abonnement Unibet Coolblue
  zaterdag 9 oktober 2021 @ 12:05:52 #51
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
Maare Ali, kan je me uitleggen wat je überhaupt tegen deze hele specifieke stroom hebt vooral de jezuïeten?
En mag ik vragen welke stroming jij hanteert?

Ik ben zelf rooms katholiek opgevoed.. nja ik was vrij om zelf te bepalen.

Ben nu zelf meer van de adonitoligy :P

Om spoilers te kunnen lezen moet je zijn ingelogd. Je moet je daarvoor eerst gratis Registreren. Ook kun je spoilers niet lezen als je een ban hebt.
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
Christenen gonna christen.
Conscience do cost.
  zaterdag 9 oktober 2021 @ 15:38:22 #53
72545 Megumi
Go Rin No Sho
0s.gif Op vrijdag 8 oktober 2021 20:36 schreef theguyver het volgende:

Groot moreel leider.. inderdaad.
Maar politiek invloed? Ja in zijn eigen mini staat.
Dat weet je niet echt met partijen als het CDA en CU zou de macht van het Vaticaan wellicht groter dan je denkt. Of heeft in elk geval het christendom in de politiek helaas nog een stevige vinger in de pap.
Wordt als iemand die voortdurend dood is. De ware volgeling van bushidõ sterft elke ochtend en avond opnieuw. En wordt niet gehinderd door angst voor de dood. Yamamoto Tsunetomo's hagakure.
Dit zal Ali wel leuk vinden


A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.
GLOBAL TAX: At UN Meeting, The Vatican Calls For Redistribution Of Wealth To Overcome ‘Economic Inequality’ Through Global Taxation

In his address before a high-level U.N. meeting on inequality and prosperity, Vatican Archbishop Gallagher asserted that “fighting rampant inequality cannot be achieved without fiscal redistribution and increasing the progressiveness of income taxation schedules.” “Better taxation can redistribute a portion of the rents accruing to big corporations and help build up tax bases, especially in developing countries,” he declared. The archbishop also noted how the global coronavirus pandemic has slowed humanity’s progressive elimination of extreme poverty. The World Bank, for instance, has estimated the pandemic “drove an additional 97 million people into extreme poverty in 2020.” Global tax, global vax, watch out for those words ending in 'x', they're a killer.

Vatican foreign minister Archbishop Paul Gallagher has called for increased redistribution as a necessary means of overcoming economic inequality, the Catholic News Service reported Wednesday

De rest kan je hier lezen : https://www.nowtheendbegi(...)alth-redistribution/
A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.
  zaterdag 9 oktober 2021 @ 17:40:18 #56
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
11s.gif Op zaterdag 9 oktober 2021 17:28 schreef Ali_boo het volgende:
Dit zal Ali wel leuk vinden

[ twitter ]

[ afbeelding ]
sure maar waar gaan de gesprekken over?
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
0s.gif Op zaterdag 9 oktober 2021 17:40 schreef theguyver het volgende:

sure maar waar gaan de gesprekken over?
Dat stond er niet bij maar misschien is die poster een hint?


Heb wel iets gevonden al word je er niet veel wijzer van _O- :

Pope Francis met with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Saturday.

At the time of publication, the Vatican had released no information about what the pope and Pelosi discussed, in line with its usual custom for papal meetings with non-heads of state.:

A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.
Ook Nancy Pelosi gaat op bezoek bij de paus en prijst hem vanwege zijn zorgen om het klimaat.


"His Holiness's leadership is a source of joy and hope for Catholics and for all people, challenging each of us to be good stewards of God's creation, to act on climate, to embrace the refugee, the immigrant and the poor, and to recognize the dignity and divinity in everyone," Pelosi said in a statement.

Following their meeting, Pope Francis called on lawmakers around the world to come together to address climate change.

Opnieuw een bericht dat bevestigt dat politici simpelweg de agenda van Rome in de praktijk brengen.

Dit verklaart OOK waarom wij in Nederland al dat absurde klimaatbeleid, immigratiebeleid en verarmende beleid invoeren, of dat nu door D66, het CDA, de VVD, de PvdA of een andere partij is, en waarom er zo'n gigantische propagandamachine is om dat soort beleid te verkopen.
11s.gif Op zaterdag 9 oktober 2021 17:28 schreef Ali_boo het volgende:
Dit zal Ali wel leuk vinden

[ twitter ]

[ afbeelding ]
Naja leuk, het bevestigt simpelweg wat al jaren wordt gezegd.
Dit was het 'vredesbericht' van de paus aan het begin van het jaar waarvan hij een kopie in het Engels aan Pelosi overhandigde tijdens haar bezoek.


