abonnement Unibet Coolblue Bitvavo
  zaterdag 27 mei 2023 @ 13:41:16 #26
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
Nu 1,5 miljard maar in 2100 wordt dat 800 miljoen

12:30 2 meisjes in India willen arts worden maar er is erg veel concurrentie voor deze schaarse plaatsen. 1.8mln voor 50k plekken.
12:38 600k mensen schrijven zich in voor een plek slechts 1k komt binnen. Oof...

[ Bericht 5% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 27-05-2023 14:01:29 ]
  zaterdag 27 mei 2023 @ 18:52:03 #27
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
Centrale overheid: jullie moeten milieu vriendelijker zijn en minder vervuilen
lokale overheid: laten we het gras, de bomen en de stenen groen verven. Als de controleurs langs komen ziet het er gezond uit en zullen ze wel denken dat het goed is.

YT comment:
I took the high speed train from Beijing to Xian.
I noticed that huge areas of the land were covered in the green sheets. I couldn't figure out why this was.
Now I know.
I am SO glad I left China. Never again. I had so many intestinal issues there, and I was even in a wealthy area.

[ Bericht 3% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 27-05-2023 19:02:22 ]
  zaterdag 27 mei 2023 @ 23:11:12 #28
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
China Shitpost topic.

27th May 2023 – (Hong Kong) A 24-year-old woman reported that she was allegedly filmed under her skirt using a mobile phone while using a handrail in an elevator at an indoor location on Wai Yip Street, Ngau Tau Kok at noon today. During the incident, a 41-year-old man attempted to intervene and stop the suspect, but was punched by the suspect.

Police officers arrived at the scene and arrested a 27-year-old man surnamed Chan on suspicion of illegal filming or observing of intimate body parts and assault causing bodily harm. The case was handed over to the Criminal Investigation Team of the Sau Mau Ping Police District. The man who was attacked suffered injuries to his hands, nose, and feet and was sent to the hospital for treatment while in a conscious state.
Man in Xi’an summons prostitute to hotel room who turns out to be his wife, both sentenced to administrative detention and fined


23rd February 2023 – (Xi’an City) A man named Zhang, hailing from Xi’an City in Shaanxi Province, China, had been working away from home for several years. He returned home during the Chinese New Year festivities this year and checked into a hotel close to the train station. Feeling lonely, he decided to hire a prostitute to spend the Spring Festival with. To his surprise, the person who responded to his call was none other than his wife. In a fit of rage, Zhang beat up his wife, and both were subsequently detained. The incident, which occurred recently, has caused shock and disbelief among many netizens. According to various Chinese media reports, Zhang had married a woman named Shen in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. Zhang had left for work, leaving his wife to manage the household, as well as to take care of their child’s tuition fees. The family usually reunites only during the Chinese New Year and summer vacation. Zhang returned home before the Chinese New Year this year, but it was already midnight when he arrived at the station. Not wanting to inconvenience his family, he found a nearby hotel to stay in and planned to wait until morning before heading back.

While Zhang was about to fall asleep, a card with a phone number and pictures of “sexy women” was slipped under his door. He then decided to call a prostitute. Soon after, there was a knock on the door, and Zhang impatiently opened it, turned around, and lay back on the bed, waiting for the other party to serve him. However, to his shock, the other party was none other than his wife, who had been at home, taking care of their child and the elderly. Upon seeing her, Zhang became infuriated, and forcibly turned her around to face him. This act made him realise that he had been paying for sex with his own wife. Enraged, Zhang attacked his wife, and she screamed and cried out for help. The commotion attracted the attention of nearby hotel guests and staff, some of whom alerted the police. Upon arriving at the scene, the police arrested both parties and took them to the police station. After understanding the entire situation, Zhang was sentenced to eight days of administrative detention and a fine of 400 yuan, while his wife was sentenced to three days of administrative detention and a fine of 200 yuan. The incident has sparked outrage and disbelief among many, and serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of infidelity and the importance of communication in a marriage.
LED scherm valt om tijdens kinderoptreden in China.


