FOK!forum / Nieuws & Achtergronden / Anonops #8: Occupy Wall Str.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 29 augustus 2011 @ 22:36

Anon: Wordt gebruikt als aanduiding van zowel de totale internet-community als voor 4chan pubers
Anonymous: Hacktivist-organisatie.
Anonops: Een netwerk/infrastructuur dat door Anonymous gebruikt word om actie te voeren.
Peoples Liberation Front: Cyber millitia. Volgens CommanderX gevormd in 1985 met behulp van LSD. Werkt samen met Anonops als dat zo uitkomt.
Lulzsec: Leakers. Ze "testen" met veel plezier beveiligingen op internet. Discussie-forum. Verander de wereld in 3 stappen. Ligt onder vuur door oldfag-trollen.
4chan is een Engelstalig internetforum. 4chan werd op 1 oktober 2003 opgericht door de toen 15-jarige "moot". Gebruikers kunnen volledig anoniem afbeeldingen en reacties plaatsen over alle denkbare onderwerpen. De site is gebaseerd op het Japanse internetforum Futaba Channel en is onderverdeeld in verschillende subfora, 'boards' genaamd. Het meest populaire (en beruchte) is het Random board, genaamd /b/. 4chan gebruikers zijn verantwoordelijk voor het bedenken of populariseren van vele zogeheten internetmemes.
Een bekende meme komt van een Japanse manga.
Als je denkt dat je geweldig bent of iets fantastisch hebt gedaan zeg je “I’m over 9000”
Oprah Winfrey weet het , na een berichtje van 4chan, nu ook:

Iedereen kan via 4chan, maar ook via de ouderwetse IRC-channels, volledig anoniem met elkaar “communiceren”.

4chan gaat over borsten, cracken/hacken van software en websites, down- en uploaden. De veelal jonge gebruikers van 4chan verveelden zich niet alleen met elkaar, maar hun kattenkwaad bereikte ook de echte wereld. Buren en leraren kregen ongevraagd pizza-bezorgers aan de deur of werden over de telefoon lastig gevallen nadat persoonlijke gegevens via 4chan werden verspreidt. Ook werden websites bestookt met commentaar of extreem veel bezoek. Bezoek dat na verloop van tijd werd geautomatiseerd met behulp van een test-tool voor websites, omgebouwd en omgedoopt tot Low Orbit Ion Cannon.

Binnen de Anon-community ontstond op een dag het hacktivisme. En het heette Anonymous. Anonymous belichaamde een belangrijk Anon-ideaal: Vrij, open, ongecensureerd internet, onbeperkte vrijheid van (het delen van) informatie. En Anonymous vond een vijand. Januari 2008.
Deze interne propaganda-video lekte uit en kwam op Youtube. Scientology staat er om bekend om auteurswetgeving te misbruiken om hun methoden uit de openbaarheid te houden. Scientology vroeg youtube de video te verwijderen. De video bleef opduiken en nadat advocaten van Scientology wereldwijd websites terroriseerden kwam Anonymous met hun oorlogsverklaring.
Anonymous gebruikte het volledige 4chan arsenaal. DDOSsen van scientology-websites, e-mail/fax-bommen, prank-calls. Maar de acties breidden zich uit naar de echte wereld. Main-stream media pikten het op en demonstraties over de hele wereld vonden plaats.

Na maanden werd het wat rustiger tussen Anonymous en Scientology. Maar de strijd voor een vrij en open internet bleef en richtte zich vooral op platenmaatschappijen in Operation Payback. Die Operatie kreeg een ander karakter nadat Anonymous zich solidair verklaarde met WikiLeaks toen Joe Liebermann financiële mogelijkheden van WikiLeaks probeerde af te sluiten.
Kort daarna kwam de video voor Operation Payback uit.

3 januari opende Anonymous de aanval op websites van Tunesië, en Anonymous bemoeit zich tot op de dag van vandaag met de revoluties in het Midden Oosten. Niet alleen met DDOS-aanvallen, maar ook met informatie (naar demonstranten en naar het internationale publiek) praktische tips (EHBO, maak zelf een gasmasker) alternatieve communicatiemiddelen.

Ene Aaron Barr van HBGary Federal maakte in een interview bekend dat hij de leiders van Anonymous had geïdentificeerd. Een groep hackers hackte de computers van HBGary, zette een boodschap op hun website, wiste een berg data en openbaarde 70.000 e-mails. Uit de e-mails bleek dat het Amerikaanse bedrijfsleven en de overheid alle legale en illegale middelen gebruikt om tegenstanders (mensenrechten organisaties, vakbonden en WikiLeaks) kapot te maken.

IRL-Troll familie Westboro Baptist Church dacht ook mee te kunnen liften en daagde Anonymous uit.
Waarna Th3 J3st3r de WBC-websites maandenlang plat legde.

NATO maakt zich zorgen:
NATO leaders have been warned that WikiLeaks-loving 'hacktivist' collective Anonymous could pose a threat to member states' security, following recent attacks on the US Chamber of Commerce and defence contractor HBGary - and promise to 'persecute' its members.
Nieuw: Lulzsec

Vorige delen:
Anonops : Take down mastercard
Anonops : Take down
Anonops #3: Soldiers are enlisting.
Anonops #4: The war goes on
Anonops #5: Anonymous en de MO-revoluties
Anonops #6: Anonymous en de MO-revoluties
Anonops #7: Meer is beter

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 30-08-2011 00:22:30 ]
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 29 augustus 2011 @ 22:36
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 2 september 2011 @ 08:24
LulzSec and Anonymous police and FBI investigation sees two more arrested

Two men arrested in South Yorkshire and Wiltshire as part of investigation into international online hacking gangs

Two men have been arrested in connection with online attacks by hacking gangs Anonymous and LulzSec, Scotland Yard said.

The men, aged 24 and 20, were arrested on Thursday in Mexborough, near Doncaster, South Yorkshire, and Warminster, Wiltshire, for conspiring to commit offences under the Computer Misuse Act 1990.

Scotland Yard said the arrests were part of a continuing investigation in collaboration with the FBI, South Yorkshire Police and other law enforcement bodies, into activities of Anonymous and LulzSec, especially in connection with suspected offences under the cover of online identity "Kayla".

A spokesman said the men were arrested separately. He said the Doncaster address was searched by police and computer equipment was removed for forensic examination.

Detective Inspector Mark Raymond from the Metropolitan Police's Central e-Crime Unit (PCeU), said: "The arrests relate to our inquiries into a series of serious computer intrusions and online denial-of-service attacks recently suffered by a number of multi-national companies, public institutions and gPressovernment and law enforcement agencies in Great Britain and the US.

"We are working to detect and bring before the courts those responsible for these offences, to disrupt such groups, and to deter others thinking of participating in this type of criminal activity."

In a separate investigation two men were charged on Thursday over online attacks by Anonymous, Scotland Yard said.

Christopher Weatherhead, 20, from Northampton, and Ashley Rhodes, 26, from Kennington, south London, have been charged with conspiracy to carry out an unauthorised act in relation to a computer.

Police had already charged a youth from Chester aged 17 and student Peter David Gibson, 22, from Hartlepool, in relation to the same offences.

All four will appear on bail at City of Westminster Magistrates Court on September 7.
Papierversnipperaarzondag 4 september 2011 @ 21:18
The ethics of digital direct action

Denial-of-service attacks and similar tactics are becoming more widely used as protest tools.
By Gabriella Coleman

The political movement known as Anonymous has managed to capture the attention of the media, the hearts of many supporters, and the ire of many spectators after an eight-month spree of political interventions, stretching from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) campaigns, to human rights technical assistance in Tunisia, to a more recent spate of hacks under the guise of Operation Antisec.

The state has now fully entered the fray with its own flurry of activity. In the past month, twenty-two alleged participants in the United States and the United Kingdom have been arrested, the bulk of them (14) in connection with a single operation: the spectacular wave of DDoS attacks aimed directly at protesting actions taken by Mastercard and Paypal in December 2010. These were launched after these companies refused to accept donations for Wikileaks front man Julian Assange, soon after the activist organisation released a trove of diplomatic cables. Hackers and activists supporting the DDoS campaign (and certainly not all do support the campaign) regard this act as legitimate protest activity, akin to a blockade or "digital sit-in". Yet, if convicted, the participants of Anonymous could be charged with felonies and land in prison with excessive punishments.

On July 20, 2011, a day after the US-based arrests, FBI officials offered a rare glimpse into its justification for the crackdown, citing a need to nip "chaos" in the bud: "We want to send a message that chaos on the internet is unacceptable," said Steven Chabinsky, deputy assistant FBI director.

Although most of the arrests were for the DDoS campaign, the FBI official never differentiated between hacking and DDoSing. The former is defined by computer break-ins or trespassing, while the latter refers to gumming up a server by bombarding it with too many requests. Curiously, this official also never went so far as to label the alleged participants criminals, terrorists, or vigilantes.

By complaining about Anonymous’ (hereafter Anons) tactics in the absence of any stated criminal offense, the FBI appears to acknowledge, if in a somewhat oblique fashion, that the hunt for some Anons is politically motivated. The FBI also appears to acknowledge that, in contrast to terrorists and criminals, whom the state is justified in prosecuting since they have violated the contract that ostensibly undergirds social norms in modern civil society, Anons are in fact exercising their rights as citizens to demonstrate on behalf of "causes" they believe in: "[Even if] hackers can be believed to have social causes, it's entirely unacceptable to break into websites and commit unlawful acts. There has not been a large-scale trend toward using hacking to actually destroy websites, [but] that could be appealing to both criminals or terrorists. That's where the 'hacktivism,' even if currently viewed by some as a nuisance, shows the potential to be destabilising," insisted Chabinsky, in language that mirrors critiques of 1960s-era social movements.

Of course these brief statements should not be taken as the state's sole, much less its final, words on Anonymous. They are interesting insofar as they gesture toward a social fact concerning Anonymous’ increasingly prominent role in social protest movements: Many of their actions are politically motivated and conscientious, and the December 2010 DDoS campaign, Operation Avenge Assange, was no exception.

DDoS campaigns can be legitimate tactics

Whether or not one agrees with all of Anonymous’ many tactics - some of them being illegal and disruptive, others falling in the province of peaceful and legal human rights assistance, and still others in a gray moral and legal zone - under certain circumstances, the DDoS can be considered as non-violent protest in line with well-recognised protocols for public assembly, the difference being the medium. Of course, as with any form of public assembly, some Anons are merely along for the ride. Others might in fact exhibit reckless behaviour.

But this is an inevitable feature of Anonymous' platform, open to seasoned activists and newcomers alike: Some novice participants cut their teeth on politics for the first time with their Anonymous brethren, forming, no doubt, an individual political consciousness, which has fed into a more robust sense of democracy in action, especially after Anons held campaigns in support of the uprisings in the Middle East and Africa that have helped to displace authoritarian regimes that had managed to exploit their constituencies for decades on end.

Even if the FBI is ambivalent about explicitly denouncing Anonymous as a criminal threat, its tactics of arrest and intimidation and their criminalisation of all tactics used by Anons, such as DDoS, constitute an approach to security and surveillance that deserves critical attention, especially if any of these arrests move to trials.

There are many ways to think of the DDoS campaign against PayPal and Mastercard, but one way we might think of it is as digital direct action. Emerging organically, this movement did not wait for a judge, politician, nor a journalist to declare a legal or moral judgment. Citizens took matters into their own hands. In less than 24 hours, a large assembly of citizens took not to the streets where protest activity traditionally unfolds, but to the digital agora to act on their own accord, to loudly assert their opinion on a matter, and to act directly against those actors they felt were acting unjustly. If they happened to break laws, these laws were viewed, with good reason, to be unjust.

Like all traditions, direct action is diverse in its make-up, tactics, history, and purpose. At times, activists seek to block access in order to protect a resource, as with tree sit-ins in the Pacific Northwest or blocking Japanese whaling ships in the Southern Ocean as carried out by Sea Shepherd. In the long tradition of Plowshares actions, the intent is to get arrested in order to publicise an issue. Anonymous rendered Mastercard and Paypal's webpages defunct for a number of days by flooding their servers with too many requests and did so to garner media attention, to make their platform visible, and to demand that Assange be given due process. In this sense, they were successful, no matter what the outcome of the case made against them.

What made the events of December 2010 unusual - and extraordinary - as a moment of direct action poses a challenge for prevailing theories of civil disobedience. Many of the most notable acts of civil disobedience, even virtual sit-ins, have been organised by small affinity groups in which participants are public and typically well aware of the legal consequences of their actions.Some participants in these actions even have their lawyer's phone number written on their arm in permanent marker.

Anonymous, which prides itself on not having a readily identifiable, corporate form, was powerless to defend itself using these methods. Thus, as the December events unfolded, I was glued to the computer watching how Anons would or even could minimise the risk and chaos that to some degree characterised these interactions. Remarkably, "the hive mind", as they refer to themselves, never spun out of control. They stayed on target and conjoined their disruptions with manifestos and videos explaining their rationales.

But at the time, one thing was clear and has been repeated by sympathetic and unsympathetic observers alike: Many participants were likely unaware of the legal risk they were taking, and did not have lawyers to contact in the face of a future arrest. The spectacular events of December, combined with the recent arrests, have of course changed all of this; many of us have now been educated as to the risks at hand. The legal risks and the philosophical subtleties of DDoS as a disruptive direct action tactic no longer reside within the sole province of a smaller circle of activists who have practiced and theorised this tradition for over a decade. A much larger swath of citizens have subsequently entered the fray.

In light of these arrests, whether or not DDoS campaigns are always an effective political sword to wield (and they are strong arguments to be made on both sides) is not the primary question that should concern us. The key issue is the evidence used to decide who is involved and to determine what they ought to be charged with doing. If a DDoS action is deemed as always and under every circumstance unacceptable - always a tactic of chaos - this will in the short term result in excessive penalties; in the long term, an excessive clamp down, such as felony charges for those that stand accused, could stifle these tactics altogether on the internet.

This is damaging to the overall political culture of the internet, which must allow for a diversity of tactics, including mass action, direct action, and peaceful of protests, if it is going to be a medium for democratic action and life.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 6 september 2011 @ 20:00
Are Anonymous hackers really on trial, or is FBI payback misdirected?

It’s a scene reminiscent of a thousand police dramas: the FBI arrived at the door of 20-year-old journalism student Mercedes Haefer, guns drawn, at 6am one morning last July.

She was still in her pyjamas, getting ready for work.

Haefer is one of 14 individuals who last week pleaded not-guilty in San Jose for waging cyber attacks against e-commerce giant PayPal.

The warrant for Haefer stated federal officers were looking for anything associated with hacking, infiltrating or Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

Oh, and they were looking for a Guy Fawkes mask – evidence that would link Mercedes with the hacker group Anonymous (who have claimed such masks as their own) and, specifically, Operation Payback.


Operation Payback saw DDoS attacks on a number of companies, in particular Paypal. Anonymous claimed the attacks were retribution for decisions by executives at these companies to withdraw payment facilities from Wikileaks.

The FBI knew Haefer was associated with Anonymous because of her involvement on the group’s IRC channels, where she was known as “NO”.

But she denied having taken part directly in any of the DDoS attacks on PayPal.

Haefer was indicted along with 13 others on two charges of causing damage against PayPal’s computers. They carry a maximum penalty of 15 years in jail and a fine of $500,000. Two other people were charged separately.

Haefer is enrolled in a journalism and media pre-major course at the University of Nevada and Las Vegas.

Commenting on the charges against Haefer, the director of the Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media, Professor Daniel Stout said, “We don’t condone unethical behavior that results in the harm of the audience."

He also said that if Haefer had continued her studies she would have taken courses that ultimately produce journalists with a strong sense of ethics (Haefer is still enrolled at UNLV and Professor Stout has since moderated his comments).

Despite a superficial understanding of what a DDoS attack comprises (and despite the fact Haefer had not been tried when he made his statement), he was ready to brand both the act and Haefer as criminal and unethical.

In an examination of the ethics of DDoS attacks Gabriella Coleman, a socio-cultural anthropologist at New York University, makes a distinction between criminal acts such as hacking and non-violent political acts such as sit-ins.

In doing so, she raises the possibility of regarding DDoS as the digital equivalent of an occupation.

That said, in the case of a sit-in, the aim may include being arrested to draw more attention to a cause – and it’s not clear that any of the alleged members of Anonymous were anticipating being arrested.

The indictment used for the so-called Anonymous 16 includes the charge of intentional damage to a computer.


A DDoS works by sending repeated requests to a website very quickly, exhausting resources and blocking access to regular users.

In the grand scheme of hacks, DDoS is a nuisance but not a major threat to a company, unlike, say, losing the details of user accounts and passwords.

This was a view shared by Deputy Assistant FBI Director Steven Chabinski.

“There has not been a large-scale trend toward using hacking to actually destroy websites, [but] that could be appealing to both criminals or terrorists,” Chabinsky told radio station NPR in July.

“That’s where the ‘hacktivism,’ even if currently viewed by some as a nuisance, shows the potential to be destabilizing.”


Leaving aside considerations as to whether DDoS attacks are themselves ethical, the charge that the Anons lack a sense of ethics, as suggested by Professor Stout and others, seems even less certain.

If anything, it’s the Anons' sense of righting the wrongs of corporations and governments that underpins most of their activities.

Haefer said she became interested in the activities of Anonymous in part because of a sense of injustice at the inappropriate punishment for a woman accused of distributing 24 songs.

She was referring to the US$2 million fine imposed on Jammie Thomas-Rasset for sharing music, a fine which was later reduced to a US$54,000.

Haefer’s case can be contrasted by that of a 16-year-old woman from France who claimed the hack of San Fransisco’s Bay Area Rapid Transport Police Officers Association last month.

The young hacker had released the personal details of 100 officers. Going by the handle “Lamaline_5mg”, she claimed this was her first hack, and that she had little experience and had picked up enough information to hack the site in less than four hours.

Whereas Haefer claimed no previous technical knowledge, Lamaline was technically savvy enough to use techniques to cover her tracks, making her protestations of technical naivety slightly suspect.

Interestingly, Lamaline had not associated herself with Anonymous – in fact, some people on an Anonymous chat room condemned the attack as irresponsible.
Kicking an open door

One confounding factor in the actions of Anons is the relatively low barrier to entry for participation.

A simple search online will provide links to downloadable software to enable the participation in a DDoS.

Software such as the LOIC is simple to use and requires no technical expertise. There are readily accessible videos that demonstrate their use.

Anyone can go on to the Anonymous IRC channel and listen in. You can follow the activities of Anonymous and others on Twitter.

Accompanying this ease of access is the separation of actions and consequence – a separation encapsulated by using DDoS software.

Unsophisticated users would potentially struggle to understand how traceable their actions are.

The fact the FBI had little trouble in rounding up the 14 suspects being tried together in the DDoS attacks is more a testament to the ease of tracing individuals than a reflection of the technical abilities of the FBI.

Their single unifying feature of those arrested in connection with Operation Payback is their young age, given most of those charged are in their twenties.

The reaction against Anonymous from the general public, lawmakers and security specialists comes across almost as a generational conflict.

This is epitomised by Haefer having to leave her father’s home because he supposedly viewed his daughter (in Haefer’s words) as “a terrorist”.

And Haefer? She still believes in the positive things Anonymous is doing and is looking forward to making that known, without a mask, at her day in court.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 7 september 2011 @ 22:54
One on One: Cole Stryker, Author of ‘Epic Win for Anonymous’

Cole Stryker, a freelance writer and media consultant living in New York, spent years digging into Internet culture and communities, both as a participant and as a blogger covering viral phenomena. He’s the author of a new book called “Epic Win for Anonymous: How 4chan’s Army Conquered the Web.” He discussed with me what it’s like exploring the seedy underbelly of the Internet, the rise of Anonymous, and why it and 4chan, widely considered one of the darkest and most subversive corners of the Internet, may be one of the most important and influential creations to emerge from the modern Web.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 7 september 2011 @ 23:09
Anonymous and LulzSec case: four accused males appear in court

Peter David Gibson, Ashley Rhodes, Christopher Weatherhead and a 17-year-old student released on bail

Four British males have been banned from using online nicknames after they appeared in court charged with attacks connected to Anonymous and LulzSec.

The four men – Peter David Gibson, 22, Ashley Rhodes, 26, Christopher Weatherhead, 20, and a 17-year-old student – were released on bail after the hearing at Westminster magistrates court on Wednesday morning.

The group's bail conditions mean they are prohibited from using specific online nicknames on sites including Facebook and Twitter.

Gibson, from Hartlepool, is banned from using the name "Peter" on the internet. Weatherhead, from Northampton, is prohibited from using "Nerdo"; Rhodes, from Kennington, south London, cannot use "NikonElite", and the 17-year-old, from Chester, is also banned from using his online nickname.

The four men are also banned using so-called "internet relay chat", the online forums where Anonymous members are alleged to have coordinated many of the attacks.

The four men are separately charged with conspiracy to carry out an unauthorised act in relation to a computer. They were arrested earlier this year by police investigating online attacks by the notorious hacking groups Anonymous and LulzSec.

Rhodes, the oldest of the group who was arrested in September, appeared in court dressed in a grey waistcoat over a black shirt, with short dark hair.

Weatherhead, who was also arrested in September, wore a blue shirt under a short black jacket. Gibson has been on police bail since his arrest in April. He wore a smart grey suit, with a white open-necked shirt.

They will appear at Southwark crown court on 18 November for a plea and case management hearing.

Two other men, aged 24 and 20, have been released on bail following their arrest last week as part of the Metropolitan police investigation into Anonymous and LulzSec.

The unnamed men were arrested in Mexborough, near Doncaster, South Yorkshire, and Warminster, Wiltshire for conspiring to commit offences under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 using the online identity "Kayla".

The pair are due to return to a London police station in November.
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 8 september 2011 @ 21:07

Greetings Anonymous,

We are Anonymous. We direct this message at ourselves to clarify that Anonymous, is not a group or a political organisation. Anonymous is an idea. An idea that is the spark that ignites the fires of change.

We must also clarify that as humans, we are not always going to agree on everything and as it has become apparent recently, there seems to be certain individuals attacking others because they do not agree with their views or vice versa.

The solution is simple, if you agree with an Anonymous operation then support it one hundred percent and help to make it happen. Why waste energy fighting against an operation that may or may not happen. Let the hivemind decide.

There are also certain individuals that seem to have forgotten simple mathematics, that seem to think that one equals more than one. So let us remind these leader fags that one equals one, No more no less.

We are all equal, Everyones contribution is equal, We are all one. We have no leaders or official representatives. Those claiming to officially work for or represent Anonymous do not.

There are no recruitment officers as you cannot recruit an idea. Those that assume that they are more than the one and try to be leader fags will be devoured by the whole. Let us work together as a whole for the better of the whole.

Anyone dictating to the whole as to who can be Anonymous or suppressing anothers right to free speech is doing what Anonymous stands against and therefore becomes a target for the Internet hate machine.

Be a part of the whole, do not attack each other can you not see that this is what they want?
Unite as one and let us be the spark that ignites the fires of change.

United as One.
Divided by 0.
We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do forget.
Expects Us.
Louis22donderdag 8 september 2011 @ 21:17
In samenwerking met Adbusters.
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 9 september 2011 @ 09:12
Anonymous U.R.G.E Release

To the people of the interwebz,

We recently have become tired of seeing trending topics on twitter that were redundant and “pop culture” like. We have also grown tired of Twitter not trending hash tags that actually serve a cause and mean something to free thinkers of the world. We have taken note of why Twitter would not do so, they only trend topics which would “appeal” to people and can get people to tweet more. This was pathetic in our eyes, and we could not stand by and take it anymore. We have developed a program called “U.R.G.E. Universal Rapid Gamma Emitter (twitter edition)” which hijacks trending topics of our choice and and lets us tweet messages within them. This will help raise awareness of problems going on in this world and show people that real problems exist outside of “Jersey Shore” and “Sex”. We will distribute this program amongst Anonymous and anyone else who cares to use this for awareness and bashing corrupt politicians. This is not a hacking tool nor is it an exploit tool, it was created to make it easier for us to tweet faster without copying and pasting constantly.

You will need .net framework four to run this program:

U.R.G.E Users Manual:

We Are Anonymous
We Are Legion
We Do Not Forgive
We Do Not Forget
VladimirPoetinzaterdag 10 september 2011 @ 11:13
Papierversnipperaar is de enige poster hier :')
Graymaandag 12 september 2011 @ 00:25
10s.gif Op zaterdag 10 september 2011 11:13 schreef VladimirPoetin het volgende:
Papierversnipperaar is de enige poster hier :')
Niets mis mee. Ik zie dit topic als een soort dossier en ben Papierversnipperaar erg dankbaar voor zijn inzet.
Louis22maandag 12 september 2011 @ 00:38
14s.gif Op maandag 12 september 2011 00:25 schreef Gray het volgende:


Niets mis mee. Ik zie dit topic als een soort dossier en ben Papierversnipperaar erg dankbaar voor zijn inzet.
Eensch. Keep goin', Papier.
Smoofiemaandag 12 september 2011 @ 01:16
Mooi topic toch, dit.
boekenplankmaandag 12 september 2011 @ 01:20
7s.gif Op maandag 12 september 2011 01:16 schreef Smoofie het volgende:
Mooi topic toch, dit.
Dat niet maar papierversnipperaar heeft weer wat te doen.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 12 september 2011 @ 22:31
BREIN Wants PayPal To Cut Payments To File-Sharing Sites

Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN says that it wants to form partnerships with payment processors such as PayPal in order to strangle the finances of file-sharing sites.

“We are in talks with the Dutch payment providers and are working towards partnerships,” BREIN chief Tim Kuik told

“These providers offer payment services to Web sites and since those sites are unlawful, then you should not deliver those services.”

Controversially, Kuik also says he is hoping that services such as PayPal, who take steps to identify their customers, can help where traditional methods of discovering the names of file-sharing site operators have failed.

“We are often faced with services that operate anonymously and have given their hosting provider false information,” Kuik said.

“We suspect that the payment providers have a good track, because the money they send has to go somewhere.”

While BREIN is mainly interested in shutting down sites offering unauthorized movies, according to a July announcement by IFPI, PayPal has already agreed to cut off funds destined for sites offering unauthorized music.

This post is from the News Bits section of TorrentFreak where we present stories from around the web in a concise summary format. Full TorrentFreak articles can be found here. If you have a tip please let us know. News Bits have their very own RSS feed
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 12 september 2011 @ 22:35
Federal authorities take on Anonymous hackers

SAN FRANCISCO — Anonymous is not so anonymous anymore.

The computer hackers, chat-room denizens and young people who make up the loosely affiliated Internet collective have drawn the attention of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal investigators.

What was once a small group of pranksters has become a potential national security threat, federal officials say.

The FBI has carried out more than 75 raids and arrested 16 people this year in connection with illegal hacking claimed by Anonymous.

Since June, Homeland Security has issued three “bulletins” warning cybersecurity professionals of hacking successes and future threats by Anonymous and related groups — including a call in Manhattan to physically occupy Wall Street on Sept. 17 to protest various U.S. government policies.

San Francisco police arrested more than 40 protesters last month during a rowdy demonstration organized by Anonymous that disrupted the evening commute. The group called for the demonstration after the Bay Area Rapid Transit system blocked cellphone service in San Francisco stations to quell a planned protest over a police shooting on a subway platform.

“Anonymous’ activities increased throughout 2011 with a number of high-profile attacks targeting both public- and private-sector entities,” one of the bulletins issued last month said.

Some members of the group have called for shutting down Facebook in November over privacy issues, though other Anonymous followers are disavowing such an attack, underscoring just how loosely organized the group is and how problematic it is to police.

“Anonymous insist they have no centralized operational leadership, which has been a significant hurdle for government and law enforcement entities attempting to curb their actions,” an Aug. 1 Homeland Security bulletin noted. “With that being said, we assess with high confidence that Anonymous and associated groups will continue to exploit vulnerable publicly available Web servers, Web sites, computer networks and other digital information mediums for the foreseeable future.”

Followers posting to Twitter and conversing on Internet Relay Chat insist there are no defined leaders of Anonymous and that it’s more of a philosophy than a formal club, though a small group of members do the most organizing online.

“Anonymous is not a group, it does not have leaders, people can do ANYTHING under the flag of their country,” wrote one of the more vocal members who asked not to be identified.

“Anything can be a threat to National Security, really,” the member said in an e-mail interview. “Any hacker group can be.”

Some members ‘dangerous’

The member said that the group as a whole is not a national security threat but conceded that some individuals acting under Anonynous’s banner may be considered dangerous.

DHS’s latest bulletin, issued Sept. 3, warned that the group has been using social-media networks to urge followers working in the financial industry to sabotage their employers’ computer systems.

The DHS warning comes on the heels of several Anonymous-led protests of the San Francisco Bay area’s transit agency that led to FBI raids of 35 homes and dozens of arrests, as well as to the indictment of 14 followers in July on felony computer hacking charges in connection with a coordinated “denial-of-service attack” against PayPal’s Web site last year.

Papierversnipperaarmaandag 12 september 2011 @ 23:45
BART Doesn’t Want Media Detained…

San Francisco, CA – In previous articles, we’ve discussed the various arrests at a protest organized by “No Justice No BART” Thursday. Including, the arrests of journalism students, journalists, and protesters. Another protest is planned for today.

Today’s protest, is a part of ongoing weekly protests by “Anonymous”, an online collective, that has no membership or group structure. They call their protests “Operation Bart” or “#OpBart”, and have been protesting at the BART Civic Center station for the last 4 weeks, and are now on #OpBart-5.

According to statements from people related to Anonymous, today’s protest will be outside of the BART Civic Center station, and may include a march towards other stations as they have done during previous protests.

In a phone interview with BART spokesperson Jim Allison, he told us that there was “internet activity” about a possible protest today, however he was not sure whether or not there would be a protest. When asked about the arrests of journalists during the last protest, Thursday, he said that if, during protests to come — the stations are closed, he would have a zone set up behind a police line, where journalists were a safe distance away, but could still cover the story.

The OpBart tumblr page, which has been particularly active in promoting/creating this operation, has made a statement of “demands”, that they want, to end the protesting at BART. Earlier this week, they revised those demands. When asked about whether or not he had read the demands, and what BART’s response to them was, he told us that “our focus is on making sure the customers are safe and that the trains are on time”. BART has been particularly quiet about these demands, and seem to be assuming that it will “blow over”.

You can find the revised list of demands of #OpBart here.

Follow us on Twitter for continuing updates on today’s protests.
-Strawberry-dinsdag 13 september 2011 @ 01:32
14s.gif Op maandag 12 september 2011 00:25 schreef Gray het volgende:


Niets mis mee. Ik zie dit topic als een soort dossier en ben Papierversnipperaar erg dankbaar voor zijn inzet.
Dat, ik lees zo nu en dan ook weer alles bij.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 13 september 2011 @ 11:13
European Governments in Massive Sell-Out to Recording Industry

In a move heavily lobbied for by the music industry, the EU Council has voted, without debate, to extend copyright monopolies on sound recordings from 50 to 70 years. Despite opposition from many countries, and the European Parliament, governments across the EU have once again shown how out of touch they are with the public mood.

Despite a lack of any credible evidence that it will help content creators, the EU has sanctioned a huge grab of public property, which steals music from the public domain and hands it to record companies. The extension flies directly in the face of the recent Hargreaves Review which observed:

In the case of ... copyright policy..., there is no doubt that the persuasive powers of celebrities and important UK creative companies have distorted policy outcomes.

Yet the British government has chosen to ignore the advice they claim to support, and instead back "Cliff Richard's Law".

Swedish Pirate Party MEP Christian Engström commented:

The purpose of the European Union is to keep the various lobbyists for big business happy, in this case the big record companies that own the rights to 80 percent of all music that has been recorded in history.