1 JANUARY 2021


1. At the dawn of a new year, I extend cordial greetings to Heads of State and Government, leaders of International Organizations, spiritual leaders and followers of the different religions, and to men and women of good will. (mensen van good will = iedereen die bereid is de paus als moreel leider te aanvaarden). To all I offer my best wishes that the coming year will enable humanity to advance on the path of fraternity, justice and peace between individuals, communities, peoples and nations.

The year 2020 was marked by the massive Covid-19 health crisis, which became a global phenomenon cutting across boundaries, aggravating deeply interrelated crises (een crisis voor dit, een crisis voor dat , allemaal om veranderend beleid te rechtvaardigen) like those of the climate, food, the economy and migration, and causing great suffering and hardship. I think especially of all those who lost family members or loved ones, and all who lost their jobs. I think too of physicians and nurses, pharmacists, researchers, volunteers, chaplains and the personnel of hospitals and healthcare centres. They have made, and are continuing to make, great sacrifices to be present to the sick, to alleviate their sufferings and to save their lives; indeed, many of them have died in the process. In paying tribute to them, I renew my appeal to political leaders and the private sector]/b] to spare no effort to ensure access to Covid-19 vaccines and to the essential technologies needed to care for the sick, the poor and those who are most vulnerable.[1]

Sad to say, alongside all these testimonies of love and solidarity, we have also seen a surge in various forms of [b]nationalism, racism and xenophobia
(de paus is woke), and wars and conflicts that bring only death and destruction in their wake.

These and other events that marked humanity’s path this past year have taught us how important it is to care for one another and for creation (de paus is klimaatactivist) in our efforts to build a more fraternal society. That is why I have chosen as the title of this year’s Message, A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace. A culture of care as a way to combat the culture of indifference, waste and confrontation so prevalent in our time.

<verhaal over de schepping en Cain en Abel volgt>

6. The principles of the Church’s social doctrine as the basis for a culture of care

The diakonia of the Church’s origins, enriched by the reflection of the Fathers and enlivened over the centuries by the active charity of many luminous witnesses to the faith, (niet de bijbel) became the beating heart of the Church’s social doctrine. This doctrine is offered to all people of good will (dus als je het niet eens bent met de sociaal-economische leer van de kerk, heb je geen goodwill) as a precious patrimony of principles, criteria and proposals that can serve as a “grammar” of care: commitment to promoting the dignity of each human person, (dit is een katholiek buzzword) solidarity with the poor and vulnerable, the pursuit of the common good (collectivisme) and concern for protection of creation. (afschaffing eigendomsrecht in naam van de natuur).

Care as promotion of the dignity and rights of each person

“The very concept of the person, which originated and developed in Christianity, fosters the pursuit of a fully human development. Person always signifies relationship, not individualism; it affirms inclusion, not exclusion, unique and inviolable dignity, not exploitation”.[8] Each human person is an end in himself or herself, and never simply a means to be valued only for his or her usefulness. Persons are created to live together in families, communities and societies, where all are equal in dignity. Human rights derive from this dignity, as do human duties, like the responsibility to welcome and assist the poor, the sick, the excluded, every one of our “neighbours, near or far in space and time”.[9]

Care for the common good

Every aspect of social, political and economic life achieves its fullest end when placed at the service of the common good, in other words, “the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfilment more fully and more easily”.[10] Consequently, our plans and projects should always take into account their effects on the entire human family, and consider their consequences for the present and for coming generations. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us the truth and timeliness of this fact. In the face of the pandemic, “we have realized that we are in the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together”,[11] since “no one reaches salvation by themselves”[12] and no state can ensure the common good of its population if it remains isolated.[13] (COVID als excuus voor collectivisme en globalisme ten gunste van het 'algemene belang', een ander buzzword dat we steeds vaker horen).

Care through solidarity

Solidarity concretely expresses our love for others, not as a vague sentiment but as a “firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say to the good of all and of each individual, because we are all really responsible for all”.[14] Solidarity helps us to regard others – whether as individuals or, more broadly, as peoples or nations – as more than mere statistics, or as a means to be used and then discarded once no longer useful, but as our neighbours, companions on our journey, called like ourselves to partake of the banquet of life to which all are equally invited by God.

