FOK!forum / Nieuws & Achtergronden / Anonops #17: Lood en dolfijnen?
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 25 januari 2016 @ 17:58

Anon: Wordt gebruikt als aanduiding van zowel de totale internet-community als voor netizens die zich identificeren met Anonymous.
Anonymous: Ongeorganiseerd hacktivist collectief.
Anonops: Een netwerk/infrastructuur dat door Anonymous gebruikt word om actie te voeren.
Peoples Liberation Front: Cyber millitia. Volgens CommanderX gevormd in 1985 met behulp van LSD. Werkt samen met Anonops als dat zo uitkomt.
Lulzsec: Leakers. Ze "testen" met veel plezier beveiligingen op internet. Geïnfiltreerd en opgerold door de FBI e.d. Discussie-forum. Verander de wereld in 3 stappen. Ligt onder vuur door oldfag-trollen.
4chan is een Engelstalig imageboard/internetforum. 4chan werd op 1 oktober 2003 opgericht door de toen 15-jarige "moot". Gebruikers kunnen volledig anoniem afbeeldingen en reacties plaatsen over alle denkbare onderwerpen. De site is gebaseerd op het Japanse internetforum Futaba Channel en is onderverdeeld in verschillende subfora, 'boards' genaamd. Het meest populaire (en beruchte) is het Random board, genaamd /b/. 4chan gebruikers zijn verantwoordelijk voor het bedenken of populariseren van vele zogeheten internetmemes.
Een bekende meme komt van een Japanse manga.
Als je denkt dat je geweldig bent of iets fantastisch hebt gedaan zeg je “I’m over 9000”
Oprah Winfrey weet het , na een berichtje van 4chan, nu ook:

Iedereen kan via 4chan, maar ook via de ouderwetse IRC-channels, volledig anoniem met elkaar “communiceren”.

4chan /b/ gaat over borsten, cracken/hacken van software en websites, down- en uploaden. De veelal jonge gebruikers van 4chan verveelden zich niet alleen met elkaar, maar hun kattenkwaad bereikte ook de echte wereld. Buren en leraren kregen ongevraagd pizza-bezorgers aan de deur of werden over de telefoon lastig gevallen nadat persoonlijke gegevens via 4chan werden verspreid. Ook werden websites bestookt met commentaar of extreem veel bezoek. Bezoek dat na verloop van tijd werd geautomatiseerd met behulp van een test-tool voor websites, omgebouwd en omgedoopt tot Low Orbit Ion Cannon.

Binnen de Anon-community ontstond op een dag het hacktivisme. En het heette Anonymous. Anonymous belichaamde een belangrijk Anon-ideaal: Vrij, open, ongecensureerd internet, onbeperkte vrijheid van (het delen van) informatie. En Anonymous vond een vijand. Januari 2008.
Deze interne propaganda-video lekte uit en kwam uit via Gawker. Scientology staat er om bekend om auteurswetgeving te misbruiken om hun methoden uit de openbaarheid te houden. Scientology vroeg Gawker de video te verwijderen. De video bleef opduiken en nadat advocaten van Scientology wereldwijd websites terroriseerden kwam Anonymous met hun oorlogsverklaring.
Anonymous gebruikte het volledige 4chan arsenaal. DDOSsen van scientology-websites, e-mail/fax-bommen, prank-calls. Maar de acties breidden zich uit naar de echte wereld. Main-stream media pikten het op en demonstraties over de hele wereld vonden plaats.

Na maanden werd het wat rustiger tussen Anonymous en Scientology, maar Oparation Chanalogy loopt nog steeds.

De strijd voor een vrij en open internet bleef en richtte zich vooral op film- en platenmaatschappijen in Operation Payback. Anonymous verklaarde zich solidair met WikiLeaks toen Joe Liebermann financiële mogelijkheden van WikiLeaks probeerde af te sluiten, en startte Operation Avenge Assange waarbij ze de websites van Paypal, Mastercard en Visa aanvielen.
Kort daarna kwam de video voor Operation Payback uit.

3 januari 2011 opende Anonymous de aanval op websites van Tunesië, en Anonymous bemoeit zich tot op de dag van vandaag met de revoluties in het Midden Oosten. Niet alleen met DDOS-aanvallen, maar ook met informatie (naar demonstranten en naar het internationale publiek) praktische tips (EHBO, maak zelf een gasmasker) alternatieve communicatiemiddelen.

5 februari 2011: Ene Aaron Barr van HBGary Federal maakte in een interview bekend dat hij de leiders van Anonymous had geïdentificeerd. Een groep hackers hackte de computers van HBGary, zette een boodschap op hun website, wiste een berg data en openbaarde 70.000 e-mails. Uit de e-mails bleek dat het Amerikaanse bedrijfsleven en de overheid alle legale en illegale middelen gebruikt om tegenstanders (mensenrechten organisaties, vakbonden en WikiLeaks) kapot te maken.
Barret Brown stortte zich op de mails en heeft Project PM opgericht om de activiteiten van internetbeveiligingsbedrijven i.s.m. vooral de US overheid in kaart te brengen.
BarrettBrownLOL twitterde op maandag 03-09-2012 om 02:16:10 And all this because man put in motion systems that returned to enslave him #ProjectPM reageer retweet
IRL-Troll familie Westboro Baptist Church dacht ook mee te kunnen liften en daagde Anonymous uit.
Waarna Th3 J3st3r de WBC-websites maandenlang plat legde.

NATO maakt zich zorgen:
NATO leaders have been warned that WikiLeaks-loving 'hacktivist' collective Anonymous could pose a threat to member states' security, following recent attacks on the US Chamber of Commerce and defence contractor HBGary - and promise to 'persecute' its members.
Anonymous en Occupy Wall Str.:
From a single hashtag, a protest circled the world

(Reuters) - It all started innocuously enough with a July 13 blog post urging people to #OccupyWallStreet, as though such a thing (Twitter hashtag and all) were possible.

NWS / Anonymous daagt Mexicaans drugskartel uit.

Gabriella Coleman Assistant Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication

Trained as an anthropologist, Gabriella (Biella) Coleman examines the ethics of online collaboration/institutions as well as the role of the law and digital media in sustaining various forms of political activism. Between 2001-2003 she conducted ethnographic research on computer hackers primarily in San Francisco, the Netherlands, as well as those hackers who work on the largest free software project, Debian. Her first book, "Coding Freedom: The Aesthetics and the Ethics of Hacking" is forthcoming with Princeton University Press and she is currently working on a new book on Anonymous and digital activism. She is the recipient of numerous grants, fellowships, and awards, including ones from the National Science Foundation, the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Social Science Research Council and the Institute for Advanced Study.
Anonymous: From the Lulz to Collective Action

Gabriella Coleman, April 6 2011
Our Weirdness Is Free

The logic of Anonymous—online army, agent of chaos, and seeker of justice.

by Gabriella Coleman, [01.13.2012]
Coding Fredom [PDF]

The Aesthetics and the Ethics of Hacking

Gabriella Coleman 2013
Anonymous And The War Over The Internet

This article is the first in a two-part series tracing the development of the amorphous online community known as Anonymous, pranksters who have become a force in global affairs.

The Huffington Post, Saki Knafo. Posted: 1/30/12 12:20 PM ET | Updated: 2/1/12 07:36 PM ET
TIMELINE: The Evolution Of The 'Anonymous' Internet Hacktivist Group

Vorige delen:
NWS / Internet community begint oorlog tegen Scientology...
NWS / Internet community begint oorlog tegen Scientology #2
NWS / Internet community begint oorlog tegen Scientology #3
NWS / Anonops : Take down mastercard
NWS / Anonops : Take down
NWS / Anonops #3: Soldiers are enlisting.
NWS / Anonops #4: The war goes on
NWS / Anonops #5: Anonymous en de MO-revoluties
NWS / Anonops #6: Anonymous en de MO-revoluties
NWS / Anonops #7: Meer is beter
NWS / Anonops #8: Occupy Wall Str.
NWS / Anonops #9: Get Los(t) Zetas
NWS / Anonops #10: Stop SOPA
NWS / Anonops #11: Stop ACTA
NWS / Anonops #12: Spy on the Spyers
NWS / Anonops #13: Stop CISPA
NWS / Anonops #14: All about control
NWS / Anonops #15: Last or not to Last

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 25-01-2016 19:29:03 ]
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 25 januari 2016 @ 18:00
Anonymous Shuts Down Japanese Airport Website After "The Cove" Actor Is Arrested

Members of the Anonymous hacker collective have launched DDoS attacks on the website of the Narita airport in Tokyo to protest the "allegedly" illegal arrest of Ric O'Barry, the main star of "The Cove."

Besides being one of the men that helped train the dolphins used on the set of the famous "Flipper" TV show, Ric O'Barry's main claim to fame is his appearance in Oscar-winning "The Cove" documentary, which depicts the horrible dolphin slaughter that takes place annually in the town of Taiji, Japan.

Ric O'Barry denied entry to Japan, arrested afterwards

According to the Dolphin Project, a non-profit charitable organization Ric's part of, the TV actor was detained by Japanese authorities on January 18, when he arrived at Tokyo's Narita airport.

Authorities refused Ric the right to enter the country, and after declining to leave, they placed him under arrest at a deportees facility, where he remains even now.

"O’Barry was repeatedly interrogated and placed in a deportees’ facility, similar to a jail, where he has been held behind bars ever since," a statement from the Dolphin Project reads. "He has not received proper nourishment, his only food coming from the airport’s 7 Eleven convenience store, and sleep has been minimal at best."

This is not O'Barry's first time in a Japanese prison, having spent another night in jail last August, after he didn't have his passport on him. In that case, Japanese police were not willing to search his car for his passport, choosing to keep him for a night in jail before eventually finding his passport and setting him free.

O'Barry has stated many times that, after "The Cove" documentary was released, he has been subject to harassment from Japanese authorities, who have done their best to deter him from returning to the country.

Anonymous comes to the rescue

After the incident was leaked to the press, members of the Anonymous hacker group came to Ric's aid and launched DDoS attacks on the Narita airport's website. First attacks were launched at around 09:00 PM on Friday, January 22, and the website was restored the following day at 01:00 AM.

This is not the first time Anonymous attacked the Narita airport website, having previously taken it down in October 2015.

Anonymous has a long-lasting feud with Japanese authorities, especially for their habit of hunting and killing endangered specials of whales and dolphins. Softpedia has written many times on Anonymous' #OpWhales and #OpKillingBay campaigns in the past.

Papierversnipperaarmaandag 25 januari 2016 @ 18:01
Metalfrostmaandag 25 januari 2016 @ 18:07
Typo in de OP (en waarschijnlijk alle OPs in de reeks)

0s.gif Op maandag 25 januari 2016 17:58 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:
Buren en leraren kregen ongevraagd pizza-bezorgers aan de deur of werden over de telefoon lastig gevallen nadat persoonlijke gegevens via 4chan werden verspreidt.
'verspreid' is het voltooid deelwoord van 'verspreiden', de letter 'e' komt niet voor als hoofdletter in het hulpmiddel TaXiKoFSCHiP, dus met een 'd' op het eind.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 25 januari 2016 @ 19:29
0s.gif Op maandag 25 januari 2016 18:07 schreef Metalfrost het volgende:
Typo in de OP (en waarschijnlijk alle OPs in de reeks)


'verspreid' is het voltooid deelwoord van 'verspreiden', de letter 'e' komt niet voor als hoofdletter in het hulpmiddel TaXiKoFSCHiP, dus met een 'd' op het eind.
Aangepast ^O^
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 3 februari 2016 @ 14:46
Zelfs voor een filmscript klinkt het ongeloofwaardig: een groep anonieme hackers heeft twee jaar lang gevoelige informatie van de Amerikaanse ruimteorganisatie NASA gestolen en dreigt die openbaar te maken en een kostbaar onbemand vliegtuig te laten crashen - tenzij de NASA volledige openheid geeft over het manipuleren van het klimaat door het kunstmatig fabriceren van regen.

Toch is dat precies wat hackersgroep AnonSec via sociale media beweert. De groep zou sinds 2013 via in het geniep gekochte inloggegevens de systemen van NASA zijn binnengedrongen. Jarenlang hebben de hackers informatie buitgemaakt, zoals de namen en adressen van 2.400 medewerkers, gegevens van meer dan tweeduizend NASA-vluchten en zeshonderd video's van missies. Die informatie wil AnonSec nu openbaar maken als NASA niet binnen een maand aan de eisen voldoet.

Debunked: AnonSec's NASA Hack, Global Hawk Hijack, Evidence of Chemtrails [Public Domain Data]

This text file (a pruned version of which is attached to this post) and data release has been used by many groups that promote the "chemtrails" theory as "proof" that chemtrails are real, and that there's some kind of secret geoengineering program going on.

Here's the facts behind these claims.

Het artikel gaat verder.

[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 03-02-2016 14:53:16 ]
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 3 februari 2016 @ 16:48

Greetings Humanity from all around Our Planet Earth.

We are” The Collective”

We are united as 1 Globally, divided by None. We, are working very hard to repel oppression, corruption, & evil. In order to bring Anarchy, Peace, & Harmony, everywhere. We see, that there are so many who are too afraid to fight back against the corrupted paid by corporations people like the police & soldiers. Who choose to be brutal against their own people, & that goes on, every-day. Well guess what, the corrupted are no match against the people who are not afraid to defend them-selves. We have the ultimate right to defend Ourselves, even from the police & soldiers. Do not be afraid of them, the people, are you, & you, are us. We are the ultimate power, that not even their worst nightmares could possibly match. Imagine, the time of your life of a specific event that pissed you off more than whatever has before. If the police or a soldier brings you harm, think about that specific event, & just pretend that the police or soldiers, are the cause of that event, & use that as a weapon to make you brave & bold.

Remember, violence can be used for good, however, We do not promote invasion of other people, vandalism, brutality, lies, & bloodshed. We only promote self defense, peace, & harmony. We suggest that you equip yourselves with a shield, if the police or soldiers starts hitting you, then you are able to keep yourself from getting hurt. A club is also necessary, because you will be able to knock them back without severely injuring them, like a blade that can make one bleed after usually one slash. A gas mask is very useful, if they use any kind of spray, or toxic like gas. If you learn combat skills, like karate, or any martial arts, that will help you prevent the invaders from winning. The best Idea, is to unite, as many as possible, to become one, so then We all will have a good chance of winning. Empower yourself.

You are the resistance, & you are, the Hero, no matter who you are. You are Humanity, with a strong heart, a brave mind, & an unbreakable soul. Do not lose hope, use whatever you can to keep you in motion, for We, are the courage that can, & will save this World. We have brought strength & resilience to the people, to help to do only the right thing, without fear, & without any more conflict. Do not let fear control you, for that is the weapon that the federal government & corporations use, to control the masses. The corrupt fear us, because We, are Uniting humanity, & spreading the truth everywhere, & everyday.

The lies & brutality is just as useless, as the corrupted are useless themselves. Please do not, without a single thought or doubt, trust the government & the globalist elites, for they are the leaders of all corruption. We do not need leaders, & We do not need any slaves of any kind what-so-ever. We have made an oath to help & defend the people, & this is us now, doing both.

The corruption is a virus, & We, are the cure. We, will take back what is truly hours, & We, will correct the mistakes that have been spread on Our World like a virus, & We will no longer tolerate this virus from closing in. Remember these words, & use them to help you carry on, bringing justice Worldwide. The Earth, & the people will be safe, because We have chosen to actively awaken the masses, as well as protecting others from all forms of threat & harm, not because of any sort of payment or prizes, but because, We care about you, & the World.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
To the corrupted.
Expect Us!
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 5 februari 2016 @ 16:52
Return of Kings rallies cancelled over safety concerns - British Columbia - CBC News

A controversial U.S. blogger who has published material suggesting rape inside a private home should be legal says he has cancelled rallies planned across the globe this weekend over safety concerns.

"I can no longer guarantee the safety or privacy of the men who want to attend on Feb. 6, especially since most of the meetups cannot be made private in time," Roosh V wrote on his blog on Wednesday.

"While I can't stop men who want to continue meeting in private groups, there will be no official Return Of Kings meet-ups."

He apologized to his supporters and a listing of locations has been removed from the website.

"I'm moving to save as many of these meet-ups as I can before Saturday so that men can still meet in private away from a loud, obnoxious, dishonest, and potentially violent mob," he added.

The blog, founded by Daryush (Roosh V) Valizadeh in 2012, describes itself as a blog for heterosexual, "masculine" men.

It preaches something called "neomasculinity," which supports traditional gender roles — including the beliefs that a woman's value "significantly depends on her fertility and beauty," and that the patriarchy is "a superior societal system that catered to the innate abilities of the sexes."

The rallies, which were planned in several Canadian cities such as Vancouver, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Calgary and Toronto, were denounced by several mayors.

.@ReturnofKings Your pro-rape, misogynistic, homophobic garbage is not welcome in Ottawa​ ​#its2016 ​​#TurnAwayReturnOfKings

What he said. Goes double for Calgary. Thanks for your leadership on this, Jim.

No place for intolerance, hatred & misogyny in Toronto. I'm with you @nenshi @jimwatsonottawa #TurnAwayReturnofKings

Hatred and misogyny have absolutely no place in Vancouver or anywhere else in this world #TurnAwayReturnOfKings

Not acceptable in #Edmonton. Nor, I suspect, anywhere in this country in this day and age. #TurnAwayReturnOfKings

The hashtag #turnawayreturnofkings was trending in Canada on Tuesday, with some suggesting online that they wanted to show up at the planned rallies with protests.

©2016 CBC/Radio-Canada. All rights reserved
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 5 februari 2016 @ 16:57
This is the man at the center of a worldwide storm after advocating legalizing rape on private property - in a sweat-stained T-shirt at the door of his mother's house.

Daryush 'Roosh' Valizadeh, 36, the self-proclaimed 'King of Masculinity' called police after receiving death threats from around the world and canceled a series of 'tribal meetings' in 45 countries set for this weekend.

Valizadeh, who is at the center of public protests at home and in Canada, Australia and the UK, is on record as advocating women be banned from voting, describing a woman's value as dependent on her 'fertility and beauty', and stating that women with eating disorders make the best girlfriends.


Het artikel gaat verder.
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 6 februari 2016 @ 18:27
Wahrheit unerwünscht: Merkel-Regime sperrt Facebookseite von Anonymous

Nachdem Anonymous entlarvende Dokumente von Innenministerium, Polizei und BKA und leakte, sperrten Behörden die Facebookseite der Aktivisten. Justizminister Heiko „Orwell“ Maas hat versprochen, Facebook jetzt mit Denunzianten zu durchseuchen, um jeglicher Kritik am Establishment eine weitere Plattform zu entziehen. Und er hat Wort gehalten. Mit Anetta Kahane engagierte er seit neuesten eine ehemalige Mitarbeiterin der DDR-Staatssicherheit. Im Auftrag von Merkel hat die Ex-Stasi-Agentin Kahane nun über 100 Blockwarte angeheuert, die ab sofort, unter dem Deckmantel gegen Hassbeiträge vorgehen zu wollen, unliebsame Kommentare und Beiträge auf Facebook zensieren. Was ein „Hasskommentar“ oder ein „Hassbeitrag“ ist, wird allerdings nicht durch ein Gesetz definiert, sondern nach freien Ermessen festgelegt, von Maas und seinen willigen Zensur-Schergen. Genau auf diese hat man nun die deutschsprachige Seite Anonymous, mit 1,8 Millionen Abonnenten, mundtot gemacht. Was war passiert?

Het artikel gaat verder.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 8 februari 2016 @ 19:51
Leaked police files contain guarantees disciplinary records will be kept secret | US news | The Guardian

Guardian analysis of dozens of contracts revealed by hackers shows more than a third allow or require destruction of civilian complaint records

Contracts between police and city authorities, leaked after hackers breached the website of the country’s biggest law enforcement union, contain guarantees that disciplinary records and complaints made against officers are kept secret or even destroyed.

A Guardian analysis of dozens of contracts obtained from the servers of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) found that more than a third featured clauses allowing – and often mandating – the destruction of records of civilian complaints, departmental investigations, or disciplinary actions after a negotiated period of time.

The review also found that 30% of the 67 leaked police contracts, which were struck between cities and police unions, included provisions barring public access to records of past civilian complaints, departmental investigations, and disciplinary actions.

Samuel Walker, a professor in criminology at the University of Nebraska, Omaha, said there was “no justification” for the cleansing of officers’ records, which could contain details of their use of force against civilians.

“The public has a right to know,” Walker said. “If there was a controversial beating, we ought to know what action was actually taken. Was it a reprimand? A suspension?”

Walker said that while an officer’s whole personnel file should not be readily available to the public outside of court proceedings, records of disciplinary action should be.

The leaked contracts became publicly accessible last week, when hackers breached the Fraternal Order of Police’s website and put around 2.5GB worth of its files online. These provide a glimpse into the influence of police unions, which Black Lives Matter activists have accused of impeding misconduct investigations, particularly after the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland in April.

Related: Hackers post private files of America's biggest police union

The documents date back almost two decades and include agreements from unions such as the Policemen’s Benevolent Association and the International Brotherhood of Police Officers. Many contain numerous recurring clauses that slow down misconduct investigations, prevent public access to complaints and disciplinary records, and enable the destruction of complaints and disciplinary records after a negotiated period of time.

At least as recently as 2007, if an officer in Independence, Missouri, was “involved in a shooting incident”, that officer could not be interrogated for at least 12 hours nor be “treated a suspect” unless local authorities thought there was reasonable suspicion or probable cause that a crime had been committed. This protocol was mandated in the local police union’s contract in a clause specifically designed for “officer-involved shooting investigations”.

In recent years, Independence has made headlines for cases of police brutality and police shootings.

From small towns in Nebraska and New Jersey to major cities like Cincinnati, Ohio and Jacksonville, Florida, “expungement” clauses allowed for records of formal investigations and written reprimands to be “purged” after a few years or, in some cases, months.

Chuck Canterbury, the FOP president, said that such contract provisions were designed to protect the due process rights of police officers. “Disciplinary files are removed because they affect career advancement,” said Canterbury. “People make mistakes and if they learn from them, they should be removed. This is standard HR practice.”