Andrew Robinson, Culture, Media and Sport Spokesperson for the Pirate Party UK said

There can be no justification for this change, other than sheer greed on behalf of record companies. Copyright law is normally justified by saying that artists need to be compensated for their work, or they wouldn't make music, but virtually the whole of modern pop music was produced under the 50 year term.

Extending the rights of Elvis, Hendrix, and Amy Winehouse won't get them to produce more work. All this copyright extension will do is channel more money into the pockets of record company executives, at the cost of depriving the public access to work for which the record companies have already been paid.

This change will simply mean the music industry will rely more on their back-catalogue, rather than investing in new artists.

While EU politicians may do what the IFPI wants, the public they are supposed to represent grow increasingly sceptical of perpetually extended copyright. Lobbyists may be able to buy the laws they want, but growth of the Pirate Party movement shows that the public will not put up with corruption forever."

The Pirate Party UK calls on the Government to reject this cynical copyright extension, and implement a copyright policy based on evidence, not lobbying.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 13 september 2011 @ 11:54

Papierversnipperaardinsdag 13 september 2011 @ 18:26
'Leaked' FBI document calls Anonymous a national security threat

Psych profiles show LulzSec, Anons older, more politically focused than they let on, FBI concludes

September 12, 2011, 1:52 PM — According to a PDF containing what purports to be a leaked psychological assessment of the leaders of LulzSec and Anonymous by the FBI's Behavioral Science Unit (which also profiles serial killers), Anonymous is not only not a collection of individuals, it's a coherent group that poses a threat to national security.

Neither the FBI nor Dept. of Homeland Security have commented on the "leak," which may be a fake according to the TechHerald, but seems to reflect accurately the thinking behind a series of DHS warning bulletins and crackdowns that have resulted in 75 raids and 16 arrests of Anonymous members just this year.

Anons themselves refer to the group as a rough, almost coincidental collective of individuals that occasionally cooperate on projects to protest specific things.

There are approximately eight vortices of special interest within the collective, according to interviews, postings and counter-arguments posted by various Anonymi in response to invective by those it attacked.

Attacks are the work of small groups of interested individuals who, on their own initiative and using public argument as their weapon, gather like-minded Anonymi to protest governmental outrages or attack injustice in whatever form they find it, according to de facto leaders in the non-existent but vocal #OPpublicrelations.

In March, for example, members of Anonymous and 4Chan debated, in the finest traditions of American Democracy and citizen activism, whether to attack and defeat the Internet scourge that is Rebecca Black – the annoying but harmless pop "singer" whose made herself famous with a mom-and-dad-funded music video on YouTube that repeated the same lyrics so often it became apparent those might be the only words she knows.

(Other, less world-shaking Anonymous projects resulted in significant attacks against the embattled governments of Egypt and Syria, the exposure of government atrocities in Bolivia, civil protest against censorship on the Bay Area Rapid Transit System, attacks on Visa, Mastercard and Paypal in support of whistleblower site WikiLeaks and a long-simmering, high-profile protest against unrestricted greed, corrosive dishonesty of Wall Street and the and economic destruction from which the rest of the country suffers while financiers continues to prosper.)

The FBI has analyzed various instant messages, forum postings, emails, Twitter posts and other documentation and decided Anonymous behaves more like a coherent organization led by a small number of powerful and focused activists, not a politically involved group of individuals using the Anonymous banner as gathering point.

"The Anonymous ‘collective’ has risen from an amorphous group of individuals on the Internet to the current state of a potential threat to national security. Due to the nature of Anonymous, they believe that they are a leaderless collective. However, it has been shown that there is a defined leadership group," the document reads.

"A thorough assessment of each UNSUB’s online activities, speech patterns, and general writings was collected by the FBI. Each UNSUB was individually assessed by members of the SBU (sic) and a psychological profile created from these datasets."

Most of the members of Anonymous are under 30, but the bulk of its leadership are not teenage hacker/script-kids as many portray themselves, according to the FBI.

"It is likely" that Sabu, one of the more vocal spokestrolls for the LulzSec mini-collective of Anonymous, "works in the information security sector and has been doing so since the early days of the internet and hacking activities. His use of net speak is interspersed with proper American English diction and grammar that implies he is an American citizen and has been educated,” the FBI notes said.

BS, quoth the Anon:

"Anonymous is not a group, it does not have leaders, people can do ANYTHING under the flag of their country," according to one member in an email interview with the AP. "Anything can be a threat to National Security, really," the member said in an email interview. "Any hacker group can be."

If the document is real, it ends on a disturbingly dangerous and presumptive conclusion: that attacks and protests by Anonymous will eventually lead to the death of members of Anonymous, law enforcement or the public that will drive many supporters away from Anonymous.

Until then, Anonymous, whether collectively or individually, may be unstoppable in practical terms.

The overall assessment for the movement however is the following:

1. The movement is out of control and there seems to be no real coherent motivation

2. The leaders have begun to hide themselves a bit more due to arrests that have been made

3. Their reliance on technology will eventually be their downfall

4. Their interpersonal relationships are weak points, as such they should be leveraged

5. Their increasing attacks on infrastructure will eventually lead to serious results that could in fact lead to deaths

It is after the first real attributable deaths that there may be a tapering off of their ranks as the members realize that by outing individuals, actual physical actions can occur that cause great damage. Until such time though, the movement will continue with the masses used as fodder and the command structure urging them on to carry out their commands. – Psychological Profiles of Anonymous Leadership, FBI BSU Quantico, Aug., 2011
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 13 september 2011 @ 18:50
Did Anonymous Hack WikiLeaks or Were They Being Framed?

On August 31st, 2011, as WikiLeaks scrambled to secure their cables ahead of a massive leak, their website was attacked. AnonCMD claimed responsibility.

It is being called Cablegate. The entire, unredacted collection of WikiLeaks documents have been leaked into the public domain, on August 31st, 2011, in an apparent clash of egos and information negligence. The whistleblowing, anti-secrecy site knew that this situation was about to become common knowledge. In a last ditch attempt to secure their data, an encrypted file was made available for download amongst their supporters. The password, they were informed, would be released at a later date. It was understood. This was insurance.

Within fifteen minutes of the announcement, as thousands rushed to grab the file, the WikiLeaks site was attacked by hackers for the second time in two days. However, there was a claim and it came from a surprising source. Anonymous have traditionally supported WikiLeaks, but now one of their purported members, AnonCMD, was repeatedly Tweeting responsibility for it.

Why Would Anonymous Hack WikiLeaks?

Over the course of the next few hours, AnonCMD described their motivation variously as being a test for their Denial of Service (DOS) program RefRef; a personal vendetta between themselves and Julian Assange over money; and an action in-keeping with the spirit of AntiSec and the Hackers' Ethic, which deems that all information should be free. Every couple of hours, AnonCMD would delete his historical Tweets, refusing to answer questions as to why.

RefRef is believed to be a program that is being developed to help hacktivists disable websites. It is due for release on September 17th, 2011. AnonCMD claimed that it is based on Javascript and they were testing it. Some responded with speculation that these tests were actually part of a publicity machine, designed to let everyone know about RefRef.

During the course of the day, their Tweets also stated that Pastebin (a site popular with Anonymous members for posting code and press releases) and 4Chan (a forum from which the original Anonymous meme was derived) had been temporarily overwhelmed with RefRef DOS packets.

What was the Reaction from Other Members of Anonymous?

Anonymous and their supporters were amongst those condemning the actions of AnonCMD. On Twitter especially the comments have been coming thick and fast. For example, AnonSikko Tweeted, 'any #anonymous supporter who supports @anoncmd needs to take a good long look at what hes done'. Earlier, he had raged, '@AnonCMD i dont give a **** who you are there are #anons who are having trials this week 4 supporting #wikileaks and yet you attack them.' WisdomsGrave added, '@AnonCMD Learn to put your ego aside and do what is right regardless of your 'personal disagreements'. Rationality over emotions plz.'

They were just two amongst the stream of other largely antagonistic reactions. Some bordered upon the paranoid or the astute, accusing AnonCMD of being a fake account set up to sully the name of Anonymous. AnonPhlex was amongst them, saying, '@AnonCMD O HAI there CIA gai trying to stir up dissent within Anonymous!'

A recent interview noted that Anonymous is more of an idea, made physical as disparate cells of Hacktivists and protestors, than a single, top down entity. AnonCMD may claim responsibility as their branch of the meme, and have sympathisers elsewhere, but the response on Twitter indicated that the majority of Anonymous members seemed unsupportive of the repeated attacks upon WikiLeaks.

Read more at Suite101: Did Anonymous Hack WikiLeaks or Were They Being Framed? |
WallOfStarswoensdag 14 september 2011 @ 22:01
FBI onderzoek naar ANON

gemaakt door :
aka profilers.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 14 september 2011 @ 22:58
Defending 'Anonymous': Lawyers For Alleged 'Hacktivists' Speak Out

The cases are still in their early stages. But bit by bit, the lives and personalities of the suspects arrested and charged in July as members of the 'hackivist' collective 'Anonymous' are coming to light.

The prosecutions, stemming from cyber attacks on PayPal, AT&T, and a law enforcement website, represent the government's first major salvo against a group whose operations it considers an increasing criminal threat, at the same time as its basic construction has remained largely opaque.

But while the charges are clear cut, the potential motives of the accused are less so. Indeed that's the key question. Who are Anonymous, and what do they want, if anything? Is Anonymous even a real organization, or is it an ethos? And does that distinction really matter, when there are real crimes being committed under the Anonymous banner?
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 15 september 2011 @ 19:11
7th Annual Palantir Government e-mail announcement:

7th Annual Palantir Government e-mail announcement:

Reserve your spot at the 7th Palantir Government Conference.

Palantir's seventh Government Conference is rapidly approaching. Attendance is limited and we encourage you to secure your spot now to join us on October 11, 2011 at the Ritz-Carlton – Tysons Corner.

GovCon 7 will feature presentations and live demos highlighting deployment successes, recent and on-going product advancements, along with a selection of breakout sessions and trainings for analysts and developers.

Guest speakers will include former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Assistant Executive VP Linda Krieg and Executive Director Michael Geraghty. Palantir engineering talks will showcase our latest advances in addressing the data, operational and analytical challenges of large enterprises, including:

Mega Peering - multiplies the value of Palantir’s unique Nexus Peering technology across even the most highly networked organizations
Phoenix - provides a backend uniquely suited to high-volume, high-noise cyber data, enabling meaningful analysis of billions, even trillions of records
Palantir Cluster Analysis – enables discovery of non-obvious patterns in huge-scale data

Palantir continues to invest in building the best analytical platform in the world. We remain committed to providing a proven solution to free our customers of the risks of bespoke development projects so that they can focus on solving critical analytical problems. Particularly in times of great austerity, Palantir has proven that we can provide customers with twice the capability at half the price and in one quarter of the time.

Come learn about how, as budgets are shrinking, you can do a lot more with much less, very quickly.
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 15 september 2011 @ 19:21
Doodgemartelde lichamen waarschuwing voor Mexicaanse bloggers

Gisteren zijn de doodgemartelde lichamen van twee Mexicanen aan een voetgangersbrug in de stad Nuevo Laredo opgehangen. Op deze gruwelijke manier worden inwoners gewaarschuwd niet informatie over de drugsmisdaden in het land te bloggen.

In de buurt van de brug hingen affiches waarop bloggers over drugsgerelateerd geweld aangemaand worden daarmee te stoppen indien ze niet hetzelfde lot willen ondergaan.

'Dit zal gebeuren met alle internetters. We houden jullie in de gaten', gesigneerd Z. De Z staat voor 'Zetas', het drugskartel dat hiermee de martelingen opeist.
AnonMedicDS twitterde op donderdag 15-09-2011 om 07:50:37 @FightTheCartels all who stand for the faceless is #anonymous, welcome. #opMexico reageer retweet

[ Bericht 34% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 15-09-2011 21:50:35 ]
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 16 september 2011 @ 19:55
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 17 september 2011 @ 16:52

This channel will feature live streams from global non violent revolution spreading across the globe, with the first broadcasts from Wall Street Occupation in NYC that will start on Saturday, September 17, 2011. The channel will also feature live stream from solidarity protests and events in Spain, Greece, France, Belgium, Iceland and other places around the gblobe

Live Video Reports and Content about the Global Revolution which started with the North African Spring, and is extending to every country around the World.
RudePacMan twitterde op zaterdag 17-09-2011 om 16:46:37 “@OccupyWallSt Gil-Scot Heron was right. The #revolution will not be televised #OccupyWallStreet reageer retweet
Blobjezaterdag 17 september 2011 @ 21:56
En de live stream op Wall Street:
StephanLzaterdag 17 september 2011 @ 22:58
Ben het nu ook aan het volgen. De link gevonden via Ik had mensen verwacht daar, maar het is redelijk druk daar zie ik.
Papierversnipperaarzondag 18 september 2011 @ 22:04
Pirate party snatches seats in Berlin state election

Irreverent campaign that initially focused on filesharing, data protection and censorship draws 8.5% of vote, exit polls indicate

An upstart band of internet freedom activists are to enter Berlin's state parliament, ousting the Free Democrats, Angela Merkel's junior partner in the unpopular national government. It marks a remarkable success for the small Pirate party, which attracted 8.5% of the vote, winning its first ever seats in a state parliament, according to the first exit polls on Sunday.

Their irreverent campaign captured the imagination of young voters as the party expanded its platform from an original focus on filesharing, censorship and data protection, to include social issues and citizens' rights. The party, which was founded in 2006, was "in tune with the Berlin vibe with their relaxed campaign", Holger Liljeberg of the Info polling institute, told Reuters. "They focus a lot on liberalism, freedom and self-determination."

Once opinion pollsters began to predict that they might overcome the crucial 5% hurdle to get into parliament, the momentum behind the Pirates began to grow, with supporters no longer worrying that a vote for them would be wasted.

The result is not the first European success for the Pirates. The original Swedish version of the party won a seat in the European parliament in 2009 after capturing just over 7% of the vote. Support for the party had soared after the jailing of the four founders of the Pirate Bay filesharing site.

While the Pirates were the surprise success story of the Berlin elections, the centre-left Social Democrats are also celebrating after topping the polls with 29.5% of the vote. Popular mayor Klaus Wowereit, who has run Berlin for 10 years, will form a new coalition with one of the smaller parties.

For the FDP, meanwhile, the Berlin vote was the latest in a series of humiliating defeats, marking the fifth ejection from a state parliament this year. Despite a last-ditch attempt to tap into public resentment at the bailouts for other eurozone countries, it only managed to attract 2% of the vote, down from 7.6% in 2006.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 20 september 2011 @ 19:09
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 20 september 2011 @ 19:24
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 20 september 2011 @ 19:30

Pizza Orders from Around the World: A Sign #OccupyWallStreet Could Last Awhile?

For two days now, hundreds of protesters have occupied Zuccotti Park, a private park in and around Wall Street, as part of Occupy Wall Street. (See last night’s live blog here.) The protesters intended to legally assemble and demonstrate on the public sidewalks on Wall Street, but the New York Police Department (NYPD) put up blockades before the planned occupation began preventing any protests from happening.

That more than a hundred have been allowed to sleep in the park for two nights now is quite an accomplishment. Every night they sleep in the park (which has been dubbed Liberty Plaza) and prolong this occupation the protesters are increasing the possibility for seriously calling attention to the corruption perpetrated by Wall Street. Having a site to call home base actually makes it possible to call the action an occupation.

Moreover, the organizers appear to be benefiting from past occupations elsewherre this year. Individuals from all over the world placed orders for pizza last night at a place called Liberato’s Pizza. The orders totaled $2,800 and the place ran out of dough and ingredients, which meant the protesters had to shift to wings orders. The website where orders were being placed crashed and the owner asked people to stop placing orders. As one protester tweeted, a real-life DDoS attack just took place on a pizza place.

The owner reportedly told protesters the place would name a pizza after the Occupy Wall Street action. Protesters are to vote on the toppings that they think should be on such a pizza. The pizza place is excited to be feeding the occupation, as it tweeted, “We’re restocked and ready for orders!” and “Firing up the Ovens, today is gonna be an awesome day!”

The organizers should find it refreshing that what they are doing convinced a number of people around the world to donate pizza. They should be even more energized if they can convince a number of people to donate food for the next days or weeks.

In Madison, Wisconsin, Ian’s Pizza became the pizza place of choice for the occupation at the Wisconsin Capitol, which was challenging Governor Scott Walker’s anti-union bill to eliminate collective bargaining for most public sector unions in the state. The place received orders from Morocco, France, Antarctica, Czech Republic, South Korea, Finland, New Zealand, Denmark, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, England, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, Poland, Mexico, Singapore, Costa Rica, Croatia, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Armenia, Israel, Hong Kong, Haiti, Iceland, Egypt, Belgium, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, India, Qatar, Taiwan, Lithuania, Afghanistan, Slovenia, Uganda, Nigeria, Ireland, UAE, Kenya, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Hungary, Senegal, Peru, Sweden, Philippines, Greece and Pakistan.

Ian’s Pizza delivered more than 300 pizzas during the first days of the Wisconsin occupation (which many know on Twitter as #wiunion). They, too, received more orders than they could handle. The Wisconsin occupation lasted from February to March.

If all these countries had people donate to an occupation in Wisconsin, surely the world can expect thousands of orders to come from around the world in support of an occupation on Wall Street? Anyone who saw the Academy Award-winning documentary Inside Job knows the reality: the kind of casino capitalism Wall Street engages in has profound impacts upon global economy. (In fact, one might expect most of the pizza orders to come from Iceland.)

There’s some truth to the joke circulating on Twitter that the organizers called for 20,000 to swarm on Wall Street and they did—on Twitter. Right now, the organizers are working on reaching out to unions and universities to increase the number of people engaged in the occupation.

People all over the world are tuning in hoping to see America have a kind of “Tahrir moment” with this action on Wall Street. The amount of world support and the interest that exists in the idea of a long-term occupation of Wall Street may mean the protesters do not have to prove themselves by getting 10,000 to 20,000 people down there to protest. The snark and cynicism on Twitter coming from the Tea Party and some liberal supporters of President Barack Obama may be meaningless in the short-term. Just holding a camp with a few hundred for days if not weeks may be enough to send a message and remind everyone of the excesses of corporate elites, too-big-to-fail banks and how their influence pollutes politics.

Should protesters manage to keep this going for a long period, it could dovetail nicely with a planned October 6 occupation of Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC. Organizers could move from the crooks on Wall Street to the political class that enables them but continue all that they started with their Occupy Wall Street action.

The organizers have been inspired by the work of thousands in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, Greece, Spain and Wisconsin. They have gained insight into tactics and strategy from watching those occupations play out. They want Americans who supported those uprisings to come down and be a part of a US uprising. And, they know every time someone from around the world orders a pizza, the occupation is extended and the possibility of this action actually having a significant impact increases.

*To support the occupation by sending pizza, here is the information: dial (212) 344-3464 or use the website to place an order. Also, if you would like to spread business around (which may be helpful to the occupation), here is a list of places that could deliver food to the protesters.
Blobjedinsdag 20 september 2011 @ 20:50
Volgens de twitter accounts die hierover berichtten worden er aardig wat mensen opgepakt en wordt het plein schoongeveegd. Heeft iemand beelden of nieuwsbronnen?
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 20 september 2011 @ 21:00
0s.gif Op dinsdag 20 september 2011 20:50 schreef Blobje het volgende:
Volgens de twitter accounts die hierover berichtten worden er aardig wat mensen opgepakt en wordt het plein schoongeveegd. Heeft iemand beelden of nieuwsbronnen?
Michael Moore: The media ignores Wall Street occupation

Filmmaker Michael Moore appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show Monday evening to discuss the media’s coverage towards the tea party being notably larger than coverage given to protests from the left.

“A thousand people were arrested a couple weeks ago on the Tar Sands environmental issue,” Moore said to Maddow. “Hardly any coverage of this.”

“Can you imagine if a thousand tea partiers had been arrested in front of the White House? It would be the top of every news story. People are down on Wall Street right now holding a sit in and a camp in down there, virtually no news about this protest. This goes on with liberals and the left all the time, and it gets ignored. Fortunately, there are shows like yours and others who aren’t ignoring it, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening and it will continue to happen.”

WATCH: Video from MSNBC, which appeared on September 19, 2011.
Disanadinsdag 20 september 2011 @ 22:29
Former Anonymous Members Writing a Book About Anonymous

Two prominent Anonymous associates are shopping around a book detailing the exploits of the hacktivist group from the inside, according to the Observer. But will anyone want to read it?

One co-author, Barrett Brown (above, in a still from an interview with NBC News), is an ex-heroin junkie from Dallas, Texas. He was an Anonymous spokesman until quitting over the direction the group was taking. The other author, Gregg Housh, is from Boston and became a de facto Anonymous spokesman because he appeared in a few news articles during Anonymous' anti-Scientology protests and journalists kept on calling him for comments.

I follow the exploits of Anonymous more closely than a sane person should, but I'm not sure even I would be interested in reading this book, tentatively titled Tales from Inside The Accidental Cyberwar. Anonymous is fascinating on a broad level, but most of the day-to-day details are as sexy as the intricacies of how an office drone manipulates an Excel spreadsheet . You hang out in IRC chat rooms at weird night hours, typing to people of unknown identity and questionable motives, with the weeks of typing punctuated, rarely, by one of the people you've been chatting with turning up in the papers, having been arrested by the Feds.

Housh told the Observer he wants the book to be a "page-turner". Maybe Anonymous members have been helicoptering around the world delivering USB drives full of secret FBI documents and we just don't know about it. We'll see!
Blobjewoensdag 21 september 2011 @ 00:04
0s.gif Op dinsdag 20 september 2011 21:00 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:



Ik bedoel dan ook de eigen beelden van de demonstranten. Net zoals afgelopen weekend. De no real media coverage was me vanaf het begin al duidelijk. Afgezien van wat foto's en korte filmpjes van arrestaties heb ik niet kunnen vinden. Helaas is hun eigen stream niet meer online. De cameraspullen zijn ingenomen door de nypd.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 21 september 2011 @ 00:23

Greetings Wall Street,

We are Anonymous.

The fetid empire of corruption and consumption that you have created is stifling the lives of hard working Americans. You have crystallized this country into a monolithic tyranny, yet in doing so made the ties that bind its people brittle.

Some four years ago you shattered this country, liquidating it piecemeal for your own selfish interests. We are here, gathered at the steps of your butcher block four years later, frenzied and furious. We are Democrats and Republicans, young and old. Your horrendous actions have crossed party lines. Your crimes have united this great melting pot into a white hot alloy of rage.

The world is stirring and with it, revolution is brewing. Perhaps you see yourselves at the eye of the storm, luxuriating in peace and tranquility while all around is ripped apart and made anew.

Anonymous is here to offer a gentle reminder:

You are not at the eye of the storm;

You are at the center of the crosshairs!

The seige of Wall Street will continue until such a time that the decision to consider corporations persons under the law for the purposes of first amendment free speech is revoked through legislative or judicial decision.

Entities that oppress the people while corrupting the public domain and due process are not persons. Corporations must cease to be considered persons under the law. Their sociopathic actions towards the public, the environment and each other have shown them time and time again to be unworthy of being awarded the distinction of personhood.

The people have grown weary of their corporate shackles, the greed of Wall Street having left them with nothing to lose, but their chains. From Cairo to Iran, London to Tunisia and Syria to Greece, this is our day of rage.

We are Anonymous.

We are legion

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Wall Street,

Expect us.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 21 september 2011 @ 00:27
Press Release – Anonymous Launches #OpOrwellRewind to Support #OccupyWallStreet

Greetings and salutations,

Our respects to the wealthy who have the talent and the resources to make a community thrive. An honorable mention to those in power who have the talent and the opportunities to inspire others. At this time we Anons are supporting and wishing you do well. However, we have a stern message for those who are addicted to risk. They have resources and they have opportunities but they have not an ounce of talent nor do they appreciate hard work.
As we have engaged in #OccupyWallStreet, we have seen more evidence of a disturbing condition. Those who are trusted with the safety of the people are committing violent crimes against citizens in the name of safety. How can this be? It is tempting to blame the nearest perpetrator and be seduced by limp 60s and 90s activism memes. You saw him hit that person. He’s the guilty one. Perhaps, you can write a letter to your public official. Maybe you can display your anger where the offender cannot avoid it. You might even start a protest. But as we have seen with Operation Orlando, Operation Fullerton, Operation BART, and others this is a common problem. Public officials cover their mistakes with fake supporters. Police officers continue to abuse the public with impunity. Civil Rights violations continue to be “validated” by the blanket of concern for “public safety”. There is a problem with a simple analysis. It does not explain how this behavior has become so common.
Naturally, Anons have been looking at the news of the last 10 years and the history of our communities and countries for the last few decades and a pattern emerges. A superstructure seems to be imposed upon us. And it seems to feed on the pain of the oppressor as well as the oppressed. This is an interesting situation. The fact that these problems persist may be partly explained by the hypothesis that we are in fact not hitting the root. Without spending too much time on theories let us get to the point.
We are living in a Security State. This is a far more dangerous climate than the Police States of the past because the curtain can be pulled back when its services are needed or drawn in front of the true machinery when its work is over. Witness how peaceful protests were allowed to proceed even to the point when people played frisbie. Then suddenly on the morning of September 20, 2011, police rush protestors. They take protective tarps for the people to get out of the rain. They confiscate energy and cameras. How is it possible that a police force can go so quickly from a peaceful protective agency to a violent oppressor? Is there a switch of some kind? To be able to change so drastically either implies deception, lack of character and honor, or complete indifference to the orders given. Perhaps a little of all three.
We have identified a superstructure comprised of banks and subservient corporations which have conditioned our police to go against human instincts of compassion and respect and caused them to be extended fingers of brutality against us from a distance. We resist, we blog, we scream out, and we wonder why we are not heard. Well we shall be heard as we now know both the nature and the identity of our oppressors.
We are announcing Operation Orwell Rewind. This is both a support operation to assist and encourage protesters involved with #OccupyWallStreet and also an offensive against those we see as the true villains. We will associate every incident of brutality and infringement of rights not with the police officers but the bankers and military contractors who radicalized police against the people. One of these clubs is the financiers’ club and the other hitman. Imagine if you will how much easier it is to poison those who are trusted with safety by training them with brutal techniques against the people than to carry out individual attacks against communities. We are on to the real threat to freedom… and they know it.
It is not the wealthy. They build. It is not the powerful. They plan. It is the paranoid, restless, reckless, and arrogant who are addicted to risk for they have no substance to stand on. They are parasites. The parasites steal and murder to gain far more. They conspire to destroy indiscriminately for, as the saying goes, “just another hit.” They are mad ideologues who promote racism and other divisive ideas to keep their potential competition and critics unable to gather strength. They are the enemy, not because they oppose the people, but because their lack of substance causes them to see anyone with more vitality, humanity, and ability as a threat to their existence. All the creative work of society is laid waste in the blink of an eye to buy themselves a thin moment’s rest.
We will publish the names of banks, corporations, and institutions that have sucked on the blood of the people. We will provide aid to creators and protesters. We will expose corruption. We will educate the people as to the use of emergency law powers which bypass checks and balances. On our way to dismantling this destructive cult with our creative disruption, we will make demands in support of #OccupyWallStreet as a courtesy, but we are prepared to render these parasites irrelevant by providing alternatives to their abuse. We give fair warning.

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 21 september 2011 @ 10:52
Ongoing Occupation of Wall Street: Media Blackout in the Big City; A Surprise Morning March; Live Blog (Roundup, Videos, Photos)
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 21 september 2011 @ 19:18
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 22 september 2011 @ 00:12
Why 'Occupy Wall Street' makes sense

Banks are sitting on cash hoards and corporate profits are riding high – yet ordinary US taxpayers face joblessness and cuts

If 2,000 Tea Party activists descended on Wall Street, you would probably have an equal number of reporters there covering them. Yet 2,000 people did occupy Wall Street last Saturday. They weren't carrying the banner of the Tea Party, the Gadsden flag with its coiled snake and the threat "Don't Tread on Me". Yet their message was clear: "We are the 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%." They were there, mostly young, protesting the virtually unregulated speculation of Wall Street that caused the global financial meltdown.

One of New York's better-known billionaires, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, commented on the protests: "You have a lot of kids graduating college, can't find jobs. That's what happened in Cairo. That's what happened in Madrid. You don't want those kinds of riots here."

Riots? Is that really what the Arab Spring and the European protests are about?
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 22 september 2011 @ 21:22
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 22 september 2011 @ 22:18
EXCLUSIVE: FBI Arrests Suspected LulzSec and Anonymous Hackers

The FBI arrested two alleged members of the hacking collectives LulzSec and Anonymous on Thursday morning in San Francisco and Phoenix, has learned.

Search warrants were also being executed in New Jersey, Minnesota and Montana, an FBI official told

One individual was described as part of the LulzSec group, the other part of the group that calls itself Anonymous, the official said.

Cody Kretsinger, a 23-year-old from Phoenix, Ariz., was charged with conspiracy and the unauthorized impairment of a protected computer, according to the federal indictment unsealed Thursday morning.

Kretsinger, who goes by the online name "recursion," is believed to be a current or former member of LulzSec and is accused of being involved in the hacking of Sony Pictures Entertainment.

Kretsinger and other coconspirators are accused of using a hacking technique called a SQL injection to obtain confidential information from Sony's computer systems.

According to the indictment, he and coconspirators distributed stolen information by posting it on LulzSec's website before announcing the attack on Twitter.

In order to evade law-enforcement detection, Kretsinger erased the hard drives used to carry out the Sony attack, the indictment said.

He is expected to appear in a Phoenix federal court Thursday afternoon.

Members of the Los Angeles FBI field office also arrested an alleged member of Anonymous in San Francisco. The suspected hacker is homeless and alleged to have been involved in cyberattacks on Santa Cruz County government websites, an FBI official said.

LulzSec is a splinter group from the “hacktivist” collective Anonymous, a loose collection of cybersavvy activists inspired by WikiLeaks and its head Julian Assange to fight for Internet freedoms — along the way defacing websites, shutting down servers, and scrawling messages across screens web-wide. While Anonymous is largely a politically motivated organization, LulzSec’s attacks were largely done “for the lulz” — Internet slang meaning “for the fun of it.”

Both groups have been targeted by the FBI and international law enforcement agencies in recent months.

In July, broke the news that 16 alleged Anonymous members had been arrested in the U.S. and the U.K. Several high profile leaders of the group have been arrested since, including two individuals believed to be among the founders of LulzSec — and who shared the online name "Kayla."

The metropolitan police in London arrested the first alleged member of the LulzSec group on June 20, a 19-year-old teen named Ryan Cleary. Subsequent sweeps through Italy and Switzerland in early July led to the arrests of 15 more people, all between the ages of 15 and 28.

The two groups are responsible for a broad spate of digital break-ins targeting governments and large corporations, including Japanese technology giant Sony, the U.S. Senate, telecommunications giant AT&T,, and other government and private entities.
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 22 september 2011 @ 23:35
Keith Olbermann Calls Out Media Hypocrites For Occupy Wall St Blackout

rakottovrijdag 23 september 2011 @ 00:02
Dat is wat het was. Ze weten dat zij in een zwakke positie staan en kunnen geen massale protesten aan.
johnnylovevrijdag 23 september 2011 @ 13:15 is gehackt
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 23 september 2011 @ 21:35
'Internet gebruiken in strijd tegen extremisme'

Europese landen moeten veel meer het internet gebruiken om zich te wapenen tegen gewelddadig extremisme. Dat stelt de Europese politieorganisatie Europol vandaag.

In aanbevelingen aan de Europese Raad van ministers van Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken stelt de organisatie dat er een virtuele taskforce voor moet komen.