Care and protection of creation

The Encyclical Laudato Si’ is fully aware that all creation is interconnected. It also highlights our need to listen to the cry of the poor and, at the same time, to the cry of creation. Constant and attentive listening leads in turn to effective care for the earth, our common home, and for our brothers and sisters in need. Here I would once again point out that “a sense of deep communion with the rest of nature cannot be authentic if our hearts lack tenderness, compassion and concern for our fellow human beings”.[15] “Peace, justice and care for creation are three inherently connected questions, which cannot be separated in such a way as to be treated individually, lest we fall back into reductionism”.[16]

7. A compass pointing to a common path

At a time dominated by a culture of waste, faced with growing inequalities both within and between nations,[17] I urge government leaders and those of international organizations, business leaders, scientists, communicators and educators, to take up these principles as a “compass” capable of pointing out a common direction and ensuring “a more humane future”[18] in the process of globalization. This will enable us to esteem the value and dignity of every person, to act together in solidarity for the common good, and to bring relief to those suffering from poverty, disease, slavery, armed conflicts, and discrimination. I ask everyone to take this compass in hand and to become a prophetic witness of the culture of care, working to overcome the many existing social inequalities. This can only come about through a widespread and meaningful involvement on the part of women, in the family and in every social, political and institutional sphere. (dit domineert het publieke debat niet voor niets).

The compass of these social principles, so essential for the growth of a culture of care, also points to the need for relationships between nations to be inspired by fraternity, mutual respect, solidarity and the observance of international law. In this regard, we must recognize the need to defend and promote fundamental human rights, which are inalienable, universal and indivisible.[19] (geen door God gegeven mensenrechten, maar fundamentele mensenrechten).

Likewise urgent is the need to respect humanitarian law, especially at this time when conflicts and wars continue uninterrupted. Tragically, many regions and communities can no longer remember a time when they dwelt in security and peace. Numerous cities have become epicentres of insecurity: citizens struggle to maintain their normal routine in the face of indiscriminate attacks by explosives, artillery and small arms. Children are unable to study. Men and women cannot work to support their families. Famine is spreading in places where it was previously unknown. People are being forced to take flight, leaving behind not only their homes but also their family history and their cultural roots.

While such conflicts have many causes, the result is always the same: destruction and humanitarian crises. We need to stop and ask ourselves what has led our world to see conflict as something normal, and how our hearts can be converted and our ways of thinking changed, in order to work for true peace in solidarity and fraternity.

How many resources are spent on weaponry, especially nuclear weapons,[20] that could be used for more significant priorities such as ensuring the safety of individuals, the promotion of peace and integral human development, the fight against poverty, and the provision of health care. Global problems like the present Covid-19 pandemic and climate change have only made these challenges all the more evident. What a courageous decision it would be to “establish a ‘Global Fund’ with the money spent on weapons and other military expenditures, in order to permanently eliminate hunger and contribute to the development of the poorest countries”![21]

8. Educating for a culture of care

Promoting a culture of care calls for a process of education. (lees indoctrinatie in katholieke politieke en sociaal-economische leer, ecologie, wokeness, enz.). The “compass” of social principles can prove useful and reliable in a variety of interrelated contexts. Let me offer a few examples:

- Educating people to care begins in the family, the natural and fundamental nucleus of society, in which we learn how to live and relate to others in a spirit of mutual respect. Yet families need to be empowered to carry out this vital and indispensable task.

- Together with the family, schools and universities – and, in some respects, the communications media – are also responsible for education.[22] They are called to pass on a system of values based on the recognition of the dignity of each person, each linguistic, ethnic and religious community and each people, as well as the fundamental rights arising from that recognition. Education is one of the pillars of a more just and fraternal society.

- Religions in general, and religious leaders in particular, can play an indispensable role in handing on to their followers, and to society at large, the values of solidarity, respect for differences, and concern for our brothers and sisters in need. Here I think of the words spoken in 1969 by Pope Paul VI to the Ugandan Parliament: “Have no fear of the Church; she honours you, she educates honest and loyal citizens for you, she does not foment rivalries and divisions, she seeks to promote healthy liberty, social justice, and peace. If she has any preference at all, it is for the poor, for the education of little ones and of the people, for the care of the suffering and abandoned”.[23]

- Once more I encourage all those engaged in public service and in international organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, and all those others who in various ways are involved in the areas of education and research, to work towards the goal of a “more open and inclusive education, involving patient listening, constructive dialogue and better mutual understanding”.[24] It is my hope that this appeal, made in the context of the Global Compact on Education, will be broadly acknowledged and accepted.