Other deals contained provisions focused on blocking public access to records that were preserved. A 2006-2008 contract from Burlington Township, NJ, for example, required the police department’s Investigations Commander to keep formal complaints and internal investigation documents “in a locked file”, barring access to all except the department’s investigations commander and chief law
enforcement officer.

Similarly, in Ralston, Nebraska, the 2009-2012 FOP contract created a “Police Officers’ Bill of Rights”, which said: “Unless agreed to by the Officer, the City shall not divulge the reason for any disciplinary action that is not appealed to the Civil Service Commission.” The city was also bound to “make every reasonable effort”
to prevent a photograph of the officer from being released to the public or news media.

Among five other FOP contracts, where such confidentiality clauses could not be inserted because of state open records laws, several included language seemingly designed to help officers beat public records requests.

One 2009-2011 FOP contract from Hamilton County, Nebraska, initiates a mandatory five-step response to public records requests, in which the department would ascertain the identity of the person making the request, provide the officer with a summary of the would-be released information, guarantee the officer five days to object to the request, and allow the officer a departmental hearing to make the case that the release could threaten his or her personal security.

Devon M Jacob, a civil rights attorney and former police officer, said: “These are public employees, so their performance should be available to the public. There’s no reason matters of waste or wrongdoing should be kept away from the public. I disagree with this idea that unsustained complaints or investigations don’t matter.”

Speaking to the rationale for sealing off investigatory and complaint records, Canterbury, the FOP president, said: “It’s mostly the false or unsustained complaints that officers feel unduly hurt their careers. Nobody expunges guilty adjudicated use-of-forces, so if these acts are found unsustained in the first place, why should they continue to have any bearing on officers?”
In Jacksonville, Florida, however, according to a 2008-2009 FOP contract, if an officer were to receive a written reprimand with suspension or loss of pay, after a sustained formal investigation, that action would have to be purged after five years.

Often, even substantiated use-of-force allegations fail even to garner penalties as high as a reprimand with suspension. To put this in perspective, even in cases between 2010 and 2015 in which the NYPD’s office of the inspector general confirmed that officers had used unwarranted excessive force, officers were given no discipline 35.6% of the time.

According to the contracts, however, most of the investigations into police misconduct are led by officers’ supervisors or investigators within the department – a process that leaves some reform advocates skeptical. One leaked 2004-2006 contract from Worthington, Ohio, said that any city official who received a citizen complaint about a police officer must advise the complainant to go to the police department instead. “If the citizen does not wish to contact the Division of Police,” the contract said, “City staff should contact the Division of Police in a timely manner and advise a supervisor of the complaint.”

Alex Vitale, an associate professor of sociology at Brooklyn College, said such contract measures in effect undermined the possibility of robust civilian review boards for police. “You could pass a law to create a civilian oversight commission, but that law can’t supersede what’s in the contract,” said Vitale. “They just want to make clear what the process is and make sure there aren’t independent investigations. The police think ‘no one understands what we do’. It’s all part of this ‘us against the world’ mentality that dominates police thinking.”

Canterbury said the FOP rejects the idea of civilian review boards. “Departments do much better than civilian review boards because civilians have no knowledge of law enforcement or expertise on procedures,” he said. “Police departments do a very good job on internal reviews, plus we already have external review processes like local governments, prosecutors’ officers, and grand juries.”

Black Lives Matter activists argue, however, that there are too many conflicts of interest for the police to impartially investigate their own members. “Beyond the role nepotism and cronyism continues to play in the corruption of law enforcement, there is an inherent distrust of the police’s ability to keep communities safe,” said Delaine Powerful, an organizer in the Black Youth Project. “We cannot trust a system born out of slave patrols and night watches to conduct its own criminal investigations into unnecessary and unwarranted force by police.”

Ron Hampton, a former director of the National Black Police Association and a police officer in Washington DC, said: “People just don’t feel that the police can investigate themselves thoroughly or impartially.

“When we see all of this stuff on film, then it goes to the internal investigation and grand jury, etc, and then no indictment, no trial ... I don’t see how you can have trust in a process that doesn’t work for you.”

Papierversnipperaardinsdag 9 februari 2016 @ 18:20
Anonymous Hackers Target North Korea in Response to Satellite Launch

Hackers associated with the Anonymous collective have attacked North Korean state websites in response to the country’s latest satellite launch.

The New World Hackers targeted three websites hours after the launch on Sunday, with the group claiming up to 200 sites were affected as a result of the attacks.

“Our main motive for these attacks was to stop communications between the satellite and the websites, leaving the government wondering why they can’t launch a test, or possibly even a real missile strike at any point in time,” a member of the group tells Newsweek.

“If you attack a site linked to a satellite that constantly updates off of that site, you’re really disrupting something somewhere. We at least slowed down their progress.”

It is not clear if communications with the satellite were affected but proof of sites being knocked offline by a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack was shared with Newsweek. This method of attack overloads the servers used to host websites with traffic from multiple sources.

New World Hackers has previously been credited with the largest DDoS attack ever carried out, using its “BangStresser” tool to disable all of the BBC’s websites for a period of several hours in December 2015.

The same tool has also been used to repeatedly disrupt Donald Trump’s campaign website, as well as dozens of sites associated with the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) as part of Anonymous’s OpISIS campaign. New World Hackers has said that while it takes part in certain Anonymous operations and supports the hacktivist collective, it operates independently of the group.

North Korea has defended the satellite launch as a way of tracking weather patterns. However, the U.S. and other countries have accused Pyongyang of using the launch as a front for a ballistic missile test.

“North Korea continues to develop their nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, and it is the responsibility of our alliance to maintain a strong defense against those threats,” General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, U.S. Forces Korea commander, said in a statement.

The United Nations Security Council also “strongly condemned” the launch and promised to take punitive steps against North Korea.

Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 12 februari 2016 @ 16:13
Anonymous makes good on #OpAfrica promise, targets SA government websites -

Earlier this week Anonymous proclaimed that under the handle of Operation Africa, it will be targeting African governments over corruption, internet censorship and child labour.

Starting with Uganda and Rwanda it hacked into several government websites, and inferred that South Africa could be next.

The veiled threat seems to have materialised, after South Africa’s State Security Agency (SSA) released a warning and advisory through an email statement.

In the mail sent to subscribers, the Computer Security Incident Response Team said that “Hacktivists Anonymous hacked a South African Government Department under the operation #OpAfrica and publicised the information from their database to a website.”


A hacker going by the Twitter handle @TobitowTHA has released a rather extensive list of websites that have been hacked.

Going alphabetically, the hacker posted websites listed started with ‘A’ and at the time of publications released the names of websites starting with the letter ‘C’. The websites listed are private in nature, and don’t seem to have any connection to the government.

Softpedia, however, is reporting that Anonymous members claim to have hacked a local site called V-Report and procured data on government employees, which they then posted online.

“We had information about 33,000+ job seekers,” the hackers told Sofpedia. “But we just prefer to publish government officers data.”

Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 12 februari 2016 @ 20:54
Researcher illegally shares millions of science papers free online to spread knowledge - ScienceAlert

Welcome to the Pirate Bay of science.

A researcher in Russia has made more than 48 million journal articles - almost every single peer-reviewed paper every published - freely available online. And she's now refusing to shut the site down, despite a court injunction and a lawsuit from Elsevier, one of the world's biggest publishers.

For those of you who aren't already using it, the site in question is Sci-Hub, and it's sort of like a Pirate Bay of the science world. It was established in 2011 by neuroscientist Alexandra Elbakyan, who was frustrated that she couldn't afford to access the articles needed for her research, and it's since gone viral, with hundreds of thousands of papers being downloaded daily. But at the end of last year, the site was ordered to be taken down by a New York district court - a ruling that Elbakyan has decided to fight, triggering a debate over who really owns science.

"Payment of $32 is just insane when you need to skim or read tens or hundreds of these papers to do research. I obtained these papers by pirating them," Elbakyan told Torrent Freak last year. "Everyone should have access to knowledge regardless of their income or affiliation. And that’s absolutely legal."

If it sounds like a modern day Robin Hood struggle, that's because it kinda is. But in this story, it's not just the poor who don't have access to scientific papers - journal subscriptions have become so expensive that leading universities such as Harvard and Cornell have admitted they can no longer afford them. Researchers have also taken a stand - with 15,000 scientists vowing to boycott publisher Elsevier in part for its excessive paywall fees.

Don't get us wrong, journal publishers have also done a whole lot of good - they've encouraged better research thanks to peer review, and before the Internet, they were crucial to the dissemination of knowledge.

But in recent years, more and more people are beginning to question whether they're still helping the progress of science. In fact, in some cases, the 'publish or perish' mentality is creating more problems than solutions, with a growing number of predatory publishers now charging researchers to have their work published - often without any proper peer review process or even editing.

"They feel pressured to do this," Elbakyan wrote in an open letter to the New York judge last year. "If a researcher wants to be recognised, make a career - he or she needs to have publications in such journals."

That's where Sci-Hub comes into the picture. The site works in two stages. First of all when you search for a paper, Sci-Hub tries to immediately download it from fellow pirate database LibGen. If that doesn't work, Sci-Hub is able to bypass journal paywalls thanks to a range of access keys that have been donated by anonymous academics (thank you, science spies).

This means that Sci-Hub can instantly access any paper published by the big guys, including JSTOR, Springer, Sage, and Elsevier, and deliver it to you for free within seconds. The site then automatically sends a copy of that paper to LibGen, to help share the love.

It's an ingenious system, as Simon Oxenham explains for Big Think:

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

For those of you who aren't already using it, the site in question is Sci-Hub, and it's sort of like a Pirate Bay of the science world. It was established in 2011 by neuroscientist Alexandra Elbakyan, who was frustrated that she couldn't afford to access the articles needed for her research, and it's since gone viral, with hundreds of thousands of papers being downloaded daily. But at the end of last year, the site was ordered to be taken down by a New York district court - a ruling that Elbakyan has decided to fight, triggering a debate over who really owns science.

"Payment of $32 is just insane when you need to skim or read tens or hundreds of these papers to do research. I obtained these papers by pirating them," Elbakyan told Torrent Freak last year. "Everyone should have access to knowledge regardless of their income or affiliation. And that’s absolutely legal."

If it sounds like a modern day Robin Hood struggle, that's because it kinda is. But in this story, it's not just the poor who don't have access to scientific papers - journal subscriptions have become so expensive that leading universities such as Harvard and Cornell have admitted they can no longer afford them. Researchers have also taken a stand - with 15,000 scientists vowing to boycott publisher Elsevier in part for its excessive paywall fees.

Don't get us wrong, journal publishers have also done a whole lot of good - they've encouraged better research thanks to peer review, and before the Internet, they were crucial to the dissemination of knowledge.

But in recent years, more and more people are beginning to question whether they're still helping the progress of science. In fact, in some cases, the 'publish or perish' mentality is creating more problems than solutions, with a growing number of predatory publishers now charging researchers to have their work published - often without any proper peer review process or even editing.

"They feel pressured to do this," Elbakyan wrote in an open letter to the New York judge last year. "If a researcher wants to be recognised, make a career - he or she needs to have publications in such journals."

That's where Sci-Hub comes into the picture. The site works in two stages. First of all when you search for a paper, Sci-Hub tries to immediately download it from fellow pirate database LibGen. If that doesn't work, Sci-Hub is able to bypass journal paywalls thanks to a range of access keys that have been donated by anonymous academics (thank you, science spies).

This means that Sci-Hub can instantly access any paper published by the big guys, including JSTOR, Springer, Sage, and Elsevier, and deliver it to you for free within seconds. The site then automatically sends a copy of that paper to LibGen, to help share the love.

It's an ingenious system, as Simon Oxenham explains for Big Think:

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

"Payment of $32 is just insane when you need to skim or read tens or hundreds of these papers to do research. I obtained these papers by pirating them," Elbakyan told Torrent Freak last year. "Everyone should have access to knowledge regardless of their income or affiliation. And that’s absolutely legal."

If it sounds like a modern day Robin Hood struggle, that's because it kinda is. But in this story, it's not just the poor who don't have access to scientific papers - journal subscriptions have become so expensive that leading universities such as Harvard and Cornell have admitted they can no longer afford them. Researchers have also taken a stand - with 15,000 scientists vowing to boycott publisher Elsevier in part for its excessive paywall fees.

Don't get us wrong, journal publishers have also done a whole lot of good - they've encouraged better research thanks to peer review, and before the Internet, they were crucial to the dissemination of knowledge.

But in recent years, more and more people are beginning to question whether they're still helping the progress of science. In fact, in some cases, the 'publish or perish' mentality is creating more problems than solutions, with a growing number of predatory publishers now charging researchers to have their work published - often without any proper peer review process or even editing.

"They feel pressured to do this," Elbakyan wrote in an open letter to the New York judge last year. "If a researcher wants to be recognised, make a career - he or she needs to have publications in such journals."

That's where Sci-Hub comes into the picture. The site works in two stages. First of all when you search for a paper, Sci-Hub tries to immediately download it from fellow pirate database LibGen. If that doesn't work, Sci-Hub is able to bypass journal paywalls thanks to a range of access keys that have been donated by anonymous academics (thank you, science spies).

This means that Sci-Hub can instantly access any paper published by the big guys, including JSTOR, Springer, Sage, and Elsevier, and deliver it to you for free within seconds. The site then automatically sends a copy of that paper to LibGen, to help share the love.

It's an ingenious system, as Simon Oxenham explains for Big Think:

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

If it sounds like a modern day Robin Hood struggle, that's because it kinda is. But in this story, it's not just the poor who don't have access to scientific papers - journal subscriptions have become so expensive that leading universities such as Harvard and Cornell have admitted they can no longer afford them. Researchers have also taken a stand - with 15,000 scientists vowing to boycott publisher Elsevier in part for its excessive paywall fees.

Don't get us wrong, journal publishers have also done a whole lot of good - they've encouraged better research thanks to peer review, and before the Internet, they were crucial to the dissemination of knowledge.

But in recent years, more and more people are beginning to question whether they're still helping the progress of science. In fact, in some cases, the 'publish or perish' mentality is creating more problems than solutions, with a growing number of predatory publishers now charging researchers to have their work published - often without any proper peer review process or even editing.

"They feel pressured to do this," Elbakyan wrote in an open letter to the New York judge last year. "If a researcher wants to be recognised, make a career - he or she needs to have publications in such journals."

That's where Sci-Hub comes into the picture. The site works in two stages. First of all when you search for a paper, Sci-Hub tries to immediately download it from fellow pirate database LibGen. If that doesn't work, Sci-Hub is able to bypass journal paywalls thanks to a range of access keys that have been donated by anonymous academics (thank you, science spies).

This means that Sci-Hub can instantly access any paper published by the big guys, including JSTOR, Springer, Sage, and Elsevier, and deliver it to you for free within seconds. The site then automatically sends a copy of that paper to LibGen, to help share the love.

It's an ingenious system, as Simon Oxenham explains for Big Think:

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

Don't get us wrong, journal publishers have also done a whole lot of good - they've encouraged better research thanks to peer review, and before the Internet, they were crucial to the dissemination of knowledge.

But in recent years, more and more people are beginning to question whether they're still helping the progress of science. In fact, in some cases, the 'publish or perish' mentality is creating more problems than solutions, with a growing number of predatory publishers now charging researchers to have their work published - often without any proper peer review process or even editing.

"They feel pressured to do this," Elbakyan wrote in an open letter to the New York judge last year. "If a researcher wants to be recognised, make a career - he or she needs to have publications in such journals."

That's where Sci-Hub comes into the picture. The site works in two stages. First of all when you search for a paper, Sci-Hub tries to immediately download it from fellow pirate database LibGen. If that doesn't work, Sci-Hub is able to bypass journal paywalls thanks to a range of access keys that have been donated by anonymous academics (thank you, science spies).

This means that Sci-Hub can instantly access any paper published by the big guys, including JSTOR, Springer, Sage, and Elsevier, and deliver it to you for free within seconds. The site then automatically sends a copy of that paper to LibGen, to help share the love.

It's an ingenious system, as Simon Oxenham explains for Big Think:

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

But in recent years, more and more people are beginning to question whether they're still helping the progress of science. In fact, in some cases, the 'publish or perish' mentality is creating more problems than solutions, with a growing number of predatory publishers now charging researchers to have their work published - often without any proper peer review process or even editing.

"They feel pressured to do this," Elbakyan wrote in an open letter to the New York judge last year. "If a researcher wants to be recognised, make a career - he or she needs to have publications in such journals."

That's where Sci-Hub comes into the picture. The site works in two stages. First of all when you search for a paper, Sci-Hub tries to immediately download it from fellow pirate database LibGen. If that doesn't work, Sci-Hub is able to bypass journal paywalls thanks to a range of access keys that have been donated by anonymous academics (thank you, science spies).

This means that Sci-Hub can instantly access any paper published by the big guys, including JSTOR, Springer, Sage, and Elsevier, and deliver it to you for free within seconds. The site then automatically sends a copy of that paper to LibGen, to help share the love.

It's an ingenious system, as Simon Oxenham explains for Big Think:

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

"They feel pressured to do this," Elbakyan wrote in an open letter to the New York judge last year. "If a researcher wants to be recognised, make a career - he or she needs to have publications in such journals."

That's where Sci-Hub comes into the picture. The site works in two stages. First of all when you search for a paper, Sci-Hub tries to immediately download it from fellow pirate database LibGen. If that doesn't work, Sci-Hub is able to bypass journal paywalls thanks to a range of access keys that have been donated by anonymous academics (thank you, science spies).

This means that Sci-Hub can instantly access any paper published by the big guys, including JSTOR, Springer, Sage, and Elsevier, and deliver it to you for free within seconds. The site then automatically sends a copy of that paper to LibGen, to help share the love.

It's an ingenious system, as Simon Oxenham explains for Big Think:

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

That's where Sci-Hub comes into the picture. The site works in two stages. First of all when you search for a paper, Sci-Hub tries to immediately download it from fellow pirate database LibGen. If that doesn't work, Sci-Hub is able to bypass journal paywalls thanks to a range of access keys that have been donated by anonymous academics (thank you, science spies).

This means that Sci-Hub can instantly access any paper published by the big guys, including JSTOR, Springer, Sage, and Elsevier, and deliver it to you for free within seconds. The site then automatically sends a copy of that paper to LibGen, to help share the love.

It's an ingenious system, as Simon Oxenham explains for Big Think:

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

This means that Sci-Hub can instantly access any paper published by the big guys, including JSTOR, Springer, Sage, and Elsevier, and deliver it to you for free within seconds. The site then automatically sends a copy of that paper to LibGen, to help share the love.

It's an ingenious system, as Simon Oxenham explains for Big Think:

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

It's an ingenious system, as Simon Oxenham explains for Big Think:

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

"In one fell swoop, a network has been created that likely has a greater level of access to science than any individual university, or even government for that matter, anywhere in the world. Sci-Hub represents the sum of countless different universities' institutional access - literally a world of knowledge."

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

That's all well and good for us users, but understandably, the big publishers are pissed off. Last year, a New York court delivered an injunction against Sci-Hub, making its domain unavailable (something Elbakyan dodged by switching to a new location), and the site is also being sued by Elsevier for "irreparable harm" - a case that experts are predicting will win Elsevier around $750 to $150,000 for each pirated article. Even at the lowest estimations, that would quickly add up to millions in damages.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

But Elbakyan is not only standing her ground, she's come out swinging, claiming that it's Elsevier that have the illegal business model.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

"I think Elsevier’s business model is itself illegal," she told Torrent Freak, referring to article 27 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits".

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

She also explains that the academic publishing situation is different to the music or film industry, where pirating is ripping off creators. "All papers on their website are written by researchers, and researchers do not receive money from what Elsevier collects. That is very different from the music or movie industry, where creators receive money from each copy sold," she said.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

Elbakyan hopes that the lawsuit will set a precedent, and make it very clear to the scientific world either way who owns their ideas.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

"If Elsevier manages to shut down our projects or force them into the darknet, that will demonstrate an important idea: that the public does not have the right to knowledge," she said. "We have to win over Elsevier and other publishers and show that what these commercial companies are doing is fundamentally wrong."

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

To be fair, Elbakyan is somewhat protected by the fact that she's in Russia and doesn't have any US assets, so even if Elsevier wins their lawsuit, it's going to be pretty hard for them to get the money.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

Still, it's a bold move, and we're pretty interested to see how this fight turns out - because if there's one thing the world needs more of, it's scientific knowledge. In the meantime, Sci-Hub is still up and accessible for anyone who wants to use it, and Elbakyan has no plans to change that anytime soon.

Papierversnipperaarzondag 21 februari 2016 @ 22:34
Anonymous: Hackers reveal how to start a cyber activist operation in step-by-step guide

Hacking collective Anonymous is one of the most recognised names in the world of cyber activism and anyone who wants to follow in its footsteps can do so after hackers released a step-by-step guide on how to do things the Anonymous way.

Responsible for starting campaigns and operations to protest against everything from political issues to injustice, the secret group has been behind government and organisation websites being taken down as well as declaring war on Isis and the Ku Klux Klan.

Now, Anonymous has posted online a document that provides a checklist on how hacktivists can carry out and expose their own operations with the same style as the famous group. It covers everything from where to submit hacked data, how to start a protest, and what to do to begin your own Anonymous operation.

Hackers are advised to safely submit their information to sites such as WikiLeaks, while activists are instructed to start an organised protest and tweet the event.

It details that operations should be planned carefully and charges individuals to question its purpose, message and end goal. "Why should people care about the op? The op is nothing if no one cares about it. You had better be able to tell the rest of us why we should care. It should also be said that not every grievance and/or government wrongdoing is a reason to rally an op."

Pointers on how the campaign is promoted are also given. Anonymous affiliates are prolific users of social media and aren't shy to tell the world the details of their latest act as the more exposure the better to highlight the message. The document tells people to "spread the word" and "create Anonymous social media accounts and propaganda, spread flyers during protests and use street art to express your support, ask for permission of creators of Anonymous videos to reupload the video on your channel."

The one caveat it states is: "Please do not make a press release for an operation if you haven't done anything to backup your words."