Europol bracht de raad gisteren verslag uit over onderzoek naar de dubbele aanslag in Noorwegen in juli, waarbij 77 mensen omkwamen. Europol doet geen mededelingen over de resultaten van het onderzoek.

De politieorganisatie zette onmiddellijk na de aanslagen 50 antiterrorisme experts uit heel Europa op de zaak. Ook liet Europol weten met politiebazen van zeven Europese landen samen te werken in een speciaal netwerk om internationale dreigingen van rechts-extremisme in kaart te brengen.

Daaruit volgt nu de aanbeveling dat er in Europees verband een taskforce en een platform moeten komen voor het monitoren en uitwisselen van informatie over de dreiging van individuen en groepen die in verband worden gebracht met gewelddadig extremisme.

Europol stelt de aanbevelingen binnenkort te bespreken met de EU-lidstaten.
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 24 september 2011 @ 00:09
Organized Labor is joining the movement. The President of the Professional Staff Congress, a union of 20,000 employees from the City University of New York just arrived and pledged solidarity to the movement.
rakottozaterdag 24 september 2011 @ 01:04
Dat gaat wat worden. De vakbonden zijn meestal de drijvende veer achter protesten.
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 24 september 2011 @ 10:59
0s.gif Op zaterdag 24 september 2011 01:04 schreef rakotto het volgende:


Dat gaat wat worden. De vakbonden zijn meestal de drijvende veer achter protesten.
En het is weekend. Ben benieuwd of het druk word. :s)

ScottMcKeeJR twitterde op woensdag 21-09-2011 om 04:36:12 @Evanguilbault Don't give up!! The movement is growing fast now. 4 states. #OccupyFDSF #occupyLA #occupychicago #OccupyMN #occuppywallst reageer retweet

[ Bericht 50% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 24-09-2011 11:10:29 ]
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 24 september 2011 @ 11:23

What follows is a living document that will be revised
through democratic process of General Assembly
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 24 september 2011 @ 11:46
FBI arrests LulzSec member "recursion" for Sony Pictures hack

The FBI has announced that it has arrested LulzSec member Cody Kretsinger, 23, of Phoenix, Arizona, known as "recursion," charging him with conspiracy and the unauthorized impairment of a protected computer.

Kretsinger is accused of using SQL injection attacks to obtain confidential information from the systems of Sony Pictures Entertainment. Kretsinger and his co-conspirators are then claimed to have disseminated the stolen information via the LulzSec Web site, and publicized it on Twitter. The FBI also asserts that Kretsinger wiped his hard disk in order to avoid detection by law enforcement.

To hide his identity when performing the attack, the FBI claims that Kretsinger used VPN service In spite of this, activity was traced to an address in Arizona.
Important notice about security

An "HideMyAss" VPN service user identity has been compromised and as a consequence personal freedom of the customer is now at stake.

As a consequence, apparently to defend their activity by saying that they did nothing more than any other provider would have done, HideMyAss released a series of statements which are not correct.

For example, they claimed that "all VPN providers keep logs. When there was a court order issued to them, they WILL release it". On top of that, they released on their website a communiqué which, in our opinion, is harmful to the professional reputation and to the the status of mere conduit of a service provider.

For the aforementioned reasons, we would like to re-assure our users and our customers that nothing like that may happen with AirVPN, for a series of legislative (we are based in the EU, not in the USA, and we don't recognize USA jurisdiction, obviously) and above all technical reasons.

When we built our infrastructure we had in mind access from people who live in freedom of expression extremely hostile areas, where identity disclosure can lead to critical threats to physical safety and to personal freedom. Therefore we have planned solutions designed to give higher security and stronger anonymity layers which can be used by anyone.

These solutions have been designed so that you don't need to have "faith" in what we say (for example, when we say "we don't keep logs", how can you trust us if you're outside activists circles?), but to be inherently secure, regardless of what you think of us and regardless of which pressures we might receive from enforcement or criminal entities.

The key is that we must NOT know who you are (on the other hand, EU law prohibits us to investigate privately about your personal data and real identity, or to monitor your communications).

1) If you don't wish to leave a trail payment, the most secure way is to buy an account via our authorized Bitcoin reseller We encourage you to use TOR when you buy an account there and use the BitCoin client via TOR, to protect the Bitcoin payment with a layer of anonymity (Bitcoin per se is not really anonymous for transactions).

2) For extremely critical data transfer (whistleblowers, reports on organized crimes, etc.) please consider to use AirVPN over TOR. A simple example:
Please note that it is not TOR over VPN, it's VPN over TOR.

3) If/when you need to communicate with us, always use a secure and safe e-mail account which can't be used to reveal your identity. In this way you can buy an account via Bitcoin or LibertyReserve by directly asking to us.

For some further information, you might be interested in reading this thread:;catid=3&id=37

If you live in freedom of expression hostile areas and you can't afford the payment, you can obtain a free access. Feel free to contact us. Some free access coupons are usually available also from the Telecomix cluster (best way to reach them is through their IRC servers).

Kind regards and datalove
rakottozaterdag 24 september 2011 @ 23:00
Het valt me echt op hoe de media hier stil over is. Zijn er nog meer vorderingen in deze protesten? De aantal die mee participeren aan de protesten?
Papierversnipperaarzondag 25 september 2011 @ 10:16


Latakia, once a beautiful and serene port city, is now a hornets nest of military offensives, demonstrations, and everyday brutalities. Mass arrests are frequent. In early August, security forces arrested and detained thousands of people, forcing them into a football stadium and taking away their identification cards and cell phones. More than 5000 Palestinian refugees were forced from their homes and displaced. The Syrian navy continuously shelled the port city for days. Detained protestors are reprimanded and humiliated in school classrooms that have been converted into temporary prisons. Two year old O'laa Jablawi was shot in the eye and killed as she and her parents attempted to flee the besieged city.

And yet, despite the rising violence and suffering seen in Latakia, Assad continue to promise nothing and do nothing. The rampant corruption and brutality that are the trademarks of the Assad regime continue to flourish in Latakia and surrounding cities. One thing is clear, Assad fears the Syrian people. he fears what they will achieve if they collectively mobilize and demand freedom. And so he continues to use his toy army to strike down the peaceful demonstrators. But as each day brings them closer to the end of Assad’s tyranny and the taste of freedom, we applaud the Syrian people’s courage.

Chokemezondag 25 september 2011 @ 10:22
Fijne OP :Y
Papierversnipperaarzondag 25 september 2011 @ 10:22
Arrestaties bij betoging Manhattan die al week duurt

De Amerikaanse politie heeft gisteren ongeveer 80 betogers gearresteerd in het financiële district in Manhattan, in New York. Daar wordt sinds 17 september betoogd tegen het financiële systeem, waarin volgens de betogers rijken profiteren ten koste van de rest van de wereldbevolking. Dat meldden Amerikaanse media.

De arrestaties wegens kleine overtredingen vonden plaats toen de menigte van enkele honderden mensen tijdens een protestmars in noordelijke richting liep.

Het initiatief voor het protestkamp kwam van online activistengroep Adbusters, dat mikte op tienduizenden deelnemers, maar de piek lag tot dusver op circa 1500.

Een deel van de betogers slaapt sinds 17 september in parken bij het financiële district in the Big Apple en leeft op pizza's die als donaties uit de hele wereld via een pizzeria in de buurt worden bezorgd.

Bekendheden als filmmaker Michael Moore en actrice Roseanne Barr steunen het protest publiekelijk.
Papierversnipperaarzondag 25 september 2011 @ 19:31
0s.gif Op zondag 25 september 2011 10:22 schreef Chokeme het volgende:
Fijne OP :Y
Dank U vriendelijk :)
Papierversnipperaarzondag 25 september 2011 @ 20:15
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 26 september 2011 @ 10:01
Police crack down on 'Occupy Wall Street' protests

New York police accused of heavy-handed tactics as 80 anti-capitalist protesters on 'Occupy Wall Street' march are arrested

The anti-capitalist protests that have become something of a fixture in Lower Manhattan over the past week or so have taken on a distinctly ugly turn.

Police have been accused of heavy-handed tactics after making 80 arrests on Saturday when protesters marched uptown from their makeshift camp in a private park in the financial district.

Footage has emerged on YouTube showing stocky police officers coralling a group of young female protesters and then spraying them with mace, despite being surrounded and apparently posing threats of only the verbal kind.

NYPD officers strung orange netting across the streets to trap groups of protesters, a tactic described by some of them as "kettling" – a term more commonly used by critics of a similar tactic deployed by police in London to contain potentially violent demonstrations there.

The media here in New York has been accused of being slow off the mark to cover the demonstrations, which have been going on for more than a week.

Here are some links to our coverage over the past week.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 26 september 2011 @ 10:17
The Face of Occupy Wall Street: Inside the Protests (Video Documentary)

Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution ( Occupy Wall Street )

Youtube Description: “We want to share insights into the formation of a new social movement as it is still taking shape in real time.

The video was shot during the 5th and 6th day of the occupation. This idea to occupy the financial district in New York City was inspired by recent uprisings in Spain, Greece, Egypt, and Tunisia which most of us were following online. Despite of the corporate media’s effort to silence the protests, and Yahoo’s attempt to to censor it in e-mail communication, the occupation is growing in numbers and spreading to other cities in the US and abroad. Please forward our video to likeminded people via email, facebook, twitter – and make the voices of dissent circulate.”
rakottomaandag 26 september 2011 @ 11:08
De grootste nachtmerrie van de Kapitalisten/Amerikanen... Het communisme/socialisme in hun eigen land. :o
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 26 september 2011 @ 12:04
0s.gif Op maandag 26 september 2011 11:08 schreef rakotto het volgende:
De grootste nachtmerrie van de Kapitalisten/Amerikanen... Het communisme/socialisme in hun eigen land. :o
Waar is McCarthy als je hem nodig hebt. ;(
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 26 september 2011 @ 19:59
Anonymous leaks personal details of alleged Wall Street pepper spray cop

Online hacktivist collective Anonymous has posted the personal details of a New York Police Department inspector caught on camera apparently pepper spraying female protestors at an anti-establishment march in Wall Street at the weekend.

The footage, which has been widely circulated, depicted a white shirted police officer who casually walked up to a group of protestors, many of whom were women and penned in behind orange netting, and sprayed them in the face before walking away.

The protests were part of the mainly peaceful Occupy Wall Street campaign supported by Anonymous, which is protesting against the greed of the financial market and the way it has dominated American political discourse over several decades.

In apparent retribution for the attack, Anonymous has now posted details to Pastebin of the officer, which it identified as deputy inspector Anthony Bologna of NYPD's First Precinct.

The details at the time of writing include the names of family members, and possible phone numbers.

"As we watched your officers kettle innocent women, we observed you barbarically pepper spray wildly into the group of kettled women. We were shocked and disgusted by your behaviour," read a note alongside the information.

"You know who the innocent women were, now they will have the chance to know who you are. Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!"
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 26 september 2011 @ 20:02
Attention #OccupyWallStreet : BadCop d0x | TARGET: Officer Anthony Bologna #NYPD

As we watched your officers kettle innocent women, we observed you barberically pepper spray wildly into the group of kettled women. We were shocked and disgusted by your behavior. You know who the innocent women were, now they will have the chance to know who you are. Before you commit atrocities against innocent people, think twice. WE ARE WATCHING!!! Expect Us!


Anthony Bologna D0x
NYPD Deputy Inspector
Patrol Boro Manhattan South - 212-477-6181

-WAS Commanding Officer of the First Precinct for the past 5 years

-Possible phone number: (518) 989-9051

———————————Reason for D0x’ing



Anthony Linda Bologna
Anthony V Bologna
Anthony Jennings Bologna
Linda S Bologna (family)
Dana M Bologna (family)
Jenna Angelina Bologna (family)
J Bologna (family)
Angelina Bologna (family)
Joanne A Bologna (family)
Anthony C Bologna (family)


St. Paul’s High School (1970-1974)

———————————Last Known Addresses

5 Sawyer Ave, Unit A, Staten Island, NY, US
119 Slater Blvd, Staten Island, NY, US
5 Sawyer Ave, Staten Island, NY, US
1309 Lake Ave, Metairie, LA, US
Jennings Hill Rd, West Kill, NY, US
Catskill, NY, US
Lexington, NY, US
New York, NY, US
5314 8th Ave, Brooklyn, NY, US
236 E Gibson St, Covington, LA, US
134 N Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA, US
22072 8th St, Abita Springs, LA, US
6 Saint Jean De Luz, Mandeville, LA, US
1000 53rd St, Brooklyn, NY, US
1224 Lake Ave, Apt 205, Metairie, LA, US
10122 Lakewood St, New Orleans, LA, US
24 Claudia Dr, Covington, LA, US
6906 13th Ave, Unit 2f, Brooklyn, NY, US

—————————————-Legal Trouble

Plaintiff: Posr A. Posr
Defendants: Tulio Camejo, Anthony Bologna, Michael R. Bloomberg, Raymond W. Kelly, Joseph J. Esposito, The City of New York and Connie Fishman

Case Number: 1:2007cv07583
Filed: August 27, 2007

Court: New York Southern District Court
Office: Foley Square Office
County: NewYork
Presiding Judge: Judge P. Kevin Castel

Nature of Suit: Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights
Cause: 42:1983 Civil Rights Act
Jurisdiction: Federal Question
Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff

———————————————-Until Next Time Folks…

rakottomaandag 26 september 2011 @ 20:18
Hehehe, overheden terroriseren normaal volk --> Normaal volk terroriseert overheden _O-
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 26 september 2011 @ 20:30
0s.gif Op maandag 26 september 2011 20:18 schreef rakotto het volgende:
Hehehe, overheden terroriseren normaal volk --> Normaal volk terroriseert overheden _O-
HERINNER JE JE DEZE NOG! ... NOG! ... nog! ... nog!

Papierversnipperaarmaandag 26 september 2011 @ 20:54
The Guardian is live:

US politics live blog: Occupy Wall Street protests, spending bill
rakottomaandag 26 september 2011 @ 22:00
0s.gif Op maandag 26 september 2011 20:30 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:


HERINNER JE JE DEZE NOG! ... NOG! ... nog! ... nog!

:D History repeating itself... Binnen een half jaar. :')
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 26 september 2011 @ 22:45
Don’t dismiss the Wall Street occupation

It would seem that a populist uprising against corporate greed would find a widely approving audience, yet the current occupation of Wall Street has mostly been received with a mix of muted support and mockery. The now week old protest, which has been reported to have attracted several hundred activists this past weekend, is struggling to be understood.

There is no leader, by design, and the demands are still being formed by General Assemblies, a loose group of protesters who gather to discuss their grievances with what they see as a system that takes from the middle class and poor and protects the rich. They represent what they call “the 99%,” the population outside of top 1% of income earners.

Protesters complained early on that they were not receiving attention from mainstream media, so they took to social media, using the hashtag #occupywallst (and apparently spreading to #occupyboston #occupyLA #occupydenver #occupytexas #occupynola #occupychi #occupyphoenix as well,) sharing minute by minute accounts on Twitter, posting photos and video, and live streaming nearly the entire time.

The claims that there is a lack of mainstream coverage doesn’t seem to hold water, and could simply be a ploy to encourage even more coverage. The protests have been covered by Reuters, The New York Times, and major networks. Anonymous and Ad Busters are major promoters and loose organizers of the protests but the movement doesn’t appear to be born directly from the groups.

Are they a mob of over-privileged, unemployed trustafarians? Many of them likely are. Does it matter? Dismiss them if you will, they’re motivated and mobilized. An apathetic population asked to foot the bill for the fallout from credit default swaps is exactly what the 1% ordered. The last few years the country has been told to fear an economic collapse if the masses fail to fork over what amounts to corporate welfare, and more recently, that more jobs will be lost if we close tax loopholes. Many claim that these protesters are anti-capitalist, but most are simply disillusioned by a form of capitalism they suggest is so far out of whack that the opportunity for bootstrap pulling is nearly non-existent. They propose that the current environment unapologetically favors the richest of the rich.

There is concern, by people like Ginia Bellafonte the New York Times, that these protesters are simply flakes. These are a “noble but fractured and airy movement of rightly frustrated young people.” She refers to the gathering as a “carnival” and uses quotes of ridiculous demands, to “get rid of the combustion engine” and their muddled unfocused kaleidoscope of “liberal” causes: “concerns about the death penalty, the drug war, the environment.”

Bellafonte paints the picture so it can be easy for the comfortable Times readers to dismiss these seemingly misguided youth. Where have I heard this before? If you’re someone of my age, a thirty-something, ask your parents. Chances are they were once young and “misguided” and maybe even motivated by the likes of merry pranksters like Abbie Hoffman. Many of them likely would easily have identified with these so-called court jesters. Every movements starts somewhere and often it begins with very lofty ideas and few well-defined tactics. A week in, their goal was simply to do exactly what their namesake describes: occupy and control the public space in or near Wall Street, to have their presence felt and voices heard, even while they haven’t yet found the words.

To give Bellafonte the benefit of the doubt, even a supporter, in the form of successful tech entrepreneur Tim O’Reilly, was disheartened by the attire and approach of the protesters, if not the cause. If only the protesters dressed more formally, acted like grownups and came with a power-point presentation outlining their demands, maybe they’d be taken more seriously.

This weekend, the police, who up until then had been relatively docile, began to flex their muscles. Photos and videos documented alleged incidents of police brutality:

(links via Pantless Progressive)

Police pen up and mace female protesters [Raw Story]

Young man arrested simply for walking down the street [laurasthinkingwithportals]

Protester thrown over barricade by police [Video shot by Daniel Fitzsimmons, link via evanfleischer]

Protester shouts, “Is this what you’re about?”, gets cuffed [@LibertyPlazaRev]

Officer pushes sitting protester, man stands up, cops arrest him [@LilKing420s]

Cops Tackle, Mace Wall St. Protesters for No Obvious Reason [Gawker]

The movement has been steadfast in imploring members to remain non-violent, in response to apparent police violence.

For every Ginia Bellafonte, they have a Chris Hedges, a Noam Chomksy and an Amy Goodman. While Bellafonte found the silliest in the crowd to quote, Goodman found David Graeber who teaches at the University of London.

“For the last 30 years, we’ve seen a political battle being waged by the super-rich against everyone else, and this is the latest move in the shadow dance, which is completely dysfunctional economically and politically. It’s the reason why young people have just abandoned any thought of appealing to politicians. We all know what’s going to happen. The tax proposals are a sort of mock populist gesture, which everyone knows will be shot down. What will actually probably happen would be more cuts to social services.”

Perhaps that kind of quote doesn’t fit into the neat narrative of misguided, yet noble, cast of characters wasting their wealthy parents money at a sleepover in the park that Bellafonte was looking to portray. I’m not naive enough to think Graeber is representative of the crowd as a whole, but I also haven’t had the last ounce of idealism beaten out of me to think the inmates are completely running the asylum. The answer, I think, lies somewhere in between and if successful and given time to evolve, could inspire others in America to find the will and motivation to finally stop allowing themselves to be taken advantage of.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 27 september 2011 @ 20:43
Operational proposal for #occupywallstreet

On Saturday, I was arrested near Union Square in the immediate chaos of the kettling. I will not share who I exactly am to protect those mentioned below. It may be controversial to say, but getting 80 people arrested is probably the best thing that could have happened to our movement. Prior to this, the blue NYPD did not know what we were about. They were in fact only being told that feds were coming and to prepare for a state of emergency. They were left with their minds to run wild wondering what we are about and fearing the worst. Told indirectly that we are terrorists and violent extremists, they of course did not feel safe talking to us in Liberty Plaza.

With us in cuffs however, they got a chance to watch us, to observe us. To see that we're not screaming out Allah's name or anything. They got to watch me and my fellow detainees debate and discuss, sing and smile and laugh. After a while, they seemed to get curious. Individuals approached us, always blue uniformed cops and seemed legitimately curious. Invariably, when we explained our position they were in full support. As a direct result, our treatment seemed to DRAMATICALLY increase and nearly instantly. A captain who for his own protection will not be named had our cuffs cut off and replaced looser, our hands in FRONT of us instead of behind us, and allowed us to use the water fountain after hours with no water and physical abuse and torture.

Suddenly, we weren't being treated like Guantanamo terrorists anymore. Our paperwork was done expediently and efficiently. One officer shared contact information with me and has been giving me a VERY valuable look inside the NYPD. The explanations 60 people have a hundred officers who sat down and listened are circling inside the NYPD. They individually are slowly realizing that we are the 99%, and so are they. If you are arrested, do not speak about your arrest and demand a lawyer of course, but also realize this gives you a VALUABLE opportunity to sit down with a cop and have a peaceful discussion where they do not feel threatened. The move we spread our message INSIDE the NYPD, the more hesitant the large groups of them will be to accept orders to violate the laws and our rights. The more individual superiors doubt their orders will be carried out, the more consious superiors will be of our rights and the law.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 27 september 2011 @ 20:49

Report: 100 New York Police Officers Boycott In Solidarity with Wall Street Protesters
Are New York Police Boycotting to Protest Violence?

After New York’s finest brutalized peaceful Wall Street protesters, rumor has it that police officers are boycotting.

Occupy Wall Street notes:

Today we received unconfirmed reports that over one hundred blue collar police refused to come into work in solidarity with our movement. These numbers will grow. We are the 99 percent. You will not silence us.

But the 1% will certainly try to silence the 99%.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 27 september 2011 @ 20:58
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 28 september 2011 @ 00:04
Syriërs voeren ook online een hevige strijd

Terwijl op de grond Syrische demonstranten harde confrontaties aangaan met de ordetroepen van president Bashar Assad speelt zich ook online een hevige strijd af. Voor- en tegenstanders van het regime wenden zich steeds meer tot het internet om websites te hacken in een poging de pr-oorlog te winnen.

Activistische groepen hebben de afgelopen dagen zeker twaalf websites van de Syrische overheid gehackt en de inhoud vervangen door onder andere interactieve kaarten met dodentallen en berichten over de gruweldaden van Syrische ordetroepen tegen de betogers. Hun acties zijn een reactie op de tactiek van het regime, aldus de groeperingen.

Internet als wapen
De activisten proberen Assad tot aftreden te dwingen door internet als wapen te gebruiken. Ze plaatsen video's waarin de aanvallen op antiregeringsbetogers te zien zijn en mobiliseren aanhangers met behulp van sociale-netwerksites.

Al vanaf het begin van de Syrische opstand heeft echter ook groep aanhangers van de regering, bekend als het Syrische Elektronische Leger (SEL), het internet ingezet om oppositieactivisten en hun medestanders aan te vallen, onder meer door Facebookpagina's en andere sociale-netwerksites te overspoelen met proregeringsberichten als 'Ik houd van Bashar' en andere, vaak bedreigende, teksten.

Aanval sites Oprah en Pitt
Het SEL valt ook geregeld webpagina's buiten Syrië aan. Zo werden onlangs onder meer de sites van de Amerikaanse universiteit Harvard, Oprah Winfrey en acteur Brad Pitt aangevallen. De vrouw van Pitt, Angelina Jolie bezocht in juni als goodwill-ambassadrice van de Verenigde Naties duizenden Syrische vluchtelingen in Turkije.

Het SEL zegt geen banden te hebben met het regime van Assad, maar oppositieactivisten twijfelen er niet aan dat de Syrische geheime dienst de beweging in het leven heeft geroepen. In juni prees Assad de inzet van de jongeren nog en noemde hij de groep een 'echt leger in een virtuele realiteit'.

Buitenlandse journalisten mogen Syrië niet in en er is weinig betrouwbare informatie over de gebeurtenissen in het land. Het regime van Assad controleert alle televisie- en radiozenders en de kranten. Die media beschuldigen buitenlandse krachten en islamitische extremisten van de onrust. Online video's geplaatst door activisten tonen de mensen in het land en daarbuiten echter beelden van wat er werkelijk gebeurt.

Elektronische oorlog
In eerste instantie richtten de cyberaanvallen van het SEL veel schade aan, zei Omar Idilbi van de Lokale Coördinatiecomités, een activistische antiregeringsbeweging. Op dit moment is de impact echter beperkt omdat er tegenaanvallen worden uitgevoerd door hackersbeweging Anonymous en twee groepen die vooral uit Syrische hackers bestaan.

'Het is een elektronische oorlog. Het is legitiem. Zo lang niemand gewond raakt zijn we bereid hem tot het einde te voeren', aldus Idilbi.

Jan_Lulwoensdag 28 september 2011 @ 19:17
goh, iets over die stakkers van anonymous, maar papierverprutser laat niets van zich horen want het zet heel die anonymous stakkers voor lul:

Hacker gaat wekelijks gegevens oud-KLPD'ers vrijgeven
Door Joost Schellevis, dinsdag 27 september 2011 10:49, views: 31.691

Een hacker, die zegt onder de vlag van AnonymousNL te opereren, dreigt in de komende weken gegevens van gepensioneerde KLPD'ers vrij te geven. De gegevens zijn afkomstig uit een database van een pensioenvereniging.

De Joomla-site van de Vereniging van Gepensioneerden KLPD werd enkele weken geleden gehackt. Na door de hacker te zijn ingelicht, bracht de vereniging op de hoogte van de hack, waarop de site offline werd gehaald. De hack leek echter mee te vallen; weliswaar waren persoongegevens van leden van de vereniging toegankelijk, maar er waren geen gegevens gepubliceerd.

Dat is nu anders; in een verklaring geeft de hacker aan dat er in de komende vier weken elke week persoonsgegevens worden vrijgegeven. De details van 25 gepensioneerde KLPD-medewerkers zijn al gepubliceerd; van hen zijn de naam- en adresgegevens openbaar gemaakt, evenals telefoonnummers, e-mailadressen, rekeningnummers en geboortedata. Dat is meer dan genoeg informatie om identiteitsfraude te kunnen plegen.

De vereniging heeft aangifte tegen de hacker gedaan, zegt webmaster Dick Jeukens. Een rechercheteam doet momenteel onderzoek naar het hacken van de site. Ook de rol van wordt onderzocht, omdat de site verifieerde of het mogelijk was om persoonsgegevens te benaderen.

De hacker die de persoonsgegevens liet uitlekken, zegt daar een 'goede reden' voor te hebben. "Het KLPD heeft AnonymousNL wat geflikt en een domein neer laten halen", zegt hij. "Dat was niet terecht, ze moeten teruggepakt worden en dat lukt aardig." Het KLPD haalde een domeinnaam offline die door Anonymous was geregistreerd met de bedoeling een weblog te beginnen, maar die suggereerde dat het om een officiële KLPD-site ging. "Het KLPD is toen bij de hostingprovider gaan zeuren", zegt de hacker. Ook het arresteren van Anonymous-leden zou een motivatie zijn.

en vervolgens:

Jongen gepakt voor hacken site gepensioneerden KLPD
Digital & Games • Nederland • Geschreven door Novum op 28-09-2011 @ 18:33

Een 17-jarige ict-student uit Hoogeveen is woensdag opgepakt voor het hacken van een website van gepensioneerde medewerkers van het Korps Landelijke Politiediensten (KLPD). De jongen beweerde deel uit te maken van de Nederlandse tak van de internationaal opererende hackersgroep Anonymous, meldt het landelijk parket van het Openbaar Ministerie.

Begin deze maand bleek dat de website van de Vereniging van Gepensioneerden KLPD was gehackt. De hacker dreigde op internet wekelijks namen, telefoonnummers, bankrekeningnummers en andere privacygevoelige gegevens te publiceren. Dinsdag verschenen de eerste 25 namen op internet.

De jongen is verhoord en aan het einde van de middag weer op vrije voeten gesteld. De officier van justitie moet nog beslissen wat er met hem moet gebeuren. Een laptop van de verdachte is in beslag genomen.

Anonymous kwam eerder in het nieuws, nadat de hackersgroep aanvallen uitvoerde op sites van onder meer Paypal, Visa en Mastercard aanviel, omdat die weigerden donaties aan Wikileaks uit te voeren.

Jongen gepakt voor hacken site gepensioneerden KLPD

zie het vetgedrukte in het 1e artikel: de kneus wilde dus een weblogje beginnen, doet zich voor alsof het om iets officieels van de KLPD gaat, en gaat vervolgens janken dat het KLPD dit niet leuk vindt. Boohoo, mammie ze verbieden me iets wat eigenlijk niet door de beugel kan. boehoe!
Gelukkig zit het KLPD ook niet stil, en pakken ze zulke sukkels aan.

Dit toont ook gelijk aan wat voor onzin zo'n "anonymous" groepje is. Elke boerenkinken doet alsof hij/zij er lid van is. Want ja, in feite is ook iedereen er lid van. Stelletje kneuzen. En nu dus niet gaan roepen dat dit niet echt "Anonymous" is, want dan hadden ze maar niet moeten beweren dat iedereen daar deel van kan uitmaken.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 28 september 2011 @ 20:24
0s.gif Op woensdag 28 september 2011 19:17 schreef Jan_Lul het volgende:
goh, iets over anonymous,
Bedankt voor je hulp in dit topic. :s)
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 28 september 2011 @ 20:51
OccupyKSt twitterde op woensdag 28-09-2011 om 19:54:56 RT @Ghostpickles Just got word that #occupyTampa has reached 1100 protesters as of 1pm EST - Go Tampa!! Much love & support from #occupydc reageer retweet
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 28 september 2011 @ 20:52

-Mirrored- !!!OCCUPY YOUR CITY!!! Find Your City: OCCUPY TOGETHER: a hub for all of the events springing up across the country in solidarity with Occupy Wall St. As we have followed the news on facebook, twitter, and the various live feeds across the internet, we felt compelled to build a site that would help spread the word as more protests organize across the country. We hope to provide people with information about events that are organizing, ongoing, and building across the U.S. as we, the 99%, take action against the greed and corruption of the 1%.

We will try our best to provide you with the most accurate information possible. However, we are just a few volunteers and errors are bound to occur. Please be patient as we get this site off the ground and populated and please contact us if you have any info on new events, corrections, or suggestions for this site. You can contact us at info[at]occupytogether[dot]org.

We will only grow stronger in our solidarity and we will be heard, not just in New York, but in echoes across this nation.

Important note: Occupy Together will never ask for any monetary donations. We suggest that, if you want to donate monetarily, that you visit this site to help those who currently Occupy Wall St.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 28 september 2011 @ 21:09
Jailed for covering the Wall Street protests

On Sept. 24, while working on a story about citizen journalism for my employer, I found myself arrested, along with many other people. My arrest gave me a unique vantage point on the risks and rewards of citizen journalists, those non-professionals who capture stories (usually without pay) using videos and images via portable technology like a cell phone camera. Anyone, even a passerby or a police officer can be a citizen journalist. That's its power.

Here's what happened.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 28 september 2011 @ 21:22
rakottodonderdag 29 september 2011 @ 00:04
Schijndemocratie en zogenaamde vrije media. :') En dan tegelijkertijd andere landen die hun reet niet wijd hebben getrokken voor hun zwart maken dat ze dictators en onderdrukkers zijn. _O-
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 29 september 2011 @ 01:13
0s.gif Op donderdag 29 september 2011 00:04 schreef rakotto het volgende:
Schijndemocratie en zogenaamde vrije media. :') En dan tegelijkertijd andere landen die hun reet niet wijd hebben getrokken voor hun zwart maken dat ze dictators en onderdrukkers zijn. _O-
Wat zullen de NL-media hiermee doen?

rakottodonderdag 29 september 2011 @ 01:55
Nee! :'( Niet wanneer ik bijna deel wordt van de 1% :'(


Ik vraag me af of het wat gaat worden. Persoonlijk vind ik Nederlanders niet echt het volk dat voor haar rechten op straat gaat. Het hele land word dagelijks anaal gepakt en iedereen houdt zijn smoel dicht. 8)7 (naja, de meerderheid dan)
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 29 september 2011 @ 20:13
"Red Coat" - NYPD detective at Occupy Wall Street Protests

Over the past 13 days of #OccupyWallStreet, several officers have been singled out for their treatment of protesters, amongst them, one was to become known as "red coat".