[ Bericht 5% gewijzigd door Terrorizer op 28-05-2023 01:42:54 ]
  VIVA zondag 28 mei 2023 @ 01:38:45 #33
47344 cosmosis
Lucky to be alive
Geef de jeugd werk en je hebt 20% groei....het leven is zo simpel jesuschristus
What lies behind makes no sense in my mind
  zondag 28 mei 2023 @ 01:39:47 #34
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
5s.gif Op zondag 28 mei 2023 01:15 schreef Terrorizer het volgende:
China Shitpost topic.
Er is waanzinnig veel te bespreken over China :Y
Enerzijds de enorme werkeloosheid maar verder ook andere topics:
• huizenmarkt die is ingestort
• bedrijven die wegtrekken naar het buitenland
• enorme milieuvervuiling
• Uyghurs
• Orgaandiefstal
• de politiestaat
• de handelsoorlog met de VS
• Chinese asielzoekers die aankloppen bij de VS
• social credit system
• de cut throat samenleving waar op straat niemand elkaar durft te helpen uit angst aangeklaagd te worden
• de communistische samenleving waar alles van boven wordt bepaald met rampzalige lokale gevolgen
• Hong Kong en de mensen die naar de UK zijn geemigreerd
• de aanstaande oorlog met Taiwan en de VS
• de handel met Afrika
• alle conflicten die ze met hun buurlanden hebben (India, Vietnam, Japan, Filipijnen)
• de enorme hoeveelheid deceptie om zich beter voor te doen (gras verven maar ook promo filmpjes waar basisschoolleerlingen zogenaamd via VR les krijgen)
• belt and road initiative

[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 28-05-2023 01:49:06 ]
0s.gif Op zondag 28 mei 2023 01:39 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:

Er is waanzinnig veel te bespreken over China :Y
Enerzijds de enorme werkeloosheid maar verder ook andere topics:
• huizenmarkt die is ingestort
• bedrijven die wegtrekken naar het buitenland
• enorme milieuvervuiling
• Uyghurs
• Orgaandiefstal
• de politiestaat
• de handelsoorlog met de VS
• Chinese asielzoekers die aankloppen bij de VS
• social credit system
• de cut throat samenleving waar op straat niemand elkaar durft te helpen uit angst aangeklaagd te worden
• de communistische samenleving waar alles van boven wordt bepaald met rampzalige lokale gevolgen
• Hong Kong en de mensen die naar de UK zijn geemigreerd
• de aanstaande oorlog met Taiwan en de VS
• de handel met Afrika
• alle conflicten die ze met hun buurlanden hebben (India, Vietnam, Japan, Filipijnen)
• de enorme hoeveelheid deceptie om zich beter voor te doen (gras verven maar ook promo filmpjes waar basisschoolleerlingen zogenaamd via VR les krijgen)
• belt and road initiative
Yep en ook nog koloniseren van Afrika.
En hiermee ZP in stand houden.

China and Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) elevate bilateral relationship to comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership
By Dimsumdaily Hong Kong -11:58PM Fri May 26, 202375

President Xi (left) and DRC President Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo (right).
26th May 2023 – (Beijing) Chinese President Xi Jinping and DRC President Felix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo announced on Friday that the bilateral relationship between their countries has been upgraded to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership from a strategic partnership of win-win cooperation.

During their talks in Beijing, President Xi noted that China and the DRC have been strategic partners with deep traditional friendship forged in the course of fighting for national liberation and opposing colonial aggression.

In recent years, bilateral cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful results, with China being the DRC’s largest trading partner and source of foreign investment for many years in a row, Xi added. He also noted that the two sides have forged a close community of shared interests and shared future.

Xi stressed that China’s successful experience in its path to modernization shows that developing countries have the right and the ability to explore modernization paths suited to their national conditions. China is ready to synergize its development strategies with the DRC, support each other, and promote cooperation and development.

Xi expressed his belief that China’s high-quality development will provide more cooperation opportunities and a broader market for the DRC, thus promoting greater development of bilateral relations. China will continue to help the DRC in its economic and social development, support its industrialization strategy, strengthen cooperation in energy, mining, agriculture, infrastructure, and manufacturing, and tap the potential of cooperation in the digitaleconomy, education, and health. Xi also expressed China’s readiness to send agricultural technology experts to the DRC.

Furthermore, China hopes that the DRC will provide policy support and service convenience for Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in the DRC, and foster a fair, just, and safe business environment.

In addition to strengthening coordination and cooperation with the DRC in multilateral affairs, Xi called on the two sides to uphold the basic norms governing international relations. They should oppose all forms of hegemonism and power politics, interference in other countries’ internal affairs, and safeguard the common interests of developing countries.

Xi emphasised that China and Africa have always been a community with a shared future, and the two sides need to strengthen solidarity and cooperation more than ever under the current international situation. China firmly supports Africa in pursuing an independent development path and becoming an important pole in world politics, economy, and civilisation.

Tshisekedi, for his part, congratulated China on the success of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the “two sessions,” and Xi’s reelection as general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and the Chinese president, as well as China’s extraordinary achievements in the new era under President Xi’s leadership.

He expressed his conviction that China will realise its Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects.

Tshisekedi thanked China for its important assistance and valuable support for the economic and social development of the DRC over the past half century. He also reaffirmed the DRC’s adherence to the one-China policy and support for China’s efforts to achieve national reunification.