For those who are wanting to be involved in starting your own Anonymous-style movement, here's the release in whole:


Submit your information safely to WikiLeaks or to other websites like BalkanLeaks


Start protests and make clear where and when the protest is happening, contact local, national or global activist organisations for support and tweet the information to @YourAnonNews


Research our leaks and those of our allies like @WikiLeaks, @CthulhuSec etc.
Upload the research in PDF format to or and tweet to @YourAnonNews

An Anonymous operation should be planned carefully, this checklist should get you along the way
*What is the purpose of the op?
*What are you trying to accomplish?
*What kind of message are you trying to spread?
*Make sure that the operation has a foundation that has been thoroughly thought out so that the op doesn't have to suffer later because of poor planning.
*Why should people care about the op? The op is nothing if no one cares about it. Clearly, you care about it so you had better be able to tell the rest of us why we should also care. While we encourage ops, it should also be said that not every grievance and/or government wrongdoing is a reason to rally an op.
*What are the relevant/vital pieces of information relating to the op? Assume nobody else but you know anything about the topic of the op. Gather the more important information that will get people up to speed quickly.
*How will you communicate the op to the public? Whether you are going to use Facebook, Twitter, videos, press releases, etc. have a solid plan on how to execute and spread the op.


There are a million things that can go wrong in the planning of an op and when you don't deliver while getting the public excited with a press release it causes a MAJOR discredit for the movement as a whole.

Spread the word:

Create Anonymous social media accounts and propaganda, spread flyers during protests and use street art to express your support, ask for permission of creators of Anonymous videos to reupload the video on your channel.

Please note Anonymous is a decentralized movement, no one can speak for Anonymous as a whole, nor is there any official Anonymous account. Where Anonymous does not have a power structure, the most effective Anonymous operations had a temporary structure for an effective and efficient way of communication amongst operatives.

Papierversnipperaarmaandag 22 februari 2016 @ 21:50
After releasing a threatening video, the notorious hacking group Anonymous exposed personal information of 52 Cincinnati Police Department officers in retaliation for the death of an Ohio man at the hands of law enforcement.

In the video posted on Sunday, someone wearing a mask and hood discussed the group’s anger over the Cincinnati PD’s handling of an officer-involved shooting last Wednesday that resulted in the death of Paul Gaston, a black man.

“Greetings world, we are Anonymous Anon Verdict. The following clip you are about to see are three separate cell phone clips of Cincinnati Police Department murdering a black man named Paul Gaston while he held his hands up on February 17th. With the evidence provided it is quite obvious that he was complying and had his hands in the air,” the figure said with a synthesized voice in the three-minute YouTube video.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 24 februari 2016 @ 14:06
France - French Anonymous hackers go on trial for targeting police officers - France 24

International News 24/7

A prosecutor asked a Paris court to hand the three men, aged 22 to 27, a one-year suspended sentence and a 5,000 euro (5,500 dollar) fine each, a lawyer for the police officers, Daniel Merchat, told The Associated Press.

The three are also accused of breaking into two government sites and blocking public access for days.

The names, phone numbers, and personal and professional email addresses of 541 police officers who were members of the SGP-FO police union were posted online in January 2012 after a hacking attack claimed by the Anonymous organization, a loosely-associated international network of hackers.

The police officers are asking for 73,000 euros (80,400 dollars) in damages overall, another lawyer for one of the defendants, Matthieu Hy, told the AP.

The criminal court will deliver its ruling March 22.

Merchat told France Info radio "the contact information for these police officers is accessible to all people planning to target France".

After his arrest, one of the defendants told the police the hacking attack was carried out in retaliation to the arrests of several Anonymous activists by French police and the closure of the popular website Megaupload by the US department of justice days earlier.

The shutdown of Megaupload, a platform that ran online storage and viewing services, led to so-called denial-of-service (DoS) attacks on a range of government, police and copyright organization websites by the Anonymous group, including the French attacks, according to court documents.

Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 26 februari 2016 @ 15:05
Judge confirms what many suspected: Feds hired CMU to break Tor | Ars Technica

A federal judge in Washington has now confirmed what has been strongly suspected: that Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) researchers at its Software Engineering Institute were hired by the federal government to do research into breaking Tor in 2014. The judge also made a notable statement in his court order that "Tor users clearly lack a reasonable expectation of privacy in their IP addresses while using the Tor network."

However, some of the details that Tor alleged previously seem to be wrong: the research was funded by the Department of Defense, not the FBI. Tor Project Director Shari Steele told Ars earlier this year that the organization still couldn't get straight answers from CMU. According to the judge, that research was then subpoenaed by federal investigators.

The Tor Project did not immediately respond to Ars’ request for comment. Meanwhile, Kenneth Walters, a CMU spokesman, refused to answer Ars' questions, referring us only to the university's last statement, from November 2015, which hinted that the university was served with a subpoena.

The revelation, which was first reported by Vice Motherboard, came out as part of the ongoing criminal case against Brian Farrell, allegedly one of Silk Road 2.0’s top administrators. CMU's research enabled investigators to find him. Farrell was arrested over a year ago in Washington state—his trial is scheduled for April 25, 2016, to be held in federal court in Seattle.

The Tuesday court order by US District Judge Richard Jones was in response to a still-sealed motion to compel discovery filed by Farrell. According to Judge Jones, "the defendant seeks to compel disclosure of additional material pertaining to the relationship between SEI and federal law enforcement and the methods used by SEI to identify the defendant’s IP address."

In the order, the judge seems to suggest that even though Farrell took measures to protect his privacy, his actual IP address—which was what betrayed him and made it trivial for law enforcement to find him—was not in and of itself private.

Judge Jones wrote:

In the instant case, it is the Court’s understanding that in order for a prospective user to use the Tor network they must disclose information, including their IP addresses, to unknown individuals running Tor nodes, so that their communications can be directed toward their destinations. Under such a system, an individual would necessarily be disclosing his identifying information to complete strangers. Again, according to the parties’ submissions, such a submission is made despite the understanding communicated by the Tor Project that the Tor network has vulnerabilities and that users might not remain anonymous. Under these circumstances Tor users clearly lack a reasonable expectation of privacy in their IP addresses while using the Tor network. In other words, they are taking a significant gamble on any real expectation of privacy under these circumstances.

Orin Kerr, a law professor at George Washington University, told Ars that the court’s analysis here is "right, although the application of that idea depends on how the surveillance occurred."

He suggested that Ars examine a 1992 case decided in the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals, which found that just because someone takes steps to protect privacy, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they continue to have a "reasonable expectation of privacy."

That case, US v. Scott, involved a man suspected of tax fraud by the Internal Revenue Service. The man used a paper shredder to destroy some documents, which were then picked up as garbage by investigators, "which when painstakingly pieced together produced incriminating evidence."

Scott challenged the collection of his trash, arguing that because he had "manifested an objectively reasonable expectation of privacy in the shredded remnants" that the evidence should be suppressed. He won on this argument at the district court level but then lost on appeal.

The 1st Circuit found in that case:

What we have here is a failed attempt at secrecy by reason of underestimation of police resourcefulness, not invasion of constitutionally protected privacy. There is no constitutional protection from police scrutiny as to information received from a failed attempt at secrecy.

Appellee here thought that reducing the documents to 5/32 inch pieces made them undecipherable. It turned out he was wrong. He is in no better position than the citizen who merely tears up a document by hand and discards the pieces into the sidewalk. Can there be any doubt that the police are allowed to pick up the pieces from the sidewalk for use of the contents against that person? Should the mere use of more sophisticated "higher" technology in attempting destruction of the pieces of paper grant higher constitutional protection to this failed attempt at secrecy? We think not. There is no constitutional requirement that police techniques in the detection of crime must remain stagnant while those intent on keeping their nefarious activities secret have the benefit of new knowledge.

However, not all legal scholars agree on this point.

Neil Richards, a law professor at Washington University in St Louis, said that this "reasonable expectation of privacy" for Internet users is "an open one." The so-called third-party doctrine, which stemmed from the 1979 Supreme Court decision Smith v. Maryland, found that telephone users do not have a privacy interest in the phone numbers that they dial, as the phone company has access to them.

"Law enforcement have argued that this sharing rationale applies to all Internet and digital data held by third parties—ISPs, e-mail providers, fitness trackers, cloud storage providers, etc," Richards told Ars. "The strong form of this argument is nonsense. Law enforcement in the past also argued that they didn’t need warrants to open mail or tap telephones, and ultimately lost on both counts. The Supreme Court hasn’t ruled on e-mail yet, but lower courts require a warrant for e-mail, and the Supreme Court has made clear in recent cases that a majority of Justices are very concerned about digital privacy and are eager to extend the Fourth Amendment to that, just like they did for telephone calls in the 1960s."

Mark Rumold, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, concurred.

"The expectation of privacy analysis has to change when someone is using Tor," he said. "Rotely applying precedent leads to bad results, like courts finding that someone 'clearly' lacks a privacy interest in their IP address, even though they're using technology specifically designed to protect that privacy interest."

Expand full story

Cyrus Farivar / Cyrus is the Senior Business Editor at Ars Technica, and is also a radio producer and author. His first book, The Internet of Elsewhere, was published in April 2011.

Papierversnipperaarzondag 6 maart 2016 @ 20:51
Twitter shuts down Anonymous accounts “for harassing” ISIS jihadis | Breaking UK news

The social media site has come under fire from the hacktivists who recently told Express Online they are shutting down thousands of ISIS accounts every month.

While Twitter says it is making strong efforts to shut down terrorist accounts, said they do not see this happening, but they have been targeted themselves.

As quickly as ISIS sets up accounts and spreads propaganda, hackers from groups like Anonymous and Ctrl Sec are taking them down in their own online campaign #OpISIS.

The group updates followers, linking to the accounts they have spotted, while calling on other to join them and report Jihadi profiles.

But they have said the social media site is shutting them down.

Twitter has received severe criticism over its handling of the ISIS crisis in recent months.

In January, a Florida woman, Tamara Fields, filed a lawsuit against the company, alleging that it breached the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Act by “spreading extremist propaganda,” which caused an attack in Jordan that killed her husband, a private contractor, Lloyd “Carl” Fields Jr.

Twitter later published a blog post saying that since mid-2015 it suspended 125,000 accounts for “threatening or promoting terrorist acts, primarily related to ISIS.”

But this has been hotly disputed.

A statement from WauchulaGhost, an anti-terrorist hacker with the hacker collective Anonymous, said: “Who suspended 125,000 accounts? Anonymous, Anonymous affiliated groups, and everyday citizens.

“You do realise if we all stopped reporting terrorist accounts and graphic images, Twitter would be flooded with terrorists.”

After the announcement by Twitter angered Anonymous members revealed they have had their accounts banned – not ISIS.

In one day in February 15 hackers had their accounts shut down on Tiwtter, despite months of finding and reporting jihadis.

Their supporters complained to Twitter in their droves and their accounts were reactivated within two hours.

WauchulaGhost said in an interview with Epoch Times it is widely believed Twitter is shutting down the accounts because of “anti-bullying” pledge

He said: “I can say they are suspending a lot of accounts for harassment. Good accounts not Daesh accounts.

“Even a lot of our (Anonymous) accounts are being suspended for harassment.”

The hacker also said that if Twitter is committed to stopping terrorism they should add a “terrorism” button to the reporting options.

There are about 2,000 ISIS-supporting Twitter accounts active each day, and Twitter and Facebook are the two main platforms used by ISIS supporters to spread their propaganda, according to a February report from George Washington University.

Of those 2,000 accounts, there are around 350 Twitter accounts that act as the main core for ISIS propaganda on Twitter—and these accounts are used to re-establish the followings of accounts each time one is banned.

According to the George Washington University report, each time an ISIS account gets suspended, the user needs to create a new account, and over time these accounts have “suffered devastating reductions in their follower counts.”

A Twitter spokesman told the Epoch Times: “We have teams around the world actively investigating reports of rule violations, and they work with law enforcement entities when appropriate.”

Papierversnipperaarzondag 6 maart 2016 @ 20:56

Anonymous hacked the Donald Trump 's voicemailsSecurity Affairs

The Anonymous hacking collective continues its personal battle against Donald Trump, this time hacking the voicemail of the presidential candidate.

On Thursday, Gawker received an anonymous email containing recordings from Donald Trump’s voicemail inbox. The recordings include messages left for Trump by various celebrities, Joe Scarborough from MSNBC, Mika Brzezinski, and Tamron Hall.

The journalists from MSNBC television can be heard thanking Mr Trump for donations.

The Gawker journalists could not determine the exact dates of the messages neither ensure their authenticity. A number of messages make references to the events of the 2012 presidential campaign season.

Anonymous “declared war” on Mr Trump in December, when he called for a sweeping ban on Muslims entering the United States soil.

anonymous Donald Trump 2

Other messages were sent by popular journalists and anchors, MSNBC news anchors Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski and Tamron Hall have been tasked with analyzing the evolution of the Mr Trump’s Republican primary campaign.

Mr Scarborough and Ms Brzezinski, the co-hosts of a morning show on MSNBC, can be heard thanking Trump for his donation to a charity event.

The recording includes also the Mr Trump’s recommendations for an MSNBC interview, it is possible to hear Mr Trump instructing both Mr Scarborough and Ms Brezinski to “make us all look good”, and asks for “nothing too hard” when Ms Brezinski asked if she should question him about his immigration issues.

The Tweets by the anchors after the disclosure of the recording seems to confirm their authenticity

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) 4 marzo 2016

In another recording a woman identifying herself as “T Hall”, likely MSNBC’s Tamron Hall, can be heard saying she was going to use Mr Trump’s discount in a luxury clothing store.

Anonymous also released a video that shows hackers gaining access to the administration console of Donald Trump’s answerphone and change settings.

One of the messages was left by Barack Obama’s advisor David Axelrod can also be heard thanking Mr Trump for donating to his epilepsy charity.

It is curious that Trump has criticized Hillary Clinton for her use of an insecure private email server during her time as Secretary of State, but as highlighted by Gawker, “Unfortunately for Trump, it would seem that his voicemail isn’t much safer.”

Stay Tuned …

Papierversnipperaarmaandag 21 maart 2016 @ 14:50
How Anonymous Fooled Donald Trump, the Secret Service, and the FBI

Claire Bernish
March 19, 2016

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — Anonymous just pulled a fast one on Donald Trump, his campaign staff, the Secret Service, and the FBI — in one brilliant and telling fell swoop.

To support the White Rose Society and the White Rose Revolt, which began as a response to fascist leanings by Trump and his supporters, Anonymous launched #OpWhiteRose — and the billionaire presidential hopeful fell right into the ‘trap.’

On Friday, Anonymous announced it had released Trump’s personal information online — including such details as his cell phone number and Social Security number. Backlash from the Trump front promptly followed, as well as an announcement from the Secret Service and FBI that an investigation had begun.

However, the information had not been hacked or leaked. In fact, everything Anonymous posted had been online — and available for anyone to see — for years.

Anonymous RedCult released a second video to explain the ruse, in which the narrator explains the information “was online since 2013.” Indeed, as the video states, “The government and law enforcement authorities are seeking the arrest of the people responsible for attempting to illegally hack Mr. Trump’s accounts and telephone information.”

Why law enforcement at every level was so quick to pounce on a non-crime and effect arrest of those behind it — without investigating whether a crime had even been committed — paints a telling portrait of exactly the fascist tendencies Anonymous wished to prove.

RedCult included a snippet of ABC News coverage of the non-hack, which reports it as if it were a serious crime. Again, this information has ostensibly been available on the internet for years — so, as the narrator points out, “Trump want[s] to turn America into a fascist dictatorship where anyone can be arrested for just posting old information online.”

It’s arguably not far from the truth.

Indeed, as Trump indiscriminately aims his hatred of the press, protesters, activists, and anyone who disagrees with his twisted vision for the future, Anonymous might have proven a crucial point.

“Thank you Trump and Trump campaign. Thank you police, FBI, and the Secret Service for being a part of our little experiment on how we should expect the so-called New America will be,” the narrator stated.

Whatever your feelings about the collective known as Anonymous, the experiment was a frightening, facile ‘success’ — of sorts.

Though the joke was on Trump this time, it proves his fascist tendencies are nothing to joke about.

Papierversnipperaarmaandag 21 maart 2016 @ 16:37
One of the most controversial practices Iceland engages in on the international stage is in whale hunting. The industry has seemed virtually unstoppable, even in the face of international petitions and condemnation from the White House itself. However, hacktivist group Anonymous have gotten involved in fighting whaling, as a part of a campaign called #OpWhales.

By Anonymous’ nature, there is no central committee who decides where everyone is to focus their energy. Rather, #OpWhales is the brainchild of Amber Stone. Amber reluctantly agreed to speak with Grapevine about the campaign, why it matters, and where #OpWhales is headed.
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 24 maart 2016 @ 21:37
Anonymous's 'total war' on Trump raises questions of jurisdiction

On March 15, the group known as Anonymous declared cyber war on the Donald Trump campaign.

Anonymous has been labeled by some as a virtual state, while others place the group under the hacktivists label. Either way in keeping with their normal process, the group posted a video on YouTube.

In it, the group called for their followers and loyalists to “Shut down [Trump’s] websites” and to “research and expose what he doesn’t want the public to know.”

The Anonymous leader called on his loyalists to “dismantle his campaign” and “sabotage his brand.” Finally, he declared “This is a total war!”

Those are strong words to be sure, and words that Anonymous intends to make sure become a reality. Some have estimated that the cyber technical capabilities of Anonymous rank up there with the top 10 countries around the world.

It appears Anonymous has called for the attacks, referred to as #OpTrump, to begin on April 1. Within hours the video was viewed nearly 900,000 times, with thumbs-up ratings beating thumbs-down by more than three to one.

Just how many people are part of Anonymous is unknown. Some researchers have stated that the hacktivist group is large and dispersed internationally to a great degree. As evidence, the researchers point to the over 22 million likes on just one of the many social media pages for the group. Clearly a formidable adversary.

Who’s in charge?

Anonymous has launched dozens of cyberattack campaigns over the years. They have clearly demonstrated their ability to carry-out successful cyberattacks; and therefore the threat should be taken seriously. This is an attack against Donald Trump and his candidacy. Does that place this in the hands of the Secret Service? If the attacks target his online brand or the numerous systems in his hotels, does that put this in the hands of the FBI?

Another possibility is that the Trump organizations follow a path that a few firms have taken and defend themselves by launching counter-offensives.

What if Trump becomes the Republican nominee? Will Anonymous continue the cyber war? It is not just about Donald Trump. If they carry out their threat, this is an attack on the process the United States uses to elect those who govern the country. Does that move this to the hands of the Homeland Security Department?

Given the international nature of Anonymous and their attacks, as well as any counter-attack that might be launched, the U.S. State Department will have to be involved. What happens if Trump is elected president and Anonymous continues the cyberattacks? If so, that is an attack on the highest office in the land. Does that constitute an act of cyber war? After all, those are the words Anonymous used. That would surely place it in the hands of U.S. Cyber Command and the military.

We have entered new territory and there are so many questions that need answers fast. The executive branch, Strategic Command, Cyber Command, the Intelligence Community, FBI, Secret Service and others better be meeting right now to get ahead of this issue.
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 31 maart 2016 @ 18:01
Anonymous hacks Angolan government after activists jailed | World news | The Guardian

Collective says it attacked official websites in retaliation to sentences given to 17 members of a book club in Luanda

A Portuguese branch of the Anonymous hacking collective says it has shut down around 20 Angolan government websites in retaliation to the jailing of 17 youth activists for plotting a “rebellion”.

The youths, including well-known rapper Luaty Beirão, were sentenced on Monday to between two and eight-and-a-half years, in a ruling that Amnesty International said was “an affront to justice”.

Related: Angola jails 17 activists for rebellion after public reading of political book

In a statement on its Facebook page the Anonymous Portugal group listed the government websites it said it had attacked. None of the websites were accessible on Wednesday.

“The real criminals are outside, defended by the capitalist system that increasingly spreads in the minds of the weak,” Anonymous said.

There was no immediate comment from the Angolan government on the alleged cyber attack.

Beirão, who holds dual Portuguese and Angolan nationality, has a loyal fan base in Portugal, the colonial ruler of Angola until the country won its independence after a protracted war in 1974.

Amnesty called for the immediate release of the activists, 15 of whom were detained during a weekly book group meeting in the capital Luanda last June.

“Angolan authorities use the criminal justice system to silence dissenting views,” said Amnesty director Deprose Muchena.

“The activists have been wrongly convicted in a deeply-politicised trial. They are the victims of a government determined to intimidate anyone who dares to question its repressive policies.”

At the sentencing, about 30 protesters outside the court yelled “free the youths, arrest dictator Jose Eduardo dos Santos”, the president of Angola since 1979.

A man who shouted inside the court that the sentences were a “travesty of justice” was himself sentenced on Tuesday to eight months in jail.

The jailed activists insist they are peaceful campaigners lobbying for Dos Santos, 73, to step down.

This month, he said he would retire in 2018 but the announcement was received with scepticism following two similar pledges in the past. His current mandate ends at the end of next year.

Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 1 april 2016 @ 22:52
Anonymous linked hacker asked to hand over crypto keys to United States » TechWorm

The National Crime Agency (NCA) has demanded that a British computer scientist suspected of hacking into US federal computer networks and causing “millions of dollars in damage,” decrypts a number of devices seized by the agency back in 2013.

Lauri Love, the Anonymous linked hacker in question, was arrested in 2013 for the alleged intrusions but released afterwards; however, he was rearrested in 2015. He is currently fighting extradition to the US for hacking charges after charges revealed last year accused him of breaching the networks of the US Army, the Federal Reserve, NASA and other high-profile targets.

Love has until now refused to comply with a Section 49 RIPA notice to decrypt the devices, a refusal that carries potential jail time. However, British authorities in the on-going court proceedings have not charged Love with any crime, leading him to counter-sue in civil court for the return of his devices. The devices in question include a Samsung laptop, a Fujitsu Siemens laptop, a Compaq computer tower, an SD card, and a Western Digital hard drive. The NCA in particular wants Love to decrypt TrueCrypt files on the SD card and external drive.

The government’s demands threaten to erode the right against self-incrimination, Dr. Richard Tynan of Privacy International told Ars. “This is the first time we have heard of a UK agency using two different legal mechanisms to compel the decryption of data,” he said. “It is particularly worrisome given that no prosecution is underway against the individual [Love] and is in the context of a serious extradition case to the US. The right not to provide evidence against oneself is cherished in the US and around the world but apparently not so in the UK.”