9. There can be no peace without a culture of care

The culture of care thus calls for a common, supportive and inclusive commitment to protecting and promoting the dignity and good of all, a willingness to show care and compassion, to work for reconciliation and healing, and to advance mutual respect and acceptance. As such, it represents a privileged path to peace. “In many parts of the world, there is a need for paths of peace to heal open wounds. There is also a need for peacemakers, men and women prepared to work boldly and creatively to initiate processes of healing and renewed encounter”.[25]

At a time like this, when the barque of humanity, tossed by the storm of the current crisis, struggles to advance towards a calmer and more serene horizon, the “rudder” of human dignity and the “compass” of fundamental social principles can enable us together to steer a sure course. As Christians, we should always look to Our Lady, Star of the Sea and Mother of Hope. May we work together to advance towards a new horizon of love and peace, of fraternity and solidarity, of mutual support and acceptance. May we never yield to the temptation to disregard others, especially those in greatest need, and to look the other way;[26] instead, may we strive daily, in concrete and practical ways, “to form a community composed of brothers and sisters who accept and care for one another”.[27]

From the Vatican, 8 December 2020

Geen woord over Jezus Christus, geen woord over verlossing, geen woord over het komende oordeel, geen woord over waar het Christelijk geloof daadwerkelijk overgaat: onze relatie met God. In plaats daarvan wordt een blauwdruk gegeven over hoe een wereldoverheid moet worden ingericht. En wie is dus de leider van die wereldoverheid?


[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door Ali_Kannibali op 15-10-2021 12:50:22 ]
  vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 @ 12:45:22 #61
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 12:12 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:
Dit was het 'vredesbericht' van de paus aan het begin van het jaar waarvan hij een kopie in het Engels aan Pelosi overhandigde tijdens haar bezoek.


1 JANUARY 2021


1. At the dawn of a new year, I extend cordial greetings to Heads of State and Government, leaders of International Organizations, spiritual leaders and followers of the different religions, and to men and women of good will. (mensen van good will = iedereen die bereid is de paus als moreel leider te aanvaarden). To all I offer my best wishes that the coming year will enable humanity to advance on the path of fraternity, justice and peace between individuals, communities, peoples and nations.

The year 2020 was marked by the massive Covid-19 health crisis, which became a global phenomenon cutting across boundaries, aggravating deeply interrelated crises (een crisis voor dit, een crisis voor dat , allemaal om veranderend beleid te rechtvaardigen) like those of the climate, food, the economy and migration, and causing great suffering and hardship. I think especially of all those who lost family members or loved ones, and all who lost their jobs. I think too of physicians and nurses, pharmacists, researchers, volunteers, chaplains and the personnel of hospitals and healthcare centres. They have made, and are continuing to make, great sacrifices to be present to the sick, to alleviate their sufferings and to save their lives; indeed, many of them have died in the process. In paying tribute to them, I renew my appeal to political leaders and the private sector]/b] to spare no effort to ensure access to Covid-19 vaccines and to the essential technologies needed to care for the sick, the poor and those who are most vulnerable.[1]

Sad to say, alongside all these testimonies of love and solidarity, we have also seen a surge in various forms of [b]nationalism, racism and xenophobia
(de paus is woke), and wars and conflicts that bring only death and destruction in their wake.

These and other events that marked humanity’s path this past year have taught us how important it is to care for one another and for creation (de paus is klimaatactivist) in our efforts to build a more fraternal society. That is why I have chosen as the title of this year’s Message, A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace. A culture of care as a way to combat the culture of indifference, waste and confrontation so prevalent in our time.

<verhaal over de schepping en Cain en Abel volgt><verhaal over de schepping en Cain en Abel volgt>

6. The principles of the Church’s social doctrine as the basis for a culture of care

The diakonia of the Church’s origins, enriched by the reflection of the Fathers and enlivened over the centuries by the active charity of many luminous witnesses to the faith, became the beating heart of the Church’s social doctrine. This doctrine is offered to all people of good will (dus als je het niet eens bent met de sociaal-economische leer van de kerk, heb je geen goodwill) as a precious patrimony of principles, criteria and proposals that can serve as a “grammar” of care: commitment to promoting the dignity of each human person, (dit is een katholiek buzzword) solidarity with the poor and vulnerable, the pursuit of the common good (collectivisme) and concern for protection of creation. (afschaffing eigendomsrecht in naam van de natuur).

Care as promotion of the dignity and rights of each person

“The very concept of the person, which originated and developed in Christianity, fosters the pursuit of a fully human development. Person always signifies relationship, not individualism; it affirms inclusion, not exclusion, unique and inviolable dignity, not exploitation”.[8] Each human person is an end in himself or herself, and never simply a means to be valued only for his or her usefulness. Persons are created to live together in families, communities and societies, where all are equal in dignity. Human rights derive from this dignity, as do human duties, like the responsibility to welcome and assist the poor, the sick, the excluded, every one of our “neighbours, near or far in space and time”.[9]

Care for the common good

Every aspect of social, political and economic life achieves its fullest end when placed at the service of the common good, in other words, “the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfilment more fully and more easily”.[10] Consequently, our plans and projects should always take into account their effects on the entire human family, and consider their consequences for the present and for coming generations. The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us the truth and timeliness of this fact. In the face of the pandemic, “we have realized that we are in the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together”,[11] since “no one reaches salvation by themselves”[12] and no state can ensure the common good of its population if it remains isolated.[13] (COVID als excuus voor collectivisme en globalisme ten gunste van het 'algemene belang', een ander buzzword dat we steeds vaker horen).