The DRC is willing to work with China to deepen cooperation in economy, trade, resources, infrastructure, medical care, and other fields to enrich the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership and build a mature, stable, and groundbreaking relationship for the benefit of the two peoples, Tshisekedi said.

Following their talks, the two presidents witnessed the signing of a number of bilateral cooperation documents in investment, green economy, digital economy, and other fields.

Prior to the talks, President Xi held a welcome ceremony for President Tshisekedi at the square outside the Great Hall of the People. In the evening, President Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan held a banquet for President Tshisekedi and his wife Denise Nyakeru Tshisekedi at the Great Hall of the People.
Nog meer China en ZP.

Chinese Commerce Minister and WTO Director-General discuss WTO agreement and MC13 preparations
By Dimsumdaily Hong Kong -12:41PM Sat May 27, 202346

Wang Wengtao (left) and WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (right).
27th May 2023 – (Detroit) Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao met with WTO Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala at the 2023 APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting in an effort to discuss important issues such as the ratification of the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies and preparations for the upcoming 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) of the WTO.

During their meeting, the two sides exchanged views on these crucial topics and expressed their appreciation for each other’s efforts. Okonjo-Iweala praised China’s positive and constructive role in the WTO and looked forward to China’s continued leadership in promoting the success of the MC13.

Wang emphasised that China practices true multilateralism and actively participates in the reform of the WTO. He also pledged to make contributions to the success of the MC13 through concrete actions.

The ratification of the WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies is a critical issue that has been under discussion for years. The agreement, which aims to eliminate harmful fishing subsidies that contribute to overfishing and overcapacity, was reached in 2015 but has yet to be ratified by all WTO members.

Preparations for the upcoming MC13, which is set to take place in 2023, are also of great importance. The conference will provide an opportunity for WTO members to discuss and negotiate on a range of issues related to global trade.
Originele kolonisten van Amerika.


Waar komen de indianen vandaan?
Een uitgebreid DNA-onderzoek werpt licht op het mysterie waar de Amerikaanse indianen oorspronkelijk vandaan kwamen. In ruim 100.000 DNA-monsters is gezocht naar aanwijzingen die teruggaan tot de ijstijd.



Wetenschappers hebben lang gedacht dat Noord-Amerikaanse indianen afstamden van Siberische mensen die over de Beringstraat naar Noord-Amerika migreerden.

Maar een belangrijke nieuwe studie van de Chinese Academie van Wetenschappen verwijst die theorie naar het rijk der fabelen.

Volgens de onderzoekers kwamen de migranten uit Noord-China.

Als onderdeel van de studie analyseerde het onderzoeksteam 100.000 hedendaagse en 15.000 oudere DNA-monsters. De onderzoekers zochten naar zogeheten mitochondriaal DNA, dat van de moeder wordt geërfd.

Met behulp van genetische analyses identificeerde het team een specifieke DNA-lijn genaamd D4h, die voorkomt van China tot Amerika.

De zeldzame lijn is vastgesteld bij 216 levende en 39 overleden mensen en verplaatste zich tijdens twee migratiegolven van Azië naar Amerika.

De eerste was van 26.000 tot 19.500 jaar geleden, toen de laatste ijstijd op zijn koudst was en Noord-China grotendeels ijs was. De volgende migratieperiode vond plaats rond 19.000 tot 11.500 jaar geleden, toen door stijgende bevolkingsaantallen mogelijk meer mensen uit China weggingen.

De stamboom van de Amerikaanse indianen is te herleiden naar China, blijkt uit een studie.

© Shutterstock
De Chinezen staken de zee over
De studie suggereert ook dat de indiaanse voorouders niet via de Beringstraat reisden, zoals eerder gedacht, maar vanuit China noordwaarts langs de kust van de Grote Oceaan migreerden.

Uiteindelijk staken ze via het noordelijkste deel van de oceaan over naar Noord-Amerika, ver onder de Beringstraat.



Hevonen mullisti intiaanien maailman
Volgens de Chinese onderzoekers toont hun studie aan dat de genetische band van indianen met Azië ‘gecompliceerder is dan eerder gesuggereerd’.

‘We zijn nu van plan om meer Euraziatische DNA-lijnen te verzamelen en te bestuderen om een completer beeld te krijgen van de Amerikaanse voorouders,’ zegt DNA-onderzoeker Qing-Peng Kong, een van de onderzoekers.

Legendarische indiaanse stamhoofden
Toen Europeanen steeds meer van Noord-Amerika begonnen te koloniseren, kwamen ze inheemse indianen tegen die hun land wilden verdedigen. Zij werden geleid door onverschrokken stamhoofden.