In Love’s civil case, his argument is that if the police are not going to charge him with a crime, they should return his property. “The problem is that the NCA are effectively arguing that any information that cannot be read and comprehended by the police has a presumption of guilt,” Love told Ars in an e-mailed statement. “This has clear and troubling implications for groups that handle sensitive communications or other data—journalists, advocates, activists and whistleblowers, and members of the legal profession.

“An executive body of the state is saying that any information to which they are not privy… cannot be owned and kept securely but instead confiscated and access denied,” Love added. “This is a fundamental reversal of rights and the potential for abuse is alarming.

However, the NCA said that it would not return the devices as it was unable to decrypt their contents and argues that Love should decrypt his devices in order to demonstrate that the data they contain belongs to him.

Now, court proceedings show that the agency has demanded Love hand over the passwords and encryption keys to the seized goods, according to Ars. The NCA also wants Love to provide a witness statement indicating why he is entitled to the data held on the devices – which investigators believe contains “pirated versions of copyrighted films,” “data from the ‘Police Oracle‘ website,” and “data obtained from the United States Department of Energy and the United States Senate.”

Nevertheless, Tor Ekeland, Love’s attorney in the US, believes that the NCA’s demands have nothing to do with the ongoing civil law suit. “I think they want to gain access to the information on Lauri’s computers in order to turn it over to the US authorities, with whom it seems to me they are plainly cooperating,” he told Ars. “Lauri is currently under indictment in the US, and it appears the UK government is sharing information with the US, so the question on our end is whether the UK government is violating Lauri’s US constitutional rights as a criminal defendant by engaging in activity that US prosecutors may not be able to do in the US.

“Are the UK prosecutors acting as agents for the US in this instance?” Ekeland asked. “The possibility that the US government may use foreign sovereigns to do an end run around US constitutional criminal defendant protections is disturbing to me.”

The FBI and Department of Justice (DoJ) claim that as part of the hacking collective Anonymous, Love has been involved in hacking into various governmental agencies, resulting in millions of dollars’ worth of damage. The court is set to hear arguments on the decryption demand on April 12 at Westminster Magistrate’s Court while the next extradition hearing set for June 28 and 29. The FBI has stated that if convicted by a US court, he could face up to 12 years in prison.

Source: Ars

Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 2 april 2016 @ 15:55
The Anonymous 'war' on Donald Trump fail - Business Insider

The "total war" that Anonymous declared earlier this month against Donald Trump has quickly devolved into a civil war among hackers fighting within the group and pro-Trump supporters who are trolling them within their chat rooms.

The "total war" that Anonymous declared earlier this month against Donald Trump has quickly devolved into a civil war among hackers fighting within the group and pro-Trump supporters who are trolling them within their chat rooms.

Back in early March, hackers affiliated with Anonymous tried to reboot their Operation Trump campaign by calling for everyone to take down Trump's websites in a coordinated effort on April 1. Almost immediately, the initiative was criticized by people within Anonymous as irresponsible and "cringeworthy," but a dedicated group apparently moved on with the plan.

It's April 1st: Many of the GOP frontrunner's sites are still standing, there are now two competing "Op: Trump" chatrooms with totally different missions, and one of them has been flooded with pro-Trump supporters and others leaving trolling comments like "Hitler did nothing wrong."

In short: The so-called war seems to be a complete disaster.

It's unclear when the split between Anonymous factions occurred, but it seems to have happened sometime after a hacker named Beemsee, who has been leading the original OpTrump effort, released a new statement claiming that attacking Trump's websites was all a ruse for publicity around April Fools' Day.

"There is no DDoS," Beemse and two other hackers wrote, using the acronym for a distributed denial-of-service attack, a tactic used to overload a website. "It's only purpose was to gain attention, which this Operation needs. ... the point of this Operation is not to attack Donald Trump. Instead, it is going to try to give citizens some insight."

Beemse and their cohorts say in their statement that people should try and capture "the darker nature of Trump's supporters" and post it on social media sites with hashtags like #OpTrump and #Trump2016.

But a hacker called AnonymousLoyalist disagreed. In a competing statement, the hacker wrote that they moved to a "far more organized channel, which has already seen unsurprisingly large amounts of success." That channel is #OpTrump2016, but it was unclear exactly what that success boiled down to.

trump christieAndrew Harnik/AP

When Tech Insider viewed the #OpTrump2016 chat room on Friday, it was an unorganized mess. Most Anonymous chatrooms are moderated in some way, and people usually get kicked out for spamming or posting nonsense. But it appeared to be flooded with trolls intent on calling them children, "social justice warriors," and more often than not, homophobic slurs.

"A mess is happening," wrote one user in #OpTrump, expressing a shared frustration among others in Beemse's chatroom.

It was clear on Friday that at least some of Trump's websites were indeed under cyberattack. The website is currently unreachable, and the site for Trump's hotels brought up an error for a few seconds before pulling up a cached version powered by CloudFlare, a service that protects from attacks like this. cloudflare

Anonymous may be able to bring down some of Trump's unprotected websites, but they will almost certainly come back online after a few hours or days. And many of his other sites are probably not at risk at all, since Tech Insider previously spoke with CloudFlare CEO Matthew Prince, and he wasn't particularly worried.

"DDoS attacks are not particularly sophisticated cyber attacks," Prince said. "They are sort of the functional equivalent of a caveman with a club."

A spokesperson for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Tech Insider. However, spokesperson Hope Hicks previously told TI: "The government and law enforcement authorities are seeking the arrest of the people responsible for attempting to illegally hack Mr. Trump’s accounts and telephone information."

Depending on who you believe in Anonymous, the plan is a coordinated DDoS attack or a social media shaming campaign against Trump's supporters. But Beemse left open the possibility of something else, perhaps an actual way to take over one of their targeted websites — which the hacker collective has been scanning for vulnerabilities since the beginning.

"This is NOT the last time you hear of this operation," Beemse wrote. "We will be watching, and will act when the time is right."

Papierversnipperaarzondag 10 april 2016 @ 18:57
Wearing an Anonymous Mask in America Can Get You Arrested

April 8, 2016

(ANONHQ) A man in an Anonymous mask, who was sitting peacefully, was harangued by police and arrested. All caught on camera, bystanders recorded the event while a multitude of witnesses yelled out that he did nothing wrong or illegal. The incident took place in the House Gallery, during the Maricopa County hearing over the suspected election fraud.

Two officers attended the arrest of the man. Although the man in question didn’t have his face concealed by the mask—the mask had been resting on the top of his head—the first arresting officer approached from behind and kicked at him lightly until he left his chair.

Bystanders went to the man’s defense, with several phones filming the event. One bystander even said the arrest was made because the man was sporting an Anonymous mask.

In the video, another bystander accuses the police of choking the man as the officers unduly restrained him while he was quietly sitting between the chairs. Chants of “shame” and “the whole world is watching” were cried as the man was forced to his feet and escorted away.

After the removal of the man, one of the bystanders states: “you promised us if we were silent you wouldn’t remove us.” Officials then began to plead with the crowd. At the end of the video, one official agreed that the man with the mask did nothing wrong.

Janet Higgens, who uploaded one of the videos, stated: “We were at the point of chaos. All brought on by the police. For a man sitting quietly. With dreadlocks. His name is Jonathan S. McRae. He is currently in jail, charged with trespassing and resisting arrest. I disagree. He was harassed, held to the floor for over 5 minutes, and kidnapped. I don’t know if he was injured in the attack.”

“We the people of the United States are tired of this stuff,” another witness yelled as a bystander warned that this would all end up on YouTube.

Arrested for wearing an Anonymous mask…

You can view the long version of the video here.

Papierversnipperaardonderdag 14 april 2016 @ 17:14
Matthew Keys, a former social media editor, was sentenced today to two years in prison for aiding members of Anonymous so they could hack the Tribune Company.

Keys was convicted last October and faced a possible maximum sentence of 25 years. His conviction drew rounds of condemnation on the web from people who believed that the crime associated with him—the minor defacement of an LA Times headline online—should have been charged as a misdemeanor not a felony.

Keys worked for the Reuters news agency when he was indicted in 2013 for allegedly providing a username and password to members of Anonymous three years earlier to gain access to a server belonging to his former employer, the Tribune Company. In 2010, Keys had parted ways with Fox-40, a TV station owned by the Tribune Company, and allegedly encouraged the hackers to use his credentials to “go fuck some shit up.” Someone subsequently used them to hack into the web site of the Los Angeles Times, also owned by the Tribune Company, and change the headline of a story. During a recorded FBI interview in October 2012, Keys admitted his involvement in the hack. But he has since insisted that he is innocent. In a brief note published online today he wrote, “I am innocent, and I did not ask for this fight. Nonetheless, I hope that our combined efforts help bring about positive change to rules and regulations that govern our online conduct.”

Although the government expended a lot of effort to prosecute Keys, authorities never charged the person who conducted the hack, even though they had a solid lead on a suspect.
Keys’ attorney, Tor Ekeland, told WIRED last year that he plans to appeal the conviction on the grounds that the government wrongfully and deceptively used irrelevant losses to assess damage to the victim.

Although Keys was charged under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act for causing unauthorized damage to a protected computer, prosecutors calculated losses for unrelated activities that caused no damage to a computer. Ekeland maintains that they did this to inflate the victim’s losses and elevate Keys’ computer crime from a mere misdemeanor to a felony and to increase his sentence. The CFAA requires a minimum of $5,000 in losses to qualify as a felony; and the amount of damages can have a profound effect on a defendant’s sentence.
Het artikel gaat verder.
TheBlackbirddonderdag 14 april 2016 @ 17:40
Hallo. Over het algemeen mag ik anonymous wel.

Heb nu alleen opeens mijn twijfels over het youtube kanaal Anonymous Official. Vond het bijv. al raar dat anonymous een officiele leiding zou hebben. Nu willen ze ook aan de politiek meedoen met het lief genaamde 'Humanity Party', en geven ze openlijk toe dat ze bijv. een nieuwe grondwet voor Amerika willen, één wereld regering willen installeren en de burgerbevolking ontwapenen. :') De subtiele vrijmetselaars logo in de promo video maakt het helemaal af, lol.

Kan iemand me uitleggen wat er daar aan de hand is? Een elaborate troll actie? Een groepje zogenaamde anons met grootheidswaanzin? Iig wel grappig.

Edit: kan tevens mijn comments op de video niet terug vinden. Lekker :')

Edit2: ze hebben een hele thread aan kritisch commentaar weggehaald _O- Freedom of speech mijn aars hahah.. censuur *O*

Edit3: ah ok, ik weet ondertussen meer. Deze gasten zijn niet anonymous. PM me voor meer informatie, voor wie interesse heeft :)

[ Bericht 10% gewijzigd door TheBlackbird op 15-04-2016 04:21:24 ]
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 16 april 2016 @ 19:13
Anonymous Investigate Arizona Election Fraud, “Sanders Was Hacked” AnonHQ

The hacktivist group Anonymous have launched their own official investigation into claims of Arizona election fraud committed by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Claims of election fraud began circulating last Tuesday when thousands of Bernie Sanders supporters were prevented from voting for Sanders due to their votes mysteriously being changed from Democratic to Independent.

Anonymous have issued a press release saying that the abnormally low vote total may be the result of Clinton’s campaign hacking the sanders campaign voter database.

In their preliminary report, anonymous say:

Anonymous has begun a thorough investigation into the as-of-yet unverified claim that Bernie Sanders’ campaign offices in Arizona were hacked and that the information gathered may have been used to switch his supporters from registered Democrats to Independents, Republicans, or Libertarians.

We will be asking four relevant questions:

1) Are claims that Sanders’ Arizona campaign computers were hacked credible

2) How feasible would it be to use that information to change his supporters’ voter registration from Democrat to something else?

3) Were only, or primarily, Sanders supporters affected or did Clinton supporters and Republicans have similar problems?

4) Why were less than 35,000 Democratic votes tallied in Maricopa County (Phoenix), population 4,000,000 on March 22, 2016? Note: The New York Times reported 185,000 + early ballots. The total for Maricopa, 100% reporting, is less than 220,000.

Papierversnipperaardonderdag 21 april 2016 @ 10:00
En route to the Business Rocks conference this Thursday and Friday in Manchester, “notorious” activist and actor Joe Fionda was detained today at Immigration at Manchester airport, where he was held for two hours.

The welcoming party, consisting of Business Rocks’ publicist Nathan Newman and Norwegian Pirate Party activist Raymond Johansen, was simultaneously interrogated and photographed by unidentified persons at the Information desk.
All in all, it’s been a rough welcome to the UK for Fionda, who flew to Manchester from New York to take part in an illustrious international panel addressing the Hackathon for Homelessness, a multidisciplinary challenge combining hackers and business leaders to work towards practical solutions for homelessness. Among the other members of the panel are Johansen, Lord John Bird of The Big Issue, Lauri Love of Hacker House, and Higinio Ochoa of Austin, Texas, the last two beaming in Snowden-style, via Skype.

Johansen gave us the blow-by-blow as events went down, via an ingenious combination of Skype and Facebook messaging, necessitated by his injured wrist.

“Joe Fionda is being held by immigration! Nathan got interrogated by MI5 or GCHQ or whatever, they’re trying to find a paragraph to keep him out of the country. We’re probably stuck here for seven or eight hours at the airport,” he reported, his voice shaking. “I’ve had five buddies in the last year been fucked about by MI5 and GCHQ at airports. So we’re just gonna wait until it’s over but it was quite some interrogation that Nathan got put through. We had a call to go to the information desk here at Arrivals. We went there, we were connected on the phone to a person interrogating Nathan, asking all sorts of questions. Was he paid by Business Rocks, how did he connect to Joe Fionda, all questions about what Nathan does for work and details about everything, really.”

“We were told, like I’ve experienced before, it can take several hours before he’s let go or sent back. That depends on if they can find a way to send him back. That’s what the information desk told us.”

We asked why his voice was shaking. “I’m not nervous about Joe. We’ll come through this all right. I’m nervous about the guys swarming around us and taking photos. That gets me stressed.”

The who? Did you get photos?
Het artikel gaat verder.
Papierversnipperaarzondag 24 april 2016 @ 20:54
Greetings! We are Anonymous.

The continued effort of governments around the globe to censor our seven sovereign seas has not gone unnoticed. This is why we, once again, raise our Anonymous battle flags to expose their corruption and disrupt their surveillance operations. We are proud to present our new chat service residing within the remote island coves of the deep dark web.

The OnionIRC network is designed to allow for full anonymity and we welcome any and all to use it as a hub for anonymous operations, general free speech use, or any project or group concerned about privacy and security looking to build a strong community. We also intend to strengthen our ranks and arm the current and coming generations of internet activists with education. Our plan is to provide virtual classrooms where, on a scheduled basis, ‘teachers’ can give lessons on any number of subjects.

This includes, but is not limited to: security culture, various hacking/technical tutorials, history lessons, and promoting how to properly utilize encryption and anonymity software. As always, we do not wish for anyone to rely on our signal alone. As such, we will also be generating comprehensible documentation and instructions on how to create your own Tor hidden-service chat network in order to keep the movement decentralized.

Hackers, activists, artists and internet citizens, join us in a collective effort to defend the internet and our privacy.
Come aboard or walk the plank.

We are Anonymous,
we’ve been expecting you.

Protip: This is not a website, it’s an IRC chat server. You must use an IRC chat client to connect. You cannot connect simply through a browser.
Some popular IRC clients are: irssi, weechat, hexchat, mIRC, & many more…;
Here is an example guide for connecting with Hexchat:
To access our IRC network you must be connecting through the Tor network!
Papierversnipperaarzondag 1 mei 2016 @ 21:05

Anonymous say The Humanity Party is fake and using their name for votes » TechWorm

With the US presidential elections underway, the fight to get the votes is hotting up. One such party is The Humanity Party which claims to be the offshoot of Anonymous and is seeking votes in the name of Anonymous.

The online hacktivist group, Anonymous has taken a strong opposition to this claim and have said that The Humanity Party have nothing to do with the hacktivist group. According to Anonymous, The Humanity Party is just a front of Christopher M Nemelka, who seeks votes in the name of goodwill generated by Anonymous is U.S.A.

An Anonymous arm has already doxxed Nemelka and published his details online. Anonymous claims that Nemelka is not an Anonymous member but actually pushing Mormon agenda behind all the facade.

The Anonymous have also said that the upcoming LDS Temple Symposium to be hosted by Nemelka is a indication of his true aim behind The Humanity Party.

From Anonymous 4 Justice website :

The website also claims that AnonHQ is by no means the official news portal of the Anonymous group, is allegedly supporting The Humanity Party.

There have been murmurs in the Anonymous rank and file over US elections and presidential candidate they should support. While it is well within the individual’s right to support any candidate, the Anonymous frowns upon lending their name to any candidate. Anonymous members are beginning to notice and are reacting. In a statement released at the start of February, the group bluntly calls out what others have only speculated.

Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 4 mei 2016 @ 18:40
Hacking group Anonymous announces war against Bank of England and New York Stock Exchange - Mirror Online

Hacking group Anonymous has announced a cyber-attack war against the Bank of England and New York Stock Exchange.

The organisation - made up of international hackers - warned of a series of attacks against the world's central banks over the next month.

In a new YouTube video - called Shut Down the Banks - it said its main targets would be the Bank of England and New York Stock Exchange.

It said these financial institutions help to ensure that the world's most powerful organisations and governments maintain their secrecy and remain in power.

A voice on the video says of the Bank of England and New York Stock Exchange: "They feel comfortable in their ivory towers built on the broken backs of labourers of the world.

READ MORE: Anonymous steps up war against Ku Klux Klan with second hack attack

Anonymous target banks in new video
Anonymous has targeted the world's most powerful banks in a new video

"......It is time to show the world the true power and the true face of the faceless.

"The powers that be have flown to close to the sun and the time has come to set the wings of their empire ablaze and watch the system their power relies on come to a grinding halt and come crashing down around them.

...."This time our target is the New York Stock Exchange and Bank of England.

"This is a call to arms, brothers."

The warning comes after the group targeted Greece's central bank with a cyber attack which disrupted its website.

In the video, the group said: "Olympus will fall. A few days ago we declared the revival of operation Icarus."

Getty Cyber Attack Crime
Anonymous has warned of attacks against the world's banks

Read more: 10-year-old boy hacks into Instagram and deletes users' comments - and Facebook awards him $10,000

"Today we have continuously taken down the website of the Bank of Greece," the statement continued.

"This marks the start of a 30-day campaign against central bank sites across the world."

A Bank of Greece official today confirmed the attack.

A spokesman said: "The attack lasted for a few minutes and was successfully tackled by the bank's security systems.

"The only thing that was affected by the denial-of-service attack was our web site."

Unmasked: What the website looked like before it was wiped off the internet
Unmasked: What the website looked like before it was wiped off the internet

Anonymous originated in 2003, adopting the Guy Fawkes mask as their symbol for online hacking. The mask is a stylized portrayal of an oversized smile, red cheeks and a wide moustache upturned at both ends.

Hacktivists linked to Anonymous recently launched a "war" against the Ku Klux Klan.

Read more: iPhone users in the UK targeted by (another) iCloud phishing scam - don't be fooled by phony message

Two weeks ago, The Mirror exclusively revealed that hacktivists had launched a new campaign against the KKK by clobbering their main website with a digital blitzkreig called a DDoS attack.

A hacker using the name Ghost Squad has taken down a page run by the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan at the address

"We believe in free speech but their form of beliefs is monolithic and evil," the hacktivist told HackReads.

"We stand for constitutional rights, but they want anyone who is not Caucasian removed from earth so we targeted the KKK official website to... send a message that all forms of corruption will be fought.

"They are the fascists and they are the racists.”

A former stand-up comic targeted for his faith suffered a catalogue of terrifying incidents - from verbal and physical assaults to death threats and Nazi symbols daubed on his home

The information included nearly 400 people, including names, email addresses and known aliases as well as two-dozen social media pages allegedly affiliated with the far right group

Papierversnipperaardinsdag 10 mei 2016 @ 13:09
Latest Anonymous News • Anonymous takes down gov't websites from Sergipe...

*English translation of the Olhar Digital article.*

Accounts of social networks linked to the group Anonymous web activists say the collective took the air several pages linked to the government and the judiciary of the State of Sergipe.

The attitude, according to the accounts, would be a retaliation against WhatsApp blockade in Brazil that went into effect today at 14h. The Facebook page AnonOpsBrasil held two posts showing the sites (state government of Sergipe), (Sergipe Court of Justice) and (Federal Court of Sergipe) were off the air.

The posts are accompanied by a picture with the mask traditionally associate to Anonymous and DDOS letters, suggesting that the group carried out a DDoS attack on the sites. To date, they go off the air. On Twitter, the AnonH4 account has also sent similar messages, showing the fall of the sites. Both on Twitter as on Facebook, accounts using the hashtag #OpStopBlocking, suggesting a collective retaliation against the application of the blockade on the country.

According to other users using the same hashtag, sites should be off the air for 72 hours also (the period initially determined by the righteousness of Sergipe to lock WhatsApp); The posts of the groups also bring other information.

Collective suggests to followers who always use encryption on your connections and, if possible, to create their own VPNs (proven virtual networks). The pages also direct your readers to a guide on how to circumvent censorship WhatsApp. Digital Look have also produced a similar guide, which you can access through.

Source: Olhar Digital’s article. *This is a translation. *

Short URL

Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 14 mei 2016 @ 23:38
Hacktivist collective Anonymous has launched cyber-attacks on major financial institutions across the world, including the Bank of England, in order to “start an online revolution.”

Hackers claimed to have taken down the Bank of England’s internal email server as part of an operation dubbed ‘OpIcarus.’ was down for part of Friday.
Hackers affiliated with Anonymous also claimed to have shut down several international banks over the past four days, including the National Reserve Bank of Tonga, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and the central banks of Sweden, Myanmar and Laos.

A hacktivist who goes by the name ‘S1ege’ claimed responsibility for the attacks, stating they want to “start an online revolution” to retaliate against the “elite banking cartels putting the world in a perpetual state of chaos.”
Glazenmakerzondag 15 mei 2016 @ 01:06
Leuk zo'n solo topic.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 13 juni 2016 @ 19:20
New Weapon for Fighting ISIS: Anonymous Attacks Twitter Accounts of Terror Group with Porn AnonHQ

2016 is the busiest year so far for the online hacktivists group, Anonymous. While taking on governments, corporations, and world institutions, Anonymous is still not giving the terrorist group of the self-proclaimed Islamic States of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) a breathing space on social media.