Detective Kenneth O'Donnell has officially been identified as this abusive officer, an example of his actions that have led us to classify him as such can be viewed here:

Name: Detective Kenneth O'Donnell
Badge # : 7432
Employment: Legal Bureau, NYPD (likely 1st precinct)

Pictures from the #occupywallstreet protests:

- Previous profile picture (it was nice, why delete it?):

Member of the NYPD ACES

Further miscellaneous photos from the protest:

Any further information discovered could not be confirmed, and in the interests of other who share his name, we have refrained from posting a list of possible addresses, phone numbers and relations.

To any doubters, feel free to call 6466105529 and ask for information on his badge number.

To O'Donnell, best of luck with your application to become a Naval Reserve Officer, don't let the NYPD hold you back.

Smoofievrijdag 30 september 2011 @ 13:25
@ papier.

Zit jij niet met IRC ofzo te chatten met wat mensen van anony? Kun je niet iets doen tegen BREIN :{
StephanLvrijdag 30 september 2011 @ 14:26
Kwam deze ook al tegen op Indymedia. Wist niet zeker of ik het hier ook kon plaatsen. Ik ga ook zeker even kijken als het daadwerkelijk doorgaat in Den Haag. Geen idee waar ze het precies willen doen, maar groot kans dat de politie al aanwezig is voor ze ook maar één tent hebben opgezet :P
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 30 september 2011 @ 16:19
7s.gif Op vrijdag 30 september 2011 13:25 schreef Smoofie het volgende:
@ papier.

Zit jij niet met IRC ofzo te chatten met wat mensen van anony? Kun je niet iets doen tegen BREIN :{
Ik kom nooit in de IRC's, maar daar kennen ze BREIN ook, hoor :Y
Louis22zaterdag 1 oktober 2011 @ 13:15
IrfieJzondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 11:14
waarom is er zo weinig aandacht voor dit?

rakottozondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 11:34
Is dat niet London tijdens het huwelijk? Kan me niet voorstellen dat er zoveel zijn. :o En als het waar is, dan is het gewoon omdat onze Westerse regeringen in het echt dictaturen zijn. Dus censuur en is dit heel normaal.

More than 700 arrested in Wall Street protest

NEW YORK - Police reopened the Brooklyn Bridge Saturday evening after more than 700 anti-Wall Street protesters were arrested for blocking traffic lanes and attempting an unauthorized march across the span.

The arrests took place when a large group of marchers, participating in a second week of protests by the Occupy Wall Street movement, broke off from others on the bridge's pedestrian walkway and headed across the Brooklyn-bound lanes.

"Over 700 summonses and desk appearance tickets have been issued in connection with a demonstration on the Brooklyn Bridge late this afternoon after multiple warnings by police were given to protesters to stay on the pedestrian walkway, and that if they took roadway they would be arrested," a police spokesman said.

"Some complied and took the walkway without being arrested. Others proceeded on the Brooklyn-bound vehicular roadway and were. The bridge was re-opened to traffic at 8:05 pm."

Most of those who were arrested were taken into custody off the bridge, issued summonses and released.

Witnesses described a chaotic scene on the famous suspension bridge as a sea of police officers surrounded the protesters using orange mesh netting.

Some protesters tried to get away as officers started handcuffing members of the group. Dozens of protesters were seen handcuffed and sitting on the span as three buses were called in to take them away, witnesses and organizers said.

The march started about 3:30 pm from the protesters' camp in Zuccotti Park in downtown Manhattan near the former World Trade Center. Members of the group have vowed to stay at the park through the winter.

In addition to what they view as excessive force and unfair treatment of minorities, including Muslims, the movement is also protesting against home foreclosures, high unemployment and the 2008 bailouts.

Filmmaker Michael Moore and actress Susan Sarandon have stopped by the protesters' camp, which is plastered with posters with anti-Wall Street slogans and has a kitchen and library, to offer their support.

Friday evening, more than 1,000 demonstrators, including representatives of labor organizations, held a peaceful march to police headquarters a few blocks north of City Hall to protest what they said was a heavy-handed police response the previous week. No arrests were reported.

A week ago, police arrested about 80 members of Occupy Wall Street near the Union Square shopping district as the marchers swarmed onto oncoming traffic.

A police commander doused a handful of women with pepper spray in an incident captured on video and spread via the Internet, galvanizing the loosely organized protest movement.

The group has gained support among some union members. The United Federation of Teachers and the Transport Workers Union Local 100, which has 38,000 members, are among those pledging solidarity.

The unions could provide important organizational and financial support for the largely leaderless movement.

Similar protests are sprouting in other cities, including Boston, Chicago and San Francisco.
IrfieJzondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 12:16
More than 700 arrested in Wall Street protest
thumbnailzondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 12:30
2s.gif Op zondag 2 oktober 2011 12:16 schreef IrfieJ het volgende:

More than 700 arrested in Wall Street protest
Daar is een hoop ontzag voor de politie moet ik zeggen.
StephanLzondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 12:31
2s.gif Op zondag 2 oktober 2011 12:16 schreef IrfieJ het volgende:

More than 700 arrested in Wall Street protest
Wel mooi om te zien dat iedereen mee doet. Jong, oud, zwart, blank.
Robin__zondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 14:12
700 arrestaties, toe maar
Papierversnipperaarzondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 16:28
Government Orders You Tube To Censor Protest Videos

In a frightening example of how the state is tightening its grip around the free Internet, it has emerged that You Tube is complying with thousands of requests from governments to censor and remove videos that show protests and other examples of citizens simply asserting their rights, while also deleting search terms by government mandate.

The latest example is You Tube’s compliance with a request from the British government to censor footage of the British Constitution Group’s Lawful Rebellion protest, during which they attempted to civilly arrest Judge Michael Peake at Birkenhead county court.

Peake was ruling on a case involving Roger Hayes, former member of UKIP, who has refused to pay council tax, both as a protest against the government’s treasonous activities in sacrificing Britain to globalist interests and as a result of Hayes clearly proving that council tax is illegal.

Hayes has embarked on an effort to legally prove that the enforced collection of council tax by government is unlawful because no contract has been agreed between the individual and the state. His argument is based on the sound legal principle that just like the council, Hayes can represent himself as a third party in court and that “Roger Hayes” is a corporation and must be treated as one in the eyes of the law.

The British government doesn’t want this kind of information going viral in the public domain because it is scared stiff of a repeat of the infamous poll tax riots of 1990, a massive tax revolt in the UK that forced the Thatcher government to scrap the poll tax altogether because of mass civil disobedience and refusal to pay.

When viewers in the UK attempt to watch videos of the protest, they are met with the message, “This content is not available in your country due to a government removal request.”

We then click through to learn that, “YouTube occasionally receives requests from governments around the world to remove content from our site, and as a result, YouTube may block specific content in order to comply with local laws in certain countries.”

You can also search by country to discover that Google, the owner of You Tube, has complied with the majority of requests from governments, particularly in the United States and the UK, not only to remove You Tube videos, but also specific web search terms and thousands of “data requests,” meaning demands for information that would reveal the true identity of a You Tube user. Google claims that the information sent to governments is “needed for legitimate criminal investigations,” but whether these “data requests” have been backed up by warrants is not divulged by the company.

“Between July 1 and Dec. 31 (2009), Google received 3,580 requests for user data from U.S. government agencies........

Continue at:
IrfieJzondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 19:38
0s.gif Op zondag 2 oktober 2011 16:28 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:


zieke shit! :r
TweeGrolschzondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 19:45
0s.gif Op donderdag 29 september 2011 01:55 schreef rakotto het volgende:


Nee! :'( Niet wanneer ik bijna deel wordt van de 1% :'(


Ik vraag me af of het wat gaat worden. Persoonlijk vind ik Nederlanders niet echt het volk dat voor haar rechten op straat gaat. Het hele land word dagelijks anaal gepakt en iedereen houdt zijn smoel dicht. 8)7 (naja, de meerderheid dan)
Misschien omdat het in Nederland niet slecht gaat. De rijke minderheid werkt zich de tering en betaald belachelijke hoeveelheden belasting. Terwijl de armen op hun luie reet telegraaf lezend lopen te janken over hun miserabele kutleven.
Smoofiezondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 19:51
2s.gif Op zondag 2 oktober 2011 11:14 schreef IrfieJ het volgende:
waarom is er zo weinig aandacht voor dit?

[ afbeelding ]
Dat is London...
rakottozondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 19:56
0s.gif Op zondag 2 oktober 2011 19:45 schreef TweeGrolsch het volgende:


Misschien omdat het in Nederland niet slecht gaat. De rijke minderheid werkt zich de tering en betaald belachelijke hoeveelheden belasting. Terwijl de armen op hun luie reet telegraaf lezend lopen te janken over hun miserabele kutleven.
IrfieJzondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 20:47
Papierversnipperaarzondag 2 oktober 2011 @ 23:14
Wall Street warned about possible hacking attack by ‘Anonymous’

THE US Department of Homeland Security has warned financial companies to be vigilant against a looming cyber security threat from Anonymous.

Wanted for shutting down websites as high-profile as that of the CIA, a recently released Department of Homeland Security bulletin said the group “will continue to exploit vulnerable publicly available web servers, computer networks and other digital information mediums for the foreseeable future”.

Lees verder:
Perrinmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 07:24
Geen slechte poster:

Papierversnipperaarmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 10:00

The March of Indignant

Welcome Indignant, we are Anonymous.

We support you to manifest in the street of Brussels. This is the plan :

"The March in Indignant" in the street of European Capital is very important for you, and all other indignant who can't move to Brussels, or feel that all is well.

Print this image on big pannel: (copy/paste deze link)

For manifestation in the street, we have a music symbol, a captivating music wich we want to manifest : diffuse this music : EuroDancer of DJ Mangoo

Join us in SSL 6697 #indignation for more information.

We are Anonymous,
We are Legion,
We do not forgive,
We do not forget,
Expect Us. (copy/paste deze link)
Aethermaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 11:18
rakottomaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 11:20
Wat een win situatie is als de politie aan hun kant gaat staan. :Y
Happelmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 11:22
0s.gif Op maandag 3 oktober 2011 11:20 schreef rakotto het volgende:
Wat een win situatie is als de politie aan hun kant gaat staan. :Y
Zijn al agenten die niet willen meewerken aan hetgeen ze moeten doen.
Eyjafjallajoekullmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 11:36
Waar kan ik me aanmelden om te demonstreren? :9

Maar even serieus, gister was er wel weer wat aandacht over op het NOS journaal, dus voordat mensen weer gaan roepen dat dit allemaal verborgen wordt, geen aandacht krijgt, etc. eerst even het journaal kijken. De 'mainstream media' heeft het wel opgepikt nu.
Perrinmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 11:57
NY Post cover:
Perrinmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 12:14
Wall Street: From Protest to Politics

When elected leaders largely ignore a disgrace like the financial collapse of 2008, sooner or later popular protest fills the vacuum. The Wall Street protests are heartening -- but also a measure of the utter failure of the usual machinery of democracy to remedy the worst pillaging of regular Americans by financial elites since the 1920s.

For three years, we have been wondering, where is the outrage? For a time, it was co-opted by the Tea Parties -- a faux populism, attacking government, financed by billionaires, delivering nothing to the 99 percent of Americans not represented by Wall Street. Now authentic protest directed against the real villains is finally here.

And God knows, we missed the rendezvous we were supposed to have with democratic politics in January 2009. With a newly-elected president who inspired great hope for change, politics failed us in that first phase of the crisis. Barack Obama installed a Wall Street-friendly team that resisted fundamental changes in the financial model that caused the collapse and the deep recession that followed.
Homeymaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 12:32
Pas op, deze demonstranten pleiten voor een socialistische staat waarbij de overheid nog groter wordt dan ze al is.
De oorzaak van het probleem is juist deze grote overheid. Dankzij de massale wealth redistribution, zowel omlaag als omhoog (de bank bailouts) verdwijnt de
middenklassen en krijg je een 99%/1% verdeling van de welvaart. Zie socialistische landen zoals Cuba, Venezuela etc.
Daar is een hele brede diepe armoedelaag, en een hele kleine politieke elite die alles bezit. Die hoeven geen verantwoording af te leggen.
In Amerika is er nog een vrij grote middenklasse, maar die is wel aan het inkrimpen dankzij de steeds groter wordende overheid.
Wat iedereen verafschuwt is de omgekeerde socialisme, de afgedwongen overheidstransfer van welvaart van deze middenklasse (belastingen) naar de elite op wallstreet (de beruchte bailouts). Hierbij praten we over miljarden dollars. Obama zogenaamde ‘change’ is een leugen, ik vertrouwde die persoonlijkheidscultus rondom hem heen ook niet. Hij kreeg in 2009 al een nobelprijs? Heel bizar. Wallstreet heeft politiek veel macht, terwijl de regering juist moet handelen vanuit de grondwet, goedgekeurd door het Congres.
rakottomaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 14:27
0s.gif Op maandag 3 oktober 2011 12:32 schreef Homey het volgende:
Pas op, deze demonstranten pleiten voor een socialistische staat waarbij de overheid nog groter wordt dan ze al is.
De oorzaak van het probleem is juist deze grote overheid. Dankzij de massale wealth redistribution, zowel omlaag als omhoog (de bank bailouts) verdwijnt de
middenklassen en krijg je een 99%/1% verdeling van de welvaart. Zie socialistische landen zoals Cuba, Venezuela etc.
Daar is een hele brede diepe armoedelaag, en een hele kleine politieke elite die alles bezit. Die hoeven geen verantwoording af te leggen.
In Amerika is er nog een vrij grote middenklasse, maar die is wel aan het inkrimpen dankzij de steeds groter wordende overheid.
Wat iedereen verafschuwt is de omgekeerde socialisme, de afgedwongen overheidstransfer van welvaart van deze middenklasse (belastingen) naar de elite op wallstreet (de beruchte bailouts). Hierbij praten we over miljarden dollars. Obama zogenaamde ‘change’ is een leugen, ik vertrouwde die persoonlijkheidscultus rondom hem heen ook niet. Hij kreeg in 2009 al een nobelprijs? Heel bizar. Wallstreet heeft politiek veel macht, terwijl de regering juist moet handelen vanuit de grondwet, goedgekeurd door het Congres.
Zie china.
Homeymaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 15:17
Dat is zo opmerkelijk, mensen geven de schuld aan het kapitalisme, maar het is juist een socialistische maatregel van de overheid (de wealth redistribution) die multimiljarden bedragen omhoog hebben getransfereerd van de belastingbetaler naar de bancaire sector op wallstreet (de bailout). In een vrije kapitalistische omgeving was dit nooit gebeurd, want dan waren de banken gewoon failliet gegaan. Het is de federal reserve die niets te maken heeft met een vrije markt, het is allemaal overheidsinterventie. De federal reserve bepaalt de rente, dus niet de vrije markt. De overheid heeft met haar regulering ook een flinke lepel in de pap, wat onevenwichtigheden creert (zie ook onze huizenmarkt).

Daar ben ik dus bang voor…mensen hebben geen flauw idee wat er eigenlijk speelt…spelen de hete hangijzer door naar het ‘kapitalisme’ en smeken om socialisme….om de overheid….

Gevolgen: structurele stijgende werkloosheid, snel stijgende overheidsschulden, een middenklasse die verdwijnt, failliesement van de staat
Uiteindelijke gevolg: een totalitaire staat
Aethermaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 15:32
Anonymous Twitter alternative developed for rioters
After discovering that BBM and their Twittery playthings fed straight into the hands of the cops, smartphone-toting revolutionaries have taken up a new type of instant messaging – Vibe.

Like Twitter in that it is open and lets you mass-message, Vibe is unlike Twitter in that all messages or "vibes" are anonymous. You can set how far you want them to be available too – from 15 metres to global.

The messages self-destruct after a set period of time: from 15 minutes to forever. That makes it much more attractive to those who want to bring down the Man via the medium of street protest, but don't want the Man, or their mothers, or the police looking at twitpics of themselves jumping up and down on burning bin-bags.

According to the New York papers, Vibe is now the instant messaging app of choice for the protesters at Manhattan's #OccupyWallStreet.

Though it is innocently described on the iTunes store as a good way to chat to other people near you at football games or conferences, developer Hazem Sayed is actively keen for his app to be adopted by the protesters – flying out to the Manhattan protest from California with leaflets about his app explaining its uses.

rakottomaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 17:49
0s.gif Op maandag 3 oktober 2011 15:17 schreef Homey het volgende:
Dat is zo opmerkelijk, mensen geven de schuld aan het kapitalisme, maar het is juist een socialistische maatregel van de overheid (de wealth redistribution) die multimiljarden bedragen omhoog hebben getransfereerd van de belastingbetaler naar de bancaire sector op wallstreet (de bailout). In een vrije kapitalistische omgeving was dit nooit gebeurd, want dan waren de banken gewoon failliet gegaan. Het is de federal reserve die niets te maken heeft met een vrije markt, het is allemaal overheidsinterventie. De federal reserve bepaalt de rente, dus niet de vrije markt. De overheid heeft met haar regulering ook een flinke lepel in de pap, wat onevenwichtigheden creert (zie ook onze huizenmarkt).

Daar ben ik dus bang voor…mensen hebben geen flauw idee wat er eigenlijk speelt…spelen de hete hangijzer door naar het ‘kapitalisme’ en smeken om socialisme….om de overheid….

Gevolgen: structurele stijgende werkloosheid, snel stijgende overheidsschulden, een middenklasse die verdwijnt, failliesement van de staat
Uiteindelijke gevolg: een totalitaire staat
Dat is als socialisme verkeerd aangepakt wordt. Werkloosheid zal altijd bestaan. Voor diegene die niet werken is er dan alsnog hulp om te overleven. Men wordt minder egoistisch, dus minder rijke lui zoals bij het Kapitalisme.

Nu heb je minder rijke mensen, vele armen. -> Men lijdt veel pijn.
Straks: Meer normale mensen, weinig rijken -> Minder pijn lijden.
Super_Fuckermaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 18:02!/search/occupywallstreet!/search/%22Rafinha%20Bastos%22

En OccupyWallstreet is geen trending topic..

Censuur op Twitter..
IrfieJmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 18:05
Super_Fuckermaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 18:10
Daar wordt een mening gegeven over welke manier Twitter cenureert.

Trending impliceert 'meest populaire'.

Als het waar is wat in je link staat, moet het geen Trending Topics heten, maar
'Selected Topics by Twitter'.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 20:03
Frans ministerie klaagt website Copwatch aan wegens smaad en laster

Het Franse ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken heeft een aanklacht ingediend tegen de website Copwatch Nord-Ile de France.

Op deze site zijn tientallen beelden te zien van Franse politieagenten uit het departement Nord en uit de regio Parijs, vaak met namen en andere privégegevens.

De anonieme initiatiefnemers presenteren zich als een onafhankelijke groep die toezicht wil houden op de politie, omdat die te vaak excessief geweld zou gebruiken bij controles en arrestaties.

Sinds het ministerie een klacht heeft ingediend is de site veel moeilijker bereikbaar, maar nog wel online via een beveiligde verbinding. Een verbod is niet eenvoudig, omdat de servers van de site in de Verenigde Staten staan, waar het ‘Copwatch’-idee ook vandaan komt.

Het waren de Franse politiebonden die alarm sloegen toen ze vorige week de site ontdekten. Daar zijn niet alleen foto’s van agenten te vinden, soms niet in uniform, maar ook gedetailleerde cv’s van de agenten in kwestie.

Het ministerie diende daarop twee klachten in tegen de site wegens laster en smaad aan de politie. Volgens het ministerie brengt de site de veiligheid van de agenten én hun familieleden in gevaar.

De belangrijkste politievakbond zegt open te staan voor een goede, open controle van de politie, maar wil zich hard verzetten tegen dit soort ‘illegale spionagepraktijken’. De vakbonden vragen de agenten zelf om zorgvuldig om te springen met hun gegevens op sociale netwerksites zoals Facebook.

Het Franse ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken heeft een aanklacht ingediend tegen de website Copwatch Nord-Ile de France.

Op deze site zijn tientallen beelden te zien van Franse politieagenten uit het departement Nord en uit de regio Parijs, vaak met namen en andere privégegevens.

De anonieme initiatiefnemers presenteren zich als een onafhankelijke groep die toezicht wil houden op de politie, omdat die te vaak excessief geweld zou gebruiken bij controles en arrestaties.

Sinds het ministerie een klacht heeft ingediend is de site veel moeilijker bereikbaar, maar nog wel online via een beveiligde verbinding. Een verbod is niet eenvoudig, omdat de servers van de site in de Verenigde Staten staan, waar het ‘Copwatch’-idee ook vandaan komt.

Het waren de Franse politiebonden die alarm sloegen toen ze vorige week de site ontdekten. Daar zijn niet alleen foto’s van agenten te vinden, soms niet in uniform, maar ook gedetailleerde cv’s van de agenten in kwestie.

Het ministerie diende daarop twee klachten in tegen de site wegens laster en smaad aan de politie. Volgens het ministerie brengt de site de veiligheid van de agenten én hun familieleden in gevaar.

De belangrijkste politievakbond zegt open te staan voor een goede, open controle van de politie, maar wil zich hard verzetten tegen dit soort ‘illegale spionagepraktijken’. De vakbonden vragen de agenten zelf om zorgvuldig om te springen met hun gegevens op sociale netwerksites zoals Facebook.
Happelmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 20:06
SenatorSanders twitterde op maandag 03-10-2011 om 20:00:37 Today, the richest 400 American families own more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans. #OccupyWallStreet #SharedSacrifice reageer retweet
KurdKasimmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 21:54
Aethermaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 23:10
FOX News Meets Intelligent Wall Street Protestor And Doesn't Air It
While media attention to the Occupy Wall Street protests has certainly ramped up, a current of condescension still runs through some of the coverage. Then there are outlets like FOX News, who have no problem showing up and acting weird or selectively editing footage to bolster their agendas. But FOX chose not to run an interview with Wall Street occupier Jesse LaGreca, because he intelligently and succinctly eviscerates the producer's attempts to get him to say something foolish.

The Observer obtained the video of the interview from Kyle Christopher at Occupy Wall Street's media team. After the producer tells LaGreca that he "wouldn't be able to get your message out there without us," LaGreca reminds the FOX employee what messages his employer actually promotes: "Take for instance when Glenn Beck was doing his protest and he called the President, 'A person who hates white people and white culture.' That was a low moment in Americans’ history and you guys kinda had a big part in it."
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 23:30
Perrinmaandag 3 oktober 2011 @ 23:37
Mooie tekst maar ik mis de heldhaftige muziek, zeker met alleen dat robotstemmetje als geluid.

Perrindinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 12:22
Perrindinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 12:30
The Young Are on the Streets Because They Have the Most to Lose

Why are so many of the protesters on Wall Street college-age kids? Because their futures are at stake.


So yes, young people have an important stake in what happens going forward. Do we continue policies that benefit Wall Street and the top 1 percent? Do we tax the rich to rebuild America? Do we reform a financial sector that dominates the economy? The list of choices in front of us goes on and on. Their whole future, indeed all of ours, depends on it. It’s no wonder that they’ve taken to the streets.
StephanLdinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 12:47
Er komt een Occupy in Amsterdam en Den Haag vanaf 15 oktober.

Het Occupy Wall Street protest in New York wordt steeds groter. Afgelopen weekend pakte de politie 700 demonstranten op toen ze de Brooklyn Bridge blokkeerden. Gezamenlijk zijn de demonstranten boos op de machtige bedrijven en de regering.

Het Occupy Wall Street protest in New York wordt steeds groter. Afgelopen weekend pakte de politie 700 demonstranten op toen ze de Brooklyn Bridge blokkeerden. Gezamenlijk zijn de demonstranten boos op de machtige bedrijven en de regering. Op 15 oktober is er een wereldwijde actie naar aanleiding van Occupy Wall Street. Op internet wordt een virtuele mars gehouden en in meerdere wereldsteden worden protesten georganiseerd. Op staan de acties aangekondigd. “Het is tijd om samen te komen, het wordt tijd dat ze luisteren, Iedereen ter wereld, STA OP!” staat er in de kop. In Nederland worden er acties in Amsterdam en Den Haag georganiseerd.

Louis22dinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 13:04
Wow, Stiglitz _O_
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 15:14
Transport Union Refuses To Bus Protesters Arrested By New York Police

In Solidarity With Occupy Wall Street, Transport Union Refuses To Bus Protesters Arrested By New York Police | The Transport Workers Union is going to court today in hopes of blocking New York City from forcing bus drivers to transport any Occupy Wall Street protesters after the New York police department commandeered at least three buses to take many of the 700 protesters off the Brooklyn Bridge this weekend. Last week, the TWU voted to support the Occupy Wall Street movement and called the order to bus prisoners “a blatant act of political retaliation.” “TWU Local 100 supports the protesters on Wall Street and takes great offense that the mayor and NYPD have ordered operators to transport citizens who were exercising their constitutional right to protest — and shouldn’t have been arrested in the first place,” TWU President John Samuelsen said. Samuelson said that by instructing the drivers to follow the police directive, the Metropolitan Transit Authority violated its contract with the Local 100.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 19:47
Breng die digitale kanonnen eens in stelling

Qua digitale veiligheid maken westerse overheden een enorme denkfout. Na iedere aanval verstevigen we ons fort, maar we laten het na om kanonnen in stelling te brengen. Die strategie bracht de geallieerden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog ook op achterstand. Eerst moesten er bommen op Londen vallen, voordat de luchtmacht koers zette richting Duitsland.

Dat betoogt Stewart Baker, een voormalig staflid van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Binnenlandse Veiligheid en inlichtingendienst NSA. In het tijdschrift Foreign Policy hekelt hij het gejuridiseer rondom het hacken. Om de ene vijandelijke overheid aan te vallen moet mogelijk eerst ingebroken worden in systemen van bondgenoten. Laat je daar het oorlogsrecht op los, dan moet de hele operatie afgeblazen worden. Ondertussen worden er wetten gemaakt die het Pentagon verbieden zelf overheden te hacken.

Techniek dicteert oorlogsvoering

Baker brengt in herinnering dat Rusland onlangs overheidsnetwerken van Estland en Georgië saboteerde. Ook wijst hij op het Stuxnet-virus: wie daar precies achter zat is onbekend, maar het legde met succes een Iraanse kernreactor lam. En Chinese hackers wisten de certificaten van het Amerikaanse beveiligingsbedrijf RSA te kraken. Iets soortgelijks overkwam Nederland vorige maand: belangrijke overheidssites bleken opeens onveilig.
Hier blijft het niet bij, waarschuwt Baker. De Noord-Amerikaanse energiecentrale NERC waarschuwde vorig jaar dat een aanval op het netwerk de stroom van miljoenen mensen kan afsluiten. Dusdanig, zo stelt Baker, dat de situatie te vergelijken is met New Orleans na de orkaan Katrina. Niets zo ontregelend en gevaarlijk als een stad in het donker.
Niet het oorlogsrecht, maar de technologische innovatie dicteert volgens Baker hoe we elkaar op het slagveld bejegenen. Hij kan zich daarom goed vinden in wat James Cartwright, een gepensioneerde marinegeneraal, onlangs zei: “Als het oké is om mij aan te vallen en ik kan niet anders reageren dan mij steeds weer beter te beveiligen, dan is het erg moeilijk om tot een afschrikwekkende strategie te komen.”
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 20:30

Greetings, institutions of the media.

We are Anonymous.

The events transpiring within Wall Street have caught our eye.

It seems that the government and federal agencies enjoy enforcing the law a little bit too much. They instate unjust laws as mindless automatons, blindly following orders with soulless precision.

We witness the government enforcing the laws that punish the 99 percent while allowing the 1 percent to escape justice, unharmed, for their crimes against the people.

We have observed this same government failing to enforce even the minimal legal restraints of Wall Street’s abuses. This government who has willingly ignored the greed at Wall Street has even bailed out the perpetrators that have caused our crisis.

We will not stand by and watch the system take over our way of life.

We the people shall stand against the government’s inaction.

We the people will not be witnesses to your corruption and ill-gotten profits.

We will not labor for your leisure.

We will not assist you in any way.

This is why we choose to declare our war against the New York Stock Exchange. We can no longer stay silent as the population is being exploited and forced to make sacrifices in the name of profit.

We will show the world that we are true to our word. On Oct. 10, NYSE shall be erased from the Internet. On Oct. 10, expect a day that will never, ever be forgotten.

Vox Populi, Vox Anon.

The Voice of The People is The Voice of Anonymous.

We are Legion. We are the 99 percent.

We do not forgive. We do not forget.

Wall Street: Expect us
Stupendous76dinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 20:58
Dit geeft perfect de 'vrijheid' en 'vooruitstrevendheid' van het westen weer.
Heel veel bereikt, maar daar wordt een hoge prijs voor betaald die heel veel mensen niet meer herkennen of zelfs maar willen kennen.
Stezodinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 21:04
LOL bankster boy Stiglitz

"yes, i worked for the world bank and just like the rest of Wall Street i don't think the Fed needs to be audited, but i'm on your side. Trust me."

What's next, een toespraak van voormalig Enron adviseur Paul Krugman?
Aetherdinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 21:51
Overzicht nieuws:
eefje801dinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 22:09
Fijn topic, volg het gebeuren nu al een week en van plan om naar Den Haag te gaan op de 15de. Echt belachelijk dat de media het zo censureert, is minstens zo interessant (maar ja..geen slapende honden willen wakker maken natuurlijk), een Europese/Westerse Lente.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 22:11
0s.gif Op dinsdag 4 oktober 2011 22:09 schreef eefje801 het volgende:
Fijn topic,
Deze ook: Demonstraties VS #1: NYP arresteert 80 Wall Street protesteerders
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 22:22
Wat is er aan de hand met Presstorm?

quote: betrayed us. so our THETA cannon blew their planet to shit. Please remove all ties to & ty.
At its Core, Occupy Wall Street Will Always Remain a Product of its Time and Place

Criticisms about the various occupy movements now spreading throughout the United States were expected from the outset.

Generally speaking, and for various reasons, there will be underlying elements that will seek to undermine popular movements. Often this is accomplished by questioning the purpose, usefulness, motives, tactics, or by constructing moral judgments to rally around, and even by slandering individuals within the movement or the movement as a whole.

Yesterday, the undermining critique came from a most unfortunate source. Presstorm published the following piece calling attention to the political underpinning of the General Assembly of the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York City. An obvious feature to point out about this latest Presstorm piece is that it is not linked to the Presstorm site. That is because shortly after this article was published, the site appeared to have been hit by a DDoS.

This rather ironic twist of fate might be the “just deserts” Presstorm had coming as a result of this latest piece. I myself couldn’t help chuckling at this most paradoxical of situations. As a Presstorm journalist, however, you may be wondering, what on earth would make me crack a smile?

It is not enough to defend freedom of speech and to express the critical need for publications to simultaneously articulate multiple viewpoints in order to bring truth to the fore, especially in the field of journalism. I firmly believe that these freedoms come with a certain level of responsibility. These responsibilities were breached by Presstorm’s latest publication entitled “Investigative Analysis: Occupy Wall Street General Assembly – Direct Attack on the American Constitution”. While I may not agree with the perspectives of the author, the perspectives alone are not what make me uncomfortable.

The article in question used “Presstorm” as a banner to make blanket analyses that inevitably brought all those affiliated with Presstorm underneath. This was a serious oversight by the article’s author.

Presstorm is not a unified monolithic think bloc. I frequently disagree with my colleagues on various matters: political and social. To have this article, which now appears on Philip Brennan’s website, angled in a manner that implies my accord with it, is entirely negligent and irresponsible.

Furthermore, the repeated discussions of Alexa O’Brien of the US Day of Rage (USDOR), by Presstorm, has developed into a deplorable and offensive slander and, at this rate, is tantamount to bullying.