© Public Domain
Sitting Bull
Leefde: circa 1831-1890
Stam: Hunkpapa Lakota

Stamhoofd Sitting Bull stond bekend om zijn moed en wijsheid. Hij verdedigde de levenswijze, de rechten en het land van zijn volk tegen de blanke kolonisten. Zijn standvastige verzet bij de Slag bij de Little Bighorn in 1876 vereeuwigde hem in de Amerikaanse geschiedenis.

[ Bericht 86% gewijzigd door Terrorizer op 28-05-2023 02:09:16 ]
Oud nieuws maar niet minder belangrijk.

Vaak geven ze verkeerde saus mee. Zelf ook vaak meegemaakt.


Ontevreden over kwaliteit afhaalchinees, geen compensatie

Ongelezen bericht door Sandra C » 17 okt 2017 14:22

Ik had zaterdag 14 oktober wat te vieren en trakteerde ik mezelf op lekker Chinees/Indisch eten. Lekker? Dat verwachtte ik wel tenminste, maar....... Thuis aangekomen zag ik dat de ketjap saus bij de Babi Pangang helemaal zwart was en smaakte enkel naar zout en verbrand, niks anders. Ik belde met de restaurant en de mevrouw vertelde me dat haar restaurant al 40 jaar bestond, dus het kan niet zijn dat hun eten niet deugt. Ik wou mijn geld terug vragen of de helft van wat ik betaald had, dan dragen wij samen de kosten vond ik. Nul op rekwest. Persoonlijk ben ik terug gegaan naar de restaurant met mijn klacht. De mevrouw bleef herhalen dat hun restaurant geen fouten maakt en daarom bestonden ze al veertig jaar. Dit heb ik nooit meegemaakt. Vol verbazing door haar reactie ging ik weer naar huis toe, zonder tegemoetkoming. Had ik moeten aandringen dat ik (deel) van mijn geld terug wilde? Sinds kort woon ik in dit dorp en was de eerste keer dat ik bij deze chinees/Indisch restaurant eten ging afhalen

[ Bericht 64% gewijzigd door Terrorizer op 28-05-2023 02:10:09 ]
China weigert Afgaanse vluchtelingen op te nemen volgens westerse normen.


China won't play by US playbook in terms of Afghan refugee issue

By Ai JunPublished: Sep 03, 2021 11:45 PM

A US soldier (center) points his gun at an Afghan passenger at Kabul airport on August 16 as thousands of people mobbed the city's airport trying to flee the country. Photo: AFP

What has been left behind in Afghanistan by the withdrawn US forces? Apparently not a beautiful sight to behold, but a bruised homeland and a surging number of refugees. Now the US is casting its eyes on China, asking Beijing to fix the damage created by Washington. The question on China's attitude of accepting refugees was raised again on Chinese Foreign Ministry's press conference Friday.

China's stance has been consistent. As Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin stressed on the same day: China believes the most pressing issue is to work for a soft-landing of the Afghan situation to avoid any new civil war or humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan and prevent any undue casualties or refugees on a large scale.

In other words, China has its own way of resolving the refugee crisis, which is addressing the fundamental cause of the issue - helping Afghanistan achieve social stability and economic development to prevent more refugees, and even making fleeing Afghans wanting to go home.

Nevertheless, Western elites and media outlets, especially those from the US, keep picking on China. In late August, the US and 97 other countries issued a joint statement saying they would continue to take in Afghans, and The New York Times stressed that "notably missing from the statement were Russia and China." The case was later echoed and further hyped on social media by some US politicians and scholars.

Unfortunately, what they displayed is far from justice, but exquisite egoism. On the one hand, they have been calculating to make China pay the bill for the rotten legacy the US forged in Afghanistan. On the other, by making a fuss about the case, they hope to put China in an international moral dilemma and then accuse China of "not being responsible."

Who gets to define "responsible?" Could it be the US, the country which destroyed others' homeland, created refugees, and then put up a noble face, pretending to be willing to take them in?

Take a look at the refugee issue across the globe, apart from those caused by natural disasters. Most of the people in exile are forced to leave their homeland by the hegemonic tactics of Western countries, especially the US, which have been unscrupulously intervening in other countries militarily under the excuse of humanitarianism.

If China opens its doors for them easily, it would be conniving with the US-led hegemonic intervention, reducing the cost of US wanton invasion worldwide. Such an approach of resolving refugee issues could not be more wrong, Shen Yi, a professor at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs of Fudan University, told Global Times.

The right approach is to start with rebuilding the homes where the refugees fled from. In terms of Afghanistan, the priority should be offering the new government appropriate guidance, coordinating efficient international cooperation on reconstruction in the country, in an attempt to avoid the emergence of new refugees, Shen said. Accepting refugees is never the cure to fix the puzzle once and for all.