Care through solidarity

Solidarity concretely expresses our love for others, not as a vague sentiment but as a “firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say to the good of all and of each individual, because we are all really responsible for all”.[14] Solidarity helps us to regard others – whether as individuals or, more broadly, as peoples or nations – as more than mere statistics, or as a means to be used and then discarded once no longer useful, but as our neighbours, companions on our journey, called like ourselves to partake of the banquet of life to which all are equally invited by God.

Care and protection of creation

The Encyclical Laudato Si’ is fully aware that all creation is interconnected. It also highlights our need to listen to the cry of the poor and, at the same time, to the cry of creation. Constant and attentive listening leads in turn to effective care for the earth, our common home, and for our brothers and sisters in need. Here I would once again point out that “a sense of deep communion with the rest of nature cannot be authentic if our hearts lack tenderness, compassion and concern for our fellow human beings”.[15] “Peace, justice and care for creation are three inherently connected questions, which cannot be separated in such a way as to be treated individually, lest we fall back into reductionism”.[16]

7. A compass pointing to a common path

At a time dominated by a culture of waste, faced with growing inequalities both within and between nations,[17] I urge government leaders and those of international organizations, business leaders, scientists, communicators and educators, to take up these principles as a “compass” capable of pointing out a common direction and ensuring “a more humane future”[18] in the process of globalization. This will enable us to esteem the value and dignity of every person, to act together in solidarity for the common good, and to bring relief to those suffering from poverty, disease, slavery, armed conflicts, and discrimination. I ask everyone to take this compass in hand and to become a prophetic witness of the culture of care, working to overcome the many existing social inequalities. This can only come about through a widespread and meaningful involvement on the part of women, in the family and in every social, political and institutional sphere. (dit domineert het publieke debat niet voor niets).

The compass of these social principles, so essential for the growth of a culture of care, also points to the need for relationships between nations to be inspired by fraternity, mutual respect, solidarity and the observance of international law. In this regard, we must recognize the need to defend and promote fundamental human rights, which are inalienable, universal and indivisible.[19] (geen door God gegeven mensenrechten, maar fundamentele mensenrechten).

Likewise urgent is the need to respect humanitarian law, especially at this time when conflicts and wars continue uninterrupted. Tragically, many regions and communities can no longer remember a time when they dwelt in security and peace. Numerous cities have become epicentres of insecurity: citizens struggle to maintain their normal routine in the face of indiscriminate attacks by explosives, artillery and small arms. Children are unable to study. Men and women cannot work to support their families. Famine is spreading in places where it was previously unknown. People are being forced to take flight, leaving behind not only their homes but also their family history and their cultural roots.

While such conflicts have many causes, the result is always the same: destruction and humanitarian crises. We need to stop and ask ourselves what has led our world to see conflict as something normal, and how our hearts can be converted and our ways of thinking changed, in order to work for true peace in solidarity and fraternity.

How many resources are spent on weaponry, especially nuclear weapons,[20] that could be used for more significant priorities such as ensuring the safety of individuals, the promotion of peace and integral human development, the fight against poverty, and the provision of health care. Global problems like the present Covid-19 pandemic and climate change have only made these challenges all the more evident. What a courageous decision it would be to “establish a ‘Global Fund’ with the money spent on weapons and other military expenditures, in order to permanently eliminate hunger and contribute to the development of the poorest countries”![21]

8. Educating for a culture of care

Promoting a culture of care calls for a process of education. (lees indoctrinatie in katholieke politieke en sociaal-economische leer, ecologie, wokeness, enz.). The “compass” of social principles can prove useful and reliable in a variety of interrelated contexts. Let me offer a few examples:

- Educating people to care begins in the family, the natural and fundamental nucleus of society, in which we learn how to live and relate to others in a spirit of mutual respect. Yet families need to be empowered to carry out this vital and indispensable task.

- Together with the family, schools and universities – and, in some respects, the communications media – are also responsible for education.[22] They are called to pass on a system of values based on the recognition of the dignity of each person, each linguistic, ethnic and religious community and each people, as well as the fundamental rights arising from that recognition. Education is one of the pillars of a more just and fraternal society.