Our contemporary political and social milieu condones the act of criminalising people purely on the basis of their political, social, economic, and in many instances, religious thinking – this is something as a Pakistani Muslim who has lived both in the United States and the United Kingdom, I am all too familiar with. It is most unfortunate to see this type of conduct carried out in this setting. At the end of the day, unfortunate or not, we are all products of our contemporary environments.

Most, if not all, social movements are comprised by bodies of political thought and historical interpretation – ranging from the “moderate” to the “radical”. Nevertheless, these various elements comprise the larger collective body that moves together, and it is these variations, whether they be the socialist lites, the communists, the anarchists, even the seemingly “radical ideologues” like Alexa O’Brien, that critically shape movements and lie at the core of social movements making them wholly and entirely democratic.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 22:23
Investigative Analysis: Occupy Wall Street General Assembly – Direct Attack on the American Constitution
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 22:54
rakottodinsdag 4 oktober 2011 @ 23:54
Als dit waar is. _O_ Respect.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 5 oktober 2011 @ 00:14
0s.gif Op dinsdag 4 oktober 2011 23:54 schreef rakotto het volgende:


Als dit waar is. _O_ Respect.
ANONYMOUS Message concerning Invade Wall Street

Citizens of the world

We are Anonymous! Recently something very disturbing has come to our attention. You must take all notices and information claiming to be 'Anonymous' with a grain of salt. Consider EVERYTHING.

Operation Invade Wall Street is bullshit! It is a fake planted operation by law enforcement and cyber crime agencies in order to get you to undermine the Occupy Wall Street movement. It proposes you use depreciated tools that have known flaws such as LOIC.

Anonymous would never tell you to use LOIC - Not after the arrests and failures of Operation Payback.

Anonymous wouldn't attack NYSE on a HOLIDAY - It is debatable if Anonymous would ever even attack NYSE.

Be wary friends!

We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We do not Forgive
We do not Forget
Expect Us
Be wary of imitations!
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 5 oktober 2011 @ 00:19
Telecomix : Syria

Tonight, Telecomix is releasing all log files in their possession (or at least the ones that the writer is presently aware of) taken from Syrian BlueCoat devices. These are Web filtering proxy devices that have been used by the Syrian Telecommunications Establishment for months in order to filter and monitor all HTTP connections in the country, helping authorities to track, arrest, torture and kill potential opponents. The log files cover the period from 22nd of July to 5th of August, 2011. They concern seven out of the fifteen BlueCoat SG-9000 devices that we found on the STE backbone network. Log files provide dozens of millions of HTTP requests emitted by dozens of thousands of Internet subscribers of all major ISPs in Syria, and represent 54GB of data. They notably include all requested URLs and how the proxy reacted to these requests. We release them to allow any one who wishes to analyze them to provide a deeper insight on Syrian censorship and create more knowledge to circumvent further attacks on freedom of expression. Statistical analyses can reveal interesting information such as forbidden keywords. Two of them that are already identified are "israel" and "proxy". Some experiments that we made to confirm the devices behavior are described here: . Subscribers' personal IP addresses have been stripped off the for obvious privacy reasons, but it is indeed possible that some personal data are still present in the requested URLs. Syrian backbone network contains for sure other BlueCoat proxy devices, notably inside Syrian Computer Society IP ranges. More recent logs are not available, maybe because Syrian authorities have eventually secured the logging process and/or because they have upgraded their filtering strategy, now using devices from a German brand called Fortinet. Some BlueCoat devices IPs are the following: (STE) and (SCS). Have good fun with these, and feel free to mirror them! Tue, 4 Oct 2011 23:43:52 +0200
rakottowoensdag 5 oktober 2011 @ 01:16
Slimme CIA/FBI. :P
Aetherwoensdag 5 oktober 2011 @ 10:57
Aetherwoensdag 5 oktober 2011 @ 11:14
Perrinwoensdag 5 oktober 2011 @ 11:59
Perrinwoensdag 5 oktober 2011 @ 12:24
Perrinwoensdag 5 oktober 2011 @ 14:40
Ben Bernanke on ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest: I can’t blame them

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and others questioned Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Tuesday about the ongoing “Occupy Wall Street” protest in lower Manhattan.

“Chairman, as you know, there are people demonstrating against Wall Street in New York City and other cities around the country, and I think the perception on the part of these demonstrators and millions of other Americans is that as a result of the greed, the recklessness and the illegal behavior on Wall Street, we were plunged into the horrendous recession that we’re in right now,” Sanders said at a Joint Economic Committee hearing on the economic outlook.

“Do you agree with that assessment?” he asked Bernanke. “Did Wall Street’s greed and recklessness cause this recession, that lead to so many people losing their jobs?”

Bernanke responded that excessive risk taking on Wall Street and the failure of financial regulators “had a lot to do” with the recession.

“Well, I would say very generally I think people are quite unhappy with the state of the economy and what’s happening,” Bernanke said. “They blame, with some justification, the problems in the financial sector for getting us into this mess, and they’re dissatisfied with the policy response here in Washington.

“And at some level, I can’t blame them,” he added. “Certainly 9 percent unemployment and very slow growth is not a very good situation.”
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 5 oktober 2011 @ 23:32
Chicago traders:

rakottodonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 08:46
0s.gif Op woensdag 5 oktober 2011 23:32 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:
Chicago traders:

[ afbeelding ]
Proest _O- _O- _O- :D
Aetherdonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 09:03
SicSicSicsdonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 09:08
Wel grappig dat veel van de bedrijven op de vlag die de demonstrant bij zich draagt ook verantwoordelijk zijn voor een groot deel van de arbeidsplaatsen, voor een groot deel van de naamsbekendheid van Amerika en voor een groot deel voor de huidige rijkdom...

Zonder die bedrijven zou Amerika nu niet zijn wat het is.

Voor wat het waard is natuurlijk.
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 09:28
0s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 09:08 schreef SicSicSics het volgende:
Wel grappig dat veel van de bedrijven op de vlag die de demonstrant bij zich draagt ook verantwoordelijk zijn voor een groot deel van de arbeidsplaatsen, voor een groot deel van de naamsbekendheid van Amerika en voor een groot deel voor de huidige rijkdom...

Zonder die bedrijven zou Amerika nu niet zijn wat het is.

Voor wat het waard is natuurlijk.
Het is niets waard omdat die grote bedrijven het midden en klein bedrijf kapot gemaakt hebben.
SicSicSicsdonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 09:34
0s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 09:28 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:
Het is niets waard omdat die grote bedrijven het midden en klein bedrijf kapot gemaakt hebben.

Zoek voor de gein eens wat Bill Clinton, bijvoorbeeld, heeft gedaan voor de groei van midden en kleine bedrijven. Daaruit blijkt inderdaad duidelijk dat de grote corporaties alle kleine bedrijven om zeep helpen.
Perrindonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 09:35
0s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 09:08 schreef SicSicSics het volgende:
Wel grappig dat veel van de bedrijven op de vlag die de demonstrant bij zich draagt ook verantwoordelijk zijn voor een groot deel van de arbeidsplaatsen, voor een groot deel van de naamsbekendheid van Amerika en voor een groot deel voor de huidige rijkdom...

Zonder die bedrijven zou Amerika nu niet zijn wat het is.

Voor wat het waard is natuurlijk.
Rijkdom? 1 op de 7 heeft food stamps nodig om te kunnen eten. En lees eens wat reacties op
Perrindonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 09:36
0s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 09:34 schreef SicSicSics het volgende:



Zoek voor de gein eens wat Bill Clinton, bijvoorbeeld, heeft gedaan voor de groei van midden en kleine bedrijven. Daaruit blijkt inderdaad duidelijk dat de grote corporaties alle kleine bedrijven om zeep helpen.
Kijk eens in de winkelstraten.. hoeveel kleine bedrijven zie je daar nog?
SicSicSicsdonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 09:44
0s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 09:35 schreef Perrin het volgende:
Rijkdom? 1 op de 7 heeft food stamps nodig om te kunnen eten. En lees eens wat reacties op
Rijkdom ja. Rupsje nooit genoeg. Niets was te groot, niets was te veel. Alles kon met een credit card. En nu is het de schuld van WallStreet? :')

Niets menselijks is ze vreemd.

0s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 09:36 schreef Perrin het volgende:
Kijk eens in de winkelstraten.. hoeveel kleine bedrijven zie je daar nog?
95% van de witte busjes die ik elke ochtend zie rijden zijn van mensen met een eigen bedrijfje.
De groei in ZZP was nooit zo groot. (Ja, nu klapt het in elkaar en is iedereen die eerst dacht gouden bergen te halen als ZZP-er boos op de rest omdat ze niet goed zijn voorgelicht, geen werk en geen/ minder recht op uitkering hebben!?! :') )

Natuurlijk zitten er echt schrijnende gevallen tussen, maar er zit ook een hele hoop mensen tussen die dachten dat ze het goed geregeld hadden, alles mooier dan de buurman, en die nu de lul zijn.
Perrindonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 09:55
14s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 09:44 schreef SicSicSics het volgende:

Natuurlijk zitten er echt schrijnende gevallen tussen, maar er zit ook een hele hoop mensen tussen die dachten dat ze het goed geregeld hadden, alles mooier dan de buurman, en die nu de lul zijn.

Poverty rate rises in America
More children in poverty: The poverty rate for children under age 18 increased to 22% in 2010, meaning more than 1 in 5 children in America are living in poverty.
Decline Watch: Malnourished muppet to appear on Sesame Street
A new poverty-stricken Muppet will highlight the issue of hunger struggles on an episode of "Sesame Street", the show said in a statement on Tuesday.

Pink-faced Muppet Lily, whose family deals with food insecurity, will join Big Bird, Elmo and other favorites on a one-hour prime-time special featuring country star Brad Paisley and his wife Kimberly Williams Paisley called "Growing Hope Against Hunger," to air Oct 9.
Odysseuzzzdonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 09:56
14s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 09:44 schreef SicSicSics het volgende:


95% van de witte busjes die ik elke ochtend zie rijden zijn van mensen met een eigen bedrijfje.
De groei in ZZP was nooit zo groot. (Ja, nu klapt het in elkaar en is iedereen die eerst dacht gouden bergen te halen als ZZP-er boos op de rest omdat ze niet goed zijn voorgelicht, geen werk en geen/ minder recht op uitkering hebben!?! :') )

Natuurlijk zitten er echt schrijnende gevallen tussen, maar er zit ook een hele hoop mensen tussen die dachten dat ze het goed geregeld hadden, alles mooier dan de buurman, en die nu de lul zijn.
Dat laatste is (in Amerika) omdat mensen voor "normale" banen plots slechts werden "aangenomen" als ze zich als zelfstandige lieten inhuren.
Daarom: plots heel veel nieuwe "start-ups" de laatste paar jaar.
Dat houdt ook de werkloosheidscijfers lager omdat ze niet langer worden meegeteld... zelfs al is er geen werk voor ze.
De "werkelijke" werkloosheid is dus nog groter dan die al lijkt.

[ Bericht 4% gewijzigd door Odysseuzzz op 06-10-2011 10:03:35 ]
SicSicSicsdonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 10:11
13s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 09:55 schreef Perrin het volgende:
Komt dat alleen door de teloorgang van het financiële systeem? Of zit daar ook nog een stuk bestaande, arme mensen hebben nou eenmaal meer kinderen, problematiek in?

Je zou er manisch van worden, van obese naar ondervoed in 0.5 jaar.
Perrindonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 10:19
0s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 10:11 schreef SicSicSics het volgende:


Komt dat alleen door de teloorgang van het financiële systeem? Of zit daar ook nog een stuk bestaande, arme mensen hebben nou eenmaal meer kinderen, problematiek in?

Je zou er manisch van worden, van obese naar ondervoed in 0.5 jaar.
De oorzaken zijn divers, maar om zoals jij te zeggen dat het huidige systeem, waar bijna-monopolistische grote bedrijven en hun politieke invloed een zeer groot onderdeel van zijn, lekker werkt en iedereen niet moet zeuren en lekker van zijn rijkdom moet genieten.. :N
SicSicSicsdonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 10:24
0s.gif Op donderdag 6 oktober 2011 10:19 schreef Perrin het volgende:
De oorzaken zijn divers, maar om zoals jij te zeggen dat het huidige systeem, waar bijna-monopolistische grote bedrijven en hun politieke invloed een zeer groot onderdeel van zijn, lekker werkt en iedereen niet moet zeuren en lekker van zijn rijkdom moet genieten.. :N
Zoals wel vaker ligt de waarheid ergens in het midden.
Perrindonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 11:08
Top Democrats endorse Occupy Wall Street protests
Aetherdonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 11:27
rakottodonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 11:30

AJA schijnt een hele goede view te hebben gefilmd met overvolle straten in NYC. Dankzij de vakbonden. _O_
Aetherdonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 11:38
Aetherdonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 15:48
Photos: Peaceful Occupy Wall Street March Eclipsed By Violent Clash.
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 6 oktober 2011 @ 22:10
th3j35t3r twitterde op donderdag 06-10-2011 om 15:49:33 - TANGO DOWN - because > ... on the 8th day god created hackers who could defeat ur NGINX #iSad reageer retweet
‘God Hates Fags’ Church Uses iPhone to Announce Steve Jobs Funeral Picket

God Hates Steve Jobs about as much as God Hates Fags, but God loves Apple productstherefore, it's totally not hypocritical at all that Westboro Baptist Church member @MargieJPhelps used an iPhone to declare her congregation's next publicity stunt demonstration on God's behalf. Even God has an iPhone.
Perrinvrijdag 7 oktober 2011 @ 14:55
1s.gif Op dinsdag 4 oktober 2011 21:04 schreef Stezo het volgende:


LOL bankster boy Stiglitz

"yes, i worked for the world bank and just like the rest of Wall Street i don't think the Fed needs to be audited, but i'm on your side. Trust me."

What's next, een toespraak van voormalig Enron adviseur Paul Krugman?
Stiglitz: Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%
rakottovrijdag 7 oktober 2011 @ 22:57
Aetherzaterdag 8 oktober 2011 @ 18:36
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 8 oktober 2011 @ 19:13
‘Websites 50 gemeenten hebben enorm beveiligingslek’

De websites van 50 gemeenten en gemeentelijke diensten zijn zo slecht beveiligd dat hackers gemakkelijk gevoelige informatie kunnen ophalen, maar deze gegevens ook kunnen aanpassen of wissen. Dat melden GeenStijl en Webwereld.

De sites draaien op een oude Windows-versie met een groot beveiligingslek, waardoor ‘alle denkbare handelingen’ mogelijk zijn. Zo kunnen bijvoorbeeld privacy gevoelige informatie van politiemensen worden bekeken of gewijzigd, kunnen DigiD-sessies ‘gekloond’ worden en zijn verschillende bestanden vrij toegankelijk.

Het lek werd onder de aandacht van GeenStijl gebracht na een tip van een bron. Samen met Webwereld zijn de lekken aangemeld bij de verantwoordelijke instanties. De Vereniging Nederlandse Gemeenten hebben daarna via het noodnet een bericht aan de burgemeesters gestuurd. Ook Govcert, Logius en het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken zijn op de problematiek gedoken.
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 8 oktober 2011 @ 22:05
Papierversnipperaarzondag 9 oktober 2011 @ 00:54

Papierversnipperaarzondag 9 oktober 2011 @ 19:39

Wat drie weken geleden begon met een bezetting op Wall Street, is razendsnel aan het uitgroeien tot een nieuwe, zelfbewuste protestbeweging in de VS. In navolging van Egypte en Spanje verspreiden pleinprotesten zich razendsnel door Noord-Amerika en de rest van Europa, tegen de hebzucht en corruptie van de allermachtigsten en voor echte democratie. Volgende week zaterdag 15 oktober volgen ook Amsterdam en Den Haag.
Papierversnipperaarzondag 9 oktober 2011 @ 22:51
Papierversnipperaarzondag 9 oktober 2011 @ 22:55
Threats from the Invisible Industry

In February, a team of Anonymous hackers revealed a massive conspiracy on the part of Bank of America, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Hunton & Williams law firm, and three intelligence contracting companies to harass, monitor, and discredit left-wing groups, the journalist Glenn Greenwald, Wikileaks, and other targets. Beyond the plot itself, these revelations signaled a growing and dangerous dynamic whereby powerful institutions have sought to develop and implement the most comprehensive disinformation apparatus in history - one that, as in the past, will be pointed directly at those who seek a change in the status quo.
This familiar tendency on the part of the US government to spend money it doesn't have on things it doesn't get is now directed at developing procedures it shouldn't use. The intelligence contracting industry, which includes firms that provide security applications to the entire US government and military, has been encouraged lately to direct more of its collective time and capabilities to the task of monitoring, misinforming and sometimes outright attacking American citizens and others abroad and benefit from the protection of the state and the incompetence of the media in order to make such attacks with impunity.
Aetherzondag 9 oktober 2011 @ 23:19
Papierversnipperaarzondag 9 oktober 2011 @ 23:32
Hackers kraken spionagesoftware Duitse regering

BERLIJN – De software die de Duitse regering inzet om computers af te luisteren blijkt slecht te zijn ontworpen en gaat verder dan de wet toestaat.

Dat stellen hackers van de Duitse hackersvereniging CCC, die de software in handen wisten te krijgen.

De programmatuur wordt door de Duitse regering op de computers van verdachten geladen en houden het volledige gedrag van de systemen in de gaten.

Zo wordt niet alleen de verbinding getapt, maar ook iedere handeling op de computer in de gaten gehouden. Ook in Nederland bestaat de juridische mogelijkheid dit type software in te zetten.


De hackers analyseerden de software tot in detail en troffen veel fouten aan. Zo hoort informatie versleuteld naar een centraal punt te worden gestuurd. Ook kan de overheid opdrachten naar computers sturen. Nu blijkt de versleuteling wel te zijn geprogrammeerd, maar deze werkt niet. Alle informatie wordt dan ook leesbaar via internet verstuurd.

Een gevolg is dat andere mensen zonder autorisatie opdrachten naar de computers van geobserveerde personen kunnen sturen. Een ander gevolg is dat het mogelijk zou zijn voor CCC opdrachten te geven om de afluisterapparatuur te ontregelen. De hackers zeggen dat niet te hebben gedaan.

Wel is inmiddels een programma geschreven om de afgeluisterde computers te kunnen beheren als onderdeel van het onderzoek. Ook de software zelf hebben de hackers beschikbaar gemaakt.


Een ander probleem is dat de software meer blijkt te doen dan toegestaan. Zo is door het Duitse Federale Constitutionele Hof bepaald dat de software alleen telefoongesprekken via internet en andere communicatie mag monitoren.

In de praktijk blijkt nu veel meer te worden gemonitord. Ook bestanden kunnen bijvoorbeeld worden gelezen.

De software blijkt ook in staat te zijn veranderingen op computers door te voeren, bestanden te wijzigen of te verwijderen. Op afstand kan ook de camera, het toetsenbord en de microfoon worden aangesproken.

De hackers roepen de politiek nu op om in te grijpen. Zij willen dat deze vorm van spionage en afluisteren stopt.
Papierversnipperaarzondag 9 oktober 2011 @ 23:50



We are Anonymous.
We are acting on our own volition, in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement, to decry the injustice committed by the few, and against the many.

As such, we will be targeting the New York Stock Exchange on the 10 October 3:30pm EST to illustrate our rejection of this corrupted American institution.

We will have a digital sit-in. Participants can join in whatever capacity they decide is right for them. We do not endorse any specific method. Despite your method, however, we do endorse that you take security precautions that protect your IP address from being targeted.

NYSE, we are not fighting to damage you financially. We are fighting to show that we will stand up to you and the damage being inflicted upon the people of the world.

Be safe, be Anonymous. Any action you take against this beast could have serious repercussions.

A reminder: Slavery was once legal.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Expect us.
EdvandeBergmaandag 10 oktober 2011 @ 08:50
Maar dus vandaag ging er ook iets gebeuren volgens Anonymous?
Perrinmaandag 10 oktober 2011 @ 09:44
Krugman: Panic of the Plutocrats

It remains to be seen whether the Occupy Wall Street protests will change America’s direction. Yet the protests have already elicited a remarkably hysterical reaction from Wall Street, the super-rich in general, and politicians and pundits who reliably serve the interests of the wealthiest hundredth of a percent.

And this reaction tells you something important — namely, that the extremists threatening American values are what F.D.R. called “economic royalists,” not the people camping in Zuccotti Park.
EdvandeBergmaandag 10 oktober 2011 @ 10:41,1
Louis22maandag 10 oktober 2011 @ 16:40
Dochteronderneming van Unilever :')
SicSicSicsmaandag 10 oktober 2011 @ 16:53
Toet - toet
Boing - Boing
Centjes verdienen! O+
Aethermaandag 10 oktober 2011 @ 17:02
Newt Gingrich & Herman Cain: Occupy Wall Streeters Jealous, Uneducated
Louis22maandag 10 oktober 2011 @ 17:11
Ik snap dat uneducated-bezwaar van geen kant. Hoezo zou je precies moeten weten hoe een CDO werkt als je je baan hebt verloren en op voedselbonnen leeft en weet dat dat door Wallstreet komt? Alsof politiek een strijd van ideeën is, en niet van belangen.

Bovendien, alsof Amerikaanse soldaten weten wat ze in Irak/Afghanistan doen.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 10 oktober 2011 @ 18:04
0s.gif Op maandag 10 oktober 2011 17:11 schreef Louis22 het volgende:
Ik snap dat uneducated-bezwaar van geen kant.
Blaming the victim. Je maakt studeren te duur en gaat dan roepen dat mensen geen opleiding hebben. je verbiedt drugs, en gaat dan roepen dat iedereen crimineel is.
SicSicSicsdinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 08:56
Wat een kutsite! :')

millionaire pizza moguls and Tiffany's marketers/serial adulterers :') :') :') _!

Heel volwassen en objectieve nieuwsgaring om te laten zien dat je inderdaad beter bent dan de mensen die jou voor rotte vis uitmaken. :D
SemperSenseodinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 09:02
0s.gif Op maandag 10 oktober 2011 18:04 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:


Blaming the victim. Je maakt studeren te duur en gaat dan roepen dat mensen geen opleiding hebben. je verbiedt drugs, en gaat dan roepen dat iedereen crimineel is.
Dit dus! :D
BlakeGriffindinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 09:14
OWS: Veterans beaten, arrested at Occupy Boston
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 12:03
Anonymous 'hacktivists' briefly take down

Anonymous' call for a massive attack on the New York Stock Exchange's website was met Monday -- but very, very briefly.

A group calling itself Anonymous, a name used by disparate groups of online "hactivists," threatened to take down at 3:30 p.m. ET today as an extension of the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations that have continued into a fourth week.

The website was slow and then unavailable from about 3:35 p.m. to around 3:37 p.m, after which it returned to normal. Keynote, a mobile and Internet monitoring company, confirmed that slowed down during that time. It also measured widespread disruptions to the site between 5:30 p.m. and 5:55 p.m.

Another tracking site, AlertSite, measured "a definite increase in response times from 3:45 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET." After that, the site returned to normal. Monitoring site also registered a series of brief outages.

But Rich Adamonis, a spokesman from the NYSE, rebutted the monitoring sites' findings.

"We detected no service outage on our corporate website at that time," he said.

In a message that went out in early October through a video on YouTube, the group called for a "distributed denial of service" (DDoS) attack, which directs a flood of traffic to a website and temporarily crashes it by overwhelming its servers. It doesn't actually involve any hacking or security breaches, and would have no effect on NYSE's stock-trading systems.

Adamonis confirmed that trading was not impacted.

DDoS is a tool that Anonymous has employed successfully before, taking down and for several hours on Dec. 8, 2010.

The YouTube video posted earlier calling for the attack proclaimed: "A new civil rights movement has begun. You now have an opportunity to make a difference. Join the protests. Organize your own. Watch online. Be a part of the movement."

Anonymous' attacks haven't always worked: It failed in an attempt to take down, which has extensive safeguards against sudden traffic spikes. The DDoS attacks have also led to the arrests of several participants.

At least a few people claiming to be part of Anonymous didn't think the attack on was a risk worth taking. One site used to coordinate Anonymous operations,, posted a statement saying that it was "sincerely worried" about the plan, due to the bad press it could give to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

A back-and-forth debate raged across Twitter Monday afternoon, with various factions of Anonymous alternately cheering and decrying the planned attack.

But in the end, the chatter drew more attention than the actual effects of the cyberprotest. barely blipped, and the markets finished the day with a rally: The Dow Jones industrial average finished Monday up nearly 3 percent.

[ Bericht 85% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 11-10-2011 12:29:34 ]
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 12:21
Britten moeten zich aanmelden voor toegang pornosites
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 12:33
Anonymous says Nyse take-down threat was 'media scare tactic'

A threat purportedly made by Anonymous to 'erase' the New York Stock Exchange from the Internet yesterday in support of the Occupy Wall Street protests failed to materialise, with the hacker collective claiming it had been running a media scare tactic.

Last week a video appeared on YouTube in which a computer-generated voice tells viewers that "on October 10, Nyse shall be erased from the Internet" in an operation dubbed 'Invade Wall Street'.

The film exhorts supporters to use the Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) botnet to launch a Distributed Denial-of-Service attack against the Nyse's Web site in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

However, the legitimacy of the message was quickly called into question, with a statement appearing online claiming to be from the 'real' Anonymous, saying: "Operation Invade Wall Street is bullshit! It is a fake planted operation by law enforcement and cyber crime agencies in order to get you to undermine the Occupy Wall Street movement."

Yesterday, the day of the planned attack, Nyse said that its Web site saw no disruptions, although monitoring firm Keynote Systems claims there were two brief outages during the afternoon.

Now, in the latest twist, the Youtube account used to post the original message, TheAnonMessage, has added a new video claiming the whole thing was a "high-scale media scare tactic".

The group says that despite warnings that the planned attack on Nyse was fake, it was still widely reported. The video claims that Anonymous will now wait for the media and governments to become complacent that threats are not real and then "strike mercilessly".
Resonancerdinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 13:03
Ik vond dit bericht dat je postte in het ander topic wel vrij heftig:

If you’re a Wall Street behemoth, there are endless opportunities to privatize profits and socialize losses beyond collecting trillions of dollars in bailouts from taxpayers. One of the ingenious methods that has remained below the public’s radar was started by the Rudy Giuliani administration in New York City in 1998. It’s called the Paid Detail Unit and it allows the New York Stock Exchange and Wall Street corporations, including those repeatedly charged with crimes, to order up a flank of New York’s finest with the ease of dialing the deli for a pastrami on rye.
Wist niet dat dit al zo lang de praktijk was.
Resonancerdinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 13:44
Staat Glenn Beck er al tussen te janken ?

In comments made on his Internet-oriented GBTV talk program, Beck expressed his outrage with the anti-capitalist gatherings, characterizing the protesters as "Marxist radicals."
"Capitalists, if you think that you can play footsies with these people, you're wrong," Beck said. "They will come for you and drag you into the streets and kill you."

Read more:
Deze man lijkt me de leider bij uitstek:

Maar met die nepverkiezingen daar ......
En er wordt ook dit over hem gezegd:
hmmmm, nou ja, woorden zeggen meer dan gebaren zal ik maar denken.

Buiten hem en 'n paar anderen luister ik liever naar de man op de straat:

De burgemeester van NY spreekt:

Mayor Bloomberg added his voice to the furore, accusing the Wall Street demonstrators of putting the city's economy at risk, the New York Post reported.

New York mayor Michael Bloomberg attacked protesters today, saying the demonstrations were harming the city.

He said: 'What they're trying to do is take the jobs away from people working in this city.

'They're trying to take away the tax base we have because none of this is good for tourism.'

Read more:

Maar ze gaan door:

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) The Occupy Wall Street protesters are planning to take their demonstration from the Financial District to the Upper East Side.

Theyre planning a Millionaires March in front of the apartments of some of the citys wealthiest residents.

The march will begin at 12:30 p.m. at 59th Street and 5th Avenue and will head north. The route will reportedly take them past the homes of News Corp. founder Rupert Murdoch, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and conservative billionaire David Koch, among others.

[ Bericht 17% gewijzigd door Resonancer op 11-10-2011 13:54:24 ]
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 16:03
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 17:34
Lulzsec hacker: 'we still have Sun emails, stored in China'

Sabu, the erstwhile leader of the hacking crew, says he is effectively on the run as he gives interview to Reddit readers about LulzSec's achievements, Facebook, sentencing and more

The hacker who styles himself "Sabu", erstwhile leader of the LulzSec hacking crew, claims to have a cache of emails copied from the Sun which are being stored on a Chinese server, along with data from a number of other hacks.

But he claimed this weekend that they will not be released yet: "there are a lot of interesting dumps we're sitting on due to timing," he wrote on his Twitter feed. He claims that hackers have broken into banks including HSBC and "a few others" but that they have found "no smoking guns yet" in the data there.

Sabu – who says his online handle is a tribute to the American professional wrestler – says that after the arrests in the UK and US of a number of people alleged to have been involved with the crew, he is effectively on the run. But his writing also suggests he is staying put where he lives.

"I'm past the point of no return. Not trying to sound like a bad ass, however, it's the truth," he wrote. Later he added: "The ironic twist will be that my own friends will take me down, and not these idiots who hide behind the patriot veil." He also says that "technically, I'm on the run, so there you go."

LulzSec was an offshoot of the Anonymous hacking collective which during a hacking spree in May and July 2011 broke into a number of sites, including Sony Pictures Europe,, PBS and finally the News International site.

At the latter it altered the Sun's web page so that it redirected viewers first to a faked story about Rupert Murdoch's death, and then to their Twitter feed. The group also attacked the US Congress's web site, an FBI affiliate and brought down the web site for the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency by using a "distributed denial of service" attack.

Sabu effectively acted as the leader of the group, maintaining discipline over what they did, as leaked chatroom logs published in June by the Guardian show.

At that time he told members of the crew not to give interviews – but says his willingness to do so now is because "that was during the height of LulzSec. We all agreed to do no interviews till the end if there was ever one."

LulzSec's achievements, he says, were that it "exposed the sad state of security across the media, social, government online environments".

After the Sun hack, Sabu claimed on his Twitter feed that he was looking at 4GB of emails from the company. The claim was never confirmed, although remote access to News International's systems had been compromised.

Sabu's revelations came in a long and sometimes detailed "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) thread on Reddit. Sabu responds to a number of questions and appears to reveal a number of details about himself, such as that he is married, studied social sciences and English, that his technical hacking skills are self-taught, and that he teaches "sometimes". He claims to speak three languages – English, Spanish and German – fluently, and to have "decent" Portuguese and Italian. He says he turned towards computer hacking in 2000, when the US government "ignored the peoples' please to stop bombing Vieques" – a part of Puerto Rico used by the US navy as a bombing range until 2003. He says he likes working on cars, playing music and spending time with his family: "I'm loving life a lot this year. I barely have time for ops [hacker operations] like I used to."

That confirms other details that have been collected by rival hackers about Sabu which suggest that he is of Puerto Rican extraction, aged about 30 and based in New York.

He insists that he had no knowledge of the identities of any of the other members of LulzSec. "I simply don't know anyone's identity at Anonymous." He says that when one alleged member was arrested in the Shetland Islands, north of Scotland, he had to go and look up its location: "I was a bit impressed, even." He vehemently denies the suggestions by some that he "snitched" on other LulzSec members to the authorities.

The breakup of LulzSec meant he has "lost too many friends. [I] will probably never talk to them ever again." But he thinks that it "has already achieved what it set out to achieve".

He suggests that one of the LulzSec members, called Avunit, who quit the group when it took aim at the FBI, "is relaxing somewhere on a boat".