The US is so good at packaging and promoting itself, as if it is still standing on the moral high ground after its epic failure in Afghanistan.

According to the BBC, the current crisis comes on top of the 2.2 million Afghan refugees already in Afghanistan's neighboring countries and 3.5 million people forced to flee their homes within Afghanistan's borders. On August 27, the UNHCR envisaged a worst-case scenario of 500,000 Afghan refugees arriving in neighboring countries by the end of this year.

Last month, the US government said it will settle a small portion of them, namely 22,000 refugees seeking asylum. Yet even 22,000 may turn out to be just lip service. Only "a total of 485 Afghan refugees have been allowed into the US in 2021," Business Insider reported on August 17. And the US is adopting ultra-rigorous reviews before issuing passports for Afghans. Some netizens joked that those who can finally landed on US soil are not at all refugees, but elites, with high-level IQ, capability and background.

In Shen's view, the US has only one condition for acceptance toward the Afghan refugees - those with wealth. "It is willing to shelter anyone as long as they have money," Shen noted. The US is not accepting refugees, it is doing "profitable business."

There is no legal provision in the world that states countries are obliged to resettle refugees in accordance with the requirements of a particular power. Whether to receive them is a matter of the autonomous and independent policy of each country. In only one case that a nation has the absolute obligation to fix the refugee problem - when the mess is created by itself.

The US wants China to dance to its tune in the refugee issue. Nice try. China has its own methods. It is not obligated to save the disaster generated by the US in Washington's way. The way China deals with other countries will never create refugees. Why would China play by US playbook, when the latter has blown it up and being ridiculously wrong in the first place?

[ Bericht 91% gewijzigd door Terrorizer op 28-05-2023 02:11:04 ]
China blijft goedkoop energie kopen van Rusland.


Russia Has the Hydrocarbons, but China Has the CashMoscow is stumbling on energy diplomacy even now.

By Christina Lu

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Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Chinese President Xi Jinping make a toast during a reception following their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow.

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Chinese President Xi Jinping make a toast during a reception following their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow on March 21. PAVEL BYRKIN/SPUTNIK/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

MARCH 23, 2023, 5:34 PM

Russia has been a crucial energy source for China for years, including the construction of massive oil and gas pipelines in Siberia that have kept China’s industrial heartland humming and Russia’s energy-export diversification strategy alive. What never dropped was the other shoe.

Russia’s War in Ukraine

Understanding the conflict one year on.


Russia has long championed a second hulking pipeline project that would stretch south through the Altai passes of western Siberia, shipping some 50 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas a year to China by the back door. If developed, the new pipeline, called the Power of Siberia 2, would cement the two countries’ energy ties—and pave the way for an increasingly intertwined economic future.

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There’s just one catch: Moscow can’t get Beijing to buy in after nearly a decade of false starts, big words, and broken pledges. Even after Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed it as his “deal of the century,” Chinese President Xi Jinping didn’t even mention the pipeline after their meeting this week. Despite Putin’s comments that the two leaders were nearing a deal, their joint statement only included lofty, noncommittal language—a far cry from what the Russian leader wanted.

The Russian side had “prepared all the documents, all the project documentation, [the] feasibility study, everything,” said Tatiana Mitrova, a research fellow at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. It was “absolutely up to the Chinese side to give the green light to this project, and it didn’t happen.”

The stark split screen in the Power of Siberia 2 talks underscores the growing asymmetry in Russia and China’s economic relationship, even during a high-profile visit designed to showcase their unified stance. Russia started looking east for energy buyers a decade ago; that need has only grown more acute with the avalanche of Western sanctions and loss of Western markets after last year’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. With Russia severed from Western markets, experts warn that Moscow has been digging itself into a hole of dependence on China—one that gives Beijing greater leverage in dictating prices and conditions.

“Russia and China can try to make a narrative that it’s a so-called comprehensive partnership, a strategic partnership,” said Alexandra Prokopenko, a visiting fellow at the German Council on Foreign Relations and former Russian Central Bank official, who noted that the balance in their economic relationship is rapidly shifting in Beijing’s favor. But “Russia needs China more than China needs Russia, and that’s the reality.”

Just weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Putin and Xi famously declared their “no limits” partnership in a 5,000-word statement that rattled Western countries. As they drew closer politically, so too did their economies. Trade between Beijing and Moscow skyrocketed by more than 30 percent to nearly $190 billion in 2022, particularly as China bought up Russian crude oil at heavily discounted volumes. That year, Moscow was also Beijing’s second-biggest supplier of crude oil, coal, and pipeline gas, according to Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy.