After the Charlie Hebdo killings in Paris, Anonymous declared a cyber war on ISIS. In a cyber hacking activity known as #OpISIS, Anonymous disrupted many of their online activities, especially on social media. So strong was #OpISIS that the terror group abandoned many of the social media accounts, opting for the dark web.

However, in recent months, because Anonymous has been busy on other equally important assignments – attacking governments and corporations – ISIS had taken the opportunity to reactivate their accounts on social media to spread propaganda and recruit fighters.

s 4

Recently, we reported that ISIS fighters are even using Facebook to sell captured young girls as sex slaves to potential buyers. ISIS is also using other social media platforms to sell artifacts they looted from Syria. On Twitter, ISIS and its supporters have begun using the platform to start their old activities.

This has drawn the attention of Anonymous, once again. This time, Anonymous has found a new and effective weapon to fight the terror group. The terror group practices a strict version of Sunni Islam. This makes indecent photos and videos very offensive to the group.

Anonymous has capitalized on this opportunity to bombard the group with pornographic images. The nude pictures are highly disturbing to the group, with many of its supporters abandoning their accounts on Twitter. Thousands of ISIS affiliated Twitter accounts has since been abandoned, since Anonymous started attacking the group with the porn images.

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Anonymous is using something called pornbots to send the nude pictures to the accounts of ISIS. The pornbots do not tweet, but have explicit images as their display picture, causing disturbances to ISIS linked accounts.

Mirror reports that the pornbot hackers have targeted Twitter accounts that use known ISIS hashtags. Among the accounts to be targeted were the Amaq, the ISIS media agency, who were bombarded by pornbots before their account was disabled.

A French citizen who also reportedly praised the killing of journalists in Syria and Iraq by ISIS on Twitter, was attacked with the porn. It is said immediately after he tweeted the praise, he found more than 800 of the pornbots as followers. He has since abandoned his account.

In a video released online, a member of the Anonymous group in a Guy Fawkes mask appeared with these words for ISIS:

s 1

Some observers have publicly praised Anonymous for it cyber fight against the terror group. ISIS has forcefully annexed territories in Syria and Iraq, committing serious crimes against people. It is even believed that Anonymous’ attacks on ISIS is more effective than the social media companies themselves targeting and deleting accounts linked to the terror group.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 15 juni 2016 @ 15:32
De bedenker van het web is het web beu -

RTL Z-redacteur Frederieke Hegger over de economie van de toekomst, duurzaamheid en de keuzes die we elke dag maken.

Je staat er vast nooit bij stil, maar ooit – en niet eens zo lang geleden – creëerde iemand het wereldwijde web. En die persoon heet Tim Berners-Lee.

In 1989 bedacht hij een soort platform waardoor wetenschappers met elkaar informatie konden uitwisselen. Maar het werd iets revolutionairs. Iets waardoor nu iedereen wereldwijd informatie met elkaar uitwisselt. Iets waar we niet meer zonder kunnen leven.

Berners-Lee is uiteraard blij dat het allemaal wat groter is geworden dan hij had voorzien, maar het web heeft inmiddels ook grote gebreken, stelt hij.

Grote bedrijven als Google, Facebook en Twitter zijn veel te dominant, en zijn achterdeurtjes voor inlichtingendiensten geworden. Mensen worden bespioneerd, Chinezen kunnen bepaalde websites niet bezoeken en je betaalt met persoonlijke informatie voor 'gratis' diensten.

En ja, dat was allemaal niet de bedoeling. De bedoeling was een decentraal web: power to the people, meer macht naar jou en mij. Niet naar overheden en grote bedrijven.

Het web heeft, kortom, een mega-metamorfose nodig, vindt Berners-Lee. En dus kwam vader van het web vorige week met de crème de la crème uit internetland samen om na te denken over het web van de toekomst.

Wat nou als we ervoor kunnen zorgen dat mensen meer privacy hebben, overheden minder kunnen neuzen en sturen, en er niet zulke machtige partijen meer zijn? Wat nou als we de techniek achter digitale valuta bitcoin kunnen gebruiken om ons niet alleen te 'verlossen' van banken, maar ook van andere grote centrale partijen en hun servers? Wat als we in de toekomst niet meer hoeven te betalen met onze persoonlijke informatie? De techniek om dat te bewerkstelligen is er, stellen de webexperts.

Het is nog hartstikke vroeg. Maar de grondleggers van het web leggen as we speak de bouwstenen voor een nieuwe versie. En als die net zo'n revolutionair en toch ook positief effect gaat hebben als het huidige web, dan kijk ik ernaar uit.

Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 15 juni 2016 @ 16:41
Hackers Hijack ISIS Twitter Accounts With Gay Porn After Orlando Attack

Twitter accounts belonging to supporters of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) have been hacked in the wake of the Orlando shooting, with jihadist content replaced with gay pride messages and links to gay pornography.

A hacker affiliated with the hacktivist collective Anonymous, who uses the online moniker WauchulaGhost, first began hijacking pro-ISIS Twitter accounts several months ago. Following the mass shooting at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on June 13, the hacker decided to replace ISIS imagery posted to the accounts with rainbow flags and pro-LGBT messages.

“I did it for the lives lost in Orlando,” the hacker tells Newsweek. “Daesh [ISIS] have been spreading and praising the attack, so I thought I would defend those that were lost. The taking of innocent lives will not be tolerated.”

WauchulaGhost does not disclose his real name or exact location, other than to say he is based in the United States and that “shit is getting too close to home.”

The vigilante hacker claims to have taken over 200 Twitter accounts belonging to ISIS supporters. However, many have since been taken down by Twitter. WauchulaGhost plans to continue the campaign with two other hackers who go by the name Ebony and Yeti.

isis hacker anonymous gay porn twitter orlando Some pro-ISIS accounts displayed rainbow flags, a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) pride. Screengrab

ISIS has used social media platforms like Twitter as a tool for recruitment and to spread propaganda. Twitter claims to have shut down more than 125,000 accounts promoting extremism since 2015.

Messages posted to the compromised accounts include “I’m gay and proud” and “Out and proud.” A link to a gay porn site is included in some of the hacked accounts, although no explicit images have been posted in respect to Islam.

“One thing I do want to say is we aren’t using graphic porn and our purpose is not to offend Muslims,” WachulaGhost says. “Our actions are directed at Jihadist extremists. Many of our own [group of hackers] are Muslim and we respect all religions that do not take innocent lives.”

Papierversnipperaardonderdag 21 juli 2016 @ 18:52

Anonymous Operation Turkey door @AnonymousVideo
Anonymous Press Release Operation Turkey #OpTurkey.
Turkish people will liberate the country against the impact of the oppression made by the Turkish Government. With all kinds of interventions, we will try to empower the people of turkey. You can support us to fight Erdoğan and you can do something to prevent the ongoing purge of freedoms in Turkey, we have to enlighten Turkish people to reveal the truth.

Now the government persecuted the people of Turkey by helping ISIS and its supporters, come and join us in the fight Together Against ISIS and Erdoğan.

- We are Anonymous.
- We are legion,
- We do not forgive,
- We do not forget.
- Turkey, expect us !
- | SSL Port : 6697 | Channel #OpTurkey

Read more ►
Papierversnipperaarzondag 24 juli 2016 @ 17:55
Anonymous Hacks Turkish Energy & Gas Provider Website

Anonymous hackers are conducting cyber attacks on Turkish cyberspace, especially after the failed coup — Latest target is Izmir Gaz company!

The online hacktivist Anonymous conducted a cyber attack on the website of Izmir Gaz (, a Turkish-based Energy and Gas contractor headquartered in Izmir city on Turkey’s Aegean coast. The motive behind the attack was to protest against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and vowing to help the citizens in post-coup crackdown.

The attack on Izmir Gaz website allowed attackers to steal financial and personal records stored in the server including plain-text and hashed passwords for 479 users ending up leaking them online. As cited by SoftPedia, leaked files also contained maintenance reports, budgeting and billing files stolen from the server.

According to official blog post from Anonymous, the reason for targeting Izmir Gaz website: ”We hacked for two reasons: Company owners have good relations with Erdo[Retracted] and İzmir is city what Prime Minister Binali Yildirim elected.”
In a brief statement, Anonymous accused Erdogan of censoring social media in the country and urged citizens to go through AKP emails leaked by WikiLeaks recently. Hacktivists are also planning on translating the 300,000 leaked email and 500 thousand documents to raise awareness about the situation in Turkey.
Het artikel gaat verder.

[ Bericht 11% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 24-07-2016 19:21:38 ]
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 26 juli 2016 @ 13:13
Proliferation of hacker culture helped keep Anonymous from being branded terrorist org

Advocating for gender diversity together

How has Anonymous avoided being labeled as a terrorist group? That is a serious question that was proposed by an anthropologist during the eleventh Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) Conference in New York City on Friday. During a session Gabriella Coleman discussed the close series of events that helped the hacktivist group avoid the fate of other activist groups and leaders.

Nelson Mandela, the Tarnac 9, and BlackLivesMatter have all at one time been accused of terrorist activities. Many of the tactics used by Anonymous have run the risk of setting the group up for a similar fate, including the use of Guy Fawkes masks as a protest symbol.

For much of U.K. history, Guy Fawkes was “sort of an equivalent to an Osama bin Laden figure,” said Coleman, a professor at McGill University who has published two books that explore hacker ethics and the Anonymous movement.

The considerable exception of the hacktivist group is due in part to the proliferation of hacker culture and Anonymous into popular culture. The number of popular works of fiction in which Anonymous appears “is staggering,” Coleman said. Hacker culture have been portrayed in an overall positive light in several TV series, including “House of Cards” and “The Good Wife” – and high culture. The Royal Court Theater produced a play called “Teh (stet) Internet is Serious Business.”

As a comparison, Coleman asked the audience, “What was the last movie you saw that portrayed animal rights activists in a positive light?” to which one audience member shouted out in response, “Charlotte's Web!”

The exceptional fate of Anonymous has a complex racial history. Hacktivists are often perceived as harmless partially due to a stereotype of hackers as “nerdy white kids,” Coleman said.

Finally, Coleman mentioned that culture and arts “really matter,” despite often being dismissed as ‘soft power.' “If you don't have people's hearts and minds, then they will not be motivated to change public policy,” she said.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 22 augustus 2016 @ 23:33
Members of the Anonymous hacker collective have created a custom tool that allows them and any person to launch DDoS attacks against five built-in targets.

The tool was released to aid the group in its recent hacktivism campaign named #OpOlympicHacking, which debuted at the beginning of the month, just in time for the Rio Olympic Games.

The tool is a Windows executable that launches a window with six buttons, as pictured below this article. The first five buttons are for attacking five built-in targets while the sixth is for stopping the attacks.

"The tool can be used only for #OpOlympicHacking attacks"

The five targets are the official Rio 2016 Olympics website, the Brazil 2016 government portal, the Brazil Olympic Committee website, the government portal for the city of Rio de Janeiro, and the website for Brazil's Sports Ministry.

These are only a few of the targets Anonymous hackers included in a list they uploaded online when they announced #OpOlympicHacking at the start of the month.

The DDoS tool is offered online as a free download called "opolympddos." Softpedia has discovered links to this tool on Twitter.

At the time of writing, the links are dead, so we couldn't check and see if the DDoS tool came with other malware built-in. Users should not download and run this tool because (1) they would be carrying out an illegal activity; (2) they would be exposing themselves to possible malware infections.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 27 september 2016 @ 22:31
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 5 oktober 2016 @ 16:30
4chan is running out of money—and Martin Shkreli wants to help out | Ars Technica

4chan, the infamous message board whose users once labelled it "the asshole of the Internet," is nearly out of money and will have to take drastic action if it wants to survive, according to its new owner. Meanwhile, the notorious hedge fund manager Martin Shkreli has offered to help out.

The site, which hosts notoriously racist and sexist message boards, and which in the form of its /b/ board launched 1,000 unpleasant trolling campaigns, has long suffered money troubles, with users unwilling to subscribe and legitimate advertisers put off by unpalatable content. Its founder, Christopher "Moot" Poole, sold up in January 2015 to Hiroyuki Nisimura, the man who founded the board that inspired 4chan, Japan's almost equally unpleasant 2Channel.

In a post on Sunday, entitled "Winter is Coming," Nisimura wrote that he "had tried to keep 4chan as is. But I failed. I am sincerely sorry." He added:

Some notice there are no more middle ads and bottom ads on 4chan.
Ads don't work well. So we reduced advertisement servers cost.
4chan can't afford infrastructure costs, network fee, servers cost, CDN and etc, now.

He went on to describe three options to cut costs, none of which is likely to impress the site's fractious users. To stay afloat, the site apparently would need to halve traffic costs by closing some boards, limiting image sizes, and using slower servers; or have more pop-up or even "malicious" ads; or have more paying users.

However, an unlikely saviour has seemingly emerged. Shkreli—who erupted to notoriety of his own last year when his company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, acquired the manufacturing licence to the antiparasitic drug Daraprim and jacked its price up by 5,556 percent, from $13.5 to $750 per tablet (£10.60 to £588)—tweeted Nisimura to indicate that he would be "open to joining the Board of Directors of 4chan."

Nisimura replied, and the two apparently took the discussions away from public view.

Shkreli is currently on bail, pending a trial over federal charges for alleged securities fraud, after his arrest by the FBI in December last year. He also recently offered people the chance to punch him in the face for $50,000 for charity, to support the young son of his former PR guy Mike Kulich, who passed away suddenly a few weeks ago.

It looks like 4chan still has a few allies in the tech world, despite its unpleasant reputation. In a now-deleted but still-cached tweet, billionaire Minecraft founder Marcus "Notch" Persson apparently also expressed an interest in helping the site, writing: "Assuming it's not too expensive, and assuming I don't have to do any actual work myself, I'm in."

Poole, meanwhile, has scored himself a job at Google, where he is "building online communities."

Expand full story

Tom Mendelsohn / Tom is Ars Technica UK's Contributing Sub Editor. Descriptivist, not prescriptivist.
Bram_van_Loonwoensdag 5 oktober 2016 @ 19:26
Je gaat deze even moeten aanpassen. Het lijkt erop dat Google het heeft gecensureerd.
TYT heeft er veel aandacht aan besteed, ze zijn daar met mensen die er wonen gaan spreken.
Deze bijvoorbeeld: Dat geeft wel aardig aan hoe het daar is verlopen.
Bram_van_Loonwoensdag 5 oktober 2016 @ 19:37
Twee mogelijke verklaringen voor die interesse van de Hedgefund-knul:
- een vijand overnemen om die het zwijgen op te leggen
- een PR-campagne omdat heel de wereld hem haat sinds dat hij vorig jaar zo negatief in de media is gekomen met zijn hebzucht
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 6 oktober 2016 @ 16:34
Anonymous speaks to WIRED about taking on terrorist group Daesh | WIRED UK

On the sweltering morning of June 16, 2015, Selfeddine Rezgui ran a handful of gel through his hair, then snorted a line of cocaine.

College was over and Rezgui, a 23-year-old electrical engineering student from Gaâfour, in north-west Tunisia, had the day off. He piloted a boat to the beach at Port El Kantaoui in Sousse, 145km south of the Tunisian capital. As he disembarked, Rezgui looked just like any other young local: barefoot and dressed in swimming trunks and black T-shirt. He strolled through the wash, a parasol dangling from one hand, as he made a call on his white Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Moments later he threw the phone into the sea, as if skimming a pebble.

"Go now," Rezgui told a few locals, as he continued his stroll. Then, at 12.10pm, the young man pulled a Kalashnikov from its hiding place inside the umbrella, raised the gun and began to fire, first at a paraglider overhead, swooning in the breeze, then at the tourists bronzing on sunloungers. Reguzi first swept the beach with gunfire before entering the nearby Imperial Marhaba Hotel, where, the night before, 565 guests had slept. At times he laughed through his drug-smeared haze, which perhaps caused him to forget the crude home-made bomb tucked in a belt slung around his chest. Twenty minutes after Rezgui fired his first bullet, armed police shot him in the street. During his brief rampage, he had claimed 38 victims. Thirty-nine more lay injured. As he lay dying, Rezgui seemed to reach for the bomb's detonator, which had tumbled from his pocket on to the ground, a few metres away from 
his head. More shots. Then silence.

Somewhere in the middle of America, a man who calls himself Raijin Rising was sitting in his pyjamas at his desk in his home office when he saw the first breaking news report of the attack. Raijin opened Telegram, the encrypted messaging service, and set up a new chat room titled "Tunisia". Then he issued an invitation for colleagues to join him there. Even before the full details of Rezgui's attack had been reported, the chat began to fill with columns of troubling links - not to news stories describing the attack, but to Twitter posts celebrating its effects.

One message in particular gave Raijin cause for alarm. "What happened in Tunisia was just the starters," read the tweet from Abu Hussain Al Britani, nom de guerre of Junaid Hussain, a notorious young British hacker who left his home town of Birmingham in 2014 to travel to Syria and join Daesh (also referred to in the west as "ISIS", "IS" and "ISIL"), the militant jihadi group that had claimed responsibility for Rezgui's attack on the beach.

"I had a theory," Raijin told WIRED recently. "Hussain's Twitter accounts would be silent for weeks or months. Then, whenever he started tweeting again, a major attack would immediately follow. I started to believe he was sending trigger messages." In this context, Hussain's next tweet was even more worrying. "Today you are scared to go on holiday," it read. "Tomorrow you will be scared to step foot outside your door."

Raijin opened Telegram and began to type: "There's going to be another attack in Tunisia."

Rezgui never left his home country. This clean-shaven breakdancer, brought up in a moderate Muslim family, was instead radicalised online, specifically in the Café de la République, a Tunisian internet café where he was a regular. He is typical of many Daesh sympathisers around the world who have been turned to violence not through the words of local hate preachers, but rather inside online chat rooms: Daesh runs its own news service, employs online press officers and, in May, launched an Android app to teach children the Arabic alphabet and jihadi-related terms. It even uses hacker groups - including one that was, for a time, run by Hussain - to take down the websites of its enemies and flood the internet with images and videos of atrocities. In this way social media has become both an ideological battleground and a tool for the most effective recruitment-cum-incitement campaign of any terror group.

In recent years, the rise of terror groups that co-opt the internet as a medium for spreading hatred and ideology has been matched by an opposing army of young vigilantes. The energy of these groups has been sustained by the online outrage that follows each new attack by Daesh or al-Qaeda affiliates. Many grew up frequenting the same online communities from which Daesh plucks recruits. And, in recent months, these vigilantes have matched the organisational efforts of their Daesh counterparts.

Raijin was 19 years old when Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait in 1990. "I was in college and we were all shitting ourselves thinking we were about to be drafted," he says, having chosen, after a week of trust-building back and forth via email, to tell WIRED his story. "We were glued to CNN. Ever since that day I've been a geopolitics junkie."

Years later, Raijin began to see news about a jihadist militant group called Daesh routinely appearing in his Twitter timeline. "There was so much information that wasn't hitting the US news, so I started an ISIS watch list." Shortly after that, Raijin heard about an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel - an invitation-only chat room - where members of Anonymous, the disparate hacktivist group, collated details of pro-Daesh Twitter accounts, then reported them to the social media company in batches. Raijin wanted to help. He began adding to the stream.

To sift through the mass of information, Raijin wrote some tools using Twitter's API to capture the names of accounts that followed prominent Daesh members. He kept a database of pro-Daesh relationships, noting who tweeted what, when and which accounts, then shared those same tweets. After six weeks of sifting the intel, Raijin realised that the information he had gathered might be of greater use than as a mere tool for reporting Twitter accounts. "That's when I heard about 'IS Hunting Club'," he says.

IS Hunting Club was one of the most prominent anti-Daesh accounts. It was run by a member of Ghost Security Group, a close-knit team of open-source intelligence gatherers. "I believe our youngest is 18 and our eldest is in his forties," says Raijin. "We know very little about each other - it's safer that way."

Following Hussain's warning about another attack, Raijin and the other 11 members of Ghost Security Group narrowed their searches to northern Tunisia, looking for signs of a follow-up. Raijin noticed the hashtag "#jerba" appearing in pro-Daesh accounts, a reference to the island of Djerba, 220km from Sousse. "The tweets didn't feel right," Raijin says. "So we dove in and started looking for areas of the town that might be another tourist hotspot that could make for a suitable target for another terrorist attack."

Using Google Maps, Raijin says that the group identified Houmt El Souk, a popular market for European tourists, which had been mentioned in some tweets alongside threats, written in English, about a potential attack on a nearby synagogue. They gained access to two of the accounts ("You'd be surprised how many of accounts use 'AllahAkhubar' as a password," he says), harvested their private direct messages and the IP addresses, which gave a geographical fix on the tweeters. They passed the information to Michael Smith, an adviser on terrorism to members of the US Congress, whom they'd read about online. Smith, in turn, passed the intel to the FBI.

A few days later, French media reported that four arrests had been made in Djerba in relation to a planned terror attack. Raijin and his colleagues wasted no time in claiming responsibility for the captures. They put out a statement. "Ghost Security Group detected multiple accounts on social media citing threats and co-ordinating what appeared to be an attack targeting British and Jewish tourists in Djerba, Tunisia," it stated. "Information was forwarded to law enforcement and subsequently a total of 17 arrests 
were made and a terror cell… disrupted."

Claiming glory in this way - against Smith's advice - was risky, especially when the group had no way of knowing to what extent its information had led to the arrests. Smith, not wanting to deny Ghost Security Group its moment (or, perhaps, to discourage them from sharing further intel by doing so), showed a Newsweek journalist email correspondence in which a law-
enforcement official verified that the intel had led to the arrests (something which, Smith says, resulted in a call from the FBI). It was enough to prove that hacktivists could have an effect; that their efforts could save lives. Suddenly, online vigilantes had a role model.