Asked whether he is "safe", he replies: "no one can prove it's me anyway. The beauty of Anonymous." The closest that the authorities have come to him is when in September they arrested a hacker alleged to have gone by the online handle "Recursion", who was tracked down via logs held by the British company HideMyAss, which unwittingly provided a virtual private network (VPN) connection for the attack on Sony Pictures Europe.

That arrest was "probably the closest they ever got", Sabu says. He also makes a veiled threat against HideMyAss: he alleges it "turns out to be owned by some … people who are going around buying smaller VPN providers ... We should have a nice exposé for HMA and its mother computer/investors soon. Point is: research your VPN provider thoroughly."

He says he takes a number of precautions to evade law enforcement, using prepaid phones and BlackBerrys for calls and Twitter: "they're expendable. I don't ignore you, I simply don't know you." He trusts Twitter – to some extent: "believe it or not, Twitter has not been sleeping in bed with LEAs [law enforcement agencies]. In fact it's a process [for LEAs] to get account info."

He rails at the sentencing guidelines in place for computer activity: "The penalties for any cybercrime (with the exception of child pornography) is severely archaic. And enforced by non-computer users. A DDOS (distributed denial of service) should not [attract a sentence of] 10 years at all especially when rapists and murderers do LESS than time." (The Guardian's James Ball made a similar point earlier this year.)

He thinks a hacking attack against Facebook "is pointless unless some very courages [sic] individual go and burn down its datacenter containing DBs [databases]". But he calls Facebook "a serious global cancer … they have half a billion people's psychology and family down in a database".

LulzSec does not have a Google Plus account, he says: "We do NOT have a g+ account. So whoever is running it is more than likely posing and has no affiliation to us." (Other Reddit users said that files distributed from that account contain malware.) Google Plus was launched well after LulzSec apparently broke up.

His advice to would-be emulators: "Stick to yourselves. If you are in a crew – keep your opsec up 24/7. Friends will try to take you down if they have to."

Anonymous, he says, is "no leaders, no hierarchy, no cointelpro [counter-intelligence program] drama. And we are a living, moving mass of like-minded individuals." He says it is "pure democracy", though that can be anarchic. But he thinks it will spawn "many organisations and political parties". But he says that "you don't need to be 'anonymous' or need to hack to be Anonymous. It's an idea, not a job."

He says he hopes to give a talk at the next HOPE (Hackers on Planet Earth) conference in New York, expected to run in July 2012.
Resonancerdinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 18:55
FF lachen:

Minder aardig:
BlakeGriffindinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 21:58
Resonancerdinsdag 11 oktober 2011 @ 22:17
^O^ _O-

Deze speech zou er niet misstaan.

Speech before the US House of Representatives, 02/12/09

What if it is finally realized that war and military spending is always destructive to the economy?

What if all wartime spending is paid for through the deceitful and evil process of inflating and borrowing?

What if conservatives understood once again that their only logical position is to reject military intervention and managing an empire throughout the world?

What if the American people woke up and understood that the official reasons for going to war are almost always based on lies and promoted by war propaganda in order to serve special interests?

What happens if my concerns are justified and ignored - nothing good!

Dan gaan ze de straat op.

Beter dan deze kan niet, dus dat was vlp de laatste:

Meer actueel:

Why are you here?
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 12 oktober 2011 @ 21:09

Just Say ‘No’ to ACTA

The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, which has already been signed by eight countries, poses a dangerous threat to the inherent freedom and openess of the Internet. Under ACTA, ISPs and websites will be given more power to track what we do online, while forcing them to turn over our information and reporting our activity to the authorities -- all in the name of copyright protection! This controversial intellectual property accord, which was negotiated in secret, violates our fundamental rights to free speech and access to our culture.

The European Parliament, which will soon hold a final consent vote on ACTA, may be our only hope to stop this dangerous agreement. A "No" vote on ACTA by the Parliament will dismantle ACTA in its current form and make countries back to the negotiating table. Call on the EU Parliament to take a stand and vote “NO” on ACTA!
Perrindonderdag 13 oktober 2011 @ 08:22
Ritholtz: OWS - The Risks Facing America Today

I will be attending one of the local protests. With a bullhorn. With others. With people in the political sphere. I am going both to talk to those who want to listen (if there are such people) and to listen and observe myself, and will take pictures while there.

Yes, at the end of that day I will go home. But some others may not. In fact, many others may not.

Here's the thing: Even today, CNBC is still talking about "recapitalizing the banks." What's "recapitalize" mean? It means steal from you. See, the reason you need to "recapitalize" these firms is that they*****ed away their own capital by doing dangerous, risky, even fraudulent things.

The corporate media and politicians are still claiming that "we made a profit from TARP" and that "everything was repaid."

This is a bald lie. AIG didn't repay their money. Neither did GM. Money was shuffled around in a complex shell game to appear that all was repaid but in fact what happened was that you, the taxpayer, were looted.

You were looted through higher prices at the gas pump, higher prices at the grocery store, lower wages and at the same time zero interest rates so those of you who were prudent got ****ed THREE TIMES instead of twice!

Representative government? Where? By anywhere from 100:1 to 300:1 the people demanded that TARP NOT pass. That the banks that did foolish and in some cases criminal things be forced to eat the consequences.

Again, as I've said for four years: We need a banking system because we do indeed need a way to clear payments so you can pay a bill or buy gasoline and food - so commerce can flow. We do not need these banks that committed these acts.

But rather than do the right thing, our politicians were bought and paid for on both sides of the aisle. It's particularly telling - and galling - that when allegedly being "grilled" by Hank Paulson in 2008 the banksters left the meeting smiling and yucking it up.

First they ****ed you, then the government paid them to **** you again.
Perrindonderdag 13 oktober 2011 @ 08:55
Bloomberg: Wall Street Sees ‘No Exit’ From Financial Decline as Bankers Fret Future

Wall Street executives, facing demonstrators camped for a fourth week in New York’s financial district, say they’re anxious and angry for other reasons.

An era of decline and disappointment for bankers may not end for years, according to interviews with more than two dozen executives and investors. Blaming government interference and persecution, they say there isn’t enough global stability, leverage or risk appetite to triumph in the current slump.

“I don’t think it’s a time to make money -- this is a time to rig for survival,” said Charles Stevenson, 64, president of hedge fund Navigator Group Inc. and head of the co-op board at 740 Park Ave. The building, home to Blackstone Group LP Chairman Stephen Schwarzman and CIT Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer John Thain, was among those picketed by protesters yesterday. “The future is not going to be like a past we knew,” he said. “There’s no exit from this morass.”

Lees ook de comments :)

Yeah, the theft business ain't what it used to be. Poor wittle masters of the universe!
“This is very demoralizing to people,” Karp said.
“Especially young guys who have gone to college and wanted to
come onto the Street, having dreams of becoming millionaires.”

Wow, don't we feel bad for them. The rest of us simply had hopes of holding onto our jobs, our houses, our retirement funds. Better that the rest of us got scr#wed over so these boys can fulfill their dreams of becoming millionaires, huh?
Golly those business and finance guys talk tough when they are grabbing other peoples' money but when the backlash for that comes they are running to New Zealand?
We do not have an economic problem, we have a leadership problem of epidemic proportions on a global basis. Combined with greed, it's all about me attitude and the highest corporate tax rate in the world, we have created the perfect economic storm.
Oh poor dears! "Everybody" hates them. I wonder why. Obama doesn't love and adore them. In fact, they are lucky to still be alive. If this were France in 1789-92 they would all have lost their heads by now just like Louis and Marie Antoinette.
So the banks essentially want to play heads I win, tails you lose. When the investment banks went public they were able to transfer risk to shareholders while reaping huge gains for themselves. If the purpose of. Wall Street is creation of capital that is to be used to create businesses to employ people, why is it that has merely become a mechanism to substitute debt for equity. Wall Street has turned into a whorehouse where people screw everyone just for money. No wonder capitalism will sow its own seeds of destruction. 99% will always beat 1%.
500,000? If I made 500,000 in a year I'd be ecstatic. If, the following year, I made somewhat less than 500,000, I'd still be ecstatic. Many of us in this country feel the same way. Imagine our demoralization at reading this article. We are trying to feed families, trying to pay bills, trying to find work, while someone complains about making less than 500,000. The trader's complaint is infuriating. The disconnect between the trader and the rest of us is ultimately unsustainable.
Yep..Things are bad...We won't be able to rape and Pillage the peasants like we used to in the good old days..And we've shut down just about every factory we could and moved the jobs offshore...How about Wall Street actually tries to grow the economy and create jobs instaed of looking for the easy buck using mind bogglingly complicated financial devices devised by MIT Math geniuses so that no one can figure out what they are doing...these people are morally bankrupt.
Wat een stelletje ongewassen hippies zitten daar te commenten zeg :')
BlakeGriffinvrijdag 14 oktober 2011 @ 07:54
BlakeGriffinvrijdag 14 oktober 2011 @ 07:55
0s.gif Op dinsdag 11 oktober 2011 22:17 schreef Resonancer het volgende:


^O^ _O-

Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 14 oktober 2011 @ 09:12
Who the fuck is ....
Housewives, students and security pros among Anonymous members

Members of the infamous hacking collective Anonymous range from housewives to information security professionals, according to a panel of security experts who claim to have infiltrated the group.

Speaking to the press at RSA Conference Europe, Akamai director of security intelligence Joshua Corman argued that the group has a diverse range of constituents, with varying levels of technological know-how.

Some are "very political", some are housewives, some have no hacking skills – while others are so-called "greyhats" with day jobs in information security, and a lot are students, he said.

He added that the large numbers of students in Anonymous represents a failure on the part of the IT security industry to engage with kids who have an interest in hacking and want to develop their skills in the area.

The panel also included Aaron Barr, who was famously chief executive of security firm HB Gary when Anonymous targeted him in retaliation for his investigatory work into the group.

He explained that LulzSec initially broke off from Anonymous, headed by members frustrated that decision making within the group took too long, adding that it operates almost like a "special operations group".

Also present was Will Gragido, senior product line manager at HP's DVLabs, who advised firms keen to mitigate the risk of attack by hacktivist groups to consider a defence-in-depth approach, including DDoS mitigation and web app security.

"Preparedness is key," he said. "It would be foolish to prepare for only one type of attack where there are several to be concerned about."
.... Aaron Barr? :')
Perrinvrijdag 14 oktober 2011 @ 15:02
Screenshots van een Fox News(!!) poll:



(via Commondreams)
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 14 oktober 2011 @ 21:43
0s.gif Op vrijdag 14 oktober 2011 15:02 schreef Perrin het volgende:
Screenshots van een Fox News(!!) poll:

[ afbeelding ]

[ afbeelding ]

(via Commondreams)
Ik kan me herinneren dat poll's erg populair zijn bij Anons.
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 14 oktober 2011 @ 22:28
The Syrian government is waging war against its citizens. Shell is a major investor in Syria. It is a key associate of the state oil company which controls the internal market.

Shell believes that companies should play an active role in supporting human rights and that it needs a licence to operate from society. But it has no such license now in Syria and it is doing business with an elite that commits gross and systematic human rights violations, including torture, arbitrary killing, and collective punishment
"It is noted that Shell, Total, BP, and OMV have purchased Syrian crude since the uprising, thus directly contributing to the budget the Assads what he has used for buying weapons to kill innocent civilians. Royal Dutch Shell bought 586400 barrels on 29 May 11, Austrias OMV bought 586400 barrels on 28 Jun 11, BP bought 586400 barrels on 10 Apr 11, and another 586400 barrels on 20 Apr 11."
"The EU sanctions prohibit European customers from buying Syrian oil but dont prohibit European companies with operations inside Syria from continuing their ventures there. Firms with existing contracts to buy Syrian oil have until Nov. 15 to do so."
All the while, Dick Benschop, head of Shells Dutch arm claims, "Halting the Shells operation in Syria would hurt the Syrian people more than its government"
This shows Shell does not care about human rights abuses in Syria.

Shell must recognize that the Syrian people are being killed by bullets that Shell has paid for. Shell officials have failed to understand that when people are massacred, the last thing they care about is the availability of petrol and petrol prices.

Shell must stop production immediately and show that human rights abuses and killing civilians are not acceptable.

Shell must recognize that once the Syrian people gain their freedom, they may not welcome Shell again if it appears sympathetic to the Assad regime.

Our objective is to urge Shell to reconsider its stand and stand with the people of Syria by halting its operations in Syria. It does not need to wait for orders from the EU to do so. If it does wait, it proves the point that it is willingly supporting murderous dictators for cheap oil.

We Are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget. doet het weer/nog.
BlakeGriffinzaterdag 15 oktober 2011 @ 00:33
80 landen morgen
Papierversnipperaarzondag 16 oktober 2011 @ 01:19
Occupy Wall Street live: protests spread around the world

5.08pm: In between gossiping about the celebrity and media life of New York, the scurrilous website Gawker does some notworthy journalism. It has just posted a great story under the headline"Meet the Guy Who Snitched on Occupy Wall Street to the FBI and NYPD", detailing the role of "security consultant" Thomas Ryan, who it says has infiltrated the Occupy Wall Street organisers.

Since the Occupy Wall Street protest began on September 17, New York security consultant Thomas Ryan has been waging a campaign to infiltrate and discredit the movement. Ryan says he's done contract work for the U.S. Army and he brags on his blog that he leads "a team called Black Cell, a team of the most-highly trained and capable physical, threat and cyber security professionals in the world." But over the past few weeks, he and his computer security buddies have been spending time covertly attending Occupy Wall Street meetings, monitoring organizers' social media accounts, and hanging out with protesters in Lower Manhattan.

As part of their intelligence-gathering operation, the group gained access to a listserv used by Occupy Wall Street organizers called September17discuss. On September17discuss, organizers hash out tactics and plan events, conduct post-mortems of media appearances, and trade the latest protest gossip. On Friday, Ryan leaked thousands of September17discuss emails to conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, who is now using them to try to smear Occupy Wall Street as an anarchist conspiracy to disrupt global markets.

What may much more alarming to Occupy Wall Street organizers is that while Ryan was monitoring September17discuss, he was forwarding interesting email threads to contacts at the NYPD and FBI, including special agent Jordan T. Loyd, a member of the FBI's New York-based cyber security team.

You can read more here. Interestingly, Gawker says it was Ryan who revealed himself as a snitch. Ryan leaked an archive of emails on Friday in the hope of undermining the Occupy Wall Street movement, but, it appears he accidentally included some of his own forwarded emails in the dump.
Pietverdrietzondag 16 oktober 2011 @ 10:13
In Rome konden we goed zien wat een feestje dit is...
Perrinzondag 16 oktober 2011 @ 10:21
0s.gif Op zondag 16 oktober 2011 10:13 schreef Pietverdriet het volgende:
In Rome konden we goed zien wat een feestje dit is...
Knorrepot.. op verreweg de meeste plaatsen verliep 't vreedzaam.
Papierversnipperaarzondag 16 oktober 2011 @ 10:45
Reyazondag 16 oktober 2011 @ 11:33
0s.gif Op zondag 16 oktober 2011 10:13 schreef Pietverdriet het volgende:
In Rome konden we goed zien wat een feestje dit is...
Mijn impressie in Brussel was dat het vooral de gebruikelijke anti-globalistische en anderszins naar links hangende kringen zijn die zich onder deze banier hebben geschaard, te zien aan de meegevoerde spandoeken en vlaggen. En dan zijn er zesduizend mensen: dat is welgeteld een half procent van de populatie van Brussel, voor een demonstratie die een pan-Europees karakter zou moeten hebben. Ik heb zo mijn vragen bij zowel de nieuwheid als de werkelijke massa van deze 'Occupy'-acties.
deelnemerzondag 16 oktober 2011 @ 11:41
2s.gif Op zondag 16 oktober 2011 11:33 schreef Reya het volgende:


Mijn impressie in Brussel was dat het vooral de gebruikelijke anti-globalistische en anderszins naar links hangende kringen zijn die zich onder deze banier hebben geschaard, te zien aan de meegevoerde spandoeken en vlaggen. En dan zijn er zesduizend mensen: dat is welgeteld een half procent van de populatie van Brussel, voor een demonstratie die een pan-Europees karakter zou moeten hebben. Ik heb zo mijn vragen bij zowel de nieuwheid als de werkelijke massa van deze 'Occupy'-acties.
Het protest moet zich nog vormen, maar er zit volgens mij voldoende reele grond in. Het gaat MI om een afrekening met de tijdgeest van de afgelopen 25 jaar. Uiteraard zijn protest bewegingen niet helemaal rationeel en populistisch. Je kun het niet beoordelen door naar enkele boze of domme mensen te luisteren onder degene die zich verzameld hebben.

[ Bericht 0% gewijzigd door deelnemer op 16-10-2011 11:57:46 ]
rene29zondag 16 oktober 2011 @ 14:10
Weet niet of onderstaand filmpje al voorbij is gekomen.
Mensen gearesteerd omdat ze hun eigen geld wilden opnemen...

Grayzondag 16 oktober 2011 @ 18:29
0s.gif Op zondag 16 oktober 2011 14:10 schreef rene29 het volgende:
Weet niet of onderstaand filmpje al voorbij is gekomen.
Mensen gearesteerd omdat ze hun eigen geld wilden opnemen...

ATOMIC_FUUUzondag 16 oktober 2011 @ 19:17
Ron Paul _O_ _O_ _O_.


Papierversnipperaarzondag 16 oktober 2011 @ 23:53
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 17 oktober 2011 @ 10:30
Is it a Crime? The Transgressive Politics of Hacking in Anonymous

Michael Ralph and Gabriella Coleman are professors at New York
University and are collaborating on an article on the role of dissent
and direct action within Anonymous and in the 2011 "Arab Spring"
uprisings across Africa and southwest Asia. They seek to bring
anthropological knowledge and perspectives to bear on public
discussion and debates.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 17 oktober 2011 @ 14:06

Business Protection Group is an anonymous group of network security professions that provide Internet Security to Private Firms. Our staff provides companies with the information on hackers which they need to present a case to the courts. We wish to keep our members anonymous to protect their families from retaliation for what we do. We are not affiliated with any Government or Local Police Department. Our members decided that Governments have too much red tape that is allowing most if not all of the serious hacking offenders get away with millions of dollars in sensitive Trade Secrets. we were founded in 2011 shortly after the huge increase of bold attacks from Anonymous, Lulzsec, and Antisec on government and Private Company computers. Business Protection Group brings accountability to a lawless Internet.
Anti-nonymous? :D
If there is a network of computers connected to the Internet, it is at risk of attack and loss of secret information. Most hackers do it for fun, while others do it for profit. we do not draw a line between which is more serious of a offense. Our stance is that any breach of security of a private firm is against the law and should carry the same punishment. The Maximum Penalty.
Once caught, these individuals should never be allowed to access another computer in their lifetime.
Maar ze werken niet samen met een overheid?

Distributed Denial Of Service attacks are the most common form of Internet related crime against businesses. While it does not create a risk of stolen data, it does prevent access to your companies assets. If your company requires the Internet for revenue or communications, this attack can cost you millions. There is however very little that can be done to stop an attack in progress, and this is why we believe shutting down the criminal hacker groups is the best method to combat it.
Ah, DDOS = terrorism.

Our operation runs entirely on donations and our target queue is prioritized by the donation size. The donations help cover normal business expenses, including air travel to various countries as we track down these criminals. We ask that any company that submits a investigative request to please donate the amount you feel it is worth for the legal and or personal destruction of your hackers life.
Ik neem aan dat ze door PayPal geboycot gaan worden?
ATOMIC_FUUUmaandag 17 oktober 2011 @ 14:50
Tijdens de Occupy-betoging in Rome heeft een groep gemaskerde militanten vernielingen aangericht in de kerk van de heiligen Marcellinus en Petrus. Dat is door een woordvoerder van het bisdom Rome bekend gemaakt.
Wat triest ;(.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 17 oktober 2011 @ 19:25
Vikram S Pandit D0x (CitiGroup)

During Occupy Wall street, protesters had made way to CitiBank to withdraw their funds and close their accounts. They were met with strong police prescence and arrested. We as american citizens MUST have full control over our money and lively hood. When this is taken away from us, what else do we have? So the CEO of CitiBank has blindly jumped into the sights of the CabinCr3w…


Vikram S Pandit


D.O.B: 14 January 1957 (age 54)

Cell Phone: 646-512-4269 (Possibly Cancelled)

Office: (212) 793-1201


CEO of Citigroup


Wife: Swati

Children: 2


Alma mater: Columbia University

New York City

————————————————Known Addresses


144 Pecksland Rd

Greenwich, CT

(203) 661-1214

Single Family Residence, 5 Bed, 7.50 Bath, 5105 Sq. Ft

SOLD FOR $3,400,000 IN 1999

Cost Per Sqft of home: $666/sqft (lulz)


310 E 53rd St, Apt 29A

New York, NY 10022-5246



Pellegrini v. Citigroup Inc. et al


Plaintiff:Beverly Pellegrini

Defendants:Citigroup Inc., Win Bischoff, Vikram S. Pandit, Gary L. Crittenden, Charles O. Prince, III, John C. Gerspach, Sallie L. Krawcheck, C. Michael Armstrong, Alain J.P. Belda, George David, Richard D. Parsons, Kenneth T. Derr, John M. Deutch, Andrew N. Liveris, Roberto Hernandez Ramirez, Ann Dibble Jordan, Klaus Kleinfeld, Anne M. Mulcahy, Judith Rodin, Sanford I. Weill, Robert E. Rubin, Franklin A. Thomas, Saul Rosen, Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, UBS Securities LLC, Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, Banc of America Securities LLC, RBC Capital Markets Corp., Deutsche Bank & Securities Inc., Goldman, Sachs & Co., Barclays Capital Inc., Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC and KPMG, LLP

Case Number:1:2009cv03669

Filed:April 9, 2009

Court:New York Southern District Court

Office:Foley Square

Office County:XX Out of State

Presiding Judge:Judge Sidney H. Stein

Nature of Suit:Other Statutes - Securities/Commodities/ExchangesCause:15:77 Securities Fraud

Jurisdiction:Federal QuestionJury Demanded By:Plaintiff


Asher et al v. CitiGroup, Inc. et al

Plaintiffs: Lionel Asher and Mary J. Asher

Defendants: CitiGroup, Inc., Charles O. Prince, III, Sallie L. Krawcheck, John C. Gerspach, Sanford I. Weill, Michael Armstrong, Alain J.P. Belda, George David, Kenneth T. Derr, John M. Deutch, Roberto Hernandez Ramirez, Ann Dibble Jordan, Klaus Kleinfield, Andrew N. Liveris, Dudley C. Mecum, Anne M. Mulchahy, Richard D. Parsons, Judith Rodin, Robert E. Rubin, Franklin A. Thomas, Rosen Saul, Win Bischoff, Vikram S. Pandit, Gary L. Crittenden, Citigroup Global Markets Inc., Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated, Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated, UBS Securities LLC, Wachovia Capital Markets, LLC, Banc of America Securities, LLC, RBC Capital Markets Corporation and KPMG LLP

Case Number:1:2009cv04485

Filed:May 11, 2009

Court:New York Southern District Court

Office:Foley Square Office


Judge:Judge Sidney H. SteinPresiding

Judge:Judge Unassigned

Nature of Suit:Other Statutes - Securities/Commodities/Exchanges

Cause:15:77 Securities Fraud

Jurisdiction:Federal Question

Jury Demanded By:Plaintiff


Riddle v. Citigroup et al

Plaintiff:Beverly A. Riddle

Defendants: Citigroup, Citibank NA, Citi, Joseph Bonelli, Beth McCahey, Alison Levy, Marcie Mintz, Jeff Holbrook, Sarah Lashen, Sherrie Bachtler, Karen Segal, Helen O’Hehir, Lisa Coen, Steve Randich, Ed Zobitz, Chuck Prince, Pat Finn, Vikram Pandit, Members of the Citigroup Board of Directors, Jane Doe(s) and John Doe(s)

Case Number:1:2009cv05805Filed:June 24, 2009

Court:New York Southern District Court

Office:Foley Square Office


Presiding Judge:Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein

Nature of Suit:Civil Rights - Employment

Cause:42:2000e Job Discrimination (Employment)Jurisdiction:Federal Question

Jury Demanded By:Plaintiff


DeBerry et al v. GMAC Mortgage LLC et al

Plaintiffs:Willie Joe DeBerry, Joyce DeBerry and Shayla DeBerry Allen

Defendants:GMAC Mortgage LLC, Alvaro De Molina, Homecomings Financial LLC, Bruce Paradis, Citimortgage Inc and Vikram Pandit

Case Number:7:2009cv00107

Filed:August 28, 2009

Court:Georgia Middle District Court

Office:Valdosta Office


Presiding Judge:Judge Hugh Lawson

Nature of Suit:Torts - Property - Truth in Lending

Cause:15:1601 Truth in Lending

Jurisdiction:Federal QuestionJury Demanded By:None


Plus Many More:

Two pages of legal action:


Detailed Financial information:

ATOMIC_FUUUmaandag 17 oktober 2011 @ 19:32
Triest dat ze die man persoonlijk willen/gaan pakken. Ik snap dat die hele commotie in Amerika (en inmiddels in andere landen) frustratie opwerkt, maar dit vind ik te ver gaan.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 17 oktober 2011 @ 19:44
13s.gif Op maandag 17 oktober 2011 19:32 schreef ATOMIC_FUUU het volgende:


Triest dat ze die man persoonlijk willen/gaan pakken. Ik snap dat die hele commotie in Amerika (en inmiddels in andere landen) frustratie opwerkt, maar dit vind ik te ver gaan.
Ik vind heel veel dingen te ver gaan. Het regime bepaald het geweldsniveau.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 17 oktober 2011 @ 23:28
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 17 oktober 2011 @ 23:41
From a single hashtag, a protest circled the world

(Reuters) - It all started innocuously enough with a July 13 blog post urging people to #OccupyWallStreet, as though such a thing (Twitter hashtag and all) were possible.

It turns out, with enough momentum and a keen sense of how to use social media, it actually is.

The Occupy movement, decentralized and leaderless, has mobilized thousands of people around the world almost exclusively via the Internet. To a large degree through Twitter, and also with platforms like Facebook and Meetup, crowds have connected and gathered.

As with any movement, a spark is needed to start word spreading. SocialFlow, a social media marketing company, did an analysis for Reuters of the history of the Occupy hashtag on Twitter and the ways it spread and took root.

The first apparent mention was that July 13 blog post by activist group Adbusters ( but the idea was slow to get traction.

The next Twitter mention was on July 20 ( from a Costa Rican film producer named Francisco Guerrero, linking to a blog post on a site called Wake Up from Your Slumber that reiterated the Adbusters call to action (

The site, founded in 2006 "to expose America's fraudulent monetary system and the evil of charging interest on money loaned," is a reference to the biblical verse Romans 13:11 that reads in part: "The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed."

Guerrero's post was retweeted once and then there was silence until two July 23 tweets -- one from the Spanish user Gurzbo ( and one from a retired high school chemistry teacher in Long Island, New York named Cindy tweeting as gemswinc. (

Gurzbo's post was not passed along by anyone but Cindy's was, by eight people, including a Delaware-based opponent of the Federal Reserve, a vegan information rights supporter, a Washington-based environmentalist and an Alabama-based progressive blogger.

Again, there was relative silence for nearly two weeks, until LazyBookworm tweeted the Occupy hashtag again on August 5. ( That got seven retweets, largely from a crowd of organic food supporters and poets.


The notion of Occupy Wall Street was out there but it was not gaining much attention -- until, of course, it did, suddenly and with force.

Social media experts trace the expansion to hyper-local tweeters, people who cover the pulse of communities at a level of detail not even local papers can match.

In New York, credit goes to the Twitter account of Newyorkist, whose more than 11,000 tweets chronicle the city in block-by-block detail. His was one of the first well-followed accounts to mention the protests in mid-September.

Trendistic, which tracks hashtag trends on Twitter, shows that OccupyWallStreet first showed up in any volume around 11 p.m. on September 16, the evening before the occupation of lower Manhattan's Zuccotti Park began. Within 24 hours, the tag represented nearly 1 of every 500 uses of a hashtag.

The first two weeks of the movement were slow, media coverage was slim and little happened beyond the taking of the concrete park itself. But then a demonstration on the Brooklyn Bridge prompted hundreds of arrests and the spark was ignited.

On October 1, #OccupyBoston started to show up on Twitter. Within a couple of weeks, #OccupyDenver and #OccupySD and others appeared.

The Occupy Wall Street page on Facebook started on September 19 with a YouTube video of the early protests. By September 22, it reached critical mass.

"Newcomers today, welcome! Feel free to post. Advertise your own pages of resistance. Network until it works," read one posting meant to inspire protests elsewhere.

For young activists around the world, who grew up with the Internet and the smartphone, Facebook and Twitter have become crucial in expanding the movement.

They are pioneering platforms like Vibe that lets people anonymously share text, photos and video over short distances for brief periods of time -- perfect for use at rallies.

"No one owns a (Twitter) hashtag, it has no leadership, it has no organization, it has no creed but it's quite appropriate to the architecture of the net. This is a distributed revolt," said Jeff Jarvis, a journalism professor at City University of New York and author of the well-known blog BuzzMachine.

Some reports say the protesters have raised as much as $300,000 in donations to cover everything from pizza to video equipment but others put the figure much lower.

The Alliance for Global Justice, which calls itself "the fiscal sponsor for Occupy Wall Street," has raised $23,200 via


As of Monday afternoon, Facebook listed no fewer than 125 Occupy-related pages, from New York to Tulsa and all points in between. Roughly 1 in every 500 hashtags used on Twitter on Monday, all around the world, was the movement's own #OWS.

The websites keep proliferating -- We Are the 99 Percent, Parents for Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Together, even the parody Occupy Sesame Street (concerned mostly with the plight of monsters living in garbage cans).

Online streaming video has also been a huge resource for the protesters, using cheap cameras and high-speed wireless Internet access.

Supporters, opponents and the merely curious got the chance last Saturday to watch the Occupy Wall Street protesters decide whether to occupy a major public park, Washington Square Park, in the Greenwich Village area.

They saw warnings the police were about to arrive in riot gear and with horses, vans and buses to take away protesters if there were mass arrests. Local media reported about 10 arrests among the 3,000 or so people in the park.

As the seconds to a possible confrontation ticked down, the tension led to various reactions from those watching online.

"Anyone arrested is a political prisoner," said one.

"Here comes Czar Bloomberg's Cossacks," said another, in reference to New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg and the appearance of the mounted police.

There were "we are watching" messages of support from cities across the United States and some who found it the best entertainment going on a Saturday night.

"So much more exciting than a TV show" was one comment.

(Reporting by Ben Berkowitz; Additional reporting by Martin Howell and Anthony DeRosa in New York; Editing by John O'Callaghan)
xenobinolmaandag 17 oktober 2011 @ 23:51
0s.gif Op zondag 16 oktober 2011 18:29 schreef Gray het volgende:


Typisch een voorbeeld van de Amerikaanse fascistische politiestaat. Alles word in het werk gesteld om de banksters de hand boven het hoofd te houden, hoe kunnen die agenten zichzelf nog in de spiegel aankijken :?
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 17 oktober 2011 @ 23:52
AnonymousIRC twitterde op maandag 10-10-2011 om 00:02:12 #Anonymous to @Telecomix. This is a emergency distress signal. Please activate all operatives and agents handling #Egypt. #OpEgypt reageer retweet
Something is up?
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 18 oktober 2011 @ 08:50
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 18 oktober 2011 @ 09:46
Anonymous veröffentlicht DB-Dump von Pädophilen-Handelsseite

Das Internet-Kollektiv Anonymous veröffentlichte am heutigen Montag die gesamte Benutzer-Datenbank der Website "Lolita City", einer, wie die Hacktivisten schreiben, "Darknet-Handels-Seite für Pädos". Insgesamt wurden die Daten von knapp 1600 Personen - sowie Informationen über den Server-Standort des Forums - veröffentlicht. Die Aktion ist Teil der bekannten "Operation Antisec".