Since invading Ukraine, Russia has been deeply reliant on China, at least in part because it doesn’t have many other options. Largely isolated in the global marketplace and facing sweeping Western sanctions, Russia has found in China one of the few countries with the heft and market power to help keep its economy afloat. That has given Beijing the upper hand in negotiating favorable deals and contracts, while leaving Moscow vulnerable to its whims and preferences. In November 2022, Chinese buyers were able to gobble up Russian crude oil at a nearly 40 percent discount.

China is the one “who can dictate the price, who can dictate the conditions,” said Prokopenko. “Russian leadership understands this well, but their options are limited.”

The uneven dynamic was clear in the mismatch between how Moscow and Beijing characterized what came out of this week’s talks. While the Russian side (and media) framed China as a key customer, the Chinese side’s comments consisted of “very vague, general statements without any concrete business proposals,” said Maria Shagina, a senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies. “That really shows a skewed picture of how asymmetry has evolved over time.”

“One can’t hide the fact that Russia is a junior partner,” she added.


Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping give a toast during a reception following their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow on March 21.

Can Russia Get Used to Being China’s Little Brother?

A COMAC C919 narrow-body airliner on display during the 2021 China Aviation Industry Conference And Nanchang Air Show on October 30, 2021 in Nanchang, China.

If China Arms Russia, the U.S. Should Kill China’s Aircraft Industry

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Russian President Vladimir Putin and China's President Xi Jinping shake hands during a signing ceremony following their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow on March 21.

What’s the Significance of Xi’s Peace Plan?

There are plenty of reasons why China has slow-walked the second Siberian gas pipeline. It gets more gas by sea these days, for one. And the Altai pipeline would ship gas precisely to where it isn’t quite needed. That aside, by holding out on the Power of Siberia 2 pipeline for now, energy experts say that China is taking full advantage of this asymmetry to negotiate the most favorable terms and prices.

“China is sending a very clear bargaining message,” said Mitrova. “You have to provide additional discounts, additional attractive conditions in order to make this deal [happen].”

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It could also suggest that China, which is already set to receive 22 bcm of Russian gas via the first Power of Siberia pipeline in the far east of Siberia this year, is wary of investing further in Moscow’s supply in the long run. Pipelines are lengthy, time-consuming projects, and if Beijing signed on now, it would be locked in for years to come.

China has been happy to snap up discounted Russian oil, cheap by virtue of the relatively poorer quality of Ural crudes, but also due to Western sanctions. But oil is fungible. Pipelines, like diamonds, are forever. (Well, almost.)

In purchasing cheap Russian oil, “you’re not committing to really deepen your relationship over the long term,” said Erica Downs, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “Whereas I think signing an agreement for a Power of Siberia 2 pipeline, that implies that you are really doubling or tripling down on Russian energy.”

Last year, European countries got their latest reminder of the dangers of becoming too dependent on one energy supplier when Russia choked their supply of natural gas, skyrocketing energy prices and leaving countries grappling with blackouts and soaring inflation. Chinese leaders are acutely aware of the importance of diversifying their supply, experts said, and have focused on securing multiple contracts beyond what Russia can offer. Beijing imports more liquefied natural gas from Australia, Qatar, and Malaysia than it does from Moscow.

“A hallmark of [China’s] approach to energy supply security has been not to become too dependent on any one supplier,” Downs said. While Beijing is buying more energy from Moscow, she added, “They’re not putting all their eggs in the Russian basket and they are looking elsewhere.”

Russia, for its part, is still attempting to expand its partnerships outside of China, including by deepening cooperation with India, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Many have bucked or dodged Western sanctions and deepened energy ties with Russia over the past year. Their markets, though, aren’t as sizable. Beijing is still the biggest player—and Moscow’s dependence only appears set to grow in the foreseeable future.

“They are closer than ever in history,” Shagina said, yet “their relationship is as asymmetrical as never before.”

Christina Lu is a reporter at Foreign Policy. Twitter: @christinafei

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[ Bericht 48% gewijzigd door Terrorizer op 28-05-2023 02:12:14 ]
  zondag 28 mei 2023 @ 08:37:49 #41
323876 michaelmoore
I want to live a hundred years
2s.gif Op vrijdag 26 mei 2023 16:41 schreef Eyjafjallajoekull het volgende:

De grap is natuurlijk dat dit nu op een kantelpunt staat. De populatie krimpt, het geboortecijfer erg laag. Geef het 20 jaar en bedrijven schreeuwen om jonge mensen.

Ik zie de chinese regering er heel goed voor aan dat ze kinderfabrieken gaan oprichten , dan is de regering je papa en mama

zo ingewikkeld is dat niet

The way we make babies could be about to change. Maybe.

An embryo forms when sperm meets egg.
But what if we could start with other cells--if a blood sample or skin biopsy could be transformed into "artificial" sperm and eggs?
What if those were all you needed to make a baby?