- Religions in general, and religious leaders in particular, can play an indispensable role in handing on to their followers, and to society at large, the values of solidarity, respect for differences, and concern for our brothers and sisters in need. Here I think of the words spoken in 1969 by Pope Paul VI to the Ugandan Parliament: “Have no fear of the Church; she honours you, she educates honest and loyal citizens for you, she does not foment rivalries and divisions, she seeks to promote healthy liberty, social justice, and peace. If she has any preference at all, it is for the poor, for the education of little ones and of the people, for the care of the suffering and abandoned”.[23]

- Once more I encourage all those engaged in public service and in international organizations, both governmental and non-governmental, and all those others who in various ways are involved in the areas of education and research, to work towards the goal of a “more open and inclusive education, involving patient listening, constructive dialogue and better mutual understanding”.[24] It is my hope that this appeal, made in the context of the Global Compact on Education, will be broadly acknowledged and accepted.

9. There can be no peace without a culture of care

The culture of care thus calls for a common, supportive and inclusive commitment to protecting and promoting the dignity and good of all, a willingness to show care and compassion, to work for reconciliation and healing, and to advance mutual respect and acceptance. As such, it represents a privileged path to peace. “In many parts of the world, there is a need for paths of peace to heal open wounds. There is also a need for peacemakers, men and women prepared to work boldly and creatively to initiate processes of healing and renewed encounter”.[25]

At a time like this, when the barque of humanity, tossed by the storm of the current crisis, struggles to advance towards a calmer and more serene horizon, the “rudder” of human dignity and the “compass” of fundamental social principles can enable us together to steer a sure course. As Christians, we should always look to Our Lady, Star of the Sea and Mother of Hope. May we work together to advance towards a new horizon of love and peace, of fraternity and solidarity, of mutual support and acceptance. May we never yield to the temptation to disregard others, especially those in greatest need, and to look the other way;[26] instead, may we strive daily, in concrete and practical ways, “to form a community composed of brothers and sisters who accept and care for one another”.[27]

From the Vatican, 8 December 2020

Geen woord over Jezus Christus, geen woord over verlossing, geen woord over het komende oordeel, geen woord over waar het Christelijk geloof daadwerkelijk overgaat: onze relatie met God. In plaats daarvan wordt een blauwdruk gegeven over hoe een wereldoverheid moet worden ingericht.
Moet elk gesprek over Jezus gaan?
Want hij haalt behoorlijk wat christelijke dingen naar voren en hij haalt GOD een aantal keer aan.

<verhaal over de schepping en Cain en Abel volgt>

Dit is er dus uitgeknipt.

Dus niet zo gek als het er niet in staat als het er gewoon uitgehaald word.
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 12:45 schreef theguyver het volgende:

Moet elk gesprek over Jezus gaan?
Want hij haalt behoorlijk wat christelijke dingen naar voren en hij haalt GOD een aantal keer aan.

<verhaal over de schepping en Cain en Abel volgt>

Dit is er dus uitgeknipt.

Dus niet zo gek als het er niet in staat als het er gewoon uitgehaald word.
Ik was inderdaad niet van plan om het hele stuk te citeren maar uiteindelijk heb ik alleen dat stuk weggeknipt (anders past het niet in 1 post). Maar daar zat geen kwade bedoeling achter. Ben ook vergeten de link te plaatsen dus bij deze https://www.vatican.va/co(...)ndiale-pace2021.html

Waar het om gaat is dat verlossing erom gaat dat je vergeven wordt voor je zonden. De bijbel zegt dat het koninkrijk van God niet van deze wereld is. De RKK is bezig met het opzetten van een aards koninkrijk voor 'alle mensen met goodwill'. Het roept niet op tot bekering van zonden maar tot conformiteit met de sociaal-economisch-politieke idealen van de kerk. Dat wil zeggen feodalisme.

Mao Skull and Bones, Bush was een bekende lid van Skull and Bones.


onderzoek Mao en Israel Epstein, Sol Adler, Frank Coe, wat deden ze in china, wat is hun achtergrond ....

  vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 @ 14:07:26 #64
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 12:49 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:

Ik was inderdaad niet van plan om het hele stuk te citeren maar uiteindelijk heb ik alleen dat stuk weggeknipt (anders past het niet in 1 post). Maar daar zat geen kwade bedoeling achter. Ben ook vergeten de link te plaatsen dus bij deze https://www.vatican.va/co(...)ndiale-pace2021.html

Waar het om gaat is dat verlossing erom gaat dat je vergeven wordt voor je zonden. De bijbel zegt dat het koninkrijk van God niet van deze wereld is. De RKK is bezig met het opzetten van een aards koninkrijk voor 'alle mensen met goodwill'. Het roept niet op tot bekering van zonden maar tot conformiteit met de sociaal-economisch-politieke idealen van de kerk. Dat wil zeggen feodalisme.
Bij paus Johannes Paulus de 2e ja Ratzinger ook idd, maar fransiscus is wat meer met de tijd mee gegaan, hij heeft genoeg preken daar niet van, maar hij haalt meer menselijke kwesties naar voren..