Der Datenbank-Dump enthält insgesamt 1589 Benutzernamen. Klarnamen oder Passwörter sind nicht enthalten. Anonymous zufolge wurden die Passwörter mit SHA512 gehasht und aus Sicherheitsgründen in einer separaten Datenbank hinterlegt. Neben den Foren-Benutzernamen und Informationen über die Aktivität der Benutzer finden sich aber deren Nicknames für die anonymen Kommunikationsnetze TorChat und TorPM.

Neben den Benutzer-Informationen veröffentlichen die Anons auch Informationen über den Server-Standort des Forums. Mit Hilfe verschiedener technischer Maßnahmen, bei denen Anonymous offenbar eine Reihe von Cluster-Servern einsetzte, kamen die Anons zu dem Schluss, dass "Lolita City" in den USA gehostet wird.

Einen interessanten Fund machten die Anons in der Datenbank: dort ist jemand mit dem Nickname "Th3J35t3r" ("The Jester") als Benutzer von Lolita City verzeichnet. Ob es sich allerdings tatsächlich um den berüchtigten Hacktivisten handelt, der durch Aktionen gegen WikiLeaks und Anonymous auffiel, ist nicht zu sagen. Womöglich verwendete schlichtweg jemand den selben Nickname - unter Umständen sogar mit dem Ziel, dem sonst unter diesem Nick auftretenden Hacktivisten zu schaden. Es dürfte jedenfalls interessant sein, auf eine Stellungnahme von "The Jester" zu diesem Thema zu warten.

Die Aktion wird von den teilnehmenden Anons als Teil der bekannten "Operation Antisec" sowie der speziell gegen Pädophile vorgehenden "Operation Darknet" bezeichnet. Die Hacktivisten kündigen an, bald noch gegen weitere Websites, auf denen Darstellungen von Kindesmissbrauch gehandelt werden, vorzugehen.
Perrindinsdag 18 oktober 2011 @ 10:09
Al gepost?

Papierversnipperaardinsdag 18 oktober 2011 @ 10:14
Yep, maar nog niet in dit topic. :P
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 18 oktober 2011 @ 17:45
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 18 oktober 2011 @ 23:27
The Real Role Of Anonymous In Occupy Wall Street

Anonymous has caught the attention of the media--and even Homeland Security--with its biggest contribution to Occupy Wall Street: hype. But, so far, the amorphous, leaderless hacktivist movement has disappointed anyone expecting full-on revolution from a Guy Fawkes-masked army or a massive cyber attack.

Anonymous does, however, have prominent members and often unites a large number of sympathizers. The gap between expectations and reality when it comes to Occupy Wall Street results from the disconnect between those dominant members and fringe elements who hit up the costume shop and start posting YouTube videos.

The story of how Anonymous and Occupy Wall Street intertwine dates back to February 2010, to the birth of "The 99 Percent Movement."

The notion of “the 99 percent” most likely started with journalist David DeGraw in his 2010 book, The Economic Elite vs. The People of the United States. “The harsh truth is that 99% of the US population no longer has political representation,” DeGraw writes. As a follow-up, he formed the 99 Percent Movement, a social network soliciting ideas for a platform of economic and legal reform.

In January 2011, the movement’s host site,, was repeatedly taken down by unknown attackers. It was then that Anonymous hacktivists contacted DeGraw, offering to set up a more secure site. That grew into a collaboration called A99, which published a laundry list of demands in March. And on March 12, A99 announced Operation Empire State Rebellion (#OpESR) with the Arab-Spring-style demand of forcing a man from office--in this case, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke. On June 1, A99 hastily called for multi-city occupations on the 14th. (In New York, it would have taken the same spot, Zuccotti Park, that is home to the present occupation.) But the OpESR action was a flop. Just 16 people showed up in Manhattan, and similarly feeble numbers in 22 other cities.

Meanwhile, organizers at activist magazine Adbusters had been developing their own occupation idea since February, which crystallized in a July 13 call to action. “Adbusters has never communicated directly with Anonymous,” said senior editor Micah White in an email.

But Anonymous spread the word vigorously, using Twitter, blogs, Internet Relay Chat (or IRC, their preferred discussion forum) and eventually YouTube videos. A sometime hacktivist named Robert whom I met at the September 17 protest in New York said that he knew about the campaign just two hours after the Adbusters page went live.

“The geek aspect is most important in the early days of a movement,” said Joseph Menn, a Financial Times security correspondent and author of the book Fatal System Error. “Once you get mainstream coverage, it’s self-perpetuating.”
Het artikel gaat verder.

An October 2nd YouTube video announces We declare our war against the New York Stock ExchangeOn October 10th, NYSE shall be erased from the Internet.

In reality, on the 10th, a short distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack slowed down the NYSE site for about a half hour and took it offline for a couple minutes.

If the site was down for two minutes, thats not much of a protest, said Josh Shaul, CTO of Application Security, Inc. and an expert in database vulnerabilities. It shows that the big guns of Anonymous certainly didnt come out for this event.

In fact, many prominent sites and Twitter accounts denounced it ahead of time, in part because the DDoS tools to be used are easy to trace back to the hacker. Many of our brothers and sisters have gone down in the fight for using such tactics, like the Wikileaks defendants who took down Visa, Paypal, and Mastercard [sic], said a communiqué. We do not want history to repeat itself, and are sincerely worried.

Some even claimed it was a troll--a hoax--designed to lure Anonymous members into breaking the law, possibly by a federal agent. I got an indication of that back on October 4 when not_me sent an email saying It's not coming through usual channels and they're convinced it's government.

[ Bericht 17% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 18-10-2011 23:34:30 ]
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 19 oktober 2011 @ 07:55
How Diaspora* Found Its Tiger Stripe in the Midst of a Paypal Fiasco

We want to update you on the whole PayPal fiasco. We have good news and bad news, but after the day we’ve all had, why don’t we start with the good news?

So the good news is… actually, the GREAT news is that Silicon Valley startup Stripe has come to the rescue to enable Diaspora* donations on its service instead of PayPal. So we’re back, baby!

When PayPal mysteriously and arbitrarily decided to freeze everyone’s donations, we reached out to various payment services. Stripe responded right away to our call for help and swung into action, helping us get our online donations capability back up and running in just a few hours. Think about it. In just a few hours, we got a whole new payment service installed. We ran two credit cards through the system, so it should be OK. You can check out their amazing new service at the Diaspora* Foundation’s donation page. Stripe is really cool and simple and works great. As you can imagine, we got the opportunity to spend a lot of time with them today, and like us, they are inspired by a social mission: to make it as easy as possible for, say, a Honduran and an Indonesian, not only to chat together, but also to have meaningful economic exchanges on the web. So we’re very excited to have the opportunity to work together.

Now, for the bad news… We had raised $45,000 in just a few days, and then PayPal froze our account. Even though we’ve complied with every PayPal request, including providing them with our certificate of incorporation, they still won’t give us an explanation for any of their moves. And it wasn’t buyer’s remorse: From the thousands of donations we received, we had only one complaint and refunded that person’s money immediately. PayPal just sent us an email saying “appeal denied,” where they announced that they would lock up the Diaspora* community’s donations for 180 days. Yes, you heard that right. PayPal gets to earn interest on all of our donations for 6 months, while we have to wait for PayPal to come up with a reason to justify their decision. And it seems that this is common practice for PayPal, as the case of Shelley Michaels, Steve Hudgell, independent developers, WikiLeaks, and so many others show. Obviously, PayPal’s behavior is unacceptable, which is why we have asked our lawyer to get involved.

Since we announced the news earlier today, hundreds of you have tweeted and emailed PayPal urging that they release the funds. To all of you, we say THANK YOU. Unfortunately, the fight continues. Please keep up the pressure! If we keep pressing PayPal and draw media attention to their decision, they will have to relent.
Diaspora is an open-source and distributed community of social networks run by users that enables you to own your own personal data, control with whom you share, and discover cool stuff throughout the Web
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 19 oktober 2011 @ 16:43
anonymouSabu twitterde op woensdag 19-10-2011 om 16:32:23 ATTN: Media: #OpPayPal is back for round two. On a new phase: awareness and account closings: credit unions. Prepaid ccs. Alts. Spread news. reageer retweet
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 19 oktober 2011 @ 16:46

As promised here is the entire user database of the 1589 users active on Lolita City, an darknet trading site for pedos.

While we were not able to obtain the password credentials (they use an SHA512 hash separate database to secure their passwords), but we were able to determine the following info of the server location.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 19 oktober 2011 @ 16:57
Son of Stuxnet Found in the Wild on Systems in Europe

A little more than one year after the infrastructure-destroying Stuxnet worm was discovered on computer systems in Iran, a new piece of malware using some of the same techniques has been found infecting systems in Europe, according to researchers at security firm Symantec.

The new malware, dubbed “Duqu” [dü-kyü], contains parts that are nearly identical to Stuxnet and appears to have been written by the same authors behind Stuxnet, or at least by someone who had direct access to the Stuxnet source code, says Liam O Murchu. He’s one of the leading experts on Stuxnet who produced extensive analysis of that worm with two of his Symantec colleagues last year and has posted a paper detailing the Duqu analysis to date.

Duqu, like Stuxnet, masks itself as legitimate code using a driver file signed with a valid digital certificate. The certificate belongs to a company headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, which Symantec has declined to identify. F-Secure, a security firm based in Finland, has identified the Taipei company as C-Media Electronics Incorporation. The certificate was set to expire on August 2, 2012, but authorities revoked it on Oct. 14, shortly after Symantec began examining the malware.

The new code does not self-replicate in order to spread itself — and is therefore not a worm. Nor does it contain a destructive payload to damage hardware in the way that Stuxnet did. Instead, it appears to be a precursor to a Stuxnet-like attack, designed to conduct reconnaissance on an unknown industrial control system and gather intelligence that can later be used to conduct a targeted attack.

“When we talked about Stuxnet before, we expected there was another component of Stuxnet we didn’t see that was gathering information about how a plant was laid out,” O Murchu says. “But we had never seen a component like that [in Stuxnet]. This may be that component.”

Although Duqu was created some time after Stuxnet, a component similar to it could have been used by Stuxnet’s attackers to gather intelligence for their payload.

Duqu appears to have been operative for at least a year. Based on the dates the binary files were compiled, Symantec says attacks using the malware may have been conducted as early as December 2010, about five months after Stuxnet was discovered, and about 18 months after Stuxnet was believed to have first been launched on computers in Iran.

“The real surprising thing for us is that these guys are still operating,” O Murchu says. “We thought these guys would be gone after all the publicity around Stuxnet. That’s clearly not the case. They’ve clearly been operating over the last year. It’s quite likely that the information they are gathering is going to be used for a new attack. We were just utterly shocked when we found this.”

Symantec received two variants of the malware on Oct. 14 from an unidentified research lab “with strong international connections.”

“Obviously this is a sensitive topic, and for whatever reason, they’ve decided at this point they don’t want to be identified,” O Murchu says, referring to earlier beliefs about Stuxnet had been created by a nation state with the aim of sabotaging Iran’s nuclear program.

Symantec received two variants of the malware, both of which had infected the same machine. Since then, O Murchu and his colleagues have found other samples on about 10 machines. The researchers found, after searching their own malware archive for similar files, that one of the variants was first captured by Symantec’s threat detection system on Sept. 1, 2011. Symantec has declined to name the countries where the malware was found, or to identify the specific industries infected, other than to say they are in the manufacturing and critical infrastructure sectors.

Although the vast majority of Stuxnet infections were based in Iran, O Murchu says the Duqu infections that have been discovered so far are not grouped in any geographical region. He said, however, that this could change if new infections are discovered.

The name given to the malware is based on a prefix “~DQ” that the malware uses in the names of files that it creates on an infected system. O Murchu says the malware uses five files. These include a dropper file that drops all of the components onto an infected system that the malware will need to do its work; a loader that places the files into memory when the computer starts; a remote access Trojan that serves as a backdoor on infected systems to siphon data from it; another loader that executes the Trojan; and a keystroke logger.

Like Stuxnet, Duqu uses a sophisticated and unique technique to hide its components in the memory of a machine, rather than on the hard drive, to avoid detection by anti-virus engines, and also tricks the system into loading files from memory instead of from hard disk. This technique was one of the first red flags Symantec had found in Stuxnet that indicated it was doing something beyond other types of malware they had seen before.

The malware is configured to run for 36 days, after which it automatically removes itself from an infected system.

O Murchu says they still have no idea how Duqu was delivered to infected systems. Stuxnet primarily used a zero-day vulnerability that allowed it to spread to systems via an infected USB stick.

“There’s an installer component [to Duqu] we haven’t seen,” O Murchu saus. “We don’t know if the installer is self-replicating. That’s a piece of the jigsaw that we’re missing right now.”

The variants are about 300 kilobytes in size — compared to Stuxnet’s 500 kb — and use a custom protocol to communicate between an infected system and a command-and-control server to siphon data from an infected machine and load new components onto it. According to O Murchu, the malware tries to disguise its malicious communication by appending it to a 100 x 100 pixel jpeg file. The appended data is encrypted, and the researchers are still analyzing the code to determine what the communication contains.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 19 oktober 2011 @ 21:55
Libel reform vows to slay anonymous trolls

Single complaint could take down a post
Daar gaat het Isreal-topic ;(

A single complaint about an anonymous article or posting online could be enough to legally force a website to take it down – if new Parliamentary proposals on defamation get passed into law.

Measures against online anonymity are a key part of proposals published today in a committee report that will be debated when Parliament votes on changing the UK's defamation laws.

Though the draft Defamation bill mainly deals with traditional media and issues such as libel tourism, one of its expressed aims is to bring internet publishing and social media in line with the mainstream press.

"We agree that the internet cannot be exempt from the law of the land, and that the rule of law should apply to the fullest extent possible online," states paragraph 93 of the report.

The two core recommendations of the committee include a new "notice and take-down procedure", and "measures to encourage a change in culture in the way we view anonymous material that is user-generated, including via social media".

The notice and take-down procedure would mandate that, upon receiving a complaint, website editors would need to publish the complaint next to the original article. If the complainant wishes to push the matter further and get a take-down order, they can initiate a defamation action which would be cheaper and more streamlined than it currently is. It would involve both parties submitting a comment to a defamation judge who would then make a decision on the case.

This will apply to public parts of social media sites, such as Twitter, forums and public Facebook pages, as well as blogs and online publications. Mumsnet and TripAdvisor were both specifically named by the report. It will apply equally to sites that are moderated and sites that are not.

The scenario for anonymous postings – articles and presumably videos and sound tracks – is even tougher. If one complaint is received, the web editor or website hoster will have to take the post down, unless the writer or creator is willing to identify him/herself. Paragraph 125 states:

We recommend that any material written by an unidentified person should be taken down by the host or service provider upon receipt of complaint, unless the author promptly responds positively to a request to identify themselves, in which case a notice of complaint should be attached. If the internet service provider believes that there are significant reasons of public interest that justify publishing the unidentified material — for example, if a whistle-blower is the source — it should have the right to apply to a judge for an exemption from the take-down procedure and secure a "leave-up" order."

If the writer or creator does identifies him/herself, the dispute can then be taken to before a defamation judge, following the same notice and take-down procedure stated above.

One protection for anonymous writers is built into the bill – if there is an overriding public interest in publication, something that could protect whistle-blowers for example.

Acknowledging the practical limitations on what they recommend, including the time and expense of tracking down anonymous users, the committee expressed the hope that their new laws will change what they called the "Wild West" of online culture, making for a general shift over future years.

We expect, and wish to promote, a cultural shift towards a general recognition that unidentified postings are not to be treated as true, reliable or trustworthy. The desired outcome to be achieved — albeit not immediately — should be that they are ignored or not regarded as credible unless the author is willing to justify or defend what they have written by disclosing his or her identity.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 19 oktober 2011 @ 22:34
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 20 oktober 2011 @ 14:54
Terroristen attackieren Hans-Peter Uhl

(Berlin) Hans-Peter Uhl (CSU), die Internet-Koryphäe der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion, wurde heute Mittag Opfer eines terroristischen Angriffs.
Cyberkriminelle griffen heimtückisch und skrupellos die Homepage von Uhl an und ersetzten die Seite mit eigenen Kommentaren.

Ob die sich "Anonymous" nennenden Angreifer wirklich aus dem Umfeld dieser Hackergruppe kommen, oder die Urheber des Attentats eher dem Umfeld des Chaos Computer Club (CCC) oder der Piratenpartei zuzurechnen sind, steht noch nicht fest.
Hans-Peter (Erich) Uhl wurde gestern durch seine fulminante und dennoch humorvolle Rede zur Verteidigung des Bundestrojaners in ganz Deutschland weltberühmt.
Wann die Internetseite des in Bayern überaus populären Politikers wieder erreichbar sein wird, steht noch nicht fest.

Der Staatsschutz soll bereits die ersten Ermittlungen aufgenommen haben.
"Herr Uhl, es ist etwas passiert"
"Wie? Was?"
"Ihre Homepage wurde gehackt. "
"Meine was?"
"Sie wissen schon: Internet. Und nun ist alles weg"
"Na endlich!"
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 20 oktober 2011 @ 20:57

Welcome to Fake Convos!

Fake Convos is a fun web app that lets you easily create fake Facebook news feeds and conversations. Unfortunately there is not much more to say. The best thing to do is just get started. Log in with Facebook to create a new convo!
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 20 oktober 2011 @ 21:06
MEP proposes 'black box' PC monitoring system

Under the pretext of a plea for children to be better protected on the internet, MEP Tiziano Motti has proposed installing a black box on every computer in Europe, to monitor and record every little scrap of traffic.

"We politicians are often hypocrites," Motti told EuropaPortalen of his plan. "On the one hand, we say that pedophilia is terrible and that it must be fought. On the other hand we do not give police the necessary tools to combat it. With my suggestion we can stop the hypocrisy."

Motti's proposal is to use a technology developed by Italian hacker Fabio Ghioni dubbed 'Logbox' to record every scrap of traffic that originates from every computing device across the EU.

That's worth a second-glance: Motti isn't just suggesting that PCs and laptops need to be monitored, but nothing capable of being connected to the Internet. As a result, Logbox would be installed on smartphones, featurephones with WAP access, eReaders, Blu-ray players and even TVs.

Logbox sits quietly in the background, monitoring the traffic for violations - and alerting authorities if something untoward, such as an image of child abuse, is discovered. Any evidence gathered is encrypted and stored securely, waiting for the police to show up.

"It allows the honest citizens to anonymously register their activities on the internet in a comprehensive, secure and neutral manner that can not be abused," Motti's proposal explains. "So, users can clearly demonstrate that they have not committed criminal acts so that the police do not waste time on the innocent in their investigations."
Guilty until proven innocent. En burgers staan te springen om hun onschuld te bewijzen. :')
Other MEPs haven't quite agreed with Motti's proposal. ActivePolitic has gathered some dissenting responses, including MEP Lars Christian Engstrom's rejection of Motti's proposal. "If it were China, North Korea or Saudi Arabia who had proposed this, what would we say then? It's scary in a democratic Europe to even hear a politician suggest such a thing. It is so absurd that I really hope we never have to discuss it seriously in Parliament."

Last year, Motti convinced the European Parliament to support a proposal extending the data storage directive to cover Google search terms, again using child abuse as the hot-button topic. Hopefully, Motti's latest wheeze won't be so lucky.

Read more:
Aethervrijdag 21 oktober 2011 @ 11:02
Occupy Wall Street Wants You To Bring Your Kids To Zuccotti Park For A Sleepover Tomorrow

Alvast een vastberaden Nederland op Times Square ;)

Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 21 oktober 2011 @ 18:51

BlakeGriffinzaterdag 22 oktober 2011 @ 18:06
Cenk Uygur van theYoungTurks is een initiatief begonnen voor een grondwetswijziging:

Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 22 oktober 2011 @ 18:55

birmingham SSN list:
boston police password list:
full 550MB torrent coming soon!

*** view original defacement:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPECIAL #OCCUPYWALLSTREET EDITION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_ _ __ .__
__| || |__ _____ _____/ |_|__| ______ ____ ____ #anonymous
\ __ / \__ \ / \ __\ |/ ___// __ \_/ ___\ #antisec
| || | / __ \| | \ | | |\___ \\ ___/\ \___ #freeanons
/_ ~~ _\ (____ /___| /__| |__/____ >\___ >\___ > #occupywallstreet
|_||_| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ #fuckfbifriday


The IACP thought they could hold their 2011 annual conference in Chicago
unfettered by the clutches of insurrection. They must not have known their
conference starts on the Day of Action Against Police Brutality. They must not
have known that all over the world people are in the streets demonstrating
discontent with capitalism and the state. They also had no idea that for the
past few months black hat hackers have been owning their websites and databases.
They should have expected us.

In solidarity with the Occupation Movement and the International Day of Action
Against Police Brutality, allied #anonymous and #antisec vessels took aim at the
corrupt bootboys of the 1%: the police. We hacked, defaced, and destroyed
several law enforcement targets, leaking over 600MB of private information
including internal documents, membership rosters, addresses, passwords, social
security numbers, and other confidential data. According to the IACP's
development documents, their systems cost several hundred thousand dollars. We
are pleased to destroy it all for free, leaking their private info and defacing
their websites in one swift blow.
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 22 oktober 2011 @ 20:24
The Pirate Bay Adds Domain to Bypass Court Order

Showing how futile Internet censorship can be, The Pirate Bay has registered a new domain name to allow Belgian users to access the site and bypass a recent court order. For just a few dollars, The Pirate Bay should now be fully accessible in the future, and the site has already started redirecting Belgian users to their new home.

Yesterday the Antwerp Court of Appeal ordered the Belgian ISPs Belgacom and Telenet to initiate DNS blockades of 11 domains connected to The Pirate Bay within 14 days or face fines.

The local anti-piracy movement applauded the verdict, which they see as a landmark case that will open the doors for further censorship attempts. However, it is questionable that it will have much of an effect.

Earlier today we already reported how the usenet indexing site Newzbin2 updated its anti-censorship client to allow Belgians to keep their access to The Pirate Bay. And a few hours later The Pirate Bay team delivered an even easier solution.

“The Judge obviously has no idea what he’s dealing with, because the verdict of this expensive court battle can be easily undone,” The Pirate Bay team told TorrentFreak.

“Just a few minutes ago we registered a new domain that’s not listed in the order. We have already started pointing users from Belgium to the new address, so they know where to go when their ISPs implement the DNS blockade.”

The new domain name is “,” the literal translation of The Pirate Bay in Dutch. The new domain is already pointing to The Pirate Bay’s servers and people accessing the standard domain from a Belgian IP-address will be redirected to the new home.

“We have to admit that Belgian domain names are not cheap, but we have to make a stand here,” The Pirate Bay team told us.

The above is a clear example that the people judging on these issues don’t have the slightest idea what they’re dealing with. This is supported by the fact that the actual court order only lists the www domains of The Pirate Bay and not the bare addresses ( vs.

The ‘error’ above was pointed out by Maarten Schenk and soon picked up by the mainstream media in Belgium. They point out that if the verdict is taken literally, the ISPs don’t have to block the domains without the www. A massive failure.

“Let’s hope the ISPs are brave enough to put this theory to the test,” The Pirate Bay team notes.

The take home message is, as always, that there are plenty of options for users and site admins to bypass these and other censorship attempts. Or as John Gilmore once said: “The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.”

For the time being the number of Belgian visitors to The Pirate Bay is only going up.
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 22 oktober 2011 @ 21:20
Danny? ;)


Are you a “webmaster”, admin, blog owner or someone with access to index.html files? Are you interested in taking part in the recent global wave of revolution from the comfort of your home computer? Occupy the Internet!
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 22 oktober 2011 @ 22:21
Researchers ID Skype Users Who Also Use BitTorrent

Entertainment companies seeking to trace people who are illegally file sharing may be interested in new research that could identify file-sharers through their Skype accounts. A research team has figured out how to link online Skype users to their activity on peer-to-peer networks, a correlation that could represent a major threat to users' privacy.

A Skype user's IP address can be figured out even without their knowledge due to a major privacy vulnerability, the researchers wrote. Skype was notified in May -- the same month that it was announced Microsoft had acquired the company -- but the issue has not been fixed.
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 24 oktober 2011 @ 21:32
Online political hacker group hits Boston police websites

A politically motivated computer hacker group attacked and brought down dozens of police websites around the country and said it posted e-mail information about nearly 1,000 Boston police officers Friday, claiming it was working in support of the Occupy protest movement.

Anonymous, the group taking credit for the computer intrusions, said in a statement, “In solidarity with the Occupation Movement and the International Day of Action Against Police Brutality, [we] aim at the corrupt bootboys of the 1 percent: the police.”

Specifically, the group said it attacked multiple Boston police websites. Most notably, Anonymous claimed to have hacked the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association website and its web-based e-mail portal, posting the names, e-mail addresses, and passwords of Boston police officers on the Internet for all to see.

In the statement, Anonymous said it attacked BPD sites in response to “the unprovoked mass arrests and brutality experienced by those at Occupy Boston.”

“Let this be a warning to BPD and police everywhere: future acts of aggression against our movements will be met with a vengeance ... ,” the statement read.

Early on Oct. 11, Boston police moved in on some of the Occupy Boston protesters on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway and arrested 141 demonstrators.

Late Friday night, Boston police acknowledged the cyber attack, saying in a statement: “It has come to the attention of the Boston Police Department that various websites used by members of the BPD -- including the website belonging to the Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association -- have been hacked into and possibly compromised. In light of this information, the Boston Police Department is requiring all department personnel to secure their login information by resetting their passwords on the BPD network.”

The department recommended that police officers change their e-mail passwords and any other Internet, e-mail, and wireless device passwords.

A Boston police spokeswoman could not be reached for comment early this morning.

The group claimed that it “hacked, defaced, and destroyed several law enforcement targets, leaking over 600MB of private information including internal documents, membership rosters, addresses, passwords, Social Security numbers, and other confidential data.”

It claimed to take down at least 40 police-related websites.

The International Association of Chief of Police website was also targeted. The website was down and unreachable early this morning.

Anonymous also took aim at the website of Matrix Group International, which provides Internet services for government agencies. The Matrix website was down early this morning.

Anonymous also claimed to have hacked Birmingham/Jefferson County, Ala., police websites, releasing the names, addresses, and Social Security numbers of nearly 1,000 police officers.

Described as “e-Robin Hoods,” the Internet group Anonymous is known for its hacking skills and online activism.
In a video regarding the police clashes with occupiers on Wall Street, Anonymous said, “This event serves to remind us that we’re living in a police state with absolutely no respect for the right of the people to peacefully assemble and exercise their constitutional free speech. But we will not be scared away… This abuse of authority by the NYPD only serves to strengthen our resolve and reinforce our belief that corruption and injustice in America must be fought.”

“We are Anonymous,” said the masked, computerized voice. “We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 24 oktober 2011 @ 22:57
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 24 oktober 2011 @ 23:07
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 24 oktober 2011 @ 23:50
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 25 oktober 2011 @ 03:11
Anonymous hacktivists claim child porn takedown

Group may be doing more harm than good, critic warns

The internet hacktivist group Anonymous says it temporarily took down more than 40 child pornography sites on a hidden network and posted a list of more than 1,500 of the sites' usernames online.

Earlier in October, "Operation Darknet" used denial-of-service attacks to disable a server called Freedom Hosting that it identified as "the host of the largest collection of child pornography on the internet," Anonymous said in a statement posted on PasteBin, a text storage site used mainly by programmers.

A particularly large site called "Lolita City," that contained more than 100 gigabytes of child pornography, the group added. Denial-of-service attacks flood websites with traffic, making them unavailable. In this case, the Freedom Hosting sites were unavailable for 30 hours, Anonymous said.

The group then demanded that all child pornography be removed from the sites.

The sites, located on a hidden "darknet" on an anonymous network called Tor, refused and managed to restore their services, but Anonymous has been targeting them with other tools since then, the group said.

"We will continue to not only crash Freedom Hosting's server, but any other server we find to contain, promote, or support child pornography," it added in a statement.

The Tor network and a related site, I2P, were originally designed for and used by activists in countries with authoritarian governments, such as China and Iran.

'Unfortunately, a potentially benevolent resource has been corrupted by these sick and sadistic abominations of the world," Anonymous said in a statement posted on YouTube on Oct. 17.

Some internet users praised Anonymous's campaign as "awesome" and a "great job" in messages posted on YouTube, Twitter and other online forums.

Campaign may put more kids at risk: security blogger

However, the group also faces criticism for the attacks.

Graham Cluley, Vancouver-based senior technology consultant at internet security company Sophos, wrote on the company's Naked Security blog Monday that Anonymous's " intentions may have been good, but take-downs of illegal websites and sharing networks should be done by the authorities, not internet vigilantes."

He suggested that such "amateur" attacks could compromise investigations by police, preventing successful prosecutions.

"They may have inadvertently put more children at risk through their actions," he added.

He suggested that the right thing to do with online evidence of child abuse is to report it to "appropriate authorities."

He also suggested that people who use the child pornography sites were unlikely to use their own names as usernames, and releasing the names may therefore put innocent people at risk.
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 25 oktober 2011 @ 09:29
The Transgressive Politics of Hacking in Anonymous
3M1N3Mdinsdag 25 oktober 2011 @ 15:48
Heeft Anonymous iets te maken met Illuminati?
Papierversnipperaardinsdag 25 oktober 2011 @ 16:52
19s.gif Op dinsdag 25 oktober 2011 15:48 schreef 3M1N3M het volgende:
Heeft Anonymous iets te maken met Illuminati?
Anonymous is een idee, het idee dat je mensen informeert en dat er dan vanzelf iets gebeurd.

Bedenk de rest zelf maar.
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 27 oktober 2011 @ 09:24
October 19, meeting, message from #freeanons:

Until a few months ago, Anonymous was doing some big operations with much importance but we also had lulz but some where reckless and got arrested. We are immensely proud, humbled to the core to be a part of the idea of anonymous, proud of what we can do and proud of our growing power and influence. We were and are still convinced that our action, methods were completely legal and cause no harm, despite the minimal economic damage that few companies we attacked claim.

These companies and states that protect them self have declared war against us, not because of the alleged damage, but mostly of the disgrace on there honour and the global conscience and awareness we helped to create. A hundred of our friends in several countries are now paying the unjust price of this unjust war. Their number is growing almost every day. This war will be long and we must win it.

The purpose of #freeanons is to anticipate the damage that this war will cause by creating an international solidarity structure. It is trough such a structure that we can organise and win our legal defence and show solidarity to our arrested friends…. WE can not, We must not abandon them, our motto is an anon = an anon.

Nix and horsefeet aka Nancy and David worked for months to offer us a legal and full transparent structure for the fund raising, “Freeanons Solidarity Inc.” is finally born, we celebrate this first victory with you tonight. See
Major causes attract great persons, a huge team joined us helping for all this operation needs; Website, flyers, posters, documentation, legal studies and fund raising

Every additional help is always welcome and needed!!
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 27 oktober 2011 @ 17:25
dherics twitterde op donderdag 27-10-2011 om 17:18:18 RT @YourAnonNews Keep sending in links of police brutality, I need to get to them before google takes them down. #Anonymous #OWS #CabinCr3w reageer retweet
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 27 oktober 2011 @ 21:12
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 27 oktober 2011 @ 23:27
Hacker leaks 90,000 passwords as a warning to 'naive' Swedes

Right-wing MP's Twitter account hijacked and popular portals and websites compromised in country's worst-ever online attack

Sweden has suffered its worst-ever data leak after an anonymous hacker hijacked the Twitter account of a prominent MP and released details of more than 90,000 private email accounts.