That's the promise of a radical approach to reproduction.
Scientists have already created artificial eggs and sperm from mouse cells and used them to create mouse pups. Artificial human sex cells are next.

The advances could herald the end of infertility--there's no need to worry about a lack of healthy eggs or sperm if you can create new ones in the lab. It would open up alternative routes to parenthood as well. Same-sex couples could have genetically related children.
When an egg is fertilized by a sperm, it begins to divide into a group of cells called a blastocyst, which is the stage right before the embryo is formed.
Some of the cells inside this blastocyst cluster will develop into a fetus, while others eventually become the placenta.

Some cells are set up to become stem cells, which will then have the potential to develop into any type of cell in the body.
And some cells in the fetus become primordial germ cells and eventually evolve into the cells of either sperm or eggs, which will allow this offspring to pass their genes on to a future generation.

In the study, the researchers identified a single gene known as SOX17, which is directly responsible for ordering human stem cells to become the cells that will turn into sperm and eggs.
The scientists say this discovery on its own is surprising, because this gene is not involved in the creation of primordial cells in rodents.
In humans, the SOX17 gene is also involved in helping to develop cells of the lungs, gut and pancreas.

[ Bericht 21% gewijzigd door michaelmoore op 28-05-2023 08:45:51 ]
When people do counterfeiting , they go to jail , when public servants do that they get re-elected
  zondag 28 mei 2023 @ 08:48:11 #42
323876 michaelmoore
I want to live a hundred years
11s.gif Op vrijdag 26 mei 2023 12:06 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:

Beijing wil dat de Chinese economie 5 procent gaat groeien, maar het land kampt met een torenhoge jeugdwerkloosheid en een lage consumptie.
En dat terwijl China een ingewikkelde omslag moet maken van een door investeringen gedreven naar een door consumptie gedreven economie. 'Xi Jinping bereidt de bevolking erop voor dat ze de broekriem moeten aanhalen', zegt sinoloog Ardi Bouwers.

'In Guangdong, China's industriële powerhouse, is afgelopen week het plan geopperd om 300.000 jongeren naar het platteland te sturen, zodat ze daar maar aan het werk moeten. Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat de jongeren daar erg enthousiast over zijn, maar het laat zien dat ook de autoriteiten zich er zeer van bewust zijn dat het dat er een groot probleem is.'
om de economie aan te zwengelen is er de methode ven helikoptergeld , meermaals
When people do counterfeiting , they go to jail , when public servants do that they get re-elected
  zondag 28 mei 2023 @ 09:34:50 #43
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
Zodra de douane (in Afrika) doorheeft dat je uit China komt wordt je extra gecontroleerd en krijg je gelijk heffingen die je moet betalen

Volgens het filmpje komt het doordat Chinezen volgzaam zijn en niet in verzet gaan tegen authoriteiten en geld er tegenaan gooien om problemen op te lossen.

Uit de YT comments blijkt dat het ook komt doordat andere Chinezen in voorgaande jaren/decennia altijd schijt aan regels hebben gehad en illegale waren (rauw gedroogd vlees dat ziektes kan verspreiden bijvoorbeeld) meesmokkelt dus tis hun eigen schuld dat ze extra gecontroleerd worden.

The real situation when you hold a Chinese Passport.
The situation unfolded when a young man from China was departing from Senegal in West Africa. Upon entry, he indeed did not need a visa, but when he arrived at the exit checkpoint, Senegalese staff charged him a visa fee of 50 euros for the reason that,
Isn't it said that Senegal offers visa-free access for Chinese citizens? With no other choice and a flight to catch, the young man reluctantly paid the 50 euros, boarded the bus to the plane, and was seething with anger.
At this year's "Two Sessions" in China, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Dai Bin
Upon hearing this, Chinese citizens were eager to test the true value of their Chinese passports. The video clips above are firsthand experiences of Chinese citizens at the airports of one of the 150 visa-free countries mentioned by the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).
In Southeast Asia, a Chinese traveller named Ali encountered a similar situation. This travel enthusiast, believing the words of the CPPCC that Chinese passports can gain visa-free entry to 150 countries, thought that it must certainly include Malaysia. So, one day in March, while Ali was travelling in Thailand, he decided to enter Malaysia via a land border crossing by bike, intending to get a visa on arrival.

[ Bericht 4% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 28-05-2023 09:48:04 ]
  zondag 28 mei 2023 @ 09:50:02 #44
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
0s.gif Op zondag 28 mei 2023 08:48 schreef michaelmoore het volgende:

om de economie aan te zwengelen is er de methode ven helikoptergeld , meermaals
Er wordt dus geld bijgedrukt met inflatie als gevolg.