Five months after the beach attack in Tunisia, seven gunmen shot and killed 130 people in Paris. It was an act of vivid and appalling hatred. On November 18, five days after the spree, a video was posted to the official Anonymous YouTube channel. In it, a man wearing the group's signature V for Vendetta mask, and with his voice distorted to conceal his identity, stated: "Hello, citizens of the world. We are Anonymous. It is time to realise that social media is a solid platform for ISIS's communication as well as neutering their ideas of terror amongst youth. However, at the same time, social media has proved it is an advanced weapon. 
We must all work together and use social media to eliminate the accounts used by terrorists."

Although vigilante outfits had been passing open-source intelligence gathered from pro-jihadi social-media accounts and forums to authorities for months (Ghost Security Group was founded on January 10, 2015, and existed in different forms and under different monikers before then), Anonymous's message offered a rousing call to every young hacker who felt helpless when faced with harrowing news reports. "ISIS, we will hunt you and take down your sites, accounts, emails and expose you. From now on, there is no safe place for you online. You will be treated like a virus, and we are the cure," the spokesman concluded.

A rallying hashtag - #OpParis - was created. Anonymous users set up a dedicated IRC channel filled with manuals for how anyone could get involved in taking the online fight to Daesh. As well as starter guides such as "How To Help", these documents include tutorials for "Noob hackers"; lists of jihadi-related keywords to search for on social media; tutorials for how to report offensive material; how to mount DDoS attacks on jihadi websites in order to overwhelm them with traffic and take them offline; the names of specific people within Daesh to be on the lookout for, and even a dictionary of Arabic. There were video tutorials for "approved" members and know-your-enemy style links to Daesh's own guides on how to improve online security and hack others.

Much of what followed was tinged with Anonymous's brand of humour. One pro-Daesh website hosted on the dark web was replaced with a link to an online store that sold Viagra. The group declared December 11, 2015 "Troll Day" against Daesh, encouraging followers to Photoshop rubber ducks and goats into previously grotesque propaganda images, alongside the jeering hashtag #Daeshbags. Daesh, which itself has dedicated online teams around the world managing its messaging, responded in kind. "Anonymous hackers threatened in [a] new video release that they will carry out a major hack operation on the Islamic State," the statement read. "Idiots."

However, adventurous Anonymous members began to infiltrate Daesh social media networks and forums - but failed to alert authorities to the names of accounts they were using. In numerous cases, according to Smith, these rogue accounts became subjects of official investigation, distracting efforts away from genuine targets. In a video release, self-proclaimed members of #OpParis announced that they had alerted law enforcement to an alleged planned Daesh attack on a WWE wrestling event in Atlanta. The FBI publicly discredited the information, stating: "We do not have specific or credible information of an attack at this time."

Misinformation soon curdled to infighting among members. Hacktivist "th3j35t3r" described the #OpParis campaign as a "comedy of errors". On November 22, 2015, the Anonymous Twitter account joined in. "Seriously, after #OpISIS there have been too many fame whores," one tweet stated. "It's not about the follows or RTs. It's about the truth. Have some integrity."

These missteps added weight to criticisms of such well-meaning but amateur efforts. Besides - who cares about a few social-media accounts when people are being gunned down on beaches? The online vigilantes, however, knew only too well how much of an effect just one of their number could have in the terror arena. After all, Junaid Hussain, the hacker from Birmingham whom Raijin believed was triggering attacks through his Twitter messages, was a former Anon.

Hussain grew up in Birmingham but, like many of those involved in #OpParis, was raised on the internet. At the age of 15 he co-founded "TeaMp0isoN", a hacker group with whom he operated under the moniker "TriCk". Hussain's activity, in his early days, was little more than digital vandalism, the hacker's equivalent of daubing a penis on the side of a railway carriage. He first gained notoriety for publishing the name and addresses of members of LulzSec, the hacker collective renowned for breaching the security of high-value targets such as the CIA and Sony Pictures. Hussain's crimes were serious, but tinged with the mocking irreverence of the teenage internet troll. He was jailed for six months, for example, for stealing the personal address book of former prime minister Tony Blair.

In time, Hussain's work gained a political bent, often falling in line with pro-Palestinian causes. In 2011, for example, TeaMp0isoN claimed to have helped "clean Facebook" of more than 1,000 pages that, the group claimed, contained what it regarded to be racist or Zionist content. The operation's targets also included British far-right groups such as the English Defence League. "I started using hacking as my form of medium by defacing sites to raise awareness of issues around the world, and to 'bully' corrupt organisations and embarrass them via leaks," he told the website Softpedia in 2012. "That is how I got into hacktivism."

Although Hussain's splinter group still rolled with Anonymous, a supposedly apolitical movement, he became increasingly zealous in his beliefs. Hussain was quoted in The Daily Telegraph in 2012: "Terrorism doesn't exist. They create the terrorism and fabricate it to demonise a certain faith." At the time he claimed that TeaMp0isoN did not follow a particular religion or political group. After his arrest in 2012, however, he swapped the pro-Palestinian rhetoric (the avatar on his Twitter account, for example, displayed a child's face decorated with a Palestinian flag) for a pro-Daesh stance (in his new Twitter avatar, Hussain looked down the sights of a machine gun aimed at the camera, his mouth covered with a black scarf).

Hussain arrived in Syria with his wife, Sally Jones, a former punk rocker from Kent, whom he reportedly met via Anonymous, in August 2014. "You can sit at home and play Call of Duty," he tweeted from one of his many now-deleted accounts. "Or you can come here and respond to the real call of duty… the choice is yours."

He became known as one of "The Beatles", the four British jihadists nicknamed by western captives because of their British accents. As his standing grew, Hussain began to employ in the service of Daesh the skills and techniques that he'd learned as a teenage hacker working under the banner of Anonymous. In January 2015, he claimed credit for an audacious hack on the Twitter and YouTube accounts of the US Central Command, which co-ordinates strategy from the Middle East to Central Asia. On April 5, 2015, Hussain's group, the Cyber Caliphate, seized control of a French television network for several hours in one of the highest-profile hacks of the year. These attacks mirrored those for 
which Anonymous was known.

The symmetry is not coincidental. "Counter-terrorism analysts have struggled, without much success, to discern some religious, economic or even psychological trend among the more than 30,000 foreign fighters who have joined the Islamic State," says Emerson Brooking, a consultant to the New America Foundation. "What they most have in common is a sense of alienation and disempowerment in the places where they've grown up - a yearning for a greater purpose that they somehow find in the Syrian desert."

This sense of alienation and disempowerment is shared by the hacktivists who now hunt Daesh. Both groups find their purpose in the equalising power of the internet. Both groups are attracted to the online fight both for and against Daesh that they are uniquely equipped to handle.

The ideological knife-edge on which many young hackers sit is no clearer demonstrated than in the circumstances surrounding Hussain's death. On August 24, 2015 - less than two months after the foiled attack in Djerba - the US Department of Defense declared that the 21-year-old had been killed by a US drone strike outside Raqqa, Syria. "[Hussain] was involved in recruiting ISIL sympathisers in the west to carry out lone wolf-style attacks," US Air Force Colonel Patrick Ryder told Pentagon reporters. "He had significant technical skills and expressed a strong desire to kill Americans… He no longer poses a threat."

Two months later, a former member of Hussain's childhood hacker group claimed to have been responsible for supplying the Department of Defense with a lead on Hussain's location just before the strike. In a series of tweets posted in November 2015, the hacker claimed to have sent Hussain a link that, when clicked, inadvertently revealed his location. This drew the Sauron-like eye of the drone hovering in the sky above. If true, the anecdote shows how easily previously allied members of hacktivist groups can be recruited to opposing sides. If untrue, it reveals another wrinkle: in the amateur intelligence community, everyone wants to claim their place in history.

This was not their achievement," says Mikro, regarding Ghost Security Group's claim to have foiled the attack in Djerba. Mikro is founder of Control Sec and the man who claims to have coined the hashtag #OpISIS. "Sorry for my sharp reaction, but everyone I speak to asks about their role in that case. I am honestly a little fed up." Mikro, who says that he is in his twenties and lives in Europe (his Telegram avatar shows, revealingly perhaps, a photograph of a dog at the wheel of a British police car), contradicts Raijin's account of what happened in the foiling of the second Tunisian terror plot.

"It happened like this," he says. "We got a tip from one of our sources in Tunisia who has a connection to Daesh that there was something going on. I guess they were pretty proud of the beach attack the week before, so they were starting to brag about their next move. We knew the name of the market and the fact a second attack was planned to target Jews."

There was no searching of Twitter for the #jerba hashtag, Mikro says. Nobody guessed the password of incriminating Twitter accounts ("We did that kind of thing a while back, but the info is reachable for authorities so why waste time on it?"). Although, Mikro concedes, Control Sec and Ghost Security Group shared information "in the working environment" at the time, he also insists that all that the rival organisation did was pass his information on to Smith and the FBI.

When Ghost Security Group claimed responsibility for foiling the attack, Mikro was furious. "Working together was a bad move," he says. "The fact that I have to sit here and sound like a big-headed idiot to get the story out there says enough, doesn't it?" This wrangling for credit could be cleared up if the intelligence services were willing to publicly praise their informants. According to Raijin, however, this will never happen. "I don't think any law enforcement would publicly admit they relied on information from hackers to stop a terrorist event," he says. "It would either make them look crazy for trusting us, or embarrass them that we could find that information when they couldn't."

This scramble for credit reveals a contradiction at the heart of vigilante action. Young hackers often enter these groups hoping to gain prominence and glory for their successes, something to elevate their standing within a group where esteem can be measured in the primary currencies of our time, those dopamine-injecting "Likes" and "retweets". Anonymous may benefit from anonymity, but the allure of fame and notoriety is equally powerful. Much intelligence work, however, is clandestine by design. Sources must be protected. Victories are often left unannounced so as not to reveal techniques and strategies to the enemy. Narcissists are a poor fit for intelligence services.

This lack of co-ordination between the amateurs and professionals creates deeper problems. Although police and others are generally in favour of removing harmful, jihadi-related content from the internet, unless this whitewashing work is co-ordinated, valuable intelligence can be lost. "For intelligence agencies interested in open-source-intelligence collection, the elimination of these accounts can be a source of frustration," Emerson Brooking says. "Then, of course, there's the issue that Anonymous has been responsible for the takedown of a large number of accounts that have absolutely nothing to do with jihadis: the websites of academics, activist and journalists. There is a significant hit-and-miss aspect to all of this."

Twitter is adamant that it does not rely on vigilante information to monitor accounts. In a statement published last year, a company spokesperson said that the company is not using the lists generated by Anonymous, as research has found them to be "wildly inaccurate". Another representative of a social media company, who asked for both her and her employer's name to be withheld, was even clearer: "Tech companies ignore vigilante lists because they're garbage," she said.

Mikro disagrees. "That's not even close to the truth," he says. "Every day I see ISIS-related profiles that have been up for 12 to 16 hours. Seconds after we target them they go down." To prove his point, he tells WIRED to watch the CtrlSec Twitter feed as he tweets out the names of jihadi Twitter accounts for his followers to report en masse. Just as he promised, 
the accounts are taken offline shortly afterwards.

Maura Conway, a researcher at Dublin City University on the impact of violent online political extremism, also believes that social-media companies benefit from crowdsourced moderation. "Flagging activity has a fairly long history," he says. "YouTube has a 'trusted flagger' programme, that allows agencies and individuals to fast-track the reporting and deletion of terrorist material." Many believe, however, that Twitter, Facebook and the rest should do more, that their willingness to rely on their audience's self-policing exacerbates the problems associated with vigilantism. Some, such as Brooking, have even suggested that social-media companies deputise and pay hacktivists who spend hours per day hunting and reporting ISIS accounts.

Whether it's paid for or offered gratis, vigilante action is evolving. Mikro claims to work on OpISIS for 18 hours a day (he refuses to explain how he earns a living). Raijin spends much of his spare time loitering in ISIS-run Telegram message groups ("this second I am sitting in more than 100 ISIS Telegram channels writing variously in Arabic, Russian, Indonesian and English," he tells WIRED), sifting through the messages which include links to YouTube videos on how to make bombs, or material that identifies targets in the Iraqi and Syrian armies, their faces circled in red on digital photographs. Raijin, Ghost Security Group's technical lead, has developed tools with elaborate graphical interfaces that show, in pictorial terms, the connections that exist between individual suspects on the web, a substantial undertaking.

"We shed our 'underground' ways and now work within legitimate means," he tells me. "In the old days you may have found someone DDoSing an ISIS website, or perhaps hacking into their social-media accounts or forums. In most countries, information obtained via those methods can't be used in a legal procedure, so we needed to work above board. All the data in the world is useless if people won't take it from you."

Despite these efforts to professionalise their operations, it's unlikely that any vigilante group, Anonymous or otherwise, will ever be able to work openly with intelligence agencies. "Even in the case of the best intentioned vigilantes, their co-operation with the US government could set a precedent whereby another nation such as Russia could justify its own use of organised trolls to stifle political dissidents," Brooking says. "The world is currently united against ISIS, but future scenarios are unlikely to be this clear-cut."

This absence of legitimacy does nothing to dampen the resolve of Mikro, who spends so many hours trying to stem the flow of propaganda. For him, the sense of community and belonging - the same traits offered by the terrorist group against which he works - is enough. "I take my inspiration from the people I do this with," he tells me. "That is the driving power behind 
all this. That is enough of a pay-off."

Papierversnipperaardinsdag 18 oktober 2016 @ 19:35
.Commander X Press Release - Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous

Thursday - September 29, 2016 10:00 AM ET

On November 1, 2016 at Noon ET I will release to the public my first book entitled "Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous". In order not to give any advantage to the government of the USA, who may try and disrupt the publication of my book - I will not be pre-announcing the name of my publisher. "Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous" will be released in stages as follows:

On November 1st at Noon I will release the First Edition - Hardbound version of "Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous" via an announcement on Twitter. It will ba available from our publisher directly at that time, or on Amazon soon after. Local bookstores will be able to order copies via their normal procedures, and readers can request this. The book itself will be gold embossed cloth covered harbound with a full color high-gloss paper dustjacket. It will be industry standard 6" by 9". Final page count is not available at this time. Retail cost will be approx. $18.00 to $20.00 USD depending on final page count.

On November 15th at Noon ET I will release the First Edition - Paperback version of "Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous". It will ba available from our publisher directly at that time, or on Amazon soon after. Local bookstores will be able to order copies via their normal procedures, and readers can request this. The book itself will be softbound with a full color high-gloss cover. It will be industry standard 6" by 9". Final page count is not available at this time. Retail cost will be approx. $9.00 to $10.00 USD depending on final page count.

On November 28th at Noon ET, which is "cyber monday" I will release the eBook and audio book versions of "Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous". They will be in industry standard formats, and available directly through my publisher, on Amazon - and other outlets. The eBook will retail at $3.00 to $5.00 USD depending on final page count. The audio book will be approx. $2.00 USD. And that will complete the release cycle. There is a countdown timer to release day on the website for "Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous".

There will be absolutely no pre-release copies distributed prior to publication. After publication, media outlets and individual journalists may request a complimentary PDF of "Behind The Mask: An Inside Look At Anonymous" for review purposes directly from the author (me).

Twitter: @CommanderXanon

Main Website:

Book Website:
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 22 oktober 2016 @ 12:55
'Anonymous' blamed for wave of cyberattacks on Friday - KGTV ABC10 San Diego

Withering cyberattacks on server farms of a key internet firm repeatedly disrupted access to major websites and online services including Twitter, Netflix and PayPal across the United States on Friday. The White House called the disruption malicious and a hacker group claimed responsibility, though its assertion couldn't be verified.

Manchester, New Hampshire-based Dyn Inc. said its data centers were hit by three waves of distributed denial-of-service attacks, which overwhelm targeted machines with junk data traffic. The attacks, shifting geographically, had knock-on effects for users trying to access popular websites across the U.S. even in Europe.

"The complexity of the attacks is what is making it so difficult for us," said Kyle York, the company's chief strategy officer. "What they are actually doing is moving around the world with each attack." He said an East Coast data center was hit first; attacks on an offshore target followed later.

The data flood came from tens of millions of different Internet-connected machines — including increasingly popular but highly insecure household devices such as web-connected cameras. It was an onslaught whose global shifts suggested a sophisticated attacker, though Dyn said it had neither suspect nor motive.


The level of disruption was difficult to gauge, but Dyn serves some of the biggest names on the web, providing the domain name services that translate the numerical internet addresses into human-readable destinations such as ""

Steve Grobman, chief technology officer at Intel Security, compared an outage at a domain name services company to tearing up a map or turning off GPS before driving to the department store. "It doesn't matter that the store is fully open or operational if you have no idea how to get there," he said in a telephone interview.

Jason Read, founder of the internet performance monitoring firm CloudHarmony, owned by Gartner Inc., said his company tracked a half-hour-long disruption early Friday in which roughly one in two end users would have found it impossible to access various websites from the East Coast.

"We've been monitoring Dyn for years and this is by far the worst outage event that we've observed," said Read.

Dyn provides services to some 6 percent of America's Fortune 500 companies, he said. A full list of affected companies wasn't immediately available but Twitter, Netflix, PayPal and the coder hangout Github said they experienced problems.


Members of a shadowy collective that calls itself New World Hackers claimed responsibility for the attack via Twitter. They said they organized networks of connected "zombie" computers called botnets that threw a staggering 1.2 terabits per second of data at the Dyn-managed servers.

"We didn't do this to attract federal agents, only test power," two collective members who identified themselves as "Prophet" and "Zain" told an AP reporter via Twitter direct message exchange. They said more than 10 member participated in the attack. It was not immediately possible to verify the claim.

Dyn officials said they have received no claim of responsibility, but are working with law enforcement.

The collective, @NewWorldHacking on Twitter, has in the past claimed responsibility for similar attacks against sites including in September and the BBC on Dec. 31. The attack on the BBC marshaled half the computing power of Friday's onslaught.

The collective has also claimed responsibility for cyberattacks against Islamic State. The two said about 30 people have access to the @NewWorkdHacking Twitter account. They claim 20 are in Russia and 10 in China. "Prophet" said he is in India. "Zain" said he is in China. The two claimed to their actions were "good," presumably because they highlighted internet security problems.

Another collective member the AP previously communicated with via direct message called himself "Ownz" and identified himself as a 19-year-old in London. He told the AP that the group — or at least he — sought only to expose security vulnerabilities.

During the attack on the ESPN site, "Ownz" was asked if the collective made any demands on sites it attacked, such as demanding blackmail money. "We will make one demand actually. Secure your website and get better servers, otherwise be attacked again," he said.


For James Norton, the former deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security who now teaches on cybersecurity policy at Johns Hopkins University, the incident was an example of how attacks on key junctures in the network can yield massive disruption.

"I think you can see how fragile the internet network actually is," he said.

Dyn officials said attacks stemmed from tens of millions of devices connected to the internet — closed-circuit video cameras, digital video recorders and even thermostats — that were infected with malware.

"The Internet of Things sort of ran way ahead of how the Internet was architected," Dyn's York said on a call with reporters. He said there are between 10-15 billion such devices online.

Dyn first became aware of an attack around 7:00 a.m. local time, focused on data centers on the East Coast of the U.S. Services were restored about two hours later. But then attackers shifted to offshore data centers, and problems continue.

"It is a very smart attack. As we start to mitigate they react and start to throw something that's over the top," York said on a call with reporters.

The second attack broadened its net, affecting the U.S. West Coast. "Prophet" of New World Hackers said hacktivists of the broad, more amorphous Anonymous collective piled on in the third wave on Friday afternoon.

"We've stopped all our attacks," he said at midafternoon. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security was monitoring the situation, White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Friday. He said he had no information about who may be behind the disruption.

Security experts have recently expressed concern over increasing power of denial-of-service attacks following high-profile electronic assaults against investigative journalist Brian Krebs and French internet service provider OVH .

In a widely shared essay titled "Someone Is Learning How to Take Down the Internet," respected security expert Bruce Schneier said last month that major internet infrastructure companies were seeing a series of worrying denial-of-service attacks.

"Someone is extensively testing the core defensive capabilities of the companies that provide critical internet services," he said.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 2 november 2016 @ 15:29
30GB Bradley Foundation Data Hack Reveals $150 Million Hillary Campaign Donation | HNN – Higgins News Network

The Hacker Group Anonymous has just released 30 Gigabytes of data it claims was hacked from the Bradley Foundation which apparently serves as a money laundering front between the Rothschild Asset management, Inc.and the Hillary Clinton campaign through the Clinton Foundation.


The announcement just came via the Anonymous Global Twitter account.

Anonymous has hacked the Bradley Foundation and releases 30GB of documents!exxkyI5(...)mZDnKManv8fJfI1N5WwQ #HillaryClinton #Rothschilds


With the ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation due to pay to play and money laundering allegations connected to this organization things could get very interesting soon.

The FBI can add this to Wiener’s 650,000 emails and the emails from the Podesta Leaks which already provide more than enough evidence to provide a prima facie case for a RICO indictment.

Update: News spreads quick, The story is being discussed here where users are posted the screenshots of the breach saying the leak is real.

Here is the contents of the structure of the dump:


An perhaps the most damaging part of all of this is once all is said and done there will be no acid washing their servers with bleach bit as one of the documents show there are monthly back ups of there data being stored in a safety deposit box.


There is also an oddly named file called “Insurance records” which could be actual financial insurance files but given the depth of the criminal network it could also be a black mail file.

The account also posted the following which gives a document count and a screen shot of some files that appear to have data on offshore accounts.


Another apparently anonymous related account has tweeted that this dump is retribution for the Government attempting to cover up the findings of the Hillary Clinton FBI investigation.

FBI released this to let the American people know they posses the 33K emails raise hell now call call call!

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Kay Cumbow

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This Site Is Dedicated To Alexander Higgins and All The Liberty-Truth Activists Around The World.
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 4 november 2016 @ 17:48
For about two years now, Anonymous has waged its own online war against ISIS. Anonymous-affiliated hackers, as well as several splinter groups, have claimed to have taken down countless pro-ISIS Twitter accounts, websites, and even to have gathered crucial intelligence about the terrorist group’s operations.

No one know for sure how effective any of these efforts have been, but having hackers who identify as Anonymous members try to help police and intelligence agencies has been a shocking sight, considering the group has always cultivated an anti-government image. It’s been a shock even for some longtime members of the hacktivist movement, who have opposed the idea of helping authorities.