The hacker struck this week when he disclosed the passwords and email details of several Swedish political journalists. He tweeted them from the account of William Petzäll, a controversial 23-year-old far-right MP.

Petzäll denied having anything to do with the leak.

He pointed out that he has been receiving treatment for drug and alcohol addiction at a clinic in Sweden, after resigning last month from the anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats party.

The scandal deepened when it emerged the hacker had also raided the popular Swedish blog portal,

He appears to have broken in several months ago – making off with more than 90,000 passwords and usernames.

These have also now been leaked, making it easy to hack the accounts of well-known politicians, editors and celebrities. The Aftonbladet newspaper also reported that another 57 websites have been compromised, potentially releasing the login details of up to 200,000 people.

The hacker's identity remains unknown. His online name is: sc3a5j.

In an interview with Expressen newspaper, he said he had masterminded the biggest internet breach in Sweden's history to remind people to change their passwords more often.

He said: "I dumped this information to let people know that they handle their information wrongly.

"Many web pages are not up to scratch. And consumers need to know they should never use the same [passwords] for different services on the web.

"This is how we got into Twitter accounts as well."

Expressen journalist Micke Ölander said on Thursday the affair wasn't an example of political skulduggery but was merely a wake-up call not to use the same password for all accounts.

"It's a story about the possible naivety of Swedish internet users who log into their bank account and the New York Times web pages using the same password," he said.
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 28 oktober 2011 @ 08:37
Wanted: Oakland cop who injured Iraq War veteran - Anonymous offers bounty

$1,000 USD, this is the price to be paid - no questions asked - for the name of the Oakland Police officer who critically wounded an Iraq War veteran. The cash reward comes as the veteran, 24 year-old Scott Olsen, remains listed as in serious, but stable condition.
SemperSenseovrijdag 28 oktober 2011 @ 12:28
Ralph Nader, Ron Paul, and Dennis Kucinich:

Refragmentalvrijdag 28 oktober 2011 @ 17:48

Jongen raakt zwaar gewond.
Jongen ligt op de grond voor de neus van een flink aantal politie agenten.
Deze agenten doen niks.
Andere protestvoerder komen die jongen helpen.
Politie gooit traangas en flashbang in deze groep helpers.

Gevolg: Jongen ligt in een coma. Deze jongen was een oologsveteraan.

Als deze agenten soldaten waren geweest in het buitenland dan waren deze acties allemaal oorlogsmisdaden volgens het geneva convention.
Nu doet de poltie het bij haar eigen burgers. Gezellig :r
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 28 oktober 2011 @ 18:11
Anonymous Response to the threat by the NYPD

Dear the members of the NYPD

We are Anonymous, we have recently read a statement that was released by an official in your department. We are quite amused, we are so amused we have decided to release this statement. We understand your loyalty to your partners of the New York Police Department, what we do NOT understand is your irresponsible propaganda that is being released by your partners. Every one of the demonstrators has been very peaceful, a few curse words and a few name calling rants is NOT violence nor is it considered a threat. What IS a threat is being told to disperse from an area or face consequences as severe as being admitted into Bellevue Hospital for psych evaluation, that IS a threat, not only is that a threat but it is a form of terrorism. How you ask? let me explain, locking someone up in a mental institution for practicing their right to assemble and their right to freedom of speech is a form of psychological terror. You have put countless amount of OUR brothers and sisters in the hospital and in lockup, sometimes blinded by pepper spray that YOUR partners in the WHITE shirts have used very irresponsibly.

WE the people have a RIGHT to defend ourselves, WE the people have a right to FREE speech, WE the people have a right to ASSEMBLE, and you have shown nothing but disregard for the constitution you were sworn into to protect. So now we will conclude this letter with a fair warning, IF ANY of our brothers and sisters are hurt in any way, WE will file complaints with the GRAND JURY against your partners that your protect in the WHITE shirts. Remember while you do not know who we are, we DO know who you are, and we have lots of PROOF of the terror that your partners are trying to unleash amongst peaceful assembling Americans who are in their right to do what they are currently doing. DO NOT threaten the safety of the people, and do not harm any of our brothers and sisters and believe your actions will not be seen nor addressed, and always remember, you are here to protect US.

We are Anonymous

We are Legion

We are the 99%

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect Us!
Perrinvrijdag 28 oktober 2011 @ 18:31
Wicked Tribe, Rooling Tribe! is the mejor hacker tribe. Too small, too fast, too scientific!
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 28 oktober 2011 @ 21:17


[ Bericht 2% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 29-10-2011 12:43:49 ]
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 29 oktober 2011 @ 12:42
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 29 oktober 2011 @ 14:06
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 29 oktober 2011 @ 14:21
Anonymous Hackers Retaliate Against Oakland PD

The prolific and shadowy Anonymous hacking group has launched a full-scale online attack against the Oakland Police Department in retaliation for an instance of violence this week that has the city in an uproar.

The multi-pronged hacktivism campaign, called "OpUprise," is Anonymous' response to what is sees as the police department's gross mishandling of the Occupy Oakland protestors, in particular the incident surrounding Scott Olsen.
SemperSenseozaterdag 29 oktober 2011 @ 14:29
Papierversnipperaarzaterdag 29 oktober 2011 @ 14:57
Electronic Arts: Spiele-Gigant will Kunden ausspionieren

Der Spielehersteller Electronic Arts will mit "Battlefield 3" einen Bestseller landen - doch über eine mitgelieferte Spionage-Software kann der Konzern die Käufer ausspähen. Gamer und Juristen sind empört, Datenschützer ermitteln.
Papierversnipperaarzondag 30 oktober 2011 @ 00:40
Online hackers threaten to expose cartel's secrets

Group called Anonymous demands release of one of their own who was kidnapped

An international group of online hackers is warning a Mexican drug cartel to release one of its members, kidnapped from a street protest, or it will publish the identities and addresses of the syndicate's associates, from corrupt police to taxi drivers, as well as reveal the syndicates' businesses.

The vow is a bizarre cyber twist to Mexico's ongoing drug war, as a group that has no guns is squaring off against the Zetas, a cartel blamed for thousands of deaths as well as introducing beheadings and other frightening brutality.

"You made a huge mistake by taking one of us. Release him," says a masked man in a video posted online on behalf of the group, Anonymous.

"We cannot defend ourselves with a weapon … but we can do this with their cars, homes, bars, brothels and everything else in their possession," says the man, who is wearing a suit and tie.

"It won't be difficult; we all know who they are and where they are located," says the man, who underlines the group's international ties by speaking Spanish with the accent of a Spaniard while using Mexican slang.

He also implies that the group will expose mainstream journalists who are somehow in cahoots with the Zetas by writing negative articles about the military, the country's biggest fist in the drug war.

"We demand his release," says the Anonymous spokesman, who is wearing a mask like the one worn by the shadowy revolutionary character in the movie V for Vendetta, which came out in 2006. "If anything happens to him, you sons of (expletive) will always remember this upcoming November 5."

The person reportedly kidnapped is not named, and the video does not share information about the kidnapping other than that it occurred in the Mexican state of Veracruz during a street protest.

Anonymous draws its roots from an online forum dedicated to bringing sensitive government documents and other material to light.

If Anonymous can make good on its threats to publish names, it will "most certainly" lead to more deaths and could leave bloggers and others open to reprisal attacks by the cartel, contends Stratfor, an Austin-based global intelligence company.

"In this viral world on the Internet, it shows how much damage could be done with just one statement on the Web," said Fred Burton of Stratfor, which published a report Friday that probes the implications of the cartel drawing the activists' ire.

Mike Vigil, the retired head of international operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration, said the Zetas must take Anonymous seriously.

"It is a gutsy move," Vigil said. "By publishing the names, they identify them to rivals, and trust me, they will go after them."
Papierversnipperaarzondag 30 oktober 2011 @ 11:37
StateOfMindzondag 30 oktober 2011 @ 12:48
Ik ben toch erg benieuwd hoe dit gaat aflopen. Het zou toch een enorme overwinning zijn als een geweldloze groepering iemand uit handen van de Zeta's weet te krijgen.

Sowieso zijn de Zeta's een van de meest wrede groeperingen die je maar kunt bedenken; daar wil je echt niet door gepakt worden :{w
Papierversnipperaarzondag 30 oktober 2011 @ 20:41!/search?q=%23opcartel

YourAnonNews twitterde op zondag 30-10-2011 om 13:56:40 Starting today #OpCartel begins. Heads up #Zetas! reageer retweet
Papierversnipperaarzondag 30 oktober 2011 @ 20:47
#OpDarknet Official Release -- 10/30/2011 - Pedo hunt trophies, Bear Rugs for Mike Perry

In our last battle against Pedo Fort aka Freedom Hosting, we scored a major victory against the army of child pornographers. We were able to use 'The Legion' and 'Chris Hansen' to level pedo fort for over about 30 hours. To our shock, the community of pedos were able to quickly regroup and rebuild Lolita City and Freedom Hosting within a week. While us Anons regrouped to plan a new strategy, the World suddenly became aware of our little war against child pornography.

Amiss the publicity, the pedos collaborated and dreamed of schemes for ways to disprove Operation Darknet. False stories were planted against the IT community about us Anons didn't "hack" Freedom Hosting and Lolita City. What the pedos didn't realize was that we actually took a secret treasure chest from their pedo fort. We worked silently for weeks to try and crack the lock containing this treasure that the pedo bear was diligently trying to protect.

At-last, we cracked the lock and found the true identity of the builder and architect of Freedom Hosting. What we found was truly shocking, it was the deeds to a California, USA 'shell' company for 12 Tor Exit Nodes named Formless Networking LLC.
Papierversnipperaarzondag 30 oktober 2011 @ 20:59
An Open Source Analysis of the Anonymous - Los Zetas Op

In order to gauge the potential impact of Anonymous' threat against Los Zetas (or any target), you need to assess the size of the attack surface. The larger the online footprint of the target, the greater the potential impact of the attack. Stratfor's Oct 28 analysis underestimates the Cartel's digital footprint and ignores Mexicos' indigenous hacker population: "The online media frequently used to organize Anonymous-labeled activities are far removed from the violent world of Mexican criminal cartels. This distance — along with the likely physical distance of many Anonymous members from Mexico — could limit the activists’ understanding of cartel activities."

For my analysis, I've examined two data sets: the size of the South American hacker population and the use of online tools by the Zetas and other Mexican crime syndicates and cartels. The asymmetrical nature of cyber conflict doesn't require large numbers of Anonymous members to be involved to be effective but there are certain parameters that will impact the measure of success of their op; one - the number of Anonymous members who speak the language and know the terrain and two - whether the Zetas or their associates use social networks enough for them to be vulnerable.

Mexican Hackers
Assuming that some of Anonymous members are hackers rather than script kiddies, might be a good starting point. is a large, popular South American hacker forum that has doubled in size since Taia Global analysts first reviewed it in April 2010. It now has 4524 members of which 1351 are from Mexico, 1201 from Argentina, 461 from Peru, 443 from Spain, 227 from Columbia, and 219 from Venezuela. There hasn't been any mention yet of OpCartel in their public postings but with over 1300 members who self-identify as Mexican, even a ten percent participation rate could have a significant impact on the Zetas' organization.

Mexican Drug Gangs
The use of online tools by drug gangs has been escalating. YouTube has been a popular medium to generate fear and recruit new members for several years. Facebook and Twitter were added to their toolkit in April, 2010, when a drug gang shuttered the Mexican town of Cuernavaca by spreading threats of violence via social networks to anyone who broke their curfew. The streets of Cuernavaca stayed empty for the designated period. In August, 2011 Mexican drug gangs learned how useful social networks can be for targeting victims. Also last summer, the head of the Beltran Leyva gang hired a computer technician to assist him in becoming "virtual". The specific degree of the Zetas online presence isn't known but they're clearly building a digital fingerprint if the history of their peers is any indication; a fingerprint that could be uncovered and exploited by a group like Anonymous.

If Anonymous makes good on their threat to release information on the Zetas' businesses and associates on November 5, their rivals and hopefully law enforcement would almost certainly exploit that information to hurt the Zetas. More importantly, if the OpCartel movement attracts broad Mexican and South American support, it could be the beginning of a movement that would lead to the overthrow the drug cartel's power and influence in Mexico. The fact that Mexico is about to begin one of its most important holidays - Dia de los Muertos (the Day of the Dead) - is highly significant. The combination of religion and patriotism is a potent mix, and the Anonymous movement is riding on a wave of successes that connect social media to revolutionary change in the Middle East, North Africa, and the global Occupy movement. Why not Mexico as well?
Papierversnipperaarzondag 30 oktober 2011 @ 21:40
Met police using surveillance system to monitor mobile phones

Civil liberties group raises concerns over Met police purchase of technology to track public handsets over a targeted area

Britain's largest police force is operating covert surveillance technology that can masquerade as a mobile phone network, transmitting a signal that allows authorities to shut off phones remotely, intercept communications and gather data about thousands of users in a targeted area.

The surveillance system has been procured by the Metropolitan police from Leeds-based company Datong plc, which counts the US Secret Service, the Ministry of Defence and regimes in the Middle East among its customers. Strictly classified under government protocol as "Listed X", it can emit a signal over an area of up to an estimated 10 sq km, forcing hundreds of mobile phones per minute to release their unique IMSI and IMEI identity codes, which can be used to track a person's movements in real time.

The disclosure has caused concern among lawyers and privacy groups that large numbers of innocent people could be unwittingly implicated in covert intelligence gathering. The Met has refused to confirm whether the system is used in public order situations, such as during large protests or demonstrations.

Nick Pickles, director of privacy and civil liberties campaign group Big Brother Watch, warned the technology could give police the ability to conduct "blanket and indiscriminate" monitoring: "It raises a number of serious civil liberties concerns and clarification is urgently needed on when and where this technology has been deployed, and what data has been gathered," he said. "Such invasive surveillance must be tightly regulated, authorised at the highest level and only used in the most serious of investigations. It should be absolutely clear that only data directly relating to targets of investigations is monitored or stored," he said.

Datong's website says its products are designed to provide law enforcement, military, security agencies and special forces with the means to "gather early intelligence in order to identify and anticipate threat and illegal activity before it can be deployed".

The company's systems, showcased at the DSEi arms fair in east London last month, allow authorities to intercept SMS messages and phone calls by secretly duping mobile phones within range into operating on a false network, where they can be subjected to "intelligent denial of service". This function is designed to cut off a phone used as a trigger for an explosive device.

A transceiver around the size of a suitcase can be placed in a vehicle or at another static location and operated remotely by officers wirelessly. Datong also offers clandestine portable transceivers with "covered antennae options available". Datong sells its products to nearly 40 countries around the world, including in Eastern Europe, South America, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. In 2009 it was refused an export licence to ship technology worth £0.8m to an unnamed Asia Pacific country, after the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills judged it could be used to commit human rights abuses.

A document seen by the Guardian shows the Metropolitan police paid £143,455 to Datong for "ICT hardware" in 2008/09. In 2010 the 37-year-old company, which has been publicly listed since October 2005, reported its pro forma revenue in the UK was £3.9m, and noted that "a good position is being established with new law enforcement customer groups". In February 2011 it was paid £8,373 by Hertfordshire Constabulary according to a transaction report released under freedom of information.

Between 2004 and 2009 Datong won over $1.6 (£1.03m) in contracts with US government agencies, including the Secret Service, Special Operations Command and the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In February 2010 the company won a £750,000 order to supply tracking and location technology to the US defence sector. Official records also show Datong entered into contracts worth more than £500,000 with the Ministry of Defence in 2009.

All covert surveillance is currently regulated under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (Ripa), which states that to intercept communications a warrant must be personally authorised by the home secretary and be both necessary and proportionate. The terms of Ripa allow phone calls and SMS messages to be intercepted in the interests of national security, to prevent and detect serious crime, or to safeguard the UK's economic wellbeing.

Latest figures produced by the government-appointed interception of communications commissioner, Sir Paul Kennedy, show there were 1,682 interception warrants approved by the home secretary in 2010. Public authorities can request other communications data – such as the date, time and location a phone call was made – without the authority of the home secretary. In 2010, 552,550 such requests were made, averaging around 1,500 per day.

Barrister Jonathan Lennon, who specialises in cases involving covert intelligence and Ripa, said the Met's use of the Datong surveillance system raised significant legislative questions about proportionality and intrusion into privacy.

"How can a device which invades any number of people's privacy be proportionate?" he said. "There needs to be clarification on whether interception of multiple people's communications – when you can't even necessarily identify who the people are – is complaint with the act. It may be another case of the technology racing ahead of the legislation. Because if this technology now allows multiple tracking and intercept to take place at the same time, I would have thought that was not what parliament had in mind when it drafted Ripa."

Former detective superintendent Bob Helm, who had the authority to sign off Ripa requests for covert surveillance during 31 years of service with Lancashire Constabulary, said: "It's all very well placed in terms of legislation … when you can and can't do it. It's got to be legal and obviously proportionate and justified. If you can't do that, and the collateral implications far outweigh the evidence you're going to get, well then you just don't contemplate it."

In May the Guardian revealed the Met had purchased software used to map suspects' digital movements using data gathered from social networking sites, satnav equipment, mobile phones, financial transactions and IP network logs. The force said the software was being tested using "dummy data" to explore how it could be used to examine "police vehicle movements, crime patterns and telephone investigations."

The Met would not comment on its use of Datong technology or give details of where or when it had been used.

A spokesman said: "The MPS [Metropolitan police service] may employ surveillance technology as part of our continuing efforts to ensure the safety of Londoners and detect criminality. It can be a vital and highly effective investigative tool.

"Although we do not discuss specific technology or tactics, we can re-assure those who live and work in London that any activity we undertake is in compliance with legislation and codes of practice."

A spokesman for the Home Office said covert surveillance was kept under "constant review" by the chief surveillance commissioner, Sir Christopher Rose, who monitors the conduct of authorities and ensures they are complying with the appropriate legislation.

He added: "Law enforcement agencies are required to act in accordance with the law and with the appropriate levels of authorisation for their activity."

Datong declined to comment
Papierversnipperaarmaandag 31 oktober 2011 @ 12:57
Anonymous cancels crackdown on Mexican Zetas drug cartel — Update 1 —


Mexico City Anonymous group anounced it has cancelled reprisals against the Zetas cartel for being a very risky operation. It was informed through a press and social networks for different users.

After the disappearance of one of its members in Veracruz, one of the members announced reprisals against the drug cartel “Los Zetas” with “Operation Cartel.”

However, because of the great risks involved in leaking information and to safeguard the integrity of persons adhering to the collective group of hackers, they decided to cancel the whole operation.

“Destroying # OpCartel because the lives of people who are not participating can be put at risk,” was published in the first text of the cancellation of the operation, through Twitter account @ Sm0k34n0n.

Before this action the company of strategic intelligence analysis, Stratfor, published an article about the “serious risk” involving actions of leakage of information about members of Los Zetas.

“Last October 6 Anonymous posted to inform on those who are members of Los Zetas … if Anonymous carries out its threat, it will almost certainly lead to death of the persons named as members of the cartel, whether or not the information published is accurate, “says the article by Stratfor.

In an interview with Milenio, two members of Anonymous, Skill3r and GlynissParoubek were in contact to explain the circumstances:

Milenio – Why was it decided to cancel the operation?

Anonymous – We can not be reckless administrators to condemn to death those who participate, we have talked and discussed extensively by all and it was decided to remove it.

Milenio – So why issue threats?

Anonymous – It’s very easy to make a video on behalf of Anonymous and launch air threats, but to think, plan, and evaluate the pros and cons is another story,” they said.

Milenio – What’s next?

Anonymous – “There will be other operations, but for now we hope to make clear that the cartel operation is false.”

Anonymous released a statement where they reject any relation with pages publishing names of officials involved in the Los Zetas cartel.

“Dear followers and supporters of this page (Anonymous). I hereby disclaims Mexico Anonymous entirely the responsibility of the news of hacking a page that is linked to alleged Zetas cartel,” is detailed in the text circulated.

“Our struggle is not of this type and our ideals do not go with that operation. The article published by various electronic means is completely false. We ask for your support to spread this news” They ended denying the media who published the page.


Previous posts related to this


Update 1

OpCartel Anounced it will continue its fight against Zetas independently from Anonymous
Yogaflamemaandag 31 oktober 2011 @ 17:57
Ik weet niet of deze al eens voorbij is gekomen, maar ik wou'em jullie niet onthouden.

Blijkbaar denkt de Board of Trade in Chicago zo over Occupy.


Papierversnipperaardinsdag 1 november 2011 @ 22:35

For #FuckFBIFriday, we are releasing 1GB of private emails and documents
belonging to Vanguard Defense Industries(VDI), a defense contractor that sells
arms to law enforcement, military, and private corporations.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 2 november 2011 @ 02:04
Anonymous vs. Zetas: is #OpCartel a flop, hoax, or honeypot?

[Video Link] Over the last few days, word has spread of a purported #antisec operation by Anonymous against the most brutal of all Mexican drug cartels, Los Zetas. What was unusual about the way this story spread, however, was the speed at which it was amplified by credulous reports from larger media outlets. This op got lots of press, fast. Faster, in fact, than it got support from Anons.

Geraldine Juarez and Renata Avila were two of the earlier voices I read expressing doubt about the prevailing storyline—a report by Juarez is here. Some I spoke to within Mexico wondered if the Mexican government (no bastion of purity) might be involved.

At the New York Times, writer Damien Cave digs in here on why the story is important.

And over at Wired News, a must-read piece by Quinn Norton that cinches the deal for me (and in it, she references the aforementioned Global Voices item). Quinn's been covering Anonymous extensively for some time, and I trust her spidey sense on this one.

"Everyone, Anonymous and not, seems to agree that going after the Zetas, who are known for hanging people by their own intestines, would be a new level of ambitious, and might even be the point where Anonymous would bite off more than they could chew," Quinn writes. "But there’s some nagging problems with the video that proposes the op."

Read the rest at Wired.
Papierversnipperaarwoensdag 2 november 2011 @ 23:24
China a minimal cyber security threat: Paper

Despite having an Information warfare strategy since the mid '90s China's offensive cyber-warfare capabilities are fairly rudimentary

Despite growing concern about China’s cyber-warfare capabilities, Australia and other Western nations have little to worry about when it comes to their national security.

That’s the view of Desmond Ball, a professor in the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University, who in a recent journal paper argues China's offensive capabilities are limited and its own Internet security has notable deficiencies and vulnerabilities.

According to Ball, China had carried out a number of high-profile and successful hacks, denial of service attacks and website defacements in recent years. However, its offensive cyber-warfare capabilities were fairly rudimentary.
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[China has] evinced little proficiency with more sophisticated hacking techniques, the paper reads. The viruses and Trojan Horses they have used have been fairly easy to detect and remove before any damage has been done or data stolen. There is no evidence that Chinas cyber-warriors can penetrate highly secure networks or covertly steal or falsify critical data.

They would be unable to systematically cripple selected command and control, air defence and intelligence networks and databases of advanced adversaries, or to conduct deception operations by secretly manipulating the data in these networks.

According to Ball, the capability gap in anti-virus and network security applications between China and other nations was immense.

Chinas cyber-warfare authorities must despair at the breadth and depth of modern digital information and communications systems and technical expertise available to their adversaries, the paper reads.

In Balls view, and despite having an information warfare (IW) plan since 1995 and conducting cyber exercises since 1997, Chinas cyber-warfare capability was not expected to better rivals for several decades.

At best, [China] can employ asymmetric strategies designed to exploit the (perhaps relatively greater) dependence on IT by their potential adversaries the paper reads.

Chinas cyber-warfare capabilities are very destructive, but could not compete in extended scenarios of sophisticated IW operations. In other words, they function best when used pre-emptively, as the PLA now practices in its exercises. In sum, the extensive Chinese IW capabilities, and the possibilities for asymmetric strategies, are only potent if employed first.

In the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisations (ASIO) 2010-11 Annual Report, the agency noted that espionage by cyber means was emerging as a serious and widespread concern.

ASIO is seeing increasingly both foreign state and non-state actors taking advantage of the access, relative anonymity and global reach of the internet, the report reads. From the comfort of wherever their computer terminal may be, they probe Australian information systems and data holdings for vulnerabilities and mine for valuable commercial, diplomatic and military intelligence sometimes with success.

Despite the rise of espionage through cyber means, ASIO has not seen any reduction in the intensity of other, more traditional forms of espionage human spies are still being recruited and run and foreign intelligence agencies are still interfering covertly in the Australian community. Indeed, effective coordination between traditional, human-based espionage and computer network operations represents a potent threat to our most sensitive data and networks that are not connected to the Internet."

In July 2010, ASIO established a Cyber Espionage Branch to provide advice to government and business on the threat of cyber-espionage and to investigate increasingly sophisticated and frequent cyber-intrusions into computer networks.

For its part, Australia has worked during the past year to raise cyber security as a foreign policy issue on the international agenda and has moved to better secure its cyber borders.

In the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trades (DFAT) 2010/11 Annual Report, the department said it had worked with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and other agencies on a framework for Australias international engagement on cyber.

The department took the lead for Australia in contributing to the development of international cyber norms by under taking work on messaging, principles to underpin norms, and mapping international activity, the report reads.

The department also worked with the Department of Defence to strengthen cooperation with the US and the United Kingdom on cyber in AUSMIN and AUKMIN consultations and contributed to planning for the United Kingdoms London conference on international cyber norms, scheduled for November 2011."

In a sign of the growing government acceptance of cyber-attacks as genuine threats to national security, the Australian government said it June that it would develop its first Cyber White Paper.

[ Bericht 79% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 02-11-2011 23:32:41 ]
Papierversnipperaardonderdag 3 november 2011 @ 19:36
"The Night of Thousand Masks".


Message By Anonymous :

Good evening, London. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption. I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, thereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat. There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror. I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent. Last night I sought to end that silence. Last night I destroyed the Old Bailey, to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot. V for Vendetta.
Lyrebirdvrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 07:17
NY mayor criticises Occupy camp after sexual assaults
Published: 7:02PM Friday November 04, 2011 Source: Reuters

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg lashed out at anti-greed Occupy Wall Street protesters after reports of self-policing at their camp, showing his patience is wearing thin with the 7-week-old movement.

The mayor said there were sexual assaults and a possible rape at the protesters' gathering place in Zuccotti Park.

"There have been reports, which are equally as disturbing, that when people in Zuccotti Park become aware of crimes, instead of calling the police, they form a circle around the perpetrator, chastise him or her and chase him or her out into the rest of the city to do who knows what to who knows whom," the major said.

Bloomberg called that "despicable and... outrageous" behavior which makes "all of us less safe."

An Occupy Wall Street kitchen worker has been charged with sexually abusing an 18-year-old protester in her tent. Bloomberg said the same person was also a suspect in a rape at Zuccotti Park.

Protesters set up camp in the park in mid-September to protest a financial system they believe mostly benefits corporations and the wealthy. Similar protests against economic inequality have since sprouted globally.

There is a growing chorus of residents, politicians and newspapers pressing Bloomberg to clean up the park. They complain that the proliferation of tents has spurred crime, sexual assaults, drug dealing and mischief. And two polls showed support for the protests waning.

Police made three arrests yesterday at Zuccotti Park on charges of loitering and resisting arrest.

The New York Post ran a front page editorial under the headline "ENOUGH! Mr Mayor, it is time to reclaim Zuccotti Park - and New York City's dignity."

The Post urged Bloomberg to evict the protesters. The protesters cannot be removed unless the park owner complains.

Occupy Wall Street protesters dismissed the mayor's words.

"The mayor (has) made it clear that he wants to get us out of here," said protest spokesman Jeff Smith.

Protester Bill Dobbs said while Bloomberg as mayor wants to honor freedom of speech, "as a billionaire, he's under constant temptation to squelch protest."

Bloomberg's comments came after police in Oakland, California, clashed with protesters overnight.

A Quinnipiac University poll yesterday showed 39% of US voters have an unfavorable view of Occupy Wall Street and 30% favor it. The October 25-31 survey of 2294 registered voters had an error margin 2.1% points.

A Marist Poll found 50% of registered New York state voters oppose the protests and 44 percent support them. That survey of 1,030 people had a 3.5-point error margin.

Georgetown University history professor Michael Kazin, an expert on social movements, said Bloomberg might be prompted to end the encampment in Manhattan after the violence in Oakland, "if he is looking for an excuse."

But Kazin, who is co-editor of Dissent magazine, said it does not ultimately matter when the New York protests end because they have already "changed the conversation about economic inequality in the country."
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 10:08
Anonymous - Operation DoxTheJudge

deelnemervrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 12:57
De tactiek van anonymous is die van terreur verstopt achter anonimiteit. Wat is dat voor een rare intimiderende beweging?
Yogaflamevrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 13:37
0s.gif Op vrijdag 4 november 2011 12:57 schreef deelnemer het volgende:
De tactiek van anonymous is die van terreur verstopt achter anonimiteit. Wat is dat voor een rare intimiderende beweging?
Hackers on steroids! ;(
deelnemervrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 14:03
0s.gif Op vrijdag 4 november 2011 13:37 schreef Yogaflame het volgende:


Hackers on steroids! ;(
Deze beweging doet alsof zij de vanzelfsprekende bron van het goede zijn en denkt dat zij vanuit anonimiteit eigen rechter mogen spelen.
Yogaflamevrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 14:15
0s.gif Op vrijdag 4 november 2011 14:03 schreef deelnemer het volgende:


Deze beweging doet alsof zij de vanzelfsprekende bron van het goede zijn en denkt dat zij vanuit anonimiteit eigen rechter mogen spelen.
Het staat je vrij een tegenbeweging te vormen, om deze vreselijke misstanden aan de kaak te stellen. Iets in me zegt alleen dat je niet zo bar veel bijval zal krijgen.
deelnemervrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 14:32
15s.gif Op vrijdag 4 november 2011 14:15 schreef Yogaflame het volgende:


Het staat je vrij een tegenbeweging te vormen, om deze vreselijke misstanden aan de kaak te stellen.
Het ligt allang in de wetgeving vastgelegd dat dit soort praktijken niet mogen.

Iets in me zegt alleen dat je niet zo bar veel bijval zal krijgen.
Waarom geloof jij de mensen daar anders over denken?
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 15:47
0s.gif Op vrijdag 4 november 2011 12:57 schreef deelnemer het volgende:
De tactiek van anonymous is die van terreur verstopt achter anonimiteit. Wat is dat voor een rare intimiderende beweging?
Nee, nee nee.
Het is de rechter die terroriseert, en zijn dochter die daar iets tegen doet.

Information is free.
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 21:36
Anon_Central twitterde op vrijdag 04-11-2011 om 20:08:41 Holy shit, /b/ has been occupied. lol reageer retweet


[ Bericht 10% gewijzigd door Papierversnipperaar op 04-11-2011 21:43:15 ]
deelnemervrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 22:04
0s.gif Op vrijdag 4 november 2011 15:47 schreef Papierversnipperaar het volgende:


Het is de rechter die terroriseert, en zijn dochter die daar iets tegen doet.
Dat is juist. Die rechter moeten ze ontslaan.

Maar de wijze waarop men anoniem voor eigen rechter speelt en zelf mensen aanpakt, is wel de methode van de mob. Wanneer gaan ze mensen lynchen?

[ Bericht 2% gewijzigd door deelnemer op 04-11-2011 22:09:13 ]
Papierversnipperaarvrijdag 4 november 2011 @ 22:24
0s.gif Op vrijdag 4 november 2011 22:04 schreef deelnemer het volgende:


Dat is juist. Die rechter moeten ze ontslaan.

Maar de wijze waarop men anoniem voor eigen rechter speelt en zelf mensen aanpakt, is wel de methode van de mob. Wanneer gaan ze mensen lynchen?
Waarom stel je deze vraag niet aan de dochter van de rechter? Zij uploadde het filmpje.