Kunnen ze niet beter wat meer infrastructuurprojecten uit de grond stampen en huizen bouwen (die niemand koopt) om werkgelegenheid te creeeren? Al zal dat geen geld uit het buitenland binnenhalen.
  zondag 28 mei 2023 @ 09:53:12 #45
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
0s.gif Op zondag 28 mei 2023 08:37 schreef michaelmoore het volgende:
Ik zie de chinese regering er heel goed voor aan dat ze kinderfabrieken gaan oprichten , dan is de regering je papa en mama
Nu nog ervoor zorgen dat er alleen dna van mensen met een hoge IQ worden geselecteerd en dan heb je een dystopian Black Mirror episode :7
  zondag 28 mei 2023 @ 09:53:14 #46
323876 michaelmoore
I want to live a hundred years
0s.gif Op zondag 28 mei 2023 09:50 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:

Er wordt dus geld bijgedrukt met inflatie als gevolg.

Kunnen ze niet beter wat meer infrastructuurprojecten uit de grond stampen en huizen bouwen (die niemand koopt) om werkgelegenheid te creeeren? Al zal dat geen geld uit het buitenland binnenhalen.
beter wat extra inflatie , dat zal ook de schulden terugbrengen

meer geld is meer koopkracht
meer geld is meer koopkracht , is meer vertrouwen

[ Bericht 3% gewijzigd door michaelmoore op 28-05-2023 11:08:02 ]
When people do counterfeiting , they go to jail , when public servants do that they get re-elected
  zondag 28 mei 2023 @ 10:04:47 #47
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
De Chinese overheid gaf hun goedkeuring aan bike sharing. Met als gevolg dat bedrijven die snel geld wilde verdienen (investor money vangen, wat fietsen bouwen en op straat dumpen en klaar, werk gedaan, bedankt voor het geld!) gelijk 70 miljoen lage kwaliteit fietsen in de straten van grote steden dumpten. Dat werd een enorme overlast en de fietsen moesten weer allemaal worden weggehaald en nu zijn er bike graveyards met miljoenen fietsen.

Bij de productie van deze fietsen is er geen rekening gehouden door de CCP en de bedrijven wat de kosten zijn voor het milieu. Het metaal voor de fietsen en het rubber voor de banden is nu verspild, niets wordt gerecycled, alles wordt gewoon ergens gedumpt en niemand die het verder boeit.

The shared bike scheme in China was a disaster! The CCP tried to fool the world by making out they were being progressive and showing concern for the environment with these shared bikes. Unfortunately you always have to take anything the Chinese government says with a pinch of salt.

Ik kwam dit pareltje in de comments tegen, die fietsen zijn zulke goedkope rommel dat het meer zou kosten om het te verschepen naar Afrika en voor een dollar te verkopen dan om het gewoon ergens te dumpen:
q: Why don't they ship the bikes to Africa and sell them for a $1.
a: It would cost MUCH less to make new bikes from scratch, in one example in the video one factor made 20 MILLION bikes in 60 days

[ Bericht 3% gewijzigd door slashdotter3 op 28-05-2023 11:12:35 ]
  zondag 28 mei 2023 @ 10:26:09 #48
37149 slashdotter3
Arrow to the knee!
0s.gif Op zondag 28 mei 2023 10:04 schreef slashdotter3 het volgende:
De Chinese overheid gaf hun goedkeuring aan bike sharing. Met als gevolg dat bedrijven die snel geld wilde verdienen (investor money vangen, wat fietsen bouwen en op straat dumpen en klaar, werk gedaan, bedankt voor het geld!) gelijk 70 miljoen lage kwaliteit fietsen in de straten van grote steden dumpten. Dat werd een enorme overlast en de fietsen moesten weer allemaal worden weggehaald en nu zijn er bike graveyards met miljoenen fietsen.

Bij de productie van deze fietsen is er geen rekening gehouden door de CCP en de bedrijven wat de kosten zijn voor het milieu. Het metaal voor de fietsen en het rubber voor de banden is nu verspild, niets wordt gerecycled, alles wordt gewoon ergens gedumpt en niemand die het verder boeit.

The shared bike scheme in China was a disaster! The CCP tried to fool the world by making out they were being progressive and showing concern for the environment with these shared bikes. Unfortunately you always have to take anything the Chinese government says with a pinch of salt.

Hiermee loopt China voor op ons.
We hebben nu hetzelfde probleem met deelscooters -en steps.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door Terrorizer op 28-05-2023 11:41:37 ]
0s.gif Op zaterdag 27 mei 2023 08:37 schreef icecreamfarmer_NL het volgende:
Jongere opgeleide mensen zonder baan is een recept voor onrust en revoluties.
Een andere voorwaarde voor de revolutie is een relatief hoog percentage jongeren. Daar is in China geen sprake van.
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