Read more: How a Teenage Hacker Became the Target of a US Drone Strike

To understand whether this divide has caused a significant chasm within Anonymous, we spoke with a hacker who calls himself Discordian, and has been a member of Anonymous since 2010. Discordian didn’t mince any word when speaking about how bad the internal conflict has been.

“I think you could almost call it a civil war, it’s that bad,” Discordian said.

Watch the full interview with Discordian in the video above.
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 5 november 2016 @ 19:37
Million Mask March: police to curb protests amid fears of violence

Conditions imposed by Met under Public Order Act include 9pm curfew and restrictions on assembly in Trafalgar Square

Scotland Yard has imposed stringent restrictions on protesters gathering in Westminster on Saturday for the Million Mask March, after clashes with police, incidents of criminal damage and attempts to invade official buildings at previous years’ events.

The gathering of thousands in central London – in protest at austerity economics, official corruption, erosion of civil liberties, surveillance and a litany of other causes – is held annually on 5 November, a date held as symbolic for its connection with the gunpowder plot.

This year, with the date falling on a Saturday, the demonstration is likely to be one of the biggest yet. Nearly 20,000 people have indicated they will attend on the main Facebook event page.

Conditions imposed by police under the Public Order Act restrict any “static assembly” in Trafalgar Square, a cordoned-off area opposite Downing Street on Whitehall, and the centre of Parliament Square.

Any march by protesters must begin from Trafalgar Square and stay within an area bounded by Trafalgar Square, Northumberland Avenue, Victoria Embankment, Bridge Street, Parliament Square, Parliament Street and Whitehall, according to the conditions.

Activities must start no earlier than 6pm and be finished by 9pm, and any person found to be in breach of conditions may face arrest, police said.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 5 november 2016 @ 21:02
Papierversnipperaarzondag 6 november 2016 @ 20:27
Police make 53 arrests at the Million Mask March - BBC News

Fifty-three people were arrested as the Million Mask March made its way through central London, police have said.

Protesters wearing Guy Fawkes masks joined the anti-capitalist demonstrations from Trafalgar Square to Parliament on Saturday evening.

Strict conditions were imposed by the Met Police on this year's march following disorder at the 2015 event.

Police said the arrests were for drugs, offensive weapons, criminal damage, public order and obstruction offences.

The protest is one of several similar marches held worldwide on 5 November to demonstrate against capitalism.

Organised by the hacking group Anonymous, the demonstration took place along the route during a three-hour window between 18:00 and 21:00.

Some protesters climbed the base of Nelson's column and chanted the slogan "one solution, revolution" while others ignited fireworks and flares in front of Westminster Abbey.

There was a large police presence outside the Houses of Parliament and demonstrators were told to stay within the agreed boundaries as the march moved forward.

There were "pockets of disorder" and a number of fireworks were thrown, although the Met said most participants in the march were peaceful and there had been no "need for containment".

Commander Ben-Julian Harrington, the Met officer in charge of policing protests in London, said: "I would like to commend my officers policing this challenging event for their professionalism and faultless co-ordination.

"I would also like to thank those participants who conducted themselves in a peaceful manner as well as Londoners and those visiting our city for their patience and tolerance."

Last year's protest resulted in 50 arrests as four police officers and six horses were injured in clashes with demonstrators.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 23 november 2016 @ 18:15
Anonymous suddenly took an active role in the battle against the Dakota Access Pipeline, knocking offline the website of ‘less-than lethal’ weapons manufacturer, — whose tear gas canisters, concussion grenades, and other weapons were used by police against peaceful water protectors in an all-out assault Sunday night.
Temperatuur daalt maar protest vlamt op in North Dakota | NOS

Steeds meer Amerikanen sluiten zich aan bij het Standing Rock-protest tegen een omstreden pijpleiding in de Amerikaanse staat North Dakota, zeggen de demonstranten. Op Facebook schrijven zij dat zich opnieuw honderden mensen hebben gemeld om te protesteren tegen de aanleg van de Dakota Access-oliepijpleiding.

In het Standing Rock-reservaat, dat zich uitstrekt over North en South Dakota, demonstreren al maanden Sioux-indianen en milieu-activisten bij de Missouri-rivier. Hoeveel mensen er precies bij het protest betrokken zijn is niet bekend. De politie schat dat er zo'n 2000 betogers in het gebied bivakkeren. Zij zijn niet van plan op te geven. Ook niet nu de confrontaties met agenten steeds grimmiger worden.

Deze week zette de politie traangas en waterkanonnen in tegen de demonstranten, bij temperaturen van rond de 20 graden onder nul. Ook werden er tasers, rubberkogels en projectielen gebruikt. Tientallen demonstranten belandden in het ziekenhuis. Onder hen was een 21-jarige activiste, die werd geraakt door een flitsgranaat en vrijwel alle botten in haar linkerarm brak.

De lokale sheriff ontkent dat agenten projectielen gooiden en zegt dat er brandslangen zijn gebruikt in plaats van waterkanonnen. Volgens de politie zijn het juist de betogers die zich gewelddadig gedragen. De activisten beschuldigen op hun beurt agenten van buitensporig geweld.

De situatie in North Dakota liep zondag uit de hand, toen activisten blokkades van de Backwater-brug wilden verwijderen. Die brug ligt dicht bij het tentenkamp van de Sioux-indianen en milieu-activisten en werd weken geleden gesloten door de overheid. De autoriteiten zeggen dat de brug is beschadigd door de betogers, de demonstranten denken dat de overheid hun aanvoerroute wil afsnijden.

"Ze proberen ons pijn te doen", zegt Arlana Curley van de Sioux-stam tegen The Guardian, "omdat we opstaan tegen de grote bedrijven." Haar stam woont in het gebied waar de pijpleiding zou worden aangelegd. Net als andere indianen is ze bang dat de Dakota Access-leiding heilige plaatsen zal verstoren en drinkwater zal vervuilen.

Daarom houden Curley en haar mede-demonstranten het project, dat zo'n 3,5 miljard euro kost, al maanden tegen. Tot frustratie van het Texaanse bedrijf Energy Transfer Partners, dat olie uit de velden van North Dakota naar raffinaderijen aan de Golf van Mexico wil brengen. Het grootste deel van de 1900 kilometer lange pijpleiding is al aangelegd, alleen het laatste stukje mist nog.

Als het aan de betogers ligt, wordt het project nooit afgemaakt. "We zijn nog maar net begonnen", vertelt de 18-jarige demonstrant Dan LeBeaux. "Het wordt steeds kouder en steeds heviger." Hij hoopt dat het geweld van de politie tot meer steun leidt voor het Standing Rock-protest.

Dat lijkt ook te gebeuren. Gisteren gingen in Californië 120 studenten uit solidariteit de straat op. Eerder werd ook in andere Amerikaanse steden al geprotesteerd. Een petitie tegen de pijpleiding is al bijna 400.000 keer ondertekend.

De betogers hebben een eigen website en zijn een actie gestart om geld in te zamelen.

Ondertussen onderzoekt de Amerikaanse overheid of de leiding ook een andere route kan afleggen. Daar is alleen nog steeds geen uitsluitsel over gegeven, iets wat president Obama op veel kritiek is komen te staan. Hij heeft wel gezegd dat het mogelijk moet zijn de heilige plaatsen van de Sioux te respecteren.

Of de aanstaande president Trump daar ook zo over denkt, is onduidelijk. Hij wordt gezien als vriend van de olie-industrie en heeft aandelen in Energy Transfer Partners. Daarnaast stopte de CEO van het oliebedrijf honderdduizend dollar in Trumps campagne. De gekozen president heeft nog geen officieel standpunt ingenomen over de Dakota Access-leiding, maar Amerikaanse media verwachten dat hij de aanleg zal steunen.

Volgens de politie staat de overheid nog steeds achter het optreden van de agenten. De vader van het meisje dat haar arm brak, snapt niets van de agressieve tactieken. "North Dakota is geen Afghanistan en het is ook geen Irak. Het kan niet zo zijn dat er granaten worden gegooid naar vreedzame betogers."

Papierversnipperaardonderdag 24 november 2016 @ 21:26
Belangrijke Surinaamse websites gehackt door Anonymous | NOS

Een aantal grote Surinaamse internetsites ligt plat na een cyberaanval door de hackersgroep Anonymous. Het gaat om de belangrijke informatiewebsite van de overheid (, die van de regeringspartij NDP van president Bouterse, een informatiesite van het energiebedrijf en de site van De Surinaamse Bank, een van de grote particuliere banken van het land.

Anonymous schrijft in een Engelstalige e-mail dat de tijd van president Bouterse en zijn corrupte regering voorbij is, en dat geluisterd moet worden naar de oppositionele actiegroep Wij Zijn Moe. De actiegroep protesteert al maandenlang, zonder veel succes, tegen de regering-Bouterse.

De hackers vragen verder een bedrag van 10.000 Amerikaanse dollar om de sites weer vrij te geven. Het bedrag moet worden overgemaakt op een bitcoin-rekening. Als dat niet gebeurt, wordt het bedrag elke dag verhoogd. "The people want their money back", staat in de e-mail. Het bericht wordt afgesloten met ‘#fuckBouterse’.

Curtis Hofwijks, de oprichter van Wij Zijn Moe zegt in een reactie niets van deze actie af te weten. Wel zegt hij tegenover Starnieuws blij te zijn dat er nu ook vanuit andere hoek aandacht wordt gevestigd op het wanbeleid van de Surinaamse regering.

Op kunnen burgers uiteenlopende overheidsinformatie vinden en formulieren invullen die nodig zijn voor tal van activiteiten; je kunt er zoeken naar de openingstijden en telefoonnummers van de ministeries maar ook een verblijfsvergunning aanvragen.

Vanuit de overheid is een verklaring uitgegeven waarin gesproken wordt van "een laffe daad". In de verklaring staat verder dat de e-mails en andere data van de site goed beveiligd en onaangetast zijn, en dat er alles aan gedaan wordt om de site weer snel online te krijgen.

Een woordvoerder van De Surinaamse Bank zegt dat er onder de klanten paniek is uitgebroken omdat sommigen vrezen dat de hackers over hun internetrekening kunnen beschikken. "Daar is geen enkele sprake van", zegt een woordvoerder. "Alle gegevens en financiële transacties zitten achter een enorme firewall, en die heeft goed gewerkt."

Anonymous ontkent dat en heeft intussen in een tweede e-mail aan Starnieuws laten weten toegang te hebben tot gevoelige bankinformatie. De groep zou bewijzen hebben van geld dat onder valse namen op Zwitserse bankrekeningen staat en kondigt aan de gegevens te zullen publiceren.

De Surinaamse Bank denkt overigens dat de hackers zich vergist hebben. "Wij zijn al sinds 1957 geen centrale overheidsbank meer. De financiële overheidstaken liggen sindsdien bij de Centrale Bank van Suriname."

Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 2 december 2016 @ 23:25
Dallas-Based Journalist, “Anonymous Hacktivist” Released From Federal Prison « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth

DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – Dallas-born investigative journalist Barrett Brown was released from federal prison Tuesday morning after spending more than four years behind bars.

Barret The 35-year-old was sentenced to prison for threatening an FBI agent and helping share stolen data, marking the end of a criminal case criticized by free-speech advocates. He originally faced charges that carried more than 100 years in prison, but Brown pleaded guilty to greatly reduced charges: transmitting threats, aiding hackers and obstructing authorities from carrying out a search warrant. Supporters say Brown, was targeted by the federal government after sharing data hacked from the Austin-based defense contractor Stratfor.

Former National Security Agency subcontractor Edward Snowden tweeted his reaction to Brown’s new found freedom.

Jailed since 2012 for his investigations, #BarrettBrown has finally been released from prison. Best of luck in this very different world.

— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) November 29, 2016

WikiLeaks also acknowledged Barrett’s release with a celebratory tweet and by publishing a searchable archive of more than 60,000 HBGary emails, which Barrett’s Project PM was investigating before he was arrested. Project PM is a crowdsourced investigation focused on research and analysis of leaked documents.

RELEASE: Over 60,000 emails from US cyber-intelligence contractor #HBGary now searchable @ggreenwald #FreeBB

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 29, 2016

Brown was often quoted on the workings of Anonymous, a shadowy group of hackers that has staged several high-profile attacks on governments and businesses all over the world. He courted attention on the Internet with provocative tweets and YouTube videos – including a live chat he conducted while taking a bubble bath.

Brown was often quoted on the workings of Anonymous, a shadowy group of hackers that has staged several high-profile attacks on governments and businesses all over the world. He courted attention on the Internet with provocative tweets and YouTube videos – including a live chat he conducted while taking a bubble bath.

But some of those posts also landed him in trouble, including one in which he threatened an FBI agent that resulted in his arrest in September 2012. In the video [see below], Brown threatened the FBI agent by name, promising to “ruin his life and look into his (expletive) kids.” Three separate indictments followed, carrying a maximum sentence of more than century in prison.

Brown’s lawyers won the dismissal of most of a broad indictment related to his posting a link to the Stratfor data.

He eventually pleaded guilty to three counts: obstructing the execution of a search warrant, making Internet threats and being an accessory to an unauthorized access of a protected computer. The reduced charges carried a maximum sentence of more than eight years in prison.
According to plea agreement documents he signed, Brown admitted to sending online messages “threatening to shoot and injure” FBI agents.
Brown also acknowledged helping someone access the stolen data and obstructing the execution of a search warrant at his home. His mother pleaded guilty to helping Brown hide laptops during a March 2012 raid, and was given six months’ probation.

The case drew attention as the U.S. Justice Department sought in recent years to subpoena reporters’ phone records and force some to testify in criminal cases. Among Brown’s supporters is Glenn Greenwald, one of the journalists who reported on the National Security Agency’s domestic spying program revealed by former contractor Edward Snowden.

Brown continued publishing his writing online through his blog while behind bars.

Papierversnipperaardinsdag 27 december 2016 @ 16:19
Thai officials announced on Monday the arrests of nine teenagers who have participated in cyber-attacks against government websites.

The attacks were part of an Anonymous hacktivism campaign called #OpSingleGateway that started last year when the Thai government started working on a bill that would force the country's entire Internet traffic through one single gateway.

Critics argued that the Thai government was preparing to build its own version of China's Great Firewall, in an attempt to control what people could view online.

Anonymous hacktivists shot down a controversial law in 2016...

Local members of the Anonymous movement sprung into action in the month of October 2015 by organizing a hand-cranked DDoS attack against the Thai government ( and of the country’s Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) ( websites.

The hacktivism group used social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook and urged Thai citizens to access these two websites and repeatedly refresh the page, resulting in a manual DDoS attack that overwhelmed the two websites.

As the government tried to push the single gateway plan through the country's legislative, Anonymous hackers resorted to more complex attacks, and breached the websites of Thai police and local ISPs.

The attacks were successful and the Thai government backed down on the "single gateway" legislation.

... but not a second in 2017

After the failure of its single gateway operation, the Thai government proposed amendments to the existing Computer Crime Act in May 2016, which they approved on December 16.

Anonymous hackers tried to oppose the passing of these amendments, which allow the government to censor websites and intercept private communications without a court order, according to VoaNews.

Just like the previous year, Anonymous used a Facebook group called "Citizens Against Single Gateway" to rally the population and carry out similar DDoS attacks against government websites.

Another of these F5-powered DDoS attacks hit Thailand's defense ministry website on December 19. Later it was revealed that hackers also breached the Thai Police Office website two days earlier, on December 17. The website of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports was also attacked on December 23.

Most of the arrested suspects are between 17 and 20

This time around, the government didn't take the attacks sitting down and went after the hacktivists.

According to Thai media, the Thai officials made numerous arrests. Nine of the arrests were made public on Monday, and revealed to be teenagers aged between 17 and 20.

Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said more arrests would follow, as officials are cracking down on local hacktivists.

Over 400,000 Thai citizens tried to oppose the passing of the Computer Crime Act amendments by signing an online petition, which officials dismissed.

Despite its clauses and broad language that might allow the ruling government to censor free speech and political debates online, the Computer Crime Act amendments also introduced harsher punishments for cyber-crime-related acts.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 27 december 2016 @ 16:45
Barrett Brown, the activist and journalist known best for his work with anonymous, was recently released from jail after serving a brutal 4-year sentence. During that time he spent at least 6 months in solitary confinement, and now that he is released, he still faces 6 months of house arrest and will owe over $800 thousand in restitution fees.

Brown was a controversial figure who became a target for federal law enforcement due to his support of anonymous and his aggressive style of activism and journalism.

During his trial, Brown had a long list of charges stacked against him and was facing over 100 years in prison. Ultimately, the charge that actually stuck was a hacking charge that was related to Brown copying and pasting a link to already hacked Wikileaks material into a chat room for other activists and journalists to research. He did not actually carry out the hack in question, nor is he accused of doing so. He was simply accused of placing a link in a chat room and sharing information about an important leak, something that any serious journalist at the time should have been doing.

Brown was ultimately convicted for the crime of being a real journalist who was not afraid to expose the secrets and crimes of those in power. For generations, the establishment has had the media so tightly controlled to the point where pre-approved journalists are the only ones allowed to ask pre-approved questions of those in power, and anyone who prints anything critical of an authority figure or advertiser is sure to see their career crash and burn.

With the proliferation of internet activism, a new breed of journalists have threatened to upset the existing order, and as a result, they have become targets for character assassination and imprisonment. The case of Barrett Brown is a prime example of this development.

The time that Brown spent in prison did not weaken his dedication to fighting against the establishment.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 31 december 2016 @ 17:20

The online hacktivist group Anonymous along with their counterparts from HackBack movement have hacked and defaced the official website of The Bilderberg Group also known as Bilderberg Club, Bilderberg meetings and Bilderberg conference, an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the North American and European political elite, media personalities, industrial and finance giants established in 1954.

The hackers left a deface page along with a brief message explaining the reason for defacing the site and criticizing the role of “political elite” for the problems faced by “common people.” The message also criticized the role of Bilderberg group for planning wars for personal interests. The hackers also warned the group members to start working for human beings and their benefits rather than personal interests or expect more hacks since “they” the hackers will be watching them.

“Dear Bilderberg members, from now, each one of you has 1 year (365 days) to truly work in favor of humans and not your private interests. Each TopIc you discuss or work you achieve through Your uber private meetings should from now benefit world population and not X or Y group of people otherwise, we will find you and we will hack you,” according to the message.

Here is a full preview of the deface page left by Anonymous and HackBack movement:
Het artikel gaat verder.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 17 januari 2017 @ 17:50
Oeps, ik zie nu dat dit van Maart is :@

Donald Trump's voicemails hacked by Anonymous

Journalists from liberal television network MSNBC can be heard praising Mr Trump and thanking him for donations

Donald Trump's voicemail has allegedly been hacked by members of Anonymous, the loose group of hackers and activists.

The 2012 messages appear to show leading figures in the US media showering him with praise, compliments, and thanks for his financial support.

Gawker, which acquired the messages from members of the '/b/' forum on the website 4chan, say that although they cannot "independently verify their authenticity", the recordings "certainly appear to be genuine."

Anonymous "declared war" on Mr Trump last December, after he announced plans to ban all Muslims from entering the US.

As figureheads of America's top left-leaning television network, MSNBC news anchors Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski and Tamron Hall have been tasked with cross-examining Mr Trump on several occasions during the Republican primary campaign.

But on the Anonymous recordings then Mr Scarborough and Ms Brzezinski, the co-hosts of a morning show on MSNBC, can be heard thanking Trump profusely for his donation to a charity event.

"You must be, like, on your jet or something," says Ms Brzezinski once the call goes to answerphone. "We'd love to talk to you."

Mr Scarborough says: "We are so, so grateful for everything, Donald, and we just want to call you and tell you how much it means to us," before Ms Brzezinski continues to thank the billionaire tycoon for his donation.

In behind-the-scenes audio leaked from an MSNBC interview in February, Mr Trump instructs Mr Scarborough and Ms Brezinski to "make us all look good", and asks for "nothing too hard" when Ms Brezinski asks if she should question him about his immigration policies.

Tweets posted by Mr Scarborough appear to confirm the authenticity of the messages in which he can be heard speaking.

"Oh my God. I just read the transcripts! Trump must have contributed to a children's charity. Scandalous!!!!" he writes, before continuing: "Should Mika and I now apologise for raising money for children's charities from rich people?"

Oh my God. I just read the transcripts! Trump must have contributed to a children's charity. Scandalous!!!
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) March 4, 2016

A woman identifying herself as “T Hall”, believed to be MSNBC's Tamron Hall, can be heard on the recording saying she was going to use Mr Trump's discount in a luxury clothing store.

She says: “I celebrated by going to Gucci, and I’m going to use your discount, because there’s a green dress that’s like $3,000, and I need a discount bigger than... my discount.“

In one message, Ms Hall does appear to castigate Mr Trump for questioning whether Barack Obama was born in the USA, and she has repeatedly challenged Mr Trump and his spokespeople during this election cycle.

Another video was also released in which hackers appeared to gain access to the administration rights of Mr Trump's answerphone and change his voicemail greeting.

The messages may also provoke awkward questions for Mr Trump. He has repeatedly distanced himself from what many of his supporters perceive as a liberal elite in the media.

He has described the media as “dishonest scum” and “lying, disgusting people”, and said that he he “hates” journalists, although he “would never kill them”.

Barack Obama's aide David Axelrod can also be heard thanking Mr Trump for donating to his epilepsy charity. Other celebrities who can be heard speaking in a friendly, personal manner to the oligarch include American football star Tom Brady and boxing promoter Don King.

On 12 December 2015, a day after declaring “war” on Mr Trump, Anonymous hackers took his website offline for around an hour.

[ Bericht 1% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 17-01-2017 17:56:13 ]
leolinedancedinsdag 17 januari 2017 @ 17:57
7s.gif Op dinsdag 17 januari 2017 17:50 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:
Oeps, ik zie nu dat dit van Maart is :@


Maakt niet uit, boeit toch niemand op Fok.
Papierversnipperaarzondag 29 januari 2017 @ 17:03
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 30 januari 2017 @ 14:22
THE hacktivist group Anonymous has published a simple guide on how to hack Donald Trump’s phone.

Members of the masked collective published advice on how to crack into The President’s smartphone on a Twitter account with more than 1.68 million followers.