Heb je de film 2 Popes gezien?
Want daar in merk je heel goed wat het verschil is tussen die 2 natuurlijk niet 100% accuraat maar ze zitten heel dicht in de buurt.
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 14:07 schreef theguyver het volgende:

Bij paus Johannes Paulus de 2e ja Ratzinger ook idd, maar fransiscus is wat meer met de tijd mee gegaan, hij heeft genoeg preken daar niet van, maar hij haalt meer menselijke kwesties naar voren..

Heb je de film 2 Popes gezien?
Want daar in merk je heel goed wat het verschil is tussen die 2 natuurlijk niet 100% accuraat maar ze zitten heel dicht in de buurt.
Beide hadden het al over een new world order met een sterkere rol voor de VN.

Pope calls for a new world order

Pope John Paul II launched one of the most important diplomatic initiatives of his long papacy yesterday when he called for a new international order to replace the one that emerged from the second world war.

Pope Urges Forming New World Economic Order to Work for the 'Common Good'

VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday called for a radical rethinking of the global economy, criticizing a growing divide between rich and poor and urging the establishment of a "true world political authority" to oversee the economy and work for the "common good."

Dit is werkeljk al tientallen jaren de boodschap vanuit het Vaticaan.

Er is helemaal niets veranderd van paus tot paus.

Het is hetzelfde utopiebeeld dat al bijna 2000 jaar in de kerk wordt gepropageerd, het idee van het koninkrijk van God op aarde volgens Augustinus met de kerk boven de wereldse macht, wereldwijd, de paus als morele leider en Gods vertegenwoordiger.
  vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 @ 14:48:45 #66
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 14:11 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:

Beide hadden het al over een new world order met een sterkere rol voor de VN.

Pope calls for a new world order

Pope John Paul II launched one of the most important diplomatic initiatives of his long papacy yesterday when he called for a new international order to replace the one that emerged from the second world war.

Pope Urges Forming New World Economic Order to Work for the 'Common Good'

VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday called for a radical rethinking of the global economy, criticizing a growing divide between rich and poor and urging the establishment of a "true world political authority" to oversee the economy and work for the "common good."

Dit is werkeljk al tientallen jaren de boodschap vanuit het Vaticaan.

Er is helemaal niets veranderd van paus tot paus.

Het is hetzelfde utopiebeeld dat al bijna 2000 jaar in de kerk wordt gepropageerd, het idee van het koninkrijk van God op aarde volgens Augustinus met de kerk boven de wereldse macht, wereldwijd, de paus als morele leider en Gods vertegenwoordiger.
Wow..ik denk dat het echt even tijd word om daar even meer in te gaan verdiepen.

Want dit slaat als een tang op een varken.

Er zit een verschrikkelijk groot verschil tussen deze 3.

Vooral de stap tussen de laatste was enorm.

Heb je de film gezien is echt een aanrader?
Zeker voor iemand als jij die bijna overal de kerk probeert te betrekken lijkt het me heel interessant.
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 14:48 schreef theguyver het volgende:

Wow..ik denk dat het echt even tijd word om daar even meer in te gaan verdiepen.

Want dit slaat als een tang op een varken.

Er zit een verschrikkelijk groot verschil tussen deze 3.
Aha, oké.

Dat zal ik dan maar van jou moeten aannemen.
  vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 @ 14:56:18 #68
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 14:50 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:

Aha, oké.

Dat zal ik dan maar van jou moeten aannemen.
Trust me on this one..
Behoorlijke film kenner en deze is behoorlijk spot on..
Zeker als het gaat om of die beetje accuraat is.
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 14:56 schreef theguyver het volgende:

Trust me on this one..
Behoorlijke film kenner en deze is behoorlijk spot on..
Zeker als het gaat om of die beetje accuraat is.
En jij gelooft dat die film nauwkeurig is.

Er is gewoon een agenda waarin verschillende mensen verschillende rollen spelen.

Ze lijken anders te zijn maar de agenda is precies hetzelfde.

Net als de VVD die GroenLinks-klimaatbeleid uitvoert.

Of een atheistische partij die de sociaal-economische idealen van de RKK uitvoert.

Een pot nat.

[ Bericht 3% gewijzigd door Ali_Kannibali op 15-10-2021 15:38:07 ]
  vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 @ 16:48:19 #70
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 15 oktober 2021 15:09 schreef Ali_Kannibali het volgende:

En jij gelooft dat die film nauwkeurig is.

Er is gewoon een agenda waarin verschillende mensen verschillende rollen spelen.

Ze lijken anders te zijn maar de agenda is precies hetzelfde.

Net als de VVD die GroenLinks-klimaatbeleid uitvoert.

