But someone needs to verify you. Need SIM card, but requires your passport. Link your WeChat to your credit card.

Message friends/family that you arrived safely. Everything (FB/whatsapp/insta) is blocked. Hopefully spent extra money on a VPN.

Download Didi and go the hotel. Hotel doesn’t take foreigners. Stay with friend, but technically need to go the PSB tomorrow morning to register.

Book a nice sightseeing tour. App is only in Chinese, but fine, Google Translate (if you have a VPN). Buying a ticket requires a Chinese ID number.

This isn't a good time to have nuanced takes on China. It's frustrating that it's difficult for tourists and even foreign residents in China.

But it's frustrating because it should be easy for people to come here and see the country.
  zondag 23 juli 2023 @ 22:23:14 #97
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
  zondag 23 juli 2023 @ 22:34:24 #98
323876 michaelmoore
I want to live a hundred years
0s.gif Op zondag 23 juli 2023 22:17 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:
[ twitter ]

China should just give up on inbound tourism at this point. The fact that it's big news that foreigners can pay for things is maybe a sign that the country isn't set up for tourism.

Me, a resident of China, trying to book a short trip. Let's make sure the hotel accepts foreigners. Tickets for everything in the area can only be purchased with a shenfenzheng (ID). So I guess just show up in person and hope I can buy tickets to stuff.

Imagine if some Chinese person went to Las Vegas, was told they couldn't stay in the hotel they booked because they're foreign. And then couldn't book any tourist things because they didn't have a drivers license.

It was a diplomatic incident when some Chinese in Sweden were told they couldn't squat for free in a hotel lobby in Stockholm. Imagine if they were reguarly told they couldn't stay in a hotel because of their nationality.

A lot of things in China are simply at odds with tourism.
-Real name verification for everything
-Many apps/services only accept Chinese ID
-Great firewall
-Incredibly hard to sign up for WeChat
-Hotels that won't take foreigners/PSB 24 hour registration requirement

Those are unlikely to change because they're linked to security. But it also means a lot of people will just never visit China. The tourism spending doesn't matter. The bigger issue is people never seeing the country and life firsthand

Even checking into a hotel as a foreign resident is a pain. Check the passport, the visa/residence permit, entry stamp. Take a photo with webcam on the desk.

I put a post-it on the page with the latest entry stamp. No time for someone to look through 50 pages of stamps.

If you're not staying in a hotel, there is an anachronistic regulation that you have to register your presence with the local police station within 24 hours.

Staying with a friend for 2 days and don't register with the PSB? Technically breaking the law.

Admittedly, it's not enforced often. But I've gotten in trouble and fined for it.

Inbound tourism:
Apply for an expensive and visa. Then take expensive flight. Hour in queue at Pudong immigration and health declaration.

Need WeChat. But someone needs to verify you. Need SIM card, but requires your passport. Link your WeChat to your credit card.

Message friends/family that you arrived safely. Everything (FB/whatsapp/insta) is blocked. Hopefully spent extra money on a VPN.

Download Didi and go the hotel. Hotel doesn’t take foreigners. Stay with friend, but technically need to go the PSB tomorrow morning to register.

Book a nice sightseeing tour. App is only in Chinese, but fine, Google Translate (if you have a VPN). Buying a ticket requires a Chinese ID number.

This isn't a good time to have nuanced takes on China. It's frustrating that it's difficult for tourists and even foreign residents in China.

But it's frustrating because it should be easy for people to come here and see the country.
zo maken ze van China een soort Noord Korea
When people do counterfeiting , they go to jail , when public servants do that they get re-elected
  zondag 23 juli 2023 @ 22:51:44 #99
1055 Schanulleke
Een kop vol zaagsel!
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 juli 2023 14:31 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:
Onderstaande tweet doet mij denken aan de aanstaande oorlog met Taiwan.

Wat gaat Taiwan doen als China met duizenden speedboots met elk 4~6 soldaten ofzo het water oversteekt? Het gaat a) waarschijnlijk veel te snel voor een anti ship missile en b) de anti ship missiles zijn eerder op dan dan de spotgoedkope speedboots... c) omdat er maar 4~6 man op zit is elk bootje afzonderlijk een low value target om uit te schakelen met een schaarse missile 🤔

[ twitter ]
Best klassiek David en Goliath.
Life is what you make it.
  maandag 24 juli 2023 @ 09:13:39 #100
61421 icecreamfarmer_NL
VOC mentaliteit
0s.gif Op zondag 23 juli 2023 22:17 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:
[ twitter ]

China should just give up on inbound tourism at this point. The fact that it's big news that foreigners can pay for things is maybe a sign that the country isn't set up for tourism.

Me, a resident of China, trying to book a short trip. Let's make sure the hotel accepts foreigners. Tickets for everything in the area can only be purchased with a shenfenzheng (ID). So I guess just show up in person and hope I can buy tickets to stuff.

Imagine if some Chinese person went to Las Vegas, was told they couldn't stay in the hotel they booked because they're foreign. And then couldn't book any tourist things because they didn't have a drivers license.

It was a diplomatic incident when some Chinese in Sweden were told they couldn't squat for free in a hotel lobby in Stockholm. Imagine if they were reguarly told they couldn't stay in a hotel because of their nationality.

A lot of things in China are simply at odds with tourism.
-Real name verification for everything
-Many apps/services only accept Chinese ID
-Great firewall
-Incredibly hard to sign up for WeChat
-Hotels that won't take foreigners/PSB 24 hour registration requirement

Those are unlikely to change because they're linked to security. But it also means a lot of people will just never visit China. The tourism spending doesn't matter. The bigger issue is people never seeing the country and life firsthand

Even checking into a hotel as a foreign resident is a pain. Check the passport, the visa/residence permit, entry stamp. Take a photo with webcam on the desk.

I put a post-it on the page with the latest entry stamp. No time for someone to look through 50 pages of stamps.

If you're not staying in a hotel, there is an anachronistic regulation that you have to register your presence with the local police station within 24 hours.

Staying with a friend for 2 days and don't register with the PSB? Technically breaking the law.

Admittedly, it's not enforced often. But I've gotten in trouble and fined for it.

Inbound tourism:
Apply for an expensive and visa. Then take expensive flight. Hour in queue at Pudong immigration and health declaration.

Need WeChat. But someone needs to verify you. Need SIM card, but requires your passport. Link your WeChat to your credit card.

Message friends/family that you arrived safely. Everything (FB/whatsapp/insta) is blocked. Hopefully spent extra money on a VPN.

Download Didi and go the hotel. Hotel doesn’t take foreigners. Stay with friend, but technically need to go the PSB tomorrow morning to register.

Book a nice sightseeing tour. App is only in Chinese, but fine, Google Translate (if you have a VPN). Buying a ticket requires a Chinese ID number.

This isn't a good time to have nuanced takes on China. It's frustrating that it's difficult for tourists and even foreign residents in China.

But it's frustrating because it should be easy for people to come here and see the country.
Als ik dit zo lees dan ben ik blij dat ik in 2013 gegaan ben. Was ook gedoe maar een stuk makkelijker.
1/10 Van de rappers dankt zijn bestaan in Amerika aan de Nederlanders die zijn voorouders met een cruiseschip uit hun hongerige landen ophaalde om te werken op prachtige plantages.
"Oorlog is de overtreffende trap van concurrentie."
abonnement Unibet Coolblue Bitvavo
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