Some commentators believe Trump still uses the same mobile he owned before taking office, which The New York Times described as an “old, unsecured Android phone”.

If true, this leaves the most powerful man in the world vulnerable to a potentially devestating hack attack.

In a bid to highlight the dangers, Anonymous issued a warning to the President and pointed potential hackers to a piece of software which could potentially do the job of cracking Trump’s smartphone.

They wrote: “A Galaxy S3 does not meet the security requirements of a teenager, let alone the purported leader of the free world.

“Without exaggerating, hacking a Galaxy S3 or S4 is the sort of project I would assign as homework for my advanced undergraduate classes.”

The guide then when on to suggest a particular piece of malware which could infect the President’s phone as long as he could be fooled into clicking on a web link.

We have decided not to name the computer virus mentioned in the post.

“Alternatively, one could advertise malware on Brietbart and just wait for Trump to visit,” the hacktivists added.

If hackers were successful in cracking Trump’s phone, they could potentially view confidential material or even snoop on top secret conversations.

“Once they’ve infected they phone, they can look at the calendar, see what meetings a person has and then turn on the microphone during the meeting and record everything that’s said. Bryce Boland, chief technology officer with the security firm Fireeye told USA Today.

“Then the malware emails the recording to the account controlling the malware.”
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 31 januari 2017 @ 16:21
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 31 januari 2017 @ 16:23
YourAnonNews twitterde op dinsdag 31-01-2017 om 05:44:06 To all US government officials: It should now be abundantly clear you're working for a fascist. Resist. Refuse. Leak documents. We need you. reageer retweet
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 1 februari 2017 @ 16:57
[UPDATE] Anonymous Group Reveals Direct Phone Numbers For White House Staff: Gothamist

Gothamist is a website about New York

[UPDATE BELOW]: Once upon a time, if you had a problem with something the President was doing, you could call up the White House's public comments line and complain to a staffer about it. Whether or not that grievance got heard is up for debate, but at least you could try. Of course, President Trump doesn't want to hear your SAD LOSER WHINING, so that public comments line got shut down, and folks with problems are urged to send messages through Facebook Messenger or, where they are certain to disappear into the ether. As an alternative, an anonymous group of concerned citizens have compiled a resource full of White House phone numbers, so you can flood Team Trump with all of your outraged feedback.

The resource, cheekily dubbed "White House Comment Line," was aggregated by an anonymous group who wanted to make sure the public could still send a message to the White House. "Open communication is the foundation of a good, functioning democracy," a spokesperson for the group told Gothamist in a statement. "But it's a two-way street. Right now there's 'information' coming out of the White House to the people, but not much the other way around. They may have shut down the comment line, but we the people still have comments. In light of that, we wanted to create one way for the people to be heard."

The group that collected the numbers intentionally excluded any they believed had a role in national security, because they said they wanted to avoid disrupting them and keep the focus on transparency and domestic accountability. A solid chunk of the numbers were disconnected, probably during the Obama-to-Trump transition, but it's possible they'll be put back in use if Trump ever gets around to hiring White House staffers. We've been calling the numbers on the list and have found a few fun ones—somewhere in there you'll get a voice mailbox belonging to one "Conway, Kellyanne." See if you can leave her a message before it's disconnected.

Here are the ones that work, so far:

+1 (202) 456-1259
+1 (202) 456-1260
+1 (202) 456-3323
+1 (202) 456-3376
+1 (202) 395-1194
+1 (202) 456-1565
+1 (202) 395-1608
+1 (202) 456-2046
+1 (202) 456-2500
+1 (202) 456-4640
+1 (202) 456-3256
+1 (202) 456-3878
+1 (202) 395-1480
+1 (202) 456-3450
+1 (202) 456-4655
+1 (202) 456-4770
+1 (202) 456-1781
+1 (202) 456-2395
+1 (202) 395-4840
+1 (202) 456-3248
+1 (202) 456-4391
+1 (202) 456-7560
+1 (202) 456-4348
+1 (202) 456-3443
+1 (202) 456-2975
+1 (202) 456-3255
+1 (202) 456-4708
+1 (202) 456-3873
+1 (202) 456-6758
+1 (202) 456-5979
+1 (202) 456-4257
+1 (202) 456-4384
+1 (202) 456-5849
+1 (202) 456-4319
+1 (202) 456-4759
+1 (202) 456-5677
+1 (202) 456-1125
+1 (202) 456-4761
+1 (202) 456-4687
+1 (202) 456-4747
+1 (202) 456-2357
+1 (202) 456-4265

The group hopes that people will use the resource to let staffers know how they feel about certain policies to "demand fairness and transparency in the policy making process." They recommend you call as many numbers as you can until you reach someone. "Just like you would call your member of Congress, calmly share your views with the White House. You have the right to be heard," the spokesperson told us.

Update 9:24 a.m.: Alas, it appears most of these numbers have since been taken out of service, but feel free to keep trying just in case!

Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 4 februari 2017 @ 22:13
Anonymous hack Freedom Hosting II, lock down nearly 10,000 dark web websites accessible through Tor

The world’s leading online hacktivist group, Anonymous is known for its million march protests, DDoS attacks and hackings in the online world. However, what is unknown is its DDoS attacks and hackings on the dark web domains. One such attack was launched today by an Anonymous-affiliated group, which took down nearly 10,000 onion websites which are accessible only through Tor browser.

Visitors to more than 10,000 Tor-based websites were met with an alarming announcement this morning: “Hello, Freedom Hosting II, you have been hacked.”.The Anonymous announced the hack attack on Twitter and said that they took down these dark websites to protest against child porn and drug peddling. These 10,813 websites were still offline at the time of writing this article.

In the message to Freedom Hosting II, Anonymous has offered to sell the compromised data back to them for a token ransom of 0.1 bitcoin, or just over $100, although it is unclear whether the offer is in earnest.

Anonymous claimed that they have stolen the data from the hacked servers and found that child pornography made up more than half the data stored on the servers. While it is impossible to verify Anonymous claim about child porn being stored on dark web servers, empirical evidence proves that they may be right. The original Freedom Hosting was hacked by FBI and other law enforcement in 2013, resulting in a number of child pornography prosecutions. At the time, the service hosted as many as half of the websites accessible only through Tor, commonly referred to as the Dark Web.
Het artikel gaat verder.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 6 februari 2017 @ 16:26
Politie onderzoekt gelekte gegevens leden kinderpornosites -

De Nederlandse politie gaat onderzoek doen naar de e-mailadressen van leden van kinderpornowebsites. Deze gegevens zijn dit weekend op het internet geplaatst, nadat een hacker inbrak bij een hostingpartij voor websites op het zogeheten dark web.

Dat bevestigt een woordvoerder van de Landelijke Eenheid, waar de divisie Team High Tech Crime onder valt, aan RTL Z: "We zijn van de situatie op de hoogte en gaan de gegevens onderzoeken om te kijken of er aanleiding is om verder onderzoek te doen."

Het dark web is het gedeelte van het internet dat je alleen via een speciale browser, genaamd Tor, kunt bereiken. Met Tor surf je anoniem en kun je naar websites surfen die je met de normale browser niet kunt bezoeken.

Afgelopen weekend brak een hacker in bij Freedom Hosting II, een hostingpartij voor websites op het dark web. "Hello, Freedom Hosting II, you have been hacked", zo begon het bericht dat op elke website was geplaatst.

Freedom Hosting II, dat volgens analisten 20 procent van alle websites op het dark web host, stelt dat het niet is toegestaan om met met zijn dienst kinderpornowebsites te draaien. Desondanks kwam de hacker tien kinderpornowebsites tegen, die samen 30GB aan materiaal online hadden staan, zo zegt hij tegen Motherboard.

Hij kopieerde de databases van de websites die gevuld zijn met e-mailadressen van de leden. Volgens beveiligingsonderzoeker Troy Hunt, die de databases in handen heeft, gaat het om 381.000 e-mailadressen. Hoeveel daarvan precies horen bij de kinderpornowebsites, is vooralsnog onduidelijk.

Hunt, die een populaire website host waarmee mensen een melding krijgen als hun e-mailadres in een datalek voorkomt, zegt dat 21 procent van de e-mailadressen al eerder in een datalek voorkomt. Dat duidt erop dat er genoeg mensen hun privéadres voor criminele activiteiten gebruiken. Ook Troy bevestigt dat: "Er zitten overduidelijk veel echte e-mailadressen tussen", schrijft hij op Twitter.

Het is de vraag of opsporingsdiensten de actie van de hacker op prijs stellen. De FBI heeft al eerder tientallen kinderpornowebsites op het dark web overgenomen om de leden malware te sturen die het echte ip-adres van de computer onthulde. Dat leverde duizenden onderzoeken naar verdachten op.

Door de databases met e-mailadressen te publiceren kunnen leden van de kinderpornosites mogelijk ook worden gewaarschuwd en actie ondernemen, door bijvoorbeeld bewijsmateriaal van de computer te verwijderen.

De positieve kant van anoniem internet

De Tor-browser komt regelmatig in het nieuws omdat er via het dark web onder andere drugs, wapens en kinderporno wordt verhandeld. Omdat het netwerk je locatie verhult en er via digitale munten wordt betaald, kun je relatief anoniem deze illegale praktijken uitvoeren.

Maar Tor wordt ook voor positieve doeleinden gebruikt. Zo kunnen dissidenten via Tor anoniem kritiek uiten op totalitaire regimes en is het via de browser mogelijk om geblokkeerde websites toch te bezoeken. Onder andere in Turkije, waar regelmatig sociale media worden geblokkeerd, kunnen burgers dan toch nog op Facebook en Twitter verslag doen van wat er in het land gebeurt.

Lees op
Tor en het dark web: 6 vragen over het anonieme internet

Papierversnipperaarmaandag 20 maart 2017 @ 16:48
Anonymous Increasing Hacks Of Central Banks |

In 2016 hackers were able to steal about $21 million from accounts held at Bank of Russia, and this year attacks on banks around the globe are likely to get worse now that hacker group Anonymous has joined the effort.

According to a report in Bloomberg, two people with direct knowledge of the group’s activities said Anonymous is targeting central banks at an increasing rate. The group is known for activism against large companies, security forces and government and is now expanding into targeting central banks. Bloomberg reported Anonymous has been recruiting new hackers to help in its efforts and in February restarted attacks against central banks.

In 2016 the group went after eight central banks, including the Dutch Central Bank, the Bank of Greece and the Bank of Mexico, the two people told Bloomberg, noting Anonymous is even mulling selling any confidential information it gets its hands on. Stefano Zanero, a professor of computer security at Italian university Politecnico di Milano, told Bloomberg the hacks of central banks “are a wake-up call that should alert us to the critical weaknesses of global financial systems.”

Last year hackers were able to steal $81 million from Bangladesh’s central bank in a high-profile example of a central bank hack.

“The Bangladeshi bank case last year really brought the focus on payments systems within central banks,” said Adrian Nish, head of threat intelligence at BAE Systems Plc, in the Bloomberg report. “The realization that central banks can be targeted this way for profit has become a greater concern since Bangladesh.”

Meanwhile, in January Poland’s financial regulator was a target of a hack with the bad guys using a so-called watering hole attack in which hackers target a website that is used a lot and infect malware to specific visitors to the site such as a financial institution. The watering hole attack started at the website of Polish Financial Supervision Authority, reported Bloomberg.

© 2017 What’s Next Media and Data Analytics, LLC

Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 14 april 2017 @ 15:39
Issue Number Eight: Hacks, Leaks, and Breaches

Hardly a day passes without news of a major hack, leak, or breach; with the scale of computer use and reliance on digital forms of data, no sector of society is immune to these data dumps, infiltrations, and floods. From the surveillance of dissidents to the hacking of elections to the weaponization of memes, hacking is changing in character, and it is changing the world. In this issue we ask whether hacking and hacks have crossed a techno-political threshold: how are hacks, leaks and breaches transforming our world, creating new collectives, and changing our understanding of security and politics. How has the relationship of hacking and hackers to their own collectives, to governments, and to the tools and techniques been transformed recently? What does it mean to be a hacker these days, and how does it differ from engineering, from “cyber-security,” from information warfare or from hacktivism?
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 26 april 2017 @ 17:18
YourAnonCentral twitterde op woensdag 26-04-2017 om 17:13:28 Russian gov't once again tries to play #Anonymous by instigating 4Chan into subverting the French elections. #JeVote reageer retweet
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 1 mei 2017 @ 15:24
Barrett Brown zit weer vast. Zijn reclassering schijnt te denken dat ze toestemming moeten geven voor contacten met de media.

RogerDHodge twitterde op zondag 30-04-2017 om 16:57:15 Statement from Barrett Brown, currently imprisoned by the outlaw U.S. Bureau of Prisons reageer retweet
Papierversnipperaarzondag 4 juni 2017 @ 15:08
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 15 augustus 2017 @ 19:00

Anonymous hackers pledge new 'nationwide' operation to crush 'evil' white supremacists

Members of Anonymous, the loose international collective of hackers and internet activists, have pledged to ramp up cyberattacks against white supremacist websites and protesters in response to the violent rallies that gripped Charlottesville, Virginia, on 11 and 12 August.

In a video posted online (15 August), the group said one "nationwide" event – dubbed "Day to Denounce" – would take place on Friday 18 August. This was on top of "OpDomesticTerrorism" which has already resulted in some extremist websites being taken offline.

"Anonymous has made it clear that it will not stand by as this bigotry continues to perpetuate. We are taking a stand against an intolerant evil that must be crushed," a statement read.

One Anonymous-linked Twitter profile, @TheAnonJournal, tweeted: "If you have a Confederate Statue in your city/town, it's time for it to be taken down. Denounce The Confederacy."

On 11 August, an "alt-right" march took place in Charlottesville with attendees openly performing Nazi salutes and chanting racist slogans.

A day later, a second rally descended into chaos and resulted in the tragic death of Heather Heyer, a 32-year-old counter-protester who was killed after being hit by a car, reportedly driven by 20-year-old man James Alex Field, later charged with second-degree murder.

Some members of Anonymous sprang into action, launching heavy distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks in order to force websites to become overwhelmed with traffic. As the dust settled, the hacktivists condemned the response of US president Donald Trump.

"We have witnessed once again the failure of the so-called president to lead," the video said. "It took him more than 48 hours to call out these [white] supremacists by name, and after intense pressure from his party and from the nation.

"It is clear that Donald Trump's allegiances are with the likes of Steve Bannon, David Duke, and Richard Spencer; those who claim to stand for free speech, but only when it suits their agendas of hate. Those who believe that they indeed are the master race."

On 14 August, a post on extremist website "The Daily Stormer" claimed that it had been hacked by Anonymous members after an offensive article about Heyer was posted online. This was later dubbed a self-orchestrated "false stunt" by those linked to the internet activists.

One popular account, @YourAnonNews, tweeted: "We have no confirmation that Anonymous is involved yet. Looks more like a DS [Daily Stormer] stunt."

And in the latest video from the group, which is simply titled "We Are Angry", the statement takes the time to hit out at the claim.

"In using our name, he has made us angry," the video stated, referencing its alleged author Andrew Anglin, who founded and maintained the controversial website.

"If you value your life, Mr. Anglin, you will need to flee the country. We will find you," the hackers warned, adding: "To everyone else who shares the white supremacist ideology, and that includes the likes of Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler, and David Duke. You are not safe."

The Daily Stormer has since been blacklisted by GoDaddy and Google's hosting services, but Anonymous believes there is still more work to do. According to technology website Motherboard, the website has already shifted to a version hosted on the dark web.

"[We] will continue to out these supremacist Klansmen and make sure the proper authorities are aware of who and where they are," the video stated.

"We will ensure their employers take swift action against them. There are good Americans in need of jobs and it would be a shame for Nazis to be occupying them."

The video even contained a threat to the Westboro Baptist Church – a long-time foe of the hacking collective. "If you attempt to show up to Heather Heyer's funeral, it will be your last. Our campaign will not stop until your ideology of hate is dead and buried forever," it claimed.

A Twitter account linked to the operation did not immediately respond to request for comment.

On 14 August, protesters in North Carolina used rope to drag down a nearly century-old statue of a Confederate soldier during a rally against racism.
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 16 november 2017 @ 23:32
Anonymous Operation Golden Eagle: Press Release

Sunday - November 5, 2017 9:30 AM ET

At precisely 2:33 AM ET today Commander X entered the territory of the nation of Mexico to obtain political asylum, sanctuary - and protection from persecution perpetrated by the government of the USA. He is currently at a secure and undisclosed location, and is being attended by Anons from Operation Golden Eagle and his legal counsel.

As part of Operation Golden Eagle, Commander X has traveled over 5000 kilometers from Toronto, Ontario in Canada to his current location in Mexico, hundreds of that distance on foot with heavy gear. He has crossed two international borders on foot, and traversed three countries and the entire North American continent. And he has spent the last week travelling overland in the desert. We won't shade the truth, X is in bad shape physically and emotionally. He has not had medical attention for 5+ years in hard exile on the run in Canada. He has many minor wounds from the overland parts of his journey, and he is suffering from severe exhaustion and dehydration.

Commander X is now under medical supervision and resting comfortably at a secure and undisclosed location in Mexico. Once he is able to be moved, he will be transported to a permanent and secure safe house in Mexico to await the decision of the Mexican government. He will be attended by a physician and otherwise cared for.

Commander X's formal and legal petition for refugee status and political asylum has already been submitted to the Mexican authorities by his legal counsel. In addition to that, we are releasing a personal and open letter from X that is addressed to the Mexican government, the Mexican people - and the USDoJ. This letter serves as Commander X's informal petition for political asylum and refugee status - and augments the legal paperwork filed by his Mexican lawyer this morning.

The Anonymous Global Collective and the operatives of Operation Golden Eagle call upon the Mexican government to expeditiously grant sanctuary and refugee status to Commander X, who is a world-renown author, information and human rights activist - and an operative within the Anonymous Global Collective. He has worked tirelessly for nearly four decades to stand up for and give voice to some of the worlds most disenfranchised. His work in Anonymous protecting journalists and activists in revolutions and protests all over the world has saved countless lives.

Anonymous Operation Golden Eagle, and Commander X's Crew - chose Mexico for a reason. Mexico is very familiar with the tyranny and imperialism of of its despotic northern neighbor. For four decades the intelligence services of the USA have meddled in Mexican politics and civil society, often with tragic and bloody results. Thousands of good Mexican people have lost their lives at the hands of these illegal and evil interventions in Mexican society and politics by the government of the USA. Mexicans know well that the USA does whatever it wants, without any concern at all for those in its way.

Commander X, and the operatives of Anonymous Operation Golden Eagle - are very confident that the Mexican government will make the right and moral decision to protect X's international human rights, as well as those rights guaranteed him by the Mexican Constitution. If we didn't have full faith in this, we would not have brought Commander X to Mexico. We request that the Mexican authorities do so expeditiously so that Commander X can openly seek the medical attention he so desperately needs, and so that he can once again speak, write and act with freedom.

At such time as the Mexican government guarantees Commander X's safety, there will be a formal press conference held at a location in Mexico to be announced, and attended by X's legal counsel and Commander X himself. We believe he has quite a bit he wants to say. When it is is safe, you should expect him.

Out of an abundance of caution, and in order to leave his team free to do their work - Commander X has decided to remain incommunicado until that final press conference. He will allow authorized members of his team to be his voice in the interim. X has given us this one short statement to release to the world.

Finally, we call upon our fellow Anons, information activists, freedom fighters - as well as people of good conscience all over the world, to stand up now and show your support for Commander X and freedom. Because if we can save one persecuted activist, we can save more. And there are many good hacktivists in harm's way, not just in the USA but all over the globe. The time has come to stop allowing them to cage us.

SINCERELY -- Anonymous

Op Golden Eagle Twitter: @OpGoldenEagle

Op Golden Eagle Website:

Commander X Twitter: @CommanderXanon

Commander X Website:

Free Commander X Committee Twitter: @FreeCommanderX

FreeAnons Twitter: @FreeAnons

FreeAnons Website:


Official Spokesperson Ian Thornton

Twitter: @IanThornton_
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 16 november 2017 @ 23:36
#OpDomesticTerrorism: Anonymous hackers take down over a dozen neo-Nazi sites in new wave of attacks

The hacktivist collective claimed to have shut down over a dozen neo-Nazi sites in retaliation to far-right marches in the US.

The hacktivist collective Anonymous has claimed responsibility for taking down over a dozen neo-Nazi sites in retaliation for recent ongoing events in the US. These attacks were a part of the ongoing #OpDomesticTerrorism campaign.

A hacker associated with the hacker group operating the Twitter handle @AnonyInfo told IBTimes UK that the hacktivist collective had shut down over 12 neo-Nazi sites including,,, and others. At the time of writing, all of the websites mentioned by the hacker were offline. The hacker said that more "continuous attacks" are on the horizon.

"This is simply related to ongoing events. Our message is simple, if we catch your organisation taking part in acts of domestic terrorism in the name of white supremacy, we're coming for you," the Anonymous hacker said.

The hacker explained that the fresh attacks were in retaliation for the recent Unite the Right rally "organised by far-right extremists in Charlottesville" and also the recent "White Lives Matter" rally. The hacker further claimed that the group was "still going after those who organised these rallies".

In August, Anonymous hackers took down the Charlottesville city website after a hit-and-run incident killed a protestor during an anti-white supremacist rally.

The hacker said various neo-Nazis have since begun "rebranding their movement to appeal to the public and try to make genocide/ethnic cleansing a debatable topic". The resurgence of Anonymous' attacks against neo-Nazis appears to be in retaliation to this move.

"We've had plenty of anons contribute to the operation worldwide knowing this is a US-based operation; the fight against fascism is global, so we may consider expanding our operation to work with Anonymous groups in their own countries," the hacker added.

ootjekatootjevrijdag 17 november 2017 @ 00:27
Niet doorheen te baggeren dit topic, jammer want het onderwerp is erg interessant.
broodjepindakaashagelslagvrijdag 17 november 2017 @ 15:42
0s.gif Op vrijdag 17 november 2017 00:27 schreef ootjekatootje het volgende:
Niet doorheen te baggeren dit topic, jammer want het onderwerp is erg interessant.
Wat is er zou ingwikkeld aan?
Gewoon op je gemak doorlezen.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 1 mei 2019 @ 12:39