Of een atheistische partij die de sociaal-economische idealen van de RKK uitvoert.

Een pot nat.
Er is een verschil tussen feit en fictie.

Voorbeeld - braveheart .. hele vette film.. maar klopt geen hol van historisch gezien.
Dezelfde makers hebben.
We where soldiers gemaakt, en die film is een hele goeie interpretatie van wat er zich toen daadwerkelijk heeft afgespeeld.

Een film is nooit 100% accuraat.
Ik geef alleen aan dat deze wel redelijk in de buurt komt.

Dat men bepaalde ideologie heeft wil niet gelijk zeggen dat zij de bedenkers en de grote macht zijn die daadwerkelijk aan stuurt..

Wat heb je trouwens tegen jezuïeten?
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
Meerderheid van de Tweede Kamer steunt het Chinees Sociaalkrediet systeem

  zaterdag 16 oktober 2021 @ 14:23:53 #72
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
13s.gif Op zaterdag 16 oktober 2021 03:24 schreef Mytho het volgende:
Meerderheid van de Tweede Kamer steunt het Chinees Sociaalkrediet systeem

Oki da's wel bizar.
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them;
Elke Belg krijgt tegen 2023 digitale portefeuille: zo werkt het
In de categorie van 'super handig'!
“My soul is impatient with itself, as with a bothersome child; its restlessness keeps growing and is forever the same. Everything interests me, but nothing holds me.” ― Fernando Pessoa
  vrijdag 22 oktober 2021 @ 07:26:32 #77
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
AD.nl: Biden: VS zullen Taiwan verdedigen als China aanvalt.

En tja beetje ver van mijn bed show maar toch!
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
  vrijdag 22 oktober 2021 @ 07:38:18 #78
72545 Megumi
Go Rin No Sho
0s.gif Op donderdag 7 oktober 2021 14:13 schreef KoosVogels het volgende:
Gelukkig heeft de kerk geen kloot te zeggen over hoe wij onze staat inrichten.
Klopt. En je kunt van alles over China zeggen maar het is geen pedofielen staat zoals het vaticaan.
Wordt als iemand die voortdurend dood is. De ware volgeling van bushidõ sterft elke ochtend en avond opnieuw. En wordt niet gehinderd door angst voor de dood. Yamamoto Tsunetomo's hagakure.
0s.gif Op vrijdag 22 oktober 2021 07:26 schreef theguyver het volgende:
AD.nl: Biden: VS zullen Taiwan verdedigen als China aanvalt.

En tja beetje ver van mijn bed show maar toch!

U.S. defense secretary promises NATO, Taiwan, EU broad support

A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.
als de partij je niet lief vind dan zeggen ze dat je covid heb en gaan ze je ophokken. dus wie de tests kan manipuleren heeft veel macht.

De pope en Biden ontmoeten elkaar om de bbb agenda door te voeren o|O

A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.
  vrijdag 29 oktober 2021 @ 14:54:05 #83
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
0s.gif Op donderdag 28 oktober 2021 13:40 schreef Mytho het volgende:
als de partij je niet lief vind dan zeggen ze dat je covid heb en gaan ze je ophokken. dus wie de tests kan manipuleren heeft veel macht.

[ afbeelding ]
Leuke theorie maar hoe zit het met die lui die daadwerkelijk ziek werden?
Ik duld dus op de klachten.
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 29 oktober 2021 14:54 schreef theguyver het volgende:

Leuke theorie maar hoe zit het met die lui die daadwerkelijk ziek werden?
Ik duld dus op de klachten.
weet je wel hoe vervuild de lucht is in china, ze liepen al voor de corona rond met mondkapjes.
  zaterdag 30 oktober 2021 @ 07:30:09 #85
279682 theguyver
Sidekick van A tuin-hek!
0s.gif Op vrijdag 29 oktober 2021 22:32 schreef Mytho het volgende:

weet je wel hoe vervuild de lucht is in china, ze liepen al voor de corona rond met mondkapjes.
Jup, en dat deden veel Aziaten hier ook al.
Daarom vond ik grappig dat er argumenten werden gemaakt dat mensen niet kunnen ademen met mondkapjes terwijl veel Aziaten dat al heel lang doen.
Ik had dit al een keer aangehaald toen.
Nu zie ik er amper nog wat alleen ouderen en Aziaten.
Er staat nog een vraag voor u open!!
Als ik de berichten moet geloven was de meeting een groot succes

A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures. ...he will refuse to believe it.
langzaam gaan ze chineze model invoeren in het westen.

Xi laat zien voor wie hij werkt.

Dit soort plaatjes laten zien dat je makkelijk beïnvloedbaar bent.
Conscience do cost.
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